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Inglês Pré-Intermediário

Book 2

Viviane Lima Martins

Formação Inicial e

Campus Arcos
Viviane Lima Martins

Inglês Pré-Intermediário - Book 2

1ª Edição

Belo Horizonte
Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
© 2023 by Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
Todos os direitos autorais reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser
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Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais.

Pró-reitor de Extensão Carlos Bernardes Rosa Júnior

Diretor de Programas de Extensão Niltom Vieira Junior
Coordenação do curso Viviane Lima Martins
Arte gráfica Ângela Bacon
Diagramação Eduardo dos Santos Oliveira

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)

M386i Martins, Viviane Lima.

Inglês Pré-Intermediário: book 2 [recurso eletrônico] / Viviane
Lima Martins. - 1. ed. - Belo Horizonte : Instituto Federal de Minas
Gerais, 2023.
102 p. : il. color.

E-book, no formato PDF.

Material didático para Formação Inicial e Continuada.
ISBN 978-65-5876-017-7

1. Língua inglesa – aprendizagem. 2. Inglês - curso I. Título.

CDD 420

Catalogação: Meriely Ferreira de Almeida - CRB-6/2760

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Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais
Avenida Mário Werneck, 2590,
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Telefone: (31) 2513-5157
Sobre o material

Este curso é autoexplicativo e não possui tutoria. O material didático,

incluindo suas videoaulas, foi projetado para que você consiga evoluir de
forma autônoma e suficiente.
Caso opte por imprimir este e-book, você não perderá a possiblidade
de acessar os materiais multimídia e complementares. Os links podem ser
acessados usando o seu celular, por meio do glossário de Códigos QR
disponível no fim deste livro.
Embora o material passe por revisão, somos gratos em receber suas
sugestões para possíveis correções (erros ortográficos, conceituais, links
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Correção do Material Didático” clicando nesse link ou acessando o QR Code
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Para saber mais sobre a Plataforma +IFMG acesse

Palavra do autor

Hello, folks!
Sejam bem-vindos ao curso de Inglês Pré-Intermediário, da
Plataforma +IFMG!
Em um mundo globalizado, onde todos estão cada vez mais
conectados, saber um segundo idioma é algo que se tornou natural. Seja em
aplicativos, videogames, em textos na internet ou em livros, o inglês está
presente no nosso dia a dia de diversas maneiras e é essencial saber este
idioma, que é o segundo mais falado no mundo inteiro.
No Brasil, a Língua Inglesa é ensinada como língua estrangeira
oficialmente estabelecida nas matrizes curriculares. Entretanto, percebe-se
que, apesar de sua grande importância no contexto mundial, o ensino de
Língua Inglesa, muitas vezes, é depreciado, tido como “difícil” por parte dos
alunos e, “acessório” por muitos gestores. O resultado disso é que se torna
muito difícil aprender o inglês como um segundo idioma apenas com as aulas
regulares na escola.
Assim, com o curso de Formação Inicial de Inglês Pré-Intermediário,
na modalidade EaD, intencionamos uma formação que permita a mudança de
perspectiva em sua vida, a compreensão das relações que de estabelecem
no mundo do qual você faz parte, a ampliação de sua leitura de mundo e a
participação efetiva nos processos sociais.
Desta forma, após muito estudo, a Plataforma +IFMG apresenta a
vocês, iniciantes na comunicação em língua inglesa, um curso compacto,
objetivo e com o intuito de fomentar e estimular seus interesses em língua e
cultura dos países que têm o inglês como língua nativa. O curso é divido em
três livros, com seis aulas cada e tem um total de 90 horas. Importante
destacar que se optou por inserir a língua inglesa de maneira gradual no
curso, por isso, pode ser que a língua portuguesa seja usada em alguns
So, let´s do it! I hope you enjoy and learn so much with us!

Teacher Viviane
Bons estudos!
Nome do autor.
Apresentação do curso

Este curso está dividido em 18 semanas, distribuídas em 3 livros, cujos

objetivos de cada uma são apresentados, sucintamente, a seguir. Abaixo, o
conteúdo deste volume 2:

LESSON 7 Modal Verbs

A little respect!
LESSON 8 Tag Questions

TV Series
LESSON 9 If Clause – Zero Conditional

Come together!
If Clause – First Conditional

Take care of your mind!

LESSON 11 If Clause – Second Conditional

Let´s party!
LESSON 12 If Clause – Third Conditional

Carga horária: 30 horas.

Estudo proposto: 1h por dia em cinco dias por semana (5 horas semanais).
Apresentação dos Ícones

Os ícones são elementos gráficos para facilitar os estudos, fique atento quando eles
aparecem no texto. Veja aqui o seu significado:

Listening: prática de audição.

Reading: prática de leitura.

