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Matéria: Inglês

Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

Matéria: Inglês
Professoras: Daniella Eleutério e
Prof. Daniella Garcia
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Matéria: Inglês
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe


Bem-vindos ao curso de Inglês de Teoria e Exercícios do Exponencial

Concursos! Vamos juntos estudar essa disciplina e, assim, torná-los mais
preparados para conquistar a sua tão almejada vaga no serviço público.
Um pouco sobre nós, professoras:
Daniella Eleutério - Sou formada em Letras (Português/ Inglês) e pós-
graduada em Contabilidade Pública e Responsabilidade Fiscal. Trabalho com
aulas de inglês há aproximadamente 15 anos. Já fiz parte da equipe da Casa
Thomas Jefferson e da Cultura Inglesa (escolas de inglês bem-conceituadas em
Brasília). Também ministrei um curso na Confederação Nacional do Transporte
(SEST/SENAT) no qual elaborava aulas, avaliações escritas e orais. Possuo o
Certificado de Proficiência em Inglês (ECPE – University of Michigan) e os três
módulos do TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test – University of Cambridge). Também
tive uma experiência concurseira. Fui Analista Financeira (projetos da Lei
Rouanet) do Ministério da Cultura por 4 anos. Nesse concurso fui aprovada em
27 º lugar.
Rosana Garcia – Comecei a estudar inglês aos 14 anos e aos 22 anos fui morar
em Liverpool, Reino Unido. Fiz trabalho voluntário com uma instituição cristã
(Liverpool Youth for Christ) e mestrado em gerenciamento de Marketing pela
Liverpool Hope University. Possuo os certificados TEFL (Teaching English as a
Foreign Language) e ECPE (The Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in
English). Fui professora na Casa Thomas Jefferson e dou aulas de inglês há 10
Ainda nessa parte introdutória, queremos dar algumas dicas que acredito serem
fundamentais para um bom aproveitamento na disciplina de inglês. Eu sei que
vocês têm milhões de outras matérias para estudar, então meu objetivo com
esse curso é fazer com que vocês adquiram o conhecimento necessário para ter
uma excelente nota em inglês, utilizando o mínimo de tempo possível.
Leia textos em inglês: o foco da maioria das provas de inglês de concursos é
a interpretação de textos. A banca quer verificar se você entendeu o que está
escrito. Vou trazer para as aulas vários textos de provas recentes de bancas
diferentes com as respectivas questões para que vocês se habituem a ler e
entender em inglês.
Não traduza simultaneamente: pode parecer difícil não cair na tentação de
traduzir, mas confie em mim quando eu digo que traduzir não ajuda, só torna a
sua leitura mais devagar e menos eficiente! Procure entender as palavras que
estão escritas em inglês mesmo, isso é possível com bastante prática e é o que
vamos fazer aqui.
Decore palavras chave (key words): eu sei que é chato decorar, mas nesse
caso será muito útil para vocês e vai ajudá-los muito. Não é necessário entender
o texto inteiro para conseguir acertar as questões, sabendo o significado das

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Matéria: Inglês
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

palavras mais importantes, vocês já vão conseguir matar a pergunta. Ao final

de cada aula vou trazer algumas palavras chave para que vocês decorem.
Cuidado com os falsos cognatos (false cognates): essas são palavras que
se parecem com palavras que existem em português, mas tem outro significado.
Vou mostrar pra vocês as mais comuns, para evitar essas pegadinhas.
Tenha calma: se você não entendeu uma frase ou algumas palavras na hora
da prova, não se desespere, procure compreender o contexto geral. Ficar
nervoso só atrapalha.
Exercícios, exercícios, exercícios: isso vale não só para a minha disciplina,
mas para todas! Não fique só estudando a teoria. A chave para aprovação é
fazer o máximo de exercícios que você conseguir. Afinal, a prática leva à
Não se preocupe se o seu nível de inglês é básico, você vai sim conseguir
acompanhar o curso. Vamos focar sempre nas provas, dando-lhe condições de
assimilar o necessário para a prova. Lembre-se de que eu estarei à disposição
no fórum para esclarecer suas dúvidas.

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

Técnicas de Leitura e de Interpretação de

1- Técnicas de Leitura em Inglês ......................................................... 2

2 - Técnicas de Interpretação de Textos .............................................. 3

3- Aplicando as Técnicas ...................................................................... 5

5- Key Words and Key Expressions .................................................... 17

1- Técnicas de Leitura em Inglês

Leitura rápida

Inferir o assunto

Leitura minuciosa

Informações importantes

True and false cognates

Reading for
Key words

A primeira técnica de leitura que vamos utilizar para iniciar a compreensão do

texto é o skimming. Isso significa que vamos dar uma passada de olhos rápida
pelo texto sem nos preocuparmos com os detalhes. Aqui identificaremos o
assunto principal, por inferência. Atenção para datas, números, palavras em
negrito, reticências, aspas. Leia o último parágrafo, veja qual foi a conclusão.
Aqui estamos fazendo uma verificação geral do terreno antes de pisar nele de

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Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

Ao terminar o skimming, você já deve ter uma ideia de sobre o que o texto
está falando. Logo em seguida leia as questões, sem se preocupar em respondê-
las. O objetivo é saber o que está sendo perguntado.
Feito isso, vamos voltar ao início do texto, dessa vez para realizar o scanning.
Agora é o momento de fazer a leitura convencional, na forma top-down (de cima
para baixo). A grande vantagem é que já sabemos quais são as perguntas que
teremos que responder, portanto fique atento! Você pode marcar o que for mais
importante no texto, fazer um asterisco ao lado daquilo que chamar mais a sua
atenção. Mas, nesse momento evite parar a leitura do texto no meio para ler
novamente as questões, isso pode fazer você se perder no meio da leitura e
acabar confundindo você. O momento do scanning é de leitura, com atenção
para os detalhes!

Terminado o scanning, vá para as questões, dessa vez já para respondê-las.

Leia a pergunta e as alternativas. Elimine as alternativas que você já sabe que
não faz sentido. Considerando as alternativas que restaram, se for necessário,
volte ao texto para encontrar a resposta correta.
Com o combo skimming + scanning, provavelmente você já será capaz de
responder a maioria das questões. Entretanto, se ainda houver alguma questão
deixando você em dúvida, volte ao texto mais uma vez para fazer o reading
for detail. Essa é a leitura mais cuidadosa e detalhista de todas. Identifique o
parágrafo ao qual a pergunta se refere, leia-o com calma e atenção redobrada.
Busque verdadeiros e falsos cognatos. Caso existam palavras que você não
conhece, procure analisar o contexto, verificar o sentido do que está sendo dito.
Não se prenda a tradução de cada palavra, pois o mais importante é a
compreensão do que está sendo dito.
Como eu já mencionei nas dicas da introdução, não fique nervoso quando
encontrar palavras desconhecidas porque eu posso garantir para você que elas
vão estar lá. Por mais que estudemos vários textos e o vocabulário específico –
e esteja certo de que vamos fazer isso – sempre vai existir uma palavra
diferente, faz parte do jogo. Mas, o fato de você não entender o significado delas
não vai impedir o acerto das questões se você compreender o sentido do texto.
Por isso essas técnicas são tão importantes.

2 - Técnicas de Interpretação de Textos

As técnicas que vamos utilizar para interpretar textos em inglês não são
diferentes daquelas utilizadas para textos em português.
Quando se trata de interpretação de textos, muitos acreditam que existe o
ponto de vista do autor e o ponto de vista do leitor, o que, de fato pode até

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Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

existir. Entretanto, você deve levar em consideração apenas o que ESTÁ

ESCRITO. Seja bastante literal e atenha-se ao que o autor está dizendo.

As técnicas de interpretação consistem em evitar três erros bastante comuns,

aos quais o examinador normalmente tenta nos induzir. A primeira que veremos
é a extrapolação.

Foge do

Uma viagem! Utiliza o senso

Acrescenta mais comum ou a
informações. imaginação.


Pelo esquema acima, podemos perceber que a extrapolação acontece quando o

examinador acrescenta fatos que não estão no texto. Ele vai tentar induzir você
a acreditar que aquilo que ele está afirmando pode estar correto, e ele pode
fazer isso utilizando o senso comum ou apelando para a sua imaginação.

Ignora o

Foca em um só Oposto da
detalhe. Extrapolação.


Na redução o examinador vai se apegar a um só fato e esquecer o resto.

Normalmente, ele ignora o contexto geral e leva em consideração só um aspecto
do texto.
Por último existe a contradição, que é simplesmente negar o que está
escrito no texto, afirmando justamente o contrário. Aqui precisamos prestar
atenção, porque o examinador costuma repetir a mesma frase, mas utilizar uma
palavra com significado diferente que torna a afirmativa errada.

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3- Aplicando as Técnicas
Agora que já entendemos as técnicas de leitura e interpretação, vamos aplica-
las. Primeiro vamos ler o texto a seguir e as questões utilizando as técnicas de

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2014) Questions refer to the following

The IRS Chief Counsel is appointed by the President of the United States, with
the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, and serves as the chief legal advisor
to the IRS Commissioner on all matters pertaining to the interpretation,
administration, and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as all
other legal matters. Under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, the
Chief Counsel reports to both the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury General
Attorneys in the Chief Counsel’s Office serve as lawyers for the IRS. They
provide the IRS and taxpayers with guidance on interpreting Federal tax laws
correctly, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support
required to carry out the IRS mission.
Chief Counsel received 95,929 cases and closed 94,323 cases during fiscal year
2012. Of the new cases received, and cases closed, the majority related to tax
law enforcement and litigation, including Tax Court litigation; collection,
bankruptcy, and summons advice and litigation; Appellate Court litigation;
criminal tax; and enforcement advice and assistance.
In Fiscal Year 2012, Chief Counsel received 31,295 Tax Court cases involving
taxpayers contesting an IRS determination that they owed additional tax. The
total amount of tax and penalty in dispute at the end of the fiscal year was
almost $6.6 billion.
(Source: Internal Revenue Service Data Book, 2012.)

According to the passage, the IRS’s chief legal advisor is

a) nominated by the IRS Commissioner.
b) subordinated to the Treasury General Counsel.
c) elected by a collegiate.
d) responsible for drafting the Internal Revenue Code.
e) in charge of IRS reform.

As described in the text, the mission of attorneys working in the Chief

Counsel’s Office includes:

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a) advising ordinary citizens on their fiscal responsibilities.

b) litigating for taxpayers in the Tax Court.
c) contesting IRS determinations.
d) reporting directly to the IRS Commissioner.
e) tracking down tax evaders.

During fiscal year 2012, the Chief Counsel’s office succeeded in

a) turning down over 30.000 appeals by taxpayers.
b) securing over $ 6 billion for the State.
c) winning the majority of litigation cases.
d) processing most of the cases it received.
e) voiding 1.606 cases filed by taxpayers.

Aplicando o Skimming: Já tendo passado os olhos pelo texto, você já deve

ter uma noção geral do texto e do que está sendo pedido nas questões. Agora
pense no que chamou a sua atenção.

• Assunto principal: Ao ler a fonte (source), nos damos conta de que o texto
fala sobre o Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Vemos que o primeiro
parágrafo trata sobre a estrutura dos Conselhos (Chefe, Consultivo e Geral). No
segundo parágrafo vemos que os Advogados do IRS fornecem orientação sobre
a interpretação das leis fiscais federais. Em suma, sabemos que o assunto
principal diz respeito ao trabalho e funções do Internal Revenue Service, que é
um serviço de receita do Governo Federal dos Estados Unidos.

• Datas: Sabemos que em 1998 foi editada a Lei de Reestruturação e Reforma

do IRS. Também observamos que o Conselheiro Chefe recebeu 95.929 casos e
encerrou 94.323 casos durante o ano fiscal de 2012. E, por fim, em 2012, o
Conselho de Administração recebeu 31.295 processos judiciais tributários
envolvendo os contribuintes que contestavam uma determinação do IRS de que
deviam imposto adicional.

• Números: O montante total de impostos e multas em disputa no final do

ano fiscal foi de quase US $ 6,6 bilhões

• Último parágrafo: O autor menciona que mais de 30 mil contribuintes

possuem processos tributários nos quais contestam dívidas de impostos

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adicionais. Além disso, mostra-se que mpostos e multas em disputa no final do

ano fiscal quase totalizaram US $ 6,6 bilhões, uma enorme quantia.
Além disso, já sabemos que a questão 1 deseja saber sobre o principal
consultor jurídico do IRS, que a 2 trata sobre a missão dos advogados que
trabalham no escritório do advogado chefe e que a questão 3 deseja saber o
motivo do sucesso do Conselho durante o ano fiscal de 2012.
Fim do skimming. Percebem como já temos uma noção geral do texto e,
principalmente, das questões? Agora vamos voltar ao texto e lê-lo novamente,
dessa vez vamos ler tudo (top-down, lembra?) prestando mais atenção nesses
detalhes que durante o skimming percebemos que são importantes – hora do
scanning! Quando terminar o scanning, volte para cá. Vamos passar as
questões uma a uma, juntos.

OK. We’re done reading! Vamos resolver as questões agora.

1- According to the passage, the IRS’s chief legal advisor is

a) nominated by the IRS Commissioner.
b) subordinated to the Treasury General Counsel.
c) elected by a collegiate.
d) responsible for drafting the Internal Revenue Code.
e) in charge of IRS reform.

Comentários: A questão quer saber a quem o principal consultor jurídico do

IRS está subordinado. No trecho “Under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act
of 1998, the Chief Counsel reports to both the IRS Commissioner and the
Treasury General Counsel.” (De acordo com a Lei de Reestruturação e Reforma
do IRS de 1998, o Conselho Consultivo se reporta tanto ao Comissário do IRS
quanto ao Conselho Geral do Tesouro.) percebemos que o Consultor jurídico se
presta contas ao Conselho Geral do Tesouro (Treasury General Counsel).
Portanto, o gabarito é a letra B.
a) Item incorreto. O consultor jurídico não é nomeado pelo Comissário do
IRS. Ele presta contas ao Comissário. O texto fala que o Conselho Chefe do
IRS, que tem a função de consultoria, é nomeado pelo Presidente dos Estados
b) Item correto.
c) Item incorreto. O texto não diz isso.
d) Item incorreto. O consultor jurídico não é responsável pela elaboração do
Internal Revenue Code. Ele apenas aconselha sobre o código de defesa.

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e) Item incorreto. O consultor jurídico não é responsável pela reforma do

IRS. Ele somente atuou aos comandos da Lei de Reestruturação e Reforma do
IRS de 1998.
Gabarito 1: B

2- As described in the text, the mission of attorneys working in the

Chief Counsel’s Office includes:
a) advising ordinary citizens on their fiscal responsibilities.
b) litigating for taxpayers in the Tax Court.
c) contesting IRS determinations.
d) reporting directly to the IRS Commissioner.
e) tracking down tax evaders.
Comentários: A questão deseja saber sobre a missão dos advogados que
trabalham para o Gabinete do Conselho Diretor. A resposta se encontra no 2º
parágrafo Attorneys in the Chief Counsel’s Office serve as lawyers for the IRS.
They provide the IRS and taxpayers with guidance on interpreting Federal tax
laws correctly, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support
required to carry out the IRS mission. (Os advogados do Gabinete do Conselho
Diretor servem como advogados do IRS. Eles fornecem ao IRS e aos
contribuintes orientação sobre a interpretação das leis fiscais federais
corretamente, representam o IRS em litígios, e fornecem todos os outros apoios
jurídicos necessários para realizar a missão do IRS). Logo, a alternativa A
(advising ordinary citizens on their fiscal responsibilities) é a melhor resposta,
já que diz que a missão do advogado é aconselhar cidadãos comuns sobre suas
responsabilidades fiscais.
a) Item correto.
b) Item incorreto. Os advogados não representam os contribuintes em
impostos. Representam apenas o IRS (represent the IRS in litigation), conforme
informação no 2º parágrafo.
c) Item incorreto. Os advogados que trabalham para o Conselho Diretor não
contestam as determinações do IRS. O texto menciona apenas, no último
parágrafo, que, no ano fiscal de 2012, o Conselho de Administração recebeu
31.295 processos judiciais tributários envolvendo os contribuintes que
contestavam uma determinação do IRS de que deviam imposto adicional.
d) Item incorreto. Quem reporta diretamente ao Comissário é o Consultor
Jurídico, e não os advogados que estão no Gabinete Diretor.
e) Item incorreto. O texto não diz que é função do advogado rastrear
evasores fiscais.
Gabarito 2: A

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3- During fiscal year 2012, the Chief Counsel’s office succeeded in

a) turning down over 30.000 appeals by taxpayers.
b) securing over $ 6 billion for the State.
c) winning the majority of litigation cases.
d) processing most of the cases it received.
e) voiding 1.606 cases filed by taxpayers.
Comentários: A questão quer saber o que o gabinete do Conselho Diretor
conseguiu realizar ao longo do ano de 2012.
a) Item incorreto. O texto não diz que o Conselho recusou mais de 30.000
apelos dos contribuintes. Pelo contrário, o Conselheiro Chefe recebeu 31.295
processos no Tribunal Fiscal.
b) Item incorreto. O texto não diz que o Conselho garantiu mais de 6 bilhões
de dólares para o Estado. Ele apenas recebeu 31.295 processos judiciais
tributários envolvendo os contribuintes que contestaram a cobrança de imposto
adicional. O montante total de impostos e multas em disputa no final do ano
fiscal foi de quase US $ 6,6 bilhões. Mas repito, o Conselho não garantiu a
quantia. Esse foi apenas o valor estimado dos processos recebidos.
c) Item incorreto. Não há a informação sobre a vitória da maioria dos casos
de litígio. Sabemos apenas que o Conselho recebeu 95.929 casos e encerrou
94.323 casos durante o ano fiscal de 2012.
d) Item correto. Sabemos que o Conselho processou a maioria dos casos que
recebeu, visto que recebeu 95.929 casos e encerrou 94.323 casos.
e) Item incorreto. O Conselho não anulou 1.606 casos apresentados pelos
contribuintes. Pelo contrário, se pegarmos a quantia de processos recebidos e
subtrairmos pela quantia de processos encerrados, veremos que 1.606
processos permaceram abertos, ou seja, não foram anulados.
Gabarito 3: D

As três primeiras questões da prova de AFRFB (2014) foram comentadas aqui

nesta parte introdutória da aula. Comentarei também, neste esquema de
mostrar como a teoria da aula pode ser aplicada em questões, as três primeiras
questões do concurso de AFRFB (2012). Assim vocês podem ver a evolução da
banca, em termos da qualidade dos textos, e até mesmo podem comparar as
provas. As demais questões de Inglês dos concursos de 2014 e 2012 para o
cargo de AFRFB estão todas comentadas em um momento posterior dessa aula.
Assim você não perde nada, ok?

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(ESAF / AFRFB / 2012) Continue aplicando o skimming.

