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Fungus (Alquimia/Mat perig ma Frascos) Sufocating: Stun (pode ficar ajoelhado ou sentado), perde 1 de

PF por segundo
ST: 0 HP: 20 Speed: 4.50
DX: 10 Will: 0 Move: 0 LOOT:
IQ: 0 Per: 12 Taumatologia ou alquimia: Cristal de essencial da água.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: 0
Dodge: N/A Parry: N/A DR: 2 Monstro tentacular SM 2
Long-Range Defense(s): One or more options from Long- ST 30 PV 40 Vel 6,25
Range Defenses (p. 29). DX 12 Von 13 Mov 6
Short-Range Defense(s): One or more effects from Short- IQ 10 Per 13 GdP 3d
Range Defenses (p. 29).
HT 13 PF 15 GeB 5d+2
Traits: Danger Sense (No dice roll required!); Doesn’t Breathe; Esq 9 Aparar 12 Bloq
Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; RD 8 SM 2 CER 120
Homogeneous; Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Poison;
Invertebrate; No Blood; No Eyes; No Head; No Manipulators;
Tentáculo-16: 3d+3 pi, R 1-6. Se sofrer
No Neck; Sessile. qualquer dano HT-3 para não sofrer
Class: Plant. paralisia pela margem de erro + Grapple
Stone Fall-14: 4d cr LA, -2 para defender
Homem Raíz (SM 0, planta)
(apenas esquiva em retirada)
ST 13 PV 15 Vel 5,5 Boca: 3d+3 cut. Ele segura o alvo com o
DX 11 Von 10 Mov 5 tentáculo até parti-lo em pedaços, quando os
IQ 9 Per 10 GdP 1d engole onde todas as partes são dissolvidas
HT 11 PF 11 GeB 2d-1 Spawn Minion-15: Gera uma criatura
Esq 9 Aparar 9 Bloq - planta. Se falhar no teste ele continua até
RD 3 Turno 2 CER 35 conseguir. Custa 2 de fadiga.
Garras-14: 2d+3 cut, R-C,1
Agarrar-14: ST 15 Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia, ataque extra
Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia,
vulnerabilidade a fogo, não respire, não Notas: Agarra – move até a boca (colisão com
come, não bebe, imunidade a doenças e alvos no caminho) – abocanha
venenos; sem sangue LOOT
Loot: Nat-Surv – Ma+1 Raízes $8/lb Nat-Surv: Dentes, pele, ferrões
Fisiologia (IQ-6, Cirurgia-5)- Cirurgia:
Elemental da água (tridente) Glândulas
ST: 14 HP: 15 Speed: 5.50 Materiais Perigosos/alquimia: Ma+1 x 4
DX: 10 Will: 9 Move: 6 (Ground or Water)/9 (Water)
IQ: 9 Per: 9 Ácido
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 5 Lobo de vinhas
Tridente-14: 1d+4 pi, R 1,2* ST 15 PV 18 Vel 6
Drown: If it starts its turn in close combat with someone of DX 12 Von 10 Mov 6/12
SM 0 or smaller – or can move there on its turn – it can try IQ 9 Per 10 GdP 1d
to engulf its target. No attack roll is necessary! The only
defense is a dodge combined with a dive or retreat to leave HT 11 PF 11 GeB 2d-1
the hex. Failure to leave means being pinned as if with two Esq 9 Aparar 9 Bloq -
hands (Actions After a Grapple, Exploits, p. 41). A pinned RD 3 SM 0 CER 35
victim that breathes experiences Suffocation (Exploits, Raio Verde-14: 2d(2) qmd, R-10 Prec 3, 1 PF
p. 70), losing FP and then HP. Treat attempts to attack
the elemental while it has someone inside as Striking Into Mordida/garras-14: 1d+2 cut, grapple
Close Combat (Exploits, p. 51). The elemental can engulf
just one foe at a time but can fight while doing so, though Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia,
it loses its prey if it leaves the hex. vulnerabilidade a fogo, não respire, não
Water Blast (12): 6d crushing for knockback only (no come, não bebe, imunidade a doenças e
damage). venenos; sem sangue
Treat as a jet spell (Spells, p. 12) with reach C-3. Can
be used to parry as if it were a weapon. Loot: Nat-Surv – Ma+1 espinhos $10/lb
Watery Blow (12): 1d crushing. Reach C, 1.
