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Se você já chegou aqui, meus parabéns, você concluiu mais
uma etapa, e que incrível não é?
já sabe o verbo TO BE, já está escrevendo diálogos,
formando frases, um vocabulário bem rico, que bela
evolução, mas não acanhe tem muito pela frente ainda.
sabemos que a lingua inglesa é bem extensa e tem muito o
que se aprender ainda.

E ai está animado? pronto para esta jornada?

então vamos lá!
Bons estudos.

Amanda Carvalho.
Unit A
Expressions with like
O uso de LIKE na expressão 'WHAT IS...LIKE?'
O uso de LIKE como uma COMPARAÇÃO em inglês
O uso de 'LIKE THAT'

What's Rio de Janeiro like?

(Como é o Rio de Janeiro?)
I've been studying like them, I'm tired too. (Tenho
estudado igual eles, também estou cansado.)
Você pode empregar a expressão just like com o
sentido de 'exatamente dessa forma', ' Ex: You
can't walk out on me just like that.

It was a pleasant, sunny day in August in a coastal
village in New Brunswick, Canada. Damian and Danny
both 16, decided to go for a walk on one of the
woodland trails near the village. The thought of danger
on that trail never crossed their minds, but within
minutes they found themselves in an unusual and
terrifying three-hour ordeal!
Unit A come

Come from/ Comes to

travel agency -agência de viagem rest room- banheiro, double room-quarto de
flight reservation-reserve de vôo toilete casal
hotel reservation-reserva de hotel baggage- bagagem credit card-cartão de
visa- visto de entrada luggage- bagagem crédito
suitcase- mala collect call- ligação a
air ticket- passagem aérea
briefcase- maleta de mão cobrar
airline - companhia aérea
lobby - saguão de entrada room service- serviço de
airport- aeroporto front desk- recepção quarto
guest- hóspede swimming pool- piscina
single room-quarto de city tour- passeio turístico
solteiro pela cidade.
Unit A
traduza as frases abaixo para o inglês:

1.Eu venho de são francisco!

2. Eu venho da escola.
3. De onde ela veio?
4. Eu vou tomar café da manhã no hotel.
5. Preciso ir para a escola.
6. Ela vem da china.
7. Ele veio da igreja me visitar.
8. Eu vim do Brasil para trabalhar.
9.Você veio do EUA me visitar?
10. Você veio da onde?
Unit A
Adjetivos e pronomes demonstrativos em inglês
Se o encontrar antes do verbo, é um pronome demonstrativo, pois geralmente substitui o

This/that is my bag. (Esta/aquela é minha mochila).

These/Those are his clothes. (Estas/essas são suas roupas).

Quando usar this, that, these those?

As regras de uso de this, that, those e these são bastante simples:

This e these são usados se o elemento ou elementos estão próximos em tempo ou distância.
That e those são usados se o elemento ou elementos estão longe em tempo ou distância.

A coisa ou a ação está

This(Este – esta – isto) próxima fisicamente ou
no tempo

These(Estes – estas)

A coisa, pessoa ou ação

That (Esse – essa – isso –
está longe fisicamente ou
aquele – aquela – aquilo)
em tempo.

Those(Esses – essas –
aqueles – aquelas)
Unit B
Will, going to, shall
1. Use shall for asking suggestions and with first person. (I, we)

2. Use will for future tense and to offer help or agree/disagree

with something. Use will when you plan to do something which is
not decided concretely.

3. Use going to when a plan has been decided (in future)

A – Shall we go for a movie tomorrow?

B – Sure, I will plan.

Later, C calls B.

C – Hey, what’s your plan for tomorrow.

B – We are going for a movie. Do you want to join us?

The flu
Larry has the flu. His nose is running. He coughs a lot. He
sneezes a lot. When he coughs, he covers his mouth.
When he sneezes, he covers his mouth. When his nose is
running, he wipes his nose with a tissue. Larry's mother is
taking care of him. She makes hot soup for him. She
gives him fresh orange juice. She makes him comfortable
in his bed. She turns on the TV so he can watch TV in his
bed. She turns out the light so he can sleep in his bed.
She gives him medicine so he will get better. Larry will get
better soon
Unit B

Do | Does | Did

aerobics - exercícios aeróbicos diving -mergulho
archery - arte de manobar arco e flecha fencing-esgrima
athletics - atletismo fishing -pesca
badminton - jogo parecido com tênis football - futebol americano
golf - golfe Corrida-Race
gymnastics - ginástica
hang gliding - vôo livre
hockey - hóquei
volleyball - voleibol
jogging - corrida
karate - karatê
Unit B
traduza as frases abaixo para o portugues:

1.O que seu amigo faz?