Speaking: prática de comunicação oral.

Let´s Practice!: momento de atividade na Plataforma.

Video: filmes, clipes e videoaulas.

Pay Attention!: alerta para conteúdo importante.

Vocabulary: termos diferenciados ou específicos das


Teacher´s Tip: dicas e sugestões de materiais ou

técnicas de aprendizagem.

Sing Along!: música para cantar junto.


LESSON 7 – Communication............................................................................ 15
LESSON 8 – A little respect! ............................................................................. 25
Review: Lessons 7 and 8 .................................................................................. 37
LESSON 9 – TV Series ..................................................................................... 41
LESSON 10 – Come together! .......................................................................... 53
Review: Lessons 9 and 10 ................................................................................ 65
LESSON 11 – Take care of your mind! ........................................................... 69
LESSON 12 – Come on, everybody! ................................................................ 81
Review: Lessons 11 and 12 .............................................................................. 91
References ........................................................................................................ 95
Author´s Profile .................................................................................................. 97
Glossary QR (Quick Response) ........................................................................ 99
LESSON 7 – Communication Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will learn about Modal verbs and how they
are used. We will also read about the history of


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Listen to the text.

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Communication Vocabulary

Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

Which means of communication do you usually use? Do you think that the evolution of the
means of communication is something favorable? How does it help your life?

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Improve your vocabulary! Take note of the new words.

Grammar Point: Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs are words that

accompany the main verbs of
the sentence to express
some specific meaning.
Modal verbs add a second
idea, which can be
possibility, ability,
obligation, or permission.

The main modal

verbs in English are “Will”,
“Would”, “Should”, “Can”,
“Could”, “May”, “Might”,
“Shall” and “Must”, but
“Ought to”, “Need” and
“Have to” are also
considered modal verbs
and are easily found in
different texts.

Let´s see them one by one:

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Can / Could (“poder” – present and past): In addition to indicating ability, we use “can” in
informal situations for request. Use “can I” plus the verb to make a request. “Could”
replaces “can” for more formal situations, such as in business or to talk to strangers. In
addition, “Could” is often used to suggest a solution to a problem. It introduces possibilities
but not preferences.

I can't swim. (ability)

He could go to India next year. (possibility)

May / Might (“poder” – present and past): “May” is used for permissions but it is also used
for request in formal situations. Use “might” to show you’re not sure if you’ll do something.
It’s a possibility.

May I ask a question? (permission)

It might rain tomorrow. (possibility)

Will: “Will”, normally used in the Simple Future, is a modal verb. Use “will” to say what you
think will happen in the future when you don’t have firm evidence for your prediction.

I will arrive early and leave late to every meeting. (prediction)

Would: (as “Futuro do Pretérito” in Portuguese): “Would” is a modal verb, used to talk
about things you want to do. “Would” can also indicate a desire.

Would you get that box off the top shelf? (request)
I would like to eat a pizza. (desire)

Should / Ought to (“deveria”): If someone has a problem, one of the ways that you can
give advice is by using the modal verb “should.” “Should” is used for something that should
be done, but hasn't been done yet. Although “should” is much more used, “ought to” has the
same meaning. The difference between the use of both is that “ought to” indicates a more
formal treatment.

You should try the lasagna. (advice)

That guy ought to wear less cologne. (advice)

Shall: “Shall” is used to show that something can happen, but that it depends on a
condition. The term is also used as a request for permission, to find out if the other person
wants you to do something. “Shall” is most common in sentences with the pronouns I and

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Shall we go out for lunch? (suggestion)

Shall I open the window? (offer)

Must / Have to / Need (dever / ter / precisar): In English, you can use “have to” or “must”
when talking about obligations or things that are necessary. You may hear it in important
instructions such as medical advice. The modal verb “must” shows obligation, the certainty
that something really has to be done. The negative form “must not / mustn´t” indicates
“Have to” is a statement, it says that you must do something. It resembles the
“must”, but without that weight of order.
“Need” is the least common of these. As a modal verb, it is used in negative
sentences or with a negative meaning, and its use indicates a lack of need or obligation to
do something. The negative is formed by adding not: “need not/needn't”. It doesn't get -s in
the third person.

You must wash your hands before cooking. (obligation)

Children mustn't see this movie. (prohibition)
We have to wait for our boss to arrive before we open. (obligation not too strong)
You don’t need to come if you don’t want to. (lack of obligation)

Listen and repeat the sentences.

Teacher´s Tip!! You may have noticed

that modal verbs take negative and
interrogative forms in the same way as
auxiliary verbs, right?
So don't forget:

Subject + modal + not + verb + …

Modal + subject + verb + …?

