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Manual de instrues

Acionamento DAF270

ThyssenKrupp Elevadores
Todos os direitos reservados
Copyright by ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH

Aviso de proteo ISO 16016

Printed in Germany
Este documento deve mesmo em partes somente ser reimpresso ou
reproduzido com a autorizao expressa, por escrito, da ThyssenKrupp
Aufzugswerke GmbH.

Qualquer tipo de reproduo, distribuio ou armazenamento em um suporte de

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Sujeito alteraes
Sujeito alteraes tcnicas, que servem para uma melhoria de nossos produtos,
ou que elevam o padro de segurana. Reservamo-nos ao direito expresso de
executar alteraes - mesmo sem aviso prvio especial.

Esquema de cores

O esquema de cores dos componentes utilizado em nossos documentos, so

destinados exclusivamente documentao!
As cores para os seus produtos devem ser consultados junto ao parceiro de
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ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH
Bernhuser Strae 45
73765 Neuhausen a. d. F.

e-Mail: Eli.elevator.plant.de@thyssenkrupp.com
Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-elevator-eli.com


Acionamento DAF270 Pgina

1. Segurana 6
1.1 Smbolos 6
1.2 Indicaes de segurana 7
2. Descrio do produto 10
2.1 Descrio do acionamento e do freio 10
2.2 Descrio funcional 15
3. Tcnica 18
3.1 Dados tcnicos 18
3.2 Dimenses do tipo M e L 19
3.3 Sensor de momento angular 27
3.4 Freio 29
3.5 Monitoramento da temperatura 32
4. Transporte e armazenamento 33
5. Montar a mquina 35
5.1 Instalar a mquina 35
5.2 Conectar a mquina 36
5.3 Conectar o freio 37
5.4 Esquema de conexes 39
5.5 Monitoramento de temperatura dos freios 40
6. Colocao em funcionamento 41
7. Manuteno/ Reparo 42
7.1 Manuteno 42
7.2 Lubrificao 43
7.3 Verificar o freio 43
7.4 Substituir o disco motor 44
7.5 Substituir o sensor de momento angular 46
7.6 Verificao de vazamento de graxa/leo 47
8. Torques de aperto- Valores de resistncia 48
9. Alteraes - Anexo 49

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 5 08/2012


1. Segurana

1.1 Smbolos

Neste manual de instrues so utilizados os seguintes pictogramas e


Este smbolo indica perigo mximo para a vida e a
sade das pessoas. Sua desconsiderao representa
uma ameaa vida!

Este smbolo indica um perigo iminente para a vida e
a sade das pessoas por conta da corrente eltrica.
As indicaes de perigo devem ser sempre

Este smbolo alerta contra um perigo iminente. A sua
desconsiderao pode ocasionar leses corporais ou
amplos danos materiais.
Os avisos devem ser sempre observados!

Este smbolo indica informaes importantes e
instrues operacionais. O no cumprimento pode
resultar em danos, riscos ou falhas.

Sob este smbolo so indicadas as etapas de
As instrues de teste identificadas deste modo
devem ser, impreterivelmente, executadas. Elas
contribuem para, evitar leses corporais e danos

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 6 08/2012


1.2 Indicaes de segurana

Instrues referentes ao manual de instrues

A condio prvia para o manuseio seguro e a operao sem falhas deste
mdulo o conhecimento dos regulamentos bsicos de segurana.
Este manual de instrues contm as instrues mais importantes, para
operar de modo seguro o mdulo.
Este manual de instrues, principalmente as indicaes de segurana,
devem ser respeitadas por todas as pessoas, que trabalharem neste
Alm disto, devem ser observadas as regras e os regulamentos de
preveno de acidentes em vigor no local da utilizao.

Obrigaes do proprietrio e / ou a empresa responsvel pela

O proprietrio e / ou a empresa responsvel pela instalao responsabiliza-
se por permitir trabalhar neste mdulo apenas pessoas, as quais
estiverem familiarizadas com os regulamentos sobre a segurana no
trabalho e sobre a preveno de acidentes e que tiverem sido treinadas para
o manuseio do mdulo.
Que tiverem lido o captulo sobre a segurana e os avisos neste manual de
Nota: verifique as prticas de trabalho seguro do pessoal em intervalos

Obrigaes do pessoal
As pessoas que forem encarregadas dos trabalhos no mdulo, se
responsabilizam, antes do incio dos trabalhos
em seguir os regulamentos sobre a segurana no trabalho e sobre a
preveno de acidentes.
Em ler o captulo sobre a segurana e os avisos neste manual de instrues.

Capacitao do pessoal
Somente o pessoal tcnico treinado e instrudo deve trabalhar neste mdulo.
A responsabilidade do pessoal deve ser definida de forma clara para todas
as tarefas de colocao em funcionamento, operao, manuteno e reparo.

Medidas organizacionais
Os equipamentos de proteo pessoais necessrios devem ser
disponibilizados pelo proprietrio ou pela empresa responsvel pela
instalao. Todos os dispositivos de segurana existentes devem ser
verificados regularmente conforme o esquema de manuteno.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 7 08/2012


Notas informais sobre as medidas de segurana

O manual de instrues deve ser guardado sempre no local de utilizao da
Complementando o manual de instrues, devem ser disponibilizados e
observados os regulamentos locais gerais vlidos sobre a preveno de
acidentes e sobre a proteo ambiental.
As indicaes de segurana prescritas legalmente devem ser expostas aos
usurios em local visvel.
Mantenha as indicaes de segurana e sobre os riscos em estado legvel.

Utilizao correta
O DAF270 construdo conforme a verso da tcnica, as regras tcnicas de
segurana reconhecidas e somente deve ser utilizado em perfeito estado de
segurana tcnica, conforme a determinao.
A nica finalidade o acionamento de elevadores.

Qualquer outra utilizao alm desta ser considerada inadequada. A

THYSSENKRUPP AUFZUGSWERKE GmbH no se responsabilizar por
quaisquer danos relativos a falhas operacionais. A utilizao correta tambm
a observncia das instrues constantes no manual de instrues e o cum-
primento das instrues para a colocao em funcionamento, da descrio
da instalao, assim como, dos trabalhos de inspeo e de manuteno.

Garantia e responsabilidade
Basicamente aplicam-se as "Condies gerais de venda e entrega" da
As reivindicaes de garantia e responsabilidade no caso de leses
corporais e danos materiais sero excludos, se eles se originarem de uma
ou de vrias causas seguintes:
utilizao sem conformidade com a determinao
montagem, colocao em funcionamento, operao e manuteno
incorretos do DAF270
operar com defeitos e / ou
caso os dispositivos de segurana e de proteo no estejam aptos para o
a no observncia das instrues constantes no manual de instrues
referentes ao transporte, ao armazenamento, montagem, colocao em
funcionamento, operao e manuteno do DAF270.

As modificaes estruturais no autorizadas, assim como as alteraes

arbitrrias das condies de acionamento (potncia, etc.)
Monitoramento insuficiente das peas, que esto sujeitas ao desgaste
Reparos efetuados de modo incorreto, catstrofes provocadas por
influncias externas e de fora maior.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 8 08/2012


Modificaes estruturais na mquina DAF270

A DAF270 ajustada na fbrica e entregue pronta para a operao.
No caso de modificaes na mquina, qualquer garantia por parte da

Perigos decorrentes do manuseio do DAF270

O DAF270 apenas deve ser operado com a cobertura e a proteo do cabo
no disco motor. responsabilidade do proprietrio que o acionamento seja
acessvel apenas para o pessoal tcnico.
Em caso de trabalhos no acionamento, este deve ser comutado para o
estado isento de corrente antes do incio dos trabalhos e a instalao dever
ser protegida contra uma religao involuntria.

No caso de utilizao incorreta podem surgir riscos para a vida e a sade do

operador ou de terceiros, ou danos no mdulo ou nos materiais.
As falhas que podem afetar a segurana, devem ser eliminadas imediata-

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 9 08/2012


2. Descrio do produto
Os freios Warner
devem ser
2.1 Descrio do acionamento DAF270M/L - substitudos a partir
7 de maio de 2012
pelos freios Mayr


Figura 2.1.1


Figura 2.1.2


Pos. Designao das peas Pos. Designao das peas

1 Parafuso de cabea cilndric 2 Disco tensor para a fixao do disco
M16x 50 motor
3 Disco motor 4 Roscas para fixao
5 Caixa de terminais do motor 6 Orifcios para o transporte
7 Orifcio de ventilao superio 8 Passagens de condutores para a caixa
fechado durante a operao de terminais de potncia
9 Caixa de terminais para o 10 Sensor de momento angular
freio, o interruptor de control
e a temperatura
11 Freios, consultar a
empresa Warner / Mayr

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 10 08/2012


2.1.1 Verso com freio Warner SZ1700/xx e caixa de terminais do motor na

parte inferior

Figura 2.1.3

Pos. Designao das peas Pos. Designao das peas

1 Cobertura do freio 2 Freio SZ1700/xx
3 Sensor de momento angular 4 Caixa de terminais para o freio, o
interruptor de controle e a

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 11 08/2012


2.1.2 Verso com freio Mayr RSO 1300 / 2x2200Nm


Figura 2.1.4

2.1.3 Verso com freio Mayr RSO 1300 / 2x2200Nm com ventilao manual

Figura 2.1.5

Pos. Designao das peas Pos. Designao das peas

1 Freio a disco 2x2200Nm (verso 2 Escudo do rolamento para o
sem ventilao manual) freio 2x2200Nm
3 Alavanca para a ventilao manual 4
(prolongamento superior removvel

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 12 08/2012


2.1.4 Verso com freio Mayr RSR 1500 / 2x1700Nm



8 7

Figura 2.1.6

Pos. Designao das peas Pos. Designao das peas

1 Orifcios D30 para suspender o 2 Chapa de cobertura para o freio
3 Freio a discos RSR 4 Suporte do sensor
5 Interruptor de controle do freio 6 Caixa de terminais para o freio,
interruptor de controle e a temperatura
7 Sensor de momento angular 8 Caixa de terminais do motor
9 Escudo do rolamento para o freio

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 13 08/2012


2.1.5 Verso com freio Mayr RSR1500/2x1700Nm e ventilao manual, disco

motor D440 e caixa de terminais do motor na lateral direita)



Pos. Designao das peas Pos. Designao das peas

1 Alavanca para a ventilao manual 2 Freio a disco RSR 1500/2x1700Nm,
verso incluindo a ventilao manual
de encaixe
(As alavancas podem ser encaixadas
em 4x90.)
3 Caixa de terminais do motor lateral

As seguintes variantes podem ser fornecidas:
1. Potncia requerida
2. Discos motores com perfis ranhurados
3. Dimetro dos discos motores

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 14 08/2012


2.2 Descrio funcional

Mquina: o DAF270 foi projetado como motor sncrono.

