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UNIVERSO – Universidade Salgado de Oliveira

Curso de Engenharia de Produção

2º Período

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira

“Genius without
education is like silver
in the mine.”
Benjamin Franklin

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 2


PLANO DE ENSINO..................................................................................................................4
ESP-English for Specific Purpose ..............................................................................................5
Falsos Conhecidos - False Cognates ...................................................................................... 8
UNIT I: Talking About Production Engineering.......................................................................13
TEXT 1: Production Engineering......................................................................................... 13
Parts of Speech ..................................................................................................................... 16
Noun Phrases ........................................................................................................................ 22
UNIT II: Talking About Management Tools ............................................................................27
TEXT 2: Just In Time (business).......................................................................................... 27
TEXT 3: Logistics ................................................................................................................ 30
UNIT III: Talking About Açu Superport...................................................................................33
TEXT 4: Açu Superport Industrial Complex ....................................................................... 33
TEXT 5: TXs ........................................................................................................................ 36
TEXT 6: Oil Treatment Unit (OTU) .................................................................................... 39
TEXT 7: Operational Synergy and World-Class Efficiency ................................................ 41
TEXT 8: Logistics Access.................................................................................................... 44
UNIT IV: Talking About Oil and Gas Industry ........................................................................46
TEXT 9: Why Do We Need Oil and Gas? .......................................................................... 46
TEXT 10: Oil Products......................................................................................................... 49
TEXT 11: Natural Gas.......................................................................................................... 52
TEXT 12: Pre-Salt ................................................................................................................ 55
TEXT 13: Drilling ................................................................................................................ 58
TEXT 14: Talking About Pigging ........................................................................................ 60
UNIT V: Talking About Safety .................................................................................................63
TEXT15: Injuries.................................................................................................................. 63
VT - COVER LETTER AND CV............................................................................................67
Cover Letter.......................................................................................................................... 68
Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................................................. 72
TDE ...........................................................................................................................................74
GLOSSARY ..............................................................................................................................87
Expressões Usadas Nas Plataformas .................................................................................... 87
GRAMMAR POINTS - SUMMARY .......................................................................................99
Artigos – Articles ............................................................................................................... 100
Artigo Definido: The .......................................................................................................... 100
Pronouns ............................................................................................................................. 101
Nouns - Substantivos .......................................................................................................... 104
Adjectives - Adjetivos ........................................................................................................ 107
Adverbs - Advérbios........................................................................................................... 110
Prepositions - Preposições .................................................................................................. 114
Conjunctions – Conjunção - Conectivos ............................................................................ 116
Prefixos - Prefixes ............................................................................................................. 117
Sufixos - Suffixes ............................................................................................................... 117
Verb .................................................................................................................................... 118
Voz Passiva – Passive Voice .............................................................................................. 128
Infinitivo - Casos Especiais de Tradução .......................................................................... 128
List of Irregular Verbs ........................................................................................................ 130

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 3


Plano de Ensino

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 4

ESP-English for Specific Purpose 1


1. Skimming

O skimming é uma estratégia de leitura que consiste em lançar os olhos rapidamente sobre o texto,
numa breve leitura para captar o assunto geral a ser lido no texto.

O título e subtítulos
A publicação (Onde? Quando?)
A bibliografia
O índice (em caso de livro)
A capa e contra capa (em caso de livro)
As figuras
As tabelas
As legendas
Os números
Os tipos em destaque (negrito, sublinhada, itálico)

2. Scanning

O scanning é uma estratégia de leitura não-linear em que o leitor busca objetivamente localizar as
informações em que está interessado. Através do scanning o leitor é objetivo e seletivo e nem sempre
precisa ler o texto todo, seu objetivo é identificar, encontrar respostas específicas para determinadas

Ler o primeiro parágrafo de cada parte do texto

Dar uma olhada na discussão, associando-a com o visual do texto (tabelas, fotos, figuras,
diagramas etc)
Olhar a conclusão do texto
Ler cada pergunta (ou enunciado, em caso de múltipla escolha), prestando atenção ao pronome
interrogativo e às palavras-chave da pergunta (ou do enunciado)
Localizar no texto o(s) parágrafo (s) onde a (s) palavra (s)-chave poderia (m) estar
Ler pedaços do texto que você acredita conter a resposta para sua pergunta
No caso de questão de múltipla escolha, comparar o que você leu e interpretou com as
alternativas propostas pela questão, para então decidir qual seria a correta.

Material disponível em :http://br.geocities.com/leiturainstrumental/estrategias_de_leitura.htm. [Consulta em 28
de maio de 2009].

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 5

3. Cognates

Muito comum na língua inglesa, as palavras cognatas são termos de procedência grega ou latina
bastante parecidos com o Português tanto na forma escrita como no significado. Pode se dizer que, em
geral, 45% da língua inglesa é composta por palavras cognatas, e, algumas vezes, nos deparamos com
determinados tipos de texto que apresentam até 80% de seu total escrito em palavras cognatas.
É interessante observar que as palavras cognatas podem ser:

Idênticas: radio, piano, hospital, nuclear, social, etc...

Bastante parecidos: gasoline, inflation, intelligent, population, history, etc...
Vagamente parecidos electricity, responsible, infalible, explain, activity, etc...

4. Repeated words:

Muito geralmente, quando certas palavras se repetem várias vezes no texto, mesmo com formas
diferentes (exemplo: socialism, socialist, socialise...), normalmente são palavras importante para a
compreensão do texto. As palavras repetidas aparecem especialmente na forma de verbos, substantivos
e adjetivos e nem sempre são cognatas.

5. Typography

As marcas tipográficas são elementos que, no texto, transmitem informações nem sempre
representadas por palavras, como por exemplo: ilustrações, mapas, gravuras, gráficos etc...Reconhecê-
las é um auxílio bastante útil à leitura.

6. Key words

As palavras-chaves são aquelas que estão mais de perto associadas especificamente ao assunto do
texto, podendo aparecer repetidas e algumas vezes na forma de sinônimos. A identificação das key
words através do skimming leva-nos a ter uma visão geral do texto.

7. Prediction

É a atividade pela qual o aluno é levado a predizer, inferir o conteúdo de um texto através do título ou
de outros elementos tipográficos, como ilustrações, por exemplo. Sendo uma atividade do tipo pré-
leitura, a prediction contribui para estimular o interesse e a curiosidade do aluno pelo conteúdo de um
texto que o tópico sugere. Quanto mais cultura geral (background knowledge) tiver o leitor, mais fácil
será a sua predição.

8. Nominal group

Grupos nominais são expressões de carater nominal em que prevalecem os substantivos e adjetivos,
cuja ordem na frase ordinariamente não corresponde ao português. Por exemplo, o exemplo a seguir, a
disposição das palavras na tradução não é correspondente ao inglês:

A Charismatic leader Black Africa

Um líder carismático Àfrica negra

9. Affixation

Como se sabe, existem palavras que são derivadas através de afixos, (prefixos e sufixos) e que esses
afixos podem alterar a classe gramatical das palavras, ou o seu sentido. Por isso reconhecê-las e saber
o seu significado, representa um valioso recurso adicional da compreensão do texto.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 6

10. Critical Reading

Ao final de cada leitura, o bom leitor deveria estar atento para tudo o que lhe foi transmitido através do
texto, procurando avaliar o conteúdo do mesmo mediante perguntas tais como:

O que é interessante?...Por quê?

A leitura do texto acrescentou algo novo ao meus conhecimentos?
O texto foi apresentado de modo objetivo, superficial, profundo, confuso...?
Você discorda ou concorda com as idéias do autor?
O autor foi imparcial ou tendencioso?
Você conseguiu captar alguma segunda intenção nas entrelinhas do texto?
Você acrescentaria algo que não foi mencionado?

11. Contextual Reference

Normalmente existem no texto elementos de referência que são usados para evitar repetições e para
interligar as sentenças, tornando a leitura mais compreensível e fluente.
Esses elementos aparecem na forma de pronomes diversos:

Pessoais: he, she, it, they, etc...

Demonstativos: this, that, those, such...
Relativos: who, whom, whose, that, which...
Adjetivos: his, her, our...

Alguns exemplos:

They are devastating the Amazon Forest

This description is very simple. It follows a diagram in numbered stages.


alike similar likewise just as like

identical also comparable to equivalent resembles
by the same
corresponds to on this account the same


unlike different in contrast whereas but

more than less different from on the other hand conversely
better worse fewer than on the contrary however

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 7

Falsos Conhecidos - False Cognates

Falsos conhecidos, também chamados de falsos amigos ou falsos cognatos, são

palavras normalmente derivadas do latim, que têm portanto a mesma origem e que
aparecem em diferentes idiomas com ortografia semelhante, mas que ao longo dos
tempos acabaram adquirindo significados diferentes.

É importante também lembrar que é forte a presença de vocábulos de origem latina no

inglês, sendo que a porcentagem de ocorrência dessas palavras como falsos cognatos
em relação ao português é insignificante - menos de 0,1%. Portanto, o iniciante no
aprendizado de inglês não deve preocupar-se com qualquer probabilidade de erro ao
interpretar palavras do inglês parecidas com palavras do português.

COGNATOS: communication; family; garage; oxygen; public; system, television;

text etc

FALSE COGNATES: actually; push; pretend; realize etc.


Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que ... Atualmente - nowadays, today

Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discussões Agenda - appointment book; agenda

Amass (v) - acumular, juntar Amassar - crush

Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa Antecipar - to bring forward, to move forward

Application (n) - inscrição, registro, uso Aplicação (financeira) - investment

Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional Apontamento - note

Appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento Apreciação - judgement

Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca Argumento - reasoning, point

Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte Assistir - to attend, to watch

Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro Assumir - to take over

Attend (v) - assistir, participar de Atender - to help; to answer; to see, to examine

Audience (n) - platéia, público Audiência - court appearance; interview

Balcony (n) - sacada Balcão - counter

Baton (n) - batuta (música), cacetete Batom - lipstick

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 8

Beef (n) - carne de gado Bife - steak

Cafeteria (n) - refeitório tipo universitário ou industrial Cafeteria - coffee shop, snack bar

Camera (n) - máquina fotográfica Câmara - tube (de pneu) chamber (grupo de pessoas)

Carton (n) - caixa de papelão, pacote de cigarros (200) Cartão - card

Casualty (n) - baixas (mortes ocorridas em acidente ou Casualidade - chance


Cigar (n) - charuto Cigarro - cigarette

Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira Colar - necklace

College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3º grau Colégio (2º grau) - high school

Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria Comodidade - comfort

Competition (n) - concorrência Competição - contest

Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, extenso Compreensivo - understandable

Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer concessão Compromisso - appointment; date

Contest (n) - competição, concurso Contexto - context

Convenient (adj) - prático Conveniente - appropriate

Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa) Costume - custom, habit

Data (n) - dados (números, informações) Data - date

Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar Decepção - disappointment

Defendant (n) - réu, acusado Advogado de defesa - defense attorney

Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo Designar - to appoint

Editor (n) - redator Editor - publisher

Educated (adj) - instruído, com alto grau de escolaridade Educado - with a good upbringing, well-mannered, polite

Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.) Emissão - issuing (of a document, etc.)

Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se Enrolar - to roll; to wind; to curl

Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqüentemente Eventualmente – occasionally

Exciting (adj) - empolgante Excitante - thrilling

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 9

Exit (n, v) - saída, sair Êxito - success

Expert (n) - especialista, perito Esperto - smart, clever

Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado Esquisito - strange, odd

Fabric (n) - tecido Fábrica - plant, factory

Genial (adj) - afável, aprazível Genial - brilliant

Graduate program (n) - Curso de pós-graduação Curso de graduação - undergraduate

Gratuity (n) - gratificação, gorjeta Gratuidade - the quality of being free of charge

Grip (v) - agarrar firme Gripe - cold, flu, influenza

Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar Azar - bad luck

Idiom (n) - expressão idiomática, linguajar Idioma - language

Income tax return (n) - declaração de imposto de renda Devolução de imposto de renda - income tax refund

Ingenuity (n) - engenhosidade Ingenuidade - naiveté / naivety

Injury (n) - ferimento Injúria - insult

Inscription (n) - gravação em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, Inscrição - registration, application

Intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção Entender - understand

Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas Intoxicação - poisoning

Journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada Jornal - newspaper

Lamp (n) - luminária Lâmpada - light bulb

Large (adj) - grande, espaçoso Largo - wide

Lecture (n) - palestra, aula Leitura - reading

Legend (n) - lenda Legenda - subtitle

Library (n) - biblioteca Livraria - book shop

Lunch (n) - almoço Lanche - snack

Magazine (n) - revista Magazine - department store

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 10

Mayor (n) - prefeito Maior - bigger

Medicine (n) - remédio, medicina Medicina - medicine

Moisture (n) - umidade Mistura - mix, mixture, blend

Motel (n) - hotel de beira de estrada Motel - love motel

Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, Notícia - news


Novel (n) - romance Novela - soap opera

Office (n) - escritório Oficial - official

Parents (n) - pais Parentes - relatives

Particular (adj) - específico, exato Particular - personal, private

Pasta (n) - massa (alimento) Pasta - paste; folder; briefcase

Plant (n) – usina , unidade móvel Plantas, vegetais – plants

Policy (n) - política (diretrizes) Polícia - police

Port (n) - porto Porta - door

Prejudice (n) - preconceito Prejuízo - damage, loss

Prescribe (v) - receitar Prescrever - expire

Preservative (n) - conservante Preservativo - condom

Pretend (v) - fingir Pretender - to intend, to plan

Private (adj) - particular Privado - private

Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir Procurar - to look for

Propaganda (n) - divulgação de idéias/fatos com intuito Propaganda - advertisement, commercial

de manipular

Pull (v) - puxar Pular - to jump

Push (v) - empurrar Puxar - to pull

Range (v) - variar, cobrir Ranger - to creak, to grind

Realize (v) - notar, dar-se conta, conceber uma idéia Realizar - to carry out, to accomplish

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 11

Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação, registro Recordar - to remember, to recall

Requirement (n) - requisito Requerimento - request, petition

Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar Resumir - summarize

Résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo Resumo - summary

Retired (adj) - aposentado Retirado - removed, secluded

Senior (n) - idoso Senhor - gentleman, sir

Service (n) - atendimento Serviço - job

Stranger (n) - desconhecido Estrangeiro - foreigner

Stupid (adj) - burro Estúpido - impolite, rude

Support (v) - apoiar Suportar (tolerar) - can stand

Tax (n) - imposto Taxa - rate; fee

Trainer (n) - preparador físico Treinador - coach

Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar Turno - shift; round

Vegetables (n) - verduras, legumes Vegetais - plants

1- Circle the cognate words:

lecture Music
text Sort
turn communication
pretend support
comprehensive college

2- Give the meaning of the following words:

a) actually l) lecture
b) appointment m) office
c) application n) policy
d) attend o) pretend
e) commodity p) pull
f) emission q) push
g) enroll r)support
h) expert s) shift
i) grip t) tax
j) intend u) resume
k) Inscription v) requirement

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 12

UNIT I: Talking About Production Engineering

TEXT 1: Production Engineering

What is Production Engineering?

Production Engineering is a sector of engineering
involving design, control, and continuous improvement of
integrated systems of people, machinery, materials, and
finance in the production of goods and services.

It is an interdisciplinary activity with the aim of producing

goods and services of high quality in time in a cost-
effective manner.

This requires people with skills and knowledge of:

industrial engineering,
manufacturing engineering,
product design,
finance & corporate planning, all working together

The areas mentioned above are an essential part of any production

engineering effort, since the operation of a company depends on co-
ordination of all areas of the production process:


Production engineering activities are carried out, in the main, by teams

of individuals with different skills rather than by a formal production
engineering section.

Use is made of a wide range of knowledge and techniques. These include:

statistical data analysis,

computer simulation,
operations research techniques,
mechanical and materials engineering
industrial engineering techniques.

A key element of modern production engineering is the use of computer and information technology to
solve the ever emerging problems encountered in the modern production process.

Production engineering has its origins in the manufacturing sector. The knowledge and techniques
involved in production engineering are applied equally in the service sector, in television production, in
banking, in the airlines and in the entertainment industry. Product can denote a manufactured product or a
service product, such as making a television programme or collecting milk at the farm gate.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 13

Text Comprehension:

Responda em português:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


e) Identifique palavras ou expressões que tem a grafia similar em português, mas

têm o significado diferente (false-cognate words)

2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes:

a) De acordo com o texto o que é engenharia de produção?


b) Qual o objetivo da engenharia de produção?


c) Cite as habilidades e conhecimentos exigidos para os engenheiros de produção?


d) Quais são as áreas que envolvem o processo de produção?


e) Qual a origem da engenharia de produção?


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 14

3. Match the column:

a) statistical data analysis, ( ) engenharia mecânica e de material

b) computer simulation, ( ) técnicas de engenharia industrial
c) operations research techniques, ( ) análise de dados estatísticos
d) mechanical and material engineering ( ) simulação de computadores
e) industrial engineering techniques. ( ) técnicas da pesquisa de operações

4. Find out the words below in English in the text:

a) conhecimento

b) habilidades

c) finanças

d) maquinário

e) chave

5. Write (T) for true and (F) for false. And correct the false ones.

( ) It’s not necessary to use computer and information technology in the modern
production engineering.
( ) The production engineering is an activity with the objective of producing goods and
services of high quality.
( ) People that work with production engineering should have different skills.
( ) Production engineering is applied in restrict activities.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 15

Parts of Speech


Artigo é a palavra
Articles que, vindo antes de
um substantivo, indica
se ele está sendo
empregado de
Definite - The maneira definida ou
indefinida. Além disso,
o artigo indica, ao
Indefinite – A / An mesmo tempo, o
gênero e o número
dos substantivos.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 16

Nouns Substantivos
são palavras
Goods, news,
que descrevem
table, dog, cup, nomes de
flower, material,
system, pessoas,
product, house,
plants, online, lugares, coisas
happiness …
ou idéias

Pronouns Pronomes são

Personal Pronouns variáveis em
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them gênero, número
e pessoa que
substituem ou
My, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
acompanham o
Pronouns nome,
Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs indicando-o
Demonstrative Pronouns como pessoa
This These do discurso.
That Those

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 17

Verbos são palavras
que descrevem
ação, processo,
Go, learn, jump, estado ou
work, sleep,
move, like, be, fenômenos da
have, control, natureza situados
mention, make, no tempo.
include …
Os verbos em inglês
Regular Verbs
To work – worked – worked podem ser
Irregular Verbs regulares ou
To have – had – had
To go – went - gone

Adjectives Adjetivos são

palavras que
Good, new, substantivos e
pretty, old, nice, pronomes e
blue, financial,
industrial, eles incluem os
modern, artigos a, an
formal …
and the

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 18

Advérbios são
palavras que
Not, almost, verbos, adjetivos
often, never, ou outros
ever, too, advérbios e a
very, always,
maioria dos
actually, advérbios em
equally… inglês terminam
em ly.

Prepositions Preposições são

palavras que
On, in, for, to, over,
upon, up, down, indicam tempo,
like, before, after,
since, around, next
to, near, with, lugar ou posição.
without, aboard,
about, against,
between, among…

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 19

Conjunctions Conjunções são

palavras que
And, but, or,
nor, though,
thus, since, if,
ligam palavras,
unless, frases ou
since … sentenças.

Interjections Interjeições são

palavras que

Oh!, Wow!, expressam

yes!, uh-o!,
uh!, help! …

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 20


1. Look at the other parts f speech. Match each term with its definition.

a) Articles: a, an, the They join one clause to another

b) Conjunctions: and, but, so They are used with a main verb to change the tense, or
form a question and a negative
c) Adverbs: well, quickly, They give more information about a verb, such as time,
sometimes place or manner
d) Prepositions: in, on, from, They go in front of the noun to show whether they are
to with definite or indefinite
e) Auxiliary verbs: do, does, They often replace a noun.
be, have, will

f) Pronouns: he, you, they, They link nouns to other elements, such as place or time
mine, theirs

2. Number the part of speech in each word of the following sentences:

Parts of Speech
1) Noun 2) Pronoun 3) Verb
4) Adjective 5) Adverb 6) Preposition
7) Conjunction 8) Interjection 9) Article

a) A dog or a cat chased the mouse very quickly..

b) Yikes! I'm late for class.

c) Frankenstein is the name of the scientist, not the monster.

d) That suitcase is hers.

e) The areas mentioned above are an essential part of any production engineering effort.

f) Production engineering has its origins in the manufacturing sector.

g) The engineer and the doctor went to the bank yesterday although they didn’t have time.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 21

Noun Phrases

A noun phrase (abbreviated NP) (grupos nominais) is a phrase whose head / key word is a noun
or a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a set of modifiers including adjectives, adjective
phrases, adjective clauses, and other nouns in the possessive case.

