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Inglês Intermediário

Book 3

Viviane Lima Martins

Formação Inicial e

Campus Arcos
Viviane Lima Martins

Inglês Intermediário - Book 3

1ª Edição

Belo Horizonte
Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
© 2023 by Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
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Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais.

Pró-reitor de Extensão Carlos Bernardes Rosa Júnior

Diretor de Programas de Extensão Niltom Vieira Junior
Coordenação do curso Viviane Lima Martins
Arte gráfica Ângela Bacon
Diagramação Eduardo dos Santos Oliveira

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)

M386i Martins, Viviane Lima

Inglês Intermediário : book 3 [recurso eletrônico] / Viviane Lima
Martins. – Belo Horizonte: Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, 2023.
99 p. : il. color.

Inclui bibliografia.
ISBN 978-65-5876-011-5.
E-book no formato PDF.

1. Língua inglesa – Gramática. 2. Língua inglesa – Estudo e

ensino. I. Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais. II. Título

CDU: 811.111(075)
Catalogação: César dos Santos Moreira CRB-6/2229 IFMG-Campus Sabará

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Telefone: (31) 2513-5157
Sobre o material

Este curso é autoexplicativo e não possui tutoria. O material didático,

incluindo suas videoaulas, foi projetado para que você consiga evoluir de forma
autônoma e suficiente.
Caso opte por imprimir este e-book, você não perderá a possiblidade de
acessar os materiais multimídia e complementares. Os links podem ser
acessados usando o seu celular, por meio do glossário de Códigos QR
disponível no fim deste livro.
Embora o material passe por revisão, somos gratos em receber suas
sugestões para possíveis correções (erros ortográficos, conceituais, links
inativos etc.). A sua participação é muito importante para a nossa constante
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Para saber mais sobre a Plataforma +IFMG acesse

Palavra do autor

Hello, folks!
Sejam bem-vindos ao curso de Inglês Intermediário, da Plataforma
Em um mundo globalizado, onde todos estão cada vez mais conectados,
saber um segundo idioma é algo que se tornou natural. Seja em aplicativos,
videogames, em textos na internet ou em livros, o inglês está presente no nosso
dia a dia de diversas maneiras e é essencial saber este idioma, que é o
segundo mais falado no mundo inteiro.
No Brasil, a Língua Inglesa é ensina como língua estrangeira oficialmente
estabelecida nas matrizes curriculares. Entretanto, percebe-se que, apesar de
sua grande importância no contexto mundial, o ensino de Língua Inglesa,
muitas vezes, é depreciado, tido como “difícil” por parte dos alunos e,
“acessório” por muitos gestores. O resultado disso é que se torna muito difícil
aprender o inglês como um segundo idioma apenas com as aulas regulares na
Assim, com o curso de Formação Inicial de Inglês Intermediário, na
modalidade EaD, intencionamos uma formação que permita a mudança de
perspectiva em sua vida, a compreensão das relações que de estabelecem no
mundo do qual você faz parte, a ampliação de sua leitura de mundo e a
participação efetiva nos processos sociais.
Desta forma, após muito estudo, a Plataforma +IFMG apresenta a vocês,
iniciantes na comunicação em língua inglesa, um curso compacto, objetivo e
com o intuito de fomentar e estimular seus interesses em língua e cultura dos
países que têm o inglês como língua nativa. O curso é divido em três livros,
com seis aulas cada e tem um total de 90 horas. Importante destacar que se
optou por inserir a língua inglesa de maneira gradual no curso, por isso, pode
ser que a língua portuguesa seja usada em alguns momentos.
So, let´s do it! I hope you enjoy and learn so much with us!

Teacher Viviane
Bons estudos!
Nome do autor.
Apresentação do curso

Este curso está dividido em 18 semanas, distribuídas em 3 livros, cujos

objetivos de cada uma são apresentados, sucintamente, a seguir. Abaixo, o
conteúdo deste volume 3:

A True Celtic Story

Narrative tenses

A Few Good Reasons

LESSON 14 Reported speech

Dayse´s First Job

LESSON 15 Reporting verbs

Tea and the British

LESSON 16 Reported questions and negatives

LESSON 17 The Story of Blues

Polite questions

Big Red London Buses

LESSON 18 Prepositional Phrases

Carga horária: 30 horas.

Estudo proposto: 1h por dia em cinco dias por semana (5 horas semanais).
Apresentação dos Ícones

Os ícones são elementos gráficos para facilitar os estudos, fique atento quando eles
aparecem no texto. Veja aqui o seu significado:

Listening: prática de audição.

Reading: prática de leitura.

Speaking: prática de comunicação oral.

Let´s Practice!: momento de atividade na Plataforma.

Video: filmes, clipes e videoaulas.

Pay Attention!: alerta para conteúdo importante.

Vocabulary: termos diferenciados ou específicos das


Teacher´s Tip: dicas e sugestões de materiais ou

técnicas de aprendizagem.

Sing Along!: música para cantar junto.


LESSON 13 – A True Celtic Story ................................................................. 15

LESSON 14 – A Few Good Reasons ............................................................ 25
Review: Lessons 13 and 14 .......................................................................... 37
LESSON 15 – Dayse´s First Job ................................................................... 41
LESSON 16 – Tea and the British ................................................................. 53
Review: Lessons 15 and 16 .......................................................................... 63
LESSON 17 – The Story of the Blues ........................................................... 67
LESSON 18 – The Big Red London Buses ................................................... 77
Review: Lessons 17 and 18 .......................................................................... 90
References .................................................................................................... 93
Author´s Profile.............................................................................................. 95
Glossary QR (Quick Response) .................................................................... 97
LESSON 13 – A True Celtic Story Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson, we will review narrative tenses. We will also
learn a bit about Irish culture.


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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary!

