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6.º. ano


CSES-ING6 © Porto Editora

Bem-vindo ao livro que vai fazer do estudo de Inglês um sucesso!

Ao longo das páginas deste livro, serás desafiado a resolver vários exercícios,
que vão pôr à prova a tua criatividade e os teus conhecimentos.

Para te auxiliar nesta missão, os conteúdos são apresentados na página da

esquerda, de forma simples, resumindo o que te foi explicado nas aulas pelo
teu professor e estudado por ti no teu manual escolar. Na página da direita,
encontrarás diversas atividades que te ajudarão a verificar se compreendeste
os conteúdos. Caso tenhas alguma dúvida, poderás consultar as soluções que
aparecem no final do livro. Mas atenção! Só deverás recorrer às soluções depois
de tentares resolver os exercícios e de leres os textos que os acompanham.
Também poderás pedir ajuda aos teus pais ou amigos.

Neste livro, terás um papel bastante ativo na construção da tua aprendizagem.

Nele são levantadas diversas questões que te levam a pensar criticamente.
Além disso, ele servir-te-á de guia na compreensão e apreensão dos conteúdos
analisados, através da apresentação de diversas atividades criativas, para que
possas fazer uso das tuas próprias experiências e observações, tornando-te num
aluno mais ativo e autónomo.

Esperamos que este livro te seja bastante útil e que possas ficar a compreender
melhor a matéria de Inglês 6.° ano.

Bom trabalho!

ISBN 978-972-0-00102-3

Table of contents
File 1 Daily routines / Adverbs of frequency 4
File 2 Adjective + preposition / Reflexive pronouns 6
File 3 Do / Make; See / Watch, Look + like 8

Test 1 10

File 4 Food / Would like vs. want 12

File 5 Adverbs of manner / It as indefinite subject 14
File 6 Modal verb should / Anglo-Saxon festivals and celebrations 16

Test 2 18

File 7 Comparatives and superlatives 20

File 8 Describing people / Comparatives 22
File 9 Describing places / Superlatives 24

Test 3 26

File 10 Describing schools / Likes and dislikes / Opinions 28

File 11 Accommodation / Luggage / Weather 30
File 12 Going to / Computer vocabulary 32

Test 4 34

File 13 Past Simple of verb to be / There was / were / Describing places 36

File 14 Regular past simple verbs / Connectors 38
File 15 Irregular past simple verbs / Connectors 40

Test 5 42

File 16 Means of transport / Holiday Activities 44

File 17 Past simple of have got / Prepositions of movement 46
File 18 Anglo-Saxon Culture 48

Test 6 50

Final Test 1 52
Final Test 2 56
Answer Key 60
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File 3 Do/Make | See/Watch, Look + like

Do (Fazer)

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Usa-se o verbo do para falar de atividades quotidianas. É comum usar do para atividades que não produzem
nenhum objeto específico. Alguns exemplos comuns são:

• do homework – fazer os trabalhos de casa • do a good job – fazer um bom trabalho

• do the housework – fazer a lida da casa • do the dishes – lavar a loiça

Também se usa do para falar de coisas não específicas, por

exemplo, quando se usam os seguintes vocábulos: something, Existem ainda situações comuns que requerem
nothing, everything, anything. o verbo do.
Can I do something to help you? do your best – dar o teu melhor
(Posso fazer algo para te ajudar?) do the shopping – fazer as compras
do me a favour – fazer-me um favor
My sister does nothing all day!
(A minha irmã não faz nada todo o dia!) do a test – fazer um teste

Make (Fazer)

Usa-se o verbo make para falar de atividades que produzem algo concreto, que constroem ou criam alguma

• make food – fazer comida • make a cup of tea – fazer uma chávena de chá
• make a mess – fazer uma bagunça • make a cake – fazer um bolo

Existem ainda situações comuns que requerem o verbo make.

• make plans – fazer planos • make a phone call – fazer uma chamada
• make a decision – tomar uma decisão • make a noise – fazer barulho
• make an excuse – inventar uma desculpa • make an effort – fazer um esforço
• make money – fazer dinheiro • make a mistake – cometer um erro

See / Watch / Look at (Ver/Olhar)

O verbo see usa-se para falar de uma ação involuntária.
I see my classmates every day.
(Vejo os meus colegas todos os dias.)

