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TEXTO 01 em crise deixa de projetar o próprio futuro. Se
deixarmos de projetar nosso futuro, alguém o
Raras vezes na história humana, o projetará para nós, não em função de nossos
trabalho, a riqueza, o poder e o saber mudaram interesses, mas do seu próprio proveito.
simultaneamente. Quando isso ocorre, sobrevêm
verdadeiras descontinuidades que marcam Domenico de Masi. Alfabeto da sociedade
época, pedras miliares no caminho da desorientada: para entender o nosso tempo.
humanidade. A invenção das técnicas para Trad. Silvana Cobucci e Federico Carotti. São
controlar o fogo, o início da agricultura e do Paulo: Objetiva, 2017, p. 93-4 (com adaptações).
pastoreio na Mesopotâmia, a organização da
democracia na Grécia, as grandes descobertas 1. Infere-se do texto que a desorientação das
científicas e geográficas entre os séculos XII e XVI, gerações, em épocas específicas, promove
o advento da sociedade industrial no século XIX, uma radical e simultânea alteração no escopo
tudo isso representa saltos de época, que do trabalho, da riqueza, do poder e do saber
desorientaram gerações inteiras. humano.
2. De acordo com o texto, as sociedades deste
Se observarmos bem, essas ondas longas século vivenciaram a substituição da
da história, como as chamava Braudel, tornaram- agricultura e, a partir disso, passaram a se
se cada vez mais curtas. Acabamos de nos submeter ao controle dos proprietários de
recuperar da ultrapassagem da agricultura pela veículos de informação.
indústria, ocorrida no século XX, e, em menos de 3. O texto caracteriza-se como dissertativo-
um século, um novo salto de época nos tomou de argumentativo, devido, entre outros
surpresa, lançando-nos na confusão. Dessa vez o aspectos, à presença de evidências e fatos
salto coincidiu com a rápida passagem de uma históricos utilizados para validar a
sociedade de tipo industrial dominada pelos argumentação do autor.
proprietários das fábricas manufatureiras para 4. Seria mantida a correção gramatical do texto
uma sociedade de tipo pós-industrial dominada se o trecho “diante de uma mudança” fosse
pelos proprietários dos meios de informação. alterado para ante a uma mudança.
5. Seria mantida a correção gramatical do texto
O fórceps com o qual a recém-nascida caso a forma verbal “representa” (4º.
sociedade pós-industrial foi extraída do ventre da parágrafo) fosse substituída por
sociedade industrial anterior é representado pelo representam.
progresso científico e tecnológico, pela 6. Mantendo-se a correção gramatical e os
globalização, pelas guerras mundiais, pelas sentidos do texto, o primeiro período do
revoluções proletárias, pelo ensino universal e terceiro parágrafo poderia ser reescrito da
pelos meios de comunicação de massa. Agindo seguinte maneira: O progresso científico e
simultaneamente, esses fenômenos produziram tecnológico, a globalização, as guerras
uma avalanche ciclópica — talvez a mais mundiais, as revoluções proletárias, o ensino
irresistível de toda a história humana — na qual universal e os meios de comunicação de
nós, contemporâneos, temos o privilégio e a massa representam o fórceps com o qual foi
desventura de estar envolvidos em primeira extraída do ventre da sociedade industrial
pessoa. anterior a recém-nascida sociedade pós-
Ninguém poderia ficar impassível diante 7. A expressão “na qual” (3º. parágrafo) refere-
de uma mudança dessa envergadura. Por isso a se ao termo antecedente “história humana”.
sensação mais difundida é a desorientação.
A nossa desorientação afeta as esferas
econômica, familiar, política, sexual, cultural... É TEXTO 2
um sintoma de crescimento, mas é também um
indício de um perigo, porque quem está Com o extraordinário desenvolvimento
desorientado sente-se em crise, e quem se sente científico e tecnológico experimentado na
segunda metade do século XX, estabeleceram-se