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Fonte: Adaptado de https://www.biography.com/musician/robbie-williams

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Sin sin sin”, performance by

Robbie Williams. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 7.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we knew a little more about the history of communications! We also
studied about Modal Verbs and how they are used.
Finally, we read about the English rebel singer, the most Brit Award´s winner, Robbie
Willians and sang “Sin sin sin”.

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Answer keys - Challenge:

You should learn how to use a computer. / Could I have another piece of cake? / You must not run in the
corridor. / My sister can speak four languages fluently. / Can I give you a hand with your shopping? / Could
you lend me your pen for a moment? / The letter must be for the Ken´s college.

You shouldn´t open this door. / She should play the guitar every day. / He shouldn´t wear that tie with that
shirt. / You should take a tablet twice a day. / They shouldn´t hide their bikes here.

Jerry would really like to pass his driving text. / Ben and Sam would really like to take an IELTS test. / Helen
would quite like to practice her English. / I´d quite like to play the piano tonight.

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LESSON 8 – A little respect! Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will learn about Tag Questions and how
they are used, and some important adverbs. We will also
read about some great world personalities.


You too would like to live in a world of peace, where people respect each other,
wouldn't you? Every human being has its value, no matter what color, creed, sexual
orientation, limitations that life imposes on us. However, there are a series of events that
revolt us, for bringing out the worst: intolerance.

More than ever, protests, laws and punishments for those who practice these true
social crimes are emerging all over the world. After all, it's all about respect, isn't it?


Racism is the denomination of

discrimination and prejudice (directly
or indirectly) against individuals or
groups because of their ethnicity or
color. It is important to emphasize
that prejudice is a form of concept or
judgment formulated without any
prior knowledge of the subject matter,
while discrimination is the act of
separating, excluding or
differentiating people or objects.

In Brazil, racism is a crime.

Provided for in Law nº 7.716/1989, the
crime of racism is imprescriptible and
non-bailable, with a penalty of up to
five years of imprisonment.

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Homophobia is mainly
characterized by aversion and
discrimination against a
group whose sexuality and
identity has always been
hegemonic against other
groups that deviate from
established standards, and
encompasses psychological,
moral, physical and/or sexual
aggression against the
LGBTQIA+ population, in
addition to issues of public
and institutional spheres,
such as the denial of
fundamental rights.

LGBT rights in the

world vary according to the
culture of each country. There is currently a huge variety in the scope of laws that affect
people of the LGBT group in the world. These differences in rights relating to LGBT people
have been present throughout the history of human civilizations, persisting to the present
day. From countries that criminalize homosexuality with the death penalty, such as Saudi
Arabia, Mauritania or Yemen, to countries that have already legalized civil marriage
between people of the same gender, such as the Netherlands, Spain or Canada.

In Brazil, in 2019, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that homophobia is an

imprescriptible and non-bailable crime. In the decision, the STF understood that the Racism
law (Law number 7.716/1989) applied to cases of homophobia and transphobia. Article 20 of
the law in question provides for a penalty of one to three years in prison and a fine for
anyone who engages in this conduct.


Capacitism means the discrimination of people with disabilities, its translation into
English is ableism. The term is based on the social construction of a standard body, without
disabilities, called “normal” and the underestimation of the capacity and aptitude of people
due to their disabilities.

Physical or mental disability is often seen as a conditioning factor in people's lives.

There are those who still have the false idea that a person with a disability has limitations
and that they cannot overcome obstacles to build a brilliant career.

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Increasingly, however, these people have proven to us that they can go a long way, breaking
down barriers and breaking social paradigms.

In Brazil, the 21st of September is the National Day of Struggle for People with
Disabilities, and it is a date that marks the construction of mobilizations for the Social
Inclusion of People with Disabilities, awareness of the anti-capacitist struggle and
celebration of these movements.

Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary! Take note of the new words.


Read the questions below, reflect and prepare to answer at the Forum activity, in
virtual room.

1. Do you think Racism, Homophobia and discrimination of people with disabilities

should be considered crime in our society?
2. Have you ever seen any scene of discrimination?
3. How can laws be more effective in these cases?

Grammar Point: Question Tags

In spoken English, you might hear small questions added to the ends of sentences.
These are called Question Tags or Tag Questions, and they are used to invite someone to
agree with you.
In other words, we use Tag Questions to confirm our expectations. We think
something is true and we want or expect the listener agree with us. In fact, using Tag
Questions is similar to asking “Am I right?” or “Do you agree?”.

Teacher´s Tip!! Question tags are mostly

used in informal situations.

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A Tag Question can also be defined as a statement followed by a mini-question:

Pay attention! A positive statement is followed

by a negative question tag, and a negative
statement is followed by a positive question

+ -
Positive Statement, Negative Tag?

- +
Negative Statement, Positive Tag ?