O nome de produto registrado Mini gearless DAF270

Margens de desempenho
Mquina Suspenso Velocidade Disco motor Observaes
nominal 3)
v [m/s] Q [kg] DT [mm]
1000 320
1.0 800
DAF270L 1:1 1100
DAF270M 800
DAF270L 1000
1.0 2.0 1600
DAF270M 1.78 2.54 1590 2)
2.5 1350
1.0 2500
2:1 1)
1.0 2000 520
DAF270L 1.78 2.54 2270 440 2)
1.0 2.0 2000
2.5 1800
DAF270M 1.0 2500 440
1.0 1.6 3000 490
1.0 4000
DAF270L 1)
1.6 3400 440
4:1 1.0 4000
Verso com freio 2x2200 Nm
Verso EBS
Valor de referncia DAF270_20001_PTG

A verso do freio depende da dimenso da mquina, pode ser adquirido

opcionalmente com freio incl. ventilao manual para a aplicao na sala de

Outras informaes, consultar a placa de caractersticas.

Consultar o captulo 3

A mquina possui um disco motor porttil e foi projetada para a operao

com envolvimento simples do cabo.
Os rolamentos de esferas do eixo motor com lubrificao permanente
proporcionam a iseno de manuteno.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 15 08/2012


O disco motor (verso macia ), est montado na extremidade do eixo

motor por meio de seu disco tensor e 3 parafusos M16 (microencapsulados)
sobre a extremidade cnica do eixo. (Cone 1:15).
Os flancos das ranhuras so temperados de modo padro [50 HRc]

A mquina sem engrenagens no possui nenhum auto-bloqueio.

Monitoramento da temperatura:

No motor: no enrolamento do estator encontra-se um sensor de

temperatura que monitora a temperatura do motor. O conector est
localizado nos terminais do motor. Consultar o captulo 5

No freio: a temperatura dos freios monitorada atravs de um sensor duplo

PTC instalado.
Consultar os captulos 3 e 5

Nota: para a avaliao do sinal dos sensores de temperatura (motor e freio),

estes devem ser conectados a um termistor instalado pelo cliente.

Sensor de momento angular:

para a regulagem e o comando do DAF270, na extremidade do eixo foi
instalado um sensor de momento angular incremental com sinais de sada

os acessrios necessrios para a operao, os trabalhos de manuteno e
para a eliminao de falhas, tais como a braadeira de bloqueio, a
braadeira para cabos e o dispositivo de trao, no pertencem ao mbito
de fornecimento do acionamento.

um freio de dois circuitos duplo acionado por solenide encontra-se
diretamente instalado na carcaa do motor. Ele constitudo por dois freios
a disco dispostos em sequncia (disposio tandem) e atua diretamente
sobre o eixo motor.

Condies ambientais:
o ambiente no local de instalao do acionamento (umidade, temperatura)
deve corresponder s condies climticas locais normais para as salas de
mquinas. (De acordo com EN 81, entre +5 e +40 C)
A umidade relativa do ar no deve exceder os 70%.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 16 08/2012


Nota: a identificao "Em conformidade com EN81-A3" (consultar a ilustrao)

aplica-se exclusivamente ao respectivo tipo de componente identificado e testado!
O componente parte integrante do dispositivo de proteo, de acordo com
DIN EN81-1, captulo 9.11, ou DIN EN81-2, captulo 9.13.

A identificao "Em conformidade com EN81-A3" no se aplica ao sistema

completo do elevador!

Ilustrao: identificao da conformidade com EN81-A3

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 17 08/2012


3. Tcnica

3.1 Dados tcnicos

Descrio Unidade Dados tcnicos

Verso - Mquina DAF270M DAF270L
Verso - Freio [Nm] 2 x 1250 / 2x1700 2 x 1700 2 x 2200
Dimetro - Disco motor [mm] 320 440 440 490 440 520
Dimenses consultar a folha de medidas
Peso (incl. disco motor e freio) [kg] 550 570 730 740 770 780
Momento de inrcia (incl. disco
[kgm] 2.63 3.60 4.40 5.35 4.40 5.45
Carga radial sobre o eixo permitida
[kN] 43.5 58 73
Nvel de presso sonora [dB(A)] < 60
Qualidade de equilbrio G 2.5
Tipo de proteo IP21 / 54 IP54
1) DAF270_31101_PTG
IP 54 nos freios de fabricao Warner opcional / de fabricao Mayr padro

Tab. 3.1.1
O valor do nvel de presso sonora aplica-se para a mquina em operao
nominal (determinao do valor de medio: 1 m / 45 com operao no
conversor de frequncia TKAW).

Disco motor

A disposio dos cabos de suporte nas placas de suspenso, no disco
motor, assim como nas polias deve ser to simtrica quanto possvel.

Designao Unidade Dados tcnicos

Utilizao na m quina DAF270M DAF270L
Verso do eix o do disco m otor padro reforado
Dimetro - DT [mm] 320 440 440 490 440 520
Largura da c oroa - B [mm] 145 132 134 150 136
10 x 8 9 x 8 9 x 8 10 x 8 9 x 8
Nmero mx. de ranhuras - z x 7 x 10/11 8 x 10 4)
9 x 10 4)
8 x 10
d 2) 7 x 10/11 8 x 10/11 7 x 10/11
6 x 12 6 x 13
Verso das ranhuras Assento / Ranhura c uneiforme
ngulo da ranhura [] em funo da c omisso
Peso [kg] 35 55 65 57 60
Material EN-GJL 250 em liga especial EN-GJS-600-3
V erso de ac ordo com a folha de normas 60 300 50 00 0 c om flancos das ranhuras temperados (mn. 50 HRc )
Com distncia mnima da ranhura - RA m in de acordo c om a folha de normas 60 300 50 00 0
Somente em combinao c om o freio 2x 2200 Nm
4) DA F270_31103_PTG
Com um a distncia de ranhura de 16 mm

Tab. 3.1.2

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 18 08/2012


Nas mquinas sncronas a corrente mxima no deve exceder o valor

mencionado na placa de caractersticas.

3.2 Dimenses do DAF270M u L

3.2.1 DAF270M, freio Warner SZ1700/xx disco motor D440

Figura 3.2.1
Apresentado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte inferior

1 Fixao da mquina (roscas 2 Centro de gravidade da mquina

M20 / 30 de profundidade)
3 Orifcios para o transporte /

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 19 08/2012


3.2.2 DAF270M freio Warner SZ1700/xx disco motor D320

Figura 3.2.2
Representado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte superior

1 Fixao da mquina (roscas 2 Centro de gravidade da mquina

M20 / 30 de profundidade)

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 20 08/2012


3.2.3. DAF270M freio Mayr RSR1500 / 2x1700Nm disco motor D440


Figura 3.2.3
Representado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte inferior

1 Fixao da mquina (roscas M20 / 30 2 Centro de gravidade da mquina

de profundidade)
3 Orifcios para o transporte / elevar 4 Cabos de conexo do freio

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 21 08/2012


3.2.4 DAF270L freio Warner SZ1700 / 2x1700 Nm

Figura 3.2.4
Representado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte inferior

1 Fixao da mquina (roscas 2 Centro de gravidade da mquina

M20 / 30 de profundidade)
3 Orifcios para o transporte /

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 22 08/2012


3.2.5 DAF270L freio Mayr RSR 1500 / 2x1700 Nm


Figura 3.2.5

Representado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte inferior

1 Fixao da mquina (roscas M20 / 30 2 Centro de gravidade da mquina

de profundidade)
3 Orifcios para o transporte / elevar 4 Cabos de conexo do freio

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 23 08/2012


3.2.6 DAF270L freio Mayr RSO 1300 / 2x2200Nm (sem ventilao manual)

Figura 3.2.6

Representado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte inferior

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 24 08/2012


3.2.7 DAF270L freio Mayr RSO 1300 / 2x2200Nm (com ventilao manual)

Figura 3.2.7

Representado com caixa de terminais do motor na parte inferior

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 25 08/2012


3.2.8 DAF270L freio Mayr RSR 1500 / 2x1700Nm (com ventilao manual)

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 26 08/2012


3.3 Sensor de momento angular

Dados tcnicos

Para a deteco da rotao e da posio angular, o DAF270 est equipado

com encoder absoluto seno/co-seno. So utilizados opcionalmente os
sensores de momento angular da empresa Heidenhain (interface de dados
EnDat01) ou da empresa Kbler (interface de dados BISS-C; a partir de
setembro de 2012).
O sensor de momento angular fixado na extremidade do eixo motor ou no

Descrio Unidade Dados tcnicos

Fabricante Heidenhain Kbler 1)
Sendix absolut tipo
Tipo ECN 413
Interface de dados EnDat 01 BISS-C
Cdigo binrio binrio
Posies por rotao 8192 (13bit) 8192 (13bit)
Preciso do sistema 20''
Sinais incrementais
2 x 2048; 1Vpp 2 x 2048; 1Vpp
Frequncia limite (-3dB) [kHz] 400 400
Alimentao de tenso [VCC] 3,614 4,55,5
Consumo de corrente [mA] mx. 160 mx. 70 [5 VCC]
Classe de proteo IP 64 (EN 60 529) IP 65 (EN 60 529)
Vibrao de 50 a 2000 Hz [m/s2] mx. 300 (60 068-2-6) mx. 100 (60 068-2-6)
Choque de
mx. 1000 m/s2, 6 ms
acordo com EN 60 068-2- mx. 2500 m/s2, 6 ms
mx. 2000, 2 ms
Temperatura de servio [C] -40 +100 -40 +105
Eixo Eixo cnico 1:10 Eixo cnico 1:10
Conexo eltrica Conector de 15 pinos D-sub (2 linhas)
Comprimento do cabo
[m] 2 / 5 / 10 5 / 10
Observaes: COM400_35002_PTB

1) Verso padro para as instalaes TKAW (a partir de setembro de 2012)

Tab. 3.3.1

O alojamento do conector deve ser ligado ao potencial de referncia.