Traits: Amphibious; Chameleon 1; Diffuse; Doesn’t Breathe; Farmácia: Raíz forte, MA+1 x 0,2 lb
Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move (Water); Immunity to Disease;
Immunity to Poison; Invertebrate; No Neck; Pressure
Support; Slippery 5; Vulnerability (Dehydration attacks x2).
Skills: Brawling-12; Innate Attack (Beam)-12.
Homem Árvore (SM 0, planta)
ST 13 PV 15 Vel 5,5 pedra. Custa 2 de fadiga.
DX 11 Von 10 Mov 5 Mastigar: Uma vez na grande boca, todo
IQ 9 Per 10 GdP 1d turno a vítima sofre dano de constrição LA.
HT 11 PF 11 GeB 2d-1 Mesmo após morto ele continua mastigando
Esq 9 Aparar 10U Bloq 9 até o alvo chegar a -10xPV quando ele engole
RD 4 Turno 2 CER 30 curando 4x 1/3 da vida do alvo.
Maça-14: 2d+2 cr, 1
Raio verde-14: 2d(1) qmd Prec 3 Traits: Unliving, Hipoalgia, Ataque
Shield bash-12: 1d cr, R 1 constritivo
Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia, Notas: Acertar crânio requer fisiologia de
vulnerabilidade a fogo, não respira, não elementais, os olhos tem apenas -7 por
come, não bebe, imunidade a doenças e causa do SM
venenos; sem sangue
Loot: Nat-Surv – Ma+1 Raízes $8/lb Elemental da TERRA
ST: 25 HP: 25 Speed: 5.25 TURNO: 1
Elemental de gelo DX: 8 Will: 9 Move: 5
ST 15 PV 18 Vel 6 IQ: 7 Per: 7
DX 12 Von 10 Mov 6/12 HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: +1
IQ 9 Per 10 GdP 1d+1 Dodge: 8 Parry: 8 DR: 9 (homogêneo = pi
HT 12 PF 11 GeB 2d+1 1/5 e imp ½)
Esq 9 Aparar 10 Bloq - Stony Fist (14): 2d+4 crushing. Treat as
RD 4 SM 1 CER 50 weapon, not as body part. Reach C, 1.
Lanças-15: 2d+2 imp, R-1 Acid Spit (14): 3d cor, 1 pf
Raio Gélido-15: 3d(2) burn (custa 1 pf) Traits: Absolute Direction; Dark Vision;
Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink;
Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia, Doesn’t Sleep; Ham-Fisted 2; Homogeneous;
vulnerabilidade a fogo, não respira, não Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Poison;
come, não bebe, imunidade a doenças e No Blood; No Neck; Pressure Support;
venenos; sem sangue, Ataque extra 1 Subsonic Hearing; Tunneling (see notes).
Skills: Brawling-10.
Loot: Class: Elemental.
Tauma-MatPerig/alq: Cristal gélido $30lb Notes: Can tunnel through
SM 1 incluso (MA+1 lb)
Sala 2
Prospecção: cobre MA+1 x 2 lbs ($50/lb)
Artes Finas: Jarros $200, 1lb cada
Taumatologia-Materiais Perigosos:
Taumatologia-Materiais Perigosos: Orbe
Pedra da natureza grandiosa valendo
mágico $1000, 4lb
MA+1 x $50
Sala 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Nat-Surv: Dentes, pele, garras
v=lf7yb33oRbM Fisiologia (IQ-6, Cirurgia-5)- Cirurgia:
Redemoinhos de poeira que se juntam olhos, órgãos
formando o monstro Grande Mastigador Taumatologia-Materiais Perigosos: Núcleo
essencial da terra Ma+1 x 3lb
Grande Engolidor SM 2
ST 40 PV 50 Vel 6,25 Chave Dourada Maldição de -2 em Todas
DX 12 Von 13 Mov 6 rolagens
IQ 10 Per 13 GdP 4d+1 Detectar: Per com bônus de Holiness ou
HT 13 PF 15 GeB 7d-1 Poder de Investidura
Esq 9 Aparar 11 Bloq Analisar: Ocultismo-3 ou Teologia-3.
RD 10 SM 2 CER 120 Hidden Lore (lost civ) anula o -3.
