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Logo você irá fazer uma cirurgia na nossa clínica.

Pode ser que seu dentista fará uma coleta de sangue no dia da cirurgia.

Porque? Seu sangue será tirado logo antes da cirurgia e será posteriormente
centrifugado. Seu dentista irá retirar um pequeno concentrado (um tecido de
fibrina, muito rico em fatores de crescimento).

Para que? Esses tecidos irão protejer suas feridas, promover cicatrização, redu-
zir a dor pós-operatória, diminuir o risco de infeções e acelerar a regeneração

Vocês irão coletar muito sangue? No, coletaremos a mesma quantidade ou

menos dos exames de sangue em laboratórios. Não haverá sensação de cansaço
após a cirurgia.

Existem contra indicações? NÃO! Todos os pacientes podem se beneficiar des-

ta técnica. Não existem contra-indicações. Pelo contrário, problemas de saúde
podem fazer desse procedimento essencial para alcançar a cicatrização.

Nada pode substituir seu sangue!

Existem bio materiais humanos, animais e sintéticos, que podem ser adicio-
nados ao seu sangue. Mas somente o seu sangue pode trazer tão eficazmente e
naturalmente todos os fatores de crescimento necessários à cicatrização. Mais
ainda, não existem riscos de rejeição do material a serem temidos, visto que ele
é seu.

Essa técnica natural requer a coleta de sangue que pode ser um pouco des-
confortável, mas irá facilitar muito o processo de recuperação e ajudará o seu
corpo a produzir osso e gengiva nos locais que estes foram reabsorvidos.

Todo o pessoal está disponível para responder suas perguntas.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Dr. Joseph Choukroun, MD Dra. Elisa CHOUKROUN, DDS

joseph@a-prf.com elisa@a-prf.com

1. Conceito
Princípio: centrifugação de sangue sem anti-coagulantes.
PRF foi lançado no ano de 2000 pelo J. Choukroun (Choukroun J. Et al. 2001)
PRF contém plaquetas, mas também contém alta concentração de fibrina e leucócitos.
PRF é comumente chamada de L-PRF (Leucócito-PRF) pela sua formulação incisa por J.
Choukroun em 2001.
Hoje em dia, houveram modificações na velocidade de centrifugação, na força G e no tempo, que
levaram ao desenvolvimento de um PRF mais bioativo, chamado de A-PRF (Advanced - PRF),
desenvolvido pelo conceito de LSCC (Low Speed Centrifugation Concept, 2014).

Fibrina é componente principal do PRF. Descobertas de cientistas da ciência básica mostraram


- A Fibrina é uma matriz extra celular provisória, totalmente derivada de fontes autogênicas;
- Fibrina contém uma concentração supra-fisiológica de fatores de crescimento humanos;
- Fibrina libera citocinas de maneira lenta e continua por 10 dias, e até mais.
2. Indicações
O uso de PRF é indicado para todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos orais:
- Preservação de alvéolo: PRF é usado como uma matriz tecidual. Preencha os alvéolos com o
máximo que você puder (Comprima os plugs com gaze ou compactador). O alvéolo deve ser
deixado aberto, sem necessidade de fechamento inicial. Suturas são feitas apenas para manter
o PRF no alvéolo. Não existe a necessidade de esperar mais de 3 meses para colocar o
implante. Na maioria dos casos não é necessário a adição de biomateriais.
- Manejo de tecido mole: PRF é usado como uma matriz tecidual. A melhor técnica é a de
tunelização de todo o arco (Tunnel Technique). Mesma regra é aplicada: Use o máximo de PRF
que conseguir.
- Enxerto ósseo: Protocolo de Sticky bone com S-PRF
Senão, corte membranas (1 ou 2) em pequenos pedaços e misture com o biomaterial. Hidrate a
mistura com o exsudato de PRF que restou no fundo do PRF BoX.
- Levantamento de seio:
‣ Proteção da Membrana de Schneider: 2 membranas colocadas inicialmente
‣ PRF misturado com biomaterial
‣ Tratamento de perfurações na Membrana de Schneider;
‣ Fechamento da janela óssea retirada;
‣ PRF pode também ser usado sozinho, mas somente com a colocação do implante
‣ Regeneração Ósseo-Guiada: PRF pode ser usado com uma membrana com efeito de
barreira para cobrir a área aumentada e melhorar a vascularização tanto do tecido duro
quanto dos tecidos moles. É ideal posicioná-la especialmente quando nenhuma reabertura é

3. Preparação / Protocolos
๏ PRF ou L-PRF (1º Protocolo de 2001): 2700 RPM & 12min
๏ A-PRF+ (Coágulos, membranas, plugs): tubos vermelhos:
(1) Colete as amostras com os tubos (enchimento muito rápido);
(2) Coloque os tubos na centrífuga, diametralmente opostos (use as cores para ajudar)
(3) Inicie o programa A-PRF+: 1300 RPM & 14 min
(4) Ao final da centrifugação: Retire os tubos da máquina, remova a tampa & e coloque os
tubos no suporte.

Aguarde 5 minutos se os coágulos não estiverem completamente sólidos.

Não deixe os tubos na centrífuga, nem os coágulos dentro dos tubos.
[Imagem 1] [Imagem 2] [Imagem 3] [Imagem 4]

Retire o coágulo do tubo e raspe o coágulo vermelho, para manter somente a fibrina.
- Para usar como coágulo: já está pronto;
- Para usar como membrana: Coloque o coágulo dentro do PRF BoX e a bandeja em cima;
- Para usar como plug: Colocar o coágulo no cilindro branco dedicado e pressione com o pistão;
๏ S-PRF: (Sticky bone & Membranas grandes) Tubos Verdes
(1) Colete as amostras com os tubos verdes (coleta rápida) + 2 tubos vermelhos
(2) Coloque os tubos na centrífuga, diametralmente opostos (use as cores para ajudar)
(3) Inicie o programa A-PRF+: 1300 RPM & 14 min
(4) Ao final da centrifugação: Retire os tubos da máquina, remova a tampa & e coloque os
tubos no suporte.
(5) Com o auxílio de uma seringa de 2ml, pegue o líquido dos tubos verdes
(6) Aplique este líquido sobre o biomaterial para formar o sticky bone, ou sozinho na tigela,
para formar grandes membranas;
(7) Para acelerar o processo de coagulação: Adicione 1 coágulo junto ao sticky bone ou à
membrana (dos tubos vermelhos)

Para obter mais líquido, colete mais tubos verdes.

Adicione mais líquido para o seu Sticky bone se você fizer um enxerto grande ou se quiser um
sticky bone mais denso.

[Imagem 1] [Imagem 2] [Imagem 3] [Imagem 4] [Imagem 5] [Imagem 6&7]

Se você quiser aplicar o enxerto e depois coagulá-lo no local:

- Corte 1 ou 2 membranas em pedaços pequenos na tigela;
- Adicione o biomaterial
- Adicione algumas gotas do exsudato que está no fundo do PRF BoX;
- Aplique esas mistura no enxerto, no local;
- Coagule a mistura com gotas do S-PRF
Limitações do protocolo:
- Se você fizer a veno-punção no início da cirurgia (para as membranas de A-PRF), você vai
precisar de uma segunda coleta no momento da enxertia (para o líquido de S-PRF)
- Ou faça a coleta para ambos A-PRF (vermelho) & S-PRF (verde) no momento da enxertia.
๏ i-PRF: Tubos Verdes: Líquido em até 15-20 min.
- Mulheres —> configurações para o i-PRF: 700 RPM (60g) & 3min
- Homens —> configurações para o i-PRF: 700RPM (60g) & 4min
๏ i-PRF+ (Estética e Ortopedia): Tubos lilás: Líquido por 20 min.
- Mulheres —> configurações para o i-PRF+: 700 RPM (60g) & 5min
- Homens —> configurações para o i-PRF+: 700RPM (60g) & 6min

4. Condições Biológicas

Colesterol LDL
O metabolismo do colesterol ocorre principalmente dentro dos osteoblastos.
O colesterol LDL é um oxidante e induz a apoptose celular.
Um alto nível de colesterol LDL deteriorará a saúde do osso.
O exame de colesterol LDL é altamente recomendado: o valor deve ser < 1,4g/L
Prescrição para Laboratório: Colesterol LDL + Colesterol total

Vitamina D
A vitamina D é um dos hormônios mais importantes, necessário para a homeostasia óssea e
também por uma resposta imune eficiente. Muitas falhas e peri-implantites devem ser associadas
ás doenças e falhas metabólicas.
Um exame de laboratório também é recomendado: o valor deve ser > 50ng/mL para entrar em
Prescrição para Laboratório: 25OH - vit D2 + D3
- Inicia-se na consulta pré-operatória: 2000 UI/dia
- Faça adaptação de acordo com o nível sérico após os exames de laboratório:
✓ Se o nível > 30ng/mL —> 2000 UI/dia
✓ Se o nível estiver entre 20 & 30ng/mL —> 4000 UI/dia
✓ Se o nível estiver entre 10 & 20ng/mL —> 6000 UI/dia
✓ Se o nível estiver < 10ng/mL —> 10 000 UI/dia
Metronidazol (pó puro)
O uso de metronidazol ajuda a reduzir a contaminação do enxerto ósseo durante a cirurgia.
Metronidazol é a molécula mais eficiente contra bactérias anaeróbias. O pó (puro) é misturado
com o biomaterial, antes de adicionar os i-PRF, A-PRF ou o exsudato de PRF. Apenas algumas
miligramas são necessárias, perto de 50mg (1 copo).

5. Pressão e Tensão
Pressão em um tecido leva a ausência de angiogênese. Essa regra essencial foi publicada por
Mammoto, em 2009. Todas as falhas em cicatrização estão associadas com o déficit de

Um fechamento de flap livre de tensão é recomendado. No entanto, a tensão também vem da
vestibular (ao falar, sorrir, tossir, mastigar…). Com a alta tensão, o periósteo se torna isquêmico e
a reabsorção óssea se torna obrigatória.

- Diminuir a tensão do flap ao máximo;
- Suturar o flap com a técnica “Apical Mattress”: profunda sutura na vestibular em forma de U
- Sempre avalie a tensão ao final da cirurgia: puxado os lábios e bochechas.
- Se a tensão persistir (flap móvel mesmo com sutura “Apical Mattress”): Faça incisão na

[Image: apical mattress]

A pressão é aplicada pelo flap e irá induzir isquemia do periósteo.

- Parafuso tenda
- Sutura “Apical Mattress”
- Uso de Malhas de Titânio
- Placa de osso cortical
Instalação de implante sem pressão
Quando colocado com alto torque, os implantes podem causar enormes pressões no osso,
especialmente na cortical, levando à isquemia desse osso e sua reabsorção.
O mais apropriado é furar para mais o osso cortical nos primeiros 2 mm de profundidade, ou
realizar uma instalação do implante abaixo da crista, para aliviar o osso de qualquer pressão.

O osso enxertado é menos elástico e, por isso, mais frágil. Qualquer instalação de implante irá
aumentar o estresse aplicado ao osso. Diminuir consideravelmente o torque de instalação é
altamente recomendado. Nesse caso, a carga imediata deve ser evitada.

Quando um flap é aberto, a readesão do perióstio é suficiente depois de algumas semanas. As
suturas devem permanecer por pelo menos 3-4 semanas. O uso de mono-filamento é altamente
recomendado. A solução mais fácil é usar um mono filamento reabsorvível.
6. Tratamento de dor

A dor vem da inflamação.
Para reduzir a inflamação, a molécula de cortisona é a mais eficiente.
Sua meia vida biológica é de cerca de 3 dias.
Uma dose já é o bastante para reduzir a inflamação:
Prednisolona: 1mg/kg, ou Dexametasona: 0,20mg/kg

Somente uma dose é suficiente para a maioria dos casos. Se necessário, uma segunda dose
pode ser dada depois de 3 dias. Analgésicos como Ibuprofeno ou Paracetamol podem ser

Para melhorar uma fraca anestesia (acidez local) é possível aumentar o pH da gengiva com
Bicarbonato de Sódio 1,4%: 5-10mL injetados na área da anestesia, depois da injeção do

Os sintomas alérgicos vêm da liberação da Histamina dos macrófagos depois de exposição aos
É fácil previnir uma reação alérgica, bloqueando a reação de liberação da Histamina, antes da
cirurgia: Uso de drogas Anti-histamínicas como Hidroxizina (Atarax®, 1 comprimido de 25mg/dia,
por 3 dias antes da cirurgia, tomados na hora de dormir).

Uso de anti-Histamínicos (ex: Hidroxizina) como Atarax®
Cerca de 1mg/kg para um adulto, com início 2 horas antes da cirurgia.
No caso de alta ansiedade do paciente, dê a mesma quantidade da noite anterior.

Sulfato de Atropina 0,25mg: IM, IV, sub-cutânea ou no assoalho da boca.
Se injetado no assoalho: injete algumas gotas do anestésico antes, porque a injeção de Atropina
pode ser dolorosa nesse local.
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Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg
DOI 10.1007/s00068-017-0767-9


Reduction of relative centrifugation force within injectable

platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF) concentrates advances patients’
own inflammatory cells, platelets and growth factors: the first
introduction to the low speed centrifugation concept
J. Choukroun1,2 · S. Ghanaati2

Received: 26 October 2016 / Accepted: 23 January 2017

© The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract Discussion Based on the results, it has been demonstrated

Purpose The aim of this study was to analyze system- that it is possible to enrich PRF-based fluid matrices with
atically the influence of the relative centrifugation force leukocytes, platelets and growth factors by means of a sin-
(RCF) on leukocytes, platelets and growth factor release gle alteration of the centrifugation settings within the clini-
within fluid platelet-rich fibrin matrices (PRF). cal routine.
Materials and methods Systematically using peripheral Conclusions We postulate that the so-called low speed
blood from six healthy volunteers, the RCF was reduced centrifugation concept (LSCC) selectively enriches leuko-
four times for each of the three experimental protocols (I– cytes, platelets and growth factors within fluid PRF-based
III) within the spectrum (710–44 g), while maintaining a matrices. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effect
constant centrifugation time. Flow cytometry was applied of cell and growth factor enrichment on wound healing and
to determine the platelets and leukocyte number. The tissue regeneration while comparing blood concentrates
growth factor concentration was quantified 1 and 24 h after gained by high and low RCF.
clotting using ELISA.
Results Reducing RCF in accordance with protocol-II Keywords Inflammation · Leukocytes · Platelets ·
(177 g) led to a significantly higher platelets and leuko- Platelet-rich fibrin · Tissue engineering · Pain ·
cytes numbers compared to protocol-I (710 g). Protocol-III Centrifugation · A-PRF+ · I-PRF
(44 g) showed a highly significant increase of leukocytes
and platelets number in comparison to -I and -II. The Abbreviations
growth factors’ concentration of VEGF and TGF-β1 was PRF Platelet-rich-fibrin
significantly higher in protocol-II compared to -I, whereas LSCC Low speed centrifugation concept
protocol-III exhibited significantly higher growth factor
concentration compared to protocols-I and -II. These find-
ings were observed among 1 and 24 h after clotting, as well Introduction
as the accumulated growth factor concentration over 24 h.
In recent years, several concepts have been introduced for
clinically relevant tissue engineering by means of mini-
* J. Choukroun mally invasive approaches. Currently, well-accepted mod-
joseph@a-prf.com els include pure biomaterial application [1–4] and the
* S. Ghanaati combination of biomaterials with autologous bone marrow
shahram.ghanaati@kgu.de aspirates [5, 6] or recombinant bone morphogenetic pro-
1 teins (BMPs) [7, 8]. Although less invasive than autologous
Private Practice, Pain Therapy Center, Nice, France
bone transplantation, the previously mentioned minimally
Department for Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic
invasive bone marrow aspirate methodologies are still
Surgery, FORM (Frankfurt Orofacial Regenerative Medicine)
Laboratory, University Hospital Frankfurt Goethe University, reserved for only experienced surgeons, as these methods
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main, Germany can also be associated with complications such as pain,

J. Choukroun, S. Ghanaati

infection, and damage to the adjacent organs during bone Based on these results, the question was raised to what
marrow retrieval. Furthermore, the optimal growth factor extent a systematic reduction in RCF within fluid PRF
concentration needs to be determined for the use of BMPs. matrices might have any influence on the increase of plate-
To resolve these issues, concentrates from the peripheral lets and leukocytes as well as growth factors within the
blood have been recently proposed as potential supporters obtained blood concentrates.
in complex tissue engineering. In this context, several blood In this context, the present study demonstrates a sys-
concentrate systems were introduced such as plasma-rich tematic analysis of the RCF influence on fluid PRF-based
growth factors (PRGF) [9] and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) matrices. Based on the first introduced PRF, we halved
[10]. Both systems require the addition of non-autologous the revolutions per minutes (rpm), which according to the
anticoagulants to generate fluid blood concentrates after radius of the respective centrifuge (110 mm) led to a reduc-
centrifugation [9]. In addition to anticoagulants, multi-step tion of the RCF by four times in a stepwise approach to
centrifugation is needed to obtain PRP [11]. Moreover, examine a wide RCF range (i.e., 710–44 g) including the
PRGF and PRP focus on the advantages of platelets and high, medium and low RCF, systematically. Simultane-
their released growth factors to support tissue regeneration ously, the centrifugation time was kept constant to exclude
in different medical fields and aim to eliminate leukocytes its impact. To the best of our knowledge, the present study
from the final blood concentrates [12]. is the first to analyze the RCF impact on human blood con-
The introduction of platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF) in 2001 centrates to determine the leukocyte and platelet numbers
exemplified the first step toward the generation of blood- as well as the growth factor release potential within PRF-
derived PRF matrices that do not require additional antico- based matrices. The aim of the study was to determine to
agulation agents [13]. The centrifugation within a specific what extent a controlled reduction of the RCF, by modi-
glass-based tube leads to the activation of the physiological fying the centrifugation setting rpm, could influence the
coagulation cascade and, thus, the formation of a fibrin clot platelet and leukocyte total number as well as the growth
enriched with cells within the peripheral blood i.e., plate- factor release within fluid PRF-based matrices.
lets and leukocytes.
Recent developments in cellular and molecular biology
and continuous research have increased the understanding Materials and methods
of the wound healing and regeneration processes. Thus,
the crucial role of leukocytes and their subgroups as main Systematic protocols for PRF-based matrices
protagonists to modulate the various phases during wound
healing became obvious [14]. In addition, platelets as well To evaluate the high-, medium- and low-RCF spectrum,
as the fibrin network are known to play a major role in three different experimental centrifugation protocols for
the wound healing process [15]. Leukocytes participate in the systematic analysis series were established by decreas-
angiogenesis and lymphogenesis, whereas the fibrin net- ing the RCF within a wide range (710–44 g) with a con-
work is a key player in the early stages of wound healing stant centrifugation time. Based on PRF (708 g), a step-
rendering its synergistic effects with platelets and its func- wise reduction of the rpm in half and, thus, a reduction of
tion as a reservoir of cytokines [16–18]. the RCF four times were performed for each protocol as
Nevertheless, to generate PRF the application of high follows:
relative centrifugal forces (RCF) (708 g) during the centrif-
ugation process was described as essential. Furthermore, I: 710 g; 2400 rpm; 8 min
previous histological analyses of the PRF clot demonstrated II: 177 g; 1200 rpm; 8 min
that platelets and inflammatory cells within the fibrin scaf- III: 44 g; 600 rpm; 8 min
fold accumulate mainly in the proximal portion of the PRF
clot [19]. Therefore, we questioned to what extent adjust- PRF preparation
ing the applied RCF could influence the cellular distribu-
tion within the solid PRF matrix, aiming to generate modi- For this experiment, the blood of six healthy volunteers
fied centrifugation protocols to enhance the regenerative (three males and three females) was collected for each
capacity of PRF-based matrices. Thereby, fine tuning of the of the evaluated protocols. The tubes were immediately
centrifugation process in terms of RCF reduction and slight placed in the centrifuge and prepared according to the pre-
increase of the centrifugation time resulted in an advanced viously mentioned established protocols. A Duo centrifuge
PRF with enhanced leukocyte numbers, especially neutro- (Process for PRF, Nice, France) was used to perform the
philic granulocytes. Moreover, the platelets and leukocytes centrifugation procedure. This centrifuge has a fixed angle
within the advanced PRF were evenly distributed over the rotor with a radius of 110 mm. Written informed consent
entire clot compared to PRF [19]. was obtained from the volunteers for their samples to be

Reduction of relative centrifugation force within injectable platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF)…

used in the research. All donors were free of any infectious were collected. The collected samples at both time points
disease and did not have any abnormal consumption of nic- were analyzed for human vascular epithelial growth factor
otine or alcohol. None of the subjects used any drugs for (VEGF) and human transforming growth factor (TGF-β1).
anticoagulation. Protein quantification was performed by means of ELISA
(DuoSet® ELISA RND system) according to the manufac-
Tubes for blood collection turer’s instructions. Optical density was assessed using a
microplate reader at 450 and 570 nm. The data measured at
For the purpose of these experiments, sterile plastic tubes 570 nm were subtracted from the data measured at 450 nm
(Process for PRF, Nice, France) with a volume of 10 ml for an optical density correction. The measurements were
were used to generate fluid blood concentrates according to performed in triplicates for each protocol and donor.
the previously described protocols. This method was used Finally, the quantified data were statistically analyzed.
because a fluid matrix was required for flow cytometry. The
blood was drawn by means of a clinically approved but- Statistical analysis
terfly blood collection method. The centrifugation for each
protocol started after the last tube of this group was col- Statistical analysis was performed using Prism Version
lected over a total time of 2–3 min maximum. 6 (GraphPad Software Inc., San Diego, La Jolla, USA).
Data are expressed as the mean and standard deviation.
Automated cell counting The significance of the differences between the means was
analyzed using one-way and two way analyses of variance
The collected fluid matrices of each protocol were anti- (ANOVA) with Tukey multiple comparisons test (α = 0.05).
coagulated using a BD vacutainer with 4 ml of ethylene- Thereby, significant differences were marked as significant
diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). This anticoagulation was if P values were less than 0.05 (*P < 0.05) and highly sig-
only performed for research purposes, as no cell counting nificant if P values were less than 0.01 (**P < 0.01), 0.001
measurements would be possible otherwise. The samples (***P < 0.001) or 0.0001 (****P < 0.0001).
were further analyzed with ADVIA® LabCell® Automation
Solution (Siemens, France) at a medical laboratory (Laba-
zur laboratory, Nice, France) to detect the number of leuko- Results
cytes and platelets per microliter. An automated cell count
was performed by means of flow cytometry. This method Total leukocyte number
enables a multiparameter analysis of the cell number sus-
pended within a liquid. The cell suspension passes through The total leukocyte number was analyzed within the exper-
a laser beam, where one cell per unit of time leads to laser imental PRF protocols. Generally, reducing the RCF led to
scattering in different directions according to the cell sizes a clearly detectable increase of the total leukocyte number
and properties. The scattered light is detected by a side and within the PRF-based matrices. The first protocol-I (710 g),
a forward sensor. The forward scatter is roughly propor- which was centrifuged with the highest RCF, showed the
tional to the cell size, while side scatter is caused by the lowest number of leukocytes among the three evaluated
cell characteristics such as granularity and structural com- experimental protocols. The second protocols I–II (177 g),
plexity [20]. These data are automatically further analyzed using a four time slower RCF than protocol-I, showed a sig-
to detect the total number of leucocytes and platelets within nificantly higher number of leukocytes compared to proto-
the cell suspension, i.e., fluid PRF matrices. col-I (P < 0.001). Finally, the third protocol-III (44 g) with
four times less RCF than protocol-II and 16 times less RCF
Growth factor quantification with ELISA than protocol-I revealed the highest number of leukocytes,
which was statistically highly significant compared to pro-
After centrifugation, the collected liquid PRF from each tocol-I (P < 0.0001) and protocol-II (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 1a).
protocol was transferred into a cell culture plate. The The donor-related leukocyte total number showed simi-
plate was placed in 37 °C degree incubator until all the lar results in each individual. All evaluated samples showed
samples formed a clot. Afterwards, Dulbecco’s Modified the same curve progression as a frequent observation of an
Eagle Medium (Biochrom GmbH, Berlin, Germany) was increased leukocyte number with reduced RCF (Fig. 1b).
added to all clots and further incubated in 37 °C degree
to allow growth factor release. The supernatant (5 ml) Total platelet number
was collected after 1 h and frozen. The collected superna-
tant was replaced by a fresh cell media and further incu- The total platelet number as a result of automated cell
bated for 24 h. At the latter time point, the supernatants counting showed a tendency towards increasing total

J. Choukroun, S. Ghanaati

Fig. 2 a Number of platelets within the different experimental PRF-

Fig. 1 a Number of leukocytes within the different experimental
based matrices. b Donor-related platelet number within the different
PRF-based matrices. b Donor-related leukocyte number within the
experimental PRF-based matrices
different experimental PRF-based matrices

showed the lowest concentration compared to the medium

platelet number with RCF reduction within the PRF-based range RCF and low range RCF protocols. At the same time
matrices. The first experimental protocol-I (710 g) exhib- point, protocol-II, within the medium RCF range, showed
ited the lowest platelet number compared to all other exam- increased VEGF concentration. These results were highly
ined groups. Looking at the second protocol-II (177 g), significant compared to protocol-I (P < 0.0001). Moreo-
a significant increase in the platelet total number was ver, protocol-III with the lowest RCF application revealed
detected in comparison to protocol-I (P < 0.0001). Moreo- the highest VEGF concentration. These data were highly
ver, a further RCF reduction resulted in the highest plate- significant compared to protocol-I (P < 0.0001) and proto-
let total number in protocol-III (44 g). Statistical analysis col-II (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 3a). Similar results were detected
showed significantly higher platelet numbers in protocol- 24 h after clotting. At this time point, protocol-I showed
III compared to protocol-II (P < 0.0001) and protocol-I the lowest VEGF concentration. Along with RCF reduc-
(P < 0.0001) (Fig. 2a). tion, the VEGF concentration significantly increased in
The donor-related values showed very similar reactions protocol-II. Statistical analysis showed a highly significant
to the exposed RCF influence in the various PRF-based increase in protocol-II compared to protocol-I (P < 0.0001).
matrices. The curve shape was reproduced within the single Finally, protocol-III, which was prepared using the lowest
donor samples, showing an increased number of platelets RCF, showed the highest VEGF concentration which was
with reduced RCF (Fig. 2b). highly significant compared to protocol-I (P < 0.0001) and
protocol-II (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 3b).
VEGF concentration The accumulated VEGF concentration over 24 h was
calculated in the examined protocols. The released VEGF
The VEGF concentration was quantified 1 and 24 h concentrations in all protocols increased from 1 to 24 h.
after clotting. At both time points, a clear tendency was At 24 h, the accumulated concentration in protocol-I was
observed. The growth factor concentration increased by the lowest within the tested groups. Protocol-II showed
reducing the applied RCF. One hour after clotting, the a significantly higher accumulated VEGF concentra-
VEGF concentration in protocol-I with the highest RCF tion compared to protocol-I (P < 0.01). Additionally, the

Reduction of relative centrifugation force within injectable platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF)…

Fig. 4 a TGF β-1 concentration within the different experimen-

Fig. 3 a VEGF concentration within the different experimental tal PRF-based matrices 1 h after clotting. b TGF β-1 concentration
PRF-based matrices 1 h after clotting. b VEGF concentration within within the different experimental PRF-based matrices 24 h after
the different experimental PRF-based matrices 24 h after clotting. c clotting. c Accumulated TGF β-1 concentration within the different
Accumulated VEGF concentration within the different experimental experimental PRF-based matrices over 24 h
PRF-based matrices over 24 h

prepared within the high RCF range. Additionally, proto-

accumulated VEGF concentration in protocol-III was the col-III, representing the low RCF range, showed the highest
highest, which was highly significant compared to proto- TGF-β1 concentration among the analyzed protocols. This
col-I (P < 0.0001) and protocol-II (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 3c). concentration was highly significant compared to protocol-I
(P < 0.0001) and protocol-II (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 4a).
TGF-β1 concentration Twenty-four hours after clotting, the TGF-β1 was detect-
able in all protocols. However, protocol-I showed the lowest
The growth factor concentration for human TGF-β1 was concentration compared to protocols-II and -III. The first
measured 1 and 24 h after clotting. A general trend was step RCF reduction toward protocol-II within the medium
observed at both time points. Reducing the applied RCF RCF range showed a highly significant increase of TGF-β1
enhanced the growth factor concentration. Looking at the concentration compared to the high RCF range in protocol-
results 1 h after clotting, protocol-I showed the lowest I (P < 0.0001). Further RCF reduction toward the low RCF
TGF-β1 concentration among all tested protocols. Thereby, range in protocol-III reached the highest TGF-β1 concen-
protocol-II, which was prepared within the medium RCF tration among all tested protocols. Thereby, this increase
range, revealed a significantly higher TGF-β1 concentra- was highly significant compared to protocol-I (P < 0.0001)
tion when compared to protocol-I (P < 0.0001), which was and protocol-II (P < 0.0001) (Fig. 4b).