Cabo de ligao com conector blindado conectado de modo fixo ao sensor
de momento angular (verso e comprimento do condutor dependem da

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 27 08/2012


Instrues de montagem:
O sensor de momento angular fixado atravs de um suporte de sensor.

Consultar a instrues de conexo, montagem e o desenho no anexo

Informaes do fabricante

Suporte do sensor

Figura 3.3.1

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 28 08/2012


3.4 Freio
Dados tcnicos

O freio com 2x1700Nm a verso padro para o DAF270M e o DAF270L.

Para as aplicaes especiais, no DAF270M utilizada a verso com
2x1250 Nm.
Neste freio, ambos os circuitos do freio so controlados eletricamente em
paralelo e operados sem sobreexcitao.
Ambos os freios do tipo Warner SZ1700/xx Nm (2x1250 /1700 Nm) so
executados de modo padro com uma caixa de terminais no tipo de proteo
IP21. Opcionalmente possvel uma verso em IP54. Neste caso, a caixa
de terminais padro IP21 substituda pela verso IP54 de fbrica. No freio
do tipo Mayr RSR1500/2x1700Nm que pode ser adquirido a partir de aprox.
05/2012, o tipo de proteo padro IP54.
Os freios podem ser utilizados como dispositivos de proteo para a cabine
em marcha ascendente contra o excesso de velocidade de acordo com
EN81-1 / 9.10. Para o certificado das ligaes do dispositivo de freio eixo,
assim como eixo disco motor requeridos no certificado de teste de modelos
da U.E., foram disponibilizadas as certides emitidas pelo TV Sd.

A partir de aprox. 05/2012, o DAF270M e L sero convertidos dos freios do

tipo Warner SZ1700/xx Nm para o freio do tipo Mayr RSR1500/2x1700Nm.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 29 08/2012


Dados tcnicos dos freios Mayr e Warner

Descrio Unidade Dados tcnicos

Utilizao na mquina
- DAF270L
Fabricante Warner Electric Europe Mayr
Warner SZ1700/ Mayr RSR1500/
Tipo ...2x1700Nm
2x1250Nm 6) 2x1700Nm 6)
...2x1700Nm HL 7)
Freio a disco de 2 superfcies em disposio dupla
(2 circuitos de freio)
Torque de frenagem [Nm] 2 x 1250 2 x 1700
Ajuste do torque de frenagem no possvel
Verso da lona do freio isenta de amianto
Folga (valor nominal) [mm] 0.35 +0.1/-0.1 0.45
Ajuste da folga [mm] no possvel
Ventilao eltrica m aderente com placa de ancoragem por circuito do freio
207 - Sobreexcitao1)
Tenso de servio [VCC] 207 2) 207 1)
104 - Tenso suportvel1)
2.45 - Sobreexcitao1)
Corrente operacional [A] 0.6 2) 1.47 1)
1.23 - Corrente de reteno 1)
507 - Sobreexcitao1)
Dados de potncia [W] 123 2) 304 1)
128 - Potncia de reteno1)
Durao da sobreexcitao [s] - arox.1.5 -
Tipo operacional S5 240 c/h / 60%ED
Tempo de comutao - ventilao - t2 [ms] TBD TBD 630
Monitoramento de ventilao (microinterruptor) por circuito de freio
Dispositivos de monitoramento
Monitoramento da temperatura (termistor)
Tenso de comutao Microinterruptor [V] 24
Corrente de comutao Microinterruptor [mA] 10 - 100 10 - 50
no possvel
Ventilao manual de emergncia
Alavanca de ventilao do freio 7)
Classe de proteo IP21 / IP54 possvel opcionalmente IP 54
Dispositivos de conexo Caixa de terminais com cabos de ligao e conectores
Comprimento do cabo de ligao [m] 10 6 / 10 7)
Peso [kg] 84 140
Identificao de teste do modelo ABV ABV 591/3 ABV 766/3
Identificao de teste do modelo ESV ESV 591 ESV 766/1
com tempos de resposta t10 / t50 / t90 3) [ms] TBD 140 / 220 / 300 60 / 140 / 240

923912/8b DAF270M-RSR1500/2x1700 Nm
Certificado do eixo do disco motor
- 923912/9a DAF270L-RSR1500/2x1700 Nm
Informaes vlidas para a conexo em srie de ambos os circuitos do freio
Informaes vlidas por circuito de freio (conexo em paralelo dos circuitos de freio)
Desativao pelo circuito da corrente CC (parada de emergncia)
Verso do freio com ventilao manual
possvel opcionalmente pelo conjunto de caixa de terminais IP54
Verso ser substituda a partir de aprox. 05/2012 por Mayr RSR1500/2x1700Nm
Verso do freio com ventilao manual (disponibilidade a partir de setembro de 2012) DAF270_31301_PTG

Tab. 3.3.2

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 30 08/2012


Dados tcnicos apenas do freio Mayr

Descrio Unidade Dados tcnicos
Utilizao na mquina DAF270L
Fabricante Mayr
RSO 1300/2x2200 Nm
RSO 1300/2x2200 Nm HL 4)
Modelo Freio a disco de 2 superfcies em disposio dupla (2 circuitos de freio)
Torque de frenagem [Nm] 2 x 2200
Ajuste do torque de frenagem no possvel
Verso da pastilha do freio isenta de amianto
Folga [ mm] 0.5 +/- 0.07
Ajuste da folga [mm] no possvel
Ventilao eltrica m aderente com placa de ancoragem por circuito do freio
180 - Sobreexcitao
Tenso de servio [VCC]
90 - Tenso suportvel 1)
5.4 - Sobreexcitao 1)
Corrente operacional [A]
2.7 - Corrente de reteno 1)
976 - Sobreexcitao 1)
Dados de potncia [W]
244 - Potncia de reteno 1)
Durao da sobreexcitao [s] arox.1.5
[c/h] 240
Tipo operacional S5
[%] 60
Tempo de comutao - ventilao - t2 [ms] 510
Monitoramento de ventilao (microinterruptor) por circuito de freio
Dispositivos de monitoramento
Monitoramento de desgaste (microinterruptor) 4)
Tenso de comutao Microinterruptor [V] 12 - 30
Corrente de comutao Microinterruptor [mA] > 30
no possvel
Ventilao manual de emergncia
Alavanca de ventilao do freio 4)
Classe de proteo IP 54
Dispositivos de conexo Caixa de terminais com cabos de ligao e conectores
Comprimento do cabo de ligao [m] 6
Peso [kg] 126
Identificao de teste do modelo ABV ABV 783/1
Identificao de teste do modelo ESV ESV 783
com tempos de resposta t10 / t50 / t90 [ms] 85 / 150 / 240
Certificado do eixo do disco motor 1414026
1) Informaes vlidas para a conexo em srie de ambos os circuitos do freio
3) Desativao pelo circuito da corrente CC (parada de emergncia)
4) Verso do freio com ventilao manual

Tab. 3.3.3

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 31 08/2012


Ventilar o freio:
aps submeter ambas as bobinas magnticas do freio conectadas separada-
mente tenso, as placas de ancoragem so atradas e liberam os rotores
do freio.
Uma ventilao manual dos freios somente possvel no Mayr RSO
2x2200Nm na verso com ventilao manual.

O torque de frenagem de um circuito do freio foi projetado de tal modo, que a

cabine carregada com a carga til parada a partir da velocidade nominal. O
torque de frenagem no pode ser ajustado.

Nota: os freios do DAF270 foram previstos para a aplicao como freio de

reteno esttico. A frenagem dinmica limita-se s frenagens de emergn-
cia e para inspeo. Na operao normal no ocorre nenhum desgaste
significativo nos revestimentos de frico.
O freio de acionamento nunca substitui os sistemas de segurana para a
operao descendente.

Ateno: ao conectar os freios devem ser tomadas as medidas apropriadas

previstas pelo fabricante do sistema de elevadores, que tornam uma
verificao do freio (cada circuito do freio separadamente) e uma liberao
de emergncia (mesmo com a falta de energia) possvel.

Monitoramento do freio:
para o monitoramento do freio (monitoramento do ar, da temperatura, do
desgaste) foram instalados interruptores.
Os interruptores so instalados e ajustados de fbrica. A conexo situa-se
na caixa de distribuio no freio.
A avaliao dos sinais de monitoramento deve ser feita pelo cliente.

Viso geral DAF270 M e L DAF270L DAF270L

monitoramentos do 2x1250 / 2x1700Nm 2x2200Nm sem 2x2200Nm com
freio ventilao manual ventilao manual
Temperatura X
Monitoramento de X X X
Controle de desgaste X

3.5 Monitoramento da temperatura

Para o monitoramento da temperatura foi incorporado um elemento trmico

na cabea de enrolamento do enrolamento do estator, que no caso de
excesso de temperatura, emite um sinal de comutao.
Descrio Unidade Dados tcnicos
Fabricante Reissmann
Tipo Termistor duplo PTC 130C
Tenso de medio [V] 2,5
Tenso mx. de servio [V] 30
Tab. 3.5.1

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 32 08/2012


4. Transporte e armazenamento


Figura 4.1 Figura 4.2

DAF270M e L so aparafusados diretamente sobre o palete europeu
A embalagem seguinte feita de acordo com a encomenda, sendo
especfica por pas (frete areo/martimo/caminho).

O transporte realizado sob a observao dos regulamentos de
segurana e do centro de gravidade da mquina e da estrutura.
Transporte com a empilhadeira:
No transporte com uma empilhadeira devem ser utilizadas respectivamente
forquilhas longas, para impedir um basculamento do material transportado.
Sempre alojar a estrutura ou o palete de transporte nas forquilhas, nunca a
prpria mquina.
Preste ateno nas partes pendentes ou salientes! Perigo de leses e danos!

Transporte por grua:

No pisar sobre as cargas suspensas! As correntes ou os cabos de
transporte devem ser fixados na estrutura da mquina. Atentar para o centro
de gravidade!
Se a entrega for feita sem estrutura e base para transporte, fixar e proteger
contra o basculamento. No levantar pela carcaa do motor!
Aps o transporte, remova as madeiras de proteo.
Respeite os smbolos da figura dispostos sobre a embalagem ou nos locais

Em cima Material Proteger contra Proteger So proibidos Encostar aqui

frgil a umidade contra o calor ganchos

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 33 08/2012


Dimenses e peso
As especificaes do peso so indicadas sobre a embalagem na mquina,
em um adesivo.
Por favor, consulte as dimenses na nota de entrega.
Consultar as informaes aproximadas no captulo 3 Dados tcnicos

Controle em caso de aceitao pelo destinatrio

As peas fornecidas e sua embalagem devem ser examinadas com relao
a integridade, danos ou outras anormalidades.

