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Independência dos

Estados Unidos da
Treze colônias
◼ Inglaterra de Jaime I – Perseguidor dos
puritanos – sec. XVII
◼ Viagem do Mayflower 1620
◼ Primeiros colonos – “Pilgrim fathers”
◼ Política do self government –
administração local pelos próprios colonos,
que estabeleciam suas próprias leis,
normas. Com a mínima interferência da
metrópole (Inglaterra)
◼ Pacto Colonial menos rígido.
Modelos de colônias
◼ Colônia de povoamento, ao norte:
Trabalho livre – assalariado
Produção para o mercado interno (nascente
◼ Colônias de exploração, ao sul:
Latifúndio – grande propriedade rural
Produção voltada para exportação
Mão-de-obra escrava

◼ Crise econômica inglesa provocada pela

guerra entre França e Inglaterra – Guerra
dos Sete Anos (1756-1763)
◼ Endurecimento do pacto colonial
◼ Aumento da exploração da coroa inglesa
sobre os colonos na América
◼ Criação de novas leis inglesas = aumento
dos impostos
◼ Lei do açúcar - cobrança de impostos
sobre o açúcar não produzido pelas
colônias inglesas
◼ Lei do selo – todos os impresso deveriam
ser selados com selos vendidos pela
coletoria metropolitana – livros, jornais
panfletos, documentos etc.
◼ Lei do aquartelamento – obrigação de
fornecer alojamento para as tropas
◼ Lei do chá – controle da importação do
chá pela coroa inglesa.
◼ Iluminismo defendia o liberalismo
político e econômico – contra os abusos
do Antigo Regime
◼ Revolução Americana – movimento
King James I
Landing of the Pilgrim Father Engraved by W H Simmons after a picture by
Charles Lucy.
The Departure of The Pilgrim Fathers from Plymouth 1620
Mayflower replica
Protestant pilgrims are shown on the deck of the ship Speedwell before their departure
for the New World from Delft Haven, Holland, on July 22, 1620. William Brewster,
holding the Bible, and pastor John Robinson lead Governor Carver, William Bradford,
Miles Standish, and their families in prayer. Robert W. Weir (1803–1890) had studied art
in Italy and taught art at the military academy at West Point.
Year Population
1625 1,980
1641 50,000
1688 200,000
1702 270,000
1715 434,600
1749 1,046,000
1754 1,485,634
1765 2,240,000
1775 2,418,000
Algonquin: village
of Pomeiock

The Indian
“Towne of
drawing by John
White, 1585.
Hand-colored version
of Theodor de Bry’s
engraving of the
American Indian town
of Pomeiooc. De Bry’s
engraving, “The Towne
of Pomeiooc,” was
originally published as
an illustration in
Thomas Hariot’s 1588
book A Briefe and True
Report of the New
Found Land of Virginia.
American Indian Tribes
Gravura de:
Simon Van de Pass, 1616
Painting depicting the marriage ceremony of British colonist John Rolfe (1585 - 1622) to
Native American Pocahontas (1595 - 1617), the daughter of Chief Powhatan of the
Algonquian tribe, in 1614. After a painting by Henry Brueckner, circa 1855. (Kean
Collection/Getty Images)
Lives Changed by Jamestown
Author: Helen C. Rountree
Relates the story of early seventeenth-century
Virginia from the point of view of the Native
Americans. Powhatan and his daughter are better
known in history than his younger brother(or half-
brother) who captured John Smith. The story only
lightly touches on the fact that Opechancanough
and possibly Powhatan were part Spanish. The
author does not mention that Openchancanough,
whose Indian name meant " He who has a white
man's soul" might have been educated by the
Jesuits from a nearby Spanish mission named
Ajacan and educated in Spain and Mexico. This
requires further study but,nontheless, the book
sheds more light on this highly influential and
interesting Native American family. Illustrated.
Charlottsville, 2005 University of Virginia Press 1st
Ed., 6 x 9, 292 Pgs., HB.
Pocahontas by Unknown
after an unidentified
artist, English School,
after the 1616
engraving by
Simon van de Passe
(1595 ca.-1647)

