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Verbo TO BE – Inglês Enem

A frase “To be or not to be”, imortalizada por

Shakespeare, contém um termo muito
importante da língua inglesa: o verbo TO BE.
Vem com a gente conferir! É Inglês para o
Enem! No final, tem Simulado Enem Online
com apenas 10 questões para você testar o
que aprendeu!
O verbo TO BE se traduz por SER ou ESTAR. Além de ser um verbo
principal, usado por si só, ele também é um verbo auxiliar, ou seja,
entra na formação da voz passiva e de vários tempos verbais do
inglês, como o Presente Contínuo, o Passado Contínuo, etc.

Os outros verbos são conjugados da mesma forma para todas as pessoas do
singular e do plural, exceto a terceira pessoa singular do Presente Simples,
como pode ser visto no exemplo abaixo:
Já o verbo TO BE é conjugado para todas as pessoas do singular e do plural no
Presente Simples e no Passado Simples. Para todos os outros tempos verbais,
como verbo principal, ele segue a regra dos outros verbos, ou seja, tem a
mesma conjugação para todas as pessoas. Veja, por exemplo, o Futuro Simples:

Hoje - Aulão Descomplica Enem Gratuito - Inscrições Abertas

I will be (eu serei, eu estarei)
You will be (você será, você estará)
He will be (ele será, ele estará)
She will be (ela será, ela estará)
It will be (será, estará)
We will be (nós seremos, nós estaremos)
You will be (vocês serão, vocês estarão)
They will be (eles/elas serão, eles/elas estarão)

Vamos ver agora a conjugação do verbo TO BE no Presente Simples e no

Passado Simples. A forma contraída é mais usada na língua falada.

Presente Simples
1 – Forma Afirmativa:
2 – Forma Negativa:

3 – Forma Interrogativa (Só existe a forma sem contração) com respostas

afirmativas e negativas:

4 – Forma Interrogativa Negativa (as respostas são iguais às da Forma

Interrogativa no item 3 acima.
Observação: A forma sem contração tende a ser um pouco mais formal e
costuma ser usada na linguagem falada quando se quer enfatizar a palavra not.

Passado Simples
1 – Forma Afirmativa (não existe forma contraída):
2 – Forma Negativa:

3 – Forma Interrogativa (Só existe a forma sem contração) com respostas

afirmativas e negativas:

4 – Forma Interrogativa Negativa (as respostas são iguais às da Forma

Interrogativa no item 3 acima.
Observação: A forma sem contração tende a ser um pouco mais formal e
costuma ser usada na linguagem falada quando se quer enfatizar a palavra not.
Vamos ver alguns exemplos do verbo TO BE sendo usado como:

1 – Verbo principal:

They’re very tall. (Eles são muito altos.)

We’re hungry. (Estamos com fome.)
She was my best friend. (Ela era minha melhor amiga.)
He was tired. (Ele estava cansado.)
It’s very sunny today. (Está muito ensolarado hoje.)
We aren’t ready to go to the party. (Não estamos prontos para ir à festa.)
He isn’t Mrs. Smith’s son. (Ele não é o filho da Sra. Smith.)
They weren’t home last night. (Eles não estavam em casa ontem à noite.)
They weren’t my aunts. (Elas não eram minhas tias.)
Helen wasn’t George’s cousin. (A Helena não era prima do Jorge.)
Are you Mr. Brown’s assistant? (Você é o assistente do Sr. Brown?)
Was the little girl your sister? (A garotinha era sua irmã?)
Were the boys in school yesterday? (Os meninos estavam na escola ontem?)
Isn’t math difficult? (A matemática não é difícil?)
Aren’t you sleepy? (Você não está com sono?)
Wasn’t she afraid of spiders? (Ela não tinha medo de aranhas?)

2 – Verbo auxiliar de tempos verbais:

Presente Contínuo:
They are studying for the exams. (Eles estão estudando para os exames.)
Passado Contínuo:
She was shopping when I saw her. (Ela estava fazendo compras quando a vi.)

3 – Verbo auxiliar na formação da voz passiva:

That house was destroyed by the hurricane.

(Aquela casa foi destruída pelo furacão.)