2. O que você disse a ele?
3. Preciso conversar com você.
4. você fala espanhol?
5. Você comeu aquele bolo de chocolate no hotel?
6. Estou no aeroporto, e você?
7. eu vou correr na academia.
8. Eu vim do Brasil para trabalhar.
9.Você veio do EUA me visitar?
10. Você veio da onde?
Unit C
Adverbs of Frequency
Always After be = be + frequency
Often before other verbs = frequency + verbs
Hardly ever

Margaret was a small girl. She was a little girl. All her
friends were taller than her. She was shorter than all her
friends. She wanted to be tall. Her mom told her not to
worry. One day Margaret would be tall. One day she
would be taller than her friends. One day all her friends
would be shorter than her. She was happy to hear that.
She only had one question for her mom. When would
she be taller than her friends? Would it be next year?
She hoped it would be next year. She was tired of being
the shortest girl.
Unit C
Adverbs of Frequency
Always After be = be + frequency
Often before other verbs = frequency + verbs
Hardly ever

My brother is never sad. He’s _______________ happy.

2. I was late for work only one time last year. I’m _______________ late.
3. Mary failed only one test in high school. She _______________ passed her tests.
4. I always remember to do my homework. I _______________ forget to do it.
5. Steven seldom goes to a cinema. He _______________ sees movies.
6. Judy saw a doctor for the first time in three years. She _______________ gets sick.
7. I get up at five o’clock seven days a week. I _______________ get up early.
8. It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I _______________ see snow.
Unit C

to print | To sit | To hear

Açaí berry – açaí Mango – manga
Blueberry – mirtilo
Apple – maçã Cashew – caju
Melon – melão
Apricot – damasco Orange – laranja
Cherry – cereja Papaya – mamão
Avocado – abacate Clementine – mexerica Passion fruit – maracujá
Banana – banana Coconut – coco Peach – pêssego
Barbados cherry – acerola Fig – figo Pear – pera
Blackberry – amora Star fruit – carambola Persimmon – caqui
Strawberry – morango Pineapple – abacaxi
Plum – ameixa
Watermelon – melancia
Soursop – graviola
Unit C
traduza as frases abaixo para o inglês.

1.Eu não te ouvi.

2. vou comprar uma maça e um abacaxi.
3. você comeu todas as frutas?
4. Quantas frutas há nesta bolsa?
5. Quantos cocos você usou pro doce?
6. A carambola está barato.
7. Você comeu mamão esta manhã?
8. Precisamos preparar a salada de frutas
9. Todo o departamento está sabendo disso.
10. Eu te esperei o tempo todo.
Unit C
Faça de conta que você está em uma feira, e precisa
comprar varias frutas com um amigo, escreva um
dialogo sobre:
Unit C
Can, Can't

Você vai utilizar o can quando você quer expressar a habilidade

ou capacidade de fazer algo, realizar alguma tarefa ou até
mesmo um talento que você tenha, enfim, algo que você tem a
habilidade para realizar.

Como utilizar o can ou cannot

Já o Can’t ou Cannot é a forma negativa do Can então, você vai

utilizar quando quiser expressar incapacidade, ou alguma falta
de habilidade. O can’t é a forma abreviada de Cannot.

É o passado de can (poder) e é um modal verb (verbo modal)
que significa podia, conseguia, poderia.

O verbo modal could tem a função de auxiliar o verbo

principal na frase.

He could dance samba. (Ele conseguia dançar samba.)