48 /

Pocahontas memorial,
Gravesend (cidade inglesa onde
morreu em 1617).
Pocahontas, esposa do inglês John
"The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth" By Jennie A. Brownscombe. (1914)
Jamestown - Virginia 1650
Primeiros anos na colônia
Valley Forge National Historical Park
A classic saltbox type house, outside of Concord, MA
Colonial Williamsburg www.history.org/almanack/places/hb/hbpal.cfm
◼ Os colonos ingleses da América defendiam
o seguinte princípio:
“Sem representação não deve haver
◼ Leis editadas por Charles Townshend em
1767 acirram a crise entre metrópole e
◼ Festa do Chá de Boston – ataque da
carga de chá importado e tributado pela
coroa inglesa. Os colonos destroem a
carga do navio ancorado no porto de
◼ Congressos da Filadélfia 1774 e 1775 –
reunião dos colonos em busca de solução
contra os abusos do rei da Inglaterra.
◼ A solução encontrada pelos colonos foi a
separação da colônia = Independência –
4 de julho de 1776
◼ Guerra com a Inglaterra até 1781 , quando
há o reconhecimento da independência por
parte da Inglaterra (1783)
◼ Surgimento dos Estados Unidos da
This iconic 1846 lithograph by Nathaniel Currier was entitled "The Destruction of Tea at
Boston Harbor"; the phrase "Boston Tea Party" had not yet become standard. Contrary
to Currier's depiction, few of the men dumping the tea were actually disguised as
American Indians.
W.D. Cooper. "Boston Tea Party.", The History of North America. London: E. Newberry,
Prayer at the Continental Congress - Jacob Duche’ was born JANUARY 31, 1738.
Chaplain Jacob Duch leads the first prayer at the First Continental Congress in
Carpenters’ Hall, Philadelphia, in September 1774
Infantry of the Continental
“Washington at Valley Forge”. Painting by Edward P. Moran
"The Prayer at Valley Forge" by Arnold Friberg, 1775
Valley Forge National Historical Park
Cannons in Valley Forge
George Washington
By Charles Willson Peale
Oil on canvas, 915/8" x 583/8",
Soldiers marching at Mount Vernon on Independence Day
Yorktown Battlefield, Colonial
National Historic Park, Virginia
Yorktown Battlefield, Colonial National Historic Park, Virginia
Surrender (rendição inglesa) at Yorktown -With French
Marquis de Lafayette
The British Surrender at Yorktown 19th October 1781
Map of the Battle of Yorktown
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
by John Trumbull, depicting the British surrendering to French
(left) and American (right) troops. Oil on canvas, 1820.
Washington, Lafayette &
Tilghman at Yorktown

Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827)

Oil on canvas Signed lower left:
"C.W.Peale pinxt 1782"
King George III
Allan Ramsay, 1762. Oil on canvas,
80.3cm x 64.3 cm. National Portrait
Gallery, London..
King George III
by Sir William Beechey
National Portrait Gallery, London
John Trumbull’s painting Surrender of General Burgoyne was commissioned in 1817.
The painting depicts the surrender of British General Burgoyne to the Continental Army
at Saratoga, New York, in 1777
Thomas Paine, autor do panfleto
“Senso comum” que incentivava
a separação das colônias inglesas
na América, da Inglaterra.

