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ISBN: 978-65-5784-050-4

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Unit 1 ............................................................................................................... 5
Unit 2 ............................................................................................................... 21
Unit 3 ............................................................................................................... 37
Unit 4 ............................................................................................................... 58


A língua inglesa está muito presente no dia-a-dia do brasileiro, e na vida profissional não
pode ser diferente, sendo um elemento que contribui muito para o avanço na carreira de
colaboradores em diversas áreas. O mercado de trabalho busca profissionais completos que
saibam ler, ouvir, escrever e fale em inglês, auxiliando com os mais variados tipos de serviço. O
UOL Curso de Inglês 12 meses (reading, listening and writing) garante um ensino completo da
língua ao profissional no período de 1 ano para que ele se destaque no mercado e atinja seus



Welcome to the Upper Intermediate level

Melbourne – Austrália
Melbourne é considerada o centro dos negócios, dos eventos culturais e esportivos na Austrália.
Também é uma das cidades australianas mais fáceis de conseguir trabalho. E foi lá que Renan
viveu e trabalhou por alguns anos enquanto fazia intercâmbio.
Agora, Renan está voltando a Melbourne para passear e tentar rever alguns amigos que fez por
Mas ele não pratica o inglês faz algum tempo e terá de lembrar de alguns conceitos para
desenvolver uma conversa com os colegas.
Para isso, você verá nesta lição:
• Present Perfect Continuous;
• How long.
Renan está de férias e voltou a Melbourne para passear e relembrar uma fase muito boa da sua
Assim que chegou, ele sentiu vontade de reencontrar seus amigos que viviam naquela cidade.
Então, resolveu procurá-los e marcar um happy hour (comemoração informal entre os amigos).
Porém, muito tempo se passou e Renan não faz ideia de como encontrá-los. Como ele fará para
descobrir o paradeiro deles?

Então, Renan se lembrou que conheceu muito de seus amigos num pub (pequeno bar) onde
trabalhava. Eles tinham o costume de se encontrar lá. Esta era sua primeira pista!
E, assim que chegou em seu antigo emprego, ficou surpreso ao encontrar Brian: um ex-colega
de trabalho, que agora era gerente do estabelecimento.
- Hi, Renan! It's been a long time! I'm fine. What about you? What are you doing?
- I'm fine too. I have my own business now.
- Great! How long have you been working for yourself?
Renan sabia que Brian estava perguntando algo sobre o seu trabalho.
Mas não entendia o porquê de ter usado a expressão have been. E agora, como Renan continuará
a conversa? É o que você verá no vídeo e na explicação a seguir.

Present Perfect Continuous

Is used to talk about actions that began in the past and are still going on.
• I've been trying to watch this movie for hours but Cindy won't shut up.
• She's been talking all through the film.
The Present Perfect can also be used to express an ideia of continuity but only with a few verbs
(like, work and study).
• I have lived in Toronto for 14 years.
• I have been living in Toronto for 14 years.

Don’t forget!
To express the ideia of continuity using the Present Perfect mentioned earlier, it is also needed
to use for and since. Check the examples below:
• Present Perfect: I have studied English for six months.
• Present Perfect Continuous: I have been studying English for six months.

• Present Perfect: She has worked as a nurse since last year.
• Present Perfect Continuous: She has been working as a nurse since last year.

The Present Perfect Continuous is not used with verbs that don’t express actions, like:
understand, love, like, remember, believe, know.

Quiz: Present Perfect Continuous

Use the Present Perfect Continuous to complete this sentence:
Mark for a gift to give to his girlfriend. (
) has been looking
( ) have been looking
( ) has being looked
Pat the holidays in Sweden.
( ) have been enjoying
( ) had being enjoying
( ) has been enjoying

Sarah for the finals.
( ) has been studying
( ) had been studied
( ) have being studied
I moved to Ohio and I with my sister Pamela.
( ) have been lived
( ) have being living
( ) have been living
I English for over 7 years.
( ) have been studying
( ) has been studying
( ) have been studied
He there for a long time.
( ) has been work
( ) have been working
( ) has been working
Now, use the verb in parentheses to form a Present Perfect Continuous sentence according to
the action shown in the image.

John a lot of marathons. (run)


They over the rocks. (jump)
Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous?
( ) She has been talking on the phone for twenty minutes.
( ) She have been talking on the phone for twenty minutes.
( ) She has been talk on the phone for twenty minutes.
( ) She has been talked on the phone for twenty minutes.
Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous?
( ) I has been playing online games for 8 hours.
( ) I have been playing online games for 8 hours.
( ) I have being play online games for 8 hours.
( ) I have been played online games for 8 hours.

We use HOW LONG to ask about the duration of an activity.

• How long have you been working here?
• How long has he been taking pictures?
• How long has it been playing?
How long can also be used with the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

Quiz: How long

Now, let’s practice the use of how long in the Present Perfect Continuous.
Select the correct alternative.
( ) How long have Vicky been a flight attendant?
( ) How long Vicky has been a flight attendant?
( ) How long has Vicky been a flight attendant?
( ) How long has Vicky be a flight attendant?
Select the correct alternative.
( ) How long have Paula and Beth been training for the marathon?
( ) How long has Paula and Beth been training for the marathon?
( ) How long have been Paula and Beth training for the marathon?
( ) How long have Paula and Beth been trained for the marathon?
Select the correct alternative.
( ) How long have she been awake?
( ) How long has she being awake?
( ) How long have she be awake?
( ) How long has she been awake?
Select the correct alternative.
( ) How long have you being waiting for?
( ) How long has you being waiting for?
( ) How long are you been waiting for?
( ) How long have you been waiting for?
Write interrogative sentences using how long and the Present Perfect Continuous.
Follow the example: Ben suffers.
How long has Ben been suffering?
Martha works for the Red Cross.

Tomy lives here.

Quiz: Conclusion
Brian told Renan that John and Lucy are married and living in Spain.
What is the best way for Renan to ask about John and Lucy’s situation?
( ) How long they has been living in Spain?
( ) How long have they been living in Spain?
( ) How long have they been live in Spain?
( ) How long they have been living in Spain?
Brian wants to tell the Carlos' situation to Renan.
What is the best way for Brian to talk about Carlos?
( ) Carlos has been here almost every day.
( ) Carlos have been here almost every day.
( ) Carlos has being here almost every day.
( ) Carlos have be here almost every day.

Brian told Renan that Marcy is working in another pub nearby.
What is the best way for Renan to ask how long this situation has been going on?
she on another pub?
( ) how long has / been working
( ) how long have / be working
( ) how long has / been work
( ) how long have / been working
Now, use the information given to build a Present Perfect Continuous sentence and reveal the
other friends' destination.
Carol/ travel/ all around the world
Carol has been traveling all around the world.
Jully/ work/ but tomorrow she will come here
Mark / sing / with a group
I / manage / the pub since last year


Negative and Interrogative forms
Em várias situações, você já utilizou expressões como:
Ele não tem vindo à faculdade todos os dias
Ele está no banho há mais de 20 minutos?
Estas expressões que você acabou de ver fazem negações ou questionamentos sobre ações que
começaram no passado, mas que continuam acontecendo.
Para que você possa construir sentenças como estas, em inglês, você verá nesta lição:
• Present Perfect Continuous – negative form;
• Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative form.
Are you ready?

Do you remember how to use the Present Perfect Continuous?
The Present Perfect Continuous is used to talk about actions that began in the past and are still
in progress.
• She's been studying math for three days.
• We've been dancing for two hours.

