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Inglês Pré-Intermediário

Book 3

Viviane Lima Martins

Formação Inicial e

Campus Arcos
Viviane Lima Martins

Inglês Pré-Intermediário - Book 3

1ª Edição

Belo Horizonte
Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
© 2023 by Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
Todos os direitos autorais reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser
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armazenamento e transmissão de informação, sem prévia autorização por escrito do
Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais.

Pró-reitor de Extensão Carlos Bernardes Rosa Júnior

Diretor de Programas de Extensão Niltom Vieira Junior
Coordenação do curso Viviane Lima Martins
Arte gráfica Ângela Bacon
Diagramação Eduardo dos Santos Oliveira

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)

M386i Martins, Viviane Lima.

Inglês Pré-Intermediário: book 3 [recurso eletrônico] / Viviane
Lima Martins. - 1. ed. - Belo Horizonte : Instituto Federal de Minas
Gerais, 2023.
108 p. : il. color.

E-book, no formato PDF.

Material didático para Formação Inicial e Continuada.
ISBN 978-65-5876-015-3

1. Língua inglesa – aprendizagem. 2. Inglês - curso I. Título.

CDD 420

Catalogação: Meriely Ferreira de Almeida - CRB-6/2760

Índice para catálogo sistemático:

Direitos exclusivos cedidos ao
Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
Avenida Mário Werneck, 2590,
CEP: 30575-180, Buritis, Belo Horizonte – MG,
Telefone: (31) 2513-5157
Sobre o material

Este curso é autoexplicativo e não possui tutoria. O material didático,

incluindo suas videoaulas, foi projetado para que você consiga evoluir de forma
autônoma e suficiente.
Caso opte por imprimir este e-book, você não perderá a possiblidade de
acessar os materiais multimídia e complementares. Os links podem ser
acessados usando o seu celular, por meio do glossário de Códigos QR
disponível no fim deste livro.
Embora o material passe por revisão, somos gratos em receber suas
sugestões para possíveis correções (erros ortográficos, conceituais, links
inativos etc.). A sua participação é muito importante para a nossa constante
melhoria. Acesse, a qualquer momento, o Formulário “Sugestões para
Correção do Material Didático” clicando nesse link ou acessando o QR Code a

Formulário de

Para saber mais sobre a Plataforma +IFMG acesse

Palavra do autor

Hello, folks!
Sejam bem-vindos ao curso de Inglês Pré-Intermediário, da Plataforma
Em um mundo globalizado, onde todos estão cada vez mais conectados,
saber um segundo idioma é algo que se tornou natural. Seja em aplicativos,
videogames, em textos na internet ou em livros, o inglês está presente no nosso
dia a dia de diversas maneiras e é essencial saber este idioma, que é o
segundo mais falado no mundo inteiro.
No Brasil, a Língua Inglesa é ensina como língua estrangeira oficialmente
estabelecida nas matrizes curriculares. Entretanto, percebe-se que, apesar de
sua grande importância no contexto mundial, o ensino de Língua Inglesa,
muitas vezes, é depreciado, tido como “difícil” por parte dos alunos e,
“acessório” por muitos gestores. O resultado disso é que se torna muito difícil
aprender o inglês como um segundo idioma apenas com as aulas regulares na
Assim, com o curso de Formação Inicial de Inglês Pré-Intermediário, na
modalidade EaD, intencionamos uma formação que permita a mudança de
perspectiva em sua vida, a compreensão das relações que de estabelecem no
mundo do qual você faz parte, a ampliação de sua leitura de mundo e a
participação efetiva nos processos sociais.
Desta forma, após muito estudo, a Plataforma +IFMG apresenta a vocês,
iniciantes na comunicação em língua inglesa, um curso compacto, objetivo e
com o intuito de fomentar e estimular seus interesses em língua e cultura dos
países que têm o inglês como língua nativa. O curso é divido em três livros,
com seis aulas cada e tem um total de 90 horas. Importante destacar que se
optou por inserir a língua inglesa de maneira gradual no curso, por isso, pode
ser que a língua portuguesa seja usada em alguns momentos.
So, let´s do it! I hope you enjoy and learn so much with us!

Teacher Viviane
Bons estudos!
Nome do autor.
Apresentação do curso

Este curso está dividido em 18 semanas, distribuídas em 3 livros, cujos

objetivos de cada uma são apresentados, sucintamente, a seguir. Abaixo, o
conteúdo deste volume 3:

The Royals
LESSON 13 Passive Voice

Great Personalities
LESSON 14 Relative Clauses

Welcome to Australia!
LESSON 15 Suffixes change meaning

Future Life
Degree of Adjectives – Comparative

Let´s celebrate!
Degree of Adjectives – Superlative
LESSON 17 Prefixes change meaning

Made in UK
LESSON 18 Adverbs of Intensity / Degree

Carga horária: 30 horas.