Congress Voting Independence, a depiction of the Second Continental Congress voting
on the United States Declaration of Independence. Oil on canvas. 1776 -"Edward
Savage and/or Robert Edge Pine" - Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Drafted by Thomas
Jefferson between
June 11 and June 28,
1776, as authorized
by the Continental
Congress, July 2,
1776 with minor
revisions and
released publicly on
July 4, 1776.
This is a high-
resolution image of
the United States
Declaration of
(article | text). This
image is a version of
the 1823 William
Stone facsimile —
Stone may well have
used a wet pressing
process (that
removed ink from
the original
document onto a
contact sheet for the
purpose of making
the engraving).
Thomas Jefferson, the
principal author of the
Declaration, argued that
Parliament was a foreign
legislature that was
unconstitutionally trying to
extend its sovereignty into the
Johannes Adam Simon Oertel. Pulling Down the Statue of King George III, N.Y.C., ca.
1859. The painting is a romantic version of events painted decades after the fact, and
includes a number of historical inaccuracies, including portraying the subject of the
sculpture in contemporary garb, as well as placing women and children at the scene.
◼ Declaração de Independência dos
Estados unidos da America.
...”Consideramos estas verdades como
evidentes por si mesmas, que todos os
homens foram criados iguais, foram
dotados pelo Criador de certos direitos
inalienáveis, que entre estes estão a vida,
a liberdade e a busca da felicidade.
Que a fim de assegurar esses direitos,
governos são instituídos entre os homens,
derivando seus justos poderes do
consentimento dos governados; que,
sempre que qualquer forma de governo se
torne destrutiva de tais fins, cabe ao povo o
direito de alterá-la ou aboli-la e instituir
novo governo, baseando-o em tais princípios
e organizando-lhe os poderes pela forma
que lhe pareça mais conveniente para
realizar-lhe a segurança e a felicidade”...
Signing the Preliminary Treaty of Peace at Paris, November 30, 1782. John
Jay and Benjamin Franklin standing at the left.
Tratado de Paris 1783
Reconhecimento dos EUA
pela Inglaterra
Washington Resigning His Commission, 1783
After the Treaty of Paris, General George Washington presented his resignation to Congress,
meeting in Annapolis, Maryland on December 23, 1783. This is rough engraving, not the more
famous painting by John Trumbull that is displayed in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol.
1783 George Washington's resignation as commander in chief at the State House in
Annapolis – 1858 Artist: Edwin White (1817-1877)
This is a wonderful illustration showing Betsy Ross and two girls presenting the first
American Flag to George Washington. This flag has 13 stripes, and 13 stars, arranged in
a circular pattern. This is a lovely image of this important point in American History.
Ex-colônia – uma grande nação
◼ Constituição de 1787 – Republicanismo
◼ Federalismo- separação entre Estados e
União (EUA como país). Os estados
(unidades da Federação) possuem
algumas leis que são somente estaduais;
Possuindo uma relativa independência
◼ A Constituição americana está
fundamentada em princípios que
respeitam e valorizam a liberdade do
◼ Imigração – Terra da liberdade
◼ “Dai-me os seus fatigados, os seus
As suas massas encurraladas ansiosas por
respirar liberdade
O miserável refugo das suas costas
Mandai-me os sem abrigo, os
arremessados pelas tempestades,
Pois eu ergo o meu farol junto ao portal
dourado...” Emma Lazarus
◼ Marcha para o Oeste – expansionismo
◼ Fatores do expansionismo:
*Descoberta do ouro na Califórnia;
*Tomada terras dos índios à oeste do
*Chegada de imigrantes – Incentivo a
*Investimento em ferrovias.
◼ Destino Manifesto – Deus escolheu os
americanos para ocupar e civilizar a
Wasp - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
◼ Mecanismos de incorporação de terras:
Guerra- expropriação (tomada pela força) –
compra – diplomacia
Ver mapa pág.74
◼ Terras dos índios –
◼ ISHI – último índio selvagem americano
◼ “Enterrem meu coração na curva do rio” –
Dee Brown
April 1, 1789
George Washington is
elected President of
the United States and
John Adams elected
Vice President
United States Constitution

Page one of the original copy of

the Constitution
Scene at the Signing the Constitution of the United States by Howard Chandler Christy
George Washington
Date :1795
Technique :Oil on canvas, 77
64 cm
Type :portrait
Form :painting
Location :Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York
Amir Mohammed Taqi Ajam

Gilbert Stuart (American,

1755-1828). George
Washington, after 1796. Oil
on canvas. 29 1/4 × 24 in.
(74.3 x 61 cm). Bequest of
Mrs. Benjamin Ogle Tayloe.
George Washington delivering his inaugural address before members of the Congress.
Washington delivered this inaugural address April 1789, in the old city hall, New York.
Amir Mohammed Taqi Ajam