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as condições e o cenário para a convergência “desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico”

entre a informática, a eletrônica e a comunicação. (L.1-2).
Esse fato leva o computador a centralizar
funções que antes eram apresentadas por
diversos meios de comunicação. As tecnologias
digitais, segundo Pierre Lévy, “surgiram com a TEXTO 3
infraestrutura do ciberespaço, novo espaço de
comunicação, de sociabilidade, de organização e A história eleitoral do Brasil é uma das mais ricas
de transação, mas também novo mercado da do mundo. Durante o período colonial, a
informação e do conhecimento”. O ciberespaço população das vilas e cidades elegia os
abre caminhos para a cibercultura, pela qual a representantes dos conselhos municipais. As
produção e a disseminação de informações são primeiras eleições gerais para escolha dos
pautadas pelo dispositivo de comunicação todos- representantes à Corte de Lisboa ocorreram em
todos. Assim, não há apenas um emissor, mas 1821. No ano seguinte, foi promulgada a
milhares. De acordo com Lévy, a sociedade primeira lei eleitoral brasileira, que regulou
passou por três etapas: as sociedades fechadas, as eleições dos representantes da
voltadas à cultura oral; as sociedades civilizadas, Constituinte de 1823. Desde 1824, quando
imperialistas, com uso da escrita; e, por último, a aconteceu a primeira eleição pós-independência,
cibercultura, relativa à globalização das foram eleitas cinquenta e uma legislaturas para a
sociedades. A cibercultura “corresponde ao Câmara dos Deputados. Somente durante o
momento em que nossa espécie, pela Estado Novo (1937-1945), as eleições para a
globalização econômica, pelo adensamento das Câmara foram suspensas.
redes de comunicação e de transporte, tende a
formar uma única comunidade mundial, ainda Hoje, os eleitores escolhem os representantes
que essa comunidade seja e quanto! desigual e para os principais postos de poder (presidente,
conflitante”, diz Lévy. senador, deputado federal, governador, deputado
estadual, prefeito e vereador) e pouca gente
8. A expressão “pela qual” poderia ser duvida da legitimidade do processo eleitoral
corretamente substituída por por que, o que brasileiro. As fraudes foram praticamente
conferiria mais clareza ao texto, já que eliminadas. A urna eletrônica permite que os
evitaria repetição — “pela” e “pelo”. resultados sejam proclamados poucas horas
9. Em “De acordo com Lévy, a sociedade passou depois do pleito. As eleições são competitivas,
por três etapas: as sociedades fechadas, com enorme oferta de candidatos e partidos (uma
voltadas à cultura oral; as sociedades média de trinta partidos por eleição). Quatro em
civilizadas, imperialistas, com uso da escrita; cada cinco adultos compareceram às últimas
e, por último, a cibercultura, relativa à eleições para votar. O sufrágio é universal, pois já
globalização das sociedades” seriam não existem restrições significativas que
preservadas a correção gramatical bem como impeçam qualquer cidadão com pelo menos
a coerência e a clareza entre as ideias, caso se dezesseis anos de idade de ser eleitor. Hoje, o
substituíssem os sinais de ponto e vírgula, Brasil tem o terceiro maior eleitorado do planeta,
que separam os termos de uma enumeração, perdendo apenas para a Índia e os Estados
por vírgulas. Unidos da América.
10. É coerente com a classificação apresentada
por Pierre Lévy em “De acordo com Lévy, a Jairo Marconi Nicolau. História do voto no
sociedade passou por três etapas: as Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2002, p. 7-8 (com
sociedades fechadas, voltadas à cultura oral; adaptações).
as sociedades civilizadas, imperialistas, com
uso da escrita; e, por último, a cibercultura, 12. Seriam mantidos o sentido original e a
relativa à globalização das sociedades”, correção gramatical do texto se o período “No
concluir que a próxima etapa a ser atingida ano seguinte (...) Constituinte de 1823” fosse
pela sociedade terá de ultrapassar a cultura assim reescrito: Promulgou-se, um ano
escrita. depois, a primeira lei referente às eleições no
11. Nas relações de coesão do texto, o termo país, a qual estabeleceu o pleito para a
“Esse fato” (L.6) refere-se a escolha dos representantes da Assembleia
Constituinte de 1823.