Informar e documentar os danos de transporte

No ato da entrega, assegure-se que no ocorreram quaisquer danos de

Os danos identificados devem ser documentados imediatamente
(esboo, foto, descrio do dano).
Envie os respectivos documentos imediatamente para a

Descarte o material de embalagem de forma a no poluir o meio
ambiente ou reutilize-o.
Os auxlios de transporte especficos e as protees de transporte
permanecem com o cliente.

Armazenamento intermedirio
Se o mdulo no for montado imediatamente aps a entrega, ele deve ser
cuidadosamente armazenado em um local protegido. Neste caso ele deve
ser coberto de tal modo, que no se forme nenhuma gua de condensao e
que no possa penetrar nenhuma umidade.
O mdulo no deve ser armazenado ao ar livre. As peas polidas no
possuem preservao a longo prazo.

Abrir a abertura de ventilao inferior. (De acordo com a posio de


Condies ambientais
O ambiente no local efetivo de instalao (umidade, temperatura) deve
corresponder s condies climticas locais normais para as salas de
mquinas. (De acordo com EN 81 entre +5 e +40 C)
A umidade relativa do ar no deve exceder os 70%.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 34 08/2012


5. Montar a mquina

5.1 Instalar a mquina

A mquina DAF270 entregue com orifcios roscados para a fixao.

Alinhamento do acionamento
A mquina deve ser instalada conforme o desenho da instalao. A sada do
cabo do disco motor e a polia de desvio devem ser alinhadas de acordo com
o desenho sobre a polia da cabine ou a roldana do contrapeso na

Nota: o freio deve ser protegido contra a poeira grossa e lquidos de

qualquer tipo. Ela somente deve ser operada com a proteo instalada de
fbrica sobre o freio. No caso de uma posio de instalao modificada do
acionamento, a cobertura do freio deve ser mudada de acordo.
Aps a concluso dos trabalhos de ajuste, os parafusos de fixao devem
ser apertados com o torque prescrito. Consultar o captulo 8

Fechar o orifcio de ventilao na posio de instalao superior, na parte

inferior ele deve estar aberto.

Figura 5.1

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 35 08/2012


5.2 Conectar a mquina

5.2.1 Conectar o motor

Ao conectar o motor deve ser observado o esquema de conexo no verso da

tampa da caixa de terminais do motor, ou o esquema de terminais de
conexo do motor. Alm disto, os respectivos regulamentos de segurana e
os cdigos de construo devem ser seguidos.

Esquema de terminais de conexo do motor:



Figura 5.2
Figura 5.3

Monitoramento da temperatura do motor

O termistor (PTC) comuta com aprox. 130C, isto , adquire alta impedncia.
Terminais 10/11 Figura 5.2

No submeter os terminais do resistor a nenhuma tenso superior a

2,5 V. Observar a resistncia interna dos aparelhos de medio!

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 36 08/2012


5.3 Conectar os freios

5.3.1 Verso de freio com SZ1700 / 2x1250 Nm / 2x1700 Nm

Tipo de

IP21 IP54

Figura 5.4

1 Condutor para as bobinas magnticas com 2 Condutor para os dispositivos de

conector Phoenix IC 2.5/4-ST-5.08 monitoramento com conector
Phoenix MSTB 2.5/10-ST-5.08
3 Bobina - Freio 1 4 Bobina - Freio 2
5 Microinterruptor para o controle de 6 Microinterruptor para o controle de
ventilao Freio 2 ventilao Freio 1
7 Monitoramento da temperatura Freio 1/2 8 Blindagem a descoberto

5.3.2 Verso de freio com RSO 1300 / 2x2200 Nm e

RSR 1500/2x1700Nm

2 1
Figura 5.5

1 Condutor para as bobinas magnticas com 2 Condutor para os dispositivos de monitoramento

conector Phoenix IC 2.5/4-ST-5.08 com conector Phoenix MSTB 2.5/10-ST-5.08
3 Bobina - Freio 1 4 Bobina - Freio 2
5 Microinterruptor para o controle de 6 Microinterruptor para o controle de ventilao
ventilao Freio 2 Freio 1
7 Ponte (freio sem o monitoramento de 8 Blindagem a descoberto

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 37 08/2012


Consultar as notas importantes na informao do fabricante no anexo.

Nota: o comportamento operacional do freio depende significativamente do

tipo de conexo utilizado, indicamos as informaes e recomendaes do
fabricante dos freios.

A tenso de servio das bobinas magnticas (corrente contnua de acordo

com DIN IECE038) est indicada na placa de caractersticas no corpo do

Nota: ao desligar as bobinas do freio prefervel uma comutao pelo lado

da corrente alternada. Ao desligar pelo lado da corrente contnua, deve ser
previsto um circuito de proteo. Consultar o captulo 9

Ao assentar os condutores no devem ocorrer quaisquer cargas mecnicas,

no dobrar (respeitar os raios de curvatura) e devem ser utilizas os
respectivos alvios de trao.

Visualizao referente a 5.3.1 Visualizao referente a 5.3.2


7 10

3 4 9


Figura 5.6
Figura 5.7

1 Ponto de fixao dos freios 2 Condutores da conexo do freio

3 Interruptor de controle do freio 4 Sensor de momento angular
5 Suporte do sensor 6 Chapa de cobertura do freio
7 Ponto de fixao dos freios 8 Ponto de fixao dos freios
9 Condutor do sensor de 10 Sensor de momento angular
momento angular
11 Suporte do sensor de 12 Interruptor de controle do freio
momento angular

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 38 08/2012


5.4 Esquema de conexes

5.4.1 DAF270L/M Verso com freios SZ1700 / 2x1250Nm / 2x1700 Nm

Figura 5.8

1 Enrolamentos do motor 2 Monitoramento de temperatura Motor

3 Sensor de valor efetivo 4 Freio Bobina 1
5 Freio Bobina 2 6 Monitoramento da temperatura Freio 1/2
7 Monitoramento de ventilao 8 Monitoramento de ventilao Freio 2
Freio 1

5.4.2 DAF270L/M Verso com freio RSO 1300 / 2x2200 Nm ,

1500 x / 2x1700
(Verso sem ventilao manual)

Figura 5.9
1 Enrolamentos do motor 2 Monitoramento de temperatura Motor
3 Sensor de valor efetivo 4 Freio Bobina 1
5 Freio Bobina 2 6 Monitoramento de ventilao Freio 1
7 Monitoramento de ventilao
Freio 2

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 39 08/2012


5.4.3 DAF270L Verso com freio RSO 1300 / 2x2200 Nm

(Verso com ventilao manual)

Figura 5.10

1 Enrolamentos do motor 2 Monitoramento de temperatura

3 Sensor de valor efetivo 4 Freio Bobina 1
5 Freio Bobina 2 6 Monitoramento de ventilao e
controle de desgaste Freio 1
7 Monitoramento de ventilao e
controle de desgaste Freio 2

5.5 Monitoramento de temperatura dos freios

As conexes do sensor PTC esto conectados de fbrica no ponto de

terminal do freio em srie.
Consultar o esquema de conexes 5.4.1 e a verso de freio 5.3.1.

Ao assentar os cabos de ligao preste a ateno, que estes no possam

encostar nos componentes em movimento ou em rotao.
Tomar as medidas adequadas para a resoluo.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 40 08/2012


6. Colocao em funcionamento

Antes da colocao em funcionamento da mquina, os seguintes pontos

devem ser verificados ou executados:

remover as ferramentas de fixao, auxiliares e de montagem da rea de

verificar a instalao e o alinhamento da mquina, da estrutura e da sada
do cabo
verificar a fixao da mquina e da estrutura (desde que existente)
apertar e travar os parafusos com o torque prescrito (consultar o
captulo 9)
controlar a funo e o ajuste do freio
controlar o ajuste e a funo do interruptor de controle do freio
(monitoramento de ventilao)
efetuar uma verificao do freio em cada circuito do freio
verificar a folga com o freio no acionado em ambos os circuitos do freio
(Consultar o captulo 9)
montar a cobertura de proteo
Verificar a funo dos desligamentos de segurana
conectar, verificar e proteger as conexes eltricas, o aterramento do
motor e do m do freio
colocar todas as blindagens existentes
verificar os acessrios especiais (opcional)
colar a seta do sentido de marcha (para cima/para baixo) de acordo com o
respectivo sentido de marcha bem visvel sobre o disco motor

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 41 08/2012


7. Manuteno / Reparo

7.1 Manuteno

Prazo de manuteno: a manuteno da mquina deve ocorrer no mbito

da manuteno principal do elevador, no mnimo 1 x ao ano.

Nota: os trabalhos de colocao em funcionamento e manuteno devem

ser executados apenas pelo pessoal tcnico treinado e instrudo.
Todas as regras e regulamentos sobre os sistemas de elevadores, assim
como os regulamentos de preveno de acidentes devem ser conhecidos e

Outras informaes sobre o processo, os ajustes e os dados podem ser

encontrados nos seguintes captulos:

Verificar o desgaste do freio por meio da medio da folga 7
Verificar a desacelerao 7
Verificar a funo do interruptor de controle do freio 7
Verificar as unies roscadas com relao fixao e ao 8
assentamento firme (torque de aperto)
Verificar os parafusos da fixao do disco motor e do
acionamento com relao ao assentamento firme, se
necessrio, reapertar
Verificar o perfil da ranhura no disco motor com relao a
dano e desgaste
Verificar as conexes eltricas com relao ao estado
correto, integridade e a fixao segura
Verificar o desgaste no rolamento do motor (rudos, folga)
Verificar os dispositivos de segurana e de proteo com
relao a existncia, funo e o ajuste correto
verificar as placas de segurana e de aviso com relao a
existncia, a colocao prescrita e a legibilidade
Verificao quanto a vazamento de graxa/leo 7

Ateno: nos trabalhos de manuteno e de verificao, o freio no deve

estar sob tenso!

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 42 08/2012


7.2 Lubrificao

Os rolamentos de esferas do DAF270 foram guarnecidos com uma

lubrificao permanente, por isto, o acionamento no necessita de nenhuma
lubrificao suplementar.

7.3 Verificar o freio

Prazo de verificao: antes da primeira colocao em funcionamento, aps

uma substituio dos freios e 1 x ao ano no mbito da manuteno principal
do elevador.
Para isto, observe as informaes no captulo 9 Anexo.