Benjamin Franklin, Governor of

Pa., 1785-1788.
Courtesy of Capitol Preservation Committee
http://cpc.state.pa.us and John Rudy Photography
Miners hoping to strike it rich during the California Gold Rush at Auburn
Ravine in 1852. (Credit: California State Library)
Stampeders near Sheep Camp on the Chilkoot trail. 1897.
Miners thawing frozen ground with steam in an underground gold mine lit by candlelight,
Gold Hill, Yukon Territory, ca. 1898 - Alaska
Emma Lazarus - American Poet
and Essayist who wrote "The
New Colossus" to aid the
Pedestal Fund Campaign. Her
poem was cast in a bronze plate
placed on the inner wall of the
Pedestal. " Give me your tired,
your poor...".
LAZARUS, Emma, poet, born in
New York City, 22 July, 1849; died
there, 19 November, 1887.
Structural frame and copper skin, ready for
the last part - the right arm and torch -
outside the Paris Workshop of Gaget,
Gauthier et Cie, ca.1884.

Pieces uncrated on Liberty Island,

Scientific American, December 31, 1881
Structural frame outside the
Paris Workshop of Gaget,
Gauthier et Cie, ca.1880,
Number 25, Chazelles Street.

La tête creuse de la statue monumentale

de la Liberté de Frédéric-Auguste
Bartholdi, qui sera offerte aux Etats-unis
en 1886, peut se visiter, pour 5 centimes
ce qui fait dire aux persifleurs que « la
liberté n’a pas de cervelle ». Voir la
statue exposée pour l'exposition
universelle de 1900

Le bras de la statue de la
Liberté dans les ateliers de
Bartholdi, dans le 17ème
arrondissement de Paris,
peut-êre en 1875 ou début
Paris Workshop of Gaget, Gauthier et Cie, ca.1878. 35 workmen among the forms, parts and pieces of the statue during construction.
Bartholdi stated that during the course of the fabrication of Liberty, more than 300,000 people visited the shop, including General
Paris Workshop of Gaget, Gauthier et Cie, ca.1878. Well published photo shows Bartholdi at center inspecting the lath forms. Sequence of construction: Wood
frame, lath, plaster to dimensions of finished surface, then a negative wooden mold was built into which the copper surfaces were pressed, formed, and
hammered. Copper pieces were then riveted to each other, attached to the wrought iron supports, and hung on the structural iron frame.
Le 28 octobre 1885, en présence de
Bartholdi, de Lesseps et du Président
des États-unis Grover Cleveland, le
monument fut inauguré sous le nom
de Statue of Liberty Enlightening the
World (La Liberté éclairant le
Monde). Plus d'un million de
personnes assistaient à la cérémonie.

The torch and part of the arm of the Statue of
Liberty, on display at the 1876 Centennial
Exhibition in Philadelphia.
En vue rapprochée, l'assemblage des plaques de cuivre représentant le manteau
drapant la Statue de la Liberté.
Sa situation, à l'entrée du port de New York fit d'elle le symbole du Nouveau Monde,
non seulement pour les touristes fortunés qui se rendaient en voyage en Amérique,
mais surtout pour les milliers d'immigrants qui accostaient sur cette Terre Promise.



Liberty torch
Statue of Liberty National Monument Map
Immigrant luggage -Ellis Island Museum
TITLE: New York - Welcome to the land of freedom - An ocean steamer passing the Statue of Liberty:
Scene on the steerage deck / from a sketch by a staff artist.
CALL NUMBER: Illus. in AP2.L52 1881 (Case Y) [P&P]
SUMMARY: Immigrants on deck of steamer "Germanic."
MEDIUM: 1 print (2 pages) : wood engraving.
Immigrants waiting to be transferred, Ellis Island, October 30, 1912
English family at Ellis Island (Photograph by Augustus Sherman)
TITLE: Emigrants coming to the
"Land of Promise"
MEDIUM: 1 photographic print on
stereo card : stereograph.
NOTES: Copyright by William H.
Rau. No. 4580.
REPOSITORY: Library of
Congress Prints and Photographs
Division Washington, D.C. 20540
A photograph from Augustus F. Sherman Ellis Island Portraits
Newcomers like the Glerum family, including young Frank, sixth from left,
whose son viewed the show at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
Courtesy of the Statue of Liberty National Monument,
Slovenian Gypsy family arriving at Ellis Island, by Augustus Sherman, 1910
This 1926 photograph
shows a young Italian
immigrant at Ellis
New immigrants arriving at Ellis Island. At Ellis they will be "processed"
before they are allowed to continue their journey to find a new home
Awaiting examination, Ellis Island
Ellis Island

As 13 colônias e os
primeiros territórios
conquistados no oeste.
Expansão americana rumo ao oeste.

