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Diálogos 7 a 13: Talking about life and other people


Com estes diálogos de inglês,

aprenda a dar suas informações pessoais;

fale sobre sua rotina diária;
peça ajuda para falar e pergunte o significado de palavras em inglês;
pergunte quem é quem em uma foto;
fale sobre alguém em uma festa;
e converse com um amigo sobre o que fez no fim de semana.

Imprima os diálogos clicando no ícone da impressora embaixo do título; e baixe aqui o

áudio em mp3 (clique com o botão direito do mouse para salvar.)

Página inicial dos diálogos

7. Giving personal information (00:01)

Aqui, o Chuck se apresenta para uma aula e passa suas informaçoe
̃ s pessoais – nome,
email, telefone – para uma funcionária da escola.

[Chuck] Hi, I’m Chuck. I’m here for the class.

[woman] Oh, hello! How are you?
[Chuck] Good thanks. How are you?
[woman] I’m fine. So… what’s your last name?
[Chuck] Last name, Woods.
[woman] Woods… OK. And what’s your phone number Mr. Woods?
[Chuck] Area code 201, 348, 9043.
[woman] 201, 348, 9042.
[Chuck] No, it is actually 9043.
[woman] 9043, got it. And what’s your email?
[Chuck] chuck356@yahoo.com
[woman] Thank you, Mr. Woods.
[Chuck] No problem.

8. Daily routine (00:54)

Aqui, duas pessoas conversam sobre hábitos e o que eles fazem todo dia: o que comem,
que hora saem, chegam, o que fazem no trabalho, etc.
[woman] So tell me about your routine. What time do you usually wake up?
[man] I usually wake up around 7.
[woman] Do you have an alarm clock? ​
[man] No. No alarm clock.
[woman] And then… you have breakfast.
[man] Well, I usually take a shower first and get dressed. Then, I have breakfast.
[woman] Do you have coffee or milk for breakfast?
[man] No, I don’t, actually. I don’t like coffee, and I really don’t like milk.
[woman] So what do you have for breakfast?
[man] I usually have a slice of bread and a glass of juice.
[woman] Ok. And that’s around 7:30..
[man] Yeah, 7:30. Then I brush my teeth, grab my suitcase and go to the bus stop.
[woman] So you take the bus to work every day.
[man] Yeah, every day. I arrive at the office around 8:15, and I work all morning.
[woman] What do you do at work?
[man] I write reports, I send many emails, I have meetings and I talk to clients.
[woman] And where do you have lunch?
[man] I go to a cafe near the office. The food is good, and it’s cheap.
[woman] So what time do you go back to the office?
[man] I go back to the office at 2PM, and then I work all afternoon.
[woman] What time do you leave the office?
[man] I leave the office around 6, 6:30.
[woman] And where do you go after work?
[man] It depends. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I go home. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go
to Spanish class. [woman] What time is your Spanish class?
[man] It starts at 7, and finishes at 8.

9. Helping someone: How do you say…? How do you spell…? (02:24)

Aqui você ouve uma pessoa ajudando outra a saber o nome de objetos em inglês, e como

[woman] Excuse me, how do you say that in English?

[man] The gray thing? A coisa cinza?
[woman] Yes.
[man] Oh, that’s a juicer.
[woman] Ju… Say that again…. Ju… Diz de novo…
[man] Juicer.
[woman] Juicer. How do you spell it?
[man] j-u-i-c-e-r
[woman] Thanks.
[man] Sure.

10. What does “cadeira” mean? (02:49)

Perguntando o significado de palavras e perguntando como se escreve.

[man] Hey. What does “cadeira” mean?

[woman] Cadeira means chair.
[man] Oh. “Cadeira”. How do you spell that?
[woman] c-a-d-e-i-r-a
[man] c-a-d-e-r-a?
[woman] Almost. There’s an “i” after the “e”. C-a-d-e-i-r-a.
[man] c-a-d-e-i-r-a, got it. Thanks.
[woman] Sure.

11. Looking at a photo: Who’s that? (03:28)

Perguntando quem é esse ou aquele numa foto.

[man] Who’s the guy in the black pants?

[woman] That’s Jake.
[man] Jake? Is he your friend?
[woman] Yeah. He’s actually an ex-boyfriend.
[man] And who’s the woman in the green shirt?
[woman] That’s Anna. She’s a lawyer.
[man] Is she the lawyer from France?
[woman] Nope. Anna is Italian. Her name is Anna Ceni.
[man] And the little boy?
[woman] That’s her son, Eduardo.
[man] And what about this guy?
[woman] The blond guy?
[man] Yeah.
[woman] Oh, this guy’s an actor. He’s from Brazil.
[man] What’s his name?
[woman] Paulo. Paulo Serra.
[man] Is he from Rio?
[woman] Nope, from São Paulo.
[man] Who’s that woman?
[woman] Oh, she’s Jessica. She’s a teacher.
[man] Where’s she from?
[woman] Canada.
[man] She’s pretty. Is she single?
[woman] Nope, she isn’t. Sorry…

12. At a party: Who’s that guy? (04:17)

Neste diálogo, duas pessoas em uma festa conversam sobre outro convidado.

[woman] Who’s that guy?

[man] Which one?
[woman] The short one, in a white t-shirt. He’s talking to a blond woman…
[man] Oh, that’s Richard. He’s a friend.
[woman] Did you guys go to college together?
[man] No, we didn’t. He and I worked for the same company a few years ago. Remember,
[woman] Oh yeah, you worked for Acme… I remember. Is he an architect, like you?
[man] No. He’s a webdesigner, and he’s really good.

13. Chatting: What did you do on the weekend? (04:51)

Neste diálogo, dois amigos se encontram na rua e falam sobre como foi o fim de semana.

[woman] Hey, what’s up?

[man] Not much… just a little tired from the weekend.
[woman] Yeah? What did you do?
[man] Well….. I cleaned the apartment Saturday morning, then studied for an exam in the
afternoon. Then I cooked dinner for six people. A few relatives were visiting on Saturday,
[woman] Wow. What did you cook?
[man] Oh, simple stuff… pasta, some tacos, a salad…
[woman] Italian and Mexican… Always good.
[man] Yeah, it was good, but I went to bed at three in the morning. And then Sunday, at
8AM, my friend called me to talk about the exam…
[woman] You went to bed at 3 and woke up at 8? Uhh…
[man] Yeah, yeah… I just got up and went to the library and studied all day. When I got
home, it was almost midnight. So… I’m kinda tired.
[woman] When is your exam?
[man] Tomorrow, 7AM.
[woman] Well, good luck!
[man] Thanks.


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