Stone Fist-16: 4d+4 cr, R C,1 Limpeza: Exorcismo Defaults: Will-6, Religious
Agarrar e por na Boca-16: Ficar preso na Ritual-3, or Theology-3. Leva 4 horas o processo (+PI) Disputa
boca significa ser espremido todo turno contra 13. Falha só permite tentativa nova em 1 semana. Crítico
Spawn Minion-15: Somente quando não afeta o Exorcista.
tem ninguém na boca. Gera um elemental de
Sala de armadilhas (mana zero) bastard sword fine
Acid Pit rst R eview 13 Venefício: 4 Monster drool
4 m de profundidade e 2 de ácido Taumatologia: Pergaminho em idioma
Avoid: Salto ou acrobacia goblin 0,05 lb
Effects: 1d-1 corrosion per second. Also, roll Nat-Surv: 20lb dentes de goblin (10 min por
against HT at +3; failure means you inhale goblin)
acid (3d-3 corrosion, ignoring DR). Cirurgia: 20lb órgãos de goblin (meia hora
Shots: Constant. para cada goblin)
Steal: DX-based Alchemy to safely collect
Heráldica-Surv: Símbolo da tribo dos Mão
(margin of success) + 1 vials of acid, but it
Vermelhas, 0,1 por símbolo (1 min)
loses its potency in 2d days.

Pêndulo de lâmina
Sala Secreta
Avoid: Esquiva
Efeito: 3d+3 cut Per-trap, visão, Observação
Taumatologia: Pedras essenciais 2lb cada
Pit de espinhos (10 m)
Avoid: Salto ou acrobacia Portão
Efeito: 3d pi LA (1 dmg / 5 rolado) Fechadura: RD 9, HP 18
Barras: RD 4, HP 23

Baú contendo uma adaga de boa qualidade,
balanceada (+6CF) com um poder de
acompanhamento 3d tox (follow universal
Sair da DG: 70 m andando + 133 m de +50%, custa fadiga 1 -5%, Pode ser roubado
alguém com walk on air e Único -55%) [10], 3 rubis valendo $1000
Corrida ou HT a cada 15 sec cada
Goblins CER 17
ST: 11 HP: 12 Speed: 6.00
Elemental do fogo grandioso - CER 114
ST: 18 HP: 17 Speed: 6.00
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 4
DX: 12 Will: 10 Move: 6/12
IQ: 9 Per: 10
IQ: 8 Per: 8
HT: 11 FP: 11 SM: 0
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +2
Dodge: 8/9/10 Parry/Block: 9/10/11 DR: 2
Dodge: 9 Parry: 11 DR: 6
Bite (13): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C.
Fiery Blow (16): 1d burning + halo of flame, below. Reach
Kick (11): 1d+1 crushing (includes +1 for heavy boots).
C, 1.
Reach C, 1.
Firebolt (18): Costs 1 FP per use. 3d + Halo burning. Ranged,
2x Long Knife (13): 1d cut or 1d-1 imp R C,1; 1,5 lbs
with Acc 3, 1/2D 10, Max 100.
Punch (13): 1d-1 crushing. Reach C.
Double Ended Blade (18): 3d+4 cut + 2d burn; R 1,2
Shield Bash (12): 1d-1 crushing. Reach 1.
Bombardeio(10): 3d qmd, Área 12m (+175%), Bombadeiro
Short Bow (13): 1d-1(2) piercing + follow-up 2 points toxic
10(-15%), custa fadiga 2 (-10%) [22]
(HT to resist). Ranged, with Acc 1, 1/2D 110, Max 165,
Halo of Flame: 2d burning to anyone touched by elemental
Shots 1(2), Bulk -6.
or touching it in close combat. This can destroy wooden
2H. Axe: 1d+4 cut; 4lb
weapons (Damage to Objects, Exploits, pp. 55-56), though
Bastão: 1d+3 cr, R-1,2; 4lb
the danger should be obvious beforehand.
Cimitarra: 1d+2 cut; 3lb
Traits: Bad Temper (12); Diffuse; Doesn’t Breathe (but
2H Espada: 1d+3 cut R-1,2 / 1d+1 imp R-1; 5lb
see notes); Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep;
Crossbow: 1d+3(2) pi + poison Acc 4, Shot 1(4)
Enhanced Move (Ground); Immunity to Disease;
Lança: 1d+3 imp 1,2*, 4lb
Immunity to Heat/Fire; Immunity to Poison;
Burn Inside-13 vs HT: 1d qmd, custa 1 pf
No Fine Manipulators; No Neck; Pyromania (9);
Traits: Appearance (Ugly); Cowardice (12); Infravision;
Weakness (1d HP if immersed in water, repeating
Rapid Healing; Resistant to Disease 5; Resistant to Poison
every minute); Hipoalgia
5; Social Stigma (Savage).