Solidly: Solidamente, de forma forte e estável.
Anchored : Ancorado, firmemente ligado ou estabelecido.
Self-indulgence: Auto-indulgência, gratificação excessiva
Self-encompassing: Auto-centrado, voltado para dentro ou preocupado consigo mesmo.
Autobiographical: Autobiográfico
Runaway bestseller: Um livro que se torna extremamente popular e vende muito bem.
Coped: Lidou com, enfrentou ou gerenciou com sucesso.
Whopping: Enorme, extremamente grande ou significativo.
Disposable nappy: Fralda descartável
Lamenting: Lamentando, expressando tristeza, pesar ou arrependimento.
Carcasses: Carcaças, os corpos mortos de animais.
Coherence: Coerência

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Text Comprehension

1. How many children did "Mammy" have, and what was unusual about her
childbearing period?
2. What role did their father play in the family, especially in the mornings?
3. How did the family manage daily meals and personal hygiene with so many children in the
4. What was the occupation of their father, and how did he manage to provide for such a
large family?
5. Despite the challenging conditions they grew up in, what was the one thing the children
mentioned missing during their upbringing?
6. True or False:
a. Frank McCourt's autobiographical novel, "Angela's Ashes," depicted a happy and
prosperous childhood in Limerick. ( )
b. The family in Leanne Meyer's story had a father who was actively involved in keeping the
fire going each morning and toasting bread for breakfast. ( )
c. "Mammy" had a total of 18 children, and she was pregnant for 18 years of her life. ( )
d. The family strictly adhered to their Catholic faith, attending confession every Saturday and
mass each Sunday. ( )

Getting to know a bit about Ireland

Ireland is known for its beautiful and diverse landscapes, rich literary culture, love for
sports, and more. Here are ten unique things that make Ireland special:

Stunning Landscapes: Ireland is called the Emerald Isle for its lush green landscapes, but
it also offers dramatic cliffs, sea views, rugged mountains, and colorful landforms.

Literary Heritage: Ireland has produced renowned writers such as Oscar Wilde, James
Joyce, Samuel Beckett, and contemporary authors like Sally Rooney, keeping its literary
culture alive.

Irish Pubs: Pubs are an integral part of Irish life, offering a

cultural experience beyond just drinks. The Guinness
Storehouse in Dublin is a must-visit.

Music Culture: Ireland's music is diverse and globally popular, with both
legendary and local talents performing in pubs across the country.

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Emigration History: Ireland has a complex history of emigration, with stories of people
leaving in search of opportunities. The Irish Emigration Museum in Dublin tells this story.

Passion for Sports: While rugby is popular, Gaelic football and hurling are deeply rooted in
Irish culture. These sports are played with enthusiasm, especially at venues like Croke Park
in Dublin.

Dark Humor: Irish people are known for their friendly and humorous nature. The country's
dark humor is a national trait, evident in the lively pub conversations.

Celtic Traditions: Ireland's Celtic traditions are alive in its culture,

including leprechauns, shamrocks, and celebrations like St. Patrick's

Vibrant Cities: Ireland's cities, including Dublin, Cork, and Galway,

offer a blend of cultural attractions, historical sites, and vibrant dining scenes.

Underrated Cuisine: Irish food is diverse and delicious, with dishes like Irish stew, soda
bread, and boxty. Modern Irish cuisine is also on the rise in cities like Dublin and Cork.

Teacher´s Tip!!
To learn more about the
Irish language, get to know:

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Grammar Point: Narrative Tenses

Narrative tenses are verb tenses used when telling a story or narrating a series
of events in chronological order. These tenses are essential in creating a coherent and
engaging narrative. In English, the primary narrative tenses are the Past Simple, Past
Continuous, and Past Perfect.
We have already studied all these verb tenses before, so let's have a brief review:

Past Simple: This tense is used to describe completed actions in the past. It is often used
for the main events or actions in a story.
She opened the door and found a surprise.

Past Continuous: This tense is used to describe actions that were ongoing or in progress at
a specific point in the past. It is often used to set the scene or provide background information.
While she was reading, the phone rang.

Past Perfect: This tense is used to indicate an action that happened before another action
in the past. It helps establish a clear sequence of events.
By the time she arrived, the party had already started.

Narrative tenses are important for maintaining clarity in storytelling, especially when
recounting events that occurred at different points in the past. By using these tenses
effectively, writers and speakers can provide a vivid and organized account of a story or

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Pay Attention!
Do not mix the present and past tense when
narrating past events. This will only confuse the
reader or listener as to when an event happens.
For example, avoid using the present simple,
present continuous, or the present perfect.

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Fonte: Adaptado de https://www.britannica.com/topic/U2

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “One”, performance by U2 .


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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 13.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we reviewed narrative tenses through the reading of the text "A True
Celtic Story." We also learned a bit about Irish culture and some peculiarities of its language.
We concluded by reading about the Irish rock band U2 and singing the beautiful song

"That's it, lads and ladies! See you in the next class!"

Answer keys:
Reading Comprehension: 1."Mammy" had a total of 18 children, and she was pregnant for 18 years of her life,
almost producing a child every year. / 2. Their father used to stoke the fire in the mornings to warm them up
before school, and he would also toast the bread for breakfast. / 3. Meals were cooked in a large pot, and
personal hygiene often involved sharing a bath or sink depending on one's size. The rooms were overcrowded,
and some children even slept in a chest of drawers. / 4. Their father was a builder (block layer), which was
considered a good job in those days, and it helped support the family. / 5. The children mentioned missing the
opportunity to be treated as "Mammy" or "Daddy's pet" because there was never space for one child to be
treated differently from another. / 6. F / T / T / T.
was walking / happened / had had / had just had / sat / fell / had moved / was blowing / was hooting / heard /
looked / was coming / moving / stretched / had never been / moved / jumped / was wearing / pointed / had
never heard / tried / was gone / had happened

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LESSON 14 – A Few Good Reasons Plataforma +IFMG

In today's class, we will study the types of discourse in English.


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Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary!

Fumbled: Tocou desajeitadamente, mexeu com dificuldade.

Tear trickled down: Uma lágrima escorreu.

Dazzling flock: Bando deslumbrante.

Bare midriff: Barriga nua.

Loosened: Afrouxou, relaxou.

Lousy: Péssimo, ruim.

Shrugged: Deu de ombros.

Lame: Fraco, sem graça.

