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Antonia Barbosa de Sousa Freitas

Mário Eduardo Pinheiro

F8665n Freitas, Antonia Barbosa de Sousa
A new way to english / Antonia Barbosa de Sousa Freitas;
Mário Eduardo Pinheiro. – Teresina : UAB/UESPI/NEAD, 2012.
116 p.

1. Língua inglesa - Conversação. 2.Língua inglesa – Habilidades

de leitura e escrita. I. Antonia Barbosa de Sousa Freitas. II.
Mário Eduardo Pinheiro. III. Título.

CDD: 420
Presidente da República
Dilma Vana Rousseff

Vice-presidente da República
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia

Ministro da Educação
Aloizio Mercadante Oliva

Secretário de Educação a Distância

Carlos Eduardo Bielschowsky

Diretor de Educação a Distância CAPES/MEC

Celso José da Costa

Governador do Piauí
Wilson Nunes Martins

Secretário Estadual de Educação e Cultura do Piauí

Átila de Freitas Lira

Reitor da FUESPI – Fundação Universidade Estadual do Piauí

Carlos Alberto Pereira da Silva

Vice-reitor da FUESPI
Nouga Cardoso Batista

Pró-reitor de Ensino de Graduação – PREG

Marcelo de Sousa Neto

Coordenadora da UAB-FUESPI
Márcia Percília Moura Parente

Coordenador Adjunto da UAB-FUESPI

Raimundo Isídio de Sousa

Pró-reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação – PROP

Isânio Vasconcelos de Mesquita

Pró-reitora de Extensão, Assuntos Estudantis e Comunitários – PREX

Francisca Lúcia de Lima

Pró-reitor de Administração e Recursos Humanos – PRAD

Acelino Vieira de Oliveira

Pró-reitor de Planejamento e Finanças – PROPLAN

Raimundo da Paz Sobrinho

Coordenadora do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Letras Inglês – EAD

Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa
Edição Revisão
UAB - FNDE - CAPES Teresinha de Jesus Ferreira
UESPI/NEAD Ana Cristina Cunha da Silva
Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa
Diretora do NEAD
Márcia Percília Moura Parente Diagramação
Pedro Leonardo de Sousa
Coordenadora do Curso de Licenciatura Magalhães
Plena em Letras – Inglês
Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa Capa
Luiz Paulo de Araújo Freitas
Coordenadora de Tutoria
Lucirene da Silva Carvalho
Campus Poeta Torquato Neto (Pirajá),
Coordenadora de Produção de Material Didático NEAD, Rua João Cabral, 2231, bairro
Cândida Helena de Alencar Andrade Pirajá, Teresina (PI). CEP: 64002-150,
Telefones: (86) 3213-5471 / 3213-1182
Autores do Livro Web: ead.uespi.br
E-mail: eaduespi@hotmail.com
Antonia Barbosa de Sousa Freitas
Mário Eduardo Pinheiro



LET’S BEGIN OUR COURSE / VAMOS COMEÇAR NOSSO CURSO........................... 10

INITIAL INFORMATION / INFORMAÇÕES INICIAIS....................................................... 11
UNIT I – HELLO, HOW ARE YOU?................................................................................. 13
OBJETIVOS ……………………………………………………………….……...................... 13
1.1. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION I – Greetings ................……………....................... 15
1.2. READING I – Sete Cidades and Ubajara: Touristic Information ……............. 17
1.3. GRAMMAR FOCUS I – Wh-Questions …………………………………............ 19
1.4. GRAMMAR FOCUS II – Verb TO BE Present Tense …………………....................... 22
1.5. READING II – Lamar ................................................................................................. 24
1.6. GRAMMAR FOCUS III – Adjectives .......................................................................... 25
1.7. READING III – City of Vancouver ………………………………………........................ 28
1.8. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION II – Family……………………………........................ 32
1.9. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION III – Occupation ……………………........................ 36
1.10. GRAMMAR FOCUS IV – Prepositions …………………………………..................... 39
1.11. GRAMMAR FOCUS V – Simple Present Tense ……………………......................... 40
1.12. READING IV – Personal Information …………………………………........................ 42
RESUMINDO ……………………………………………………………………..................... 45
PALAVRAS AO ALUNO ………………………………………………………........................ 45

UNIT II – WHAT TIME IS IT?............................................................................................ 46

OBJETIVOS .……………………………………………………………………...................... 46
2.1. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION I – Asking / Telling the Time ………....................... 48
2.2. GRAMMAR FOCUS I – How Much / How Many………………………......................... 49
2.3. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION II – Daily Routines ………………........................... 50
2.4. READING I – Very Active at 83 …………………………………………....................... 51
2.5. GRAMMAR FOCUS II – Adverbs of Frequency ………………………....................... 52
2.6. READING II – Parnaíba: the sunset city ………………………………........................ 54
2.7. GRAMMAR FOCUS III – More about Adverbs …………………………..................... 55
2.8. READING III – Karyn’s routine …………………………………………........................ 56

2.9. READING IV – Paul’s Morning ................................................................................. 58
2.10. READING V – Stress Relief ……………………………………………...................... 59
2.11. READING VI – An Unusual Job ………………………………………........................ 61
2.12. READING VII – I’m still studying …………………………………….......................... 62
2.13. GRAMMAR FOCUS IV – Present Continuous Tense ………………........................ 62
2.14. READING VIII - Women›s exercise linked to lower cognitive skill …...................... 66
RESUMINDO ……………………………………………………………………..................... 70
PALAVRAS AOS ALUNOS ……………………………………………………...................... 70

UNIT III – WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AFTER CLASS? ....................................... 71

OBJECTIVES ………………………………………............................................................ 71
3.1. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION – Mary’s Weekend …………………....................... 73
3.2. GRAMMAR FOCUS I – Immediate Future with Going to ……………........................ 74
3.3. GRAMMAR FOCUS II – Simple Future …………………………………..................... 78
3.4. GRAMMAR FOCUS III – More about the Simple Future ……………........................ 80
3.5. GRAMMAR FOCUS IV – Will, Be going to, and Present Continuous ....................... 86
3.6. READING I - A fat tummy shrivels your brain …………………………....................... 86
RESUMINDO ……………………………………………………………………..................... 89
PALAVRAS AOS ALUNOS ……………………………………………………...................... 89

UNIT IV – WHERE WERE YOU BORN? ……………………………………..................... 90

OBJETIVOS ……………………………………………………………………....................... 90
4.1. TOPICS FOR CONVERSATION I – I was born in Parnaíba …………...................... 92
4.2. READING I – Botanical Garden …………………………………………...................... 92
4.3. READING II – Cold Feet …………………………………………………...................... 93
4.4. GRAMMAR FOCUS I – Past Tense of Verb TO BE …………………........................ 94
4.5. READING III – New Students in Town …………………………………....................... 96
4.6. GRAMMAR FOCUS II – Simple Past Tense ……………………………..................... 97
4.7. READING IV – The Computer ……………………………………………..................... 102
4.8. READING V – A day in London …………………………………………....................... 102
4.9. READING VI – They lived in peace ……………………………………........................ 105
4.10. READING VII – Shocking News ………………………………………....................... 108
RESUMINDO ……………………………………………………………………..................... 112
PALAVRAS AOS ALUNOS ……………………………………………………...................... 112
REFERÊNCIAS / REFERENCES ……………………………………………...................... 113

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês




Bem vindos ao nosso curso. É com imensa satisfação que apresentamos a vocês
esse material, que é fruto de meses de esforço e dedicação. Esperamos que ele alcance seu
objetivo maior, que é o de introduzir os alunos do Curso de Letras / Inglês na modalidade EAD
ao objeto maior de estudo do curso, a Língua Inglesa.
Este livro é o primeiro de uma coleção de cinco volumes que lhe acompanharão durante
os cinco primeiros semestres do curso de Letras Inglês. Este primeiro volume encontra-se
dividido em 4 (quatro) unidades, em uma ordem lógica e progressiva de conteúdo, cada uma
delas contendo as seguintes subseções:
você a praticar o idioma através de diálogos curtos e contextualizados. É o momento de
praticar suas habilidades para desenvolver sua aprendizagem.
2. READING (LEITURA), subseção que lhe apresenta textos atuais e interessantes,
para que você possa aprimorar sua habilidade de leitura e interpretação.
3. GRAMMAR FOCUS (FOCO GRAMATICAL), subseção a partir da qual você
aprende conceitos e estruturas gramaticais vistas nas seções anteriores e / ou posteriores,
sempre com muito exercício prático.
Dentro de cada uma das seções listadas acima, estão presentes várias atividades de
LISTENING (OUVIR), indicando que esse é um momento no qual você deve ouvir com muita
atenção os diálogos e / ou músicas sugeridos no livro, para aprimorar sua capacidade de
entendimento, além de ampliar sua capacidade de se comunicar.
Você encontrará também muitas atividades de WRITING (ESCREVER), ou seja,
um indicativo de que agora é o momento de praticar o que aprendeu a partir da escrita de
pequenos textos, todos relacionados aos temas de cada unidade.
Acreditamos que esse material seja útil para seu aprendizado, e esperamos que você
se torne cada vez mais confiante no seu aprendizado da língua inglesa.


A New Way To English - Volume 1


Durante leitura desse material você perceberá o uso de alguns ícones. Fique atento,
pois cada um deles lhe trará alguma informação importante:

São seus exercícios de escuta. Devem auxiliá-lo a

desenvolver sua habilidade de entender o que ouve
em língua inglesa. Ouça tantas vezes quantas achar
necessário para compreender.

São textos que devem ser lidos e interpretados.

Sua oportunidade de se desenvolver através da sua

habilidade de escrita. Aproveite!

Fale o que já aprendeu. Fale, fale muito! Repita várias

vezes, quantas vezes você considerar necessário
para se sentir seguro (a).

Você sabia? Mate a sua curiosidade com relação a

diferentes aspectos da língua inglesa e esclareça
pontos e contra pontos.

Sugestões de leituras complementares sobre o

assunto sendo estudado, ou sobre os temas das
leituras incluídas neste livro.
Sempre que aparecer este ícone estaremos pedindo
que você pratique o que você acaba de estudar, seja
pela fala, seja pela escrita. Praticar é fundamental
para internalizar o idioma estrangeiro que você quer


•Utilizarem corretamente os cumprimentos em Inglês;
•Aprenderem o alfabeto em inglês;
•Serem capazes de soletrar em inglês;
•Saberem fazer perguntas usando as palavras com WH;
•Utilizarem corretamente o Simple Present Tense;
•Reconhecerem os principais usos das preposições ON / IN /TO /
FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês




Ao chegar Ao sair
Hello Bye bye
Hi Good bye

Good morning: para saudações antes do meio dia.

Good afternoon: para saudações após o meio dia.
Good evening: para saudações após as 18h
Good night: para despedidas à noite

Você já ouviu falar destes pronomes de tratamento?

Men Women
Mr. (mister) Mrs. (/misiz/)
Ms. (/miz/)

Eles são colocados antes dos sobrenomes das pessoas, para uso cortês ou formal. São sempre
acompanhados de sobrenomes e não dos primeiros nomes, como se usa em Português.

• Mrs – use este pronome somente se você souber que a mulher é casada.
• Miss – use este pronome para uma mulher que não é casada.
• Ms – use este pronome para uma mulher casada ou não.

Men \ women with academic qualifications

Dr. (Doctor) Professor

Professor Polsh Dr. Sulzer
Mr. Philip Madam Sophy
Allan Phipher = Mr. Phipher
Mag Ficher (single) = Miss Fisher
Deborah Flacher (married or not) = Ms. Flacher

Look at this formal conversation

Mrs. Lambert: Hello. Mr. Clark! What a beautiful day, isn’t it?
Mr. Clark: Hello, Mrs. Lambert. Yes, it is a beautiful day.
Mrs. Lambert: Where are you working, Mr. Clark?
Mr. Clark: I’m a Doctor and I work in a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. And you, where are
you working, Mrs. Lambert?
Mrs. Lambert: I’m working with network in São Paulo

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Mr. Clark: Let me introduce you Dr. Philip. He is from Rio de Janeiro.
Mrs. Lambert: I’m glad to meet you, Dr. Philip.
Dr. Philip: I am glad to meet you too, Mrs. Lambert.

Look!! It is easy to spell a word in English!

Listen to the English Alphabet also in YOUTUBE


The English Alphabet


Now spell the alphabet and repeat it aloud:

How do you spell your name? A-B-C-D-E-F-G
1. P- e- d- r- o. Pedro. Q-R-S
1. Now spell these names in English. W-X
Y and Z
a. Pedro. P- e- d- r- o Now I›ve sung my ABC›s
b. Antonio: A-n-t-ô-n-i-o Next time won›t you sing with
c. David: D-a-v-i-d me?
d. Wesley: W-e-s-l-e-y
e. Maria: M-a-r-i-a

2. Read the conversation below and pay attention to the underlined sentence:
A) Park Restaurant, good morning.
B) It’s Washington. I want to make a reservation, a table for two for tonight.
A) Ok. How do you spell Washington ?
B) W-a-s-h-i-n-g-t-o-n.
A) Right, your reservation is made.
A) Not at all.

3. Look and listen to the conversations below:

Conversation 1:
A. Hi, Pat.
B. Oh! Hi, Bob. Bob, this is Mr. Parkinson,
our new chemistry professor.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

A. Hello, Mr. Parkinson. Nice to meet you!

C. Nice to meet you, too.
A. How do you spell your name?
C. It’s P-a-r-k-i-n-s-o-n.
A. Thank you, Mr. Parkinson!
C. Ok. You’re welcome.

Conversation 2:
Figure 1. Conversation 1.
Riiiiinnnng! Trimmmmm! Ring, riiiiiing
Fonte: BARBOSA, 2012.

