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Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-079-7

Cadernos PDE

Produções Didático-Pedagógicas
Título A Webquest como Recurso de Potencialização da

Autor Janete Teles de Souza

Disciplina Língua Inglesa

Escola de Implementação Colégio Estadual Professor Amarílio

do Projeto

Município da Escola Guarapuava

Núcleo Regional de Guarapuava


Professor Orientador Professora Me Eunice P. Guimarães

Instituição de Ensino Unicentro


Relação Interdisciplinar Português

O presente projeto intitulado A Webquest como

Recurso de Potencialização da Aprendizagem tem o
intuito de desenvolver no aluno a interação mais
efetiva com o conteúdo, o qual será desenvolvido
através de temas atuais, que estejam de
Resumo conformidade com os anseios e vivência deles.
Desta forma, acredita-se que, através dos recursos
disponibilizados dentro da webquest, que por si só já
é uma ferramenta destinada a desenvolver certas
habilidades de pensamento, possa-se contribuir de
modo positivo na capacidade de entendimento do
assunto visto. Os temas abordados nas atividades
com a webquest serão escolhidos através do gênero
textual fábula, por ser este um gênero que pode
incitar discussões e reflexões a respeito da moral,
visando também desenvolver temas pertinentes a
faixa etária dos alunos. A potencialização da
aprendizagem, referente à ampliação de tempo e
espaço do aluno com o conteúdo através do estudo
dirigido da webquest, que proporciona que eles
possam estar em contato com o assunto não só na
sala e nem somente naquele tempo preestabelecido,
bem como a socialização dos objetos de estudos
debatidos a partir da moral das fábulas trabalhadas,
também são objetos de atenção refletidos neste

Língua Inglesa, Webquest, Sequência Didática,

Palavras-chave Sócio Interacionista, Fábula

Formato do Material
Unidade Didática

Público Alvo 2º ano do ensino médio

Olá Professor

As atividades que se seguirão, serão desenvolvidas dentro de uma Unidade

O intuito desta produção é ampliar o espaço e tempo do aluno com conteúdo,
intencionando que eles estejam em contato com o assunto não só na sala e nem
somente naquele tempo preestabelecido, objetivando o seu melhor entendimento e
envolvimento com os temas. E como fazer isso? Acredita-se que o uso da Webquest
possa contribuir a favor dessa premissa. Os temas a serem trabalhados neste
recurso digital serão escolhidos a partir do gênero textual fábula. Optou-se por este
gênero justamente porque ele pode incitar reflexões e discussões a respeito da
moral da história. O que se pretende fazer é que estas reflexões sobre a moral das
fábulas possam ser ampliadas em atividades desenvolvidas dentro da webquest, por
exemplo, se a moral da história fala sobre trabalho, as atividades na webquest
buscarão desenvolver considerações a respeito desta abordagem.
Em um primeiro momento, será trabalhada a fábula dentro de uma sequência
didática, abordando aspectos discursivos e linguísticos do texto, posteriormente o
tema fomentado pela moral da fábula será então desenvolvido na webquest, sendo
que a primeira atividade nesta ferramenta virtual será experimental para que os
alunos aprendam a operá-la.
Espera-se que a motivação do aluno do ensino médio frente às aulas de
língua inglesa possa melhorar com a ampliação dos temas na webquest, através da
possibilidade do estudante poder criar seu próprio conhecimento através deste
recurso digital.

De acordo com as DCEs, “ a aula de LEM deve ser um espaço em que se

desenvolvam atividades significativas, as quais explorem diferentes recursos e
fontes, a fim de que o aluno vincule o que é estudado com o que o cerca” (Diretrizes
Curriculares da Educação Básica do Paraná, 2008, p. 64), esta afirmativa vem
legitimar o trabalho com a webquest, que por si só já é uma ferramenta destinada a
desenvolver certas habilidades de pensamento dos temas abordados como:
comparação; classificação; dedução; análise de perspectivas, inferências, e que
pode relacionar os assuntos vistos em sala com os que permeiam sua vivência no
cotidiano. Este cuidado poderá melhorar a motivação dos alunos do ensino médio
com as aulas de inglês, o que é sempre um motivo de preocupação dos professores
desta disciplina. Segundo Paulo Freire “A motivação faz parte da ação. É um
momento da própria ação, você se motiva à medida que está atuando e não antes
de atuar” (1987, p. 12), e qual é o aluno que não ficaria motivado a interagir com o
conteúdo através da internet, produzindo seu conhecimento, tendo em vista ser a
webquest pautada na aprendizagem sócio interacionista e nos processos
investigativos da construção do conhecimento? Ainda de acordo com com as DCEs “
as discussões poderão acontecer em Língua Materna, pois nem todos os alunos
dispõem de um léxico suficiente para que o diálogo se realize em Língua
Estrangeira”. (PARANÁ, 2008, p. 64), logo, todo o debate a respeito da temática a
ser abordada na moral da história será feito em língua materna. Os aspectos
discursivos e linguísticos do gênero textual fábula serão desenvolvidos através de
uma sequência didática na língua inglesa e ampliados numa concepção de
linguagem como interação e letramento crítico na webquest.
Esta unidade didática será composta por cinco unidades totalizando trinta e
duas aulas, sendo trabalhadas duas fábulas numa sequência didática e enfoques de
linguagem como interação na webquest.
Número de aulas: 6

O que é uma webquest?

(acessado em 15/09/2014)

Hello, folks, I hope we have a nice study time!