Frowned: Fez uma careta, franziu a testa.

Drew up: Aproximou-se.

Sheepish: Envergonhado, sem jeito.

Grinned: Sorriu amplamente.

Dozy cow: Vaca sonolenta (expressão de desaprovação).

Pain away: Aliviar a dor.

Sifting through: Passando por, examinando cuidadosamente.

Put me off: Me desanimou, me distraiu.

Text Comprehension

1. What brought Caroline to the road bridge, and why was she contemplating jumping?
2. What made Caroline suddenly notice the beauty of her surroundings, such as the summer
breeze and seagulls, despite her desperate situation?
3. Who interrupted Caroline's attempt to jump from the bridge, and
how did they react to her situation?
4. What reason did Joyce give for encouraging Caroline not to
jump, despite not knowing her personally?
5. How did Caroline's encounter with Joyce ultimately change her
perspective on life, and what decision did she make?

First Aid Vocabulary

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Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

Grammar Point: Reported Speech

We call the words that people say Direct Speech. Direct Speech, also known as
“quoted speech” or “direct discourse”, is a way of reporting what someone else has said by
repeating their exact words. It involves using quotation marks to enclose the spoken words
and is often used in writing, storytelling, and reporting to convey a character's or speaker's
actual speech.
Here are some key points to understand about direct speech:

Quotation Marks: Direct speech is enclosed within double quotation marks (" "). These
marks indicate the beginning and end of the spoken words.

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Punctuation: In Direct Speech, the punctuation, such as commas, periods, and question
marks, is placed inside the quotation marks, as it is part of the quoted sentence.
She said, "I'll be there."

Reporting Verbs: To introduce Direct Speech, you can use verbs like "said," "asked,"
"replied," "shouted," and more. These verbs attribute the spoken words to the speaker.
He shouted, "Watch out!"

Tense Consistency: When reporting direct speech, you typically maintain the same tense
used by the speaker, even if it differs from the tense of the reporting sentence.
He said, "I am going to the store."

Listen and repeat the sentences.

If you want to tell someone what another person has said, it is called Reported
Speech. In Reported speech, the main verb usually “goes back” a tense. For example,
the Present Simple changes to the Past Simple.
I feel sick.
Luke said that he felt sick.

Observe how to form Reported Speech:

In Reported Speech, you can say who someone is talking to when you use “tell” as
the main verb. “Tell” must be followed by an object.

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Teacher´s Tip! You can leave out “that” after

“said” and “told” in reported

The tense in Reported Speech is usually one tense back in time from the tense in
Direct Speech. Observe some forms:

Pay Attention! The Past Simple in Direct

Speech can either stay as the Past Simple or
change to the Past Perfect in Reported Speech.
The meaning is the same.

"I like ice cream." / She told me that she likes ice cream.
He tells me, "I am working on a project." / He told me that he is working on a project.
Jane said, "I watched a movie yesterday." / Jane said that she watched a movie the
day before.
They tell me, "We have visited Paris." / They told me that they have visited Paris.
She says, "I will call you later." / She says that she will call me later.

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She said, "I can swim." / She said that she could swim.
He said, "I have to finish this report." / He said that he had to finish that report.
The teacher said, "Open your textbooks to page 10." / The teacher told us to open our
textbooks to page 10.

Pay Attention! If the imperative sentence

includes the word "please," you can include it in
the reported sentence as a polite request: She
said, "Please pass the salt." / She asked me
to pass the salt, please.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Now see how some expressions change when shifted from Direct Speech to Reported

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Fonte: adaptado de https://thevogue.com/artists/nickelback

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Photograph”, performance by

Neckelback. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 14.

In this lesson…

In this lesson, we started our studies on Reported Speech, a widely used topic in
English language communication. We also read an emotional story that emphasizes the love
we should have for our lives.
To conclude, we learned about the story of the Canadian rock band Nickelback and
their song "Photograph."

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Answer keys:
Reading Comprehension: 1. Caroline was contemplating jumping from the road bridge due to the pain of
abandonment by her mother and years of negligence in various foster homes. She felt that nothing she had
tried so far had worked to alleviate her pain. / 2. As Caroline stood on the bridge, she became acutely aware of
the beauty around her, including the summer breeze, seagulls, and clear blue sky, which struck her as strange
but beautiful in that moment of despair. / 3. A middle-aged woman named Joyce interrupted Caroline's attempt
to jump from the bridge. Joyce reacted calmly and with concern, trying to engage Caroline in conversation and
dissuade her from jumping. / 4. Joyce encouraged Caroline not to jump, emphasizing that she believed it was
a terrible thing to do on such a fine summer's day and that Caroline had more summer days to look forward to
in a normal life. / 5. Caroline's encounter with Joyce allowed her to open up and share her pain, feeling
understood for the first time. Although Joyce didn't have all the answers, she helped Caroline find reasons to
continue living. Caroline decided not to jump and began looking forward to the years ahead, realizing that she
had been afraid to live but was no longer.

Challenge: Emilia said she wanted to come to the park with us. / She said her husband was from Alabama. /
He said it was extremely hot in Adelaide. / She told me that she was a lawyer. / My son said he wanted to quit
school. / Our boss told us we have to work harder. / They told me they owned a villa in Spain.

1. Said – traveled / 2. told – was / 3. told – lived / 4. said – felt / 5. told – worked

Note: All answers can also omit “that. 1. She said that she usually cycled to work. / 2. He said that he was a
chef in a busy restaurant. / 3. She said that she was married, and that she had two children. / 4. He said that
his wife was an English teacher. / 5. She said that she wanted to have her own restaurant.

She told me the weather was nice there. / 2. They said they´d have a party that weekend. / 3. She said she´d
seen me the week before. / 4. You told her you started a new job that day.

1. she bought (or she´d bought) a new car the day before. / 2. was leaving the company that day / 3. there were
lots of restaurants there. / 4. he was going to a party that weekend. / 5. they sold (or they´d sold) their apartment
the week before.

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Review: Lessons 13 and 14 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 13 and 14.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 13 and 14, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Reported Speech

Extra Activity 2 – Listening

Listen to the text.