Quiz: Present Perfect Continuous – negative form

Use the Present Perfect Continuous – negative form to complete the sentence.
We what they expected.
( ) haven’t been do
( ) hasn’t been doing
( ) haven’t been doing
They the blender.
( ) haven’t been used
( ) haven’t been using
( ) hasn’t been using
Now, you have to use the verb in parentheses to build a Present Perfect Continuous sentence
in the negative form. Remember to use a contraction.
They at home. (cook)
He on the beach. (run)
He because the dog is back. (cry)
We because the power is off. (work)
We soccer at school. We go to the park instead. (play)
She well because she is sick. (eat)

Quiz: Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative form
Use the Present Perfect Continuous in the interrogative form to complete the sentence.
she well lately? She looks so tired.
( ) has / been slept
( ) have / been sleep
( ) has / been sleeping
he those pants again?
( ) Have / been weared
( ) Has / been wearing
( ) Have / been wear
you to the pool recently?
( ) Have / been going
( ) Has / been go
( ) Have / been gone
Now, you have to use the information in parentheses to build a Present Perfect Continuous
sentence in the interrogative form.
for you? (she / cook)
on the sofa? (you / sleep)
ballet? (they / dance)
Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative
( ) Has Marcy been swimming since early this morning?
( ) Marcy has been swimming since early this morning?
( ) Have Marcy been swimming since early this morning?
( ) Marcy have been swimming since early this morning?
Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative
( ) Has Ben been save up to go abroad on vacation?
( ) Have Ben been saving up to go abroad on vacation?
( ) Ben has been saving up to go abroad on vacation?
( ) Has Ben been saving up to go abroad on vacation?

Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative
( ) Have you been drink since your wife left you?
( ) Has you been drinking since your wife left you?
( ) Have you been drinking since your wife left you?
( ) You have been drinking since your wife left you?

Quiz: Conclusion
Use the information in parentheses to build the sentence. Remember to use a contraction.
They all the night long. (dance / negative form)
everything he saw ahead? (eat / interrogative form)
She for her exams.
( ) hasn't been study
( ) hasn't been studying
( ) haven't been studying
They TV lately because they are always too tired.
( ) haven't been watch
( ) hasn't been watching
( ) haven't been watching
Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative
( ) Has Jessica been work part-time to get ready for her exams?
( ) Jessica has been working part-time to get ready for her exams?
( ) Have Jessica been working part-time to get ready for her exams?
( ) Has Jessica been working part-time to get ready for her exams?
Which sentence below is correctly written in the Present Perfect Continuous – interrogative
( ) Have you been studied properly? The exam is coming soon!
( ) Have you been studying properly? The exam is coming soon!
( ) Have you studying properly? The exam is coming soon!
( ) Has you been studying properly? The exam is coming soon!

Marcia to solve those English exercises?
( ) Have / been studied
( ) Has / been studying
( ) Have / been study

Life in melody
A vida de um compositor é transformar ideias musicais em partituras, desenvolver sequências
de notas, combinações de sons.
Ainda existem aqueles que, além de se dedicarem às melodias, imprimem as palavras nas
canções e o resultado final é a soma de letra e música.
Eles são verdadeiros autores da magia musical.
Aqui, você acompanhará um momento muito importante na vida de Jonas, um músico talentoso
que foi convidado para compor a trilha sonora de um curta-metragem internacional.
Para que você o ajude nesta missão, você verá:
• first conditional;
• second conditional;
• zero conditional.
é um compositor que mora no Brasil, mas o sucesso de suas músicas foi tão grande, que chegou
até os Estados Unidos.
um amigo americano de Jonas que também é músico, ficou tão impressionado com tamanho
talento musical, que sugeriu para sua namorada que a trilha sonora do seu curta-metragem
fosse composta pelo amigo brasileiro.
Assim que o convite surgiu, Jonas ficou todo entusiasmado e aceitou na hora!
Só tem um pequeno detalhe: Jonas nuca compôs uma música em inglês.
Como será que ele vai se sair nessa?
Preocupado com a grande missão de compor em inglês, Jonas procurou saber com Patrick um
pouco mais sobre esta encomenda.
E eis que ele foi surpreendido mais uma vez!

Além de ser em inglês, a música será o tema da personagem principal de um curta-metragem,
cuja história gira em torno do arrependimento da jovem, que perdeu um grande amor.
A música terá que ilustrar o mundo de arrependimento, das possibilidades e dos sonhos da
Jonas começou a pensar em alguns versos que poderiam retratar a vida da personagem.
Mas como fazer isso em inglês?
Por onde começar?
A primeira coisa que Jonas precisa saber é como usar o condicional para falar das possibilidades.

Quiz: First Conditional

It’s time to practice! Choose the best option to complete the sentence below.
If you go to bed too late, ...
( ) ...we will get there on time.
( ) ...you won't be able to get up early.
( ) ...you will need to go to bed late too.
If he doesn't accept our offer...
( ) ...we will have to give up.
( ) ...he won't reject it.
( ) ...he will consider our offer.
If Vivian a map, she completely oriented.
( )takes / will be
( )take / had been
( )took / doesn't be
I the cake if you me with the washing-up.
( )didn't make / will help
( )make / helped
( )will make / help
She stronger if she more.
( )didn't get / won’t eat
( )won’t get / doesn’t eat
( )isn’t get / didn’t eat
Use the information in parentheses to complete the sentence. Remember to use a contraction.
If I meet him, I (not/ talk) about you.
If he doesn't stop crying, I (go) crazy.
If she (not/ arrive) early, she will miss the train.

Second and Zero Conditional

Zero Conditional
The Zero Conditional is used to talk about situations that are real and possible, sometimes
related to general truths, such as scientific facts.

Both in the conditional and in the result clauses we use the Simple Present.
The conditional clause is the one introduced by IF, and the result clause is the one that shows
the possible result.

Quiz: Second and Zero Conditional

Complete the first and second sentences using the Second Conditional.
If you more money, you to work overtime.
( ) had / wouldn't have
( ) have / won't have
( ) has / wasn't had
He more if he children.
( ) wasn't traveling / doesn't had
( ) won't travel / hasn't
( ) would travel / didn’t have
Use the information in parentheses to rewrite the sentence using the Second Conditional and
according to the picture. Remember to use a contraction.
If smoking (be) allowed here, I (not come) here again.
If I (have) money I (go) to Bariloche.
Choose the sentence with the Zero Conditional.
( ) Fish die if they stay out of water.
( ) If I have money, I will buy an aquarium.
( ) If I won the lottery, I would buy a large aquarium.
Choose the sentence with the Zero Conditional.
( ) He won't have time to eat if he was hungry.
( ) If you don't eat for a long time, you get hungry.
( ) I'd go to the beach with you if I didn't have to have lunch.
Complete the sentence in order to make a First or Second Conditional.
If she a taxi, she there on time.
( ) take / was get
( ) taking / would get
( ) takes / will get
If he work early, he time to eat before class.
( ) leaves / will have
( ) leave / would have
( ) leaving / was having
If I a dictionary, I these words up.
( ) had / would look
( ) has / was looking
( ) will have / will look
If Maria English better, she a bilingual secretary.
( ) speak / can be
( ) spoke / would be
( ) speaking / will be
Quiz: Conclusion
If I , my heart .
( ) don’t breathe / will stop
( ) doesn’t breathe / would stop
( ) didn’t breathe / stopped
He my love if he me.
( ) wouldn’t have / don't forgive
( ) wasn’t had / didn't forgive
( ) won’t have / doesn’t forgive
If I a rocket, I to outer space to get away from this world.
( ) has / could went
( ) had / would go
( ) have / will go
Rewrite and complete the sentence.
I (die) if I (breathe/negative form).
If you (think) of me (miss/interrogative form) me?
What (do/interrogative form) if you (lose) my love forever?
Keep on helping Jonas! Choose now the best option to complete the sentence below to form
a Zero Conditional.
Please call me if…
( ) …the sun comes out.
( ) …the sun will come out.
( ) …the sun won’t come out.

Keep on helping Jonas! Choose now the best option to complete the sentence below to form
a First Conditional.
If I have your heart back…
( ) I would take care of it and never let go.
( ) I will take care of it and never let go.
( ) I was take care of it and never let go.
Keep on helping Jonas! Choose now the best option to complete the sentence below to form
a Second Conditional.
If it was raining hearts…
( ) …they were mine.
( ) …they could be mine.
( ) …they would be mine.

Como é bom ler um livro!
Ainda mais quando sabemos que se trata de um gênero que gostamos.
Ler sempre será um momento único em que viajamos para mundos desconhecidos. Podemos
ser outras pessoas e estar em outros lugares instantaneamente.

Nesta lição, você conhecerá Gina.