J. Choukroun, S. Ghanaati

The accumulated TGF-β1 concentration increased from emphasize that modifications of RCF contribute to a clearly
1 to 24 h in all protocols. However, protocol-I showed significant alteration of the leukocyte and platelet number
the lowest accumulated TGF-β1 concentration among all toward the lower RCF ranges (177–44 g).
tested protocols. Whereas in protocol-II, which was pre- Centrifugation is a widely used technique to separate a
pared within the medium RCF range, a significantly higher biological mixture within a liquid phase. The principles of
accumulated TGF-β1 level compared to protocol-I was this technique are based on the use of the centrifugal force,
observed. Finally, protocol-II, which represents the low which is much higher than the gravity. During centrifuga-
RCF range, showed the highest accumulated TGF-β1 con- tion, different forces interact and influence the particle
centration. This value was statistically highly significant movement within the liquid including centrifugal force,
compared to protocols-I and -II (Fig. 4c). gravitational force and the drag force of the particles, i.e.,
cells. This process results in particle migration depending
on their size, density and mass [21]. The present results
Discussion suggest that the mass, size and density range of leukocytes
and platelets require a low RCF, which is enough to sepa-
The present study analyzed the platelets and leukocyte total rate them from the rest blood components while not caus-
number, as well as the growth factor release within fluid ing aggregation to the bottom of the tube. However, further
PRF matrices with different preparations of settings. To studies are needed to demonstrate to what extent higher
the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to inves- or lower RCF ranges than the presently investigated spec-
tigate the influence of RCF on the cell number and growth trum may have on any further benefits regarding cell and
factor release in fluid PRF-based human blood matrices. growth factor accumulation within the fluid PRF matrices.
Using specific experimental centrifugation protocols, Thus, the RCF reduction can be used as a “tool” to gener-
which were systematic modifications of the first described ate fluid PRF-based matrices enriched with leukocytes and
PRF [13], we generated PRF-based fluid matrices with dif- platelets. This phenomenon is of high scientific and clinical
ferent proportions of platelets and leukocytes. Moreover, a relevance, as leukocytes are one of the main drivers of bone
relation between RCF reduction and growth factor release and soft tissue regeneration by contributing to the release
was evidenced. The present data provide new insight into of the angiogenic and lymphogenic factors responsible
the potential of the centrifugation process in generating for cellular cross-talk in the tissue regeneration process
different total cell numbers and growth factor levels of [18, 22]. Leukocytes are also known to be involved in the
release within the same blood volume only in relation to communication between precursor cells and mesenchymal
the amount of exposure to specific RCF. cells with regard to bone formation [23–26]. Accordingly,
Three experimental protocols were established with a without leukocytes, sophisticated cell–cell communication
constant centrifugation time to focus on the impact of RCF for tissue regeneration is not possible. In addition, platelets
across various ranges, including high, medium and low. are known to harbor potent growth factors (PDGFs) and
Adapting the RCF spectrum (710–44 g) based on the first platelet-derived growth factors for tissue regeneration such
described PRF protocol [13], a systematic reduction of the as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and trans-
RCF was performed by a four time RCF reduction for each forming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß) [17, 27–29], which
protocol (I–III) as a consequence of stepwise halving the can be released only after platelet aggregation [30, 31]. In
rpm (revolutions per minute), because the centrifuge radius addition, platelets are not the only players in tissue regen-
used in this study was 110 mm. eration—they require leukocytes for better performance in
Automated cell count by means of flow cytometry was their capacity towards tissue regeneration [32–34].
performed to determine the total leukocyte and platelet Furthermore, the present study demonstrated that sys-
number. The results showed that decreasing RCF up to 16 tematic reduction of the applied RCF results in a clearly
times less than the first described PRF led to a significant increased tendency in growth factor concentration. Thus,
increase in leukocyte and platelets numbers within the gen- the determined growth factors VEGF and TGF-β1 were the
erated PRF-matrices. The first protocol-I (710 g) showed lowest in protocol-I, which was prepared within the high
the lowest detectable number of leukocytes and platelets RCF range. However, RCF reduction toward the medium
among all samples tested. Interestingly, reduction of RCF RCF range led to a significant increase of VEGF and TGF-
in protocol-II (177 g) resulted in a significantly higher β1 concentrations in protocol-II. Furthermore, the RCF
number of leukocytes and platelets compared to protocol-I reduction showed the highest VEGF and TGF-β1 in proto-
(710 g). Moreover, the second step RCF reduction toward col-III within the low RCF spectrum. This observation was
protocol-III (44 g) revealed a further significant increase evidenced at 1, 24 h as well as for the accumulated growth
of the leukocyte and platelet total number—with the high- factor over 24 h. These findings are in correlation with the
est value in comparison to all other groups. These data results shown by increasing the number of platelets and

Reduction of relative centrifugation force within injectable platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF)…

leukocytes. In this context, the increased growth factor their cell-specific niche. These data underline that fluid
concentration within the medium and low RCF ranges is PRF-based matrices, gained by reduced RCF, can be used
probably related to the increased number of platelets and to functionalize biomaterials by means of an autologous
leukocytes as these cells are important sources of growth source, i.e., concentrates of peripheral blood to promote
factors. Moreover, it might be that applying a high RCF not tissue regeneration.
only results in a lower number of platelets and leukocytes Recent ex vivo work by our group demonstrated
but also affects these cells’ ability to release growth factors. that alerting the RCF within solid PRF-based matrices
Consequently, enhancing the growth factor concentrations advances the cellular distribution and enhances the neu-
within the fluid PRF-based matrices reflects improving the trophilic granulocytes number as a leukocytes subgroup
regenerative capacity of the fluid PRF-based matrices as within the advanced PRF clot [19]. However, further
an autologous growth factor reservoir. VEGF is one of the studies are necessary to show the role of RCF reduction
most important signaling molecules for neoangiogenesis, on cell number and growth factor release in solid PRF-
which is highly required during wound healing [35]. More- based matrices.
over, TGF-β1 contributes to tissue regeneration rendering The blood composition is specific and individual
the recruitment of keratinocytes, especially in the early according to the particular donor. Still, the donor-related
wound healing stage [36–38]. values within the different PRF-based matrices were
To date, there are no data showing how many leukocytes approximately similar in all groups regarding the plate-
or platelets within the PRF-based matrices are sufficient let distribution as well as the leukocytes. These findings
to have the best possible physiological condition accord- indicate that first of all, PRF-based matrices are repro-
ing to which an optimal condition for wound healing or a ducible systems and individually applicable regardless of
basis for a successful soft tissue and bone regeneration can the donor characteristics. Second, the results also estab-
be generated. The results of the present study highlight, lish the reproducibility of the LSCC in various blood
however, that RCF reduction might be a clinical applicable samples when comparing the six different blood donors.
tool, in order to tailor the amount of leukocytes within the In this study, the data demonstrate that it is possible to
PRF-derived blood concentrates according to the required apply the LSCC for the enrichment of blood concentrates
indication. with platelets, leukocytes and growth factors. The combi-
Based on the present data, according to which reduction nation of leukocytes and platelets plays an important role
of RCF results in PRF-matrices enriched with leukocytes in tissue regeneration [40, 41]. Thus, the ability to control
and platelets and enhanced growth factor release, we pos- the cell content within blood-derived fluid PRF-based
tulated the so-called LSCC, which can be used to generate matrices by only changing the centrifugation settings,
fluid PRF-based matrices enriched with cells and plasma such as rpm, i.e., changing the exposure to a specific
proteins from peripheral blood as an autologous source for RCF, might serve as a valuable step to have personal-
a smart tissue regeneration in complex tissue engineering. ized medicine for widespread clinically applicable cell-
In a clinical setting, there is a need to increase the regen- based tissue engineering. Thereby, using RCF as a tool
erative potential of bone substitute materials or bio-mem- to control the number of the included cells could be used
branes. This could be achieved by adding autologous tissue to adjust the preparation protocol to the specific needs of
engineering fluid systems. Accordingly, the presented plas- individual patients according to the clinical indications.
tic tubes and the RCF reduction allowed for the generation Based on the present outcome, the LSCC helps to
of a liquid injectable PRF-based matrices (i-PRF) without show that the number of several blood components
the use of anticoagulants. This i-PRF, prepared according responsible for tissue regeneration, i.e., platelets, leuko-
to the LSCC, is highly enriched with platelets, leukocytes cytes and growth factors, can be selectively enriched by
and growth factors, which could provide a significant ben- application of a clinically applicable system through a
efit for the regeneration process. single parameter within the centrifugation process. Con-
Recently, our group has shown that the addition of only sidering the complexity of cell isolation and cultivation
monocytes isolated from peripheral blood contributes to in laboratories under sterile conditions, the PRF system
increasing the in vivo vascularization of synthetic bone embodies a relatively simple tool to influence the number
substitute materials [39]. Consequently, looking at PRF of these cells. In this context, further systematic in vivo
as a complex “physiological” system, which can be gen- and clinical studies that evaluate the benefit of this sys-
erated by a one step centrifugation, it is assumed that in tem, i.e., enhancing the autologous regeneration capacity,
this system monocytes, and all other substances and cells are needed to assess the correlation between cell enrich-
can be enriched. This system might, therefore, be able to ment and the improved potential of tissue regeneration
contribute to an improved wound healing condition along and wound healing.
with enhanced vascularization, while remaining within

J. Choukroun, S. Ghanaati

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of the FORM-lab for the graphical support of this manuscript.
platelet gel: a review. J Extra Corpor Technol. 2006;38:174–87.
12. Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G, Andía I. The potential impact
Compliance with ethical standards
of the preparation rich in growth factors (PRGF) in different
medical fields. Biomaterials. 2007;28:4551–60.
Conflict of interest Joseph Choukroun and Shahram Ghanaati de- 13. Choukroun J, Adda F, Schoeffler C, Vervelle A. An opportu-
clare that they have no conflict of interest. Choukroun is the owner of nity in paro-implantology: PRF [in French]. Implantodontie.
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Clin Oral Invest
DOI 10.1007/s00784-017-2133-z


Use of platelet-rich fibrin in regenerative dentistry:

a systematic review
Richard J. Miron 1,2 & Giovanni Zucchelli 3 & Michael A. Pikos 4 & Maurice Salama 1,5,6 &
Samuel Lee 7 & Vincent Guillemette 8 & Masako Fujioka-Kobayashi 1,9,10 & Mark Bishara 11 &
Yufeng Zhang 12 & Hom-Lay Wang 2 & Fatiha Chandad 8 & Cleopatra Nacopoulos 13 &
Alain Simonpieri 14,15,16 & Alexandre Amir Aalam 17 & Pietro Felice 3 &
Gilberto Sammartino 18 & Shahram Ghanaati 19 & Maria A Hernandez 1 &
Joseph Choukroun 20

Received: 3 December 2016 / Accepted: 15 May 2017

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract socket management, sinus lifting procedures, gingival reces-

Objectives Research across many fields of medicine now sion treatment, and guided bone regeneration (GBR) includ-
points towards the clinical advantages of combining regener- ing horizontal/vertical bone augmentation procedures. Only
ative procedures with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). This system- human randomized clinical trials were included for
atic review aimed to gather the extensive number of articles assessment.
published to date on PRF in the dental field to better under- Results In total, 35 articles were selected and divided accord-
stand the clinical procedures where PRF may be utilized to ingly (kappa = 0.94). Overall, the use of PRF has been most
enhance tissue/bone formation. investigated in periodontology for the treatment of periodontal
Materials and methods Manuscripts were searched systemat- intrabony defects and gingival recessions where the majority
ically until May 2016 and separated into the following cate- of studies have demonstrated favorable results in soft tissue
gories: intrabony and furcation defect regeneration, extraction management and repair. Little to no randomized clinical trials

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article

(doi:10.1007/s00784-017-2133-z) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.

* Richard J. Miron Department of Oral Surgery, Clinical Dentistry, Institute of Biomedical
richard.miron@zmk.unibe.ch Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School, Tokushima, Japan
West Bowmanville Dental, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada
Department of Oral Implantology, University of Wuhan, Wuhan, China
1 Laboratory for Research of the Musculoskeletal System, KAT Hospital,
College of Dental Medicine, Department of Periodontology, Nova
School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens,
Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA Athens, Greece
Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan, 14
Oral Surgery Department, University Federico II Naples, Naples, Italy
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
3 Periodontology and Implantology, Beausoleil, France
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of
Bologna, Bologna, Italy Periodontology and Implantology, Marseille, France
4 17
Pikos Institute, Tampa Bay, FL, USA Department of Advanced Periodontics, USC School of Dentistry, Los
5 Angeles, CA, USA
Department of Periodontology, Georgia University, Athens, GA, USA
6 Department of Neuroscience, Reproductive Science and
Goldstein Garber & Salama, Atlanta, GA, USA Odontostomatology, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
International Academy of Dental Implantology, San Diego, CA, USA 19
FORM, Frankfurt Oral Regenerative Medicine, Clinic for Maxillofacial
8 and Plastic Surgery, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am
Department of Periodontology, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
9 Main, Germany
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Inselspital, Bern University
Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Pain Clinic, Nice, France
Clin Oral Invest

were found for extraction socket management although PRF (TGF-β1), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular
has been shown to significantly decrease by tenfold dry endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-4,
sockets of third molars. Very little to no data was available and IL-6 [4]. Furthermore, fibrin that forms during the final
directly investigating the effects of PRF on new bone forma- stages of the coagulation cascade, combined with cytokines
tion in GBR, horizontal/vertical bone augmentation proce- secreted by platelets, makes PRF a highly biocompatible ma-
dures, treatment of peri-implantitis, and sinus lifting trix especially in damaged sites where the fibrin network acts
procedures. also as a reservoir of tissue growth factors [5]. These factors
Conclusions Much investigation now supports the use of PRF act directly on promoting the proliferation and differentiation
for periodontal and soft tissue repair. Despite this, there re- of osteoblasts, endothelial cells, chondrocytes, and various
mains a lack of well-conducted studies demonstrating con- sources of fibroblasts [6, 7]. Despite this, many questions
vincingly the role of PRF during hard tissue bone regenera- remain about the actual clinical performance of PRF.
tion. Future human randomized clinical studies evaluating the Therefore, the purpose of the present systematic review is to
use of PRF on bone formation thus remain necessary. report the current state of knowledge and clinical potential of
Clinical relevance PRF was shown to improve soft tissue PRF in regenerative dental therapy when compared to both
generation and limit dimensional changes post-extraction, standardized controls and well-established standard regenera-
with little available data to date supporting its use in GBR. tive biomaterials from human clinical randomized trials.

Keywords Platelet-rich fibrin . Tissue regeneration . Bone

augmentation . Soft tissue regeneration Brief history of platelet concentrates

The original concept leading towards the preparation of plate-

Introduction let concentrates was that concentrated platelets and autologous
growth factors could be collected in plasma solutions that
Regenerative therapy in dentistry involves the replacement and/ could then be utilized in a surgical site to promote local
or regeneration of oral tissues altered as a result of disease or healing [8, 9]. It was given the popular working name
injury. One of the reported aspects complicating this endeavor Bplatelet-rich plasma^ (PRP), introduced in the late 1990s
has been the complex nature of the tissues found in the oral [10–12]. PRP is composed of over 95% platelets, a cell type
cavity. These include both mineralized tissues such as the cemen- that actively secretes growth factors for initiating wound
tum, alveolar bone, and dentin, as well as soft tissues connected healing and secreting factors responsible for enhancing cell
by ligaments (periodontal ligament), each comprising distinct adhesion, proliferation, and migration of various cell types
cell populations from various tissue origins (ectodermal and me- [10, 13]. Around the same time period, Anitua et al. formulat-
sodermal). These cell populations reside in specialized extracel- ed a second platelet concentrate also utilizing anticoagulants
lular matrices organized in complex fashions [1, 2]. In the past, a termed platelet-rich growth factor (PRGF) [14, 15].
variety of regenerative procedures utilizing highly sophisticated Despite this, several factors have been shown to limit the use
biomaterials were introduced to attempt their regeneration. These of PRP and PRGF. Their preparation requires the additional use
included ambitious attempts with barrier membranes to perform of bovine thrombin or CaCl2 in addition to coagulation factors.
guided tissue/bone regeneration and the use of a variety of bone Furthermore, the preparation must be centrifuged in two separate
grafting materials from human, animal and synthetic sources, as stages in order to increase platelet concentration without incor-
well as bioactive growth factors such as bone morphogenetic poration of leukocytes (sometimes requiring 1 h). It has further
proteins (BMPs) and enamel matrix derivative (EMD). Other been reported that the liquid nature of PRP also complicates its
investigators proposed that the use of three-dimensional scaffolds handling and reduces its potential application since it must be
fabricated from the patient’s own peripheral blood could be uti- utilized in combination with other biomaterials. Lastly, the clin-
lized [2]. This new approach is based on the concepts that were ical potential for bone regeneration with PRP is limited having a
introduced over a decade ago consisting of a platelet concentrate very short release of growth factor profile [16–18]. All these
without the use of anticoagulants. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) was limitations have led to the emergence of a second-generation
therefore developed as an improved formulation of the previous- platelet concentrate termed PRF fabricated from 100% autolo-
ly utilized platelet-rich plasma (PRP) [3]. gous sources [19].
Unlike PRP, which requires the addition of anticoagulants
such as bovine thrombin during initial blood collection, PRF
is obtained simply by centrifugation without anticoagulants Advantages of PRF over PRP
and is therefore strictly autologous. This fibrin matrix contains
platelets and leukocytes as well as a variety of growth factors PRF differs from its predecessor (PRP/PRGF) by several pa-
and cytokines including transforming growth factor-beta1 rameters which can be summarized as follows: the simplicity
Clin Oral Invest

of its preparation and its implementation. The time of prepa- Moreover, the fibrin degradation products directly stimu-
ration and cost of preparation are both significantly lower as late neutrophil migration and facilitate transmigration into the
PRF does not necessitate the direct activation with additional vascular endothelium. This neutrophil activation causes secre-
factors such as bovine thrombin or extrinsic anticoagulants tion of proteases that facilitate their penetration in the base-
[3]. Because of its fibrous structure, PRF retains a larger num- ment membrane of blood vessels, in addition to their contri-
ber of cytokines and growth factors in a supportive three- bution to degrade the fibrin clot. Neutrophils trapped within
dimensional fibrin scaffold for cell migration [20]. In tissue, the fibrin clot act to eliminate incoming bacteria and patho-
PRF dissolves more slowly than PRP, forming a solid fibrin gens in the wound site by phagocytosis and the production of
matrix slowly remodeled in the style of a natural blood clot. toxic free radicals and digestive enzymes. This contributes
Platelets and cytokines are then effectively retained and re- towards the prevention of bacterial contamination within the
leased gradually over time [18]. The PRF scaffold allows a surgical site [34]. PRF also contains macrophages that are
continuous slow release of growth factors and cytokines over involved in the healing and repair process by playing a key
a period of 10 days, in contrast to PRP which has been shown role in the transition between inflammation and wound repair
to release the majority of its growth factors within the first day during osteogenesis [33, 34].
[18]. Therefore, migrating cells in near proximity to PRF scaf-
folds are in an environment with fibrin and growth factors
throughout their entire growth cycle [21].
Once blood is collected (in the absence of anticoagulants), Methods
samples must be centrifuged immediately to avoid the activa-
tion of the coagulation cascade. During centrifugation, fibrin- Development of a protocol
ogen is concentrated to the top of the collection tube until the
circulating thrombin transforms it into a fibrin network. This This review was conducted and reported according to the
results in a fibrin clot rich in platelets, trapped between an PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
acellular plasma layer and erythrocytes. The solid fibrin clot Reviews and Meta-Analyses) [35]. A protocol including all
is found between the supernatant and the reddish background aspects of a systematic review methodology was developed
formed by red blood cells. The clot may then be removed prior to initiation of this review. This included definition of the
immediately and condensed in a metal box so as to obtain a focused question; a PICO (patient, intervention, comparison,
solid covering membrane or a filling cylinder (Fig. 1). The outcome) question; a defined search strategy; study inclusion
resulting exudate may be cut and used to hydrate graft mate- criteria; determination of outcome measures; screening
rials if required (Fig. 1) [19, 20]. methods, data extraction, and analysis; and data synthesis.

PICO question
Implications of PRF in wound healing
P: Do patients in need of clinical bone, cementum, soft
Although leukocyte and platelet cytokines play an important tissue, and/or PDL gain
role in the PRF healing capacity, it has often been suggested I: Undergoing to dental treatments (i.e., guided bone/
that it is the fibrin matrix supporting these elements which is tissue repair/regeneration or pulp repair/regeneration)
actually responsible for its therapeutic potential [20]. The keys using defined non/surgical approaches combined with
to tissue regeneration lie in their angiogenic potential, their the use of PRF as sole/combined biomaterial
immune system control, their potential to recruit circulating C: Defined regenerative/reparative approaches without
stem cells, and their ability to ensure undisturbed wound the use of PRF
closure/healing by epithelial tissues [20]. The angiogenic O: Soft and/or hard tissue reconstruction of the periodon-
properties of PRF may therefore be explained by the three- tium, alveolar bone, peri-implant tissues, or tooth
dimensional structure of the fibrin matrix which holds a num- structure
ber of growth factors and cytokines simultaneously embedded
in the matrix including PDGF, TGF-β1, IGF, and VEGF. The
regenerative potential of these cytokines has been abundantly
studied in tissue wound healing and regeneration [4, 12, Defining the focused question
22–33]. Furthermore, the fibrin matrix stimulates the expres-
sion of integrin avb3 which allows cells to bind to fibrin, The following focused question was defined: BWhat indica-
fibronectin, and vitronectin [33]. This cascade of events is of tions has platelet rich fibrin (PRF) been shown effective for
utmost importance to initiate the process of angiogenesis and tissue repair/regeneration of either soft or hard tissues in
thus tissue wound healing [33]. dentistry?^
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 1 Fabrication of various PRF membranes from 10 mL autologous blood. Thereafter, two PRF clots were mixed with a bone grafting material
accordingly (clinical images were kindly provided by Dr. Michael A. Pikos)

Search strategy or case series were excluded if controls were not present. All
animal and in vitro studies were also excluded.
Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted in-
dependently by two authors (RJM and MFK) in several data-
Outcome measure determination
bases, including MEDLINE (OVID), EMBASE (OVID),
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Cochrane
The primary outcome of interest was to determine the
Library), Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register
regenerative/reparative potential of PRF in a variety of clinical
(Cochrane Library), Web of Science (Thomson Routers),
settings utilized in dentistry. For each of the investigated clin-
and SciVerse (Elsevier). The electronic literature was searched
ical indications, different primary outcomes were considered.
for articles published up to and including May 14, 2016: com-
For studies dealing with intrabony defect regeneration, prob-
binations of several search terms and search strategies were
ing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment levels (CAL)
applied to identify appropriate studies (Supplemental
were measured. For studies dealing with gingival recessions,
Tables 1–4). These include search strategies to identify the
root coverage was calculated as percentage. Studies investi-
effects of PRF on (1) intrabony defect regeneration, (2) furca-
gating the use of PRF for furcation defect regeneration quan-
tion defect regeneration, (3) management of gingival reces-
tified CAL gains as a primary outcome measure. For studies
sions, (4) guided bone regeneration and extraction socket
dealing with bone regeneration, dimensional change/density
healing, and (5) sinus floor elevation procedures. Reference
of hard tissues was compared. Similarly, sinus floor elevation
lists of review articles and of the included articles in the pres-
procedures quantified new bone formation and/or implant suc-
ent review were screened. Finally, a hand search of the
cess rates following sinus lifting procedures with/without
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Dental
PRF. Outcomes were summarized in Supplemental
Research, Journal of Periodontal Research, Journal of
Tables 1–4 for the various clinical studies accordingly.
Periodontology, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Clinical
Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Clinical Oral
Investigations, and The International Journal of Screening method
Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry was performed from
January 2000 to May 2016. Titles and abstracts of the selected studies were independently
screened by three reviewers (RJM, MFK, and VG). The
screening was based on the question: BDoes platelet rich fibrin
Criteria for study selection and inclusion (PRF) have the ability to affect primary outcomes measured
across a variety of procedures commonly performed in
Study selection considered only articles published in English, dentistry?^ Full-text articles were obtained if the response to
describing the human clinical evaluation of PRF for the the screening question was Byes^ or Buncertain.^ The level of
above-indicated search strategies. Only human studies evalu- agreement between reviewers was determined by kappa
ating the comparative effects of PRF to an appropriate control scores. Disagreement regarding inclusion was resolved by
or to another regenerative modality in human studies were discussion between authors. For necessary missing data, the
included. All human studies evaluating PRF in a case report authors of the studies were contacted.
Clin Oral Invest

Data extraction and analysis to statistically superior periodontal repair of intrabony defects
when compared to OFD alone and may further be combined
The following data were extracted: general characteristics (au- with regenerative biomaterials such as bone grafts or collagen
thors and year of publication), defect type, number of patients, barrier membranes to further enhance periodontal regenera-
healing period, treatment groups, primary outcome measure- tion of intrabony defects. Despite the widespread use of PRF
ments, and significant value. Due to the size of the study and demonstrating the reduction of PPD and CAL gains, it re-
the number of treatment procedures compared using PRF, no mains of interest to note that no histological findings have
meta-analysis was performed. Instead, the data is reported in a yet been utilized to demonstrate true histological periodontal
systematic fashion with an overview of all studies fitting the regeneration in human subjects. Therefore, future research to
search descriptions. Thereafter, data was extracted from the characterize intrabony defect regeneration versus repair utiliz-
collection of articles and summarized in separate tables and ing PRF as a biomaterial remains necessary.
discussed accordingly.
Furcation defect regeneration with PRF