Look like (ser parecido com)

O verbo look usa-se para falar de uma ação voluntária.
Look like é a expressão usada para dizer
Look at that boy! (Olha para aquele rapaz!)
que uma coisa é parecida com outra.
Quando look é seguido de um complemento, emprega-se I look like my mother.
a proposição at. (Sou parecida com a minha mãe.)

Look at the dog! (Olha para o cão.)

Watch significa olhar intensamente para algo, especialmente coisas em movimento.

He’s watching a film. (Ele está a ver um filme.)

Do your best!

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of make or do.

(Preenche os espaços com a forma correta de make ou do.)
a. Let’s our homework now.
b. Please help me the dishes.
c. Susan always many mistakes in her tests.
d. Can you me a favour, please?
e. My mother is a chocolate cake.
f. My little sister always a mess in my room!
g. You have to your best to pass the exam.
h. She is at the supermarket. She is the shopping.
i. We are plans for the summer holidays.

2. Choose the correct option. (Escolhe a opção correta.)

a. John is a football match on TV.
1. looking 2. watching 3. seeing

b. Close your eyes. Don’t . It’s a surprise.

1. look 2. see 3. watch

c. I can’t anything! It’s very dark.

1. look 2. watch 3. see

d. the magician carefully to see how he does the trick.

1. See 2. Watch 3. Look

3. Match the columns. (Faz a ligação das colunas.)

a. Do you look 1. Your father or your mother?
b. That dog is enormous! 2. It looks like a church.
c. Who do you look like? 3. like my sister.
d. That house is very strange. 4. She looks like a model.
e. I don’t look 5. He looks like a Goth.
f. Carol is beautiful. 6. like your father?
g. Your room looks 7. like a bomb hit it!
h. He always wears black clothes. 8. It looks like a horse.

4. What do they look like? Complete the sentences. (São parecidos com quê? Completa as frases.)
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a. a witch. b. Elvis Presley. c. tourists.

Test 5

Read the text carefully.

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Last year we went to Scotland on holiday. It was cold but
we had a wonderful holiday. The mountains were beautiful and
mysterious, and we visited lots of amazing castles.
The cities were fantastic, too. There were lots of shops and I
bought some interesting presents for my friends. The people were
friendly, but I didn’t like the food very much. It was boring.

1. Say if the sentences are true or false.

a. He went to Scotland last month.
b. He didn’t like the holiday.
c. The weather was cold.
d. He liked the countryside and the cities.
e. He went shopping in Scotland.
f. The people were boring.
g. He loved the food.

2. Match the questions and answers.

a. What was the weather like? 1. They were very friendly.

b. What were the people like? 2. It was clean and comfortable.

c. What was the food like? 3. They were old and historical.

d. What were the cities like? 4. It wasn’t very tasty.

e. What was your hotel like? 5. It was very cold!

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use the past simple.
a. Wendy (not feel) very well yesterday.
b. I (not do) my homework yesterday.
c. Mr Smith (carry) his son on his shoulders.
d. They (build) a new hospital last year.
e. Mrs Sanchez (teach) me to speak Spanish.
f. My team (win) the competition!
g. Mary (not speak) to anyone at the party.
h. I (not send) him an email.
i. She (answer) the questions politely.
j. Jon (find) a gold watch!
k. What you (eat) yesterday?
4. Underline the correct option.
a. Where you went/did you go last Saturday?
b. What time did they arrive/did they arrived last night?
c. You saw/Did you see Liz at the beach on Sunday?
d. What you did/did you do last weekend?
e. How many books did you buy/you bought?

5. Look at the picture and complete the sentences

with the correct form of there was/were.
In the city centre:
a. any people in the streets?
b. a sports centre?
c. any cyclists?
d. lots of historical buildings.
e. a huge cathedral.
f. lots of red buses.
g. a few cars.
h. a shopping centre, only small shops.
i. any modern buildings. They were all

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. Use the past simple.
a. Wendy (not be) at school yesterday because she (be) sick.
b. I (not be) happy with my results, but the tests (be) difficult.
c. My mother (be) upset with us last night because we (be) rude.
d. (be) your sister at the party last night? Yes, she (be).
e. (be) your friends at home last Friday? No, they (not be).