Have you already imaginated a research method and a dressed study in which you
access the available information through the sites and developing your knowledge?
Believe it, it’s possible! This method was developed and is called webquest. Let’s
know it? Ok, so access the link http://gotoenglishbells.wordpress.com and let’s start!

Professor, o aluno não irá criar

webquests, apenas deverá saber o
funcionamento e o uso
How it works and how to use the webquest?
The development of content in the webquest follows a specific order of steps:

1º - INTRODUction
It is the explanation of what will be developed

2º - TAsk
Here the student will identify the activities to develop

3º - PROcESS
This step will be given to the student to know the steps he will follow through with all
the information sites to reach the proposed goals in tasks, , and which tasks will be
evaluated together or individually

In this step the student will know what criteria are used to evaluate.

5º conclusION
It is a reflection on the student’s work and suggestions to new ways in order to
continue their studies and ideas on the topic.
The interface of the webquest activities in this unit are as follows:
Ok, now that you've learned how to work on webquest, it's time to start
learning the genre that will give us support for themes to be developed in webquests
that follow.
Professor, lembre-se que o gênero
textual fábula será trabalhado
através de sequência didática, e a
moral da história será a base das
atividades complementares na

1. Among the drawings below, mark an X where you think the picture is related to a
( )¹ ( )²

( )³ ( )4

1 -https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDF8uelC4mT35-TTbVlbENqK8Q8BKfYsQUTvaUS6ZbdN8RT3LU (acessado em
2 - https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZdrNKyRw1oMpYDy8-oF06JJTEm0NI9_2e1sh61k7TLG-
j8GWhhw (acessado em 22/09/2014
3 - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Old-french-fairy-tales-8_002.jpg (acessado em 22/09/2014)
4 - https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOxm4yd_8zT7CN2j_8ev3TLfKLz169KhUtu0Da8N3BqOdi-j33QQ
(acessado em 229/2014)
( )5 ( )6

1. Based on your answers, explain what you understand as a fable:

2. What are the characteristics of the fable
3. Where can we find the fable genre?
4. What is the purpose of the fable, to whom is it intended?
5. What is the tense of the fable?

5 - https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT0699yrLIVvqFgqQZarW4HLtdsVhUtB1-fWDBjmyDdo82GTNGB
(acessado em 22/09/2014)
6 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Three_little_pigs_-_third_pig_builds_a_house_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_15661.jpg
(acessado em 22/09/2014)
6. Fables are short stories whose characters are:
( ) only people
( ) only animals
( ) generally animals
7.For example: The Fisher and the Litlle Fish is a fable and the characters are:
( ) one animal and a person
( ) two animals
( ) two unanimated objects

The characters of the fable are usually animals

that represent human types as selfish, naive,
wise guy, etc. May also appear an animal and a

Picture 1

When characters are inanimate beings fable is called apology.

The fables are in books, plays, films, etc.

The scenario follows the animals that appear in it, like forest, sea, farm.
Its structure is a narrative in the past tense: initial context, problem,
solution attempt, end result and moral of the story.

¹ https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOxm4yd_8zT7CN2j_8ev3TLfKLz169KhUtu0Da8N3BqOdi-j33QQ
(acessado em 22/09/2014)
1. Write the names of fables that you already know

2. Can you match each phrase with its respctive fable?

( 1 ) “Appearances are deceptive.”
( 2 ) “It is easy to despise what you cannot get”.
( 3 ) “Little friends may prove great friends”.
( 5 ) "Slow but steady progress wins the race."
( 6 ) “There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth”

( ) The Lion and the Mouse

( ) The Tortoise and the Hare
( ) The Boy who Cried Wolf
( ) The Fox and the Grapes
( ) The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

3. Which sentence above did you like most ?Why ?

4. In pairs, choose one of the sentences in question 2, to associate with real life and
expose its considerations to colleagues. Follow the script:
As this phrase can reflect in real life; Expose situations that exemplify;
Point out solutions to these situations and the consequences of each choice.

Fables: short stories always sustained by a moral lesson

found at the end of the story. To write a fable you should
keep in mind a lesson and a moral of the story which
will guide the whole plot.
5 What is the purpose of moral of the fables?

All references above are fables written by Aesop, great fabulist who lived in Ancient
Greece (620-560 BC). La Fontaine, another great fabulist, said the following
sentence about Aesop:
"I think we should put Aesop among the great sages that makes Greece be proud, he
taught the true wisdom, and that he taught with much more art than those using
rules and definitions” ¹

6. Based on this speech, we conclude that the moral of the fable is intended to:
( ) Notify something
( ) distract children
( ) reflect a teaching

7. This definition agrees with your understanding about fable? Point similarities /
8. Find in Portuguese and English dictionary definition for fable and transcribe it. It is
in consonance with the definition of La Fontaine? Explain.

¹ http://www.construindohistoriahoje.blogspot.com.br/2011/05/fabulas-de-esopo.html (acesso em
Número de aulas: 6

Caro aluno: estão disponíveis

atividades que ampliam o Professor, as atividades com
entendimento e o conhecimento mutiltimídias serão desenvolvidas

dos assuntos que envolvem a moral na webquest. As atividades

complementares desta unidade
desta fábula na webquest
estão na webquest no endereço:
Lembre-se que tais atividades serão
apresentadas posteriormente em
sala como parte avaliativa do

This is the interface of the WQ in this unit:

- Analyze the drawing. Do you know this fable?

- What task each character in the drawing is doing?


