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Tiago Junges

1ª Edição
Edição do Autor
Porto Alegre
- Backers -
Adeilson de Almeida Gonçalves, Adeir Ribeiro, Adler, adriano jennrich cordeiro, Adriano Peres, Alcyone Fernandes Marques
da Silva Rosa, Alexander Aparecido Urso Silva., Alexandre Baraldi Ramos, Alexandre Ferreira da Silveira, Alexandre Fortunato,
Alexsandro Teixeira Cuenca, Allan Castro Lima, Allan Macedo de Novaes, Aluísio Soares da Silva Júnior, Álvaro Álvares, Amós
do Carmo Moreira Filho, Ana Carolina Aparecida Jacobelli de Oliveira, Anderson Reinaldo Candido, André Angellis, Andre Bruno
Lourenço da Silva, André de Melo Sobral, Andre Luis Albuquerque Campos, André Luís Muzzi, Andre Luis Ribeiro Leite, André
Luiz Marcondes Pontes, Andre Pio, Andrei Ajudarte, Anna Carolina de Oliveira Velasco, ANTONIO JOSE DE AGUIAR MOTA, Arthur
Giacobbo Brandão, Braien Machado, Brenda Felipe, Bruno Costa Coelho, Bruno Deliberali Santos, Bruno Henrique, Bruno Marques,
Bruno Prieto, Caio Campos Barboza, Caio Castro Vaz, Caio Eduardo, Caio Fornasari, Caio Noronha Junior, Caio Rocha Pereira,
Caio Vinicius, Camila Gamino da Costa, Carlos Almeida, Carlos Eduardo Felin Tamiosso, Carlos OC, Carlos Rafael Aimo Bera,
Carlos Valnicio, Cesar Lopes Aguiar, César Roberto Milman da Silva, Cezar Capacle, Charlie, Claudio Aparecido Figueiredo,
Claudio Lopes Carteiro Junior, Claudio Torcato, Cristiano Azevedo dos Santos, Daniel Alexandre Freire, Daniel Almenteiro, Daniel
Castro, Daniel de Castro, Daniel Lucas Coutinho da Silva, DANIEL MAIONI ARAÚJO DE ASSIS, Daniel Paes Cuter, Daniel Ricardo
Alves, Daniel Ritta, Daniel Santos Coimbra, Daniel Zanzini, Danilo de Aguiar Barbosa, Danilo Rolim Meira, Davi Nóbrega, Dayan
Valente, Demétrius Renato de Castro Silva, Dennis Patrício Alves, Dheyrdre Machado, Diego Bassinello, Diego Cezar Nascimento,
DIEGO RODRIGUES FONTES, Diego Soares, diegounger, diek scheffer, Diogo Emmanoel da Costa Lemos, Diogo Lima Barreto,
Diogo Nogueira, Douglas Bloss Pires, Douglas Estevez, Edgard Tanaka, Edson Junior, Edson Ribeiro, Eduardo Augusto Vianna
Santiago, Eduardo Leão Garcia, Eduardo Maciel Ribeiro, Eduardo Mancuso Du Mancuso, Eduardo Rafael Miranda Feitoza, Eduardo
Simabukuro, Eduardo Victor, Eduardo Vieira Guimarães, Elaine Nascimento, Elder Rocha Alves, Ellias Matheus, EMANUEL MAX,
Émerson Lourenço Mariz, ENDRAG0N, Eric Bem dos Santos, Erick Nunes, Érico Jorge Mota Florentino, Erik dos Reis, Euller
Pereira, Everson de Oliveira Alves, Ewerton Wander Duarte do Nascimento, Fabiano Barbeiro, Fabiano Neme, Fábio Almeida, Fábio
Bordini, FÁBIO CARDOSO SANTA ROSA, Fabio Carvalho, Fábio de Paula Tourinho, Fábio Duarte, Fábio Fabene, Fabio Ruggiero,
Fabricio D. Delgado, Faustino Santiago, Felipe Espindola de Borba, Felipe Fragnani Del Aguila, felipe garcia de godoi, Felipe
Gonçalves, Felipe Martins de Paiva, Felipe Norberto, Fernando Fenero, Fernando Herrero, Filipe Barreto Gonçalves, Filipe Camargo
Dalmatti Alves Lima, Filipe Valentim Bezerra, Flavio Mazzeu, Flavio Rodrigo Sacilotto, FLORENCIO AUGUSTO FILHO, Francinaldo
dos Santos Mariano, Francisco Grazziotin, frank de souza melo, Frederico Detofano, Frederico Trevisan Santos, Gabriel Alonso,
Gabriel de Andrade Iasi, Gabriel Lemos, Gabriel Matte de Moura, Gabriel Vandresen, Gárgula, Gentle Ogre, Gilson Santos, Giorgio
Fortunato, Glauco Bruno Nogueira da silv, Glauco Guimaraes, Googh Gylmor, Guilherme Felga, Guilherme Gomes Neto, Guilherme
Nascimento, Gustavo Coelho, Gustavo da Rocha Pereira, Gustavo Henrique Silva, Haruo Takashima, hebert vieira simplicio junior,
Heitor Krüger de Freitas, Helber Del Bem Martins, Helio Rodrigues Machado Neto, Henrique Aleixo, Henrique Sérgio Lima Costa,
Herbert Lasanha Soares, Hernani Junior, Hypia Miranda Sanches, Igor "Bone" Toscano, Igor Burle, Igor Dagoberto Guterres
Filgueira, Igor Dutra Santos, Igor Matheus, Igor Miguel, Iuri Gelbi Silva Londe, IURY DE PAULA LOPES, Ivan Almeida da Silva, J.
Cesar, Jack Bullet, Jacques Murta Cabral, Jader007, Janary Damacena, Janilson Aragão, Jean Douglas Costa Nascimento, Jean
Lucas, Jean Lucas Sgarbi Carassa, Jefferson Geovane, Jéssica Alves, Jhonnatan Gabriel Farias de Souza, João Felipe Fogageiro
Olival, Joao Gabriel Moritz Lima, João Gabriel Patriota Alves de Moura, Joao Luiz, JOÃO MARCÍLIO COELHO NETTO LINS AROUCHA,
João Paulo, João Pedro de Brito Moreira Silva, João Pedro Dos Santos Dias Pereira, João Ricardo Bittencourt, João Victor Antunes
Krieger, Joao Vitor Toti Pelizzari, Joaquim Neto, Jocy Dieguevara de Moraes Chaves, Johnatan Melo, Johnn Robert Costa Kalil,
Johny Ricardo dos Santos, Jorge Gomes de Araujo Junior, Jorge Roberto de Souza, José Antonio dos Santos, José Carlos de
França Gonçalves, José Luiz Dos Santos, Josias Batista da Costa, Juanito Cauê Gama Cassemiro, Juliano - jcmsx, Julio Cesar
Santos Vieira, Julio Miedes Neto, Kaique de Oliveira, Karol Matrella, Kevin Andrews Marques Silva, Kevin de Paula, Leivison Dias
Ferreira, Leonardo Cardoso Gomes Godoy, Leonardo Henrique da Silva de Andrade, Leonardo Marques Rodrigues, Liano Santos
Batista, LINCOLN RUTESKI DOS SANTOS, Luan da Silva Avila, Luan Peixoto, Lucas Fowl, Lucas Machado, Lucas Mestre Ferreira
Alves, Lucas Nascimento Martins Martines, Lucas Peixoto de Lima, Lucas Tezotto (@BarbaLiteraria), Lucas Trevisano, Lucas
Xavier, Luccas Aguiar, Luís Cavalheiro, Luis Guilherme Dias Lima, Luiz Pinto Ribeiro Junior, Manoel Mozzer, Marcelo "Presto" Gaudio
Augusto, Marcelo Collar, Marcelo Hilst Martins, Marcelo Lacerda de Góes Telles, Marcio Simão de Vasconcellos, Márcio Tadeu
Alves Júnior, Marcos Riego, Marcos da Maia Vicente Júnior, Marcos Vinicios Ornelas, Marcus Vinicius de Mello Oliveira, Marina
Pocketmonster, Mário Filho, Marlos, Mateus Duarte, Maurílio Zucatelli Júnior, Maxwell Araujo Santiago Tavares, Milton Diogo, Mizzy
Wizzy, nairo lucio de melo junior, Nathaniel Reis de Figueiredo, Neudson Fernandes Vasconcelos, Newton Felipe Ferreira, Nienio
Diegoli Gontijo, Paula aragao valverde, PAULO FRANCISCO NUNES DE OLIVEIRA, Paulo José D. Morello, Pedro Augusto Tavares,
Pedro Henrique, Pedro Mandagará, Pedro Medeiros, Pedro Salgado, Pedro_Herein, Petras Furtado, Rafael Baldo, Rafael Beltrame,
Rafael Lacerda Silveira Rocha, Rafael Oliveira Bezerra, Rafael Panczinski de Oliveira, RALPH FERRAZ GOMES, Raphael D. Viana,
Renan França, Renan Pereira Gerber, Renan Vinicius de Barros Becker, Renato de Castro Pereira, Reni Junior, Rian Mendes, Ricardo
Mallen Machado de Souza, Ricardo Rodrigues, Rita Adelly, Roberson Barrionuevo, Roberto "Necrobeto" Barreto Miyoshi Moreira,
ROBSON DE MELO SOUZA, Rodrigo Castro, Rodrigo Lopes de Aquino, Rodrigo Montecchio, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rodrigo Silveira de
Pinho, Ronald Tunner de Souza Santos, Ronaldo Frederico Langer, RPG com Nozes, Ruan Kaylo, Rubens Carvalho Alves de Lima,
Samara Bezerra Lisboa, Sammara Adriana Barros Carvalho, Samuel Grave Silva, saulo lima de souza bertani, Saulo Medeiros
Aride, Saulo Oliveira, Sérgio J. Sousa, Sergio Paulo, Silvio Damasceno, Sir Paulo (Brierius), T. K. Pereira - Escriba Encapuzado,
Tarcisio Lucas, Teófilo Araújo, Teresa cristina canella eugenio, Thairone Campos, Thiago Corôa, THIAGO COSTA ARAUJO, Thiago
Henrique Righetti e Silva, Thiago Leite, Thiago Monteiro, Thiago Neri, Thiago Piedade, Tiago Alves Madjar, Tiago HR, Tiago Jedson,
Tiago Mendonça Marinho, Valdemar de França, Vergilio Vinciguera, Victor Arthur, Victor Hugo Félix Martins, Victor José, Victor
Peixoto Pereira, Vinicius Gomes de Oliveira, Vinicius Ribeiro Cabral, Wanderson Martiniano de Mello, weverson garcia medeiros,
William Cunha de Freitas, Willians Novais, Winardlley Nardson Lima.
- Table of Content -

Introduction 5
Rules 6
Basic Dungeons 11
Graveyard 24
Expanded World 25
Hexploring the World 26
Cities and Fortresses 28
Ruins 31
Portals 31
Other Worlds 32
New Races 34
Prohibited Races 36
Advanced Classes 37
New Spells 39
Hirelings 40
Animals 41
Buildings 42
Politics 42
Warfare 43
Multiplayer 44
Deadly Dungeons 45
NoteQuest is a solo dungeon crawler game. It has an extremely simple and fast rules
system. Prioritizing the most important and fun part: The exploration! You will play with a
weak adventurer after fame and fortune. Good luck! (Youre gonna need it)

- How to Play-

To play NoteQuest you will need this book, a notebook or grid paper, a pencil and some
dice (d6). Now just find a quiet place and start your adventure!
First you will create an adventurer and a dungeon. If you manage to complete the
dungeon, you can move on to another dungeon and so on. If you die before that (which is
very likely), create a new character and try to explore the dungeon again (and find your old
character's corpse with all the items in the backpack) or explore a new dungeon. This is the
flow of the game.
The book you are reading is the Expanded World. It contains the contents of the Core
Book along with additional material. Here you can further expand your adventures, with
HexCrawl and many other custom dungeons, races, advanced classes and rules for
managing castles, kingdoms and empires.
It is recommended that you play the Core Book first before venturing into the Expanded
- Creating Your Adventurer -
To create your adventurer you will need to roll a Race and Class in the tables below. Each of these
will indicate Hit Points (HP), an Ability and your Starting Weapon. You start with 10 Torches and no
coins. If you have spells, roll to the Basic Spells table for each spell.

Table: Race
2d6 Race HP Ability
2 Slimemen 10 If you engulf the body of an enemy, you regain all HP.
3 Lightbugster 16 You start with 3 uses of the Light spell.
4 Pixie 8 You start the game with 5 random Basic Spells.
5 Gnome 14 You start the game with 3 random Basic Spells.
6 Elf 16 You start the game with 1 random Basic Spell.
7 Human 20 None.
8 Dwarf 18 When you roll to Find Secret Passages, roll two dice and discard the lowest.
9 Halfling 14 When you roll to Move Silently, roll two dice and discard the lowest. (except in the Boss!).
10 Cat-Person 19 You can sell equipment in the town for twice the price.
11 Rinoceroid 24 You can attack with your horn (Damage 1d6).
12 Dragonkin 30 You start with 3 uses of the Fireball spell.

Table: Classes
2d6 Class HP Ability Starting Weapon
2 Hobo +4 None. Wood Stick (1d6-2 damage)
3 Grave Digger +2 Deal +2 damage to Undead. Shovel (1d6-1 damage)
4 Noble +0 You start the game with 1 random Basic Spell. Rapier (1d6+1 damage)

5 Schoolar +0 You start the game with 3 random Basic Spells. Dagger (1d6-1 damage)

6 Blacksmith +4 You can repair an armor by spending 1 Torch. Hammer (1d6 damage)
7 Guard +4 None. Short Sword (1d6 damage)
8 Cook +2 Gain 1 coin for every monster killed (except Undead) Cleaver (1d6 damage)
9 Locksmith +2 You can open any door without consuming torches. Dagger (1d6-1 damage)
10 Lumberjack +4 When destroying doors, roll the dice. On a 6 you get 1 torch. Lumberjack Ax (1d6 dmg)
11 Miner +4 If you run out of torches, you can leave the dungeon. Pickaxe (1d6-1 damage)
12 Gladiator +6 None. Short Sword (1d6 damage)

Table: Spells
1d6 Spell Effect
1 Heal Heals 5 HP.

2 Light Creates a globe of light that is worth a torch (but does not use a hand).
3 Teleport You teleport to any empty room. You can use it to escape from combat.
4 Cold Ray Deals 4 damage to one monster and it cannot attack next turn.
5 Lightning Deals 6 damage to one monster.
6 Fireball Deals 5 damage to all monsters in the same room.

- Building a Dungeon -
The dungeon will be built as you explore, opening door by door. Initially, you only know its name,
who was whispering in the tavern. To define the Dungeon Name roll in the tables below. Roll three dice,
and look at each of the three columns.

Table: Dungeon Name

Dungeon Type (First Part) Second Part Third Part
1 The Palace (page 12)... ... of the Secret ... ... Horrors
2 The Crypt (page 14)... ... of the Broken ... ... Curse
3 The Tomb (page 16)... ... of the Eternal ... ... Rest

4 The Sanctuary (page 18)... ... of the Cold ... ... Hero

5 The Temple (page 20)... ... of the Flaming ... ... Vow
6 The Prison (page 22)... ... of the Dying ... ... Darkness

Depending on the Dungeon Type, you will look for the tables on a different page (see the table
above). For your exploration, you will only need the tables that will be there.

Opening Doors Table: Open a Door

1d6 What happen?
To start exploring the dungeon, you first need to under-
stand the process of opening a Door. Each time you find a 1 You active a Trap!
door, you should check it by rolling on the table to find out 2 Locked!
what happened. It may be locked (result 2 or 3) but it may 3 Locked!
also have triggered a trap! If activated, roll in the Trap table
4 Unlocked
corresponding to the type of dungeon you are in.
You only need to know this table here. 5 Unlocked
6 Unlocked

The dungeon map is separated by “Segments”, where
a Segment can be a Corridor, Staircase or Room. When-
ever you open a door, you will roll a dice and check the
corresponding column in the Segments table based on
where you are opening the door.
If you are on a staircase, for any door you open,
check the first column of the table. If you are in a corridor,
for any door you open, check out the second column. If
you are in a room, for any door you open, check out the
third column.
If the segment is a Room, roll also in the Content
table and in the Monsters table.