7. Underline the correct option.

a. I turned on the light when/while it got dark.
b. I did my homework. While/After that, I played video games.
c. Jill studied then/while her mother cooked dinner.
d. We sat in the park for a while. Later/When, we walked home.
CSES-ING6 © Porto Editora

e. We did our shopping and then/and when we went home.

f. While/Then Bob studied, I played video games.
g. We had dinner. When/Then we watched TV.

Answer Key
File 1 | Pág. 4 6. a. 4 b. 6 c. 1 d. 2 e. 3 f. 5

CSES-ING6 © Porto Editora

1. 7. a. Bob is often proud of his test results.
a. get up f. have/eat k. play b. Veronica hardly ever has a bath in the morning.
b. have g. finish l. have/eat c. I’m hardly ever tired in the evening.
c. have/eat h. arrive/get m. watch
d. go i. have n. go File 4 | Pág. 12
e. start j. do 1. a. 6 b. 1 c. 4 d. 5 e. 2 f. 3
2. a. We go shopping once a week. 2. a. 2 b. 1 c. 2 d. 1
b. I go on holiday twice a year.
3. a. Would; ‘d like b. Do c. like d. want e. Would
c. Thomas often sleeps late.
4. a. onions b. bread c. water d. sweets e. biscuits
d. Carol hardly ever has lunch in the canteen.
5. a. Would you like some cake? / Do you want some cake?
3. a. 2 b. 1 c. 3
b. Would you like some more mash?
4. a. My parents often clean the house on Saturday morning.
c. We don’t want any more, thanks.
b. My dad hardly ever gets home early.
d. They’d like two hamburgers and a pizza.
c. Maria is often tired in the evening.
d. I do sports with my friends twice a week.
File 5 | Pág. 14

1. a. Doris does her maths homework carefully.

File 2 | Pág. 6
b. Gary behaves badly at school.
1. a. at b. of c. of d. about e. about f. about g. for h. of
c. My son works hard at school.
i. for j. at/by k. of l. about m. about n. for o. in
d. Lisa speaks to her teachers politely.
2. a. 1 b. 2 c. 2 d. 3 e. 3
e. The children laughed loudly.
3. a. themselves b. myself c. ourselves d. yourselves e.  itself f. My grandmother drives slowly.
f. herself g. himself h. himself i. themselves
g. The students protested noisily.

2. a. dangerously b. fast c. well d. carefully

File 3 | Pág. 8
3. a. fast b. well c. energetic d. happily e. lucky f. quietly
1. a. do b. do c. makes d. do e. making f. makes g. do
h. doing i. making 4. a. Wrong. There is a dog in the garden. It’s enormous!

2. a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 2 b. Wrong. They haven’t got any homework. It’s not fair!
c. Right.
3. a. 6 b. 8 c. 1 d. 2 e. 3 f. 4 g. 7 h. 5
d. Wrong. Open the window. It’s hot in here.
4. a. She looks like b. He looks like c. They look like
e. Wrong. Do you like that juice? Is it nice?
f. Wrong. We can’t do this exercise. It’s very difficult.
Test 1 | Pág. 10
g. Right.
1. a. No, she doesn’t. h. Wrong. Don’t eat the soup now. It’s very hot!
b. No, she doesn’t. i. Wrong. Why don’t you want this bag? It’s new!
c. They’re interested in learning how to cook new things.
d. It looks like a house. File 6 | Pág. 16
e. Yes, they are.
1. a. 4 b. 9 c. 7 d. 1 e. 2 f. 3 g. 5 h. 6 i. 8
f. Yes, they are.
2. a. We should watch the fireworks tonight.
g. They usually do their homework on Sunday morning.
b. John shouldn’t watch TV all day.
2. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
c. Should I tell the teacher?
3. d. Mandy should help her mother every day.
a. yourself e. at e. You shouldn’t speak to your dad like that.
b. themselves f. about f. You shouldn’t do that!
c. itself g. for
3. a. give b. for c. April Fool’s Day d. have e. dress up f. USA
d. for g. for h. watch
4. a. do b. make c. do d. make e. make f. do 4. a. should b. shouldn’t c. should d. shouldn’t e. should
5. a. watch b. Look at c. see d. see e. watch f. should g. shouldn’t h. should i. shouldn’t j. should
K. shouldn’t l. should