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Some more examples:

It’s very hot outside, isn’t it?

They should play well in today’s match, shouldn’t they?
She will have been dancing all day, won’t she?
We have been celebrating his victory all night, haven’t we?
We seldom play football on this ground, do we?

Listen and repeat the sentences.

I'm sure you've already noticed how simple it is to use Tag Questions. So now let's
get to know some specific cases:

Ruler Example

If a statement begins with I’m: use the verb form I’m looking handsome, aren’t I?
are/aren’t I?

If the phrase begins with Let’s: we use “shall we?” Let’s celebrate tonight, shall we?

If the statements are Imperative: Close the door, will you? (order- less polite)
Invitations - we use will you / won’t you? Come closer, won’t you? (invitation - polite)
Orders - we use “will you?/ would you?/ can Sit down, can you? (order)
you?/ can’t you?” Take it, would you? (order)

Structure included “there” is also reflected in a There’s no choice left, is there?

question tag also.

Subjects Everyone / Everybody, No one / Nobody, Someone was looking for a car, were they?
Someone /Somebody: use “they” as subject in the Nobody came for a funeral, did they?

Subjects Everything / Nothing /Something / This: Something missing in the photo, doesn’t it?
use “it” as subject in the Tag. Nothing will change after you, won’t it?
This is not your new hostel, is it?

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Listen and repeat the sentences.

Always good to know…

Numbers always appear a lot in texts, either to express quantity or to express data, a
date. Fractions, decimals, and percentages are all pronounced differently in spoken
English, following a few simple rules.
See how they are used in some specific cases:

Observe the examples:

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I've been waiting for an hour and a half.

According to the IBGE, Brazilians with a disability make up 8.4% of the general

Listen and repeat the sentences.

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Fonte: adaptado de https://www.last.fm/music/The+Beautiful+South

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “A little time”, performance by

The Beautiful South. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 8.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we read about an important issue: discrimination! We also learned

about Tag Questions, and some other topics.
Finally, we read about the band The Beautiful South and their song 'A Little Time'.

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Answer keys:
Doesn´t she? / hasn´t he? / did he? / didn´t she? / shouldn´t we / have you? / can´t he?
Didn´t they? / has he? / won´t she? / does he? / is it? / hasn´t he? / isn´t she? / were you? Did we?
Isn´t it? / wasn´t it? / aren´t you? / isn´t it? / are we? / haven´t you? / do they? / doesn´t he? / won´t she? /
shouldn´t I?
Twelve point five / twenty-seven point five percent / two thirds / thirty-two percent / six and three-quarters

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Review: Lessons 7 and 8 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 7 and 8.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 7 and 8, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Solve these mysteries!

By thinking about ideas in different ways, you should be improving your ability to
think creatively. Listen this story. You will hear two puzzles, each will test your creativity and
attention to details.
Clues are given on the audio, if you need them. Try to find the answer and write in
the box. Good luck!!!

Listen to the story.

Your answers:

Extra Activity 2 – Modal verbs

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Extra Activity 3 – Tag Questions

Imagine you are at an interview for an Exchange Program. Read the sentences and
create a suitable Tag Question for each situation:

a) You think the program is very exciting. You expect the interviewer to agree with you. You

The program ___________________________________, ___________?

b) You have heard that you will work 10 hours a day as an Au Pair. You want the
interviewer confirm this. You ask:

I ________________________________________________ as an Au Pair, __________?

c) You read on the web site for the exchange program that you need to have a medical
insurance if you want to participate in the program. You ask:

I _________________________________________ medical insurance, ____________?

Check the answers:

Extra Activity 1
Puzzle #1: The neurosurgeon was the boy´s mother.
Puzzle #2: The mother was a Russian, she is widow and went in live in Spain, leaving her first son with
relatives in Russia, she married again and had a second son in Spain. This is the reunion of her two children.
They have never met and can´t speak the same language. They should try English, the international language
of communication.

Extra Activity 2

Extra Activity – 3
Is very exciting - isn´t it? / will work 10 hours a day – won´t I? / need to have – don´t I?

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LESSON 9 – TV Series
Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will learn some more about entertainment
at home: TV Series. We will start to study Conditional
Tenses, beginning with Zero Conditional.


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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary! Write new words / expressions you learned in this

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Entertainment Vocabulary

Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

Let´s talk about Entertainment!

Surely you've watched some TV series,

haven't you?

How about telling us what your favorite series

of all time is?

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What other series do you know?

There are series of all genres: drama, comedy, police, horror, etc. Do you have a
favorite series genre?

Prepare your answer to post in the Forum of this lesson, there in the virtual room of
the course!

