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Superintendência Regional de Ensino de Curvelo

Acesse: pipcbccurvelo.blogspot.com

Sequência Didática – 7
Matriz de Referência

Questão Gabarito Habilidades Valor

1.1. - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto e
estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condições de produção (o
01 D
gênero a que pertence, função sócio-comunicativa, finalidade,
suporte, autor, data e local de publicação).
4.3. - Inferir sentido a partir das características lexicais e sintáticas
02 A próprias de alguns dos tipos textuais (injunções, descrições,
narrações) em gêneros textuais diferentes.
1.1. - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto e
estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condições de produção (o
03 B
gênero a que pertence, função sócio-comunicativa, finalidade,
suporte, autor, data e local de publicação).
2.1. - Localizar informação específica (scanning), de acordo com os
04 A
objetivos de leitura dos vários gêneros textuais.
11.1. - Identificar a função sócio-comunicativa e o gênero textual, o
05 C
local onde se passa o evento comunicativo e os falantes envolvidos.
6.1. - Fazer uso, nos textos produzidos, de recursos coesivos
06 A gramaticais e lexicais, como, por exemplo, os pronomes, as
conjunções, os hiperônimos, os sinônimos e os antônimos.
3.1. - Estabelecer relações entre termos, expressões e ideias que
07 D tenham o mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos
(lexicais e gramaticais) em gêneros textuais diferentes.
4.3. - Inferir sentido a partir das características lexicais e sintáticas
08 C próprias de alguns dos tipos textuais (injunções, descrições,
narrações) em gêneros textuais diferentes.
11.2. - Identificar informação específica(nome dos falantes
09 B envolvidos, números- de telefone, idades, percentagens,
temperaturas, condições de tempo, etc.)


The Secret Garden

In the Secret Garden Mary Lennox, a young orphan, is living with her uncle in his
England country house. Mary had been living in India, where she never got fresh air
or exercises.


At first each day which passed by for Mary Lennox was exactly like the others. Every
morning she awoke in her tapestried room and found Martha kneeling upon the hearth
building her fire; every morning she ate her breakfast in the nursery which had nothing
amusing in it; and after each breakfast she gazed out of the window across to the huge
moor which seemed to spread out on all sides and climb up to the sky, and after she had
stared for a while she realized that if she did not go out she would have to stay in and do
nothing - and so she went out. She did not know that this was the best thing she could
have done, and she did not know that, when she began to walk quickly or even run
along the paths and down the avenue, she was stirring her slow blood and making
herself stronger by fighting with the wind which swept down from the moor. She ran only
to make herself warm, and she hated the wind which rushed at her face and roared and
held her back as if it were some giant she could not see.

But the big breaths of rough fresh air blown over the heather filled her lungs with
something which was good for her whole thin body and whipped some red color into her
cheeks and brightened her dull eyes when she did not know anything about it.

But after a few days spent almost entirely out of doors she wakened one morning
knowing what it was to be hungry, and when she sat down to her breakfast she did not
glance disdainfully at her porridge and push it away, but took up her spoon and began to
eat it and went on eating it until her bowl was empty…


1- The text is:

a) Pamphlet b) Fable. Comic Strip. c) Tale.


2- The textual type is:

a) Narration. c) Injunction.
b) Description. d) Dissertation.

3- The finality of this text is:

a) Tell a fable. c) Show a mood.

b) Tell a story. d) Tell a text.

4- In this text generally:

a) Mary Lennox takes porridge. c) Mary Lennox awakes later.

b) Mary Lennox plays in the sky. d) Mary Lennox sleeps early

5- This history happens:

a) In India. c) In England.
b) In a Corridor. d) In a Secret.

6- In the phrase: “But the big breaths of rough fresh air blown over the heather filled her
lungs with something which was good for her whole thin body and whipped some red
color into her cheeks and brightened her dull eyes when she did not know anything about
it.” The underlined word can be replaced by:

a) Rude. b) Easy. c) Small. d) Smell.

7- In the sentence: “But after a few days spent almost entirely out of doors she wakened
one morning knowing what it was to be hungry, and when she sat down to her breakfast
she did not glance disdainfully at her porridge and push it away, but took up her spoon
and began to eat it and went on eating it until her bowl was empty.” The underlined
words refers to the:
a) The girl. c) The empty.
b) The days. d) The breakfast.

8- In the sentence: “But the big breaths of rough fresh air blown over the heather filled her
lungs with something which was good for her whole thin body and whipped some red
color into her cheeks and brightened her dull eyes when she did not know anything about
it.” The underlined expression gives idea of:

a) Certainly. c) Opposition.
b) Irony. d) Conclusion.

9- In the history, the place was:

a) Hot. c) Frozen.
b) Warm. d) Cold.


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