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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Instituto de Educação à Distância

Tema: Importance of education

Nome de Estudante: Eugénia Azarias Atiao Troveja

Código de Estudante: 708216349

Curso: Licenciatura em Administração pública

Cadeira: Língua inglesa

Ano de Frequência: 1º Ano

Docente: Carlos Fabião Maquete

Quelimane Maio de 2022

Folha de Feedbacks (A ser preenchida pelo tutor)

Categorias Indicadores Padrões Classificação

Pontuação Nota do Subtotal
máxima tutor
Estrutura Aspectos Capa 0.5
organizacionais Índice 0.5
Introdução 0.5
Discussão 0.5
Conclusão 0.5
Bibliografia 0.5
Conteúdo Introdução Contextualização 1.0
Descrição dos objectivos 1.0
Metodologia adequada ao objecto 2.0
do trabalho
Análise e Articulação e domínio do discurso 2.0
discussão académico
Revisão bibliográfica nacional e 2.0
internacionais relevantes na área
de estudo

Exploração dos dados 2.0

Conclusão Contributos teóricos práticos 2.0
Aspectos Formação Paginação, tipo e tamanho de 1.0
gerais letras, parágrafos, espaçamento
entre linhas
Referências Normas APA 6ª Rigor e coerência das 4.0
bibliográficas edição em citações/referências bibliográficas
citações e
Recomendações de Melhoria:

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................2

1.1. Objectives:.............................................................................................................................2

1.1.1. General:...........................................................................................................................2

1.1.2. Specific:...........................................................................................................................2

1.1.2. Methodology:..................................................................................................................2

1. Importance of education............................................................................................................3

1.1. conceptualization.......................................................................................................................3

1.2. schooling................................................................................................................................3

1.1. importance of education.....................................................................................................3

1.1.1. Critical thinking development.........................................................................................4

1.1.2. best job opportunities......................................................................................................4

3.2.3. Chance to socialize with diverse groups.........................................................................4

2.3.4. Evolution of maturity......................................................................................................5

2.3.5. Recognition.....................................................................................................................5

2. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................6

3. Bibliographic referencies..........................................................................................................7
1. Introduction
Much more than a way to get good jobs and higher salaries, the search for knowledge is
fundamental for the development of human beings. The importance of education in a person's life
is reflected in the most different areas: in their ability to relate, interpret information, deal with
their own emotions, make decisions with a critical sense and even obtain personal and
professional satisfaction.

1.1. Objectives:

1.1.1. General:
 Address the importance of education.

1.1.2. Specific:
 Identify the relevance of education in the lives of individuals;
 Characterize the impotence of education in today's society;
 Describe the important phenomena of education in today's society.

1.1.2. Methodology:
Regarding the methodology for carrying out the work, it was done through reading and
bibliographic consultations related to this area of study. The consulted works that made the work
possible are listed at the end of the work, after the conclusion, being organized in alphabetical

1. Importance of education

1.1. conceptualization
According to Dicionário Aurélio, one of the most important dictionaries of the Portuguese
language, which has become a standard and reference in Brazil, Education is defined as follows:
 Act or effect of educating, or educating oneself;
 Process of development of physical, intellectual and moral capacity, with the aim of
promoting individual and social integration;
 Means by which knowledge and skills are acquired;
 Integral improvement of all human faculties;
 Art of teaching the knowledge and practices used in society to develop civility.
In other words, education is the process that facilitates learning in acquiring knowledge, skills,
values, moral sense, habits, beliefs, among others.

1.2. schooling

School education is that which takes place in the formal sphere, within the school institution. The
school is an important institution that assists in social development, improving skills and
competences of individuals. Furthermore, it plays a fundamental role in the formation of
knowledge, values and behaviors. Through school education, the subject establishes relationships
and understands the form of organization of the society in which he is inserted. In the school
environment, education is planned and therefore formal.
It is worth noting that education is not limited to instruction or the transmission of knowledge. It
comprises the development of autonomy and critical thinking, improving skills and competences.