Your answers:

Grammar Point: If Clause – Zero Conditional

If Clauses in English are the conditional sentences used in several situations and
always come concomitantly with the term If. They are used to talk about future plans,
situations that are likely or unlikely to happen, or even choices that were made in the
There are four types of Conditionals. Zero Conditional, First Conditional, Second
Conditional and Third Conditional. In the next four weeks, we will study each of them and
you will see that everything you have learned in grammar is connected.
If Clauses are made up of two sentences: an “if clause” (conditional clause –
subordinate clause) and a main clause.
In this lesson, we will study the Zero Conditional. English uses the Zero Conditional
to talk about actions that always have the same results. This is useful for talking about
scientific facts.

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The Zero Conditional uses “if” with the Present, followed by the Present in the main
clause too. It is normal we find sentences in Zero Conditional that use “when” in the
subordinate clause.

Sentences using the Zero Conditional can be reversed, so the result comes before
the action.

Others examples:

If James studies a lot, he gets tired.

If you need help, talk to the teacher.
Snakes bite when they are scared.
When babies are hungry, they cry.

Listen and repeat sentences.

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Pay Attention! Both verbs, in if clause and in

the main clause should be in the Present

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Let´s practice some more!

Listen to the statements.

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Fonte: adaptado de https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glee

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Lean on me”, performance by

Glee. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 9.

In this lesson…

In today's class, we read about why people love TV series and got to know some of
them that still have a legion of fans until today. We were introduced to If Clauses and
started with the Zero Conditional.
Finally, we read about the TV show Glee and sang along to 'Lean on Me’.

That´s all, guys! See you on next class!!

Check the answers:

Drop – bounces / mix – get / put – dissolves / boils – becomes / strike – burns

You make ice if you freeze water. / Plants don´t grow if there is no sunlight. / You get green if you mix yellow
and blue paint. / The grass gets wet when it rains. / You get smoke when you burn wood.

Let´s practice some more:

False / not given / true / false / not given.
If you light woods, it burns. / When you don´t water plants, they die. / If you boil water, it makes steam. / If you
rub a balloon, it makes static electricity. / When you heat ice cream, it melts. / If you cool metal, it contracts. /
If you drop a basketball, it falls.

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LESSON 10 – Come together! Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will learn a little more about English as a
world language. We will continue with If Clause, learning the
First Conditional.


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Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Always good to know…

If you're one of those students who always want to know more, you've certainly
wondered how punctuation marks work in English.

Apart from the fact that English does

not exaggerate with commas, the other
punctuation marks are used exactly as we
use them in Portuguese.
Take a look!

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Quick Challenge!

Rewrite text the using correctly the punctuation:

Looking for a girl like you

Hello everybody my name is Connor I’m from Dublin Ireland and I’m
27 years old I’m a guy with a lot of passions arts movies literature sports
gastronomy etc Oh I also love to travel I’ve already visited these following
cities London England Paris France Lisbon Portugal Amsterdam
Netherlands I’m looking for a girl any physical characteristics any height any
weight etc I just want someone educated gentle faithful and romantic Are you the girl
I’m looking for

Your text:

Listen Connor´s presentation.

Grammar Point: First Conditional

English uses conditional verbs to describe the future results of a proposed action
too. The First Conditional is useful for suggesting plans and giving advice. In other words, it
expresses a suggested action that might lead to a future result.
The First Conditional is usually introduced by “if” followed by the Present Simple.
The future with “will” expresses the result.

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Teacher´s Tip!! So, we have:

If Clause = Simple Present

Main Clause = Future Simple

You can use “unless” instead of “if” in conditional sentences. “Unless” means
“if…not,” so the future result depends on the suggested action not happening. The order of
the clauses doesn't matter with sentences using unless.

More examples:

You will be sick if you don't stop eating.

You'll be sick unless you stop eating.
I won't pay if you don't provide the goods immediately.
I won't pay unless you provide the goods immediately.
If you don't study dilligently, you'll never understand trigonometry.
Unless you study dilligently, you'll never understand trigonometry.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

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Other cases with First Conditional

Using Imperative and Modal Verbs:

In First Conditional sentences, you can use an Imperative or Modal Verbs instead
of the future with “will.” This makes the sentence an instruction or a suggestion instead of a
prediction about the future.
Use “if” followed by the present simple to describe a problem. The imperative gives
the solution to the problem.

The same you can see with Modal Verbs:

If he doesn’t train harder, he may/might lose the championship.

Present Modal

If your room is tidy, you can leave.

Present Modal

Using “When” and “As soon as”:

English uses “when” and “as soon as” to talk about events or actions in the future
that happen before another event or action can take place. These phrases are called
subordinate time clauses.

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Fonte: Com Myspace.com/oasis

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Whatever”, performance by

Oasis. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 10.

