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Superintendência Regional de Ensino de Varginha

Avaliação de Língua Inglesa – 9º ano

Nome: Data: /_ /

Questão Gabarito Habilidades Valor

01 2.1 - Localizar informação específica (scanning), de acordo com
os objetivos de leitura dos vários gêneros textuais.
3.1 - Estabelecer relações entre termos, expressões e ideias que
02 D tenham o mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos
coesivos (lexicais e gramaticais) em gêneros textuais diferentes.
03 1.3 - Integrar informação verbal e não-verbal na compreensão
global do texto escrito de vários gêneros.
04 1.3 - Integrar informação verbal e não-verbal na compreensão
global do texto escrito de vários gêneros.
1.1 - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto
05 e estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condições de produção
(o gênero a que pertence, função sócio-comunicativa, finalidade,
suporte, autor, data e local de publicação).
2.5 - Identificar e/ou localizar características lexicais e
06 B sintáticas de algumas das articulações textuais (enumeração,
sequência), tendo em vista a compreensão global do texto.
07 2.1 - Localizar informação específica (scanning), de acordo
com os objetivos de leitura dos vários gêneros textuais.
1.1 - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto
08 e estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condições de produção
(o gênero a que pertence, função sócio-comunicativa, finalidade,
suporte, autor, data e local de publicação).
24.1- Identificar e/ou fazer uso adequado dos marcadores do
09 A discurso (palavras de ligação) e das relações semânticas
que ajudam a estabelecer.
10 2.1 - Localizar informação específica (scanning), de acordo
com os objetivos de leitura dos vários gêneros textuais.
11 2.2 - Identificar as partes principais do texto, o assunto geral de
cada parágrafo e as articulações de sentido entre eles.
1.1 - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto
12 e estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condições de produção
(o gênero a que pertence, função sócio-comunicativa, finalidade,
suporte, autor, data e local de publicação).
13 VIII - Fazer uso adequado do plural dos substantivos no processo
de recepção/produção do texto oral e escrito.
4.1 - Inferir o significado de palavras e expressões
desconhecidas com base na temática do texto, no uso do
14 contexto e no conhecimento adquirido de regras gramaticais
(flexões, posições das palavras nas frases, tempos verbais,
preposições de tempo e lugar, advérbios de tempo, modo e
15 XII - Fazer uso adequado dos graus dos adjetivos no processo de
recepção/produção do texto oral e escrito.
Língua Inglesa


Text 01
Read the text

Bill´s day

It was Saturday. The sun was shining and many people were going to the park.
Bill was there. He was riding his bike when he met his math teacher, Mrs. Bells.
She was running around the lake. There were some boys playing soccer. He
also met his neighbor, Mr. Ford. He was doing some exercises. There were
some kids eating popcorn and drinking soda. It was great!

1. Now answer the question: What was Bill doing when he met his math teacher?

a) He was running around the park.

b) He was riding his bike.
c) He was studying Mathematics.
d) He was playing soccer.

2. In the sentence: “He also met his neighbor, Mr. Ford.” The underlined word refers:

a) The boys. b) Mr. Ford. c) Mrs. Bells. d) Bill.

3. What is the correct inference about Garfield after you read the comic strip?

(Available from: http://www.garfield.com/comics/comics_archives_strip.html?2006- ga060102 )

a) Garfield really likes to sleep.
b) He doesn’t listen very well.
c) He was born 5 minutes ago.
d) Garfield arrived some minutes ago.
Língua Inglesa
4. Observe this advertisement, and mark the sentence that does NOT describe
the picture:

a) The car is parked in the right place.

b) The house has three floors and a garden.
c) The house has a garden.
d) The house has an attic in the roof.

Text 02

First Floor Second Floor

5. This text is:

a) A poster c) A floor plan

b) A brochure d) A letter

Língua Inglesa
Text 03

1. How many floors are there?

( ) There are two bathrooms, a kitchen, a
2. How many rooms are there in the family room, a dining-room, a living-room, a
first floor? bedroom, and a garage.
3. How many bedrooms are there? ( ) There are two.
( ) Yes, there is one.
4. Is there any family-room in the
( ) There are five.

6. Match the questions and answers

a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 2, 1, 4, 3 c) 3, 4, 1, 2 d) 4, 3, 2, 1

Text 04

Hepatitis A
A disease of the liver caused by hepatitis A virus.
Potentially none (likelihood of symptoms decreases with the person's age)
If present: yellow skin or eyes, tiredness, stomach ache, loss of appetite, or nausea.
Most often: spread by the fecal-oral route (An object contaminated with the stool of a person with
hepatitis A is put into another person's mouth.)
Less often: spread by swallowing food or water that contains the virus.

Text 05

Hepatitis B
A disease of the liver caused by hepatitis B virus.
Potentially none when first infected (likelihood of early symptoms decreases with the person's age)
If present: yellow skin or eyes, tiredness, stomach ache, loss of appetite, nausea, or joint pain.
Spread through contact with the blood of an infected person or by having sex with an infected person.

Analyze the situations below. Which diseases can be transmitted in the case?
John got sick, went to the hospital and he was given two blood transfusions.
The blood was infected. He got sick.

7. Which disease did he get ?

a) Hepatitis B. c) He is not sick.

b) Hepatitis A. d) Any of the answers are correct.

8. This text serve to:

a) Argue. b) Describe. c) Inform. d) Criticize.