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13. Os termos “eleitores”, “gente”, “fraudes”, TEXTO 4

“restrições” e “Brasil” são núcleos do sujeito
da oração em que se inserem.
14. Nesse texto, o autor louva o processo eleitoral
no Brasil, onde, segundo ele, a tecnologia e a
inexistência de fraudes concorrem para o
reconhecimento da legitimidade desse
15. Conclui-se da leitura do texto que a
magnitude numérica do eleitorado brasileiro,
o “terceiro maior” do planeta, decorre da
disposição de 80% dos brasileiros de
comparecer às eleições.
16. A atividade policial pode ser verificada em
quase todas as organizações políticas que
conhecemos, desde as cidades-Estado gregas
até os Estados atuais. Entretanto, o seu
sentido e a forma como é realizada têm
variado ao longo do tempo. A ideia de polícia
que temos hoje é produto de fatores
estruturais e organizacionais que moldaram
seu processo histórico de transformação.”
Arthur T. M. Costa. Polícia, controle social e
democracia. In: Arthur Trindade Maranhão
Costa. Entre a lei e a ordem. Rio de Janeiro:
FGV, 2004, p. 93. Internet:
<www.necvu.ifcs.ufrj.br> (com adaptações). 17. A correção gramatical e a informação
veiculada pela frase “O que você precisa saber
No parágrafo acima, o pronome relativo “que” para comprar um lote!” seriam preservadas
exerce, nas duas primeiras ocorrências, a caso a frase fosse reescrita da seguinte forma:
função de complemento verbal e, na terceira, O que você precisa saber afim de comprar um
a de sujeito da oração em que se insere. lote!
18. Nos trechos “O desmembramento é uma
divisão de terras mais simples, quando não é
necessário abrir novas ruas” e “Apenas se
divide um terreno grande em porções
menores”, as expressões “abrir novas ruas” e
“um terreno grande” desempenham a função
sintática de complemento nas orações em
que ocorrem.
19. Em “até ser proibido de construir no terreno”,
a preposição “até” expressa um limite de
20. No trecho “aproveitando-se as já existentes”,
o termo “as já existentes” poderia ser
corretamente substituído por as que já
existem, sem prejuízo da informação
veiculada no texto.
21. No trecho “Você sabia que a Lei n.º
6.766/1979 fala sobre a divisão
(parcelamento) do solo para fins urbanos”, a
conjunção “que” introduz uma afirmação cujo
conteúdo é tratado como certo pelo autor do

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22. Em “Loteamento é a subdivisão do solo em TEXT 06

lotes”, a expressão “é a subdivisão” poderia
ser substituída por trata-se da subdivisão, Based on the text below, answer the six questions
sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are
sentido original do trecho. numbered.

________________________________________________________ If children lose contact with nature they won't

fight for it
[1] According to recent research, even if
Tudo o que vem do povo tem uma lógica, the present rate of global decarbonisation were
uma razão, uma função. Ele nada faz sem to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of
motivo, e o que produz está geralmente ligado ao warming by the end of the century. Limiting the
comportamento do grupo ou a uma norma social rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies,
ou de cunho psíquico e religioso, um traço que requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
vem de tempos longínquos, lá do fundo de nossas [2] A new report shows that the UK has
raízes, perdidas na noite dos tempos, quando lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once
estávamos em formação. Pastoril, Quilombo, common species such as willow tits, lesser
Reisado, Coco-de-Roda, literatura de cordel, spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all
festas, tradições, superstições, contos, mitos, but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen
lendas não aparecem por acaso. São elementos da by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many
memória popular, que engloba sentimentos e terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade.
reações diante da história e das transformações. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
Quais as origens do folclore alagoano, [3] While the surveys show that the great
quais os componentes culturais que o forjaram? majority of people would like to see the living
Théo Brandão, com a autoridade de quem planet protected, few are prepared to take action.
estudou a vida inteira e deixou uma obra This, I think, reflects a second environmental
irrepreensível sobre o assunto, diz que são crisis: the removal of children from the natural
muitas as contribuições na formatação do nosso world. The young people we might have expected
folclore. E que não é fácil nem simples demarcar to lead the defence of nature have less and less to
a que grupo pertence uma de suas variantes ou do with.
estabelecer com precisão a fronteira de [4] We don't have to undervalue the
determinada manifestação folclórica. Afirma indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem,
que há dúvidas em alguns casos e em outros é to lament children's disconnection from the
inteiramente impossível chegar a uma conclusão outdoor world. But the experiences the two
única e definitiva. Cita como exemplo concreto spheres offer are entirely different. There is no
dessas incertezas o caso da dança existente em substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly
várias unidades nordestinas, que aparece ora because the greatest joys of nature are
como Coco, ora como Pagode, ora como Samba. unplanned. The thought that most of our children
will never swim among phosphorescent plankton
Instituto Arnon de Mello. Alagoas popular: at night, will never be startled by a salmon
folguedos e danças de nossa gente. Maceió: IAM, leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as
2013, p. 24 (com adaptações). the thought that their children might not have the
23. Em “Ele nada faz sem motivo”, o termo “sem [5] The remarkable collapse of children's
motivo” exerce a função de complemento da engagement with nature - which is even faster
forma verbal “faz”. than the collapse of the natural world - is
24. Estaria gramaticalmente correta a recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the
substituição de “há” por existe em “Afirma Woods, and in a report published recently by the
que há dúvidas em alguns casos”. National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which
25. No primeiro período do segundo parágrafo, a children may roam without supervision has
forma pronominal “o” retoma o folclore decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the
alagoano. proportion of children regularly playing in wild
places in the UK has fallen from more than half to
________________________________________________________ fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years
(1997-2003) children with particular outdoor