Results Similarly, PRF has also been utilized in three studies investi-
gating periodontal regeneration of class II furcation defects
Search outcomes (Supplemental Table 5) [46–48]. In all studies, PRF was com-
pared to OFD alone, thereby fully characterizing its regenera-
In total, the initial search strategies generated 152 articles that tive potential utilizing appropriate well-designed controls in
were separated accordingly into intrabony, furcation, gingival all human clinical studies. In all three studies conducted by
recession, guided bone regeneration (GBR)/extraction socket, Sharma et al. 2011, Bajaj et al. 2013, and Pradeep et al. 2016,
and sinus lift accordingly (Fig. 2). Of the initial searches, 45 the use of PRF led to a significant improvement in CAL gains
abstracts were retained for further investigation. In total, 10 when compared to controls [46–48]. These findings report a
articles were excluded primarily based on their lack of con- gain in vertical CAL of 2.33, 2.87, and 4.17 mm in test PRF
trols or appropriate endpoints matching our search criteria. In groups when compared to 1.28, 1.37, and 1.82 mm, respec-
total, 35 articles were kept for further evaluation. This section tively, in OFD controls [46–48]. These results demonstrate the
aims to present viable treatment options utilizing PRF and potential for tissue repair utilizing PRF for furcation defects.
evaluate its performance according to published studies. One remaining issue to address is that the results have not
confirmed the regenerative potential of PRF via histological
Intrabony defect regeneration with PRF evaluation and therefore the process can solely be defined as
tissue Brepair.^ Furthermore, to date, no study has compared
One of the main uses for PRF has been for the repair/ the use of PRF to other effective regenerative materials such as
regeneration of periodontal intrabony defects [36–45]. To bone grafting materials or other regenerative bioactive growth
date, 11 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have reported the factors. In the future, its clinical performance could be better
use of PRF for intrabony defect regeneration, most often com- assessed if compared to other leading regenerative agents.
paring PRF to open flap debridement alone (Table 1). Clinical
improvements were reported via PPD reductions as well as Root coverage of gingival recessions with PRF
CAL gains following regenerative periodontal therapy. All
seven studies found that the additional use of PRF increased PRF has also been widely utilized as a bioactive matrix in
PPD reductions and CAL gains when compared to open flap numerous studies for root coverage of gingival recessions
debridement (OFD) alone (Table 1). One study comparing the (Table 2, Fig. 3) [49–61]. Of the 13 listed studies, six studies
regeneration of intrabony defects utilizing either PRF or a compared the use of coronally advanced flap (CAF) to CAF +
bone grafting material (demineralized freeze-dried bone allo- PRF. Of these studies, three found that PRF induced a signif-
graft (DFDBA)) found no significant differences between icant increase in root coverage [49, 51, 58] whereas the other
treatment groups [42]. Two studies reported the effectiveness three found no significant differences [52, 54, 60]. Of the
of PRF in combination with a bone grafting material when remaining studies, one study compared PRF to EMD and
compared to bone grafting material alone [36, 38]. In both found no differences in the reported root coverage [56]. Four
these studies, the additional use of PRF enhanced the filling studies compared CAF + PRF to CAF + connective tissue
of intraosseous defects. Most recently, Panda et al. most re- graft (CTF) and also found no difference in average root cov-
cently found that the supplemental use of PRF for intrabony erage [50, 53, 55, 61]. One study compared CAF + CTG with
defect regeneration in combination with a barrier membrane CAF + CTG and PRF and found a significant increase in root
also led to statistically better results [39]. In summary, the coverage for the combination approach utilizing both CTG
collected RCTs have demonstrated that the use of PRF leads with PRF [57]. Rajaram et al. utilized a double lateral sliding
Clin Oral Invest

Records iden!fied through Records iden!fied through EMBASE Records iden!fied through other
PUBMED database searching database searching electronic databases
(n =140) (n = 164) (n= 116)

Records a"er duplicates removed

(n = 152)

Records screened Records excluded

(n= 152) (n = 107)

Full-text ar!cles assessed Full-text ar!cles excluded

for eligibility (n = 10)

(n= 45)

Studies included in
qualita!ve synthesis
(n =35)

Studies included in Studies included in Studies included in Studies included in Studies included in
intrabony defects furca!on defects gingival recessions GBR sinus li"ing
(n =10) (n =3) (n =13) (n =4) (n =5)

Fig. 2 Flowchart of the screened relevant publications

bridge flap with and without PRF for the treatment of gingival the PRF-enriched palatal bandage significantly accelerated
Miller class II defects and found no significant differences palatal wound healing and reduced the patient’s morbidity
between control and test groups [59]. These results seem to [62].
hint at the fact that the use of PRF favors a slight gain in root In summary, the use of PRF for the treatment of gingival
coverage when compared to CAF alone but does not lead to recessions is limited. Evidence from another systematic re-
better results when compared to EMD or to CTG. view from 2016 concluded that the additional use of PRF for
Furthermore, several reports show that CAF in combination the treatment of gingival recessions did not lead to any addi-
with CTG leads to more width in keratinized tissue when tional benefit in root coverage or CAL (P = 0.57 and P = 0.50,
compared to PRF. respectively) [63]. Furthermore, the reported keratinized mu-
Interestingly, two reports commented on the added advan- cosa width (KMW) gain was significantly greater in the sub-
tage of PRF in pain management [55, 56]. Jankovic et al. group treated with CTG when compared to PRF for studies
found in two separate studies comparing PRF to either EMD greater or equal to 6 months in duration [63]. The results of
or CTG that PRF led to lower morbidity and faster wound that meta-analysis suggest that the use of PRF does not im-
healing [55, 56]. In a similar study investigating the wound prove the root coverage, KMW, or CAL of Miller class I and II
healing properties of PRF, the palatal donor site of the gingival recessions compared with other treatment modalities
epithelialized CTG was treated with PRF or a gelatin sponge including EMD or CTG but can be obtained easily at low cost
on the healing of palatal donor sites [62]. It was reported that when compared to other regenerative modalities [63].
Clin Oral Invest

Table 1 Effects of PRF on

intrabony defect regeneration Author Defect Healing time Groups ΔPPD CAL gain P value
no. (months) (mm) (mm)

Thorat 32 9 OFD 3.56 2.13 ΔPPD <0.01

2011 OFD + PRF 4.56 3.69 CAL <0.01
Sharma 56 9 OFD 3.21 2.77 ΔPPD 0.006
2011 OFD + PRF 4.55 3.31 CAL n.s.
Pradeep 90 9 OFD 2.97 2.67 ΔPPD 0.002
2012 OFD + PRF 3.90 3.03 GAL n.s.
Pradeep 90 9 OFD 2.97 2.83 ΔPPD 0.018
2012 OFD + PRF 3.77 3.17 GAL n.s.
Shah 40 6 OFD + 3.70 2.97 n.s.
2015 DFDBA
OFD + PRF 3.67 2.97
Pradeep 120 9 OFD 3.01 2.96 ΔPPD <0.001
2015 OFD + PRF 4.01 4.03 CAL <0.001 both
ORF + 1% MF 3.93 3.93 treatment groups
OFD + 1% MF 4.9 4.9
Ajwani 40 9 OFD 1.60 1.3 PPD <0.001
2015 OFD + PRF 1.90 1.8 CAL <0.001
Elgandhy 40 6 OFD + HA 3.42 3.55 PPD <0.02
2015 OFD + HA + 3.82 3.9 CAL <0.027
Agawal 60 12 OFD + 3.60 2.61 PPD <0.05
2016 DFDBA CAL <0.05
OFD + 4.15 3.73
Panda 32 9 Barrier 3.19 3.38 PPD 0.002
2016 membrane CAL = 0.001
Membrane + 3.88 4.44

PPD probing periodontal depth, CAL clinical attachment level, OFD open flap debridement, PRF platelet-rich
fibrin, DFDBA demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft, MF metformin, HA hydroxyapatite

Guided bone regeneration and extraction socket PRF led to a nearly tenfold decrease in osteomyelitis infec-
management with PRF tions when compared to natural healing. This study was con-
ducted bilaterally in 200 patients, thus providing some of the
One area of research that has gained tremendous popularity in highest scientific evidence for the reduced rate of infection
recent years is the management of dimensional changes of the following use of PRF [70]. Lastly, Suttapreyasri et al. found
alveolar bone directly following tooth extraction [64–66]. that PRF reduced dimensional changes in premolar extraction
These changes have been reported to occur within 8 weeks sites when compared to blank controls [69].
following extraction [67] as a consequence of decreased blood Despite the limited number of studies, the use of PRF acts
supply following tooth removal (periodontal ligament ab- as an ideal material post-extraction by improving bone
sence). Several advantages have been reported when filling healing/regeneration, preserving the quality and density of
extraction sockets with PRF (Supplemental Table 6) the residual ridge, reducing infection, and decreasing the time
[68–71]. Hauser et al. found in a study of 23 patients that of surgery when compared to the use of a covering membrane.
PRF reduced dimensional changes prior to implant placement These benefits are increasingly associated with a low cost of
when compared to natural socket healing [71]. Furthermore, it operation and a minimal risk of infection. PRF may further be
was reported that raising a peri-mucosteal flap reduced the utilized around immediate implant placement to pack gaps or
effectiveness of PRF [71]. Girish Rao et al. found that follow- additionally to speed soft tissue wound healing (Fig. 4). There
ing third molar extractions, the filling of sockets with PRF led remains however a great necessity to further evaluate dimen-
to a non-significant increase in bone volume [68]. Hoaglin sional changes utilizing PRF in various clinical situations
et al. reported that filling third molar extraction sockets with using appropriately designed studies. Future clinical research
Clin Oral Invest

Table 2 Effects of PRF on root coverage of gingival recessions

Author Study type Patient no. Healing period (months) Treatment groups Root coverage (%) P value

Aroca 2009 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 20 6 CAF 91.5 <0.004

CAF + PRF 80.7
Jankovic 2010 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 20 12 CAF + EMD 70.5 n.s.
CAF + PRF 72.1
Aleksic 2010 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 19 12 CAF + CTG 88.6 n.s.
CAF + PRF 79.9
Jankovic 2012 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 15 6 CAF + CTG 88.7 n.s.
CAF + PRF 92
Padma 2013 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 15 1, 3, and 6 CAF 68.4 <0.0001
CAF + PRF 100
Eren 2014 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 22 6 CAF + CTG 94.2 n.s.
CAF + PRF 92.7
Tunaliota 2015 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 22 12 CAF + CTG 77.4 n.s.
CAF + PRF 76.6
Thamaraiselvan 2015 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 20 3 and 6 CAF 65 n.s.
CAF + PRF 74.2
Gupta 2015 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 26 3 and 6 CAF 86.6 n.s.
CAF + PRF 91
Keceli 2015 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 40 3 and 6 CAF + CTG 79.9 <0.05
CAF + CTG + PRF 89.6
Dogan 2015 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 20 6 CAF 82.1 n.s.
CAF + PRF 86.7
Rajaram 2015 Split-mouth; Miller class II 20 12 and 24 DLSBF 80 n.s.
DLSBF + PRF 78.8
Agarwal 2016 Split-mouth; Miller class I or II 30 3 and 6 CAF 33 <0.05
CAF + AM 36
CAF + PRF 56

CAF coronally advanced flap, PRF platelet-rich fibrin, EMD enamel matrix derivative, CTG connective tissue graft, DLSBF double lateral sliding bridge
flap, AM amniotic membrane

is therefore necessary. Furthermore, it remains unknown what [72–74]. Some authors further claim that the use of PRF alone
effect PRF may play in combination with GBR techniques. may be a valid treatment protocol for the majority of sinus lift
While a collagen barrier membrane is routinely used during cases although the lack of controls and limited number of
such procedures, additional use or replacement with PRF may studies have thus far limited its use [73].
provide further regenerative advantages when compared to Other studies compared the use of a bone grafting material
collagen barrier membranes alone. Future studies are thus with and without the additional use of PRF [75–78]. The re-
necessary to validate these potential advantages. sults show that despite the large bone gains observed with
PRF, no statistically significant differences were reported.
Sinus elevation procedures with PRF One reported plausible advantage of combining PRF with a
bone grafting material seems to result in a decrease in the
The use of PRF for sinus elevation is relatively new with little overall healing time and better graft material handling
comparative studies or standardized protocols available. [75–78]. A recent systematic review on the topic published
Although the success rate of surgeries utilizing the addition in 2016 by Ali et al. found that of 290 initial publications
of PRF is very high, it is difficult to compare the results be- searched, only eight met the inclusion criteria with approxi-
tween various treatment methods. Three authors using PRF mately half not utilizing controls [79]. It was reported that the
alone as a graft material for sinus lift concluded that PRF identified studies showed great heterogeneity regarding surgi-
significantly promoted bone healing with bone gains of cal technique, grafting material, implant placement time, sur-
7.52 mm [72], 10.1 mm [73], and 10.4 mm [74] between the gical protocols, outcome measures, healing time for biopsy,
sinus floor and the top of the alveolar ridge. No controls were implant placement, and follow-up periods [79]. In summary,
utilized in these studies. Nevertheless, no implants were lost at although the results do not seem to confirm that PRF is better
6 months, 1 year, and 6 years in their respective studies than other biomaterials, its ease of use, combined with its
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 3 a Multiple gingival

recessions from the canine to the
molar in the upper jaw. A frontal
view. B–D Lateral views (case
performed by Dr. Giovanni
Zucchelli). b Surgical technique:
A A flap for multiple gingival
recessions has been elevated with
a split-full-split thickness
approach. B A-PRF prepared. C
A-PRF has been applied to cover
all teeth affected by gingival
recessions. Multiple layers have
been applied. D, E Lateral view
showing the thickness of A-PRF
material applied to the root
exposures. F, G Lateral view
showing the flap coronally
advanced and covering
completely the A-PRF material. H
Frontal view showing the flap
covering in excess all gingival
recessions (case performed by Dr.
Giovanni Zucchelli). c Six
months follow-up. A Complete
root coverage with increase in
keratinized tissue height has been
achieved in all treated gingival
recessions. B–D Lateral view
showing the increase in gingival
thickness at all teeth previously
affected by gingival recessions
(case performed by Dr. Giovanni

minimal costs and high success rates, seems to illustrate that observed in the analysis of its clinical applications, the perfor-
high success rates with minimal costs can be obtained by mance of PRF was often compared either to conventional
using PRF during sinus lifting procedures. Nevertheless, treatments such as OFD during intrabony/furcation defects
much further research is needed to support the beneficial ef- or to naturally healing Bblank^ defects during extraction sock-
fect of PRF. et management. The analysis of the generated publications
revealed a great heterogeneity of results with a general lack
of conclusive evidence in large part due to the lack of study
Discussion number with appropriate controls. Therefore, only guidelines
can be drawn from the sum of these general conclusions with
In this systematic review, all randomized clinical studies using an obvious need for further research.
PRF in dentistry were selected without discrepancies as com- One factor that has been frequently reported in this system-
pared to controls or commonly utilized surgical methods. The atic literature search was the ability for PRF to stimulate re-
aim was to evaluate the current literature with respect to the generation over a wide range of tissues. PRF has been shown
clinical indications where PRF has been investigated for to quickly stimulate tissue healing by significantly increasing
wound healing and/or tissue regeneration/repair. As was the recruitment and proliferation of a variety of cells including
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 4 Immediate implant

placement in combination with
the use of PRF. a, b Maxillary
right cuspid fracture, extraction. c
PRF placed into fresh extraction
socket. d Dental implant
placement with PRF fragments
visible following placement
(arrow in e). f Three-week
follow-up, excellent soft tissue
wound healing. g Three-year
follow-up (case performed by Dr.
Michael A. Pikos)

endothelial cells, gingival fibroblast, chondrocytes, and oste- the cementum and periodontal ligament and intrabony defects
oblasts, thereby heavily promoting tissue repair and angiogen- [91]. The use of PRF specifically for intrabony defect repair
esis at the site of injury [80, 81]. These processes are regulated showed significantly higher PPD reductions and CAL gains
by local concentrations of cytokines and growth factors when compared to control OFD in all seven studies.
trapped within the fibrous scaffolding, most notably derived Furthermore, a bone grafting material (DFDBA) could be
from autologous sources. In comparison, the growing use of combined with PRF to further generate statistically better
two of the main growth factors approved by the FDA are CAL gains and PPD reductions [36]. Therefore, these findings
PDGF and BMP derived from recombinant sources [82–85]. demonstrate that PRF is able to support periodontal ligament
While these products sell for hundreds of dollars and are fab- repair as effective or potentially more effectively than com-
ricated in mammalian cells or bacteria, the use of PRF are monly utilized biomaterials. Despite these positive findings, it
growth factors harvested purely from autologous sources via remains of interest to determine if the reparative potential of
low-cost methods. It is therefore of interest to determine the PRF leads to true periodontal regeneration in humans.
benefit of using high supra-physiological concentrations of Therefore, future human histological studies are needed.
growth factors in recombinant form (i.e., BMP and PDGF) With respect to treatment and management of gingival re-
versus lower concentrations from autologous form (PRF). cessions, PRF has been studied in 13 randomized human clin-
Although recombinant proteins have a regenerative potential ical studies. In general, it was found that PRF had similar
well documented in the literature [86–88], many biological advantages in root coverage of Miller class I and II defects
limitations to their use (swelling and edema), coupled with when compared to CTG. Noteworthy, it was however com-
their low stability in vivo [89, 90], remain a limiting factor. monly reported that significantly higher keratinized tissue
Therefore, future research should target the comparison of the width was found with CTG when compared to PRF. While
half-life and bioactivity of the growth factors found in PRF in it is difficult to evaluate significant differences in these treat-
comparison to commercially available recombinant growth ment procedures due to the high success rates (generally ob-
factors. served over 80% root coverage for all treatment groups), one
Another interesting aspect that requires further study is to area of research that remains to be determined is precisely
determine the regenerative/reparative potential of PRF on soft under which clinical situations should one expect similar re-
versus hard tissue formation. Thus far, this systematic review sults between PRF and CTG. Since CTG procedures are as-
seems to point to the fact that the reparative potential of PRF sociated with high patient morbidity, it may be that in the
favors soft tissue formation/ligament regeneration. future, such procedures could be substituted with PRF to pre-
Periodontitis is known to be one of the most common diseases vent high morbidity. Furthermore, the technical ability of the
with breakdown at the periodontium, causing destruction of clinician plays a more prominent role during CTG harvesting
Clin Oral Invest

when compared to PRF. Future studies are therefore needed to therapy has been shown to be most promising for periodontal
present updated clinical guidelines. repair of intrabony and furcation defects, as well as soft tissue
Another reported advantage to the use of PRF is its ability root coverage of gingival recessions. Furthermore, evidence
to decrease bacterial infections following surgery such as os- from the literature suggests that PRF is able to decrease infec-
teomyelitis commonly reported following third molar extrac- tion following tooth extraction and may further limit dimen-
tions [70]. In that study, a 9.5-fold significant decrease in sional changes following tooth loss. It was also concluded that
reported cases of osteomyelitis was observed in a clinical trial regeneration of bone defects (GBR procedures and sinus ele-
with 100 patients [70]. Therefore and most likely due to the vation) necessitates more study with focused endpoints.
increase in white blood cells and macrophages capable of Nevertheless, its ease of use, combined with its low cost and
fighting infection, the use of PRF offers some antibacterial autologous source, makes it an ideal biomaterial worth further
defense against incoming pathogens. Furthermore, macro- investigation across a variety of surgical procedures in
phages have been shown to be key implicators in new bone dentistry.
formation both during bone modeling and remodeling, as well
as in association with bone biomaterials [92–94]. Despite this, Compliance with ethical standards
it remains interesting to point out that no human clinical study
to date has investigated the effects of PRF in a controlled Conflict of interest Joseph Choukroun is the founder of Process of
manner during GBR procedures, and only three studies on PRF company and the developer and inventor of PRF protocol in Nice,
France. All other authors declare no conflict of interest.
extraction socket healing have investigated dimensional
changes following tooth extraction utilizing PRF
Funding This work was fully funded by the Cell Biology Laboratory at
(Supplemental Table 6). A similar trend investigating sinus Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine.
lift procedures with PRF was also observed whereby a lack
of well-designed studies with appropriate controls or end- Ethical approval No ethical approval was required for this study as
points was commonly found. Therefore, the effect of PRF human participants or animals were not utilized in this study.
on pure bone regeneration remains questionable and requires
more validating studies. Similarly, various reports have now Informed consent Informed consent was not required as no human or
supported the use of PRF for pulp regeneration, cystic bone animal subjects were utilized in this study.
defect, and papilla augmentation under various clinical indi-
cations to improve healing [95–103]. While these reports are
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82. Steed DL, Donohoe D, Webster MW, Lindsley L (1996) Effect of Saraswathi MV (2016) Platelet-rich fibrin combined with synthet-
extensive debridement and treatment on the healing of diabetic ic nanocrystalline hydroxy apatite granules in the management of
foot ulcers. Diabetic Ulcer Study Group. J Am Coll Surg 183: radicular cyst. Niger J Clin Pract 19:688–691. doi:10.4103/1119-
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83. Wieman TJ, Smiell JM, Su Y (1998) Efficacy and safety of a 100. Mirkovic S, Djurdjevic-Mirkovic T, Pugkar T (2015) Application
topical gel formulation of recombinant human platelet-derived of concentrated growth factors in reconstruction of bone defects
growth factor-BB (becaplermin) in patients with chronic neuro- after removal of large jaw cysts–the two cases report. Vojnosanit
pathic diabetic ulcers. A phase III randomized placebo-controlled Pregl 72:368–371
double-blind study. Diabetes Care 21:822–827 101. Meshram VS, Lambade PN, Meshram PV, Kadu A, Tiwari MS
84. White AP, Vaccaro AR, Hall JA, Whang PG, Friel BC, McKee (2015) The autologous platelet rich fibrin: a novel approach in
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1007/s00264-007-0422-x 102. Dar M, Hakim T, Shah A, Najar L, Yaqoob G, Lanker F (2016)
85. Miron RJ, Zhang YF (2012) Osteoinduction: a review of old con- Use of autologous platelet-rich fibrin in osseous regeneration after
cepts with new standards. J Dent Res 91:736–744. doi:10.1177/ cystic enucleation: a clinical study. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 6:
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103. Arunachalam LT, Merugu S, Sudhakar U (2012) A novel surgical Ghanaati S (2017) Reduction of relative centrifugal forces in-
procedure for papilla reconstruction using platelet rich fibrin. creases growth factor release within solid platelet-rich-fibrin
Contemp Clin Dent 3:467–470. doi:10.4103/0976-237x.107443 (PRF)-based matrices: a proof of concept of LSCC (low speed
104. Ghanaati S, Booms P, Orlowska A, Kubesch A, Lorenz J, centrifugation concept). Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. doi:10.1007/
Rutkowski J, Landes C, Sader R, Kirkpatrick C, Choukroun J s00068-017-0785-7
(2014) Advanced platelet-rich fibrin: a new concept for cell- 107. Kobayashi E, Fluckiger L, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Sawada K,
based tissue engineering by means of inflammatory cells. J Oral Sculean A, Schaller B, Miron RJ (2016) Comparative release of
Implantol 40:679–689. doi:10.1563/aaid-joi-D-14-00138 growth factors from PRP, PRF, and advanced-PRF. Clin Oral
105. Choukroun J, Ghanaati S (2017) Reduction of relative centrifuga- Investig 20:2353–2360. doi:10.1007/s00784-016-1719-1
tion force within injectable platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF) concentrates 108. Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Miron RJ, Hernandez M, Kandalam U,
advances patients’ own inflammatory cells, platelets and growth Zhang Y, Choukroun J (2017) Optimized platelet-rich fibrin with
factors: the first introduction to the low speed centrifugation con- the low-speed concept: growth factor release, biocompatibility,
cept. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. doi:10.1007/s00068-017-0767-9 and cellular response. J Periodontol 88:112–121. doi:10.1902/
106. El Bagdadi K, Kubesch A, Yu X, Al-Maawi S, Orlowska A, Dias jop.2016.160443
A, Booms P, Dohle E, Sader R, Kirkpatrick CJ, Choukroun J,
Tissue Engineering
Tissue Engineering Manuscript Central: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ten
Platelet Rich Fibrin and Soft Tissue Wound Healing: A
Systematic Review

Journal: Tissue Engineering

Manuscript ID Draft

Manuscript Type: Review Article - Part B


Date Submitted by the Author: n/a

Complete List of Authors: Miron, Richard; Nova Southeastern University, Periodontology


Fujioka-Kobayashi, Masako; University of Bern, Cranio-Maxillofacial

Bishara, Mark
zhang, yufeng; Ministry Education Key Laboratory for Oral Biomedical
Engineering School of Stomatology, Wuhan University

Hernandez, Maria; Nova Southeastern University, Periodontology

Choukroun, Joseph

Growth Factors < Fundamental of Tissue Engineering (DO NOT select this
phrase; it is a header ONLY), Wound Healing < Fundamental of Tissue

Engineering (DO NOT select this phrase; it is a header ONLY), Tissue

Engineering Applications (DO NOT select this phrase; it is a header ONLY)

The growing multidisciplinary field of tissue engineering aims to predictably

regenerate, enhance or replace damaged or missing tissues for a variety of

conditions caused by trauma, disease and old age. One area of research
that has gained tremendous awareness in recent years is that of platelet
rich fibrin (PRF) which has been utilized across a wide variety of medical
fields for the regeneration of soft tissues. This systematic review gathered

all the currently available in vitro, in vivo and clinical literature utilizing PRF
for soft tissue regeneration, augmentation and/or wound healing. In total,
164 publications met the original search criteria with a total of 48 meeting
inclusion criteria (kappa score = 94%). These studies were divided into 7

in vitro, 11 in vivo and 31 clinical studies. In summary, 6 out of 7 (85.7%)

and 11 out of 11 (100%) of the in vitro and in vivo studies respectively
Abstract: demonstrated a statistically significant advantage for combining PRF to
their regenerative therapies. Out of the remaining 31 clinical studies, a
total of 8 reported the effects of PRF in a randomized clinical trial with 5

additional studies (13 total) reporting appropriate controls. In those clinical

studies, 9 out of the 13 studies (69.2%) demonstrated a statistically
relevant positive outcome for the primary endpoints measured. In total, 18

studies (58% of clinical studies) reported positive wound healing events

associated with the use of PRF despite using controls. In total, 27 of the 31
clinical studies (87%) supported the use of PRF for soft tissue regeneration

and wound healing for a variety of procedures in medicine and dentistry. In

conclusion, the results from the present systematic review highlight the
positive effects of PRF on wound healing following regenerative procedures
of soft tissues in total 43 out of 48 studies (89.6%).

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4 Platelet Rich Fibrin and Soft Tissue Wound Healing: A Systematic
13 Richard J. Miron1*, Masako Fujioka-Kobayashi1,2,3, Mark Bishara4, Yufeng Zhang5,
15 Maria A Hernandez1, Joseph Choukroun6
1Department of Periodontology, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale,
22 Florida, USA

2Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Bern University Hospital, Inselspital, Bern,

27 Switzerland

29 3Department of Oral Surgery, Clinical Dentistry, Institute of Biomedical Sciences,

32 Tokushima University Graduate School, Japan

34 4Director, Private Practice, West Bowmanville Family Dental, Ontario, Canada

36 5Department
37 of Oral Implantology, University of Wuhan, China

39 6Pain Clinic, Nice, France

44 * Corresponding author.

46 Richard Miron
Nova Southeastern University
Department of Periodontology

50 Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
51 rmiron@nova.edu



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Page 3 of 37 Tissue Engineering
6 The growing multidisciplinary field of tissue engineering aims to predictably
8 regenerate, enhance or replace damaged or missing tissues for a variety of
10 conditions caused by trauma, disease and old age. One area of research that
11 has gained tremendous awareness in recent years is that of platelet rich fibrin
13 (PRF) which has been utilized across a wide variety of medical fields for the
15 regeneration of soft tissues. This systematic review gathered all the currently
17 available in vitro, in vivo and clinical literature utilizing PRF for soft tissue
regeneration, augmentation and/or wound healing. In total, 164 publications met
20 the original search criteria with a total of 48 meeting inclusion criteria (kappa
22 score = 94%). These studies were divided into 7 in vitro, 11 in vivo and 31 clinical
24 studies. In summary, 6 out of 7 (85.7%) and 11 out of 11 (100%) of the in vitro

and in vivo studies respectively demonstrated a statistically significant advantage
27 for combining PRF to their regenerative therapies. Out of the remaining 31
clinical studies, a total of 8 reported the effects of PRF in a randomized clinical

31 trial with 5 additional studies (13 total) reporting appropriate controls. In those
33 clinical studies, 9 out of the 13 studies (69.2%) demonstrated a statistically

34 relevant positive outcome for the primary endpoints measured. In total, 18

36 studies (58% of clinical studies) reported positive wound healing events

38 associated with the use of PRF despite using controls. In total, 27 of the 31
40 clinical studies (87%) supported the use of PRF for soft tissue regeneration and

wound healing for a variety of procedures in medicine and dentistry. In
43 conclusion, the results from the present systematic review highlight the positive

45 effects of PRF on wound healing following regenerative procedures of soft

47 tissues in total 43 out of 48 studies (89.6%).