Língua Inglesa
Text 05

Read this interview and answer the question

Interview with Auntie Doreen

By Joanne, aged 7

I am going to interview my Great Aunt who is 92 years old. She was in the war. She was born in
1907. I asked her the following questions:

Q1: What was it like being a nurse in the war?

I have various experiences of the war. I spent most of my time in North Africa. But my most
memorable time was at Dunkirk on May 28 1940. On the quay at Dunkirk, there was a huge hole
and we had to be careful not to fall in it. I was on the last hospital ship to leave. All around the
troops were swimming to get to the other boats.

Q2: What year did you start being a nurse?

That was on October 5 1927, I went to St Bartholomews.

Q3: Where were you in the war?

I started the war in France. After coming back from Dunkirk I went to Egypt in North Africa. I stayed
in North Africa for two years and then went to Italy.

Q4: In hospital, were there enough beds for all the injured soldiers?
It depended where we were. Sometimes we had to put them on stretchers.

Q5: Which was your most exciting day of your life?

When I came back from India after five years - because I was so pleased to see my parents.

Q6: During the war, what did you do in your free time?
We did not have much time off, but we read and we wrote letters. I once wrote to my parents. I tried
to explain to them where I was, but you see we were not allowed to tell where we were. One thing I
do remember is that, when I was about 12 or 14 I had stayed at the same place with my parents
before. So I just said: "The water-tower has not changed its place." Then they knew where I had



Quay – cais Stretchers – macas

9. In the sentence: “…there was a huge hole and we had to be careful not to fall in it.”
The word and gives the idea of:
a) Addition. b) Conclusion. c) Time. d) Place.

Text 06

What is "healthy eating?"

Aiming for regular meals (usually 3 meals per day in the morning, afternoon, and evening) and healthy snacks
(when you are hungry or need extra energy).
Eating foods from all of the food groups (grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy proteins, and healthy fats)
each day to meet your nutritional needs.
Balancing nutrient-rich foods with moderate amounts of other foods, such as sweets or fast foods.
Eating when hungry and stopping when full.

Língua Inglesa
10. Write TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct the false statements.
1. You should have three regular meals during a day. ( )
2. You shouldn’t eat any snacks during the meals. ( )
3. To meet your nutritional needs you should eat just two kinds of food group. ( )
4. You should have a colored meal to keep your body strong, energized, and well nourished. ( )
5. You shouldn’t eat any sweets or fast food. ( )
6. You should eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. ( )

a) T, T, F, F, T, T c) F, F, F, T, T, F
b) T, F, F, T, F, T d) T, F, T, F, T, T
Text 07

Hi! My name is Jamilya and I’m 10 years old. I’m from the UAE. My favorite day is my
birthday because I’ve lots of fun then. The best birthday party was in 2009. I celebrated
it in the best hotel of the UAE called Burj Al Arab. There was no music at that moment
but everything was very nice and very tasty food, especially I liked my birthday cake it
was shaped like a square with my last birthday photo in Jumeirah Beach Hotel. I had
lots of presents, sweets and chocolate. Many people came to my birthday party: my
father’s friends, the whole family and, of course, my best friend Maria. She gave me a
box of Patchi sweets.
My family gave me a computer!

UAE - United Arab Emirates

11. This text tells about:

a) Actions happening at the moment. c) Past activities.

b) Present activities. d) Activities that have just happened.

Text 08

12. This text is:

a) A letter.
b) A poster.
c) An e-mail.
d) A letter.

Língua Inglesa
13. The underlined word: “If those don’t work than you can stay inside and play video
games, go to computer, play with your brother or sister, jump on your bed and listen
to music.”, means:

a) Prohibition. b) No necessity. c) Permission. d) Advice.

Text 09

“Vet Emergency”

It is 10:00 on a Saturday night. The doors to the animal emergency room fly open. Cyrus carries a
tiny, black lab puppy into the building. “Save him. Please!” cries Cyrus. “He ran out into the street
and got hit by a car.” The puppy is whining. There is a lot of blood. Dr. W illiams comes from behind
the desk. She reads the puppy’s name tag. “Here, let me take Lobo from you,” Dr. W illiams tells
Cyrus gently. “I will take him in the back for x-rays and see what needs to be done.” When Dr.
Williams gets to the black, she takes a closer look at Lobo. Her face is grim. She can see the dog’s
leg is broken badly. She fears there is other damage she cannot see. The assistants in the room are
silent. Everyone knows that Lobo may not survive. If he does survive, his leg injury may be so
severe that walking will be hard for him to do. The x-rays show that Lobo’s front leg has been
broken in three places. He is also bleeding inside. Dr. Williams gets to work. She knows she must
stop the bleeding quickly. The surgery takes just under two hours. Dr. W illiams fixes the damage to
Lobo’s leg. She stops the bleeding inside his chest. “I will go tell Lobo’s owner that this little pup is
going to make it,” Dr. W illiams says. “We’ll see in a few weeks how well he will walk again.”

14. As used in the middle of the story, which is the best synonym for grim ?

a) Calm.
b) Serious.
c) Hopeful.
d) Pleasant.

15. Complete the sentence: “Peter is than Joe in Math but he is

in Portuguese.

a) Better / worst.
b) Good / worse.
c) Best / worst.
d) Better / worse.

Língua Inglesa

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