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Primeira etapa:

For you,what´s the meaning of being alone?

Have a moment just for you and God

What is the difference of being alone and being lonely?

You may like to be alone with yourself and you like to be alone to read a book, see a
movie and do many other things without anyone around.

What can you do to make someone feel less lonely? How can you help them?

Asks if she wants company, playing with her, talking jokes etc.

Escreva um artigo de opinião em inglês, leve em consideração o que foi discutido em

sala de aula siga os passos do Log 2 (pag 9) do seu livro didático.

A lot of people need time alone, to reflect on things, stay asleep and study.

Prefixos e sufixos que adicionamos a algumas palavras,podem mudar o seu

significado,sentido ou classe gramatical.Pesquise em seu livro didático e internet o que
acontece quando adicionamos o sufixo “ness” aos adjetivos.Dê 10 exemplos.
O sufixo –ness tem a função de transformar adjetivos em substantivos abstratos.


happiness (felicidade)
thankfulness (agradecimento)
awareness (ciência)
faithfulness (lealdade)
loseness (proximidade)
weakness (fraqueza)
Calmness (tranquilidade)
Firmness (firmeza)
Haughtiness (arrogância)
Humbleness (humildade)

Segunda etapa:

Pesquise em seu livro didático (pgs.10,18,26 e 34) e internet sobre os “modal verbs”
(explique em português e dê exemplos em inglês).

Em que circunstância deve ser usado? Dê exemplos de sentenças afirmativas,

interrogativas e negativas usando os “modal verbs”.

A função dos “modal verbs” é mudar ou complementar o sentido do verbo principal,

expressando ideias de possibilidade, obrigação, dedução, desejo, proibição, vontade,
capacidade, etc.

Exemplos de sentenças:


• I can’t play the piano. Eu não consigo tocar piano.

• He can’t answer the phone right now. Ele não pode atender o telefone agora.


• I can swim very well. Eu consigo nadar muito bem.

• She can study for a long time. Ela pode estudar por muito tempo.

• Can you draw? Você sabe desenhar?
• Can we go to the gym? Nós podemos ir à academia?

Terceira etapa:

O que são os ”phrasal verbs”?

Phrasal Verbs é o nome que damos a uma categoria de vocabulário com uma formação
específica. Ou seja, trata-se de uma combinação de palavras formada por um verbo e
uma preposição ou um verbo e um advérbio.

Qual é o significado do “phrasal verbs”,”go out” e “hang out”?

“phrasal verbs”- verbos compostos

“go out”- saia
“hang out”- sair para curtir

Cite mais 5 exemplos de “phrasal verbs”,se você não se lembra,pesquise em livros

didáticos e internet.

TAKE OFF = tirar (roupa, bijuterias, etc., do corpo); decolar (avião)

ACCOUNT FOR = explicar, justificar

FIX UP = organizar, agendar (dar um jeito para algo aconteça)

PASS AWAY = morrer, falecer

SETTLE DOWN = acalmar-se, acalmar alguém, recuperar o controle

Where do you like to hang out with your friends?

Go out for ice cream, play ball, go to a party and go swimming with friends.

Os adolescentes enfrentam diferentes tipos de problemas quando começam a sair

sozinhos, tais como, crime, violência nas ruas, lugares caros para comer algo, lugares
que fecham cedo, transporte, horários impostos pelos pais, não ter muitas alternativas do
que fazer em uma cidade pequena.

Agora pense mais um pouco sobre esse assunto e depois copie e responda as perguntas
em inglês:

What is the biggest problem that you as a teenager have to go out?

The drugs

What can you do to solve this problem?

A campaing against drugs

Leia o texto com atenção pesquise no dicionário as palavras que você não conhece e
depois dê um conselho para Amanda usando o modal “should”:

That we should always find an alternative to get new friends.

Quarta etapa:

Copie as perguntas a seguir e responda em inglês:

How do you react when people tell you “NO”? Do you accept it easily?

I get no reaction. No

Do you take a “ NO” from adults the same way you take a “NO” from your friends?


When do you think it`s necessary saying “NO”?

When you ask to buy something unnecessary for your mother.

Is it difficult to say “NO” to something or someone?


Quinta etapa:

What does “volunteer work” mean?

Helping people who are very poor or on the poverty line, who are in varying needs.

Copy the messages above and translate into Portuguese.

The greatest gift you can give someone in your time.The greatest gift you can give
someone is your time.Because when you give your time.You are giving a portion of
your life that you will never get back.


O maior presente que você pode dar a alguém em seu tempo. O maior presente que você
pode dar a alguém é o seu tempo. Porque quando você dá o seu tempo. Você está dando
uma parte da sua vida que nunca mais voltará.

"Volunteers Do Not Necessarily Have The Time,They Just Have The Heart".


"Os voluntários não têm necessariamente tempo, apenas têm coração".

Do you know anybody who does volunteer work?What about you,have you ever
thought of doing volunteer work?

What kind of volunteer work can teenagers do to help others?

Make a campaign for a basic basket fundraiser for people in need.

Draw a chart listing 5 pros and cons of volunteer work,There is an example of it in your
book page 33.


1. Valuation by the market

2. Gain experience
3. Possibility to network
4. Chance to get in touch with other people and cultures
4. Chance to get in touch with other people and cultures
5. Aperfeiçoamento acadêmico e profissional


1-Volunteer work takes a lot of your time. Depending on the type of volunteer work,
you can dedicate a few hours of your time per month, or a few hours a day. If you
already have a busy schedule, it is important that you volunteer in a place where your
help is not seen as paramount. Otherwise, you can run out and end up hurting yourself
in your personal and professional life, as well as affecting the lives of the people to
whom you dedicate your volunteer work.

2- Some volunteers, in order to gain a paid position within an organization or company,

offer their volunteering. However, it is not always certain that your voluntary work will
end up becoming paid work. So don't be a volunteer just to get into a business, unless
you are really passionate about your cause or type of work. In this way, you will save
yourself the hassle of working without pay.

3- Accidents at work happen for a number of reasons. Their results can be minimal or
tragic, causing minor injuries, damage to equipment or even, in some cases, serious
injury or death. Employees need to be alert and aware at all times to avoid accidents,
while managers need to know the most common causes of accidents at work and be able
to identify risk factors early to avoid each one.

4- Overexertion is another major cause of accidents that often result in injuries in the
workplace. Lack of sleep is one of its possible causes, but you can start to feel drowsy
and still be in a lot of effort. Working hard, too fast or too much can cause overexertion.
In addition, too many homework or errands every day can lead to this condition. You
need to find time to relax during the day, and when you're at work, you need to take
periodic breaks to help you stay rested and alert. Many workplaces provide employees
with short breaks throughout the day, in addition to a lunch break or meal. Take these
breaks, even if you feel you don't need them, to avoid overexertion.

5- Carelessness is another cause of accidents at work. Some people can perform

multiple tasks, while others need to focus on one thing at a time. Understand how you
work best; if you are in the middle of something and are distracted, step back for a
minute to reorient yourself, and then go back to doing what you were doing. Tell your
managers and coworkers not to distract you when you are busy. If you're in an office,
close the door to keep your focus. Be alert to your surroundings and pay attention to the
work you are doing.

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