Ela é bibliotecária e tem um sonho: abrir uma loja de livros. Mas, antes de realizar esse sonho,
Gina passará por uma aventura e terá que contar o que aconteceu a algumas pessoas.
Para conseguir ajudar Gina a falar sobre o que aconteceu no passado, você verá nesta lição:
• Past perfect (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms).
Gina é uma brasileira que se mudou para Londres recentemente com o sonho de abrir uma loja
de livros.
Mas, para começar a pensar em como seria a sua loja, Gina resolveu ir às ruas para visitar
algumas lojas e pesquisar como os europeus trabalham.

Acontece que, durante uma visita, Gina presenciou um crime! A loja de livro onde ela estava
sofreu um assalto e os supostos ladrões fugiram.
Logo em seguida, a Scotland Yard (Polícia Britânica) chegou e, como Gina havia presenciado a
cena, pediu que ela ajudasse a relatar o crime.
Como Gina tinha recém chegado a Londres, ela não conseguiu compreender tudo o que o
policial perguntava.
E agora, como ela poderá ajudá-lo?
Para que Gina saiba relatar ao policial o que aconteceu, ela precisa saber formular frases nas
quais as duas ações tenham acontecido no passado, sendo que a primeira finalizou antes da
segunda começar.
Este tipo de construção de frases caracterizam o Past Perfect, que você verá como funciona no
vídeo, a seguir.

Past Perfect – affirmative form

Notice that the following time expressions are commonly used with Past Perfect tense: until, as
soon as, when, by the time and once.
• Once the sun had gone up, the air turned warm.
• By the time Daniel got home, the film had ended.
• As soon as I had heard the news, I called Mary.
It is important to remember the structure for the Past Perfect tense in the affirmative form. See
the example.

First, we will remember that some verbs are irregular in their past form.
Do you remember that some verbs when used in the past are different?
Check, again, some irregular verbs and pronunciation.
Now let's remember the irregular verbs which are used in the Past Perfect tense. See each of
the verbs.

Quiz: Past Perfect – affirmative form
Complete the sentence with the Simple Past and Past Perfect, according to the order that the
action happened.
When Steve , his wife the dinner.
( ) had arrive / prepared
( ) arrived / had prepared
( ) had arrived / has prepared
Lisa Martha before she the building.
( ) saw / had entered
( ) had saw / was entering
( ) had seen / entered
The train before Leo even for the station.
( ) had departed / left
( ) departed / leave
( ) had been departed / had left
By the time Tom in, Anna dinner.
( ) come / has finished
( ) came / had finished
( ) had come / finished
Now you have to unscramble the words and use the verbs in bold in their correct tense to
form a Past Perfect tense.
had/ the seat belt/ when/ take off/ the plane/ I/ fasten
the fireman/ get/ The house/ by the time/ had/ burn/ ther
already/ invite/ Mike/ when/ I/ us/ study/ had/ to go out
had/ The captain/ inform/ how long/ the trip/ take/ us

Quiz: Past Perfect – negative form
Now your job is to put the sentence in the negative form of the Past Perfect by changing the
verb in the past participle.
We had eaten lunch by the time mom called us.
Jonathan had trimmed the hedges when I woke up.
Mark had gone silent by the time the doorbell rang.
Paul had finished the project by the time the meeting began.
Now, you have to form a Past Perfect tense in the negative form. Unscramble the words and
use the verbs in bold in their correct tense. Don't forget to put it in the negative form and use
a contraction.
I/ get dress/ have a bath/ before/ I/ had
brush my teeth/ had/ before/ I make/ a cup of coffee/ I
wait for me/ had/ Linda/ before/ she/ go to school
sleep/ by the time/ had/ knock on his door/ I/ Matthew

Quiz: Past Perfect – interrogative form

Practice the use of the Past Perfect tense in the interrogative form, making the correct
question for the given answer. Remember to use the verb in parentheses and the auxiliary
verb in their correct places and tenses.
What ? (eat)
Laura had eaten a hamburger with fries.
What all day long? (do)
Gustave had surfed all day long.

Where ? (be)
I had been to the supermarket.
What ? (buy)
Charlie had bought a new car.
Now, you have to form a Past Perfect tense in the interrogative form. Unscramble the words
and use the verbs in bold in their correct tense.
before/ be to Scotland/ Had/ Diana/ she/ go home
William/ open/ Had/ the door/ clean up the house/ when you
Had/ you/ call Jane/ sick/ when/ she get
the mailman/ arrive/ the dog/ bark/ Had/ before

Quiz: Conclusion
The moment of truth!
Agora chegou o momento de Gina ajudar o policial a levantar pistas sobre o ladrão. Para isso,
ele fará várias perguntas, que Gina deve responder corretamente.
Sua missão será ajudá-la neste desafio final.
Help Gina to report the situation to the police officer. Use the verbs in parentheses to form a
correct sentence in the Past Perfect tense.
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
Officer: Gina, you anything strange when you in
the shop? (notice/ come)
Gina: A man a pile of books on the floor and the bookseller him.
(drop/ help)

Officer: When did you pay for your books?
Gina: I for them before the shouting . (pay/ start)
Officer: the face of the man before he his gun? (see/ draw)
Gina: No. . (auxiliary verb – negative form)
Officer: Did you see where the burglar went to?
Gina: Yes. He to the left before he in the blue car. (run/ enter)
Keep helping Gina to give the right information to the police officer using the Past Perfect.
Match the columns:

Keep on helping Gina report the situation to the police officer using Past Perfect. Now you
have to make the question according to the answer given.
Officer: ?
Gina: No, I hadn’t been to this bookshop before.
Officer: ?
Gina: No, I hadn’t seen a burglary in a bookshop before.


Imagine que você tem três desejos que gostaria de realizar e, de repente...

... a oportunidade aparece!

Nesta lição, você conhecerá Vitor, um brasileiro que viu a oportunidade de realizar seus sonhos
no programa de TV americano Your wishes can come true!
Mas há um detalhe: para que Vitor possa participar do programa e ter os seus desejos realizados,
ele precisa saber expressá-los em inglês.
Por isso, você verá nesta lição:
• o uso de Wish para o presente (Simple Past);
• o uso de Wish para o passado (Past Perfect).

Your wishes can come true

Vitor estava assistindo ao programa americano Your wishes can come true!, no qual o
participante tem o direito de fazer 3 pedidos e, se conseguir concluir uma tarefa proposta pelo
programa, tem seus desejos realizados.
Ao ver que muitas das pessoas que participavam do programa tinham seus desejos atendidos,
ele se inspirou e resolveu fazer a sua inscrição também!
E eis que um certo dia, Vitor recebe a resposta do programa, dizendo que ele foi um dos
selecionados para participar do Your wishes can come true!.
Ele mal podia acreditar, era tudo o que ele mais queria!!!
Porém, havia apenas um detalhe: para participar do programa, Vitor precisaria saber fazer seus
pedidos em inglês.
Foi aí que ele percebeu a necessidade de estudar mais para não fazer feio na frente das câmeras.

Let’s summarize! Wish for present.
Use Wish + Simple Past to express a desire or to make a wish that something could be different
in the present or in the future.
Wish present sentences must be made according to the structure below:

• Bessie wishes she controlled her temperature.

• Jane anda Mary wish they went to the university.

Pay attention
Notice the use of the subjects after wish.
• I wish I lived in another house.
• You wish you lived in another house.
• We wish we lived in another house.
• They wish they lived in another house.
An for third person, the rule is the same:
• Sonia wishes she lived in another house.
• Ricardo wishes Tiago lived in another house.
• The dog wishes it lived in another house.

Quiz: Wish + Simple Past

Complete the sentence making the correct use of the structure of wish + Simple Past.
They they the appointment.
( ) wish / remembered
( ) wished / remember
( ) wishes / remembers
He he the book.
( ) wish / buy
( ) wishes / bought
( ) wished / buys

We you how to help us.
( ) wishes / know
( ) wished / known
( ) wish / knew
Paul people calling him at any time.
( ) wishes / stopped
( ) wished / stop
( ) wish / have stopped
Rewrite and complete the sentence with the word wish and the verb in parentheses in its right
places and forms.
Jane she a computer. (buy)
Steve he a new car. (have)
They they to the park. (go)


Let’s summarize! Wish for past.

