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Inquiry and Primary Source-Based Lesson Plan


Submitted By:

Grade Level:
Subject Area Focus:
Unit this lesson is part of:
Estimated Number of Days to Complete:

• Lesson Summary ​[30-100 words]​:

3/19/2019 - RC&ATN
A. Desired Results/Objectives:

1. Compelling Questions/Historical Question(s):

(Guide review/assessment; examine a big picture topic. Transferrable.)

2. Supporting Questions ​(Optional. Help guide answers to compelling questions.)​:

3. Standards ​(National & State Content, C3, & Common Core)​:

4. Objectives: ​By end of lesson students will...:

(Measurable & aligned to learning plan and activities.)
○ Know… ​ (Facts and procedural knowledge.)

○ Understand [that]…​ (Transferrable to other contexts. ​Statements​.)

○ Be able to​ Do… ​(Transferrable–long-term take-aways.)

5. Universal Design for Learning:​ ​(How does lesson address these?)

- Options for presenting - Options for engaging - Options for students to CONSIDERATIONS
content student interest demonstrate learning

O Artifacts O Cooperative work O Written response O Nature of content &

O Pictures group O Illustrated response ethnicity and/or culture
O Graphic organizers O Partner work O Oral response of students
O Video clips O Manipulatives O Model creation or O Other ___________
O Audio recordings O Movement construction
O Lab O Debates O Other ___________
O Lecture O Role plays or
O Other ___________ simulations
O Other ___________

Briefly​ describe your approach to each in columns here or in a narrative in “E” below:


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B. Assessment​ ​(Performance tasks & Other Evidence of learning)​:

● Pre-Assessment:

● Formative Assessment:

● Summative Assessment:

C. Learning Plan​ ​(Detailed description of how lesson is taught.)​:

Lesson Introduction
(How will you gain student interest and tap into prior knowledge?)

Learning Activities​ ​(How provide access to the content & engage learners? What
research-based strategies will support learning?)​ ​Include time frames for activities.

Using this two-column form is optional.

What does the teacher do? What does the student do?

Assessment: Assessment:

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Lesson Vocabulary
NOTE: These three levels of vocabulary do NOT correspond exactly to Tier 1, 2, & 3 words.

Disciplinary “Brick” Words “Mortar” Words Other Disciplinary Words

Two-four ​Absolutely necessary One-two​ Absolutely necessary Many​ a) Possible unit-level
to understand the essential for assessment task and/or to terms most students should
question of the lesson. understand actions of lesson. already know. b) Topic-specific,
less transferrable terms. OK to
define each time they come up.

● ● ●

D. Materials, Equipment, & Sources Used:

What primary source(s) is/are used? ​Full citation; online items required:
a) Title,
b) Creator,
c) Year,
d) Thumbnail image, and
e) URL Permalink, plus
f) ​brief​ Description of each source.
(Must include one or more from Library of Congress or World
Digital Library.)

What secondary sources are used? ​Full citation: author, title, year, publisher, plus
brief annotation of each source–​What does it add?

What other curricular materials will you use to support this project?

E. Roles, Accommodations, & Differentiation Strategies:

● How will you meet the needs of diverse learners & remove barriers they
might encounter?​ (Describe here or in table in “A” above.) Address in terms of:

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Cultural Considerations

● What roles & responsibilities will co-teachers take?

● How are paraprofessionals & other support personnel included? ​(As

F. Reflection ​(Complete AFTER you teach the lesson. Not required for credit.):​

What recommendations do you have for future teaching of this lesson–for yourself or for
other teachers?

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