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Salada morna outonal com endívia, aspargos, rúcula, maçã, presunto parma e bacon com
molho teriyaki.

Warm autumn salad with endive, asparagus, arugula, apple, parma ham and bacon with
teriyaki sauce.

Prato Principal

Galeto grelhado sobre nhoque de batata Alfredo com vegetais sauté ao demi glace com ervas
e agrião.

Grilled chicken on potato cnocchi with sauteed vegetables in demi glace of herbs and cress.


Entrecote grelhado com batata doce caramelizada, purê de ervilhas e molho barbecue.

Grilled entrecote steak with caramelized sweet potato, pea puree and barbecue sauce.


Penne a la mediterrânea com dadinhos de peixe.

Mediterranean penne with fish cubes.


Bife bourgignon sobre polenta cremosa com agrião e parmesão.

Bourgignon beef on creamy polenta with cress and parmesan cheese.


Profiteroles com sorbet de crème.

Profiteroles with cream sorbet.

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