A) Hello, it´s Michael Double, is Brenda there?

B) Hello, Michael! It’s Brenda Mayer.
A) Oh, nice! I’ve sent you a letter. Hey, is M-a-i-e-r or M-a-y-e-r.
How do you spell that?
B) My name? It’s easy! It is B-r-e-n-d-a M-a-y-e-r. Figure 2. Telephone talking.
Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art
4. Now, answer these questions: http://www.pdclipart.org/

Who is Mr. Parkinson? ______________________________.

Who’s on the phone? _______________________________.
Why has he called Brenda? __________________________.
How do you spell her name?__________________________.

5. Listen again and check your answers!

6. Complete the conversations below using the words and

expression from the box on the right. Each word must be
used only once:
1. A: __________________, are you Professor Polsh?
B: Yes, I am. ____________________? Nice to see you
2. C: Hello, Sarah. ___________________? Fine, thanks
D: ___________________, and you? Excuse me
3. E: _________________, David! How do you do
How are you
F: Nice to see you too!


Sete Cidades and Ubajara: Tourist Information.


Sete Cidades is a natural park in the Northeast of Brazil, in the state of Piauí, near the towns
of Piripiri and Piracuruca. In the National Park of Sete Cidades you will find unique geological

A New Way To English - Volume 1

rock formations of great beauty. Enigmas have always surrounded these strange formations.
In the park there are some wild animals, but they are very difficult to spot.
Close to Sete Cidades there is the National Park of Ubajara, where you can go on some
excursions. The most interesting sights in Ubajara are a grotto and the waterfalls.

Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011.

Figure 3: Sete Cidades – Piauí

Fonte: BARBOSA, 2012

a) What is this text about?

b) Which National Park is close to Sete Cidades?
c) What can we find in those Parks?
d) What are the most interesting sights in Ubajara?
e) Where is Sete Cidades located?
f) How can we go there?

Se você está interessado em saber mais sobre Sete

Cidades visite o site: http://vsites.unb.br/ig/sigep/
sitio025/ sitio025.htm. Lá você pode ver também
como chegar ao Parque, com mapas e outras fotos.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


WH- questions:


Wh- Questions allow a speaker to find out more information about topics. They are as
When? Time

Where? Place

Who? Person

Why? Reason

How? Manner

What? Object/Idea/Action
Practice what you have just learned by answering the questions below:

A) Write three short conversations on your own.

1 A: _________________________?

B: Yes, _________________________?

2 C: Hello, ______ ____________?

D: ____________,_____ ______?

3 E: ____________,_______!

F____ ______!

B) Write about yourself

1. What’s your full name?
My full name is _____________________________________
2. What’s your surname?
My surname is _____________________________________
3. What’s your first name?
My name is ________________________________________

C) Now, introduce yourself in a formal situation


A New Way To English - Volume 1

1. Listen to the conversation between Mary and Lucy and note how they
introduce themselves. Then, listen again and complete the empty spaces:

Mary:_______. My name is Mary

Lucy: Hello. My ______is Lucy.
Mary: Where are ___ from, Lucy?
Lucy: ____ from Brazil. And ____, _____you American?
Mary: Yes, I____ from the USA. And you,____________ São
Lucy: No, __ ____ ___. I__________ Rio de Janeiro.
Mary: Can you speak English?
Lucy: _____, ___ ____. I am an ________ teacher.
Mary: Really? Figure 4. Conversation between
Mary and Lucy.
Fonte: BARBOSA, 2012.

3. Listen to these names. Write them in the order you listen. Check your answers:

1. __-__-__-__-__-__ DANIEL
2. __-__-___-__- EDWARD
3. __-__-__-__-__-__ EMILY
4. __-__-___-__- JANE
5. __-__-__-__-__-__ JOHN
6. __-__-__-__-__-__-__ MARY
7. __-__-___-__- MONICA
8. __-__-__-__-__
10.__-__-__-__-__ RAYMOND

Practice with your classmates, talking and writing about what you have
just learned.



In the conversations below you will find the most common English expressions when
you meet someone

Listen to these conversations and repeat after them:

I. A. How do you do? I’m George Hopkins.
B. And I’m David Campbell. How do you do?

II. A. Good morning, my name’s Antonia Golfman.

B. My name’s Marcus. Pleased to meet you, Antonia.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

A. Nice to meet you, Marcus.

III. A. Hello, I’m Emma Poline.

B. My name’s Harold Sulzer. How do you do?

IV. A. Hello, I’m Ermine Polsh.

B. I’m Sarah Washman. Nice to meet you.

V. A. Excuse me, are you Mr. Sulzer?

B. Yes, I am
A. Pleased to meet you, doctor.
B. No, I’m not a doctor
A. Oh, I’m sorry.

• “How do you do?” Esta expressão é normalmente utilizada

quando você já conhece a pessoa que está cumprimentando.
A resposta, em geral, é igual à pergunta: “How do you do?”
• Para cumprimentar alguém você também poderá dizer tanto
“Nice to meet you” como “Pleased to meet you”. Ambos
significam “prazer em conhecer”.
• Hello ... How are you? Este cumprimento costuma exigir
uma resposta positiva e genérica, como Very well, Thank
you ou I’m fine, thanks. Fine, Nice, ok etc... nada de sair
por aí dizendo seu “quadro clínico”!

Assign each greeting the most likely answer:

1 Excuse me, are you Mr. Sulzer? ( )
2 How do you do? ( )
3 How are you? ( )
4 Hello, I’m Vilany Rodriguez. ( )
5 Hi Sarah! Nice to see you. ( )
a) I’m fine, thanks.
b) Pleased to meet you, Ms. Rodriguez.
c) Yes. I am.
d) How do you do?
e) Nice to see you too, Vilany.

Look at the example!

a) Hello, Yoshito. Where are you from?
b) I’m from Japan. I’m Japanese and you, where are you from, Pat?
a) I’m from Brazil. I’m Brazilian.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

• I come from ... Generally it is referred to the place you were

born, to your hometown.
Eg: I come from New York.
• Other way is:
My Home town is ...
Eg: My Home town is New York
• I live in ... refers to the place you live at the present time.
Nation Nationality
Brazil……………… Brazilian
USA…………..…… North American
France…………….. French
Ireland…………….. Irish
Germany………….. German
England…………… English

Now search wherever possible about the countries you want to know, list
them here, put nation and nationalities.

Nation Nationality


Verb TO BE
Present Simple
I am I’m we are we’re
you are you’re you are you’re
he is he’s / she is she’s / it is it’s they are they’re

Positive Negative Question

I’m French I’m not French Am I English?
She/he’s English she/he isn’t French Is she/he English?
It’s Portuguese It isn’t Spanish Is it Spanish?
We’re Italian We aren’t French Are we English?
They’re Chinese They aren’t French Are they English?

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Turn them into questions

1 She’s American _______________________________________________

2. They’re English_________________________________________________
3. You’re French__________________________________________________

Say about yourself!

1. What’s your name?

My name is ____________________________________
2. Where do you come from?
I come from ____________ (name of country or home town).
3. Where do you live?
I live in ____________ (name of town).
4. Where is your house? __________________________________________
5. How old are you? ______________________________________________
6. What is your email address? _____________________________________
7. Who are your favorite friends? ____________________________________
8. When did you start studying English? ______________________________
9. What’s your occupation? ________________________________________

Follow the example and practice writing the answers and talking with
your classmates

Where is it?

A: Where’s the Eiffel Tower? B: It’s in Paris / It’s in France.

1. The Royal Ontario Museum? 4. The Empire State Building?

___________________ ______________________
2. The Prado Museum? 5. The Taj Mahal?
___________________ ________________________
3. The Great Wall? 6. The Kremlin?
___________________ ________________________

Write sentences with the verb “to be” in the negative form:
1 ____________________________________________________
2 ____________________________________________________
3 ____________________________________________________
4 ______________________________________________________________
5 ______________________________________________________________
6 ______________________________________________________________

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Now put them in the interrogative form:

1 ______________________________________________________________
2 ______________________________________________________________
3 ______________________________________________________________
4 ______________________________________________________________
5 ______________________________________________________________
6 ______________________________________________________________


Read about Lamar and then write about yourself.

“My name’s Lamar
I’m Algerian and I’m from Algiers. I’m a doctor and I work in a hospital. I love
languages and they are my hobby. I speak Arabic, French, English, Hungarian
and Russian – and I also speak a little German! My English is quite good but my
Russian is very bad.
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011.
Write about yourself.


Organize the conversation. Number from 1 to 5

A. Hello? Hello, this is Mário.

B. Is Valery there? ( )

A. Sure. Does she have your number?

B. Yes!! She has. ( )

A. I’m sorry, she isn’t here right now, she’s working.

B. Can you ask her to call me at my work? ( )

A. You’re welcome!
B. Bye. ( )

A. Ok. I’ll tell her.

B. Thank you very much!! ( )

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Look at the conversations below. Which one of them is formal? Mark (I) for informal and
(SF) semi-formal:

1 ( ) Vilany: Hello, David. Nice to see you again. How are you?
David: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Vilany: Very well, thanks. David, do you know Tong Pong? Tong Pong, this is David
Campbell, he’s our project director in Vietnam.
David: Pleased to meet you, Tong Pong.
Tong Pong: How do you do, Mr. Campbell?

2 ( ) Vilany: Hello Sarah. How are things with you?

Sarah: Ok, thanks, Vilany. Oh, this is Chris. He’s my son. Chris, this is Vilany, my friend from
Chris: Hi.
Vilany: Hello, Chris.

3 ( ) Vilany: Hello, Mrs Simpsom. How are things with you?

Sarah: Fine thanks, Mr. Vilany. Oh, this is Mr Chris Parkson. He’s my Partner. Chris, this is
Mr. Vilany, from Manchester.
Chris: Hi. I’m glad to meet you
Vilany: Hello, I’m glad to meet you too, Mr Parkson.



Os adjetivos vêm antes dos substantivos que eles qualificam. Mas podem apresentar-se
depois de verbos que expressam sentidos tais como: to be, to feel, to taste, etc...

I’m a good student. You feel bad today.

She is beautiful. It tastes good.
This apple tastes good.

Degree of Adjectives
We use the degree of adjectives to compare something or somebody to other thing or

Short adjectives (only one syllable)

– We use the ending -ER at the end of adjectives + than:
Tall – taller than
Big – bigger than
E.g.: Pedro is taller than Mike.
Paris is bigger than Lion.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Long adjectives (three or more syllables)

We use more before the adjectives + than
E.g.: I think Miami is more interesting than Orlando.
Teresina is more beautiful than Aracajú.

We use less before the adjectives + than
E.g.: I think Orlando is less interesting than Miami.
In my opinion, Toronto is less exciting than New York.

We use as + adjective + as
E.g.: Rio de Janeiro is as interesting as São Paulo.
I think Pall is not as tall as James.

List the adjectives:

Short adjectives:

Long adjectives:

Use comparative forms to describe your city, your friends and relatives.
Comparison of Superiority with Short adjectives

Comparison of Superiority with Long adjectives


Comparison of Inferiority with Long adjectives


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Comparison of Inferiority with short adjectives


Comparison of equality


We use the superlative degree to compare something or somebody to a group it


The superlative degree

Superlative of superiority with short adjectives:

We use the + adjective + EST

Example: Paul is the tallest student in my class.

Superlative of superiority with long adjectives:

We use the most + long adjective

Example: Miami is the most interesting city I know.

Superlative of inferiority:

We use the least + long adjective

Example: I think broadcasting is the least interesting program on TV.

Pre- Reading task:

What do you know about Canada?


Search about Canada’s most populous cities.


A New Way To English - Volume 1

What is Canada like, in your opinion?



City of Vancouver

Figure 5. Vancouver
Fonte: Stock Photo.

Vancouver is a coastal seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. It is the
center of Greater Vancouver, which, with over 2.3 million residents, is the third most populous
metropolitan area in the country (after Toronto and Montreal), and the most populous in Western
Canada1. The city is ethnically and linguistically diverse2, with 52% for whom English is not
their first language.

Vancouver enjoys an international reputation as the world’s most livable city, reinforced again
in 2009 by The Economist. Vancouver also ranks among the greenest cities3 in the world,
thanks to bold decisions made by our predecessors, such as protecting the watersheds of the
North Shore mountains, creating Stanley Park, maintaining public access to long stretches of
the waterfront, and rejecting freeways through the city.

More recently, Vancouver was one of the first cities in the world to recognize the gravity of
the threat posed by climate change, with the Clouds of Change Task Force4 recommending
in 1990 that we begin reducing CO2 emissions. Today, residents have the smallest carbon
footprint in North America. Vancouver is full of inspired, creative people, with a great deal
of passion on environmental issues. Despite our natural advantages, environmental values,
and history of leadership, Vancouver is still far from achieving environmental sustainability.
We continue to consume vast quantities of resources and produce prodigious volumes of
greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and solid waste. Our ecological footprints
are three to four times larger than the Earth can sustain. The implications are clear: we must
find ways to lighten our footprint while at the same time improving our enviable quality of life.
Fonte: BOYD, 2011. p.11

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Assuntos sobre os quais você pode se interessar:

1. Maiores informações sobre o Canadá: veja no site: http://www.
2. Sobre Multiculturalismo no Canada, leia HUTCHEON, Linda. Other
Solitudes: Multicultural Fiction and Interviews. Toronto: Oxford
University Press. 1991.
3. Sobre as cidades mais verdes do planeta, e a campanha de Vancouver
para tornar-se a mais verde de todas, acesse http://vancouver.ca/
greenestcity/PDF/ Vancouver2020-ABrightGreenFuture.pdf
4. Sobre a Força Tarefa Nuvens da Mudança veja o relatório final em http://
vancouver.ca/sustainability/ documents/ CloudsofChangeVol1.pdf

1. Answer about the text:

a) Where is Vancouver?
b) What is Vancouver’s international reputation?
c) What has the city of Vancouver first recognized?
d) How are the people of Vancouver described in the text?
e) What do the people of Vancouver has to do to help making the city greener?
f) Take sentences from the text as examples of superlatives.