The Final Room Dungeon Actions
Each staircase you descend will be taken to a new
Inside the dungeon, you will be walking from
level in the dungeon. As soon as you are entering the
segment to segment. If you enter a segment with
third level (that is, there are 2 floors between you and
monsters, you need to face them before anything else.
the entrance to the dungeon), you will have found the
If there are no monsters (or if they have been defeated)
Final Room.
you can open any doors or chests that exist there.
If the dungeon was completed without any stairs
In addition to these simple actions, we have special
to the third level, the last open room will be the Final
actions that the player can choose to do:
Open Lock: You can open any locked door. To do
The Final Room is a large room with no doors where
this, spend 1 torch and you will be able to unlock it.
the Boss of the dungeon will be waiting in the center.
Breaking the Door: A locked door can be opened
Roll only the Dungeon Boss table on the dungeon
by breaking. It is a simple action and does not require
page and nothing else (no Content or Monsters). After
time or torch, however, if you do this, in addition to the
defeating the Dungeon Boss you will find 2d6 Treasures
door can no longer be closed, you alert all monsters of
with him.
that segment that will attack you first.
Move Silently: If you opened a door without
The Darkness breaking it or activating a trap, you can choose to
Move Silently. Spend 1 torch and roll a dice for each
The most important thing to understand when
monster inside the room, and if any die results in a 1,
playing NoteQuest is the Darkness. This is your adven-
the monsters will see you and will attack you first. But
turer's greatest enemy. If at any time you are in the
if successful, you can go through the room undetected,
middle of the dungeon without a torch, the darkness
picking up treasures and opening doors. If in hiding you
will devour you. You lose your character and must
set a trap or make a noise, the monsters in the room
make a new one. When the new character arrives
attack you. You cannot move silently in the Dungeon
where his old one was, he will find only his backpack
Boss's room.
and clothes on the floor. Monsters are unaffected by
Disarm Traps: In a room you can choose to
Disarm Trap. Spend 1 torch and prevent any trap inside
Each torch spend reflects an action that took
this room from taking effect.
time. If you are running out of torches, you can go into
Find Secret Passage: If you are on a segment
town to buy more. Each Torch costs 1 coin, but you
that may have Secret Passage, spend 1 torch and roll
can only carry a maximum of 10 torches at a time.
on the Secret Passage table.
Open a Chest: If you find a Chest, roll two dice.
Spending Torches
The die with the highest result indicates how many
coins were in the chest, and the die with the lowest
The most important resource for dungeon
result indicates how many Treasures were in the chest.
exploration is the Torches. Every character starts with
However, if both dice fall to number 1, the chest was
10 torches. When entering a dungeon you will consume
empty and activated a Trap!
1 torch to light the way. Some actions, such as Open
Lock and Find Secret Passages, take time and may
consume more torches.

City Actions Special conditions
Spells: Each spell has a different effect and can
When you need to leave the dungeon, either
be used outside or inside combat. In combat they
because your torches are running low or because you
consume an attack turn. After you use it, this spell is
are low on health, just make sure the segments up to
worn out and you can only use it again if you recover
the entrance to the dungeon are empty. In the city you
in the city. Note that you can have the same spell more
can do any of these actions:
than once. This means that you have more uses of this
Rest: Spend 1 coin and recover your HP and
Load Limit: You can only carry up to 10 torches,
spells consumed.
and up to 10 items in your backpack.
Fix Armor: Spend 1 coin to recover HP of an
Armor: The armor is separated into 5 pieces:
Shoulderpads, Bracelets, Boots, Helmet and
Buy Torches: Spend 1 coin and add 1 torch. You
Breastplate. You can use any pieces as you like, you
can only carry 10 torches at a time.
just can't use more than one identical piece. Each has
Sell Itens: You can sell any item in any city for 1
a HP value and if a piece of armor loses all HP, it is
coin. Magic items can be sold for 1d6-1 coins.
Broken Doors: Whenever you have a broken door
in a segment, you will have communication from the
monsters between the segments. This means that if
monsters in one segment are alerted, those in the other
segment will also be and will attack the adventurer.
Keys and Doors: If you find a key, you can open
any door in the dungeon. Keys found in one dungeon do
not open doors in another. The Master Key opens any
door in any dungeon.
Returning to a Dungeon: If you leave the
dungeon to rest in the city, when you return you will
have to roll on the Monster table for each empty room
you enter. This is also true if you die and venture out
with another character in the same dungeon. If a room
still has monsters, they recover all of their health.

Combat Your Hands
The combat is quite simple. First, you need to When your character is going to explore a dungeon,
know who will start attacking. If you opened the door he needs to use one hand to hold the torch. So he
without making a sound (that is, without destroying it or cannot fight with a Two-Handed weapon without having
activating a trap), you are the one who starts attacking. another source of light in place. Losing an arm in a trap
If not, it will be the monsters in the room. The combat is the same case. There are a few ways to get around
then continues to rotate the attacks between you and this, like hiring someone to hold the torch for you (see
the monsters. in the "Expanded World"), using a lamp or casting light
When monsters attack, add everyone's damage spells.
and reduce this value from your HP (or armor's HP, if
you're using one, it's your call). In your turn, roll the Monsters
damage of the Weapon you are using, choose an
Some monsters have unique characteristics, see
enemy and reduce its HP value.
the list below:
If you lose all HP, your character is dead and all
your equipment will now be on the floor of that room to Stoneskin: This monster ignores any damage
be recovered by your next character. taken that is 3 or less.
Loot: After the fight, roll 1d6. On a '6' you found 1
Treasure. On a '5' you found 1 Key. And if it's 4 or less
you found 1 coin.
Explosive: When you get a 1 on the damage roll,
this monster will destroy itself and deals damage equal
to its current HP.
Firebreath: When you get a 1 on the damage roll,
its next attack will deal +10 damage.
Horde: When you get a 1 on the damage roll, an
Orc (6 HP; Damage 3) enters the room.
Intangible: Takes no damage if the damage is an
even number.
Sorcery: When you get a 1 on the damage roll, this
monster will cast a spell. Roll 1 die and add up the final
damage value of the monster's next attack.
Deathtouch: When you get a 1 on the damage roll,
this monster's next attack will kill you.
Undead: After this monster is defeated, roll a dice.
If it's a 1, this monster comes back to life with 1 HP.
Necromancy: When you get a 1 on the damage
roll, a Skeleton (4 HP; Damage 1; Undead) appears.
Weakness: When you get a 6 on the damage roll,
this monster takes twice as much damage.
Regeneration: When you get a 1 on the damage
roll, this monster recovers 6 HP.
Paralyze: When you get a 1 on the damage roll,
the next attack paralyzes for 1d6 turns.
Poison: All damage from this creature cannot be
absorbed by armor or other means.

- Dungeons -
- Palace -
This dungeon is inside a large building with a beautiful entrance door. In the past this was the home
of some nobleman. When you open the door you will find a giant hall with two doors on each side and
a staircase in the center. At the end of the staircase there is a wooden door.

Table: Segments
Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.
2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Large room with two other doors. Large room with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade falls from the ceiling. Roll the dice. On a '2'
you lose one of your arms and on a '1' you die.
2 There's nothing here.
2 Acid Spout (5 Damage).
3 There's nothing here.
3 You fall into a ditch (spend 1 torch to go out).
4 You have found a hidden Chest!
4 A dart hits you (1 Damage).
5 You have found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 A secret door to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
Dust-filled library.
It may have Secret Passage. Minotaur
(14 HP; 7 Damage)
3 Destroyed kitchen with 1d6 coins on the floor.
2 Orcs
Large table with a few chairs. 3
4 (6 HP; 3 Damage; Loot)
It may have Secret Passage.
1 Orc
5 Bookshelf with 1d6 Magic Scrolls. 4
(6 HP; 3 Damage; Loot)
6 Desk with a Chest. 1d6 Giant Rats
Dirt everywhere. (2 HP; 1 Damage)
It may have Secret Passage. 1d6 Goblins
8 Bed with a Chest on the side. (3 HP; 1 Damage; Explosive)

Garden covered by plants. 7-8 There are no monsters in this room.

It may have Secret Passage. 2 Living Armor
Trash deposit. (8 HP; 3 Damage)
It may have Secret Passage. 3 Fungoid
Large table with papers and maps. (4 HP; 2 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)
It may have Secret Passage. Bone Golem
12 Armory. 2d6 Magic Items. (12 HP; 5 Damage; Undead)
Walking Slime
(10 HP; 1 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Ornament Jester Hat [Armor] of Royalty
(worth 5 Coins in the town) (2 HP; Can't Move in Silence) (It is very elegant)
Health Potion Emperor's Sandals Leprechaun's [Armor]
(Recovers all HP) (2 HP; +1 dmg against cockroaches) (Earn double coins in chests)
Magic Scroll Amulet of the Dead Centurion's [Armor]
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Ignores Undead effect) (+1 HP)
Valuable jewel Potion of Luck [Weapon] of Destruction
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (Deals +2 damage)
Potion of Fury [Weapon] of War
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Damage +2 until the end of the fight) (Deals +2 damage to Angels)
Lamp [Weapon] of the Dragon Slayer
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(No need to use hands to light) (Double damage against Dragons)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 Walking back and forth is the Zombie Baron (30 HP; 4 Damage; Undead).
2 Sitting on his old and dusty throne is the Mad King (22 HP; 2 Damage; Explosive)
3 This was a luxurious room, now is cover in dust. There, the Ghost Lady (13 HP; 3 Damage; Intangible) awaits you.
4 Around a throne are 2 Unholy Gargoyles (12 HP; 3 Damage; Stoneskin)
5 Sewing a corpse on a table is the Necromancer (16 HP; 7 Damage; Necromancy).
6 Sitting on a throne and with one foot on a dragon skull is the Orc King (24 HP; 5 Damage; Horde).

Table: Armor
1d6 Armor
1 Ring (0 HP)
2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Breastplate (10 HP)

Table: Weapon
1d6 Weapon
1 Candlestick (1d6-1 Damage)
2 Sword (1d6 Damage)
3 Rapier (1d6+1 Damage)
4 Whip (1d6+1 Damage)
5 Claw (1d6+1 Damage)
6 Halberd (1d6+3 Damage; Two-handed)

- Crypt -
This dungeon is hidden inside a small isolated mausoleum in the middle of nowhere. It is covered
by cobwebs and inscriptions of names long forgotten. Inside there is a staircase that leads down. At
the end of the staircase there is a door.

Table: Segments
Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.

2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Large room with two other doors. Large room with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade falls from the ceiling. Roll the dice. On a '2'
you lose one of your arms and on a '1' you die.
2 There's nothing here.
2 Acid Spout (5 Damage).
3 There's nothing here.
3 Appears 1d6 Bats (1 HP; 1 Damage; Poison)
4 You have found a hidden Chest!
4 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
5 You have found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 A secret door to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
2 Tombstone carved with your name.
Vampire Servant
3 Several pots with dead plants. (9 HP; 4 Damage; Regeneration)

Texts sculpted on the floor. Giant Leech

4 3
It may have Secret Passage. (12 HP; 5 Damage)

Human bones everywhere 3 Skeletons

5 4
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 1 Damage; Undead)

6 A pile of bones and 1d6 coins. Ghoul

(6 HP; 3 Damage; Regeneration)
7 Casket with Chest inside.
1d6 Goblins
Various wooden coffins. 6
8 (3 HP; 1 Damage; Explosive)
It may have Secret Passage.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Walls made of skulls.
9 1d6 Bats
It may have Secret Passage. 9
(1 HP; 1 Damage; Poison)
Dozens of burned candles everywhere.
10 Giant Spider
It may have Secret Passage. 10
(10 HP; 4 Damage; Paralyze)
Broken statue of a forgotten person.
11 3 Fungoid
It may have Secret Passage. 11
(4 HP; 2 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)
12 Treasure room with 2d6 Treasures
2 Giant Spiders
(10 HP; 4 Damage; Paralyze)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Religious Object Garlic necklace [Armor] of the Dead
(worth 3 Coins in the town) (+1 against Vampire and Ghoul) (It always stinks)
Health Potion Potion of Luck [Armor] of the Spider Queen
(Recovers all HP) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (ignores the effect Paralyze)
Magic Scroll Potion of Fury Count's [Armor]
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Damage +2 until the end of the fight) (+2 HP)
Valuable jewel Salamander Potion [Weapon] of Destruction
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Recovers lost arm) (Deals +2 damage)
Master key Vampiric [Weapon]
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Open any door) (Recovers 1 HP with each attack)
Potion of Luminescence Boatman's Oar
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Worth like two torches) (1d6+1 Dmg; ignores Intangible)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 The room is covered with cobwebs. In the center of the web is the Spider Queen (20 HP; 3 Damage; Paralyze).
2 In the center of the room is a large mass of mucus that writhes to form the Death Dessert (30 HP; 2 Damage).
3 The sinister figure in the center of the room carries an oar. He is the Death Boatman (20 HP; 2 Dmg; Deathtouch).
4 In the center of the room is an open coffin and the Master Vampire (20 HP; 5 Dmg; Regeneration) is waking up.
5 This room is covered by war banners. In the center is the ghost of the Eternal Warrior (10 HP; 5 Dmg; Intangible).
6 Trapped by several chains inside the room, the Vampiric Beast (19 HP; 7 Dmg) squirms with rage.

Table: Weapon
1d6 Weapon
1 Femur (1d6-1 Damage)
2 Pickaxe (1d6 Damage)
3 Dagger (1d6 Damage)
4 Warhammer (1d6+1 Damage)
5 Sickle (1d6+1 Damage)
6 Glaive (1d6+2 Dmg; Two-handed)

Table: Armor
1d6 Armor
1 Ring (0 HP)
2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Breastplate (10 HP)

- Tomb -
This dungeon was built inside an immense and imposing stone structure. Someone very important
was buried here. Pillars and statues adorn the place. In front of you is a large stone door. Behind it, a
long corridor with a door at the end and two other doors on the sides.

Table: Segments
Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.
2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Large room with two other doors. Large room with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade falls from the ceiling. Roll the dice. On a '2'
you lose one of your arms and on a '1' you die.
2 There's nothing here.
2 Raise 1d6 Skeleton Soldiers
3 There's nothing here. (4 HP; 2 Damage; Undead)
4 You have found a hidden Chest!
4 Raise 1 Skeleton (3 HP; 1 Damage; Undead)
5 You have found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 A secret door to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
2 Empty sarcophagus with your name.
Ghost of the Prince
3 Several pots with dead plants. (6 HP; 4 Damage; Intangible)

Texts sculpted on the floor. Bone Golem

4 3
It may have Secret Passage. (12 HP; 5 Damage; Undead)

Human bones everywhere. 2 Skeleton Soldiers

5 4
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 2 Damage; Undead)

6 Pile of bones and 1d6 coins. 1 Living Armor

(8 HP; 3 Damage)
7 Sarcophagus with Chest inside.
1d6 Goblins
Several wooden coffins. 6
8 (3 HP; 1 Damage; Explosive)
It may have Secret Passage.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Walls made of skulls.
9 1d6 Scorpions
It may have Secret Passage. 9
(2 HP; 1 Damage; Poison)
A destroyed sarcophagus.
10 2 Living Armor
It may have Secret Passage. 10
(8 HP; 3 Damage)
Broken statue of a hero.
11 3 Fungoid
It may have Secret Passage. 11
(4 HP; 2 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)
12 Treasure Room with 2d6 Treasures
Giant Spider
(10 HP; 4 Damage; Paralyze)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Mana Potion Crown of the beheaded prince Bone [Armor]
(Recovers all Spells) (Does not die in blade traps) (-1 HP)
Health Potion Potion of Luck [Armor] of Strength
(Recovers all HP) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (+1 Damage)
Magic Scroll Potion of Luck [Armor] of the Special Guard
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (+1 HP)
Valuable jewel Potion of Fury [Weapon] of Destruction
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Damage +2 until the end of the fight) (Deals +2 damage)
Sapphire of Magic Vampiric [Weapon]
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Learn a random Spell) (Recovers 1 HP with each attack)
Lamp Vorpal [Weapon]
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(No need to use hands to light) (Kills instantly when get '6' on the die)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 Greenish cloud covers the room. Lying on an altar is the Emperor Scorpio (20 HP; 3 Damage; Poison).
2 On a great throne is the giant skeleton of the Skeleton King (12 HP; 7 Damage; Undead).
3 Floating on an altar is the Queen of Bladed Hands (11 HP; 10 Damage).
4 Flying around your sarcophagus is the Ghost King of the Lost Swamp (10 HP; 4 Damage; Intangible).
5 In this room are the walking skeletons of the Seven Necrotic Kings (4 HP; 1 Damage; Undead).
6 From inside a sarcophagus comes the Lich King of the Ethernal Wars (22 HP; 6 Damage; Necromancy, Undead).