Estudo proposto: 1h por dia em cinco dias por semana (5 horas semanais).
Apresentação dos Ícones

Os ícones são elementos gráficos para facilitar os estudos, fique atento quando eles
aparecem no texto. Veja aqui o seu significado:

Listening: prática de audição.

Reading: prática de leitura.

Speaking: prática de comunicação oral.

Let´s Practice!: momento de atividade na Plataforma.

Video: filmes, clipes e videoaulas.

Pay Attention!: alerta para conteúdo importante.

Vocabulary: termos diferenciados ou específicos das


Teacher´s Tip: dicas e sugestões de materiais ou

técnicas de aprendizagem.

Sing Along!: música para cantar junto.


LESSON 13 – The Royals................................................................................. 15

LESSON 14 – Great Personalities .................................................................... 25
Review: Lessons 13 and 14 .............................................................................. 37
LESSON 15 – Welcome to Australia! ............................................................... 41
LESSON 16 – Future Life.................................................................................. 53
Review: Lessons 15 and 16 .............................................................................. 65
LESSON 17 – Let´s celebrate! ......................................................................... 69
LESSON 18 – Made in UK ................................................................................ 83
Review: Lessons 17 and 18 .............................................................................. 97
References ...................................................................................................... 101
Author´s Profile ................................................................................................ 103
Glossary QR (Quick Response) ...................................................................... 105
LESSON 13 – The Royals Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson, you will learn facts about the British Royal
Family. To complete the lesson, we will study the Passive


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Listen to the text

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

If you were curious about the succession of the throne, this is the current line:

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Quick Challenge!

Research what happens when a King or Queen does not have an heir.

Who is the current heir to the throne and do they have an heir that will carry on
the monarchy?

Prepare your answer to post on the Forum for this lesson!

Your answer:

Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

Check the translation of these words in the end of the lesson.

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Grammar Point: Passive Voice

The voices of a verb establish the relationship between the subject and the action
expressed by this verb.
The subject practices or undergoes the action, that is, the subject is an agent or
patient. When the subject is the agent, we have the Active Voice, and when the subject is
the patient, we have the Passive Voice.
To form the Passive Voice in English, we use the verb “to be” followed by the past
participle of the main verb.

When necessary, the passive agent is preceded by the preposition “by”. As in

Portuguese, the object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice, and the
subject of the active voice becomes the agent of the passive voice.

Active Voice

Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

(subject) (object)

Passive Voice

The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.

(subject) (agent)

Pay Attention! The Past Participle in English is

different for Regular and Irregular verbs:

Regular = Past (-ed / -d / -ied termination)

Irregular = 3rd column of Irregular Verbs

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Now, observe how is the Active and the Passive Form of the verbal tenses that we
have learned in this course:

Teacher´s Tip! "To be born" is a passive form

and is most commonly used in the past tense.

When were you born?

I was born in 1985.

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Listen and repeat the active and passive


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Fonte: https://www.deezer-blog.com/br/banda-queen/

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “I was born to love you”,

performance by Freddie Mercury and Queen.

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do the

activities in Lesson 12.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we delved into the true heritage of the United Kingdom: The Royal
Family. We also learned how to form and use the Passive Voice.
Finally, we read about the legendary Freddie Mercury and the rock and roll band
Queen, and enjoyed singing 'I Was Born to Love You' with them.

See you next class!!

Check the answers:

Realeza / Vitoriano / Monarca / Sangue / Linha / Herança / Herdar / Era / Império Britânico / Trono / Coroação
/Árvore Genealógica / Reino / Reino Unido / Grã-Bretanha / Cavalaria / Dama / Anglicano / Casamentos /

is heated / are observed / is generated / are added / is taken / are filled. The beaches were covered in oil
yesterday. / All the trains were delayed on the weekend. / The buildings weren´t flooded during the storm. /
Some people were injured in the fire. / The train line was damaged during the storm.

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LESSON 14 – Great Personalities Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will learn about Relative Clauses and how
they are used. We will also read about some great world


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Fonte: Adaptado de https://pt.wikipedia.org

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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary! Take note of the new words.


Read the questions below, reflect and prepare to answer at the Forum activity, in
virtual room.

Is there any personality that inspire you in something? Who is?

In In your opinion, which of these personalities you read about in the text made the
greatest contribution to humanity? Why?

Your answer:

Grammar Point: Relative Clauses

A Relative Clause is a part of a sentence that provides more information about the

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Plataforma +IFMG

Relative Clauses are formed by joining two clauses using a relative pronoun. The most
common relative pronouns are WHO, WHAT and THAT, but others are widely used, such as
WHICH, WHOSE, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, WHOM, in short, it all depends on the subject to
which it refers. You can remember the meaning of these pronouns in Basic Level, book 1.
We can have Defining Relative Clauses or Non-defining Relative Clauses.
A Defining Relative Clause identifies the subject we are talking about. They are used
to describe exactly which person or thing we are referring to. Without this information, the
meaning of the sentence changes.
Defining relative clauses begin with a relative pronoun. English uses different relative
pronouns to talk about people and things


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Pay attention! The defining clause can also go

in the middle of the main clause.