50 Keywords: Platelets, fibrin, PRP, PRF, angiogenesis, vascularization



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Tissue Engineering Page 4 of 37
6 The multidisciplinary field of tissue engineering aims to predictably repair,
8 regenerate or restore damaged and supporting tissues including cell, tissue and
10 organs due to an assortment of biological conditions including congenital
abnormalities, injury, disease and/or aging (1-4). During their regeneration, one
13 key aspect involves the ingrowth of a vascular source capable of supporting
15 cellular function and future tissue development by maintaining a viable exchange
17 of nutrients through blood vessels (5). Although the majority of tissue engineering
19 scaffolds are avascular by nature, it remains essential that all regenerative
20 strategies focus on the development of a vascular network in order to obtain
22 successful clinical outcomes and regeneration of either soft or hard tissues (5).
24 Wound healing, which is defined as the natural restorative response to

26 tissue injury, involves a cascade of complex, orderly and elaborate events
involving many cell types guided by the release of soluble mediators and signals

29 capable of influencing the homing of circulating cells to damaged tissues (6).

31 Typically, wound-healing events are divided into 4 overlapping phases including
33 hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling (7-9). Platelets have been

35 shown to be important cells regulating the hemostasis phase through vascular
36 obliteration and facilitating fibrin clot formation (6). They are responsible for the

38 activation and release of important biomolecules including platelet-specific

40 proteins, growth factors including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),

42 coagulation factors, adhesion molecules, cytokines/chemokines and angiogenic

factors capable of stimulating the proliferation and activation of cells involved in

45 wound healing including fibroblasts, neutrophils, macrophages and mesenchymal

47 stem cells (MSCs) (10). For these reasons, the use of platelet concentrates have
been utilized in modern medicine for over 4 decades due to their hypothesized

impact on tissue regeneration by facilitating angiogenesis and various additional

52 phases during wound healing including cell recruitment, proliferation, remodeling

54 and differentiation. Below we describe how tissue-engineering constructs have

56 utilized various platelet concentrates to speed wound healing of either soft or
58 hard tissues.

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Platelet Concentrates: From Platelet Rich Plasma to Platelet Rich Fibrin
7 Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was first developed in the early 1970s and
9 was made popular in the 1980s (11, 12). The first generation of PRP was
11 introduced by mixing collected blood with thrombin and excess calcium resulting
12 in activated platelets trapped within a fibrin network. Since then, different platelet
14 preparation protocols are now available traditionally isolated by a dual speed
16 centrifugation process. The first spin separates red blood cells from plasma and
18 buffy coat. Thereafter, the platelet plug is typically separated from the platelet-
poor plasma (PPP) in a second spin cycle generating PRP, a platelet concentrate
21 with up to 6-8 times the concentration of growth factors when compared to whole
23 blood (13). These platelets have been shown to secrete high levels of bioactive

25 substances that slowly diffuse to the surrounding micro-environment facilitating

tissue regeneration (14-18). Much advancement has since been made in the
28 medical field by various groups who demonstrated that PRP could further

30 enhance surgical wound healing of either soft or hard tissues (14, 19, 20).
32 Despite its widespread use, one of the reported drawbacks was the use of anti-

34 coagulation factors delaying normal wound healing events.

37 Due to these reported limitations, further research was focused at

39 developing a second-generation platelet concentrate without utilizing anti-
41 coagulation factors. As such, a platelet concentrate lacking coagulation factors,

later termed platelet rich fibrin (PRF) was developed due to its anticipated
44 properties in tissue regeneration and wound healing (21-24). PRF (also termed

46 leukocyte-PRF or L-PRF) contains more white blood cells (WBCs); necessary
48 cells important during the wound healing process (16, 25-29). Furthermore, since

50 WBCs including neutrophils and macrophages are one of the first cell-types
51 found in wounded sites, their role also includes to phagocytize debris, microbes

53 and necrotic tissue thereby preventing infection. Macrophages are also key cells

55 derived from the myeloid lineage and are considered one of the key cells
57 implicated in growth factor secretion during wound healing including transforming

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growth factor beta (TGF-beta), PDGF and vascular endothelial growth factor
5 (VEGF). These cells, together with neutrophils and platelets, are key players in
7 wound healing and in combination with their secreted growth factors/cytokines
9 are capable of facilitating tissue regeneration, new blood vessel formation
11 (angiogenesis) and prevention of infection (21-24, 27). To date, numerous
12 studies have investigated the regenerative potential of PRF in various medical
14 situations. The aim of this review article was to systematically characterize the
16 potential for PRF to influence soft tissue wound healing. A systematic search was
18 carried out including all in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies performed on PRF to
date dealing with soft tissue regeneration, wound healing and/or angiogenesis
21 following treatment with PRF.

28 Development of a protocol

30 A protocol including all aspects of a systematic review methodology was
32 developed prior to commencing the review. This included definition of the

34 focused question; a defined search strategy; study inclusion criteria;

35 determination of outcome measures; screening methods, data extraction and
37 analysis; and data synthesis.

41 Defining the focused question

The following focused question was defined: ‘‘Does platelet rich fibrin (PRF)
44 affect/induce soft tissue regeneration and/or soft tissue wound healing?’’

48 Search strategy

50 Using the MEDLINE database, the literature was searched for articles published
51 up to and including April 7th, 2016: combinations of several search terms were

53 applied to identify appropriate studies (Table 1). Reference lists of review articles

55 and of the included articles in the present review were screened. Finally, a hand
57 search of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, the Journal of Dental Research,

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Journal of Periodontal Research, the Journal of Periodontology, Clinical Oral
5 Implants Research, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Clinical
7 Oral Investigations and The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative
9 Dentistry was performed.
12 Criteria for study selection and inclusion
14 Study selection considered only articles published in English, describing in vitro,
16 in vivo and human clinical studies evaluating the effect of PRF on soft tissue
18 wound healing. All in vitro studies were included on gingival fibroblasts,
endothelial cells, keratinocytes and/or PDL fibroblasts. All in vivo data specifically
21 characterizing the effects of PRF on soft tissue wound healing were included. All
23 human studies reporting the effects of PRF were also included. Human studies

25 were not limited to randomized clinical trials.

28 Outcome measure determination

30 The primary outcome of interest was to determine the effect in percentage
32 increases that PRF is capable of inducing soft tissue regeneration and wound

34 healing events. The outcome measures were separated into 1) in vitro studies, 2)
35 animal studies and 3) clinical studies. Since large variability in the outcomes
37 measured were performed by the various groups working across several fields of

39 medicine, a meta-analysis was not considered. Outcomes were summarized in
41 Tables 2-4 for the various in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies according to the

specific effect of PRF on soft tissue wound healing.

46 Screening method
48 Titles and abstracts of the selected studies were independently screened by two

50 reviewers (RJM and MFK) on April 7th, 2016. The screening was based on the
51 question: ‘What effect does platelet rich fibrin (PRF) have on soft tissue

53 regeneration and/or wound healing?’ Full text articles were obtained if the

55 response to the screening question was ‘yes’ or ‘uncertain’. The level of

57 agreement between reviewers was determined by kappa scores. Disagreement

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regarding inclusion was resolved by discussion between authors. For necessary
5 missing data, the authors of the studies were contacted. Articles referring strictly
7 to use in tendons, and orthopedic/bone uses were excluded if soft tissue wound
9 healing events were not investigated/discussed. Furthermore, review articles and
11 clinical cases with no measurable endpoint were excluded.
14 Data extraction and analysis
16 The following data were extracted: general characteristics (authors, year of
18 publication); PRF centrifugation characteristics/protocols, evaluation
characteristics (amount of PRF utilized, volume, period, outcome measures);
21 methodological characteristics (study design, methodological quality); and
23 conclusions. Because of the heterogeneity of the included studies (study design,

25 in vitro versus animal versus clinical studies, investigated parameters, materials

used, evaluation methods, outcome measures, observation periods) no mean
28 differences could be calculated, and consequently no quantitative data synthesis

30 and meta-analysis could be performed. Instead, the data is reported in a
32 systematic fashion characterizing all available literature to date. Therefore, data

34 were extracted from the reviewed articles and summarized in separate tables
35 based upon the various in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies and outcome
37 measures employed.







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7 In vitro studies evaluating the effects of PRF on soft tissue regeneration
9 and/or wound healing
11 The evaluation of PRF for soft tissue regeneration and/or wound healing has
12 been evaluated in 7 in vitro studies to date (Table 2). In 2008, Lundquist was one
14 of the first to evaluate the effects of PRF on human dermal fibroblasts (30). It was
16 found that the proliferative effect of PRF on dermal fibroblasts was significantly
18 greater than fibrin sealant and recombinant PDGF-BB. Furthermore PRF induced
rapid release of collagen 1 and sustained release and protection against
21 proteolytic degradation of endogenous fibrogenic factors important for wound
23 healing (30). Thereafter, Clipet et al. found that PRF induced fibroblast,

25 keratinocyte and osteoblast cell survival, proliferation and induced osteoblast

differentiation (31). In the only in vitro report investigating the effects of PRF on
28 angiogenesis in vitro, Roy et al. found that PRF induced endothelial cell

30 mitogenesis via extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase activation pathway
32 (32). In a 2nd in vitro study conducted by Lundquist et al. in 2013, PRF induced

34 the mitogenic and migratory effect on cultured human dermal fibroblasts and they
35 further showed that fibrocytes (a cell type important for acute wound healing)
37 could be grown from within PRF patches further favoring wound healing and soft

39 tissue regeneration (33). In 2014, a new protocol for PRF was introduced (termed
41 Advanced-PRF or A-PRF) whereby centrifugal forces were decreased and total

spin times increased (34). By decreasing the rpm while increasing the
44 centrifugation time in the A-PRF group, an enhanced presence of neutrophilic

46 granulocytes in the distal part of the clot was found contributing to monocyte
48 differentiation to macrophages (34), a cell responsible for inducing new bone

50 formation (35, 36). In 2015, Vahabi et al. also confirmed that PRF induced
51 gingival fibroblast proliferation at 24 hours, however found that gingival fibroblast

53 proliferation was significantly higher in the Plasma Rich in Growth Factors

55 (PRGF) group at 48 and 72 hours (37). Lastly, Bayer et al. discovered that PRF
57 contains anti-inflammatory/microbial activity by demonstrating that in human

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keratinocytes, PRF induced the expression of hBD-2, an anti-microbial agent
5 necessary in the treatment of chronic and infected wounds (38). In total, 6 of 7
7 (85.6%) reported studies demonstrate a positive effect of PRF on soft tissue
9 regeneration in vitro.
12 In vivo studies evaluating the effects of PRF on soft tissue regeneration
14 and/or wound healing
16 In total, 11 studies have evaluated the effects of PRF on soft tissue wound
18 healing and regeneration (Table 3). In a first study, Roy et al. evaluated the
effects of PRF after 14 days in a porcine ischemic excision wound model where
21 8-mm skin biopsies were created and filled with PRF versus control (32). It was
23 found that PRF significantly improved angiogenesis in chronic wounds and

25 collagen matrix deposition (Figure 2) (32). Liu et al. found that after a 24 week
healing period, fat grafting with PRF into the ear’s auricula could be enhanced
28 with PRF as a therapeutic adjuvant to these procedures (39). Tunali et al. found

30 that PRF centrifuged in titanium vials improved soft tissue wound healing in a
32 mucoperiosteal flap defect model in rabbits 30 days after implantation (40).

34 Suzuki et al. further showed that PRF induced faster wound healing and
35 angiogenesis in the dorsal tissues of rats after 14 days (41). In another,
37 subcutaneous implantation model performed in mice, PRF readily integrated with

39 surrounding tissues and was partially replaced with collagen fibers 2 weeks after
41 implantation (42). Soyer et al. found in a penile erethral 5 mm defect model that

treatment with PRF significantly increased TGF-beta and VEGF growth factor
44 release after 24 hours (43). Furthermore, Horii et al. concluded that PRF

46 significantly spread soft tissue healing of oral mucosititis in rats after a 14 day
48 healing period (Fig. 3) (44). Sun et al. demonstrated that the combination of PRF

50 with adipose derived MSCs improved the preservation of left ventricular (LV)
51 function and attenuating LV remodelling in a rat model that induced regional

53 myocardial ischemia by left coronary artery ligation (45). In a model designed to

55 regenerate the parotid gland following their irradiation in minipigs, both adipose-
57 derived stem cells and PRF significantly sped the repair of defects in

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maxillofacial soft tissue in irradiated minipigs, and their combined use was more
5 effective after a 6-month healing period (46). In 2014 it was found that PRF
7 increased type 1 collagen formation in full and split-thickness flaps and improved
9 skin graft take in a skin graft model performed in porcine animals (47). In 2015,
11 adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells embedded in PRF scaffolds promoted
12 angiogenesis, preserved heart function, and reduced left ventricular remodeling
14 in rat acute myocardial infarction when compared to controls (48). In total, 11 of
16 11 studies found that PRF significantly improves soft tissue regeneration, wound
18 healing and/or angiogenesis in various animal models investigated.
23 Clinical studies evaluating the effects of PRF on soft tissue regeneration

25 and/or wound healing

In total, 31 studies investigated the effects of PRF on soft tissue wound
28 healing/regeneration in various clinical scenarios (Table 4). The use of PRF has

30 been utilized for 20 different clinical procedures; 7 of which coming from the oral
32 and maxillofacial region (Table 4). In the dental field, the most commonly utilized

34 use of PRF was for the treatment of extraction sockets (49-52), gingival
35 recessions (53-55) and palatal wound closure (56-58) with PRF being
37 additionally utilized for the repair of potentially malignant lesions (59),

39 regeneration of periodontal defects (60), hyperplastic gingival tissues (61) and in
41 addition to periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (62). In other

medical procedures, the use of PRF has been most combined for the successful
44 management of hard-to-heal leg ulcers including diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg

46 ulcers and chronic leg ulcers (63-67). Furthermore, PRF has been investigated
48 for the management of hand ulcers (68), facial soft tissue defects (69),

50 laparoscopic cholecystectomy (70), in plastic surgery for the treatment of deep
51 nasolabial folds, volume-depleted midface regions, facial defects, superficial

53 rhytids and acne scars (71), induction of dermal collagenesis (72), vaginal

55 prolapse repair (73), urethracutaneous fistula repair (74, 75), during lipostructure
57 surgical procedures (76), chronic rotator cuff tears (77) and acute traumatic ear

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drum perforations (78). A total of 8 studies have reported the effects of PRF in a
5 randomized clinical trial (Table 4, bolded and italicized). Five non-randomized
7 studies reported appropriately selected controls whereas 18 studies (58% of the
9 total listed clinical studies) reported no controls in their investigation and instead
11 focused on the technical utilization/aspects of combining PRF during their various
12 medical procedures. In total 9 of the 13 studies utilizing appropriate controls
14 reported a significant positive influence combining PRF to their surgical protocols
16 during soft tissue wound healing (Table 4). In total, 27 of the 31 studies (87%)
18 reported having beneficial effect for the utilization of PRF during soft tissue
regeneration and/or soft tissue wound healing and angiogenesis in human
21 applications.










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Page 13 of 37 Tissue Engineering
5 Platelet concentrates, including PRP and PRF have been used for regenerative
7 procedures in various fields of medicine including dentistry, reconstructive
9 surgery, plastic surgery and dermatology to delivery supernatural concentrations
11 of autologous growth factors directly to host tissues. These growth factors have
12 been shown to be chemotactic for various cell types including monocytes,
14 fibroblasts, endothelial cells, stem cells, fibroblasts and osteoblasts, creating
16 tissue micro-environments directly influencing the proliferation and differentiation
18 of progenitor cells (79). Furthermore, platelet concentrates are safe, reliable and
cost-effective means to accelerate tissue healing and improving the efficiency of
21 tissue repair following injury.

25 In the present study, we investigated specifically the regenerative potential

of soft tissue following regeneration with PRF. To date, no systematic review has
28 characterized the regenerative potential of PRF specifically for soft tissue wound

30 healing/regeneration despite the great number of in vitro, in vivo and clinical
32 studies that have been reported on this topic to date. In the present systematic

34 review, we focused specifically on soft tissues and excluded all studies where
35 PRF was utilized for bone, cartilage or tendon regeneration. In total, 48 studies
37 met our inclusion criteria with 31 studies being derived from human clinical

39 studies (Table 4).

While the effects of PRF were shown to enhance soft tissue regeneration
44 in all but one in vitro and in vivo studies (18 studies total), the results from the

46 clinical studies need to be interpreted with caution. In total, 18 of the 31 clinical
48 studies (58%) report a beneficial effect of PRF based on the investigators

50 reported clinical experience, however in these studies, no controls were utilized
51 and the authors instead focus primary on their case reports/case series (Table 4).

53 It may therefore be concluded that this first wave of research provides the clinical

55 evidence that PRF seems to promote soft tissue wound healing, however, it is

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clear that future studies are needed comparing systematically the effects of PRF
5 in a randomized, controlled fashion across a wide-range of medical fields.
9 Similarly, it was recently reported in a systematic review that the effects of
11 platelet concentrates showed similar findings on bone healing/formation of
12 extraction sockets and intrabony defects (Figure 5) (80, 81). Although the results
14 of that meta-analysis are suggestive that platelet concentrates increase new
16 bone formation in post-extraction sockets, the authors report that due to the
18 limited amount and quality of the available evidence, these results need to be
cautiously interpreted (80). It was reported that a standardisation of the
21 experimental design was necessary for a better understanding of the true effects
23 of the use of platelet concentrates for enhancing post-extraction socket healing

25 (80). Within the limits of our review article, we conclude similar findings that the
effects of PRF enhance soft tissue regeneration, however, future studies on soft
28 tissue regeneration following use of PRF need to be designed with appropriate

30 controls and these findings need also to be interpreted with caution until further
32 randomized clinical trials are gathered.

35 One of the reported advantages of PRF often reported was the ability for
37 the fibrin network containing leukocytes to resist and fight infection. Chronic non-

39 healing wounds are a significant medical challenge and the pathogenesis of non-
41 healing wounds thereby requires new treatment options to improve clinical

outcomes. One of the main factors to date hypothesized to further speed the
44 wound healing properties of PRF in comparison to PRP is the fact it contains

46 higher levels of WBCs that favor the continuous release of growth factors.
48 Recently we demonstrated that both PRF, and the new formulation of PRF

50 termed advanced-PRF were both able to release significantly higher levels of
51 growth factors when compared to PRP over a 10-day period (82). Furthermore,

53 macrophages have been shown to be key players during tissue regeneration,

55 wound healing and prevention of infection (27, 35, 36). Furthermore, they contain
57 antimicrobial effects capable of reducing bacterial contamination following

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surgeries (27). This finding was best exemplified in the healing of third molar
5 extraction sockets (50). It was reported that infection (osteomyelitis) is commonly
7 reported in 9.5% of wisdom tooth removal and when a PRF plug was inserted
9 following extraction, this was significantly reduced to 1% of cases (50). Despite
11 these reported findings, very little is yet known what the antibacterial properties
12 of PRF are as very little/few studies have investigated this phenomenon (83).
16 Furthermore, to date very little is known regarding the effects of the fibrin
18 architecture and leukocyte content from these products as both these
components are too often neglected as contributing factors in the tissue
21 regenerative potential of PRF. The presence of leukocytes has a great impact on
23 the biology of wound healing (16, 29), not only due to their additional release of

25 growth factors and their implications in antibacterial immune defense, but also
because they are key regulators controlling the wound healing environment
28 through local factor regulation. Future basic research should focus specifically on

30 the contribution of these cells in specific cell knock-down/knock-in systems to
32 determine the functional roles of each cell in the wound-healing process when

34 PRF is utilized. For instance, it has been reported that addition of activated
35 macrophage to wounds in aging mice and human accelerated healing time (27).
37 Thus, in theory, the concept of developing newer modified protocols of PRF to

39 further increase the number of WBCs would in principle, increase wound repair.
41 Nevertheless, a better understanding of the individual roles of the various cells

found in PRF could prove to be an important finding for the development of these
44 technologies leading to modern changes to their protocols further increasing their

46 regenerative potential.

50 Conclusion
51 In summary, 2 main findings can be drawn from the present systematic review: 1)

53 the currently available literature supports soft tissue regeneration following soft

55 tissue regenerative procedures utilizing PRF; and 2) there is a lack of appropriate

57 controls to the majority of studies drawing conclusive evidence that PRF is able

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to further as most of the clinical studies to date thus far highlight the use of PRF
5 in case series experiments or retrospective analysis without comparative results
7 to appropriate controls. Therefore, it is imperative that the next wave of research
9 utilizing PRF as an adjunct to soft tissue regenerative therapies design
11 appropriate studies with necessary controls to further evaluate the regenerative
12 potential of PRF for soft tissue wound healing.










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Table 1: Search terms used to identify the relevant studies
6 Search Terms
7 "Platelet Rich Fibrin" OR "PRF" OR "Platelet-Rich Fibrin" OR "Leukocyte Platelet
8 Rich Fibrin" OR "Leukocyte Platelet-Rich Fibrin" OR "LPRF" OR "L-PRF" OR
"Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin" OR "Advanced PRF" OR "A-PRF" OR "APRF"
11 AND
12 "Soft Tissue Regeneration" OR "Soft Tissue Wound Regeneration" OR "Soft
13 Tissue Wound-Healing" OR "Wound Healing" OR "Wound-Healing" OR "Soft
14 Tissue Augmentation" OR "Angiogenesis"










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1 rP
4 ee
7 rR
Table 2: In vitro studies evaluating the effects of PRF on soft tissue regeneration and/or wound healing

8 Centrifugation
Author Year Cell Type Findings/Conclusions
9 Protocol
10 Human PRF induced higher fibroblast proliferation when compared to fibrin sealant
et al.
2008 dermal
400 g for 10 min

1100 g for 6 min

(with trisodium
and recombinant PDGF. Furthermore, PRF protected against proteolytic
degradation of endogenous fibrogenic factors important for wound healing.

15 Endothelial PRF induced endothelial cell mitogenesis via extracellular signal-regulated
Roy et al. 2011 citrate) followed
16 cells protein kinase activation pathway.
17 by 4500 g for 25
18 min (with CaCl2)
Clipet et
s, Fibroblasts
400 g for 12 min
Soluble growth factors from PRF induced cell viability and proliferation and
osteoblast differentiation.
et al.
3000 g for 8 min
followed by 2 min
at 3000 g
Fibrocytes (an important cell for acute wound healing) was grown from
within PRF patches implicating their role in wound healing and soft tissue

26 Introduction of Advanced-PRF (A-PRF): By decreasing the rpm/g-force while
27 Ghanaati increasing the centrifugation time in A-PRF, an enhanced presence of
2014 PRF clots 150 g for 14 min

28 et al. neutrophilic granulocytes and macrophages, cells implicated in wound
29 healing.
Vahabi et Gingival PRGF induced significantly higher gingival fibroblast proliferation at 48 and

2015 400 g for 12 min
31 al. fibroblasts 72 hours when compared to PRF.
32 Primary 2000 g for 10 min
33 Bayer et PRF contains some anti-inflammatory/microbial effects in human
2016 keratinocyte followed by 2000
s g for 10 min
keratinocytes through the expression of an antimicrobial peptide hBD-2.

39 rib
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Fo Tissue Engineering Page 26 of 37

1 rP
4 ee
7 rR
Table 3: In vivo studies evaluating the effects of PRF on soft tissue regeneration and/or wound healing

8 Healing Centrifugation
Author Year Model Defect type Findings/Conclusions
9 Period Protocol
10 1100 g for 6 min
Roy et al. 2011
wound model
punch biopsies
14 days
(with trisodium
citrate) followed
by 4500 g for 25
min (with CaCl2)
PRF improved wound angiogenesis in chronic
wounds and collagen matrix deposition.

Rabbit soft
16 3, 5, 10, PRF induced the formation of new bone with new
17 Tunali et tissue healing Mucoperiosteal 3500 rpm for 15
2012 15, 30 connective tissue in a rabbit model of wound
18 al. in the oral flaps min
days healing within 30 days.
Rabbit fat
grafting in
Subcutaneous LY
4, 12,

22 injections into 3000 rpm for 10 The efficacy of adipose tissue implantation can be
Liu et al. 2013 plastic and 24
23 the ear’s min enhanced by using PRF as a therapeutic adjuvant.
reconstructive weeks
24 auricula

Subcutaneous Subcutaneous injection of growth factors extracted
26 Subcutaneous
27 Suzuki et implantation on 3000 rpm for 10 from PRF incorporated into a gelatin gel was found
2013 injection in 14 days

28 al. the dorsal min to be more effective in acceleration of wound
29 tissues of rats healing than the commonly used PRP.
Subcutaneous Subcutaneous PRF readily integrated with surrounding tissues

7, 14 2100 rpm (400g)
31 Li et al. 2013 injections in implantation and was partially replaced with collagen fibers 2
32 days for 12 min
nude mice under the cutis weeks after implantation.
33 5 mm vertical
Soyer et
Rat penile
erethral repair
incision in the
penile urethra
2400 rpm for 12
Use of PRF after urethral repair increased early
TGF-β-R and VEGF expressions in urethral tissues

Horii et
Oral mucositis
induced in
injection of 5-
5, 9 and
14 days
3000 rpm (400g)
for 10 min rib
The PRF group exhibited significant improvements
in the size and histologic features of the ulcer and in

hamsters themyeloperoxidase activity.
40 followed by
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Page 27 of 37 Tissue Engineering

1 rP
4 ee
7 rR light scratching
of the cheek
10 ev
Male rat
myocardial The combination of PRF with adipose derived MSCs

Sun et al. 2014 myocardial ischemia by left 42 days 600 g for 5 min improved the preservation of left ventricular (LV)
12 infarctions coronary artery function and attenuating LV remodeling.
13 ligation
14 Maxillofacial
Right parotid Both adipose-derived stem cells and PRF facilitated
soft tissue

Chen et gland 6 3000 rpm (400g) the repair of defects in maxillofacial soft tissue in
16 2014 defects in
al. irradiation (20 months for 10 min irradiated minipigs, and their combined use was
17 irradiated
Gy) most effective.
18 minipigs
21 Reksodip
Porcine facial
plastic and
(FTSG) and
14, 30
1500 g for 15
min, 1800 g for
PRF in FTSG and STSG increased type 1 collagen
formation. PRF in addition to STSG gave the best
utro et al. reconstructive
(STSG) skin

60 min skin graft take.

25 Acute
26 myocardial
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
27 Ventricular infarction
Chen et embedded in PRF scaffolds promoted angiogenesis,
2015 remodeling in induction 6 weeks 400 g for 10 min

29 al. preserved heart function, and improved left
rats through left
ventricular remodeling.

30 coronary artery
36 ist
39 rib
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Fo Tissue Engineering Page 28 of 37

1 rP
4 ee
7 rR
Table 4: Clinical studies evaluating the effects of PRF on soft tissue regeneration and/or wound healing

8 Healing Centrifugation
Author Year Model Defect type Findings/Conclusions
9 Period Protocol
10 Arterial leg ulcers,
de et al.
2008 iew
12 patients,
diabetic foot
ulcers and
wound infections
3000 rpm (400g)
for 10 min
PRF achieved full healing or a significant reduction in
wound diameter with no adverse effects.

