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Professor Uéliton Santos

CPCAR 2023
Professor Uéliton Santos

Artigos, pronomes pessoais

1. INTRODUÇÃO ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. ARTIGOS (articles) ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Artigo definido = THE ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.2. Artigos indefinidos = A / AN ........................................................................................................................... 3

2.3. Exercícios de Fixação .......................................................................................................................................... 5

3. PRONOMES PESSOAIS.................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Pronomes como sujeito (subject pronouns) ................................................................................... 8

3.2. Pronomes como objeto (object pronouns) ...................................................................................... 9

3.3. Exercícios de Fixação ........................................................................................................................................ 10

3.4. Pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns) ........................................................................................ 14

3.5. Exercícios de Fixação ........................................................................................................................................ 15

4. COMO CAIRÁ NA SUA PROVA ................................................................................................................................. 18

5. QUESTÕES EPCAR ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
5.1. Gabarito....................................................................................................................................................................... 21

6. QUESTÕES DE CONCURSOS .....................................................................................................................................21

6.1. Gabarito...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Professor Uéliton Santos


Fala, pessoal! Tudo bem com vocês? Bem-vindos à nossa primeira aula de inglês 100%
focada para o concurso da EPCAR. Nela, vamos aprender sobre artigos e pronomes
pessoais, os assuntos básicos para quaisquer alunos que estão começando a estudar a
língua inglesa.

Esta aula, apesar de simples, é muito importante para acertar tanto as questões de
gramática quanto para as questões de interpretação de texto da prova! Então, muita

Sem mais delongas, simbora para a aula!


Antes de mais nada, saibam que os artigos fazem referência a “coisas”, seres, pessoas e
lugares de maneira genérica ou específica. Dividem-se, assim como no português, em
artigos definidos ou indefinidos.

2.1. Artigo definido = THE

• Se refere a algo específico;

• Equivale ao o/a/os/as do português;
• THE é singular, plural, feminino e masculino.


The airplane flew faster than the speed of sound.

O avião voou mais rápido que a velocidade do som

This is the car that belongs to me.

Esse é o carro que pertence a mim.

Gomes is the best math teacher there is!

Gomes é o melhor professor de matemática que existe!

2.2. Artigos indefinidos = A / AN

• Se referem a coisas não específicas;

Professor Uéliton Santos

• A é usando antes de som de consoantes ou dos sons /uã/ (ex.: one) e /iú/ (ex.:
university, european); DICA: /wã/ e /yú/ (w e y são consoantes!)


Gomes need to buy a new computer.

Gomes precisa comprar um novo computador.

It will take you a year to finish your studies.

Vai demorar um ano para você terminar seus estudos.

A one-hour trip from Barbacena to Juiz de Fora.

Uma viagem de uma hora de Barbacena até Juiz de Fora.

The Gripen in a European jet fighter.

O Gripen é um avião de caça a jato europeu.

• AN é utilizado antes do som de vogais para facilitar a pronúncia de sons de

mesma natureza.


Gomes wants to teach math at an online course.

Gomes quer ensinar matemática em um curso online.

This is an exceptional piece of art!

Essa é uma peça de arte excepcional!


• O plural de A é SOME.

A ball – Some balls.

A car – some cars.

• Em inglês, só usamos o ONE (um) para falar sobre quantidades.

One car – um carro.

One year – um ano.

• Em inglês, não se usa THE antes de nomes próprios.

Professor Uéliton Santos

O Gomes tem a cara quadrada.

Gomes has a square face.

E, aí? Tranquilinho? Que tal treinarmos um pouco??

2.3. Exercícios de Fixação

01. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes, can I borrow _____ shaver you were using yesterday? It looked very smooth.

Gomes, posso pegar emprestado ______ barbeador que você estava usando ontem? Ele
pareceu ser muito suave.

a) the

b) a

c) an

02. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes, can you lend me _____ shaver? My beard is so big!

Gomes, você pode me emprestar ______ barbeador? Minha barba está tão grande!

a) the

b) a

c) an

03. Marque a alternativa correta:

__________ Gripen is a very powerful fighter jet!

__________ Gripen é um caça a jato muito poderoso!

a) the

b) a

c) an
Professor Uéliton Santos

04. Marque a alternativa correta:

__________ Air Force Academy is where I want to study.

__________ Academia da Força Aérea é onde eu quero estuda!

a) an

b) a

c) the

05. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes wanted to buy __________ kite, but he was completely broke.