Use Wish + Past Perfect to express a desire that something which already happened, could have
happened differently. That is, to make a wish about the past.
Wish for past sentences must be made according to the structure below:

• Bessie wishes she had controlled her temperature.

• Jane anda Mary wish they had gone to the university.

Quiz: Wish + Past Perfect
Complete the sentence making the correct use of the structure of wish + Past Perfect.
I you them about us.
( ) wish / hadn’t told
( ) wishes / haven’t told
( ) wished / hasn’t told
We all you us last Saturday at the party.
( ) wish / had joined
( ) wishes / has joined
( ) wished / have joined
Marley his rugby team the championship.
( ) wishes / had won
( ) wish / has won
( ) wished / won
Now you have to read the first sentence, then complete the second one using wish + Past
Perfect with the verb in bold and the information in parentheses.
Follow the example: I missed the bus because I woke up late.
I wish hadn't woken up late. (negative – contracted form)
John didn’t bring any food to the party and we became hungry.
some food to the party. (affirmative form)
I made a wrong turn so I got lost.
a wrong turn. (negative – contracted form)
I didn’t wear warm clothes so I got a bad cold.
warm clothes. (affirmative form)

Unscramble the words to form a wish sentence with Past Perfect.

yesterday/ he/ called/ wishes/ had/ her/ She
had/ last/ I/ gone/ weekend/ wish/ I/ out
car/ wish/ they/ traveled/ by/ hadn’t/ They

Quiz: Conclusion
The big day!
Vitor chegou aos EUA para participar do programa!
Ele já está no palco, pronto para fazer seus “wishes” e realizar as atividades para alcançá-los.
E sua missão será ajudá-lo neste desafio final!Caso Vitor não consiga fazer seus pedidos, ele
poderá ser desclassificado do programa e perderá a grande chance de ter os seus desejos
Are you ready?
The presenter wants to know about Victor’s first wish. Help him to answer the question.
Presenter: Victor, what is your first wish?
Victor: I I to space as an astronaut.
( ) wishes / go
( ) wish / went
( ) wished / gone
The presenter was curious about his wish and asked: “Why do you have this wish?”. What
would be the most appropriate answer?
( ) I wish I had become an astronaut when I was younger.
( ) I wish I had became an astronaut when I was younger.
( ) I wish I have become an astronaut when I was younger.
( ) I wish I has became an astronaut when I was younger.
Keep helping Victor to talk about his wishes. Remember to use the information in parentheses.
Presenter: Ok, an old dream! And what is your second wish?
Victor: I $100.000 to buy a farm with horses! (have)
Presenter: Great! And what about your last wish?
Victor: I around the world. (travel)
Presenter: Have you had this dream since you were a child?
Victor: No. When I was a child I to Disney World. (go)


Let’s play rugby!

O rugby é um esporte que foi criado na Inglaterra do século 19 e até hoje é praticado por
homens, mulheres e crianças.
Você sabia que o rugby é considerado o esporte oficial de vários países e também é praticado
aqui no Brasil?
O espírito desse esporte é a doutrina para quem o pratica e sugere que é necessário ter um bom
líder para jogar.
Nesta lição, você conhecerá Paulo, um excelente técnico de rugby que terá como missão motivar
sua equipe para uma melhor colocação no campeonato mundial. O detalhe é que sua equipe
não fala a sua língua.
Então, para que você possa ajudá-lo nesta missão, você verá:
• Third conditional.

The mission!
Paulo é brasileiro e foi técnico de rugby da seleção brasileira por muito tempo. Há um ano ele
recebeu o convite para comandar a equipe da Nova Zelândia, uma das principais adversárias do
Acontece que, após um longo ano de trabalho, sua equipe ficou em segundo lugar no
campeonato mundial, perdendo, claro, para o Brasil.
Paulo sabia o quanto a equipe estava fragilizada e que não poderia deixá-los desanimar após a
derrota contra o Brasil. Por isso, resolveu chamar todos para fazer um balanço sobre a atuação
deles no campeonato.
Com muito cuidado, ele precisará falar sobre as lições aprendidas, os pontos de melhoria
e as possíveis soluções para que o time tenha uma performance diferente nos próximos
Mais delicado ainda, será falar sobre as ações que o time deveria ter feito e não fez.
Mas como seria a melhor forma de começar a conversa?

Quiz: Third Conditional
Choose the sentence where the Third Condicional is correctly written.
( ) I have to buy his house if I had money.
( ) I have would bought his house if I had had money.
( ) I would have bought his house if I had had money.
( ) I would have bought his house if I hadn’t have money.
There is a difference between WOULD and HAD. In the following sentence, what does ‘d’
mean? HAD or WOULD?
I’d never seen anything like that.
( ) Would
( ) Had
You’d love it.
( ) Would
( ) Had
He sad, if he up with his girlfriend.
( ) would have been / had broken
( ) will have been / has broken
( ) had been / broke
Keep practicing the use of the Third Condicional, but now in the negative form. Remember to
use the information in parentheses and a contraction.
If the taxi driver (not drive) fast, Steve
(not be) at airport on time.
If Steve in on time, he in Seattle by now.
( ) has checked / wouldn’t have arrived
( ) had checked / would have arrived
( ) would checked / would had arrived
Now, you have to use the information in parentheses to form a Third Conditional sentence.
Remember to use a contraction if the action is a negative sentence.
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
If I (drive) fast, Steve (be) at airport on time.
If I (not be) up late, I (not be) so sleepy.

Choose the sentence with the correct Third Conditional structure for the sentence below.
You didn’t tell me that you would arrive today so I didn’t pick you up.
( ) If you told me that you arrived today, I would have picked you up.
( ) If you tell me that you would have arrived today, I wouldn’t pick you up.
( ) If you had told me that you would arrive today, I would have picked you up.

Quiz: Conclusion
Chegou o dia da reunião com toda a equipe e Paulo está confiante de que conseguirá falar sobre
a performance do time neste último campeonato.
Agora, ele sabe como falar, em inglês, sobre ações que deveriam ter acontecido e não
aconteceram, de fato.
E você? Está preparado para acompanhá-lo nesta missão?
Seu objetivo, agora, será ajudar Paulo na apresentação dos pontos de melhoria do time.
Let’s move on!
Paulo wants to say the message below. Help him to say it using the Third Conditional and the
verbs in parentheses.
"Listen up, guys! We need to do things in a different way."
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
If we (play) a more open game, we (have) so many more opportunities!
"On our last match, we lost 45-27 for the Brazilians."
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
They (not score) so many tries, if the defense (cooperate) more firmly.
He goes talking about some mistakes that happened.
If Max the ball for so long, they awarded free kicks.
( ) hadn’t holden / would been
( ) haven’t hold / would had been
( ) hadn’t held / wouldn’t have been

Match the columns.

Paulo wants to talk about more opportunities to get better. Turn the sentence below into a
Third Conditional. Use the verbs in parentheses.
"You have to use weight and strength to make progress."
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
If (you use) weight and strength, (you make) progress.



Welcome to Unit 3!
No ambiente corporativo, o trabalho em equipe é fundamental.
E uma equipe de alta performance é aquela que consegue fazer entregas com excelência,
independente dos fatores externos como, por exemplo, a ausência temporária de um membro
da equipe.
Mas, como isso é possível?
Agora, você acompanhará a história de Gabi. Ela vive uma situação dessas e precisará “cobrir”
um colega de trabalho.
Mas, o desafio dela não é só absorver as tarefas do colega, ela deverá fazer reportes para alguns
clientes, em inglês!
Para ajudar Gabi nesta missão, você verá algumas maneiras de utilizar o:
• Reported speech.

Get to know Gabi!

Gabi trabalha como analista em uma empresa e sempre foi muito responsável em suas entregas
e prestações de serviços aos clientes internos e externos.
E foi exatamente por seu comportamento excelente que Carlos, seu colega de equipe, a escolheu
para “cuidar” de alguns clientes em sua ausência.
Carlos ficará afastado por uma semana, pois participará de uma conferência internacional.
Então, logo chamou a Gabi para lhe repassar algumas informações.
Para a surpresa de Gabi, Carlos havia solicitado que ela “cuidasse” dos seus clientes
internacionais, pois ele sabia que ela dominava o idioma.
Mas, fazer reportes, em inglês, era uma novidade para Gabi!
E agora?
Como Gabi passará essas informações aos clientes de Carlos?