Table: Weapon
1d6 Weapon
1 Shovel (1d6-1 Damage)
2 Sword (1d6 Damage)
3 Axe (1d6+1 Damage)
4 Warhammer (1d6+1 Damage)
5 Sickle (1d6+1 Damage)
6 Scythe (1d6+2 Dmg; Two-handed)

Table: Armor
1d6 Armor
1 Ring (0 HP)
2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Breastplate (10 HP)

- Sanctuary -
A small abandoned chapel in the middle of nowhere. Its entrance is guarded by statues of faceless
angels. Inside, there is only a stone altar and a wooden trapdoor on the floor that has already been
destroyed. Opening the trapdoor you can see a dark staircase. At the end of the staircase there is a

Table: Segments
Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.
2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Large room with two other doors. Large room with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade falls from the ceiling. Roll the dice. On a '2'
you lose one of your arms and on a '1' you die.
2 There's nothing here.
2 Spears come out of the ground (5 Damage).
3 There's nothing here.
3 You fall into a ditch (spend 1 torch to go out).
4 You have found a hidden Chest!
4 A dart hits you (1 Damage).
5 You have found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 A secret door to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
A magic circle on the floor.
2 8 Wisp
(works as a Portal; see in the expansion). 2
(2 HP; 1 Damage)
3 10 chairs lined up.
3 Fungoid
4 Torture Room with 1d6 Treasures (4 HP; 2 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)
Creature or deity statues. 3 Warrior Angels
5 4
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 2 Damage)
6 Corpse with 1 Treasure. Sentinel Angel
(5 HP; 3 Damage; Sorcery)
7 Large Chest on an altar.
1d6 Goblins
Small altar with 1d6 coins. 6
8 (3 HP; 1 Damage; Explosive)
It may have Secret Passage.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
2d6 paintings of gods (2 coins each).
It may have Secret Passage. 2 Orcs
(6 HP; 3 Damage; Loot)
Melted candles everywhere.
It may have Secret Passage. Giant Angel Statue
(10 HP; 5 Damage; Stoneskin)
Fountain with running water.
It may have Secret Passage. Giant Spider
(10 HP; 4 Damage; Paralyze)
12 Shelves with 1d6 Treasures.
Fallen Angel of Putrification
(21 HP; 4 Damage; Poison)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Religious Object Protector Candle Priest's [Armor]
(worth 3 Coins in the town) (Discard and next chest will be double) (Covered by religious symbols)
Health Potion Blessed Potion [Armor] of the Gods
(Recovers all HP) (Destroy a cursed item) (ignore Deathtouch)
Magic Scroll Potion of Luck Angelic [Armor]
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (+2 HP)
Valuable jewel Potion of Fury [Weapon] of Destruction
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins) (Damage +2 until the end of the fight) (Deals +2 damage)
Master key Vampiric [Weapon]
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Open any door) (Recovers 1 HP with each attack)
Potion of Luminescence Vorpal [Weapon]
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Worth like two torches) (Kills instantly when get '6' on the die)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 At six meters high, the Rat God (30 HP; 5 Damage; Poison) is waiting for you there with his giant mace.
2 Around a large sarcophagus covered with runes are the 2 Nether Guardians (9 HP; 3 Damage; Intangible).
3 Wrapped in mucus and pieces of living human bodies is the terrible Aberration (29 HP; 4 Damage; Weakness).
4 A light from above iluminates of the room. From this light emerges the Faceless Goddess (40 HP; 7 Dmg; Sorcery).
5 A light from above iluminates of the room. From this light emerges the God of Destruction (40 HP; 8 Dmg).
6 In the center of the room, surrounded by lit candles, is the Fallen Angel of Vengeance (25 HP; 8 damage; Sorcery).

Table: Armor
1d6 Armor
1 Ring (0 HP)
2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Breastplate (10 HP)

Table: Weapon
1d6 Weapon
1 Pan (1d6-1 Damage)
2 Machete (1d6 Damage)
3 Sword (1d6+1 Damage)
4 Warhammer (1d6+1 Damage)
5 Mace (1d6+1 Damage)
6 Scythe (1d6+3 Damage; Two-handed)

- Temple -
A beautiful structure stands among the plants and trees of the place. Its architecture is incredible
and its walls are covered with strange inscriptions. The entrance is a large stone door. Behind it, a
empty corridor with four more doors (two on each side).

Table: Segments
Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.
2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Large room with two other doors. Large room with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade falls from the ceiling. Roll the dice. On a '2'
you lose one of your arms and on a '1' you die.
2 There's nothing here.
2 A giant hammer comes out of the ceiling (5 Dmg).
3 There's nothing here.
3 You fall into a ditch (spend 1 torch to go out).
4 You have found a hidden Chest!
4 A dart hits you (1 Damage).
5 You have found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 A secret door to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
A magic circle on the floor.
2 2d6 Imps
(works as a Portal; see in the expansion). 2
(2 HP; 1 Damage)
3 Bottomless pit.
3 Fungoid
4 Torture Room with 1d6 Treasures (4 HP; 2 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)
Unknown creature statues. 1d6 Cultists
5 4
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 1 Damage)
6 Corpse with 1 Treasure. 1d6 Serpents
(2 HP; 1 Damage; Poison)
7 Chest surrounded by melted candles.
1d6 Goblins
Small altar with 1d6 coins. 6
8 (3 HP; 1 Damage; Explosive)
It may have Secret Passage.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
2d6 paintings of demons (1 coin each)
It may have Secret Passage. 2 Orcs
(6 HP; 3 Damage; Loot)
Carcasses of giant snakes.
It may have Secret Passage. Serpent Golem
(10 HP; 5 Damage; Poison)
Dry fountain.
It may have Secret Passage. Giant Serpent
(17 HP; 3 Damage; Paralyze)
12 Desk with 1d6 Treasures in the drawers.
(12 HP; 3 Damage; Stoneskin)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Sinister Idol Potion of the Color That Came from Cultist's [Armor]
(worth 3 Coins in the town) Beyond (Hair gets a random color) (Discard to ignore a Trap)
Health Potion Potion of Luck Scaled [Armor]
(Recovers all HP) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (+1 Damage against Snakes)
Magic Scroll Potion of Fury Infernal [Armor]
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Damage +2 until the end of the fight) (+3 HP)
Valuable jewel Potion of the Helping hand [Weapon] of Destruction
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Creates a new arm) (Deals +2 damage)
Master key Cosmic [Weapon]
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Open any door) (On a '1' it opens a Portal)
Sapphire of Magic Vorpal [Weapon]
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Learn a random Spell) (Kills instantly when get '6' on the die)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 From a large gap in the center of the room, comes the great Tentacle God (20 HP; 6 Damage; Regeneration).
2 The pile of cultists' bodies ends up welding and forming the Bloody Beast (23 HP; 4 Damage; Weakness).
3 Inside the empty room is just a small kitten. But make no mistake, this is the Meow Horror (40 HP; 2 Dmg).
4 There are three giant statues. Their eyes open and reveal themselves as the Three Watchers (10 HP; 3 Damage).
5 Arising from the fires of hell, the Demon Lord (30 HP; 6 Damage; Firebreath) want to take your soul.
6 Covering the room with its snake-like body, the Serpent God (30 HP; 3 Damage; Poison) was waiting for you.

Table: Weapon Table: Armor

1d6 Weapon 1d6 Armor
1 Hacksaw (1d6-1 Dmg) 1 Ring (0 HP)
2 Saber (1d6 Dmg) 2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Kukri (1d6 Dmg) 3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Scimitar (1d6+1 Dmg) 4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Mace (1d6+1 Dmg) 5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Sword (1d6+1 Dmg) 6 Breastplate (10 HP)

- Prison -
The entrance to this dungeon is hidden under the ruins of an old abandoned castle. Behind a pile
of rubble is a reinforced trap door. Upon opening it is possible to see a large staircase down. At the
end of the staircase there is a door.

Table: Segments
Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.
2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Large room with two other doors. Large room with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade falls from the ceiling. Roll the dice. On a '2'
you lose one of your arms and on a '1' you die.
2 There's nothing here.
2 Stones collapse from the ceiling (5 Damage).
3 There's nothing here.
3 You fall into a ditch (spend 1 torch to go out).
4 You have found a hidden Chest!
4 A dart hits you (1 Damage).
5 You have found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 A secret door to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
A cell with the skeleton of a childhood friend.
2 Cave Troll
It may have Secret Passage. 2
(26 HP; 6 Damage; Regeneration)
Large table with papers and confessions signed in
3 Orc Leader
blood. 3
(10 HP; 3 Damage; Loot; Horde)
Six cages hanging in the ceil.
4 2 Orcs
It may have Secret Passage. 4
(6 HP; 3 Damage; Loot)
5 Shelf of belongings with 1d6 Treasures.
1 Orc
6 Shackles on the walls and hanging bones. (6 HP; 3 Damage; Loot)
Four empty cells. 1d6 Goblins
7 6
It may have Secret Passage. (3 HP; 1 Damage; Explosive)
8 Large cell with bones on all sides. 7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Torture bed. 2 Living Armor
9 9
It may have Secret Passage. (8 HP; 3 Damage)
Stack of coffins. 3 Fungoid
10 10
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 2 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)
Slime covered wall. Golem Ossos
11 11
It may have Secret Passage. (12 HP; 5 Damage; Undead)
12 Arsenal. 2d6 Magic Items. Giant Magic Turtle
(30 HP; 2 Damage; Sorcery)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Health Potion Goblin Whistle [Armor] of the Goblin Hero
(Recovers all HP) (Goblins flee on hearing) (-2 HP)
Magic Scroll Potion of Luck [Armor] of Strength
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Ignores the next activated Trap) (+1 Damage)
Valuable jewel Potion of Fury Elven [Armor]
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Damage +2 until the end of the fight) (+2 HP)
Salamander Potion [Weapon] of Destruction
4 [Roll in the "Weapon" table]
(Recovers lost arm) (Deals +2 damage)
Master key [Weapon] of the Dragon
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Open any door) (Ignores the effect Firebreath)
Lamp Vorpal [Weapon]
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(No need to use hands to light) (Kills instantly when get '6' on the die)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 All furniture is charred. In the middle of the room is the Fire Serpent (20 HP; 3 Damage; Firebreath)
2 Goblin bodies cover the floor and in the center is the Deadly Stinger Giant Wasp (22 HP; 4 Damage; Poison)
3 Standing in the center of the room are the 2 Hell Hounds (10 HP; 3 Damage; Firebreath)
4 Statues everywhere. With an evil smile, the Medusa (20 HP; 4 Damage; Paralyze) was waiting for you.
5 You see the Cursed Ogre (20 HP; 7 Damage) destroying all the furniture in the room.
6 In the center of the room is a huge and scary Dragon (28 HP; 7 Damage; Firebreath).

Table: Armor Table: Weapon

1d6 Armor 1d6 Weapon 1d6 Weapon
1 Ring (0 HP) 1 BBQ Stick (1d6-2 Dmg) 3-4 Spear (1d6+1 Damage)
2 Bracelets (2 HP) 2 Machete (1d6 Damage) 5-6 Lance (1d6+2 Damage; Two-handed)
3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Breastplate (10 HP)

- The Graveyard -
Write down the characters that died trying to explore these dungeons:

Name Dungeon Cause of Death

- Expanded World -
- Hexploring the World -
These rules allow you to play a new game mode. We Choose a hex to start with (we recommend starting
recommend playing the basic mode before venturing with the center hex) and draw a symbol to represent
out into the world. your first city. It will be a human city on a plain. Then
finally, roll to see what the 6 neighboring lands will be
Provisions (see table below).

Your character starts with 20 provisions and can walking around

buy more in any city by paying 1 coin per Provision, up
to a maximum of 20. No one can carry more than 20 You move hexagon by hexagon. Travel time
provisions. Every day of travel consumes 1 Provision, depends on the type of terrain you are entering. In Plains
so this is also a resource that measures travel time. If it takes 1 day (consumes 1 provision) and in Mountains
you run out of provisions and you have to move, lose 1 3 days (consumes 3 provisions). Any other land type
HP for each provision needed. takes 2 days (consumes 2 provisions). It is not possible
to move on water without a boat (see below).
Drawing the Map When entering a hex, the first thing to do is
determine the neighboring hexes. Roll one die in the
To play this mode you will need a sheet with a Terrain table for each hex. After that, roll one more die
hexagonal grid. You will make drawings and paint the for each hex to see if there is any location. If it lands on
hexagons to demarcate the locations and terrain types 6, there is a location and roll in the Location table on
there. the next page.

T a b l e : T e rr a i n (H o t c l i m at e )

Current terrain
Plain Mountain Forest Swamp Desert Water
1 Water Desert Water Water Desert Water
2 Mountain Mountain Swamp Water Desert Water
3 Forest Mountain Mountain Forest Desert Water
4 Plain Forest Forest Swamp Mountain Water
5 Plain Forest Forest Swamp Mountain Swamp
6 Plain Plain Plain Swamp Mountain Plain

If your continent is in a cold or glacial zone, use the table below:

T a b l e : T e rr a i n (C o l d c l i m at e )

Current terrain
Plain Mountain Forest Glacier Tundra Water
1 Water Tundra Water Water Water Water
2 Glacier Mountain Glacier Water Tundra Water
3 Mountain Mountain Mountain Water Tundra Water
4 Forest Forest Forest Glacier Tundra Water
5 Tundra Forest Forest Glacier Mountain Glacier
6 Plain Plain Plain Glacier Mountain Plain

When revealing a hexagon, roll a die. If it's the number 6, there is a Location there. Then roll a die on the table

T a b l e : L o c at i o n
Land of the Location
Plain Mountain Forest Water
1 Orc City Orc Fortress Goblin City Rocks
2 Goblin City Orc City Goblin City Rocks
3 Ruins Ruins Ruins It was nothing...
4 Human City Volcano Gnome City It was nothing...
5 Human City Dwarven City Elven City Reef
6 Human Fortress Dwarven Fortress Elven Fortress Reef

Land of the Location

Swamp Desert Glacier Tundra
1 Orc City Orc City Thin Ice Orc City
2 Goblin City Oasis Thin Ice Ruins
3 Portal Oasis Thin Ice Ruins
4 Portal Oasis Thin Ice Ruins
5 Portal Portal Portal Portal
6 Human City Human City Portal Human City

City: In the city you can discover dungeons and Thin Ice: Upon entering this hex, roll 1d6. If it's 1
perform various actions (see below). you fell into the freezing water and died.
Fortress: Like the city but with more options. Volcano: It has a Volcanic Cave (Page 62).
Ruins: You can explore the ruins as if it were a Oasis: If you enter here, roll 1d6. If it's 4 or less, it
dungeon (see below). was a mirage. But if it's 5 or 6, you've found an Oasis
Reef: Upon entering, roll 1d6. If it's 1 your ship has (recover all lost HP).
run aground (lose 1 provision). If it's 3 or more you have Portal: You can enter the portal (see below).
found an Underwater Cave (page 62). Rocks: It is not possible to pass here.