Unit D
The names of countries and their people are also proper
America - Americans
Korea -Koreans
Egypt - Egyptians
Malaysia -Malaysians
India - Indians
Pakistan - Pakistanis
Italy - Italians
France - the French
Japan - the Japanese
Thailand- Thais
Jerry has no job any more. He has a little money. But he
does not have enough money for rent. He cannot pay
his rent. He has to move out of his apartment. He will
move out next week. He will move into his car. He will
put all his clothes into his car. He will put his pillows and
blankets into his car. He will sleep in his car. He will look
for another job. After next week he will not be able to
take a shower. He will have to use a public bathroom.
He won't be able to drive his car. He won't have money
for gas. Jerry needs help.
Unit D

to cut | To hold | To serve

Rice – arroz Carrots – cenoura
Cucumbers – pepino
Cheese – queijo Corn – milho
Cabbage – couve ou Lettuce – alface
Meat – carne repolho Asparagus – aspargo
Chicken – frango Broccoli – brócolis Eggplant – beringela
Fish – peixeOil – óleo Cauliflower – couve-flor Celery – aipo
Garlic - alho Onion – cebola
Butter – manteiga
Leeks – alho poró Pasta – macarrão
Sugar – açúcar Water – água
Juice – suco
Salt – sal Soda - refrigerante
Unit D
Unit E

The great love that I have for youis gone, and I find my
dislike for yougrows every day. When I see you,I do not
even like your face;
the one thing that I want to do is tolook at other girls.
I never wanted tomarry you. Our last conversationwas
very boring and has not made me look forward to seeing
you again.
Unit E
to feel | To kiss | To try

Como no tempo passado, para os verbos que terminam em consoante, em algumas ocasiões esta se duplica
para adicionar o superlativo:
thin -> thinnest (delgado,-a, magro,-a)
hot -> hottest (quente)
Willy is the tallest guy in the building. Willy é o cara mais alto do edifício.

Se o adjetivo for longo, utilizamos MOST:

She is the most intelligent woman in the company. Ela é a mulher mais inteligente da empresa.

Não existe nenhuma regra para determinar se um adjetivo é considerado 'curto' ou 'longo'. Evidentemente,
os adjetivos monossílabos são considerados curtos, porém, existem alguns adjetivos de duas sílabas que
são ao mesmo tempo curtos e longos:
happy -> happiest ou most happy (feliz)
ugly -> ugliest ou most ugly (feio,-a)

Os superlativos de inferioridade, usando LEAST:

August is the least profitable month for sales. Em termos de vendas, agosto é o mês menos rentável.

Alguns adjetivos irregulares usados frequentemente:

good -> best
He's the best cook in town. Ele é o melhor cozinheiro da cidade.
bad -> worst

happiness – felicidade surprise – surpresa courage – coragem
happy – feliz surprised – surpreso envy – inveja
sadness – tristeza joy – alegria satisfaction – satisfação
sad – triste calmness – calma kindness – bondade
anger – raiva confusion – confusão determination – determinação
loneliness – solidão
angry - bravo boredom – tédio
optimism – otimismo
fear – medo sympathy – simpatia
amazement - espanto
scared – assustado nostalgia – saudade
Unit E
traduza as frases abaixo para o Inglês.

1.Você tem alguma pergunta?

2. Eu quero alguma sobremesa.
3. Estou triste com meu amigo.
4. Não tem nenhum livro para comprar?
5. Tem alguns livros aqui.
6.Estou determinada, eu vou ganhar.
7. Eu sinto seu amor.
8. Você precisa tentar, vá falar com ele!
9. Estou entediada.
10. Quanta confusão, não acha?
Unit E

ask your partner...

Are you a sentimental person?

Do you think you're a cold person?
Do you hear any moment when you didn't have
empathy? When?
Have you ever run away from a fight?
Has anyone hurt you too much?
Have you ever been heartbroken?
Are you single or dating?
Do you consider yourself a stressed person?
Unit E
I would like e I’d like
“I’d like” é muito utilizado para responder perguntas
formadas por “Would you like” e nada mais é do que uma
abreviação para “I would like”.

How can I help you? or What can I get you? – Como posso
ajudá-lo? ou Como posso te ajudar?

I’d like a medium coffee with cream and sugar. – Eu gostaria

de um café médio com creme e açúcar.