Text 1: Brazil's exports
Trade barriers imposed by Argentina on imports in general have resulted in a
drop of 16% in Brazil's exports to its neighbor in the first half of this year.
Between January and June last year, Brazil sold goods worth US$ 10.43 billion
to Argentina. This year, during the same period, the value of goods sold to
Argentina is US$ 1.6 billion less.
In spite of the trade barriers, the executive secretary at the Ministry of
Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Alessandro Teixeira, blames the
international crisis for the situation. "The cause of these problems is the
international crisis. It affects Argentina and it affects us, too," he declared.
Teixeira noted that negotiations have improved the relationship with Argentina,
that there has been a more positive dialogue.
Brazil's exports to Eastern Europe are down 38% and down 8% to the European
Union in the first half. On the other hand, they have risen by over US$ 2 billion
to China during the same period.

Questão 4 - In 2012, Brazil's exports

a) have all been reduced in comparison with last year.
b) to Argentina have increased due to positive dialogue.
c) have decreased with Eastern Europe but gone up with the European Union.
d) are expected to show an increase by the end of the year.
e) have generally declined, except for goods sent to China.

Questão 5- Argentina has

a) placed restrictions on most imports.
b) discriminated against Brazil more than others.
c) encouraged the entry of goods from abroad.
d) allowed Brazil to export more than last year.
e) blamed the international crisis for it imports.

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Questão 6 - Alessandro Teixeira's comments on Argentina's position

could best be described as
a) hostile.
b) cowardly.
c) diplomatic.
d) unfriendly.
e) pessimistic.

E novamente, pelo que estudamos sobre o skimming, você deve ter notado os
seguintes pontos:
• Assunto principal: O texto parece estar tratando sobre as exportações
brasileiras, a Argentina foi citada algumas vezes e tem inclusive duas perguntas
sobre assunto relacionados a Argentina. Já sabemos que a Argentina então é
importante e devemos ficar atentos ao que o texto fala sobre ela durante o
scanning, na próxima leitura.
• Datas: o texto cita January and June last year, também cita o ano corrente
“this year”.
• Números: temos valores em dólares, US$10. 43 billion, US$ 1.6 billion e
US$ 2 billion. No final do texto são citados percentuais, 38% e 8%.
• Aspas: É feita uma citação do Alexandre Teixeira, Ministro do
Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior. Uma das questões está
relacionada com o que o ministro falou.
• Último parágrafo: o autor faz sua conclusão quanto às exportações
brasileiras, abordando outros parceiros comerciais além da Argentina.
Para lembrar:

Skimming Scanning Reading for

(leitura rápida do (leitura detail
texto e das convencional - (só se
questões) top-down) necessário)

Vamos à resolução!

4- In 2012, Brazil's exports

a) have all been reduced in comparison with last year.
b) to Argentina have increased due to positive dialogue.
c) have decreased with Eastern Europe but gone up with the European Union.

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d) are expected to show an increase by the end of the year.

e) have generally declined, except for goods sent to China.

Comentários: A questão fala sobre as exportações no Brasil em 2012.

a) Item incorreto. Antes de qualquer coisa, já dá pra desconfiar dessa
alternativa pela afirmação generalista: “have all been”, que significa “todas
têm sido). Mas, é justamente o último parágrafo que esclarece em definitivo a
questão: Brazil's exports to Eastern Europe are down 38% and down 8% to the
European Union in the first half. On the other hand, they have risen by over US$
2 billion to China during the same period. Percebemos que enquanto as
exportações para a Europa Oriental e para a União Europeia caíram, as
exportações para a China aumentaram (have risen) em mais de US$ 2 bilhões.
b) Item incorreto. O item afirma que as exportações para a Argentina
aumentaram devido ao diálogo positivo. Veja o trecho: Trade barriers
imposed by Argentina on imports in general have resulted in a drop of 16% in
Brazil's exports to its neighbor in the first half of this year. Na verdade, as
exportações para a Argentina diminuíram (observe que a palavra drop
significa cair) em 16%.
c) Item incorreto. Segundo a alternativa, as exportações brasileiras caíram
(have decreased) na Europa Oriental, mas subiram (gone up) na União
Europoeia. Entretanto, o último parágrafo do texto, já transcrito acima, revela
que as exportações cairam nas duas regiões. A alternativa contradiz a
informação apresentada no texto.
d) Item incorreto. Obsverve o trecho Teixeira noted that negotiations have
improved the relationship with Argentina, that there has been a more positive
dialogue. O texto afirma que o diálogo tem sido positivo, mas em momento
algum fala sobre expectativa de aumento nas exportações. Pelo contrário, fica
bem claro que houve uma diminuição. Conseguem perceber a extrapolação na
e) Item correto. Essa afirmativa traduz a mesma ideia apresentada no último
parágrafo do texto. Somente as exportações para a China aumentaram. No
geral, houve redução (have generally declined) das exportações, exceto no
caso da China. Percebam que apesar da ideia ter sido expressa com palavras
diferentes, por meio do termo generally declined, não há extrapolação,
redução ou contradição. O texto realmente transmite a ideia de que as
exportações brasileiras, de modo geral, sofreram redução, exceto no que diz
respeito à China.
Gabarito 4: E

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

5- Argentina has
a) placed restrictions on most imports.
b) discriminated against Brazil more than others.
c) encouraged the entry of goods from abroad.
d) allowed Brazil to export more than last year.
e) blamed the international crisis for it imports.
Comentários: Atenção! A questão quer saber o que a Argentina fez! Então
vamos analisar as alternativas.
a) Item correto. O primeiro parágrafo do texto é bem claro ao afirmar que a
Argentina impôs barreiras comerciais (trade barriers) às importações em
geral. Lembrando que as exportações brasileiras são importações para a
Argentina, já que o ponto de vista aqui é o da Argentina. Trade barriers imposed
by Argentina on imports in general have resulted in a drop of 16% in Brazil's
exports to its neighbor in the first half of this year.
b) Item incorreto B: Aqui temos um exemplo de extrapolação. Em momento
algum o texto fala que a Argentina tem sido mais rígida em relação aos produtos
c) Item incorreto. A resposta está mais uma vez no primeiro parágrafo, mais
especificamente no trecho: “Trade barriers imposed by Argentina on imports in
general” (importações em geral). Contradição clara.
d) Item incorreto. Assim como na alternativa b, não encontramos nenhuma
informação desse tipo no texto.
e) Item incorreto. Essa é a afirmativa que merece maior atenção, em minha
opinião, porque realmente a crise internacional foi citada no texto como culpada
pela redução das exportações. Acontece que quem utilizou essa justificativa foi
o ministro Teixeira, e não a Argentina. Contradição pura! Veja: In spite of the
trade barriers, the executive secretary at the Ministry of Development, Industry
and Foreign Trade, Alessandro Teixeira, blames the international crisis for the
situation. "The cause of these problems is the international crisis. It affects
Argentina and it affects us, too," he declared. Estão lembrados que um dos
pontos de atenção do skimming são as aspas? Com primeira leitura do texto, já
teríamos a resposta para essa questão.
Gabarito 5: A

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

6- Alessandro Teixeira's comments on Argentina's position could best

be described as
a) hostile.
b) cowardly.
c) diplomatic.
d) unfriendly.
e) pessimistic.
Comentários: Muito cuidado aqui! Essa é a pergunta que exige de você maior
grau de interpretação, mas nada impossível ou muito difícil. Para responder a
essa questão, vamos precisar recorrer ao significado das palavras. Observe o
quadro a seguir:

Hostile -> Hostil

Cowardly -> Covarde
Diplomatic -> Diplomático
Unfriendly -> Não Amigável
Pessimistic -> Pessimista

Vamos utilizar dois métodos para matar a questão. O primeiro é verificar o que
o texto tem a dizer a respeito dos comentários do ministro:
Teixeira noted that negotiations have improved the relationship with Argentina,
that there has been a more positive dialogue.
O trecho afirma que as negociações melhoraram (improved) o relacionamento
com a Argentina e que tem havido um diálogo mais positivo. O mínimo que se
pode depreender é que coisas boas têm acontecido! Melhor relacionamento e
diálogo positivo. Portanto, devemos procurar uma alternativa que expresse isso.
A mais próxima é a letra c, Diplomatic. O ministro sem dúvida usou de
diplomacia em sua afirmação, já que falou como representante do País, sem
expressar opiniões pessoais, e não colocou a Argentina como culpada pela
redução das exportações brasileiras.
A segunda forma de resolver a questão é comparando as alternativas dadas e
pensando no que a maioria delas tem em comum. Quase todas expressam
negatividade, coisas ruins, exceto uma, Diplomatic, que é a resposta certa.
As duas formas de resolução são complementares, mas em todo o caso, se no
momento da interpretação você não estiver totalmente seguro do que pode ser
entendido do texto, procure comparar as alternativas dadas, como fizemos

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

Gabarito 6: C

Acabamos de aplicar as técnicas de leitura e de interpretação e acredito que foi

possível perceber que elas funcionam. Vocês notaram como o skimming pode
ser útil? Logo com essa primeira passada de olhos no texto já percebemos vários
pontos importantes, a maioria deles foi alvo do examinador. Teacher, posso
fazer só o skimming? Eu não recomendo! Apesar do skimming já indicar os
pontos de atenção no texto, é muito importante que você leia com atenção o
que está escrito, por meio do scanning. Já o reading for detail somente será
necessário quando, durante a resolução das questões, surgir alguma dúvida.
Procurei não traduzir o texto, somente palavras importantes, pois conforme
conversamos no começo da aula, traduzir termo a termo não vai ajudar você
na hora da prova. Como estamos treinando para a prova, devemos desde já nos
habituar às melhores práticas. De qualquer modo, teremos ainda aqui na aula
as key words (palavras-chave) e as key expressions (expressões chave).
Estejam atentos a elas e, caso alguma seja desconhecida, se empenhem em

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe


Leia as
Skimming Scanning

das questões

Reading for
Dúvidas detail

Termine as
NÃO questões

Well done!
Terminamos ☺

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

5- Key Words and Key Expressions

Agora, vamos relembrar as palavras importantes utilizadas hoje na aula.

Key Words
collusion conlúio range alcance
flattery bajulação, lisonja perhaps talvez, possivelmente
drop cair counterfeiting falsificação
blame culpa complain reclamação
improved melhorado summit cúpula, reunião
declined recusado uncannily estranhamente
hostile hostil embedded integrado, incorporado
cowardly covardemente treaties tratados
diplomatic diplomático distraught desamparado
unfriendly não amigável dismal sombrio
rigging fraude muddled confuso

Commendation elogio awareness conscientização

deserved merecido cheerful animador, feliz
unfairly injustamente gloomy triste, sombrio
brokerages corretoras sanguine otimista
bankrupt falido threatened ameaçado
indebtness endividamento mistreatment Maltratado
sluggish lento, vagaroso outcry Clamor, protesto
loan empréstimo border Fronteira
loss extravio smuggle contrabandear

Além dessas palavras, vamos dar uma olhada em algumas expressões utilizadas
hoje, palavras que quando juntas tem um sentido específico.

Key Expressions
realizar pagamento aumentaram,
pay it off integral have risen subiram

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Inglês - Teoria
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

in spite apesar bleak day dia triste

household waste of desperdício de
expenditures gastos domésticos money dinheiro
household empréstimos às longo prazo, longo
loans famílias far-sighted alcance
slew of série de
interest rate taxa de juros aspirations aspirações
scream blue
indignado, fazer
first half primeira metade um escândalo
by over ao longo late-lamented falecido, saudoso
personal debt dívida pessoal mood desapontado
accountancy empresas de
enterprises contabilidade bound to grow obrigado a crescer
goods sold produtos vendidos all in all contudo
on the other
hand por outro lado bodes well bom presságio
trade barriers comerciais

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Matéria: Inglês
Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

QUESTÕES | Técnicas de Leitura e de

Interpretação de Textos
4- Questões Comentadas ..................................................................... 2

4.1- ESAF ........................................................................................... 2

4.2- FCC ........................................................................................... 25

4.3- FGV........................................................................................... 31

4.4- CESPE ....................................................................................... 42

6- Questões sem comentários ............................................................ 50

6.1- Questões Ao longo da teoria .......................................................... 50

6.2- ESAF ......................................................................................... 52

6.2- FCC ........................................................................................... 62

6.3- FGV........................................................................................... 65

6.4- CESPE ....................................................................................... 73

7- Gabarito ........................................................................................ 79

4- Questões Comentadas

4.1- ESAF
(ESAF / AFRFB / 2014) Questions refer to the following text.
We've been keeping our veterinarian in business lately. First Sammy, our nine-
year-old golden retriever, needed surgery. (She's fine now.) Then Inky, our
curious cat, burned his paw. (He'll be fine, too.) At our last visit, as we were
writing our fourth (or was it the fifth?) consecutive check to the veterinary
hospital, there was much joking about how vet bills should be tax-deductible.
After all, pets are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all around.)

Now, halfway through tax-filing season, comes news that pets are high on the
list of unusual deductions taxpayers try to claim. From routine pet expenses to
the costs of adopting a pet to, yes, pets as "dependents," tax accountants have
heard it all this year, according to the Minnesota Society of Certified Public
Accountants, which surveys its members annually about the most outlandish
tax deductions proposed by clients. Most of these doggy deductions don't hunt,

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Inglês – Questões
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but, believe it or not, some do. Could there be a spot for Sammy and Inky on
our 1040?

Scott Kadrlik, a certified public accountant in Eden Prairie, Minn., who

moonlights as a stand-up comedian (really!), gave me a dog's-eye view of the
tax code: "In most cases our family pets are just family pets," he says. They
cannot be claimed as dependents, and you cannot deduct the cost of their food,
medical care or other expenses. One exception is service dogs. If you require a
Seeing Eye dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as a medical
expense. Occasionally, man's best friend also is man's best business deduction.
The Doberman that guards the junk yard can be deductible as a business
expense of the junk-yard owner, says Mr. Kadrlik. Ditto the convenience-store
cat that keeps the rats at bay.

For most of us, though, our pets are hobbies at most. Something's a hobby if,
among other things, it hasn't turned a profit in at least three of the past five
years (or two of the past seven years in the case of horse training, breeding or
racing). In that case, you can't deduct losses—only expenses to the extent of
income in the same year. So if your beloved Bichon earns $100 for a modeling
gig, you could deduct $100 worth of vet bills (or dog food or doggy attire).
(Source: Carolyn Geer, The Wall Street Journal, retrieved on 13 March 2014 - slightly adapted)

1- The title that best conveys the main purpose of the article is:
a) Sammy and Inky Run Up a Hospital Bill.
b) Vet Bills Should Be Tax-Deductible.
c) Are Your Pets Tax Deductions?
d) The Case for Pets as Dependents.
e) How to Increase Your Tax Refund.

Comentários: A questão pede o melhor título que representa o principal

objetivo do texto. Diante das alternativas, vemos que a letra C é o gabarito. O
autor defende que as despesas com animais de estimação devem ser dedutíveis
de impostos, pois os animais são seres dependentes. As demais alternativas não
guardam relação com o texto. Veja:
a) Item incorreto. Sammy e Inky criam uma dívida do hospital.
b) Item incorreto. As contas do veterinário deveriam ser dedutíveis.
c) Item correto. Seus animais de estimação são deduções fiscais?

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Inglês – Questões
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d) Item incorreto. O caso de animais de estimação como dependentes.

e) Item incorreto. Como aumentar seu reembolso de imposto.
Gabarito 1: C

2- The opening sentence of the text reveals that the author has been
a) paying frequent visits to her vet’s pet.
b) making loans to her pets’ veterinary doctor.
c) assisting her vet financially.
d) delaying payments to her veterinarian.
e) using the services of a vet quite often.

Comentário: A frase que a abre o texto “We've been keeping our veterinarian
in business lately.” significa “Temos mantido nosso veterinário nos negócios
ultimamente”, ou seja, a autora tem usado os serviços do veterinário com
bastante frequência. Veja a tradução das alternativas:
a) Item incorreto (fazendo visitas frequentes ao veterinário de seu animal de
b) Item incorreto (fazendo empréstimos ao médico veterinário de seus
animais de estimação).
c) Item incorreto (auxiliando seu veterinário financeiramente).
d) Item incorreto (atrasando pagamentos ao seu veterinário).
e) Item correto (usando os serviços de um veterinário com bastante
A única alternativa que possui sentido equivalente à frase “Temos mantido
nosso veterinário nos negócios ultimamente” é a alternativa E.
Gabarito 2: E

3- The phrase “Guffaws all around” (paragraph 1) shows that those

hearing the conversation
a) believed tax deductions for expenses with pets do not really apply.
b) resented not being able to consider their pets as dependents.
c) found the jokes about pets as dependents preposterous.
d) were unaware that vet bills could be knocked off their income tax.
e) bemoaned the unfair treatment given to pet owners by the IRS.

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

Comentário: No trecho "After all, pets are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all
around.)" é possível constatar a ironia do autor: "Afinal, os animais de
estimação são dependentes também, certo? (Gargalhadas por toda parte.)". No
texto, as risadas pertencem a pessoas que não consideram que as despesas
com animais de estimação deveriam ser caso as deduções de impostos. Confira
a tradução das alternativas:
a) Item correto (acreditavam que as deduções fiscais para despesas com
animais de estimação não se aplicam realmente).
b) Item incorreto (estavam ressentidos por não poderem considerar seus
animais de estimação como dependentes).
c) Item incorreto (acharam as piadas sobre animais de estimação como
dependentes absurdas).
d) Item incorreto (não estavam cientes que as contas do veterinário poderiam
ser deduzidas do imposto de renda).
e) Item incorreto (lamentaram o tratamento injusto dado aos donos de
animais pelo IRS).
Gabarito 3: A

4- Among the domesticated animals considered eligible for tax

deductions are
a) family pets.
b) guide dogs.
c) doberman dogs.
d) horses in general.
e) house cats.

Comentário: Os cães-guia são considerados como elegíveis para as deduções

fiscais, como se observa na passagem “One exception is service dogs. If you
require a Seeing Eye dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as a
medical expense.” (Uma exceção é a de cães de serviço. Se você precisar de
um cão do Seeing Eye, por exemplo, os custos do seu cão são dedutíveis como
despesa médica). As demais alternativas não representam uma opção definitiva
de despesa médica para a dedução de imposto.
a) Item incorreto. No trecho "In most cases our family pets are just family
pets," vemos que, na maioria dos casos, nossos animais de estimação da família
são apenas animais de estimação da família.
b) Item correto.

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

c) Item incorreto. O texto fala que, ocasionalmente, o melhor amigo do

homem também é a melhor dedução para os negócios. O doberman que protege
o estaleiro de sucata pode ser dedutível como despesa comercial do dono do
estaleiro, diz Kadrlik.
d) Item incorreto. O texto não menciona que cavalos, de uma forma geral,
são despesas dedutíveis.
e) Item incorreto. Ocasionalmente, o gato da loja de conveniência que
mantém os ratos na baía pode ser uma despesa dedutível.
Gabarito 4: B

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2014) Questions refer to the following text.

Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fighting
trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In
discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement services are
involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence
exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly
taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug trafficking, stolen motor
vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear
materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities
also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered plants and
animal species.
In order to assist its Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement
efforts and achieve a balance between control and facilitation, the World
Customs Organisation has developed a comprehensive technical assistance and
training programmes. In addition, it has established Regional Intelligence
Liaison Offices (RILOs) that are supported by a global database, the Customs
Enforcement Network (CEN), to facilitate the exchange and use of information.

The WCO has also developed instruments for international co-operation in the
form of the revised Model Bilateral Agreement (MBA); the Nairobi Convention,
which provides for mutual administrative assistance in the prevention,
investigation and repression of Customs offences; and the Johannesburg
Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in Customs
matters. The WCO’s Customs Control and Enforcement programme therefore
aims to promote effective enforcement practices and encourage co-operation
among its Members and with its various competent partners and stakeholders.
(Source: http://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/enforcement-and-compliance/overview.aspx,
retrieved on 12 March 2014.)

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

5- In accordance with the passage, ‘customs enforcement’ can best be

defined as the prevention of criminal activities
a) requiring coordination between enforcement agencies of neighboring
b) of a strictly commercial nature, taking place on border areas.
c) Restricted to trans-national intellectual and cultural property infringement.
d) That can pose financial or physical harm to societies and affect at least two
e) That can put societies and the environment at risk in the broadest sense.

Comentários: De acordo com o texto, a "Execução aduaneira" pode ser melhor

definida como a prevenção de atividades criminosas que podem causar danos
financeiros ou físicos às sociedades e afetar pelo menos dois países (That can
pose financial or physical harm to societies and affect at least two countries).
Ao se observar o trecho “In discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and
enforcement services are involved in a wide range of activities relating to
information and intelligence exchange, combating commercial fraud,
counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly taxed goods (especially cigarettes and
alcohol), drug trafficking, stolen motor vehicles, money laundering, electronic
crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass
destruction.” (“Ao cumprir este mandato, os serviços de cumprimento e
fiscalização aduaneira estão envolvidos em uma ampla gama de atividades
relacionadas à troca de informações e inteligência, combate à fraude comercial,
falsificação, contrabando de produtos altamente tributados (especialmente
cigarros e álcool), tráfico de drogas, veículos automotores roubados, lavagem
de dinheiro, crime eletrônico, contrabando de armas, materiais nucleares, lixo
tóxico e armas de destruição em massa. ”) vemos claramente os danos
financeiros ou físicos às sociedades. Logo, o gabarito do texto é a letra D.
a) Item incorreto. Exigir coordenação entre os órgãos de fiscalização dos
países vizinhos, por si só, não descreve a prevenção de atividades criminosas.
b) Item incorreto. Os objetivos aduaneiros não podem ser de natureza
estritamente comercial, ocorrendo em áreas de fronteira.
c) Item incorreto. Os objetivos aduaneiros não podem ser restritos à
violação de propriedade intelectual e cultural transnacional.
d) Item correto. O comentário já foi dado anteriormente.
e) Item incorreto. A prevenção de crimes não irá colocar as sociedades e o
meio ambiente em risco no sentido mais amplo.
Gabarito 5: D

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

6- The text explains that the mandate of the World Customs

Organisation comprises both
a) enforcement and repression activities.
b) co-operation and training efforts.
c) crime investigation and prevention.
d) direct control and facilitation initiatives.
e) partners and stakeholders.

Comentários: O texto explica que o mandato da Organização Mundial das

Alfândegas compreende tanto esforços de cooperação quanto treinamento.
Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra B. O trecho In order to assist its
Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement efforts and achieve a
balance between control and facilitation, the World Customs Organisation has
developed a comprehensive technical assistance and training programmes. (A
fim de ajudar seus membros a melhorar a eficácia de seus esforços de
fiscalização e alcançar um equilíbrio entre controle e facilitação, a Organização
Mundial de Aduanas desenvolveu uma ampla assistência técnica e programas
de treinamento.) confirma a resposta.
a) Item incorreto. O parágrafo que descreve a Organização Mundial de
Aduanas não diz que atividades de fiscalização e repressão fazem parte do
b) Item correto.
c) Item incorreto. O parágrafo que descreve a Organização Mundial de
Aduanas não diz que investigação e prevenção de crimes são atividades do
d) Item incorreto. O parágrafo que descreve a Organização Mundial de
Aduanas não diz que parcerias e partes interessadas estão relacionadas a
atividades do mandato.
e) Item incorreto. O parágrafo que descreve a Organização Mundial de
Aduanas não diz que atividades fiscalização e repressão fazem parte do
mandato. O programa de Controle e Reforço Aduaneiro da OMA, portanto, visa
promover práticas eficazes de fiscalização e incentivar a cooperação entre seus
Membros e com seus vários parceiros e partes interessadas competentes. Mas
isso não quer dizer que a alternativa expressa atividades do mandato da
Gabarito 6: B

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2012) Choose the best answer in accordance with Text
Text 2: South Korea banks in rate-rigging investigation
A South Korea financial regulator has started an investigation into alleged
interest rate rigging by some of the country's banks. The Fair Trade Commission
is looking at possible collusion over setting certificates of deposit (CD), used as
a benchmark to set lending rates. It follows the Libor-rigging scandal involving
Barclays and possibly several other UK banks.
A CD is a way of saving with a fixed interest rate and maturity sold by banks
and circulated in the secondary market by brokerages. Financial firms benefit
from a high CD rates as many household loans are linked to them. They are
frequently used to help South Koreans buy homes. The possible rigging of CD
can help flatter companies' financial health.
The indebtedness of South Koreans has become a particular worry to the
authorities as the economy slows.
From: www.bbc.com/news [slightly adapted]

7- The opening paragraph suggests that some South Korean banks may
a) acted dishonestly.
b) deserved commendation.
c) been unfairly attacked.
d) started an investigation.
e) moved to the UK.

Comentários: A questão quer saber o que sugere o primeiro parágrafo quanto

à atuação de alguns bancos sul-coreanos. Vamos analisar as alternativas.
a) Item correto. O primeiro parágrafo do texto que A South Korea financial
regulator has started an investigation into alleged interest rate rigging by some
of the country's banks. Mesmo que você não saiba o que é interest rate
rigging, é possível depreender que alguma ação ilegal ou desonesta foi
praticada, já que uma investigação foi iniciada.

Interest -> juros

Rate -> taxa
Rigging -> manipulação, fraude, conlúio

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe

O significado da palavra rigging depende do contexto em que ela é utilizada. No

caso do texto que estamos analisando, tem a ver com manipulação. Entendemos
que houve uma manipulação das taxas de juros por parte de alguns bancos sul-
b) Item incorreto. Com certeza os bancos sul-coreanos não merecem elogios
(deserved commendation), já que uma investigação foi iniciada.
c) Item incorreto. Será que os bancos estão sendo atacados injustamente
(unfairly attacked)? Não sabemos, pois o primeiro parágrafo não entra nesse
mérito! Cuidado com as tentativas do examinador de extrapolar o que está dito
no texto. Só o que sabemos com certeza é que uma investigação foi iniciada.
d) Item incorreto. Quem começou a investigação foi o órgão regulador - A
South Korea financial regulator has started an investigation – o texto é bem
claro. Os bancos estão sendo o alvo dessa investigação.
e) Item incorreto. Pra matar essa, basta pensar: faz sentido dizer que os
bancos sul-coreanos estão se mudando pra Inglaterra (UK)? Não! Mas ainda
assim, vamos ver o que o primeiro parágrafo revela: The Fair Trade Commission
is looking at possible collusion over setting certificates of deposit (CD), used as
a benchmark to set lending rates. It follows the Libor-rigging scandal involving
Barclays and possibly several other UK banks. Aqui o texto informa que a
comissão de Fair Trade (Comércio Justo), uma espécie de CADE, provavelmente
está avaliando a possibilidade de conluio para definição de taxas de certificados
de depósitos. Essas taxas são utilizadas como referência (benchmark) para
definição de taxas de empréstimo (lending rates). Tudo isso está relacionado
com o escândalo envolvendo o Barclays e, possivelmente, vários outros bancos
britânicos. Percebem que em nenhum momento fala-se em mudança? Nada a
Gabarito 7: A

8- In paragraph 2 line 3, the word "brokerages" refers to

a) second class financial deals.
b) companies that buy and sell financial assets.
c) firms perceived as likely to go bankrupt.
d) large accountancy enterprises.
e) risky exchange rate transactions.

Comentários: A questão quer saber a que se refere a palavra “brokerages”.

Let’s find out! A CD is a way of saving with a fixed interest rate and maturity
sold by banks and circulated in the secondary market by brokerages.

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a) Item incorreto: A frase fala em mercado secundário (secondary

market), não em negócios financeiros de segunda classe.
b) Item correto: Vamos imaginar que você realmente não saiba o que é
“brokerages”, então você vai ter que inferir o significado com base nas
informações dessa frase específica do texto: A CD is a way of saving with a fixed
interest rate and maturity sold by banks and circulated in the secondary market
by brokerages. Perceba que a sentença está explicando o que é um CD (a CD
is a way...) e dizendo que esse tipo de certificado é vendido pelos bancos (sold
by banks) e circula no mercado secundário (circulated in the secondary market)
por meio dos brokerages. Se o CD está circulando – ou seja, sendo comprado
e vendido – provavelmente uma empresa especializada está efetuando essa
comercialização, como uma corretora, que é exatamente o que significa a
palavra brokerages. Você poderia lembrar também do termo home broker,
utilizado para identicar investidores que compram e vendem tílutos financeiros
no mercado por meio de sistemas disponibilizados por corretoras. Vejam que
estamos treinando formas de raciocínio para a hora da prova, quando pode
acontecer de você não saber qual o significado de uma palavra específica.
c) Item incorreto. Essa ideia não se relaciona com nada do que está escrito
sobre brokerages.
d) Item incorreto. Essa ideia não se relaciona com nada do que está escrito
sobre brokerages.

Bankrupt -> falência

Accountancy enterprises -> firmas de contabilidade

e) Item incorreto. Operações ou transações cambiais de risco, não são

mencionadas em nenhum momento, nem tem nada a ver com os CDs ou sua
Gabarito 8: B

9- Officials in South Korea are concerned about

a) high levels of personal debt in a sluggish economy.
b) poor credit-ratings and economic over-heating.
c) rising household expenditures and house prices.
d) broken homes and inability to support flattery.
e) the national debt and how to pay it off.

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Comentários: Qual é a preocupação (concern) das autoridades da Coreia do

a) Item correto. Podemos encontrar a resposta no último parágrafo do texto:
The indebtedness of South Koreans has become a particular worry to the
authorities as the economy slows. Com o desaceleramento da economia
(economy slows), o endividamento do sul coreano tem se tornado motivo de
preocupação das autoridades. A alternativa diz exatamente isso, mas com
outras palavras:

Personal debt -> dívida pessoal

Sluggish -> lento, devagar

b) Item incorreto. Avaliações de crédito ruins e superaquecimento da

economia (over-heating) não tem nada a ver com a situação descrita no texto,
pelo contrário! O texto menciona problemas com o enfraquecimento da
economia (economy slowdown).
c) Item incorreto. O aumento de gastos domésticos não foi mencionado,
mais sim os household loans, que são os empréstimos familiares. Já a
preocupação com o aumento dos preços das casas (house prices) está
relacionada com o assunto do texto, apesar de não ter sido citada

Household expenditures -> gastos domésticos

Household loans -> empréstimos familiares

d) Item incorreto. Flattery quer dizer lisonja, bajulação. Diferente do termo

flatter utilizado na frase: “The possible rigging of CD can help flatter companies'
financial health.”

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Flat Plano, liso

Mais plano,
mais liso
To Flatter

Flattered Lisonjeado

Percebam que no contexto da frase, flatter foi utilizado como adjetivo e tem
um significado um pouco diferente do sentido literal da tradução para o
português. É complicado fazer uma tradução literal, mas o que o texto quer
dizer é que a manipulação das taxas dos certificados de depósito pode ajudar a
tornar mais estável a saúde financeira das empresas (can help flatter
companies' financial health). Flatter, mais liso, mais plano, mais uniforme ou
estável. Realmente existem termos que não podem ser traduzidos ao pé da
letra, por serem específicos do idioma.
Querem ver outro exemplo do uso do termo flatter em um contexto similar? Aí
“As times moves on, the historical [...] model becomes harder to justify, so the
Commission is proposing to allow Member States to move to a flatter rate
Traduzindo: “Com o passar do tempo, o modelo histórico torna-se cada vez
mais difícil de justificar, pelo que a Comissão propõe que os Estados-Membros
possam passar para um sistema mais uniforme.”
e) Item incorreto. Em momento algum o texto se refere à dívida nacional do
país, mas somente ao endividamento das famílias.

Nacional debt -> dívida nacional

Pay it off -> pagar integralmente, quitar

Gabarito 9: A

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2012)

Rio+20: reasons to be cheerful
Read the commentaries from Rio+20, and you'd think a global disaster had
taken place. The UN multilateral system is said to be in crisis. Pundits and NGOs
complain that it was "the greatest failure of collective leadership since the first

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world war", "a bleak day, a disastrous meeting" and "a massive waste of time
and money".
Perspective, please. Reaction after the 1992 Rio summit was uncannily similar.
Countries passed then what now seem far-sighted treaties and embedded a slew
of aspirations and commitments into international documents – but NGOs and
journalists were still distraught. In short, just like Rio 2012, the meeting was
said to be a dismal failure of governments to co-operate.
I was pretty downhearted then, too. So when I returned I went to see Richard
Sandbrook, a legendary environmental activist who co-founded Friends of the
Earth, and profoundly influenced a generation of governments, business leaders
and NGOs before he died in 2005. Sandbrook made the point that NGOs always
scream blue murder because it is their job to push governments and that UN
conferences must disappoint because all views have to be accommodated.
Change, he said, does not happen in a few days' intense negotiation. It is a
long, muddled, cultural process that cannot come from a UN meeting. Real
change comes from stronger institutions, better public information, promises
being kept, the exchange of views, pressure from below, and events that make
people see the world differently.
Vast growth in global environmental awareness has taken place in the past 20
years, and is bound to grow in the next 20.
[From The Guardian PovertyMatters blog- adapted]

10- According to the text, the general reaction to the Rio+20

Conference was a) generally optimistic.
b) absolutely singular.
c) relatively cheerful.
d) extremely gloomy.
e) remarkably sanguine.

Comentário: A questão quer saber como foi a reação geral ao Rio +20, de
acordo com o texto.
a) Item incorreto. Otimista? Really? Acho que não... A primeira frase do texto
já deixa tranparecer que a reação ao Rio +20 não foi das melhores.
Read the commentaries from Rio+20, and you'd think a global disaster had
taken place.

Taken place -> aconteceu

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b) Item incorreto. O vocábulo singular aqui funciona como um true

cognate, querendo dizer que a reação ao Rio+20 foi única, singular. Também
não condiz com a informação apresentada pelo texto.
Reaction after the 1992 Rio summit was uncannily similar.

Uncannily -> estranhamente

c) Item incorreto. Cheerful quer dizer alegre, feliz. Já percebemos que não
foi bem assim.
d) Item correto.

Gloomy -> pessimista, tenebroso, triste, desanimador

Pundits and NGOs complain that it was "the greatest failure of collective
leadership since the first world war", "a bleak day, a disastrous meeting" and "a
massive waste of time and money". Essa parece a resposta mais adequada, pelo
que o texto apresenta.

Bleak day -> dia triste

e) Item incorreto. Veja:

Sanguine -> alegre, animada

Não, as reações à reunião não foram nada positivas ou animadas.

Queridos, esse é um tipo de questão que exige de vocês um

pouco mais de vocabulário. Quando isso acontecer, minha dica é: tentem
resolver a questão por eliminação, riscando as opções com palavras
Gabarito 10: D
11- The author of the article believes that immediately after the 1992
environmental conference
a) his only hope was to visit a famous environmentalist.
b) the response to the event was much the same as now.
c) the United Nations failed to foster any agreements.
d) everybody praised the far-sighted accords reached.
e) the climate began to change all around the world.

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Comentários: A questão quer saber qual foi a percepção, believes aqui é usado
mais nesse sentido, ao final da reunião de 1992 (Rio 92).
a) Item incorreto. Muito cuidado aqui! O autor realmente foi visitar um
especialista em meio ambiente, mas isso foi o que ele fez, e não sua percepção
quando a reunião acabou. I was pretty downhearted then, too. So when I
returned I went to see Richard Sandbrook, a legendary environmental activist
who co-founded Friends of the Earth, and profoundly influenced a generation of
governments, business leaders and NGOs before he died in 2005.
b) Item correto. Agora sim! Vejam só:Perspective, please. Reaction after the
1992 Rio summit was uncannily similar. Só o fato de ele ter escrito “Perspective,
please” antes de falar da reação em si, já mostra que ele estava prestes a falar
de uma percepção pessoal, um belive, algo sob a sua perspectiva.
c) Item incorreto. Novamente o examinador tenta conduzir vocês ao erro.
Vejam o que o texto diz: Change, he said, does not happen in a few days' intense
negotiation. It is a long, muddled, cultural process that cannot come from a UN
meeting. Segundo o texto mudanças não acontecem em alguns dias de
negociação intensa, elas são um processo que não resulta de uma reunião das
Nações Unidas (UN meeting). Portando a United Nations não consegue sozinha
promover mudanças, mas em nenhum momento o autor fala que a UN falhou
(failed) em foster agreements (promover acordos). Isso é extrapolação.
d) Item incorreto. A alternativa que todos elogiaram (everybody praised) os
acordos alcançados. Se, na verdade, a percepção geral foi de pessimismo e
tristeza, afirmar que houve elogios não é coerente.

Far-sighted -> longo prazo, longo alcance

e) Item incorreto. No texto não há nenhuma afirmativa nesse sentido,

tratando de alterações climáticas mundiais (climate began to change all around
the world).
Gabarito 11: B

12- The main aim of the third paragraph is to report on

a) the views of a well-known environmentalist on how change occurs.
b) the failure of the UN to achieve any signifi cant results in 1992.
c) the life and work of a late-lamented UN environmental activist.
d) he author's despondent mood in 1992 and the reasons for it.
e) the similarities between the conference results in 2012 and 1992.

Comentários: A questão quer saber o principal objetivo do terceiro parágrafo.