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Anthony is 7 years old and he is a big fan of Disney movies. He _______________them all, from
Lion King to Cinderella. He enjoyed all of them. When his parents ____________they were going
to Disneyland, he was the happiest little kid. He couldn’t believe it. They stayed there for four
days, but his first day was his favorite. That’s when he met many mascots. He met Mickey,
Minnie, Winnie and many more. That’s also when he saw Cinderella castle. He was so
impressed by it. It was simply magical. Anthony ate a lot of cotton candy that day and he had
the chance to watch some shows during____________. When he went to bed that night, he was
very grateful. He __________ thank you to his parents. He didn’t sleep well though. He was just
too excited, thinking about tomorrow, thinking about what was going to happen next. That
first day in Disneyland was the best of all.

Improve your vocabulary! Take note of the new words.

Extra Activity 3 – Reported Speech

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Check the answers:

Extra 1: Note: All answers can also omit “that.” 1. Maria said that she had visited five different schools. / 2.
Maria said that it was a great opportunity to watched talented teachers. / 3. Maria said that the teachers worked
miracles every day. / 4. Maria said that she was planning to give a workshop. / 5. Maria said that she hoped the
teachers would enjoy the workshop.

Extra 2: watched / told him / there / was / the evening / said / was going

Extra 3: Note: All answers can also omit “that. 1. He said that he was looking for a new job. / 2. You said that
you really enjoyed (or had really enjoyed) the party. / 3. They said that they had just been swimming. / 4. She
said that she could play the piano quite well. / 5. You said that you bought (or had bought) some presents for
the children. / 6. He said that he was going to write a novel.

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LESSON 15 – Dayse´s First Job Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson we will study other reporting verbs that are used
in Reported Speech. We will also reinforce vocabulary related
to work.


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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary!

Chilling: Relaxando Glamorous: Glamoroso

Childish: Infantil Impressive: Impressionante

Marvellous: Maravilhoso Break: Oportunidade

Text Comprehension
1. What time was Daisy's job interview scheduled for, according to Sophie?
2. What did Daisy mention when asked about her experience during the job
3. What did the interviewers inquire about regarding Daisy's skills?
4. How did Daisy respond when asked about her acting experience?
5. What was Ollie's humorous comment about Daisy's potential job?

6. True or False:

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a. Daisy's job interview had already finished by the time she spoke with her family. ( )
b. Daisy mentioned having extensive work experience during her job interview. ( )
c. The interviewers asked Daisy if she had experience speaking foreign languages. ( )
d. Ollie seriously believed that Daisy's job as a giant chicken could be her big break in
acting. ( )
e. Sophie expressed confidence in Daisy's ability to excel in her potential role as a giant
chicken. ( )

Work Conditions Vocabulary

Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

Grammar Point: Reporting Verbs

In Reported Speech, “said” and “told” can be replaced with a wide variety of verbs
that give people more information about how someone said something. The verbs “say”
and “tell” do not give any information about the speaker’s manner.

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You can replace them with other verbs that suggest the speaker’s mood or reason
for speaking.Some Reporting Verbs are followed by an object and the infinitive. English
often uses these verbs to report orders, advice, and instructions.
Reporting Verbs serve as a bridge between the speaker or writer and the information
or speech they want to convey. They indicate the speaker's attitude or the level of confidence
in the reported information.
These verbs can be categorized into different groups based on their meaning,
and they can influence the structure of the Reported Speech.
Observe some of them:

Ask: Used when someone poses a question.

"Are you coming to the party?" / She asked if I was coming to the party.

Explain: Used when someone clarifies or provides an explanation.

"Let me explain how it works." / He explained how it worked.

Claim: Indicates that someone is making a statement they believe to be true.

"I claim this land as mine." / He claimed the land as his.

Suggest: Used when someone offers a suggestion or recommendation.

"I suggest we leave early." / She suggested that we leave early.

Agree/Disagree: Express agreement or disagreement with a statement.

"I agree with your proposal." / She agreed with my proposal.

Promise: Indicates a commitment or assurance.

"I promise to be there on time." / He promised to be there on time.

Warn: Conveys a warning or caution.

"I warn you not to go there." / She warned me not to go there.

Admit: Acknowledges or confesses to something.

“I admit I made a mistake." / He admitted that he had made a mistake.

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Pay Attention! “Suggest” is different from other

reporting verbs. It is still followed by “that,” but
the part of the sentence that reports the direct
speech uses the infinitive without “to.”

Listen and repeat the sentences.

In the table below, you can see how these verbs are distributed according to the
structure they need to maintain:

Teacher´s Tip!! Some verbs are followed

by "that", some require a to-infinitive,
some need an -ing form, and so on. Also,
knowing a variety of reporting verbs can
make your writing or speech more
nuanced and precise.

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Fonte: Adaptado de https://purplesneakers.com.au/features/featured-what-happened-to-


Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Somebody that I used to

know”, performance by Gotye. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 15.

In this lesson…

In this lesson, we learned about other reporting verbs commonly used in Reported
Speech. We also covered verbs that express work conditions.
Lastly, we read about the singer Gotye and the Grammy-winning song "Somebody
That I Used to Know".

That´s all, guys! See you on next class!!

Check the answers:

Reading Comprehension: Daisy's job interview was scheduled for four o'clock. /2. Daisy mentioned helping
at the school fair and visiting old people at the home as part of her experience. / 3. The interviewers asked if
Daisy spoke any foreign languages because she might have to talk to tourists. / 4. Daisy mentioned having a
main part in the school play and even showed the interviewers a bit of the video footage. / 5. Ollie jokingly
compared Daisy's job opportunity to Brad Pitt's early career, suggesting that she could have her big break
playing a giant chicken. / 6. T / F / T / F / T

1. Ruth explained why the result were so bad. / 2. Phil said he´d finish the garden last Wednesday. / 3. Carla
asked whether she could leave the office early. / 4. Liam told me he had visited Paris the previous year. / 5. Ken
asked Katie if she wanted to dance with him.