I’d like some information about the parks, please. – Eu

gostaria de informações sobre os parques, por favor.
Unit F

We had a very traditional wedding and it was extremely
expensive, but it was worth it.
Carol and I only paid half. Her parents paid for
everything else. We got married in church.
Carol wore a white dress and she looked fantastic. I
wore a suit and I think I looked quite good too!
We had a big reception. The reception was in a
wonderful hotel. We took lots of pictures. It was just
Unit F

to wash | To bring | To get

Whose permite perguntar quem é o dono ou proprietário de um objeto. É um adjetivo interrogativo, e vai
seguido do sujeito:

Whose pen is this? - It's mine. De quem é esta caneta? - É minha.

Whose car did you borrow? - Kevin's. A quem você pediu o carro emprestado? - A Kevin.

Observação 1: Whose às vezes é utilizado como pronome interrogativo, em particular com be:
Whose is this? De quem é isto?

Observação 2: Whose às vezes é utilizado como pronome relativo:

Our C.E.O., whose father was a dentist, has a nice smile. Nosso Diretor, cujo pai é dentista, tem um belo

Obsersvação 3 : Dizemos : Whose car is this?, mas, Whom does this car belong to?.

Head – Cabeça
Eye – Olhos Finger – Dedo
Hair – Cabelo Palm – Palma
Nose – Nariz
Neck – Pescoço
Mouth – Boca Wrist – Pulso
Arm – Braço
Forearm – Antebraço
Torso – Tronco Tongue – Língua
Elbow – Cotovelo
Leg – Perna Ear- Ouvido
Chest – Peito
Upper Arm – Braço superior
Cheek – Bochecha Shoulder – Ombro
Ankle – Tornozelo
Chin - Queixo Knee – Joelho
Foot – Pé
Toe – Dedo do pé Lips – Lábios Calf – Panturrilha
Unit F
which one is right?

1 - Pé em inglês: 2-Nariz em inglês: 3 - Olho em inglês:

A - knee A - head A - face
B - hand B - arm B - eye
C - foot C - nose C - shoul

4 - Perna em 5 - dedo do pé 6 - Cabeça em

inglês: em inglês: inglês:
A - leg A - leg A - eye
B - knee B - toe B - nose
C - foot C - foot C - head

7 - Braço em 8 - Rosto em 9 - Joelho em

inglês: inglês: inglês:
A - arm A - eye A - nose
B - leg B - face B - head
C - hand C - shoulder C - knee

10 - Ombro em 11 - Mão em inglês:

inglês: A - face
A - shoulder B - hand
B - foot C - arm
C - leg
Unit G
Plural Nouns
When you are talking about two or more people, animals, places, or things,
use plural nouns. Most nouns are made plural by adding -s at the end.

bird -birds
broom -brooms When the last letters of singular What if there is a vowel
camel-camels. nouns are ch, sh, s, ss or x, you usually before the y? In that case,
add -es to form the plural. add -s to form the plural.
bush -bushes chimney- chimneys
Nouns like these If a noun ends in -f,
church -churches cowboy -cowboys
are made plural you often change f to
dish -dishes
by changing y to v, and add -es. day -days
dress -dresses
i, and adding -es. calf -calves donkey- donkeys

fairy- fairies loaf- loaves

Often nouns that end
family- families elf -elves
in -f, just need -s to
fly -flies shelf -shelves
form the plural.
With some words chef -chefs
For some words that end in -f, the that end in -fe, you sheriff -sheriffs
plural can be spelled in two different change f to v, and chief -chiefs
ways add -s. roof- roofs
dwarf- dwarfs or dwarves
hoof- hoofs or hooves knife -knives
scarf -scarfs or scarves life -lives Some plural nouns
But you only add -s to giraffe to wife- wives don’t follow the -s
form the plural. rule. They don’t end in
-s, -es, -ies or -ves.
If a noun ends in -o, you just add -s to form the plural.
Instead, the word
a hippo hippos With some nouns that end in -o, you can changes form.
a video videos add either -s or -es to form the plural. child -children
a mango -mangoes -mangos man -men
a mosquito- mosquitoes- mosquitos ox- oxen
a zero -zeroes -zeros tooth -teeth
woman -women
You can make Some nouns are
these plural nouns always plural Some plural nouns are the
singular by using a same as the singular noun.
pants, scissors, pajamas
pair of: bison bison
sneakers, shorts, slippers
a pair of binoculars
trousers, stockings, sandals. deer dee
a pair of spectacles
a pair of goggles You can use fishes as the plural of
a pair of jeans fish when you are talking about
a pair of shorts different kinds of fish: all the
fishes of the Pacific Ocean
Unit G
In Brazil, a lot of people try to save time. In most
families, both the husband and the wife work full-
time, so their free time is very short and very
important to them. They look for quick and
convenient ways to do their shopping and other
things, so they can have free time to enjoy
themselves and do the things they really like to do.