Ex.: The job that I heard about is good.

Like Defining Relative Clauses, Non-defining Relative Clauses add extra

information about something. However, the information is not essential, but gives extra
Non-defining Relative Clauses come always in the middle of a sentence, after the
subject and before the main verb, between commas (,).


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Teacher´s Tip!! “That” is sometimes

used as a relative pronoun for a person.
While this is commonly used, it is not

Some more examples of Relative Clause sentences:

The man who came here yesterday is the boss.

Do you know the girl that lives next door?
The girl whom you called is my sister.
The T-shirt which he was wearing was ugly.
The dog whose owner is traveling is really sick.
This is the house where I grew up.
I’ll never forget the day when I met you.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Always good remember…

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Fonte: adaptado de https://www.letras.mus.br/blog/nirvana-membros/

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “The man who sold the world”,

performance by Nirvana. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 13.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we got to read about some important personalities who changed the
world. We also learned about Relative Clauses.
Finally, we read about the band Nirvana and sang along with them to 'The Man Who
Sold the World,' a David Bowie tribute!

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Answer keys:
That´s the woman who got a good promotion. / Is that the store which sells computers software? / Jamie has
met the woman who is cheerful and kind. / He is the teacher who teaches Spanish. / A butcher is a person who
sells meat. / That´s the apple tree that we planned last year. / I´d like a job that is exciting and well paid. / We
want to buy a house that is near the coast.

It´s important to have a good boss who is confident and reliable. / It´s good to have interesting work that is
challenging. / We are looking for a new secretary who is calm and efficient. / I´m working on a project that is
new and exciting.

Who are good friends / which is small and black / who sings / who comes from Naples / who´s a chef / which is
on the coast / which is terrible / which is new.

My brother, who is very talented, is an opera singer. / My house, which is very old, is located in a quiet street in
Ringwood. / My teacher, who is very outgoing, loves soccer. / This fashion magazine, which is very expensive,
is extremely boring. / My dog, which is very energetic, likes to go running in the park.

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Review: Lessons 13 and 14 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 13 and 14.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 13 and 14, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Passive Voice

Extra Activity 2 – Relative Clauses

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Extra Activity 3 – Text Comprehension

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Listen to the job advertisements.

Check the answers:

Extra Activity 1
All computers should be turned off before leaving the office. / Protective glasses must be worn at all time. / We
should have been told about the exam. / Can the meeting be postponed until later in the week? / All the tourist
should be given a guidebook.

Extra Activity 2
Who / who / which / who / who / which / who / which.

Extra Activity – 3
True / true / False / True / False.

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LESSON 15 – Welcome to Australia!
Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson, you will learn about Australia, one of the
countries that has English as its mother tongue. We will also
learn how suffixes can change the meaning and class of words.


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Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary! Write new words / expressions you learned in this

Good to know: Australian English

Australian English is considered one of the main variants of the English language. It
is the official language of Australia, which has been developing from British English since the
18th century when it became a colony of New South Wales.
In general, Australian English uses features from both British and American English.
For some, it is considered a combination of the other two variants, but it also has its own
Abbreviations and the dropping of the "R" sound in the pronunciation of words are
some characteristics of Australian English, but it doesn't stop there. They also have their own
First, don't worry if you notice the missing R sound at the end of words when listening
to an Australian speak. They usually omit that final R, as noted:

Car: sounds “cáh”

Forever: sounds “forevá”
Together: sounds “togethá”

Second, they love to abbreviate words, just like us Brazilians. Abbreviations emerged
because Australian is less formal than English and is more open to conversation.

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Both abbreviations
and cutting the R in the
pronunciation of words are
some characteristics of
Australian English, but it
doesn't stop there.
They have their
own expressions and
These different
forms of expression are
part of the cultural
baggage we acquire when
we get to know different

Listen and repeat the


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Are there any typical Brazilian Portuguese expressions that you find interesting,
curious or funny?

Prepare your answer to post in the Forum of this lesson, there in the virtual room of
the course!

Your answers:

Grammar Point: Suffixes change meanings

Suffixes are endings that go at the end of a word. In English we have many suffixes
and they can change the meaning of one word, from singular to plural, present to past, and

Pay Attention! The composition is:

Root + Suffix

We have suffixes for nouns, verbs, adjectives. below see which ones and how each
one is applied.