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a) Item correto. Lendo novamente o terceiro parágrafo, nota-se claramente

que todo ele foi dedicado a colocar e explicar o posicionamento do Richard
Sandbrook, a legendary environmental activist (importante ativista do meio
b) Item incorreto. O foco do parágrafo não são as falhas das Nações Unidas
em alcançar resultados significativos em 1992.
c) Item incorreto. Olha a bagunça! Realmente o Mr. Sandbrook faleceu, mas
o texto não fala se ele trabalhou na UN, e muito menos a intenção do terceiro
parágrafo é falar de sua vida e obra, conforme já discutimos.
d) Item incorreto. O autor estava sim desapontado (despondent mood) em
1992, mas o terceiro parágrafo não trata dos motivos desse desapontamento,
como sugere a alternativa.

Late-lamented -> saudoso, falecido

e) Item incorreto. O segundo parágrafo é que fala de algumas similaridades

entre as reações às duas conferências, então o terceiro. Fora que ele compara
as reações e não os resultados das duas.
Gabarito 12: A

13- The expression "scream blue murder" in paragraph 3 line 7 means

a) feel severely threatened.
b) call out for protection.
c) commit environmental crimes.
d) shout about their mistreatment.
e) raise an indignant outcry.
Comentários: A questão quer saber o que signifca a expressão “scream blue
murder”. Mesmo que não saibamos a tradução, podemos tentar depreender do
texto seu sentido. Sandbrook made the point that NGOs always scream blue
murder because it is their job to push governments and that UN conferences
must disappoint because all views have to be accommodated. Vamos lá, o Mr.
Sandbrook faz sua argumentação dizendo que as NGOs (ONGs) sempre scream
blue murder, porque é a função delas pressionar o governo e as reuniões das
Nações Unidas com certeza decpcionam, porque nelas há muitos pontos de vista
a serem conciliados. Quem é que scream blue murder? As ONGs. Agora, as
alternativas (os comentários sobre as alternativas a, b, c e d estão a seguir):
a) Item incorreto.
b) Item incorreto.

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c) Item incorreto.
d) Item incorreto.
Acho que ficou mais fácil de eliminar essas alternativas. Vamos nos perguntar,
considerando sempre o contexto do artigo de um modo geral, se as sugestões
de significados propostas pelas alternativas fazem sentido:
Faz sentido, as ONGs se sentirem seriamente ameaçadas (severely
threatended)? Não.
Faz sentido as ONGs buscarem por proteção? Se a frase mencionasse
especificamente a proteção para o meio ambiente, até faria sentido, mas isso
não está escrito. Então, não é uma boa resposta.
Faz sentido as ONGs terem cometido crimes ambientais? Não.
Faz sentido as ONGs reclamarem que estão sendo maltratadas (their
mistreatment)? Não.

Resta então a última alternativa, que é a correta:

e) Item correto.

Outcry -> clamor, protesto

Ou seja, as ONGs, buscando pressionar o governo, promovem um clamor

indignado. Você poderia relacionar as palavras cry (outcry) e scream.

Scream blue murder -> mostrar-se indignado

Gabarito 13: E

Gente, mais uma vez eu digo para vocês: não fiquem nervosos
quando não souberem o significado de alguma expressão ou palavra, respirem
fundo e raciocinem! Busquem fazer associações e entender o significado geral
do texto. Acho que deu para perceber o quanto entender o texto é mais
importante do que simplesmente decorar palavras. Vamos treinar bastante para
Pessoal, trouxe as questões da prova de ajudante de despachante aduaneiro de
2017. Apesar de fáceis, trazem um contexto valioso para assimilação de
palavras importantes, que podem facilmente aparecer na próxima prova de
vocês. Não se preocupem porque as palavras mais relevantes foram separadas
e se encontram na parte de key words e key expressions. Assim, na véspera da
prova vocês podem revisar o que é mais relevante de forma muito prática.

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Inglês – Questões
Prof.ª. Daniella Eleutério, Rosana Garcia e Equipe


Trouble at the border – issues facing Canadian importers
In today’s global economy, the transportation of goods could have significant
customs implications. Although imported goods can be subject to customs
duties, preferential origin treatments such as the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA.) can provide significant duty relief to importers.

Canada has numerous multilateral, bilateral and unilateral origin-based relief

mechanisms in place. Importers should be aware of and take advantage of any
applicable origin-based duty relief opportunities. Otherwise, they can face
significant unnecessary duty outlays that have a clear impact on the bottom

Importers that do take advantage of origin-based duty relief opportunities need

to ensure that they manage them appropriately. This includes having valid and
complete documentation and the respective rules of origin need to be followed.
Failure to properly apply and document preferential originbased duty treatments
could result in significant duty costs, and in some cases, duty relief could be

Importers can be subject to significant compliance related costs if they do not

manage matters appropriately.

14- The text is designed to be read by those who wish to:

a) export goods from Canada to other places.
b) become members of NAFTA.
c) bring goods into Canada from elsewhere.
d) smuggle goods across borders.
e) pay import duty on goods from Canada.

Comentários: Se analisarmos o título em um primeiro momento já veremos

que o texto tratará sobre problemas enfrentados pelos importadores
canadenses, o que já nos direciona ao gabarito da questão (letra C). Agora
vamos partir para a análise de cada item:
a) Item incorreto. O texto não fala sobre a exportação do Canadá para outros
b) Item incorreto. O texto não dá orientações para se tornar membro do
NAFTA (Tratado Norte-Americano de Livre Comércio), mas apenas diz que os
tratamentos de origem preferencial, como o Acordo de Livre Comércio da

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América do Norte (NAFTA), podem fornecer benefícios significativos aos

c) Item correto.
d) Item incorreto. O texto não fala sobre contrabando (smuggle) mercadorias
através das fronteiras.
e) Item incorreto. A questão não prioriza o assunto sobre o pagamento de
impostos sobre a importação. O texto trata basicamente sobre os benefícios dos
acordos preferenciais e sobre isenções de impostos de importação.
Gabarito 14: C

15- The phrase “preferential origin treatments” are applied to goods

coming from countries that
a) have negotiated special trade agreements.
b) charge exceptionally high tariffs.
c) prefer not to be treated at customs.
d) do their duties faithfully.
e) are very remote from destination.

Comentários: Na leitura do trecho Although imported goods can be subject to

customs duties, preferential origin treatments such as the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA.) can provide significant duty relief to importers
observamos que os tratamentos de origem preferencial podem fornecer
benefícios significativos aos importadores, o que nos faz compreender que o
item A está correto, visto que tais tratamentos são aplicados a bens
provenientes de países que negociaram acordos comerciais especiais (have
negotiated special trade agréments). Os demais itens não guardam relação com
o que a questão solicitou. Mesmo assim, observe a tradução de cada item:
b) Item incorreto (cobram tarifas excepcionalmente altas).
c) Item incorreto (preferem não ser tratados na alfândega).
d) Item incorreto (cumpram fielmente seus deveres).
e) Item incorreto (estão muito distantes do seu destino).
Gabarito 15: A

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16- To benefit from lower customs tariffs, those importing goods

a) pay any compliance-related costs.
b) employ the right insurance managers.
c) revoke previous duty schedules.
d) validate their own national passports.
e) make sure all the documents are in order.
Comentário: A questão quer saber o que os importadores devem fazer para se
beneficiarem das tarifas aduaneiras baixas. Assim, vemos que Importers that
do take advantage of origin-based duty relief opportunities need to ensure that
they manage them appropriately. This includes having valid and complete
documentation and the respective rules of origin need to be followed. Em
português, temos que os importadores que aproveitam as oportunidades de
isenção de impostos com base na origem precisam garantir um gerenciamento
adequado. Isso inclui ter documentação válida e completa e as respectivas
regras de origem precisam ser seguidas. Portanto, o item E é o correto. Os
demais itens não justificam o beneficiamento para tarifas aduaneiras baixas.
De qualquer forma, vamos à tradução dos itens para fixar o vocabulário.
a) Item incorreto (pagar quaisquer custos relacionados à conformidade).
b) Item incorreto (empregar os gerentes de seguro certos).
c) Item incorreto (revogar os cronogramas dos impostos anteriores).
d) Item incorreto (validar seus próprios passaportes nacionais).
e) Item correto (certificar -se de que todos os documentos estão em ordem).
Gabarito 16: E


LONDON (Reuters) - A team of sniffer dogs set up at a British airport at a cost
of 1.25 million pounds ($1.7 million) have proved adept at discovering small
amounts of cheese and sausages but not so good at finding smuggled drugs, a
report said on Thursday.

An inspection of border security at Manchester Airport in northern England found

that during a seven-month period, the six dogs had failed to find any illegal class
A drugs, those considered the most dangerous such as heroin or cocaine.

“The deterrent effect of the detection dogs was difficult to measure, but seizures
alone represented a low return on investment, given 1.25 million spent on new
kennels and the costs of operating the unit,” said the report by the Independent
Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration.

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Each dog has its own speciality in detecting goods such as drugs, tobacco, cash
and meat being illegally brought into the airport by the 22 million passengers
who use it annually.

However, the report found that although the sniffers had helped customs seize
46 kg of cigarettes and 181 kg of meat, they had uncovered no class A drugs
between November 2014 and June 2015 even though this was a “very high”

It said one dog trained to find smuggled animal products had made “multiple
accurate detections, but most were of small amounts of cheese or sausages,
wrongly brought back by returning British holidaymakers and posing minimal
risk to UK public health.”

Managers are now examining how better to deploy the dogs, the report said.

17- A report on the use of dogs at a British airport concluded that

the dogs are
a) a health risk to passengers.
b) being illegally brought into Britain.
c) failing to find dangerous narcotics.
d) too hungry to work effectively.
e) unable to inspect enough suitcases.

Comentário: Ao analisarmos o texto, vemos que uma inspeção da segurança

das fronteiras no aeroporto de Manchester, no norte da Inglaterra, descobriu
que, durante um período de sete meses, os seis cães não conseguiram encontrar
drogas ilegais da classe A, consideradas as mais perigosas, como heroína ou
cocaína. (An inspection of border security at Manchester Airport in northern
England found that during a seven-month period, the six dogs had failed to find
any illegal class A drugs, those considered the most dangerous such as heroin
or cocaine.) Logo, o item correto é o C. Vamos a tradução dos itens:
Um relatório sobre o uso de cães em um aeroporto britânico concluiu que os
cães são:
a) Item incorreto (um risco para a saúde dos passageiros).
b) Item incorreto (ser ilegalmente trazido para a Inglaterra).
c) Item correto (não encontrar narcóticos perigosos).
d) Item incorreto (com muita fome para trabalhar de forma eficaz).

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e) Item incorreto (incapaz de inspecionar malas suficientes).

Gabarito 17: C

18- The report also considered that the amount spent on the dog
programme is
a) money well spent on detection.
b) higher than results justify.
c) likely to bring rewards soon.
d) a drop in the ocean for Border Security.
e) a worthwhile public investment.

Comentários: O gabarito é a letra B. A resposta da questão pode ser

encontrada na passagem “The deterrent effect of the detection dogs was difficult
to measure, but seizures alone represented a low return on investment, given
1.25 million spent on new kennels and the costs of operating the unit”. Assim,
vemos que as apreensões representaram um baixo retorno quanto aos
investimentos, dado os 1,25 milhões gastos em novos canis e os custos de
operação da unidade. Veja a tradução dos itens:
a) Item incorreto (dinheiro bem gasto em detecção).
b) Item correto (superior aos resultados justificados).
c) Item incorreto (probabilidade de trazer recompensas em breve).
d) Item incorreto (uma queda no oceano para a Segurança das Fronteiras).
e) Item incorreto (um investimento público que vale a pena).
Gabarito 18: B

19- The deterrent effect” refers to the possibility that the dogs:
a) discover illicit drugs in passengers’ hand luggage.
b) discourage those who might otherwise bring in drugs.
c) frighten innocent passengers into avoiding customs.
d) spot drugs addicts as they try to enter the country.
e) require the use of special washing powders at the aiport.

Comentários: O efeito dissuasivo refere-se à possibilidade dos cães

desencorajar aqueles que de outra forma poderiam trazer drogas, já que a

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palavra dissuadir significa desencorajar ou fazer alguém mudar de ideia. As

demais alternativas não respondem à questão:
a) Item incorreto (descobrir drogas ilícitas na bagagem de mão dos
c) Item incorreto (amedrontar os passageiros inocentes para evitar a
d) Item incorreto (identificar os toxicodependentes enquanto tentam entrar
no país).
e) Item incorreto (exigir o uso de pós de lavagem especiais no aeroporto).
Gabarito 19: B

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4.2- FCC
(FCC /Consultor Legislativo da CL do DF/Constituição e Justiça/ 2018)
U.S. immigration law provides foreign nationals with a variety of visas to become
lawful permanent residents (get a Green Card) through employment in the
United States. These employment-based (EB) “preference immigrant”
categories include:

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-1 Priority Workers

This preference is reserved for persons of extraordinary ability in the sciences,
arts, education, business or athletics; outstanding researchers or university
professors; and executives or managers of multinational corporations. This
category is less costly and takes less time to complete than other classifications.
Although this is the fastest way to get an employment-based green card, it is
extremely document-heavy and the USCIS reviews this petition with a high level
of scrutiny.

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-2 Advanced Workers

There are three types of EB-2 green cards:

− Professionals who hold advanced degrees

− Foreign nationals with exceptional knowledge in the sciences, arts or business

− Professionals whose work benefits the national interest of the U.S.

Applicants (with the exception of applicants applying for an exemption known

as National Interest Waiver) must generally have an approved labor
certification, a job offer, and their employer must have filed an Immigrant
Petition for Alien Worker (Form I-140) with the USCIS.

This category has several stages that need to be successfully completed prior
to green card sponsorship. This proves to be a lengthier and more rigorous
process than the EB-1 green card.

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-3 Skilled/Other Workers

This preference is reserved for professionals with a bachelor’s degree (or foreign
equivalent); skilled workers, including foreign nationals with at least two years

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of training or work experience who may or may not hold a degree; and other or
unskilled workers filling a job that requires less than two years of training or
experience. This category is the most common with a higher number of foreign
nationals that qualify under this preference category and has a lengthy average
approval waiting period of six to nine years.
(Adapted from: https://resources.envoyglobal.com/blog/employment-based-immigration-

20- De acordo com o texto,

a) uma vez que a solicitação de um visto EB-1 é criteriosamente analisada e
aprovada, a emissão do green card é bem rápida.
b) a obtenção do visto EB-2 é rápida, mas exige um grande volume de
c) todos os vistos descritos exigem que o solicitante tenha diploma de pós-
d) solicitantes do visto eb-2, cuja ocupação seja de interesse nacional para o
país, têm prioridade na emissão do green card.
e) as três categorias permitem que o solicitante, em determinadas
circunstâncias, seja dispensado de apresentar a oferta de emprego.

a) Item correto. No trecho “This category is less costly and takes less time to
complete than other classifications. Although this is the fastest way to get an
employment-based green card, it is extremely document-heavy and the USCIS
reviews this petition with a high level of scrutiny” podemos perceber que essa
categoria é menos dispendiosa e leva menos tempo para ser concluída em
relação a outras classificações. Embora este seja o caminho mais rápido para se
obter um green card de emprego, ele é extremamente burocrático e o USCIS
analisa este pedido com um alto nível de critérios. Assim, a emissão do green
card é bem rápida, mas criteriosamente analisada e aprovada.
b) Item incorreto. A obtenção do EB-2 é demorada. É possível verificar este
fato no trecho This proves to be a lengthier and more rigorous process than the
EB-1 green card, ou seja, é um processo mais longo e mais rigoroso que o EB-
c) Item incorreto. Apenas o EB-1 exige diploma de pós-graduação, como se
verifica na passagem Professionals who hold advanced degrees.
d) Item incorreto. O texto não expressa esta ideia.
e) Item incorreto. O texto não expressa esta ideia.
Gabarito 20: A

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21- Segundo o texto,

a) solicitantes de visto EB-3 devem ter, no mínimo, formação superior.
b) a categoria com maior número de solicitações e com maior tempo de
espera é a EB-3.
c) mesmo profissionais cuja ocupação seja de interesse nacional devem
provar que têm uma oferta de emprego.
d) o formulário I-140 deve ser submetido diretamente ao USCIS pelo
e) Nenhum trabalhador com menos de dois anos de experiência em seu
campo de atuação pode solicitar um visto EB-3.

Comentários: a) Item incorreto. No trecho “This preference is reserved for

professionals with a bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent); skilled workers,
including foreign nationals with at least two years of training or work experience
who may or may not hold a degree; and other or unskilled workers filling a job
that requires less than two years of training or experience.” percebemos que há
uma preferência reservada aos profissionais que tenham formação superior. No
entanto, o texto não afirma que essa formação é obrigatória, e, além disso, há
a possibilidade de solicitação por parte de trabalhadores qualificados (skilled
workers) ou trabalhadores sem qualificação que ocupem cargo que exija menos
de dois anos de treinamento ou experiência.
b) Item correto. É possível verificar na passagem “This category is the most
common with a higher number of foreign nationals that qualify under this
preference category and has a lengthy average approval waiting period of six to
nine years.” que a EB-3 é a categoria com o maior número de solicitações
(higher number of foreign nationals) e com o maior tempo de espera (six to
nine years).
c) Item incorreto. Applicants (with the exception of applicants applying for an
exemption known as National Interest Waiver) must generally have an approved
labor certification, a job offer, assim, constata-se que os solicitantes devem
geralmente possuir um certificado de trabalho, com a exceção de solicitantes
cuja ocupação seja de interesse nacional.
d) Item incorreto. O formulário I-140 não deve ser submetido diretamente ao
USCIS pelo solicitante. O empregador é quem deverá submeter o formulário I-
140 junto com o USCIS, como se observa no trecho and their employer must
have filed an Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker (Form I-140) with the USCIS.
e) Item incorreto. Há a possibilidade de solicitação de trabalhadores sem
qualificação que ocupem cargo que exija menos de dois anos de treinamento ou
Gabarito 21: B

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Considere a figura e o texto a seguir, para responder à questão.

Keep Families Together Act

This bill prohibits an agent or contractor of the Department of Homeland
Security, the Department of Justice, or the Department of Health and Human
Services from removing a child who is under the age of 18 and has no permanent
immigration status from his or her parent or legal guardian at or near the port
of entry or within 100 miles of the U.S. border unless:

• an authorized state court determines that it is in the child's best interests to

be removed;

• a state or county child welfare official with expertise in child trauma and
development determines that it is in the child's best interests to be removed
because of abuse or neglect; or

• the Chief Patrol Agent or the Area Port Director authorizes separation based
on a documented finding that the child is a trafficking victim or is at significant
risk of becoming a victim, a strong likelihood exists that the adult is not the
parent or legal guardian, or the child is in danger of abuse or neglect.

An agency may not remove a child from a parent or legal guardian solely for the
policy goals of deterring migration to the United States or of promoting
immigration law compliance.