Gomes quis comprar __________ pipa, mas ele estava completamente sem dinheiro.

a) the

b) a

c) an

06. Marque a alternativa correta:

Brasil is _______ huge country.

Brasil é _______ país enorme.

a) the

b) a

c) an

07. Marque a alternativa correta:

Brasil is _______ best country in the world.

Brasil é _______ melhor país no mundo.

a) the
Professor Uéliton Santos

b) a

c) an

08. Marque a alternativa correta:

I don´t want to go to _______ Air Force Academy after EPCAR. I prefer to go to _______

Eu não quero ir para _______ Academia da Força Aérea depois da EPCAR. Eu prefiro ir
para _______ universidade.

a) the - an

b) an - the

c) a - the

d) the - a

09. Marque a alternativa correta:

_______ C-130 Hercules is not _______ European plane. It is _______ American plane.

_______ C-130 Hércules não é _______ avião europeu. Ele é _______ avião americano.

a) the – an - an

b) the – a - an

c) a – the - the

d) an – an - a

10. Marque a alternativa correta:

Santos, _______ Lieutenant wants to talk to you. He caught you sleeping during class.

Santos, _______ Tenente quer falar contigo. Ele te pegou dormindo na sala.

a) the

b) a
Professor Uéliton Santos

c) an


01. a 02. b 03. a 04. c 05. b 06. b 07. a 08. d 09. b 10. a


3.1. Pronomes como sujeito (subject pronouns)

Os pronomes pessoais como sujeito se referem a algo ou alguém que praticam a ação
do verbo. São eles:

I Se refere a EU.

Se refere a pessoa com quem você

está falando (VOCÊ).

Representa alguém do sexo

masculino (ELE).

Representa alguém do sexo

feminino (ELA).

Se refere a coisas, um lugares, a um

IT animais ou coisas sem identidade
definida (ELE/ELA/ISSO).

WE Se refere a NÓS.

Se refere a grupos de pessoa com

quem você está falando (VOCÊS).

Se refere a grupos pessoas que você

THEY não faz parte com quem você está
falando (ELES).


I am a very good fighter pilot.

Eu sou um piloto de caça muito bom.

Can you fly helicopters?

Você consegue pilotar helicópteros?

Professor Uéliton Santos

He is the smartest guy I know.

Ele é o cara mais esperto que eu conheço.

She threw his clothes out of the window.

Ela jogou as roupas deles pela janela.

It´s not what it looks like!

Isso não é o que parece!

We made it!

Nós conseguimos!

You guys are crazy!

Vocês são malucos!

They seem very unconfortable here.

Eles parecem muito desconfortáveis aqui.

3.2. Pronomes como objeto (object pronouns)

Os pronomes pessoais como objeto são os objetos dos verbos quando já sabemos de
quem estamos falando. Eles também aparecem depois de preposições. São eles:

ME Se refere a EU.

Se refere a pessoa com quem você

está falando (VOCÊ).

Representa alguém do sexo

masculino (ELE).

Representa alguém do sexo

feminino (ELA).

Se refere a coisas, um lugares, a um

IT animais ou coisas sem identidade
definida (ELE/ELA/ISSO).

US Se refere a NÓS.

Se refere a grupos de pessoa com

quem você está falando (VOCÊS).
Professor Uéliton Santos

Se refere a grupos pessoas que você

THEM não faz parte com quem você está
falando (ELES).


The fly by didn´t impress me.

O rasante não impressionou “a mim”.

Gomes, the Colonel wants to speak to you!

Gomes, o Coronel quer falar com você?

He said bad things about me. I want to beat him!

Ele falou coisas ruins sobre mim. Eu quero bater nele!

The flight made her fell sick.

O voo fez ela se sentir mal.

Never say this again! I don´t like it!

Nunca mais diga isso! Eu não gosto disso!

He lied to you about us.

Ele mentiu para você sobre nós!

I´m not afraid of you two! Come and get me!

Eu não tenho medo de vocês! Venham e me peguem!

What a boring couple. That´s why nobody likes them.

Que casal chato. É por isso que ninguém gosta deles.

3.3. Exercícios de Fixação

11. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes is sleeping during class again... _____ will be punished if the teacher notices.

Gomes está dormindo durante a aula de novo. _____ vai ser punido se a professora

a) he
Professor Uéliton Santos

b) his

c) him

d) it

12. Marque a alternativa correta:

My mother-in-law is in town. Can _____ sleep at your house this weekend?