2. Complete each conversation using the adjectives in parentheses

A: What is the ______________city in Brazil? (Big)
B: I think it’s São Paulo. Isn’t it?
A: Is the Amazon ______________________river in the world? (Wide)
B: Yes, but I don’t think it is _____________________. (Long)
A: I think Toronto is ________________city in Canada. (Rich)
B: Maybe, but Vancouver is ________________(wealthy)
A: I think Lake Superior is ________________lake in North America. (Large)
B: Maybe, but Vancouver is ________________cities in Canada (interesting)

A New Way To English - Volume 1

3. Complete the sentences with an adjective in the superlative form. Use the words in
the box:

a) Monaco is _________________country in the world. It is tiny.

b) Mount Everest is _____________________mountain in the world.
c) New York is ________________________City in the US.
d) Brazil is _______________________country in South America

tall large big crowded

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective. Use the words in

1. A: Which dress is __________ (pretty), the yellow one or the green one?
B: Well, the green one is silk. And silk is ____________ (expensive) polyester.

2. A: Is this blue T-shirt ____________ (large) the red and white one?
B: No, the red and white one is ___________ (big). It’s a medium. The blue one is a small.

3. A: Look at these pants! Which one do you like ___________ (good)?

B: I prefer the green cotton ones. They’re ____________ (stylish) the wool ones.

Pair Work: Compare the things in part A. Give your own opinions.

E.g.: A: Which dress do you like more?

B: I like the yellow one better. The design is nicer.

5. Listen to the following song and complete the missing words.

dignity failed
me never
Greatest Love of All anyone children
lead easier
Whitney Houston succeed achieve

I believe the ______________are our future

Teach them well and let them _________the way A música está disponível para
Show them all the beauty they possess inside ouvir em: http://suriyanto.net/
Give them a sense of pride to make it _______ oldies/oldiesmusic/the-greatest-
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be html
Ouça online, não faça
Everybody searching for a hero download, respeite os direitos
People need someone to look up to autorais.
I never found ________who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be, so I learned to depend on _____________
I decided long ago __________________to walk in anyone’s shadow

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

If I_________________, if I_______________, at least I lived as I believed.

No matter what they take from me they can’t take away my _____________

Because the greatest love of all is happening to me

I found the greatest love of all inside of me

The greatest love of all

Is easy to ___________learning to love yourself,
it is the greatest love of all
And if by chance that special place
That you’ve been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love
Fonte: http://letras.terra.com.br/whitney-houston/63099/traducao.html

Make sentences with the superlatives.

Superlatives of superiority with Short adjectives


Superlatives of Superiority with Long adjectives


Superlatives of inferiority with Long adjectives


Superlatives of inferiority with short adjectives


Comparison of equality

A New Way To English - Volume 1


Search wherever possible some adjectives related to Family and write sentences with

Family Members Example

Father and mother John Nelsen is my father and Priscilla Welsh is
my mother. They are my relatives.
Sister and Brother
Uncle and Aunt
Nephew and niece
Grandfather and
Son and daughter

Figure 6: Family Tree

Fonte: Adapted from www.smartkids.com

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Observe Hannah’s family tree and determine the family relationship among them:
Jimmy: _______________ Christopher: _______________
Martha and John: _______________ Sam: _______________
Donna: _______________ Liza: _______________
Ann: _______________

Find words in B to make pairs with the words in A.

1. Aunt
2. Niece
3. Daughter
4. Sister
5. Mother
6. Wife

( ) brother ( ) father ( ) husband
( ) nephew ( ) son ( ) uncle

Personality traits:
Look up in a dictionary the meaning of these words below:
boring hardworking
bad tempered creative
impatient critical
disorganized efficient
unfriendly patient
generous level-headed
serious moody
reliable strict
punctual critical
level-headed forgetful

Write sentences with the words above:


A New Way To English - Volume 1


Look up in a dictionary the meaning of the words below:

skirt \ dress \ shorts \ hat \ blazer \ trouser \ jeans \ shoes \ trainers \ suit \ scarf \ blouse \
t-shirt \ sweater \ shirt \ raincoat \ jacket \ tie \ boots \ swimsuit \ vest \ gloves \ pants.

short \ fairly short \ tall \ medium height \ pretty tall

fat \ thin \ slim \ wide \ small \ big

Hair color \ style

blonde \ Curly hair \ Curly red hair \ fair \ dark \ brown \ grey \ long brown hair \ short blonde
hair \ bald \ mustache \ beard.

Write sentences with the words above


Now talk about your family and describe those ones whom you like the most:

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

1 Describe those people and say what they are wearing:

Figure 7. Female Figures

Fonte: Adapted from Public Domain Clip Art
http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

A ________________________________________________________________________

Figure 8. Male Figures.

Fonte: Adapted from Public Domain
Clip Art
http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

Now describe illustrations D, E and F
E _______________________________________________________________________
F ________________________________________________________________________

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Now describe the personality of those people below:

a) My mother – _____________________________________________________________
b) My teacher - _____________________________________________________________
c) My favorite TV star - _______________________________________________________
d) My best friend – ___________________________________________________________



What do you do?

A: What do you do?
B: I’m a student and what about you? What do you do?
A: I’m a nurse. Tell me, what does Mary do?
B: She is a teacher, I think.
A. Isn’t she a professor? I believe she works at the State University.
B. Maybe you’re right. One of my friends is studying there, I will ask her.
A. Ok. Now, I have to go. I have an appointment in 30 minutes. See you later.
A. See you.

Look at the pictures and mark the occupations.

• Drives a taxi or a cab ( )
• Cuts hair ( )
• Flies planes ( )
• Sells things in a shop ( )
• Studies ( )
• Works in an office ( )

1 2 3
FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

4 5 6
Figure 9. Occupations.
Fonte: Adapted from Microsoft Office Cliparts

Write sentences about these ocupations and say what they usually do.

What is the most stressful job?

What is the most tiring job?
What is the most boring job?
What is the most dangerous job?

Now look for information about occupations and make up new sentences. Remember to
describe each occupation. Follow the example:

Professions Example
Doctor He / She examines patients, operates, give diagnostics, etc.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Write a short text about your occupations


O Mapa Mental

Para desenvolver seu vocabulário sugerimos que você adote a estratégia

de formação de mapas mentais (mental maps), também chamados mapas
semânticos (semantic maps). Acreditamos que isso poderá lhes ajudar na
aprendizagem e fixação de novos vocábulos bem como na e organização
deles por proximidade de relação ou de função.
Junte todas as palavras que estão relacionadas por associação de suas
funções e forme grupos de palavras-chave sobre um determinado termo
ou local. Por exemplo, você pode fazer uma lista das profissões que você
conhece, ou fazer uma lista das coisas de sua gaveta, objetos da cozinha, etc.
Vejamos como seria o mapa semântico de uma cozinha:
• Cozinha, fogão, pia, torneira, armário, panelas, geladeira, armários,
Microondas, etc.
Dentro de cada mapa você ainda pode fazer um mapa semântico para geladeira
com tudo que há nela, ou de tudo que há na dispensa, na gaveta e assim por
diante. Tudo vai depender da sua vontade. Consulte seu dicionário, seu livro,
gramáticas, revistas, etc. E bom estudo!!
Maiores informações: http://www.criatividadeaplicada.dreamhosters. com/

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês






Complete the two semantic maps below with the adjectives you consider as positive
and negative:

Positive Negative
Adjectives Adjectives



Prepositions are small words that connect two elements in a sentence or phrase.
E.g.: In / On / At / From / To
Note the examples below:

We live in Teresina.
We travel to Rio de Janeiro on Sunday.
Shirley is at school now.
Where do you come from? I’m from Brazil.
I travel to Teresina.

Write sentences with these prepositions:


A New Way To English - Volume 1

Complete with the correct preposition:

a) I go to Pedro II _____Monday.
b) We start to walk _____five o’clock.
c) Our English class is _____Wednesday.
d) We visit you _____Tuesday.
e) We live ______Teresina.
f) We go to Canada ______November.
h) I’ll wait for you ______home.


Simple Present Tense

Formation: verb in infinitive without to (bare infinitive).
In the third person we add -s.

Exception: Verbs that end in ch, sh, s, ss, x, z and zz form the third person by adding –es:

watch – watches
wish – wishes
boss – bosses
box - boxes
bus – buses
buzz - buzzes
do – does

Exception of the exception: If the verb ends in -y and is preceded by a consonant, the -y
is changed to ‘i’ and -es is added.

worry - worries
study – studies

We use the simple present tense to describe things that happen regularly and general truths.
Examples: I always go to school. The sun shines.
This tense is used with:
• Verbs of emotion, e. g. like, love, hate, want: I hate revising.
• Verbs of thinking, e. g. think, know, understand.
Affirmative sentences
We use subject + verb. If the subject is he or she, we add –s or -es to the verb.
Examples: I work; You work; He works; She works.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Negative sentences
We use subject + don’t /doesn’t + verb.
Examples: I don´t work; you don’t work; He doesn’t work; She doesn’t work.

To form questions, we use do/does + subject.
Examples: Do you work?; Does he work?; Does she work?

Affirmative short answers Negative Short answers

Yes, I do No, I don’t
Yes, he does No, he doesn’t
Yes, she does No, he doesn’t

Listen to the song below and complete the missing words. Afterward you
can sing it along!

I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

Composição: Benny Andersson, Stig Anderson & Björn Ulvaeus

Love me or leave me 

make your choice but believe m  Love Leave
I love you  You Me
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do  Me Do
I can’t conceal it Make Choice
don’t you see, can’t you feel it Believe See
Don’t you do
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Oh, I’ve been dreaming through my lonely past
now I just made it, I found you at last
so come on now let’s try it
I love you, can’t deny it
’cos it’s true
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do A música está disponível para ouvir
Oh, no hard feelings between ______and ____ em: http://www.songstube.net/video.
if we can’t make it, but just wait and see php?title=I%20Do%2C%20I%20Do%2C%20
so come on now let’s try it I%20Do%2C%20I%20Do%2C%20I%20
I love you, can’t deny it
’cos it’s true Ouça online, não faça download, respeite os
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do direitos autorais.
So love me or leave me
_______your ______but ________me
I love you

A New Way To English - Volume 1

I do, I do, I do, I do, I do

I can’t conceal it
don’t you _____can’t you feel it
don’t you too?
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Fonte: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/abba/i+do+i+do+i+do+i+do+i+do_20002884.html


Personal description

Hi, I’m Mario Eduardo and I´m thirty years

old. I’m 7 feet 9 inches tall with black eyes
and dark hair. I’m from Brazil. I was born
in Pedro II, in the state of Piauí. Pedro II
is a beautiful place to live in. It is close to
Teresina, the capital of the state. Now, I’m
living in Parnaíba city, which is located in
the northwestern coast. Here we have a
beautiful sunset. In the evening I usually Figura 11. Mário Eduardo in Parnaíba
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011
meet my friends near the Igaraçu River.
We always talk about our daily routine and plans for our life. When I’m traveling abroad I like
to meet interesting and kind people, I don’t feel like meeting boring and mean people. What
about you? What do you like to do? What do you always do? What kind of people do you like
to meet? Write me an email saying all these things about yourself.
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011.

Se você quer saber mais sobre as cidades de Pedro II e Parnaíba,

veja no site da PIEMTUR: http://www.anderson soares.com.br/

1. Read and write a question to each sentence.

a) He is thirty years old.
How ______________________________________________________?
b) Mario is 7 feet 9 inches. How___________________________________________?
c) Interesting and kind.
What kind__________________________________________________?
d) Boring and mean people.
What kind__________________________________________________?
e) I’m from Brazil. _____________________________________________________?
f) In the evening I usually meet my friends near the Igaraçu river. __________________
g) Now, I’m living in Parnaiba city. _________________________________________?

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

2. Rewrite the text above in the third person. _____________________________________


3. Are there any touristic places in your city? Write about them!

Complete the conversations below:

A: Where ____you _________?

B: I ______in Teresina.
A: What ______ you ____?
B: ________a college student.
A: _______________________?
B: It’s 7:00.

Fill in the blanks with Do, Does, or any form of the verb to be:
a) _________your parents from New York?
b) What ________your brother ____?
c) ________you work full time?
d) How often _______your sister visit your parents?


A) Before reading, answer these questions:

Why do you need a job?

Scan the profiles. Who is in high school?
Who is in college?

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Who is a new parent?


B) These people need jobs. Read about their schedules, experience, and say: why do
they need a job?

Susan Pinheiro: ____________________________________________________________

Karin Dakota: ______________________________________________________________
Matheus Philip: _____________________________________________________________

Susan Pinheiro Karin Dakota Matheus Philip

I don’t have time to My husband and I have I’m 16 now, and I don’t
work, but I need a job a new baby. He makes a get an allowance from
because college is very good salary, but we don’t my parents anymore.
expensive. I study art, save very much money. I need to earn some
I have class all day on We want to save some money because I like to
Mondays, Wednesdays, money to buy a house. I go out on the weekend
and Fridays, and on take care of the baby, so with my friends. I go to
Tuesdays and Thursday I need a job I can do at school every day from
mornings. I usually study home. I know how to type, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. My
on weekends. I don’t have and I have a computer. father owns a restaurant,
any experience, but I can so I know a little about
learn quickly. restaurant work.