It is important for you to remember the structure of the Reported Speech:
Simple Present Simple Past

Present Continuous Past Continuous

Pay attention!
THAT is optional in reported speech statements.

Can Could

We can take you home.

They said (that) they could take me home.
You might have notice that there are some other changes in reported speech (places, verbs,
time and pronouns).

Quiz: Reported speech 1 – I
Bob: “I like sports very much!”
Bob said that sports very much.
( ) he / liked
( ) she / liking
( ) it / like
Jenny: “I have two rackets.”
Jenny said that two rackets.
( ) I / have
( ) she / had
( ) me / has
Mary: “My parents do yoga.”
Mary said that parents yoga.
( ) has / does
( ) my / do
( ) her / did

Kate: “I am going there.”
Kate said that she there.
( ) are / gone
( ) was / going
( ) is / go
John: “They are fixing my TV.”
John said that they his TV.
( ) is / fixed
( ) were / fixing
( ) was / fix
Anne and Mike: “We are playing chess.”
They said that they chess.
( ) was / play
( ) will / played
( ) were / playing
Complete the sentence.
Melissa: “I can bring the soda.”
Melissa said she the soda.
Amanda and Dan: “We can’t take the bus.”
They said they the bus.
Burt: “I don’t know anything about your job.”
Burt said anything about my job.
Sybill: “I have an important report to make.”
Sybill said an important report to do.

It’s possible to use Reported Speech in the Simple Present.
That’s when something is reported right after it was said, or it expresses something that doesn’t
change over a time.
Cindy: I love my dogs!
Notice that she had just said that.
Reported speech: Cindy said she loves her dogs.
Tom: I like to sleep when it rains!
Notice that the fact that Tom likes to sleep when it rains is something that probably won't
change over a time.
Reported speech: Tom said he likes to sleep when it rains.

Quiz: Reported speech 1 – II

Now, practice what you saw about the use of the Reported Speech with Simple Present.
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
Adam: “I am a teacher because I like kids!”
Adam said he a teacher because he kids!
Hellen: “I am an accountant because I love finance!”
Hellen said she an accountant because she finance!
Ed: “I’m a taxi driver because I can’t find another job.”
Ed said he a taxi driver because he find another job.
What is the Reported Speech for the sentence “I’m a physical education teacher because I
love sports”?
( ) He said he were a physical education teacher because he loved sports.
( ) He said he is a physical education teacher because he loves sports.
( ) He said he was a physical education teacher because he loves sports.
( ) He said he is a physical education teacher because he loving sports.

What is the Reported Speech for the sentence “I am a marketing manager because I promote
and sell really well”?
( ) She said she was a marketing manager because she promoted and sold really well.
( ) She said she is a marketing manager because she promote and sell really well.
( ) She said she were a marketing manager because she promote and sell really well.
( ) She said she is a marketing manager because she promotes and sells really well.
What is the Reported Speech for the sentence “I’m wearing a coat because it’s cold”?
( ) She said she was wearing a coat because it will be cold.
( ) She said she is wearing a coat because it were cold.
( ) She said she is wearing a coat because it is cold.
( ) She said she was wearing a coat because it was cold.

Quiz: Conclusion
It’s now or never!
Chegou a Hora!
Um dos clientes de Carlos mandou um e-mail, informando que iria entrar em contato para
confirmar as informações que Carlos havia mencionado na última reunião. Gabi precisará
colocar o Reported Speech em prática.
Será que os clientes sentirão a ausência de Carlos ou Gabi vai conseguir contornar esta situação
Rewrite to complete de sentence.
Customer: I want you to buy the materials before the conference. Did Carlos say something
about it?
Gabi: Absolutely! Carlos said you me to buy the materials before the
Customer: Is Carlos going to meet us here at the conference?
Gabi: Yes! Carlos said he to meet you .
Customer: Can you send me an e-mail with a preview of the project?
Gabi: No, I’m sorry. Carlos said I show anything before he meets you
there. He wants to surprise you.

Customer: And where is the project now?
Gabi: Carlos said the project to the designer yesterday.
( ) were / delivery
( ) was / delivered
( ) is / delivering
Customer: Well, so I’ll wait for him and the project. Is he sure it will be finished until the
conference day?
Gabi: Definitely yes! Carlos said he sure it would be finished with perfection before
the conference day.
( ) is
( ) was
( ) were


Reported Speech 2: the meeting

Às vezes, você precisa explorar ao máximo suas habilidades, não é mesmo?
Foi o que aconteceu com a Gabi na lição anterior, quando Carlos lhe pediu para cobrí-lo na sua
ausência. Você se lembra?
Ela se saiu tão bem na missão de substituir Carlos enquanto ele estava em uma conferência,
que foi designada para participar de uma reunião com outro importante cliente americano da
empresa em que trabalham.
Para ajudar Gabi a substituir Carlos na reunião, você verá:
• Reported Speech 2 (passado/futuro).
Como Gabi se saiu muito bem substituindo o colega Carlos, seu chefe lhe passou outra missão:
participar de uma reunião com Mr. Nolan, um importante cliente deles.
Querendo demonstrar suas habilidades na reunião, Gabi verificou as anotações de Carlos e
percebeu que o projeto de Mr. Nolan já vinha acontecendo há algum tempo. E, mais do que
isso, percebeu que ainda havia algumas ações a serem feitas.
Muito preocupada por não saber fazer reportes no passado e no futuro, em inglês, Gabi se
questionava se conseguiria informar ao cliente sobre o status do projeto.
Ela resolve, então, dedicar-se aos estudos sobre esse assunto.

Reported Speech in the Past
Take a look at these verb tense changes and structures in Reported Speech.
When we have the Simple Past or the Present Perfect in the direct speech, they are both
replaced by the Past Perfect in the reported speech.

When we have the Past Continuous in the direct speech, it is replaced by the Past Perfect
Continuous in the reported speech.

Quiz: Reported speech 2 – I

How would you say Mary’s sentence “I paid the telephone” in the Reported Speech?
Mary said she the telephone.
( ) had / paid
( ) have been / pays
( ) had been / pay
How would you say Jack’s father’s sentence “Jack, I bought the tickets for the game” in the
Reported Speech?
Jack’s father said he the tickets for the game.
( ) had been / buy
( ) have been / buying
( ) had / bought

How would you say Lucy’s sentence “I have worked as a teacher for twenty years” in the
Reported Speech?
Lucy said she as a teacher for twenty years.
( ) have been / work
( ) had been / working
( ) had / worked
How would you say Helen’s sentence “I learned English abroad” in the Reported Speech?
Helen said she have learned English abroad.
( ) Helen said she had been learning English abroad.
( ) Helen said she had learned English abroad.
( ) Helen said she has been learning English abroad.
How would you say Burt’s sentence “I was living with my parents for the last ten years” in the
Reported Speech?
( ) Burt said he had been living with his parents for the last ten years.
( ) Burt said he lived with his parents for the last ten years.
( ) Burt said he had lived with his parents for the last ten years.
( ) Burt said he has been living with his parents for the last ten years.
How would you say Don’s sentence “I have enjoyed my vacations” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Don said he had enjoyed his vacations.
( ) Don said he has been enjoying his vacations.
( ) Don said he is enjoying his vacations.
( ) Don said he has enjoyed his vacations.

Reported Speech in the Future
Take a look at these verb tense changes and structures in Reported Speech.
When we have the WILL in the direct speech, it is replaced by the WOULD in the reported

Contracted form:
• will not X won't
• would not X wouldn't

Quiz: Reported speech 2 – II

Practice the Reported Speech in the future. How would you say Sarah’s sentence “I will cook
dinner tonight” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Sarah said she will cook dinner that night.
( ) Sarah said she won’t cook dinner that night.
( ) Sarah said she would cook dinner that night.
( ) Sarah said she cooks dinner that night.
Practice the Reported Speech in the future. How would you say Tim’s sentence “I won’t work
in an office” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Tim said he wouldn’t work in an office.
( ) Tim said he won’t work in an office.
( ) Tim said he will have to work in an office.
( ) Tim said he won’t have to work in an office.