1. reminded me to buy / 2. encouraged me to study / 3. explained that she would be

Wayne admitted that it was the first time he´d made pancakes. / Archie´s boss threatened to fire him if he didn´t
work harder. / Sergio asked me to marry him while we were on vacation.

1. added / 2. suggested / 3. explained / 4. claimed / 5. agreed / 6. suggested

1. False / 2. True / 3. True / 4. Not Given

1. The police ordered that them to live the room. / 2. You asked me to wash the dishes after the dinner. / 3.
They reminded him to lock the door. / 4. My boss asked me to go to the meeting. / 5. We encouraged him to
join our choir. / 6. Didn´t I remind you to call to your parents? / 7. The judge ordered to her to pay a fine.

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LESSON 16 – Tea and the British Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson, we will continue with Reported Speech, now
learning about Questions and Negatives. We will also get to
know a bit about a very English tradition: tea.


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Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Anchored: Firmemente estabelecido ou fixado.

Understatement: Uma afirmação que representa algo como sendo menor, menos
importante ou menos intenso do que realmente é.

International league: Uma classificação ou categorização global frequentemente usada

para comparação ou competição.

Nobility: Uma classe social normalmente classificada imediatamente abaixo da realeza,

possuindo mais privilégios ou eminência reconhecidos do que a maioria das outras classes
em uma sociedade.

Tea gardens: Áreas ao ar livre onde as pessoas podem sentar e tomar chá, muitas vezes
acompanhado de refeições leves ou lanches.

Duchess of Bedford: Refere-se a Anna, a Duquesa de Bedford, creditada com a introdução

do costume do chá da tarde na Inglaterra.

Earl of Sandwich: Refere-se a John Montagu, o 4º Conde de Sandwich, creditado com a

invenção do sanduíche.

Thermos: Garrafa térmica.

Bergamot: Espécie de laranja. O óleo de bergamota é usado para aromatizar o chá Earl

Text Comprehension

1. Who is credited with starting the tradition of "afternoon

tea" around 1800?
2. What was the practice of "afternoon tea" like, and at what
time of day did it typically occur?
3. How did the Earl of Sandwich contribute to changes in
eating habits during the same period?
4. How did the popularity of tea change in the 19th century,
and who promoted it as a beverage?
5. What is the meal known as "high tea," and when was it
commonly consumed in working-class households?

6. True or False?

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a. The 7th Duchess of Bedford introduced the tradition of "afternoon tea" around 1800. ( )
b. Before the popularity of "afternoon tea," people commonly ate and drank between lunch
and dinner. ( )
c. During the 19th century, as tea became cheaper, its popularity in Britain declined. "High
tea" is a tradition in the south of England among the middle classes. ( )
d. The mid-morning "tea break" is a common practice in British offices and factories. ( )
e. "Earl Grey" tea is a blend of Indian and Chinese teas flavored with oil of bergamot. ( )


Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

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Grammar Point: Reported Questions and Negatives

You can use Reported Questions to tell someone what someone else has asked.
Direct Questions and Reported Questions have different word orders. In Reported
Questions, the tense moves one tense back from the tense in Direct Questions, and the
subject and the verb swap places.

Adam: “Where are my keys? “

Adam asked me where his keys were.

When a Direct Question uses the auxiliary verb “do,” leave this out of Reported

Simple questions can be answered with “yes” and “no.” English uses “if” and
“whether” to report simple questions. “Whether” is more formal than “if.

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Negatives in Reported Speech are formed in the same way as negatives in Direct
Speech. “Not” is used with the auxiliary, or with the main verb if there is no auxiliary.

He said, "I don't like chocolate." / He said that he didn't like chocolate.
"She isn't coming to the party," Mary told me. / Mary told me that she wasn't
coming to the party.
"Don't touch the oven," she said. / She told me not to touch the oven.

Pay Attention! Remember that in reported

speech, the tense typically shifts back: present
becomes past, present perfect becomes past
perfect, etc.

Teacher´s Tip: You can also use “if” or

“whether” to report questions that use “or” in
direct speech.
Alex, Mary asked if you want tea or coffee.

To make a negative sentence with a Reporting Verb + object + and infinitive, place
“not” between the object and infinitive.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

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Fonte: Adaptado de https://www.suapesquisa.com/musicacultura/historia_beatles.htm

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Here comes the sun“,

performance by The Beatles. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 16.

In this lesson…

In today's lesson, we studied Reported Questions and Negatives. We also learned

about the Tea Time tradition for the English.
We concluded by reading about the greatest English music phenomenon of all time:
The Beatles. And we sang along to "Here Comes the Sun."
That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Check the answers:

Reading Comprehension: 1. The 7th Duchess of Bedford is credited with starting the tradition of "afternoon
tea." / 2. "Afternoon tea" was a small meal that took place at about four o'clock, and it usually involved tea and
sandwiches or snacks. / 3. The Earl of Sandwich popularized a new way of eating bread by serving it in thin
slices with fillings like jam or cucumbers, which eventually led to the creation of sandwiches. / 4. Tea became
much cheaper during the 19th century, and it gained popularity throughout British society. The Victorians
promoted tea as an economical, warming, and stimulating non-alcoholic drink. / 5."High tea" was a meal
commonly consumed in working-class households and was served with the main meal of the day when workers
returned home after a day's labor. / 6. T / F / F / T / T

Challenge: 1. He asked me if I played badminton or tennis. / 2. I asked if I should take flowers or wine to the
party. / 3. He asked me whether they ´d rather be rich or famous. / 4. We asked if they´d like ice cream or cake.
/ 5. She asked if I wanted to cook inside or outside.

1. He invested in a company without asking enough questions. / 2. Money started to pour into his bank account.
/ 3. He was accused of money laundering. / 4. He says there´s no point in complaining about the situation. / 5.
He dreams about being with his family again. / 6. He hopes they will wait for him and forgive him.

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Review: Lessons 15 and 16 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 15 and 16.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 15 and 16, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Reporting Verbs

Extra Activity 2 – Reported Questions and Negatives

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Extra Activity 3 – Listening

Listen to the text.