Figure 12. People Faces.

Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art
http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


Na unidade que se encerra, apontamos parte dos elementos fundamentais à aprendizagem

da Língua Inglesa, ao apresentar a vocês, nossos estudantes, os principais cumprimentos em
inglês, as formas do verbo TO BE no presente, os adjetivos e seus graus, os membros da
família, algumas das profissões mais conhecidas, e o Presente Simples dos demais verbos.
Além disso, foi também apresentado como elaborar um MAPA MENTAL, que pode ser muito
útil em seu aprendizado. Dessa forma, tentou-se consolidar os conceitos apresentados a
partir de exemplos, com textos para SPEAKING, a prática do LISTENING, do READING e do
WRITING, além de terem sidos sugeridos sites de pesquisa e leituras complementares.


Caros alunos,
A Unidade I nos apresentou parte dos elementos fundamentais à aprendizagem da disciplina
Língua inglesa I. A partir dessa primeira parte do estudo você estará preparado para compreender
com mais facilidade os aspectos morfológicos da Língua Inglesa e saber expressar de forma
mais dinâmica alguns de seus aspectos gramaticais. Nesse momento, você deve ser capaz
de cumprimentar em inglês, além de construir frases no presente para dizer o que pensa
e sente. De ser capaz também de conversar sobre as profissões que conhece, bem como
reconhecer os membros de uma família no idioma que ora estuda. Portanto, esperamos que
continue seu estudo com muita vontade de aprender, que aproveite ao máximo seu estudo de
língua inglesa.


• Utilizar corretamente os números em inglês para perguntar /
dizer as horas, datas, números de telefone;
• Identificar os principais advérbios de frequência em inglês;
• Reconhecer os principais advérbios de modo em inglês;
• Saber usar adequadamente o Present Continuous Tense
FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês



Let’s see how to say the NUMBERS in English, so that you can learn how to tell the


0 zero
1 one 11 eleven 30 thirty
2 two 12 twelve 40 forty
3 three 13 thirteen 50 fifty
4 four 14 fourteen 60 sixty
5 five 15 fifteen 70 seventy
6 six 16 sixteen 80 eighty
7 seven 17 seventeen 90 ninety
8 eight 18 eighteen 100 a hundred
9 nine 19 nineteen 500 five hundred
10 ten 20 twenty 1000 a thousand

Listen to the NUMBERS also in


Listen to the conversation, and, if you wish, you can also watch the video on
YOUTUBE.COM to learn how to tell the time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_

MARY: Hello, Susan. How are you?

SUSAN: I am fine, thanks. And you?
MARY. Fine. What time is it, please?
SUSAN: It’s ten fifteen
MARY: Augh! I am late! I have to go. Bye!!
SUSAN. Bye!!

What time is it?

It’s seven o’clock 7:00
It’s a quarter past eight 8:15
It’s half past four 4:30 Figure 13. Telling the Time.
It’s forty past three 3:40 Fonte: BARBOSA, 2012
Put the words in the correct order.
1. 5:45 six to a quarter - a quarter to six
2. 7:30 past half seven ____________________________________________
3. 8:15 eight quarter past __________________________________________
4. It’s o’clock 11.00 _______________________________________________

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Write the numbers in full:

Example: 2.30 half past twelve
1) 4:00 pm ____________________________________
2) 5:15 ______________________________________________________
3) 6:45 ______________________________________________________
4) 8:30 ______________________________________________________
5) 10 p.m. ___________________________________________________

Practice telling the time. Use the time in exercise

Example: What’s the time?
It’s half past two. 2:30
What time is it?
8:30 ___________________________________________________________
7:50 ___________________________________________________________
3:10 ___________________________________________________________
4:15 ___________________________________________________________
2:45 ___________________________________________________________
3:50 ___________________________________________________________
7:00 ___________________________________________________________



How much do these cost in your country? Complete the chart.
Then compare the prices in your country with the prices in the U. S.

Price in my country Price in U. S.

A Newspaper …………………………….. $ .75
A cup of coffee ……………………………... $ 1,00
A CD …………………………….. $ 17,99
A paperback book …………………………….. $ 7,95
Many things are more expressive in my country than in the United States. For example,
a newspaper costs one dollar at home. In the U. S. it’s cheaper. It’s only 75 cents.

What about a cup of coffee? How much is it?_________________________

How much does a CD cost?_______________________________________
How much does a DVD cost?_______________________________________

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

1. How many oranges are there in the box?

There are twenty oranges in the box.

2. How many books are there in the back bag?

There are four books in the back bag.


Para usarmos corretamente HOW MUCH e HOW MANY, é importante entendermos

o conceito de Palavras Contáveis e Palavras Incontáveis.
Em geral, nós podemos dizer que countable nouns, como está implícito no próprio
nome, referem-se a objetos que podem ser contados individualmente. Eles  têm
sua forma plural e singular.
Ex.: car, train, book, elephant, parrot, shirt, two books, two dogs, seven chairs, etc.
Uncountable nouns nomeiam substantivos que não são contados em unidades
individuais ou pedaços, mas eles são medidos ou pesados.
Ex.: Air, light, strength, water, money, coffee and rice.
Para mais informações: http://www.steacher.pro.br/uncountable.pdf

Now it’s time to calculate: write the answers in full.

a) 100 + 39=_____________________________________________________
b) 97 +200=______________________________________________________
c) 12 + 38=______________________________________________________
d) 200 – 38=_____________________________________________________
e) 65 + 13=______________________________________________________
f) 15 x 5 =_______________________________________________________


Figure 14. Paul does his homework every day.
Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

Answer these questions giving your own information:

1. What time do you get up every day?


A New Way To English - Volume 1

2. What time do you have breakfast?

3. What time do you leave the house?
4. What time do you get to work / school / university?
5. What time do you wake up on Saturday and Sunday?

Figure 15. Elderly Man.

2.4. READING I Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
Very active at 83! http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

Júlio Castro is 83 years old. He lives in a small town

in Devon, in the south of England. Bill likes Devon. “It has
everything” he says “great beaches and beautiful wild life, and
interesting places to visit”. Every morning Júlio rides a bike to
the beach and goes swimming.
He does that every day of the year. He usually swims
for about 20 minutes in the summer, but in the winter the
water is about 10º C, so he swims about five minutes. In the
afternoon he sometimes visits friends or he goes shopping.
He doesn’t have a car, he usually goes by bike or he walks.
Bill eats healthy food. He goes fishing every weekend. His favorite dish is fish and vegetables.
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011

Answer about the text:

a) Where does Júlio live? ____________________________________________________

b) How old is Júlio? ________________________________________________________
c) How often does Júlio go swimming? ________________________________________
d) Does Júlio have a car? ____________________________________________________
e) What’s his favorite dish? __________________________________________________
f) How often does Júlio visit his friends? _______________________________________

Write about your family routine


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês







We put the adverbs of frequency:

 After the verb to be:

e.g.: The bus is always on time.

 Before the main verb:

e.g.: We often go to the park.

Sometimes, normally and usually can also go to the beginning or to the end of the sentence.
But they usually go before the main verb.
sometimes / normally / usually

# I # have lunch in a restaurant #

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Now, come up with sentences of your own. Use the adverbs of frequency.
How often do you go to English class?
How often do you study English at home?
How often do you go the doctor during a year?
How often do you visit your parents?

If there are two or more adverbs (or expressions) in a sentence, the following order
must be followed:

Adverb of Manner – Adverb (or expression) of Place – Adverb of Time

It is raining steadily in Chicago today.

Adv. of manner Adv. of time

They study hard here last year.

Manner Place Time

He was looking patiently at the picture yesterday.

Manner Time

Now, come up with sentences of your own. Use the sequence above:

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


PARNAÍBA, THE SUNSET CITY In Parnaiba city, the fishermen

usually arrive at the “Porto dos
Barcos” on the sunset, early in
the beginning of the evening, with
a lot of fish. Many people from
Parnaiba often go there in order
to buy some fresh fish. Others
often take pictures of the sunset
in front of the Igaraçu River.
You can’t miss the opportunity
to see the sunset and notice
the movement of the fishermen
repeating the ancient tradition of
their fathers.
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011
Figure 16. The Sunset City
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011

Answer about the text and the picture.

What are those people doing in the picture?


How often do fishermen arrive at the port?


What time does it happen?


What do people from Parnaiba do at that moment?


A New Way To English - Volume 1



When the verb indicates movement the sequence is: Place – Manner – Time

He went to England by plane in 1997.

Place Time

The train crossed the bridge slowly an hour ago.

Place Manner Time

Now, come up with sentences of your own. Use the sequence above.

Examples on how to use the Adverbs of frequency

How often do you exercise? Do you ever watch TV in the evening?

I walk every day. Yes, I often watch TV after dinner.
I go jogging once a week. I sometimes watch TV before bed.
I play soccer twice a month. Sometimes I watch TV before bed.
I swim about three times a year. I hardly ever watch TV.
I don’t exercise very often / much. No, I never watch TV

1. Write sentences using the adverbs of frequency.

two or three times a year / once a week / once a year / three times a month
/ every day / every week / once a month / twice a week / every month

Example: I study German three or four times a day


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

2 Look at these sentences. Notice the position of the adverbial phrase expressing frequency:
I walk every day.
I study English three or four times a day.
I call my mother twice a week.

3. Think of something you do for each adverbial phrase in exercise 1. Write a short sentence.
Example: I go shopping twice a week

4. Rewrite the questions and answers by putting the adverbs in the correct place.
A: Do you play sports? (ever)
B: Sure. I play tennis. (twice a week)
A: What do you do on Sunday mornings? (usually)
B: Nothing much. I sleep until noon. (almost always)
A: Do you do swim at the club? (often)
B: No, I swim. (hardly ever)

A: Do you lift weights on Sundays? (always)

B: No, I lift weights on Sundays. (never)
A: What do you do after class? (usually)
B: I go out with my friends (about three times a week)

5. Answer the questions in exercise 4 giving your own information:

5 ________________________________________________________________________


1. Read the conversation below:

Karyn’s routine

David: Hello, I’m David. What is your name?

Karyn: My name is Karyn.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

David: Nice to meet you, Karyn.

Karyn: Nice to meet you, David.
David: What is your occupation?
Karyn: I`m a newsreader.
David: What time do you get up?
Karyn: I get up at 3 am.
David: What time do you get to work?
Karyn: I get at work at 4 a.m.
David: How do you go to work?
Karyn: I always drive to work.
David: When does your news show start?
Karyn: It starts at 6 a.m.
David: Do you have breakfast at home? DAVID KARYN
Karyn: No, I don’t. I always go to the café for breakfast. Figure 17. Dialogue about daily routine.
Fonte: BARBOSA, 2012
David: What time does your show finish?
Karyn: It finishes at nine o`clock a.m.
David: Do you go back home after work?
Karyn: No, I don’t. I go to the gym, or sometimes I go swimming or to a yoga class.
David: When do you go bed?
Karyn: I always go to bed at nine o`clock.
Fonte: FREITAS, 2011


Answer the following questions according to the conversation above:

1. What time does Karyn get up? _________________________________

2. What time does she go to bed?_________________________________
3. What time does she get to work?________________________________
4. How does she go to work?_____________________________________
5. Does she have breakfast at home?______________________________
6. When does the show start?__________________________________
7. Where does she go after work?_________________________________

Describe one of your typical days by continuing the sentence:

I normally get up at _______ and … _________________________________

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


Read the text and answer the questions below.

Paul’s morning

I wake up at about 5:00 a.m. I get up and go for a walk.

Then I have a shower and get dressed. I have a quick
breakfast and then I brush my teeth. I leave home at 6:30.
I go to work by bus. I get to school at about 7:15, where I
teach English from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. On Saturdays and
Sundays I get up at about 11:00 a.m. and have a long, Figure 18. School.
slow breakfast. Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
Fonte: FREITAS, 2011 http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php
What time does Paul do these things?
wake up ________________________________________________________
get up (on Saturday and Sunday) ____________________________________
leave home _____________________________________________________
get to school ____________________________________________________

Write about your morning routine.

I wake up…

Make sentences using some of the words below:

Drive\ the car \ got \ the gym \ read the book \ have a cup of tea \ play soccer \
write a letter \ Read the newspaper \ watch TV \ study \ do the homework \ sing
a song \ take a show \ listen to \ the radio \ got \ go to bed \ get dressed \ have
dinner \ go out \ with friends \ go dancing \ go to the cinema \ phone \ a friend \
have \ a takeaway \ pizza \ write \ an e mail \ play \ computer \ game \ get \ up \
leave \ home \ get to work \ go to class \ play \ tennis \ have \ breakfast

A New Way To English - Volume 1


Make sentences describing the pictures below in the simple present tense.


Figure 19. People on their activities.

Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
D E http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

Stress Relief

When you are stressed, your blood pressure rises, your heart
rate increases, and a host of stress hormones are dumped
into your blood, says Susan Johnson, director of continuing
education at the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in
Dallas. Chronic stress can weaken your immune system,
making you more susceptible to anything from the common
cold to cancer. Walking causes your brain to produce mood-
Figure 20. Jogger.
elevating beta-endorphins, and may help prevent you from
Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php becoming depressed or anxious.
(From Reader’s Digest, April 2000, p.40)
1. What does Susan Johnson say about stress?
2. What does chronic stress cause?

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

3. What are the benefits of jogging?


Choose the best alternative to complete each conversation.

A: What do you do?

B: _____________________
a) Really? And you ( )
b) No, not really ( )
c) I work in a restaurant ( )
d) I’m an actor, what about you ( )

A: How often do you go to the movies?