16 (no controls)
17 Randomized
18 observation of
21 Danielsen
20 patients,
of donor sites and
meshed split- LY 3000 rpm
Epithelial coverage of donor wounds did not differ
significantly between platelet-rich fibrin and

22 2008 chronic leg 5, 8 days (400g) for 10 control on day 5 (43.5 percent versus 34.4 percent,
et al. thickness skin
23 ulcer min p = 0.65) or day 8 (76.6 percent versus 94.8
autografts in
24 percent, p = 0.17).
chronic ulcers vs

26 skin autografts
27 with/out PRF

28 7 mm of clinical
29 attachment loss
Anilkumar 1 patient, root 2700 rpm for 12 Complete coverage was achieved six months after the
2008 on labial surface 1 month

et al. coverage min procedure, with excellent tissue contour and color.
31 of anterior teeth
32 (no controls)
33 12 patients, 17 venous leg Weekly Complete closure was achieved in 66.7% in PRF
et al.
2008 chronic lower-
extremity ulcers
ulcers (VLU) (no
visits for
12 weeks
3000 g for 10
group demonstrating VLU versus 44% in non-treated
VLU group.
et al.
51 patients,
Randomized, PRF
versus albumin
10 days
3000 rpm
(400g) for 10 rib
PRF did not improve wound strength significantly
compared with albumin but suppressed
subcutaneous collagen synthesis and deposition

cholecystectomy min
40 during early repair of surgical wounds in humans.
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Page 29 of 37 Tissue Engineering

1 rP
4 ee
7 rR PRF used for
treatment of deep
nasolabial folds,

8 months Full patient biocompatibility. No patients reported
50 patients, volume-depleted 1100 rpm for 6
9 Sclafani 2011 (range, 3- any swelling lasting more than 5 days. Most patients
plastic surgery midface regions, min
10 30 were satisfied with treatment.

superficial rhytids,
11 months).
12 and acne scars (no
13 controls)
14 50 patients, 168 defects,
extractions (or extractions with The proposed protocol with PRF is a reliable

16 Sammartin avulsions) for patients on anti- therapeutic option to avoid significant bleeding after
2011 9 hours 400 g 18 min
17 o et al. the prevention of coagulant dental extractions without the suspension of
18 hemorrhagic therapies (no anticoagulant therapy in heart surgery patients.

4 patients,
PRF injected into
the deep dermis
24 Sclafani et
induction of
and immediate
subdermis of the /N 1100 rpm for 6
Injection of PRF into the deep dermis and subdermis
of the skin stimulates a number of positive cellular

25 2011 Collagenesis, upper arms 10 weeks
al. min changes including increases in collagen production
26 Angiogenesis followed by 5mm
and angiogenesis.
27 and full thickness
adipogenesis biopsy collection

29 (no controls)

30 16 lower
15 patients, extremity chronic Authors conclude that PRF is easy to prepare and
32 Jorgensen 3000 rpm for 12
2011 recalcitrant wounds of varying 6 weeks apply in the clinics, is safe, and may be a clinically
33 et al. min

34 chronic wounds etiology (no effective treatment of recalcitrant chronic wounds.
35 controls)
36 Surgery for
Gorlego et
10 patients,

prolapse with
vaginal prolapse recurrence (stage
II or higher) (no
1, 6, 12,
18, 24
3000 rpm for 12
min rib
The use of PRF for site-specific prolapse repair is
associated with a good functional outcome because
of the healing and mechanical properties of PRF
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Fo Tissue Engineering Page 30 of 37

1 rP
4 ee
7 Jankovic rR
15 patients,
Miller Class I or PRF or connective
6 month
3000 rpm
(400g) for 10
No difference could be found between PRF and CTG
groups in gingival recession therapy, except for a
greater gain in keratinized tissue width obtained

8 et al. II gingival tissue graft (CTG)
min in the CTG group and enhanced wound healing
9 recessions
associated with the PRF group.

Use of PRF in a 3-
year-old boy
12 1 patient, Following treatment with PRF, no urethral fistula
13 following 1, 3
Soyer et al. 2012 urethracutaneou 400 g for 10 min was detected. Therapy with PRF improved clinical
14 hypospadias months
s fistula repair outcomes in this case report.
repair (no

16 controls)
17 Post-operative
18 hand wounds 1, 2, 7,

19 Chignon- 2700rpm PRF application on fresh postoperative hand
68 patients, (PRF vs reference 14, 21,
20 Sicard et 2012 (400g) for 12 wounds showed a median improvement of 5 days
wound healing care with 28, 60
21 al. min faster wound healing in comparison to control.
petroleum jelly days
24 1 patient, palatal
48 year old male,
7, 14, 21, /N
3000 rpm for 10
Patient showed a delayed wound healing after

25 Jain et al. 2012 palatal wound (no subepithelial connective tissue graft harvestation,
wound healing 28 days min
26 control) which was re-treated successfully with PRF.
27 By offering a matricial support to angiogenesis and
fat tissue
232 patients

by stimulating the proliferation of pre-adipocytes,
29 Braccini et extracted from 2, 4, 6, 8 3400 rpm for 10
2013 during the PRF demonstrated a beneficial role on the
al. inner side of knees months min

30 lipostructure cicatrization and the consolidation of an adipocyte
31 (no control)
33 200 defects, PRF

34 placed in half, 1% of cases with PRF were infected versus 9.5% in
100 patients, 3rd
35 Hoaglin et reevaluated for 7-10 2700 rpm for 10- control untreated sites. PRF may be utilized to
2013 molar
36 al. localized osteitis days 12 min significantly reduce osteomyelitis following 3rd

37 (control = no molar extractions.
38 therapy)
39 1 patient, facial 30 year old 2, 6 3000 rpm for 10 Innovative technique of enhancement of skin wound
Desai et al. 2013
soft tissue defect motorcycle weeks min
healing by local application of PRF
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Page 31 of 37 Tissue Engineering

1 rP
4 ee
7 rR 20 patients,
PRF did not influence alveolar ridge preservation
nor enhanced bone formation in the extraction
asri et al.
defect wound
sockets, split
mouth, PRF vs
blood clot
1, 2, 4, 6,
8 weeks
3000 rpm for 10
socket. The use of PRF revealed some effectiveness
by accelerating soft-tissue healing during the first
Guinot et
33 patients,
coverage in
performed using
8 months
3000 rpm for 10
4 weeks.
PRF seemed to be a safe and efficient covering
technique and was reported an additional approach
to coverage for hypospadias surgery, and may help to

15 distal technique (no reduce the incidence of postoperative complications
16 hypospadias controls) when coverage healthy tissue is not available.
17 20 consecutive
18 patients, repair arthroscopic 3000 rpm Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with the
et al.
2014 of chronic
rotator cuff
treatment +/-
PRF LY 6, 12
(400g) for 10
application of L-PRF is technically feasible and
yielded higher early vascularization.
24 Kulkarni et
18 patients,
healing of free
Palatal wound
healing with PRF 7, 14, 21 /N 3000 rpm for 10
PRF as a dressing is an effective method of enhancing
the healing of the palatal donor site and consequently

25 al. gingival graft (control without days min
reducing post-operative morbidity.
26 donor sites PRF)
27 PRF versus Here we found that PRF is a biomaterial that
32 patients with

28 nothing was used quickens the healing of ear drum which is
29 Habesoglu acute traumatic 2700 rpm for 12
2014 for the repair of 1 month autogenous and simply prepared. In the study
et al. ear drum min

ear drum group, the rate of ear drum closure was 64.3% and
31 perforations
32 perforation in the control group it was 22.2% (P<0.05).
33 PRF was applied every
39 patients, hard
Löndahl et
2015 to heal diabetic
foot ulcers (DFU)
weekly to DFU for
up to 20 weeks
(no control)
week up
to 20
3000 g for 10
PRF was well-tolerated, easy to use and had potential
in the armamentarium of the DFU treatment.

Pathak et
26 patients, oral
mucosal lesions
PRF over healing
areas of
7, 15, 30,
and 60
3000 rpm for 10
The results of the present study suggest that PRF
membrane is a successful coverage agent that aids in
excisions malignant lesions
the healing of superficial oral mucosal wounds.

46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Fo Tissue Engineering Page 32 of 37

1 rP
4 ee
7 Ajwani et rR
20 patients, split
mouth, 2- and 3-
(OFD) +/- PRF 9 months
3000 rpm (400g) Adjunctive use of PRF with OFD significantly

8 al. Wall Intrabony for 10 min improves defect fill when compared to OFD alone.
(control OFD
9 Defects

20 patients, split Soft tissue healing
Yelamali et mouth, 3rd following 3000 rpm for 10 PRF is significantly better in promoting soft tissue
12 2015 1 week
13 al. molar extraction, PRF vs min healing when compared to PRP.
14 extractions PRP
2 patients, PRF led to rapid and good healing of soft tissues and

exeresis of lesions 1, 3, 7,
16 di Lauro et exeresis of 2700 rpm for 12 the authors suggest that the use of PRF can be
2015 and application of 14, 30
17 al. hyperplastic min applied to cover wounds after exeresis of oral
PRF (no control) days
18 gingival lesions neoformations such as hyperplastic gingival lesions.
21 Eren et al. 2015
14 patients,
Treatment with
connective tissue
graft or PRF
LY 1, 6
3000 rpm for 10
PRF resulted in earlier vessel formation and tissue
maturation compared to CTG.
40 patients with
(control = CTG)
25 one site of Palatal wounds The PRF-enriched palatal bandage significantly
Femminell 1, 2, 3, 4 3000 rpm for 10
26 2016 Miller Class I or covered with PRF accelerates palatal wound healing and reduces
a et al. weeks min
27 II gingival vs palatal sponge patient morbidity.

29 Paraffin
2000g for 10 min PRF induced hBD-2 (implicated in wound healing)

30 Bilateral gluteal Embedding and
31 Bayer et al. 2016 10 days followed by expression when applied to experimentally
wounds mRNA extraction
32 2000g for 10 min generated skin wounds.
33 (no controls)

34 11 patients,
A Wilcko’s
35 periodontally Combination with traditional bone grafts, PRF
Muñoz et modified PAOO 1, 2, 4, 8, 3000 rpm for 10
36 2016 accelerated potentially accelerates wound healing and reduces

al. technique with L- 10 days min
37 osteogenic post-surgical pain, inflammation, infection.
PRF (no controls)
38 orthodontics
46 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801
Page 33 of 37 Tissue Engineering
Figure Legends:
6 Figure 1: Flow chart of the screened relevant publications
8 Figure 2: Treatment of porcine ischemic wound with PRFM. Four Ischemic wounds
9 (solid circles) were developed on the back of pigs as described in Methods. Six additional
non-ischemic wounds were developed (open circles). Arrows indicate direction of blood
12 flow in flaps containing ischemic wounds. The upper left and lower right ischemic
13 wounds were treated with PRFM at the time of wounding. Representative digital images
14 of excisional wounds treated or not with PRFM on days 0 and 4 post-wounding. Adapted
15 with permission from (Roy et al., 2011)
18 Figure 3: Macroscopic aspects of the cheek pouches of hamsters injected with 5-
19 fluorouracil. The control group (A-C), the fibrin group (D-F), and the PRF group (G-I)
20 are shown. Notice the significantly faster wound healing associated with the PRF group
21 (Horii et al., 2014).
Figure 4: Illustration of IVIS study and anatomical and pathologicalfindings on day 42

25 after AMI induction (n = 8). A. Serial assessmentsof living imaging by In Vivo Imaging
26 System (IVIS) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). B. The anatomical findings
27 showed the cross-section areaof the heart at the papillary muscle (blue arrows) among the
28 four groups.The left ventricular (LV) chamber size was highest in AMI group, lowest in

sham-control group, and notably higher in AMI + platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) group than in
31 AMI + PRF + adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell (ADMSC);Conversely, the infarct
32 size showed an apposite pattern of LV chamber size.The black arrows indicated PRF
33 scaffold tissue in AMI + PRF group and ADMSC-embedded PRF scaffold (AMI + PRF

34 + ADMSC) (i.e., engineered ADMSC grafts) group, respectively.Scale bars in right lower
35 corners represent 5 mm. C. *vs. other groups with differentsymbols (*, †, ‡, §), p < 0.001.
37 Statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni multiple comparison

38 post hoc test. Symbols (*, †, ‡, §) indicate significance (at 0.05 level). Adapted with
39 permission from (Chen et al., 2015).
41 Figure 5: Clinical diagram of intrabony defect regeneration with PRF. Notice the initial

lesions and soft tissue recessions that have successfully been regenerated following
44 application with PRF. Adapted with permission from (Anuroopa et al., 2014).





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22 Figure 1: Flow chart of the screened relevant publications
23 127x55mm (300 x 300 DPI)










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Figure 2: Treatment of porcine ischemic wound with PRFM. Four Ischemic wounds (solid circles) were
developed on the back of pigs as described in Methods. Six additional non-ischemic wounds were developed
48 (open circles). Arrows indicate direction of blood flow in flaps containing ischemic wounds. The upper left

49 and lower right ischemic wounds were treated with PRFM at the time of wounding. Representative digital
50 images of excisional wounds treated or not with PRFM on days 0 and 4 post-wounding. Adapted with
51 permission from (Roy et al., 2011)

52 101x166mm (300 x 300 DPI)



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32 Figure 3: Macroscopic aspects of the cheek pouches of hamsters injected with 5-fluorouracil. The control
group (A-C), the fibrin group (D-F), and the PRF group (G-I) are shown. Notice the significantly faster

wound healing associated with the PRF group (Horii et al., 2014).
34 101x74mm (300 x 300 DPI)







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37 Figure 4: Illustration of IVIS study and anatomical and pathologicalfindings on day 42 after AMI induction (n

38 = 8). A. Serial assessmentsof living imaging by In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS) after acute myocardial
39 infarction (AMI). B. The anatomical findings showed the cross-section areaof the heart at the papillary
40 muscle (blue arrows) among the four groups.The left ventricular (LV) chamber size was highest in AMI
41 group, lowest in sham-control group, and notably higher in AMI + platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) group than in

AMI + PRF + adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell (ADMSC);Conversely, the infarct size showed an
42 apposite pattern of LV chamber size.The black arrows indicated PRF scaffold tissue in AMI + PRF group and
43 ADMSC-embedded PRF scaffold (AMI + PRF + ADMSC) (i.e., engineered ADMSC grafts) group,
44 respectively.Scale bars in right lower corners represent 5 mm. C. *vs. other groups with differentsymbols

45 (*, †, ‡, §), p < 0.001. Statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA, followed by Bonferroni multiple
46 comparison post hoc test. Symbols (*, †, ‡, §) indicate significance (at 0.05 level). Adapted with permission
47 from (Chen et al., 2015).
48 101x91mm (300 x 300 DPI)




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Figure 5: Clinical diagram of intrabony defect regeneration with PRF. Notice the initial lesions and soft tissue
recessions that have successfully been regenerated following application with PRF. Adapted with permission
48 from (Anuroopa et al., 2014).

49 203x279mm (300 x 300 DPI)




Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,140 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801

Two Neglected Biologic Risk Factors in Bone Grafting and

Implantology: High Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
and Low Serum Vitamin D
Joseph Choukroun1*
Georges Khoury, DDS2
Fouad Khoury, MD, PhD3
Philippe Russe, DDS4
Tiziano Testori, MD5
Yataro Komiyama, DDS, PhD6
Gilberto Sammartino, MD, PhD7
Patrick Palacci, DDS8
Mustafa Tunali, DDS, PhD9
Elisa Choukroun10

Following a failure of a bone graft or an implant placement, the hypothesis of a biological abnormality is rarely
considered as a possible cause. A systematic search of peer-reviewed literature for dyslipidemia or vitamin D
deficiency may explain this lack of consideration. Excess low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (dyslipidemia) is
responsible for a slower bone metabolism or lower dental implant osseointegration. In addition, vitamin D is a
key factor for linking innate and adaptive immunity. Both of these factors are compromised under the
conditions of vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency slows implant osseointegration and increases
the risk of graft infection. Vitamin D is also involved in immune function and therefore allergic reactions.

Key Words: cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, vitamin D, failures, implants, bone grafts, infections, immune
defense, osseointegration

INTRODUCTION levels should be more systematically investigated.

Good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein [HDL]) and
he search for a biological anomaly
bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein [LDL]) need
labeled as a risk factor before oral
to be included in this investigation because both
surgery is limited to disease states such
could have a negative effect on bone growth and
as diabetes. However, it seems in recent osseointegration (high LDL or low HDL). Vitamin D is
years that cholesterol and vitamin D one the most important hormones involved in bone
growth. In addition, vitamin D also plays a role in
Pain Clinic, Nice, France. reducing the effects of inflammation and helps
University Paris VII, Paris, France.
Munster University, Olsberg, Germany. improve the body’s natural immune reactions.
Private practice, Reims, France.
Galeazzi Institute, Universita di Milano, Milan, Italy.
Branemark Osseointegraion Center, Tokyo, Japan.
University Frederico 2, Napoli, Italy.
Branemark Osseointegration Center, Marseille, France. LDL cholesterol and bone metabolism
Haidarpasa Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
University of Nice, France.
* Corresponding author, e-mail: joseph.choukroun@free.fr Cholesterol is transported in the plasma predomi-
DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-13-00062 nantly as cholesteryl esters associated with lipopro-

110 Vol. XL /No. One /2014

Choukroun et al

teins. There are 2 types of lipoproteins: LDL (bad) caused by the presence of oxidized LDL.14 HDL
and HDL (good). should be considered as a bone cell protector.
In addition to cardiovascular diseases, there is
evidence that high levels of cholesterol and Low vitamin D incidence on osseointegration and
bone grafts
triglycerides cause alterations in bone tissue.
Krieger1 demonstrated an increase in the number The most important related compound of vitamin D
of osteoclasts, the inhibition of osteoblastic activity, is vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D is a steroid
and a decreased bone remodeling in hyperlipidemic hormone that is acquired via diet or synthesized in
rats. According to Luegmayr et al,2 elevated levels the skin from cholesterol when sun (ultraviolet light)
of cholesterol may lead to an imbalance in the exposure is adequate. Cholesterol is converted to
bone-remodeling process, a reduction of bone mass pre–vitamin D3 and then isomerized to vitamin D3.
by increasing the activity, and a differentiation of After binding to vitamin D–binding carrier protein,
osteoclasts. Furthermore, recent studies have point- vitamin D3 is transported to the liver, where it is
ed out possible links between periodontal infection enzymatically hydroxylated by CYP27A1, generating
and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.3,4 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (calcidiol, or 25OHD3).15
An increase of circulating levels of oxidized LDL In the bone, vitamin D stimulates the activity of
induces alveolar bone loss5,6 and is associated with osteoclasts and increases the production of extra-
the severity of the local inflammatory response to cellular matrix proteins by osteoblasts. Vitamin D
bacteria as well as the susceptibility to periodontal also stimulates intestinal calcium absorption and
disease in diabetic patients.7 inhibits the synthesis and secretion of parathyroid
Osteoblasts can bind, internalize, and then hormone.16–19 Vitamin D deficiency can result from
metabolize HDL3/LDL cholesterol and are capable inadequate dietary intake together with the insuf-
of selectively taking up cholesteryl esters from these ficient exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency in
lipoproteins.8 The bone releases enzymes that are these patients is associated with a catabolic bone
involved in the oxidation of LDL. Therefore, it is turnover and its main consequence, the occurrence
possible that the oxidized LDL accumulated in the of osteoporotic fractures.20 Deficiency has also been
linked to impaired fracture healing in clinical
bone could induce subsequent deleterious cellular
practice and in patients suffering a fracture.21,22
effects on bone density. Hyperlipidemia causes a
These results support the role of the steroid
reduction of bone density in vivo due to the
hormone in controlling bone regeneration. As
inhibition of osteoblast differentiation by bioactive
osseointegration of dental implants also depends
on bone regeneration, peri-implant bone formation
Indeed, the Demer group showed that oxidized
was shown to be reduced in vitamin D–deficient
LDL caused an inhibition of the alkaline phospha- rats.23 Surprisingly, only limited preclinical data on
tase activity and also mineralization,11 which are the effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone
markers of osteoblast differentiation. In addition, it regeneration are available.24
has recently been shown that oxidized LDL also Overall, these studies suggest that vitamin D
induces cell death by apoptosis of osteoblastic supplementation has beneficial effects on bone
cells.12 turnover in patients with vitamin D deficiency,
Hirasawa et al8 confirmed that atherogenic which might also hold true for bone regeneration.
conditions (high LDL levels) caused the death of In a recent study, Dvorak et al25 indicated that
osteoblasts. vitamin D deficiency has a negative impact on
What is the role of HDL? Various antioxidants cortical peri-implant bone formation in ovariecto-
carried by HDL may interrupt the cascade of events mized rats, which can be compensated by a vitamin
leading to the oxidation of LDL.13 Another impor- D–rich diet.
tant property of HDL is its ability to inhibit cell Vitamin D deficiency has been also implicated in
death induced by oxidized LDL. In particular, it has various diseases such as diabetes, high blood
been reported that HDL inhibits the apoptosis of pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and many can-
monocytic cells by inducing cholesterol efflux and cers.19 It has also been implicated in several allergic
thus preventing the accumulation of cholesterol disorders and immune system dysregulation. Our

Journal of Oral Implantology 111

Two Neglected Biologic Risk Factors in Bone Grafting and Implantology

TABLE 1 incidence of upper respiratory infections. Ginde et

al35 also found that vitamin D deficiency is
Lipoprotein values*
associated with a high prevalence of severe
Cholesterol total ,2 g/L infections in the hospital emergency department.
Triglycerides ,2 g/L Vitamin D has since been studied in several
LDL cholesterol Men ,1.6 g/L Women ,1.5 g/L
clinical trials to characterize its role in respiratory
HDL cholesterol .0.35 g/L
infections.36 In 2010, Sabetta et al37 conducted a
*HDL indicates high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density prospective cohort study showing that serum
25(OH)D concentrations of 38 ng/mL or greater
were associated with a 2-fold decrease in the
understanding of vitamin D metabolism and number of upper respiratory infections.
biological effects has grown exponentially in recent
years, and it has become clear that vitamin D has Serum levels
extensive immunomodulatory effects. It is now Serum level values are shown in Table 1 (lipopro-
known that cells from the immune system contain tein) and Table 2 (vitamin D).
all the characteristics needed to convert 25-hydrox-
yvitamin D to active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D during
a bacterial infection.26,27 Liu et al28 showed that DISCUSSION
stimulation of TLR 2/1 engages a vitamin D–
Vitamin D also plays a predominant role in allergy.
dependent intracellular circuit that results in the
Insufficiency of vitamin D seems to be connected to
expression of antimicrobial peptides, such as
the onset of atopy and food allergies.38 The
defensins and cathelicidins, which enhances the hypothesis is that vitamin D could have a central
microbicidal capability of the monocytes. These role in these pathological situations and that it may
peptides have a broad range of actions against represent a novel preventive and/or therapeutic
microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and strategy. Numerous data are published on the
viruses. It is interesting to observe that sera from relationship between vitamin D and asthma and
African American individuals, who are known to allergies.39,40 These results may indicate that the
have substantially lower serum vitamin D levels timing of the intervention of vitamin D levels may
than whites, were inefficient in inducing genetic be a factor in subsequent allergic diseases. An
expression of cathelicidin.27 This article published alternative explanation is that different absolute
by Liu et al28 triggered in recent years a very large amounts of vitamin D have alternate physiologic
scientific interest related to vitamin D, with more effects on allergic pathogenesis. Furthermore,
than 1500 articles published in 2012 and more than although beyond the scope of this review, vitamin
2500 already in 2013. The nasal carriage in D may also affect the body’s susceptibility and
Staphylococcus aureus is a major risk for infections response to infectious organisms, a major trigger of
with the bacterium.29 The vitamin D level is directly wheezing at a young age.39,40 In conclusion, the
connected to this infection risk; Olsen suggests that vitamin D serum level plays a predominant role in
vitamin D can improve the antibacterial immune bone metabolism, sensibility to infections, and
response and thereby prevent S aureus colonization many allergy symptoms. We advance the hypoth-
and carriage and subsequent disease.30,31 esis that allergic patients are often deficient in
Flynn showed that vitamin D levels ,20 ng/mL vitamin D.
have a significant impact on length of stay, organ The result of high LDL is a reduction of bone
dysfunction, and infection rates.32 Frieri and Val- metabolism, inhibition of phosphatase alkaline, and
luri33 showed that there was also a positive
correlation with allergy subtypes and sinus infec- TABLE 2
tions with low vitamin D. In one of the early
Serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels
observational studies that pointed toward a con-
Deficiency ,10 ng/mL
nection between vitamin D and respiratory infec-
tions, Ginde et al34 found an inverse relationship Insufficiency 10–30 ng/mL
Optimal .30 ng/mL
between serum 25(OH)D concentrations and the

112 Vol. XL /No. One /2014

Choukroun et al

an increase of the fat part in the bone. The result is a could influence the therapeutic approach in both
lower osseointegration and slower bone growth. disorders and vitamin D. Supplementation may play
Branemark said in 1985, during an international an important role in prevention of these severe
meeting, ‘‘When I see a yellow bone, I cancel the conditions.
transplant!’’ At that time, it was only a clinical
observation. We now understand why. We have
been focused on the high cholesterol risk in bone CONCLUSION
grafts for more than 10 years, and now we can We suggest exploring vitamin D serum level
explain why we had more failures in these cases. (prescription: 25OH vitamin D ¼ D2 þ D3) and LDL
Daily needs of vitamin D are 4000 IU, and the Cholesterol (prescription: cholesterol total þ LDL þ
lack of sufficient vitamin D in one’s diet is very HDL cholesterol) systematically in patients who are
common: An estimated 1 billion people worldwide diabetic, allergic, with hypertension, and previously
are vitamin D deficient. Forty percent to 100% of US in a difficult case of implants and/or bone grafting.
and European elderly men and women still living in This exploration is largely indicated in the case of a
the community (not in nursing homes) are deficient failure of bone graft or implant placement. Correct-
in vitamin D.20 Stoker et al41 found that about two- ing these detected anomalies is obviously recom-
thirds of preoperative spinal fusion patients were mended. Further multicentric studies may be
vitamin D insufficient. About 50% of these insuffi- helpful for finding a correlation between implant
cient patients were deficient (less than 15 ng/mL). In facilities and vitamin D or/and cholesterol dosage.
France, a review of patients in the Besançon
hospital made by Malpica et al42 revealed that
91% of patients were insufficient. In this insufficient ABBREVIATIONS
population, 40% were deficient (less than 10 ng/ HDL: high-density lipoprotein
mL). In the Suvimax French Study, the authors LDL: low-density lipoprotein
found 79% of patients insufficient (women patients, Vitamin D3: cholecalciferol
average 47 years old; range, 35–60 years). We can
conclude that most of the population is insufficient.
The medical consensus in 2012 is that ‘‘the REFERENCES
population over the age of 65 years old has to be 1. Krieger M. The best of cholesterol, the worst of cholester-
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114 Vol. XL /No. One /2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mediators of Inflammation
Volume 2016, Article ID 5319718, 7 pages

Research Article
Is Low Serum Vitamin D Associated with
Early Dental Implant Failure? A Retrospective Evaluation
on 1625 Implants Placed in 822 Patients

Francesco Mangano,1 Carmen Mortellaro,2 Natale Mangano,3 and Carlo Mangano4

Department of Surgical and Morphological Science, Dental School, University of Insubria, 21100 Varese, Italy
Department of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont, 28100 Novara, Italy
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Moriggia Pelascini Hospital, 22015 Gravedona ed Uniti, Italy
Department of Dental Sciences, University Vita Salute San Raffaele, 20132 Milan, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Francesco Mangano; francescomangano1@mclink.net

Received 1 June 2016; Revised 22 July 2016; Accepted 30 August 2016

Academic Editor: Marcos Minicucci

Copyright © 2016 Francesco Mangano et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Aim. To investigate whether there is a correlation between early dental implant failure and low serum levels of vitamin D. Methods.
All patients treated with dental implants in a single centre, in the period 2003–2015, were considered for enrollment in this study.
The main outcome was early implant failure. The influence of patient-related variables on implant survival was calculated using the
Chi-square test. Results. 822 patients treated with 1625 implants were selected for this study; 27 early failures (3.2%) were recorded.
There was no link between gender, age, smoking, history of periodontitis, and an increased incidence of early failures. Statistical
analysis reported 9 early failures (2.2%) in patients with serum levels of vitamin D > 30 ng/mL, 16 early failures (3.9%) in patients
with levels between 10 and 30 ng/mL, and 2 early failures (9.0%) in patients with levels <10 ng/mL. Although there was an increasing
trend in the incidence of early implant failures with the worsening of vitamin D deficiency, the difference between these 3 groups
was not statistically significant (𝑃 = 0.15). Conclusions. This study failed in proving an effective link between low serum levels of
vitamin D and an increased risk of early implant failure. Further studies are needed to investigate this topic.