The bill sets forth presumptions: (1) in favor of family and sibling unity and
parental rights, and (2) that detention is not in the best interests of families and

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The Government Accountability Office shall conduct a study of the prosecution

of asylum seekers.
(Adapted from: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/3036)

22- O projeto de lei de que trata o texto:

a) foi aprovado pelo Senado em junho de 2018.
b) foi encaminhado ao Comitê do Judiciário em junho de 2018.
c) foi apresentado por uma senadora republicana.
d) visa diminuir o fluxo migratório para os Estados Unidos.
e) objetiva reforçar o controle nas fronteiras dos Estados Unidos.
Comentários: a) Item incorreto. O projeto de lei não foi aprovado pelo
Senado. No rastreador (tracker) é possível ver o status do projeto, sendo que
se houvesse sido aprovado teria migrado do estado Introduced para Passed
b) Item correto. O projeto de lei foi encaminhado ao Comitê do Judiciário em
junho de 2018. Nos Estados Unidos, a data possui um formato diferente do
formato brasileiro. Lá, o mês vem primeiro, depois o dia, depois ano.
c) Item incorreto. A letra D da sigla D-CA (figura) mostra que a senadora era
d) Item incorreto. Na passagem “This bill prohibits an agent or contractor of
the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, or the
Department of Health and Human Services from removing a child who is under
the age of 18 and has no permanent immigration status from his or her parent
or legal guardian at or near the port of entry or within 100 miles of the U.S.
border” verificamos que o projeto de lei proíbe que um agente ou contratado do
Departamento de Segurança Interna retire uma criança com menos de 18 anos
(e não tenha status de imigrante permanente) de seus pais ou guardião legal
no ou perto do porto de entrada ou dentro de 100 milhas da fronteira dos EUA.
e) Item incorreto. Esse não é o objetivo do projeto, conforme o comentário
do item anterior.
Gabarito 22: B

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23- De acordo com o projeto de lei apresentado,

a) a detenção pode ser a melhor solução no caso de crianças suspeitas de
serem vítimas de tráfico.
b) os direitos dos pais e a união familiar devem prevalecer em qualquer
c) Nenhum indivíduo menor de idade deve ser separado de seus pais, mesmo
sob suspeita de que o adulto acompanhante não seja seu genitor.
d) Abuso ou neglicência por parte dos pais configura situação que justifica a
criança ser separada deles.
e) Uma criança só pode ser separada dos pais em caso de violação da lei da

Comentários: a) Item incorreto. O texto não faz referência a esse assunto.

b) Item incorreto. O texto elenca alguns casos (marcadores de círculo preto)
de separação entre os filhos e pais.
c) Item incorreto. Esse é um dos casos que pode haver separação entre pais
e filhos.
d) Item correto. O trecho the Chief Patrol Agent or the Area Port Director
authorizes separation based on a documented finding that the child is a
trafficking victim or is at significant risk of becoming a victim, a strong likelihood
exists that the adult is not the parent or legal guardian, or the child is in danger
of abuse or neglect demonstra que é possível haver separação quando a criança
corre perigo de abuso e negligência.
e) Item incorreto. Há outros casos indicados no texto (marcadores de círculo
preto) que possibilitam a separação da família.
Gabarito 23: D

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4.3- FGV
Text I
In Europe, Weber still rules
Jul 13, 2016
Steven Van de Walle

After 30 years of public administration reform in European countries inspired by

New Public Management ideas, traditional Weberian administration still is the
main organizing principle. This is the picture that emerges from a large-scale
survey among the entire population of top civil servants in 18 European
countries. The findings have now been published in our book — Public
Administration Reforms in Europe: The View from the Top.

True, many tools and management practices associated with the NPM such as
staff performance talks or management by objectives have become very
common. Across all countries, the almost 7000 top civil servants we surveyed
list achieving results and ensuring an efficient use of resources among the most
important roles they have. They are also in agreement that, compared to five
years ago, the public sector has made major progress in terms of efficiency and
service quality — two main objectives of the NPM.

There are ‘NPM champions’ — countries that have gone further than others in
reforming the Weberian state. Think the UK or the Netherlands, where public
employment is increasingly normalised, and delivery contracted out. But even
there, the structures of traditional public administration remain firmly in place.

Some elements of the NPM are still mainly absent from current management
practice in European countries. Internal steering by contract is not very
common, and performance related pay is very rare despite the popularity in
reform talk. The weak presence of flexible employment also shows that the
Weberian model still dominates. Despite attempts to normalize public
employment in some countries, civil servants still enjoy a unique statute. We
also observed this during the fiscal crisis, where outright firing permanent civil
servants or cutting salaries has been relatively rare.

For civil servants, referring issues upwards in the hierarchy is still the dominant
response in situations when responsibilities or interests conflict with that of
other organisations. European top civil servants consider the impartial

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implementation of laws and rules as one of their dominant roles, and largely
prefer state provision of services over market provision, with the exception of
the British, Danish, and Dutch.

There are clear country differences, with management ‘champions’ such as the
UK, Estonia, Norway and the Netherlands, and more legalistic and traditional
public administrations such as in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary and Spain.
The adoption of newer reform ideas suggest that the Weberian state may now
be in decline. Yet some of the other findings of the survey, reported above, show
that Weberianism’s main ideas are still deeply embedded in European countries.

(Source: https://statecrafting.net/in-europe-weber-still-rulesa851866dbf02. Retrieved on

January 21st, 2018)

24- Text I compares New Public Management and Weberian

administration. In this respect, analyse the following statements.
I. The findings reported are not very telling as the sample is rather small.
II. Some countries have made more progress than others in implementing NPM.
III. The British, Danish, and Dutch showed a preference towards market
Choose the correct answer:
a) only I is correct.
b) only II is correct.
c) only III is correct.
d) both I and II are correct.
e) both II and III are correct.

Comentários: Item I – Item incorreto. No último parágrafo constata-se que

os resultados (findings) encontrados mostram que as principais ideias
weberianas ainda estão profundamente embutidas em países europeus, fato que
se opõe à ideia (expressada no item I) de amostra pequena (small sample).
Item II – Item correto. Tal fato pode ser verificado no 3º parágrafo, já que o
autor afirma que há campeões da Nova Gestão Pública (New Public
Management), ou seja, que há países que alcançaram melhores resultados na
reforma do estado Weberiano em relação a outros países. Observe: ‘There are
‘NPM champions’ — countries that have gone further than others in reforming
the Weberian state’.
Item III – Item correto. É o que se encontra no final do 5º parágrafo. Dessa
forma, verifica-se que os servidores públicos europeus em grande parte
preferem a prestação de serviços pelo estado, com a exceção dos britânicos,

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dinamarqueses e holandeses. Observe: ‘European top civil servants consider the

impartial implementation of laws and rules as one of their dominant roles, and
largely prefer state provision of services over market provision, with the
exception of the British, Danish, and Dutch’.
Gabarito 24: E.

25- Mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F) according to
Text I.
( ) Internal steering by contract and performance related pay are two main
ideas that come from Weber.
( ) Weberian ideals now belong to the past and are only used for historical
( ) Employment flexibility is one of the tenets of the New Public Management.
The correct sentence is:
a) F-F-T
b) T-T-F
c) F-T-T
d) F-T-F
e) T-F-F

Comentários: Item I – Item incorreto. A prática interna de contratos e

pagamentos de acordo com o desempenho não são ideias oriundas do
pensamento weberiano. Tais práticas se referem à Nova Gestão Pública (New
Public Management), que preza pela eficiência e qualidade dos serviços.
Item II – Item incorreto. Os ideais weberianos não estão no passado.
Observa-se no 4º parágrafo que a frágil presença de flexibilidade no trabalho
mostra que o modelo Weberiano ainda domina. Veja: ‘The weak presence of
flexible employment also shows that the Weberian model still dominates’.
Item III – Item correto. A flexibilidade no trabalho é um dos princípios da
Nova Gestão Pública apesar de ainda não ser amplamente presente no modelo
de gestão de países europeus. A ideia central deste item pode ser extraída do
4º parágrafo.
Gabarito 25: A

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Brazil's mega hydro plan foreshadows China's growing impact
on the Amazon
by Jonathan Watts
Thu 5 Oct ‘17 06.45 BST
Last modified on Mon 27 Nov ‘17 15.56 GMT

The government wants to open up the Tapajós basin – an area the size of France
– for trade with China. But the indigenous Munduruku won’t let it happen without
a fight


-group-fights-damsin- brazils-amazon/a-19398301. Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)

Crashing upstream through the São Luiz rapids, the churning river throws the
speedboat around like a child’s toy. There is first a moment of fear, then relief
and finally wonder at crossing a natural boundary that has held back the
destruction of this corner of the Amazon for almost five centuries.
This is the gateway to a land that indigenous inhabitants call Mundurukania,
after their tribe, the Munduruku, which has settled the middle and upper reaches
of the Rio Tapajós since ancient times. The thickly vegetated shores, misty hills
and untamed waters – breached at one point by a dolphin – mark it out as one
of the few regions of the planet still to be explored and exploited by industrial
The tranquillity is breathtaking, but misleading. These rapids are now on the
frontline of one of the world’s most important struggles for indigenous rights
and environmental protection. Long ignored, they are suddenly seen as a
strategically crucial step between the nations with the world’s biggest farms –
Brazil – and the world’s most numerous dining tables – China. Longer term, the

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changes now being planned could bring this waterway closer to the
industrialised, traffic-filled Yangtze in more ways than one.

Over the coming years, the Brazilian government – backed by Chinese and
European finance and engineering – wants to turn this river into the world’s
biggest grain canal by building 49 major dams on the Tapajós and its tributaries.
This would make the rapids navigable by barges carrying produce from the
deforested cerrado savanna of Mato Grosso – which produces a third of the
world’s soya – up to the giant container port being planned in the closest city of
Santarém and then out to global markets, particularly in Asia.
The network of dams would also produce 29gW of electricity, increasing Brazil’s
current supply by 25%. A consortium headed by Furnas – a subsidiary of the
state-run energy utility Electrobras – plans to sell the power to distant cities and
to local mining companies that want to unearth the mineral riches under the
For the Brazilian government, this mega-scheme to open up the Tapajós basin
– which is roughly the area of France – is a linchpin of national economic
development and trade with China. For local politicians, it is an opportunity to
industrialise, expand and enrich the business of nearby cities, which expect their
populations to double in size over the next 10 years.
For opponents, however, the “hydrovia” – as the river transport scheme is
known – and related projects are the biggest threat ever posed to the native
inhabitants, traditional riverine communities, waters and wildlife. By one
estimate, 950,000 hectares of forest would be cleared, releasing significant
amounts of carbon dioxide.

(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/05/brazilamazon- tapajos-hydrovia-

scheme. Retrieved on January 11th, 2018)

26- Text II discusses issues related to the opening up of the Tapajós

basin for trade. Based on the text, analyse the following statements:
I. The Brazilian government is willing to build the dams without any
international investment.
II. Local politicians believe the project may bring economic development to the
III. There might be considerable environmental impact if the plan is carried out.
Choose the correct answer:
a) only I is correct.
b) only II is correct.

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c) only III is correct.

d) both I and II are correct.
e) both II and III are correct.

Comentários: Item I – Item Incorreto. O item afirma que o governo

brasileiro está disposto a construir as barragens sem nenhum investimento
internacional. Na verdade, o 4º parágrafo mostra que, nos próximos anos, o
governo brasileiro - apoiado pelas finanças e engenharia chinesas e europeias -
quer transformar este rio no maior canal de grãos do mundo construindo 49
grandes barragens no rio Tapajós e seus afluentes.
Item II – Item correto. No penúltimo parágrafo constata-se que para os
políticos locais é uma oportunidade para se industrializar, expandir e enriquecer
os negócios das cidades próximas, as quais esperam que suas populações
dobrem de tamanho nos próximos 10 anos.
Item III – Item correto. O item afirma que poderá haver um impacto
ambiental considerável caso o plano seja executado. Isso está correto e
encontra fundamento no último parágrafo, uma vez que de acordo com a
estimativa, 950.000 hectares de floresta seriam desmatados, liberando
quantidades significativas de dióxido de carbono.
Gabarito 26: E

27- The subtitle of text II implies that the plan will:

a) come to a smooth solution.
b) meet no obvious obstacles.
c) lead to an inevitable dispute.
d) arrive at a peaceful outcome.
e) reach a diplomatic agreement.

Comentários: O subtítulo do texto pode ser encontrado logo acima da figura e

afirma que o governo quer abrir a bacia de Tapajós – uma área do tamanho da
França – para manter comércio com a China. Mas que os indígenas Munduruku
não permitirão que isso aconteça sem luta. Claramente verificamos que o
gabarito será a letra C, visto que é a única alternativa que expressa que haverá
uma disputa inevitável. As demais alternativas trazem diplomacia sem
obstáculos para a solução do plano.
a) Item incorreto. A alternativa A diz que o plano virá a ter uma solução
pacífica, já que o termo smooth nos passa a ideia de uma solução calma,
tranquila e polida.

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b) Item incorreto. A alternativa B diz que o plano não encontrará obstáculos

c) Item correto.
d) Item incorreto. A alternativa D diz que o plano chegará a resultados
e) Item incorreto. A alternativa E diz que o plano alcançará um acordo
Gabarito 27: C

28- The first paragraph describes the:

a) monotony of riding alone in the rapids.
b) destruction caused to the Amazon forest.
c) stillness of the river Waters during the journey.
d) feelings one experiences throughout the Voyage.
e) happiness of the children playing with their toys.

Comentários: O primeiro parágrafo descreve os sentimentos de alguém que

atravessa um rio agitado. É possível perceber esses, já que o autor ressalta que
há um primeiro momento de medo, depois alívio e finalmente o sentimento de
se maravilhar com a travessia de uma fronteira natural. Assim, a única
alternativa que claramente demonstra a intenção do autor sobre os sentimentos
de alguém ao longo de uma viagem é a D.
a) Item incorreto. A alternativa A afirma que o primeiro parágrafo descreve
a monotonia de se andar sozinho nas correntezas.
b) Item incorreto. A alternativa B diz que o primeiro parágrafo descreve a
destruição causada à floresta amazônica.
c) Item incorreto. A alternativa C descreve a quietude das águas do rio
durante a viagem.
d) Item correto.
e) Item incorreto. A alternativa E diz respeito à felicidade de crianças
brincando com seus brinquedos. Aqui a banca tenta confundir o candidato com
a presença das palavras child´s toy, já que expressamente constam do primeiro
parágrafo. Porém, os sentidos das frases são completamente distintos.
Gabarito 28: D

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29- When the author defines China as “the world’s most numerous
dining tables”, he is referring to its
a) gold mining.
b) water storage.
c) oil production.
d) wood industry.
e) food consumption.

Comentários: A intenção do autor ao definir a China como as mesas de jantar

mais numerosas do mundo é expor o país como o mais populoso do mundo.
Como a expressão dining tables se refere a mesas de jantar, é correto inferir
que a alternativa adequada se relacione ao consumo de comida. Logo, o gabarito
da questão é a letra E. As demais alternativas não guardam relação com a
expressão dining tables.
a) Item incorreto. A alternativa A se refere à mineração do ouro.
b) Item incorreto. A alternativa B se refere ao armazenamento de água.
c) Item incorreto. A alternativa C diz respeito à produção de petróleo.
d) Item incorreto. A alternativa D menciona sobre a indústria de madeira.
e) Item correto.
Gabarito 29: E



(Source: http://cpa-scribo.com/assess-control-risk/. Retrieved on January 27th, 2018)

The Challenges Facing Government Auditors

Posted on July 26, 2013

When it comes to the pressure of successfully identifying, anticipating and

dealing with risks, few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work
with the government. As the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Richard Chambers

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wrote, these professionals deal with career-threatening political risks on a daily

basis that many private sector auditors could never comprehend.
Internal auditors play a pivotal role in the relationship between the government
and citizens. It’s up to auditors to set the appropriate controls to manage federal
programs and also to provide insight into the effectiveness and the soundness
of the government’s inner workings. Put simply, auditors are key to ensuring
the public’s trust in their government is well-founded and not abused.

That being said, there are a number of challenges associated with

governmental-level internal auditing. Citing a MicKinsey paper from 2011,
Chambers points to a few key issues:

1. Turnover and Outsiders: Turnover in the political sector is high, with

appointed executives seldom lasting for more than two years. On top of that,
newly appointed officials often come from outside departments or agencies. This
means officials frequently don’t have a firm grasp on all the risks and challenges
associated with their position, which can lead to poor decision making.

2. Metrics for Success: In the private sector, business objectives are clear and
are conducive to metrics: more sales, more customers, more revenue, return
on investment, etc. This means it’s extremely easy to determine the efficiency
of audit programs and controls. In the public sphere, metrics aren’t as obvious
because financial and mission objectives are more complex. This complicates
the job immensely.

3. ‘Mission Over Risk’ Mindset: Most companies undervalue the importance of

risk culture. Departments want to achieve their objectives, and risk
management takes a back seat to that. In the public sector, officials are often
even more dedicated to and passionate about the mission at hand. Additionally,
people tend to assume that government budgets are big enough to bail
departments out of bad decisions, which can lead to risky behaviors. […]

Internal controls are pivotal to maintaining the public trust in government

operations, so despite the challenges that lay in front of auditors, it’s crucial
they work with managers to develop effective campaigns and programs.
(Adapted from: https://www.resolver.com/blog/the-challenges-facinggovernment- auditors/.
Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)

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30- Mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F) according
to Text I.
( ) Private sector auditors have more responsibility than government auditors
on risk-taking decisions.
( ) The weight government auditors take upon themselves is quite heavy.
( ) Part of the auditor’s job is one of mediation between the public and the
The correct sequence is:
a) F-F-T
b) T-T-F
c) F-T-T
d) F-T-F
e) T-F-F
Comentários: Item I – Item incorreto. O item afirma que os auditores do
setor privado têm mais responsabilidade que os auditores do governo nas
decisões de tomada de risco. No entanto, no 1º parágrafo, Richard Chambers,
do Instituto dos Auditores Internos, relata que os auditores do governo lidam
com riscos políticos de ameaça de carreira diariamente, riscos que os auditores
do setor privado jamais poderiam compreender. Assim, não é possível se
comparar as responsabilidades entre os auditores.
Item II – Item correto. O 1º parágrafo diz que poucos auditores suportam
tanta carga quanto aqueles que trabalham com o governo. Lembrando que as
palavras-chave para se resolver o item eram weight , que significa peso, e heavy
, que significa pesado. Assim, o peso que os auditores do governo assumem é
bastante pesado. A frase ficou um pouco redundante em português, mas em
inglês faz total sentido.
Item III – Item correto. A resposta desse item se encontrava logo no início do
2º parágrafo, quando o autor declara que os auditores internos desempenham
um papel fundamental (pivotal role) na relação entre o governo e os cidadãos.
Gabarito 30: C.

31- The sentence that informs that one of the challenges associated with
governmental-level internal auditing is the problem of continuity is:
a) “Turnover in the political sector is high with appointed executives seldom
lasting for more than two years”.
b) “In the public sphere, metrics aren´t as obvious because financial and
mission objectives are more complex”.
c) “On top of that, newly appointed officials often come from outside
departments or agencies”.