Practice the Reported Speech in the future. How would you say Rachel’s sentence “Maria and
I will travel around the country” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Rachel said she and Maria will travel around the country.
( ) Rachel said she and Maria are going to travel around the country.
( ) Rachel said she and Maria won’t travel around the country.
( ) Rachel said she and Maria would travel around the country.
Complete the sentence.
Adam: I will make a snowman in winter.
Adam a snowman in winter.
Amy: They will move to another house.
Amy to another house.


Reported Speech with Tell
When we use the verb TELL in the Reported Speech we must include one more item in the
structure: the personal pronoun or the name of whom we’re referring to. See the example

Reported Speech: Say X Tell

When we use the verb SAY, the object is not used in the sentence. Observe the difference:

Quiz: Reported Speech – other uses I
Practice the difference between the use of the verbs say and tell in the Reported Speech. How
would you say Lucy’s sentence “Mark, I’m going to Italy!” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Lucy told him she was going to Italy.
( ) Lucy said Mark she was going to Italy.
( ) Lucy said to him she was going to Italy.
( ) Lucy told to he she was going to Italy.
How would you say Ben’s sentence “I am at home” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Ben told to me he was at home.
( ) Ben told he was at home.
( ) Ben said he was at home.
( ) Ben said he was at home.
How would you say Adam’s sentence “I went to Australia to visit my cousin” in the Reported
( ) Adam told to me he had gone to Australia to visit his cousin.
( ) Adam said he had gone to Australia to visit his cousin.
( ) Adam told he had gone to Australia to visit his cousin.
( ) Adam said to me he had gone to Australia to visit his cousin.

Reported Speech with Ask
The use of the verb ASK in the Reported Speech also requires the object. See the examples

Reported Speech with Ask + whether/if

It is important for you to remember: the use of WHETHER and IF is equivalent. However, some
differences may appear. Compare the examples:

Quiz: Reported Speech – other uses II
How would you say Greg’s sentence “Emily, is downtown near here?” in the Reported Speech?
( ) Greg asked Emily if downtown was near there.
( ) Greg asks Emily if downtown is near there.
( ) Greg had asked Emily if downtown was near there.
( ) Greg has asked Emily if downtown was near there.
How would you say Jake’s sentence “Ann, do you like where you live?” in the Reported
( ) Jake asked Ann whether she likes where she lives.
( ) Jake asks Ann whether she liked where she lived.
( ) Jake asked Ann whether she liked where she lived.
( ) Jake had asked Ann whether she liked where she live.
How would you say Cora’s sentence “Jamie, are there some job opportunities?” in the
Reported Speech?
( ) Cora asks Jamie if there were some job opportunities.
( ) Cora asked Jamie if there are some job opportunities.
( ) Cora has asked Jamie if there are some job opportunities.
( ) Cora asked Jamie if there were some job opportunities.

Quiz: Conclusion
Ready for the meeting?
Gabi e Mr. Nolan estão indo para a sala de reuniões. Curioso, Mr. Nolan começa a questionar
alguns aspectos do projeto e Gabi precisa se sair muito bem em todas as respostas!
Será que ela vai conseguir?
Now help Gabi by filling the gaps and reporting to Mr. Nolan this information that Carlos gave
her: “I will be away for the whole month!”.
Carlos said he be on vacation for the whole month.
( ) would
( ) will

Now help Gabi by filling the gaps and reporting to Mr. Nolan this information that Carlos gave
her: “Gabi, will you accept the role of marketing manager?”.
Carlos me if I take over the marketing manager position.
( ) had asked / can
( ) asked / would
( ) had asked / will
Now help Gabi by filling the gaps and reporting to Mr. Nolan this information that Carlos gave
her: “Gabi, I already contacted all the suppliers.”.
Carlos he all the suppliers.
( ) told / has contracted
( ) said to me / contracted
( ) told me / had contracted

Complete the sentence

Mr. Nolan: Gabi, do you know if the concept stage is finished?
(Carlos: The concept is finished. I’m leaving.)
Gabi: Carlos said the concept stage before he went away.
Mr. Nolan: I understand! So when does the production stage start?
(Carlos: The production stage will start next Monday.)
Gabi: Carlos said the production stage start next Monday.


Nesta lição, você verá:
• Adjectives ending in – ED or –ING.
Fique atento, pois a sua missão, aqui, será construir frases empregando os adjetivos, utilizando
os sufixos (ED ou ING) corretamente.
Fique atento!
Desta vez, o seu desafio no final, será analisar algumas situações para aplicar os conceitos que
você verá ao logo desta lição.

Adjective ending in
Used for describing things, situations, events etc.
• They party was amusing.
• The lecture was disappointing.

Adjective ending in
Used for describing emotions, how someone feels.
• Peter was bored. / Agatha is scared.
Notice that the people in these examples are not causing the boredom or the fear, but having
this feeling.

• That party was fascinating.

• Wanda is fascinated.
• Windsurf is an interesting sport.
• Bob is interested in starting practicing!

Quiz: Adjectives ending in -ED or -ING
Practice the use of the suffixes –ED and –ING at the end of adjectives.
Tracy is . The math equation is very difficult.
( ) confusing
( ) confused

The situation was so . Mark was making fun of me.
( ) embarrassing
( ) embarrassed
Those big bodyguards were really .
( ) frightened
( ) frightening
Are you when you see horror movies?
( ) frightening
( ) frightened
What a explanation. Did you understand it?
( ) confusing
( ) confused
Complete the sentence.
I had a experience yesterday at the theater. Thank you for the tickets!
I am by your decision. How did you make up your mind? (intrigue)
Junior, the way you behaved today was . I had to apologize to your
grandparents. (annoy)

Quiz: Conclusion
Agora é a hora do desafio final!
De acordo com as explicações e exercícios feitos até aqui, você será apresentado a 4 situações
nas quais deverá ajudar 4 pessoas.
Para isso, precisará empregar corretamente os adjetivos e suas terminações em inglês. Se você
se sair bem, os problemas dos 4 serão resolvidos e sua missão será concluída com sucesso.
Are you ready?

Ana is a medical student who went to a talk of a famous Hungarian doctor. The doctor spoke
in a very difficult way for three reasons:
1. the doctor was a Hungarian and didn’t speak English properly. Ana barely could understand
his speech;
2. the subject was complicated;
3. his voice was too low.
Ana was very disappointed because she really wanted to understand the doctor’s speech.
How would you complete the sentence “Ana couldn’t understand many topics of his speech
because it was .”?
( ) confused
( ) confusing
( ) amused
( ) amusing
Help Ana express what she thought about the doctor’s speech. Insert the words complicate
and disappoint at the right places using –ED or –ING.
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
Ana: The Hungarian doctor couldn’t speak clearly and had a low voice. Beside that, the subject
of the speech was very . I was lost and a bit .
José is a professional swimmer who participates in a lot of swimming competitions. Lately,
though, he has been facing some adversities when it comes to training for three reasons:
1. it is very cold in the city where he lives;
2. José is feeling sad because he doesn’t have a sponsor;
3. sometimes he goes without training for days because he’s been trying to find a place to
move into.
Help José express his problems to Marla. Insert the words interest or shock at the right places
using –ED or –ING.
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
Marla: Aren’t you training for the Olympic Games anymore? I’m . Why not?

Help José express his problems to Marla. Insert the words interest or shock at the right places
using –ED or –ING.
Rewrite to complete the sentence.
José: Because I don’t have a sponsor who’s in supporting me further.
How should Jose say that he is upset because the weather is too cold?
( ) There’s something else. I feel a bit boring because of the cold weather.
( ) There’s something else. I feel a bit bored because of the cold weather.
( ) There’s something else. I feel a bit intriguing because of the cold weather.
( ) There’s something else. I feel a bit intrigued because of the cold weather.
Pedro just created a new medicine’s formula that can help many patients. However, he is very
worried for three reasons:
1. the tools and elements he needs to make the medicine are really hard to find;
2. there is a professor, Dr. Robin, who wants to stop Pedro from working on his researches;
3. the office where he works doesn’t offer a proper structure for him to keep researching the
new formula.
Pedro requested support from the University for his researches. Help him to understand what
the University answered completing the sentences with the right adjectives.
Relate the columns.