Events on Travel
Whenever you enter a hex that doesn't have a location, roll 2d6. If it's 7 or more, nothing happened. If not, you
have found an Event. Check the result below:

Table: Eventos
Terrain Result 2 Result 3 or 4 Result 5 or 6
Water Kraken (50 HP; 10 dmg) 4 pirates (5 HP; 2 dmg; Loot) Storm (Move to a random hex)
Plain Wyvern (12 HP; 6 dmg; Firebreath) Orc (6 HP; 3 dmg; Loot) Heavy rain (loses 1 provisions)
Mountain Dragon (30 HP; 7 dmg; Firebreath) 2 Orcs (6 HP; 3 dmg; Loot) Avalanche (perde 2 HP)
Forest Troll (10 HP; 6 dmg; Regen) 1d6 Goblins (3 HP; 1 dmg; Explo.) Heavy rain (loses 1 provisions)
Swamp Moss Giant (20 HP; 2 dmg) Heavy rain (loses 1 provisions) Storm (Move to a random hex)
Desert Giant Worm (30 HP; 10 dmg) Sand Storm (loses 2 prov.) Sand Storm (loses 2 prov.)
Tundra Yeti (20 HP; 5 dmg) Blizzard (lose 2 provisions) Blizzard (lose 2 provisions)
Glacier Cracked Ice (You died!) Cracked Ice (You died!) Blizzard (lose 2 provisions)
* Creatures with Loot will have 1d6-1 coins.

- Cities and Fortresses -
When you are in a city or fortress you can do these Different cultures
In addition to the options on the left, each city has
Rest: Spend 1 coin and recover all your Hit Points an extra action depending on the race of the location:
(HP) and spells consumed.
Fix: Spend 1 coin to recover all HP from an Human: Can eliminate a Curse or Cursed Iten for
armor. 200 coins.
Buy: Spend 1 coin and add 1 torch or 1 provision. Dwarf: You can buy a Lamp for 40 coins. With the
You can only carry a maximum of 10 torches and 20 lamp you can use both hands in combat.
provisions. Elf: You can buy a pair of Elven Boots (2 HP) for
Sell: You can sell any item in any city for 1 coin. 60 coins. With them you can only spend 1 provision to
Magic items can be sold for 1d6-1 coins. If it is a move through forests.
Fortress, double this value. Gnome: You can learn a random Basic Magic for
Ask: You can ask where the nearest dungeon to 80 coins.
town is (see below). Goblin: You can buy a Verdosa Potion for 30 coins.
Hire Boat: If you are in a city or fortress beside a When drinking roll a die. If it's 3 or more you regain all
water terrain, you can spend 1 coin and go on water your HP. If not you will be itchy for a whole day.
terrain. You will travel normally but once you enter non- Orc: You can buy an Orc Gladio (1d6+1 damage)
water terrain you will leave the boat. for 70 coins.

Affinity between Races

If you are of any race that has an affinity for the city or fortress, you can enter and do city actions normally.
However, some places you will be banned from entering or trading.

Table: Affinity
Your Race
Human Dwarven Elven Gnome Goblin Orc
Human Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Not allowed
Dwarf Ok Ok Not allowed Ok Not allowed Not allowed
Elf Ok Not allowed Ok Ok Not allowed Not allowed
Gnome Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Not allowed
Halfling Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Pixie Ok Not allowed Ok Ok Ok Not allowed
Catfolk Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Not allowed
Rinoceroid Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Not allowed
Lightbugster Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Not allowed
Slimeman Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Dragonkin Ok Not allowed Not allowed Ok Ok Ok
Goblin Ok Not allowed Not allowed Ok Ok Ok
Orc/Ogre Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Ok Ok
Other race... Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Not allowed

Finding dungeons or another City or Ruins, go clockwise to the next hex
until you find land that has no location and isn't water.
Unlike the basic mode, dungeons around a city are The dungeon you will find will depend on the result
limited and you have to explore new cities or discover in the table below.
hidden dungeons around the world. When you arrive in Also, a Fortress may have an extra dungeon to be
a town, you can go to the tavern and ask about nearby explored. Roll a die, if it lands 3 or more it has Sewers
dungeons. If you don't already have a dungeon in any (page 46) under the fortress.
adjacent hex, roll 1d6. Count each side of the hexagon
starting at the top clockwise. In this hexagon there will
be a dungeon (draw on the map). If the hex has Water

Table: Dungeon Type

Dungeon Terrain
Plain Mountain Forest Swamp Desert Tundra
Palace Crypt Tomb Crypt Prison Prison
(Page 12) (Page 14) (Page 16) (Page 14) (Page 22) (Page 22)
Crypt Sanctuary Temple Tomb Palace Palace
(Page 14) (Page 18) (Page 20) (Page 16) (Page 12) (Page 12)
Tomb Prison Palace Sanctuary Sanctuary Crypt
(page 16) (Page 22) (Page 12) (Page 18) (Page 18) (Page 14)
Sanctuary Citadel Ziggurat Temple Temple Tomb
(page 18) (Page 48) (Page 52) (Page 20) (Page 20) (Page 16)
Temple Mine Laboratory Prison Pyramid Ziggurat
(Page 20) (Page 62) (Page 54) (Page 22) (Page 50) (Page 52)
Prison Cave Cave Necropolis Pyramid Ziggurat
(Page 22) (Page 62) (Page 62) (Page 56) (Page 50) (Page 52)

You can add more cool names for the dungeon. Roll 3d6 on each column and join the result with the Dungeon
Type to form its name. Use this combination: [Part 1] + [Dungeon Type] + [Part 3] + [Part 4].

3d6 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

3 The Sacred ... ... of the Hevenly ... ... Angels
4 The Pale ... ... of the Sacred ... ... Statues
5 The Deceitful ... … of the Lucky ... ... Serpent
6 The Bloody ... … of the Bloody ... … Road
7 The Sinister ... … of the Gloomy ... … Sadness
8 The Misty ... … of the Dark ... … Vale
9 The Secret ... … of the Ethernal ... … Silence
10 The Lost ... … of the Dead ... … King
11 The Cursed ... … of the Frost ... … Queen
12 The Abandoned ... … of the Flaming ... … Horror
13 The Evil ... … of the Night ... … Death
14 The Grimy ... … of the Radiant ... … Path
15 The Ruined ... … of the Raging ... … Sorceress
16 The Twisted ... … of the Unlucky ... ... Soldier
17 The Stinky ... ... of the Feathered ... ... Hound
18 The Demonic ... ... of the Demonic ... ... Hell

Getting money Fighting in The Arena: The great sport in
fortresses is the Arena! If you are in a Fortress you can
It may happen that you end up with no money, choose to fight in the gladiator arena. You never know
torches or provisions. In this case you can try to get who your opponent will be when you decide to enter
money in the city in different ways. the arena. If you win you get 20 coins, if you lose your
character died.
Hard work: In a city you can spend a few years
working hard to get more money than your daily bread. Table: Arena Champion
Permanently lose 1 HP and gain 1d6+1 coins.
3d6 Arena Champion
3 The Reaper (30 HP; 6 dmg; Deathtouch)
Gamble: In some corner there may be people
4 The Rock (50 HP; 4 dmg; Stoneskin)
to bet more than bread crumbs. In a city or fortress
spend 1 coin and roll a die. If you drop 6 you get 5 5 Giant Worm (30 HP; 10 dmg)

coins, but if you drop less you get nothing. If you don't 6 Green Ogre (23 HP; 11 dmg)
have money, you can bet your life. If you drop less 7 War spider (18 HP; 5 dmg; Poison)
than 6 someone kills you or sends you to work as a 8 Barbarian in loincloth (16 HP; 7 dmg)
slave in some lost mine, but if you drop 6 you stay 9 Ogre & Goblin (30 HP; 6 dmg; Weakness)
alive and earn 5 coins.
10 Gladiator Orc (7 HP; 4 dmg)
11 Gladiator Goblin (4 HP; 2 dmg; Explosivo)
Thug Life: You can steal money from travelers. In
12 Furious Dwarf (9 HP; 4 dmg)
a city roll 2d6 and in a fortress roll 3d6. Compare the
result with the table below. 13 Berserker Elf (8 HP; 3 dmg)
14 Bronze Sentry (20 HP; 6 dmg)
Table: Stealing from Travelers 15 The Masked Warrior (20 HP; 9 dmg)

Xd6 What happened... 16-18 Ogre in thong (22 HP; 7 dmg)

You went to rob an adventurer but he saw you

and killed you right away!
You got caught by the guard and ended up in
jail. To try to escape you will lose 1d6 HP in the
process. If you are still alive, you have fled (and
will no longer be able to enter this city).
8 You managed to steal 2 coins.
9 You managed to steal 5 coins.
10 You managed to steal 7 coins.
11-12 You managed to steal 10 coins.
13-14 You managed to steal 20 coins.
15 You managed to steal 1 Crypt Treasure!
16 You managed to steal 1 Sanctuary Treasure!
17-18 You managed to steal 1 Palace Treasure!

- Ruins -
Upon reaching a Ruins hex, you must roll 2d6 and refer to the table below according to the Ruins terrain. The
result will be a kind of dungeon found there.

Table: Dungeon Type

Ruins Terrain
Plains Mountain Forest Tundra
2-4 Cave (Page 62) Cave (Page 62) Cave (Page 62) Cave (Page 62)
5-7 Palace (Page 12) Crypt (Page 14) Tomb (Page 16) Prison (Page 22)
8-9 Laboratory (Page 54) Citadel (Page 48) Laboratory (Page 54) Ziggurat (Page 52)
10-11 Pyramid (Page 50) Mine (Page 62) Ziggurat (Page 52) Necropolis (Page 56)
12 Entrails* (Page 58) Mega Dungeon* (Page 60) Entrails* (Page 58) Mega Dungeon* (Page 60)

Dungeons marked with an asterisk (*) are unique dungeons. Once you put it on your map it can't appear again.
If so, roll the dice again.

- Portals -
During exploration you can find portals all over the world. When going through a portal there is no turning back
and you will never know where you will end up.
When entering a portal, roll 3d6 on the table below. Once you've established where the portal leads, you don't
need to roll again.

Table: Going thr o u g h th e P o rta l

3d6 What happened?
3 Your character has disappeared from existence.
4 You went to Hell (see below).
5 You went to Pesadelum (see below).
6 You went to the future, and all cities are destroyed (Ruins).
7 You appeared at the beginning of a new Dungeon but no door to exit. In the Boss's room there will be a Portal.
8 You went to Underworld (see below).
9 You appeared in the middle of the nearest town (even if it's an enemy town).
10 You appeared in the middle of the nearest human city.
11 You go to whatever hexagon you want (even from another world).
12 You went to another reality. Create a new map from scratch.
13 You are still in the same place but now whenever you reviel a Plain you find Water.
You appeared in a city in the clouds where the Slimemen live. They are very nice and hospitable. If you want, they
open a new portal to send you back wherever you want.
15 You appeared in a golden room with no doors. In the center there are 300 coins and on the back wall another Portal.
16 You went to Pesadelum (see below).
17 You went to Candy World (see below).
18 You went to Hell (see below).

- Other worlds -
Hell Underworld
Make a new map, but just use the table below to Make a new map, but just use the table below to
generate the terrain. You start on a Plain. Also use the generate the terrain. You start on a Swamp. Also use
Location and Events tables below. the Location and Events tables below.

T a b l e : T e rr a i n T a b l e : T e rr a i n
1d6 Terrain 1d6 Terrain
1 Magma 1 Water
2 Magma 2 Water
3 Mountain 3 Mountain
4 Plain 4 Swamp
5 Plain 5 Swamp
6 Plain 6 Swamp

Magma: If you enter this hex, you take 6d6 T a b l e : L o c at i o n

damage. There are no locations here. 1d6 Location
1 Dense fog (cannot pass through)
T a b l e : L o c at i o n
2 Dense fog (cannot pass through)
1d6 Location
3 Dense fog (cannot pass through)
1 Demon City (like the Orc City)
4 Dense fog (cannot pass through)
2 Demon City (like the Orc City)
5 Portal
3 Demon City (like the Orc City)
6 Portal
4 Portal
5 Portal If you encounter a land with Mist, you can spend 1
6 City of Survivors (Like Human City) provision to wait for it to dissipate.

Table: Event Table: Event

2d6 Event 2d6 Event
2 Infernal Baron (60 HP; 9 dmg) 2 The Death (30 HP; 3 dmg; Deathtouch)
3 Demon Lord (30 HP; 8 dmg) 3 Ghost (4 HP; 3 dmg; Intangible)
4 Demon (10 HP; 3 dmg) 4 Ghost (2 HP; 2 dmg; Intangible)
5 2d6 Imps (2 HP; 1 dmg) 5 Ominous fog (lose 1 provision)
6 Fire rain (lose 3 HP) You have found the soul of an ancient dead adven-
turer. If you want to help him, roll 1d6. If its 6 his
7+ Nothing happens... 6 soul will follow you and resurrect when he returns
to the world of the living. But if it's 5 or less his
soul will go to hell.
If you defeat Demon Lord or Infernal Baron, you'll
encounter 1d6 Magic Items (roll on the table on page 7+ Nothing happens...

With the death of the Infernal Baron, a Portal is If you defeat Death you can go back to any world
opened in place of his body. you like (in any hex you like).

Pesadelum Candy World
Make a new map, but just use the table below to Make a new map, but just use the table below to
generate the terrain. You start on a Plain. Also use the generate the terrain. You start on a Caramel Plain. Also
Location and Events tables below. use the Location and Events tables below.

T a b l e : T e rr a i n T a b l e : T e rr a i n
1d6 Terrain 1d6 Terrain
1 Sea of Blood 1 Milk Shake Sea
2 Forest of Impaled 2 Milk Shake Sea
3 Plain of Thorns 3 Lollipop Forest
4 Plain of Thorns 4 Marshmallow Mountain
5 Mountain 5 Caramel Plain
6 Mountain 6 Caramel Plain

Sea of Blood: If you land here you will take 3 T a b l e : L o c at i o n

damage and move to a random adjacent hex. 1d6 Location
Forest of Impaled: Horrifying. If you enter here,
1 Fortress of King Mandolate (enemy)
roll a die. If it's 1 you are catatonic.
2 Chocolate City (enemy)
Plain of Thorns: Take 1 damage when entering
3 Chocolate City (enemy)
this terrain.
4 Nothing. Just peanuts on the floor.

T a b l e : L o c at i o n 5 Nothing. Just peanuts on the floor.

1d6 Location 6 Portal

1 Goblin Fortress
Table: Event
2 Goblin City
2d6 Event
3 Ruins
2 Caking (10 HP; 4 dmg; Regen)
4 Abandoned House (find 1d6-1 coins)
3 Candy apple Soldier (10 HP; 2 dmg)
5 Portal
4 Marshminion (4 HP; 2 dmg)
6 Survivors City (Like human city)
5 Marshminion (4 HP; 2 dmg)

Table: Event 6 Icing Rain (miss 1 provi.)

2d6 Event 7+ Nothing happens...

2 Dracolich (30 HP; D 8; Necro)

If you defeat a monster, roll a treasure:
3 Tentacle (20 HP; D 6; Regen)
4 1d6 Goblins (3 HP; D 1; Explo.)
Table: Treasure
5 Temporal distortion (move to random 1 hex)
2d6 Treasure
6 Temporal distortion (move to random 1 hex)
1 100 chocolate coins (worth 1 coin)
7+ Nothing happens...
2 Strawberry Flavor Life Potion (recovers all HP)
3 Easter Egg (Roll a treasure from a Palace)
If you defeat the Tentacle, you will find a Dream
4 Marshmellow Boots (5 HP)
Potion (If you drink it you can reverse your HP number,
trading the Ten value with the Unit). 5 Gum Bullet Helmet (9 HP)
6 Giant Lollipop (Weapon; 1d6+2 damage)

- New Races -
Instead of rolling a race on the base table, you can choose one of these tables below:

Table: Uncommon Races

1d6 Race HP Ability
1 Lightbugster 16 You start with 3 uses of the Light spell.
2 Pixie 8 You start the game with 5 random Basic Spells.
3 Slimemen 10 If you engulf the body of an enemy, you regain all HP.
4 Pumpkinkin 16 You start with 3 uses of the Vimes spell.
5 Cat-person 19 You can sell equipment in the town for twice the price.
6 Half-Human 20 Roll a new race and use the advantage of that.