In your opinion, do you work a lot?

Have you ever had a job you hated?

Have you ever had a very difficult situation to deal

with? say one?
Unit G
Unit G

to leave | To type | To live

Accountant – contador Detective –
Journalist – jornalista
Actor – ator Lawyer – advogado
Baker – padeiro Mechanical – mecânico
Doctor – médico Milkman – leiteiro
Barber – barbeiro Driver – motorista Musician – músico
Chef – cozinheiro Engineer – engenheiro Painter – pintor
Chemist – químico Farmer – fazendeiro Pharmacist – farmacêutico
Dancer – dançarino Filmmaker - cineasta Photographer – fotógrafo
Dentist – dentista Fireman – bombeiro Physical educator – educador físico
Designer – desenhista/designer Fisherman – pescador Plumber – encanador
Florist – florista Policeman – policial
Nutritionist – nutricionista
Unit G
Traduza as frases abaixo para o Inglês.

1.Eu sou professor.

2. Preciso ir ao medico.
3. ele é um engenheiro certo?
4. meu amigo é um ótimo dançarino.
5.Onde está o motorista?
6.Ele ainda está aqui?
7. Eu ainda namoro ele sabia?
8. eu tenho que ir para a escola ainda.
9. Eu ainda estou pobre.
10. Quanta confusão, não acha?
do the exercises
Unit G

ask your partner...

Talk about your work, do you like?

What did you dream of being as a child??
Do you study to be a better professional?
have you ever wanted to be something very different
from normal??
Say a profession that you think is beautiful?
what does being a teacher mean to you??
Do you think they deserve to be valued more in
Unit H
Reflexive Pronouns
The words myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
yourselves and themselves are called reflexive pronouns. They
refer to the person or animal that is the subject of the verb.

I made this cake myself.

Be careful with the knife. You’ll cut yourself.
Michael is looking at himself in the mirror.
Susan has hurt herself.
Our cat washes itself after each meal.
We organized the party all by ourselves.
Come in, children, and find yourselves a seat.
Baby birds are too young to look after themselves.

Here is a table to remind you about reflexive pronouns.

Singular Plural
First person - (I,me) myself (we,us) ourselves
Second person - (you) yourself (you) yourselves
Third person - (he, him) himself (they, them) themselves (she, her) herself
(they, them) themselves (it) itself (they, them) themselves

Joseph never opens the front door. When someone knocks on
the front door, Joseph says, "Who is it?" But he does not open
the door. His parents told him to keep the door closed. His
parents want him to be safe. He will be safe if he doesn't open
the door. Yesterday someone knocked on the front door. "Who
is it?" Joseph asked. "It's the mailman," the person said. "I cannot
open the door," Joseph said. "Okay, I will come back tomorrow,"
the mailman said. "Goodbye," Joseph said. Joseph is a good boy.
He listens to his parents. He doesn't open the door for any
Unit H

to ring | To invite | To walk


Which, pronome ou adjetivo interrogativo que corresponde

a 'qual', ou 'quais':

Which of the following statements is not true? Qual das

seguintes afirmações não é verdadeira?

Which Delavigne perfume do you prefer? Qual é o perfume

Delavigne que você prefere?

Backache – dor nas costas Health– Saúde
Flu – Gripe
Earache – dor de ouvido Healthy – Saudável
Food poisoning –
Headache – dor de cabeça Illness – Doença
Intoxicação alimentar
Heartache – dor no peitos Ill – Doente
Gastritis – Gastrite
tomachache – dor de estômago Pain – Dor
Cold – Resfriado Recovery – Recuperação
Toothache – dor de dente Conjuctivitis – Conjutivite Sick – Doente
Cough – tosse Depression – Depressão Sickness – Doença
Fever – febre Diabetes – Diabetes Surgery – Cirurgia
Allergy – Alergia Measles – Sarampo
Migraine – Enxaqueca
Mumps – Caxumba
Unit H
which one is right?