Verbs Suffixes

Suffixe Meaning Example

-ify make, cause modify, satisfy
-ize (USA) – ise (UK) cause, treat, become agonize, realise
-ate makes the word a verb regulate, circulate
-en makes the word a verb awaken, sharpen
-ish relating to, characteristic abolish, Polish
-ise makes the word a verb advertise, chastise

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Nouns Suffixes

Suffixe Meaning Example

-age action or process voyage, passage
-ance,-ence state or quality of brilliance, maintenance
-cy state, or condition or quality privacy, transparenc
-dom place or state of being. Freedom, kingdom
-hood state or condition childhood, neighborhood
-ist one who artist, pacifist
-ety/-ity quality of abnormality, nationality
-y characterized by brainy, dorky
-ness lacking, free from, without homeless, fearless

Adjectives Suffixes

Suffixe Meaning Example

-tion/-sion action/instance expansion, explanation
-er person who does something announcer, teacher
-ment action/instance movement, placement
-ant/-ent person who does something immigrant, servant
-al action/result natural, pharmaceutical
-ence,-ance action/result dependence, attendance
-ery/-ry action/instance literary, military
-ful notable for helpful, cheerful
-ness quality of, state of, measure of darkness, awareness

Look at the chart and observe how changes are made when using suffixes:

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Listen and repeat the different forms of the word


Teacher´s Tip!! There are three spelling

rules to remember when adding -er, -est, -
ed and -y.
1 - For words ending in two consonants, just add
the suffix to the root word.
Smart + er = smarter

2 - For words that end in a short vowel sound

followed by a consonant, you need to double the
last letter then add the suffix.
Mop + ed = mopped

3 - For words that end in a consonant and a ‘y’,

change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and then add the suffix.
Happy + est = happiest

Let´s practice some more!

Based on the table above, complete the table below:

You can check your answers in the end of lesson.

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Fonte: adaptado de https://www.antena1.com.br/artistas/savage-garden

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Trully, Madly, Deeply”,

performance by Savage Garden. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 15.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we read about Australia and some facts and curiosities about this
beautiful country. We also learned how to use some of the most common suffixes in the
English language.
Finally, we read about the Australian duo Savage Garden and sang along to their
smash hit 'Truly, Madly, Deeply'

That´s all, guys! See you on next class!!

Check the answers:

Some more practice: Challenge:

Adorable / attractive / addictive / adaptable / comfortable / useful

Listen to the text.

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LESSON 16 – Future Life Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will read about Modern Life and its effects.
We will also study about Degrees of Comparison:


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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Quick Challenge!

After reading the text, what consequences of modern life do you consider most
dangerous and why?

Do you think modernity alienates people? If yes, in what way?

Prepare your answer to post in the Forum of this lesson, there in the virtual room of
the course!

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Your answer:

Grammar Point: Degree of Comparison - Comparative

We often use adjectives and adverbs to compare. There are three degrees of
comparison: Positive (or negative), Comparative and Superlative.
If you are talking about only one thing, you can't really compare, but if the word
modified possesses that characteristic, which could be positive or negative:

She is old.
You are young.

But, here, we are talk about comparison within two things. So, this is we know as
Comparative form.
A comparative adjective / adverb is used to describe the difference between two
nouns. Use it before the word “than” to compare people, places, or things.
If we have a superiority comparison, in English, adverb / adjectives are classified
into long (two or more syllables) and short (one or two syllables), and depending on this, the
comparison is made with the use of a suffix or not.
Carefully observe the formation:

For some two-syllable adjectives / adverbs and those of three syllables or more,
use “more” and “than” to make the comparative.


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Other examples:

She began to speak more quickly than me.

Travelling by bus is more comfortable than travelling by train.
She speaks more quietly than her boss.
This book is more interesting than that one.

For most adjectives / adverbs with one or two syllables, add the suffixe “er” to make
the comparative.


There are special rules for adjectives / adverbs ending in “e,” “y,” and with a single

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Teacher´s Tip!! We talk about these rulers

on Lesson 15, and for suffix -er:
1 - For words that end in –e:
Close + er = closer

2 - For words that end in a consonant and a ‘y’,

change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and then add the suffix.
Happy + er = happier

3 – For words ending in C + V + C:

Hot + er = hotter

Other examples:

James is taller than any boy in his class.

Lionel is closer than door than Mike.
Kids arrived earlier than their mothers to the party.
That car runs faster than the other one.

Comparison of Equality, Inequality and Inferiority

For the formation of the Comparative degree of Equality, Inequality and Inferiority
there is no distinction between the size of the adjective / adverb.
This makes the task simple, see:



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Apple is as healthy as orange.

We are not as funny as her friends.
My brother is less confident than my sister.

Teacher´s Tip!! In Inequality you can

use not as ... as or not so... as:

We are not so funny as her friends.


To finish our studies on the Comparative Degree, let's get to know how irregular
adjectives and adverbs look like.








My son writes better than me.

That movie is worse than the other we watched last night.
The math task is harder than biology task.
Her hair is more straight than mine.

Listen and repeat the comparative sentences.

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Quick Challenge!