British people love _____. They drink it for different reasons – for___________, to give
to guests, for _________at work, and even when talking about their problems. New
research shows that________, fruit and other teas are more popular
than______________. A survey of over 2,000 tea lovers showed less than half of people
said they preferred_____________. Over a fifth of people said _________was their
Sales of traditional tea have fallen. The research shows this will continue. The
researchers found many other things about ____________in the UK. The biggest reason
for drinking tea was to relax. A quarter of people drink up to ________a day. British
people love milky and sugary tea. Nearly 45 per cent of them sweeten their tea
with_________. People with a sweet tooth put _____________ of sugar in their tea.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Check the answers:

Extra 1: 7 / 2 / 1 / 5 / 3 / 6 / 4

Extra 2: 1. My colleague mentioned that the printer wasn´t working. / 2. Mark explained that he didn´t like dogs.
/ 3. Myra phoned to say that she wasn´t coming to the meeting. / 4. Jon tried to persuade me not to eat more

Extra 3: Tea / breakfast / tea breaks / herbal / English breakfast tea / traditional tea / green tea / tea-drinking /
10 cups / sugar / three teaspoons

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LESSON 17 – The Story of the Blues Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson, we will study Polite Questions and their
importance in communication.


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Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary.

Leadbelly: Um apelido para Huddie William Ledbetter, um cantor, músico e
compositor americano de folk e blues conhecido por sua voz clara e sua habilidade
de tocar guitarra de doze cordas.

Persecuted: Perseguido Oral genre: Gênero oral

Sharecropper: Parceiro arrendatário Ghettoes: Gueto

Hardships: Dificuldades Overwhelm: Oprimir, sobrecarregar

Sheer weight: Peso puro Springboard: Trampolim

Combos: Pequena banda de jazz, rock ou pop

Text Comprehension

1. What is the origin of the expression "having the blues," and how did it evolve over time?
2. How did the blues genre develop, and what were its early influences?
3. When did the first blues recordings appear, and who were some of the notable performers
in the 1920s?
4. Where did the original country or rural blues originate, and how did it come to be recorded?
5. How did the blues evolve from rural to urban settings, and who were some influential artists
in this transition?

6. True or False?
a. The origin of the expression "having the blues" is associated with
African Americans in the United States. ( )
b. The earliest records of the use of the expression "having a fit of the
blues" date back to 1807. ( )
c. Blues is generally understood today as a musical genre that
expresses feelings of happiness and joy. ( )
d. The first records of blues emerged around 1920, with the
contribution of black female singers. ( )
e. The original rural blues originated in the Mississippi Delta region. ( )
f. The popularity of blues among young white audiences in the 1950s allowed many black
blues singers to play on a larger scale again. ( )

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Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

Grammar Point: Polite questions

In English, asking questions directly can sometimes be seen as impolite. It is very

common for English speakers to make their questions more indirect. So, Indirect Questions
are more polite than Direct Questions. In spoken English, you might use them to ask people
who you don’t know very well about practical issues.

Indirect Questions often start with a polite opening phrase. After the question word,
the word order in Indirect Questions is the same as in positive statements. Observe:

Where is the bus station? – Direct Question

Could you tell me where the bus station is? – Indirect Question

Do you know where the bus station is? – Indirect Question

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As we could observe, if an Indirect Question contains “to be,” this verb comes after
the subject. The same happens with verb “to have” as auxiliary. The auxiliary verb “to
have” also comes after the subject in Indirect Questions

What have you planned before? – Direct Question

Can you tell me what you have planned before? – Indirect Question
I was wondering what you have planned before. – Indirect Question

The auxiliary verb “to do” does not appear in Indirect Questions:

Why do you work here? – Direct Question

I´d like to know why you work here. – Indirect Question

An indirect, more polite, way of asking “yes/no” questions is to use “if” or “whether”,
like reported simple questions.

Have you worked in a music store before? – Direct Question

Can you tell me whether you have worked in a music store before? – Indirect Question

I was wondering if you have worked in a music store before. – Indirect Question

Pay Attention! Some Indirect Questions are not


Listen and repeat the sentences.

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Fonte: Adaptado de https://combaterock.com.br/janis-joplin-80-anos-a-voz-torturada-e-


Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Me and my Bob McGee”,

performed by Janis Joplin. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 17.

In this lesson…

In this lesson, we learned about Polite Questions and their importance in English
communication. We also explored the history of the Blues, a musical genre full of emotions.
We concluded by reading about one of the greatest singers of all time, the Rose, Janis
Joplin, and listened to her unique voice in the song "Me and Bobby McGee."

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Check the answers:

Reading Comprehension: 1. The expression "having the blues" originated in 16th century England when
people who were depressed were said to be persecuted by the "blue devils." It later evolved into a musical
genre associated with feelings of depression, particularly among African Americans. / 2. The blues genre
developed about 100 years ago and grew out of black field songs, negro spirituals, and white folk ballads that
were modified on American soil. It was influenced by the experiences of African Americans, including
oppression, segregation, and relationship problems. / 3. The first blues recordings appeared around 1920 and
were made by black women singers who sang a somewhat modified form of the music known as "the classic
blues." Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith were among the most authentic and popular performers of the genre in
the 1920s. / 4. The original country or rural blues originated in the Mississippi Delta, an area heavily exploited
and oppressed, particularly for black sharecroppers. It was recorded around 1925 when record companies
realized they could profit by asking black farmers, often semi-professional musicians, to record songs. / 5. The
blues evolved from rural to urban settings, leading to the emergence of "urban blues." Small blues combos with
electric instruments became popular in the 1940s, with artists like Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf. These artists
influenced many groups in the 1960s, such as the Rolling Stones and the Animals. / 6. F / T / F / T / T / T

Challenge: 1. Could you tell me what time the meeting start? / 2. Do you know when the next bus leave? / 3.
Do you know long the movie is? / 4. Could you tell me why you can´t come to work?