B: ___________________________
a) I go always to the movies on Sunday ( )
b) I go sometimes to the movies on Sunday ( )
c) I go to movies at Sunday ( )
d) I usually go to the movies on Sunday ( )
A: Where is Ji-son from?
a) In Korea ( )
b) Korea ( )
c) an actor ( )
d) I’m fine, thanks ( )

A: How’s it going?
B ___________________________
a) New York ( )
b) Yes, it is ( )
c) Pretty Good, thanks ( )
d) How are you? ( )

Complete each conversation:

A: ___________________________?
B: I like Italian food
a) Yes, I do. I like Italian food ( )
b) Yes, I’m starving ( )
c) Pretty good, thanks ( )
d) What kind of food do you like? ( )

A: ___________________________?
B: No, I don’t

A New Way To English - Volume 1

a) Let’s have a sea food? ( )

b) Do you like spaghetti? ( )
c) Is that Italian food? ( )
d) What kind of food do you like? ( )


An unusual job
Woman: I’m in Austin, Texas, and I’m talking to Dr. Brad Morris.
Dr. Morris works at the University of Texas and he has a very un-
usual job. What do you do, Dr. Morris?
Man: I study bats. Austin has an enormous population of bats. They
live here in the summer and they migrate to Mexico in the fall.
Woman: Why are bats important?
Man: Well, a bat eats about two thousand insects every night.
Figure 21. Bats
Fonte: Public Domain
Woman: So, bats control the insect population.
Clip Art. Man: Yes, they do. And bats pollinate plants.
http://www.pdclipart. Woman: Where do they live?
org/index.php Man: They usually live in caves. In Austin, they live under this
Woman: How interesting!
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011

Read the text and mark T for true and F for false.

a) This conversation is between two tourists. ( )

b) Dr. Morris studies bats and insects. ( )
c) Bats are good for plants. ( )
d) Austin is in Texas. ( )
e) Bats population is at risk of extinction. ( )

Complete with DO in the correct negative or interrogative form. Pay close attention to
the third singular person.

a) Where __________ your brother and sister study?

b) I __________ live in Ireland.
c) His girlfriend __________ go to Harvard.
d) Carlos and I __________ work in an airport.
e) __________ Paul live in San Francisco?

Write a paragraph about yourself. Mention name, age, nationality, which city you are
from, where you live, phone number and e-mail, where you study or work, for whom you
work, parents and brothers / sisters’ names, ages and occupations, favorite athlete and
movie, food you like and don’t like.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês



I’m still studying
Heloise: Are you single?
Deborah: No, I’m not. I’m married. I got married last month.
Heloise: How many children are you planning to have?
Deborah: We’re planning to have three.
Heloise: Are you working?
Deborah: No, I’m not working. I’m still studying at university.
Heloise: What are you studying? Figura 22. Conversation between
two friends.
Deborah: I’m studying Economics. Fonte: BARBOSA, 2012
Heloise: And about your husband, is he working?
Deborah: Yes, he is working in a factory. He is an engineer.
Fonte: FREITAS, 2011.


The Present Continuous Tense

Formation: We make the present continuous tense with the verb TO

BE and the –ING form of the main verb.

Affirmative form
I’m studying Economics. Present Continuous (Progressive)
He is working in a factory.


I’m not studying Economics.
He is not working in a factory.

Interrogative form
Am I studying Economics?
Is he working in a factory?

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Affirmative Short answers Negative Short answers

Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Yes, he is. No, he is not.
Yes, they are. No, they are not.
We use the present continuous tense to:
• Describe an action that is happening at the moment of the speaking.
e.g.: She is studying now.
• Describe a temporary state.
e.g.: I am living in an apartment until I find a house.
• Describe a future arrangement.
e.g.: I’m leaving for London on Friday.

To make –ing forms we add –ing to the infinitive form of the verb:
eat > eating
fly > flying

For verbs that end in –e, we remove the –e and add –ing:
drive > driving
come > coming

When the verb ends with a consonant–vowel-consonant (CVC) and the stress is on the final
syllable, we double the final consonant and add –ing.
run > running
admit > admitting

Present simple and continuous

What’s the difference in meaning?
1. Nick is studying now.
2. Nick studies every day.
Which verb tense is used in each sentence?

The Present Continuous is not generally used with verbs of emotion (care, detest, dislike,
enjoy*, envy, hate, hope*, like, love, prefer, want, wish) and verbs of thinking (agree, assume*,
believe, consider*, doubt, expect**, forget, know, realize, remember, suppose*, think**,
* These verbs can sometimes be used in the continuous form, but they refer to the ACTION in
progress at that moment. Eg. We are assuming he will come to the meeting. (Means that at
this moment we think he will come to the meeting, but it is probably not correct).
** Meaning THINK

a) Complete the questions using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous:

1. What do you _______ (do) to relax?

2. How often _________ (go) out with friends?
3. What _________ (do) this evening?

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

4. How often_________ (spend) time on your own?

5. What _________ (usually / do) at the weekend?
6. ._________ (go) on holiday in the next two or three months?
7. How often _________ (argue) with your family or friends?
8. _________ (learn) something new at the moment?

b) Answer the questions in exercise 1 by giving your own information

Which questions refer to...
1. General habits or routines? ______________________________________
2. Actions happening at the moment?_________________________________
3. The future? ___________________________________________________

c) Write questions for these answers:

1. We go to school by bus.
How do you go to school?
2. I live in Teresina. _______________________________________________
3. She goes to school in the afternoon. ________________________________
4. He doesn’t go to school because he is tired. __________________________
5. I get up at 6:30 _________________________________________________
6. They have three children. ________________________________________
7. Yes, I speak English. __________________________________________
8. Yes, he is studying Portuguese.____________________________________
9. Yes, we are mowing the lawn._____________________________________
10. No, they are not sleeping. They are watching TV. _____________________

d) Look at the pictures and say what these people are doing, using the Present
Continuous Tense:

Figure 23. People in

different activities.
Fonte: Adapted from
Microsof Office Cliparts

A New Way To English - Volume 1

A. ________________________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________________________________
D. _______________________________________________________________________
E. ________________________________________________________________________
F. ________________________________________________________________________

Shola is a South African teenager. He is on vocation in Venice, Italy. Read

and complete the postcard he has written to his parents. Use the present

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hope you are fine,

I____________________________ (have) a great time here in Venice,

I______________ (stay) at a really nice hotel. I ______________ (enjoy) the fact
that Venice is free of cars. Every morning I wake-up at 8:00 and go out to different
places. Right now I _______________ (try) some Italian homemade ice cream.

I miss you all


Listen and Repeat

In the classroom

This is Peter.
He is a good Portuguese teacher.
The class is very different today.
Their students are enjoying it very much.
There are forty students in his classroom and five groups.
Each group is doing a different activity about the text now.
The students from group A are asking questions.
The students from group B are answering questions. Figure 24. Classroom
The students from group C are summarizing. Fonte: Microsoft Office Clipart
The students from group D are dramatizing. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images
And the students from group E are illustrating.
It was an excellent class. Everybody liked a lot.

Fonte: FREITAS,2011.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Answer the following questions about the text above:

1. Who is the teacher? _______________________________________________________

2. How many students are there in the classroom?
3. What are the students from group A doing?
4. Who is answering questions?
5. Are the students from group C summarizing the text?
6. Are the students from group E asking questions?

Change the text above into a conversation:



Women›s exercise linked to lower cognitive skill

WOMEN who habitually take strenuous exercise might be at
risk of damaging their cognitive function later in life. Strenuous
exercise is known to reduce estrogen levels in women and
girls. This can delay the start of menstruation, and can lead
to irregular periods in adult women. Low levels of estrogen
in premenopausal women have been linked to impaired
mental function in later life. Mary Tierney at the University
of Toronto, Canada, reasoned that strenuous exercise might Figure 25. Woman working out
Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts
therefore lead to impaired cognition in later life. She asked http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/
90 healthy post-menopausal women to report their life-long images

A New Way To English - Volume 1

exercise habits, and then tested their cognitive ability. The

results, which will be reported in the Journal of Alzheimer’s
Disease, showed a statistically significant decrease in
study – read –
performance in various cognitive tasks in women who said
learn – book –
that they exercised strenuously compared with those that had
exercised moderately. The overall benefits of regular exercise
are well established, but Tierney says the possible impact of
strenuous exercise on cognition should be investigated further
to see if it is significant.
(Adapted from New Scientist Magazine, issue 2794, 07 January, 2011.)

Text Comprehension

a. What can happen to women who usually practice strenuous exercises?


b) What reduces estrogen levels in women and girls according to the research?

c) What effects on decreasing levels of estrogen can cause in women and girls?

d) Describe how Maria Tierney accomplished this research.


e. What are the results of this research?


Now, come up with sentences of your own. Use the verbs in the box:

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


What do you think your mother is doing now?

What is your best friend doing now?
What do you think your neighbor is doing now?

Read and complete the conversation between Jeremy and Mario.

Put the verbs in the correct forms, then practice with a friend.

Jeremy: Mario! I haven’t seen you in ages. What ______________ (you, do) these days?
Mario: I____________________ (train) to be a teacher.
Jeremy: Really? What’s it like? ______________ (you, enjoy) it?
Mario: It is all right. How about you?
Jeremy: So, actually, I _____________________ (not, work) right now, but I am busy. I am
________________ (paint) my apartment.
Mario: ________________ (you, do) it alone?
Jeremy: No, some friends of mine ________________ (help) me.

About the conversation

What is Mario doing these days?
Is Jeremy working?
What is Jeremy doing?
Why is Jeremy too busy?
Who is helping Jeremy?

Fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets by using present continuous or present
a) Excuse-me___________________ (you \ speak) English?
b) Where’s Tom? _______________________ (he \ have) a shower.
c) Listen! Somebody ________________________ (sing).
d) I’m sorry, _____________________________(I \ not \ understand). Can you speak
e) Martin _______________________________(not \ usually \drive) to work.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

I’m fine,
Hi, how are
and you?

Could you
please say what
time it is?

Sure! It is five
fifteen p.m.

Thank you
very much!!


Figure 26: A short conversation.

Fonte da imagem: http://office.microsoft.com/pt-br/images/

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


Nessa unidade apontou-se uma continuidade dos elementos fundamentais à aprendizagem da

Língua Inglesa, uma vez que foram apresentados os advérbios de frequência mais usados,
além de terem sido vistos os números, a partir dos quais se viu como dizer e perguntar as
horas e os preços. Foram vistos também elementos de uma rotina diária, bem como os
verbos no Presente Contínuo. Mais uma vez, tentou-se consolidar os conteúdos apresentados
a partir de exemplos, com textos para SPEAKING, a prática do LISTENING, do READING e
do WRITING, além de terem sidos sugeridos sites de pesquisa e leituras complementares.


Caros alunos,
A Unidade II nos apresentou parte dos elementos fundamentais à aprendizagem da disciplina
Língua inglesa I. A partir dessa segunda parte do estudo você deve estar preparado para
compreender com mais facilidade os aspectos morfológicos da Língua Inglesa e saber
expressar de forma mais dinâmica seus os aspectos gramaticais, sendo capaz de dizer e
escrever os números, perguntar horas e preços, falar de sua rotina usando os advérbios de
frequência, e usar os verbos no Presente Contínuo para falar do presente imediato. Portanto,
vá em frente, nunca desanime, e aproveite ao máximo seu estudo de língua inglesa.


• Utilizar corretamente as formas do futuro em Inglês;
• Diferenciar o Present Continuous Tense do Future Tense com ING;
• Identificar mais vocabulário a partir da escuta de músicas
FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês



Mary’s weekend

Jane: What are you going to do after class, Mary?

Mary: I’m going to buy a book.
Jane: Where are you going to buy it?
Mary: I’m going to buy it at the Shopping Center.
Jane: Who are you going to the Shopping Center with?
Mary: I’m going there with my father.
Jane: Which book are you going to buy?
Mary: I’m going to buy the book “Ideas & Issues”.
I need to read it.
Jane: Why are you going to read this book?
Mary: Because I’m going to do a research. Figure 27. Woman reading.
Jane: When are you going to do this work? Fonte: Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
Mary: Next weekend. http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php
FREITAS, 2011.

Text Comprehension

Answer the following questions about the text above

1. What is Mary going to do after class?
2. Where is she going to buy the book?
3. What book is Mary going to read?
4. Why is Mary going to buy the book?
5. When is Mary going to do the work?
6. Who is Mary going to the shopping center with?

Listen and Complete

Anna: What __________________this weekend?

Karen: Well, __________________my birthday.
Anna: Great! When is your birthday, exactly? Figure 28. Birthday Cake
Karen: It’s June 10th, on Sunday. Fonte: Public Domain Clip Art.
Anna: So, what are your plans? http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Karen: Well, my friends ________________

me out for dinner.
Anna: Nice! ________________ order a cake?
Karen: Yeah, and they _______ probably ______________
“Happy Birthday” to me.

Listen again. Then correct these sentences.

1. Karen’s friends aren’t going to sing “Happy birthday”
2. Anna’s birthday is not on June 10th.
3. On his birthday, Karen’s friends are not going to order a cake. _________________
4. Karen’s friends are not going to take her out for dinner on his birthday.

I’m going to see you

Today is Saturday. It is 8:00 am. John calls Mary.
He wants to invite her to go out for dinner.

John: Hello! It’s John.

Mary: Hello, John. How are you?
John: I am fine. What are you doing now?
Mary: I am doing my homework.
John: What are you going to do in the afternoon?
Mary: I am going to study English.
John: What are you going to do in the evening?
Mary: I am going to visit some relatives.
John: And tomorrow, are you going to do anything?
Mary: Well, in the morning I am going to meet some friends. But in the afternoon I am going
to be free. Why?
John: What about going out for dinner at 8:00 pm?
Mary: Ok, deal! I am going to see you at 8:00.
Fonte: FREITAS, 2011.

