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sales deck

Your company Client company

Em um mundo cada vez mais dinâmico e exigente, a gestão eficaz do
tempo e a organização pessoal tornaram-se vitais para o sucesso e a
qualidade de vida. Para muitos, essa tarefa é desafiadora,
especialmente para aqueles que lidam diariamente com o Transtorno
do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). No entanto, a
tecnologia tem o poder de transformar vidas e facilitar esse processo. É
com grande entusiasmo que apresentamos nosso aplicativo, projetado
para ajudar tanto pessoas com TDAH quanto aquelas que buscam
aprimorar sua produtividade e bem-estar. Este aplicativo foi concebido
com um propósito: proporcionar a todos a oportunidade de otimizar
suas rotinas diárias, não perder compromissos importantes, encontrar
tempo para o lazer e, em última análise, alcançar uma vida mais
equilibrada e gratificante. Ao longo deste tour, vamos explorar todas as
etapas que tomamos para chegar ao produto final.
sales deck
Your company Client company
Product name
Product tagline
Lean Canvas

01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Summarize the problem your product or service solves

in one concise sentence.
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Why should you care?

Expand on the problem here. Who does it affect and how? Better yet,
illustrate the problem with an example to grasp your audience's attention
— stories help people retain information much better than facts and
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

The problem in numbers

32% Revenue lost every year

11% Customer churn that can be prevented

Now that you have your audience's attention, back the problem statement
with numbers. If you can, use data from research or your experience
working with other customers. Make sure to demonstrate that leaving the
problem unsolved is costing your potential client money, time, or both. 16 Hours of productivity lost every week
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Introduce your solution here and explain how it'll

solve the customer's problem.
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Expand on your solution.

Use this slide to provide a brief overview of your product or service and
explain how exactly it helps customers solve the problem.
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Benefit #1

Short description of a benefit or feature so awesome it makes everyone in

the room cry, “We need it!”
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Benefit #2

Short description of another benefit or feature of your product that

customers love.
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Benefit #3

Short description of another benefit or feature and a quick explanation of

how it works.
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Product differentiators

Differentiator #1 Differentiator #2 Differentiator #3

What makes your product or service unique? Convince your audience you're better than List another one of your competitive
the competition. advantages.
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps


Budget Economy Premium

Unlimited usersUnlimited projectsAdvanced

10 users50 projectsAdvanced analyticsShareable
1 user5 projectsBasic analyticsIn-app reports analyticsShareable reportsAPI accessDedicated
account manager

$99 $199 $499

01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Our customers

Company name Company name Company name Company name

Company name Company name Company name Company name

03-case study
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Meet Josh, CEO at

Copernicus Ltd.

Josh Caulfield
Tell a story about a client you've worked with in the past. Make it CEO

personal: Include the client's name and explain the problem you solved for
them. What exactly was Josh's challenge and how did it affect their
business? If you can, include a quote from the customer for some social
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

"We were able to reach our annual growth

targets in under six months."
- Josh Caulfield, CEO
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

What results did you achieve?

231% Improvement in important metric

12K Improvement in important metric

Finally, explain how you solved the problem and show off the results you
5x Improvement in important metric

were able to achieve for the client/

04-next steps
01-problem 02-solution 03-case study 04-next steps

Ready to get started?

Your name
List the next steps here and include a few useful links where your
potential customer can learn more about the product. Most importantly,
give the client a way to get in touch with you if they have questions or are
you@your-company.com +012 34 567890
ready to accept your offer.
thank you

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