1. Could you tell me when the play starts? / 2. Do you know whether they arrive? / 3. Could you tell who that
lady is? / 4. Do you know if Shona was at the party? / 5. Could you tell me what your address is? / 6. Do you
know where Brendon went. / 7. Could you tell me if the table is reserved?

1. Why the train is / 2. how much this jacket / 3. how long you´ve been / 4. when the last bus / 5. what time

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LESSON 18 – The Big Red London Buses Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson, we will look at some of the most important
Phrasal Verbs and their uses. And we will conclude the course
content with a bit more of English culture and its icon: the red


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Listen the text.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

advertise: anunciar publicise: tornar público, divulgar

promote: promover department stores: grandes lojas

double decker: com dois andares drawn: desenhar, puxar

horse-drawn: puxado por cavalos hunt: procurar

increasingly: cada vez mais omnibus: ônibus

pass: uma passagem ilimitada trams: bondes

serve their purpose: cumprir seu propósito events: eventos

conductor: o homem que vende passagens

Text Comprehension

1. What is the most recognizable symbol of London mentioned in the text?

2. When did the London General Omnibus Company run their last horse-drawn omnibus in
3. How did passengers on early double-decker omnibuses stay dry when it rained?
4. When did all new buses start coming equipped with roofs over the upper deck?
5. What was the most famous type of London bus from the 1950s and 60s?

6. True or False?
a. According to the text, big red London double-
decker buses are recognized worldwide as symbols
of London. ( )
b. The London General Omnibus Company ran
their last horse-drawn omnibus through the streets
of London in 1911. ( )
c. The powerful "Routemasters" from the 1950s
and 60s are the most famous London buses and
have been featured in tourist brochures. ( )
d. Visitors climb into London buses to go and see the Niagara Falls. ( )
e. All new buses in the 1930s came equipped with roofs over the upper deck. ( )

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f. The Ministry of Transport decided to give financial help to bus companies that bought new
buses with doors in the late 1960s. ( )


Listen and repeat the sentences.

Grammar Point: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs occur in many different forms. They have two or more parts, which are
sometimes separable. They are very common, especially in spoken English.

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Phrasal Verbs are expressions in English that combine a verb with a preposition or
an adverb (or both). The combination creates a meaning different from the original verb,
often idiomatic. Because of their unique meanings, phrasal verbs can sometimes be
challenging for English learners.

Can you turn on the light?

With separable Phrasal Verbs, the object of the sentence can go before or after
the particle. The meaning is the same.

But, if the direct object is a pronoun, it must go between the verb and the particle.

And we can find Three-word Phrasal Verbs that consist of a verb, a particle, and a
preposition. The particle and preposition often change the usual meaning of the verb.

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The meaning of a Phrasal Verb can sometimes be guessed based on the individual
words, but not always. Many Phrasal Verbs have meanings that are not directly related to the
definitions of the words they contain.
One of the complexities of Phrasal Verbs is that a single verb can pair with multiple
prepositions or adverbs, leading to a variety of meanings. For example, the verb "run" can
be part of "run into," "run over," "run through," and "run out," each with its distinct meaning.

While I was shopping downtown, I unexpectedly ran into an old friend from college.
Enquanto eu estava fazendo compras no centro, encontrei inesperadamente um velho
amigo da faculdade.

I accidentally ran over my son's toy truck with the car this morning.
Acidentalmente passei com o carro em cima do caminhãozinho de brinquedo do meu
filho esta manhã.

Before the presentation begins, let's run through the main points one more time.
Antes de começar a apresentação, vamos revisar os pontos principais mais uma vez.

I can't make my famous chocolate cake tonight because I've run out of cocoa powder.
Não posso fazer o meu famoso bolo de chocolate esta noite porque acabou o cacau
em pó.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Pay Attention! When learning phrasal verbs,

it's essential to study them in context, as this
helps to understand their specific meanings and
how to use them correctly.

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Here you have some of the most usual Phrasal Verbs in English:

Listen and repeat the verbs.

In your note book, translate the verbs and find out the meaning.

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Fonte: Adaptada de https://planetradio.co.uk/absolute-radio/music/news/keane/

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Somewhere only we know”,

performed by Keane. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 18.

In this lesson…

In this class, we covered some of the main Phrasal Verbs and how they behave in
different situations. We also got acquainted with another important icon of British culture: the
traditional Red Buses.
To conclude, we read about the British band Keane and sang the beautiful song
"Somewhere Only We Know".

This was our last lesson, and here we conclude the intermediate module. I hope to
have contributed to your English development and assisted you in continuing your studies.
This is just the beginning! Congratulations on making it this far!

Check the answers:

Reading Comprehension:1. The most recognizable symbol of London mentioned in the text is the big red
London double-decker bus. / 2. The London General Omnibus Company ran their last horse-drawn omnibus in
London on October 25th, 1911. / 3. Passengers on early double-decker omnibuses could pull a sort of oil-cloth
cover out of the back of the seat in front of them and pull it over them to stay dry when it rained. / 4. All new
buses started coming equipped with roofs over the upper deck in the 1930s. / 5. The most famous type of
London bus from the 1950s and 60s was the "Routemaster." / 6. T / T / T / F / F / F

1. It´s taken me a long time to get over this cold. / 2. Tony works out at the local gym each evening. / 3. My
mother takes care of my sons on Fridays. / 4. We checked into the hotel and went to our room. / 5. I´ve heard
from Bill. He´s got some shocking news. / 6. I get along very well with my brother. / 7. I meet up with my friends
most weekends.

1. Jen and Hugo eat out very often. / 2. You should try it on before buying it. / 3. The music was loud so I turned
it down. / 4. I´ve always looked up to my brother. / 5. We´ve run out of milk.

1. I don´t get along with my sister / 2. We´ve run out of milk. / 3. I won´t put up with his loud music. / 4. Are you
looking forward to the concert? / 5. He looks down on everyone. / 6. You came up with a great plan.

1. We´ll pick the shopping up. / 2. Those people are giving out leaflets. / 3. Can you check the menu out? / 4.
They are filling in that hole in the road. / 5 I´m taking those library books back.