Minha sogra está na cidade. _____ pode dormir na sua casa esse final de semana?

a) she

b) her

c) he

d) it

13. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes is looking for his dog. _____ disappeared last night.

Gomes está procurando pelo cachorro dele. _____ desapareceu ontem.

a) he

b) her

c) him

d) it

14. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes and Santos were students at EPCAR. _____ tell a lot of funny stories.

Gomes e Santos eram alunos na EPCAR. _____ contam várias histórias engraçadas.

a) them

b) they

c) he
Professor Uéliton Santos

d) him

15. Marque a alternativa correta:

Hey, Gomes. It´s Santos. _____ are in trouble. The lieutenant saw me and you skipping
gym class!!

Ei, Gomes. É o Santos. _____ estamos encrencados. O Tenente viu eu e você matando a
educação física!!

a) him

b) us

c) they

d) we

16. Marque a alternativa correta:

The lieutenant wants to talk to _____ after class. I am very worried!

O Tenente quer falar com _____ depois da aula. Eu estou muito preocupado!

a) I

b) they

c) me

d) he

17. Marque a alternativa correta:

Shut up! I don´t wanto to talk to _____.

Cala a boca! Eu não quero falar _____.

a) you

b) your

c) yours
Professor Uéliton Santos

d) it

18. Marque a alternativa correta:

What a beautiful lady! I think I´m in love with _____.

Que moça linda! Eu acho que estou apaixonado por _____.

a) her

b) she

c) he

d) hers

19. Marque a alternativa correta:

Me and Gomes went to the cafeteria, but nobody noticed _____ there.

Eu e Gomes fomos para o refeitório, mas ninguém percebeu _____ lá.

a) we

b) us

c) our

d) hers

20. Marque a alternativa correta:

The lieutenant and the captain are missing. Has anybody seen _____ around?

O tenente e o capitão estão desaparecidos. Alguém viu _____ por aí?

a) they

b) he

c) us

d) them
Professor Uéliton Santos


11. a 12. a 13. d 14. b 15. d 16. c 17. a 18. a 19. b 20. d

3.4. Pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns)

Pronomes reflexivos são utilizados quando o sujeito da frase pratica e sofre a ação do
verbo. São eles:

MYSELF Se refere a EU MESMO.

Se refere a pessoa com quem você

está falando (VOCÊ MESMO).

Representa alguém do sexo

masculino (ELE MESMO).

Representa alguém do sexo

feminino (ELA).

Se refere a coisas, um lugares, a um

ITSELF animais ou coisas sem identidade
definida (ELE/ELA/ISSO MESMO).


Se refere a grupos de pessoa com

YOURSELVES quem você está falando (VOCÊS

Se refere a grupos pessoas que você

THEMSELVES não faz parte com quem você está
falando (ELES MESMOS).

Pronomes reflexivos são usados de três formas:

• Quando o sujeito pratica e sofre a ação.

Gomes looked at himself in the mirror. He didn´t like what he saw.

Gomes olhou para ele mesmo no espelho. Ele não gostou do que ele viu.

• Quando queremos enfatizar quem fez algo.

Santos himself flew the plane.

O próprio Santos pilotou o avião.

Professor Uéliton Santos

• Quando queremos dizer que alguém fez algo sem ajuda.

Santos wrote all this material himself.

Santos escreveu todo este material “ele mesmo”.

Mais exemplos:

Gomes is trying to improve himself in karate.

Gomes está tentando melhorar a si mesmo em karatê.

You don´t have to blame yourself in this.

Você não tem que culpar você mesmo nisso.

Gomes hurt himself while playing soccer!

Gomes se machucou enquanto jogava futebol.

She didn´t see herself in the picture.

Ela não viu ela mesma (não se viu) na foto.

The Pokémon hurt itself on its confusion!

O Pokémon machucou a si mesmo (se machucou) na sua confusão!

We need to ask ourselves why the plane´s engine was faulty.

Nós temos que nos perguntar por que o motor do avião estava defeituoso!

You two need to forget the misunderstanding and respect yourselves!

Vocês dois precisam esquecer o desentendimento e respeitarem a si mesmos!

Gomes and Santos are very harsh on themselves.

Gomes e Santos são muito críticos com eles mesmos.

3.5. Exercícios de Fixação

21. Marque a alternativa correta:

Gomes couldn´t eat his rations because of me. I´ll never forgive _____.
Professor Uéliton Santos

Gomes não pôde comer a ração dele por minha culpa. Eu nunca vou perdoar _____.

a) oneself

b) me

c) I

d) myself

22. Marque a alternativa correta:

You need to shave _____ pretty well before putting the uniform.

