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➢ Aptidão Mágica:

○ Água - Azul
○ Fogo - Vermelho
○ Terra - Marrom
○ Ar - Verde
○ Luz - Amarelo
○ Escuridão - Preto
○ Não-elementar - Branco
○ Espiritual - Quebrou
■ Água → Quebrou e saiu fumaça Azul
● .
● .

■ Fogo → Quebrou e saiu fumaça Vermelha
■ Terra → Quebrou e saiu fumaça Marrom
■ Ar → Quebrou e saiu fumaça Verde
■ Luz → Quebrou e saiu fumaça Amarela
■ Escuridão → Quebrou e saiu fumaça Preta
■ Múltiplo-elemental → 2 elementos
■ Espaço-tempo → TV
○ Invocação - Círculo Mágico Roxo
○ Multipla elemental (1d4+xd6)

➢ Unique Skills
○ Vampire:Permite que o usuário ao ingerir uma certa quantidade de sangue
do alvo consiga designar um status a ele diferente a cada dia. A potência e a
duração dependem da quantidade de sangue ingerida pelo portador
○ Sinergia:É uma classe que possui facilidade linguística e possui habilidades
com transmutação, com sua alquimia podendo rearranjar pequenos terrenos em
formas simples, como transformar uma pequena área em um muro pequeno.
○ Spit It Out:Poder de fazer com que as pessoas lhe confessem seus
segredos e desejos mais íntimos.
○ Aprendizado Aprimorado:Faz com que o usuário tenha um
incremento de inteligência e criatividade quando se trata de magias e
habilidades. Isso faz com que ele demore metade do tempo para aprender
magias ou habilidades simples e para criar conteúdo como magia ou histórias.
○ Ethereal:Um dos membros da pessoa é etéreo e poder se tornar físico com
a escolha da pessoa,porém só dura um curto período.
○ Fair Trade:O usuário ganha uma habilidade diferente todo dia sem ter
nenhuma informação sobre a habilidade.
○ Other Realm:Permite que a pessoa veja e possa se comunicar com
espíritos do mundo etéreo.
○ Manipulação de mana:Permite que você tenha proficiência na
manipulação de mana, te permitindo diminuir o custo ao produzir efeitos
mágicos referentes a sua aptidão.
○ Percepção mágica:Capaz de sentir traços mágicos ao redor.
○ Esconder presença:Habilidade capaz de esconder completamente a
presença do usuário.
○ Magia da criação: Magia que permite colocar poderes mágicos em
○ Anulação de Dor: …
○ Dancing Steps: Permite que você tenha uma leve noção de quais seriam
as próximas ações do seu alvo, seja o que ele falaria ou ações físicas.
○ Grande Sábio: Pensamento, Análise e Julgamento, Processamento
Paralelo,Anulação do Canto;
○ Chivalry of a Failed Knight: Ele remove todas as limitações físicas
do usuário e permite que eles causem danos inacreditáveis. Mesmo com seu
limite de tempo de 12 segundos, não há como negar a carnificina que
desencadeia a técnica do usuário sobre um inimigo. No entanto, o movimento
separa o corpo do usuário e só pode ser usado uma vez por dia.
○ Predador:Permite que o usuário possa analisar com êxito qualquer coisa
que ingira e ganhe resistência (após sofrer os malefícios) caso seja algo algo
○ Long Sense: The user's senses are boosted and expanded.
○ Power Rise: The user increases his/her physical strength.
○ Reading: The user can read any written language, as long as they know the
language's name.
○ Storage: The user stores the desired object into an inconceivable area. In this
area, the objects stored will not change whatsoever.
○ Fake Info:Capaz de editar informações pessoais (habilidade, nome, idade,
etc. Mas não Saúde, Resistência e MP) Isso pode enganar qualquer {Status
Check} como habilidade ou poder, Insite [Divine Insight];