Camila is a shy girl who enrolled in a new school. She is persistent when it comes to her
studies, but she is having a hard time adapting to the new school for three reasons:
1. she is afraid her classmates will treat her badly because she wears glasses;
2. she lives very far from the school and she needs to wake up too early, so she is always late for
3. her English teacher speaks too fast and she can’t understand what he says.
Insert the words scare or charm at the right places using –ED or –ING so that the dialogue makes
Rewrite to complete.
Teacher: Camila, don’t worry about your glasses. I think it’s that you wear them.
Camila: Thank you teacher! But I’m still a bit about being the new student here.
How should Camila say that she is worried about using glasses although she shouldn’t be?
( ) I know I don’t have to be ashaming because of the glasses.
( ) I know I don’t have to be annoyed because of the glasses.
( ) I know I don’t have to be ashamed because of the glasses.
( ) I know I don’t have to be annoying because of the glasses.



Welcome to Unit 4!
O número de voluntariados em Organizações não Governamentais (ONGs) cresce a cada dia.
Essas organizações proporcionam trabalhos em diferentes áreas como: meio ambiente, combate
à pobreza, saúde, educação, reciclagem, desenvolvimento sustentável, entre outras.
As ONGs também auxiliam voluntários na aprendizagem de um novo idioma e, assim,
proporcionam muita troca de cultura e valores.
Porém no aprendizado de uma nova língua é fundamental a compreensão de expressões. Para
isso, nessa lição você verá algumas maneiras de usar as palavras:
• Another, other and others.
Blenda acabou de se mudar para os EUA e se associou a uma ONG para treinar, ainda mais, o
novo idioma.

Sua função será manter o controle de todas as doações que a organização recebe e demonstrar
os dados em reuniões semanais.
Em seu primeiro dia, Blenda conhece o depósito da ONG e começa a realizar sua tarefa no setor
de distribuição e controle das doações.
Enquanto organizava as camisas, Blenda percebe que seus colegas de equipe utilizam expressões
que ela não conhece.
E agora?
O que será que Blenda deverá responder?

Quiz: Another, other and others

Practice the difference between “the other” and “another”.
We have one bathroom built, but we want two.
So, now we’ll have to think about .
( ) another
( ) the other
Do you mean this house or with the big yard?
( ) another
( ) the other
We know that Celia has option.
( ) the other
( ) another
Can I serve you cup of coffee?
( ) another
( ) the other
Complete the sentence.
Our teacher said that we have test tomorrow.
Michael thought that apartment is too dark.
This seat is taken, but there are available.
That girl is my sister Helen. is my cousin Samantha.
Some people prefer to enjoy their free time at the beach while prefer to go

Mary isn’t ready. She’ll need 10 minutes.
I don’t like this restaurant. Can we check in Lincoln Avenue?
Leo, ask mom if she needs pack of cereal.

Quiz: Conclusion
Let’s get started! One of the colleagues, Mike, asked:
Did we receive those 50 T-shirts that we were waiting for?
What would be the correct answer?
( ) “We received 40 yesterday. The other are coming today.”
( ) “We received 40 yesterday. The others are coming today.”
( ) “We received 40 yesterday. Another are coming today.”
Miranda, her boss, asked:
Can we distribute all the leaflets this afternoon?
What would be the correct answer?
( ) “Yes, but we’ll need another salesperson to help me.”
( ) “Yes, but we’ll need others salesperson to help me.”
( ) "Yes, but we’ll need the other salesperson to help me."
Complete the sentence.
Marcus: Blenda, can you pass me the stapler, please?
Blenda: Sure! The red one or ?
Marcus: And how was the material we received last week?
Blenda: The leaflets were not that good. I’ll ask for . Carl will help me with that.
Blenda: But I was just wondering... if Carl leaves the job, I’ll need intern helping me
Katherine: Yes, we know! We’ll have a look at the candidates.
Katherine: So... Blenda, what did you think about Beto, the first candidate?
Blenda: I liked him, but I prefer we talked about yesterday.
Katherine: Great! Is there anything else we need to talk for today?
Blenda: No. I think we’ve said everything we needed. If something new happen I’ll call you for

Moving out!
Sair de casa é sempre um desafio, não é mesmo? Principalmente quando essa mudança exige
que você conviva com pessoas desconhecidas, de outras culturas ou, simplesmente, que têm
costumes diferentes.
É o que vai acontecer com a Priscila.
Ela vai iniciar seus estudos na Europa e precisará encontrar alguém com quem dividir sua nova
Para ajudá-la neste desafio, você verá como utilizar as expressões:
• Used to;
• To be used to;
• Get used to.
Priscila está a caminho de realizar seu grande sonho: estudar na Europa!
Ela já conseguiu um apartamento, mas seus amigos a alertaram da importância de ter mais
alguém para dividir o espaço e as responsabilidades, principalmente nos primeiros meses.
Então ela decidiu seguir o conselho de seus amigos e cadastrou-se em um site para encontrar
pessoas com quem pudesse dividir seu apartamento.
E, dentre alguns perfis, o de Janet chamou sua atenção, pois parecia que elas tinham uma rotina
Mas, ao ler a descrição de Janet comentando sobre o seu estilo de vida, Priscila percebeu que
ela utilizava algumas expressões em inglês que, apesar de parecerem iguais, davam sentidos
diferentes às frases.
Isso gera uma dúvida em Priscila, pois ela não sabia exatamente o que Janet dizia no seu
• I used to smoke. Now I quit smoking.
• I am used to sleeping late because I like to study at night.
• I don't have a car anymore, so I'm getting used to going to work by bus.
In order to make sure you will understand the difference among the three sentences that Priscila
read on Janet’s profile, let’s see these expressions separately.
Next, check the details of the first sentence.

I used to smoke. Now I quit smoking.
It is used when you want to describe the idea of a habitual action in the past, a habit you had in
the past.
In Janet’s case, she is saying that she had the habit of smoking in the past, but now she doesn’t
Pay attention to its structure:
Janet used to smoke.
subject + USED TO + verb (infinitive form)

Used to + Verb
Because we use the auxiliary verb to make negative and interrogative sentences, the verb
“USED” stays in its main form: “USE”.
Negative form:
Janet didn't use to smoke.
subject + auxiliary verb (in the past) + use to + verb (infinitive form)
Interrogative form
Did Janet use to smoke?
auxiliary verb (in the past) + subject + use to + verb (infinitive form)
There used to be
This expression can be used to refer to something that existed in the past.
There used to be a movie theater here. Now there's a store.
a movie theater: something (noun) that existed in the past, but now it doesn't anymore.

Quiz: Used to
Now, practice the use of “used to”.
They live in Paris.
( ) are used to
( ) used to
( ) use to
This channel show only cartoons.
There were commercials as well.
( ) didn't use to
( ) isn't use to
( ) didn't used
Which of the sentences below is correctly written and describing an habitual action in the
( ) They did use to play together?
( ) Did they used to play together?
( ) Did they use to play together?
( ) Did they are use to play together?
Which of the sentences below is correctly written and describing something that existed in
the past?
( ) This use to be my first school.
( ) This used to be my first school.
( ) This was used to be my first school.
( ) This used to was my first school.


To be + used to + verb in the gerund form – (ing)/ something (noun)
I am used to sleeping late because I like to study at night.
It is used when you want to describe something you are accustomed to, a habit in the present.
Here in this example, what Janet is trying to say is that she has the habit of sleeping late. It is
something she is accustomed to.

Pay attention to its structure:
Janet is used to sleeping late.
subject + verb to be + used to + verb (ing)
Now see the difference between these two sentences:

Both sentences are related to a present situation which you are familiar with (the breakfast).
It means that the expression “to be used to” can be used to describe a situation and/ or
something you are familiar with, in the present.