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d) “In the private sector, business objectives are clear and are conductive to
e) “Most companies undervalue the importance of risk culture”.

Comentários: a) Item correto. A questão pede uma alternativa que informe

um dos desafios associados à auditoria interna a nível governamental em
relação ao problema de continuidade. A única alternativa que demonstra a falta
de continuidade é a letra A. Assim, verifica-se a alta rotatividade no setor
político com executivos indicados que mal duram mais de dois anos. As demais
alternativas não demonstram a interrupção da continuidade.
b) Item incorreto. Item afirma que na esfera pública, as métricas não são tão
óbvias, já que os objetivos financeiros e os de missão são mais complexos.
c) Item incorreto. O item aponta que funcionários recém-nomeados
geralmente vêm de departamentos ou agências externas.
d) Item incorreto. Item mostra que no setor privado, os objetivos de negócio
são claros e condutores de métricas.
e) Item incorreto. Item diz que a maioria das empresas subestima a
importância da cultura de risco.
Gabarito 31: A

32- The last paragraph states that, when developing campaigns and
programs, auditors should not work
a) by appointment.
b) for the public.
c) in isolation.
d) on demand.
e) at home.

Comentários: O último parágrafo afirma que, ao desenvolver campanhas e

programas eficazes, auditores deveriam trabalhar com gerentes (managers), o
que equivale dizer que eles não deveriam trabalhar em isolamento. Podemos
encontrar a resposta correta na letra C. As outras alternativas não atendem ao
enunciado da questão.
a) Item incorreto. By appointment significa com hora marcada.
b) Item incorreto. For the public quer dizer para o público.
d) Item incorreto. On demand quer dizer sob demanda.
e) Item incorreto. At home significa em casa.

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Gabarito 32: C

4.4- CESPE
Western intelligence agencies used to inhabit a parallel world where spy battled
spy. Their trade was stealing or guarding secrets. Their masters were the men
and women in government. Today the intelligence services are part of
everyone’s world. Their main task has been to protect society from terrorists
and criminals. They are increasingly held to account in the press, parliaments
and courts.

The intelligence revolution is partly the result of new technology. As recently as

1999, on becoming director of the American National Security Agency (NSA),
Michael Hayden asked to send an e-mail to all staff. He was told: “We can’t
actually do that.” The organization used computers to break codes rather than
to surf the web as everyone else did. The NSA’s new facility in Utah, the first of
several, now stores exabytes of data drawn from everyday communications. At
Britain’s GCHQ, most code-breaking was done on paper until well into the 1980s.

The revolution has brought spying closer to ordinary people. After the attacks
on America on September 11th 2001, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency
became the focus for the American intelligence agencies. Almost two-thirds of
today’s intelligence personnel have been hired since 9/11. As the world has
moved online, so the spooks have become involved in monitoring organized
crime and paedophiles as well as terrorists.

In a not very remote past, spies sent coded messages using short-wave radios
and dead letter boxes. Now the communications of the spooks’ new targets are
mixed in with everyone else’s, shuttling between computers and smartphones
that are identical to those on your desk and in your pocket. Counter-terrorism,
in particular, is pre-emptive. Hence the security services have had to act as
hunters of conspiracies rather than gatherers of evidence.
Western intelligence — Shaken and stirred.

In: The Economist, 12/11/2016 (adapted).

Based on text, judge the following item.

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33- The idea expressed in “Counter-terrorism (…) is pre-emptive”

can be also found in the following proverb: It is better to prevent than
to cure.
Comentário: Questão correta. A palavra ‘counter’ tem um significado de
‘contra’, ou seja, a ação contra o terrorismo possui uma relação direta com o
termo ‘pre-emptive’, que expressa a noção de prevenir ataques de inimigos.
Assim, verifica-se que é melhor prevenir a curar.
Gabarito 33: V

34- The sentence “Michael Hayden asked to send an e-mail to all

staff” can be correctly paraphrased in the following terms: Michael
Hayden enquired all his employees if he could send an electronic
Comentário: Questão incorreta. O termo ‘’mensagens eletrônicas’’ é mais
abrangente que o termo e-mail, já que engloba mensagens de voz, mensagens
instantâneas e mensagens em mídias socias. Dessa forma, não há que se falar
em paráfrase equivalente e correta.
Gabarito 34: F

35- GCHQ experts decided to stop producing academic papers about

code-breaking techniques only in the two last decades of the last
Comentário: Questão incorreta. O texto não diz se ocorreu a pausa na
produção de trabalhos acadêmicos sobre deciframento de códigos. O texto
apenas menciona que a maioria do deciframento de códigos foi feita em papel
até o ano de 1980.
Gabarito 35: F


The increase in scrutiny and reduction in powers for security agencies has to a
considerable extent been triggered by the revelations of the former National
Security agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden. These disclosures, along with
other leaks from organizations such as WikiLeaks, have shed light on a series of
illegal practices adopted by intelligence agencies in many countries, in particular
the USA, Germany and the UK.

This has led to an unprecedented shift in the nature of intelligence legislation in

many parts of the world, with security services witnessing a reduction in their

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powers for the first time in the post-9/11 era, defined by the West’s commitment
to the war on terror.

However, despite claims that the agencies are working in the interest of national
security, critics counter that overbearing surveillance practices erode and
restrict many civil liberties. In spite of the introduction of restrictions in the USA
and Germany, Great Britain appears to be heading in the opposite direction
when it comes to surveillance policy, with the UK’s Conservative government
putting forward plans to grant spy agencies yet more powers to deal with threats
to national security.

The British government has outlined its highly controversial plan to introduce
the Investigatory Powers Bill, which would grant agencies not only more power
but also allow them to force Internet companies to log and track users’ web
history for up to a year to allow for the police and security services access. It is
thought the plan would also compel companies to collect and hold data on
mobile phone applications like WhatsApp and Snapchat.
Snowden: the legacy of the Leaks. Internet: <www.mintpressnews> (adapted).

Based on text, judge the following item.

36- According to the text, the events that followed the September
11th attacks, as well as the systematic leaking of government classified
material, have helped shape the way some intelligence agencies have
been operating.
Comentário: Questão correta. De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, os
eventos que seguiram a data de 11 de setembro, ou seja, o aumento de exames
minuciosos e a redução de poderes para as agências de segurança bem como o
vazamento de informações governamentais confidenciais muito contribuíram
para a formatar o modo pelo qual algumas agências de inteligência estavam
operando. Isso ficou constatado ao se dizer que as divulgações (disclosures)
esclareceram (have shed light) uma série de práticas ilegais adotadas por
agências de inteligência em muitos países, como E.U.A, Alemanha e Reino
Gabarito 36: V

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37- The author of the text implies that the fight against terrorism is
no longer a major priority for Anglo-American intelligence services.
Comentário: Questão incorreta. O autor do texto não menciona que a luta
contra o terrorismo não é mais prioridade para os serviços de inteligência Anglo-
Gabarito 37: F


With this report, our aim is to present initial reflections on diplomacy in the
digital age. In the ongoing debate amongst international relations scholars,
information and communication technology (ICT) experts, digital strategists,
social media advocates and others, the first question for us is: what is happening
to diplomacy? And the obvious answer is what has always happened to it:
diplomacy is responding to changes in the international and domestic
environments, in the main centres of authority, particularly states, and in the
character of societies at home and abroad.

“Newness” in diplomacy today has everything to do with the application of new

communications technologies to diplomacy. This issue goes right to the heart of
diplomacy’score functions, including negotiation, representation and
communication. Given the centrality of communication in diplomacy, it is hardly
surprising that the rise of social media should be of interest to practitioners of
diplomacy. Most of them, like people outside diplomatic culture, are in the
process of adjusting their “analogue” habits and finding their own voice in a new
information sphere. This takes time, and for technological enthusiasts to simply
proclaim the arrival of a “new statecraft” in the form of what is variously termed
e-diplomacy, digital diplomacy, cyber diplomacy and “twiplomacy” is too

Paradoxically, greater complexity encourages shallow, hurried analyses and the

search for simple explanations about what is happening to diplomacy as the
regulating mechanism of the society of states. As in other epochs of fast
technological change, the lure of quick fixes addressing multifaceted processes
of change in diplomacy appears almost irresistible.

Brian Hocking and Jan Melissen. Diplomacy in the digital age. 2015, p. 9. Internet:
<www.clingendael.org> (adapted).

Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according
to text I.

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38- For the authors, the changes brought about by new

communications technologies are affecting the essence of diplomacy as
never before.
Comentário: Questão incorreta. Os autores não afirmam que as mudanças
trazidas pelas novas tecnologias de comunicação estão afetando a essência da
diplomacia como nunca antes. O texto, no 2º parágrafo, enfatiza que há
mudanças que atingem as principais funções da diplomacia, como negociação,
representação e comunicação. No entanto, essas mudanças levam tempo de
ajuste, afinal, os praticantes da diplomacia precisam ajustar hábitos
“analógicos” e encontrar sua própria voz em uma nova esfera de informação.
Isso leva tempo.
Gabarito 38: F

39- The text lists three different kinds of change which affect diplomacy:
those originated in international and domestic scenarios; those coming from
the main centres of authority; and the ones which are related to societal

Comentário: Item correto. O item afirma que o texto lista três diferentes
tipos de mudança que afetam a diplomacia: aquelas originadas em cenários
internacionais e domésticos; aquelas que vêm dos principais centros de
autoridade; e as que estão relacionados às transformações sociais. Isso pode
ser verificado no trecho what is happening to diplomacy? And the obvious
answer is what has always happened to it: diplomacy is responding to changes
in the international and domestic environments, in the main centres of
authority, particularly states, and in the character of societies at home and
abroad (1º parágrafo).
Gabarito 39: V

40- Due to the close relationship that exists between diplomacy and
communication, diplomats have managed to bring their communicative
skills to perfection in order to work autonomously with new digital
Comentário: Item incorreto. O item diz que devido à estreita relação que
existe entre diplomacia e comunicação, os diplomatas conseguiram aperfeiçoar
suas habilidades comunicativas para trabalhar de forma autônoma com as novas
mídias digitais. No entanto, como vimos no comentário da questão 17, os
praticantes da diplomacia ainda estão se ajustando, já que o processo de
implementação das mudanças tecnológicas leva tempo.
Gabarito 40: F

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41- The authors are critical of the kind of explanation analysts have
given for the phenomenon of diplomacy in the digital age, which,
according to the authors, should be approached more thoroughly.
Comentário: Questão correta. A questão diz que os autores criticam o tipo
de explicação que os analistas deram para o fenômeno da diplomacia na era
digital, que, segundo eles, deve ser abordado de forma mais aprofundada. No
trecho “Paradoxically, greater complexity encourages shallow, hurried analyses
and the search for simple explanations about what is happening to diplomacy
as the regulating mechanism of the society of states” podemos observar que as
análises são feitas superficialmente e às pressas, merecendo assim uma análise
mais complexa e menos simplista.
Gabarito 41: V

42- Questão 48 - In the end of the second paragraph, the authors

express the opinion that the so-called ‘new statecraft", also known as
“digital diplomacy”, is “too simplistic”.
Comentário: Questão incorreta. O termo ‘new statecraft’ significa nova
polítiva. O texto diz que declarar a chegada da nova política assim, já de
imediato, é demasiadamente simplista. O texto não diz que a nova política é
Gabarito 42: F


What do politically minded visitors to a zoo feel when they stand in front of the
panda bear’s cage? The previously cute panda may suddenly strike them as
strange — there is an intuitive knowledge that this panda, constantly eating
bamboo in front of a cheerful and amazed audience, is deeply charged with
political agency.

Estrangement from the familiar is the start of every theory. Unfortunately, it

was only recently that political scientists have embarked on exploring diplomacy
systematically as a conceptual phenomenon, generating one unquestionable
axiom: that of representation. As with any axiom, it is unprovable, but it is the
taken-for-granted starting point for all further research: most scholars agree on
the basic postulate that diplomacy is about people representing polities (most
often a state) vis-à-vis another polity.

One should mention that the notion of political representation is a theoretical

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axiom applicable to all countries, but let us explore the example given by the
panda bear and, consequently, by China a little further.

It is often correctly perceived that the speech of an accredited Chinese

ambassador is attributable to the Chinese government. It is “China” who spoke,
not (just) the individual person. This is the basis of representation. But what is
often forgotten is how non-human material can represent polities — they are
also diplomats, but mute.

It may sound ridiculous, if not provocative, to posit that the panda bear in the
zoo is China. But this is merely an extension of the basic premise of diplomatic
theory. Why should only human individuals be able to represent a state? In
periods of conflict, flags (material objects) are burnt, walls are erected,
monuments torn down; in times of better political mood, heads of states
exchange precious gifts with each other, while embassy buildings in foreign
countries enjoy a “sacred” legal status. Flags, walls, monuments, gifts, and the
embassies re-present, i.e. “bring into presence,” a country, and actions toward
these objects address the states they represent.

And there are good grounds for sensing a foreign policy tool in the giant pandas
that now reside in zoos all over the world. They prominently embody China’s
modern public diplomacy; they are non-human material deliberately deployed
by the Chinese government to the soil of other states; and they have, at times,
served as the primary means of expressing inter-state sentiment — during times
of both conflict and cooperation —, in instances of the so-called “panda
Andreas Pacher. The Diplomat. Nov./2017. Internet: <https://thediplomat.com> (adapted).

Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according
to text.

43- The passage “The previously cute panda may suddenly strike
them as strange” indicates that people may become aware that panda
bears kept outside China can be signs of international political forces.
Comentário: Questão correta. A passagem “O panda que antes era fofo pode
de repente parecer estranho” indica que as pessoas podem perceber que os
ursos panda mantidos fora da China podem ser sinais de forças políticas
internacionais. O trecho there is an intuitive knowledge that this panda,
constantly eating bamboo in front of a cheerful and amazed audience, is deeply
charged with political agency demonstra essa relação. Em suma, há um
conhecimento intuitivo de que esse panda está profundamente encarregado da
agência política. Ressalta-se que a palavra agência, em seu sentido filosófico, é

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a capacidade de um agente intervir no mundo, o que mostra os sinais de forças

políticas internacionais.
Gabarito 43: V

44- One can correctly infer from the text that the author is against
the exploitation of animals for political or diplomatic ends.
Comentário: Questão incorreta. O autor do texto não diz se é contra a
exploração de animais para propósitos políticos ou diplomáticos.
Gabarito 44: F

45- The view on representation expressed by the author is broader

and more flexible than the one which considers that “diplomacy is about
people representing polities”.
Comentário: Questão correta. A visão sobre a representação expressa pelo
autor é mais ampla e mais flexível do que aquela que considera que “a
diplomacia é sobre pessoas que representam a política”. Podemos constatar
essa visão no trecho (5º parágrafo) Flags, walls, monuments, gifts, and the
embassies re-present, i.e. “bring into presence,” a country, and actions toward
these objects address the states they represent quando o autor diz que
bandeiras, paredes, monumentos, presentes e embaixadas representam um
país, e as ações para esses objetos abordam os estados que representam.
Gabarito 45: V

46- The point made by the author in “Unfortunately, it was (…) that
of representation” would remain the same if this passage were
rewritten as Sadly, only recently have political scientists started to
actively engage in the study of diplomacy as a conceptual phenomenon,
and this delay has led to the irrefutable axiom of representation.
Comentário: Questão incorreta. O trecho extraído do texto “Unfortunately,
it was only recently that political scientists have embarked on exploring
diplomacy systematically as a conceptual phenomenon, generating one
unquestionable axiom: that of representation.” afirma que Foi apenas
recentemente que cientistas políticos começaram a explorar a diplomacia
sistematicamente como um fenômeno conceitual. O trecho reescrito pelo item
a se julgar mostra que só recentemente cientistas políticos começaram a se
envolver ativamente no estudo da diplomacia como um fenômeno conceitual. A
diferença entre as sentenças se encontra no fato da primeira mostrar uma
exploração sistemática da diplomacia enquanto a segunda somente fala sobre
um envolvimento ativo (e não sistemático).
Gabarito 46: F

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47- Because the word “deployed” can be related to the meaning of

putting troops or weapons in a position ready to be used, in the text it
reinforces the idea that panda bears have acquired political and
strategic significance.
Comentário: Questão correta. O item afirma que porque a palavra
“deployed” pode ser relacionada ao sentido de colocar tropas ou armas em uma
posição pronta para ser usada, no texto ela reforça a ideia de que os ursos
pandas adquiriram significado político e estratégico. No último parágrafo
observamos essa ideia de significado político e estrategico dos pandas, uma vez
que há boas razões para sentir a ferramenta de política externa nos pandas
gigantes que agora residem em zoológicos em todo o mundo.
Gabarito 47: V

6- Questões sem comentários

6.1- Questões Ao longo da teoria

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2014) Questions refer to the following text.
The IRS Chief Counsel is appointed by the President of the United States, with
the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, and serves as the chief legal advisor
to the IRS Commissioner on all matters pertaining to the interpretation,
administration, and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as all
other legal matters. Under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, the
Chief Counsel reports to both the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury General
Attorneys in the Chief Counsel’s Office serve as lawyers for the IRS. They
provide the IRS and taxpayers with guidance on interpreting Federal tax laws
correctly, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support
required to carry out the IRS mission.
Chief Counsel received 95,929 cases and closed 94,323 cases during fiscal year
2012. Of the new cases received, and cases closed, the majority related to tax
law enforcement and litigation, including Tax Court litigation; collection,
bankruptcy, and summons advice and litigation; Appellate Court litigation;
criminal tax; and enforcement advice and assistance.
In Fiscal Year 2012, Chief Counsel received 31,295 Tax Court cases involving
taxpayers contesting an IRS determination that they owed additional tax. The
total amount of tax and penalty in dispute at the end of the fiscal year was
almost $6.6 billion.
(Source: Internal Revenue Service Data Book, 2012.)

1- According to the passage, the IRS’s chief legal advisor is

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a) nominated by the IRS Commissioner.

b) subordinated to the Treasury General Counsel.
c) elected by a collegiate.
d) responsible for drafting the Internal Revenue Code.
e) in charge of IRS reform.

2- As described in the text, the mission of attorneys working in the

Chief Counsel’s Office includes:
a) advising ordinary citizens on their fiscal responsibilities.
b) litigating for taxpayers in the Tax Court.
c) contesting IRS determinations.
d) reporting directly to the IRS Commissioner.
e) tracking down tax evaders.

3- During fiscal year 2012, the Chief Counsel’s office succeeded in

a) turning down over 30.000 appeals by taxpayers.
b) securing over $ 6 billion for the State.
c) winning the majority of litigation cases.
d) processing most of the cases it received.
e) voiding 1.606 cases filed by taxpayers.

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2012) Continue aplicando o skimming.