Você precisa barbear _____ muito bem antes de colocar o uniforme.

a) you

b) myself

c) your

d) yourself

23. Marque a alternativa correta:

Come, on, guys! We need to stop hurting _____ if we want to win this war!

Vamos lá, rapazes! Nós precisamos parar de machucar _____ se quisermos vencer esta

a) themselves

b) ourselves

c) yourself

d) yourselves

24. Marque a alternativa correta:

The gun shot by _____ while I was carrying it!

A arma atirou _____ enquanto eu estava carregando ela.

Professor Uéliton Santos

a) itself

b) ourselves

c) yourself

d) himself

25. Marque a alternativa correta:

The flight commander fainted! The co-pilot had to land the plane all by _____.

O comandante do voo desmaiou. O co-piloto teve que pousar o avião _____.

a) herself

b) itself

c) himself

d) ourselves

26. Marque a alternativa correta:

That girl is no joke. She can defend _____.

Aquela menina não é brincadeira. Ela consegue defender _____.

a) herself

b) itself

c) himself

d) ourselves

27. Marque a alternativa correta:

The snipers need to put _____ in a advantageous position in order to succeed.

Os atiradores de elite precisam colocar _____ numa posição de vantagem para ter

a) myself
Professor Uéliton Santos

b) itself

c) themselves

d) ourselves


21. d 22. d 23. b 24. a 25. c 26. a 27. c


Pessoal, agora que já aprendermos a base conceitua sobre pronomes, preciso mostrar
para vocês como ela será cobrada na prova.

Não esperem encontrar questões simples nas quais vocês deverão preencher lacunas
com os pronomes adequados. A EPCAR gosta de cobrar esses assuntos perguntando à
quais termos os pronomes se referem no texto. As questões serão mais ou menos assim:

Leia o texto abaixo e marque a alternativa correta:

EPCAR is the best school in the world!

“If you want to become a fighter pilot, you have to go to EPCAR”, said Rodrigo Gomes,
former EPCAR student and current math teacher at Direto ao Ponto.

During classes, he loves to tell funny stories about his time as an EPCAR student. Santos,
one of his best friends, also loves to tell funny stories about their good times at EPCAR.

The pronoun HE refers to:

a) Gomes

b) Santos

Professor Uéliton Santos

d) fighter pilot

Para resolver essa questão vejam ali o pronome HE (ele). A que termo ele se refere? Ao
Gomes, né? O pronome HE está sendo usado para evitar a repetição do termo GOMES
toda hora.

Galera, basicamente é isso! Parece difícil, mas não é. O segredo é substituir o pronome
pelo termo e ver se a frase faz sentido! Se fizer, é porque o pronome está se referindo
àquele termo!

Agora pratiquem o que acabamos de aprender nas questões da EPCAR que eu separei
abaixo. Depois, treinem bastante nas questões de concursos que eu coloquei em seguida.
Se vocês mandarem bem nelas, vão arrebentar na prova!


01. (EPCAR/2014) - The pronoun that best substitutes the underlined words in the
sentence “the buyers found it easier” is

a) you

b) he

c) they

d) we

02. (EPCAR/2014) – “Companies are offering courses in Offshore English to native

speakers to train them to speak”.

The underlined word in the sentence “native speakers to train them to speak” refers to

a) native speakers.

b) courses in Offshore English.

c) the kind of English.

d) Offshore English
Professor Uéliton Santos

03. (EPCAR/2015)

“In the future, digital art and real art will never be different. I use both, and digital art is
completely related to the real drawing talent because they are connected and take the
art style. This digital method has no limits. Paint is limited but we can fix our mistakes
and it takes much more time. If you are good at creating digital art, you can use your
ability in photoshop, for example, to make your art look real painting or any other
traditional art type. Also, in digital art you can easily click a button to cancel it. It's not an
option in traditional art as the mistakes are there for all to see.”

the word it refers to

a) button nao aparece no texto

b) art. o que leva tempo é a art

c) mistakes. plural

d) ability. nao aparece

04. (EPCAR/2016) - “Parents usually don’t know their child is a cyberbully. They perceive it
just when the victim or the victim’s parents contact them.”

The underlined pronoun refers to

a) victims.

b) children

c) parents.

d) cyberbullies.

05. (EPCAR/2016) - In the sentence, “Many countries have organized campaigns to make
adults and children informed of its dangers.”, the underlined expressions can be
substituted for

a) it – they.

b) they – it

c) they – them.
Professor Uéliton Santos

d) them – they.