Nota: antes do incio da verificao, devem ser efetuadas as seguintes

preparaes: colocar as placas de aviso sobre os trabalhos de manuteno
no elevador e em todas as portas do poo.

Todas as portas devem ser fechadas corretamente.

Assegurar-se, de que no se encontre ningum na cabine.
Na verificao com a cabine vazia no sentido ascendente de marcha, a
cabine deve situar-se no mnimo dois andares abaixo da parada mais alta.
Na verificao com a cabine cheia no sentido descendente de marcha, a
cabine deve situar-se no mnimo dois andares acima da parada mais baixa.
Verificar a desacelerao em cada freio.

Ateno: se o elevador se movimentar aps o teste de um circuito de freio

ou no desacelerar o suficiente durante a operao de frenagem, ento o
teste deve ser parado imediatamente.
A funo do freio no garantida, verificar o freio!

Valores de desacelerao:
O valor de desacelerao mnimo para um circuito de freio de
aprox. 0,4 m/s
O valor de desacelerao mnimo para ambos os circuitos de freio de
aprox.1,0 m/s
Ateno: aps concluir a verificao individual do freio a tenso de
acionamento contnuo na conexo do circuito de freio no envolvido deve
ser removida e o circuito original (acionamento de ambos os freios
simultaneamente) deve ser restabelecido.

Outras verificaes:
Verificao do desgaste, amortecimento de rudos, assim como, folga do
freio, consultar as informaes do fabricante no captulo 9

Nota: ao atingir o limite de desgaste ou no caso de um defeito por motivos

de segurana, o freio completo deve ser substitudo.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 43 08/2012


7.4 Substituir o disco motor

7 3 5



Apresentao em 90 de deslocamento
9 8
Figura 7.6

1 Disco motor
2 Mola de ajuste 25 x 14 x 90 mm
3 Disco
4 Arruela com aresta de bloqueio SKM16
5 3x M16x 50 8.8 Torque de aperto = 190 Nm
no freio 2x2200Nm : 3xM16x60.-.10.9 torque de aperto =230 Nm
6 Eix o motor
7 Carcaa do motor
8 Caixa de terminais do motor
9 Orifcio de extrao
10 Medida de controle antes do aperto (3-6 mm)

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 44 08/2012


Processo de montagem na substituio do disco motor

Comutar a instalao para o estado livre de corrente, travar a cabine e o
Remover o arco de reteno dos cabos
Aliviar o disco motor, retirar os cabos, travar o disco motor com o cabo
no guindaste
Desatarraxar os parafusos no disco de fixao para o disco motor e
atarraxar de forma solta no crculo externo de furos do disco, no cubo do
disco motor
Colocar uma pea intercalar com aprox. 5 10 mm de espessura entre a
extremidade do eixo e o disco
Apertando uniformemente ambos os parafusos (pos. 9), extrair o disco
motor do eixo do motor
Remover o disco motor com o guindaste
Desmontar o disco de fixao do disco motor

Limpar a extremidade do eixo e o disco motor, nunca alterar a medida da
mola de ajuste, da ranhura, ou do cone
O cone do eixo e do disco motor deve estar isento, de graxa, leo, tinta
ou de danos na superfcie
Montar o novo disco motor sobre a extremidade cnica do eixo do motor.
Alinhar a posio da mola de ajuste e da ranhura entre si, deslizar o
disco motor com a mo sobre o eixo do motor
Verificar a sobreposio de ajuste no orifcio do disco motor (a superfcie
de encosto no disco motor deve estar entre 3-6 mm sobre o lado frontal
do eixo)
Aparafusar o disco com os novos parafusos microencapsulados e as
arruelas com arestas de bloqueio no eixo do motor
Apertar os parafusos de fixao com o torqumetro. Isto deve ser
repetido de modo alternado em crculo, at que no seja mais
reconhecido nenhum movimento de rotao dos parafusos e o torque de
aperto prescrito de 190 / 230/Nm tenha sido atingido, colocar os cabos,
remover as travas na cabine e nos cabos

Ateno perigo: no caso de montagem incorreta, o disco motor poder se

soltar. Na substituio do disco motor devem ser utilizados os novos
parafusos microencapsulados fornecidos junto.
Atentar para a resistncia dos parafusos e para o torque de aperto!

Nota: por motivos de segurana, os parafusos microencapsulados devem

ser aparafusados no mximo 2 vezes, seno a fora de reteno do
encapsulamento no ser mais eficaz.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 45 08/2012


7.5 Substituir o sensor de momento angular

Ateno: o sensor de momento angular deve ser conectado sob tenso,

seno os componentes eletrnicos no sensor de momento angular sero
No caso do sensor de momento angular no estar conectado, o acionamento
deve ser ligado somente com os cabos frouxos para os trabalhos de
verificao e de controle.

Aps a substituio do sensor de momento angular ou da alterao da

posio em relao ao rotor, necessrio um novo ajuste de sensor nas
mquinas sncronas!
Consultar o manual de instrues do conversor de frequncia.

Consultar a montagem e o desmonte nas informaes do fabricante,

captulo 9.

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 46 08/2012


7.6 Verificao quanto a vazamento de graxa/leo

A rea do escudo do rolamento, do freio a disco e das lonas do freio (discos

do freio) deve ser examinada com relao a vestgios de leo.

O disco interno do freio no visvel.

Por isto, importante um exame detalhado da fenda entre o escudo do
rolamento e o corpo interno do freio, examinando com relao a vestgios de

Grau de sujeira Procedimento

No foi determinada Verificar regularmente no A cada 3 meses
nenhuma oleosidade mbito da manuteno (6 meses com
baixa frequncia,
< 50 000 viagens
por ano)
Se for determinada uma Limpar o acionamento e Reparo o mais
forte oleosidade ou eventualmente o freio e tardar aps
oleosidade presente no efetuar um reparo a curto 4 semanas
disco do freio/ lonas prazo,
do freio executar antes da operao
seguinte at a converso do
teste de freios, se o efeito de
frenagem no for suficiente,
imobilizar a instalao

Graxa Escudo do Freio a disco de

rolamento 2 circuitos

Discos do freio

Figura 7.8.1

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 47 08/2012


8 Torques de aperto valores de resistncia

Ateno: por ocasio dos trabalhos na mquina, ou durante a substituio

de peas deve-se, impreterivelmente, atentar para que a resistncia dos
parafusos e os torques de aperto prescritos sejam respeitados.
Os parafusos que no forem microencapsulados devem ser travados na
montagem com Loctite 241 ou protees contra soltura similares ou contra
um desaperto involuntrio.
Para o cumprimento dos torques prescritos, todas as fixaes de
parafusos devem ser apertadas com o torqumetro!
Os valores relacionados seguir aplicam-se para:
Parafusos sextavados internos ISO 4762 (DIN 912)
Parafusos sextavados ISO 4014 / 4017 (DIN 931 / 933)

Os parafusos devem ser apertados com o torqumetro!

Dimenso Torque de aperto MA (Nm)

Resistncia 8.8 10.9 12.9

M4 2,6
M5 5,3
M6 9,0 12 15
M8 23 30 35
M10 45 60 75
M12 75 110 130
M16 190 270 320
M20 370 520 620
M24 640 900 1100

Fixao do sensor sobre o eixo com pinos de aperto 2,5 Nm

Fixao do sensor sobre o freio M4 x 4 1,0 Nm

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 48 08/2012


9 Alteraes

Acrescentado um segundo sensor de 3
momento angular
Acrescentada a verso A3, 2
assim como a ventilao manual do freio 3
Mayr RSR1500


Informaes do fabricante sobre o sensor de momento angular

Informaes do fabricante sobre o freio
Certificado de teste de modelo
Certificado de verificao do clculo de onda

ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH 49 08/2012

Postfach 1260 .0-83292 Traunreut-"'(08669)
31-0 .~ (08669) 5061

Die Singleturn-Absolutdrehgeber der Baureihe ECN 413

The Absolute Single turn Rotary Encoders of the EGN 413 Series

Identnummer Varianten
Basic part number Variant

586 645 10 -12,
22 -24

erfllen die grundlegenden Vorschriften folgender EG Richtlinien:

comply with the regulations of the following EC Directive:

EMV-Richtlinie 89/336/EWG
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC

Die bereinstimmung mit den Vorschriften der oben genannten Richtlinie wird durch die Einhaltung
folgender Normen nachgewiesen:
This product complies with these regulations by meeting the following standards:

DIN EN 55022, Klasse B

DIN EN 61000-6-1
DIN EN 61000-6-2
DIN EN 61000-6-3
DIN EN 61000-6-4

Traunreut, 05.02.2007 HEIDENHAIN ,GmbH

Quality Officer

Diese Erklrung bescheinigt die bereinstimmung mit den genannten Richtlinien, beinhaltet jedoch keine
Beschaffenheitsgarantie. Die Sicherheitshinweise der mitgelieferten Produktdokumentationen sind zu beachten.
This declaration certifies thai this product complies with the above guidelines. It is not, however, a guarantee of quality.
Please comply with the safety instructions in the accompanying documentation.