Listen to the audio “Pizza Tasting” so you can answer the activity.
Do you have a favorite pizza restaurant? If you do, probably you understand Ramiro
and his friend Elizabeth while they are comparing two pizza restaurants. Try to pay as much
attention as you can.

Listen to the audio “Pizza Tasting”.

Now, choose true or false:

Check your answer in the end of lesson.

Do you have a favorite pizza? Which one?


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Fonte: https://www.purebreak.com.br/famosos/justin-bieber_e1946

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Never say never”, performance

by Justin Bieber. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 16.

In this lesson…

In today's class, the theme was Modern Life. We learned about the Degree of
Comparison – Comparative Form.
To wrap up, we read about the Canadian singer Justin Bieber and listened to the song
'Never Say Never'.

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Check the answers:

Quick Challenge: T / F / T / T / F

Elephant – lion / three – seven / ice cream – coffee / mouse – cat.

keeps time more accurately than / calls more often than / rings more loudly than / shops more frequently than /
types more quickly than / sings worse than / studies harder than.

Sally´s shoes are less fancy than Jill´s. / Adam doesn´t exercise as frequently as he used to. / This supermarket
is less expensive than the one across the street.

More expensive than / later than / more difficult than / bigger than.

more frightening / narrower / more polite or politer / more expensive / tall / more exciting / less / fewer / more
interesting / difficult - more difficult / harder / comfortable.

Bigger the cake / more and more skilled / colder and colder / earlier you´ll finish / taller and taller

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Review: Lessons 15 and 16 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 15 and 16.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 15 and 16, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Suffixes

1 _____________________ look at a ring and see

the diamond; ________________ at a ring and
see the hole.

2 It takes a fair amount of _________________ to

see life´s difficulties as opportunities to grow.

3 Nancy is so _________________, she thinks

she will never find the right man.

4 After the successful operation, doctors were

________________ about the chances for a full

Extra Activity 2 – Listen carefully the text

Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

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Extra Activity 3 – Comparatives

Check the answers:

Extra Activity 1: optimists / pessimists / optimism / pessimistic / optimistic.

Extra Activity 3: 1 – larger than mine / 2 - extravagant than I´ve expected / 3 – older than her husband / 4 –
less stressful than taking a train / 5 – common than they were 10 years ago / 6 – elder brother. I prefer reading
to football / 7 – sensible than she used to be.

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LESSON 17 – Let´s celebrate! Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will read about celebrations around the
world. We will also study the Degree of Comparison –
Superlative Form.


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Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Quick Challenge!

After reading the text and getting to know some of the biggest festivals around the
world, what other great festival would you add to this list? Where is it and what does
it celebrate?

What is your favorite holiday in your country? Why?

Prepare your answer to post in the Forum of this lesson, there in the virtual room of
the course!

Your answer:

Grammar Point: Degree of Comparison – Superlative

We use Superlative to talk about extremes, the highest and most intense degree of
a characteristic or quality. He usually establishes a relationship between a noun and a
group of nouns, that is, there is no longer any comparison between two elements, only one
that stands out among all.

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The Superlative can be either Superiority or Inferiority.


In this case we will have two ways of forming the Superlative, whether the adjective is
short or long, as with the Comparative.

For some two-syllable adjectives and for adjectives of three syllables or more, use “the
most” before the adjective. The form of the adjective doesn’t change.

Pay Attention! There is no strict rule to

determine if an adjective is 'short' or 'long'.
Obviously, monosyllabic adjectives are
considered short, however there are some two-
syllable adjectives which can be both short and
Happy: happiest or most happy
Ugly: ugliest or most ugly


For most adjectives with one or two syllables, add “-est” to make the superlative. this
newly formed adjective is preceded by "the".


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As Comparative, in Superlative with short adjectives form, there are special rules for
adjectives ending in “e” or “y,” and for some that end with a single consonant.

Teacher´s Tip!! The rules for placing the

“-est” suffix are exactly the same as we use
for the “-er” suffix:
1 - For words that end in –e:
Close + est = closest

2 - For words that end in a consonant and a ‘y’,

change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and then add the suffix.
Happy + est = happiest

3 – For words ending in C + V + C:

Hot + est = hottest

Some more examples of Superlative of Superiority:

Willy is the tallest guy in the building.

My boss is the craziest person I have ever known.

She is the most intelligent woman in the company.

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Listen and repeat all Superlative of Superiority



To form the Superlative of Inferiority just put "the least" before the adjective, no matter
if it is a long or short adjective:


August is the least profitable month for sales.

This house is the least beautiful that I have seen.

Maria is the least tall in the class.

This hotel is the least cheap that I found.

Listen and repeat all Superlative of Inferiority


To finish our studies on the Superlative Degree, let's take a look at how irregular
adjectives appear.

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Here it is very easy to compare irregular adjectives when used in Comparison: Positive
(to highlight positively), Comparative (when compared to another element) and Superlative
(when it is absolute).
Some more examples:

What's the worst thing that could happen?