Uncommon Races
Slimemen: A legend tells that they live in big cities
These are beings who live on the same continent in the clouds, but one day there was such a heavy rain
but have no cities or empires. They live among humans that they rained on the land. No slimeman remembers
and other common races. You start in any human city any of this and doesn't know where they came from.
on the map.
Pumpkinkin: These beings are born every time a
Lightbugster: The original lightbugster lived in swallow lays an egg on top of a pumpkin patch. They
large forests until they were exterminated by centaurs, are clumsy and live up to 5 years.
their archrivals. Today the lightbugsters are mixed
among humans just waiting for the end of their species. Cat-person: These nomadic people usually live in
small communities and camp in isolated places.
Pixie: Pixies live hidden in forests. Some of them
end up getting pretty bored and decide to have suicidal

Table: Exotic Races

1d6 Race HP Ability
1 Rinoceroid 24 You can attack with your horn (Damage 1d6).
2 Samambro 10 When you die, roll a die. If results 3 or more you will come back to life with 1 HP.

3 Corvino 14 You start the game with 5 random Advanced Spells. You can skip travel events

4 Patovsky 15 You can walk in water territories and can skip travel events.
5 Pandakhan 30 Spend twice as much provisions.
6 Sharkin 18 You can walk in water territories.

T a b l e : M o n s tr o u s R a c e s
1d6 Race HP Ability
1 Goblin 3 If you roll 1 on the damage die, you explode. Dealing 5 damage to everyone in the room.
2 Orc 21 None.
3 Centaur 19 Spend half of your provisions when moving around the map.
4 Fungoid 10 At any time, spend 1 provision and heal 1d6 HP.
5 Ogre 40 Cannot use potions, scrolls or wear armor. Deals +2 damage.
6 Dragonkin 30 You start with 3 uses of the Fireball spell.

Exotic Races Monstrous Races

These are races that came from some distant These people are seen as monsters by all civilized
continent. When playing with one of them, you start out peoples. You start the game in an Orc or Goblin town
in a water territory surrounded by water territories. You in a Mountain or Forest territory (respectively).
are on a boat.
Goblin: Goblins live in packs and besides enjoying
Rinoceroid: They live in big cities in the distant playing with explosives, they have a great tendency to
savannas. Some do not adapt to this life and prefer to spontaneously explode. Their cities are big, made of
go out into the world in search of adventure. hollow tree trunks and dirt.
Samambro: Plant-like beings live peacefully in Orc: Orcs live in large heavily militarized cities.
small communities in a distant jungle. They don't cause They have a great sense of hierarchy and will impose
war and prefer to listen to music and tell jokes. their laws on everyone.
Corvino: They have no cities and live in isolated Centaur: In the past, centaurs banded together
huts in distant swamps. Some end up traveling in to destroy civilizations just for fun. Until the arrival of
search of wealth and fame. humans, when they lost to the competition. The few
Patovsky: They live in a great nation built on a who still live have allied themselves with orcs and
great civil war. Some travel the world looking to find goblins, and some of them even rule goblin cities.
political allies. Fungoid: All Fungoid originates in a single city:
Pandakhan: Conquerors and territorialists, these Fungopolis. A mega underground city so hidden that
people have already conquered half of the continent few people know where it is. After leaving there, a
where they live. Some travel the world in search of Fungoid looks for another civilization to live with, and
becoming a new great emperor of the place. they usually ally themselves with goblins and orcs.
Sharkin: They live in big underwater cities in the Ogre: Big and dumb. They cannot form a simple
middle of the ocean. They have a very closed society sentence and can be fooled by the dumbest goblin.
and do not allow anyone to enter or leave. Only criminals They usually live with goblins and orcs in their cities,
are exiled and sent to the surface. providing services of all kinds.
Dragonkin: No one knows how they come
about, but sometimes they come from dragon eggs
abandoned by the female. With no way out, they end up
allied with the orcs where they live in their cities. Some
goblins worship them as gods.

- Prohibited Races -
These races were ideas of users of the facebook group and have no description other than their own name.
Use them at your own risk.
Roll two dice in order and compare the results in the first two columns:

Table: Races th at s h o u l d n ' t e x i s t

1d6 1d6 Race HP Ability

1 Steambot 18 No need to consume Provisions.
2 Capivoraz 16 Start the game with 20 coins.
3 Blankin 20 It has two uses of the Lightning spell.
4 Lobisoide 20 When you destroy doors, you can attack first.
5 Tri-kri-kri 12 It has 4 arms and consumes only 1 provision in deserts.
6 Gnoblin 5 You can say it's a gnome or a goblin.
1 Sandboy 7 It can pass through locked or trapped doors without activating it.
2 Dolphmen 11 Can move on water terrain.
3 Geckoid 10 When Silent Move, roll two dice and discard the smaller one.
4 Smart Zombie 8 You can play dead and run away from combat.
5 Half-god 30 Lose 3 HP whenever 1 on your damage die.
6 Minotaurion 24 Can attack with its horn (1d6 damage).
1 Fire-folk 10 It is immune to Firebreath.
2 Water-folk 10 Can pass through locked doors.
3 Earth-folk 20 None.
4 Air-folk 10 Ignore all traps.
5 Frogoid 20 You can hold torch with your tongue.
6 Doggo 18 Cannot wear armor.
1 Vampirim 18 Restores HP when killing monsters (gains 1 HP per dead monster).
2 Doggie 8 You can only pick things up with your mouth.
3 Ponão 21 Only get along with Centaurs and Dwarves.
4 Martian 4 Starts with a Laser Gun (1d6+5 damage).
5 Half-Goat 18 Spend only 1 provision to move in Mountains.
6 Shapeshifter 16 You can gain the Ability of a race you have encountered in play.
1 Keyroz 17 If you land 1 on the damage die, you teleport to the militia lawyer's farm.
2 Olavoides 17 See everything in red color. Hates the color red.
3 Mimiminion 17 You can only wear yellow armor. Obey any soldier or guard (and be happy).
4 Sereia reversa 20 Smells like fish.
5 Jenypher 16 It has 4 arms, is bald and can pass for a goblin or gnome.
6 Coutim 18 Can ignore combat with creatures with Loot, and still keep them.
1 Levent 15 You can skip travel events.
2 Aesir 20 It is immune to weather effects
3 Fira 16 Can use its own light instead of torch, but spends 2 HP for each use.
4 Mahok 28 Cannot wear armor.
5 Tailox 16 When you roll to Find Secret Passages, roll two dice and discard the lowest.
6 Juban 21 They cannot move in silence.

- Advanced Classes -
After exploring some dungeons, your character is no longer the same. And with all the money
accumulated, it's time for him to become someone more important. Below you will find a list of
Advanced Classes that your character can acquire. All require a cost of money, which reflects the
work and disposition of teachers and resources for their training. Some Classes require some other
requirement that you must follow. You can acquire as many classes as you like, you just cannot acquire
the same class more than once.

Table: Advanced Classes

Class Cost Requirement HP Ability
Avenger 10 Having avenged the death of a relative +2 None.
Ruthless 20 Have killed 10 Imps +1 None.
Goblinator 20 Have killed 20 goblins +0 Take -2 damage per Explosion.
Miner 20 Have survived two dungeons. +1 If run out of torches, can leave the dungeon.
Gravedigger 30 Having lost another character. +0 Deals +2 damage to Undead.
Gladiator 30 Having fought in an Arena. +3 None.
Janitor 30 Killed all creatures from a Sewer +1 None.
Collector 30 Find all pieces of an armor +0 Sell a piece of armor for 5 coins.
Hotep 30 Have killed 3 mummies +1 None.
Bugcatcher 30 Have killed 10 insects or arachnids +0 +1 damage against insects and arachnids.
Orcslayer 40 Having killed an Orc King or Leader +2 None.
Dragonslayer 50 have slain a dragon +3 None.
Guard 50 Have killed at least 3 monsters. +1 None.
Helsing 50 have killed 2 vampires +0 +1 damage against Vampires and Ghouls.
Schoolar 70 Have used a spell or scroll. +0 Earn 3 random Basic Spells.
Lumberjack 70 Having traveled through two forests. +1 None.
Ghostbuster 80 Have killed 10 intangible beings +0 Can ignore Intangible on first turn.
Cook 100 Have spent 20 provisions on the road. +0 Gain 1 Provision per defeated monster.
Blacksmith 100 Ter tido uma armadura destruida. +1 Can recover an armor by spending 1 Torch.
Ambidextrous 100 Have killed 2 dungeon bosses +0 Can attack with 2 weapons (one in each hand).
Mage 100 Know 3 basic spells. +0 Earn 4 random Basic Spells.
Warrior 100 Have killed 1 dungeon boss +2 None.
Merchant 100 Have sold an item. +0 Can sell items for double the value.
Pirate 100 Have sailed through 5 territories. +1 Ignores Poison.
Survivor 100 Having walked through two deserts. +4 None.
Thief 120 Have opened at least 4 locks. +0 Does not waste torches when Opening Locks.
Multidextrous 200 Be Ambidextrous +0 Can attack with every weapon you are using
Noble 200 Talk to the King of a Fortress. +0 Can build a castle in an empty region.
Cleric 200 Having faced an undead. +1 Get 2 uses of the Heal spell.
Druid 200 Have passed through 6 forests. +0 Earn 4 random Nature Spells.
Necromancer 200 Have used Cold Ray spell +0 Earn 4 random Death Spells.
Bard 200 Have passed through 3 cities. +1 Gain 3 uses of Paralyze advanced spell.

T a b l e : A d v a n c e d C l a s s e s ( c o n t .)
Class Cost Requirement HP Ability
Paladin 200 Be a Knight or a Cleric. +3 Gain 3 uses of the Heal spell.
Anti-Paladin 200 Be a Paladin +3 Gains 4 Death Spells but loses all Healing spells.
Elementalist 300 Have a Fire and an Ice spells. +2 Gain 4 random Elemental Spells.
Champion 300 Have cleaned 4 dungeons. +6 You don't need to spend money to recover.
Knight 400 Be Noble. +2 Gain a Horse.
Necromaster 400 Be Necromancer and killed a Lich. +4 Gain 4 random Death Spells.
Assassin 400 Be a Thief and having killed a boss. +3 Deals 3 times damage on your first attack.
Alchemist 400 Know 4 any spells. +2 Spending 50 coins makes 1 Health Potion.
Arcane 500 Know 6 different Spells. +3 Gain 4 random Advanced Spells.
Lich 500 Be Necromaster and having died. +6 Gain 4 random Death Spells.
Lord 600 Having built a castle. +0 You can build a City.
King 1000 Having built a city. +0 You can build a fortress.
Emperor 6000 Have 1 fortress and 3 vassals. +0 Rule the world.

- New Spells -
T a b l e : N at u r e S p e l l s
1d6 Spell Effect
1 Natural Cure Recovers 12 HP.
2 Vimes Leaves a monster without attacking for 1d6 turns.
3 Camouflage Can ignore an Event generated in a forest or swamp territory.
4 Create Food Creates 2d6 Provisions.
5 Summon Wolf Summons a Wolf (4 HP; Damage 2) to help you until the end of the fight.
6 Insect Rain Attack that deals 7 damage to all opponents.

T a b l e : D e ath S p e l l s
1d6 Spell Effect
1 Ethereal Body Until the end of the fight, all damage you take will be reduced by 1 point.
2 Absorb Soul After a fight, recover 5 HP for each monster killed.
3 Banish the Dead Destroy any Undead that are in the same area as you.
4 Fire of the Dead After a fight, you get 2 torches for every monster you killed.
5 Summon Skeleton Summons a Skeleton (4 HP; Damage 1; Undead) that will stay until you exit the dungeon.
6 Awakening Summons 1d6 Skeletons (4 HP; Damage 1; Undead) to aid you until the end of combat.

T a b l e : E l e m e n ta l S p e l l s
1d6 Spell Effect
1 Summon Elemental Summons an Elemental (3 HP; Damage 2) to aid you until the end of the fight.
2 Stone Armor Creates a piece of armor with 5 HP. It destroys itself after you leave the dungeon.
3 Cold Ray Deals 4 damage to one monster and it cannot attack next turn.
4 Lightning Deals 6 damage to one monster.
5 Fireball Deals 5 damage to all monsters in the same room.
6 Collapse A dungeon room is completely destroyed with everything inside.

Table: Advanced Spells

2d6 Spell Effect
2 Insect Rain Attack that deals 7 damage to all opponents.
3 Open Portal You can open a temporary Portal. You don't know where it's going.
4 Create Food Creates 2d6 Provisions.
5 Paralyze Leave all monsters in a room without attacking for 2 turns.
6 Fly Can move through any land without spending any Provision and activate Event.
7 Reload Mana Recovers 1 use of another spell.
8 Magic Shield Once created, it can absorb 4 damage points. Can cast more than one.
9 Stone Armor Creates a piece of armor with 5 HP. It destroys itself after you leave the dungeon.
10 Magic Blast Attack that deals 12 damage.
11 Summon Elemental Summons an Elemental (3 HP; Damage 2) to aid you until the end of the fight.
12 Ethereal Body Until the end of the fight, all damage you take will be reduced by 1 point.

- Hireling -
A Hireling is anyone who is willing to help you in exchange for money. Here we have a list of them with their
functions. You can only hire Hirelings in one city or fortress. You will pay your cost to face just one dungeon (you
can go back if necessary). In addition, you will have to pay for Provisions for each of them during the trip!

Hirelings can carry up to 20 provisions and 10 torches, but you will have to pay for them. You can give a
hireling equipment and weapons, but he won't give you back. Most can fight and hold the torch for you. Also, some
may provide different services during your journey.

The following tables show the hireling options depending on the city or fortress you are in.

Table: Hireling - Human City or F o rtr e s s

Hireling Cost HP Extra Service Equipment
Torchbearer 10 10 None and doesn't know how to fight. None
Mercenary 30 14 None. Club (1d6-2 damage)

T a b l e : H i r e l i n g - H u m a n F o rtr e s s
Hireling Cost HP Extra Service Equipment
Jester 30 17 Can clown. None
Burglar 40 14 Open locks without wasting torches. Dagger (1d6-1 damage)
Bodyguard 60 16 None. Shortsword (1d6 damage)
Minstrel 60 16 Can play music in combat (+2 damage). Mandolin (Two-handed)
Rent Wizard 80 14 Can cast 4 random Basic Spells. Staff (1d6-1 damage)
War Veteran 100 20 None. Longsword (1d6+1 damage)

T a b l e : H i r e l i n g - E lv e n C i t y
Hireling Cost HP Extra Service Equipment
Elf Ranger 30 11 Ignores Travel Events. Saber (1d6 damage)
Elf Soldier 60 13 Can cast 3 random Basic Spells. Staff (1d6-2 damage)

Table: Hireling - Dwarf City or F o rtr e s s

Hireling Cost HP Extra Service Equipment
Dwarf Miner 40 15 To Find Secret Passages, roll two dice. Pickaxe (1d6-1 damage)
Dwarf Soldier 50 16 Deals +1 damage against Orcs and Goblins. Axe (1d6+1 damage)

Table: Hireling - Gnome City

Hireling Cost HP Extra Service Equipment
Gnome Helper 30 7 Can cast 4 random Basic Spells. None

Table: Hireling - Orc or Goblin City or F o rtr e s s

Hireling Cost HP Extra Service Equipment
Goblin Helper 10 1 It can explode at any time, dealing 5 damage. None
Orc Soldier 50 17 None. Gladio (1d6 damage)
Cargo Ogre 80 40 Can carry 40 items (return it to you at the end) can't use anything

- Training Animals -
You can train an animal to follow you on your adventures. To train one of the animals below, you will
have to first go to the appropriate terrain. This land must be empty (no location) and have at least 2
lands of the same type adjacent to it. Once there, spend 4 provisions and roll a die. If a number equal
to or greater than the animal's “Dif”, you managed to train it.