Skills: Brawling-13; Weapons-13; Shield-12; Stealth-12.
Spells-13: Coceira(HT,-2 DX, 2); Náusea(HT, -2 atr ou skill
Elemental do fogo comum
rolls e -1 def, 2); Debility(HT, -1 ST/pf); Deathtouch(melee,
ST: 15 HP: 17 Speed: 6.00
1pf/1d), Clumsines(HT,-1 DX/pf); Spasmo(HT, drop weapon,
DX: 12 Will: 10 Move: 6/12
2); Stun(HT,2); Tanglefoot(DX,cai,2); Bladeturning(DX vs IQ: 8 Per: 8
spell todo turno, falha cr dmg e unready, 2) HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 9 Parry: N/A DR: 6
LOOT Fiery Blow (12): 1d burning + halo of flame, below. Reach
Armas: 3d flechas pi, 80lb / 16lb / crt
C, 1. ST 40 PV 50 Vel 6,25
Firebolt (15): Costs 1 FP per use. 2d burning. Ranged, with DX 12 Von 13 Mov 6
Acc 3, 1/2D 10, Max 100.
Halo of Flame: 2d burning to anyone touched by elemental IQ 10 Per 13 GdP 4d+1
or touching it in close combat. This can destroy wooden HT 13 PF 13/12 GeB 7d-1
weapons (Damage to Objects, Exploits, pp. 55-56), though Esq 9 Aparar 12 Bloq 12
the danger should be obvious beforehand. RD 10 SM 2 CER 155
Stone Explosive Fist-18: 4d+4 ex cr, R C-2
custa 1 PF
Wandering Monsters
Stone Fist-18: 4d+4 cr, R C-2
Lava-Jet-18: 4d burn, R-10 custa 1 pf
Homens de terra
Gaze-16 vs Von: Stun Mental
ST 15 PV 15 Vel 5,5
Atração Magnética-16 vs ST: Atrai o alvo
DX 10 Von 8 Mov 5
seguido de um Stone Fist. 1 PF
IQ 8 Per 10 GdP 1d+1
Levitar-18 vs ST: 1 PF (concentração)
HT 12 PF N/A GeB 2d+1
Esq 8 Aparar 9U Bloq Tempestade de Areia: HT vs 16 para evitar
RD 2 SM 1 CER 31 cegueira pela margem de erro. -2 de visão.
Maça-13: 2d+3 cr Quando ativada, -1 defesa e ataque para o
Agarrar-12: ST 17 monstro.
Soco-12: 1d+1 cr / Chute-10: 1d+2 Barreira contra projéteis-18: custa 1PF
Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia, Infravisão, Skills:Briga-18
Imunidade a doença e veneno Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia, Ataque Extra
2, Resistência Mágica 2, Regeneração
Devorador de mentes
ST 10 PV 10 Vel 6,25
Notas: Possui 3 defesas: 2x parry + barreira,
DX 13 Von 12 Mov 6 ar
IQ 12 Per 12 GdP 1d-1 Elemental menor
HT 12 PF 12 GeB 1d
Esq 10 Aparar Bloq ST 15 PV 15 Vel 6
RD 1 SM 1 CER 31 DX 12 Von 10 Mov 6
Olhar-15 vs Von: 2d pf IQ 10 Per 10 GdP 1d+1
Mordida-15 (cabeça): -2 para defender, roll HT 12 PF 12 GeB 2d+1
contra vontade todo turno, falha = 2d pf + Esq 9 Aparar - Bloq -
desvantagem mental equivalente ao dano RD 8 SM 0 CER 39
Traits: Hipoalgia, Infravisão, Imunidade a Slam-12: 2d+2 cr
doença e veneno, Regeneração 1/turno Traits: Homogêneo, Hipoalgia

Grande Elemental de Pedra Grande Elemental da Água CER 138

ST: 21 HP: 25 Speed: 6 HT: 12 FP: 15 SM: +2
DX: 12 Will: 13 Move: 6 (Ground or Dodge: 10 Parry: 13 DR: 0
IQ: 12 Per: 13 Water)/9 (Water) Air Blast (18): 2d+4 crushing + whirling fury, below. Treat as
HT: 12 FP: 15 SM: +2 weapon, not as body part. Reach C, 1.
Dodge: 10 Parry: 13 DR: 5 Lightning Bolt (18): 5d burning + roll vs.