The farthest south I have traveled in France is to Montpellier. (real distance of place)
Her birthday is the furthest thing from my mind. (time)

Which song do you like best?

Listen and repeat all Irregular Superlative


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Always good to know: Prefixes

A Prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

This is a list of the most common prefixes in English, together with their basic meaning and
some examples.
You can find more detail or precision for each prefix in any good dictionary.

Prefix Meaning Example

a- not, without atheist, anaemic

anti- opposing, against, the anti-aircraft, antibiotic


dis- negation, removal, expulsion disadvantage, dismount, disbud,


en- put into or on / bring into the engulf, enlighten, enrage

condition of / intensification

in- not, without / in, into, infertile, ilegal, inappropriate,

(also il-, im-, ir-) towards, inside irresponsable,

non- absence, negation non-smoker, non-alcoholic

mis - bad or badly / lack of or misunderstand, misjudge,

failure to / mistakenly or mistrust

re- again repaint, reappraise, reawake

un- Not / reversal or cancellation unacceptable, unreal, unmask,

of action or state undercarriage

undersecretary, underdeveloped
under- beneath, below / lower in
rank / not enough

Listen and repeat new words formed by


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Fonte: https://www.zappeando.com.br/entretenimento/curiosidades-sobre-a-vida-e-a-carreira-de-pink

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “F**kin Perfect”, performance by

Pink. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do the

activities in Lesson 17.

In this lesson…

In today's class, the theme was celebrations around the world and holidays. We also
studied the Degree of Comparison – Superlative Form. Additionally, we learned about some
important prefixes and how they change the meaning of words.
Finally, we read about the irreverent singer Pink and sang along with her the song
'F***kin Perfect'.
That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Check the answers:


False / True / False / False / False / True.

The longest / the fastest / the hottest / the most exciting / the highest / the most creative / the luckiest / the oldest
or eldest.

Worst / fastest / hottest / slowest / friendliest / least / most exciting / strictest / farthest / saddest.

Antarctica is the coldest place on the Earth / Mumbai is the biggest city in India. / Alaska is the largest state in
the USA. / The inland taipan is the most dangerous snake in the world.

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Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

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LESSON 18 – Made in UK Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will know facts about British Culture that
spread around the world. To complete the lesson, we will study
some more Adverbs: intensity and degree.


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Listen to the text

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Some more curiosities…

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Listen the Brit´s expressions.

Quick Challenge!

Which of these British achievements do you consider most relevant and why?

Prepare your answer to post on the Forum for this lesson!

Your answer:

Grammar Point: Adverbs of Intensity/Degree

Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity of something. Adverbs of degree are
usually placed before the adjective, adverb, or verb that they modify, although there are some
exceptions. The words "too", "enough", "very", and "extremely" are examples of adverbs of
They are those that qualify or reinforce adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc.,
characterizing the degree/level of the circumstance expressed by these words.
These adverbs are usually placed before the word they are modifying (adjective, verb,
adverb, etc.):

Julian writes really well.

The day was too hot yesterday.

But when there are auxiliary verbs, these adverbs come after them:

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I will have completely finished the task by next September.

Sally is five-years old but can practically read.

The most used adverbs of degree are:

Adverb of degree Modifying Example

extremely adjective The water was extremely cold.
quite adjective The movie is quite interesting.
just verb He was just leaving.
almost verb She has almost finished.
very adverb She is running very fast.
enough adverb. / adjective This box isn't big enough
too adverb You are walking too slowly.
very adverb. / adjective He worked very quickly.


1 - Usage of "enough"
“Enough” can be used as both an adverb and as a determiner. Enough as an adverb
meaning 'to the necessary degree' goes after the adjective or adverb that it is modifying,
and not before it as other adverbs do. It can be used both in positive and negative
Is your coffee hot enough?
She didn't work hard enough.

“Enough” is often followed by "to" + the infinitive:

He didn't work hard enough to pass the exam.

Is your coffee hot enough to drink?

“Enough” can also be followed by "for someone" or "for something".

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He´s not experienced enough for this job.

Sam didn't work hard enough for a promotion.

“Enough” as a determiner meaning 'as much/many as necessary' goes before the

noun it modifies. It is used with countable nouns in the plural and with uncountable nouns.

They don't have enough food.

I don't have enough apples.

Listen and repeat the phrases with “enough”.

2 - Usage of "too"
"Too" is always an adverb, but it has two distinct meanings, each with its own usage
“Too” as an adverb meaning "also" goes at the end of the phrase it modifies.

I would like to go swimming too, if you will let me come.

I'm not going to clean your room too!

“Too” as an adverb meaning "excessively" goes before the adjective or adverb it

modifies. It can be used in both affirmative and negative sentences.

Isn't she too young?

I am not too short!

“Too” is often followed by "to" + the infinitive.

You're too young to have grandchildren!