You cannot have more than 3 animals. Only one of these can be a mount.

T a b l e : D o m e s t i c at e d A n i m a l s
Animal Dif Terrain HP Dmg Ability
Cat 3 Plain or Forest 2 1 None.
Dog 2 Plains 3 2 In the dungeon, it doesn't allow you to Move in Silence.
Snake 4 Any 2 1 Attack deals Poison.
Raven 4 Swamp or Tundra 2 1 If you die, roll a die. If it's 4 or more, you come back.
Eagle 5 Mountain 3 2 You can open an extra hex with each move.
Owl 4 Forest 2 2 Can only spend 1 provision to traverse Forests.
Monkey 5 Forest 2 1 It can carry an extra item or use a weapon.
Goat 4 Mountain 4 3 You can only spend 2 provisions to cross Mountains.
Wolf 5 Forest or Tundra 5 3 None.
Polar Bear 5 Glacier 6 2 None.
Tiger 6 Forest 8 4 Cannot enter dungeons.

Mounts cannot enter dungeons and to train them requires 8 provisions. Alternatively, you can buy
mounts in a city that is on the appropriate terrain (and also has at least two of the same land adjacent
to it).

Table: Mounts
Mount Dif Terrain HP Dmg Ability Cost
Horse 3 Plains 10 1 For 1 provision you can move across 2 Plains. 50
Camel 2 Desert 8 1 Spend only 1 provision to move in Deserts. 30
Llama 3 Mountain 6 1 Spend only 2 provisions to move in Mountains. 70
Giant wolf 5 Forest 6 2 Spend only 1 provision to move in Forests. 80
Mammoth 6 Tundra 20 5 You spend 1 extra provision por hex. 500
Raptor 5 Swamp 6 3 Spend only 1 provision to move in Swamps. 100
Dolphin 5 Water 4 1 Moves only in water. 50
Griffin 6 Mountain 12 4 Spend only 1 provision for any land. 2000

- Buildings -
There comes a time in a hero's life when he must retire his sword and enjoy the luxuries of a grand castle. Here
we have rules for you to spend all that accumulated money on your adventures.

To build any of the buildings below, you must be in a territory that is empty. Buildings made on Plains have no
change in cost, but buildings made on other lands cost twice as much. Dwarves do not suffer this increase if it is
in mountains and Elves do not suffer this increase if it is in forests.
In a building you can store any number of items found in dungeons. However, whenever you leave a dungeon
roll a die. If it drops a number greater than the building's Defense value, a random item has been stolen.
It is possible to build on top of another building, spending only the difference in cost.

Table: Buildings
Building Cost Requirement Defense Colect Taxes
House 200 None 2 None.
Tower 400 None 4 None.
Palace 600 Be a Noble 4 You get 150 coins when you kill a Dungeon Boss.
Castle 600 Be a Noble 5 You get 100 coins when you kill a Dungeon Boss.
City 1000 Be a Lord 6 You get 200 coins when you kill a Dungeon Boss.
Fortress 3000 Be a King 12 You get 300 coins when you kill a Dungeon Boss.

- Politics -
The world is ruled by Lords and Kings. Each City has a Lord and each Fortress has a King. Cities up to 3 hexes
away from a Fortress of the same race are considered Vassals, that is, they are under the control of the King.
Nobles can own Palaces or Castles but have very little influence politics.
In-game, you can purchase these titles with Advanced Classes and building Buildings. When that happens you
can enter the politics of the realms. To bring a lord or king to your side, you need to go to the city or fortress and
roll a die. See the Affinity table below. If you get an equal or higher number, you got the affinity of this one, if not,
he became your enemy. If you are a Lord and that city is within 3 hexes of your building, passing this test you have
made him your Vassal.

Table: Political Affinity

Your Race
Human Dwarf Elf Gnome Goblin Orc
Human 4 5 5 5 5 7
Dwarf 5 4 6 5 6 8
Elf 5 6 4 5 6 7
Gnome 5 5 5 4 5 7
Halfling 4 4 4 3 4 5
Pixie 5 6 5 5 5 7
Slimeman 5 5 5 5 5 5
Dragonkin 5 6 6 5 4 4
Goblin 5 6 6 5 4 5
Orc/Ogre 7 8 7 6 4 4
Others... 5 6 5 5 5 6

- Warfare -
Every City or Fortress can make a troop available Mustering Troops
for war. If you own a castle, you will already have troops
at your disposal. You can team up with other lords or To attack an enemy building, you must first have
kings and declare war on others. The rules for this are troops. You can only recruit troops in a Castle, City or
pretty simple. Fortress and you will need to spend 200 coins for each.
Move your character to the City or Fortress you No building can have more than 1 troop recruited at a
want to attack, taking with you all the troops you recruit time. You can recruit troops from vassal or conquered
(see below). Each of these troops will no longer return Cities and Fortresss.
home and will die fighting. Then roll one die for each
troop sent. Add up all the dice results and compare to Declared Enemies
the target's defense. Against a City the defense is 6 and
against Fortress the defense is 12. If you fail a Political Affinity check with any Lord
If the attack's result is equal to or greater than the or King, he is considered your enemy. Whenever you
Building's Defense, the attack was successful and the attack a building, roll a die for each enemy you have
city was taken. However, if the result of the attack is (and that is not the target of the attack). If it's 4 or
less than the defense of the construction, the attack more, nothing happens. But if it's between 1 and 3, it
was a failure. means that this enemy has sent this number of troops
If you want, you can put your character to fight to attack your building that is closest to him (in case
with your troops. If you do, you can roll one more dice. of doubt he will attack the building with less defense).
However, if this die falls to number 1 and the battle is If he wins, he will have completely destroyed the place
lost, your character will die in battle. (turning into Ruins).

Storming the Castle

When taking a building, you can choose between

Attach to your Realm or to Loot the City.
To attach a building to your realm, you need to
convince the people of the place by rolling it again
on the Political Affinity table, but with a +2 bonus to
the roll. If you succeed, you will have placed some
representative of your race to rule there for you, and
you will have all the advantages of having a vassal. If
you can't do that, you'll only have the option of looting
the place.
If you choose to Loot, you destroy the place
completely (mark it on the map as a Ruins) and gain
200 coins if it's a castle, 600 coins if it's a city or 1000
coins if it's a fortress.

- Group Play -
Here are the rules so you can play when your Multiplayer
character is not alone. Either because you are using
Hirelings, Animals or Summoned Creatures, or because These rules below are exclusive if you are playing
you are playing together with a friend. with another friend, each with a character exploring the
same dungeon.
Combat Whenever you roll on the Monsters table, roll a
number of times for each player (Example: If there are
Monster abilities are not activated by the result of 3 players, roll 3 times on the Monsters table for each
a player's damage die. For this you will have to make room you open).
an exclusive roll for the monsters. Roll 1d6 in the Each player can carry up to 10 torches but only
monster's turn to see if it activates any abilities they one needs to use in one hand (if they are together in
might need. a dungeon).
After that, monster damage is calculated and the The number of treasures remains the same, so
player (or players) will split the total damage between players must divide among themselves.
the characters. You can distribute however you like The Dungeon Boss will always have his HP
as long as everyone involved takes at least 1 point of multiplied by the number of players. If, for example,
damage. 3 players encounter a Dragon, it will have 90 HP (3 x
Example: You have two hirelings by your side and 30 = 90).
two orcs attack. Each orc deals 3 damage, making
their attack 6 damage total. You then decide that one
of the hirelings is very important and you don't want him
to take too much damage, so he only takes 1 damage.
The other one you know has 3 HP left, so you choose
to have him take 2 damage. There are still 3 damage
points that will go to your character.

- Deadly Dungeons -
- Sewers -
Every fortress has a sewer complex. Going down a manhole by a dirty metal ladder. You arrive at
a tunnel at an intersection with 4 corridors with water flows (north, south, east and west). Every tunnel
here has stinky, dark shallow water running through.

Table: Segments
1d6 Following a Tunnel Open from a Tunnel Open from a Room
1 Tunnel that ends in a Floodgate. A small room. A small room.

2 Tunnel follows. Has a Floodgate. A small room. A small room.

3 Tunnel follows. Has a Floodgate. An average room. An average room.
4 Tunnel follows. A room with a Floodgate. An average room.
5 Tunnel follows making a curve. A room with a Floodgate. A tunnel that goes on.
6 Tunnel follows. Has a ladder. A room with a Floodgate. A tunnel that goes on.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 One of your arms is cut off by a blade.

2 There's nothing here. 2 An explosion! (4 damage).

3 There's nothing here. 3 Gust of acid (3 damage).

4 There's nothing here. 4 A dart hits you (1 damage).

5 Found a hidden Treasure! 5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

6 There is a hidden door here. 6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content Table: Monsters

2d6 Room Content 2d6 Monsters
Rat swarm
2 It's all flooded. Spend 1 torch to leave the room. 2
(20 HP; 2 dmg; Regeneration)
3 Destroyed closet with a Chest inside. Cockroaches swarm
Destroyed furniture. (26 HP; 1 dmg; Regeneration)
It may have Secret Passage. 1d6 Goblins
8 stacked crates. If you investigate roll 1 dice (3 HP; 1 dmg; Explosive)
5 for each. If '1', it activates a Trap. If it's '5' or Sewer Worm
more, you have found 1 Treasure. 5
(10 HP; 3 dmg; Poison)
6 Trash pile with a Treasure inside. 1d6 Giant Rats
Dirt everywhere. (2 HP; 1 dmg)
It may have Secret Passage.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
A dirty bed and a sign of a recent fire.
8 Trash Golem
It may have Secret Passage. 9
(15 HP; 4 dmg; Weakness)
9 Trash pile with a Treasure inside.
4 Bandids
A metal ladder leads to the surface. (5 HP; 2 dmg; Loot)
It may have Secret Passage.
Walking Slime
11 A trapdoor that leads to a Laboratory. (10 HP; 1 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)

12 A lost Chest. Giant Crocodile

(30 HP; 5 dmg)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Perfume Tetanus [Armor]
1 1d6 Torches
(It won't stink anymore) (Cursed; -2 HP)
Health Potion Potty Ring of Bad Luck
(Recovers all HP) (It's like a Helm; 3HP) (Cursed; Reroll the ‘6’ on attacks)
Magic Scroll Bell Hamelin flute
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Makes monsters open the door) (Rats, worms and insects flee)
Lost jewel Goblin Whistle [Armor] of the Rat Swarm
(worth 2d6 Coins in the town) (Goblins flee on hearing) (+1 HP, but it stinks)
Master key [Weapon] of the Fly
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Open any door) (+1 against Swarms)
Rusty Glaive Tetanus [Weapon]
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Two-handed; 1d6+3 Damage) (+3 against humanoids)

Table: Weapons and Armor

1d6 Weapon Armor
1 Broken Pipe (1d6-1 Damage) Ring (0 HP)
2 Sword (1d6 Damage) Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Wrench (1d6 Damage) Boots (3 HP)
4 Long Fork (1d6 Damage) Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Spear (1d6+1 Damage; Two-handed) Helm (4 HP)
6 Maul (1d6+2 Damage; Two-handed) Breastplate (10 HP)

Special Rules

This dungeon does not have an Final Room or Dungeon Boss.

Floodgate: It works like normal doors but cannot be destroyed, have no traps and will always be

Tunnels: The Tunnels work like corridors but you can't see the rest of it. Each tunnel segment
continues the previous. In a tunnel you must roll to add Monster but not Content.
If you try to move silently in a tunnel, monsters will detect you if you land 1 or 2 on the die.

- Citadel -
The entrance to this dungeon is an immense hall carved in stone inside a mountain. Two statues
of dwarfs brandishing their axes stand outside the heavy stone door. Upon entering, you find a huge,
long room. In the center there is a large fountain now dry, and there are 3 doors on each side (totaling
6 doors). All these doors lead to a short staircase with a door at the bottom.

Table: Segments
1d6 Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room
2 CCorridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Big room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Large hall with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 You are beheaded by a blade.

2 There's nothing here. 2 A giant hammer comes out of the ceiling (5 dmg).

3 There's nothing here. 3 You fall into a hole with stakes (3 damage).

4 Found a hidden Chest! 4 A dart hits you (1 damage).

5 Found a hidden Chest! 5 A dart hits you (1 damage).

6 Passage to a Staircase. 6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content Table: Monsters

2d6 Room Content 2d6 Monsters

2 Underground Monster Hunting Trophies Orc Leader

(12 HP; 5 damage; Loot; Horde)
Destroyed kitchen and 1d6 coins.
3 3 Orcs
It may have Secret Passage. 3
(6 HP; 3 damage; Loot)
Bed with a Chest beside it.
4 2 Orcs
It may have Secret Passage. 4
(6 HP; 3 damage; Loot)
5 Wardrobe with 2 Treasures
1 Orc
6 Desk with a Chest below (6 HP; 3 damage; Loot)

Dusted war banners. 6 1d6 Goblins (3 HP; 1 damage; Explosive)

It may have Secret Passage.
7 There are no monsters in this room.
8 Training Room with a Treasure.
8 There are no monsters in this room.
Trash deposit.
9 2 Dwarf Skeletons
It may have Secret Passage. 9
(4 HP; 3 damage; Undead)
10 Arsenal. 2d6 Treasures
Dwarf Ghost
Large table with papers and maps. (6 HP; 4 damage; Intangible)
It may have Secret Passage.
Golem Bones and Stone
Torture room with bones of orcs. (15 HP; 6 damage; Undead)
It may have Secret Passage.
Walking Slime
(10 HP; 1 Damage; Loot; Regeneration)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Dwarf Statuette Dwarven Bracelets Ring of the Dead Man
(6 coins) (3 HP) (Cursed; Cannot wear Armor)
Dwarf Beer Barrel Dwarven Shoulderpads Dwarven Hammer
(Recovers 5 HP) (4 HP) (1d6 dmg; +2 against orcs)
Valuable jewel Torch Helmet Dwarven Battle Axe
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (3 HP; Fits torches) (1d6+1 dmg; +2 against orcs)
Jóia muito valiosa Orc Machete Dwarf Guard Cloak
(150 Moedas) (1d6+1 Damage) (+1 damage against orcs)
Horn of War Dwarf War Pick
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Increase your damage +1) (1d6+2 Damage)
Beheaded Head of the Orc Prince Dwarven breastplate
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Orcs deal -1 damage) (10 HP; ignore Poison)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 Grim Reaper (50 HP; 3 dmg; Deathtouch) was waiting for you.
2 From inside a huge hole opened in the ground a Bolrag (40 HP; 6 dmg; Firebreath) demon appears.
3 The Minotaur (30 HP; 7; Horde) is leaning on a huge ax and sitting on a throne of dwarf bones.
The room is very cold. In the background, sitting on a stone throne is the Ghost of the Dwarf King (20 HP; 5 dmg;
5 The Orc Shaman Leader (20 HP; 2 dmg; Sorcery, Horda) is surrounded by 3 Orcs (6 HP; 3 dmg).
6 The former dwarf king was corrupted by death and now he is the Cursed King (30 HP; 7 dmg; Necromancy).

Special Rules
Once you defeat the Dungeon Boss, in addition to the 2d6 Treasures, you've found one of the
Dwarf Hallows (scroll below).

Table: Dwarf Hallows

1d6 Dwarf Hallows
1 Standard of the Dwarf Empire (If attachment to a breastplate, +1 damage)
2 Annihilation Pick (1d6+2 Damage; If you kill a creature, it deals +2 to the next creature of the same type)
3 Heavy Axe of the Deeps (1d6+4 Damage; Two-handed; +3 against demons)
4 Dwarf God's Sledgehammer (1d6+5 damage; Two-handed)
5 Dwarf King's Helm (11 HP)
6 Dwarf King's Ax (1d6+3 Damage; +1 against Orcs)

- Pyramid -
A huge stone structure in the shape of a pyramid. Some parts are covered with sand, but it is
possible to see a small entrance in the base. A large carved rock covers the entrance. You can move
the rock a bit to get through. Inside, a long staircase descends into darkness. It is only possible to see
a metal door at the bottom of it.