1. Select adjectives from the box below that may belong to the ant or the
grasshopper in the fable:

lazy - gentle - working - smart - cheerful

responsible - foolish - confidente - studious -
happy – simple – carefree- proud


............................................................... ................................................................

............................................................... ...............................................................

.............................................................. ...............................................................

.............................................................. ..............................................................

.............................................................. ..............................................................

................................................................ ..............................................................

.............................................................. ..............................................................
let’s read the text and then do the text comprehension:

The Ant and the Grasshopper
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its
heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was
taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in
that way?"
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present."
But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper
had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day
corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper

It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.

http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Aesop/Aesops_Fables/The_Ant_and_the_Grasshopper_p1.html (acesso em 12/09/2014)

about the text


(acesso em 12/09/2014)
1. Is this text:
( ) short? ( ) long?

2. Characters are:
( ) winter and summer
( ) ant and grasshopper
( ) food and stores

3. The methods of action of the ant and the grasshopper match the adjectives you
listed with them and why?

4. Transcribe the last sentence of the story:


5. This sentence is:

( ) a joke
( ) a life lesson
( ) a charade

6. “It is best to prepare for the days of necessity”. Do you agree or disagree with the
statement and why?

7. In group of four students, discuss the moral of the story and relate to the real life.

8. Let’s now socialize? Each group presents to the class their argued about the moral
of the story and the relationships with real life.
9.In the sentence: "I reccomend you to do the same", the ant is:
( ) giving na advice
( ) making a wish
( ) giving an order

10. What is the intention of the ant with this sentence? Do you think her intention was
good? Why the grasshopper did not listen?

11. When you see a friend doing something that feels wrong, you usually alert
him/her? Why?

Text comprehension

1. Complete the sentences according to the text. Use the words from the box:


a) The ant was taking food to the .........................

b) The grasshopper invited ant to ...................
c) The ant continued to ...........................
d) When the winter arrived, the grasshopper was .............................
e) The grasshopper didn’t worried about the ..............................
f) The grasshopper was singing and .................................
h) In the winter, ants was distributing ..........................
2. Now you have to match the figure with the right sentence, according to the text:

(1) (2)

(3) (4)
...I recommend
you to do the

(5) (6)

¹ - http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2012/04/30/10/02/ant-44586_640.png (acessado em 13/10/2014)

² - http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2013/07/18/10/56/winter-163533_640.jpg (acessado em 13/10/2014)
³ - http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2012/04/30/10/04/home-44594_640.png (acessado em 13/10/2014)
4 - http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2014/04/02/10/40/ant-304164_640.png (acessado em 13/10/2014)
5 - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/The_Ant_and_the_Grasshopper_-_Project_Gutenberg_etext_19994.jpg

(acessado em 13/10/2014)
6 - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/The_Ant_and_the_Grasshopper_by_Charles_H._Bennett.jpg

(acessado em 13/10/2014)
( ) The Ant was passing by carrying an ear of corn to the nest
( ) Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for the days of necessity
( ) "I am helping with the food, you should do the same."
( ) Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing
( ) Winter came and the field was plenty of snow
( ) ...Ants were at home, distributing the food they collected in the winter.

3. Write T (true) or F (false) according to the text:

( ) winter can be compared with difficult situations we face in life
( ) ant not helped grasshopper
( ) laziness is a feature of the grasshopper
( ) Grasshopper regretted for not lay up food
( ) ant is cautious
( ) the teaching of the fable is to be miser
( ) the grasshopper did not want to talk to the ant
( ) the grasshopper could not convince the ant to act as him
( ) grasshopper tried to convince the ant
( ) abundant food was a result of the ant’s hard work

4. Find evidences in the text that:

a) a formiga não se deixou levar pela ideia do gafanhoto:


b) o gafanhoto aprendeu a lição

c) o gafanhoto era um boêmio

d) o trabalho da formiga era realmente pesado


e) o gafanhoto achava que a comida que tinha era suficiente


f) a formiga tinha consciência de seu papel de colaboradora do seu grupo


5. Ant and grasshopper performed different activities in summer and each action
leads to consequences. Which activities are positive or negative in your
opinion?What kinf of consequences you think could have each of them: Discuss in


Confidence your
feelings with

Point out a pal’s

Have a virtual


Unmask a


help a friend in a

Act according to
the group

Criticize the


Concerning about


Observe social


Follow your

friends’ minds

6. Share your opinions with the group:

Número de aulas: 6

Vocabulary points
1. The ant and the grasshopper each of them had their tasks and work. Ant was
carrying food to the nest and the grasshopper was singing. Match the professions
with each functions:
(1) butcher ( ) makes bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.
(2) fireman ( ) someone that makes things from wood: houses and furniture.
(3) judge ( ) cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
(4) lawyer ( ) who works with electric circuits.
(5) baker ( ) a person that puts out fires.
(6) lifeguard ( ) a person that decides cases in a law court.
(7) dustman ( ) saves lives where people swim
(8) electrician ( ) someone who defends people in court and gives legal advice.
(9) architect ( ) a person that collects trash in the street
(10) carpenter ( ) someone who makes bread and cakes and work in a baker

2. What kind of occupations we can find in this places:

a) School=_________________________________________________________
b) Restaurant=______________________________________________________
c) Hospital= ________________________________________________________
d) University=_______________________________________________________
c) Snack bar =_______________________________________________________
d) Ship =___________________________________________________________
e) airplane=_________________________________________________________
3. Change the bolded word with a synonym:

a) Summer’s day = _________________________________________

b) Plenty food = _____________________________________________
c) Bothered ant = ______________________
d) Hungry grasshopper = _________________________
e) Great toil = ___________________