Don't you work too hard to have any free time?

Finally, “too” can also be followed by "for someone" or "for something".

He's not too old for this job.

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Sally's not too slow for our team.

Listen and repeat the phrases with “too”.

3 - Usage of "very"
“Very” goes before an adverb or adjective to make it stronger.

The house is very expensive.

She runs very fast.

If we want to make a negative form of an adjective or adverb, we can add "not" to the
verb, we can use an adjective or adverb of opposite meaning, or we can use "not very" with
the original adjective or adverb.
The meanings of the phrases are not identical. Usually the phrase using "not very" is
less direct, and thus more polite, than the other phrases.

The girl was not very beautiful. (more polite)

The girl was ugly. (rude)

Difference in meaning between "very" and "too"

There is a big difference in meaning between "too" and "very". "Very" expresses a fact
while "too" suggests there is a problem.

It is very hot outside. (fact)

It is too hot outside to go for a walk. (problem)

Some common adverbs are used in the same way as "very" to heighten the degree
of adjectives and adverbs.

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Expressing very strong feelings: extremely, terribly, amazingly, wonderfully, insanely.

The movie was amazingly interesting.
Expressing strong feelings: especially, particularly, uncommonly, unusually, remarkably,
The lecture was quite boring.
Expressing somewhat doubtful feelings: pretty, rather, fairly, not especially, not
She sang pretty well.

Listen and repeat the phrases with “very”.

4 - Usage of "so" and “such”

Both have the same intensified meaning, but “so” is always followed by an adjective,
and “Such” is followed by a noun or an adjective.

This is so weird.
I am so tired.
He is such a coward.
Martha is such a beauty.

Listen and repeat the phrases with “so” and


Teacher´s Tip!!
so + adjective (so beautiful, so intelligent, so hot)
such + a/an + adjective + noun (such a beautiful
girl, such an intelligent boy)
such + a/an + noun (such a coward, such an

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Fonte: https://www.letras.mus.br/blog/hey-jude-historia/

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Hey Jude”, performance by The

Beatles. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do the

activities in Lesson 18.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we read about the many things that are made in the United Kingdom.
We also studied some important Adverbs of Intensity / Degree and how to use them.
Finally, we read about the history behind the song 'Hey Jude,' one of the most beautiful
compositions by Paul McCartney, performed by The Beatles.

So, this is the end of Pre-Intermediate Level! Congratulations on getting it, your
English has definitely improved a lot!
Don't stop your studies! This is just one more step! See you!"

Check the answers:

STRONGER – remarkably / really / extremely / very

WEAKER – fairy / slightly / barely / not particularly

GRADING - fairy / slightly / very / not particularly

NON –GRADING -. completely / totally / absolutely / utterly

Unfortunately, the hotel we stayed in was utterly awful. / We found the music festival completely brilliant this
year. / The students’ handwriting was barely legible. / The food in the canteen is remarkable good. / It was
nearly impossible, but we reached the summit in the end.

Rich enough / too young / warm enough / too loudly / too heavy / good enough / too hard.

So / so much / such a / so / so much / such a / such a / so

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Review: Lessons 17 and 18

Review: Lessons 17 and 18.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 17 and 18, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Degree of Comparison: Superlative

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Extra Activity 2 – Sing along!

Listen to the song "Don´t stop me now", by the British rock band Queen, carefully,
and observe how the adverbs of intensity appear in the construction, intensifying meanings.

Write the sentences with these adverbs:

Your answer:

Play the song again and try to sing along!

Listen to “Don´t stop me now”, performance by

Queen. (here)

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Extra Activity 3 – Adverbs of Degree and Intensity

Check the answers:

Extra Activity 1: The Arabian Desert is the second largest desert in the world. / The wettest place on Earth is
in India. / Mawsynram is slightly wetter than Cherrapunji. / The Nile is by far the longest river in Africa. / The
Nile is about 145 miles longer / slightly longer than the Amazon. / Mount Everest in the Himalayas is the highest
place in the world. / The highest mountain in the world is 29,035 feet high. / Lake Baikal is easily the deepest
lake in the world. / Lake Baikal is one of the largest lake in the world. / Baikal is over 1,969 feet deeper than
the Caspian Sea. / The Caspian Sea is the second deepest lake in the world.

Extra Activity 3:
Martha´s paint is virtually complete. / I taught the lecture was fairly interesting. / Beatriz was absolutely thrilled
to hear my news. / Craig looks completely different from his brother.

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HANCOCK, Mar; MC DONALD, Annie. English Result Elementary Teacher’s book.
Oxford, 2008.

JENKINS, Jennifer. Global Englishes: A resource book for students. Routledge, 2014.

MARTINEZ, Ronald. Como Dizer Tudo em Inglês-Ensino de Língua Estrangeira. Editora

Campus, Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in use. Naber, Therese. Angela Blackwel with
Michelle Johnston. English Knowhow. Oxford, 2014.