1. Introduction (surgical technique, loading conditions, and time), and others

to the patient (quantity/quality of bone at the receiving site
Dental implants are now a reliable solution for the func- and the host response) [4, 5].
tional and esthetic rehabilitation of partially and completely Although survival rates of dental implants are now
edentulous patients; this has been demonstrated by long-term high, there still remains a seemingly unavoidable number of
clinical trials, with survival rates of greater than 95% [1–3]. failures: either cases in which correctly placed implants do
In order to achieve long-term survival, osseointegration not integrate with the bone or cases of peri-implant tissue
of the dental implant needs to occur; that is, a direct infection [6, 7]. To be specific, failure to osseointegrate and
connection must be established between the bone and the peri-implantitis are the most frequent causes of early implant
implant surface, without the interposition of fibrous tissue failure [3, 6, 7]. Such events occur during the early stages of
[4]; once established, this close bond must be maintained healing (within 2-3 months of implantation) and therefore
over time, resulting in a clinically asymptomatic fixation of before the implant is functionally loaded with the prosthetic
the implant under functional load [5]. Osseointegration is a restoration; these failures are unevenly distributed within the
complex phenomenon and depends on many factors; some general population and tend to occur in some subjects in
are related to the implant (material, macroscopic design, and particular. In these individuals multiple or repeated failures
implant surface), others to the surgical-prosthetic protocol over time are possible [6, 7]. Early failures occur even when
2 Mediators of Inflammation

optimal materials are used, surgical protocols are strictly dental implants [9, 24–35]: almost all these studies have been
followed, and the quantity/quality of bone at the recipient site done on animal models [24–32] and very few on humans [33–
is sufficient [6–8]. All these observations would suggest the 35]. The purpose of this retrospective study was therefore to
existence of specific patient-related risk factors; this prompts investigate any possible correlation between low blood levels
an investigation into the regulatory mechanisms controlling of vitamin D and early implant failure (failure occurring in
bone metabolism, bone remodelling, and bone turnover [9, the four months prior to the full restoration of the implant,
10]. because of a lack of osseointegration or because of infection).
Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in bone metabolism
[11–13]. It is a fat-soluble vitamin which promotes the absorp-
tion of calcium in the intestine and regulates calcium and 2. Materials and Methods
phosphate homoeostasis in the tissues and it is a fundamental
2.1. Data Collection. All patients who had been treated with
element in the mineralization of bones and teeth [11–13].
Morse-taper connection dental implants (Leone! Implant
It also acts as a hormone and is vital for the health of the
System, Florence, Italy) [3, 8] inserted to support fixed
blood vessels and the brain [14, 15]. It has been demonstrated
prosthetic restorations in one single dental centre (Grave-
that vitamin D plays a crucial role in the health of the
dona, Como, Italy), in the period between January 2003 and
cardiovascular tract [16], the immune system [17], and the
December 2015, were evaluated for possible enrollment into
respiratory tract [18, 19].
this retrospective study. Patients were enrolled into the study
Vitamin D in an inactive form (cholecalciferol or vita-
if they were over 18 years of age, had good oral and general
min D3) is ingested or produced in the skin on exposure
health, and had not undergone bone regenerative therapy
to sunlight [11, 12]. This inactive form undergoes double
prior to implant placement. The exclusion criteria were
hydroxylation in the liver and the kidneys and is thereby
incomplete medical records, the presence of specific systemic
transformed into its active form, known as either calcitriol
diseases (uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, immunodeficient
or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [11, 12]. This active form exerts
states, and bleeding disorders), and the abuse of alcohol and
its action on various tissues by binding to the vitamin D
drugs; patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy
receptors and regulating the transcription of specific target
and those who were pregnant were also excluded. All the data
genes [12–23].
used for the study were obtained from the medical records
Serum levels of vitamin D in the 25(OH)D form are the
of the patients enrolled. The patient data was evaluated; this
most accurate way of determining vitamin D status: a subject
included gender (male or female), age at time of surgery,
with <10 ng/mL is considered to be vitamin D deficient;
history of chronic periodontal disease, smoking habits, and
one with 10–30 ng/mL is considered to have low levels of
serum vitamin D levels. Vitamin D levels were taken from
vitamin D. The optimal blood level of vitamin D is a value
blood tests, which had been requested two weeks prior
>30 ng/mL [12, 13]. Vitamin D deficiency is high in the
to surgery. The medical records also contained a range of
general population [12]: in Italy, for example, it is estimated
information as regards the implant or implants, that is, their
that about 80% of people can be deficient, particularly in the
site (maxilla or mandible), location (incisor, canine, premolar,
northern regions where exposure to the sun is lower [20]. This
and molar), the length and diameter of the implant, the type
deficiency increases with age and encompasses the majority
of prosthetic restoration, and the loading conditions. Lastly,
of the elderly population of Italy who are not taking vitamin
the medical records contained all the information on any
D supplements [20]. Until a few years ago, the guidelines
implant failure. These included their cause (lack of osseoin-
estimated that the daily intake of vitamin D required to
tegration in the absence of infection, infection of the peri-
maintain adequate blood levels was 200 IU (5 mcg) in adults
implant tissues or peri-implantitis, or implant failure due
aged between 19 and 50, 400 IU (10 mcg) in adults aged
to progressive bone loss caused by to prosthetic overload).
between 51 and 69, and at least 600 IU (15 mcg) in those over
It also included their classification: early failure, occurring
70 [12, 13]. These guidelines have now been revised upwards
in the early healing period, that is, the four months after
and it is currently believed that the amount of vitamin D
implant placement, prior to the placement of restoration and
which should be taken daily is 2000 IU (50 mcg) and up to
loading, or late failure, occurring after loading. There were
4000 (100 mcg) in the case of, for example, pregnant women
also details of any possible biological complications (peri-
[12, 13].
implant mucositis and peri-implantitis) and/or prosthetic
There is now substantial literature on the negative effects
complications (mechanical and/or technical).
of low levels of vitamin D, especially in severely compro-
mised patients: vitamin D deficiency seems to be associated
with increased mortality, cardiovascular events, and reduced 2.2. Insertion Protocol for the Implants. All implants were
functioning of the immune and musculoskeletal systems [15– inserted under the same strict protocol by the same specialist
19, 21–23]. On the other hand, normalizing levels of vitamin D (C. M.) who had 25 years’ experience in implant dentistry,
can lead to substantial benefits for critically ill patients, with in the period between January 2003 and December 2015.
effects on the muscles, the respiratory system, the heart, and The implants were inserted after raising a full thickness
the immune system [18, 21, 23]. mucoperiosteal flap; the implant site preparation and implant
Despite the importance of vitamin D and its effects on placement were performed in compliance with modern
bone metabolism [11, 12] few studies have, to date, investi- surgical protocols and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
gated the effects of its depletion on the osseointegration of instructions. After placement, cover screw was positioned
Mediators of Inflammation 3

and the implants were submerged. Immediately after posi- patients (serum vitamin D <10 ng/mL), patients with low
tioning, patients were prescribed antibiotic coverage with levels (serum vitamin D between 10 and 30 ng/mL), and
2 g of amoxicillin (or 600 mg of clindamycin in patients patients with adequate levels (serum vitamin D >30 ng/mL).
allergic to penicillins) for 6 days. Postoperative pain was The influence of each of these variables on implant survival
controlled with nimesulide 100 mg daily for 2 days. Patients was calculated using the Chi square test. The significance
were given detailed instructions on oral hygiene and were level was set at 0.05. The overall implant survival, the survival
prescribed chlorhexidine 0.12% mouth rinse twice a day for within the different groups, and the analysis of the influence
6 days. The patients were recalled for suture removal after of the different variables on survival were all made using
10 days. The implants were left to heal submerged for a total dedicated statistical analysis software (SPSS 17.0!, SPSS Inc.,
period of 4 months, to allow undisturbed healing and achieve Chicago, IL, USA).
osseointegration. After 4 months of undisturbed healing, the
patient was recalled for the implant to be uncovered. The 3. Results
cover screw was replaced with the healing abutment, and
sutures were positioned. Two weeks later, the sutures were Of the 915 patients originally evaluated for enrollment in
removed and an impression was taken for the manufacture this study, 93 presented with conditions corresponding to
of the temporary restoration. The temporary restoration was the exclusion criteria and were therefore excluded from the
maintained in situ for 3 months, in order to monitor the assessment. By contrast, 822 patients (mean age 57.3 ± 14.2
response of the implant, as well as the peri-implant tissues, years; median age 58; range 18–90; and 95% CI, 56.3–58.2),
to masticatory load; at the end of this period, the temporary receiving 1625 implants, did not have any of the condi-
restoration was replaced with the final restoration. The final tions contained in the exclusion criteria and were therefore
restorations were metal porcelain, cemented with a zinc enrolled into this retrospective study. The distribution of
oxide-eugenol cement. A periapical radiograph was taken patients by groups, with relative incidence of failures, was
to check on the sealing of the restoration. All patients were reported in Table 1. In total, 27 early failures were recorded
included in a follow-up protocol with an annual check-up at (19 due to failure of osseointegration and 8 due to peri-
one of the scheduled professional oral hygiene sessions. implant tissue infection), with an overall incidence of 3.2%.
No differences were observed in the incidence of early failures
between males and females (𝑃 = 0.97) nor according to age at
2.3. Primary Outcome. Early implant failure, occurring
time of surgery (𝑃 = 0.98). Although the percentage of early
within 4 months after implant placement and therefore prior
failures in smokers was slightly higher than that detected in
to placement of the prosthetic restoration and the functional
nonsmokers, there was no statistically significant difference
load of the implant, was the primary outcome studied. Early
(𝑃 = 0.56) between these two groups of patients. The same
implant failures were divided into two different categories: (a)
was true for patients with a history of periodontal disease;
early failures due to lack of osseointegration and subsequent
they displayed a slightly higher incidence of early failures than
implant mobility, in the absence of clinical signs of infection;
patients who had not been affected by periodontitis, but this
(b) early failures due to infection of the bone tissue around
difference was not significant (𝑃 = 0.73). The average serum
the implant, with inflammation (peri-implantitis) of peri-
level of vitamin D in the general population was 29.9 ng/mL
implant tissues and the presence of fistula, pain, swelling,
(±12.1; median 29; range 5–73; and 95% CI, 29.1–30.7). In
pus and/or exudate, pocket depth >6 mm with bleeding, and
patients in whom early implant failure occurred, the average
marginal bone resorption >2.5 mm.
serum level of vitamin D was 25.5 (±13.2; median 24; range
8–55; and 95% CI, 20.6–30.4). Statistical analysis reported
2.4. Statistical Analysis. All the data retrieved from the a rather low incidence of early failures (2.2%) in patients
individual medical records were recorded on a generic with blood vitamin D levels >30 ng/mL. The incidence of
spreadsheet (Excel!, Microsoft Office, Redmond, MA, USA) early failure was almost double in patients with insufficient
which was used for the descriptive, qualitative, and quan- serum levels of vitamin D (10–30 ng/mL) and became even
titative analyses. The mean, standard deviation, median, higher (9.0%) in patients with serious vitamin D deficiency.
and confidence intervals were calculated for the quantitative Although the statistical analysis revealed a trend toward
variables (e.g., patients’ age and vitamin D levels in serum). an increased incidence of failure in patients with severe
A patient-based technique was used to calculate implant vitamin D deficiency, the analysis did not reveal a statistically
survival. In this analysis, the “event” was implant failure: thus significant difference (𝑃 = 0.15) in the incidence of early
in patients receiving more than one implant, the occurrence implant failure in these three groups of patients. Similar
of even a single implant failure led to the patient being results (𝑃 = 0.14) were obtained comparing the incidence
classified as a “failure.” The influence of different variables of failures in the group of severely deficient patients (2/22:
on implant survival was taken into consideration: gender 9.0%) with the incidence of failures in all other patients
(male or female), age at time of surgery (three age groups (25/800: 3.1%). Finally, the statistical analysis did not reveal
were examined: <40, 40–60 years, and >60 years), smoking a significant difference (𝑃 = 0.13) when comparing the
habits (regardless of the actual number of cigarettes smoked), incidence of failures in the group of patients with serum
a history of chronic periodontitis [36], and serum levels of vitamin D levels >30 ng/mL (9/394: 2.2%) with the incidence
vitamin D. In the analysis of serum levels of vitamin D, of failures in all other patients (18/428: 4.2%). The details of
three classes of patients were considered: severely deficient early failure were reported in Table 2.
4 Mediators of Inflammation

Table 1: Distribution of patients (by gender, age at surgery, smoking habit, history of periodontal disease, and vitamin D levels in serum),
related failures, survival rate within groups, and differences between groups (Chi square test).

Number of patients Early failures Incidence of early failures 𝑃 value∗

Males 424 14 3.3%
Females 398 13 3.2%
Age at surgery
<40 years 92 3 3.2%
40–60 years 380 12 3.1% 0.98
>60 years 350 12 3.4%
Smoking habit
Yes 261 10 3.8%
No 561 17 3.0%
History of periodontal disease
Yes 279 10 3.5%
No 543 17 3.1%
Vitamin D level in serum
<10 ng/mL 22 2 9.0%
10–30 ng/mL 406 16 3.9% 0.15
>30 ng/mL 394 9 2.2%
Statistically significant difference 𝑃 < 0.05.

𝑃 value = Chi square test.

4. Discussion evaluated the effect of the topical application of vitamin D

to the surface of implants inserted in postextraction sockets
A relatively small number of experimental studies has in dogs, with histological and histomorphometric analyses
attempted to investigate the effects of vitamin D on the of tissues removed at 12 weeks [30]. Topical application
osseointegration of dental implants [24–32]. The majority of of vitamin D increased the percentage of bone to implant
these studies would appear to indicate a positive effect of contact of 10% [30]. Similarly promising results were reported
vitamin D on osseointegration, but it is not yet entirely clear by Cho et al. in a histological and histomorphometric study
whether supplementation would promote the healing of peri- on rabbits, where the coating of anodized implant surfaces
implant bone tissue clinically [24, 33–35]. with a solution of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) PLGA and
A recent review of the literature on animal studies 1𝛼,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1𝛼,25-(OH)2D3) stimulated the
has shown that vitamin D supplementation can stimulate apposition of new bone on fixtures [31]. Finally, in a further
new bone formation and increase the contact between the experimental work in rabbits, implants with a surface coated
bone and the surface of titanium implants [24]. Specifically, in 1,25-(OH)2D3 have shown an improved tendency to
Kelly et al. demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency could osseointegrate compared to noncoated implants; however,
significantly compromise the establishment of osseointegra- this difference was not statistically significant [32].
tion of Ti6Al4V implants in rats [25]. Similar results were Unfortunately, very few clinical studies have so far inves-
reported by Dvorak et al. [26]. In an experimental study on tigated the effects of vitamin D deficiency on osseointegration
ovariectomized rats, the authors demonstrated that vitamin and on bone regeneration in dentistry [33–35]. This is
D deficiency could impair the formation of peri-implant probably due to the fact that there are many factors which
bone; the normalization of blood levels via supplementation can determine the success or failure of dental implants; the
of vitamin D stimulated new bone formation [26]. Similar attention of clinicians has been mostly focused on drawing
results were reported by Zhou et al., who found an increase up surgical and prosthetic protocols and identifying new
in osseointegration in osteoporotic rats given vitamin D materials and implant surfaces to improve osseointegration,
supplements [27], and Wu et al., who demonstrated an rather than on the analysis of patient-related risk factors
increase in the percentage of contact between bone and [6–9]. In a recent clinical work, Alvim-Pereira et al. found
implant in diabetic rats given vitamin D supplements [28]. no relationship between polymorphism of the vitamin D
Finally, Liu et al. reported that the administration of vitamin receptor and implant failure [33]. In a randomized, con-
D could increase the fixation of dental implants in mice trolled, double-blind study, Schulze-Späte et al. investigated
suffering from chronic kidney disease [29]. the effects of supplementation with a combination of vitamin
A further possibility for study, in order to understand D3 (5000 IU) and calcium (600 mg) on the formation of
the effects of the administration of vitamin D on bone new bone following maxillary sinus lift [34]. Ten patients
healing of the peri-implant tissues, is that of coating the were assigned to the test group and given vitamin D and
implant surface with vitamin D [30–32]. Salomó-Coll et al. calcium; ten other patients were assigned to the control
Mediators of Inflammation 5

Table 2: Details of all early implant failures.

History of
Patient Vitamin D level Position of the
Gender Age at surgery Smoking habit periodontal Type of failure
in serum failed implant
1 M 66 Yes No 20 ng/mL FO #24
2 M 55 No No 35 ng/mL FO #25
3 F 42 No No 55 ng/mL FO #14
4 M 38 No Yes 48 ng/mL FO #15
5 F 57 Yes Yes 45 ng/mL PI #15
6 F 76 No Yes 24 ng/mL FO #26
7 M 45 Yes No 55 ng/mL FO #17
8 M 56 No No 10 ng/mL PI #17
9 F 58 No No 8 ng/mL FO #26
10 M 62 Yes Yes 22 ng/mL FO #25
11 M 45 No No 12 ng/mL FO #13
12 M 44 No No 28 ng/mL FO #21
13 F 38 No No 25 ng/mL PI #16
14 M 69 Yes Yes 24 ng/mL PI #24
15 F 74 No No 25 ng/mL FO #26
16 M 70 Yes No 18 ng/mL FO #27
17 M 69 No No 33 ng/mL FO #46
18 F 58 Yes No 32 ng/mL FO #46
19 F 46 Yes Yes 12 ng/mL PI #35
20 M 52 No Yes 9 ng/mL PI #33
21 F 43 No Yes 29 ng/mL FO #46
22 F 26 No No 33 ng/mL FO #37
23 F 68 Yes No 12 ng/mL PI #42
24 M 78 Yes No 15 ng/mL FO #35
25 M 65 No No 22 ng/mL FO #44
26 F 66 No Yes 20 ng/mL FO #36
27 F 70 No Yes 18 ng/mL PI #45

group and received only calcium [34]. Six to eight months Our study also confirms that the serum values of vitamin
after surgery for bone regeneration, bone samples were D in the local population are rather low: we found that
taken for histological analysis during implant placement the proportion of patients with insufficient levels was 49.4%
[34]. Although supplementation with vitamin D3 would have and that the percentage with a severe deficiency was 2.7%.
increased the serum levels of vitamin D with potentially The percentage of patients with adequate levels was 47.9%.
positive effects on bone remodelling at the cellular level, no This is not surprising, as most of the patients treated came
statistically significant difference was demonstrated between from northern Italy and southern Switzerland, regions where
the two groups at the histological level [34]. exposure to sunlight is somewhat reduced for long periods
The results of our study would appear to suggest that a of the year. In the light of this, the administration of vitamin
severe deficiency of vitamin D in the blood might be related D in the weeks prior to placement of a dental implant
to an increase in the incidence of early implant failure. In fact, could be useful, particularly in patients with severe deficiency
the incidence of early implant failure was rather low (2.2%) states; in these patients, vitamin D supplementation should
in patients with normalized levels of vitamin D in the blood be maintained for the whole life, in order to guarantee a good
(>30 ng/mL), rose to almost double (3.9%) in patients with remodelling of the bone around the implant.
insufficient serum levels (10–30 ng/mL), and were rather high This study has the distinction of being one of the first
(9.0%) in patients characterized by severe deficiency states. clinical studies carried out on a large number of patients
However, despite the tendency to an increased incidence of to investigate the possibility of an association between low
early failure in patients characterized by deficiency states, the blood levels of vitamin D and the incidence of early failure
differences between the three groups of patients were not in implantology. By restricting the analysis to early failures,
statistically significant (𝑃 = 0.15). occurring in the first period of healing and therefore prior
6 Mediators of Inflammation

to placement of the prosthetic restoration, we were able to investigate if there is a link between low levels of vitamin D
focus our research and avoid a range of factors (linked to in the blood and an increased risk of early implant failures.
the restoration itself and the prosthetic load) which could Although the incidence of early implant failures was higher in
have confused the issue in the study. It is, in fact, well known patients with low serum levels of vitamin D, our study failed
that implant survival and thus osseointegration depend on a in proving an effective link between low levels of vitamin D
large number of factors (related to the surgical and prosthetic in the blood and an increased risk of early implant failure.
protocol, the materials used, and lastly the patient) [4, 5] Further higher level studies (prospective controlled trials or,
and it can be difficult to identify which of them might be even better, randomized controlled clinical trials) with a more
determining the success or failure of the treatment [7]. In rigorous statistical analysis are therefore needed to investigate
order to avoid this and to limit the confounding factors, the this issue. If an association between low serum levels of
same materials were used for all the patients in this study (the vitamin D and higher risk of early implant failure could be
same implant system for all the patients) [1, 3, 8]. In addition, demonstrated, the clinician could give a set dose of vitamin
the same surgical protocol was used, involving submerged D in the weeks before surgery, in order to normalize serum
healing in the absence of prosthetic loading [3]. Thus the levels and obtain a positive effect on the healing process.
only possible confounding factors were the different quantity
and quality of bone at the implant receiving sites and the
patients’ responses: these are unavoidable factors. However,
Competing Interests
some of those categories of patients most at risk of implant The authors declare no conflict of interests for the present
failure (patients undergoing bone regeneration to create the study.
conditions for the positioning of the implant fixtures or those
with particular medical conditions which might increase the
risk of treatment failure) were excluded in the present study. Acknowledgments
This study has limits. It is a retrospective work, in which
the number of patients having a severe deficiency of vitamin The authors are grateful to Giovanni Veronesi, Ph.D., Depart-
D in the blood was low (only 22); thus the presence of even ment of Biostatistics, University of Varese, Italy, for help with
just one less failure in this group would have led to quite writing this manuscript.
different results. It is possible that some residual confounding
may have biased the association between vitamin D and References
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1. 2. 3.

Stick the bandage on your hand Tighten the tourniquet Apply alcohol and tap

Int. Ext.
4. 5.


Palpate with the index Spot the best vein Place the guide with a pen

Introduce the
6. 7. needle with a
movement :
LO LO facing up
- Bevel
- Angle of 15-30°

Hold the needle (bevel facing you) Pull the skin at 10cm Apply the bandage

8. 9. End of the drawing

- Remove the tourniquet
LO - Prepare your finger above the LO
bandage without pressing
- Withdraw the needle with a fast movement
- Press on the puncture point for hemostasis
- Fold the patient arm for 1 minute
Connect the tubes - Retract the needle and throw it in the dedicated container
You will soon have a surgery in our dental office.
Your dentist may have to perform a blood drawing the day of
the surgery.

Why ? Your blood will be taken just before the surgery and immediately
centrifuged. Your dentist will retrieve a small concentrate (a fibrin clot,
very rich in growth factors).

What for ? These clots will protect your wounds, promote healing,
reduce the post-operative pain, decrease the risk of infections and
accelerate the bone regeneration.

Are we drawing a lot of blood ? No, about the same amount as for
blood tests. There is no more tiredness to fear after the surgery.

Are they contraindications ? NO ! All patients can benefit from this

technique. There are no contraindications. On the contrary, health
problems can make this procedure an essential contribution to a good

Nothing can replace your blood !

There are biomaterials (human, animal or synthetic), that may be added
to your blood. But only your blood can bring you as efficiently and
naturally all the growth factors necessary to your healing. Moreover,
there are no risk of rejection to fear, as it’s your own blood.

This natural technique requires the discomfort of a blood drawing but

will greatly facilitate your healing and help your body to grow bone and
gum in resorbed sites.

The whole practice is available to answer your questions

ORIGINAL ARTICLE pISSN 2234-7550 · eISSN 2234-5930

Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with

platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani1, Krishna Prasad Lingamaneni1, Girija Easwaradas Kreedapathi2,
Kiran Kumar Kattappagari3
Departments of 1Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and 3Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur,
Department of Physics, Periyar University Salem, Salem, India

Abstract (J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;45:332-342)

Objectives: Socket grafting is vital to prevent bone resorption after tooth extraction. Several techniques to prevent resorption have been described,
and various bone graft substitutes have been developed and used with varying success. We conducted this pilot study to evaluate the performance of
nanohydroxyapatite (nHA) derived from chicken eggshells in socket preservation.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective, single center, outcome assessor-blinded evaluation of 23 sockets (11 patients) grafted with nHA
and covered with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane as a barrier. Bone width and radiographic bone density were measured using digital radiographs
at 1, 12, and 24 weeks post-procedure. Postoperative histomorphometric and micro-computed tomography (CT) evaluation were performed. The study
protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee.
Results: All patients had uneventful wound healing without graft material displacement or leaching despite partial exposure of the grafted socket. Tis-
sue re-epithelialized with thick gingival biotype (>3 mm). Width of the bone was maintained and radiographic density increased significantly with a
trabecular pattern (73.91% of sockets) within 12 weeks. Histomorphometric analysis showed 56.52% Grade 3 bone formation and micro-CT analysis
revealed newly formed bone with interconnecting trabeculae.
Conclusion: Use of a PRF membrane with nHA resulted in good bone regeneration in sockets. Use of a PRF membrane prevents periosteal-releasing
incisions for primary closure, thereby facilitating the preservation of keratinized mucosa and gingival architecture. This technique, which uses eggshell-
derived nHA and PRF membrane from the patient’s own blood, is innovative and is free of disease transfer risks. nHA is a promising economic bone
graft substitute for bone regeneration and reconstruction because of the abundant availability of eggshell waste as a raw material.

Key words: Bone, Tooth extraction, Socket grafting, Wound healing, Bone regeneration
[paper submitted 2018. 12. 15 / revised 1st 2019. 4. 13, 2nd 2019. 5. 1 / accepted 2019. 5. 12]

I. Introduction review of dimensional changes of the alveolar bone following

extraction showed a mean reduction of 3.8 mm in width and
Socket grafting is vital to prevent bone resorption1. Remod- 1.24 mm of height in the first six months after extraction7.
eling of alveolar bone is a continuous process in physiology Replacement of missing teeth is essential, but without the
and pathology, but alveolar bone is essential for the retention support of adequate healthy alveolar bone, teeth replacement
of teeth. Extraction of teeth leads to an edentulous space and is difficult8. Socket preservation attempts are therefore made
loss of alveolar bone, function, and aesthetics2-6. A systemic to maintain bone to enable patients to have implant supported
prosthesis in the future without the requirement for additional
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani surgical procedures for augmentation1.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sibar Institute of Dental Socket preservation has been performed using different
Sciences, Takkellapadu, Guntur, Andra Pradesh 522509, India
TEL: +91-863-2292249 FAX: +91-863-2292139
materials with varying success rates1,9-12. Materials used for
E-mail: drvivekanandsk@gmail.com grafting include autogenous bone, allograft, xenograft, and
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9812-7207 alloplasts, among others1,9. Various membranes have been
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
used for wound closure, including polytetrafluoroethylene

Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/

licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and bovine and porcine collagen matrices1. Graft materials
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright © 2019 The Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. All enhance bone formation by promoting osteoconduction, os-
rights reserved.