4. Match the opposite

(1 )heavy ( )boring
(2 )hard ( ) light
(3 )serious ( )funny
(4 )interesting ( )important
(5 )insignificant ( )easy

5. Make sentences combining the words below with these nouns: ant; turtle;
toil; grasshopper.

6. Choose one or more words from exercise 2 to describe this things:

a) get fitness b) study c) dating c) read d) faith
d) profession e) knowledge f) friends g) family
7. Observe the meaning of the words, use them to complete the
Hopping about = jump everywhere all the time
Bearing along = to move something (usually heavy or difficult to
Lay up – collect
Passing by = pass to a place

a) They ___________________ a stack of wood.

b) That child was _____________________ cause he is very restless!

c) Bees ________________ honey for the hive

d) Could you __________________ the drugstore and buy an aspirin?

8. Match the columns:

(1) hop ( ) trabalhar duro

(2) chirp ( ) gorjear
(3) sing ( ) suportar
(4) bear ( ) pular
(5) toil ( ) pegar
(6) take ( ) cantar
9. Combine the columns:

help __ __ you think about the future

hop __ __ my mother with the dishes

collect__ __ a brilliant carreer

prepare __ __ togheter trough the field

recommend __ __ some strawberry inthe yard

have __ __ for the days of necessity

come __ __ to the movie with me

10. Ant and grasshopper have different personality characteristics. Match the
characters with their characteristics:

( ) VAIN
Thinking about it:
All people also have unique physical characteristics that make each person special.
Look some physical characterisitcs. Read and complete the sentences:

Short hair brown hair curly hair long hair

Black hair wave hair brown eyes
Straight hair green eyes

Blond hair short / tall thin

Black eyes blue eyes

a) He is 1,90 m , he’s really so _____________________.

b) Samantha has ___________ hair and ____________eyes
c) Christofer is ____________, his mother is giving his some vitamins.
d) Dr Alba is __________ and ______________. He has ___________ eyes and
______________ hair.
e) Hanna Montana has ______________________________hair
f) Neymar has __________eyes
g) My mother is __________. She has _____________hair and ___________eyes
h) I am ____________ and I have __________eyes and __________hair.
Speaking training time:
1. Practice the dialogue with a partner: Use the vocabular below.

What does he/she look like?

He/she is tall, thin. He/she has straight long
blond hair

2. Describe:
a) a teacher b) a soccer player c) a singer d) a pop star
e) a friend f) your mother/father g) your idol h) a repórter
Take note of your answers.

Grammar points
Read this sentence:
“ I reccomend you to do the same.”
O que a formiga estava sugerindo ao gafanhoto?
Ela poderia ter dito esta frase assim:
You should be working in the summer; ou ainda:
You ought to be working in the summer
Shoud/ought to são verbos que expressam um conselho

1. What advice could you give to each situation below? Use should/ought to:
a) (headache)

b) (toothache)


c) ( heart broken)


d) (sadness)


e) job interview

2. If the ant wanted to express a requirement to the grasshopper, she might say:
- “You must work to have food”!
For example, think about the traffic rules. Write anobligation for every person: Use
a) pedestrian = ___________________________________________________
b) driver = _______________________________________________________
c) cyclist= _______________________________________________________
Now write two prohibitions for each person in traffic: Use mustn’t:
a) pedrestrian = ____________________________________________________
b) driver = _________________________________________________________
c) cyclist = _________________________________________________________


Os verbos modais são verbos distintos dos outros, pois possuem

características próprias, como:
1 -Não precisam de auxiliares;
2 - Sempre após os modais, o verbo deve vir no infinitivo, só que sem o
“to”; com excessão de ought to que já é escrito com “to” depois dele
3 – Tem a mesma forma escrita para todas as pessoas

São eles: Can; could; may; might; should; ought to e must

Can – expressa habilidade e permissão é usado informalmente
Could – passado de can e expressa permissão mais formal
May – expressa possibilidade real; pedido polido de permissão
Might – expressa possibilidade remota
Should e ought to – expressam conselho
Must – expressa obrigação

Can I go to the bathroom? (permissão)

May I go to the bathroom? (permissão – mais polido)
Could I leave at tem? (permissão)
She may be in the office (possibilidade)
Play in the lottery, you might win! (possibilidade remota)
You should see a dentist (conselho)
You ought to go to work (conselho)

let’s practIce
1. Match the verb with what it expresses:
a) you must stop drinking! obligation
b) You have fever, you should stay home
c) You musn’t smoke here advice
d) Students ought to obey teachers
e) We must wait for the teacher prohibition
f) You mustn’t drink and drive!

2. Give advices according to the actions:

a) She is a working with computer for a long time,_______________________
b) Paula was not well in Science test, _______________________________
c) The grass is new, _____________________________________________
d) The doctor prescribed glasses, ___________________________________
e) She broke up with her boyfriend, _________________________________
f) Smoking is making you sick, _____________________________________
g) This sittuation is making her sad, __________________________________
3. In groups of 4 students, imagine that you will have a party in the classroom in
English class, the director authorized but imposed some conditions. Make a list of 10
obligations / prohibitions that students should have, so that the party can be made.
This is an English Class, ok, so write these obligations / prohibitions in English. Each
group must socialize the lists.