To appreciate the rich possibilities of modifiers, you have only to see how much you can expand a
modifier in a noun phrase:

the book

the history book

the American history book

the illustrated American history book

the recent illustrated American history book

the recent controversial illustrated American history book

the recent controversial illustrated leather bound American history book

Like a noun, a noun phrase can act as a subject, as the object of a verb or verbal, as a subject or object
complement, or as the object of a preposition, as in the following examples:


Small children often insist that they can do it by themselves.

object of a verb

To read quickly and accurately is Eugene's goal.

object of a preposition

The arctic explorers were caught unawares by the spring breakup.

subject complement

Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not the monster.

object complement

I consider Loki my favorite cat.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 22

Noun Phrase Table2

M* M1 M2 KW
Modifier (s) Modifier (s) Key Word (s)

(Adjuntos Adnominais) Adjectives Nouns Nouns

(De+Substantivo (Substantivo Sem De)

1 3 4 2
1= Adjetivo (s) Substativo(s)
Beautiful Girl
the, a, an Big House
Contemporary Art
Pronomes Theoretical Information and computation
possessives, Integrated Systems
demonstratives e
2 = De + Substantivo Substantivo (s)
our, their, this, that,
some, any etc Production Engineering
Engineering Science*1
Numerals: Computer Elements and Architecture*2

cardinals e ordinals
3 = Adjetivo(s) De + Substantivo Substantivo (s)

Computational Complexity Theory

2 3 4 1
Advérbios 1= Adjetivo (s) Substantivo (s)

Very Basic and important Theory

3 4 2 1
Advérbios 3= Adjetivo (s) De + Substantivo Substantivo (s)

Quite Theorical Information Foundations

Obs.: *1 The Science of Engineering

Elements and Architecture of a Computer

Quadro elaborado pela Professora Lígia Vasconcelos Henriques.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 23

Limites da Noun Phrase (estarão antes e/ou depois da NP)

Pronomes Pessoais
Pronomes Relativos
Mas devemos considerar algumas exceções:
a) O verbo e a preposição podem, por exemplo, fazer parte de uma NP quando temos alguns
modificadores compostos ou palavras-chave compostas:
Ex: easy-to-learn and easy-to-use software (Modifiers compostos)
A necessary follow-up (Palavra-chave composta)
b) As conjunções AND e OR, podem aparecer na NP quando ligando termos e nas orações:
Ex: business directors and/or managers
planning and/or implementation policy.
c) A vírgula pode aparecer na NP quando separando mais de dois modificadores ou palavras-
chave. O hífen pode aparecer na NP quando em modificadores compostos ou palavras-chave
Ex: industrial, commercial and educational approaches
Great planning, performance and follow-up.

M* M1 M2 KW
Modificador * Modificador 1 Modificador 2 Palavra-chave

Adjuntos adnominais Adjetivos De + Substantivo Substantivo

Artigos Loc. adj. (sem de)
Pron. Demonst. M2,M2
Pron. Indef. 2 1
Numerais * (sem conectivo traduzir
de trás para frente)

M 2 and M 2
1 2
* (com conectivo (and, or)
traduzir da frente para trás).

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 24


1 3 - 2
M* M1 KW
The integrated systems
Os sistemas integrados

1 - 3 2
M* M2 KW
That Production Engineer
Aquele engenheiro de produção

1 4 3 2
M* M1 M2 KW
Some computational complexity theories
Algumas teorias da complexidade computacional

2 3 - 1
M* M1 KW
Very basic and important theory
Teoria muito básica e importante

3 4 2 1
M* M1 M2 KW
Advérbio Foundations = bases
Quite theoretical information foundations
Bases de informações bastante teóricas

De + Substantivo = Loc. adj.

M2,M2 M 2 and M 2
2 1 1 2
* (sem conectivo traduzir de trás para frente * (com conectivo (and, or) traduzir da frente
para trás).

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 25


Equipamento caro ⇒ Expensive equipment

Engenharia de Produção ⇒ Production Engineering
Um técnico bom e profissional ⇒ A good and professional technician

1- Observe os grupos nominais abaixo e identifique as palavras grifadas em Key words ou


a) The central processor ____________________________________________

b) Operating system _______________________________________________
c) An integrated circuit _____________________________________________
d) Arithmetic Logic Unit ____________________________________________

2- Use as palavras abaixo para revelar e traduzir as abreviaturas e os acrônimos:

Network – Virtual – Unit – Area – Machine – Operating – Wide – Volume – System

a) OS __________________________________________________________
b) VM _________________________________________________________
c) WAN ________________________________________________________
d) VU __________________________________________________________

3- Traduza para o português:

a) leak detector ___________________________________________________

b) hydraulic units _________________________________________________
c) lift cylinder ____________________________________________________
d) safety door ____________________________________________________

4- Observe as palavras grifadas na 2ª coluna e relacione-as à 1ª:

(A) Key word ( ) printing devices

(B) Modifier ( ) memory chips
( ) personal information
( ) disk controller
( ) adapted keyboards

5. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
statistical data analysis

M* M1 M2 Key Word
operations research techniques

M* M1 M2 Key Word
industrial engineering techniques

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 26

UNIT II: Talking About Management Tools

TEXT 2: Just In Time (business)

Just In Time (JIT) is an inventory strategy implemented to
improve the return on investment of a business by reducing
in-process inventory and its associated costs. The process is
driven by a series of signals, or Kanban, that tell production
processes to make the next part. Kanban are usually simple
visual signals, such as the presence or absence of a part on
a shelf. When implemented correctly, JIT can lead to
dramatic improvements in a manufacturing organization's
return on investment, quality, and efficiency.

New stock is ordered when stock reaches the re-order level. This saves warehouse space and costs.
However, one of the problems of the JIT systems is that the re-order level is determined by historical
demand. If demand rises above the historical average planning duration demand, the firm could
deplete inventory and cause customer service issues.

Benefits of JIT
Inventory – inventário, registro
• Reduced operating costs
Drawback – desvantagem, inconveniência
• Greater performance and throughput Driven by – conduzido
Such as – tais como
• Higher quality Order – pedir, solicitar
Warehouse – depósito, armazém, almoxarifado
• Improved delivery However – contudo
Deplete – esgotar
• Increased flexibility and innovativeness Issues – questões, problemas
Customer service – atendimento ao cliente
Signboard – letreiro, quadro
Leveling – nivelamento
JIT Components Housekeeping – economia
• Production Leveling Lot – lote, parte
Purchasing - compra
• Pull System
• Kamban (label or signboard) system
• Good Housekeeping
• Small Lot Production
• Setup Time Reduction
• Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM)
• Total Quality Control (TQC)
• JIT Purchasing
• Line Balancing
• Flexible Manufacturing
• Small-group Activities (SGA)

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 27

Text Comprehension

1. Answer in Portuguese:

a) Definição de JIT

b) Definição de Kanban

2. About the order in the JIT process:

a) Quando o pedido de um novo

estoque é feito?

b) Como é determinado o nível

de reposição de estoque?

3. Complete the chart in Portuguese.

Benefícios do JIT Componentes do JIT

4. Write in Portuguese:

New stock is ordered when stock reaches the re-order level. This saves warehouse space and costs.
However, one of the problems of the JIT system is that the re-order level is determined by historical
demand. If demand rises above the historical average planning duration demand, the firm could
deplete inventory and cause customer service issues.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 28

5. Find in the text

a) 04 nouns _____________________________________________________________
b) 04 nouns (plural form) __________________________________________________
c) 04 adjectives __________________________________________________________
d) 04 adverbs ____________________________________________________________
e) 01 verb to be (singular form) _____________________________________________
f) 01 verb to be (plural form) _______________________________________________
g) 04 verbs ______________________________________________________________
h) 02 conjunctions ________________________________________________________
i) 04 prepositions ________________________________________________________
j) 01 acronym ___________________________________________________________
k) 01 definite article ______________________________________________________
l) 01 indefinite article _____________________________________________________

6. Retire do texto 04 recursos não-verbais

7. Extract from the text:

a) 04 cognate words ______________________________________________________

b) 02 false cognate words __________________________________________________
c) 02 known words _______________________________________________________
d) 04 unknown words _____________________________________________________

8. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
An inventory strategy

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The historical average planning

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Total Quality Control

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Small-group Activities

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 29

TEXT 3: Logistics

What is logistics?

"Logistics means having the right thing, at the right place, at the right time."

Logistics3 - ...the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the

efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related
information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of
conforming to customer requirements."

What Is Logistics Engineering?

Logistics engineering combines strong managerial skills with a solid

understanding of mathematics and numbers. Logistics is defined as a
scientific technique in which evaluation is used to control inventory, production, sales, management,
and staff in order to keep a solid capital and monetary flow. In logistics engineering, all aspects of a
company's work progress are studied.

.Logistics engineers must have knowledge in several areas, such as:

Business Statistics
Computer and Information Processing
Logistics Information Systems
Engineering Aspects of Logistics Systems
Programming for Web Applications
Applied Thinking Skills
Principles of Marketing
Supply Chain Management
Logistics Communications Technology
Electronic Commerce
Global Logistics Management
Inventory Management
Operation Planning and Control
Warehousing & Storage Systems
Innovation and Enterprise.

What Can Logistics Do For Your Company?

The good news is that any improvement in logistics you make results in savings in your cost of doing
business. Best of all, these savings drop right to your bottom line as profits.

Some examples of how logistics can help your company includes:

• Cost savings
• Reduced inventory
• Improved efficiency
• Improved delivery time, which improves customer satisfaction and
can be a competitive advantage if your competitors can't deliver as

Council of Logistics Management
Profª. Tânia Teixeira 30
Text Comprehension: (Answer in Portuguese)

a) O que significa logística?


b) De acordo com o Council of Logistics Management qual é a definição de Logistics?


c) O que é Logistics engineering?


d) Como a logística pode ajudar as empresas


Answer in English:

1. Identify the grammatical class of the following words according to the text:

a) and ______________________________________________
b) from _____________________________________________
c) these ____________________________________________
d) improves _________________________________________
e) quickly __________________________________________
f) logistics _________________________________________
g) are ______________________________________________
h) must _____________________________________________
i) which ____________________________________________

2. Match the column:

a) Business Statistics ( ) gerenciamento global da logística

b) Computer and Information Processing ( ) contabilidade
c) Logistics Information Systems ( ) planejamento e controle de operação
d) Engineering Aspects of Logistics Systems ( ) comércio eletrônico
e) Programming for Web Applications ( ) programa para aplicações da web
f) Applied Thinking Skills ( ) tecnologia de comunicações da logística
g) Microeconomics ( ) gerencia de inventário
h) Accounting ( ) sistemas de armazenamento
i) Principles of Marketing ( ) inovação e empresa
j) Supply Chain Management ( ) habilidades de pensamentos aplicados
k) Logistics Communications Technology ( ) gerenciamento da cadeia produtiva
l) Electronic Commerce ( ) princípios de markenting
m) Global Logistics Management ( ) estatística de negócios
n) Inventory Management ( ) sistemas de informação da logística
o) Operation Planning and Control ( ) aspectos da engenharia de sistema da logística
p) Warehousing & Storage Systems ( ) computador e processador de informações
q) Innovation and Enterprise. ( ) microeconômica

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 31

3. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
A company's work progress

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The good news

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Strong managerial skills

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Logistics Information Systems

M* M1 M2 Key Word
New production plants

4. Find out the words below in English in the text:

a) compreensão __________________________________________________________
b) armazenar ____________________________________________________________
c) negócio ______________________________________________________________
d) ferramentas ___________________________________________________________
e) avaliação _____________________________________________________________

5. Write (T) for true and (F) for false and correct the false setences:

a) ( ) “strong” is a noun.
b) ( ) “with” is a sort of preposition.
c) ( ) “your” is not a adjective possessive.
d) ( “ and” does not mean “e” in Portuguese.
e) ( ) “you” is a personal pronoun.
f) ( ) “ this” is a possessive pronoun.
g) ( ) “can” is not a modal verb.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 32

UNIT III: Talking About Açu Superport

TEXT 4: Açu Superport Industrial Complex

The Açu Superport Industrial Complex is the largest industrial port enterprise in Latin America and
should handle at least 350 million tons of exports and imports per year, making it one of the three
largest port complexes in the world.

The Açu Superport Industrial Complex covers an area of more than 90 square kilometers and will
receive two steel mills, two cement factories, a power generation complex, an automaker, auto parts
industries, a metallurgical center, a terminal for the storage and processing of oil, and an offshore
support services and IT complex, amounting to investments of more than U$ 40 billion and creating
approximately 50 thousand new jobs in the region.

Located in the north of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Açu Superport began construction in 2007 and
is made up of two sets of terminals that together offer 17 kilometers of quays: TX1, which offers
offshore terminals, and TX2, which has an internal navigation channel 3,5 kilometers long, 300 meters
wide and up to 18 meters deep.

1 Iron Ore 12 Cement Factory 2

2 Pelletizing plants 13 Utilities: Water, Gas, Waste
3 Thermal power plant MPX 14 Ceramic Industries
4 Logistics Yard 15 Civil Construction Industries
5 Bulk Liquids Terminal 16 Automobile Industry
6 Oil and Gas E&P Support Areas 17 Metallurgical Center
7 Administration 18 Oil and Gas
8 Commerce and Leisure 19 Coal
9 Steel Mill 1 20 Steel Products
10 Cement Factory 1 21 Waste, Pig-iron and Granite
11 Steel Mill 2 22 OSX

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 33

Text Comprehension:

Responda em português:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto algumas palavras que você conhece (known words).


c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes:

a) De acordo com o texto o que é o Complexo Industrial do Açu?


b) Quando o Porto do Açu estiver em pleno funcionamento qual será o volumeanual de

exportação e importação?

c) Que tipo de indústrias farão parte do Complexo Industrial do Açu?


3. Escreva em Português:

Located in the north of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Açu Superport began construction in 2007
and is made up of two sets of terminals that together offer 17 kilometers of quays: TX1, which
offers offshore terminals, and TX2, which has an internal navigation channel 3,5 kilometers long,
300 meters wide and up to 18 meters deep.


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 34

4. Match the columns:

a) Iron Ore (….)Terminal de granéis líquidos

b) Pelletizing plants (….) Comércio e lazer

c) Thermal power plant MPX (….) Fábrica de cimento

d) Logistics Yard (….) Minerio de ferro

e) Bulk Liquids Terminal (….) Utilidades: água, gás, resíduos

f) Oil and Gas E&P Support Areas (….) Administração

g) Administration (….) Petróleo e Gás

h) Commerce and Leisure (….) Plantas de pelotização

i) Steel Mill (….) Resíduos, ferro fundido e granito

j) Cement Factory (….) Indústrias de cerâmica

k) Utilities: Water, Gas, Waste (….) Indústria Automobilística

l) Ceramic Industries (….) Produtos siderúrgicos

m) Civil Construction Industries (….) Usina térmica da MPX

n) Automobile Industry (….) Carvão

o) Metallurgical Center (….) Fábrica de aço

p) Oil and Gas (….) Indústrias de Construção Civil

q) Coal (….) Área de suporte de Petróleo e Gás E&P

r) Steel Products (….) Corredor Logístico

s) Waste, Pig-iron and Granite (….) Centro metalúrgico

5. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The Açu Superport Industrial
Complex Translation

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Two big steel mills

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 35


TX1, the Açu Superport’s set of offshore terminals, will have a 3.600
meters long pier, with nine bays, of which four for handling up to 100
million tons of iron ore per year, as well as five for handling up to 2
million barrels of oil per day (bpd). With a draught of 21 meters,
which can be increased to 26 meters, the Açu Superport TX1 will be
able to receive large vessels, such as Capesize (220 thousand tons),
CHINAMAX (400 thousand tons) and VLCC (320 thousand tons).

The 3 thousand meters long access bridge and the tug-boat pier have
already been built and the canal dredged to a depth of 21 meters. The
current focus is on completion of the pier for handling ore and the
construction of the breakwater. . Work is well under way, and start-up
of operations is scheduled for the second semester of 2012.

The TX2 terminals in the Açu Superport have a

unique combination of features that result in
significant benefits for support activities for oil
and gas E&P. These have been developed by
excavating an onshore channel 3.5 kilometers
long, 300 meters wide and up to 18 meters deep,
with about 8 kilometers of quays and protected
access to the open sea. TX2 also benefits from
all the infrastructure of an industrial complex, in
which companies in similar sectors can set up,
benefiting from operational synergy and lower
logistics costs.

TX2’s quays will also be able to handle bulk

solids vessels carrying steel products, coal, pig-iron, slag and granite, as well as bulk liquids, general
cargo and vehicles. TX2 will also be used for equipment and materials

for exploration and production of oil and gas, as well as jackets and modules for offshore units.
Moreover, TX2 will be able to provide an area facing the internal channel and sheltered waters, with
1,7 million square meters of land available for rent for companies involved in offshore oil and gas
support activities.

Text Comprehension:

Responda em português:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 36

c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


e) Identifique palavras ou expressões que tem a grafia similar em português, mas têm o
significado diferente (false-cognate words)

2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes:

a) Defina o TX1?

b) Qual o foco atual para o TX1?


c) Defina o TX2?

d) Quais são os outros benefícios do TX2?


e) Cite quais serão as utilidades do cais TX2 depois de concluída a construção?


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 37

Word Study

1. Number the part of speech in each word of the following sentences:

Parts of Speech

1) Article 5) Noun
2) Pronoun 6) Adjective
3) Conjunction 7) Verb
4) Preposition 8) Adverb

a) The current focus is on completion of the pier

b) Moreover, it will provide an area facing the internal channel and sheltered waters

2. The expression underlined in …the Açu Superport TX1 will be able to receive large vessels, such
as Capesize (220 thousands tons), … is

a) An pronoun
b) A conjunction
c) An adjective
d) A pronoun
e) An adverb

3. As well as is a conjunction that is a part of speech. Mark the correct answer for it in the following
statement: TX2’s quays will also be able to handle bulk solids vessels carrying steel products, coal,
pig-iron, slag and granite, as well as bulk liquids, general cargo and vehicles.

a) It is a coordinating conjunction expressing opposition or contrast (but)

b) It is a subordinating conjunction expressing concession or contrast (although)
c) It is a subordinating conjunction expressing comparison (as…as)
d) It is a coordinating conjunction expressing and in addition - cumulative (and, besides)
e) It is a subordinating conjunction expressing result or consequence (that)

4. Mark the correct antonym for deep:

a) profound
b) infinite
c) superficial
d) abysmal
e) endless

5. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Many oil and gas support activities

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 38

TEXT 6: Oil Treatment Unit (OTU)

Set in a privileged location, the Açu

Superport Oil Treatment Unit will
bring significant gains to oil and gas
exploration and production activities
and will process mainly oil from the
Campos and Espírito Santo Basins and
part of the pre-salt production of the
Santos Basin.

At the OTU, the crude oil reaches the

port via shuttle tankers and is
transferred by pipeline to the storage
and treatment areas onshore.

These facilities allow for consolidation

of crude oil cargoes for export by large efficient tankers and for processing of the Brazilian oil to suit
the needs of the demanding international market, thus reducing the freight cost per tonne and adding
value to the final product.

Consolidation of cargoes and blending will be carried out in heated tanks with lateral agitators or in in-
line oil mixing system. The OTU will be able to remove the excess salt and water from offshore oil
production, using high efficiency centrifuges and desalinators.

Text Comprehension:

Responda em português:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes:

a) Como o petróleo bruto chega ao porto na OTU?


b) O que as instalações da OTU permitem?


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 39

c) Como a consolidação das cargas e mistura será realizada?

3. Escreva em Português:

Set in a privileged location, the Açu Superport Oil Treatment Unit will bring significant gains to
oil and gas exploration and production activities and will process mainly oil from the Campos and
Espírito Santo Basins and part of the pre-salt production of the Santos Basin.