Socket preservation using nHA and PRF

teoinduction, and osteogenesis13-16. However, no graft mate- II. Materials and Methods
rial to date is considered ideal. Recently, nanohydroxyapatite
derived from chicken eggshell (nHA) was developed17-19 and 1. Study design
used as an innovative graft material for bone regeneration
purposes20-22, but none of these previous studies evaluated the A total of 11 (eight male and three female) patients be-
performance of nHA and a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) mem- tween the ages of 15 to 45 years who presented to the out-
brane in socket preservation20-23. patient Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sibar
We therefore performed this pilot study to evaluate the Institute of Dental Sciences (Guntur, India) for extraction
histomorphometric and radiographic characteristics of bone and willing to participate in the study protocol were enrolled
regeneration when nHA and a PRF membrane were used for during the period from June 2017 to June 2018. The Institu-
alveolar bone preservation and enhancement in the maxilla tional Ethics Committee of Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences
and mandible of humans to enable implant-supported restora- approved the study protocol (IEC-16/09/2014) and this study
tion. was registered with the Clinical Trials Registry-India (CTRI).
Patients and patients’ relatives were informed about the study

Exposure 75 KV 4.00 mA 19.96 s Exposure 84 KV 5.00 mA 19.96 s
Dose 349 mGy.cm2 Dose 596 mGy.cm2
Axial Thickness=630 !m Axial Thickness=630 !m
Panoramic Thickness=990 !m Panoramic Thickness=10.0 mm
Oblique Thickness=90 !m Spacing=899 !m Oblique Thickness=90 !m Spacing=899 !m


Fig. 1. A. Bone defect immediately after extraction with curette in place. B. Bone graft material placed till crestal level in the mandibular left
first molar socket. C. Wound closure using platelet-rich fibrin membrane and figure of eight suture. D. Well healed wound after two weeks. E.
Well-formed bone observed during exposure for implant bed preparation. F. Cone-beam computed tomography pre-extraction view with
roots and bone defect marked in red circles. G. Bone formation (red circles) assessed before implant placement.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019

J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;45:332-342

protocol before enrollment and written informed consent 2. Operative procedure

was obtained. This was a prospective, single center, outcome
assessor-blinded pilot study. Extraction of the tooth or tooth root was performed atrau-
matically under local anesthesia. If necessary, curettage was
1) Sample size calculation performed (Fig. 1. A) and irrigation was done with Betadine
The sample size required for this pilot study was 10 pa- and saline. Socket compression was not performed to prevent
tients but we recruited 11 patients involving one or more the collapse of bony walls. After hemostasis, nHA grafting
sockets per patient depending on the clinical scenario. Sam- was performed to the crestal level in all 23 sockets.(Fig. 1. B)
ple size was calculated with 80% power and a 5% alpha error PRF membrane was transferred over the grafted socket and
based on a two-sided test. Total of 23 extraction sockets were tucked between buccal and lingual/palatal gingiva and stabi-
assessed among the 11 patients. lized using 3-0 black silk suture (figure of eight). The suture
passed through the membrane to prevent slippage. PRF mem-
2) Inclusion and exclusion criteria for patient selection brane prevented leaching of materials and periosteal-releasing
Patients with grossly decayed teeth, unrestorable teeth, incisions for primary closure.(Fig. 1. C) Postoperatively, all
those willing to undergo implant restoration, and those read- patients were administered antibiotics and analgesics for five
ily available for periodic recall were enrolled. Pregnant days as a standard of care. Patients were recalled after 8 days
patients, patients with gross tooth mobility due to complete for suture removal.
bone loss (more than 3/4 of root length), those in a vulnerable Implant bed was prepared using a trephine bur (3×10 mm)
category or with a systemic illness (diabetes, thyroid, hy- followed by a standard sequential drilling protocol for im-
pertension, etc.), and medically compromised patients were plant placement 24 weeks after grafting. Depending on initial
excluded from the study protocol to eliminate bias. stability, implants were loaded immediately or in a delayed
manner using NobelParallel conical connection root form im-
3) Materials plants made by Nobel Biocare (Kloten, Sweden).
(1) Nanohydroxyapatite
nHA granules used for grafting were synthesized from 3. Clinical and radiographic evaluation
natural calcium precursors obtained from chicken eggshell
waste and produced using a rapid microwave processing Wound healing was assessed prospectively.(Fig. 1. D) Pa-
technique17,18. The nHA obtained in this manner is typical tients were followed-up for 24 weeks until implant insertion.
flower-like nanostructured HA19. It is composed of leaf-like (Fig. 1. E) Preoperative cone-beam computed tomography
flakes extending radially from the center with a width of 100 (CBCT) revealed bony defects with roots.(Fig. 1. F) Bone
to 200 nm and length of 0.5 to 1 μm. nHA contains Ca, P, O, C, width was measured using bone calipers and radiographic
and Mg18,19. Incorporation of Mg ions into the HA structure is bone density was measured using digital intraoral peri-apical
important for the development of artificial bones19. radiograph at week 1, 12, and 24 postoperatively. CBCT
(2) Platelet-rich fibrin membrane was obtained for planning and assessment before implant
PRF membrane was prepared using autologous blood under placement.(Fig. 1. G) Digora software (Digora for Windows
standard aseptic precautions. Intravenous blood (5 mL) was Network Client, Soredex Orion Corporation,
drawn from the antecubital region using a sterile disposable Finland) was used to assess follow-up density changes and
syringe. Blood was centrifuged using a tabletop centrifuge bone formation characteristics.(Fig. 2) Radiographic evalu-
for 10 minutes at 3,000 rpm immediately after collection. The ation criteria were modified and adapted for assessment24,25.
resultant product comprised acellular plasma as the top layer, Gridlines in digital IOPA were used as reference lines to
a PRF clot in the middle, and red blood cells at the bottom. assess bone height postoperatively for available bone for
Successful preparation of PRF depends on speedy blood col- implant size selection. The assessor was blinded for the time
lection and immediate centrifugation before clotting begins. duration of follow-up during radiographic evaluation.
PRF component was separated and molded into a thin sheet
of approximately 1×1 cm using a sterile, wet piece of gauze. 1) Micro-CT evaluation
During implant placement, a trephine biopsy (taken using
a 3×10-mm trephine bur) harvested from the grafted site was

Socket preservation using nHA and PRF

subjected to histomorphometric and micro-CT evaluation. stabilized DXR500L detector (General Electric, Boston, MA,
(Fig. 3) Micro-CT analysis was carried out using a Phoe- USA) with 3,072 pixels provided a voxel size of 1.6 µm for
nixV/tome/Xs machine (GE Sensing & Inspection Technolo- assessment and allowed scanning of objects with voxel sizes
gies GmbH, Wunstorf, Germany).(Fig. 4. A-C) A series of <2 µm.
microfocus CT images were acquired as x-ray images while
progressively rotating the sample step by step through a 2) Histomorphometric evaluation
360º rotation at increments less than 1º per step.(Fig. 4. D) After micro-CT analysis, sections were decalcified using
These projections were used to reconstruct volumetric data. 5% EDTA. After processing, specimens were embedded in a
The multiline configuration of the flat panel covered with a paraffin wax block and sliced with a microtome to a thickness
movable shield reduced scattering artifacts. A temperature- of 5 µm for H&E staining.(Fig. 5) The core was cut trans-

Fig. 2. Intra-oral periapical radiographic

images for assessment of bone forma-
tion and density using Digora software.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Soc-
ket preservation using eggshell-derived nano-
hydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier
membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc Oral
Maxillofac Surg 2019


Fig. 3. A. Thick tissue biotype observed after removal of the screw-retained abutment of an immediate-loaded implant following suture
removal after 1 week. B. Trephined bone (3×10 mm size) harvested from the left mandibular first molar site 24 weeks after grafting (during
implant bed preparation) for micro-computed tomography (CT) and histomorphometric analysis. C, D. Micro-CT sections of trephine bone
showing intervening trabeculae.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc
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J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;45:332-342



Fig. 4. A-C. Micro-computed tomography (CT) assessment of trephined bone using PhoenixV/tome/Xs machine image analyzing software.
D. Schematic presentation of micro-CT image acquisition process for analysis using the PhoenixV/tome/Xs machine.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019

10-mm bone 5-mm trephine bone

Fig. 5. A. Microphotograph of two (10
mm and 5 mm) trephine bone speci-
mens showing intervening trabeculae
with a rim of osteoblasts (arrows). B.
Osteoid and fibrous connective tissue
with plump lacunae with prominent os-
teocytes was visible (arrows). A, B. H&E
staining (×10).
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Soc-
ket preservation using eggshell-derived nano-
hydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier
A B membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc Oral
Maxillofac Surg 2019

versely and interpreted using image analysis software by two and percentages and analyzed by dependent t-tests using
oral and maxillofacial pathologists blinded to the procedure. IBM SPSS Statistics software (ver. 20.0; IBM, Armonk, NY,
Histology analysis criteria were modified and adopted for USA). Kappa correlation was calculated to assess the degree
evaluation as follows: Grade 0, no bone formation; Grade 1, of observer agreement for radiological assessment.
minimal bone formation; Grade 2, moderate bone formation;
Grade 3, abundant bone formation; and Grade 4, exuberant III. Results
bone formation at the grafted site26.
1. Clinical observations
4. Statistical analysis
All patients (23 sockets) had uneventful wound healing.
Results were tabulated using Microsoft Excel 2010 (Micro- No graft material displacement or leaching was observed,
soft, Redmond, WA, USA). Data were summarized as means even though the graft material was partially exposed. Tissue

Socket preservation using nHA and PRF

re-epithelialized entirely within 2 weeks with a thick gingival week 4 to week 24.(Tables 1-3) Graft particles were incorpo-
biotype (>3 mm). Radiographic analysis showed increased rated into the generated bony tissue and the augmented site
density with a trabecular pattern in 73.91% of sockets while was clinically indistinguishable from the original neighboring
in the remaining 26.09% of sockets, a ground glass appear- bony tissue. Many of these sites had successfully placed im-
ance was observed.(Fig. 6) After 24 weeks, bone fill with plants.
well-preserved ridges was observed. Socket wall width was
measured at the crestal bone level and was consistent from 2. Histomorphometric and micro-CT observations

Micro-CT analysis revealed newly formed bone with in-

Ground glass terconnecting trabeculae and H&E staining revealed thin tra-
beculae of woven bone. Plenty of cellular osteoid in the form
of trabeculae with intervening loose relatively dense cellular
fibrous tissue was observed. Trabeculae showed a rich anas-
tomosing pattern with numerous enlarged lacunae containing
prominent osteocytes. Numerous bundles of collagen fibers
were also observed. Osteoid showed eosinophilic areas sur-
Trabecular rounded by a rim of osteoblasts.(Fig. 5) The graft material
73.91% was in apposition with the osteoid. No osteoclasts or inflam-
Fig. 6. Pattern of bone regeneration and distribution of these pat- matory cells were observed. Grade 2 bone formation was ob-
terns. served in 13.04% of grafted sockets, Grade 3 bone formation
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived
nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J in 56.52% of grafted sockets, and Grade 4 bone formation in
Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019 8.70% of grafted sockets.(Fig. 7)

Table 1. Socket preservation, changes in alveolar width at different time intervals, pattern of bone regeneration, and histopathology grad-
ing 24 weeks after bone grafting
Alveolar width (mm) Mean density after Grade of bone
Tooth No. (FDI) of Pattern of bone
No. formation based on
socket preservation Initial Final 1 wk 12 wk 24 wk regeneration
1 37 13 12 60.60 40.32 76.34 Trabecular 3
2 36 14 13 63.27 55.50 88.80 Trabecular 3
3 11 14 14 54.34 34.43 70.46 Ground glass 3
4 12 13 13 50.12 45.10 65.27 Ground glass 4
5 13 15 14 53.24 40.23 58.89 Ground glass 2
6 14 14 13 50.32 43.12 65.13 Ground glass 4
7 15 13 12 44.45 34.10 67.73 Trabecular 3
8 23 15 14 54.43 45.20 73.49 Trabecular 2
9 24 14 14 50.32 40.12 75.21 Trabecular 3
10 33 13 13 45.56 34.34 58.12 Ground glass 3
11 35 13 12.5 56.75 45.65 69.15 Ground glass 2
12 44 13 12.5 45.43 34.43 72.14 Trabecular 3
13 45 14 13 45.21 32.54 73.16 Trabecular 3
14 36 14.5 14.5 50.68 45.00 69.76 Trabecular 3
15 21 14 13.5 54.45 34.80 68.23 Trabecular 3
16 36 14.5 14 50.89 29.01 75.20 Trabecular 3
17 36 15 14 59.43 36.03 76.08 Trabecular 3
18 36 14 14 66.34 35.04 79.05 Trabecular -
19 38 15 14.5 63.12 60.06 80.03 Trabecular -
20 14 14 13.5 64.34 58.09 76.83 Trabecular -
21 15 13 13 44.65 35.07 69.01 Trabecular 3
22 47 15 14 56.87 43.05 70.01 Trabecular -
23 48 16 15 68.54 46.03 74.01 Trabecular -
(FDI: Fédération Dentaire Internationale; FDI World Dental Federation)
Histologic analysis graded on the following 5-point scale: 1) Grade 0, no bone formation; 2) Grade 1, minimal bone formation; 3) Grade 2,
moderate bone formation; 4) Grade 3, abundant bone formation; 5) Grade 4, exuberant bone formation.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc
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J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;45:332-342

Table 2. Comparison of initial and final alveolar width (mm) scores by dependent t-test
Time points Mean SD Mean Diff. SD Diff. % of change Paired t P -value
Initial 14.04 0.86
Final 13.48 0.80 0.57 0.43 4.02 6.2395 0.0001*
(SD: standard deviation, Diff.: difference)
*P <0.05.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019

Table 3. Comparison of density scores 1 week, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks by dependent t-test
Time points Mean SD Mean Diff. SD Diff. % of change Paired t P -value
1st wk 54.49 7.35
12th wk 41.19 8.26 13.31 7.17 24.42 8.9052 0.0001*
1st wk 54.49 7.35
24th wk 71.83 6.74 –17.34 6.32 –31.81 –13.1497 0.0001*
12th wk 41.19 8.26
24th wk 71.83 6.74 –30.65 8.29 –74.41 –17.7222 0.0001*
(SD: standard deviation, Diff.: difference)
*P <0.05.
Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J Korean Assoc
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019

IV. Discussion 60.0 56.52

Histological grading of bone (%)

1. General aspects
Socket preservation is essential for maintaining adequate
alveolar bone height and width and enhancing bone regen-
eration. Alveolar bone is required to support the growth of 20.0
thick soft tissue. Various materials and techniques have been
used for socket preservation1,27. Selection of a socket pres-
ervation technique and graft material remains the choice of 0.0
the clinician. Many factors such as the pattern of resorption Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

(resorbable or non-resorbable), graft material origin (bovine, Fig. 7. Histological grade of bone regeneration and distribution of
these grades.
synthetic, coral, eggshell), material availability, economic Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani et al: Socket preservation using eggshell-derived
factors, and understanding of the evidence for regeneration nanohydroxyapatite with platelet-rich fibrin as a barrier membrane: a new technique. J
Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019
influence the choice of graft material14-16.
The disadvantages associated with harvesting autogenous
grafts have prompted research into novel materials for graft- preserve existing bone and modulate early bone regenera-
ing14. An increasing number of synthetic alternatives are tion to facilitate implant osseointegration31,32. Synthetic nHA
becoming available16. Improvements in technology have does not require a donor site, and raw material is available
facilitated the synthesis of hydroxyapatite graft particles that in unlimited quantities26,33. Control of particle size and inter-
are osteoinductive28-30. particulate spaces to mimic those of natural bone is possible
Synthetic HA is a calcium phosphate material that can during manufacturing17-19.
have different densities, structures, and surface chemistries
depending on its exact composition. These characteristics are 2. Nanohydroxyapatite derived from chicken eggshell
responsible for the bone bonding properties, turnover rate,
and longevity of the material in situ 18. The efficacy of vari- We used nHA derived from chicken eggshell in the pres-
ous HA materials in long-term ridge preservation has been ent study. Nanosynthetic HA has shown promising results for
proven. However, HA used in socket preservation should socket preservation, and our findings further support the util-

Socket preservation using nHA and PRF

ity of nanosynthetic HA for this purpose34. Histology sections tissue anatomy has distinct functional and esthetic advantag-
from superficial to deeper cuts showed a consistent increase es33,40. We observed a significant increase in density from the
in newly formed bone with a decrease in the connective tis- week 1 to week 12 (P <0.05). Minimal bone loss (0.57±0.43
sue area fraction. Histomorphometric findings indicated mod- mm) was observed over 24 weeks compared to baseline,
erate to abundant bone formation within 24 weeks. Moreover, consistent with the literature1. Alveolar bone preservation
lower amounts of residual graft particles were observed, and replacement therapy can be achieved using nHA without
similar to the study of Goetz et al.35. Goetz et al.35 used Nano- a collagen barrier membrane. nHA is therefore a promising
Bone synthetic material for socket filling and reported nearly graft material that can be produced in an environmentally-
complete ossification with small residues of material after 4 friendly manner17,19.
months follow-up. NanoBone was osteoconductive based on
its ability to promote bony ingrowth and initiate integration 3. Socket preservation technique and barrier membrane
with newly formed bone. Thus total incorporation of gener-
ated bony tissue and mineral particles was achieved34,35. New We used nHA for socket preservation23. No cases of leach-
tissue formation in the healed socket was observed in ap- ing or displacement of the graft material were observed and
proximately 75% of all examined specimens. Ultimately, the no periosteal-releasing incisions occurred. Use of an inva-
graft material should induce new bone formation34. New bone sive method is recommended against at this point as any
formation was evident in all samples and augmented sockets procedure that requires primary intention healing with the
had an adequate morphology and density. advancement of flaps can result in an increased inflamma-
Preliminary experimental studies have also evaluated nano- tory response and a decrease in vestibular depth, creating an
sized ceramics as a promising class of graft substitute materi- unaesthetic scar41. The study by Fickl et al.42 showed that flap
als because of their osteo-integrative properties36. In these elevation results in the loss of more bone. This is because
studies, nHA paste was used with or without an additional rupture of the periosteum and connective tissue insertion con-
barrier membrane36. This paste promoted wound healing in sequently reduces blood flow, causing lysis of osteocytes and
the extraction sockets. Nanoparticles can hypothetically re- necrosis of mineralized tissue42. This necrotic bone will grad-
duce the inflammatory response and support active osseous ually be removed through resorption by osteoclasts present
organization36,37. in the periosteum43,44. We overcame this problem of bone loss
The nHA used in this study meets the characteristics of an by not elevating the flap. Elevation also negatively affects the
ideal graft material noted by Gross31 in 1997. The material esthetics of the ridge and papilla by altering the mucogingival
is available in granular/nanopowder form, which is easy to line position2. We used PRF membrane to cover the graft ma-
handle, and is not prone to infection. In this study, the grafted terial during the initial period; we consider this an essential
area was exposed to the oral cavity because we did not use step for successful grafting with the existing attached gingiva
primary closure or a barrier membrane other than a PRF and future success with implant restoration.
membrane to prevent initial leaching of the material until it Many current socket preservation techniques use a barrier
became cohesive with a blood clot. nHA is hydrophilic and membrane for primary closure, but there are often difficulties
sticks to the socket wall and settles down in the blood soon in adoption of the membrane, and a second surgical proce-
after filling. There is no possibility of disease transfer because dure is required to remove the membrane45. In general, mem-
the material is derived from chicken eggshell. Histology brane use is time-consuming and expensive45-47. Murphy45,46
clearly showed the development of bone reminiscent of na- reported exposure of non-resorbable membrane in 87% of
tive bone. Mobility of the tooth has been shown to be main- cases, leading to infection, swelling, sloughing, and reces-
tained when this material is grafted into large cystic defects23, sion. We did not encounter these complications using PRF
and it also supports implant prostheses successfully. Similar membrane to cover the graft material. Synthetic grafts do
findings have been reported for synthetic grafts38 with clini- not require a second surgical procedure, nor do they elicit an
cally successful implants observed after five years38. Further- inflammatory reaction, which is usually seen with a barrier
more, bone density and volume have been shown to increase membrane47. Formation of dense lamellar bone at the grafted
over time38,39. As noted by Boyne40, synthetics act as a natural area has been observed20. Socket grafting eliminates or reduc-
barrier for epithelial downgrowth into the socket. The ability es the incidence of dry socket33; consistent with this, no cases
to maintain the height and width of alveolar bone and soft of dry socket were encountered in our study. Moreover, inva-

J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2019;45:332-342

sive procedures like guided bone regeneration and sinus floor according to the manufacturer and depends on many factors
elevation are not needed when socket grafting is adopted and such as the raw material source and processing technique in-
planned properly before extraction41. volved14,16,31,32. Comparison of the costs of grafting is beyond
The PRF membrane in our study acted as a cover for graft the scope of this study.
material and as a barrier membrane for guided bone regen- Limitations of this pilot study are our small sample size
eration. The effect of PRF as a barrier membrane for bone and the fact that socket morphology, width, and presence of
formation and soft tissue healing may be limited, but PRF buccal/lingual cortical walls were not taken into account in
and nHA may interact additively or synergistically. The use- our analyses.
fulness of PRF in the maxillofacial area is expanding48. Our
study design did not allow us to distinguish between the ef- V. Conclusion
fects of nHA and PRF, although histomorphometry analysis
at the bottom of the socket and middle of the socket showed Sockets preserved with nHA showed good bone regenera-
similar bone formation characteristics as that in the crestal tion. Use of nHA and a PRF membrane as a barrier can assist
area. In previous studies, nHA alone enhanced bone forma- the healing process and provide better bone quality while pre-
tion in cystic defects23,49. Even after disintegration of the PRF serving alveolar bone. Micro-CT provides good insight into
membrane, material leaching was not observed. Alveolar bone healing and bone quality in three dimensions compared
bone loss occurs if socket preservation techniques are not to conventional histopathology. The technique described
employed1. We therefore did not include a control group here does not require primary closure, thereby facilitating the
in this preliminary study as this study is part of an ongoing preservation of keratinized mucosa and gingival architecture.
study protocol to delineate the histomorphometric and micro- nHA derived from chicken eggshell is a promising novel
CT characteristics of bone formation in relation to radiogra- bone graft substitute.
phy; previous studies have used only radiography (IOPA and
CBCT/CT scan) for assessment of cystic defect grafting23,49. ORCID
Grafting prevents hematoma and infection. Manipulation
of graft material is easy because of the hydrophilic nature of Vivekanand Sabanna Kattimani, https://orcid.org/0000-
nHA. It can be used as putty when mixed with a drop of sa- 0002-9812-7207
line or native blood or serum from the PRF test-tube. Its ease Krishna Prasad Lingamaneni, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
of use, absence of disease transfer risk, ready availability in 0098-2900
large quantities, and environment-friendly production make Girija Easwaradas Kreedapathi, https://orcid.org/0000-
nHA an economic graft substitute material for enhancement 0002-2529-0062
of bone regeneration and reconstruction. Application of nHA Kiran Kumar Kattappagari, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-
in grafted sockets supports implant restoration, indicating os- 6614-6617
Authors’ Contributions
4. Future research work
V.S.K. designed the study and K.P.L. mentored the study.
Advances in tissue engineering techniques are likely to V.S.K. collected data and wrote the manuscript. K.K.K.
provide novel biomaterials for everyday clinical use41. Long- and G.E.K. performed the review and assisted for the study.
term follow-up data are mandatory to evaluate the presence K.K.K. participated in the study assessment and helped to
of grafted particles that could eventually interfere with the draft the histological assessment part of the manuscript. All
longevity of the implant. We are currently performing a study authors read and approved the final manuscript.
to further elucidate the histochemical and morphometric
nature of the bone formed, as well as assess the resorption Acknowledgements
kinetics of nHA. The results of the current pilot study suggest
that multicenter randomized controlled clinical trials with We would like to thank our colleagues in the Department
long-term implant restoration follow-up are warranted. Vari- of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Oral and Maxil-
ous grafting materials are available for purchase. Cost varies lofacial Pathology for their support during execution of this

Socket preservation using nHA and PRF

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prior to implant placement--clinical and histological case reports.

Platelet Rich Fibrin Course
joseph@a-prf.com elisa@a-prf.com

1. Concept
Principle : blood centrifugation without anticoagulants.
PRF was launched in 2000 by J. Choukroun (Choukroun J. et al. 2001)
PRF contains platelets, but also a high concentration of fibrin and leucocytes.
PRF is often called L-PRF (Leucocytes - PRF) for its firm formulation by J. Choukroun in 2001.
Nowadays, new modifications in centrifugation speed, G-force and time have led to the
development of a more bioactive PRF now called A-PRF (Advanced - PRF) (= LSCC for Low
Speed Centrifugation Concept, 2014).
Fibrin is the main component of PRF. Discoveries from basic science researches show that :
- Fibrin is a provisional extra cellular matric entirely derived from autogenous sources
- Fibrine contains a supra –physiological concentration of human growth factors
- Fibrine releases slowly and continuously cytokines for up to and over 10 days.

2. Indications
The use of PRF is indicated in all types of oral surgeries :
- Socket preservation : PRF is used as a tissue matrix. Fill the socket as much as you
can (compress the plugs with a gauze or a compactor). The socket has to be left
open, no primary closure is necessary. Sutures are done only to maintain PRF in
the socket. There is no need to wait more than 3 months to place the implant.
In most cases, no additional biomaterial is needed.
- Soft tissue management : PRF is used as a tissue matrix. The best technique is the
tunnel technique with a full flap. Same rule applies : Use as much PRF as you can.
- Bone graft : Sticky bone with S-PRF.
Otherwise, cut the membranes (1 or 2) into small pieces and mix them with the
biomaterial. Hydrate this mix with the PRF exudate from the PRF box.
- Sinus lift :
.Protection of the Schneiderian membrane : 2 membranes placed first
.PRF mixed with the biomaterial
.Treatment of Schneiderian membrane perforations
.Closure of the osteotomy window
.PRF can also be used alone, only with a simultaneous implant placement
- Guided Bone Regeneration : PRF can be used as a barrier membrane to cover the
augmented bone and to improve the vascularization of both hard and soft tissues.
It’s idealy placed especially when no re-entry is planned.
3. Preparation/Protocols
PRF ou L - PRF (1st protocol of 2001) : 2700 tr/min & 12 min

A - PRF + (clots, membranes, plugs) : Red tubes :

1. Draw your tubes (fast filling)
2. Put them in the centrifuge, in a balanced way (use the colors to help you)
3. Launch the program A - PRF + : 1300 tr/min & 14 min
4. At the end of the spinning : Remove the tubes from the machine, remove the caps
& Put the tubes in the tube-holder.

Wait 5 minutes if the clots are not completely solid.

Don’t leave the tubes in the centrifuge, and neither the clots in the tubes.

Remove the clot from the tube and peel of the red clot, to keep only the fibrin.
- For a clot : Use like this
- For a membrane : Place the clot in the PRF-BoX and put the tray over
- For a plug : Place the clot in the dedicated white cylinder and press it with the piston

S - PRF : (Sticky bone & large membranes) : Green tubes :

1. Draw your green tubes (fast filling) + 1 red tube
2. Put them in the centrifuge, in a balanced way (use the colors to help you)
3. Launch the program A - PRF + : 1300 tr/min & 14 min
4. At the end of the spinning : Remove the tubes from the machine, remove the caps
& Put the tubes in the tube-holder.
5. With a 2mL seringue, take the liquid from the green tubes
6. Apply this liquid on your biomaterial (sticky bone) or alone in a container (large membrane)
7. To accelerate the clotting : Add 1 clot on your sticky bone or 1 membrane on your large
membrane (From the red rube)

To have more liquid, draw more green tubes.

Add more liquid to yout sticky bone if you have a large graft
or if you want a denser sticky bone
If you want to graft first and then « congeal » it on site :
- Cut 1 or 2 membranes in small pieces in the cup
- Add your biomaterial
- Add few drops of the PRF-BoX exsudate
- Apply this mix on the site to graft
- Congeal the mix with drops of S-PRF
Limits of this protocol :
- If you do the blood drawing at the beginning of the surgery (A PRF for membranes), you’ll
need to do a second drawing at the time of the graft (S PRF for the liquid)
- Or do the drawing for both A PRF (red) & S PRF (green) at the moment of the graft.

i - PRF : Green tubes : Liquid for 15-20 min.

Women : i PRF settings : 700 tr/min (60 g) & 3 min
Men : i PRF M settings : 700 tr/min (200 g) & 4 mn

i - PRF + (Aesthetics & Orthopedics) : Purple tubes : Liquid for 20 min.