Look at the sentences. Who says them? Write “M” for Mary and “J” for John.

1 – I’m fine. What are you doing now? ______

2 – Ok, I’m going to see you at 8.00.______

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

3 – What about going out for dinner at 8.00?____

4 - What are you going to do in the afternoon?____
5 - I am going to study English.____
6 - And tomorrow, are you going to do anything?____


The immediate future (BE GOING TO)

How to Use:
• When you plan to do immediately something you have already planned to do in the
• The “be going to” future is used to talk about what you plan or intend to do in the

Question Positive Answer Negative Answer

What are you going to I’m going to have a party. I’m not going to have a
do? party
Question Short answer Short answer
Are you going to have a Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Use the immediate Future with those Time Expressions:

Tomorrow _______________________________________________________
on Friday________________________________________________________
this weekend_____________________________________________________
next week_______________________________________________________
Use of Immediate Futures
We can also use the present continuous to describe personal arrangements in the future.
There is normally a future time expression.

E.g.: She’s going to the doctor’s next week.

We’re meeting at four o’clock this afternoon.

It is often possible to use either the present continuous or be going to talk about the future.

Sometimes there is a difference between an arrangement and something we have decided to


I’m seeing my grandmother on Saturday.

(I’ve arranged it. She knows I’m coming.)

I’m going to see my grandmother on Saturday.

(I’ve decided to go, but possibly it isn’t arranged yet.)

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Complete the invitations in A with the present continuous used as future.

Complete the responses in B with be going to.


1. ____ you __________(do) anything on Saturday? Do you want go out for dinner?
2. What _____ you ___________(do) tomorrow? Would you like to play tennis?
3. My birthday is on Sunday I ___________________( have) party. Would you and your parents
like to come?
4. _______ you ______________(stay) at home? Do you want to see a film tonight?
a. Sorry, I can’t. I ____________________ (work) overtime tonight. How about on Sunday?
b. OK._______________________ (see) you on Sunday.
c. Sorry, I can’t. I _______________________ (travel) in the afternoon
d. I ______________ (go) to work in the morning, but I__________ (not do) anything in the

Listen to the teacher asking his/her students about their plans. What are
they really going to do?
Complete the chard:
Your guess What they’re really going to do
Jack Jack __________________________
______________________ Fred ___________________________
Fred _______________________ Janet __________________________
Janet ______________________ Deborah _______________________

What are those people going to do this weekend?

Figure 29.
Planning the
Fonte: Microsof
Office Cliparts

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Write sentences using the forms of future.


Ask and answer questions about the pictures in the exercise above as the example
A: Are you going to rest this weekend?
B: Yes, I am. I’m going to spend it laying down in my hammock.
A: Are you going to …..

How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country?


Do you have plans for your next birthday?


A New Way To English - Volume 1


What are you going to do next weekend? Write a paragraph about it.

Write questions according to the answers:

a) A: _________________________________?
B: No, Shirley is at home.
b) A: _________________________________?
B: No, she isn’t. She is going to study English.
c) A: __________________________________?
B: They are going to have a party.
d) A: __________________________________?
B: I’m going on Tuesday.


Simple Future

Read the text below and find the forms of “will”:

• a positive sentence
a negative sentence
• a question
How do we make these forms?

The Tree
Figure 30. The Tree
This is a little plant. Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts
I am going to plant it in front of my house. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images
It will grow up very fast.
Its fruits will be very delicious.
In very few years, the children will play under it.
All the people will rest under it when they were tired.
It will be a good place where we can talk with our friends.
And it will become our home more beautiful and agreeable.
Fonte: FREITAS, 2011.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Listen to the song below and fill in the blanks with the words on the

I Will Always Love You

Whitney Houston
know memories

If I should ___________ Step know

I would only be in your way. Stay cry
So I’ll go but I ______
I’ll think of you joy
Every ______________ of the way.

And I... will always love you...

I will always love you...
My darling you A música está disponível
para ouvir em: http://www.
Bittersweet ______________ vagalume.com.br/whitney-
That is all I’m taking with me...
So goodbye, please don’t _____________ Ouça online, não faça
We both __________I’m not what you, you need. download, respeite os
direitos autorais.
And I... will always love you.
I... will always love you, ohhh

I hope life treats you kind

And I hope you’ll have
All you’ve dreamed of.
And I wished you ________
And happiness.
But above all this, I wish you love.
And I... will always love you...
I will always love you... I will always love you...
I will always love you... I will always love you...
I, I will always love you...you
Darling I love you , I’ll always I’ll always Love you...

Read the lyrics above and find the forms of “will”:

• a positive sentence
• a negative sentence
• a question
Fill in the blanks with the verbs on the right, using them in the simple future

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Jorge will live in Teresina

On February 10th Jorge ____________ to Teresina.
move live
He, his wife and their children _______________ on Afonso Pena
live work
teach go
They have a boy and a girl. Their names are Peter and Jane.
not study
He __________________ with Aunt Mary and his children.
be be
He is a doctor. He __________________in a hospital.
My aunt Mary is a teacher. She ________________in a school.
Jane and Peter ______________to the same school but _______________ in the same
grade. Jane __________in the 6th grade and Peter _____________ in the 8th grade.

Fill in the blanks and repeat

I will help my family

Miss Janet: What will you do if you win a million dollars in the Lottery, Nelson?
Nelson: I _________________a year in Paris and ______________ one year in Argentina.
Miss Janet: What will you do if you win a million dollars in the
Megasena, Heloise?
Heloise: _________________________at a private College, spend spend
Miss Janet: ___________are you going ___________ if you win a study what
million dollars in the Lottery, Deborah? do buy
Deborah: I ____________________ a luxury car and___________ a big
house. a million dollars
Miss Janet: What will you do if you the poor sick
win__________________________ Lottery, Fred?
Fred: I will help my family, _____________, and the ___________


The Simple Future

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form

I’ll (will) be there. I will not (won’t) be there. Will you see him?
She’ll (will) be hungry. She will not (won’t) be Will she read that book?
They’ll (will) be tired. They will not (won’t) be Will they do their
tired. homework?

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form

I’ll (will) be there. I will not (won’t) be there. Will you see him?
She’ll (will) be hungry. She will not (won’t) be hungry Will she read that book?
They’ll (will) be tired. They will not (won’t) be tired. Will they do their homework?

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Affirmative Short Answers Negative Short answers

Yes, I will No, I will not (won’t)
Yes, she will No, she will not (won’t)
Yes, they will No, they will not (won’t)

The Simple future is used to:
• Make predictions or general statements about the future.

E.g.: Next century the world will run out of oil.

This medicine won’t do you any good.
• Express a decision at the moment of speaking.

E.g.: A: The television is very loud.

B: Ok. I’ll turn it down.
A: Is Peter going to the party?
B: I don’t know. I’ll give him a ring.

When do we use “be going to” to talk about the future?


Make sentences to complete the examples for the rules.

We use will
• To make predictions or talk about the future in general.
Example: __________________________________________________________________

• When we decide to do something at the moment of speaking.

Example: __________________________________________________________________

We use be going to
• To talk about something that we have already decided to do.
Example: __________________________________________________________________

A New Way To English - Volume 1

1) Write sentences following the first example:

My husband›s going to go on a diet.
He isn›t going to drink so much beer.

a - I / take / exercise e - My son / have / hair cut

_____________________________ _________________________b - I / work / bard
f - He / watch / TV
_____________________________ _______________________________
c -My daughter / tidy / bedroom g - We / be nicer to each other
_____________________________ _______________________________
d - She / talk / phone for hours h - We / argue with each other
___________________________ ______________________________

2) Choose the correct future form for each sentence.

2.1 A John and I are going to / will get married.

B Oh that’s great news!

2.2 A I can’t find my wallet!

B I’m going to / I’ll help you look for it.

2.3 A Shall we go out for a meal this evening?

B Yes, OK. I’m going to / I’ll phone and book a table.

2.4 Can you record that programme for me?

I’m going to \ I’ll have a bath.

2.5 A It’s my birthday on Saturday.

B Are you going to / will you have a party?

2.6 A I’m going to get a cup of coffee.

B Good idea. I’m going to / I’ll get one, too.

2.7 A Here’s that report.

B Oh, thanks. I’m going to / I’ll read it this evening.

2.8 If you see a black cat, you’re going to / you’ll have good luck.
Write about your plans for:
• after class.
• this evening.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

• tomorrow.
• the weekend.
• next Tuesday.
• the summer.
• their next holiday.

Complete these sentences with the correct subjects.

1 _________ is arriving today.
2 _________ will call back later.
3 _________ is going shopping
4 _________ is going to have a party.
5 _________ will put more money into education.
6 _________ is meeting some friends on Sunday morning.

• Se você quer saber mais sobre o Simple Future Tense, veja
no site: http://www.engvid.com/using-the-future-tense-in-
• Veja também em: http://englishconversations.org/ lessons/
• Veja ainda: TORRES, Nelson. Gramática Prática da Língua
Inglesa: o Inglês Descomplicado. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2007.

1. A Where are you going, Deborah?
B I’m going shopping.
A Are you going to buy your books?
B Yes, I am. My classes will start next week.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

2 A What are you doing on Sunday, Jane?

B I’m meeting some friends in the morning.
A What are you doing in the afternoon?
B I’m doing my homework
A Can we get together at night?
B That’s OK.

3 A Hello, it’s Jane. Is Laura there?

B No, she’s traveling to Fortaleza. She’s arriving today.
A Oh, well. I’ll call back later.

4 A What are you going to do for your birthday, Heloise?

B I’m going to go out with my friends.
B Great!

5 A And what will your government do about analphabetism?

B We will put more money into education and training and…
A Great! That’s a good idea.
Fonte: FREITAS, 2011
6 Match each conversation with the respective use and form of the future. Look at
each one again and try to figure it out. Follow the first example:
Conversation Use Form
4 • a general prediction be
• a plan or intention going to
• a prediction with present evidence
• an arrangement for a specific time in
The future with will
the future
The present
continuous with
• A spontaneous decision
a future time

Some of the future forms in these sentences are incorrect. Find and
correct them.

1 A Are you doing anything this afternoon?

B Yes, I’ll play tennis.

2 A I can’t find my pen.

B Oh, I’m going to help you look for it.

3 In the future I believe that people are living on Mars.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

4 A Shall we go to the beach?

B No, it’s raining this afternoon.

5 If I see David, I’ll invite him to dinner.

6 A Will you go to Sarah’s party on Saturday?

B Yes. Is Alma going?

7 A Are you really going to leave your job?

B Yes, I’m going to tell my boss today.

8 A I see they’ve knocked down that old factory.

What will they build there?
B They’ll make it into a shopping centre.

9 A Will you be in tomorrow morning?

B No, I’ll go to the airport at 10:00. My parents are going to arrive at 12:30.

10 A Where are you going?

B I’ll visit my grandmother.

Ask and answer about the future using appropriate future forms.
• after the lesson?

• on Saturday night?

• for your holiday next year?


• when you have finished learning English?


A What are you going to do / doing after the lesson?
B I’m not sure. I think I’ll go to the café.
B I’m going to the cinema.

A New Way To English - Volume 1



Look at these sentences. Some are right and some are wrong. Mark the right ones.
1. A I’ve got a terrible headache.
B I’ll get you some aspirin.
B I’m going to get you some aspirin.
B I’m getting you some aspirin.

2. A What are you doing this evening?

B I’m going to go to a party.
B I’m going to a party.
B I’m go to a party.

3 The weather forecast says it’ll rain tomorrow.

The weather forecast says it’s going to rain tomorrow.
The weather forecast says it’s raining tomorrow.

4 You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.

You’re feeling better after a good night’s sleep.

5 He’s lost control! He’s going to crash!

He’s lost control! He’ll crash!


A fat tummy shrivels your brain

Having a larger waistline may shrink your brain. Obesity

is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, which
is known to be associated with cognitive impairment.
So Antonio Convit at the New York University School
of Medicine wanted to see what impact obesity had on
the physical structure of the brain. He used magnetic
resonance imaging to compare the brains of 44 obese
individuals with those of 19 lean people of similar age and
background. He found that obese individuals had more
water in the amygdale - a part of the brain involved in
eating behavior. He also saw smaller orbit frontal cortices
Figure 31: Brain
in obese individuals, important for impulse control and
Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts
also involved in feeding behavior (Brain Research, in http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images
press). “It could mean that there are less neurons, or that
those neurons are shrunken,” says Convit Eric Stice at Oregon Research Institute, Eugene,
thinks that the findings strengthen the “slippery slope” theory of obesity. “If you overeat, it

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

appears to result in neural changes that increase the risk for future overeating,” he says.
Obesity is associated with a constant, low-level inflammation, which Convit thinks explains the
change in brain size.