4. In the fable the ant had the ability to carry the food to their nest, and the
grasshopper had the ability to sing. Ask a friend about this abilities and take note:
a) Can you sing?
b) Can you play some kind of musical instrument?
c) Can you drive?
d) Can you play league of legends?
e) Can you do mental arithmetic?
f) Can you skate?

5. Now your friend ask you the same questions.

6. Share the answers with the class.

Número de aulas: 6

Caro aluno: estão disponíveis

atividades que ampliam o
Professor, as atividades
entendimento e o conhecimento dos
complementares desta unidade
assuntos que envolvem a moral desta
na webquest estão disponíveis
fábula na webquest para os alunos no endereço
http://lioninlovecom.wordpress.com/ http://lioninlovecom.word
Lembre-se que tais atividades serão press.com/
apresentadas posteriormente em sala
como parte avaliativa do processo

This is the interface of the WQ in this unit:

let’s thInk about these questIons:

1 - Is it necessary to change our look or our personality because of a loving


2 - And if your boy/girlfriend puts conditions to get along with you, would you accept?

3 - Do you agree with this sentece: “the love can blind”. Consider 3 effects of this.
4 - Describe the picture, what’s going on?
5 - Why do you think the lion is crying?

6 - Observing the picture and the text, can you identify what kind of text this is?
Justify your answer.

Read the text

A Lion once fell in love with a beautiful maiden and proposed marriage to her parents. The
old people did not know what to say. They did not like to give their daughter to the Lion,
yet they did not wish to enrage the King of Beasts. At last the father said: "We feel highly
honoured by your Majesty's proposal, but you see our daughter is a tender young thing,
and we fear that in the vehemence of your affection you might possibly do her some
injury. Might I venture to suggest that your Majesty should have your claws removed, and
your teeth extracted, then we would gladly consider your proposal again." The Lion was
so much in love that he had his claws trimmed and his big teeth taken out. But when he
came again to the parents of the young girl they simply laughed in his face, and bade him
do his worst.
Love can tame the wildest.
http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Aesop/Aesops_Fables/The_Lion_in_Love_p1.html (acesso em 28/10/14)

¹ https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSE6O6tQIuh6bzlzV5EHvJr1MFOhHm5HivX39LFAAss2kspV4Gncw (acesso em
Fell in
in love
love –– apaixonou-se
apaixonou-se yet
yet –– mas
mas claws
claws -- garras
Enrange –– enraivecer
enraivecer might
might –– poderia
poderia teeth
teeth -- dentes
At least
least –– finalmente
finalmente should
should –– poderia
poderia would
would gladdy
gladdy –– de
de bom
bom grado
Trimmed- aparado
aparado taken
taken –– tirado
tirado bade
bade him
him –– ordenou-lhe
Worst – pior tame – domar wildest – o mais selvagem

1. Rewrite the moral:

2. Could you agree with it? Why? Why not?
3. Tick the correct sentences according to the moral:
a) love can change our personality
b) passionates people cannot think properly
c) love blind people
d) passionate people make mistakes
e) love make people more conscientious
f) love doesn’t change people
g) passionates people cannot think properly

4. Write F (false) ou T (true), according to the text:

( ) parentes don’t like lion
( ) lion was fall in love with daughter
( ) daughter’s opinion not appear in the text
( ) lion trusted on girls’ parents
( ) lion obeyed parents’ order
( ) lion was tricked by the old people
( ) lion trimmed his claws
( ) lion didn’t take his teeth out
( ) parentes were afraid for her daughter
( ) daughter could hurt the lion
5. Relate the action with character, according to the fable:

Was guided by heart { }

Silly and passionate { }

1. L I O N
Agreed trimmed his claws { }

Sneer and joke him { }

Were tricked { }

Wanted to marry { } 2. P A R E N T S

Changed himself for love { }

Could hurt the girl { }

6. Complete with the words of the text:

a) Lion was in love with a ___________________________________
b) Parents did not wish______________ to the Lion
c) Parents thought her daughter was __________________and _________
d) They thought Lion could do their daughter some ______________________
e) Parents suggested Lion to removed its ___________ and _____________
f) Parents _____________ in his face.
7. Give features to the characters:

LION Parents

8. Now do the same with these words:


__________ __________ __________ _____________

__________ __________ __________ _____________
__________ __________ __________ _____________
__________ __________ __________ _____________
__________ __________ __________ _____________
And now with these ones:
a) old age
b) youth
c) wealth
d) religion
e) rival

9. Rewrite the sentences of the text in the correct order:

a) wanted/ lion/ marry / to/ maiden/ beautiful.
b) didn’t/ know/ parentes/ to /what/ say
c) lion/ claws/ trimmed/ his
d) We/ purpose/ will/ your/ think/ again
e) daughter/ tender/ is/ our/ young/ a/ girl
10. What do you thing about the lion’s behaviour and parent’s behaviour? Is it fair?
What other option could they make?
a) Lion .....................................................................................................................
b) Parents..................................................................................................................
11. Put a S for Safe things in a relationship and a U for a Unsafe ones:
a) Divide the tasks _____
b) Impose conditions _____
c) Praises _____
d) be jealous _____
e) commands ______
f) self confidence _______
g) be yourself ______
i) give priority to the other likes in detriment of yours _______
h) leaving friends ______
j) follow partner’s beliefs _______
k) let partner free to think and act _______
l) understanding _______
m) charge the he/she understand you _______
o) point out mistakes _______
p) expose the relationship in social net works _______
r) blaming and complaining _______

12. What about a friendship, what kind of care you should have to make it emotional
safety? For example, sharing intimate issues like about family, parentes, is it ok?