In this lesson…

In today's class, the theme was the English language and how it spread to the world.
We learned about punctuation and the First Conditional.
Finally, we read about the British rock and roll band Oasis and sang their beautiful
song 'Whatever'."

That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Check the answers:

Quick Challenge:
Looking for a girl like you!
Hello everybody, my name is Connor. I’m from Dublin, Ireland, and I’m 26 years old. I’m a guy with a lot of
passions: arts, movies, literature, sports, gastronomy, etc. Oh, I also love to travel! I’ve already visited these
following cities: London, England; Paris, France; Lisbon, Portugal; Amsterdam, Netherlands. I’m looking for a
girl any physical characteristics, any height, any weight, etc. I just want someone educated, gentle, faithful
and romantic. Are you the girl I’m looking for?

The screw will be too tight. / You will have to finish the process by hand. / You will have to check if the pieces
are in the right place. / You will have to check the doors. / They will stick and look uneven.

Stops / will pass / don’t get / will lose / will have / get / has / will get.

You won´t get promoted unless you work harder. / Unless it rains, I will go for a walk tomorrow. / Unless the
traffic improves, we´ll miss our flight. / They won´t help you, unless you ask them. / You´ll get wet unless you
bring an umbrella. / I won´t go to the party unless you come too. / You´ll be hungry later unless you eat
breakfast. / Unless he slows down, he´ll crash the car. / I´ll see you tomorrow unless you have to work late.

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Review: Lessons 9 and 10 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 9 and 10.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 9 and 10, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Zero and First Conditional

Listen and repeat

the sentences

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Extra Activity 2 – Text Comprehension

Listen to the text.

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Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Extra Activity 3 – First Conditional with Imperative

Check the answers:

Extra Activity 1: My baby will cry if he is hungry. / If you do exercises, you feel better. / If doesn´t rain, plants
don´t grow. / If the students don´t pay attention, they won´t understand the topic. / If he doesn´t get up early,
he arrives late to school.

Extra Activity 2: Ask your colleagues to help you. / Plan your day carefully. / Read a book. / Get rid of some
of them. / Buy a smaller one.

Extra Activity 3: If you don´t like your job, look for a new one. / If you like those shoes, buy them. / Help
yourself if you want some more food. / If you need to talk someone, call me. / Take a breath if you feel

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LESSON 11 – Take care of your mind! Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will read about an important issue: mental
health. We will also study the Second Conditional and how it
is used.


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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

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The text you have just read is a very serious testimonial from a young woman who
has suffered from anxiety for a long time.
This is a list of words related to mental health. After finding them in the Wordsearch,
write the translation in the box below.

Listen and repeat the vocabulary.

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In order not to get mentally ill, it is very important to maintain a positive mindset.
Look at this table and check if you are more positive or negative:

Are you more positive or negative mindset?


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Quick Challenge!

Imagine a friend of yours tell you this phrases. Do you think he/she has a Growth or
Fixed Mindset?

He / She is _____________________________

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Grammar Point: Second Conditional

English uses the Second Conditional to describe the result of an unlikely or

impossible event. Because the event is unlikely, the result is also unlikely.

Like the First Conditional, the Second Conditional uses “if” to describe an action.
The result is described using “would.”
The Second Conditional uses the Past Simple after “if”, then 'would' and the

Teacher´s Tip!! So, we have:

If Clause = Simple Past

Main Clause = Would

Some more examples:

If I met the King of England, I would say hello.

Sam would travel all over the world if he were rich.
The boys would pass the exam if they ever studied.
If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

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There is one specific use of the Second Conditional structure: for giving advices.
The phrase “If I were you” is often used to give advice in English. By saying it, you imagine
that you are in the same position as the person you are talking to.
We use “if I were you” to give advice and the advice is expressed using “I would.”

Pay Attention! In conditional use “I were” not

“I Was”.

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Fonte: https://guitarload.com.br/2020/11/26/eric-clapton-tears-in-heaven/

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “Tears in Heaven”, performance

by Eric Clapton. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 11.

In this lesson…

In today's class, the theme was mental health and mindset. We also learned about
the Second Conditional and how it is used. Remember: there is the Third Conditional, and
you will learn it in the Advanced Level.
Finally, we read about the personal tragedy that transformed the career of British
singer Eric Clapton, and we sang the beautiful song in honor of his son Connor, 'Tears in
That´s all, guys! See you next class!!!

Check the answers:

Translation: Habilidades de gerenciamento de estresse / Saúde mental-emocional / Crítica construtiva /

Hierarquia de necessidades / Mecanismos de defesa / Auto atualização / Identidade pessoal / Resposta de
luto / Estresse crônico / Supressão / Personalidade / Alienação / Resiliência / Depressão / Percepção /
Hostilidade / Luto / Estressor / Emoções / Modelagem / Suicídio / Ansiedade / Empatia / Lidar / Estresse

Go shopping / take an umbrella / look for another job / cut my hair myself / buy him a present / go to the
doctor / buy a new one.