(From: New Scientist Magazine, 08 January 2011)

• Se você quer ter mais informações sobre assuntos relacionados a

descobertas científicas, veja o site da própria revista New Scientist
Magazine: http://www.b newscientist.com/

Text Comprehension
1. Which disease is obesity related to?
2. Which exam was used to compare the obese and lean people’s brains?
3. What are the results acquired with the search?
4. Why does the size of the obese individuals’ brain change?
5. Summarize the text above:

Let’s sing:
Listen to the song below. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box on
the right.
starting reaching thinking
Rolling In the Deep feeling bringing had
making leave played
Maddi Jane rolling
Composição: Adele
There’s a fire ________________in my heart
_____________ a fever pitch and it’s bringing me out the dark

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Finally, I can see you crystal clear

Go head and sell me out and I’ll lay your ship bare
See how I’ll leave with every piece of you

Don’t underestimate the things that I will doThere’s a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch and its ___________me out the dark

The scars of your love remind me of us

They keep me ______________that we almost had it all A música está disponível
para ouvir em: http://
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless
I can’t help ________________ Ouça online, não faça
download, respeite os
We could have had it all direitos autorais.
Rolling in the deep
You _________ my heart inside of your hand
And you played it to the beat

Baby, I have no story to be told

But I’ve heard one of you and I’m gonna make your head burn
Think of me in the depths of your despair I am expecting a
baby. It’s a girl. I
hope she will be
____________ a home down there, as mine sure won’t be shared born in good health,
The scars of your love remind me of us and we will both be
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all very happy.
The scars of your love, they ____________ me breathless
I can’t help feeling

We could have had it all

Rolling in the deep

You had my heart inside of your hand

And you played it to the beat

Throw your soul through every open door

Count your blessings to find what you look for
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold
You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow

We could have had it all

We could have had it all
It all, it all, it all
Figure 32: Expecting a baby.
We could have had it all Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

____________ in the deep

You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it to the beat

We could have had it all

Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hand

And you played it

You played it
You played it
You __________ it to the beat

Fonte: http://www.metrolyrics.com/rolling-in-the-deep-lyrics-adele.html


Nessa unidade mais uma vez apontou-se uma continuidade dos elementos fundamentais
à aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa, uma vez que foram apresentadas as formas verbais
referentes ao futuro, mostrando as diferenças entre o Simple Future com WILL, o futuro com
GOING TO, e o futuro com uso de ING, diferenciando-o do Present Continuous. Assim, foram
apresentadas expressões usadas para falar sobre o futuro em inglês. Como nas unidades
anteriores, nessa unidade também se buscou consolidar os conteúdos apresentados a partir
de exemplos, com textos para SPEAKING, a prática do LISTENING, do READING e do
WRITING, além de terem sidos sugeridos sites de pesquisa e leituras complementares.


Caros alunos,
A Unidade III nos apresentou mais uma parte importante dos elementos fundamentais à
aprendizagem da disciplina Língua inglesa I. A partir dessa terceira parte do estudo você
deve estar preparado para compreender com mais facilidade os aspectos morfológicos da
Língua Inglesa e saber expressar de forma mais dinâmica seus os aspectos gramaticais,
sendo capaz de fazer planos para o futuro usando as diversas formas que a língua permite
para que isso seja feito. Esperamos que você esteja aproveitando bem seu estudo, e que se
mantenha firme no objetivo de aprender o idioma, nunca desanime, e tire o máximo proveito
de seu estudo de língua inglesa.


• Utilizarem corretamente o Simple Past em Inglês;
• Identificar as formas do verbo TO BE no passado;
• Identificarem mais vocabulário a partir da escuta de músicas
FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês



Vitória: Hi, Ana. How are you?

Ana: I’m fine, and you?
Vitória: Fine, thanks. What are you going to do this weekend?
Ana: I’m going to visit my parents in Parnaíba.
Vitória: In Parnaíba? Do they live there?
Ana: Yes, they do. I was born there too. I came to Teresina to complete my studies. And you,
where were you born?
Vitória: I was born in Teresina, my parents live here.
Ana. Would you like to go to Parnaíba with me?
Vitória: That would be great!!!



The Prince Regent, Dom João VI, shortly after arriving in Brazil,
required a Royal Garden, later designated the Botanical Garden.
Much remains today from that period, particularly the central
fountain of molded bronze, the first two statues cast in Rio by
Master Valentim and most importantly the road beginning at the
main entrance lined with palm trees. The “Palma Mater”, planted by
Dom João VI, was destroyed by lightning in 1973. The 340 acres
contain trees and plants from around the world and Brazil. If you are
lucky, your visit will coincide with the blooming of the largest water
in the world, vitória-régia, from the Amazon region. Its immense
rose-white flower is surrounded by leaves large enough to hold a Figure 33: Botanical
child. When you get to the center of the gardens, look up. You can Garden in Rio de Janeiro
Fonte: Stock Photo
see Corcovado. The Botanical Garden opens daily from 8 a.m. until http://www.sxc.hu/
5 p.m.; main entrance, with parking lot, it is located at 1008 Rua photo/1376115
Jardim Botânico. Within the gardens is the Kuhlmann Botanical
Museum with an excellent exhibition of dried plants.
Adapted from Destination 360: Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. http://www.destination360.com/south-america/
1) Answer the questions according to the text:
a) Who planted the “Palma Mater”?
b) How many acres are there in the Botanical Garden?
c) If you look up when you get to the center of the gardens, what can you see?

A New Way To English - Volume 1

2) Mark (T) for true and (F) for false:

a) The Botanical Garden opens at the weekend from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. ( )
b) Kuhlmann Botanical Museum has an excellent exhibition of dried plants.) The “Palma
Mater” was planted by Dom João VI. ( )
d) The Botanical Garden contains trees and plants from around the world and Brazil. ( )

3) With your own words summarize the text above.


• Se você quer ter mais informações sobre jardins botânicos, veja:

o Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro: http://www.jbrj.gov.br/
o Jardim Botânico de Curitiba: http://www. curitiba-parana.net/
parques/jardim-botanico. htm
o Jardim Botânico de Porto Alegre: http://www. fzb.rs.gov.br/
o Kuhlmann Botanical Museum: http://www.jbrj.gov.br/ ingles/

4) Is there any botanical gardens in your city? Describe it.




One day a beautiful young lady went to a famous artist and said, “I want you to paint a
picture of me. How much will it cost?”
“Five hundred pounds”, said the artist.
“Oh?”,said the lady. “That’s a lot of money. “Then she thought that, as she had a very
beautiful body, the artist might be happy to paint her picture more cheaply if she wore no clothes
while he was painting it. So she said, “And how much will it cost if you paint me without clothes

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

on?” The artist thought for a moment. “One thousand pounds”, he

then said. “But I shall have to keep my socks on, because my feet
get cold: and I shall have to wear something to put my brushes in.”
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011.
Figure 34. An Artist
Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts

1) Mark the right answer according to the text:

I. A young lady wanted a famous __________ to paint a picture of

a) lawyer b) doctor c) teacher d) painter

II. He wanted to keep his___________on because his ____________ would get cold.
a) glasses; nose b) coat; wagon c) clothes; brushes d) socks; feet

III. A thousand ____________should be ____________ money.

a) neighbors; happy b) clothes; cheap c) pounds; a lot of d) bodies; without

IV. _____________ does this picture _____________?

a) Why; cost b) Where; wear c) What; think d) How much; cost
2.) Mark (T) for true and (F) for false:
1. The artist misunderstood the lady’s suggestion. ( )
2. The artist wanted to wear his socks to put his brushes in. ( )
3. The young lady thought the artist could paint her picture more cheaply than five hundred
pounds. ( )
4. The artist thought that he should wear no clothes while painting the picture, while the
woman would remain fully dressed ( ).


The past tense of TO BE

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form

I was I was not = wasn’t Was I?

You were You were not = weren’t Were You?

He He He?
She was She was not Was She?
It It It?
We We We?

You were You were not Were You?

They They They?

A New Way To English - Volume 1


I was late for the English class yesterday.
Peter was in London last vocation
We were busy at work

Mag and Joe weren’t at home last vacation
I wasn’t busy yesterday

Where were you born?

Amanda: What´s your name?

Kassio: My name is Kassio Muller
Amanda: Where were you born?
Kassio: I was born in Rio de janeiro
Amanda: How old are you?
Kassio: I am 25 years old
Amanda: Ok. Mr Muller? Thanks for this information, what is your cell phone number?
Kassio: It is 3323432123432
Amanda: We’ll call you soon
Kassio: Thanks. See you soon.

1. Complete the sentences, use the affirmative form of the past tense of TO BE.
a) You ________at home yesterday
b) I________sick last week
c) Ronald___________in London yesterday
d) We___________ late for class
e) Edmond and Ana Julia ______on vacation last week
f) The station___________very crowded

2. Make sentences in a negative.

a) Mario was in class yesterday
b) Lukas and Mary were in Luiz Correia city last vacation
c) The pizza was awful.
d) Edward and I were at the gym last night

3. Change the sentences into interrogative form:

a) Mario was in class yesterday

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

b) Lukas and Mary were in Luiz Correia city last vocation

c) The pizza was awful.
d) Edward and I were at the gym last night

4. Write the words in correct order.

a) Were \ where \ ? \ you \ yesterday
b) The \ good \ barbecue \ was \ ?
c) Was \ who \ there \?
d)? \ was \ Ronald \ in \ London\


Read the text and answer the questions below.


My names is Angela Hoytman. I’m a student at University of Texas at Austin. I wasn’t in

college last year. I was at school in New York. I’m studying French and German here. I love
learning languages. I also speak Spanish because my parents are from Puerto Rico. We
always speak Spanish at home.
Last summer I was in Europe. I was in France for a month. It was great. That’s my friend
Adam. He’s from New York, too. But last year he was in Houston. Now he’s studying Italian.
Last night he was in a basketball game .It was a fantastic game, the score was 97 – 95!

a.)Where is Angela studying this year?


b) What is she studying?


c) Where was she last summer?


d) What language is Adam studying?


e) Where was Adam last year?


A New Way To English - Volume 1

• Se você quer ter mais informações sobre a cidade de Austin, Texas,

veja no site: http://www.austintexas.org/
• Para maiores informações sobre New York, veja na web: http://new.
• Interessa-se por Puerto Rico? Veja aqui: http://www. portalsaofrancisco.

Talk about you

Where were you yesterday? What did you do? Who did you meet?


Simple past

We use the simple past to talk about actions in recent past.

We use the simple past for completed actions in the past.


We add “ED” at the final of regular verbs

Visit + ed = visited
Miss+ ed = missed
Eg: Mary visited her mother yesterday.

Play+ed= played
Eg: Jone played volleyball at the gym last night.

Study – y + ied = studied

Cry – y + ied= cried
Eg: Jane studied hard math last week.
I cried for you, but now I feel better.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

Arrive + d= arrived
Dance+ d = danced
Eg: The bus arrived late last Sunday.
I danced too much at the party last Saturday.
Monosyllabic verbs
Stop = double consonant + ed = stopped
Eg: We stopped to play cards.

Note :
Regular verbs and irregular verbs:
The negative form is made with the auxiliary “DIDN’T” and the interrogative form is
made with the auxiliary “DID” and the verb is changed into the present form.
Eg: Affirmative: I studied English language yesterday with Roby.
Interrogative: Did I study English language yesterday with Roby?
Negative: I did not (didn’t) study English language yesterday with Roby.

They have their own form. See a list of irregular verbs.
Uniform verbs
Present simple past past participle
To cut cut cut
To put put put

Biform verbs
Present simple past past participle
To feel felt felt
To leave left left
To lose lost lost

Triform verbs
To do did done
To go went gone
To forget forgot forgotten



Computers are electronic machines that process

information. They are capable of communicating with the user,
of doing five kinds of arithmetic operations, and of making
three kinds of decisions. However, they are incapable of
thinking. They accept data and instructions as input, and after
processing the information, they output the results. Figure 35: A Computer
When talking about computers, both hardware and Fonte: Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts
software need to be considered. The first refers to the actual http://office.microsoft.com/pt-br/images

A New Way To English - Volume 1

machinery whereas the second refers to the programs that control and coordinate the activities
of the hardware.
The first computer was built in 1930 but since then computer technology has evolved
a great deal. There are three different kinds of computers in use today: the mainframe, the
minicomputer and the microcomputer. However, the dividing line between these has become
blurred; a modern micro is often powerful as a mainframe was ten years ago. All three have
one thing in common – they operate quickly and accurately in solving problems.

• Se você quer ter mais informações sobre a
história do computador e sua importância
para os dias de hoje, leia no site: http://


Machine – máquina
User – usuário
Data – dados
Input – entrada de dados
Output – saída dos resultados
Hardware – partes eletrônicas e mecânicas de um sistema de computador
Software – programas associados com a operação de um computador
Whereas – enquanto
The first – o primeiro
The second – o segundo
Has envolved – tem se desenvolvido
Mainframe – computador de grande porte
Blurr – obscurecer (-se)
Quickly – rapidamente
Accurately – precisamente
To solve – solucionar

Answer these questions:

1. What is a computer?
2. What is a computer able to do?
3. What is a computer unable to do?
4. What does a computer accept as input?
5. What does output mean?

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês

6. What does hardware mean?

7. What does software mean?

1. Complete the sentences about the English King, Henry VIII, using the
simple past.

Henry VIII___________(to be) born in 1491 and__________(to die) in 1547. He___________

(to have) six wives. He ___________(to drink ) a lot. He _____________(to love) music and
he ________(to play) a lot of musical instruments.

2. Organize the Conversation.

A: How was the party in Los Angeles?

B: It was not as cool as I thought. ( )

A: Good Afternoon, Troy

B: Good Afternoon, Henry ( )

A: What did you do?

B I danced and ate a lot ( )

A: Why? What happened?

B: Everybody was there. I had lots of fun. ( )

A: What about your parents? Were they there?

B: No they weren’t. ( )

3. Complete the conversations. Use the past tense of verb TO BE

Andre: ____________you at home last night?

Debby: No I _________________.
Debby: Where ___________you?
Andre: I ____________at a soccer game
Debby: __________it good?
Andre: Yes, it ________ and the weather __________very good.