1. They´re closing it down. / 2. She´s renting it out. / 3. He´s cleaning it up. / 4. He´s showing it off. / 5. They tore
it down.

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Review: Lessons 17 and 18 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 17 and 18.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 17 and 18, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Polite Questions

Extra Activity 2 – Phrasal Verbs

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Extra Activity 3 – Listening

Listen to the text.

Amanda and her friends are very ________each other. They are a group of seven girls,
always hanging together. They have a _________ every week. Normally, they go to
Julie’s place on Tuesday nights to play board games, they go to Flora on Friday nights to
drink and they go for ________on Sunday mornings. Recently, things are changing. All
of them got new _________. Although they are still hanging together all the time, they
are always _________ their phones, their Facebook feeds and ________new pictures
_____ Instagram. Technology is starting to ______them ______. They don’t talk
______, they don’t _______as much. Amanda is starting to think the _______ of
technology is a bad thing for them. She ____________whenever they are together,
they should ________ their phone _______. Everyone agrees. This was _______a
really good idea. Now things are ________like they used to be.

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Check the answers:

Extra 1: 1. when you are available. / 2. why you have applied for this job. / 3. what your best-selling product is.
/ 4. who your last manager was.

Extra 2: 1. Clean up / 2. Try out / 3. Find out / 4. Show off / 5. Sold off

Extra 3: close to / similar routine / brunch / smart phones / looking at / scrolling down / posting / on / tear / apart
/ as much / share / evil / suggests that / put / away / actually / getting back

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG



grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 1983.

JENKINS, Jennifer. Global Englishes: A resource book for students. Routledge, 2014.

MARTINEZ, Ronald. Como Dizer Tudo em Inglês-Ensino de Língua Estrangeira. Editora

Campus, Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in use. Naber, Therese. Angela Blackwel with
Michelle Johnston. English Knowhow. Oxford, 2014.

RAJAGOPALAN, K. "The identity of 'World English'. In: New Chalenges in language and
literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009.

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Author´s Profile

Viviane Lima Martins é Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia

Universidade Católica de São Paulo, com a titulação de Mestre pela mesma
instituição. Graduada em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo, e especialista em
Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, e em
Língua Inglesa pela Loyola University Chicago, possui, também, segunda
licenciatura em Pedagogia pela FAPAN - Paraná, e especializações em Gestão
Escolar e em Tecnologias Digitais e Inovação em Educação, ambas pela UNICSUL,
Especialização em Educação Inclusiva e AEE, pela Faculdade São Luis de
Jabuticabal, além de aperfeiçoamento em Docência na Educação a Distância -
Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas / Projetos, pela Universidade Virtual do
Estado de São Paulo - UNIVESP. Cursou ensino Técnico em Nutrição e Dietética no Centro Paula Souza
– SP. Atualmente é professora efetiva de Língua Portuguesa e Língua Inglesa EBTT no Instituto Federal
de Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais, no campus Arcos.

Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8515218182235575

Feito por (professor-autor) Data Revisão de layout Data Versão

Viviane Lima Martins 15/10/2023 Desginado pela proex 25/10/23 1.0

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Glossary QR (Quick Response)

Lesson 13

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“One”, performance
Listen to the text.
by U2.

Lesson 14

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the Listen and repeat the

sentences. sentences.

Listen to the text. performance by


Review: Lessons 13
Listen to the text.
and 14.

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Lesson 15

Listen to the text. Listen and repeat the


Listen and repeat the Listen to the text


“Somebody that I
used to know”,
performance by

Lesson 16

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“Here comes the

sun“, performed by
The Beatles.


Review: Lessons 15 Listen to the text.

and 16.

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Lesson 17

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“Me and my Bob

McGee”, performed
by Janis Joplin..

Lesson 18

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the Listen and repeat the

sentences. verbs

“Somewhere only we
Listen to the text. know”, performed by


Listen to the text.

Review: Lessons 17
and 18.

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Pró-Reitoria de Extensão
Plataforma +IFMG

Plataforma +IFMG
Formação Inicial e Continuada EaD

A Pró-Reitoria de Extensão (Proex), desde o ano de

2020, concentrou seus esforços na criação do Programa
+IFMG. Esta iniciativa consiste em uma plataforma de cursos
online, cujo objetivo, além de multiplicar o conhecimento
institucional em Educação a Distância (EaD), é aumentar a
abrangência social do IFMG, incentivando a qualificação
profissional. Assim, o programa contribui para o IFMG cumprir
seu papel na oferta de uma educação pública, de qualidade e
cada vez mais acessível.
Para essa realização, a Proex constituiu uma equipe
multidisciplinar, contando com especialistas em educação,
web design, design instrucional, programação, revisão de
texto, locução, produção e edição de vídeos e muito mais.
Além disso, contamos com o apoio sinérgico de diversos
setores institucionais e também com a imprescindível
contribuição de muitos servidores (professores e técnico-
administrativos) que trabalharam como autores dos materiais
didáticos, compartilhando conhecimento em suas áreas de
A fim de assegurar a mais alta qualidade na produção destes cursos, a Proex adquiriu
estúdios de EaD, equipados com câmeras de vídeo, microfones, sistemas de iluminação e
isolação acústica, para todos os 18 campi do IFMG.
Somando à nossa plataforma de cursos online, o Programa +IFMG disponibilizará
também, para toda a comunidade, uma Rádio Web Educativa, um aplicativo móvel para
Android e IOS, um canal no Youtube com a finalidade de promover a divulgação cultural e
científica e cursos preparatórios para nosso processo seletivo, bem como para o Enem,
considerando os saberes contemplados por todos os nossos cursos.
Parafraseando Freire, acreditamos que a educação muda as pessoas e estas, por
sua vez, transformam o mundo. Foi assim que o +IFMG foi criado.

O +IFMG significa um IFMG cada vez mais perto de você!

Professor Carlos Bernardes Rosa Jr.

Pró-Reitor de Extensão do IFMG
Plataforma +IFMG
Plataforma +IFMG

Características deste livro:

Formato: A4
Tipologia: Arial e Capriola.
1ª. Edição
Formato digital
Plataforma +IFMG

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