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Lindos arranjos com fuxico.

Olha que receitas maravilhosas achei na net para perfumar nossa casa e nossas
Água de passar
- 90 ml de água mineral, deionizada ou destilada
- 10 ml de álcool de cereais
- 10 ml de óleo essencial de lavanda
Misture os ingredientes, coloque em borrifador e aplique na roupa de cama e banho na hora de passar ou de fazer a

Sachê antimofo
- Círculos de tecido de algodão cru de 15 cm de diâmetro
- Giz escolar de quadro-negro
- Cascas de laranja seca, canela em pau e cravo
Em cada círculo, coloque pedaços pequenos de giz, a canela, o cravo e a laranja e amarre, fazendo uma trouxinha.
Ponha em armários e gavetas.

Água de limpeza para o interior da casa e dos banheiros - 1 litro de álcool de cereais
- 20 ml dos seguintes óleos essenciais:

para a casa: 10 ml de pau-rosa e 10 ml de laranja ou 10 ml de eucalipto

com 5 ml de tea tree e 5 ml de laranja

para banheiros: 10 ml de tangerina e 10 ml de alecrim Guarde a mistura em um vidro de cor âmbar bem fechado,
longe da luz. Para usar, dilua de 2 a 4 colheres de sopa em 1 litro de água e passe com pano nos ambientes.

Postado por crisartes.blogspot.com às 19:03 2 comentários Links para esta postagem

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quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011



Ex: Leite, água, óleo, bebidas alcoólicas, café, etc.

 1 xícara = 240 ml

 1/2 xícara = 120 ml

 1/3 xícara = 80 ml

 1/4 de xícara = 60 ml

 1 colher (sopa) = 15 ml

 1 colher (chá) = 5 ml

Chocolate em pó
Ex: Cacau em pó.

 1 xícara = 90 g

 1/2 xícara = 45 g

 1/3 xícara = 30 g

 1/4 de xícara = 20 g

 1 colher (sopa) = 6 g


Ex: Margarina e gordura vegetal.

 1 xícara = 200 g

 1/2 xícara = 100 g

 1/3 xícara = 65 g

 1 colher (sopa) = 15 g


 1 xícara = 180 g

 1/2 xícara = 90 g

 1/3 xícara = 60 g

 1/4 de xícara = 45 g

 1 colher (sopa) = 12 g

Farinha de Trigo

 1 xícara = 120 g

 1/2 xícara = 60 g

 1/3 xícara = 40 g
 1/4 de xícara = 30 g

 1 colher (sopa) = 7.5 g

Postado por crisartes.blogspot.com às 11:33 2 comentários Links para esta postagem
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sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011


hank you for all of the sweet love on my Felt Flower Scarf!

Really, my goodness, I didn't expect so many people to be interested in it.

I'm happy to share this tutorial for you on how to make one of your own!

Materials needed:
1/2 yard of 72" Felt or Felted Wool (this measurement is to be safe... but you'll end up
with some extra here for sure.)
Needle and Coordinating Thread
*optional - Fast Grab Tacky Glue or Hot Glue
*optional - Small hook and eye
Let's get started shall we?

1. Cut everything out

Start by cutting your long scarf piece.
Mine was 42" long by 4 1/2" wide. You could certainly make it longer or shorter
depending on how long you like to wear your scarves. (You'll just need to adjust the
number of flowers you make.)

Now, cut a scallop around the edge of your long scarf piece. (This just adds to the
fullness of your flowers.)
Next, circle cutting mania.

Each flower will have 6 circles. My largest was 5" and my smallest was 2". With small
declining sizes for each of the circles in between.
DO NOT spend the time cutting out perfect circles. Just cut one for size, then hold it
over your fabric and cut around it.
For a 42" scarf you will need 13 flowers. So, cut out 13 of each size.

Now scallop all of the circles.

If you like deep looking petals, cut deeper scallops. If you want a subtle look, cut
shallow scallops. I like a mixture of both.

2. Assemble the Flowers

Stack your 5 largest circles.
Take your knotted needle and thread and come up through the stack of circles just off-

Now go back down through the stack about 1/2 inch away, on the other side of center.
Pull very tightly, you will see this gathers your flower up.

Fold your flower in half with the gather, and make another stitch right over the one you
just made, again pulling very tight.
Now make an X. So you'll make another stitch at one of the unused sides of center, and
go back down 1/2 inch or so away from that on the other side of center.

Fold the flower in half with the gather and make another stitch directly over the one you
just made. Pull very tight. Really, don't break your thread, but pull it very very tight to
hold the gather in your flower.

Tie a few strong knots, but do not cut your thread.

This is how your flower will look so far.

Take your smallest circle and gather it together. You can do this a number of ways, but
an easy way is to just fold it in half, then fold it in half again.
Hold it in place where you want it on the center of your flower.

Now stitch up from the bottom and grab that center piece at it's point. Secure it with at
second stitch.
Pull very tight and tie a strong and secure knot.

Cut thread and your flower is complete!!

Now repeat 12 more times. :)

3. Scarf Making Time

Line up all of your flowers on your long scarf piece with the bottom layer of each
flower overlapping a bit. This is what gives it the fullness. Don't be afraid to get them
in there close together.
Get all 13 flowers set on just where you like them then pin only the bottom layer of
each flower to the scarf.

Stitch a small, but tight circle through the bottom layer of the scarf and flower. Knot
tightly. Cut the thread as you finish attaching each flower, and start new with the next
Continue until all 13 are attached.

** This step is optional, but not for me. I have two 3-year-olds, so scarves (and any
accessory I own) have to be tough if they're going to survive. I went around on each
flower and added a bit of Fast Grab Tacky Glue to make sure they were held in place
firmly. You could also use hot glue if you prefer.

** This step is also optional. I hate when scarves move all around when you're wearing
them, or when they blow away in the wind.
SO, I put on the scarf, and placed a pin on each end of the scarf where I wanted them to
match up. I wanted it to be one flower longer on one side.

Sew the hook on the longer side on the back of the scarf, and the eye, sort of tucked
away beneath a flower, on the front of the shorter end of the scarf.

4. Wear!!!
Oi pessoal! Alguns me pediram, então, aí vai o passo a passo da faixa de meia de seda.
Bem como o objetivo aqui não é ensinar o enfeite, pois este pode variar aos montes com
tecido, feltro, fitas, etc... a lista fica então:

- meia de seda na cor que deseja

- enfeite
- linha (na cor da meia de seda para não aparecer)
- agulha
01 - Pra começar a meia de seda que comprei em casa de artesanato dá para três faixas,
eu a dividi em 3 partes iguais, de qualquer forma, o tamanho é cerca de +/- 33cm, não
precisa ser muito certo afinal a meia estica e é bem macia, não machuca a cabeça do

02 - Pra não ficar um volume na costura, eu prefiro, encaixar uma dentro da outra, do
que juntar as pontas.

03 - Com a agulha, eu escondo o nozinho por dentro e sigo costurando.

04 - Arremate

05 - Veja que a costura está bem firme.

06 - Aí é só costurar o enfeite, eu o coloco bem no ponto de emenda, assim, fica um

trabalho bem bonito, sem aparecer a costura.
07 - Eu gosto de juntar um pouco dando uma franzida no ponto do enfeite para dar uma

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