Table: Segments
1d6 Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room.

2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Big room.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Large hall with pillars.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 A huge block of stone falls over you. You died.

2 You have activated a Trap! 2 Raise 1d6 Mummified Soldiers

3 Found a hidden Chest! 3 (5 HP; 2 dmg; Undead)

4 Found a hidden Chest! 4 Raise 1 Mummy (4 HP; 1 dmg; Undead)

5 Found a hidden Chest! 5 Gas cloud makes you pass out (spend 1 torch).
6 Passage to a Staircase. 6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content Table: Monsters

2d6 Room Content 2d6 Monsters
2 Sarcophagus with 2d6 Treasures. Mummified Priestess
(7 HP; 2 dmg; Sorcery)
3 Statues of animal gods.
3 Mummified Soldiers
A well in the center of the room. (5 HP; 2 dmg; Undead)
It may have Secret Passage.
2 Mummified Soldiers
Wall covered with drawings of animal gods. (5 HP; 2 dmg; Undead)
It may have Secret Passage.
2 Living Armor
6 Broken statue of some animal god. (8 HP; 3 dmg)
7 Sarcophagus with Chest inside. 1d6 Giant Scarabs
(3 HP; 2 dmg)
Vases with drawings of animal gods.
It may have Secret Passage. 7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Wall covered with drawings of animal gods. 1d6 Scorpions
9 9
It may have Secret Passage. (2 HP; 1 dmg; Poison)
Dozens of melted candles everywhere. 3 Living Armor
10 10
It may have Secret Passage. (8 HP; 3 dmg)
Statue of a god with a crocodile head. Jackal God Living Statue
11 11
It may have Secret Passage. (10 HP; 3 dmg; Stoneskin)
12 Sarcophagus with 2d6 Treasures. Giant Spider
(10 HP; 4 dmg; Paralyze)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Golden statuette Mummified Cat Jackal God's [Armor]
(worth 3d6 Coins in the town) (Can reroll Traps once) (Cursed; Cannot recover HP)
Health Potion Old King's Necklace Owl God's [Armor]
(Recovers all HP) (Mummies deal -1 damage) (Gain an Advanced Spell)
Magic Scroll Scarab amulet Desert King's [Armor]
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Ignores traps in chests) (+2 HP)
Valuable jewel Sacred Sun Hat Beltramic Belt
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Gain 1 torch every killed 1 scorpion) (Drives away scorpions)
Desert King's [Weapon]
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column] [Roll in the "Armor" table]
(Deals +4 against Stoneskin)
Seventy Nights [Weapon]
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column] [Roll in the "Weapon" table] (Paralyzes the target for 2 turns on
the '6')

Table: Dungeon Boss

1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 Greenish cloud covers the room. Lying on an altar is the Emperor Scorpio (30 HP; 3 dmg; Poison).
2 From inside a sarcophagus comes the Desert King (20 HP; 7 dmg; Undead).
3 There is the Eternal Queen (12 HP; 1 dmg; Sorcery) and her 10 Mummified Soldiers (5 HP; 2 dmg; Undead).
4 A monstrous image appears in the middle of the room. This is the Evil Mirage (12 HP; 5 dmg; Intangible).
5 There is the scary Giant Winged Scarab (60 HP; 3 dmg; Firebreath).
6 Standing in the middle of the room, holding his two kopesh is the Jackal God (50 HP; 7 dmg; Necromancy).

Table: Weapon
1d6 Weapon
1 Scepter (1d6-1 Damage)
2 Kukri (1d6 Damage)
3 Katar (1d6 Damage)
4 Kopesh (1d6+1 Damage)
5 Scythe (1d6+1 Damage)
6 Staff (1d6+1 Damage; Two-handed)

Table: Armor
1d6 Armor
1 Death mask (3 HP)
2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Breastplate (10 HP)

- Ziggurat -
This dungeon is hidden beneath an immense pyramidal structure. A staircase leads to the top of
the pyramid. Upstairs there is a dark well that leads into darkness. There is a rope on the side. You
descend for more than twenty meters until you reach a large square room with four doors (one on
each wall).

Table: Segments
1d6 Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Large hall with pillars.

2 Corridor with another door. Medium size room with another door. Large hall with pillars.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Corredor com uma porta no fundo.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Corredor com uma porta no fundo.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Staircase with a door in the end.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 You are beheaded by a blade.
2 There's nothing here. Acid squirts from the ceiling destroying a piece of
armor you're wearing.
3 There's nothing here.
3 You fall into a hole with stakes (3 damage).
4 Found a hidden Chest!
4 A passage opens and a Monster emerges (roll in
5 Found a hidden Chest!
5 the table below).
6 Passage to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
2 Corpses of different races hung on the walls.
Boar Tribe Leader
Bone of a giant snake. 2
3 (15 HP; 5 dmg; Loot)
It may have Secret Passage.
3 Boar Soldiers
4 Bed with a Chest beside it. 3
(6 HP; 3 dmg; Loot)
Cabinets with a lot of garments made of colored 2 Boar Soldiers
5 4
feathers. (6 HP; 3 dmg; Loot)
Altar of sacrifice. Goblin Assassin
6 5
It may have Secret Passage. (3 HP; 3 dmg; Explosive)
7 Empty room. 6 1d6 Goblins (3 HP; 1 dmg; Explosive)
8 Ceiling covered with star designs. 7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Two sarcophagi. Pantera
9 There can be Secret Passage in every sarcopha- 9
(5 HP; 4 dmg)
Giant Bat
10 Room of ornaments. Has 1d6 Treasures. 10
(10 HP; 4 dmg; Poison)
Large table with a rotten banquet. Sun God Living Statue
11 11
It may have Secret Passage. (15 HP; 6 dmg; Stoneskin)
Torture room with goblin bones. Giant Feathered Serpent
12 12
It may have Secret Passage. (12 HP; 3 dmg)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Strange Fruit Addictive Sweet Drink Crocodile Ring
(If eating, recover 1 use of a spell) (Recovers 1 HP) (Cursed; You get scales)
Health Potion Feathered Breastplate Feathered Ring
(Recovers all HP) (8 HP) (Cursed; Hairs become feathers)
Magic Scroll Feathered Boots Owl Mask
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (3 HP; Spend 1 provision on swamps) (1 HP; Ignore Intangible)
Gold Ornament and Jewelry Crocodile Helmet Sun God's Sacrifice Dagger
(worth 100 coins in the town) (5 HP) (1d6 dmg; +2 inside Sanctuaries)
Star Stone Crocodile Sword
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Spend 1 Provision to Reroll an Event) (1d6+2 Damage)
Purification Potion Helmet of the Sun God
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Removes a Cursed) (10 HP)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 Behind a stone altar is Medusa (20 HP; 7 damage; Paralyze) waiting for you.
2 The floor is covered in greenish mucus. Inside the mucus comes the Sacred Skull (20 HP; 6 damage; Regen).
3 Inside the room is Hagork, God of Orcs (30 HP; 7 damage; Horde).
4 A smell of hate comes from this room. The Mysterious Peacock (17 HP; 5 dmg; Sorcery) awaits you with his tricks.
5 Holding the skull of a tiger, the Feathered Priestess (50 HP; 2 damage; Sorcery) try to do a ritual.
6 Strong light comes from the room. Inside is the Sun God of the Feathered Spear (80 HP; 8 damage; Weakness).

Special Rules
When you are in the hexagon of this dungeon (but outside the dungeon), you can spend 1 provision
and roll a die in the table below.

Table: Effect o f th e F o r g o tt e n G o d s
1d6 Effect of the Forgotten Gods
1 A big storm hits and lightning strikes you for 1d6 points of damage.
2 Nothing happens...
3 An owl follows you (use the rule on page 41). It doesn't count towards the limit of animals you can have.
4 A divine light illuminates you and you gain +1 damage on all attacks on the next dungeon exploration you make.
5 A divine light illuminates you and you gain +1 damage on all attacks on the next dungeon exploration you make.
6 A light descends from the sky and you permanently gain +4 HP.

- Laboratory -
The entrance to this dungeon is an abandoned tower in ruins. Entering you will find a large trapdoor
already open with a stairway covered in slime and plants. Downstairs you can see a rusty metal door.

Table: Segments
1d6 Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Large hall with pillars.

2 Corridor with another door. Medium size room with another door. Large hall with pillars.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Corridor with another door.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Corridor with another door.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Staircase with a door in the end.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 A blade cuts off one of your hands.
2 There's nothing here. Acid squirts from the ceiling destroying a piece of
armor you're wearing.
3 There's nothing here.
3 You fall into a hole with stakes (3 damage).
4 Found a hidden Chest!
4 Emerges a Killer Blob (9 HP; 3 dmg; Regen)
5 Found a hidden Chest!
5 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
6 Passage to a Staircase.
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content

Table: Monsters
2d6 Room Content
2d6 Monsters
Cabinets with bodies of dead creatures stuffed or
2 in glass jars. Sewn Ogre
It may have Secret Passage. (40 HP; 3 dmg; Undead, Weakness)
Table with a dry human body. Floating Evil Eye
3 3
It may have Secret Passage. (20 HP; 2 dmg; Paralyze)
Three cells with dead animals. 2 Toxic zombies
4 4
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 3 dmg; Undead, Poison)
5 Wardrobe with 1d6 Treasures. Toxic zombie
(4 HP; 3 dmg; Undead, Poison)
6 Large library of alchemy books.
6 1d6 Living Chairs (2 HP; 1 dmg)
7 Large table with 1d6 Treasures.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
8 Table with some books and notes.
Killer Blob
Large cauldron with strange liquid. If you want to 9
(9 HP; 3 dmg; Regeneration)
9 drink, roll on the Potion table and find out which
potion you just drank. 3 Mutant Rats
(6 HP; 3 dmg)
10 Well covered by garbage and 1 treasure.
3 Toxic Hounds
Table with various kitchen items. 11
11 (5 HP; 3 dmg; Poison)
It may have Secret Passage.
12 Room with a crown under the bed and a Chest. 12
(29 HP; 4 dmg; Weakness)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Potions
Mana Potion Distant Place Potion Mutation Potion
(Recovers all Spells) (You appears anywhere in the world) (roll in the Mutation table)
Health Potion Purification Potion Goblin Potion
(Recovers all HP) (remove a Cursed item) (visually transforms into goblin)
Magic Scroll Leather breastplate Zombie Potion
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (6 HP; Load up to 3 potions) (if dies, returns with 1 HP max)
Bottle with Gold Powder Alchemist's Mask Luminescence Potion
(worth 20 coins in the town) (3 HP) (equal to 2 torches)
Alchemist King's Sword Extra Hand Potion
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(1d6 Damage; +3 if it has Poison) (Create a new arm)
Philosophical Stone Fool's Potion
6 [Roll in the "Potions" column]
(Talking Stone; don't shut up) (Learn 3 Random Basic Spells)

Table: Boss
1d6 Dungeon Boss
1 Making mixtures in bottles, the Undead Alchemist King (20 HP; 5 damage; Undead, Poison) is desperate.
2 Made from parts of different creatures, this is the Alchemical Abomination (50 HP; 3 damage; Poison, Paralyze).
3 Born of a great reaction, the Explosive Blob (60 HP; 2 damage; Poison, Explosivo) expands into the room.
4 The former alchemist here drank a lot of potions and became the Toxic Beast (40 HP; 3 damage; Poison).
5 He was a little thief until he came in here. Now he is the Flammable Monster (35 HP; 4 damage; Firebreath).
6 Making mixtures in bottles, the Undead Alchemist King (30 HP; 5 damage; Undead, Poison) is desperate.

Special Rules
Any hero or creature that leaves this dungeon will mutate. Roll a die and compare with the "Common
Mutation" column.

T a b l e : M u tat i o n
1d6 Common Mutation Rare Mutation Fatal Mutation
1 [Roll a Fatal Mutation] A poodle's tail appears. You melt into a goo and die.
2 All hairs on your body fall out. An eye sprouts in your navel. You explode into thousands of pieces.
Your skin becomes thick as stone Your skin rots and you become a
3 A huge beard grows on his face.
(+4 HP). zombie. *
Horns sprout from the head (1d6
4 Your hair and fur change color. You get very weak (-6 HP).
Bubbles sprout all over the body
5 You change sex. Blood turns green (Immune to Poison).
(cannot wear armor).
One more toe sprouts (cannot wear
6 [Roll a Rare Mutation] Sprouts an extra arm on a shoulder.
* You come back to life with half your maximum hit points. If you die again, you come back with half of that, and so on.

- Necropolis -
The place smells death and decay. Here is a large fenced-in area that appears to have been a large
cemetery. Covered by headstones and mausoleums. In the center is a stone structure with the name
of the place carved above the heavy metal double doors. When you open it, the smell is stronger and
a long, dark staircase leads straight down. At the end of this staircase is a metal door.

Table: Segments
1d6 Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room

1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Small room with another door.

2 Corridor with two other doors. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Big room.
4 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Large hall with pillars.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! A blade descends from the ceiling and cut off your
2 You have activated a Trap!
2 Raise 1d6 Skeleton Soldiers
3 Found a hidden Chest! (4 HP; 2 dmg; Undead)
4 Found a hidden Chest!
A cage falls on you. You are trapped and need to
5 Passage to a Staircase. spend 1d6 torches to get out.
6 Passage to a Staircase. 5 A dart hits you (damage 1)
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
Table: Room Content
2d6 Room Content Table: Monsters
2 Empty sarcophagus with your name on it. 2d6 Monsters
3 Several pots with dead plants. Lich
(22 HP; 6 dmg; Necromancy, Undead)
Texts carved across the floor.
4 Ghost King
It may have Secret Passage. 3
(10 HP; 4 dmg; Intangible)
Human bones everywhere
5 Bone Golem
It may have Secret Passage. 4
(20 HP; 5 dmg; Undead)
6 Bone pile and 1d6 coins.
2 Living Armor
7 Sarcophagus with Chest inside. 5
(8 HP; 3 dmg)
Various wooden coffins. 6 2 Skeleton Soldiers (4 HP; 2 dmg; Undead)
It may have Secret Passage.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Skulls walls.
9 2 Living Armor
It may have Secret Passage. 9
(8 HP; 3 dmg)
Dozens of melted candles everywhere.
10 Giant Spider
It may have Secret Passage. 10
(10 HP; 4 dmg; Paralyze)
Broken statue of a person.
11 2 Giant Spiders
It may have Secret Passage. 11
(10 HP; 4 dmg; Paralyze)
12 Treasure Room with 2d6 Treasures
Queen of the Blade Hands
(18 HP; 10 dmg)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Mana Potion Crown of the Beheaded Prince Fool's Potion
(Recovers all Spells) (Don't die in blade traps) (Learn 3 Random Basic Spells)
Health Potion Luck Potion Dwarf King's Helm
(Recovers all HP) (Ignore the next activated Trap) (11 HP)
Magic Scroll Fury Potion Breastplate of the Little Ones
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (+2 damage until end of combat) (13 HP)
Valuable jewel Sapphire of Magic Scythe of Destruction
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Learn a Random Basic Spell) (1d6+2 Damage)
Vampiric Trident
Durability Ruby
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column] (1d6+2 Damage; Two-handed;
(Attach to an armor for +2 HP)
Restores 1 HP with each attack)
Enchantment Ruby Vorpal Battle Ax
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Attach to Armor for +1 Damage) (1d6+1 Damage; Kills instantly in a '6')

Table: Boss
To generate the Dungeon Boss, roll three dice and compare each column:

1d6 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

1 Colossal (+30 HP) Animal (20 HP; 3 dmg) of Death (Deathtouch)
2 Giant (+15 HP) Skeleton (12 HP; 4 dmg; Undead) of the Blades (damage +2)
3 Monstrous (Damage +2) Zombie (15 HP; 5 dmg; Undead) from Hell (Firebreath)
4 Poisonous (Poison) Ghost (12 HP; 4 dmg; Intangible) from the Ice (Paralyze)
5 Dying (-5 HP) Necromancer (20 HP; 4 dmg; Necromancy) of Ancient Times (+30 HP)
6 Stone (Stoneskin) Lich (25 HP; 6 dmg; Necromancy, Undead) Forgotten by the Gods (+40 HP)

Special Rules
Once you defeat the Dungeon Boss, in addition to the 2d6 Treasures, you've found one of the
Forgotten Hallows (roll below).