ECN 413
Absoluter Singleturn-Drehgeber/Absolute singleturn encoder
Version Thyssen
Konuswelle/Taper shaft

19.51 50.51 52 0

155 6.450.2










A= Lagerung Kundenwelle
k= Kundenseitige Anschlussmae
22 16.850.1 m= Messpunkt Arbeitstemperatur
k 0.3 A = Selbstsichernde Schraube M5 x 50 DIN 6912 SW4,

Anzugsmoment 5+0.5 Nm
= Verschlussschraube SW3 und 4, Anzugsmoment 5+0.5 Nm
= Abdrckgewinde M10
= Abdrckgewinde M6
= Max. zul. Toleranz mit Bewegung der Motorwelle 1.5 mm

600.4 x 580.4

= Max. zul. statischer radialer Versatz der Motorwelle in




gezeichneter Richtung 0.13 mm

5 0

A= Bearing of mating shaft


k= Required mating dimensions


0.13 A
m= Measuring point for operating temperature
= Self-tightening screw M5 x 50 DIN 6912 width A/F 4
Tightening torque 5+0.5 Nm
2 = Screw plug sizes 3 and 4, Tightening torque 5+0.5 Nm
5.9 = Back-off thread M10
4.5 = Back-off thread M6
9.30.5 = Max. permissible tolerance during motor shaft rotation 1.5 mm
= Max. permissible static radial offset of motor shaft in indicated
direction 0.13 mm

Elektrischer Anschluss/Electrical Connection

2 10 3
11 12 13 14 15

2 4 12 2 10 1 9 3 11 5 13 8 15 6

3 13 / 14 / 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 14
UP sensor UN sensor

br/gn bl ws/gn ws gn/sw ge/sw bl/sw rt/sw gr rs vio ge

Die Sensorleitung ist intern mit der Versorgungsleitung verbunden. Innenschirm/Internal shield
The sensor line is connected internally with the power supply. Auenschirm auf Gehuse/External shield on housing
Nicht verwendete Pins oder Litzen drfen nicht belegt werden!
Vacant pins or wires must not be used!
ECN 413

Absolute Positionswerte EnDat 2.2

Absolute position values

Bestellbezeichnung/Ordering designation EnDat 01

Positionen/U / Positions per revolution 8 192 (13 bit)/8192 (13 bits)

Code/Code Dual/Pure binary

Elektr. zul. Drehzahl/bei Genauigkeit 1 500 min1/ 1 LSB; 12000 min1/ 50 LSB
Elec. permissible speed/at accuracy 1500 rpm/ 1 LSB; 12000 rpm/ 50 LSB

Rechenzeit tcal/Calculation time tcal 5 s

1) 1)
Inkrementalsignale/Incremental signals 1 VSS / 1 VPP

Strichzahlen/Line counts 2 048

Grenzfrequenz 3 dB/Cutoff frequency 3 dB 400 kHz

Systemgenauigkeit/System accuracy 20

Spannungsversorgung/Power supply 3,6 bis 14 V/3.6 to 14 V

Stromaufnahme/Current consumption 160 mA (ohne Last / without load)
Elektrischer Anschluss Kabel 5 m, mit Sub-D-Stecker (Stift), 15-polig, 2-reihig
Electrical connection* Cable 5 m, with D-sub connector (male), 15-pin, 2-row
Kabel 5 m, mit Sub-D-Stecker (Stift), 15-polig; 3-reihig
Cable 5 m, with D-sub connector (male), 15-pin; 3-row

Welle/Shaft Konuswelle 9,25 mm, Konus 1/10/Taper shaft 9.25 mm, taper 1:10

Mech. zul. Drehzahl n2)/Mech. perm. speed n2) 12 000 min1/ 12 000 rpm

Trgheitsmoment Rotor/Moment of inertia of rotor 2,6 106 kgm2

Vibration 55 bis 2000 Hz/Vibration 55 to 2000 Hz 300 m/s2 (EN/IEC 60068-2-6)

Schock 6 ms/2 ms/Shock 6 ms/2 ms 1 000 m/s2/ 2000 m/s2 (EN/IEC 60068-2-27)

Max. Arbeitstemperatur2) 115 C

Max. operating temperature2)

Min. Arbeitstemperatur Kabel fest verlegt: 40 C/Flange socket or fixed cable: 40 C

Min. operating temperature Kabel bewegt: 10 C/Moving cable: 10 C

Schutzart EN 60529/Protection IEC 60 529 IP 67 am Gehuse; IP 64 am Welleneingang/IP 67 at housing; IP 64 at shaft inlet

Masse/Weight ca. 0,3 kg/0.3 kg

eingeschrnkte Toleranzen: Signalgre 0,8 bis 1,2 VSS
Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitstemperatur und Drehzahl bzw. Versorgungsspannung siehe Katalog Drehgeber
bei Bestellung bitte auswhlen
Restricted tolerances: Signal amplitude 0.8 to 1.2 VPP
For the correlation between the operating temperature and the shaft speed or supply voltage, see Rotary Encoders catalog
Please indicate when ordering


Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Strae 5
83301 Traunreut, Germany
{ +49 (86 69) 31-0
| +49 (86 69) 50 61
E-Mail: info@heidenhain.de
Mb 1108 11/2007 nderungen vorbehalten/Subject to change without notice
DIN EN 100 015 1
CECC 00015 1

max. Cable length [m]

fc = 1
UP = 3.6 ... 14 V
(max. 160 mA)
am Gert, at encoder, sur l'appareil, integrato, en el aparato.
EN 50 178/4.98; 300 1 000 2 000 Mounting Instructions
IEC 364-4-41: 1992; 411(PELV/SELV)
(siehe, see, voir, vedi, vase
CLOCK frequency [kHz] Instructions de montage
HEIDENHAIN D 231 929) Istruzioni di montaggio
Instrucciones de montaje
RS-485 360 el.
Im Lieferumfang enthalten Fleckbeschichtung
DATA A 0.8 ... 1.2 VSS Included in delivery Patch coating
DATA ( 1 VSS) Contenu dans la fourniture Enduit autofreinant
90 el. Standard di fornitura Rivestimento
Elementos suministrados Recubrimiento tintado
ECN 413 EnDat01
0 M5 x 50-8.8 DIN 6912
ID 202 264-36


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Strae 5 KUPPA1:66A,
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 83301 Traunreut, Germany ANELA1:16S15, 56S15
HEIDENHAIN { +49 (86 69) 31-0 BELEA1:58, P5
D-83301 Traunreut-Germany
| +49 (86 69) 50 61 SPVEA2:37
4 12 2 10 1 9 3 11 5 13 8 15 6 E-Mail: info@heidenhain.de
UP Sensor 0V Sensor Technical support | +49 (86 69) 32-10 00
A+ A B+ B DATA DATA CLOCK CLOCK 1) Measuring systems { +49 (86 69) 31-31 04
E-Mail: service.ms-support@heidenhain.de
RDBK GY YE TNC support { +49 (86 69) 31-31 01
E-Mail: service.nc-support@heidenhain.de
NC programming { +49 (86 69) 31-31 03
ECN 413 56S15-P5 1 2 3 4 5 E-Mail: service.nc-pgm@heidenhain.de
PLC programming { +49 (86 69) 31-31 02
6 7 8 9 10 E-Mail: service.plc@heidenhain.de
D-83301 Traunreut-Germany
HEIDENHAIN Lathe controls { +49 (86 69) 31-31 05
D-83301 Traunreut-Germany
11 12 13 14 15 E-Mail: service.lathe-support@heidenhain.de
13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 14 www.heidenhain.de

Kabelschirm mit Gehuse verbunden 1) Innenschirm

Cable shield connected to housing Internal shield
Blindage du cble reli au botier Blindage interne Ve 00
Collegare lo schermo del cavo alla carcassa Schermo interno 619 091-91 12 11/2007 E Printed in Germany nderungen vorbehalten
Pantalla del cable conectada a carcasa Blindaje interno Subject to change without notice Sous rserve de modifications Con riserva di modifiche Sujeto a modificaciones
Montage . Assembly . Montage . Montaggio . Montaje
ECN 413 EnDat01
Mae in mm
Dimensions in mm
Cotes en mm
Dimensioni in mm k 22 16.850.1
Dimensiones en mm
0.3 A 4.

1. 2x M5
Md = 5 0.5 Nm



600.4 x 580.4
M5 x 20 DIN 6912 8.8
Mehrfachverwendung max. 3x. Md = 5 + 0.5 Nm


For multiple use, max. 3x.

Utilisation rpte 3x max. 2x
Riutilizzo max 3x.

5 0
Md = 5 + 0.5 Nm

Uso mltiple mx. 3 veces.

Sperrkantscheibe SKM5 (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten).

Lock washer SKM5 (not included in items supplied).
0.13 A Rondelle bord darrt SKM5 (non contenue dans la fourniture).
Rondelle di sicurezza SKM5 (non inclusa nella fornitura).
A = Lagerung 5
Arandela de bloqueo SKM5 (no incluida en los elementos suministrados).
Demontage . Disassembly . Dmontage . Smontaggio . Desmontaje
Rodamiento 5.9
k = Kundenseitige Anschlussmae 4.5 1. 3. 4. 5.
Required mating dimensions
Conditions requises pour le montage 9.30.5
Quote per il montaggio
Cotas de montaje requeridas M5
= Max. zul. statischer radialer Versatz der Motorwelle in gezeichneter Richtung 0,13 mm 2. SW4 M10
Max. permissible static radial offset of motor shaft in indicated direction 0.13 mm
Dsaxage radial statique max. adm. de larbre moteur dans le sens dessin 0,13 mm M10 Schraube nur soweit eindrehen, bis sich die Konusverbindung lst.
Gioco massimo statico ammissibile nella direzione indicata 0,13 mm Turn the M10 screw only far enough in to release the taper shaft.
Mx. desviacin radial esttica admisible del eje del motor en la direccin indicada 0,13 mm Ne tourner la vis M10 que jusqu ce que l'attache du cne se desserre.
Ruotare la brugola M10 fino al distacco della sede conica dell'albero.
Apretar el tornillo M10 slo hasta que la conexin cnica se suelte.


R1 R2
T 40 C T 10 C
> 100 mm > 100 mm > 200 mm (40 F) (14 F)

Schirm auf Gehuse

Shield on housing 6 mm R1 20 mm R2 75 mm
M Noise sources 30 ... 80 C
Blindage sur boter
Sources parasites (22 ... 176 F)
Schermo sulla carcassa
Origine del disturbo
Blindaje a carcasa
Fuentes de interferencias
Fritz Kbler GmbH
EG-Konformittserklrung Zhl- und Sensortechnik
Schubertstrae 47
Declaration of EC-Conformity D-78054 Villingen-Schwenningen
Certificat de conformit CEE www.kuebler.com

Produktbezeichnung: Absolute Encoder

Product designation:
Dsignation du produit:
Typenreihe: 5853, 5863, 5873, 5883,
Type code: 5858, 5868, 5878, 5888
Hersteller: Fritz Kbler GmbH, Zhl- und Sensortechnik
Manufacturer: Schubertstrae 47
Fabricant: D-78054 Villingen-Schwenningen
Das bezeichnete Produkt stimmt mit der folgenden Die bereinstimmung des bezeichneten Produktes
Europischen Richtlinie berein: mit den Vorschriften der Richtlinie wird
We herewith confirm that the above mentioned nachgewiesen durch die vollstndige Einhaltung
product meets the requirements of the following folgender Normen:
european standard: The correspondance of the above mentioned product
Le produit dsign ci-dessus est conforme la ligne with these requirements is proved by the fact that
directrice europenne suivante: these products meet with the following single
La conformit du produit dsign aux prescriptions de
la ligne directrice est certifie par la observation totale
des normes suivantes:
Standard / directrice EU Norm / single Standard / Normes
2004/108/EG elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit (EMV)
EN 55011 Klasse B:2007 + A2:2007
EN 61000-6-2:2005