Word Study

1 In “….thus reducing the freight cost per tonne and adding value to the final product..” (line 16), the
word thus introduces a

a) contrast.
b) condition.
c) concession.
d) comparison.
e) consequence.

2. The words below are parts of the speech (article, pronoun, conjunction, preposition, noun, adjective,
verb and adverb. Describe each of them.

a) location e) the

b) bring f) crude

c) mainly g) from

d) thus h) high

3. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Large efficient tankers

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The high efficiency centrifuges

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 40

TEXT 7: Operational Synergy and World-Class Efficiency

Synergy is one of the Açu Superport’s

strong points. Full integration between
all its activities speeds up production and
logistics, lowers costs and ensures world-
class efficiency.

At the Açu Superport, steel mills and

cement factories have integrated
operations, meaning significant gains for
the companies that use their services.
Iron ore comes in by pipeline or railroad
and can be exported through the port or
go to the steel mills within the complex

The steel mills will supply coils and other products for the metal-working centers which provide beam
steel and other materials for the different industries and for other service companies located on the
excavated canal which support the oil and gas E&P operations.

Coal, needed for the steel mills, comes in through the port. Coal and ore are collected by the steel mills
and transformed into steel and exported via the port. Slag, the waste generated by the steel mills, is
used as raw material for the cement factories; these receive coke through the port and produce the
cement that will be sold to the domestic market. The surplus slag is exported through the port.

Text Comprehension:

Responda em português:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes (scan):

a) Qual é um dos pontos fortes do Porto do Açu?


b) O que é Sinergia?

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 41

c) Por que as empresas que utilizam os serviços do Porto do Açu têm ganhos significativos?


d) Quais produtos as Usinas de Aço irão oferecer para as empresas que estarão localizadas no
complexo portuário?

4. Escreva em Português:

Coal, needed for the steel mills, comes in through the port. Coal and ore are collected by the steel
mills and transformed into steel and exported via the port. Slag, the waste generated by the steel
mills, is used as raw material for the cement factories; these receive coke through the port and
produce the cement that will be sold to the domestic market. The surplus slag is exported through
the port.


Word Study

1. Number the part of speech in each word of the following sentences:

Parts of Speech

1) Article 5) Noun
2) Pronoun 6) Adjective
3) Conjunction 7) Verb
4) Preposition 8) Adverb

a) Full integration between all its activities speeds up production and logistics

b) The surplus slag is exported through the port.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 42

2. Find in the text.

a) 2 adjective pronouns e) 2 prepositions

b) 1 reflexive pronoun f) 1 noun

c) 1 demonstrative pronoun g) 1 adjective

d) 1 conjunction h) 1 verb

3. ‘Their’ in “...At the Açu Superport, steel mills and cement factories have integrated operations,
meaning significant gains for the companies that use their services. refers to

a) integrated operations
b) companies
c) services
d) steel mills and cement factories
e) pipeline or railroad

4. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The different industries

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The big steel mills

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Their services

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Other products

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 43

TEXT 8: Logistics Access

A modern logistics corridor, 43 kilometers

long and 400 meters wide, including highway,
railroad, transmission lines and pipelines, will
connect the Açu Superport to the city of
Campos dos Goytacazes.

Access Map

The connection to the national road network

will be made via the BR-101 highway.

For rail integration, two alternatives are being

studied: the Nova Linha Mineira and the
Linha Litorânea. The latter already exists and
will be the first phase of railroad EF-354,
provided for in the Federal Government’s
National Highway Plan.

Text Comprehension:

Responda em português:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes (scan):

a) Quais são as obras de infraestrutura que compõem o Corredor Logístico?


b) Como será o acesso ao Corredor Logístico?


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 44

c) Quais são as alternativas para a integração ferroviária que estão sendo estudadas?


Word Study

1. Number the part of speech in each word of the following sentences:

Parts of Speech

1) Article 5) Noun
2) Pronoun 6) Adjective
3) Conjunction 7) Verb
4) Preposition 8) Adverb

a) For rail integration, two alternatives are being studied.

b) The connection to the national road network will be made via the highway.

2. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
A modern logistics corridor

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The national road network

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The rail integration

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 45

UNIT IV: Talking About Oil and Gas Industry

TEXT 9: Why Do We Need Oil and Gas?

1 Oil and natural gas are an important part of your everyday life. Not
2 only do they give us mobility, they heat and cool our homes and
3 provide electricity. Millions of products are made from oil and gas,
4 including plastics, life-saving medications, clothing, cosmetics, and
many other items you may use daily.

6 In the United States, 97% of the energy that drives the

7 transportation sector (cars, buses, subways, railroads, airplanes, etc)
8 comes from fuels made from oil. Auto manufactures are developing
9 cars to run on alternate fuels such as electricity, hydrogen and
10 ethanol. However, the electric batteries need to be charged and the
11 fuel to generate the electricity could be oil and gas. The hydrogen
12 needed for fuel cells may be generated from natural gas or petroleum based products. Even as
13 alternative fuels are developed, oil will be crucially important to assuring that people can get where
14 they need to be and want to go for the foreseeable future. Unless there is an increase in the penetration
15 of new technologies, alternative fuels are not expected to become competitive with oil for
transportation before 2025.

16 World population is currently around 6 billion people, but is

17 expected to grow to approximately 7.6 billion by 2020. That will
18 mean a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels,
19 electricity, and many other consumer products, made from oil
20 and natural gas.
21 The world economy runs on these fuels. They improve your
22 quality of life by providing you with transportation, warmth,
23 light, and many everyday products. They enable you to get
24 where you need to go, they supply products you need, and they
create jobs. Without them, quality Glossary:
of life would decline and people Foreseeable – previsível
27 Unless – a menos que
in developing nations would not Currently – atualmente
28 Warmth – calor
be able to improve their standard Enable – permitir, ser capaz de
of living.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 46

1. Answer in Portuguese:

a) Que tipos de conforto e facilidades o óleo e o gás natural nos fornecem?

b) De onde vem a energia que conduz 97% do setor de transporte nos Estados Unidos?

2. Mark the correct statement concerning references.

a) “These fuels” (line 21) refers to “oil and natural gas”.

b) “Your” (line 1) refers to “oil and natural gas”.
c) “They” (line 14) refers to “alternative fuels”.
d) “That” (line 17) refers to “6 billion people”.
e) “They” in “they enable you” (line 23) refers to “everyday products”.

3. Check the item in which there is a correct correspondence between the underlined words and the
idea in italics.

a) “Not only” do they give…” (lines 1/2) – Adjective.

b) alternate fuels such as electricity” (line 9) – Adverb.
c) “However, the electric batteries…” (line 10) – Preposition
d) “ but is expected to grow to…” (line 16) – Conjunction..
e) “Even as alternative fuels are developed”. (line 12) Pronoun.

4. The main purpose of the text is to:

a) Analyze in detail how global economy works.

b) Provide all available data on world population growth.
c) Criticize auto manufacturers in the U. S. for using fuels made from oil.
d) Warm against the explosive population growth expected in the near future.
e) Explain the importance of oil and gas in our routines.

5. Mark the only true statement according to the second paragraph of text.

a) By the year 2025 oil fuels will no longer be used in the transportation sector.
b) Alternative fuels may become competitive with oil for transportation from 2025 on.
c) In the U.S. , less than half of the energy use for transportation derives from oil.
d) In the near future all American-made cars will run on alternative fuels such as hydrogen.
e) Manufacturers have developed battery-powered cars, whose batteries do not need recharging.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 47

6. Identify the grammatical topic of the following words according to the text:

a) electricity ______________________________________
b) however ______________________________________
c) huge ______________________________________
d) without ______________________________________
e) become ______________________________________

7. Find in the text the words or expressions below in English:

Metrôs Aquece
Atualmente Crescer
Combustíveis Abastecer
Aumento Refresca
A menos que Permitir

8. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
…transportation, warmth, light, and
many everyday products… Translation

M* M1 M2 Key Word
…life quality…

9. Explain in Portuguese the cartoon beside:


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 48

TEXT 10: Oil Products

1. What different products are made from petroleum? Complete the diagram with the words in the box.

asphalt plastics jet fuel industrial fuel oil paraffin wax

lubricating oil LPG fertilizers diesel petrol (gasoline)

Lubricants Paving and Roofing Fuels Other Products

Read the text

Crude oil, or petroleum, is a thick, black mixture of hundreds of different compounds, and is pratically
useless when taken from the ground. About 88% is processed and refined into fuel, asphalt and
lubricants. The remaining 12% is converted into other materials such as plastics, and chemical
products such as fertilizers and solvens.

Several types of motor, aviation and heating fuel are produced in oil refineries. These are LPG
(liquefied petroleum gas), petrol (gasoline), kerosene and diesel.

Kerosene and LPG are more versatile and are used in domestics heating systems and portable stoves.
The primary use of kerosene, however, is as aviation fuel in jet engines. LPG is starting to be used as a
‘green gas’ to power cars because it produces fewer emissions than either petrol or diesel fuels.

Petrol and diesel are the most widely used fuels for cars, buses and trucks. Most cars have petrol
engines, and larger vehicles, e.g., buses, tend to have diesel engines. Diesel engines operate at much
higher pressures than petrol engines and, therefore, they have to be built more strongly. However,
diesel engines are more efficient than petrol engines and are more economical – they can use up to
40% les fuel.

Diesel is used in industry alongside heavier industrial fuel

oil. This is used in ships and factories, and is normally Glossary:
burned in a furnace. Ground. – solo
Therefore – portanto, em conseqüência
In addition to motor fuels, important products refined from Alongside – ao lado de
oil are lubricants. Lubricants are essential to ensure moving Furnace – forno, caldeira de calefação
parts in a machine work smoothly and stop them Ensure – assegurar
Smoothly – sem problema
overheating. Different lubricants are suitable for different Overheating – superaquecimento
jobs. Engine oil is less viscous. Grease is much thicker and Suitable – adequado, apropriado
is used to protect sealed bearings. Multigrade lubricants Sealed bearings - rolamentos selados
without a temperature-sensitive polymer are more viscous at Sensitive – sensível
Polymer - polímero
low temperatures than at high temperature.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 49

Text Comprehension:

1. Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a) Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b) Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


c) Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d) Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


f) Identifique no texto recursos não-verbais.


2. Leia o texto para buscar detalhes (Scan):

a) Complete the table below with information from the text. Answer in Portuguese.

Oil Product Uses Properties

Petro / Gasoline
Fuel Oil
Engine Oil
Multigrade Lubricants

b) Look at the diagram showing the products made from a typical 42-gallon barrel of crude oil.
Discuss what it shows and what you think the missing parts of the key are.

Other products

Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)


Heavy Fuel Oil (Residual)

Other Distillates (Heating Oil)



Profª. Tânia Teixeira 50

Wordy Study

1. Find in the text what is asked:

Nouns Adjectives

Verbs Adverbs

Prepositions Conjunctions

2. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Several motor types

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The most widely used fuels

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Petrol engines and larger vehicles

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Very important products

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Heavier industrial fuel oil

M* M1 M2 Key Word
A quite sensitive polymer

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 51

TEXT 11: Natural Gas

What is Natural Gas?

Natural gas is one of the cleanest, safest, and most useful forms of
energy in our day-to-day lives.

Natural gas is a hydrocarbon, which means it is made up of

compounds of hydrogen and carbon. The simplest hydrocarbon is
methane; it contains one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.

Natural gas can be found by itself or in association with oil. It is

both colourless and
odourless and is in fact a
mixture of hydrocarbons. While mainly methane, the other
hydrocarbons include ethane, propane, and butane. Water, oil,
sulphur, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other impurities may be
mixed with the gas when it comes out of the ground. These
impurities are removed before the natural gas is delivered to
our homes and businesses.

The fact that natural gas is combustible and burns more

cleanly than some other energy sources helps reinforce its position as one of the most highly used
energy sources.

Natural gas can be measured in a variety of ways, although the most common unit of measurement is
the Gigajoule (GJ), which signifies one billion joules, the metric measure for heat or energy. Other
measures are Mcf (thousand cubic feet) and Btu (British Thermal Unit).

Natural Gas - Sources

Natural gas is a fossil fuel. This means it originates

from the remains of plants and animals that lived many
millions of years ago. These organisms were buried and
exposed to heat as a result of being highly compressed
underneath thousands of metres of soil and rock. These
forces transformed the once living organisms into
natural gas.

Natural gas is found in reservoirs beneath the surface of the earth.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 52

Text Comprehension

1. Answer in Portuguese

a) O que é gás natural?


b) Quais são as substâncias químicas que compõem o gás natural?


c) Quais são as substâncias que podem ser misturadas ao gás natural?


d) Por que o gás natural é uma das fontes de energia mais usada?

e) Qual é a origem do gás natural?


2. Write T for True or F for False:

a) Natural gas is a form of energy ( )

b) Natural gas is made of hydrogen and oxygen ( )
c) Natural gas can’t be found in association with oil ( )
d) The hydrocarbons include methane, ethane, propane and butane ( )
e) Natural gas is a durty fuel ( )
f) The most common unit of measurement is Btu ( )

Word Study

1. Extract from the text:

a) 01 compound word ________________________________

b) 2 nouns ________________________________
c) 02 adjectives ________________________________
d) 02 adverbs ________________________________

2. Complete the chart about pronouns:

Personal Demonstrative Reflexive Possessive Adjectives

Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns

3. Identify the grammatical topic of the following words according to the text:

a) other _______________________________________
b) underneath _______________________________________
c) highly _______________________________________
d) some _______________________________________
e) the most _______________________________________
f) which _______________________________________
g) many _______________________________________
h) although _______________________________________

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 53

4. Find in the text the words below in English:

significa solo
medida entregue
combustível impurezas
composta por milhares
pedra enterrada

5. Give the meaning of the words:

a) colourless _______________________________________________________
b) odourless. _______________________________________________________

6. What does the suffix less in the words colourless and odourless mean?

7. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
most useful forms

M* M1 M2 Key Word
the most common unit of measurement

8. Write the paragraphs below in Portuguese:

a) Natural gas is a hydrocarbon, which means it is made up of compounds of hydrogen and carbon.
The simplest hydrocarbon is methane; it contains one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.

b) These impurities are removed before the natural gas is delivered to our homes and businesses.

c) Natural gas is a fossil fuel. This means it originates from the remains of plants and animals that
lived many millions of years ago.

d) Natural gas is found in reservoirs beneath the surface of the earth.


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 54

TEXT 12: Pre-Salt

What is the pre-salt region and who is exploring and drilling there?4

The pre-salt region is located approximately 170

miles off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean.
The region likely ranges from Espírito Santo to
Santa Catarina State, measuring 497 miles in length
and 124 miles in width. The region is named “pre-
salt” because the oil is held beneath deep and ultra-
deep waters, around 3,000 meters of sand and rock, and an additional layer of salt that, in places,
reaches thicknesses of over 2,000 meters, making extraction challenging.

Brazil is developing the technology to drill and recover oil from this region, but as more is discovered
about the sheer size of this find it is becoming clear that foreign
companies will also play a role in exploration, drilling, the development
infrastructure, capital and human resources to fully realize the potential
of this region. Indeed, foreign companies have already begun to play an
important role by assisting in the drilling. Many of the world’s leading
oil companies currently have a presence in the region with others are
projected to begin drilling in 2009.


Likely – provável Ranges - intervalos Length - comprimento Width – largura Beneath – abaixo
Layer – camada Thicknesses – espessuras Challenging - desafiador Sheer – puro, simples Fully - plenamente
Realize – perceber To play an important role – desempenhar um important papel

Picture 1 Picture 2

Material disponível em < http://www.energytribune.com/articles.cfm?aid=1472 >. Consulta em 15 de julho de

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 55

Text Comprehension.

Responda em português:

1.Faça o “skim” do texto para encontrar respostas para as seguintes questões.

a. Qual é o assunto/tema abordado no texto?


b. Identifique no texto palavras que você conhece (known words).


c. Identifique no texto acima palavras que você nunca viu antes (unknown words).

d. Identifique palavras ou expressões transparentes (cognate words)


e. Identifique palavras ou expressões que tem a grafia similar ao português, mas

têm o significado diferente (false-cognate words)

2. Scanning for Details: Scan the text then answer the questions on it:

1º. Parágrafo:

a) Onde fica localizado o pré-sal?


b) Porque essa região recebeu o nome de pré-sal?


2º Parágrafo:

a) Que tipo de tecnologia o Brasil vem desenvolvendo no setotr do petróleo e gás?

b) A proporção que se descobre a dimensão da descoberta do pré-sal, o que as empresas
estrangeiras estão fazendo?

3. Write in Portuguese.

Many of the world’s leading oil companies currently have a presence in the region with others are
projected to begin drilling in 2009.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 56

Word Study

1. Find in the text:

verbs prepositions

nouns conjunctions

noun-phrases pronouns

adjectives numeral

2. Give the correct word class according to the text, and then translate the words.

Word Class Translation







3. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The pre-salt region

M* M1 M2 Key Word
An additional salt layer

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Several very important foreign oil and
gas companies Translation

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 57

TEXT 13: Drilling

Pre Reading

1. Work with a partner. Read the definitions and write what they are describing. Then write the words
in the table in Portuguese.

geophones rig mud pontoon derrick


a) Black or brown material consisting of clay, water and chemicals:

b) A tall, triangular framework over an oil well. It supports equipment, or raises and lowers pipes:
c) A large structure where machines are kept for drilling and producing oil and gas. Oil workers
live and work here:
d) Cables with detectors that pick up sound waves from under the ground and the ocean:
e) A long, flat or round tank that floats. It can support other structures on water:

2. Match each word with its definition.

a) reservoir ( ) How easy it is for a liquid to flow.

b) mud ( ) The weight of a unit of a substance.
c) viscosity ( ) A mixture of earth and water.
d) density ( ) A place that stores a large amount of liquid, e.g., an oilfield.

Reading : Drilling

Drilling mud is a mixture put in a well to control the pressure of the reservoir
fluids. It also cleans the drill bit and the bottom of the well, and carries cuttings
out of the well. A mud engineer is responsible for the drilling mud. He changes
the mixture of the mud to suit the well.
Water-based drilling mud is very common. It contains fresh water or sea water,
bentonite clay to give viscosity, and barite to give density. It also contains
chemicals that the mud engineer changes for different conditions. To make 800
bbl (barrels) of a water-based drilling mud with a density of 12 lb per US
gallon, mix:
Fresh water 672 bbl
Barite 1552 sacks x 100 lb
Bentonite clay 104 sacks x 100lb
Filtration agent 320 lb
Co-poymer 120 lb

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 58

Read the text on the previous page and answer the questions.

a) Drill mud does three things. What are they?


b) What does mud engineer do?


c) Does mud engineer use barite to help the mud flow?


d) How many sacks of bentonite are in 800 barrels of water-based drilling mud?

e) A mud engineer wants a density of 12 lb per US gallon. What does he do?


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 59

TEXT 14: Talking About Pigging

Pre Reading

1. Underline the word that is the odd one out in each row.

a) steel rubber plastic seal foam

b) fluid plug liquid solution Water
c) friction By-pass lubrication elevation pressure
d) damaged dry worn wide debris

Reading: PIGS

Pigs (Pipeline Inspection Gauges) are pieces of equipment used to clean pipelines. The pigs is
propelled down the pipeline by compressed gas or fluid. Pigging systems and equipment are also
used in smaller-diameter pipes in continuous and batch process plants.

Pigs (n): a device that moves through the inside of a pipeline in order to clean or inspect or give
information about the pipeline.

A pig generally has a steel body fitted with rubber or plastic cups at both ends. The cups are wider in
diameter than the internal diameter of the pipeline to ensure a tight seal Through use, the cups can
become worn and need to be replaced, as pigs are less effective and allow more blow-by (fluid passing
the pig) if the seal is not good.

Pigs are used to clear debris and excess liquid from the inside of pipelines. They are forced through
the pipeline by the pressure of the flow. Several factors affect the force required to move the pig:
elevation of the pipeline, friction and lubrication. A pig moves more easily through a crude oil pipeline
than a dry gas pipeline due to better lubrication and greater flow pressure, but crude oil pipelines also
contain much more debris than gas pipelines.

