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PROFessOR(A) Maria Ortência GRAU
Curricular II Turma/Série

1. Complete com o Simple Past.

a) (to feel) I _________________________ more confident after some days.
b)(to leave) He ______________________ home to live in Los Angeles.
c)(to arrive) We __________________________at 6 o’clock yesterday.
d)(to do) The student ____________________ his homework before lunch.
e)(to speak) She ________________________ English with the American
f)(to lose) She _____________________________ her voice last night.
g)(to get) Henry _______________________ nervous because of the test.
h)(to say) Alice _________________________ hello to me this morning.
i) (to buy) Mr. Garner finally _________________ a new suit.
j)(to drink) Paul ____________________________________ lemonad

2.  Em relação ao estudo do tempo verbal passado simples do inglês, é

correto afirmar que:

a) Assim como ocorre na língua portuguesa, é imprescindível aprender a

conjugar verbos segundo o sujeito da frase.

b) Existem três classificações para os verbos: simple form, irregular

form e regular form.

c) De forma sucinta, a complexidade desse tema reside em: memorizar a

regularidade ou não dos verbos e compreender a dinâmica envolvendo o
emprego do verbo auxiliar do tempo verbal em questão com verbos.

d) O tempo verbal simple past também é chamado de present perfect.

3. Complete as frases com o adjetivo possessivo correto.

a) Where is ____________ phone? (I)

b) _______favorite sport is soccer. (He)
c) _______car is expensive. (She)
d) Mary loves______ dog. (She)
e) Is _______name Bob? (You)
f)_________ bus is old. (We)
g)_________ family is millionaire. (They)
h)_________ cousin is from Italy. (I)
i) _________name is Rex. (it)
j) Where is _______house? (You)
k) She will have a date with _________ cousin. (I)
l) ________ brother is handsome. (She)
m) These are ________shoes. (You)
n) This is __________dress. (I)
o) I can not find __________ keys. (I)

4. A estrutura have to pode ser utilizada quando a intenção é relatar

necessidades. São exemplos disso, exceto:

a) I have to study tonight.

b) She has to go to the bathroom.

c) Bob and Daniel have to go to the bank.

d) I have three kids.


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