Was – would buy / would leave – won / did – would get / sold – would buy / word help – asked / would
increase – advertised / was – would be / went – would go / had – would start / would be – sat.

If I had time, I´d find another job. / She´d call him if she knew his number. / If I could go anywhere, I´d go to
Japan. / If we knew their address, we´d visit them.

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LESSON 12 – Come on, everybody! Plataforma +IFMG

In this lesson you will know facts about British Royal Family.
To complete the lesson, we will study the Third Conditional.


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Listen to the text

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Here you can see a list of types of party usually celebrated for many people.

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Listen and repeat the types of party.

Read the definition and try to figure out what kind of party each one is. You can
check the translation at the end of the lesson.

Quick Challenge!

Is there any different party that you didn´t know? Which one?
Which of these parties do you like the most and why?

Prepare your answer to post on the Forum for this lesson!

Your text:

Grammar Point: Third Conditional

We have seen how the Zero Conditional, the First Conditional and the Second
Conditional are all used to talk about possibility and result in the present and future. The
Third Conditional is what we use to talk about the past. It's used to describe a situation
that didn't happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.
In other words, we use the Third Conditional to say what would have happened in
the past, but actually didn´t happen.
We make the Third Conditional by using the Past Perfect after 'if' and then 'would
have' and the Past Participle in the second part of the sentence.

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We can use “should have” or “could have” instead of “would have” express an
opinion on the best course of action. This is the way we imagine how things could have
been different in the past.

Teacher´s Tip!! So, we have:

If Clause = Past Perfect

Main Clause = Would / Should /
Could have + Past Participle

Some examples:

What would have you done if the boss had asked you to work overtime?
We would have gone for a picnic if the weather had been better.
If you were going to the football game yesterday, you should have invited me to go
with you.
I could have helped you if had told me.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

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Fonte: Adaptado de http://amubrunomars.blogspot.com

Listen to the text.

Sing Along! “When I was your man”,

performance by Bruno Mars. (here)

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Let´s practice! Go to the virtual room and do

the activities in Lesson 12.

In this lesson…

In today's class, the theme was parties! We had an interesting vocabulary about
various types of parties that exist. We also completed our studies on the Conditional Tense,
learning how to use the Third Conditional.
Finally, we read about Bruno Mars and sang along with him to the hit 'When I Was
Your Man'.
So, this is the end of Book 2, but we´ll see you in Book 3!!!

Check the answers:

Translation: Festa depois de algo -Chá de Bebê - Despedida de Solteiro - Churrasco - Festa de Aniversário -
Chá de Panela - Comemoração - Festa de Natal - Coquetel - Festa a Fantasia - Jantar - Despedida – Festa
de Dia dos Pais - Festa - Festa no jardim - Festa de Ddespedida – Festa de Formatura - Festa de Halloween
- Festa do dia das mães - Festa de Ano Novo - Festa de Escritório - Festa na piscina – Festa Beba e Veja -
Despedida de Solteiro - Festa do Pijama - Festa temática - Festa de casamento - Festa de boas-vindas


1. he could have bought OR he could've bought / 2. you had said OR you'd said / 3. if you had told OR if you'd
told / 4. we would have OR we would’ve OR we could / have OR we could’ve OR we might have OR we
might've / 5. had listened OR 'd listened / 6. have got an interview OR ’ve got an interview / 7. gone to the
party if you hadn't persuaded OR gone to the party if you had not persuaded / 8. have waited for her OR ’ve
waited for her.

Had business been better, the company wouldn´t have gone bankrupt. / Had Pamela been richer, she would
have bought a large house. / Had you study harder, the exam wouldn´t have been so difficult. / Had Paul
attended the meeting, he would have known about the new project. / Had the weather been better, their trip
would have been more enjoyable.

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Review: Lessons 11 and 12 Plataforma +IFMG

Review: Lessons 11 and 12.

Now that we've reviewed the most important content of the lessons 11 and 12, let's
practice some more!

Extra Activity 1 – Second Conditional

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Extra Activity 2 – Third Conditional

Extra Activity 3 – Reading Comprehension

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Listen to the text.

Improve your vocabulary. Write new words from the text!

Check the answers:

Extra Activity 1: o watch TV providing (that) / helped me if I / I were you, I would / the police were
questioning me / if I was disrespectful

Extra Activity 2: 1. E / 2. C / 3. A / 4. G / 5. D / 6. B / 7. F

Extra Activity 3: false / true / false / not given / true.

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HANCOCK, Mar; MC DONALD, Annie. English Result Elementary Teacher’s book.
Oxford, 2008.