06. (EPCAR/2019) - “Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the
world”. The highlighted words can be substituted for _____.

a) them

b) theirs

c) their

d) they

5.1. Gabarito

01. c 02. a 03. b 04. c 05. c 06. a


07. Choose the alternative that presents a reflexive pronoun.

a) “to find a balance between their work and life”

b) “They need to work”

c) “some major bug in their application”

d) “They stretch themselves”

e) “balance between your career and your personal life”

08. In wich sentence below the pronoun was correctly used?

a) He has a son. Her son is 10 years old.

b) They have a house. Their house is wonderful.

c) She knows English. Its English is very good.

d) It is expensive. He has a high price.

Professor Uéliton Santos

e) We have a new car. Your new car is very fast.

09. Read the text below:

“Washington was born to a moderately prosperous Virginian family of colonial planters

and slaveholders. He had early educational opportunities, learned mathematics, and
soon launched a successful career as a surveyor which enabled him to make significant
land investments. He then became a senior leader of the Virginia militia and played
major roles in the French and Indian War. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, leading an allied campaign to victory
at the Siege of Yorktown which ended the war. His devotion to Republicanism and
revulsion for tyrannical power impelled him to decline further authority after victory, and
he resigned as commander-in-chief in 1783.”

How many personal pronouns are there in this text?

a) 5

b) 6

c) 4

d) 7

e) 8
Professor Uéliton Santos


In the sentence “It allows them to show what they know, as soon as they know it”, the
pronouns “It”, “them”, “they” and “it” (in bold) refer, respectively, to

a) competency-based education, students, students, what they know.

b) competency-based education, students, teachers, content.

c) curriculum, students, students, learning objectives.

d) curriculum, students, teachers, content.

e) curriculum, students, students, what they know.

11. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns:

I saw ____ as a famous actor.

The children got dressed ______.

a) Himself – by them

b) Myself – by themselves
Professor Uéliton Santos

c) Myself – by him

d) Himself – by me

e) His – by themselves

12. Answer the question according to the text below.

The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you
know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-
time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a
technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead
method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students:
divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which
brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here.
And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT —
invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great,
but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it
already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one
of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others,
our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners,
it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s
driving access to education.

The pronoun IT, refers to:

a) Tim Berners-Lee

b) a British scientist

c) internet

d) education


13. Put a, an or some where necessary and choose the correct alternative.

I’ve seen __________ good films recently.

Professor Uéliton Santos

What’s wrong with you? Have you got _________ headache?

_________ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

I don’t feel very well this morning. I’ve got _______ sore throat.

a) a - an - some - a

b) some - a - an - a

c) a - a - some – an

d) some - a - some - a

14. Observe the following sentences.

I - […] one look at her Instagram account will reveal that she has rock hard.

II - A FBI agent testified Thursday.

III - […] and an honor to work with Andy Lincoln.

IV - […] in the world as a one-parent child.

Choose the correct option according to the underlined items.

a) The items I, II, and III, only.

b) The items I, II, and IV, only.

c) The items I, III, and IV, only.

d) The items II and IV, only.

15. “Mr and Mrs Parker lived in a house next to ours” means the same as “Mr and Mrs
Parker lived next to _____”.

a) us

b) him

c) you

d) them

e) me
Professor Uéliton Santos

16. Complete the sentence with the best alternative.

“That old machine cleans ________!”:

a) theirself

b) itself

c) themself

d) myself

17. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

“The girls climbed that tree _____.”.

a) by herself

b) it

c) by themselves

d) themselfs

18. Mark the best alternative to complete the blank.

“Phoebe hurt ______ last game, then, she might not play tomorrow.

a) herself

b) herselves

c) themselves

d) herselfie

19. Complete the sentence below with the correct pronoun. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“His cars are nice. He washes _________ every week.”.

a) it

b) us
Professor Uéliton Santos

c) him

d) them

20. Read the sentences below and choose the one in which the indefinite article has been
used incorrectly.

a) Mr Yao has bought a new iPad for his son.

b) Parents will have to buy an electronic devices for their children.

c) Kerry Allen has purchased an IPad for her daughter.

d) The students at Danfeng High School have wear a uniform.