94/9/EG (ATEX 95) Explosionsschutzrichtlinie Gertekategorie 3, Zone 2 und Zone 22

EN 60079-15:2006
EN 61241-1:2007
nur Gerte mit Kennzeichnung/ only products with Marking / seulement produits avec marquage
II 3G Ex nA T4 X
II 3D Ex tD A22 IP6X T=120C X

Villingen-Schwenningen, 18. Oktober 2010 Peter Lins

Ort und Datum der Ausstellung rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift
Place and date of issue Name and signature of authorised person
Lieu et date dtablissement Nom et signature de la personne autorise
Mechanical characteristics: 56

Max. speed up to 70C: -1 -1
12000min , continuous 10000min 10
Max. speed up to Tmax:
8000min , continuous 5000min
-1 53
Starting torque: <0.01 Nm 45
Moment of inertia: 3x10-6 kgm2

Radial load capacity of shaft: 80N 16,85
Axial load capacity of shaft: 40N
checked: company & sign
approval for production:

Weight: approx. 0.35kg

Protection acc. to EN 60 529: shaft-side: IP65 54
housing-side: IP67
Working temperature: -40C up to +105C 1)
Shaft: stainless steel
Flange: aluminum,
Housing: die cast zinc C C


2500 m/s2, 6 ms

Shock resistance acc. to DIN-IEC 68-2-27:
Vibration resistance acc. to DIN-IEC 68-2-6: 100 m/s , 55A2000Hz
torgue bracket max. axial misalignment: 1,5mm

torgue bracket max. radial misalignment: 0,13mm
1) temperature measured on the flange X
General electrical characteristics:
Supply voltage: 4,5VDC A 5,5VDC 4,5
Current consumption (w/o output load) 5V DC, max. 70mA
Reverse polarity protection at power supply (Ub) no 8,3 23
Conforms to CE requirements acc. to
technical subject to modifications

EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 and EN 61000-6-4

General Interface characteristics:
Transceiver type: RS 485
Permissible load/channel: max.25mA
Signal level high: typ. 3.8V 4,5 1:10
Signal level low at load=20mA typ. 1.3V

Short circuit proof outputs: yes 1)
Interface characteristics BiSS

Protocol: BiSS C
Resolution: 13bit

Code: binary
Clock rate: up to 10MHz
Time jitter: < 1s
Data update rate < 10s
Output sine/cosine 2048 ppr: M5 13,1
srew and shaft with M6 LH
Max. frequency -3dB: 400kHz thread for demontation
Signal level: 1 Vpp (20%) of the encoder
Short circuit proof: yes
2) Short circuit to 0V or to output, one channel at a time, supply voltage correctly applied
(1 : 1)

Terminal assignment: Signals:

SUB-D connector
This document is property of Fritz Kbler GmbH,

(male) 15pin
Pin Signal
1 A
use of this document without written

3 B
4 +V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 +D A\
6 - 4 22.11.11 ih Unit of measurement Fritz Kbler GmbH

7 -
3 22.6.11 tg millimeter ThyssenKrupp Zhl- und Sensortechnik

permission is prohibited

8 +C 78054 VS-Schwenningen
9 A\ Kbler Type:
10 0V sensor 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2 9.5.11 df Tolerances
DG1706 Customer Type: 5 Sendix
11 B\ B\ 1 16.12.10 df otherwise 9950 001 0874 8.5873.0000.C302.S014
12 +V sensor
specified scale
13 -D 0 15.10.10 tg drawing ID.
A leads B when shaft is rotated clockwise
viewing the encoder shaft end
Index Date Name
2768 1:2 Absolut
Singleturn A1796
mH customer drawing

Deutsch English

Installationsanleitung Installing instructions for

Drehgeber rotary encoders
Wichtig! Important!
Vor Inbetriebnahme des Gebers unbedingt lesen. It is imperarive to read these instructions before setting the
Mit diesem Geber haben Sie ein Przisionsmessgert erworben. encoder in operation.
Beachten Sie stets die Angaben und Hinweise des Datenblattes, This encoder is a precision measuring instrument.
um eine problemlose Funktion des Gebers zu gewhrleisten und Always observe the information and instructions of the data sheet
um die Garantieleistung aufrecht zu erhalten. Falls im Datenblatt to ensure trouble-free function and to maintain warranty claims.
nichts anderes angegeben ist, bitte folgendes unbedingt beachten: Unless otherwise stated in the data sheet, the following has to be
absolutely observed:

Mechanisch: Mechanical:

Der Drehgeber darf weder teilweise noch It is not permissible to dismantle the encoder
ganz zerlegt oder modifiziert werden. entirely or in part or to modify it.
Subject to changes without prior notice.
nderungen vorbehalten

Die Welle nicht nachtrglich bearbeiten Do not alter the shaft (by grinding, sawing,
(schleifen, sgen, bohren, usw.). Die Genau- drilling, etc.), otherwise the accuracy of the
igkeit des Gebers und die Zuverlssigkeit von encoder and the dependability of bearing
Lager und Dichtung nehmen sonst Schaden. and gasket will suffer. We are prepared to dis-
Wir sind gerne bereit, auf Ihre Kundenwn- cuss special designs.
sche einzugehen.

Das Gert niemals mit dem Hammer aus- Never align the instrument with a hammer.
richten. It is imperative to avoid impact loads.
Schlagbelastungen unbedingt vermeiden. Radial and axial load capacity as stated in
Drehgeberwelle nicht ber die im Datenblatt the data sheet have to be observed under
angegebenen Werte belasten (weder axial any circumstances.
noch radial).

Drehgeber und Antriebsgert nicht an Wellen Do not connect encoder and drive rigidly to
und Flanschen starr miteinander verbinden. one another at shafts and flanges. Always
Benutzen Sie grundstzlich eine Kupplung use a coupling (between drive shaft and en-
(zwischen Antriebswelle und Geberwelle, coder shaft, or between hollow-shaft en-
bzw. zwischen Hohlwellen-Geber-Flansch coder flange and drive flange).
und Antriebsflansch).

Fr die Gebermontage empfehlen wir Ihnen den Einsatz unserer We recommend that you use our assembly aids and couplings to
Montagehilfen und Kupplungen (siehe Zubehr-Datenbltter). install the encoder (see accessory data sheets).

Bitte beachten Sie die umseitig stehenden Montagehinweise! Please observe the installation instructions on the back page,
Deutsch English
Montagehinweis fr Geber mit Welle: Installation instructions for encoders
with shaft:
Wellen auf Versatz berprfen. Check shafts for offset.

Axialversatz /Axial offset Radialversatz / Radial offset Winkelfehler /Angle error

Entnehmen Sie die Werte X1, X2 und X3 dem Datenblatt der Kupplung. Refer to the coupling data sheet for the values X1, X2, and X3.
Kupplung whrend der Montage vor zu starker Biegung sowie Beschdigung During assembly, protect coupling against excessive bending or damage.
schtzen. Align coupling on the shafts.
Kupplung auf den Wellen ausrichten. Carefully tighten pulling or clamping bolts.
Spann- oder Klemmschrauben vorsichtig anziehen.

Montagehinweise fr Hohlwellengeber Installation instructions for hollow-shaft

mit Kupplung: encoders with coupling:

Geber mit Kupplung auf Mount encoder with Kupplung mit Bolt coupling to Klemmnabe Carefully tighten
Welle montieren. coupling on shaft. Antriebflansch drive flange. vorsichtig anzie- clamping hub
verschrauben hen

Elektrisch: Electrical:
1. Geltende Sicherheitsnormen 1. The existing safety devices for electrical installations have to be observed.
Vor Inbetriebnahme sind alle bentigten Kabeladern laut Datenblatt anzu- Before setting in operation, connect all required strands as per data sheet. To
schlieen! Isolieren Sie alle nicht bentigten Enden sauber, um Kurz- prevent short-circuits, neatly insulate the ends of all strands which are not re-
schlsse zu vermeiden. quired
Bei der Konfektionierung des Gegensteckers ist eine, evtl. dem Stecker When preassembling the mating connector, comply with any instructions ac-
beigelegte, Anleitung zu beachten. companying the connector.
An Leistungslngen empfehlen wir: Our recommendations regarding cable lengths:
bei asymmetrischer bertragung, d.h. invertierte Signale werden nicht ver- in case of asymmetrical transmission, i.e. inverted signals are not used, cable
wendet, max. 10 m Leitungslnge. length max. 10 m.
bei symmetrischer bertragung (z.B. nach RS 422) max. 50 m Leitungs- in case of symmetrical transmission (e.g. to RS 422), cable length max. 50 m
lnge (Leitungslnge mit verdrillten Aderpaaren) (cable with twisted pairs of wires).
Gegenstecken am Geber nur im spannungslosen Zustand ziehen oder Plug in or pull out mating connector at the encoder only when encoder is de-
stecken. energized.
Die richtige Betriebsspannung und den maximal zulssigen Ausgangsstrom Make certain that the operating voltage is correct and the max. permissible
bercksichtigen (siebe Datenblatt)! output current is not exceeded (see data sheet).
Ein- bzw. Ausschalten der Betriebsspannung fr den Geber und das Folge- The operating voltage for encoder and succeeding device must be turned on
gert muss gemeinsam erfolgen. and off together.
2. Um CE-Konformitt zu erreichen, ist eine EMV-gerechte Installation Voraus- 2. ln order to obtain CE-Conformity, EMC installation conformity should be ob-
setzung: served.
Als Steuerleitungen sind durchgehend geschirmte Kabel zu verwenden. Bei Shielded cables should be used or control lines.
symmetrischer bertragung (z.B. RS 422) muss ein Kabel mit verdrillten In case of symmetrical transmission (e.g. Rh 422) a cable with twisted pairs
Aderpaaren verwendet werden. of wire has to be used.
Der Kabelschirm wird idealerweise rundum (360) ber schirmbare Stecker The cable shield should it possible be connected fully enclosed (360) by
oder kabeldurchfhrungen an den Geber und die Auswertung angelegt. shielded connectors or cable bushings. This has to be done at the encoder
Die Schutzerde (PE) ist bevorzugt beidseitig, am Geber und an der Auswer- and transmision end.
tung, impedanzarm aufzulegen. The protection earth should be put with low impedance on both face and
Bei Problemen durch Erdschleifen ist die Schutzerde (PE) auf der Geber- back of the encoder and the transmission end.
seite aufzutrennen. Der Geber sollte hierhei gegenber dem Antrieb elek- In case of earth loop problems, the protection earth of the encoder side has
trisch isoliert angebaut werden. to be removed. On this occasion, the encoder should be placed electrically
Die Geberleitungen sind getrennt von Leitungen mit hohem Strpegel zu isolated opposite the actuation.
verlegen. The encoder lines should run separately to cables with high noise levels.
An der Spannungsversorgung des Gebers sollten keine Verbraucher mit Consumer with high disturbance level, e.g. frequency converters, solenoid
hohem Strpegel, wie z.B. Frequenzumrichter, Magnetventile, Schtze etc. valves, contactors etc. should not be connected to the same voltage supply.
angeschlossen werden. Andernfalls ist fr eine geeignete Spannungsfilte- Otherwise, a suitable voltage filtering has to be installed.
rung zu sorgen.