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hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year olds in together. But all of them are fighting forces which,
Britain now spend, on average, half their waking if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living
day in front of a screen. planet of the wonder and delight that for
[6] There are several reasons for this millennia have attracted children to the wilds.
collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and
rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the (Adaptedfrom:https://www.theguardian.com/c
fortifying lands where previous generations ommentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose
played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the contact-with-nature)
structuring of children's time, the criminalisation
of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has 26. Considering the text above, judge the
become a far more dangerous place than the following item.
diminished world beyond. According to the text the current policies aim
[7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the at a maximum of 2ºC the rise of temperatures
decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well by the end of the century.
documented. Louv also links indoor life to an 27. Considering the text above, judge the
increase in attention deficit hyperactivity following item.
disorder and other mental ill health. Research The meaning of the word "engagement" in
conducted at the University of Illinois suggests paragraph 5 can be replaced by the word
that playing among trees and grass is associated involvement.
with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, 28. Considering the text above, judge the
while playing indoors appears to increase them. following item.
The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of The symptoms of ADHD increase when a
symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to child is submitted to many unexpected
nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the conditions in the natural world.
child, that has gone wrong. 29. Considering the text above, judge the
[8] In her famous essay the Ecology of following item.
Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature
that contact with nature stimulates creativity. stimulates creativity because many geniuses
Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses" she have presented theories in favour of that.
exposed a common theme: intense experiences of 30. Considering the text above, judge the
the natural world in the middle age of childhood following item.
(between five and 12). Animals and plants, she In paragraph 9, the word "there" refers to
argued, are among "the figures of speech in the social standing
rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular 31. Considering the text above, judge the
of later life, seems to remember". following item.
[9] Studies in several nations show that Being in contact with nature has no substitute
children's games are more creative in green because the greatest joys of nature are
places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural unplanned.
spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning
and observation. The social standing of children ________________________________________________________
there depends less on physical dominance, more
on inventiveness and language skills. TEXT 07
[10] And here we meet another great loss.
Most of those I know who fight for nature are Read the text below.
people who spent their childhoods immersed in
it. Without a feel for the texture and function of There are many different opinions on how much
the natural world, without an intensity of water you should be drinking every day.
engagement almost impossible in the absence of Health authorities commonly recommend eight (
early experience, people will not devote their 8 ) ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or
lives to its protection. half a gallon. This is called the 8x8 rule and is very
[11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, easy to remember.
Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the However, some health gurus believe that you
Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, need to sip on water constantly throughout the
family nature clubs and many others are trying to day, even when you're not thirsty.
bring children and the natural world back As with most things, this depends on the
individual. Many factors (both internal and