The pig contains by-pass holes which allow fluid to flow past the pig, decreasing the speed. If all the
the by-pass holes are plugged, the pig moves more slowly, as the pressure forcing it through the
pipeline is lower than when some of the by-pass holes are unplugged.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 60

1. Read the text about pigs and pigging and answer the questions.

a) What does this device do?


b) Are these devices always the same size?


c) What is it made of?


d) Is it used in gas or oil pipelines?


2. Read the information about pigging. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or (F).

a) Pigs are usually made of foam or plastic.

b) Pigs are very durable.

c) It is possible to replace the rubber sections of the pig.

d) They need an electric motor to propel them through the pipe.

e) Pigs move faster through gas pipelines because there is less resistance.

f) Pigs move faster through oil pipelines because there is higher pressure and less

g) Pigs do not move as fast when the by-pass holes are plugged.

Word Study

1 In ‘….but crude oil pipelines also contain much more debris than gas pipelines’, what kind
of coordinating conjunctions is but?

a) cumulative
b) adversative
c) alternative

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 61

2. ‘They’ in ‘They are forced through the pipeline by the pressure of the flow’. refers to

a) Pressure
b) Pigs
c) Debris
d) Pipelines
e) Excess liquid

3. Write the opposites of the adjectives below

a) solid

b) fine

c) offline

d) worn

e) increased

4. Identify the Modifiers and the Key words, and then translate them:

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Softer cleaning units

M* M1 M2 Key Word
The safest, fastest and most economical
way Translation

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Rubber or plastic cups

M* M1 M2 Key Word
A crude oil pipeline

M* M1 M2 Key Word
Better lubrication and greater flow
pressure Translation

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 62

UNIT V: Talking About Safety

TEXT15: Injuries

Read the text below and complete the table.

The majority of injuries, 36%, are caused by slips, trips or falls, and a
quarter of accidents are driving related. A fifth of all injuries involve
equipment, with 12% of these injuries caused by using faulty equipment,
and the rest caused by using the wrong equipment for the job. Just over a
tenth of accidents, 11%, are caused by not using the correct protective
equipment (PPE), and additional 8% of the injuries are caused by falling

Cause of the injury Translation Percentage

Slips, trips or falls

Driving related

Using faulty equipment

Not using appropriate PPE

Using the wrong equipment

Falling objects

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 63

1. Match the tools with their meanings.

a) d) g)

b) e) h)

c) f) i)

j) l)

( ) screwdriver ( ) forklift
( ) hammer ( ) saw
( ) drill ( ) bolt
( ) scissors ( ) pliers
( ) file ( ) nails
( ) pipe ( ) Vice
2. We also use can / can’t for possibility. Complete the sentences with can / can’t.

a) You _________________________ remove a nail with a file.

b) You _________________________ cut electric cable with a pair of scissors
c) You _________________________ cut a pipe with a hammer.
d) You _________________________ turn a bolt with pliers.
e) You _________________________ chip away metal with a screwdriver.
f) You _________________________ finish metal with a saw.
g) You _________________________ hold a piece of wood with a vice.
h) You _________________________ sharpen tools with a file.


Chip away - escavar Hold – segurar

Sharpen – afiada Wood – madeira
Vice – torno (torno mecânico / torno de bancada)

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 64

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment & Safety Equipment.

1. Read and complete the signs.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Wear Wear Wear Wear Wear Wear

respiratory --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
protection protection protection protection protection protection

2. Identify the PPE in the pictures below and say what type of protection it is. Use the words in the

safety boots hat shoes mask gloves

hard goggles face protectors overalls ear

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

What’s number 1?

It’s a hard hat or

safety helmet. It’s
a kind of head

Questions Type of protection


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 65

3. Work with a partner. Decide ( ) which sentences give sensible instructions for someone in a

a) Do not eat

b) Remove jewelry such as rings

c) Avoid running

d) Adjust your hair so that it is not tied back.

e) Always wear safety goggles.

f) Loosen your shoelaces.

g) Check that you are wearing the correct PPE.

h) Take off your shoes.

4. Write down in Portuguese?

What do these
signs mean in

a) ________________________ ________________________________

c)_________________________ ________________________ e)_________________________
__________________________ ________________________ ___________________________
__________________________ ________________________ ___________________________

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 66


Profª. Tânia Teixeira 67

Cover Letter



1 - Se souber o nome da pessoa a quem vai escrever a carta, chame-a pelo nome.
2 - Fale do que se trata a sua carta logo no primeiro parágrafo.
3 - Seja honesto e natural.
4 - Seja claro e específico.
5 - Use o inglês correto. Não use contrações e gírias.
6 - Verifique eventuais erros.
7 - Desenvolva frases curtas e diretas.
• - Crie um novo parágrafo quando quiser introduzir uma nova idéia ou elemento a sua carta.
9 - Finalize a carta com uma sentença que antecipe a resposta do destinatário.

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 68

Albert Martinez FORMATO – PADRÃO
45 Luzon Ave.
Mariveles, Bataan Exemplo de carta de candidatura à vaga de emprego.

July 31, 2009 1-Seu nome

Fora do corpo de sua carta, nenhuma pontuação é
necessária, com exceção da vírgula depois da
Ms. Carol Swing saudação (Dear xxx, ) e depois de “Yours faithfully, “
Personnel Manager
East West Engineering Firm 2- Seu endereço
Makati City Seguindo o exemplo mostrado alinhe seu endereço à
margem direita da folha.
Dear Ms. Swing:
3- Data
Evite formatos reduzidos de datas como xx/xx/xxxx.
I would like you to consider my qualifications for A data deve ser escrita por extenso.
the position of Production Engineer with your
company. I have been employed by Mitsumi 4- Nome da pessoa a qual será remetida a carta.
Incorporated for four years. As Assistant Enforme-se sobre o cargo ou a função do destinatário
Production Engineer, I have responsible for e insira essa inforamção logo após a data.
modernizing Mitsumi’s assembly line, and the
result has been a 45% increase in output. Details 5- Nome da empresa.
about my employment and Bachelor’s Degree in
Mechanical Engineering are provided in the 6- Endereço da empresa.
Em uma carta formal, você deve informar o endereço
enclosed resume.
de destinatário, depois do seu endereço e da data.
Inicie esse bloco de informações com o cargo do
May I have an interview with you to discuss your destinatário. Mantenha o alinhamento à esquerda.
position and my qualifications? My address and
phone number are listed on the resume. 7- Saudação.
Outras opções Sirs, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, Ms.
Yours faithfully, Smith e Miss. Smith. Procure usar nomes e cargos
corretos para os destinatários.

Albert Martinez 8- Introdução ao assunto da carta

Albert Martinez 9- Agradecimento.

Além dos agradecimentos, neste espaço você também
pode cobrar uma resposta do destinatário.

10- Fechamento.
Outras opcões: Yours sincerely, Yours truly e Yours

A opção Ÿours faithfully” costuma ser usada em

cartas formais de negócios, enquanto que “Yours
sincerely” é utilizado para cartas amigáveis. Ÿours
truly” também é aceitável em cartas formais.

11- Sua assinatura

12- Seu nome por erxtenso

Profª. Tânia Teixeira 69


a) Complete the Useful language box with Yours Sincerely and Yours faithfully

Useful Language: a formal letter

Formal Letters Sart Finish

You don’t know the person’s name

You know the person’s surname

Layout / Style

Put your address in the top right-hand corner with the underneath.
Put the name and address of the person you are writing to on the left.
Don’t use contractions.
Write you full name under your signature.
Put I look forward to hearing from you if you would like a reply.

b) Look at the job advertisement. Which job could you apply for?

Engeplan Engineering is looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, and

efficient people to work in the following areas:


All applicants must be appropriately qualified and a good level of

English is essential. Send your CV and a Covering Letter (in
English) to:
e-mail: cristinapaes@engeplanengineering,.com
c). Read the covering letter. Circle the more formal phrase in each pair.

Pedro Oliveira
45 Alberto Torres Ave.
Campos, RJ

July 9, 2010

Ms. Cristina Paes

Personnel Manager
Engeplan Engineering
Macaé, RJ

Dear Ms. Paes

I would like you to consider my qualifications for the position of Production Engineer
with your company. I have been employed by Weatherford for four years. As a
Production Engineer, I have been responsible for modernizing Weatherford’s
production line, and the result has been a 45% increase in output. Details about my
employment and Bachelor’s Degree in Production Engineering are provided in the
enclosed CV.

l am interested in the possibility of working for your company because of its excellent
reputation and particularly because of the work you have done with homeless people.

As you can see from my enclosed CV, l am an experienced production engineer. I am

flexible in my approach to work and have held several full-time jobs in the past.

I have also worked part-time for a university, researching about Offshore Logistics.

I feel sure l can bring excellent skills and experience to your company, because l am a
reliable and hard worker, quite capable of working unsupervised and to tight deadlines.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet you to discuss the possibility of working for
you in the future.

I hope you will give my application serious consideration and I look forward to hearing
from you.

My address and phone number are listed on the CV.

Yours faithfully,

Pedro Oliveira
Pedro Oliveira

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 71

Curriculum Vitae

What is a CV?

Curriculum Vitae: an outline of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared
for job applications (L, lit.: the course of one's life). Another name for a CV is a résumé.

A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to make applications. It conveys your personal
details in the way that presents you in the best possible light and can be used to make multiple
applications to employers in a specific career area. For this reason, many large graduate
recruiters will not accept CVs and instead use their own application form.

An application form is designed to bring out the essential information and personal qualities that
the employer requires and does not allow you to gloss over your weaker points as a CV does. In
addition, the time needed to fill out these forms is seen as a reflection of your commitment to the

There is no "one best way" to construct a CV; it is your document and can be structured as you
wish within the basic framework below. It can be on paper or on-line or even on a T-shirt (a
gimmicky approach that might work for "creative" jobs but not generally advised!).

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 72

Complete the CV (Curriculum Vitae) with a heading from the list.

Additional information Career history Computer skills

Education Languages Personal information

Pedro Oliveira

Personal information
Personal Information

Address 45 Alberto Torres Ave.

Campos dos Goytacazes – Centro - RJ
Cep 2800-100
Telephone Home: (22) 2732-7908
Mobile: (22) 9811-2332
Nationality Brazilian
Marital Status Single
Date of Birth September 3, 1980
E-mail p_oliveira@hotmail.com

Career history
Career History

2006 Weatherford
Macaé, RJ
2005 Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ
2003 Companhia de Bebidas das Américas - AmBev
Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ

I work mainly with design and production line. I have also worked for a local university researching
about Offshore Logistics.


2001 – 2004 Degree in Production Engineering

Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ
1998 – 2000 Colégio Salesiano
Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ


English (level: Intermediate to advanced). I have a good level of written and spoken English. I have
been studying English at a private school for the last five years.

Computer Skills
Windows XP (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point etc.)
MS Project

Additional information
Additional Information

Driving: Full clean driving license

Pastimes and Interests: music, literature, cinema, keeping fit, football
Associations: Member of the reader’s club and JCI (Junior Chamber Int.)

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 73


WRITE your CV and a covering letter to apply for a job in 2010 Word Cup.

SEND it to your teacher’s e-mail: tania@beltecimplementos.com.br

Plan what you’re going to write.

Check the letter for mistakes:

- grammar Curriculum Vitae Cover

- punctuation File

- spelling.


Covering Letter


Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 74

TDE – Provas de Concursos

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 75

UNIVERSO - Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Campus – Campos dos Goytacazes
Curso: Engenharia de Produção
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa I - Código Disciplina: 5294
Aluno: ________________________________________________ Data: _____/ ____ / 2011
TDE 1 - PROVAS DE CONCURSOS materials and better aerodynamics. Even though
today’s cars are faster than those from decades
ago, they consume a similar amount of fuel. This
Duração: 6 horas 39
is the reason why almost everybody is talking
Cód. Disciplina: 5294 about energy efficiency and aerodynamics, and
Cod. TDE: 9964 – Estudos Independentes not about speed.
But if you lower the speed, fuel consumption is
The age of speed: how to reduce global fuel 43
decreased by the full 75 percent. More efficient
consumption by 75 percent 44
technology cannot change that – unless in a
1 positive way. If you combine a lower speed with
Breaking speed records was an almost daily 46
2 more fuel efficient engines and better
occurrence throughout the 20th century. Cars, 47
3 aerodynamics, fuel savings can become much
ships, planes and trains became faster and faster, 48
4 larger than 75 percent.
year after year. Because the power needed to
push an object through air increases with the 49
6 A decrease of 75 percent in fuel consumption is
cube of velocity, this race to ever higher speeds 50
7 not peanuts. More than 60 percent of world oil
raises energy consumption exponentially. 51
production is used for transportation, which
means that total oil production would be almost
Engineers treat velocity as a non-variable, while 53
halved (-45%). In combination with more
in fact it is the most powerful factor to save a 54
efficient engines, better aerodynamics and
really huge amount of energy - with just one 55
lighter materials a 75 percent reduction of oil
stroke, at minimal cost, and without the need for 56
production is not unrealistic.
new technology. Lower speeds combined with
more energy efficient engines, better 57
14 Yet, when the International Energy Agency
aerodynamics and lighter materials could make 58
15 argues that the average car sold in 2030 would
fuel savings even larger. 59
need to consume 60 percent less fuel than the
average car sold in 2005, it claims: “With
Air resistance increases with the square of speed, 61
current technologies, only plug-in hybrids are
and therefore the power needed to push an object 62
capable of this”.
through air increases with the cube of the
19 velocity. If a car cruising on the highway at 80 63
This statement is wrong. We could lower the
20 km/h requires 30 kilowatts to overcome air drag, 64
fuel consumption of cars (and other vehicles) by
21 that same car will require 240 kilowatts at a 65
at least 75 percent, we could do it today, and we
22 speed of 160 km/h. Thus, a vehicle needs 8 times 66
can do it with present technology.
23 the engine power to reach twice the speed. In
24 principle, this means that fuel consumption will
25 increase fourfold (not eightfold, because the
26 faster vehicle exerts the power only over half the 1. The main solution that the Text introduces for
27 time).
reducing global fuel consumption is
Over a distance of 1,000 kilometres, the slow car
would consume 375 kilowatt-hours (12.5 hours (A) eliminating cars and forcing people to use bikes.
multiplied by 30 kilowatts) and the fast car
would consume 1,500 kilowatt-hours (6.25 hours (B) decreasing the average speed that cars can run.
multiplied by 240 kilowatts). (C) discovering alternative biotechnologies for
However, this extra fuel consumption can be transportation.
diminished or even negated by, most
importantly, more fuel efficient engines, lighter

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 76

(D) building faster cars and stimulating the use of 5. The fragment “A decrease of 75 percent in fuel
highspeed trains. consumption is not peanuts.” (lines 49-50) means that
(E) designing faster vehicles with better aerodynamics this reduction is
and more air resistance.
(A) as small as a pea.
2. ‘It’ in “... while in fact it is the most powerful (B) not insignificant.
factor...” (lines 8-9) refers to (C) not really dangerous.
(D) a simple calculation.
(A) race (line 6) (E) considered unreachable.
(B) consumption (line 7)
(C) velocity (line 8) 6. In terms of numerical reference
(D) non-variable (line 8)
(E) energy (line 10) (A) “…30 kilowatts…” (lines 19-20) refers to the
amount of energy needed to run a car at 80 km/h.
3. In “Thus, a vehicle needs 8 times the engine power (B) “…240 kilowatts…” (line 21) refers to the energy
to...” (lines 22-23), the word thus introduces a consumed by a car driving along a 160 km road.
(C) “…375 kilowatt-hours…” (line 29) refers to the
(A) contrast. total energy spent by any car on 12.5 hour trips.
(B) condition. (D) “6.25…” (line 28) refers to the number of hours
(C) concession. needed to consume 240 kilowatts.
(D) comparison. (E) “-45%” (line 53) refers to the reduction in oil
(E) consequence. consumed in transportation.

4. According to Paragraph 5, “…almost everybody is 7. The author affirms that the statement “With current
talking about energy efficiency and aerodynamics, and technologies, only plug-in hybrids are capable of this.”
not about speed.” (lines 39-41) because (lines 54-55) is wrong because

(A) the government is interested in selling more (A) by 2030, it will be unnecessary to build cars that
modern cars. consume 1/3 less fuel.
(B) speed was never an important factor in designing (B) only the medium-sized car can be a hybrid vehicle
newer car engines. and run on electricity and gas.
(C) fast cars consume just as much fuel as slow ones. (C) there is no technology available today that will
(D) people want to reduce fuel consumption without allow for a reduction in gasoline consumption.
having to give up faster speeds. (D) he does not believe the international energy agency
(E) people believe that producing cars from lighter has calculated the figures correctly.
materials is the only means to make energy efficient (E) it is already possible to reduce the consumption of
vehicles fuel in transportation nowadays.

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 77

8. The calculation used by the author to support his
major view on fuel consumption is that

(A) a car can save up to 75% of its oil consumption if it

has a hybrid fuel engine.
(B) a car driven slowly needs only 25% the fuel it
consumes when driven fast.
(C) current cars are faster and consume much less than
those of the past.
(D) today’s vehicles can travel faster because they are
made to consume 8 times more over half the time.
(E) older cars would spend 4 times more fuel than
modern cars because their engines were not energy

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 78

UNIVERSO - Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Campus – Campos dos Goytacazes
Curso: Engenharia de Produção
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa I - Código Disciplina: 5294
Aluno: ________________________________________________ Data: _____/ ____ / 2011
TDE 2 - PROVAS DE CONCURSOS without using lower grade resources such as tar
sands is the key to maintaining energy stability
and a low carbon future.’
Duração: 6 horas 40
The Smith School paper also highlights that in
Cód. Disciplina: 5294 41
the past, political and financial objectives have
Cod. TDE: 9964 – Estudos Independentes 42
led to misreporting of oil reserves, which has led
to contradictory estimates of oil reserve data
World Oil Reserves at ‘Tipping Point’ available in the public domain.
ScienceDaily (Mar. 26, 2010) — The world’s Sir David King, Director of the Smith School,
2 46 commented: ‘We have to face up to a future of
capacity to meet projected future oil demand is
3 47 oil uncertainty much like the global economic
at a tipping point, according to research by the
Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
48 uncertainty we have faced during the past two
at Oxford University.
49 years. This challenge will have a longer term
50 effect on our economies unless swift action is
There is a need to accelerate the development of
51 taken by governments and business. We all
alternative energy fuel resources in order to
52 recognise that oil is a finite resource. We need to
ensure energy security and reduce emissions,
53 look at other low carbon alternatives and make
says a paper just published in the journal Energy
54 the necessary funding available for research,
55 development and deployment today if we are to
56 mitigate the tipping point.’
The age of cheap oil has now ended as demand
starts to outstrip supply as we head towards the The report also raises the worrying issue that
middle of the decade, says the report. It goes on additional demand for oil could be met by non-
to suggest that the current oil reserve estimates conventional methods, such as the extraction of
should be downgraded from between 1150-1350 oil from Canada’s tar sands. However, these
billion barrels to between 850-900 billion methods have a far higher carbon output than
barrels, based on recent research. But how can conventional drilling, and have been described
potential oil shortages be mitigated? as having a double impact on emissions owing to
the emissions produced during extraction as well
Dr Oliver Inderwildi, Head of the Low Carbon as during usage.
Mobility centre at the Smith School, said: ‘The
common belief that alternative fuels such as 1. The author reports that world oil reserves are at a
biofuels could mitigate oil supply shortages and ‘tipping point’ because oil
eventually replace fossil fuels is pie in the sky.
There is not sufficient land to cater for both food
and fuel demand. Instead of relying on those (A) is already being replaced by alternative fuels in
silver bullet solutions, we have to make better
use of the remaining resources by improving most uses of the fuel.
energy efficiency. Alternatives such as a (B) is now in shortage and will not supply global needs
hydrogen economy and electric transportation
are not mature and will only play a major role in in the near future.
the medium to long term.’ (C) has already been substituted by alternative energy
Nick Owen, from the Smith School of Enterprise fuel resources worldwide.
and the Environment, added: ‘Significant oil (D) has been misreported as non-abundant to satisfy
supply challenges will be compounded in the
near future by rising demand and strengthening political interests of non-producing nations.
environmental policy. Mitigating the oil crunch (E) has reached a peak in off-shore wells and is now