William Ranney, Daniel Boone's First View of Kentucky, 1849

George Caleb Bingham, Daniel Boone Escorting Settlers Through the Cumberland
Gap, 1851
Thomas Moran, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, 1872, oil on canvas.
Smithsonian American Art Museum
W.H.D. Koerner, "The Madonna
of the Prairie" 1921
John Gast, "American Progress" (1872).
◼ Esta pintura (cerca 1872) de John Gast
chamada Progresso Americano é uma
representação alegórica do Destino Manifesto.
Na cena, uma mulher angelical, algumas vezes
identificada como Colúmbia, (uma personificação
dos Estados Unidos do século XIX) carregando a
luz da "civilização" juntamente a colonizadores
americanos, prendendo cabos telégrafo por onde
passa. Há também Índios Americanos e animais
selvagens do oeste "oficialmente" sendo
afugentados pela personagem.
◼ Destino Manifesto: "A expansão dos Estados
Unidos sobre o continente americano, desde
o Ártico até a América do Sul, é o destino de nossa
raça (...) e nada pode detê-la". Presidente James
Buchanan, no discurso de sua posse em 1857
Albert Bierstadt, "Emigrants Crossing the Plains" (1867).
Yahi translator Sam Batwai, Alfred L.
Kroeber, and Ishi, photographed at
Parnassus in 1911. Image courtesy of
UC Berkeley, Phoebe Hearst Museum
of Anthropology.

Ishi in Two Worlds - A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America, Theodora
Ishi - Circa. 1914
União Ameaçada
◼ Diferenças econômicas e políticas
entre o Sul e o Norte
◼ Sul= Agrícola, exportador (para a Europa) e
escravocrata e conservador (Partido
◼ Norte=Industrial, com produção voltada
para o mercado interno = Proteção
alfandegária (protecionista). Abolicionistas -
a escravidão deveria ser combatida.
◼ Ao Sul interessava as baixas tarifas
alfandegárias para importar os produtos
industriais europeus e servir como mercado
de seus produtos agrícolas. A manutenção
da escravidão era essencial para esta
◼ Ao Norte interessava as altas tarifas
alfandegárias. Para forçar o Sul a ser
consumidor dos produtos industriais do
◼ Eleição de Abraham Lincoln (republicano)
em 1861
◼ Dois fatores causadores da divisão
entre o Norte e o Sul: Tarifas
alfandegárias e escravidão(?).
◼ Guerra da Secessão – separação,
independência (do Sul) por não concordar
com o Norte.
◼ Confederados (Sul) X União (Norte)
◼ Conseqüências: 600mil mortos – Sentimento
◼ Ku Klux Klan – defesa da supremacia branca
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's funeral on
Pennsylvania Ave.
Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Division Washington,
D.C. 20540 USA
Map of the United States in 1864, showing the division during the Civil War.
Union states, including those admitted during the war
Union states that permitted slavery
Confederate States
Color lithograph from 1896
showing four versions of the flag
of the Confederate States of
America. Standing at the center
are Stonewall Jackson, P. G. T.
Beauregard, and Robert E. Lee,
surrounded by bust portraits of
Jefferson Davis and Confederate
Army officers. Clockwise from
upper-left corner: Gen. Braxton
Bragg, Gen. P. T. Beauregard,
Jefferson Davis, Alexander H.
Stephens, Lt. Gen. T.J. Jackson,
Gen S. Price, Lt. Gen Polk, Lt. Gen
Hardee, Gen J.E.B. Stuart, Gen
J.E. Johnston, Lt. Gen Kirby Smith,
John H. Morgan, Albert Sidney
Johnston, Gen. Wade Hampton,
Gen John B. Gordon, Lt. Gen
Longstreet, Gen A.P. Hill, Gen
Heróis Confederados
e bandeiras
Union infantry posing for unit photograph
American Civil War (1861-65)

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Three Confederate prisoners.1863 july
Reference: Civil War photographs, 1861-1865 / compiled by Hirst D. Milhollen and Donald H. Mugridge, Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 1977. No.

