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Foi publicado na internet por um amigo de um IFBB PRO a sua rotina di�ria desde a

comida aos qu�micos usados diariamente, o nome do profissional IFBB obviamente que
nunca ser� aqui revelado por respeito ao mesmo.


50mcg t3
200mg cafeina
25mg primatene (efedrina)
10iu generic hgh subq (hormona crescimento chinesa)
1mg sermorelin subq
50iu lantus subq (insulina a��o lenta)
15iu humalog IM (insulina a��o r�pida)

refei��o #1: Aveia, 2 bananas, 340 gramas de carne de vaca magra, sumo de laranja


200mg cafe�na
25mg primatene (efedrina)
15iu humalog IM (insulina a��o r�pida)

refei��o #2: 2 batatas, 340 gramas de carne de vaca magra

13:00 (pr� treino)

200mg cafeina
25mg primatene (efedrina)
200mg TNE (Suspen��o de testosterona � a��o r�pida)
200mg dianabol
50mg sildanefil (viagra)
20iu humulin-R subq (insulina)
20iu humalog IM (insulina)
15iu nalbuphine IM or IV

refei��o #3: 150gr hidratos de carbono, 50gr batido de prote�na (whey)

Durante o treino: 100gr hidratos de carbono, BCAA�s, creatina, 25g prote�na whey

Imediatamente p�s treino:

10iu human grade hgh IV (hormona crescimento)
1mg sermorelin IM

30 minutos p�s treino, beber batido com 100gr de hidratos de carbono e 100gr de
prote�na whey


200mg cafe�na
25mg primatene (efedrina)
15iu humalog IM (insulina)

refei��o #4: aveia, 340 gramas de carne de vaca magra


15iu humalog IM (insulina)

refei��o #5: arroz, 340 gramas de carne de vaca magra, gelado


Toma os anabolizantes que tiver a tomar na altura (testosterona, nandrolona,

boldenona etc..)
10iu generic hgh subq (hormona crescimento)
1mg sermorelin subq
30mg ambien (ajuda a dormir)
4mg klonopin (ajuda a dormir)
3g GHB (ajuda a dormir e na produ��o de hormona do crescimento)




Hey guys, i was posting here my prep and everything else, i was going on stage and
blablabla, but the easter bunny is a real good guy and he left me some hgh on the
fridge, so i aborted my prep :D... I was doing the prep so i dropped down my
bodyfat to something around 6-7%, 190 lbs, 1,75m tall. Then, i will take advantage
of my low bodyfat to blow up, the right way, i'm gonna try some peps too, i know
boss didn't like them, but i always like to try everything, so i will give the
shot... here is the plan:

Month 1
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 4iu/day
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 500mgs
Aventis Hemogenim(anadrola) - 150mgs/day
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 100mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs every other day
ipamorelin/hexamorelin : 100/100mcgs 3 times a day

Month 2
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 8iu/day
Insulin: 30ui lantus in the morning, 10ui humalog pre workout
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 500mgs
Equipona (Legit and Homebrewed) - 900mgs
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 150mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs/day
Cjc1295/GHRP2 - 100/100mcgs 3 times a day
IGF1LR3 - 250mcgs on workout days

Month 3
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 12iu/day
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 750mgs
Insulin: 40ui lantus in the morning, 15ui humalog pre workout
Equipona (Legit and Homebrewed) - 900mgs
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 150mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs every other day
ipamorelin/hexamorelin : 100/100mcgs 3 times a day
IGF1LR3 - 333mcgs on workout days
t4/clen: 100mcgs/140mcgs day

Month 4
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 15iu/day
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 1000mgs
Insulin: 50ui lantus in the morning, 10ui humalog pre/post workout
Equipona (Legit and Homebrewed) - 900mgs
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 150mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs every other day
Cjc1295/GHRP2 - 100/100mcgs 3 times a day
IGF1LR3 - 500mcgs on workout days
t4/efedrine: 150mcgs/75mgs day

Month 5
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 15iu/day
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 1000mgs
Insulin: 50ui lantus in the morning, 10ui humalog pre/post workout
Equipona (Legit and Homebrewed) - 900mgs
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 150mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs every other day
ipamorelin/hexamorelin : 100/100mcgs 3 times a day
IGF1LR3 - 500mcgs on workout days
t4/clen: 200mcgs/140mcgs day

Month 6
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 18iu/day
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 1000mgs
Insulin: 70ui lantus in the morning, 10ui humalog pre/post workout
Equipona (Legit and Homebrewed) - 900mgs
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 150mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs every other day
Cjc1295/GHRP2 - 100/100mcgs 3 times a day
IGF1LR3 - 750mcgs on workout days
t4/efedrine: 200mcgs/75mgs day

Month 7
HGH (Saizen/Norditropin/Hormotrop AQ) - 18iu/day
Schering Durateston(Sustanon) - 1000mgs
Insulin: 70ui lantus in the morning, 10ui humalog pre/post workout
Equipona (Legit and Homebrewed) - 900mgs
Primobolan E(Homebrewed) - one 700mgs shot every 5 days
Trenbolona Ace(Homebrewed) - 150mgs/day
Masteron(Homebrewed) - 100mgs every other day
ipamorelin/hexamorelin : 100/100mcgs 3 times a day
IGF1LR3 - 750mcgs on workout days
t4/clen: 200mcgs/140mcgs day

The nutrition will be based on Fish, Pasteurized Eggwhites, Rice, Pineaples (juice
and fruit), bananas, blueberries, Lean Meat and some Avocado/Macadamia/Safflower
oil for good fats, i will work up the carbs among with the slin doses, i'm a bad
carb responder, so i will work the carbs slow until i find the point. but on final
doses probably will be something around 400g proteins, 700g carbs and 40g fats
here is my last pics before the blow up, actually 210 lbs and something around 7%
body fat

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