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 79

abundantly extracted from tar sand reserves. (B) It is illusory to believe that the production of
alternative fuels will make up for the decline in oil
2. Based on the meanings of the words in the text, it can supply.
be said that (C) There is enough soil available in the world for the
production of agricultural products to meet the needs
(A) “...ensure...” (line 8) and guarantee are antonyms. of both food and energy.
(B) “...outstrip...” (line 12) and exceed are synonyms. (D) It is more advisable to start using energy more
(C) “...downgraded...” (line 15) and subsidized express efficiently than to depend on alternative solutions that
similar ideas. are not yet entirely developed.
(D) “...highlights...” (line 40) and underlines express (E) Using electricity for transportation and reducing the
contradictory ideas. dependence on oil are unripe strategies that still have a
(E) “...owing to...” (line 63) and as a result of have minor impact in the current scenario.
opposite meanings.
5. Nick Owen believes that
3. The word in parentheses describes the idea expressed
by the word in boldtype in (A) stricter environmental regulations will impose even
more restrictions on the already heavy challenges in oil
(A) “...a need to accelerate the development of supply.
alternative energy fuel resources in order to ensure (B) more demand for oil will certainly not interfere
energy security and reduce emissions,” - lines 6-8 with the current support for ecological programs to
(contrast) reduce carbon emissions.
(B) “‘The common belief that alternative fuels such as (C) further investments in newly found oil reserves will
biofuels...” - lines 20-22 (result) be the only alternative to help maintain future energy
(C) “Instead of relying on those silver bullet stability in the world.
solutions,”- lines 25-26 (consequence) (D) shifting to fuel production from tar sands can
(D) “However, these methods have a far higher carbon reduce the oil problems, since tar sands are more
output than conventional drilling,” - lines 60-62 abundant and less expensive to drill.
(reason) (E) the exploration of lower grade resources seems to
(E) “...the emissions produced during extraction as well be the best solution to conform to the
as during usage.” – lines 64-65 (addition)
6. In the text, ‘contradictory estimates of oil reserve
4. Dr. Oliver Inderwildi supports all of the following data available in the public domain.’ (lines 43-44)
statements EXCEPT refers to the fact that

(A) Alternative energy sources, like hydrogen, are still (A) the figures on the probable amount of remaining oil
not foreseen as productive in the immediate future. in reserves known have been inaccurately announced.
(B) researchers in the Smith School have reached
conclusions on the use of energy alternatives that

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 80

confirm the opinion of political leaders. (C) low carbon emissions resulting from conventional
(C) oil reserves estimates should be readjusted to oil extraction.
indicate that around twelve hundred billion barrels are (D) political and financial interests of the world’s
available for consumption. economic leaders.
(D) political and financial concerns have led to the (E) confrontation of the unpleasant situation of oil
announcement of precise data on oil production shortage in the near future.
available to the public.
(E) only 850-900 billion barrels will be produced by the 9. In “...additional demand for oil could be met by non-
middle of the current decade. conventional methods,” (lines 58-59) the verb form
could expresses
7. In paragraph 7 (lines 45-56), Sir David King’s main
comment is that (A) certainty.
(B) necessity.
(A) other low carbon alternatives are not available to (C) possibility.
replace the finite oil resources. (D) obligation.
(B) the tipping point in oil production will not affect the (E) permission.
underdeveloped economies of the world.
(C) business and governments are not expected to take 10. According to the text, extracting oil from the
quick measures to face the world economic problems. Canadian tar sands
(D) more money has to be spent on financing new fuel
technologies that produce low carbon emissions. (A) can be harmful to the environment because it
(E) research, development and deployment of low generates an additional demand for oil.
carbon alternatives are the sole responsibility of (B) requires unconventional drilling methods that cause
university researchers. lower impact on the nation’s carbon footprint.
(C) is not feasible since it will require non-conventional
8. “This challenge” in “This challenge will have a financing to make up for the lower output rates.
longer term effect on our economies...” (lines 49-50) (D) produces higher carbon emissions resulting from
refers to the both the extraction and the deployment of fuel from this
(A) uncertainty about the future of the global economy. (E) has not been authorized since Canada’s
(B) unclear estimation of oil reserves reported by the governmental authorities have passed strict laws against
government. the exploration of such reserves.

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 81

UNIVERSO - Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Campus – Campos dos Goytacazes
Curso: Engenharia de Produção
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa I - Código Disciplina: 5294

Aluno: ________________________________________________ Data: _____/ ____ / 2011

Finally, the R/P ratio does not acknowledge that
production costs increase over the time; the first
oil fields to be developed were logically the easy
ones and so the most profitable. It is well
recognized that remaining oil fields consist of
Duração: 6 horas 39
poor quality oil or remotely located fields which
Cód. Disciplina: 5294 40
need high technologies and expensive
Cod. TDE: 9964 – Estudos Independentes investments. Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio
gives a false impression of security while the
Peak Oil for Dummies actual situation is critical.
Over the past decade, a fierce debate has Oil is a strategic resource; therefore having oil is
emerged amongst energy experts about whether a key political and economical advantage for a
global oil production was about to reach a peak, state. This is why politics interfere in the
followed by an irreversible decline. This event, evaluation of oil reserves, especially in countries
commonly known as “Peak Oil” far outreaches with poor accountability records; that is, the
the sole discipline of geology. From majority of OPEC countries. In fact, OPEC oil
transportation to modern agriculture, reserves have dramatically increased during the
petrochemicals and even the pharmaceutical 1980s and 1990s. However, they have not
industry all of them rely on one commodity: discovered major oil fields after the 1970s. At
cheap and abundant oil. In order to sustain the this conjuncture, the question of what lays
needs of an ever globalized world, oil demand behind these fluctuations needs to be asked.
should double by 2050.
The geologist Dr. Colin Campbell, founder of
Nonetheless, geological limitations will disrupt the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and
this improbable scenario. In fact, a growing Gas (ASPO), explains the hidden reasons that
proportion of energy experts argue that Peak Oil led to these changes: “In 1985, Kuwait, added
is impending and warn about the extraordinary 50% to its reserve. At that time, the OPEC quota
scale of the crisis. was based on the reported reserves; the more
you reported, the more you could produce.”
According to the 2009 BP Statistical Review, the
world has precisely 42 years of oil left. Those Fellow OPEC members who were unwilling to
numbers come from a very simple formula, the see the influence of Kuwait growing, simply
R/P ratio, which consists of dividing the official raised their reserves soon after. Moreover,
number of global oil reserves by the level of OPEC countries continue to present their
today’s production. reserves as flat despite having extracted huge
amounts of oil during the past twenty years.
Nevertheless, this methodology is dangerously
defective on several key points as it ignores At this point, we should not forget that oil
geological realities. Oil production does not reserves reported by these countries are not
consist of a plan level of production that brutally audited by independent experts. In 2006, the
ends one day; it follows a bell-shaped curve. notorious Petroleum Intelligence Weekly said it
had access to confidential Kuwaiti reports which
Indeed, the important day occurs when stated that reserves were half the official
production starts to decline, not when it ends. As numbers.
it is a non-flexible commodity, even a small 75
deficit in oil production can lead to a major price The question of oil reserves is most relevant. As
surge. oil exporting countries have less oil in their
ground, Peak Oil will arrive faster. Oil optimists

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 82

who argue Peak Oil is still decades away rely on 3. The fragment “oil demand should double by 2050.”
these same erroneous data.
(lines 11-12) expresses a(n)
In addition, if importing countries assume oil
reserves are abundant as they do, the crisis will
82 (A) improbable guess.
be unexpected, unprepared and misunderstood;
in one word: overwhelming. Similarly, once oil (B) future permission.
shortages occur, oil importing countries may
85 (C) past ability.
assume that exporting countries are deliberately
reducing their oil exports to harm their national (D) scientific certainty.
(E) reasonable expectation.
Such a flawed assumption from oil importing
countries is likely to have serious repercussions,
90 4. Based on the meanings in the Text, the words reveal
and eventually lead to new oil wars
opposite ideas in
1. The aim of the Text is to

(A) “…fierce…” (line 1) – passionate.

(A) announce to the public the consensus on the exact (B) “…disrupt…” (line 13) – disturb.
number of years left to end global oil reserves. (C) “…impending…” (line 16) – approaching.
(B) complain against the complex methodology used to (D) “…defective…” (line 25) – faultless.
calculate the volume of remaining world oil reserves. (E) “…acknowledge…” (line 34) – recognize.
(C) warn about issues concerning the evaluation of
future oil reserves and the possibility of shortages. 5. The boldfaced marker is synonymous with the
(D) denounce the OPEC countries for extracting more expression in parentheses in
oil than needed for their consumption.
(E) minimize the relevance of the threat of a crisis in (A) “In order to sustain the needs of an ever globalized
the oil industry caused by devastated reserves. world,” - lines 10-11. (So as to)
(B) “Nonetheless, geological limitations will disrupt
2. In relation to “Peak Oil”, the author of the Text this improbable scenario.” - lines 13-14. (Moreover)
shows a concern for the (C) “Nevertheless, this methodology is dangerously
defective on several key points…” - lines 24-25.
(A) conflicts among specialists about whether oil (Consequently)
demand is growing or not. (D) “Therefore, relying on the R/P ratio gives a false
(B) globalized crises among geologists and politicians impression of security…” - lines 35-36. (Yet)
about predictions for oil substitutes. (E) “Moreover, OPEC countries continue to present
(C) imminent collapse of modern society’s major their reserves as flat…” - lines 64-66. (However)
source of energy subsequent to the recent declines in
supply. 6. According to Paragraphs 4 to 6 (lines 24-33), the R/P
(D) geological limitation of farming soil and the decline ratio is inefficient because
of the substances used in the pharmaceutical industry.
(E) need for cheap and abundant alternative sources of (A) geological factors are not fully taken into account
energy to sustain the petrochemical industry. in its calculation.

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 83

(B) oil production costs tend to become more accessible 9. Kuwait is mentioned in Paragraphs 8 (lines 55-61)
as time goes by. and 10 (lines 68-74) to
(C) oil production will abruptly come to an end in the
next few years. (A) explain the reports that informed about the poor
(D) poor quality oil fields have already been explored accountability records of industrial countries.
in their totality. (B) illustrate the case of an oil producing nation that
(E) remotely located fields will be economically viable. reported having more reserves than it actually had.
(C) justify the announcement of more oil production by
7. The sentence “Indeed, the important day occurs nations that had discovered new and abundant reserves.
when production starts to decline, not when it ends.” (D) show that independent experts have done a good
(lines 29-30) means that job in auditing all of the recently found reserves in most
oil exporting countries.
(A) the deficit in oil for industrial use is the only issue (E) exemplify the fact that there has been a dramatic
the governments need to worry about. increase in oil availability since major oil fields have
(B) the end of oil supplies will mark the decline of been discovered after the 70s.
modern civilization as we know it today.
(C) the most important event in the history of oil 10. According to Paragraphs 12 and 13 (lines 71-80),
extraction was the day the price of this commodity all of the following reasons could, directly or indirectly,
reached a peak. lead to new oil wars, EXCEPT
(D) it is absolutely essential to be aware of the point at
which a decrease in the need for oil will happen. (A) unreliable reports of oil reserves from OPEC
(E) it is more valuable to know when a decrease in oil countries.
production starts than to know when no more oil can be (B) oil shortage that, will affect all major producers in
extracted. the world.
(C) suspicions that the national interests of major
8. The section of the Text that includes paragraph 7 importing nations may be at risk.
through 12 (lines 44-87) could be preceded by the (D) alliances among the largest oil exporting countries
subtitle in the world and their target markets.
(E) misunderstandings between oil importing and oil
(A) “Global Oil Reserves: Lies and Manipulations” exporting nations concerning oil shortage.
(B) “The Industrial Civilization at Risk”
(C) “Any Viable Alternative Energy?” 11. “Such a flawed assumption…” (line 78) refers to
(D) “No Need to Fear Peak Oil!” the supposition that
(E) “42 years of Oil left?” (A) global oil crises are highly unlikely to occur any
time soon.
(B) world oil shortages may eventually happen without

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 84

(C) world oil reserves will still be plentiful for a long
lasting period.
(D) exporting countries will never discontinue their oil
exports to importing nations.
(E) exporting countries might reduce their oil exports in
an attempt to damage the economy of importing

12. Which of the predictions about Peak Oil is NOT

expressed in the Text ?

(A) Global oil production will start to decline after

reaching a peak.
(B) Optimists claim that Peak Oil will only happen
within some decades.
(C) Oil importing nations will realize the imminence of
Peak Oil later than oil exporters.
(D) Energy experts affirm that Peak Oil is a mistaken
concept since it will not actually occur.
(E) Specialists in oil extraction believe in the
imminence of Peak Oil and the seriousness of the oil

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 85

UNIVERSO – Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Curso de Engenharia de Produção
Língua Inglesa I

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 86


Expressões Usadas Nas Plataformas


How far is it ? Qual é a distancia

Helicopter on final Helicóptero na final
Helicopter twenty minutes out Helicóptero 20 minutos fora
Hello ! This is the radio operator speaking Alô ! É o radio operador falando
I will send by e-mail, for you or I print one copy Eu enviarei por e-mail para você ou imprimo uma copia
Mail boat twenty minutes out bringnig mail bag Rebocador maloteiro 20 minutos fora trazendo malotes
Ok, by starboard, after crane Ok, por boreste, guindaste de popa
Phone call for you, i’m putting through Ligação para você, estou transferindo
Please, put the phone on the hook Por favor, coloque o telefone no gancho
Supply boat thirty minutes out bringing three food containers Rebocador 30 minutos fora trazendo 3 containres de rancho
(or material) (ou material)
The cargo manifest is read A gem esta pronta
The chopper left Macaé now ! O helicóptero deixou Macaé agora !
The eta here will be at twelve and thirty (or: one two,Three zero O eta aqui será as 12:30h
The fly is delayed O vôo está atrasado
The fly manifest is read A mta esta pronta
The helideck is clear for landing O helideck está liberado para pouso
The line is clear (free) A linha (telefônica) está livre
The mail boat is thirty minutes out O rebocador maloteiro está 30 minutos fora
The preview list for next crew change is just arrived A lista prévia da próxima troca de turma acabou de chegar
The telephone is busy O telefone esta ocupado
The weather forecast is here O boletim meteorológico está aqui
Which is the side for operations ? Qual o lado para operações ?
Yuor fly is booked for tomorrow at twenty one hours Seu vôo está marcado para amanhã as 21:00h

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 87

Useful words and expressions / Palavras e expressões úteis

A. F. T. Popa
Abandon Abandonar
Abandon drilling Treinamento de abandono
Accumulator Acumalador
Air loss Ar filtrado
Air powered tongs Chaves pneumaticas
Air winch Guincho a ar
Airtight Hermético
Alignment tool Ferramenta de alinhamento
Allen wrench Chave allen
Analyze Analisar
anchor Âncora
Anchor Ancorar
Annular prevent BOP anular
Arrival Chegada
Arrive Chegar
B.H A. bottom hole assembly Composição de fundo
Bag Saco
Ball peen hammer Martelo de cabeça redonda
Belt Cinto
Bent Inclinar
Beware Cuidado
Bit Broca
Blind rams Cabeça cega
Blow out Erupção
Board Prancha ou tábua
Bolt and nuts Parafuso e porcas
Bore hole Poço não revestido
Bottom hole pressure Pressão de fundo do poço
Bow Proa
Brake cable Cabo de freio
Break cirg Circulando para quebrar o gell
Break cmt head f/ cmt kelly Retirando cabeça de cimentação do kelly de cimentação
Break out Quebrar
Break out Desmontar
Bridge crane Ponte rolante
Brush Escova ou pincel
Brush Pincel
Build mud volume Aumente o volume de lama
Cable Cabo
Caliber Calibrador
Camp Campo
Cargo Carga
Cargo chopper Helicóptero
Carphone Abafador
Carry Carregar
Casing Revestimento
Casing hanger Suspensor de revestimento

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Casing protectors Protetores de revestimento
Cementing Cimentação
Chain Amarra
Chain Corrente
Chain wrench Chave de corrente
Chang rams Troque as gavetas
Change bit nozzles Troque os jatos da broca
Change packing (gasket) Troque as gaxetas
Charge Carregar (eletricidade)
Check oil in engine Cheque o óleo no motor
Check oil in rotary Cheque o óleo na rotativa
Check rod oiler Verifique o lubrificante da haste
Choke Ruído
Circulate in the shoe Circulando na sapata
Circulating head Cabeça de circulação
Clamp Braçadeira
Clay Argila
Clean out mud pitch Limpe a calha de lama
Clean out pit Limpe o tanque
Clean the shaker trap Limpe a tela da peneira
Clean the threads Limpe as roscas
Climb Subir
Close water valve Feche a válvula de água
Company man Fiscal
Compass Compasso
Compressed air Ar comprimido
Connect cmt head-land csng Conectando cabeça de cimentação e assentando
revestimento hanger
Connect the frame to the guidelines Conecte o suporte as linhas guia
Control hose Mangueira de controle
Control panel Painel de controle
Cooler Resfriador
Correspond Corresponder
Corrosion cap Capa de abandono
Coupling Acoplador
Crane Guindaste
Crane operator Operador de guindaste
Crescent (Adjustable wrench) Chave Ajustável
Cross Cruzar
Crown block Bloco de coroamento
Current Correnteza
Cut core Testemunhando
Cutting Cascalho
Cutting cement and shoe Cortando cimento e sapata
Debris Detritos
Decrease Diminuir
Deep Fundo
Derrick Torre
Derrick man Torrista
Diesel tank Tanque de diesel
Direction Direção
Directional Direcional
Disembark Desembarque

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 89

Dismantle Desmontar
Dismantle B. O. P. Desmonte o B. O. P.
Displace hole Circulando para troca de fluido
Dive Mergulhar
Diver Mergulhador
Do not stand under the load Não fique debaixo da carga
Do not the load swing Não deixe a carga balançar
Do not wet Não molhe
Dog house Sala do sondador
Draw Sugar
Draw work Guincho
Drill Perfurar / Furar
Drill collar Comando de perfuração
Drill pipe Tubo de perfuração
Drill pipe rubbers Protetores de revestimento
Drill string Coluna de perfuração
Driller Sondador
Driller Sondador
Driller assistant Assistente do sondador
Drilling fluid Fluido de perfuração
Drilling line Cabo de perfuração
Drilling rate Taxa de perfuração (penetração)
Drilling rig Sonda
Drop Queda
Drop survey Lançando totco
Dry Secar
Dust Poeira / Pó
Easy out Saindo lentamente
Electrician Eletricista
Electric charge Carga elétrica
Electric drill Furadeira
Elevator Elevador
Embark Embarcar
Emergency exit Saída de emergência
Emergency generator Gerador de emergência
Engine Motor
Engine room Sala de motor
Equipments Equipamento
Exit Saída
Fairlead Esticador
File Lima
Fill Encher
Fill drill pipe Completando drill pipe com lama
Fill grease gun with grease Encha a pistola com graxa
Finish Terminar
Finish coat Camada de acabamento
Fire alarm Alarme de incêndio
Fire drilling Treinamento de fogo
Fire extinguisher Extintor de incêndio
Fishing Pescaria
Flex joint Junta flexível
Flexible bush Casquilho flexível

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 90

Flexible hose Mangueira flexível
Flexible joint Junta flexível
Float Flutuar
Floor hand Plataformista
Flow check Verificando fluxo do poço
Flow line Linha de fluxo
Flow screen Fluxo da peneira
Foam Espuma
Forbid Proibir
Fork lift Empilhadeira
Forklift truck Empilhadeira
Formation fluid Fluido de formação
Forward Proa
Funnel Funil
Gang way Passarela
Gas Gás
Gauge Manômetro
Gauge Mostrador / Calibrador
Gear wheel Roda dentada
Geophones Geofones (Cabos com detectors que captam as ondas
sonoras no fundo do mar)
Get down Descer
Get grease gun Pegue a pistola de graxa
Gland Graxeta
Glass Óculos
Gloves Luvas
Go down Descer
Go up Subir
Grease Graxa
Grease gun Pistola de graxa
Grease slips Engraxe as cunhas
Grease zerk Orifício para graxa
Grinding Wheel Esmeril (emery)
Guide ropes Cabos (cordas) guias
Guideline Linha guia
Guideline tensioner Tensionador do cabo guia
Guideline tensioner sheave Polia do tensionador do cabo guia
Hammer Martelo
Hammer wrench Chave de empilhar
Handle Alça
Handrail Corrimão
Hank saw Arco de serra
Haul up anchor Manusear âncora
Height Altura
Helicopter Helicóptero
Helicopter fuel Querosene de aviação
Hydrogen sulfide H2S, Sulfeto de hidrogênio
High pressure gas injection Injeção de gás de alta pressão
High pressure torch Maçarico de alta pressão
High pressure well Poço de alta pressão
High vis pill Tampão de alta viscosidade
Hoist Guincho, içamento, guindagem, suspensão
Hoisting Içamento