Vocabular points
1. Replace the underlined words with a synonym:

a) Lion fell in love with a beutiful maiden


b) They didn’t wish to enrage the Lion.

c) Their daughter is a tender young girl
d) You should have your claws removed
e) You might possibly do her some injure
f) In the vehemence of your affection!
g) We would gladly consider your proposal again!
h) Lion was so much in love

2. Put out from the text different types to referring to the:

a) Lion____________________________________________________________
b) Girl ______________________________________________________
c) Parents________________________________________________________

Which of this following characteristics are specific to certain animals in fables: Look
the example:
a) work and organization = formiga
b) slowness and quietness = ___________________________
c) cleverness and guile = ______________________________
d) badness and vileness = _____________________________
e) friendship = _______________________________________
f) laziness = _________________________________________
g) speed = __________________________________________
h) affection and goodness = _____________________________
i) glutton = __________________________________________

3. Find in the text the corresponding of these words:

a) casamento = __________________________________
b) finalmente = __________________________________
c) medo =______________________________________
d) domar =_____________________________________
e) apaixonado =_________________________________

4. These are some of characteristics of a good friend, check the dictionary to write
them in portuguese, and add more 5 you think important too:
a) understanding b) kindness c) fellowship
___________________ ________________ _______________

d) _________________ e) _______________ f) _______________

g) ________________ h) _______________ i) _______________

5. Describing personality traits:

Superstitious religious gentle selfish talkative moody

Funny glad lazy shy sensible stingy

Confidente nosy nervous noisy outgoing bossy

Speaking time
1. Practice the dialogue:

What is he/she like?

He/she is talkative and funny

In pairs, you will ask about the personality of five friends.


Now sharing your answers with the class.

2. Complete with the personal adjective of previous exercise:

a) She always puts a horseshoe above the door, she is very _________________
b) He is ______________, he doesn’t get drive the car, his legs trembled
c) Nobody can speak when he is here, he is a ________________ boy!
d) They don’t say hello to nobody, they are very _____________________
e) Paul goes to church every Sunday, he is very _____________________
f) He always opens the door of the car to his girlfriend, he is a ____________
g) Everyone has to follow his rules, he is really _____________!

3. How do you think is/was the personality about these people:

a) Pope =
b) Mamonas Assassinas’ boys =
c) Gandhi =
d) Michael Schumacher =
e) Ayrton Senna =

4. Classify your performance in a friendship:


Keeping secrets


Forgive some mistake

Be there when he/she needs

Be happy with his/her succes

Show interests in your friend’s life

Build trust

Support when things is bad

Warn when he/she is doing something

Professor, 4 aulas desta unidade
Número de aulas: 8
serão para que os alunos
compartilhem com a turma as
atividades que eles
desenvolveram na webquest
durante o processo.

Grammar points

Look these sentences:

Lion proposed marriage to beautiful maiden

Parents laughed in his face.

Ambas as frases descrevem ações que já aconteceram. O ed no final do verbo é em

inglês uma marca do passado.

Os verbos que tem a terminação ed no passado são chamados de verbos regulares.

São alguns deles: answer; ask; clean; close; dance; erase; excuse; like; love; live;
open; play; relax; stay; study; surf; stop; talk; use; wash; walk; watch; work; worry,
1. Relacione as figuras com as frases e depois identifique nos verbos a marca do
What did they do yesterday?

(a) ( b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

( ) He walked home
( ) He watched the soup opera
( ) He listened the alarm clock
( ) She brushed her teeth
( ) He used his computer
( ) She studied

2. Turn the words you identify into presente:

1. ______________ 2.________________ 3._________________

4. ______________ 5.________________ 6._________________

3. In order of sequence in exercise 2, tell: What did you do yesterday?
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________

4. Answer about last Sunday: Did you...

a) Walk out with friends? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
b) Awaken early? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
c) Play vídeo games? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
d) Watch music programs? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
e) Help your mother with homework? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
f) Date? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
g) Cooked? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t
h) Enjoy? ( ) Yes, I did ( ) No, I didn’t

5. Ask your partner the same questions and write down his/her answers.
a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
d) ___________________________________________________________
e) ___________________________________________________________
f) ____________________________________________________________
g) ___________________________________________________________
h) ___________________________________________________________

6. Share with the class which of exercise 4 activities you did. See the example:
Last Saunday I walked with my freinds in the Parque do Lago.
7. Research more 4 expressions we can use in the past time and write down it.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________

8.Complete the correct word, choose one from the parenthesis:

a) This boy attented the meeting __________________ with his parents
(every bimester/ yesterday)
b) __________________My parents wanted me to help with the dishes
(yesterday night/Always)
c) Me and my friend enjoy ___________________
(weekly/last month)
d) Their parents _____________ aprove them to leave at night
(never/last Saturday)
e)__________________________ she walked straight to home before the class.