The affirmative, negative and interrogative forms are defined by the verb TO BE as you can
see below.
Affirmative form:
She is used to going out.
Negative form:
She isn't used to going out.
Interrogative form:
Is she used to going out?

Quiz: To be used to/ Get used to I

They the cold weather. They are eskimos.
( ) are used to
( ) used to
( ) are use to
Ben after lunch.
( ) is used / sleept
( ) are used to / sleep
( ) is used to / sleeping
Rewrite the sentence into the past tense.
Future tense: He will be used to bringing the kids to the park.
Past tense: He the kids to the park.
Rewrite the sentence into the future tense.
Past tense: Sandra used to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Future tense: Sandra soon a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Rewrite the sentence into the negative form.
Affirmative form: Carlos is used to the hot days of an Indian summer.
Negative form: Carlos the hot days of an Indian summer.

Rewrite the sentence into the interrogative form.
Affirmative form: She is used to letting her troubles overwhelm her.
Interrogative form: her troubles overwhelm her?
Complete the sentence with “used to” or “to be used to” in the present or past, affirmative or
negative, according to the context.
I . I’m afraid of drowning.
( ) am used to / swim
( ) am not used to / swimming
( ) used to / swim
Sally . She was really fit.
( ) are used to / exercise
( ) is used to / exercising
( ) used to / exercise
Frank and David together before David moved to Boston.
( ) are used to / live
( ) used to / live
( ) were used to / living


Get + used to + verb in the gerund form – (ing)/ something (noun)
I don't have a car anymore, so I'm getting used to going to work by bus.
It is used when you want to show you are becoming accustomed to something. It can be
replaced by “get accustomed to”.
The situation with Janet is that she is getting accustomed to going to work by bus, since she
doesn’t have a car anymore.
Pay attention to its structure:
Janet is getting used to going to work by car.
subject + get used to + verb (ing)

This expression can also be shown in many ways or verb tenses. Look at some examples and
check out its structures:

Quiz: To be used to/ Get used to II

Which of the sentences below is in the present continuous tense in the negative form correctly
( ) Pamela wasn’t getting used to be a nanny.
( ) Pamela isn’t getting used to being a nanny.
( ) Pamela won’t get used to be a nanny.
( ) Pamela never gets used to be a nanny.

Which of the sentences below is in the future tense in the affirmative form correctly written?
( ) Our boss won’t get used to running.
( ) Our boss is getting used to running.
( ) Our boss got used to running.
( ) Our boss will get used to running.
Which of the sentences below is in the past tense in the interrogative form correctly written?
( ) Did you get used to speaking in public?
( ) Will you get used to speak in public?
( ) Do you get used to speak in public?
( ) Are you getting used to speak in public?
Use the information in parentheses to build a sentence according to the context of the image
Neil the computer. He’s been practicing a lot. (future/ use)
People more their teachers in the past. (past/ respect)
They together. They rehearsal every Sunday. (present/ play)
I yoga. I prefer to try pilates now. (negative/ past continuous)
in London? He hates the cold weather. (he/ interrogative/ future/ live)

Quiz: Conclusion
Depois de estudar as expressões que Priscila não compreendeu muito bem no perfil da Janet,
agora ela já sabe qual delas utilizar para cada finalidade:
• “used to” para falar sobre um hábito do passado;
• “to be used to” para falar sobre um hábito do presente;
• “get used to” para falar de algo que está se costumando.
Agora que Priscila compreende tudo o que leu no perfil de Janet, ela decidiu que irá fazer uma
última entrevista por telefone para saber um pouco mais sobre a rotina da possível futura flat
mate (companheiro de apartamento).
Help Priscila in this dialogue, using the expressions used to or get used to in the appropriate
tense you have seen so far.
Priscila: having pets in the house?
Janet: dogs, but I can’t stand cats because I’m allergic to their fur.

Priscila: Ok. I have only a dog.
Janet: That’s fine! I can living with it.
Keep on helping the girls to understand each other! Beware of using all the tenses that you
have seen until now.
Priscila: I read you a car. Why don’t you have it anymore?
( ) are used to / have
( ) used to / have
( ) were used to / having
Janet: I sold it because I like to go out a lot and I am sure.
I driving in this city.
( ) won't get used to
( ) was getting used to
( ) am getting used to
Priscila: That’s great!
Where are you out?
( ) get used to / go
( ) used to / going
( ) got used to / go
Janet: There a place near the park that me and my friends loved, but now
it’s closed.
( ) used to
( ) was getting used to
( ) used to be
Use the information in parentheses to build the sentence and keep on helping the girls to
understand each other!
Priscila: Someone told me that there’s a pub just round the corner of the apartment. We can
(present/ go) there easily.
Janet: Absolutely! But Priscila, I’ve got to be honest with you!
(interrogative/ you/ future/ live) with a roommate who stays up all night?
Priscila: No problem at all! (I/ present/ do) that all the time!

Modal verbs for past probability
Sabe quando a gente pensa que algo poderia ter acontecido de outra forma?
Ou lembra de um conselho que acabou não seguindo?
E quando temos em mente aquele sentimento de "eu sabia"?
Nesta lição, você verá como expressar, em inglês, probabilidades do passado, utilizando os
seguintes modal verbs:
• Could have;
• Should have;
• Must have;
• Can't have.
Let’s get started!

Could have
We use could have to express that some situation possibly happened in the past.
Also, can be used to express an opportunity we didn't take or some result that didn't happen.
• Adam showed up with a black eye. He could have fought at school.
This express that he probably had a flight.
• Adam could have fought at school, but he realized it was a stupid thing to do.
In this example, he didn't fight, even thought there was a possibility.
May have and might have are two other possible forms to be used as could have, they just
express a less probable situation.
• Greg may have left. His car isn't in the driveway.
• Greg might have left. His car isn't in the driveway.

Should have
We use should have to express that somebody didn't do the right thing. It expresses some
regret in a way.
• Denise should have apologized for disrespecting the teacher.
This express that she didn't do the right thing.
Ought to have can be used the sabe way as should have.
• I ought to have brought a coat. Now I'm cold.

Quiz: Could have / Should have

Practice what you saw about the use of the modal verbs could have and should have.
He is such a great actor, he won the Oscar, but the others were in fact a little better.
( ) should have
( ) could have
I worn a coat. Now, I’m down with a bad cold.
( ) could have
( ) should have
I was so hungry, I eaten all the food mom cooked.
( ) could have
( ) should have
Sam been more careful. Now he has no money.
( ) could have
( ) should have

Keep practicing with could have and should have, but now using the verbs in parentheses in
the negative form. Remember to use a contraction.
You out, tomorrow you’ll have to wake up early. (go)
My phone was blocked, so I her where I was. (tell)
I myself more. Thanks for the day! (enjoy)
Mary her walls this dark. It makes her apartment look smaller.(paint)


Must have
It express that something probably happened based on previous knowledge or deduction.
• It must have been hard for Lucy to forget her ex-boyfriend.

Can't have
On the other hand, can't have expresses the impossibility of something to have happened.
• Kenny can't have fixed the printer. He has no idea how to.

She must have brought the cake. She said she would
subject + modal verb + verb (past participle form)

Quiz: Must have / Can't have
Practice what you saw about the use of the modal verbs can’t have and must have.
I forgotten to write her a report!
( ) can't have
( ) must have
Grant is lazy, he walked all the way to school.
( ) can't have
( ) must have
Tom changed his phone. I can’t talk to him.
( ) can't have
( ) must have
Complete the sentence.
Carol earlier not to miss the train. (leave)
You it. It was right in front of you. (see)
Mary a speech. She doesn’t speak English. (give)

Quiz: Conclusion
Match the columns.

Rewrite the sentence using the appropriate modal verb (should have, must have, can’t have
or could have) and the information in bold.
Follow the example:
Emily had an important business meeting yesterday. She didn’t attend.
Emily must have forgotten about the business meeting.
Complete the sentence
He flunked English because he didn’t practice his writing skills.
He his writing skills.
Matthew didn’t rest yesterday, but he had the day off.
Matthew yesterday.
She didn’t know about it. No one told her.
She about it.
Barbra went downtown alone and got lost.
Barbra downtown alone.
She was hired on the spot. Her audition was really good.
Her audition really good.


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