T a b l e : F o r g o tt e n H a l l o w s
1d6 Forgotten Hallows
1 Magic Stone Dog (Will always follow you; 4 HP and deals +2 damage).
2 Dagger of Souls (1d6-1 Damage; If killing an Intangible creature, it increases its damage by +1)
3 Giant King's Shoulderpads (10 HP)
4 Monster Tamer Boots (6 HP; Gain +1 on animal tame rolls)
5 Halberd of the Infernal Soldiers (1d6+4 Damage; Two-handed; +3 against creatures with Firebreath)
6 Sword of the Nameless Gods (1d6+4 Damage; Restores 1 HP for each Undead destroyed)

- Entrails -
You see a huge, monstrous mass of shapeless flesh and mucus. It looks like it's a colossal
creature that came from any other world, maybe from space or a nightmare. You find an entrance that
appears to be an open mouth. You just see a disgusting, dark tunnel into the creature.

Table: Segments
1d6 Following a Wide Tunnel Following a Narrow Tunnel
If 3 large organs have already appeared, this is the dun-
1 It ends up in a small Organ.
geon exit. Otherwise, the tunnel goes on.
2 Wide tunnel follows. There is a narrow tunnel on the side. It ends up in a big Organ.
3 Wide tunnel follows. There is a narrow tunnel on the side. It ends up in a big Organ.
4 Wide tunnel follows. There is a narrow tunnel on the side. A small Organ. Narrow tunnel goes on.
5 Arrives in a big Organ. Wide tunnel goes forward. Narrow tunnel goes on.
6 Arrives in a big Organ. Wide tunnel goes forward. The tunnel splits into two narrow tunnels.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 The walls close quickly (8 damage).

2 There's nothing here. 2

Acid squirts from the pores of the walls corrodes a
3 A Treasure in the midst of a lot of mucus! 3
piece of armor you're wearing (your choice).
4 A Treasure in the midst of a lot of mucus! 4

5 A Treasure in the midst of a lot of mucus! 5 Everything moves but nothing happens.

6 You found a Narrow Tunnel. 6 Everything moves but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content Table: Monsters

2d6 Room Content 2d6 Monsters

Everything is awash in blue liquid. Spend 1 more Poorly Digested Birthday Cake
2 2
torch to get out of this organ. (80 HP; 5 dmg; Weakness)

3 A Chest hidden in the middle of the gray goo. Giant Tick

(17 HP; 7 dmg; Regeneration)
4 This is a dry organ with pores in the walls.
Gut Cleaner Orc
5 Tentacles swing from the ceiling. (6 HP; 2 dmg; Loot)
6 This organ has thick, wrinkled walls. Carrion Worm
(18 HP; 4 dmg; Weakness)
Translucent sticky goops on all sides.
It may have Secret Passage. 2d6 Hemogoblin
(1 HP; 1 dmg; Explosive)
8 This organ appears to be like the tunnel.
7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
Looks like someone has been living in this organ.
There is a camp with some 1d6 Treasures. Giant Roundworm
(9 HP; 2 dmg)
Translucent sticky goops on all sides.
It may have Secret Passage. 2 Giant Roundworms
(9 HP; 2 dmg)
This organ is covered in a dark, stinking ooze. You
11 can see some bones of assorted creatures inside 3 Giant Roundworms
of this goo. 11
(9 HP; 2 dmg)
You see 2d6 Treasures strewn among a sort of 4 Giant Roundworms
12 12
whitish mucus. (9 HP; 2 dmg)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Health Potion Luck Potion [Armor] of Strength
(Recovers all HP) (Ignore the next activated Trap) (+1 Damage)
Health Potion Fury Potion [Armor] of the infernal devil
(Recovers all HP) (+2 damage until end of combat) (+3 HP)
Magic Scroll Purification Potion [Weapon] of Destruction
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (remove a Cursed item) (+2 Damage)
Lost jewel Sapphire of Magic Cosmic [Weapon]
(worth 2d6 Coins in the town) (Learn a Random Basic Spell) (If it drops 1, it opens a Portal)
[Roll in the "Wonders" Durability Ruby [Weapon] of the Last Sigh
column] (Attach to an armor for +2 HP) (+4 damage if you have 1 HP)
[Roll in the "Magic Item" Enchantment Ruby Vorpal [Weapon]
column] (Attach to Armor for +1 Damage) (Kills instantly when get '6' on the die)

Special Rules

This dungeon does not have an Final Room or Dungeon Boss.

Tunnels: The Tunnels work like corridors but you can't see the rest of it. Each tunnel segment
continues the previous.
There are two types of Tunnels (narrow and wide) and must be treated differently (according to
each column of Segment). In a Wide Tunnel you must roll to add Monster but not Content. Narrow
Tunnels have nothing.

Organ: Organ is the name for a place where there is more room to the sides and up. It works like
Rooms in the basic dungeons. You will need to roll to add Monster as well as Content.

Backflow: For every 4 torches spent, roll on the table below.

Table: Backflow
1d6 Backflow
1 The walls close quickly (8 damage).
2 Acid squirts from the pores of the walls corrodes a piece of armor you're wearing (your choice).
3 A creature looking like a white amoeba carrying a halberd appears out of nowhere!
White Globule (10 HP; Damage 3; Regeneration).
4 If defeated you found a Chest.
5 Everything moves but nothing happens.
6 A Portal appears on one of the walls of the organ wherever you are.

- Mega Dungeon -
Hidden amidst the ruins of an ancient castle is a huge and imposing staircase that leads down to
the earth. Plants and slime cover each step. At the end of this staircase is a large, heavy metal door
that is completely rusted. Even very old, it seems that many creatures have passed through this door

Table: Segments
1d6 Open from a Staircase Open from a Corridor Open from a Room
1 Corridor with another door. Small room with another door. Corridor with another door.
2 Corridor with another door. Medium size room with another door. Medium size room with another door.
3 Corridor with two other doors. Sala mediana com duas portas. Medium size room with another door.
4 Corridor with two other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Wide room with another door.
5 Corridor with three other doors. Wide room with two other doors. Big room with another door.
6 Corridor with three other doors. Staircase with a door in the end. Staircase with a door in the end.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 A blade cuts off your head.
2 There's nothing here. 2 A blade cuts off one of your hands.
3 There's nothing here. Acid squirts from the ceiling destroying a piece of
armor you're wearing.
4 Found a hidden Chest!
Acid squirts from the ceiling destroying a piece of
5 Found a hidden Chest! 4
armor you're wearing.
6 Passage to a Staircase. 5 Spears come out of the ground (Damage 8)
6 You hear a click, but nothing happens.
Table: Room Content
2d6 Room Content Table: Monsters
2 A Portal 2d6 Monsters
Crates with food (1d6 Provisions). Faction Mercenary Ogre
3 2
It may have Secret Passage. (40 HP; 3 dmg; Weakness)
Stacked bodies of common monsters from another 3 [Rare Monster]
4 faction. When entering, roll a die. If it's 1, one of
these monsters was still alive and will attack you. 4 [Unusual Monster]
Room with Faction banners and trophies. Floating Evil Eye
5 5
It may have Secret Passage. (20 HP; 2 dmg; Paralyze)
6 Marks of a battle. 1d6 Treasures. 6 [Common Monster]
Empty room. 7 There are no monsters in this room.
It may have Secret Passage.
8 There are no monsters in this room.
A large faction banner on a wall.
8 9 [Common Monster]
It may have Secret Passage.
9 Crate with 1d6 Treasures. Giant Spider
(10 HP; 4 dmg; Paralyze)
Table and two chairs.
10 11 [Unusual Monster]
It may have Secret Passage.
11 Adventurer corpse with 2 Treasures. 12 [Rare Monster]

12 Room with a crown under the bed and a Chest.

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Mana Potion Foot fungus Goblin Ring
(Recovers all Spells) (Cursed; cannot wear boots) (Cursed; intensified flatulence)
Health Potion Orc Helmet Elf Lord's Saber
(Recovers all HP) (6 HP) (1d6 dmg; +2 against Goblins)
Magic Scroll Fire Cristal General Orc's gladius
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Break it and light it like 1 torch) (1d6 Damage; +2 against Elf or Dwarf)
Valuable jewel Meal Mushroom Draconic Breastplate
(worth 2d6 x 10 Coins in the town) (Eat and ignore 2 provisions) (10 HP; Imune to Firebreath)
Durability Ruby Staff of the God of Death
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Attach to an armor for +2 HP) (1d6 Damage; +3 against Undead)
Enchantment Ruby Last Hero's Greatsword
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Attach to Armor for +1 Damage) (1d6+4 Damage; Two-handed)

Special Rules
This dungeon does not have an Final Room or Dungeon Boss. It goes on for infinite levels. Each
level is dominated by a faction. Whenever you reach a new level, roll in the table below to determine
which Faction dominates the place. Changing the monsters you can find.

Table: Factions
1d6 Faction Common Monster Unusual Monster Rare Monster
3 Cursed Elves 2 Hell Hounds Vampire Elven King
1 The Bloody Court
(5 HP; 2 dmg; Loot) (15 HP; 4 dmg; Firebreath) (23 HP; 4 dmg; Regen)
1d6 Goblins Troll Goblin King
2 The Flatulents
(3 HP; 1 dmg; Explosivo) (20 HP; 4 dmg; Regen) (20 HP; 1 dmg; Explosivo)
2 Orc Soldiers Orc General Orc War Hero
3 Green Legion
(7 HP; 3 dmg; Loot) (9 HP; 5 dmg; Horda) (19 HP; 5 dmg; Horda)
3 Fungoid Fungomaster Giant Mushroom
4 Fungi Kingdom
(4 HP; 2 dmg; Regeneration) (20 HP; 2 dmg; Regen) (100 HP; 6 dmg; Paralyze)
1d6 skeletons Cleric of Death Avatar of Death
5 Devotees of Death
(4 HP; 1 dmg; Undead) (10 HP; 5 dmg; Necrom.) (50 HP; 6 dmg; Deathtouch)
3 Dragon Cultists Dragon Ancient Dragon
6 Cult of the Dragon
(5 HP; 2 dmg; Loot) (30 HP; 7 dmg; Firebreath) (70 HP; 8 dmg; Firebreath)

- Cave -
Entering through the large rock-covered opening, the cave extends into darkness. The walls were
molded by time and creeping creatures. Stalactites and stalagmites become more frequent as the air
gets colder and the darkness more frightening. Your only way is by following the Wide Tunnel.

Table: Segments
1d6 Following a Wide Tunnel Following a Narrow Tunnel
1 The tunnel narrows. It ends up in a small Grotto.
2 Wide tunnel follows. There is a narrow tunnel on the side. It ends up in a big Grotto.
3 Wide tunnel follows. There is a narrow tunnel on the side. A small Grotto. Narrow tunnel goes on.
4 A big Grotto. Wide tunnel goes forward. A big Grotto. Narrow tunnel goes on.
5 Wide tunnel goes forward. Narrow tunnel goes on.
6 Wide tunnel goes forward. Narrow tunnel goes on.

Table: Secret Passage Table: Trap

1d6 Secret Passage 1d6 Trap
1 You have activated a Trap! 1 Collapse (10 damage).

2 There's nothing here. 2 Collapse (9 damage).

3 A buried Chest! 3 Collapse (8 damage).
4 A buried Chest! 4 A stalactite hits you (5 damage).
5 A door that leads to a Prison. 5 A tremor, but nothing happens.
6 A hole to a new cave complex below (Wide Tunnel). 6 A tremor, but nothing happens.

Table: Room Content Table: Monsters

2d6 Room Content 2d6 Monsters
It's all flooded. Spend 1 torch to get out of this Fungomaster
2 2
cave. (20 HP; 2 damage; Loot, Regeneration)
3 A Chest hidden behind some rocks. 5 Fungoid
(4 HP; 2 damage; Loot, Regeneration)
A small waterfall falls from the ceiling and descends
4 through the floor towards the tunnel beyond. 3 Fungoid
It may have Secret Passage. (4 HP; 2 damage; Loot, Regeneration)
A river runs through this cave, but it is small. 1d6 Goblins
5 5
It may have Secret Passage. (3 HP; 1 damage; Explosive)
6 High ceiling dripping water 1d6 Bats
(1 HP; 1 damage)
Pointed stalagmites in the ceiling.
It may have Secret Passage. 7-8 There are no monsters in this room.
8 A Treasure hidden behind some rocks. Brown bear
(13 HP; 4 damage)
9 An abandoned camp with a Treasure.
Giant Spider
10 Many rocks on the way. 10
(10 HP; 4 damage; Paralyze)
A hole in the ground appears to lead to a Wide
11 3 Bandids
Tunnel in a new complex below. 11
(5 HP; 2 damage; Loot)
12 A Chest strangely left on a rock.
3 Giant Spiders
(10 HP; 4 damage; Paralyze)

T a b l e : R e w a rd
1d6 Treasure Wonders Magic Item
Fragrant Mushroom [Armor] of Laughter
1 [Roll in the "Weapon" table]
(Eat and recover 2 HP) (Cursed; Cannot Move Silently)
Health Potion Special moldy bread [Armor] of bad luck
(Recovers all HP) (Same as 3 provisions) (Cursed; Roll the ‘6’ on attacks)
Magic Scroll Goblin Whistle Magic Wood Puppet
(Random Basic Magic; Use once) (Goblins flee on hearing) (Like a Torchbearer)
Lost jewel Master key Folding Boat
(worth 2d6 Coins in the town) (Open any door) (can move in water)
Rusty Glaive [Weapon] of the Nameless Wizard
5 [Roll in the "Wonders" column]
(Two-handed; 1d6+3 Damage) (Has an Advanced Magic)
Escape Dust [Weapon] of the Last Sigh
6 [Roll in the "Magic Item" column]
(Spend and flee a battle) (+4 damage if you have 1 HP)

Table: Weapon Table: Armor

1d6 Weapon 1d6 Armadura
1 Club (1d6-1 Damage) 1 Ring (0 HP)
2 Pickaxe (1d6 Damage) 2 Bracelets (2 HP)
3 Cleaver (1d6 Damage) 3 Boots (3 HP)
4 Rapier (1d6+1 Damage) 4 Shoulderpads (3 HP)
5 Mace (1d6+1 Damage) 5 Helm (4 HP)
6 Heavy Ax (1d6+2; Two-handed) 6 Breastplate (10 HP)

Special Rules

This dungeon does not have an Final Room or Dungeon Boss.

Tunnels: The Tunnels work like corridors but you can't see the rest of it. Each tunnel segment
continues the previous.
There are two types of Tunnels (narrow and wide) and must be treated differently (according to
each column of Segment). In a Wide Tunnel you must roll to add Monster but not Content. Narrow
Tunnels have nothing.

Grotto: Grotto is the name for a place in the cave where there is more room to the sides and up.
It works like rooms in the basic dungeons. You will need to roll to add Monster as well as Content.

Mine: If it is a "Mine" type, consider that there is a railroad that goes down the entire Wide Tunnel.
You can drive down the track with a cart, making an attack of 1d6+3 damage to any monsters in the
way (stop the cart if the monster hasn't died).

Underwater Cave: If it is a "Underwater Cave" type and have rolled 9 or more on the Monster
table, you have found an Killer Octopus (50 HP; 5 damage; Paralyze). If you defeat him you will find a
Chest. All Magic Items found here should be rolled on the Mega Dungeon table (Page 61).

Vulcanic Cave: If it is a "Vulcanic Cave" type and have rolled 9 or more on the Monster table, you
have found a Magma Monster (30 HP; 3 damage; Firebreath). If you defeat him you will find a Chest.
All Magic Items found here should be rolled on the Mega Dungeon table (Page 61).

- The Graveyard -
Write down the characters that died trying to explore these dungeons:

Name Dungeon Cause of Death

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