Text 1: Brazil's exports
Trade barriers imposed by Argentina on imports in general have resulted in a
drop of 16% in Brazil's exports to its neighbor in the first half of this year.
Between January and June last year, Brazil sold goods worth US$ 10.43 billion
to Argentina. This year, during the same period, the value of goods sold to
Argentina is US$ 1.6 billion less.
In spite of the trade barriers, the executive secretary at the Ministry of
Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Alessandro Teixeira, blames the
international crisis for the situation. "The cause of these problems is the
international crisis. It affects Argentina and it affects us, too," he declared.
Teixeira noted that negotiations have improved the relationship with Argentina,
that there has been a more positive dialogue.

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Brazil's exports to Eastern Europe are down 38% and down 8% to the European
Union in the first half. On the other hand, they have risen by over US$ 2 billion
to China during the same period.

4- In 2012, Brazil's exports

a) have all been reduced in comparison with last year.
b) to Argentina have increased due to positive dialogue.
c) have decreased with Eastern Europe but gone up with the European Union.
d) are expected to show an increase by the end of the year.
e) have generally declined, except for goods sent to China.

5- Argentina has
a) placed restrictions on most imports.
b) discriminated against Brazil more than others.
c) encouraged the entry of goods from abroad.
d) allowed Brazil to export more than last year.
e) blamed the international crisis for it imports.

6- Alessandro Teixeira's comments on Argentina's position could best

be described as
a) hostile.
b) cowardly.
c) diplomatic.
d) unfriendly.
e) pessimistic.

6.2- ESAF
(ESAF / AFRFB / 2014) Questions refer to the following text.
We've been keeping our veterinarian in business lately. First Sammy, our nine-
year-old golden retriever, needed surgery. (She's fine now.) Then Inky, our
curious cat, burned his paw. (He'll be fine, too.) At our last visit, as we were
writing our fourth (or was it the fifth?) consecutive check to the veterinary
hospital, there was much joking about how vet bills should be tax-deductible.
After all, pets are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all around.)

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Now, halfway through tax-filing season, comes news that pets are high on the
list of unusual deductions taxpayers try to claim. From routine pet expenses to
the costs of adopting a pet to, yes, pets as "dependents," tax accountants have
heard it all this year, according to the Minnesota Society of Certified Public
Accountants, which surveys its members annually about the most outlandish
tax deductions proposed by clients. Most of these doggy deductions don't hunt,
but, believe it or not, some do. Could there be a spot for Sammy and Inky on
our 1040?

Scott Kadrlik, a certified public accountant in Eden Prairie, Minn., who

moonlights as a stand-up comedian (really!), gave me a dog's-eye view of the
tax code: "In most cases our family pets are just family pets," he says. They
cannot be claimed as dependents, and you cannot deduct the cost of their food,
medical care or other expenses. One exception is service dogs. If you require a
Seeing Eye dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as a medical
expense. Occasionally, man's best friend also is man's best business deduction.
The Doberman that guards the junk yard can be deductible as a business
expense of the junk-yard owner, says Mr. Kadrlik. Ditto the convenience-store
cat that keeps the rats at bay.

For most of us, though, our pets are hobbies at most. Something's a hobby if,
among other things, it hasn't turned a profit in at least three of the past five
years (or two of the past seven years in the case of horse training, breeding or
racing). In that case, you can't deduct losses—only expenses to the extent of
income in the same year. So if your beloved Bichon earns $100 for a modeling
gig, you could deduct $100 worth of vet bills (or dog food or doggy attire).
(Source: Carolyn Geer, The Wall Street Journal, retrieved on 13 March 2014 - slightly adapted)

7- The title that best conveys the main purpose of the article is:
a) Sammy and Inky Run Up a Hospital Bill.
b) Vet Bills Should Be Tax-Deductible.
c) Are Your Pets Tax Deductions?
d) The Case for Pets as Dependents.
e) How to Increase Your Tax Refund.

8- The opening sentence of the text reveals that the author has been
a) paying frequent visits to her vet’s pet.
b) making loans to her pets’ veterinary doctor.
c) assisting her vet financially.

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d) delaying payments to her veterinarian.

e) using the services of a vet quite often.

9- The phrase “Guffaws all around” (paragraph 1) shows that those

hearing the conversation
a) believed tax deductions for expenses with pets do not really apply.
b) resented not being able to consider their pets as dependents.
c) found the jokes about pets as dependents preposterous.
d) were unaware that vet bills could be knocked off their income tax.
e) bemoaned the unfair treatment given to pet owners by the IRS.
10- Among the domesticated animals considered eligible for tax
deductions are
a) family pets.
b) guide dogs.
c) doberman dogs.
d) horses in general.
e) house cats.

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2014) Questions refer to the following text.

Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fighting
trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In
discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement services are
involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence
exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly
taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug trafficking, stolen motor
vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear
materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities
also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered plants and
animal species.
In order to assist its Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement
efforts and achieve a balance between control and facilitation, the World
Customs Organisation has developed a comprehensive technical assistance and
training programmes. In addition, it has established Regional Intelligence
Liaison Offices (RILOs) that are supported by a global database, the Customs
Enforcement Network (CEN), to facilitate the exchange and use of information.

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The WCO has also developed instruments for international co-operation in the
form of the revised Model Bilateral Agreement (MBA); the Nairobi Convention,
which provides for mutual administrative assistance in the prevention,
investigation and repression of Customs offences; and the Johannesburg
Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in Customs
matters. The WCO’s Customs Control and Enforcement programme therefore
aims to promote effective enforcement practices and encourage co-operation
among its Members and with its various competent partners and stakeholders.
(Source: http://www.wcoomd.org/en/topics/enforcement-and-compliance/overview.aspx,
retrieved on 12 March 2014.)

11- In accordance with the passage, ‘customs enforcement’ can best

be defined as the prevention of criminal activities
a) requiring coordination between enforcement agencies of neighboring
b) of a strictly commercial nature, taking place on border areas.
c) Restricted to trans-national intellectual and cultural property infringement.
d) That can pose financial or physical harm to societies and affect at least two
e) That can put societies and the environment at risk in the broadest sense.

12- The text explains that the mandate of the World Customs
Organisation comprises both
a) enforcement and repression activities.
b) co-operation and training efforts.
c) crime investigation and prevention.
d) direct control and facilitation initiatives.
e) partners and stakeholders.

(ESAF / AFRFB / 2012) Choose the best answer in accordance with Text
Text 2: South Korea banks in rate-rigging investigation
A South Korea financial regulator has started an investigation into alleged
interest rate rigging by some of the country's banks. The Fair Trade Commission
is looking at possible collusion over setting certificates of deposit (CD), used as
a benchmark to set lending rates. It follows the Libor-rigging scandal involving
Barclays and possibly several other UK banks.

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A CD is a way of saving with a fixed interest rate and maturity sold by banks
and circulated in the secondary market by brokerages. Financial firms benefit
from a high CD rates as many household loans are linked to them. They are
frequently used to help South Koreans buy homes. The possible rigging of CD
can help flatter companies' financial health.
The indebtedness of South Koreans has become a particular worry to the
authorities as the economy slows.
From: www.bbc.com/news [slightly adapted]

13- The opening paragraph suggests that some South Korean banks
may have:
a) acted dishonestly.
b) deserved commendation.
c) been unfairly attacked.
d) started an investigation.
e) moved to the UK.

14- In paragraph 2 line 3, the word "brokerages" refers to

a) second class financial deals.
b) companies that buy and sell financial assets.
c) firms perceived as likely to go bankrupt.
d) large accountancy enterprises.
e) risky exchange rate transactions.

15- Officials in South Korea are concerned about

a) high levels of personal debt in a sluggish economy.
b) poor credit-ratings and economic over-heating.
c) rising household expenditures and house prices.
d) broken homes and inability to support flattery.
e) the national debt and how to pay it off.

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(ESAF / AFRFB / 2012)

Rio+20: reasons to be cheerful
Read the commentaries from Rio+20, and you'd think a global disaster had
taken place. The UN multilateral system is said to be in crisis. Pundits and NGOs
complain that it was "the greatest failure of collective leadership since the first
world war", "a bleak day, a disastrous meeting" and "a massive waste of time
and money".
Perspective, please. Reaction after the 1992 Rio summit was uncannily similar.
Countries passed then what now seem far-sighted treaties and embedded a slew
of aspirations and commitments into international documents – but NGOs and
journalists were still distraught. In short, just like Rio 2012, the meeting was
said to be a dismal failure of governments to co-operate.
I was pretty downhearted then, too. So when I returned I went to see Richard
Sandbrook, a legendary environmental activist who co-founded Friends of the
Earth, and profoundly influenced a generation of governments, business leaders
and NGOs before he died in 2005. Sandbrook made the point that NGOs always
scream blue murder because it is their job to push governments and that UN
conferences must disappoint because all views have to be accommodated.
Change, he said, does not happen in a few days' intense negotiation. It is a
long, muddled, cultural process that cannot come from a UN meeting. Real
change comes from stronger institutions, better public information, promises
being kept, the exchange of views, pressure from below, and events that make
people see the world differently.
Vast growth in global environmental awareness has taken place in the past 20
years, and is bound to grow in the next 20.
[From The Guardian PovertyMatters blog- adapted]

16- According to the text, the general reaction to the Rio+20

Conference was a) generally optimistic.
b) absolutely singular.
c) relatively cheerful.
d) extremely gloomy.
e) remarkably sanguine.

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17- The author of the article believes that immediately after the 1992
environmental conference
a) his only hope was to visit a famous environmentalist.
b) the response to the event was much the same as now.
c) the United Nations failed to foster any agreements.
d) everybody praised the far-sighted accords reached.
e) the climate began to change all around the world.

18- The main aim of the third paragraph is to report on

a) the views of a well-known environmentalist on how change occurs.
b) the failure of the UN to achieve any signifi cant results in 1992.
c) the life and work of a late-lamented UN environmental activist.
d) he author's despondent mood in 1992 and the reasons for it.
e) the similarities between the conference results in 2012 and 1992.
19- The expression "scream blue murder" in paragraph 3 line 7 means
a) feel severely threatened.
b) call out for protection.
c) commit environmental crimes.
d) shout about their mistreatment.
e) raise an indignant outcry.


Trouble at the border – issues facing Canadian importers
In today’s global economy, the transportation of goods could have significant
customs implications. Although imported goods can be subject to customs
duties, preferential origin treatments such as the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA.) can provide significant duty relief to importers.

Canada has numerous multilateral, bilateral and unilateral origin-based relief

mechanisms in place. Importers should be aware of and take advantage of any
applicable origin-based duty relief opportunities. Otherwise, they can face
significant unnecessary duty outlays that have a clear impact on the bottom

Importers that do take advantage of origin-based duty relief opportunities need

to ensure that they manage them appropriately. This includes having valid and

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complete documentation and the respective rules of origin need to be followed.

Failure to properly apply and document preferential originbased duty treatments
could result in significant duty costs, and in some cases, duty relief could be

Importers can be subject to significant compliance related costs if they do not

manage matters appropriately.

20- The text is designed to be read by those who wish to:

a) export goods from Canada to other places.
b) become members of NAFTA.
c) bring goods into Canada from elsewhere.
d) smuggle goods across borders.
e) pay import duty on goods from Canada.

21- The phrase “preferential origin treatments” are applied to goods

coming from countries that
a) have negotiated special trade agreements.
b) charge exceptionally high tariffs.
c) prefer not to be treated at customs.
d) do their duties faithfully.
e) are very remote from destination.

22- To benefit from lower customs tariffs, those importing goods

a) pay any compliance-related costs.
b) employ the right insurance managers.
c) revoke previous duty schedules.
d) validate their own national passports.
e) make sure all the documents are in order.


LONDON (Reuters) - A team of sniffer dogs set up at a British airport at a cost
of 1.25 million pounds ($1.7 million) have proved adept at discovering small

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amounts of cheese and sausages but not so good at finding smuggled drugs, a
report said on Thursday.

An inspection of border security at Manchester Airport in northern England found

that during a seven-month period, the six dogs had failed to find any illegal class
A drugs, those considered the most dangerous such as heroin or cocaine.

“The deterrent effect of the detection dogs was difficult to measure, but seizures
alone represented a low return on investment, given 1.25 million spent on new
kennels and the costs of operating the unit,” said the report by the Independent
Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration.

Each dog has its own speciality in detecting goods such as drugs, tobacco, cash
and meat being illegally brought into the airport by the 22 million passengers
who use it annually.

However, the report found that although the sniffers had helped customs seize
46 kg of cigarettes and 181 kg of meat, they had uncovered no class A drugs
between November 2014 and June 2015 even though this was a “very high”

It said one dog trained to find smuggled animal products had made “multiple
accurate detections, but most were of small amounts of cheese or sausages,
wrongly brought back by returning British holidaymakers and posing minimal
risk to UK public health.”

Managers are now examining how better to deploy the dogs, the report said.

23- A report on the use of dogs at a British airport concluded that

the dogs are
a) a health risk to passengers.
b) being illegally brought into Britain.
c) failing to find dangerous narcotics.
d) too hungry to work effectively.
e) unable to inspect enough suitcases.

24- The report also considered that the amount spent on the dog
programme is
a) money well spent on detection.

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b) higher than results justify.

c) likely to bring rewards soon.
d) a drop in the ocean for Border Security.
e) a worthwhile public investment.

25- The deterrent effect” refers to the possibility that the dogs:
a) discover illicit drugs in passengers’ hand luggage.
b) discourage those who might otherwise bring in drugs.
c) frighten innocent passengers into avoiding customs.
d) spot drugs addicts as they try to enter the country.
e) require the use of special washing powders at the aiport.

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6.2- FCC
(FCC /Consultor Legislativo da CL do DF/Constituição e Justiça/ 2018)
U.S. immigration law provides foreign nationals with a variety of visas to become
lawful permanent residents (get a Green Card) through employment in the
United States. These employment-based (EB) “preference immigrant”
categories include:

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-1 Priority Workers

This preference is reserved for persons of extraordinary ability in the sciences,
arts, education, business or athletics; outstanding researchers or university
professors; and executives or managers of multinational corporations. This
category is less costly and takes less time to complete than other classifications.
Although this is the fastest way to get an employment-based green card, it is
extremely document-heavy and the USCIS reviews this petition with a high level
of scrutiny.

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-2 Advanced Workers

There are three types of EB-2 green cards:

− Professionals who hold advanced degrees

− Foreign nationals with exceptional knowledge in the sciences, arts or business

− Professionals whose work benefits the national interest of the U.S.

Applicants (with the exception of applicants applying for an exemption known

as National Interest Waiver) must generally have an approved labor
certification, a job offer, and their employer must have filed an Immigrant
Petition for Alien Worker (Form I-140) with the USCIS.

This category has several stages that need to be successfully completed prior
to green card sponsorship. This proves to be a lengthier and more rigorous
process than the EB-1 green card.

Employment-Based Immigration: EB-3 Skilled/Other Workers

This preference is reserved for professionals with a bachelor’s degree (or foreign
equivalent); skilled workers, including foreign nationals with at least two years

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of training or work experience who may or may not hold a degree; and other or
unskilled workers filling a job that requires less than two years of training or
experience. This category is the most common with a higher number of foreign
nationals that qualify under this preference category and has a lengthy average
approval waiting period of six to nine years.
(Adapted from: https://resources.envoyglobal.com/blog/employment-based-immigration-

26- De acordo com o texto,

a) uma vez que a solicitação de um visto EB-1 é criteriosamente analisada e
aprovada, a emissão do green card é bem rápida.
b) a obtenção do visto EB-2 é rápida, mas exige um grande volume de
c) todos os vistos descritos exigem que o solicitante tenha diploma de pós-
d) solicitantes do visto eb-2, cuja ocupação seja de interesse nacional para o
país, têm prioridade na emissão do green card.
e) as três categorias permitem que o solicitante, em determinadas
circunstâncias, seja dispensado de apresentar a oferta de emprego.

27- Segundo o texto,

a) solicitantes de visto EB-3 devem ter, no mínimo, formação superior.
b) a categoria com maior número de solicitações e com maior tempo de
espera é a EB-3.
c) mesmo profissionais cuja ocupação seja de interesse nacional devem
provar que têm uma oferta de emprego.
d) o formulário I-140 deve ser submetido diretamente ao USCIS pelo
e) Nenhum trabalhador com menos de dois anos de experiência em seu
campo de atuação pode solicitar um visto EB-3.

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Considere a figura e o texto a seguir, para responder à questão.

Keep Families Together Act

This bill prohibits an agent or contractor of the Department of Homeland
Security, the Department of Justice, or the Department of Health and Human
Services from removing a child who is under the age of 18 and has no permanent
immigration status from his or her parent or legal guardian at or near the port
of entry or within 100 miles of the U.S. border unless:
• an authorized state court determines that it is in the child's best interests to
be removed;

• a state or county child welfare official with expertise in child trauma and
development determines that it is in the child's best interests to be removed
because of abuse or neglect; or

• the Chief Patrol Agent or the Area Port Director authorizes separation based
on a documented finding that the child is a trafficking victim or is at significant
risk of becoming a victim, a strong likelihood exists that the adult is not the
parent or legal guardian, or the child is in danger of abuse or neglect.

An agency may not remove a child from a parent or legal guardian solely for the
policy goals of deterring migration to the United States or of promoting
immigration law compliance.

The bill sets forth presumptions: (1) in favor of family and sibling unity and
parental rights, and (2) that detention is not in the best interests of families and

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The Government Accountability Office shall conduct a study of the prosecution

of asylum seekers.
(Adapted from: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/3036)

28- O projeto de lei de que trata o texto:

a) foi aprovado pelo Senado em junho de 2018.
b) foi encaminhado ao Comitê do Judiciário em junho de 2018.
c) foi apresentado por uma senadora republicana.
d) visa diminuir o fluxo migratório para os Estados Unidos.
e) objetiva reforçar o controle nas fronteiras dos Estados Unidos.

29- De acordo com o projeto de lei apresentado,

a) a detenção pode ser a melhor solução no caso de crianças suspeitas de
serem vítimas de tráfico.
b) os direitos dos pais e a união familiar devem prevalecer em qualquer
c) Nenhum indivíduo menor de idade deve ser separado de seus pais, mesmo
sob suspeita de que o adulto acompanhante não seja seu genitor.
d) Abuso ou neglicência por parte dos pais configura situação que justifica a
criança ser separada deles.
e) Uma criança só pode ser separada dos pais em caso de violação da lei da

6.3- FGV
Text I
In Europe, Weber still rules
Jul 13, 2016
Steven Van de Walle

After 30 years of public administration reform in European countries inspired by

New Public Management ideas, traditional Weberian administration still is the
main organizing principle. This is the picture that emerges from a large-scale
survey among the entire population of top civil servants in 18 European

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countries. The findings have now been published in our book — Public
Administration Reforms in Europe: The View from the Top.