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 91

Hold the tv frame Segure o suporte da tv
Hole punch Vazador
Hook Gancho
Hook up flow line Ligue a saída de lama (fluxo)
Hose Mangueira
Hurt Ferir
Inclination Inclinação
Include Incluir
Increase Aumentar
Inflammable Inflamável
Inform Informar
Install new line Instale a nova linha
Install new swab rubber Instala novas borrachas de swab
Kelly Haste quadrada
L.O.T. leak of test Teste de absorverão
L/D mwd Deitando mwd
Lamp Lâmpada
Landing string Coluna de assentamento
Lay Apoiar / deitar
Lay down Quebrando e deitando coluna na rampa
Lay down Por de lado
Leaking Vazamento
Leg time Tempo de retorno
Level Nível
Lever handler Alavanca (handspike)
Lie Amarrar
Life boat Baleeira
Life Raft Balsa salva vidas
Light Luz
Limestone Calcáreo
Link Vazar
Load carga
Load Carregar
Load sling Estropio de carga
Lock Trancar
Lock Cadeado
Logging Perfilagem
Logistics Logística
Low vis pill Tampão de baixa viscosidade
Lower Inferior
Lower marine riser package Conjunto de riser inferior
Machine Maquina
Main deck Deck (convés) principal
Make up Conectando, montar
Make up bit Aperte a broca
Man rider Catilaine de pessoal
Mask Mascara
Material Material
Measure Medida
Mooring line Cabo de atracação
Mud Lama
Mud cake Bolo de lama

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 92

Mud pump liners Camisa de bomba de lama
Mud room Sala de lama
Mud tank Tanque de lama
Nail Prego
Nozzles Jatos
Nut Rosca
Office Escritório
Oil Petróleo
Oil can Lata de óleo
Open mud gun Abra a pistola de lama
Open-end wrench Chave de boca
Organize Organizar
Overshoe Galocha
P.O.H. to core Retirando coluna para testemunhagem
Packer Obturador
Packing vedar Gaxeta
Padlock Cadeado
Paint Pintar, tinta
Paint thinner Diluidor de tinta
Pass Passar
Personnel basket Cesta de passageiro
PGB permanent guide base Base guia permanente
Philips screw driver Chave philips
Pick up Pegar / Apanhar
Pick up the mooring line Pegue o cabo de atracação
Pile Empilhar
Pill Pílula
Pipe dope Graxa para rosca
Pipe rack Prateleira para tubos
Pipe rams Gaveta para tubos
Pipe wrench Chave de tubo
Pipeslips Cunhas
Plastic Plástico
Plastic bag Saco plástico
Players Alicate (pliers)
Pliers Alicate
Plug Tomada, bucha
Pontoon Tanque que flutua
Pony monel Comando curto
Port side Bombordo
Pressure Pressão
Pressure gauge Manômetro de pressão
Profundity / Depth Profundidade
Protect Proteger
Pull Puxar
Pull mwd-probe Retirando mwd
Pull out of hole to shoe Retirando coluna até a sapata
Pull out the hole Retirando coluna
Pull the slips Tire as cunhas
Pull with the winch Puxe com o guincho
Pump Bomba
Pump room Sala de bombas

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 93

Pump slug Injetando tampão pesado
Punch Batida / Soco
Purifier Purificador
Push Empurrar
Push tongs back Ponha as chaves
Put bolt in Coloque o parafuso
Put nozzles on bit Coloque jatos na broca
Put on the brake Aplique o freio
Put the hose on the clamp Ponha a mangueira na braçadeira
Put the new gasket Coloque a gaxeta nova
Put the pallet bars on the crane hook Ponha as barras do pallet no gancho do guindaste
Put the sling on the hook Ponha o estropo no gancho
Question mark Garatéia
R / U tun 9 5/8”casing Preparando para descer revestimento 9 5/8”
Radio operator Radio operador
Rag Pano
Rag bag Saco de pano
Rain Chuva
Raise Aumentar
Raise tongs up Levante as chaves
Rat hole Buraco de rato
Ream and wash Repassando e lavando
Reciprocate Retribuir
Recorder Registrar
Recover core redress and L/D core barrel Recuperando testemunho e deitando barrilete
Reduce Reduzir
Register Registro
Remove the line Remova a linha
Repair the leak Conserte o vazamento
Repair the pump Conserte a bomba
Research Pesquisa
Reserve mud pit Tanque de lama reserva
Resume Resumo
Retrieve survey Recuperando torço
Retriever wear brushing Recuperando bucha de desgaste
Rig tongs Chaves de perfuração
Rig up schlumberger Montar schlumberger
Rih with csng on landing string Descendo coluna de assentamento
Rih with mule shoe/dp to set cmt plug Descendo coluna com pata de elefante para efetuar tampão
de abandono
Rim Aro
Ring gasket Gaxeta em anel
Riser tensioner Tensionador do riser
Riser tensioner sheaver Polia do tensionador do riser
Risk Arriscar
Rope Corda (cabo)
Rotary swivel Cabeça injetora
Rotary table Mesa rotativa
Rotate Girar
Rough Áspero / Agitado
Roustabout Homem de área
ROV Veículo operando remotamente
Rub Esfregar

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 94

Rubber Borracha
Rubbish Lixo
Run casing in open hole Descendo revestimento a poço aberto
Run in hole Descendo coluna
Sack room Sacaria
Safety bet Cinto de segurança
Safety chain Corrente de segurança
Safety glass Vidro de segurança
Safety hat Capacete de segurança
Safety room Sala da segurança
Safety valve Válvula de segurança
Sample Amostra
Sample oil Amostra de óleo
Sand Areia
Sand paper Lixa
Sandstone Arenito
Scrap Sucata
Scraper Espátula
Screw Parafuso
Screw Parafuso
Screw driver Chave de fenda
Screw driver Chave de fenda
Seal Lacre, selo
Seal tape adhesive Fita adesiva
Secure Amarrar bem
Set the slips Ponha as cunhas
Shale Folheto
Shale shaker Peneira
Shallow Raso
Shat Eixo
Shear rams Gaveta cisalhante
Shoe Sapata
Short trip Manobra curta
Slacken Afrouxar
Sledgehammer Marreta
Sleeve Manga
Slip Cunha
Slip and cut drill line Movendo e cortando cabo de perfuração
Slip joint Junta telescópica
Slug Tampão
Smooth Alisar / Lixar
Speed regulator Regulador de velocidade
Stairs Escadas
Star board Boreste
Steel bar Barra de aço
Steel cable Cabo de aço
Steel cable Cabo de aço
Stern Popa
Stinger Calda
Stop block Batente
Store keeper Almoxarifado
Storeroom Almoxarifado

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 95

Substructure Subestrutura
Supply boat Rebocador
Swell Inchar
Swivel Cabeça de injeção
Swivel wheel Roda giratória
Swollen Inchado
Tag cmt Topando cimento
Take bolt out Tire o parafuso
Take medicine Tomar remédio
Take off the brake Solte o freio
Take surveys Registrando inclinação e direção
Tally Medir
Tank Tanque
Tank Tanque
Tap Macho
Tape Fita
Telephone booth Cabine telefônica
TGB temporary guide base Base guia temporária
The equipment contains a lost of charge O equipamento contém uma perda de carga
Thickness Espessura
Thread protector Protetor de rosca
Throw away Jogar fora
Tie onto the drill pipe Prenda no tubo de perfuração
Tie to the casing Prenda no revestimento
Tie up the supply boat Amarre o rebocador
Tighten Apertar
Tighten nut Aperte a porca
Tighten the clamp Aperte a braçadeira
Timber Tora
To make footage Avançar por pé
Tong Chave flutuante
Tong Flutuante
Tool Ferramenta
Tool pusher Encarregado de sonda
Top Topo
Torque wrench Torquímetro
Total depht Profundidade final
Tow brindle Cabresteira (cabo de reboque)
Trash Lixo
Traveling Block Catarina
Traveling block Catarina
Triangular file Lima triangular
Trip tank Tanque de manobra
Trip tank Tanque de manobra
Turn off Desligar
Tugger Catilane
Turn on Ligar
Turn over Vire
Tv camera Câmera de tv
Tv Winch Guincho da tv
Under water Dentro d’água
Undercoat Primeira de mão

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 96

Unload Descarregar
Unload this Descarregue isto
Upper Superior
Use the shovel Use a pá
Use water hose Utilize a mangueira de água
Use wire brush Use a escova de aço
Valve Válvula
Wall cake Reboco
Wash and ream to bottom Lavando rat hole
Water Água
Water sample Amostra de água
Water tank Tanque de água
Wax Cera
Wax Cera
We are going to load the supply boat Vamos carregar o rebocador
We are going to unload the supply boat Vamos descarregar o rebocador
Wear bushing Bucha de desgaste
Weighting material Material pesado
Weight Pesar
Weight indicator Indicador de peso
Welder Soldador
Wet Molhar
What does the gauge read ? Quanto marca o manômetro
Whole Buraco
Width Largura
Winch Guincho
Wiper trip Manobra de limpeza (condicionar)
Wire Fio / Arame
Wire line Cabo de aço fino
Wire wheel steel Escova de aço fino
Wrench Chave
Write down Anotar

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 97

UNIVERSO – Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Curso de Engenharia de Produção
Língua Inglesa I

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 98


Artigos – Articles ..................................................................................................... 100

Artigo Definido: The ................................................................................................ 100

Pronouns ................................................................................................................... 101

Nouns - Substantivos ................................................................................................ 104

Adjectives - Adjetivos .............................................................................................. 107

Adverbs - Advérbios................................................................................................. 110

Prepositions - Preposições ........................................................................................ 114

Conjunctions – Conjunção - Conectivos .................................................................. 116

Prefixos - Prefixes ................................................................................................... 117

Sufixos - Suffixes ..................................................................................................... 117

Verb .......................................................................................................................... 118

Voz Passiva – Passive Voice .................................................................................... 128

Infinitivo - Casos Especiais de Tradução ................................................................ 128

Gerúndio - Casos Especiais de Tradução ............................................................ 129

List of Irregular Verbs .............................................................................................. 130

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 99


Artigos – Articles

Artigo Definido: The

⇒ Uma única forma para singular, plural, masculino e feminino. Usa-se:

para falar de um substantivo já mencionado anteriormente

I read a book. The book is very good.

antes de substantivo único na espécie, ou considerado único, ou quando particularizado

the North Pole the boys of our school
the strongest the sea

antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, rios, montanhas (plural), ilhas (plural) e países
the Atlantic the Alps the Mediteranean
the Thames the United States

antes de instrumentos musicais e nomes de família

the Johnsons the piano

antes de adjetivo ou substantivo que representa uma espécie ou classe

the old the deaf The cat is a lazy animal the workers

⇒ Não é usado:

antes de nomes próprios: Sally – Bob

antes de substantivos usados no sentido geral: Children like candies. – Man is mortal.
antes de possesivos: our house – his car
antes de alguns substantivos como church, school, hospital, bed, prison, quando
referidos para seu propósito original:

- go to church (to pray) - go to the church (for some other

- go to hospital (as a patient) - go to the hospital (for some other

Artigo Indefinido: A – Na

⇒ Duas formas de artigo indefinido, ambas com o mesmo significado: um ,uma.

⇒ Não tem plural, só se usa antes de substantivos no singular.
⇒ Ua-se “A” ou “AN” de acordo com o som inicial da palavra seguinte:

a é usado antes de uma consoante ou som de consoante:

a book - a glass - a week - a hard candy - a one-way street
a European tape - a university – a horse - a year

an é usado antes de uma vogal ou som de vogal:

an idea - an egg - an hour class - an instant course – an honor

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 100



Singular Plural Uso

This (este, esta, isto) these (estes, estas) indica o que está aqui
That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) those (aqueles, aquelas) indica o que está ali, lá, aí

This computer is very slow. That book is very good.

These black pants are new. Those boys are students.

Personal Pronouns

Subjetive Retos Objetive Oblíquos

1ª p. sg. I Eu me me - mim
2ª p. sg. you Tu (você) you te, ti (a você)
3ª p. sg. He Ele him o – lhe
3ª p. sg she Ela her a – lhe
3ª p. sg it Ele, Ela (coisas e animais) it o, a, lhe
1ª p. pl. we Nós us nos
2ª p. pl. you Vós (vocês) you vos ( a vocês)
3ª p. pl. they Eles, Elas them os, as, lhes

⇒ Pronomes Pessoais Retos: são usados antes do verbo, têm função de sujeito
It is a yellow car.
They are very hungry.

⇒ Pronomes Pessoais Oblíquos: são usados após o verbo, têm função de objeto direto ou

normalmente usamos a estrutura: verbo + obj. ind. + obj. dir.

quando o objeto ind. é posicionado após o obj. dir., ele é precedido das preposições to
ou for
We write them every day.
She always gives him a new pen
She gives a new pen to him


Pronouns / Adjectives

Pronomes Possessivos / Adjetivos Possessivos – Possessive Pronouns / Possessive Adjectives

⇒ Algumas palavras podem exercer ora a função de pronome ora a de adjetivo

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 101

What is a Possessive Pronoun and Adjective?

An adjective is used to describe a noun. A pronoun is used in place of a noun. Pronouns are
used in grammar in the same way as nouns are. They refer to persons or things named or
understood in the context of a conversation or reading. Possessive pronouns and adjectives are
used to indicate the ownership of something. Below you can see how they are used:

Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjetivos Possessive Pronomes

Subjetive Adjectives Possessivos Pronouns Possessivos
1ª p. sg. I my meu, minha mine meu, minha
2ª p. sg. you your seu, sua yours seu, sua
3ª p. sg. He his dele his dele
3ª p. sg she her dela hers dela
3ª p. sg it its dele, dela its dele, dela
1ª p. pl. we our nosso (a) (s) ours nosso (a) (s)
2ª p. pl. you your seus, suas yours seus, suas
3ª p. pl. they their deles, delas theirs deles, delas

⇒ Os Possessivos podem ter função de adjetivo ou pronome, em ambos os casos indicam

posse e geralmente concordam com o possuidor.

os pronomes possessivos substituem os substantivos.

Mary’s notebook is at the office. Where is yours?
That watch is hers.

os adjetivos Possessivos modificam substantivos, portanto sempre vem acompanhados

de substantivos
My skirt is blue.
They love their jobs.

⇒ Everybody, Nobody, etc – a concordância é feita com o pronome ou adjetivo na 3ª p do sg,

no masculino
Everybody has his car

⇒ A estrutura of + pronome possessivo = um dos...

I’m going to see a friend of mine (= one of my friends)


I have my pen. I have mine.
You have your book. You have yours.
She has her lunch. She has hers.
He has his baseball glove. He has his.
We have our boat. We have ours.
You have your jacket. You have yours.
They have their tickets. They have theirs.
As you can see, possessive pronouns are used alone. Possessive adjectives have nouns
following them.

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 102

Genitive Case – Caso Possessivo

⇒ Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser vivo, as expressões possessivas são

formadas acrescentando-se:
‘s ao substantivo/possuidor quando estiver no singular ou no plural sem “s”
Mark’s computer. = O computador de Mark.
The children’s toys. = Os brinquedos das crianças.
Mark and Peter’s computer . = O computador de Mark e Peter

apenas ‘ ao substantivo/possuidor quando este for uma palavra terminada em “s”, ou

estiver no plural terminado em “s”
The teachers’ books. = Os livros dos professores
Socrates’ ideas. = As idéias de Socrates

⇒ Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser inanimado, a expressão possessiva usada

é of (the) :
- The window of the house.

‘S Peter’s car ‘s = Caso possessivo
‘S He’s reading it now. ‘s = is
‘S He’s got a new car ‘s = has

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 103

Nouns - Substantivos

What is a Noun?5

A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.

Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are all nouns:

Late last year our neighbours bought a goat.

Portia White was an opera singer.
The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes.
According to Plutarch, the library at Alexandria was destroyed in 48 B.C.
Philosophy is of little comfort to the starving.

A noun can function in a sentence as a subject, a direct object, an indirect object, a subject
complement, an object complement, an appositive, an adjective or an adverb.

Noun Gender

Masculino e Feminino – Masculine and Feminine

Many common nouns, like "engineer" or "teacher," can refer to men or women. Once, many
English nouns would change form depending on their gender -- for example, a man was called
an "author" while a woman was called an "authoress" -- but this use of gender-specific nouns is
very rare today. Those that are still used occasionally tend to refer to occupational categories, as
in the following sentences.

David Garrick was a very prominent eighteenth-century actor.

Sarah Siddons was at the height of her career as an actress in the 1780s.
The manager was trying to write a want ad, but he couldn't decide whether he was
advertising for a "waiter" or a "waitress"

⇒ Regra geral: acrescenta-se ess à forma do masculino

poet – poetess steward - stewardess

mas: actor –actress / waiter – waitress / duke – duchess

Countable Nouns

A countable noun (or count noun) is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it
names anything (or anyone) that you can count. You can make a countable noun can be made
plural and attach it to a plural verb in a sentence. Countable nouns are the opposite of non-
countable nouns and collective nouns.

In each of the following sentences, the highlighted words are countable nouns:

Material disponível em < http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar/nouns.html >.
[Consulta em 15-07-2008]

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 104

We painted the table red and the chairs blue.
Since he inherited his aunt's library, Jerome spends every weekend indexing his
Miriam found six silver dollars in the toe of a sock.
The oak tree lost three branches in the hurricane.
Over the course of twenty-seven years, Martha Ballad delivered just over eight
hundred babies.

Non-Countable Nouns

A non-countable noun (or mass noun) is a noun which does not have a plural form, and which
refers to something that you could (or would) not usually count. A non-countable noun always
takes a singular verb in a sentence. Non-countable nouns are similar to collective nouns, and are
the opposite of countable nouns.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are non-countable nouns:

Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen.

The word "oxygen" cannot normally be made plural.

Oxygen is essential to human life.

Since "oxygen" is a non-countable noun, it takes the singular verb "is" rather than the plural
verb "are."

We decided to sell the furniture rather than take it with use when we moved.

You cannot make the noun "furniture" plural.

The furniture is heaped in the middle of the room.

Since "furniture" is a non-countable noun, it takes a singular verb, "is heaped."

The crew spread the gravel over the roadbed.

You cannot make the non-countable noun "gravel" plural.

Gravel is more expensive than I thought.

Since "gravel" is a non-countable noun, it takes the singular verb form "is."

Plural of the Nouns

⇒ Regras para formação do plural

em geral acrescenta-se “s” à forma do singular : a car - two cars

an apple - two apples

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 105

acrescenta-se “es” quando o substantivo terminar em:

s a bus two buses

ss an address two addresses
sh a flash two flashes
ch a church two churches
x a box two boxes
o a hero two heroes,

mas : video - videos, photo - photos...

troca-se o y final por “ies” se precedido de consoante: a copy - two copies

se o y for precedido de vogal acrescenta-se “s” : a key - two keys

troca-se f ou fe por “ves”: a life - two lives

a half - two halves
a shelf - two shelves

mas : safe – safes

irregulares: man - men

foot - feet
mouse – mice
child – children
tooth – teeth

peculiaridades: People are...

The news is amazing.
A processing series - two processing series

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 106

Adjectives - Adjetivos6

Inglês - Adjetivos (adjectives)

Os adjetivos, assim como no português, servem para definir ou caracterizar um substantivo ou

pronome. Por exemplo, a frase “Ela tem uma pele macia”, em inglês ficaria “She has a soft
skin” (soft = macio, skin = pele). Note que o adjetivo vem antes do substantivo.