A lot of food is wasted in the world.

(Muita comida é desperdiçada no mundo.

Vamos agora revisar o verbo TO BE com uma videoaula:

E para finalizar, alguns exercícios para você reforçar o que

aprendeu sobre o verbo TO BE:

Questão 1 (ENEM QUIZ 2014)

Madrid _______________ in Spain.__________ in Portugal.

a) are – It’s
b) is – He’s not
c) is – It isn’t
d) are – It isn’t
e) is – Is not

Questão 2 (ENEM QUIZ 2014)

George: Hi Paul. This ________ Mariah, my cousin.

Paul: Hello Mariah. I ______ Paul. _______ you a student?
Mariah: No, I __________ a doctor. I work in Atlanta.

a) is – am – Are – am
b) are – am – Are – is
c) is – are – Is – am
d) are – am – Are – am
e) is – am – Is – am

Questão 3 (ENEM QUIZ 2014)

A: The neighbors _________ French.

B: No, they ________ French. They _______ both from Europe, but just
the woman _______ French. The man________ Italian.
a) were – weren’t – were – was – was
b) were – weren’t – weren’t – were – were
c) was – weren’t – were – was – was
d) was – weren’t – were – wasn’t – were
e) were – were – were – was –was



Verbo To Be
1. Pergunta 1 de 10


What Success at the Paris Climate Conference Looks Like

Rebecca Leber

Right now, we’re in a car, hanging on for dear life as we hurtle around a
mountain bend. If we don’t hit the brakes soon, we’re going to lose
control, crash through the guardrail, and careen into the abyss. We’ve
been fully warned about the danger ahead, but now here we are, testing
our fate.
Already, the effects of climate change are clear and significant. Last year
was the hottest in recorded history, and it’s all but certain that 2015 will
set a new record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Wildfires in the West this year have consumed a massive
eight million acres of land and counting, while superstorms like Katrina
and Sandy are becoming stronger and more frequent. But that’s just the
beginning. By the end of the century, the planet will become
unrecognizable. The western United States will face Dust Bowl-like
conditions that will persist for more than 30 years. As the oceans rise,
island nations like the Maldives could disappear completely, while
millions of people in Miami, New York, and Bangladesh will be forced
from their homes. Looking further out, over the next several hundred
years, the melting ice caps could cause sea levels to surge up to 200 feet,
high enough to sink a ten-story building.
These are not fantasies dreamed up by some Hollywood studio. They’re
ripped from the pages of sober scientific journals and official reports. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which operates under the
auspices of the United Nations, foresees environmental impacts that are
“severe, pervasive, and irreversible”. The World Bank has warned that
humanity may not be able to adapt to this warmer world.
By certain measures, it’s already too late. Politicians, climatologists, and
environmental activists have long rallied around 2 degrees Celsius of
warming as a decisive point, after which we can no longer stave off
disaster. Today, however, we’re already at 0.9 degrees of warming above
preindustrial averages, and we’re on track to blow past 2 degrees by the
middle of the century and well over 4 degrees by the end of it. At the rate
we’re going, just limiting global warming to 2 degrees is a pipe dream.
That doesn’t mean the planet is doomed, however. We can still prevent
the most devastating effects of climate change if we take action now. The
2-degree target isn’t a hard and fast cut-off, says NASA climate scientist
Gavin Schmidt. Instead, it’s more like a speed limit. “The faster you’re
going around that curve, the more dangerous it is going to be,” he told
me. We may end up scraping the guardrail on our way around the
mountain bend, but it’s still possible to keep the car on the road.

Newsweek, nov.2, 2015. Available at: <http://www.newsweek.com/

Access on: nov.03, 2015 [Adapted].

Read the extract from the text and then answer the question.

“We’ve been fully warned about the danger ahead, but now here we are,
testing our fate.”

About the extract, it is correct to affirm that

o the adverb “fully” refers to “the danger ahead”.

o the expression “We've been fully warned“ indicates present

perfect continuous tense.

o the verb “been” can be changed by “being” without changing

the meaning.

o the word “ahead” is an adverb that implies the idea of forward

in space or time.
o the word “fate” is an adjective and means “verdadeiro” in

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