Union troops in parade


Petersburg, Va. Company H, 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Zouaves). Photograph from

the main eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864-April 1865.

The Peninsula, Va.

A 12-pdr. howitzer
gun captured by
Butterfield’s Brigade
near Hanover Court
House, May 27,
1862. Photograph
from the main
eastern theater of
war, the Peninsular
Campaign, May-
August 1862.
Photograph of a
gun captured by
12th Maine and
17th New York

Black refugees

Sharpsburg, Maryland (1862) captured by photographer Alexander Gardner
Gettysburg, Pa. Dead
Confederate soldiers
in "the devil's den."
LOC Digital Ref#:
Gardner, Alexander,
Amputation U.S. field hospital

Dead Soldiers in the Wheatfield Near Emmittsburg Road - Gettysburg PA, July 1863


Bodies of Confederate Dead Gathered for Burial - Antietam, MD, September 1862

Washington, D.C., vicinity. 17th New York Battery, with horses harnessed to guns.

Brandy Station, Va., vicinity. Camp of 18th Pennsylvania

Cavalry, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps.
April 1865. Ruins
of the State
Arsenal at
Richmond showing
stacked and
ammunition. From
photographs of the
main Eastern
theater of war
after the fall of
compiled by Hirst
Milhollen and
Donald Mugridge.

Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. 1865

Yorktown, Virginia Federal artillery park. It was made between 1860 and 1865.
Six officers of the 17th New York Battery. www.armchairgeneral.com/american-civil-war
Mount Rushmore, Black Hills of South Dakota - Sculptor Gutzon Borglum
"Colored" Water Cooler, 1939
Man drinking from a segregated water cooler in an Oklahoma City street car terminal.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, July 1939.
Photograph by Russell Lee.
Copyprint. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection,
Civil rights demonstrator being attacked by police dogs, May 3, 1963,
Birmingham, Ala. Bill Hudson/AP
A Ku Klux Klan march on East Main Street in Ashland in the 1920s. Part of the Klan
philosophy of "100 percent Americanism" rested on the belief in the superiority of
native-born, English-speaking Americans. Under the Klan's influence, the Oregon
Legislature passed an Alien Property Act in 1923, a measure directed at immigrant
Japanese in Portland and the Hood River Valley, which prohibited immigrants from
owning or leasing land. The same Legislature also petitioned Congress to restrict Asian
immigration to the U.S.
Rosa Parks is fingerprinted by Deputy Sheriff D.H. Lackey in Montgomery, Ala., during
her indictment for organizing a boycott, Feb. 22, 1956. Mrs. Parks' act of civil
disobedience and refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger in Dec. 1955
sparked the Montgomery bus boycott.

Anúncios nos EUA revelando
Klondike, Sheep Camp,
Alaska. c. 1898
Courtney’s Store and
Post Office at Sheep
Camp on the Chilkoot
Trail in Alaska, circa
The Treaty of Penn with the Indians- Benjamin West 1771 –
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia
United States map of 1861, show affiliation of states and territories regarding the
Secession War (Civil War.) Legend:
States that seceded before April 15, 1861
States that seceded after April 15, 1861
Union states that permitted slavery
Union states that forbade slavery
Territories, unaffiliated
The Union: blue, yellow (slave); The Confederacy: brown
*territories in light shades; control of Confederate territories disputed
George Washington Carver (front row, center) poses with fellow staff members at
the Tuskegee Institute. State of Alabama. 1902

Below is a picture of a lynching that took place in Duluth back in the 1920s
The three dead Black men were innocent to the charges of raping a White woman. The
court system treated the White men lightly for the crime. Read more about the Duluth

A Ku Klux Klan initiation ceremony, 1920s.

© Jack Benton—Hulton Archive/Getty Images
[Washington, D.C. Adjusting the ropes for hanging the conspirators]
Abe Lincoln -
Gold Rush California
East of California’s Sierra Nevada, north of Mono Lake lies the abandoned mining town
of Bodie, California. Bodie boomed after the discovery of gold ore in the 1870s, by 1920
the town was in a steep and never-reversed decline.
Native American - Morning Vigil

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