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external) ultimately affect your need for water. customers potentially affected by the incident,
which saw the culprits hijack software updates
(https://www.healthline.com) for a widely-used IT monitoring tool called
"Orion" to spread malware, seemingly with the
32. Considering the text above, judge the intention of espionage. The consequences of the
following item. brazen cyber-assault, which was first discovered
You can only drink eight ounce glasses of by security firm FireEye after it too was
water the equivalent of half a gallon to fill infiltrated by the same group, are yet to be
your necessity. understood. But experts fear the hackers' access
could be exploited to steal sensitive information
________________________________________________________ or destroy and falsify government data, and warn
it could take years to fix.
While the full list of victims is unclear — and
Renew or replace your adult passport expanding almost daily — Microsoft said its
teams had identified more than 40 of its
You must be aged 16 or over (or turning 16 in the customers the attackers had aimed at "more
next 3 weeks) if you want an adult passport. precisely and compromised through additional
There's a different process to get a passport for a and sophisticated measures."
It now seems likely the scope of the victims could
The rules for passports, driving, pet travel and be broad. Microsoft said the initial list included
more may change from 1 January 2021. Act now security, technology and non-governmental
so you can travel as planned. organizations (NGOs) alongside the government
targets. It said 80 percent of attacks that it logged
If you're in the UK you can were U.S. based. "This is not 'espionage as usual,'
- renew your passport if it's expired or will expire even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an
soon; act of recklessness that created a serious
- replace your passport if it's been lost, stolen or technological vulnerability for the United States
damaged; and the world," Brad Smith, president of the U.S.
- change the details on your passport. tech giant, wrote on Thursday.
(Adapted from https://www.gov.uk/renew- "The attack unfortunately represents a broad and
adult-passport>) successful espionage-based assault on both the
confidential information of the U.S. government
33. Considering the text above, judge the and the tech tools used by firms to protect them.
following item. The attack is ongoing," the executive continued.
The maximum age to have an adult passport Analysis is ongoing to determine which
is sixteen as you follow the rules for driving companies were impacted by the hack, as just
and pet travel. because an entity used Orion is not evidence that
it was actively compromised.
TEXT 09 Internet: <www.newsweek.com> (adapted).

As American federal authorities and 34. Considering the text above, judge the
cybersecurity experts rush to identify the full following item.
scope of the SolarWinds compromise, the list of Microsoft reported that over three-thirds of
known targets grows. The fallout from the the cyberattacks happened to companies and
cyberattack on the Texas-based software organizations located in the USA.
company appears to be vast, with a slew of 35. Considering the text above, judge the
powerful U.S. government agencies and following item.
businesses seemingly being infected by hackers In "It now seems likely the scope of the
who are believed to be affiliated with Russia. victims could be broad", the word 'likely' is a
synonymous with lovely.
SolarWinds says it has identified 18,000 36. Considering the text above, judge the

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following item.
American cybersecurity experts and federal
authorities are not only in a hurry to solve the
problem, but they are also sure the hackers
are from Russia.
37. Considering the text above, judge the
following item.
SolarWinds is a software company which is
headquartered in Texas.
40. Based on the comic strip presented above,
38. Considering the text above, judge the
judge the following item.
following item.
We can infer from the comic strip that the
The cyberattacks have stopped, but
man who wants to create the website is also
authorities and experts still want to find who
good at using his credit card carelessly.
or what is responsible for such crime.
41. Based on the comic strip presented above,
judge the following item.
The man on the right went away because he
TEXT 10 realized that his friend has a compulsive
online shopping disorder.
Read the text.
Money and happiness
While it is true money can’t buy love or
A deep freeze this week in the Lone Star
happiness, a certain amount is necessary to have
state, which relies on electricity to heat many
a baseline of happiness. Interestingly, from
homes, is causing power demand to skyrocket. At
science we learn that for most people the magic
the same time, natural gas, coal, wind and nuclear
number is between $75 - $ 100K per year. At that
facilities in Texas have been knocked offline by
point we have enough money not to be struggling
the unthinkably low temperatures.
between paychecks, and there is a diminishing
“The extreme cold is causing the entire
return on making more money after that. The
system to freeze up,” said Jason Bordoff, director
nice thing is happiness is more about our habits
of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy
and attitudes that we can control through things
Policy. “All sources of energy are
like exercise, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness,
underperforming in the extreme cold because
etc. regardless of how much or how little money
they’re not designed to handle these unusual
we have. Happiness is a choice and a process, not
a place.
The ripple effects are being felt around
the nation as Texas’ prolific oil-and-gas industry
(https ://www.linkedin.com/pulse)
It’s striking that these power outages are
39. Considering the text above, judge the
happening in a state with abundant energy
following item.
resources. Texas produces more electricity than
Happiness is not all about money but also
any other US state — generating almost twice as
about habits and attitudes being a process in
much as Florida, the next-closest, according to
our lives.
federal statistics.
Wind power is also booming in Texas,
which produced about 28% of all the US wind-
powered electricity in 2019, the EIA said. But the
problem is that not only is Texas an energy
superpower, it tends to be an above-average
temperature state. That means its infrastructure
is ill-prepared for the cold spell currently
wreaking havoc. And the consequences are being
felt by millions.
Critics of renewable energy have pointed