21. Concerning the use of reflexive pronouns, the option that provides the suitable
pronouns that complete the sentences below, respectively

1. Carol can’t wash ________ if she doesn’t have any water.

2. The children____________ built the doghouse.

3. The boy cut _________ with a knife last night.

a) herself / himself / himself.

b) herself / themselves / himself.

c) themselves / himself / herself.

d) ourselves/ themselves / himself.

e) herself / themselves / myself.

22. In the sentence “If you want to sell seminars to middle managers, make them about
how to deal with young employees who email the CEO directly and beg off projects they
find boring.”, the word ‘they’ refers to:

a) young employees.

b) projects.

c) middle managers.
Professor Uéliton Santos

d) seminars.

e) Millennials.

23. Read the text about Nobel Prize for the question.

Based on the article, it is correct to affirm that the pronouns “it” (l.2), “it” (l.14), and “he” (l.23),

a) “I’m not There”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “Daniel Sandstrom”.

b) “I’m not There”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “the publisher Albert Bonniers”.

c) “Bob Dylan’s elusiveness”, “Bob Dylan’s unpredictability” and “Daniel Sandstrom”.

d) “Bob Dylan’s elusiveness”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “the publisher Albert Bonniers”.
Professor Uéliton Santos

e) “the title of a 2007 movie”, “Bob Dylan’s unpredictability” and “the publisher Albert

24. Based on text, an adapted forum discussion, answer question below.

Teaching with no books

Dianne Bell

I have started teaching in a language school suggesting no books to teach except for
some magazines. These show the framework what should be worked on, for example,
countability and that’s it. When it was offered I accepted the job easily because it seemed
challenging and at the same time simple but now I’m out of reliable materials. Please
help me out in what ways I can find materials for all the suggested frameworks.

In the excerpt “When it was offered I accepted the job easily…” in Dianne’s comment, the
pronoun “it” refers to:

a) the framework in the magazines

b) the language school’s suggestion

c) the job in a language school

d) what should be worked on

25. Read the comic strip below about Snoopy (the dog) and Linus (the boy) to answer

Considering all the pronouns shown in the comic strip, we could say that:

a) "I" refers to Snoopy.

b) "Your supper" could be replaced by "it".

Professor Uéliton Santos

c) "Your" is a personal pronoun, referring to the second person singular.

d) "our" could be replaced by "we".

e) "our" is a possessive pronoun, referring to the second person plural.

26. Read the text below and answer the question:

The item “themselves” (line 27) refers to

a) “researchers” (line 24).

b) “materials” (line 26).

c) “reactions” (line 26).

Professor Uéliton Santos

d) “compounds” (line 29).

e) “amounts” (line 31).

27. Read the text below and answer the questions:


And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed

service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program.
Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality,
convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new
owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive
advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty
and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.

The pronoun WE in “And of course, we guarantee it” refers to:

a) the readers of the manual.

b) Ericsson’s staff

c) Ericsson mobile phone warranty.

d) Ericsson mobile phone’s new owners.

e) the Ericsson warranty and service program.

28. Read the text below and answer the question:

Professor Uéliton Santos

THEY (2º §) refers to:

a) diseases

b) states

c) measures

d) herds

e) concerns

29. Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

_____ knows a lot of stories and the boy loves to listen to _____.

a) He / it

b) They / they

c) He / them

d) Him / them

e) They / them

30. Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

The Titanic was going very fast, _____ was dangerous.

Professor Uéliton Santos

a) what

b) it

c) that

d) who

e) which

31. Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or 0 (no article).

___________ Brazil is a huge country. In ___________North, there are ____________ rain

forests and ___________ longest river is also situated there. In ___________ South,
____________ climate is more European. ___________ Brazil also has many social
differences. ___________ rich own most of____________ country’s wealth and ___________
poor often live on minimum wage.

Now mark the option which completes the gaps respectively.

a) 0 - the - 0 - a - the - the - 0 - a - the - a

b) The - the - 0 - a - 0 - the - the - The - 0 - the

c) 0 - the - 0 - the - the - the - 0 - The - the - the

d) The - 0 - 0 - a - 0-the- The - 0 - a - 0

e) The - 0 - the - a - 0 - the - The - a - a - a

32. Read the comic strip in order to do the question below. The correct pronoun that
completes the third bubble speech is.
Professor Uéliton Santos

a) they

b) it

c) theirs

d) its

e) them

6.1. Gabarito

07. d 08. b 09. c 10. a 11. b 12. c 13. d 14. c 15. a 16. b

17. c 18. a 19. d 20. b 21. b 22. a 23. a 24. c 25. b 26. b

26. b 27. b 28. b 29. c 30. b 31. c 32. e

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