Drown: If it starts its turn in close combat with someone of HT at -1 per 2 points of penetrating damage or be physically
SM 0 or smaller – or can move there on its turn – it can try stunned (roll vs. HT at same penalty every turn to
to engulf its target. No attack roll is necessary! The only recover). Ranged, with Acc 4, 1/2D 10, Max 100.
defense is a dodge combined with a dive or retreat to leave Thunderclap: Costs 2 FP per use. Everyone within two yards
the hex. Failure to leave means being pinned as if with two of elemental must make a HT roll or be physically stunned
hands (Actions After a Grapple, Exploits, p. 41). A pinned (roll vs. HT every turn to recover). Unaffected by DR, but
victim that breathes experiences Suffocation (Exploits, doesn’t affect the deaf.
p. 70), losing FP and then HP. Treat attempts to attack Whirling Fury: 8d crushing for knockback only (no damage).
the elemental while it has someone inside as Striking Into Affects anyone touched by elemental or touching it in close
Close Combat (Exploits, p. 51). The elemental can engulf combat. Doesn’t affect those who hit elemental with weapons,
just one foe at a time but can fight while doing so, though but does let elemental strike and parry as if armed.
it loses its prey if it leaves the hex. Thunder storm-12: Bombard-12 4d burn de raio 4 Custa 2 PF
Water Blast (18): 10d crushing for knockback only (no Thunder Dagger-18: 3d+2 cut + Follow 3d burn
damage). Traits: Aerial; Diffuse; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink;
Treat as a jet spell (Spells, p. 12) with reach C-3. Can Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move (Air); Flight (Lighter Than
be used to parry as if it were a weapon. Air); Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Poison; No Fine
Watery Blow (18): 3d+3 crushing. Reach C-2. Manipulators; No Neck; Vulnerability (Vacuum and windbased
Agarrar-16: ST 23 (seguido de afogar) Ela pode segurar com a attacks ¥2); Hipoalgia
cauda deixando os 6 braços livres
Garras-18: 2d+3 cut ST: 17 HP: 22 Speed: 6.00
Chuva de estacas: 3d imp num raio de 4 m (12 ou menos para DX: 11 Will: 9 Move: 12/24 (Air)
acertar um alvo, só saindo da área para não sofrer o dano) 2 PF IQ: 8 Per: 8
Lança-18: 2d+4 imp / 4d+3 cut; R: 1-3 HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1
Traits: Amphibious; Chameleon 1; Diffuse; Doesn’t Breathe; Dodge: 9 Parry: 9 DR: 0
Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move (Water); Immunity to Disease;
Immunity to Poison; Invertebrate; No Neck; Pressure Mapas da volta
Support; Slippery 5; Vulnerability (Dehydration attacks x2); Plan1, 2 e 3 – 6 Hobs
Ataque Extra 2
Skills: Brawling-18; Innate Attack (Beam)-18.
Combat music
Elemental com tridente (56 CER) https://www.youtube.com/watch?
ST: 14 HP: 15 Speed: 5.50 v=tpsm0HoRA-s
DX: 10 Will: 9 Move: 6 (Ground or
IQ: 9 Per: 9 Water)/9 (Water)
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Dodge: 8 Parry: 10 DR: 5 v=Us81lhTAjA4
Lança-14: 1d+3 imp+ 2 burn follow up
Water blast-12: 6d knockback
Traits: Hipoalgia
LOOT DG - Hanksaqior
Fine Arts, IQ-5: Esculturas e jarros https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Weapons, IQ-5, Armeiro: Armas de boa qualidade guardadas v=V75QMC3T8yA
no arsenal
Comércio, IQ-5: Pedras preciosas
Naturalista: Ervas raras cultivadas em ambientes específicos Starcraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Taumatologia: Aparelhos mágicos, catalisadores, otimizadores v=INApFoo7Bbc
de energia
Alquimia: Ingredientes raros, antigos, conservados, pedras https://www.youtube.com/watch?
mágicas v=NP6o7yFcjT4
Materiais Perigosos: Otimiza coleta de materiais alquímicos e
Venefício boss ultimate
Cartografia (Se tiver papel – Rotas pelas florestas locais e https://www.youtube.com/watch?
túneis subterrâneos) v=bsvzP8EO65w
Heráldica (Se tiver papel para copiar os símbolos)
Prospecção Earth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Teologia: Escritas da religião druídica (em pedra)
Grande elemental do ar
ST: 25 HP: 30 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 13 Move: 12/24 (Air)
IQ: 12 Per: 3

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