4. Complete the sentences below. Use the simple past of verb TO BE.

a) The English exam ______________very easy.

b) My brother and sister _______________in Italy last month
c) They _____________late for school.
d) I and Peter __________in Paris last night. We ________in Bourbon region

A New Way To English - Volume 1

Listen to the song below, and fill in the blanks with the words in the box in the

dream forgiving
ransom thunder
I Dreamed a Dream
live killed
Susan Boyle

I dreamed a __________ in time gone by

When hopes were high and life worth living.
I dreamed that love would never die
A música está disponível
I dreamed that God would be ___________. para ouvir em: http://
Then I was young and unafraid, www.youtube.com/
When dreams were made and used and wasted
Ouça online, não faça
There was no __________ to be paid, download, respeite os
No song unsung, no wine untasted direitos autorais.
But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as___________,
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dreams to shame

And still I dreamed he›d come to me

And we would _________the years together,
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I›m living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has __________ the dream I dreamed

Fonte: http://lyricskeeper.com.br/pt/hayley-westenra/i-dreamed-a-dream.html
Read the lyrics above and find the forms of:

• Past tense of To be

• Simple past of Regular verbs


• Simple past of irregular verbs


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


Read the text below and then correct the false sentences.

A day in London

Last Saturday I went to London with my family.

In the morning we visited the British Museum
and saw some amazing Egyptian mummies.
We also watched an interesting video about
Ancient Rome.
We had lunch at Planet Hollywood. I ate
a burger and chips and drank lemonade. In the
afternoon we visited the Tower of London and
saw the prison. People sometimes see ghosts
there! In the evening we traveled home by train.
We arrived home at seven o’clock. After dinner Figure 36. Dawn in London.
Fonte: Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts
we watched TV. I went to bed at eleven o’clock. http://office.microsoft.com/pt-br/images

Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011.

a) Nick went to London with his friends.
b) They watched a video about Egyptian mummies.
c) Nick ate sandwiches for lunch.
d) In the afternoon they went shopping.
e) They traveled home by train.
f) They watched videos after dinner.

• Curioso (a) sobre Londres? Veja o site oficial da capital

inglesa: http://www.visitlondon.com/

2. Complete the text using the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets.

What I did on my birthday

Last Saturday ________ my birthday.

I _________________ (visit) Hampton Court Palace with my friends Oliver and Emily.
Many kings and queens of England ______________ (live) there.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

3. The Simpsons went to Brazil on their vacation, so Sarah wrote a letter to her
grandparents on her father’s side, who live in Boston.
Read Sarah’s letter and answer the questions about it.

Dear grandpa and grandma,

Here we are in Brazil!

First we went to São Paulo and spent fifteen days with our Brazilian
grandparents. This year, Dad wanted to go to Minas Gerais, so we went
to Ouro Preto and São João del Rey. Ouro Preto is a lovely town in
Minas Gerais. Its baroque architecture is very impressive.
We visited some churches and saw some works by Aleijadinho, an
important Brazilian sculptor. We also went to a very interesting museum,
with lots of old trains. We spent a wonderful week there.



• Interessado em saber mais sobre os lugares mencionados no texto?

o São Paulo: http://www.cidadedesaopaulo.com/sp/
o Minas Gerais: http://www.asminasgerais.com.br/index 1.asp
o Ouro Preto: http://www.ouropreto.com.br/index/index. php
o São João Del Rey: http://www.saojoaodelreisite.com. br/

a) Where did the Simpsons go on their vacation?


b) How long did they spend with their relatives?


c) What places did they visit in Brazil?


d) Where did they go first?


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


e) How does Sarah describe Ouro Preto?


f) Mention two things they did in Ouro Preto and São João del Rey.

What about you? Write about a special day you had in your life. Say what
you did.

Complete the text “Crazy Love” by choosing the correct word in the box Use the
Simple Past.
loved – was – was – introduced

I met her when I ______________ 16. A common “friend” ______________ us. Did she
like me? Yes, she did. Did I like her? No, I didn’t like her. I ___________________ her. It
_______________ passion, love at first sight. She really drove me crazy. And I didn’t know
how to live without her. But the world didn’t want that love.

Write questions according to the answers.

a) _______________________? No, I stayed home
b) ________________________? I went with my boyfriend
c) __________________________? It was ok.
d)__________________________?I got up at 6:00

A New Way To English - Volume 1


They lived in Peace!

North American Indians lived in the “new world” a long time

before Europeans arrived there. Many centuries before Columbus,
Indians hunted, fished and planted corn in America. They killed the
buffalo for food. They fished for salmon in the rivers of Canada
and they farmed the land in Arizona. Before the white men arrived,
the Indians lived in peace. They were the masters of the North
American Continent.
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011
Figure 37: Native American Woman.
Fonte: Fonte: Microsof Office Cliparts

• Interessado em saber mais sobre os Native American? Veja:

o http://www.nativeculturelinks.com/indians.html
o http://www.mce.k12tn.net/indians/index.htm
• Quer saber sobre indígenas no Brasil? Veja:
o http://www.suapesquisa.com/indios/
o http://pib.socioambiental.org/pt
• Leia também:
o http://www.trilhasdeconhecimentos.etc.br/livros/arquivos/ColET13_

a) Where did North American Indians live? ________________________________________

b) What did Indians do in America before Columbus? _______________________________
c) What did Indians do in the rivers of Canada? ____________________________________
d) What did they kill for food? __________________________________________________
e) Who are the masters of America? ____________________________________________
f) How did the Indians live? ____________________________________________________

2. What about our country? How did the Brazilian Indians live before the Portuguese expeditions?
Write about this

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


1. Before listening to the song, read the lyrics below, and check some

a) Sentences with regular and irregular verbs in the simple past


b) Sentences with verbs in the simple present


Now, listen to the song and enjoy it.

Someone Like You

A música está disponível
para ouvir em: http://
Adele www.youtube.com/
I heard that you’re settled down Ouça online, não faça
download, respeite os
That you found a girl and you’re married now
direitos autorais.
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things, I didn’t give to you

Old friend, why are you so shy

It ain’t like you to hold back or hide from the light

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

But I couldn’t stay away, I couldn’t fight it
I hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
That for me, it isn’t over

Never mind, I’ll find someone like you

I wish nothing but the best for you, too
A New Way To English - Volume 1

Don’t forget me, I beg, I remember you said

Sometimes it lasts in love

But sometimes it hurts instead

Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah
You’d know how the time flies

Only yesterday was the time of our lives

We were born and raised in a summery haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

But I couldn’t stay away, I couldn’t fight it

I hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
That for me, it isn’t over yet
Never mind, I’ll find someone like you

I wish nothing but the best for you, too

Don’t forget me, I beg, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah

Nothing compares, no worries or cares

Regrets and mistakes they’re memories made
Who would have known how bitter-sweet this would taste
Never mind, I’ll find someone like you

I wish nothing but the best for you, too

Don’t forget me, I beg, I remembered you said
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead

Never mind, I’ll find someone like you

I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don’t forget me, I beg, I remembered you said
Sometimes it lasts in love

But sometimes it hurts instead

Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah, yeah
Fonte: http://www.metrolyrics.com/someone-like-you-lyrics-adele.html

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês



Grandma was ninety-two years old when she won two million dollars on the lottery. Our
family was extremely worried about her heart and nobody wanted to tell her the news. We
thought that it might come as a shock to her.
“We mustn´t forget that she has a weak heart. I think we should call in Dr. Jones to tell her
news”, suggested my father.
The doctor soon arrived and we explained the situation to him.
“You don’t have to worry about anything”, said the doctor. “I can tell her the news gently.
Everything will be all right if you leave it to me.”
The doctor went in to see the old lady and gradually brought the conversation around to
“Tell me”, said the doctor, “what would you do if you won a fortune on the lottery – say,
two million dollars?”
“I would give half of it to you, naturally”, answered Grandma.
The doctor fell down dead with shock.
Fonte: PINHEIRO, 2011

1. How much did Grandma win on the lottery?

2. How old was Grandma then?

3. What was the family worried about?


4. Did anybody want to tell her the news?


5. What might happen?


6. What did father say they should do?


7. Did the doctor accept the responsibility?


8. What questions did the doctor ask the old lady about the lottery?

A New Way To English - Volume 1


9. What was Grandma’s answer?


10. What happened to them?


Did you have some “Shocking News”?

Write a composition saying how was a day you got surprised.

Chose one of these themes and write a short paragraph about it.
1. ( ) Meeting a different person
2. ( ) Eating in a different restaurant
3. ( ) Going to a new place

Before listening to the song, read the lyrics below and take some
sentences using:

a) Sentences with regular verbs in the simple past


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


b) Sentences with irregular verbs in the simple past


Now listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box

Because You Loved Me believed gave lost

saw was true
Composition: Diane Warren joy were stood

Céline Dion

For all those times you _______by me.

For all the truth that you made me ______
For all the _____you brought to my life.
For all the wrong that you made right.
For every dream you made come _______
For all the love I found in you I’ll be forever thankful baby.
You’re the one who held me up.
Never let me fall.
You’re the one who saw me through, though it all. A música está disponível
para ouvir em: http://
You were my strength when I ____weak. www.youtube.com/
You _____my voice when I couldn’t speak. watch?v=9CkKuA86Mis
Ouça online, não faça
You were my eyes when couldn’t see. download, respeite os direitos
You _____the best there was in me. autorais.
Lift me up when I couldn’t reach.
You gave me faith ‘coz you _________
I’m everything I am because you loved me.

You _______me wings and made me fly.

You touched my hand I could touch the sky.
I ______my faith, you gave it back to me.
You said no star was out of reach.
You stood by me and I stood tall.

A New Way To English - Volume 1

I had your love I had it all.

I’m grateful for each day you gave me.
Maybe I don’t know that much, but I know this much is true.
I was blessed because I was loved by you.

You were my strength when I was weak.

You were my voice when I couldn’t speak.
You were my eyes when couldn’t see.
You saw the best there was in me.
Lift me up when I couldn´t reach.
You gave me faith ´coz you believed.
I’m everything I am because you loved me.

You were always there for me.

The tender wind that carried me.
A light in the dark shining your love into my life.
You’ve been my inspiration.
Through the lies you were the truth.
My world is a better place because of you.

You were my strength when I was weak.

You were my voice when I couldn’t speak.
You were my eyes when couldn’t see.
You saw the best there was in me.
Lift me up when I couldn’t reach.
You gave me faith ´coz you believed.
I’m everything I am because you loved me.

Fonte: http://www.lyrics78.com/C%C3%A9LINE-DION-BECAUSE-YOU- LOVED-ME-


FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


Nessa última unidade desse livro, mais uma vez, apontou-se uma continuidade dos elementos
fundamentais à aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa, uma vez que foram apresentadas as
formas verbais referentes ao passado, mostrando as diferenças entre os verbos regulares
e os verbos irregulares, além de listar vários exemplos de verbos irregulares. Assim, foram
apresentadas expressões usadas para falar sobre o passado em inglês. Como nas unidades
anteriores, nessa unidade, também, pensou-se em consolidar os conteúdos apresentados a
partir de exemplos, com textos para SPEAKING, a prática do LISTENING, do READING e do
WRITING, além de terem sidos sugeridos sites de pesquisa e leituras complementares.


Caros alunos,
A Unidade IV nos apresentou mais uma parte importante dos elementos fundamentais à
aprendizagem da disciplina Língua inglesa I. A partir dessa terceira parte do estudo você
deve estar preparado para compreender com mais facilidade os aspectos morfológicos da
Língua Inglesa e saber expressar de forma mais dinâmica seus os aspectos gramaticais,
sendo capaz de narrar fatos do seu passado usando as diversas formas que a língua permite
para que isso seja feito. Esperamos que você tenha aproveitado bem esse estudo introdutório
sobre a língua inglesa, e que se mantenha firme no objetivo de aprender o idioma, nunca
desanime, e tire o máximo proveito de seu estudo.

Chegamos ao final dessa primeira etapa, mas ainda temos uma longa caminhada.
Let’s do it together!!

A New Way To English - Volume 1


BARBOSA, Maria do Socorro Baptista. Ilustrações criadas para uso exclusivo neste
material. Teresina, 2012.
____________. Sete Cidades. Foto tirada para uso exclusivo neste material. Sete Cidades,
BOYD, David R. Vancouver 2020: a bright green future. An action plan for becoming the
world’s greenest city by 2020. VANCOUVER, Greenest City Action Team, 2011.
FREE ICONS WEB. Ícones. Disponível em: <http://www.freeiconsweb.com/> Acesso em:
FREITAS, Antonia Barbosa de Sousa. Textos elaborados exclusivamente para este
material. Teresina, 2011.
GOLDSTEIN, Ben. Framework 1. New York: Richmond, 2005.
HUTCHINSON, Tom. Life Lines: Pre-Intermediate. London: Oxford University Press, 1999.
MICROSOFT OFFICE. Cliparts. Disponível em: <http://office.microsoft.com/pt-br/images>.
Acesso em: 26/01/2012
PINHEIRO, Mário Eduardo. Fotos tiradas para uso exclusivo neste material. Parnaíba,
_______________. Textos elaborados exclusivamente para este material. Teresina,
PUBLIC DOMAIN CLIP ART. Cliparts. Disponível em: <http://www.pdclipart. org/index.php>
Acesso em: 26/01/2012
RICHARDS, Jack C. Interchange Intro A. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
_______________. Interchange Intro B. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
_______________. Interchange Level 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
SIQUEIRA, Jairo. Ferramentas de Criatividade: mapa mental. Disponível em http://www.
criatividadeaplicada.dreamhosters.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/ 03/mapa-mental.pdf

STOCK PHOTO. Fotos. Disponível em: <http://www.sxc.hu/ photo/1034240> Acesso em:

SWEENEY, Geraldine. Ideas & Issues: Pre-Intermediate. São Paulo: SBS, 2007.
TORRES, Nelson. Gramática Prática da Língua Inglesa: o Inglês Descomplicado. São
Paulo: Saraiva, 2007.
WHITNEY, Norman. Dream Team 1. London: Oxford University Press, 2003.

FUESPI/ NEAD Letras Inglês


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