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1ª série_ING_TRIMESTRAL-2 Data:  

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Aluno: Turma:
Professor: Modelo: 1 2 3 4


1. Verifique se sua prova está completa (questões e páginas).
2. Leia com calma e atenção as questões solicitadas, respondendo-as com clareza.
3. Todas as respostas deverão ser escritas a caneta no cartão-resposta.
4. Nas questões descritivas das disciplinas exatas, os cálculos serão obrigatórios.
5. Escreva com letra legível, coloque seu nome e revise sua prova antes de entregá-la.
Questão 01
What musical genres will come into being over the next two decades is anyone’s guess, but there will undoubtedly
be a lot of it – adding to the millions of tracks already posted to Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, and the rest. That
creates a new problem: how will we ever navigate it all?
PAUL-CHOUDHURY, Sumit. What will music be like in 20 years? Available at: <https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20190521-
what-will-music-be-like-in-20-years>. Accessed on: 16 Feb. 2021.
No trecho, o autor apresenta uma

A) previsão para a indústria musical.

B) proposta para o destino dos aplicativos.
C) intenção de como ouvirá faixas e álbuns.
D) evidência sobre o futuro dos estilos musicais.
E) indagação a respeito do panorama atual da música.
Questão 02
Why film budgets are important, beyond the cost of production
Perhaps the most tangible aspect of a film’s budget is that the amount that distributors will pay for a film is almost
always calculated as a percentage of the budget [...], regardless of the script, the cast or anything else.
For example, if two identical films with the same script and stars were made, and one was made for $50 million
and one was made for $10 million, the one made for $50 million would typically sell for five times more than the
film made for $10 million.
Thus, as a film’s budget increases, so do the prices distributors will pay for the film. There may be slight
variations, but not much.
MOORE, Schuyler. Why film budgets are important, beyond the cost of production. Available at:
<https://www.forbes.com/sites/schuylermoore/2019/04/13/the-importance-of-film-budgets/?sh=654d60a027f5>. Accessed on:
17 Feb. 2021.
De acordo com o texto, o orçamento para a produção de um filme

A) varia entre 10 e 50 milhões de dólares.

B) depende do elenco e roteiro escolhidos.
C) influencia o valor pago pela aquisição da obra.
D) tem um percentual destinado às distribuidoras.
E) é refletido na quantidade de ingressos vendidos.
Questão 03
What makes an effective ad?
What can make your ad stand out from all the others? There is no magic formula, but there are some things you
can do that will help.
• Keep your ads relevant. [...]
• Create multiple ads in an ad group. [...]
• Describe what sets your product apart. [...]
• Use your customers’ language. [...]
• Address your customers directly. [...]
• Pre-qualify your visitors. [...]
• Be specific. [...]
• Include a call to action. [...]
WHAT makes an effective ad? Available at: <https://help.ads.microsoft.com/#apex/ads/en/51015/0>. Accessed on: 18 Feb.
O texto faz uso do modo imperativo para

Modelo: 1 2 3 4 | 1ª série_ING_TRIMESTRAL-2 1


A) transmitir ordens para a criação de anúncios.

B) sugerir medidas capazes de aprimorar resultados.
C) compartilhar instruções que fazem parte de um manual.
D) convidar o leitor a se juntar às práticas seguidas pela empresa.
E) solicitar ao usuário informações para que ele execute as etapas.
Questão 04
I began on a steep, narrow street in San Francisco’s North Beach, a neighborhood overlooking the Bay where
beatniks used to hang out in the 1950s.
This is the home of Erika Hall’s design firm Mule. She co-founded it 20 years ago, and she’s watched the web
move from the margins to the center of the business world. Back in the early aughts, companies were just trying to
figure out how to have an “online presence.” She and her team built websites and digital campaigns for them,
using the principles of “user-centered” design to help people navigate the confusing new world of the internet.
NEWITZ, Annalee. A better internet is waiting for us. Available at:
<https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/11/30/opinion/social-media-future.html>. Accessed on: 21 Feb. 2021.
O trecho “companies were just trying to figure out how to have an ‘online presence’” apresenta como tempo verbal

A) simple past.
B) past perfect.
C) present perfect.
D) past continuous.
E) present continuous.
Questão 05
The death of the encyclopedia
Encyclopedias. Remember them? [...] There was a time when you could practically size up an American family by
the encyclopedia displayed in its living room. Collier’s, Book of Knowledge, Encyclopedia Americana — each had
an audience. A full set of Britannica meant your family was well-heeled and probably brainy. World Book meant
you were maybe less of those things. In any case, if your family had class, or aspirations of class, you probably
owned an encyclopedia. It represented standing in society.
NEUHAUS, Cable. The death of the encyclopedia. Available at: <https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2017/08/the-death-of-
the-encylcopedia/>. Accessed on: 21 Feb. 2021.
De acordo com o texto, as enciclopédias

A) eram similares a ponto de ser difícil distingui-las.

B) possibilitavam julgar as famílias que as possuíam.
C) permitiam que as pessoas tivessem aulas em casa.
D) sugeriam quais conceitos formavam uma sociedade.
E) simbolizavam um aprendizado obrigatório aos americanos.

Modelo: 1 2 3 4 | 1ª série_ING_TRIMESTRAL-2 2

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