True, many tools and management practices associated with the NPM such as
staff performance talks or management by objectives have become very
common. Across all countries, the almost 7000 top civil servants we surveyed
list achieving results and ensuring an efficient use of resources among the most
important roles they have. They are also in agreement that, compared to five
years ago, the public sector has made major progress in terms of efficiency and
service quality — two main objectives of the NPM.

There are ‘NPM champions’ — countries that have gone further than others in
reforming the Weberian state. Think the UK or the Netherlands, where public
employment is increasingly normalised, and delivery contracted out. But even
there, the structures of traditional public administration remain firmly in place.

Some elements of the NPM are still mainly absent from current management
practice in European countries. Internal steering by contract is not very
common, and performance related pay is very rare despite the popularity in
reform talk. The weak presence of flexible employment also shows that the
Weberian model still dominates. Despite attempts to normalize public
employment in some countries, civil servants still enjoy a unique statute. We
also observed this during the fiscal crisis, where outright firing permanent civil
servants or cutting salaries has been relatively rare.

For civil servants, referring issues upwards in the hierarchy is still the dominant
response in situations when responsibilities or interests conflict with that of
other organisations. European top civil servants consider the impartial
implementation of laws and rules as one of their dominant roles, and largely
prefer state provision of services over market provision, with the exception of
the British, Danish, and Dutch.

There are clear country differences, with management ‘champions’ such as the
UK, Estonia, Norway and the Netherlands, and more legalistic and traditional
public administrations such as in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary and Spain.
The adoption of newer reform ideas suggest that the Weberian state may now
be in decline. Yet some of the other findings of the survey, reported above, show
that Weberianism’s main ideas are still deeply embedded in European countries.

(Source: https://statecrafting.net/in-europe-weber-still-rulesa851866dbf02. Retrieved on

January 21st, 2018)

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30- Text I compares New Public Management and Weberian

administration. In this respect, analyse the following statements.
I. The findings reported are not very telling as the sample is rather small.
II. Some countries have made more progress than others in implementing NPM.
III. The British, Danish, and Dutch showed a preference towards market
Choose the correct answer:
a) only I is correct.
b) only II is correct.
c) only III is correct.
d) both I and II are correct.
e) both II and III are correct.

31- Mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F) according to
Text I.
( ) Internal steering by contract and performance related pay are two main
ideas that come from Weber.
( ) Weberian ideals now belong to the past and are only used for historical
( ) Employment flexibility is one of the tenets of the New Public Management.
The correct sentence is:
a) F-F-T
b) T-T-F
c) F-T-T
d) F-T-F
e) T-F-F


Brazil's mega hydro plan foreshadows China's growing impact
on the Amazon
by Jonathan Watts
Thu 5 Oct ‘17 06.45 BST
Last modified on Mon 27 Nov ‘17 15.56 GMT

The government wants to open up the Tapajós basin – an area the size of France

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– for trade with China. But the indigenous Munduruku won’t let it happen without
a fight


-group-fights-damsin- brazils-amazon/a-19398301. Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)

Crashing upstream through the São Luiz rapids, the churning river throws the
speedboat around like a child’s toy. There is first a moment of fear, then relief
and finally wonder at crossing a natural boundary that has held back the
destruction of this corner of the Amazon for almost five centuries.

This is the gateway to a land that indigenous inhabitants call Mundurukania,

after their tribe, the Munduruku, which has settled the middle and upper reaches
of the Rio Tapajós since ancient times. The thickly vegetated shores, misty hills
and untamed waters – breached at one point by a dolphin – mark it out as one
of the few regions of the planet still to be explored and exploited by industrial
The tranquillity is breathtaking, but misleading. These rapids are now on the
frontline of one of the world’s most important struggles for indigenous rights
and environmental protection. Long ignored, they are suddenly seen as a
strategically crucial step between the nations with the world’s biggest farms –
Brazil – and the world’s most numerous dining tables – China. Longer term, the
changes now being planned could bring this waterway closer to the
industrialised, traffic-filled Yangtze in more ways than one.

Over the coming years, the Brazilian government – backed by Chinese and
European finance and engineering – wants to turn this river into the world’s
biggest grain canal by building 49 major dams on the Tapajós and its tributaries.

This would make the rapids navigable by barges carrying produce from the
deforested cerrado savanna of Mato Grosso – which produces a third of the

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world’s soya – up to the giant container port being planned in the closest city of
Santarém and then out to global markets, particularly in Asia.

The network of dams would also produce 29gW of electricity, increasing Brazil’s
current supply by 25%. A consortium headed by Furnas – a subsidiary of the
state-run energy utility Electrobras – plans to sell the power to distant cities and
to local mining companies that want to unearth the mineral riches under the

For the Brazilian government, this mega-scheme to open up the Tapajós basin
– which is roughly the area of France – is a linchpin of national economic
development and trade with China. For local politicians, it is an opportunity to
industrialise, expand and enrich

the business of nearby cities, which expect their populations to double in size
over the next 10 years.

For opponents, however, the “hydrovia” – as the river transport scheme is

known – and related projects are the biggest threat ever posed to the native
inhabitants, traditional riverine communities, waters and wildlife. By one
estimate, 950,000 hectares of forest would be cleared, releasing significant
amounts of carbon dioxide.
(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/05/brazilamazon- tapajos-hydrovia-
scheme. Retrieved on January 11th, 2018)

Text II discusses issues related to the opening up of the Tapajós basin

for trade. Based on the text, analyse the following statements:
I. The Brazilian government is willing to build the dams without any
international investment.
II. Local politicians believe the project may bring economic development to the
III. There might be considerable environmental impact if the plan is carried out.
Choose the correct answer:
a) only I is correct.
b) only II is correct.
c) only III is correct.
d) both I and II are correct.
e) both II and III are correct.
32- The subtitle of text II implies that the plan will:

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a) come to a smooth solution.

b) meet no obvious obstacles.
c) lead to an inevitable dispute.
d) arrive at a peaceful outcome.
e) reach a diplomatic agreement.

33- The first paragraph describes the:

a) monotony of riding alone in the rapids.
b) destruction caused to the Amazon forest.
c) stillness of the river Waters during the journey.
d) feelings one experiences throughout the Voyage.
e) happiness of the children playing with their toys.

34- When the author defines China as “the world’s most numerous
dining tables”, he is referring to its
a) gold mining.
b) water storage.
c) oil production.
d) wood industry.
e) food consumption.



(Source: http://cpa-scribo.com/assess-control-risk/. Retrieved on January 27th, 2018)

The Challenges Facing Government Auditors

Posted on July 26, 2013
When it comes to the pressure of successfully identifying, anticipating and
dealing with risks, few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work

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with the government. As the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Richard Chambers

wrote, these professionals deal with career-threatening political risks on a daily
basis that many private sector auditors could never comprehend.

Internal auditors play a pivotal role in the relationship between the government
and citizens. It’s up to auditors to set the appropriate controls to manage federal
programs and also to provide insight into the effectiveness and the soundness
of the government’s inner workings. Put simply, auditors are key to ensuring
the public’s trust in their government is well-founded and not abused.

That being said, there are a number of challenges associated with

governmental-level internal auditing. Citing a MicKinsey paper from 2011,
Chambers points to a few key issues:

1. Turnover and Outsiders: Turnover in the political sector is high, with

appointed executives seldom lasting for more than two years. On top of that,
newly appointed officials often come from outside departments or agencies. This
means officials frequently don’t have a firm grasp on all the risks and challenges
associated with their position, which can lead to poor decision making.

2. Metrics for Success: In the private sector, business objectives are clear and
are conducive to metrics: more sales, more customers, more revenue, return
on investment, etc. This means it’s extremely easy to determine the efficiency
of audit programs and controls. In the public sphere, metrics aren’t as obvious
because financial and mission objectives are more complex. This complicates
the job immensely.

3. ‘Mission Over Risk’ Mindset: Most companies undervalue the importance of

risk culture. Departments want to achieve their objectives, and risk
management takes a back seat to that. In the public sector, officials are often
even more dedicated to and passionate about the mission at hand. Additionally,
people tend to assume that government budgets are big enough to bail
departments out of bad decisions, which can lead to risky behaviors. […]

Internal controls are pivotal to maintaining the public trust in government

operations, so despite the challenges that lay in front of auditors, it’s crucial
they work with managers to develop effective campaigns and programs.
(Adapted from: https://www.resolver.com/bl

og/the-challenges-facinggovernment- auditors/. Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)

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35- Mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F) according
to Text I.
( ) Private sector auditors have more responsibility than government auditors
on risk-taking decisions.
( ) The weight government auditors take upon themselves is quite heavy.
( ) Part of the auditor’s job is one of mediation between the public and the
The correct sequence is:
a) F-F-T
b) T-T-F
c) F-T-T
d) F-T-F
e) T-F-F

36- The sentence that informs that one of the challenges associated with
governmental-level internal auditing is the problem of continuity is:
a) “Turnover in the political sector is high with appointed executives seldom
lasting for more than two years”.
b) “In the public sphere, metrics aren´t as obvious because financial and
mission objectives are more complex”.
c) “On top of that, newly appointed officials often come from outside
departments or agencies”.
d) “In the private sector, business objectives are clear and are conductive to
e) “Most companies undervalue the importance of risk culture”.

37- The last paragraph states that, when developing campaigns and
programs, auditors should not work
a) by appointment.
b) for the public.
c) in isolation.
d) on demand.
e) at home.

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6.4- CESPE
Western intelligence agencies used to inhabit a parallel world where spy battled
spy. Their trade was stealing or guarding secrets. Their masters were the men
and women in government. Today the intelligence services are part of
everyone’s world. Their main task has been to protect society from terrorists
and criminals. They are increasingly held to account in the press, parliaments
and courts.

The intelligence revolution is partly the result of new technology. As recently as

1999, on becoming director of the American National Security Agency (NSA),
Michael Hayden asked to send an e-mail to all staff. He was told: “We can’t
actually do that.” The organization used computers to break codes rather than
to surf the web as everyone else did. The NSA’s new facility in Utah, the first of
several, now stores exabytes of data drawn from everyday communications. At
Britain’s GCHQ, most code-breaking was done on paper until well into the 1980s.

The revolution has brought spying closer to ordinary people. After the attacks
on America on September 11th 2001, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency
became the focus for the American intelligence agencies. Almost two-thirds of
today’s intelligence personnel have been hired since 9/11. As the world has
moved online, so the spooks have become involved in monitoring organized
crime and paedophiles as well as terrorists.
In a not very remote past, spies sent coded messages using short-wave radios
and dead letter boxes. Now the communications of the spooks’ new targets are
mixed in with everyone else’s, shuttling between computers and smartphones
that are identical to those on your desk and in your pocket. Counter-terrorism,
in particular, is pre-emptive. Hence the security services have had to act as
hunters of conspiracies rather than gatherers of evidence.
Western intelligence — Shaken and stirred.

In: The Economist, 12/11/2016 (adapted).

Based on text, judge the following item.

38- The idea expressed in “Counter-terrorism (…) is pre-emptive”

can be also found in the following proverb: It is better to prevent than
to cure.

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39- The sentence “Michael Hayden asked to send an e-mail to all

staff” can be correctly paraphrased in the following terms: Michael
Hayden enquired all his employees if he could send an electronic

40- GCHQ experts decided to stop producing academic papers about

code-breaking techniques only in the two last decades of the last


The increase in scrutiny and reduction in powers for security agencies has to a
considerable extent been triggered by the revelations of the former National
Security agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden. These disclosures, along with
other leaks from organizations such as WikiLeaks, have shed light on a series of
illegal practices adopted by intelligence agencies in many countries, in particular
the USA, Germany and the UK.

This has led to an unprecedented shift in the nature of intelligence legislation in

many parts of the world, with security services witnessing a reduction in their
powers for the first time in the post-9/11 era, defined by the West’s commitment
to the war on terror.

However, despite claims that the agencies are working in the interest of national
security, critics counter that overbearing surveillance practices erode and
restrict many civil liberties. In spite of the introduction of restrictions in the USA
and Germany, Great Britain appears to be heading in the opposite direction
when it comes to surveillance policy, with the UK’s Conservative government
putting forward plans to grant spy agencies yet more powers to deal with threats
to national security.

The British government has outlined its highly controversial plan to introduce
the Investigatory Powers Bill, which would grant agencies not only more power
but also allow them to force Internet companies to log and track users’ web
history for up to a year to allow for the police and security services access. It is
thought the plan would also compel companies to collect and hold data on
mobile phone applications like WhatsApp and Snapchat.
Snowden: the legacy of the Leaks. Internet: <www.mintpressnews> (adapted).

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Based on text, judge the following item.

41- According to the text, the events that followed the September
11th attacks, as well as the systematic leaking of government classified
material, have helped shape the way some intelligence agencies have
been operating.

42- The author of the text implies that the fight against terrorism is
no longer a major priority for Anglo-American intelligence services.


With this report, our aim is to present initial reflections on diplomacy in the
digital age. In the ongoing debate amongst international relations scholars,
information and communication technology (ICT) experts, digital strategists,
social media advocates and others, the first question for us is: what is happening
to diplomacy? And the obvious answer is what has always happened to it:
diplomacy is responding to changes in the international and domestic
environments, in the main centres of authority, particularly states, and in the
character of societies at home and abroad.

“Newness” in diplomacy today has everything to do with the application of new

communications technologies to diplomacy. This issue goes right to the heart of
diplomacy’score functions, including negotiation, representation and
communication. Given the centrality of communication in diplomacy, it is hardly
surprising that the rise of social media should be of interest to practitioners of
diplomacy. Most of them, like people outside diplomatic culture, are in the
process of adjusting their “analogue” habits and finding their own voice in a new
information sphere. This takes time, and for technological enthusiasts to simply
proclaim the arrival of a “new statecraft” in the form of what is variously termed
e-diplomacy, digital diplomacy, cyber diplomacy and “twiplomacy” is too

Paradoxically, greater complexity encourages shallow, hurried analyses and the

search for simple explanations about what is happening to diplomacy as the
regulating mechanism of the society of states. As in other epochs of fast
technological change, the lure of quick fixes addressing multifaceted processes
of change in diplomacy appears almost irresistible.

Brian Hocking and Jan Melissen. Diplomacy in the digital age. 2015, p. 9. Internet:
<www.clingendael.org> (adapted).

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Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according
to text I.

43- For the authors, the changes brought about by new

communications technologies are affecting the essence of diplomacy as
never before.

44- The text lists three different kinds of change which affect diplomacy:
those originated in international and domestic scenarios; those coming from
the main centres of authority; and the ones which are related to societal

45- Due to the close relationship that exists between diplomacy and
communication, diplomats have managed to bring their communicative
skills to perfection in order to work autonomously with new digital

46- The authors are critical of the kind of explanation analysts have
given for the phenomenon of diplomacy in the digital age, which,
according to the authors, should be approached more thoroughly.

47- Questão 48 - In the end of the second paragraph, the authors

express the opinion that the so-called ‘new statecraft", also known as
“digital diplomacy”, is “too simplistic”.


What do politically minded visitors to a zoo feel when they stand in front of the
panda bear’s cage? The previously cute panda may suddenly strike them as
strange — there is an intuitive knowledge that this panda, constantly eating
bamboo in front of a cheerful and amazed audience, is deeply charged with
political agency.

Estrangement from the familiar is the start of every theory. Unfortunately, it

was only recently that political scientists have embarked on exploring diplomacy
systematically as a conceptual phenomenon, generating one unquestionable
axiom: that of representation. As with any axiom, it is unprovable, but it is the
taken-for-granted starting point for all further research: most scholars agree on
the basic postulate that diplomacy is about people representing polities (most
often a state) vis-à-vis another polity.

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One should mention that the notion of political representation is a theoretical

axiom applicable to all countries, but let us explore the example given by the
panda bear and, consequently, by China a little further.

It is often correctly perceived that the speech of an accredited Chinese

ambassador is attributable to the Chinese government. It is “China” who spoke,
not (just) the individual person. This is the basis of representation. But what is
often forgotten is how non-human material can represent polities — they are
also diplomats, but mute.

It may sound ridiculous, if not provocative, to posit that the panda bear in the
zoo is China. But this is merely an extension of the basic premise of diplomatic
theory. Why should only human individuals be able to represent a state? In
periods of conflict, flags (material objects) are burnt, walls are erected,
monuments torn down; in times of better political mood, heads of states
exchange precious gifts with each other, while embassy buildings in foreign
countries enjoy a “sacred” legal status. Flags, walls, monuments, gifts, and the
embassies re-present, i.e. “bring into presence,” a country, and actions toward
these objects address the states they represent.

And there are good grounds for sensing a foreign policy tool in the giant pandas
that now reside in zoos all over the world. They prominently embody China’s
modern public diplomacy; they are non-human material deliberately deployed
by the Chinese government to the soil of other states; and they have, at times,
served as the primary means of expressing inter-state sentiment — during times
of both conflict and cooperation —, in instances of the so-called “panda
Andreas Pacher. The Diplomat. Nov./2017. Internet: <https://thediplomat.com> (adapted).

Decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E) according
to text.

48- The passage “The previously cute panda may suddenly strike
them as strange” indicates that people may become aware that panda
bears kept outside China can be signs of international political forces.

49- One can correctly infer from the text that the author is against
the exploitation of animals for political or diplomatic ends.

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50- The view on representation expressed by the author is broader

and more flexible than the one which considers that “diplomacy is about
people representing polities”.

51- The point made by the author in “Unfortunately, it was (…) that
of representation” would remain the same if this passage were
rewritten as Sadly, only recently have political scientists started to
actively engage in the study of diplomacy as a conceptual phenomenon,
and this delay has led to the irrefutable axiom of representation.

52- Because the word “deployed” can be related to the meaning of

putting troops or weapons in a position ready to be used, in the text it
reinforces the idea that panda bears have acquired political and
strategic significance.

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7- Gabarito

Gabarito 1: C Gabarito 18: B Gabarito 35: F

Gabarito 2: E Gabarito 19: B Gabarito 36: V

Gabarito 3: A Gabarito 20: A Gabarito 37: F

Gabarito 4: B Gabarito 21: B Gabarito 38: F

Gabarito 5: D Gabarito 22: B Gabarito 39: V

Gabarito 6: B Gabarito 23: D Gabarito 40: F

Gabarito 7: A Gabarito 24: E. Gabarito 41: V

Gabarito 8: B Gabarito 25: A Gabarito 42: F

Gabarito 9: A Gabarito 26: E Gabarito 43: V

Gabarito 10: D Gabarito 27: C Gabarito 44: F

Gabarito 11: B Gabarito 28: D Gabarito 45: V

Gabarito 12: A Gabarito 29: E Gabarito 46: F

Gabarito 13: E Gabarito 30: C. Gabarito 47: V

Gabarito 14: C Gabarito 31: A

Gabarito 15: A Gabarito 32: C

Gabarito 16: E Gabarito 33: V

Gabarito 17: C Gabarito 34: F

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