Outros exemplos:
- He has a big house (ele tem uma casa grande)
- She lives in a beautiful paradise (ela vive em um lindo paraíso)

Quando houver o verbo to be em uma frase, o adjetivo virá logo depois, como:
- He is nice (ele é legal)
- They are smart (eles são espertos)

Os advetivos do inglês não tem diferenciação quanto ao gênero:

- She is married (ela é casada)
- He is married (ele é casado)

Na língua inglesa, a maioria dos adjetivos é colocada antes dos substantivos (Ex: New York is a
large city. = Nova York é uma grande cidade.) ou depois de um verbo de ligação (Ex: He is
very smart. = Ele é muito esperto). Se na língua inglesa colocamos o adjetivo antes do
substantivo (New York is a large city), no português é exatamente o contrário, normalmente o
substantivo vem antes do adjetivo (Nova York é uma cidade grande). É importante perceber que
essa é uma das maiores diferenças entre o inglês e o português.
Os adjetivos podem variar segundo a intensidade:

Lovely (+ +), very good (+) ← OK → very bad (-), awful(- -)

Os adjetivos no centro são chamados de adjetivos de “escala” e dão a descrição geral de alguma
coisa. Você pode usar “very” (+ e -) antes deles para intensificar um pouco o adjetivo. Os
adjetivos do lado esquerdo e direito (+ + e - -) são chamados de adjetivos de “limite” e
transmitem uma descrição extrema de algo.

Para comparar as coisas, pessoas, conceitos e etc., existem formas de comparação dos adjetivos,
podendo ser de superioridade, igualdade e inferioridade.

Comparativo de superioridade

- Nos casos de adjetivos com uma sílaba, usa-se (adjetivo + -er than). Ex: Karla is very smart.
She is smarter than July. = Karla é muito esperta. Ela é mais esperta do que July.

- Quando os adjetivos possuem uma ou duas sílabas terminadas em consoante + y, se usa a

fórmula (adjetivo + -ier than). Ex: Sonia was silly. She was sillier than Mary. = Sonia era tola.
Ela era mais tola que Mary.

- Nos casos de adjetivos com duas sílabas ou mais, usa-se (more + adjetivo + than). Ex: He is

Material disponível em http://www.brasilescola.com/ingles/adjectives.htm.>
Disponível em<http://www.umtoquedemotivacao.com/ingles/ingles-adjetivos-adjectives >

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 107

more famous than Jone. = Ele é mais famoso do que Jone.

Comparativo de igualdade

Para compararmos as condições igualitárias de duas coisas, usamos a expressão: (as + adjetivo
+ as). Ex: He is as nice as Brian. = Ele é tão agradável quanto Brian.

Comparativo de inferioridade

Quando queremos comparar e demonstrar a condição inferior de uma coisa em relação à outra,
usamos: (less + adjetivo + than). Ex: Joseph is less shy than Jone. = Joseph é menos tímido do
que Jone.


Na ocasião de querermos classificar algo não no âmbito comparativo, mas sim, no âmbito geral,
ou seja, quando queremos atribuir máxima intensificação do adjetivo a algo, usamos a forma
superlativa. Um adjetivo na forma superlativa indica que algo tem uma característica em um
grau maior do que qualquer outra coisa com que se possa comparar em um contexto. O
superlativo refere-se ao maior, menor, pior, melhor, etc.
Para se construir uma expressão com o adjetivo na forma superlativa, usamos:

- (the + adjetivo + est), quando o adjetivo tiver uma sílaba ou duas sílabas terminadas em “lê”;
“y”; “ow”; “er”;

- (the most +adjetivo), nos demais casos.

Ex: I am the oldest. = Eu sou o mais velho.

She is the youngest. = Ela é a mais jovem.

Veja uma lista com alguns adjetivos:

ambitious ambicioso generous generoso

anxious ansioso glad contente
arrogant arrogante gorgeous lindo
beautiful bonita handsome bonito
biased tendencioso happy feliz
big grande hard-working trabalhador
boring chato honest honesto
brave corajoso huge enorme
calm calmo impolite mal-educado
caring carinhoso independent independente
clumsy desajeitado insecure inseguro
conservative conservador intelligent inteligente
cunning astuto interesting interessante
curious curioso ironic irônico
cynical cínico jealous ciumento
daring ousado joyful alegre
dedicated dedicado kind bondoso

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 108

dependable confiável large muito grande
dependent dependente lazy preguiçoso
dishonest desonesto listless apático
dumb burro loyal leal
easygoing calmo, fácil de lidar mean maldoso
envious invejoso moody temperamental
experienced experiente naive ingênuo
faithful fiel neurotic neurótico
fat gordo nice simpático
feisty briguento obese obeso
fit sarado open-minded liberal
friendly amigável optimistic otimista
funny engraçado organized organizado
outgoing sociável skinny magricelo
patient paciente slim esbelto
pessimistic pessimista sloppy relaxado
polite educado small pequeno
prejudiced preconceituoso smart esperto
reliable confiável sociable sociável
religious religioso strong-willed determinado
reserved reservado stubborn teimoso
responsible responsável sympathetic solidário
sad triste talented talentoso
sarcastic sarcástico tall alto
self-confident autoconfiante thin magro
self-serving interesseiro tolerant tolerante
sensible sensato trustworthy confiável
sensitive sensível ugly feio
sexist machista understanding compreensivo
short baixo well-built musculoso, forte
shy tímido well-informed bem-informado
sincere sincero withdrawn retraído
skeptical cético witty espirituoso

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 109

Adverbs - Advérbios7

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs são as palavras que atribuem circunstâncias aos verbos. Além de modificar o sentido
do verbo, podem modificar um adjetivo, um outro advérbio ou até mesmo uma oração inteira.

Ex: You are running slowly. = Você está andando lentamente.

I never arrive late. = Eu nunca chego tarde.

Para se formar um advérbio, na maioria das vezes, basta adicionar o sufixo “-ly” com o adjetivo.

Ex: quick (rápido) – quickly (rapidamente)

perfect (perfeito) – perfectly (perfeitamente)
careful (cuidadoso) – carefully (cuidadosamente)

Obs: Note que no terceiro caso o adjetivo já termina em “l”. Se o adjetivo terminar em “l”, o
advérbio terá “ll” (o “l” do adjetivo juntamente com o “l” do “–ly”)

No entanto, nem todos os advérbios são montados dessa mesma maneira. Nos casos de adjetivos
terminados em “-ic”, é acrescentado o sufixo “-ally”.

Ex: fanatic (fanático) – fanatically. (fanaticamente)

Se o adjetivo termina em “-y” precedido de consoante, o “y” é substituído por “i” antes de “ly”.

Ex: happy ( feliz) – happily (felizmente)

Nos casos do adjetivo terminar em “-le”, esse sufixo é substituído por “-ly”.

Ex: simple (simples) – simply (simplesmente)

Contudo, existem outros casos que o advérbio é totalmente diferente do adjetivo.

Ex: good (bom) – well (bem).

Por Tiago Dantas

Equipe Brasil Escola

Material disponível em < http://www.brasilescola.com/ingles/adverbs.htm > . [ Consulta em 12 de
janeiro de 2009]
Material disponível em < http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Portuguese/Grammar/Portuguese-
Adverb.html > [ Consulta em 12 de janeiro de 2009.]

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 110

List of Basic Adverbs

Time Place Manner

agora in this moment, now abaixo below, downstairs bem well
ainda till now / then, once again acima above, on top, upstairs mal badly
amanhã tomorrow acolá there, yonder melhor better
antes previously, preferably adiante ahead, foreward pior worse
cedo soon, early além beyond, past, yonder assim like this, so, that way, thus
dantes before, previously algures somewhere; wherever aliás otherwise
depois after ali there, yonder depressa fast, quickly, swiftly
doravante since now antes before devagar slowly
enfim at last, finally aonde where ... to como as, like, such as
então then, in this case aquém from this side debalde in vain
hoje today aqui here nada in no way
já in this moment, immediately atrás behind sobremodo extremely
jamais never cá here, hither sobretudo above all, especially
logo soon debaixo underneath sobremaneira extremely
nunca never defronte in front of quase almost, nearly
ontem yesterday dentro within
ora at present, now detrás behind, after The adverbs of manner are
outrora formerly fora outside typically formed from the
primeiro firstly lá there, yonder feminine adjectives with the suffix
sempre ever longe away -mente; see Derived Adverbs.
tarde late nenhures no where
onde where
perto near
Quantity Affirmation Negation
muito a lot of, much, very sim yes não no
pouco little certamente certainly nem neither
mais more decerto of course nunca never
ainda more jamais never
menos less
demasiado too, much
quão (que) as much (many)
tanto that much
tão like this, so, that way, thus
assaz enough
Doubt Exclusion Inclusion
acaso maybe, perhaps, possibly apenas barely, hardly, (only) just ainda besides, moreover
porventura --,,-- salvo but, except, save até even, till, until
quiçá --,,-- senão but mesmo even
talvez --,,-- só only também also, too
tão-pouco also not
tampouco also not
Order Designation Interrogation
depois after eis behold! see! there! here! onde? where?
como? how?
quando? when?
quanto? how much (many)
por quê? why?

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 111

Derived Adverbs

A lot of adverbs are derived regularly from the feminine forms of the adjectives by adding the
suffix -mente (this pattern appeared in the Vulgar Latin), cf. claro:clara + -mente ->
claramente. They correspond to the English adverbs formed by -ly.
The derived adverbs are of:

• manner (mainly): claramente clearly etc.;

• time: antigamente anciently;
• affirmation: efectivamente effectively, realmente really;
• doubt: possivelmente possibly, provavelmente probably;
• exclusion: exclusivamente exclusively, simplesmente simply, somente solely,
unicamente uniquely;
• inclusion inclusivamente inclusively;
• order primeiramente first, ultimamente ultimately;
• etc.

Note that when several derived adverbs are used in a sequence, only the last one is suffixed by -
Ele resolveu rápida, audaz e habilmente esse problema.
He solved this problem rapidly, boldly and ably.

Degree of the Adverbs (Grau dos Advérbios)

Comparative Degree (Grau Comparativo)

Superiority Equality Inferiority
devagar mais devagar (do) que tão devagar como menos devagar (do) que
mais rapidamente (do) menos rapidamente (do)
rapidamente tão rapidamente como
que que
bem melhor (mais (*) bem) tão bem menos bem
mal pior (mais mal) tão mal menos mal
muito mais - -
pouco menos - -

(*) The regular comparative forms mais mal e mais bem must be used before the adjectival
Este filme está mais bem realizado do que ...
This film is made in a better manner than ...

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 112

Superlative Degree (Grau Superlativo)

Normal Absolute Relative
Synthetic Analytic Superiority Inferiority
devagar devagaríssimo muito devagar o mais devagar o menos devagar
o menos
rapidamente rapidissimamente muito rapidamente o mais rapidamente
bem optimamente muito bem - -
mal pessimamente muito mal - -
muito muitíssimo - o mais -
pouco pouquíssimo - o menos -

Adverbials (Locuções adverbiais)

Time Place Manner

à noite at night à direita to the right a custo with difficulty
à tarde at the evening à esquerda to the left à pressa fast
de dia in the day à distância at distance à toa occasionally
de manhã since the morning ao lado by side à vontade at will, freely
de noite at night ao largo at a distance, away às avessas just the opposite
às vezes someimes de cima from the top às claras openly, directly
por vezes --,,-- de dentro from the inside às direitas straightforward
de vez em quando --,,-- de fora from the outside ao acaso without consideration
de tempos a tempos --,,-- de longe from afar ao contrário in contrary
de quando em quando --,,-- de perto from near a sós lonely
em breve briefly em baixo downwards de bom grado of good will
em cima on the top de cor by heart
para dentro for the inside de má vontade unwillingly
para onde for where em geral generally
por ali by there em silêncio silently
por aqui by here em vão in vain
por dentro by the inside
por fora by the outside
por perto nearly
Quantity Affirmation Negation
de muito of much com certeza certainly de modo algum in no way
de pouco of some com efeito really, actually de forma alguma --,,--
de todo of all de facto in reality de maneira nenhuma --,,--
na verdade really
sem dúvida undoubtedly

Advérbio de Intensidade – Very x Too

⇒ very = muito , em alto grau.

⇒ too = muito , demais, em excesso.
⇒ so = tão
It is very fast, we’ll be over in a few seconds.
It is too fast, we can’t follow it.
She was so nice

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 113

Prepositions - Preposições8

Preposições são palavras usadas com nomes para mostrar sua relação com outras palavras da
sentença. A seguir, apresentamos as principais preposições em inglês e seu uso:

Time Place
In Meses: In January Cidades: In London
Anos, séculos: in 1995 Estados: In Arkansas
Estações: in winter Países: in Nicaragua
Partes do dia: in the morning, in the Continentes: In Asia
afternoon, in the evening
On Dias da semana: on Sunday Ruas, avenidas, praças: on
Datas (mês +dia) on April the 3rd Portugal Avenue
Determinadas datas: On Christimas day
At Horas: at 7 Endereços (rua +número):
at 456 Lincoln St.
Certos feriados: At Christmas Lugares públicos: at the
club, at the airport, at a

Na dúvida, as sugestões abaixo podem ajudá-lo a resolvê-la, mas lembre-se: o uso nem sempre
segue a regra geral.

Use in para indicar “dentro de alguma coisa”:

In the box
In the fridge
In a shop
In a garden
In France

Use on para indicar contato:

On a shelf
On a plate
On the grass

Use at para indicar um lugar definido. Nesse caso, seu sentido é o de “junto a”, “na”:

At the bus stop

At the top
At the bottom

Material disponível em < http://dicasingles.blogspot.com/2007/03/prepositions.html > . [Consulta em 14
de janmeiro de 2009.]

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 114

Outras preposições:

About: sobre, a respeito de: Tell me about your life.

Above: acima de: John’s apartment is above Mara’s.
Across: através de, do outro lado: The dog swam across the river.
After: depois de: She always arrives after 9 o’clock.
Against: contra: The motorbike was against the wall.
Among: entre (vários): The pencil was among the books.
Around: em volta de: They travelled all around the world.
Before: antes de: She never arrives before 7 o’clock.
Behind: atrás de: Tim is behind Peter.
Below: abaixo de: Mara lives below John.
Beside: ao lado de: The earphones are beside the monitor.
Besides: além de: Besides English, she can also speak Russian.
Between: entre (dois): He was sitting between the two old ladies.
Beyond: além de: The valley is beyond the mountains.
But: exceto: Everybody went to the party, but Philip.
By: por, junto, ao lado de: Let’s rest by the fireplace.
They live by the sea.
Down: abaixo, para baixo
Up: acima, para cima Their house is halfway down/up the hill
During: durante: He was in the army during the war.
For: a favor de: He who’s not for us is against us.
For: por, para, há (tempo) The train for Moscow leaves at noon.
Fresh air is good for health.
They’ve lived here for ages.
From: de (origem): Where are you from?
In front of: na frente de: Peter is in front of Tim.
Inside/outside: dentro de/fora de: Let the dog sleep inside/outside the house.
Instead of: em vez de: You should be studying instead of playing video-games.
Into: para dentro, em: The cars disappeared into the mist.
Like: como: What’s that like?
Near: perto de: The post office is near the cathedral.
Off: para fora (de uma superfície): Marky fell off his bike.
Out of: para fora de: Take these books out of the box.
Over: sobre, acima de, por cima de:
There were over 1.000 people in the concert
Throw the stone over the wall
Since: desde: I’ve known her since 1995.
Through: através de: The soldiers walked through the forest.
Till/until: até (tempo): The book won’t arrive till tomorrow.
To: para: People say that Teresa will go to France next week.
Towards: para, em direção a: The nasty boy threw the stone towards the window.
Under: em baixo de: the cat lays under the bed.
With/without: com/sem: Go with us!
I can’t live without you.
Within: dentro de : The noise came from within the stable.

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 115

Conjunctions – Conjunção - Conectivos9


Copulative conjunctions Adversative conjunctions

e and mas but
não só ... mas not only ... but porém however
também also todavia yet
nem ... nem neither nor contudo nevertheless
tanto ... como both ... and
Disjunctive conjunctions Conclusive conjunctions
or logo therefore; so
ou por isso
either ... or
ou ... ou
whether ... or assim thus
quer ... quer
neither ... nor por consequência
nem ... nem
por conseguinte consequently
pelo que


Causal conjunctions Concessive conjunctions

porque because embora
pois apesar de
despite; in spite of
como as ainda que even if; even
visto que seeing that mesmo que though
já que since por mais que as much as
uma vez que nem que not even if
Conditional conjunctions Final conjunctions
desde que provided that para que
a menos que a fim de que
so that
exceto se unless
in order to
salvo se
a não ser que

Material disponível em < http://www.saunalahti.fi/~huuhilo/portuguese/gb_conjunct.htm > . [ Consulta
em 12 de janeiro de 2009.]

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 116

Temporal conjunctions Comparative conjunctions

quando when
apenas as soon as
que nem
mal as soon as; hardly as
... do que
logo que as soon as as
tanto quanto
... than
assim que as soon as as much as; as far as
bem como
antes que before
assim como
depois que after as well as
como se
sempre que whenever as well as
as if
desde que since
enquanto while

Consecutive conjunctions Integrating conjunctions

tal que
tanto que que that
in such way that
de tal maneira que se if
de tal modo que

Prefixos - Prefixes

in (m) = não , sem Inactive, inadequate

un (m) = in, des, anti Unasked, unarmed, unavailable
mis = mal misunderstand, mistranslate
dis = des, dis Disagree, disappear

Sufixos - Suffixes

able = ável available

ly = mente completely
less = menos, sem needless
age = agem mileage
ness = forma subst. Abstrato de brightness
adj. e particípio completeness
er = indica ocupação worker
tion = ção configuration
ful = oso, ico, ado, ido successful
ism = ismo mechanism,
ty = dade capacity
ive = ivo illustrative
ship = ade partnership
nt = nte intelligent
nce = (an, en – cia) intelligence
ntly = mente intelligently
ous = oso famous
ment = mento payment

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 117


To Be

⇒ Corresponde ao verbo SER ou ESTAR.

Presente – Present Tense

Pron. Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I am (I’m) am not (I’m not) Am I ?
You are (you’ re) are not (you aren’t/ ‘re not) Are you?
He is (he’s) is not (he isn’t/’s not) Is he?
She is (she’s) is not (she isn’t/’s not) Is she?
It is (it’s) is not (it isn’t /’s not) Is it?
We are (we’re) are not (we aren’t/re not) Are we?
You are (you’re) are not (you aren’t/’re not) Are you?
They are (they’re) are not (they aren’t/’re not) Are they?

Passado – Past Tense

Pron. Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I was - was not (I wasn’t ) Was I?
You were - were not (you weren’t) Were you?
He was - was not (he wasn’t) Was he?
She was - was not (she wasn’t) Was she?
It was - was not (it wasn’t) Was it?
We were - were not (we weren’t) Were we?
You were - were not (you weren’t) Were you?
They were - were not (they weren’t) Were they?

Para interrogar: o verbo passa para a frente do sujeito.

Is Paul tired?
Were they in the class?

Para negar: coloca-se “not” depois do verbo, pode usar também a forma “n’t”.
Paul isn’t tired.
They weren’t in the class.

O verbo to be é um verbo auxiliar, isto é, ele auxilia na formação de outros tempos verbais

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 118

There Is / There Are - There Was / There Were

Presente – Present Tense

There is/are correspondem ao presente do verbo haver/existir (há/existe).

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

Singular there is (there’s) there is not (isn’t) Is there?
Plural there are there are not (aren’t) Are there?

There is a box in the room.

There are many boys in our class.

Passado – Past Tense

There was/were correspondem ao passado do verbo haver/existir (havia/existia).

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

Singular there was There was not (wasn’t) Was there?
Plural there were There were not (weren’t) Were there?

There was a coke in the refrigerator.

There were two tapes on the table.

Imperativo – Imperative

tem a mesma forma do infinitivo do verbo sem “to” . É usado para expressar ordens ou

to open - Open the door.

to read - Read this book now.

Na negativa: do not ou don’t antes do verbo.

Don’t sleep late.

Do not practice with these tapes.

Present Continuous / Past Continuous - To Be + Verbo + Ing

Present Continuous

⇒ usa-se o verbo to be no presente (am/is/are) + verbo sem to + ing

⇒ é usado para expressar:

o que está acontecendo no momento em que se fala;

o que está acontecendo na atualidade;
o que com certeza ocorrerá num futuro próximo.