RAJAGOPALAN, K. "The identity of 'World English'. In: New Chalenges in language and
literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009.

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Author´s Profile

Viviane Lima Martins é Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia

Universidade Católica de São Paulo, com a titulação de Mestre pela mesma
instituição. Graduada em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo, e especialista em
Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, e em
Língua Inglesa pela Loyola University Chicago, possui, também, segunda
licenciatura em Pedagogia pela FAPAN - Paraná, e especializações em Gestão
Escolar e em Tecnologias Digitais e Inovação em Educação, ambas pela UNICSUL,
Especialização em Educação Inclusiva e AEE, pela Faculdade São Luis de
Jabuticabal, além de aperfeiçoamento em Docência na Educação a Distância -
Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas / Projetos, pela Universidade Virtual do
Estado de São Paulo - UNIVESP. Cursou ensino Técnico em Nutrição e Dietética no Centro Paula Souza
– SP. Atualmente é professora efetiva de Língua Portuguesa e Língua Inglesa EBTT no Instituto Federal
de Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais, no campus Arcos.

Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8515218182235575

Feito por (professor-autor) Data Revisão de layout Data Versão

Viviane Lima Martins 27/03/2023 Desginado pela proex 30/03/23 1.0

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Glossary QR (Quick Response)

Lesson 13

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

active and passive Listen to the text.

“I was born to love

you”, performance by
Freddie Mercury and

Lesson 14

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“The man who sold

the world”,
Listen to the text.
performance by


Review: Lessons 13 Listen to the job

and 14. advertisements.

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Lesson 15

Listen to the text. Listen and repeat the


Listen and repeat the Challenge: listen to

different forms of the the text.
word “act”

“Trully, Madly,
Listen to the text.
performance by
Savage Garden.

Lesson 16

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen to the audio

Listen to the text.
“Pizza Tasting”.

“Never say never”,

performance by
Justin Bieber.


Review: Lessons 15
Listen to the text.
and 16.

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Lesson 17

Listen and repeat all

Listen to the text. Superlative of
Superiority sentences.

Listen and repeat all Listen and repeat all

Superlative of Irregular Superlative
Inferiority sentences. sentences.

Listen and repeat

new words formed by Listen to the text.

“F**kin Perfect”,
performance by Pink.

Lesson 18

Listen to the Brit´s

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

Listen and repeat the
phrases with
phrases with “too”.

Listen and repeat the

Listen and repeat the
phrases with “so”
phrases with “very”.
and “such”.

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“Hey Jude”,
Listen to the text. performance by The

Listen to “Don´t stop
Review: Lessons 17 me now”,
and 18. performance by

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Plataforma +IFMG
Formação Inicial e Continuada EaD

A Pró-Reitoria de Extensão (Proex), desde o ano de

2020, concentrou seus esforços na criação do Programa
+IFMG. Esta iniciativa consiste em uma plataforma de cursos
online, cujo objetivo, além de multiplicar o conhecimento
institucional em Educação a Distância (EaD), é aumentar a
abrangência social do IFMG, incentivando a qualificação
profissional. Assim, o programa contribui para o IFMG cumprir
seu papel na oferta de uma educação pública, de qualidade e
cada vez mais acessível.
Para essa realização, a Proex constituiu uma equipe
multidisciplinar, contando com especialistas em educação,
web design, design instrucional, programação, revisão de
texto, locução, produção e edição de vídeos e muito mais.
Além disso, contamos com o apoio sinérgico de diversos
setores institucionais e também com a imprescindível
contribuição de muitos servidores (professores e técnico-
administrativos) que trabalharam como autores dos materiais
didáticos, compartilhando conhecimento em suas áreas de
A fim de assegurar a mais alta qualidade na produção destes cursos, a Proex adquiriu
estúdios de EaD, equipados com câmeras de vídeo, microfones, sistemas de iluminação e
isolação acústica, para todos os 18 campi do IFMG.
Somando à nossa plataforma de cursos online, o Programa +IFMG disponibilizará
também, para toda a comunidade, uma Rádio Web Educativa, um aplicativo móvel para
Android e IOS, um canal no Youtube com a finalidade de promover a divulgação cultural e
científica e cursos preparatórios para nosso processo seletivo, bem como para o Enem,
considerando os saberes contemplados por todos os nossos cursos.
Parafraseando Freire, acreditamos que a educação muda as pessoas e estas, por
sua vez, transformam o mundo. Foi assim que o +IFMG foi criado.

O +IFMG significa um IFMG cada vez mais perto de você!

Professor Carlos Bernardes Rosa Jr.

Pró-Reitor de Extensão do IFMG
Plataforma +IFMG
Plataforma +IFMG

Características deste livro:

Formato: A4
Tipologia: Arial e Capriola.
1ª. Edição
Formato digital
Plataforma +IFMG

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