Answer Key
Test 2 | Pág. 18 Test 3 | Pág. 26

1. a. True b. False c. True d. True e. False f. False 1. a. They are located in the north of Portugal.

2. a. 3 b. 6 c. 1 d. 2 e. 4 f. 5 b. Guimarães is smaller.

c. No, they aren’t.
3. a. It’s a lovely day today!
d. They go to visit the churches, castles and monuments.
b. You should listen to your mother.
e. They like to eat the local traditional dishes.
c. Should I stay here?
d. It’s a good idea! 2.

e. Leonard shouldn’t do that. a. warmer

b. better
4. Fruit: peach, pineapple, melon, strawberry, grapes
c. more expensive
Vegetables: lettuce, onion, potato, beans, carrot
friendlier (less friendly)
Meat: turkey, sausages, duck, steak, lamb
e. worse
Drinks: water, juice, tea, coffee, milk
f. the most beautiful
Desserts: pudding, ice cream, biscuits, sweets, cake
g. safer
5. a. 2 b. 1 c. 5 d. 3 e. 4 f. 6
h. the hottest
6. a. I’d like two hamburgers and two juices, please.
i. the largest
b. Would you like something to drink, sir?
j. more peaceful
c. What would you like to eat today, children? / What do
3. a. farmhouse b. ranch c. cottage d. manor house
you want to eat today, children?
4. a. 2 b. 1 c. 3
7. a. softly b. loudly c. quickly d. well e. fast f. Luckily
g. carefully h. quietly i. hard j. nicely 5. a. is b. is c. has got d. has got e. is f. is g. isn’t h. is i. is
j. is
File 7 | Pág. 20
6. a. nicer b. the most boring c. less sociable d. less talkative
1. a. bigger b. stronger c. friendlier d. colder e. noisier e. less interesting f. the most (the least) aggressive g. the
f. more (less) comfortable g. more (less) expensive h. more rudest h. more timid i. the least boring j. better
beautiful i. worse j. better
7. a. town b. safe c. dirty
2. a. the biggest b. the largest c. the ugliest d. the hottest
e. the funniest f. the most (least) poisonous g. the most File 10 | Pág. 28
(least) interesting h. the most (least) important i. the
worst j. the best k. the furthest 1. a. I don’t like studying biology very much.
b. Sandra loves sitting in the playground.
3. a. less b. less c. the least d. less e. the least f. the least
g. the worst h. the best i. the further c. We hate doing sports in the gym.
d. The teachers like having coffee in the staffroom.
File 8 | Pág. 22 e. What do you like doing after school?
1. a. slim b. friendly c. straight d. glasses e. smile 2. a. I don’t agree with you.
2. a. isn´t b. is c. is d. has got e. has got f. has got b. Yes, you’re right.
c. No, it’s not true.
3. a. lazier b. more studious c. less motivated d. more
organized e. thinner f. stronger g. older d. Yes, I think so, too.
e. John likes playing football very much.
File 9 | Pág. 24 f. I don’t like cleaning my room.

1. a. exciting b. safe c. noisy d. peaceful e. clean 3. a. 4 b. 7 c. 2 d. 3 e. 1 f. 5 g. 6
f. traditional
2. a. spacious b. modern c. comfortable d. warm e. peaceful a. staffroom
3. a. the oldest b. the quietest c. the most convenient b. office
d. the most exciting e. the most (the least) dangerous c. canteen
f. the most traditional g. the biggest h. the most
d. gym
beautiful i. the most spacious j. the most modern k. the
e. geography
dirtiest l. the coldest
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f. history
g. art


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