9. Complete the sentences about things people used to do in the past or nowadays:
a) Children liked ______________________________
Children like ________________________________

b) Most people enjoy_______________________________

Most people enjoyed_____________________________

c) Families visit ____________________________________

Families visited __________________________________
d) Classes studied __________________________________
Classes study _____________________________________

e) People earned ____________________________________

People earn ______________________________________


1- verbos terminados em e, acrescenta d: invite – invited
2- verbos terminados em y precedido de consonate: tira o y e acrescenta ed:
Marry – married
3- Verbos terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante e cuja última sílaba seja a
tônica, dobram a última consoante e ganham ed: stop = stopped
4- verbos que terminam em y precedido de vogal: acrescenta ed: play - played

1. Write the senteces in the past:

a) Parents/receive/ a better/salary
b) People/use to/visit/each other/more often
c) Children/play/more/outside
d) Family/stay/more time/together
e) People/watch/more/TV

2. Do you agree with the above statements? Talk to a friend about it and then we'll
share with the class.
3. Curiosities about 80’s. Did you think it’s true or false?Discuss with a friend.
1. Adults earned a salary of Cr$ 4.149,60
2. Faustão commanded a TV Program named “Perdidos na Noite”
3. Children loved to watch “Bozo”
4. Xuxa’s songs played in all radio
5. Bernard invented the serve in volleyball: “Jornada nas estrelas” ¹

4. Now you, in pairs, research about these things in 2000’s and write down:
1. adults earned ……………………………………………………………………………….
2. A music that played ………………………………………………………………………..
3. a movie that peoples watched very much ……………………………………………….
4. A band that appeared with frequency ……………………………………………………
5. A TV Program that people watched ……………………………………………………...

5. Let’s share the researches?

6. Put the verb in the past and write down in what rule each verb below fits:
a) move ……………………………… f) destroy ………………………….
b) agree ……………………………… g) enjoy ……………………………
c) stay ………………………………... h) flap ……………………………..
d) carry ………………………………. i) hate ……………………………..
e) plan ……………………………….. j) run ……………………………..

7. Write 5 sentences in the past using some of the verbs above:

1. ....................................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................................
3. ....................................................................................................................................
4. ....................................................................................................................................
5. ....................................................................................................................................

8. Students: the four following classes will be used to present the activities that you
did in WQs related to Units 1 and 2, ok?

¹ Read this in: http://horadotedio.blogspot.com.br/2009/07/curiosidades-dos-anos-80.htmlc (acesso
em 01/11/14)

“Sem dúvida as tecnologias nos permitem ampliar os conceitos de aula, de

espaço e de tempo, estabelecendo novas pontes entre o estar junto fisicamente e
virtualmente” (MORAN, 2007, p. 8,). Segundo o autor, a WQ estende o universo do
conhecimento, porque leva o aluno a interagir com o estudo além da sala de aula.
Ao desenvolver as tarefas na WQ, o estudante pode compreender e refletir melhor
os temas abordados, resultando num maior envolvimento e motivação com a
disciplina. Imagina-se que este modelo de aula possa contribuir positivamente tanto
ao aluno que precisa de reforço no aprendizado quanto àquele que já apropriou-se
do conteúdo, mas quer ir além e ampliar seu conhecimento.
A proposta desta produção didática é trabalhar com o recurso da webquest
como um meio de incrementar os conteúdos vistos em sala, além de atividades
linguísticas. Como encaminhamento metodológico desta produção usa-se o gênero
textual fábula como uma ponte para ampliar questões discursivas sobre a moral da
história dentro da webquest. Estas atividades são desenvolvidas pelos alunos fora
do tempo escolar, como atividades de reforço e serão avaliadas. Optou-se por
trabalhar na WQ com atividades de leitura como prática social, envolvendo temas
socioeducacionais previstos nas Diretrizes.
Os alunos que não têm acesso à internet poderão vir à escola em contraturno
para que possam acessar a webquest na escola, em horário e dia preestabelecidos
pela professora e com a supervisão da mesma. Como várias atividades são
organizadas em grupo, poderá vir somente um dos alunos do grupo alternando o
componente a cada dia, para que haja interação entre os grupos.
Outra alternativa no caso dos alunos não terem acesso à internet seria de
utilizar a lousa digital para acessar os sites com todos juntos na sala no horário
normal da aula para discussão dos assuntos e anotações das ações a serem
desenvolvidas em tempo extra curricular.
A implementação pedagógica será aplicada no 2º ano do ensino médio. As
considerações a respeito do tema das fábulas, bem como as participações dos
alunos poderão ser feitas na língua materna. A ideia sempre será fazer com que o
aluno reflita nas discussões do tema moral das fábulas, fazendo inferências,
proposições, comparações e principalmente construindo significados para a vida
real. O importante é promover a participação do aluno e criar um ambiente que
amplie o seu contato com o tema para além da sala.
A produção didática é composta por cinco unidades organizados da seguinte
Unidade 1 – (6 aulas) 16/03 a 30/03
Sondagem sobre o conhecimento prévio do aluno a respeito de webquest.
com atividades para que ele saiba como funciona e como operar este recurso digital.
Para que ele tenha um entendimento claro, as atividades da WQ nesta unidade
serão feitas em sala sob a supervisão da professora. Certificando-se que o aluno já
sabe operar a WQ, o próximo passo desta unidade é introduzir o gênero textual
fábula, características, intencionalidade, público alvo, tempo verbal, personagens,
veiculação, com foco na moral da história.
Unidade 2 – (6 aulas) 06/04 a 20/05
Nesta unidade será disponibilizado aos alunos o endereço eletrônico da
primeira webquest, http://antandgrass.wordpress.com/ e explicado que eles
deverão desenvolver as atividades extras inseridas nela. Em sala de aula, em
horário normal será trabalhada a fábula “The Ant and the Grasshopper” através de
uma sequência didática, e as práticas construídas na WQ são desdobramentos dos
assuntos que envolvem a moral desta fábula.
Unidade 3 (6 aulas) 15/06 a 29/06
Aqui serão vistos assuntos de vocabulário e gramática referentes ainda à
fábula “The Ant and the Grasshopper. vistas na unidade anterior, além de pontos
gramaticais, como “discribing people” e “modal verbs”
Unidade 4 (6 aulas) 06/07 a 20/07
Esta unidade tem previsão de início em 18/05, e este é o prazo final para a
realização das 9 atividades que compõe a primeira WQ. Os alunos serão orientados
a começar a segunda WQ no endereço eletrônico
http://lioninlovecom.wordpress.com/ a qual é composta de assuntos referentes à
fábula que será vista em sala “ Lion in Love”. Esta WQ será composta de 7
Unidade 5 (8 aulas) 27/07 a 10/08
Esta é a última unidade desta produção. Nela estão inseridos exercícios de
vocabulário e gramaticais referentes à fábula “Lion in Love”. Os exercícios
gramaticais são sobre “simple past” – regular verbs. Quatro aulas desta unidade
serão utilizadas para o desenvolvimento destas duas classes de exercícios, e as
quatro últimas aulas serão utilizadas para as apresentações das atividades 1; 3; 4; 5
e 8 da primeira WQ e das atividades 1; 3; 4; 5 e 7 da segunda WQ, fundamentando
assim esta produção na concepção sócio interacionista da língua.
Para um entendimento claro do desenvolvimento de algumas atividades das
WQs que requerem uma tarefa mais elaborada, foi criada uma página de blog no
endereço http://choicesandfriends.blogspot.com.br/. Acessando este endereço, o
aluno encontra um passo a passo de como executar cada uma daquelas atividades.