1. He has chicken pox. 2. The man has high

A. Sarampo blood pressure.
B. Catapora A. Hipertensão
C. Gripe do frango B. Cancer
C. Resfriado
3. Children should be
vaccinated against measles. 4. The boy was sick
A. Pneumonia .A. Sadio
B. Catapora B. Doente
C. Sarampo C. Triste

5. His condition is serious. 6. The patient is doing fine.

A. Estado de saúde A. Passando mal
B. Disposição B. Tendo alta
C. Remédio C. Passando bem

7. This isn't a health problem

.A. Problema de saúde
B. Problema mental
C. Dificuldade
Unit H
Afinal, o que é gerúndio?

a gramática portuguesa, ele é caracterizado pela ideia de ações

prolongadas ou em desenvolvimento.

Sleep – sleeping;
Leave – leaving;
Win – winning; Sempre que criamos uma
Read – reading; sentença com gerúndio em
Walk – walking; inglês, adicionamos o “-ing”
Work – working; para representar essa ideia.
Drive – driving;
Love – loving;
Think – thinking;
Observe – observing.

Verbos terminados com a letra “e”: nesse caso a letra é substituída pela
Take – taking;
Give – giving;
Make – making;

Verbos que possuem a sequência “consoante-vogal-consoante”,

conhecido como “CVC”: a última consoante deve ser dobrada:
Get – getting;
Stop – stopping;
Run – running;

Verbos com terminação -ie: essas letras devem ser substituídas pela
letra “y” e o -ing deve ser adicionado:
Lie – lying;
Die – dying;
Unit H
Afinal, o que é gerúndio?

Em algumas frases em inglês, usamos dois verbos em

sequência. Alguns deles exigem que o verbo seguinte tenha a
terminação em -ing.
I love writing. – Eu amo escrever;
I miss dancing every week. – Eu tenho saudades de dançar
toda semana;

Nos verbos precedidos por uma preposição, é obrigatória a

colocação do -ing. Alguns exemplos de preposição são: after,
while, without.

hey’re really good at playing video games. – Eles são

realmente bons jogando video game;
She fell asleep while watching TV. – Ela pegou no sono
enquanto assiste TV.

Para transformar verbo em substantivo:

to help/helping – ajudar/ajuda;
to learn/learning – aprender/aprendizagem;
to book/booking – reservar/reserva;
Unit I
Interrogative Pronouns
Who Which Whose
Who is he talking to? Which of these bags is yours? Whose is this umbrella?
Who are those people? Which do you prefer? Whose are these gloves?

Whom are you playing with?
Whom is he talking to?

Who can be used as the object of a verb as well

as the subject.
Whom is used only as the object. For example,
you can say:
Who are you playing with?
Whom are you playing with?

Orange and black are popular Halloween colors. Orange
is the color of pumpkins and black is the color of
Halloween is a fun holiday, but it is not a federal holiday.
The Jack-o’-lantern is a popular part of Halloween. This is
a pumpkin with a face carved out. Inside the pumpkin
there is a candle.
The candle is to frighten the witches away.
Unit I

to move | To swim | To dive

Time off. — Tempo fora do took a trip- fez uma viagem.
trabalho. by plane - de avião
Day off. — Dia de folga. by car - de carro.
Vacation. — Férias. on foot - a pé.
Go away. — Ir viajar. by bus - de onibus.
Travel. — Viajar.
by taxi - de taxi
Take a trip. — Fazer uma viagem.
Go to the beach. — Ir para a praia.
Unit I
Traduza as frases abaixo para o Inglês.

1.Eu tenho um pouco de dinheiro

2. Me sinto um pouco triste.
3. Há poucos jogadores aqui.
4. Tem pouco arroz para o almoço.
5. Eu preciso de férias.
6.Vamos para a festa de carro?
7. Tenho um pouco de dinheiro.
8. Temos poucas maças para a salada de fruta.
9. Fui para o caribe de avião.
10. Nós vamos para a praia querido!
Unit I
ask your partner...

Do you like to take a vacation?

How was your last vacation?
How many holidays do you have per year?
Do you like to travel alone or with someone?
What do you prefer, a beach or pool?
Where would you like to travel?
Talk about your best trip ever.

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