Women : i PRF + settings : 700 tr/min (60 g) & 5 min
Men : i PRF + M settings : 700 tr/min (200 g) & 6 mn

5. Biological conditions
LDL Cholesterol
The cholesterol metabolism mainly occurs into osteoblasts.
LDL cholesterol is an oxidant and induces cell apoptosis.
A high level of LDL cholesterol deteriorates the bone health.
LDL cholesterol testing is highly recommanded : it has to be < 1,4 g/L.
Lab prescription : LDL Cholesterol + Cholesterol total
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a major hormon, necessary to the bone homeostasis and to an efficent
immune response. Many failures and peri-implantitis should be linked to this metabolic
Lab testing is also recommanded : it has to be > 50ng/mL for a surgery.
Lab prescription : 25 OH - vit D2 + D3
Supplementation : - Starts the day of the pre-op consultation : 2000 UI/day
- Adapt to the patient serum level after lab test results :
If level > 30ng/mL : 2000 UI/day
If level is between 20 & 30ng/mL : 4000 UI/day
If level is between 10 & 20ng/mL : 6000 UI/day
If level < 10ng/mL : 10 000 UI/day
Metronidazole (pure powder)
The use of metronidazole helps to reduce the contamination of the bone graft during
surgery. Metronidazole is the most efficient molecule against anaerobe bacteria. The
powder (pure) is mixed to the biomaterial before addind the i-PRF, A-PRF or PRF
exudate. Only few milligrams are necessary, around 50mg (1 cap).

6. Pressure & tension

Pressure on a tissue leads to a lack of angiogenesis. This essential rule was published
by Mammoto in 2009. All healing failures are linked to a deficit of vascularization.

Tension free flap closure is highly recommended. However the tension is also
coming from the vestibule (speaking, smilling, coughing, chewing…). With high
tension, the periosteum becomes ischemic and the bone resorbtion becomes
Solutions :
- Decrease the tension of the flap at the maximum.
- Suture with apical mattress : deep U suture in the vestibule.
- Always check the tension at the end of the surgery: pull lips and cheeks
- If tension persist (flap mobilité despite apical mattress) : Incision in the vestibule.



Apical mattress

The pressure is applied by the flap and will induce ischemia of the periosteum.
Solutions :
- Screw tenting
- Apical mattress
- Titanium mesh
- Cortical bone plate

Pressure free implant placement

When placed with a high torque, implants can cause a high pressure on the bone, ,
especially on the cortex, leading to an ischemia of this bone and its resorbtion.
The best is to over-drill the cortical bone on 2mm depth or to perform subcrestal
implant placement, to free this bone from any pressure.

The grafted bone, less elastic, is even more fragile. Any implant placement will
increase the stress applied on the bone. Strongly reduced insertion torque is highly
recommended. Immediate loading should be avoided.

When a flap is raised, the re attachment of the periosteum needs ew weeks to be
sufficient. The sutures have to stay least 3-4 weeks. The use of a monofilament is
highly recommended The easiest solution is to use a resorbable monofilament.

7. Pain management
Pain is coming from the inflammation.
In order to reduce inflammation, cortison is the most efficient molecule.
Its biologic hal life is around 3 days.
One dose is enough to reduce the inflammation :
Prednisolone : 1mg/kg de Prednisolone or Dexamethasone : 0,20 mg/kg

Only one dose is sufficient is most of the cases. If necessary, a second dose can be given
after 3 days. Pain killers as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol should be associated.

To improve a weak anesthesia (local acidity), it’s possible to increase the pH of the
gum with Sodium Bicarbonate 1,4% : 5-10mL injected in the area of the anesthesia,
after the injection of anesthetics.
Allergic symptoms are coming from the release of histamine from the macrophages
after allergens exposure.
It’s easy to prevent any allergic reaction by blocking the histamine release before the
surgery : Use of antihistaminic drugs as Hydroxyzine : Atarax®
1 tablet of 25 mg/day/3 days before the surgery, at bedtime.

Use of antihistaminics (ex:Hydroxyzine) : Atarax®
About 1mg/kg for an adult, to start 2h before the surgery.
In case of an high anxiety, give the same quantity the night before.
Do not drive.

Atropine Sulfate : 0,25 mg : IM, IV, sub-cutaneous or mouth floor
If injected on mouth floor : inject fews drops of anesthetics before because atropine
injection can be painful in this site
Evidence for Contamination of Silica Microparticles
in Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrices Prepared
Using Silica-Coated Plastic Tubes
Tetsuhiro Tsujino 1 , Akira Takahashi 2 , Sadahiro Yamaguchi 3 , Taisuke Watanabe 4 ,
Kazushige Isobe 5 , Yutaka Kitamura 6 , Takaaki Tanaka 7 , Koh Nakata 8 and
Tomoyuki Kawase 9, *
1 Private Practice, Hiroshima 732-0066, Japan; tetsudds@gmail.com
2 Private Practice, Kawasaki 213-0033, Kanagawa, Japan; atakahashihdc@ybb.ne.jp
3 Private Practice, Ohta 373-0808, Japan; y-sada@mwd.biglobe.ne.jp
4 Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Hard Tissue, Institute of Medicine and Dentistry,
Niigata University, Niigata 951-8514, Japan; watatai@mui.biglobe.ne.jp
5 Tokyo Plastic Dental Society, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0002, Japan; kaz-iso@tc4.so-net.ne.jp
6 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Matsumoto Dental University, Shiojiri 399-0781, Japan;
7 Department of Materials Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan;
8 Bioscience Medical Research Center, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, Niigata 951-8520,
Japan; radical@med.niigata-u.ac.jp
9 Division of Oral Bioengineering, Institute of Medicine and Dentistry, Niigata University, Niigata 951-8514, Japan
* Correspondence: kawase@dent.niigata-u.ac.jp; Tel.: +81-25-262-7559
Received: 20 May 2019; Accepted: 18 June 2019; Published: 19 June 2019 !"#$%&'

Abstract: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy has been widely applied in regenerative dentistry,
and PRF preparation has been optimized to efficiently form fibrin clots using plain glass tubes.
Currently, a shortage of commercially available glass tubes has forced PRF users to utilize silica-coated
plastic tubes. However, most plastic tubes are approved by regulatory authorities only for diagnostic
use and remain to be approved for PRF therapy. To clarify this issue, we quantified silica microparticles
incorporated into the PRF matrix. Blood samples were collected into three di↵erent brands
of silica-containing plastic tubes and were immediately centrifuged following the protocol for
advanced-PRF (A-PRF). Advanced-PRF-like matrices were examined using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM), and silica microparticles were quantified using a spectrophotometer. Each brand
used silica microparticles of specific size and appearance. Regardless of tube brands and individual
donors, significant, but not accidental, levels of silica microparticles were found to be incorporated
into the A-PRF-like matrix, which will be consequently incorporated into the implantation sites.
Presently, from the increasing data for cytotoxicity of amorphous silica, we cannot exclude the
possibility that such A-PRF-like matrices negatively influence tissue regeneration through induction
of inflammation. Further investigation should be performed to clarify such potential risks.

Keywords: advanced platelet-rich fibrin; amorphous silica; coating; blood collection tube; health hazard

1. Introduction
Similar to platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has been demonstrated to be
e↵ective in tissue repair/regeneration in various fields of regenerative medicine [1–5]. The major
advantages of PRF over PRP are that it does not necessitate superior operator skills, anti-coagulants,

Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45; doi:10.3390/biomedicines7020045 www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicines

Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 2 of 11

or coagulation factors, implying that fewer sections of the PRF preparation protocol can be biased.
Thus, the use of standardized blood-collection tubes and centrifuges under the same centrifugal
conditions reproducibly prepare similar-quality PRF from the same individuals at the same time points.
Therefore, PRF has been increasingly used around the world.
However, PRF users have recently faced a serious problem where, except for some brands
specialized for PRF preparation, major medical equipment manufacturers have discontinued the
production of plain glass tubes for blood collection [6]. Therefore, some PRF users have had to purchase
PRF-specific glass tubes, even though conventional, non-approved glass tubes are less expensive
than approved plastic tubes and can be obtained routinely from non-authorized distributors. If such
glass tubes are not available, many PRF users would use silica-coated plastic tubes specific for blood
coagulation, which were originally produced for diagnostic use, without a careful quality check. In fact,
many manufacturers caution PRF users against the use of silica-coated plastic tubes, including plastic
tubes containing silica-coated film, for the preparation of PRF for regenerative therapy because these
products have not been approved for PRF preparation by regulatory agencies, unlike blood-transfusion
bags in Japan and probably all other countries. Nonetheless, medical and dental clinicians in Japan
still have the right to use their discretion while choosing blood collection tubes [6]. This regulatory
matter is discussed in detail in the Discussion section.
Upon contact with the glass surface, coagulation factor XII in the plasma can be activated to
consequently produce a fibrin clot through the activation of the intrinsic coagulation cascade [7].
Since the plastic surface does not have the potential to stimulate coagulation, PRF cannot be prepared in
plastic tubes by the well-known centrifugation-based protocol. We have recently developed a method
using a synthetic collagen-like protein to indirectly stimulate coagulation via activation of platelets and
reproducibly prepare a PRF-like matrix [8]. In addition, in a preclinical animal study, we demonstrated
that the combination of PRF and particles made of the collagen-like protein could be used as a safe and
promising bone substitute in bone regenerative therapy.
However, such hybrid plastic tubes are not yet available commercially, and therefore many PRF
users employ existing products as replacements of the original plain glass tubes. Among the existing
products, the plastic tubes for blood coagulation meet their requirements [9]. Although detailed
specifications seem to vary for individual products, they commonly contain silica microparticles inside
the tubes because of the glass-like property of silica. However, many PRF users rarely pay attention
to the possible health hazards. It has been reported that silica microparticles, depending on their
amorphousness and size, can be harmful to our body [10,11]. As these products are generally used for
diagnostic purposes only, to date, manufacturers have not disclosed the information regarding either
specifications or ease of detachment of silica microparticles.
To evaluate the quality of the PRF prepared using silica-coated plastic tubes, we characterized the
morphology of the silica microparticles and examined their possible contamination in the resulting
PRF matrix.

2. Experimental Section

2.1. Preparation of Advanced-PRF (A-PRF) Matrices

After obtaining individual written informed consent, blood samples were collected, without
anticoagulants, from six non-smoking healthy male volunteers aged 30–60 years. The study design
and consent forms for all procedures (project identification code: 2297) were approved by the ethics
committee for human participants at the Niigata University School of Medicine (Niigata, Japan) on
14 October 2015, in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964, as revised in 2013.
Fresh blood samples (approximately 9.0 mL) from each donor were collected into two brands
of evacuated silica-coated plastic tubes, Vacuette® serum clot activator tubes (Greiner Bio-One
GmbH, Kremsmünster, Austria) and Neotube® celite tubes (NP-PS0909; NIPRO Corp, Osaka, Japan)
or evacuated tubes containing silica-coated film, Venoject II® clot activator film-containing tubes
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 3 of 11

(VP-P100K; TERUMO Corp, Tokyo, Japan) as a variation of silica-coated tubes. The specifications of
these tube brands are summarized in Table 1. Blood was immediately centrifuged at 200⇥ g for 14 min
(A-PRF protocol) using a Duo centrifuge (Process, Nice, France) at ambient temperature (20–22 C).

Table 1. Characteristics of plastic tubes used in this study.

Neotube Vacuette Venoject II

Material of tube plastic (PET) plastic (PET) plastic (PET)
Silica types amorphous not disclosed not disclosed
Object coated inner-wall surface inner-wall surface film
Additives not disclosed not disclosed thrombin

Quality checks were carried out on individual blood samples by performing platelet and other
blood cell counts using a pocH 100iV automated hematology analyzer (Sysmex, Kobe, Japan).

2.2. Detachment of Silica Microparticles from the Inner Walls of Tubes or Films
Disinfectant, 70% ethanol (2 mL) was added to each tube which were then tapped several times
and sonicated for 60 s in an ultrasonic cleaner (Citizen, Tokyo, Japan). The suspension of detached
silica microparticles was transferred into plastic dishes and air-dried on a clean bench.

2.3. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Examination

Dried silica microparticles were attached to carbon tape and directly examined under a scanning
electron microscope (SEM) (TM-1000, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV [12,13].

2.4. Spectrophotometric Quantification of Detached Silica Microparticles

Pure water (2 mL) was added to each tube and silica microparticles were detached thoroughly
as described above. Then, the concentrations of silica suspensions (100 µL) were determined using a
spectrophotometer (PiCOSCOPE; Ushio Inc., Tokyo, Japan). In a preliminary study, we confirmed that
KOH did not significantly influence either the silica microparticles or the spectrophotometric determination.

2.5. Enzymatic Degradation of A-PRF Matrices to Release Silica Microparticles

A-PRF clots were gently compressed with a compression device (JMR, Niigata, Japan) [14],
cut into 6–8 pieces, washed with Phosphate Bu↵ered Saline (PBS) three times and degraded in 0.1%
Trypsin + 1.06 mM Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA)
at 37 C overnight until almost complete degradation occurred. Fibrin and cell-derived debris were
further lysed in 1 M KOH for 1 h. The released silica microparticles were washed three times with
pure water to remove colored elements, such as hemoglobin, and resuspended in pure water (2 mL).
The concentrations of the silica microparticles were determined using a spectrophotometer.

2.6. Statistical Analysis

The data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). For two-group comparisons, statistical
analyses were conducted to compare the mean values by Student t-test (SigmaPlot 12.5; Systat Software,
Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). Di↵erences with p values < 0.05 were considered significant.

3. Results
The macroscopic appearance of the silica-coated plastic tube (Neotube) pre- and post-centrifugation
is shown in Figure 1. Before centrifugation, the tube wall appears homogenously hazy overall but
some spots were dense. In contrast, after centrifugation, the tube wall turned out to be clear.
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 4 of 11
Biomedicines 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 11

Figure 1. Macroscopic appearance of the silica-coated plastic tube (Neotube) pre- (a) and
Figure 1. Macroscopic appearance of the silica-coated plastic tube (Neotube) pre- (a) and post-
post-centrifugation (b).
centrifugation (b).

The components
components on on the
the hazy
hazy wall
wall of of pre-centrifugation
pre-centrifugation tubestubes were
were examined
examined using
using SEM.
Microscopic observations of silica microparticles contained in Neotube, Vacuette and
Microscopic observations of silica microparticles contained in Neotube, Vacuette and Venoject II tubes are Venoject II tubes
shownshown in Figure
in Figure 2. After
2. After vigorously
vigorously washing
washing thetheinside
with 70%
70% ethanol,
ethanol, the
the resulting
suspensions were were dried
dried on
on plastic
plastic dishes
dishes andand examined
examined with with SEM.
SEM. According
According to to manufacturers’
information, the theinner
wallsororthethe plastic
plastic filmfilm
areare coated
coated withwith silica.
silica. However,
However, theirand
their size size and varied
shape shape
varied with individual
with individual tube brands.
tube brands. Silica microparticles
Silica microparticles contained contained in theIIVenoject
in the Venoject II tubes
tubes were were
mainly of mainly of small pebble-like
small pebble-like crushed microparticles,
crushed microparticles, while those while
of those
Neotubeof Neotube were diverse
were diverse and
and larger.
Neotube Neotube tubes contained
tubes contained pieces ofpieces
broken honeycomb
structuresstructures and needle-shape
and needle-shape structures
structures in addition
to addition to small pebble-like
small pebble-like microparticles.
microparticles. Vacuette tubes Vacuette
weretubes were composed
composed of both pebble-like,
of both pebble-like, crushed
crushed microparticles and pieces of short cylinder-like structures. In general, microparticles
microparticles and pieces of short cylinder-like structures. In general, microparticles contained in Venoject contained
in Venoject
II tubes wereII the
tubes were the
smallest amongsmallest among
the silica the silica microparticles
microparticles examined. examined.
Biomedicines 2019,
Biomedicines 7, x45FOR PEER REVIEW
2019, 7, 55of
of 11

Figure 2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of silica microparticles contained in (a) Neotube tubes (b) Vacuette tubes and (c) Venoject II tubes at low
Figure high magnification
Scanning (Lower).(SEM) observations of silica microparticles contained in (a) Neotube tubes (b) Vacuette tubes and (c) Venoject II tubes at
electron microscopy
low (Upper) and high magnification (Lower).
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 6 of 11
Biomedicines 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 11

A-PRF-like clots
A-PRF-like clots formed
after centrifugation
centrifugation andand
thethe balance
balance of
of A-
A-PRF-like matrices and red thrombi are shown in Figure 3. Compared with
PRF-like matrices and red thrombi are shown in Figure 3. Compared with other PRF derivativesother PRF derivatives
prepared by
prepared byhigh-speed
prepared by low-speed
prepared centrifugation
by low-speed are usually
centrifugation are
attached with a longer red thrombus than that of high-speed centrifugation.
usually attached with a longer red thrombus than that of high-speed centrifugation. However, when However, when
silica-containing tubes
silica-containing tubes that
that efficiently
efficiently facilitate
facilitate coagulation
coagulation are
are used,
used, the
the red
red thrombus
thrombus became
became longer
and larger
and larger than
than glass
glass tubes.

Figure 3. (a) Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF)-like clots formed in individual plastic tubes after
Figure 3. (a) Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF)-like clots formed in individual plastic tubes after
centrifugation and (b) the balance of the A-PRF-like matrix and red thrombus in 100 mm dishes.
centrifugation and (b) the balance of the A-PRF-like matrix and red thrombus in 100 mm dishes.
SEM observations
SEM observations of
of silica
silica microparticles
microparticles embedded
embedded in in and
and attached
attached to
to individual
individual A-PRF-like
matrices are shown in Figure 4. In all the matrices, silica microparticles were found.
matrices are shown in Figure 4. In all the matrices, silica microparticles were found. While silica While silica
microparticles were
microparticles werealmost
distributedin in
A-PRF matrix
A-PRF prepared
matrix by Neotube,
prepared they
by Neotube,
they localized in several
localized regions
in several in theincases
regions of Vacuette
the cases and Venoject
of Vacuette II.
and Venoject II.
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 7 of 11
Biomedicines 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 11

Figure 4. SEM observations of silica microparticles embedded in and attached to individual A-PRF-like matrices prepared by (a) Neotube, (b) Vacuette and (c) Venoject II.
Figure 4. SEM observations of silica microparticles embedded in and attached to individual A-PRF-like matrices prepared by (a) Neotube, (b) Vacuette and (c)
Venoject II.
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 8 of 11

Biomedicines 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW

The contents and percentages of silica microparticles contained in A-PRF-like matrices8 versus of 11
contents of pre-use tubes are shown in Figure 5. We quantified the contents of silica
The contents and percentages of silica microparticles contained in A-PRF-like matrices versus
whole acontents
spectrophotometer by modification
of pre-use tubes are shown inofFigure
our previous method that
5. We quantified was applied
the contents to platelet
of silica
counts [15]. In a preliminary study, we confirmed a strong correlation between absorbance
microparticles using a spectrophotometer by modification of our previous method that was applied values and
dilutions of silica suspensions as good standard curves (Figure 5a). Based on this data,
to platelet counts [15]. In a preliminary study, we confirmed a strong correlation between absorbance the percentages
of silicaand
values microparticles entrapped
dilutions of silica and retained
suspensions in A-PRF-like
as good standard curves matrices varied
(Figure 5a). Basedwith individual
on this data, tube
brands. The highest
the percentages recovery
of silica (approximately
microparticles entrapped30.9%) was observed
and retained in the A-PRF-like
in A-PRF-like matrix
matrices varied withprepared
by Neotube.
individual Inbrands.
tube contrast,
Thethe recovery
highest in the
recovery cases of Vacuette
(approximately 30.9%)and
was Venoject II were
observed in 5.2% and 10.6%,
the A-PRF-like
matrix prepared by Neotube. In contrast, the
respectively, and much lower than that of Neotube. recovery in the cases of Vacuette and Venoject II were
5.2% and 10.6%, respectively, and much lower than that of Neotube.

Figure (a)Representative
5. (a)
Figure 5. Representative standard
standard curves
curves for silica
for silica contents
contents and
and (b) (b) contents
contents and percentages
and percentages of of
silica microparticlescontained
silica microparticles containedin in A-PRF-like
A-PRF-like matrices
matrices versus
versus wholewhole contents
contents of pre-use
of pre-use tubes. n tubes.
= 8. n = 8.

4.4. Discussion
According to tothe
manufacturers’ information
information [16],[16], the silica
the silica microparticles
microparticles used for used for coating
coating the the
Neotubes are are celite,
whichareare amorphous
amorphous silica.
silica. As for Astheforsilica
the silica microparticles
microparticles used inusedother in other brands,
speculate thatthatamorphous
amorphous silica
silica is probably
is probably used, used,
based based
on the ongeneral
the general
regarding regarding
the the
health hazards
hazards of ofcrystalline
crystalline silica
silica [11,17]
[11,17] and/or
and/or the material
the material safetysafety dataprovided
data sheet sheet provided by the other
by the other
manufacturers [18,19].However,
manufacturers [18,19]. However, wewe could
could notnot
reach reach a conclusion
a conclusion basedbased
on thison this information.
The specific gravity of amorphous silica (2.15–2.30) is much higherred
The specific gravity of amorphous silica (2.15–2.30) is much higher than than blood
red cells
blood cells
(approximately 1.10); therefore, silica microparticles can be precipitated immediately after
(approximately 1.10); therefore, silica microparticles can be precipitated immediately after centrifugation
centrifugation under citrated conditions [20,21]. However, it is plausible that without anti-coagulants,
under citrated conditions [20,21]. However, it is plausible that without anti-coagulants, coagulation to
coagulation to form a fibrin clot is triggered immediately by contact with silica microparticles and
form a fibrin clot is triggered immediately by contact with silica microparticles and silica microparticles
silica microparticles are entrapped within the fibrin clot. Our findings expectedly supported this
are entrapped
scenario; however, within the fibrin
for many PRF users clot.who Ourdo findings
not expectexpectedly
contamination supported this scenario;
of silica components in thehowever,
PRF many
matrix,PRF users
this maywhoprovedotonot beexpect contamination
a surprise. Although the of recovery
silica components
rate may be in influenced
the PRF matrix,by thethis may
be aandsurprise. Although
other factors, the recovery rate
silica contamination may be influenced
was observed by the
in all the plastic tubesparticle
Theseand other
showed contamination was observed
that the PRF matrix preparedin byall the plastic tubes
silica-containing tested.
plastic tubesThese findings
undoubtedly showed that
silicamatrix prepared
microparticles bythe
into silica-containing
implantation sites. plastic
Thesetubes undoubtedly
microparticles cancarries the silica
be released microparticles
like growth
factors as fibrin clots are degraded by plasmin or other non-specific
into the implantation sites. These microparticles can be released like growth factors as endogenous proteases and may clots are
influence the surrounding tissues and cells.
degraded by plasmin or other non-specific endogenous proteases and may influence the surrounding
Despite contamination of silica microparticles in the resulting A-PRF-like matrices, the amounts
tissues and cells.
varied with tube brands. The surface area of the silica coating film is substantially smaller than those
Despite contamination of silica microparticles in the resulting A-PRF-like matrices, the amounts
on the inner wall of the tube. Thus, it is obvious that the mass of the silica microparticles in Venoject
varied with tube brands. The surface area of the silica coating film is substantially smaller than those
II tubes is much lower than that in other tube brands (Vacuette and Neotube) and consequently the
mass of silicawall
the inner of the tube.
microparticles Thus, in
included it is obvious that
A-PRF-like matrixtheinmass of the
Venoject silica must
II tubes microparticles
be lower than in Venoject
tubes is much lower than that in other tube brands (Vacuette and Neotube)
of other brand tubes. In addition to the mass of silica microparticles, the silica entrapment and and consequently the
mass of silica
retention microparticles
processes are primarily included
thoughtin to A-PRF-like
be influencedmatrixby other in factors,
Venoject II tubes
such must beand
as appearance lower than
the sizeofof
other brand tubes. Furthermore,
the microparticles. In addition to thefactors
these mass of may silica microparticles,
influence the recoverythe silicaextraction
during entrapment and
retention processes are primarily thought to be influenced by other factors, such as appearance and the
size of the microparticles. Furthermore, these factors may influence the recovery during extraction and
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 9 of 11

light transparency during spectrophotometric determination. It is plausible that as the microparticles

become smaller, the entrapment and retention become more difficult. Therefore, we think that the
reduction in recovery may not be necessarily related to or caused by the reduction in entrapment
and/or retention.
On the other hand, even though amorphous silica is less toxic than crystalline silica and is actually
used in a variety of products, including food and toothpaste, recent investigations have raised the
possibility that amorphous silica can cause inflammation or cytotoxicity [22–26]. It is further described
that particle size, which is usually correlated to the surface area, is more important than dose in
exerting such negative e↵ects. Since the cytotoxic and inflammatory e↵ects of amorphous silica are
thought to be mainly due to the reactive oxygen generated on the silica surface, a larger surface area
per given mass is more reactive and has a higher potential to generate reactive oxygen species [22,23].
In addition, as described in the case of the complex interaction of crystalline silica [10], at present,
we cannot exclude the possible interactions of amorphous silica at non-toxic levels with unidentified
factors to exert unexpected health hazards.
In Japan, a new regulatory framework for regenerative medicine, including PRP/PRF therapy,
was established in 2014, and individual hospitals and clinics are required to pass inspection by the
regulatory agencies prior to treatment of their patients with PRP/PRF [6]. Nonetheless, medical and
dental clinicians in Japan still have the right to choose the blood-collection tubes on the basis of their
discretion for the treatment of patients [6]. Thus, the use of silica-coated plastic tubes is not prohibited
for PRF preparation. Even though individual countries have individual regulatory frameworks for
medical treatment, similar situations regarding PRF therapy have been found in several other countries.
However, from a medical but not commercial point of view, we need to survey those individual
situations at the global level and propose universal standards of medical devices, besides preparation
of protocols, for patient-oriented PRF therapy through international collaboration.
The major advantages of PRF are low cost and high safety. Introducing possible silica hazards to
this balance seems risky and may hamper the advances in PRF therapy. O’Connell forthrightly raised
his concern over its use in PRF preparation in his article [27] and his concerns about safety have not yet
been eradicated. To date, many e↵orts have been made to clarify the hazards of amorphous silica at
cellular and molecular levels [10,23,24,26]. Until the safety of amorphous silica for implantation use is
assured by international or national regulatory authorities, we should only use the conventional types
of plain glass tubes for PRF preparation for the benefit of patients.

5. Conclusions
The most appropriate therapeutic methods are generally selected based on the balance between
risk and benefit. PRF therapy alone is superior to other therapies using medicines or bone substitutes
in terms of cost and safety. Thus, it can be confirmed that PRF therapy is advantageous based on
the balance between low risk and low benefit. Until the possible health hazards of amorphous silica
microparticles contaminated in PRF matrices cannot be ruled out by strong evidence, PRF therapy using
silica-containing tubes has no convincing advantages over other costly therapies and only increases
the risk of complications.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.T. (Tetsuhiro Tsujino) and T.K.; methodology, T.T. (Tetsuhiro Tsujino),
T.T. (Takaaki Tanaka) and T.K.; validation, T.T. (Tetsuhiro Tsujino), A.T. and T.K.; formal analysis, T.T. (Takaaki
Tanaka); investigation, T.T. (Tetsuhiro Tsujino), A.T., S.Y., T.W., K.I., Y.K., T.T. (Takaaki Tanaka) and T.K.; data
curation, K.N.; writing—original draft preparation, T.T. (Tetsuhiro Tsujino) and T.K.; writing—review and
editing, T.T. (Tetsuhiro Tsujino), K.I., T.T. (Takaaki Tanaka) and T.K.; visualization, T.K.; supervision, K.N.; project
administration, T.W. and T.K.; funding acquisition, T.K.
Funding: This study was financially supported in part by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid
for Scientific Research (JSPS KAKENHI, Grant Number 18K09595).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.
Biomedicines 2019, 7, 45 10 of 11

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