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Atividade de Língua Inglesa 1° ano Turnoː Matutino 2° Bimestre

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Professor(a)ː Dataː ___/06/2021 Visto:
Trabalho Avaliativo 2º Bimestre (2º Chamada)

Este trabalho avaliativo corresponde ao capítulo 06 e 07

 Este trabalho vale de 0 a 06.

 Você poderá entregar até o dia 28/06
 Conteúdo: Simple Present e Frequency Adverbs (Interpretação de texto e vocabulário)
 Você poderá consultar seu material para melhor ajudá-lo (a).
 Trabalhos entregues FORA DO PRAZO terão nota ZERO e os pais comunicados pela falta
de participação.


Today, most Native American children live in homes like those of other Americans. They go to
schools just like other children go to. And in their free time, they like to play the same games, watch the
same TV shows, and eat the same snacks most kids do.
Many Native American children also learn about the traditions of their ancestors, the people in their
families who lived long ago. Children learn the songs, stories, and dances of their ancestors. They learn
about traditional food and art. Some kids even learn to speak their ancestors’ language.
Some native people work extra hard to keep their traditions alive. They travel across the United
States, teaching about theirs ancestors’ traditions – so those traditions won’t be lost forever.

Weeklly Reader, Issue 10 . November 18, 1994.

ITEM 01. Agora que você já leu o texto, responda as questões abaixo, baseando-se nas
informações que obteve: (0,5 / ____ )

a) O texto acima foi publicado em uma revista semanal americana, voltada para o público infanto-juvenil.
Essa publicação circula apenas em escolas. Qual o nome dessa revista e quando ela foi publicada?

ITEM 02. Observe as palavras destacadas nas sentenças abaixo: (0,5 / ____ )

As árvores existem em torno de nós.

Nossa vida anda junto com a floresta.
They go to school just like other kids go to.
Children learn the songs, stories and dances of their ancestors.

a) Que idéias elas expressam?

( ) Ações futuras. ( ) Ações já realizadas. ( ) Hábitos do cotidiano.

ITEM 03. Observe as sentenças abaixo com o verbo LIVE, que significa viver ou morar, nas suas
diferentes pessoas. O que você pode dizer sobre as mudanças ocorridas? (0,5 / ____ )

Most Native American children live in homes.

We live in Brazil.
Prince Charles lives in London.
The Indian boy lives in Amazonas.
Guga lives in Floripa. He plays tennis.


ITEM 04. Com base na sua observação, localize no texto “Native Americans” duas sentenças
que indiquem ações cotidianas. (0,5 / ____ )


ITEM 05. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (affirmative or negative)
from the box. (1,0 / ____ )

a) Michael doesn’t do (not do) his homework every day.

b) Miranda __________________________ (get up) at 5:30 a.m.
c) Bob __________________________ (not / go) to school in the afternoon.
d) They __________________________ (not / study) with their friends.
e) Carlos __________________________ (have) art class on Friday.
f) My friends and I __________________________ (listen) to rap music.

ITEM 06. Unscramble the words to form appropriate sentences. (1,0 / ____ )

a) listen to / Pedro / music / every day / .

b) Susan / Does / hang out / on weekends / with friends / ?
c) do / you / How often / ride a bike / ?
d) in the evening / Karen / watch / TV / doesn’t.

ITEM 07. Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the SIMPLE
PRESENT. (1,0 / ____ )

Susan is twelve years old. She ___________ (to live) in a small town in the USA. Her parents _______
(to work) at a small company. She ___________ (to have) three dogs, she ___________ (to love) them
a lot. On weekends, she _____________ (to relax) with her friends.

a) Live/ work/ have/ love/ relax b) Lives/ works/ has/ loves/ relaxes
c) Lives/ works/ have/ loves/ relaxes d) Lives/ work/ has/ loves/ relaxes
e) Lives/ work/ has/ loves/ relax
ITEM 08. Rewrite the sentences using the ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY. (1,0 / ____ )

a) I help my mother at home (sometimes)

b) Susan cleans her bedroom. (usually)
c) Kitty and Toby make their bed. (always)
d) John and Liz have dinner in a restaurant. (hardly ever)
e) Allan goes to school on Sundays. (never)


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