JENKINS, Jennifer. Global Englishes: A resource book for students. Routledge, 2014.

MARTINEZ, Ronald. Como Dizer Tudo em Inglês-Ensino de Língua Estrangeira. Editora

Campus, Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in use. Naber, Therese. Angela Blackwel with
Michelle Johnston. English Knowhow. Oxford, 2014.

RAJAGOPALAN, K. "The identity of 'World English'. In: New Chalenges in language and
literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009.

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Author´s Profile

Viviane Lima Martins é Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia

Universidade Católica de São Paulo, com a titulação de Mestre pela mesma
instituição. Graduada em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo, e especialista em
Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, e em
Língua Inglesa pela Loyola University Chicago, possui, também, segunda
licenciatura em Pedagogia pela FAPAN - Paraná, e especializações em Gestão
Escolar e em Tecnologias Digitais e Inovação em Educação, ambas pela
UNICSUL, Especialização em Educação Inclusiva e AEE, pela Faculdade São Luis
de Jabuticabal, além de aperfeiçoamento em Docência na Educação a Distância -
Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas / Projetos, pela Universidade Virtual do
Estado de São Paulo - UNIVESP. Cursou ensino Técnico em Nutrição e Dietética no Centro Paula Souza
– SP. Atualmente é professora efetiva de Língua Portuguesa e Língua Inglesa EBTT no Instituto Federal
de Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais, no campus Arcos.

Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8515218182235575

Feito por (professor-autor) Data Revisão de layout Data Versão

Viviane Lima Martins 17/03/2023 Desginado pela proex 25/03/23 1.0

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Glossary QR (Quick Response)

Lesson 7

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“Sin sin sin”,

performance by
Robbie Williams.

Lesson 8

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the Listen and repeat the

sentences. sentences.

“A little time”,
Listen to the text. performance by The
Beautiful South

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Review: Lessons 7
Listen to the story.
and 8.

Lesson 9

Listen to the text. Listen and repeat the


Listen to the
Listen and repeat the

“Lean on me”,
Listen to the text
performance by Glee

Lesson 10

Listen Connor´s
Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

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performance by


Review: Lessons 9 Listen and repeat the

and 10. sentences.

Listen to the text.

Lesson 11

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“Tears in Heaven”,
performance by Eric

Lesson 12

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.
types of party.

Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

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Plataforma +IFMG

Listen and repeat the

Listen to the text.

“When I was your

man”, performance
by Bruno Mars.


Review: Lessons 11 Listen to the text.

and 12.

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Plataforma +IFMG

Plataforma +IFMG
Formação Inicial e Continuada EaD

A Pró-Reitoria de Extensão (Proex), desde o ano de

2020, concentrou seus esforços na criação do Programa
+IFMG. Esta iniciativa consiste em uma plataforma de cursos
online, cujo objetivo, além de multiplicar o conhecimento
institucional em Educação a Distância (EaD), é aumentar a
abrangência social do IFMG, incentivando a qualificação
profissional. Assim, o programa contribui para o IFMG
cumprir seu papel na oferta de uma educação pública, de
qualidade e cada vez mais acessível.
Para essa realização, a Proex constituiu uma equipe
multidisciplinar, contando com especialistas em educação,
web design, design instrucional, programação, revisão de
texto, locução, produção e edição de vídeos e muito mais.
Além disso, contamos com o apoio sinérgico de diversos
setores institucionais e também com a imprescindível
contribuição de muitos servidores (professores e técnico-
administrativos) que trabalharam como autores dos materiais
didáticos, compartilhando conhecimento em suas áreas de
A fim de assegurar a mais alta qualidade na produção destes cursos, a Proex
adquiriu estúdios de EaD, equipados com câmeras de vídeo, microfones, sistemas de
iluminação e isolação acústica, para todos os 18 campi do IFMG.
Somando à nossa plataforma de cursos online, o Programa +IFMG disponibilizará
também, para toda a comunidade, uma Rádio Web Educativa, um aplicativo móvel para
Android e IOS, um canal no Youtube com a finalidade de promover a divulgação cultural e
científica e cursos preparatórios para nosso processo seletivo, bem como para o Enem,
considerando os saberes contemplados por todos os nossos cursos.
Parafraseando Freire, acreditamos que a educação muda as pessoas e estas, por
sua vez, transformam o mundo. Foi assim que o +IFMG foi criado.

O +IFMG significa um IFMG cada vez mais perto de você!

Professor Carlos Bernardes Rosa Jr.

Pró-Reitor de Extensão do IFMG
Plataforma +IFMG

Plataforma +IFMG
Plataforma +IFMG

Características deste livro:

Formato: A4
Tipologia: Arial e Capriola.
1ª. Edição
Formato digital
Plataforma +IFMG

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