Referências Bibliográficas

AUN, Eliana; MORAIS, Maria Clara Prete de; SANSANOVICZ, Neuza Bilia. English
for All. Saõ Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. 160 p. (Volume 1).

AUN, Eliana; MORAIS, Maria Clara Prete de; SANSANOVICZ, Neuza Bilia. English
for All. Saõ Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. 176 p. (Volume 2).

CHEQUI, Wilson (Ed.). It Fits. São Paulo: Edições Sm Ltda, 2012. 200 p. (9º).

Sites Consultados

Aesop’s Fables<http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Aesop/Aesops_Fables/>.
(acesso em: 12 set. 2014).

Pelo Fantástico Mundo das

(acesso em: 15 out. 2014).

Agenda Web – past progressive

<http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/past_progressive-exercises.html>.(acesso em: 17
out. 2014).

Como criar uma webquest <http://aprendendoemcasa.net/como-criar-uma-

webquest/>.(acesso em: 17 out. 2014).

Inglês curso – o que são e quais são os verbos modais

verbs/1322-introducao-verbos-modais-modal-verbs>. (acesso em: 17 out. 2014).
Abril educação – tempo verbal
tica.pdf>. (acesso em: 22 out. 2014).

Wootest free modais <http://wootest.free.fr/02 English Grammar - Verbs - 03 Modal

Verbs_PDF.pdf>. (acesso em: 22 out. 2014).

Slideshare cause and effect<http://pt.slideshare.net/mrsboyd/warm-up-cause-

effect?related=10>. (acesso em: 24 out. 2014).

Professions and occupations<http://www.vocabulary.cl/Basic/Professions.htm>.

(acesso em: 24 out. 2014).

Questgarden webquests<http://questgarden.com/author/reports/recentpubs.php>.
(acesso em: 25 out. 2014).

Webquests: Oportunidades para Alunos e Professores

<http://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/5561/1/Webquests2006.pdf> (acesso em:

Figuras Utilizadas
Lista de figuras:
Unidade 1
Computador. Figura disponível em:
&tbs=isz:m,sur:fmc#imgdii=_ (acesso em 15/09/2014)

Fada. Figura disponível em : https://encrypted-

TTbVlbENqK8Q8BKfYsQUTvaUS6ZbdN8RT3LU (acesso em 22/09/2014)

A Raposa e as Uvas. Figura disponível em: https://encrypted-

oF06JJTEm0NI9_2e1sh61k7TLG-j8GWhhw (acessado em 22/09/2014)

A Bela Adormecida. Figura disponível em:

(acessado em 22/09/2014)

A raposa e o Coelho. Figura disponível em: https://encrypted-

0Da8N3BqOdi-j33QQ (acessado em 22/09/2014)

A Vaca e o Rato. Figura disponível em: https://encrypted-

fWDBjmyDdo82GTNGB (acessado em 22/09/2014)
Os três Porquinhos. Figura disponível em:
_third_pig_builds_a_house_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_15661.jpg (acessado em

Unidade 2
A Formiga e o gafanhoto. Figura disponível em:
(acesso em 12/09/2014)

Cigarra carregando um graveto. Figura disponível em:

(acessado em 13/10/2014)

Neve. Figura disponível em:

(acessado em 13/10/2014)

Formigueiro: Figura disponível em:

(acessado em 13/10/2014)

Formiga. Figura disponível em:

(acessado em 13/10/2014)

Gafanhoto cantando. Figura disponível em:

-_Project_Gutenberg_etext_19994.jpg (acessado em 13/10/2014)

Gafanhoto pedindo ajuda. Figura disponível em:

_by_Charles_H._Bennett.jpg (acessado em 13/10/2014)

Unidade 3
Exercício Thinking about it e Grammar Points. Figuras disponíveis do Clip-Art

Unidade 4
Leão Chorando. Figura disponível em: https://encrypted-
39LFAAss2kspV4Gncw (acesso em 28/10/2014)

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