➢ Inspirações:
● .Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni:
○ Habilidades:https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Abilities
○ Magias não Elementares: https://isekai-
■ Absorb:The user can absorb or significantly weaken magic from all attributes they have
an aptitude for. Absorbing the wrong attribute will lead to spellsickness.
■ Analyze:The user selects an object and their mind is instantly flooded with the
composition and blueprints of the object like a slideshow.
■ Cooling: The uses cools down their surroundings.
■ Cracking: The user is able to interrupt and overwrite artifacts.
■ Slip: The user reduces the friction of any solid matter to a point where anyone (including
the user) would slip and fall if he/she were to walk on the affected matter.
■ Gravity: The user alters the mass of an object based on the amount of magic used.
■ Search: The user can search and identify anything as long as what they are searching for
matches the criteria of whatever the user has in mind. This includes people.
■ Enchant:The user gives magical effect to an object.
■ Aport:The user can teleport small objects in range into their hand. The object must be
able to be held in one hand for the spell to work.
■ Recovery: The user removes all abnormal ailments. However, only some conditions are
considered abnormal ailments and can be cured.
■ Modeling:The user molds an object into the intended shape.
■ Speaker: The user creates two magic formations. A small object than receives sound,
and a large object that projects the sound over a large area.
■ Mirage:The user can create an fisic illusion by an amount of time.If it takes any damage it
■ Levitation: The user is able to make an object float in the air. However, the object must
be within arm's reach, so spells like [Fly] are needed to levitate the target into high
■ Transfer: The user can transfer his/her magic to another.
■ Mosaic:The user creates a visual censor of things not wanted to be seen by the target.
■ Boost:The user's physical strength and speed are increased. It uses the users physical
strength as a base.
■ Change Speed: The user can change the speed of one or more creature he can see for
more or for less.
■ ***Trade: The user can choose to trade an status, power (aleatory) or item with the
target it touched for a period of time.
■ Downgrade: The user can Downgrade an status in half.of a target he stares for a period
of time.
■ Protection: The user can will any object to become more resistant in general.
■ Soak Up: The user can absorb anything by taking a deep breath. Once a day.
■ Float: The creature can jump in high height and than float till it reaches the ground.
■ Fly: The creature can fly in low height for a certain amount of time.
■ Mystic Eyes of Intuition: Eyes that allow sight of the true nature or personality of any
person a user sees.
■ Scope of Weakness:Eyes that allow sight of any weakness of any person.
■ Future Prediction: An ability to see a few second into the future.
■ Silence: The user erases the presence of sound within a set area. The user can also use
the spell to soundproof the area.
■ Accel:The user gains a barrier around himself/herself and is able to move and think at
much faster speeds. however, the barrier drains magic rapidly.
■ Drawing:The user can print the image that is in his/her mind onto any type of writing
■ Gift: You can give an magical ability of a certain level for someone but during this time
you lose the possibility to lose this ability. After the use of the magical ability by the gifted
one it comes back for the owner.
■ Usurper: This main ability allows the user to 'steal' temporarily the power of his
opponents, effectively weakening his skills and magic. Although this ability works only on
people stronger than the user.
● Forced Usurp: This is a skill that requires mastery of the Skill Usurper. It grants
the user the ability to 'steal' the power of even those weaker than the user.
■ Duplicate: This main skill allows the skill user to copy and obtain the skills of those he is
■ Creator: You can create an object by your choice that you can imagine clearly and
maintain it for a amount of time.
■ Second Chance: It is used the first time to mark that moment in time. When in need,
they activate the power a second time. Once activated, owner goes back to the moment
they marked. Their memory remains untouched, allowing them to correct any issues or
mistakes that may have occurred before going back in time.
■ Possess: You can possess temporarily the body of someone else, but your body remains
unconscious for this time.
■ Taboo: The user seals words in advance. Can be used to hinder invocations, but difficult
to use in a real fight.
■ Storage: The user stores the desired object into an inconceivable area. In this area, the
objects stored will not change whatsoever.
■ Program: The user is able to embed a set of instructions and/or rules into any abiotic
■ Translation: The user hears a foreign language in their language and can speak back in
the same language.
■ Delete: The user is able to erase an intended object from existence.
■ Recall: The user copies his/her target's memories into his/her own head. The spell can
also use to help the target remember something that they have forgotten
■ Power Division and Absorption: Divide an opponent's strength and absorb that
halved power to add to his own.

○ Magias Elementares:
■ Fogo:
● https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Magic
■ Água:
● https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Water_Magic
■ Terra:
● https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Earth_Magic
■ Ar:
● https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Wind_Magic
■ Luz:
● https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Light_Magic
■ Escuridão:
● https://isekai-smartphone.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Magic

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