1.1. importance of education

According to Valdir (1996) education is one of the most important means for the development of
a society. It is exercised in a way that the individual develops their skills, adapting to society.
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), in a
school institution, education is carried out beyond the limits of formal education, covering what
is also learned in social life. Through education, knowledge is produced and, thus, all spheres of a
country develop.
Investing in education is, therefore, essential to ensure that individuals exercise their citizenship
and achieve full development. A country that invests in education ends up investing in all other
sectors as well. Education opens doors, develops critical thinking and guarantees the dignity of a
society. Education is important in the following ways:

1.1.1. Critical thinking development

André (2001) says that critical thinking is a characteristic that is very well seen in several
contexts, including by employers. The importance of education is directly linked to the
development of this skill. Think with us: everyone has their own beliefs, convictions, goals and
even fears, depending on each person's life history.
However, when it comes to problem solving, the interference of these factors becomes an
obstacle, preventing the setback from being analyzed in a rational way, do you agree? On the
other hand, when you put aside your way of thinking to understand the situation, we are acting
with the help of critical thinking.

1.1.2. best job opportunities

Of course, the best job opportunities will come as a natural consequence of investing in a degree.
It is no longer a secret that having a higher education degree on your CV is no longer a
differentiator among candidates, becoming indispensable for entering certain positions or for
moving up in your career.
Sousa (2013 points out that today he is faced with a job vacancy that has as a minimum
requirement a complete high school degree or in progress — or the company itself that the basic
criterion to grow within it is to add up-to-date knowledge to the work. what we are talking about
when we reinforce the importance of education.

3.2.3. Chance to socialize with diverse groups

One of the key pieces for those who want to survive and stand out not only in the job market, but
in life, is knowing how to deal with others. We must remember that we will not always live with
people who come from the same context as us, who think and behave as we are used to thinking
and behaving. Getting a positive experience out of it is one of the benefits of education.
A classroom is made up of different groups, and the virtual teaching platforms used by distance
learning students also bring together students and teachers with different paths, visions, values
and goals. This possibility of exchanging and sharing ideas is very interesting, as it facilitates the
creation of skills that will be of great value to your life and career, such as:
 Empathy;
 Resilience;
 Patience;
 Argumentative ability;
 Emotional intelligence;
 Ease of working in a team etc.

2.3.4. Evolution of maturity

Education plays an essential role in human formation from the earliest years of life. When the
child enters school, still small, he begins to receive knowledge that will stimulate him to socialize
in a healthy way, to solve his conflicts based on respect and dialogue, to create notions of
responsibility and much more. In other words, to be a good citizen.
In André's (2001) perspective, this development of maturity is continuous, going from the first
grades to entry into higher education. In college, you will also experience new situations that will
help you to grow, acquire experiences and gain professional self-knowledge.

2.3.5. Recognition
Contrary to what many might imagine, the simple fact of guaranteeing a salary is not the only
motivation for a person to continue performing his/her duties on a daily basis. The search for
recognition of our dedication, our commitment and our competences is also a very important fuel.
The importance of career education also enters here as a motivating factor. This is because, by
investing in studies and applying the knowledge acquired in the daily work, enhancing results and
adding value to the company with new ideas and projects, recognition will certainly come, both
in the form of positive feedbacks and promotions, and even , salary increases.

2. Conclusion
The importance of Education goes beyond the transmission of theoretical knowledge of curricular
subjects, it contributes to the citizenship formation of students and promotes the transformation
of the social environment for the common good. The School, as the main institution of formal
education, is a social environment in which children experience their first relationships with their
peers and learn to live in society.
Among the skills that students need to develop throughout Basic Education are responsibility and
citizenship. To acquire this competence, schools need to promote the following attitudes in the
classroom and in the school environment: Act personally and collectively with autonomy,
responsibility, flexibility, resilience and determination, making decisions based on ethical,
democratic, inclusive, sustainable and solidary

3. Bibliographic referencies
2. André, Marli (2001) Pesquisa em educação: buscando rigor e qualidade. Cadernos de
Pesquisa, n. 113.
3. Sousa, Rafaela (2013) importância da educação: São Paulo.
4. Valdir, João Alves de (1996) Educação, modernidade, modernização e modernismo:
crenças e descrenças no mundo moderno", Educação & Sociedade: Campinas.

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