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 119

⇒ Quando o verbo terminar em e, tira-o e acrescenta o ing. Em alguns casos dobra-se a
ultima letra para acrescentar o ing - cvc = consoante + vogal + consoante - (stop =
stopping} e em outros muda a ortografia (lie = lying)

leave leaving dine dinning die dying

run running set setting try trying
begin beginnig occur ocurring carry carrying

Advébios + usados
Now at this moment next ...
At present right now

Past Continuous

⇒ usa-se o verbo to be no passado (was/were) + verbo sem to + ing

⇒ é usado para expressar ação:

que estava se desenvolvendo num determinado ponto do passado

que estava acontecendo no passado quando outra ação aconteceu

At five o’clock we were studying that new lesson.

She was reading the text when the lights went out.

Verbos, normalmente, não usados em tempos verbais continuous:
appear / seem believe / think belong
forget hate hear
know like love
need notice / realize prefer
see want wish

Tempo Presente – Simple Present Tense

⇒ Simple Present tem a mesma forma básica do infinitivo do verbo, sem a partícula to.

⇒ Esta forma básica é usada para todas as pessoas, à exceção da terceira pessoa do
singular ( he/she/it), caso em que há o acréscimo de um “s” ( aplica-se as mesmas
regras do plural de substantivos).

⇒ Simple Present Tense é usado para expressar:

ações ou estados permanentes: Children demand a lot of attention.

ações habituais, repetidas no presente : They study their lessons every day.
verdades universais, fatos da natureza : Internet unlocks the doors of communication.
ações planejadas para o futuro: Our class begins at eight o’clock

Profa.: Tânia Teixeira 120

Infinitivo Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa
I follow Do I follow? I do not follow (don’t)
To follow
He follows Does he follow? He does not follow (doesn’t)
You copy Do you copy? You do not copy (don’t)
To copy
She copies Does she copy ? She does not copy (doesn’t)

⇒ Para interrogar e negar usa-se DO (iniciando a frase) / DO NOT / DON’T (imediatamente

antes do verbo) ou DOES (iniciando a frase) / DOES NOT / DOESN’T (imediatamente
antes do verbo)

⇒ Como na 3ª p. do singular usa-se o does/does not, o “s” do verbo deve ser tirado (o
verbo fica com a forma do infinitivo sem to).

Advébios + usados - advérbios de freqüência

Always Sometimes Every... Rarely
Never Frequently Once a Usually
Often Seldon Twice a Nowadays

Tempo Passado (Pretérito) – Past Tense

Passado – Pretérito – Past Tense

⇒ Há verbos regulares e irregulares, mas todas as pessoas são conjugadas de uma única forma.

⇒ Quando regular, tem a mesma forma básica do infinitivo do verbo, sem a partícula to
acrescida de “ed” .

⇒ para irregulares vide relação.

⇒ O Past Tense indica ação realizada e totalmente terminada no passado.

Infinitivo Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

I followed Did I follow? I did not follow (didn’t)
To follow
He followed Did he follow? He did not follow (didn’t)
You copied Did you copy? You did not copy (didn’t)
To copy
She copied Did she copy ? She did not copy (didn’t)

⇒ Quando o verbo regular terminar em :

“e” acrescenta apenas um “d” : decide - decided

“y” precedido de consoante troca-se o y por i + ed: carry- carried

em alguns casos dobra-se a última letra : prefer - preferred,

stop - stopped,
permit - permitted.

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⇒ Para interrogar e negar usa-se DID (iniciando a frase) / DID NOT / DIDN’T
(imediatamente antes do verbo) e o verbo fica com a forma do infinitivo sem to

To Have: Present Tense / Past Tense

⇒ To Have corresponde ao verbo TER.

Present Tense Past
I/you/we/you/they have (‘ve)
Afirmativa had
he/she/it has (‘s)

I/you/we/you/they do not (don’t) have

Negativa did not (didn’t) have
he/she/it does not (doesn’t) have

I/you/we/you/they Do I/you/we/they have? Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they

Interrogativa have?
he/she/it Does he/she/it have?

You have a new house.

She has a beautiful smile.
We had several books on that shelf.
He had a nice weekend in Rio.

⇒ O verbo to have é também um verbo auxiliar, ajudando na formação dos “perfect tenses”
Perfect Tenses

To Have + Verbo no Particípio

⇒ Expressa ações:

num tempo indefinido no passado. (Present Perfect)

repetidas várias vezes no passado. (Present Perfect)
que começaram no passado e se prolongaram até o presente. (Present Perfect)
ação que aconteceu no passado antes de uma outra ação passada. (Past Perfect)
ação que iniciou no passado e continua até o presente. (Present Perfect Continuous)

Present Perfect Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous

Afirmativa He has studied He had studied He has been studying
They have studied They had studied They have been studying
Interrogativa Has he studied? Had he studied? Has he been studying ?
Have they studied? Had they studied? Have they been studying?
Negativa He has not studied He had not studied He has not been studying
They have not studied They had not studied They have not been studying

He has studied the new lessons. = Ele estudou ...

He has studied the new lessons over and over. = ele estudou ... repetidamente.

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He has studied the new lessons for an hour. = Ele estudou ... por uma hora.
He has studied the new lessons since 9 o’clock. = Ele estudou ... desde...
He had studied the new lessons when we arrived. = Ele tinha estudado ...quando nós
He has been studying the new lessons for an hour. = Ele tem estado estudando... há uma
Advérbios / Preposições + usados
since desde (indica o início da ação)
for por, há, durante (indica a duração da ação)
just acabar de (indica ação eu acabou de ocorrer)
already já (na afirmativa e interrogativa)
– vem entre o verbo auxiliar have e o verbo principal
yet já (em frases interrogativas) /ainda (em frases negativas)
– vem sempre no final da frase
day after day dia após dia = enfatiza a continuidade ou repetição da ação
over and over repetidamente = enfatiza a repetição da ação

Futuro Imediato: Going To

⇒ to be + going to + verbo sem to expressa ações ou acontecimentos num futuro próximo, já

decidido, ou que se tenha intenção de fazer:

to change - He is going to change his classes to Wednesday.

⇒ Negativa e Interrogativa conforme regra do verbo to be (verbo to be passa para a frente

do sujeito, “not” após verbo to be na negativa)

Interrogativa: Is he going to change his his classes to Wednesday?

Negativa: He is not going to change his classes to Wednesday.

⇒ Uso Coloquial: gonna = going to

Futuro Simples - Will

⇒ will + verbo s/ “to” - é usado para indicar ações, acontecimentos, ou previsão em relação
ao futuro.

to bring - The future will bring more technological development.

to study - They will study English in London next Summer.

Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

It will study... Will it study...? It will not (won’t) study...

⇒ É usado também para expressar condições prováveis, neste caso usamos a conjunção if

I will study if I have time.

He will be late if it rains.

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Futuro Do Pretérito – Would – Conditional Tense

⇒ Would, passado de will é usado como futuro do pretérito: would + verbo s/ “to”

⇒ é usado para indicar ações, acontecimentos que iriam acontecer mas por algum motivo não

The future would bring more...

They would study a project ...

Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

It would study... Would it study...? It would not (wouldn’t) study...

⇒ É usado também para expressar condições improváveis, neste caso usamos a conjunção if

I would study if I had time.

Modal Verbs

Can – Could

⇒ Can – Could correspondem ao verbo PODER exprimindo:

capacidade física ou intelectual de fazer uma ação = ser capaz;

que uma ação é possível (ou impossível);
licença ou permissão.

⇒ É conjugado numa única forma para todas as pessoas: CAN no presente e COULD no

⇒ É um verbo modal, portanto as formas interrogativas e negativas são feitas sem o auxiliar
DO, DON’T, DID, DIDN’T. Nunca se usa to antes ou depois de can ou could.

Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

He can read... Can he read..? He can’t (cannot) read...
They could read... Could they read...? They could not (coudn’t) read...

The computer can help man to do his work faster.

Can the computer help...? / The computer can’t (cannot) help ...
The computer could help... = poderia, podia
Could the computer help...? / The computer couldn’t help...

You can read the messages in English.

Can you read...? / You can’t (cannot) read...
You could read... = saberia , sabia (mais incerto do que can)
Could you read...? / You couldn’t read...

Can I use your computer?

Sorry, you can’t (cannot). / Of course, you can use it.
Could I use ...? = posso, teria permissão

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May – Might

⇒ É conjugado numa única forma para todas as pessoas

⇒ É um verbo modal, portanto as formas interrogativas e negativas são feitas sem o auxiliar
DO, DON’T, DID, DIDN’T. Nunca se usa to antes ou depois de MAY – MIGHT.

Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

He may buy... May he buy...? He may not buy...
They might help... Might they help...? They might not help...
They may/might have left... May/might they have left...? They may/might not have left...

⇒ Expressam possibilidade no presente:

Does he have a TV in his bedroom?

He may have a TV in his bedroom. = talvez ele tenha uma TV no seu quarto.
Ask his brother. He might know. = talvez ele saiba.
He may not have a TV in his bedroom. = talvez ele não tenha
The TV is not turning on. Check the cable, it may be disconnected. = pode estar,
talvez esteja, deve estar.

⇒ Expressam ações ou acontecimentos possíveis no futuro:

If I go to the USA, I may buy a DVD. = talvez eu compre...

Tomorrow he might help you. = ele o ajudará, talvez ele o ajude...
He may be sleeping when you call. = estará dormindo, talvez esteja dormindo quando você

⇒ Expressam algo que foi ou era possível no passado, neste caso usa-se a estrutura: may
have / might have + verbo no particípio

The TV didn’t turn on. – The cable might have been diconnected.
I can’t find the book. – You may have left it in the office.
You may not have left it in the office.
The cable might not have been disconnected.

Should – Ought To

⇒ Should = Ought To - ambos expressam obrigação, dever (=conselho)

⇒ É conjugado numa única forma para todas as pessoas

⇒ É um verbo modal, portanto as formas interrogativas e negativas são feitas sem o auxiliar
DO, DON’T, DID, DIDN’T. Nunca se usa to antes ou depois de SHOULD.

Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

I should keep... Should I keet...? I should not (shouldn’t) keep...
I ought to keep... - I ought not to keep...
I should have kept... Should I have kept...? I should not have kept...
I ought to have kept... - I ought not to have kept...

You should keep the letter. = You ought to keep the letter.
He should follow the instructions. = He ought to follow the instructions.
They should choose that card. = They ought to choose that card.

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⇒ Should pode também expressar:
não estar/ ser correto, não ser o que se esperava:
The message is wrong, it should be “ follow the instructions”.

que alguma coisa provávelmente acontecerá:

I should finish the reading of the book at 9 o’clock.

⇒ Should not ou Shouldn’t é também usado para expressar que não é bom fazer
determinada ação:

He shouldn’t write this text in a hurry.= Ele não deve escrever ( não é bom que ele...)

⇒ Passado: should have / ought to have : expressa que alguém fez algo errado:

He shouldn’t have written that text in a hurry = Ele não deveria ter escrito...

Modal Verbs - Sumário

Idéia / Significado Presente Passado Futuro Similar

Capacidade can could will be able to be able to

Permissão can / may could - to be allowed
might -
Possibilidade may / might may / might have may/ might -
Obrigação must - must to have to
Necessidade must / have to had to will have to
Não necessidade needn’t - needn’t not to have to
not to have to
Proibição mustn’t - mustn’t -
Dedução must - must -
Dever / obrigação / should /ought to ought (not) to - -
conselho/ probabilidade
Não ser bom, correto, should (not) should not have/
esperado ought not to have

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Have To – Must

⇒ Have to / has to / had to é usado para expressar que é necessário fazer alguma coisa (tem
que ser feito).

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I have to complete that list today. Do I have to complete...? I don’t have to...
He has to complete that list now Does he have ...? He doesn’t have to...
He had to complete that list yesterday Did he have to ...? He didn’t have...

⇒ Must expressa necessidade, dever. Só pode ser usado para expressar que é
necessário fazer alguma coisa no presente ou futuro.

⇒ É um verbo modal, por isso tem forma igual para todas as pessoas e as formas interrogativas
e negativas são feitas sem o auxiliar DO, DON’T, DID, DIDN’T. Nunca se usa to antes ou
depois de must.

Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa

He must keep the books now. Must he keep ... ? He mustn’t keep...
You must go to that shop tomorrow. Must you go to...? You mustn’t go to...

⇒ must pode também expressar que temos certeza de que alguma coisa é verdadeira.

Now that you’ve got the job, you must be very busy. = Você deve estar muito
ocupado = Eu tenho certeza de que você está muito ocupado.

MUST E HAVE TO na negativa (mustn’t e don’t / doesn’t have to)
expressam sentidos diferentes:

mustn’t = é necessário que você não faça alguma coisa.

don’t / doesn’t have to = não é necessário fazer alguma coisa.

You mustn’t keep the books = é necessário que você não guarde...
You don’t have to keep the books. = não é necessário guardar...

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Voz Passiva – Passive Voice

⇒ To Be + Verbo no Particípio

The letters are copied. As cartas são copiadas

The letters are being copied. As cartas estão sendo copiadas.
The letters are going to be copied. As cartas irão ser copiadas.
The letters will be copied. As cartas serão copiadas.
The letters can be copied. As cartas podem ser copiadas.
The letters may be copied. As cartas podem (devem) ser copiadas.
The letters have to be copied. As cartas tem que ser copiadas.
The letters must be copied. As cartas devem (precisam) ser copiadas.
The letters have been copied. As cartas foram (tem sido) copiadas.

The letters were copied. As cartas foram copiadas

The letters were being copied. As cartas estavam sendo copiadas.
The letters were going to be copied. As cartas iriam ser copiadas.
The letters would be copied. As cartas seriam copiadas.
The letters could be copied. As cartas poderiam ser copiadas.
The letters might be copied. As cartas poderiam (deveriam) ser copiadas.
The letters had to be copied. As cartas tinham que ser copiadas.
The letters should be copied. As cartas deveriam ser copiadas.
The letters had been copied. As cartas foram (tinham sido) copiadas.

⇒ Quando se passa uma frase da voz ativa para a voz passiva:

O objeto da voz ativa torna-se sujeito da voz passiva

O sujeito da voz ativa torna-se agente da passiva sempre precedido de by

O verbo to be na voz passiva aparece sempre no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo

principal da voz ativa

O verbo principal da voz ativa passa para o particípio passada na voz passiva

O sujeito da voz passiva pode ser tanto o objeto direto ou indireto quando o
verbo principal da voz ativa tem dois objetos (um direto e outro direto)

O agente da voz passiva é omitido quando o sujeito da voz ativa é desconhecido

ou indeterminado

Infinitivo - Casos Especiais de Tradução

⇒ Infinitivo quando usado após: Ask, Order, Expect, Tell, Want, Wish

I want you to start the letter. = Eu quero que você inicie a carta.
It asks you to follow the directions. = Ele pede que você siga as direções.
It ordered me to go to the next step. = Ele me ordenou que fosse para o passo

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⇒ Infinitivo quando usado após adjetivos

The book is easy to understand. = O livro é fácil de entender.

Gerúndio - Casos Especiais de Tradução

⇒ Proibições: No Smoking . No Accessing.

⇒ Gerúndio quando usado após alguns verbos como: Finish, Suggest, Avoid. Deny,
Consider, Practice, Begin, Plan, Start, Prefer, Mean

It denied accessing personal files. = Ele negou acessar arquivo pessoais.

He suggested reading the guide. = Ele sugeriu ler o guia.
It started printing. = Iniciou a imprimir.
That means jumping to question five. = Aquilo significa pular para questão
They began reading the book. = Eles começram a ler o livro.

⇒ Gerúndio quando usado após algumas expressões: It’s no use, To be accustomed to, It’s
no good, Can’t stand, To be used to

She can’t stand waiting for his answer. = Ela não suporta esperar pela resposta
It’s no use insisting, it’s out of order. = Nào adianta insistir, está com defeito.
They are accustomed reading instructions. = Eles estão acostumados a ler

⇒ Gerúndio com função de sujeito:

Listening to tapes is a good way to practice. = Ouvir fitas é uma boa maneira de
Learning how to use verbs tense is easy. = Aprender usar os tempos de verbos é

⇒ Depois de preposições usa o gerúndio:

To be successful is a question of trainning. = Para ter sucesso é uma questão de

Keep on practicing these structures. = Continue a praticar estas estruturas.

⇒ Verbos de percepção como Hear, Feel, See, Watch, Notice, Observe

I noticed him practicing every day. = Eu reparei ele praticar (praticando)

todo dia.
He saw the boy going away. = Ele viu o menino ir embora
(indo embora).
They observed the house burning. = Eles observaram a casa queimar.

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List of Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

to bear Bore borne suportar
to bear Bore born dar à luz, gerar
to beat Beat beaten bater, vencer
to become Became become tornar-se
to begin began begun começar
to bend bent bent dobrar, curvar
to bet bet bet apostar
to bind bound bound atar, amarrar
to bite bit bitten morder
to bleed bled bled sangrar
to blow blew blown soprar
to break broke broken quebrar
to bring brought brought trazer
to build built built construir
to burn burned / burnt burned / burnt queimar
to burst burst burst estourar
to buy bought bought comprar
to cast cast cast arremessar
to catch caught caught pegar
to choose chose chosen escolher
to come came come vir
to cost cost cost custar
to cut cut cut cortar
to deal dealt dealt lidar, negociar
to dig dug dug cavar
to do did done fazer
to draw drew drawn sacar, desenhar
to dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt sonhar
to drink drank drunk beber
to drive drove driven dirigir
to eat ate eaten comer
to fall fell fallen cair
to feed fed fed alimentar
to feel felt felt sentir
to fight fought fought lutar
to find found found encontrar
to fly flew flown voar
to forbid forbade forbidden proibir
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer
to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar
to freeze froze frozen congelar
to get got got/gotten pegar, etc.
to give gave given dar
to go went gone ir
to grow grew grown crescer
to hang hung hung pendurar
to have had had ter
to hear heard heard ouvir
to hide hid hidden esconder
to hit hit hit bater, golpear
to hold held held segurar, prender
to hurt hurt hurt ferir, machucar
to keep kept kept guardar
to know knew known saber, conhecer
to lay laid laid pôr, colocar

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to lead led led liderar
to lean leaned / leant leaned / leant apoiar-se
to learn learned / learnt learned / learnt aprender
to leave left left partir, deixar
to lend lent lent emprestar
to let let let deixar, permitir
to lie lay lain deitar, jazer
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made fazer
to mean meant meant significar
to meet met met encontrar
to pay paid paid pagar
to put put put pôr, colocar
to quit quit quit desistir, parar
to read read read ler
to ride rid ridden cavalgar
to ring rang rung soar, tocar
to rise rose risen levantar-se
to run ran run correr
to saw sawed sawed / sawn serrar
to say said said dizer
to see saw seen ver
to seek sought sought procurar
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar, mandar
to set set set pôr, estabelecer
to sew sewed sewed / sewn costurar
to shake shook shaken balançar, bater
to shed shed shed derramar
to shine shone shone brilhar
to shoot shot shot atirar
to show showed shown mostrar
to shut shut shut fechar
to sing sang sung cantar
to sink sank sunk afundar
to sit sat sat sentar-se
to sleep slept slept dormir
to smell smelled / smelt smelled / smelt cheirar
to sow sowed sowed / sown semear
to speak spoke spoken falar
to spend spent spent passar, gastar
to split split split rachar, partir
to spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt estragar
to spread spread spread espalhar, difundir
to spring sprang sprung saltar
to stand stood stood ficar, suportar
to steal stole stolen furtar, roubar
to strike struck struck bater, golpear
to swear swore sworn jurar
to sweat sweated / sweat sweated / sweat suar
to sweep swept swept varrer
to swim swam swum nadar
to take took taken tomar, pegar

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to teach taught taught ensinar
to tear tore torn rasgar
to tell told told dizer, contar
to think thought thought pensar, achar
to throw threw thrown arremessar, jogar
to understand understood understood entender
to wear wore worn vestir
to weep wept wept chorar, lamentar
to wet wet wet molhar, umedecer
to win won won ganhar
to write wrote written escrever

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