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out that wind turbines have frozen or needed to 46. About ideas stated in the text above and the
be shut down due to the extreme weather. words used in it, judge the following item.
Even though other places with colder In “Natural gas and coal-fired power plants
weather (like Iowa and Denmark) rely on wind need water to stay online. Yet those water
for even larger shares of power, experts said the facilities froze in the cold temperatures and
turbines in Texas were not winterized for the others lost access to the electricity they
unexpected freeze. require to operate”, it is possible to substitute
But this is not just about wind turbines “Yet” for “Even so” without changing the
going down. Natural gas and coal-fired power meaning of the sentence.
plants need water to stay online. Yet those water 47. About ideas stated in the text above and the
facilities froze in the cold temperatures and words used in it, judge the following item.
others lost access to the electricity they require to There are places in the world where wind
operate. power works well in freezing temperatures.
It’s too early to definitively say what went 48. About ideas stated in the text above and the
wrong in Texas and how to prevent similar words used in it, judge the following item.
outages. More information will need to be There are other states, like Florida, that
released by state authorities. Still, some experts produce energy on a level similar to that of
say the criticism of wind power appears Texas.
overdone already. “In terms of the blame game,
the focus on wind is a red herring. It’s more of a ________________________________________________________
political issue than what is causing the power
problems on the grid,” said Dan Cohan, associate TEXT 12
professor of environmental engineering at Rice
University. Perspectives on modern data analytics
The energy crisis in Texas raises also
questions about the nature of the state’s By Eric Knorr - Editor in Chief, CIO | APR 12,
deregulated and decentralized electric grid. 2021 3:00 AM PDT
Unlike other states, Texas has made a conscious
decision to isolate its grid from the rest of the Some things don't change, even during a
country. pandemic. Consistent with previous years, in
That means that when things are running CIO’s 2021 State of the CIO survey, a plurality of
smoothly, Texas can’t export excess power to the 1,062 IT leaders surveyed chose
neighboring states. And in the current crisis, it “data/business analytics” as the No.1 tech
can’t import power either. initiative expected to drive IT investment.
Unfortunately, analytics initiatives seldom do
Internet: <www.cnn.com> (adapted). nearly as well when it comes to stakeholder
42. About ideas stated in the text above and the Last year, CIO contributor Mary K. Pratt offered
words used in it, judge the following item. an excellent analysis of why data analytics
Changes in energy production in Texas are initiatives still fail, including poor-quality or
having an impact across the United States. siloed data, vague rather than targeted business
43. About ideas stated in the text above and the objectives, and clunky one-size-fits-all feature
words used in it, judge the following item. sets. But a number of fresh approaches and
Despite the cold temperatures, energy technologies are making these pratfalls less
production in Texas continued unimpeded. likely.
44. About ideas stated in the text above and the (...)
words used in it, judge the following item. New technology invariably incurs new risks. No
In the last paragraph of the text, “That” refers advancement has had more momentous impact
to the decision by Texas to isolate its energy on analytics than machine learning – from
grid from the rest of the country. automating data prep to detecting meaningful
45. About ideas stated in the text above and the patterns in data – but it also adds an unforeseen
words used in it, judge the following item. hazard. As CSO Senior Writer Lucian Constantin
The text points to the lack of wind as the explains in "How data poisoning attacks corrupt
primary cause for a dip in the production of machine learning models," deliberately skewed
wind energy during the period described. data injected by malicious hackers can tilt models
toward some nefarious goal. The result could be,

ENGEMARINHA - Curso Preparatório Intensivo para a Petrobrás


say, manipulated product recommendations, or

even the ability for hackers to infer confidential
underlying data.
In the end, the secret to successful analytics is not
in choosing and implementing the perfect
technology, but in cultivating a broad
understanding that pervasive analytics yields
better decisions and superior outcomes. Usually,
you can iron out technology kinks or
requirements misunderstandings. But if you can't
change the mindset, few will use the beautiful
analytics machine you just built.

analytics.html.Acesso em: 15 out. 2021.

49. The advancements on machine learning have

always been preventing hackers from
inferring confidential data or manipulating
product recommendations when it comes to
business analytics.
50. According to the CIO’s 2021 State of the CIO
survey, the technology enterprise which will
probably demand IT investment in the near
future will be business analytics.

ENGEMARINHA - Curso Preparatório Intensivo para a Petrobrás


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