Sicherheitshinweise: Safety precautions:

1. Wenn anzunehmen ist, dass ein gefahrloser Betrieb nicht mehr gewhrlei- 1. If operation without danger can no longer be assured of some point, the unit
stet ist, muss das Gert auer Betrieb gesetzt und gegen unbeabsichtigtes must be shut down and secured against accidental activation.
Einschalten gesichert werden. 2. If personal injury or damage to equipment is possible should the encoder fail
2. Wenn durch den Ausfall oder eine Fehlfunktion des Gebers eine Gefhr- or malfunction, this must be prevented by suitable safety precautions such as
dung von Menschen oder eine Beschdigung von Betriebseinrichtungen protective devices or limit switches, etc.
nicht auszuschlieen ist, so muss dies durch geeignete Sicherheitsmanah-
men wie Schutzvorrichtungen oder Endschalter usw. verhindert werden. We can assume no warranty it the above directives are disregarded.
We ask for your understanding.
Bei Missachtung der obigen Richtlinien knnen wir keine Garantie gewhren.
Wir bitten um Verstndnis.
Montageanweisung Drehgeber Typ 5873 mit Konuswelle
Assembly instructions encoder Type 5873 with tapered shaft

1.) BefestigungsschraubeindieMotorwelle 2.) Befestigungsschraubemit3+0,5 Nmanziehen.

schrauben.DabeiwirdderDrehgeberin Tighten the xing bolt with 3+0.5 Nm.
Screw the xing bolt into the motor shaft.
This causes the encoder to be drawn into
the cone.

3.) Drehgebermit2xSchraubenund 4.) 2xSchraubenanziehen.

Unterlegscheibenbefestigen. Tighten the 2 x bolts.
Attach the encoder with 2 x bolts
and washers.
Demontageanweisung Drehgeber Typ 5873 mit Konuswelle
Disassembly instructions encoder Type 5873 with tapered shaft

1.) 2xSchraubenlsen. 2.) 2xSchraubenmitUnterlegscheibenentfernen.

Loosen 2 x bolts. Remove 2 x bolts with washers.

3.) Befestigungsschraubelsen. 4.) DurchdaslsenderBefestigungsschraube

Loosen xing bolt. trenntsichderDrehgebervonderMotorwelle.
Unscrewing the xing bolt causes the enco-
der to disengage from the motor shaft.

Kbler Group
Fritz Kbler GmbH

Phone +4977203903-0
Fax +49772021564
SM343gb - rev 05/11
Electrically Released Brakes
S ERS VAR09 SZ 1700/1700
Warner Electric Part Number N 1 12 107517
R ERS VAR09 SZ 1700/1550
Warner Electric Part Number N 1 12 107459
ERS VAR09 SZ 1700/1250
I Warner Electric Part Number N 1 12 106714


EC type certificate ABV 591, ABV591/2 and TUV

ABV591/3 according to drawing 1 12 106581 SUD

Industrie Service


Rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F- 49182 St Barthlemy dAnjou Cedex
Tl. +33 (0)2 41 21 24 24, Fax + 33 (0)2 41 21 24 00
Declaration of conformity:
During the design of this product, the EU directives applicables were taken into account.
An attestation of conformity is available on request.
For Incorporating the product, the manufacturer of a machine or system need to take into account the EU
directives applicables.

Summary of the directives and standards used:

2006/95/EC Low voltage equipment directive 95/16/EC Lifts directive
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility directive
DIN VDE 0580 Electromagnetic devices and components, General requirements
EN 81-1 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Part 1: Electric lifts
NFC 79300 Industrial electrical apparatus. Electromagnetic apparatus for mechanical applications. Requirements.

1 Technical specifications 2 4.2 Adjusting the microswitch 4
2 Precautions and restrictions in use 3 5 Electrical connection 5
2.1 Restrictions in use 3 5.1 Important recommendations 5
2.2 Precautions and safety measures 3 5.2 Electrical connection 5
3 Installation 3 5.2.1 Connection of microswitch cable 5
3.1 Transport - storage 3 5.2.2 Connection of power supply cable 5
3.2 Handling 3 6 Spare parts 6
3.3 Installation 3-4 7 Tools 6
4 Maintenance 4 8 Troubleshooting 6
4.1 Adjusting the airgap 4

1 Technical specifications
Cable for thermistor
Customers fixing Coil cable and microswitch
Fixing screws
for box
on hub

Fig. 1 Fig. 2


Magnet D Rear
Front disc Threads M12 Threads M10
Magnet C for eye hook for eye hook

EC Type Certificate ABV591/3 ABV591/2 ABV591

Table 1 Size ERS VAR09 SZ 1700/1700 SZ 1700/1550 SZ 1700/1250
THYSSEN Part Number 9900 000 0999 9900 001 0217 9900 000 6077
Nominal torque Nm 2 x 1700 2 x 1550 2 x 1250
Inrush voltage each coil VDC 103,5 103,5
With overexcitation
Holding voltage each coil VDC 52 52
SZ 1700/1700
Power (inrush) each coil Watt 253 232
SZ 1700/1550
Power (holding) each coil Watt 64 59
Without overexcitation Voltage each coil VDC 207
SZ 1700/1250 Power each coil Watt 123
Maximum speed min-1 400 400 250
Nominal airgap mm 0,35+0,05/0,1 0,35+0,05/0,1 0,35+0,05/0,1
Maximum airgap after wear mm 0,7 0,7 0,7
Cyclic duration factor ED 60 % 60 % 60%
Weight kg 84 84 84
WARNER ELECTRIC EUROPE - Rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F - 49182 St Barthlemy dAnjou Cedex SM343gb - rev 05/11 2/6
Symbol designating Symbol designating an Symbol designating an elec-
an action that might action that might be dan- trical action that might be
damage the brake gerous to human safety dangerous to human safety

2 Precautions and restrictions on use 2.2 Precautions and safety measures

2.1 Restrictions on use During maintenance, make sure that the

mechanism to be held by the brake, is stopped
For the brake to comply with directive 95 / 16 and that there is no risk of it accidentally
/ EC, the integrator must observe the general starting up. All intervention have to be made by
conditions for installation, including the man- qualified personnel, using this manual.
datory use of a speed limiting device, in the EC
type-examination certificate from TV SD Any modification made to the brake without the
Industrie Service (see ABV number in Table 1). express authorisation of a representative of
These brakes can in no way replace the sys- Warner Electric, in the same way than any use
tem against the overspeed of the cabin down- out of the contractual specifications accepted
wards by "Warner Electric", will result in the warranty
These brakes is designed to work in dry condi- being invalidated and Warner Electric will no
tions. Any contact with oil, grease, water or longer be liable in any way with regard to
abrasive dust generate a decreased torque. conformity.
Warning : It is the responsibility of the
customer to install the covers needed to avoid
pollution of friction faces. 3 Installation
Torque subject to decrease in case of water
contamination. Use of both brake circuits 3.1 Transport / storage
Warning : the brake must be replace after These devices are delivered in a package guaran-
water contamination. teeing the preservation of the product providing it
This product is not suitable for use according to is by. surface transportation. In case of a specific request
ATEX/94/9/EC. (air or sea transport, long-term storage, etc) contact our fac-
These units are designed for use in an ambiant tory.
temperature between 0 C and +40 C
Warning : at low temperature, any freezing of 3.2 Handling
the friction face, due to condensation, generates
a loss of torque. It is the responsability of the Avoid any impact to the brake so that its per-
customer to take measures to avoid this formance is not impaired.
The slingings forcasted for all handling (see Fig. 2).
If maximum rotation speeds are exceeded, the
guarantee is no longer valid. Never lift the brake by its cables.
It is mandatory to follow instructions and datas
given in documentation and marking of the units,
in order to ensure the performance of 3.3 Installation
the brake.
This brake may only be used in a "horizontal Specifications for the customers friction face:
axis". Material: Steel (150 to 250 HV) or Cast iron
The customer must be careful not to alter the Roughness Ra 3.2
factory-set airgap. This is in order to ensure the Protection: Phosphatizing (dry) or nitriding
brakes will be properly released.
Protection class Geometrical tolerances:
Electrical : IP54 (magnet)
Mechanical : IP10 without dust cover 0,1 Customer's shaft axis
Insulation class F 155 C 0,1
Normal use will not lead to any noticeable wear
on the lining. Any dynamic braking is
restricted to emergency and test braking.

WARNER ELECTRIC EUROPE - Rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F - 49182 St Barthlemy dAnjou Cedex SM343gb - rev 05/11 3/6
The brake is delivered pre-assembled with pre-set Tighten the screws (refer to point 3.3 Installation). Carry
microswitches and airgaps. Fixing screws, the hub and out a few successive draws and releases. Check the
the O-rings are supplied separately. The O-rings are not value of the airgap at several points. Repeat the whole
pre-assembled on the hub. process if necessary

The electrical connections are made in the conduit box, but Repeat for the second magnet
this one is not fixed on the brake (Magnet D).
Retighten the 3 transport screws CHc M8 In case of adjusting the magnet D, retighten before the
adjusting screws of the microswitch of the magnet C, to free
Mount the hub on the customers shaft the contact. When the airgap is readjusted, proceed to an
adjustment of the microswitch (see 4.2).
Mount the 2 O-rings on the hub (see Fig.1) Airgap Airgap

Engage the front disc on the hub SZ 1700/1700 and SZ 1700/1550

Nominal: 0,35 mm +0,05/0,1
Caution: Maximum: 0,7 mm
When installing and should the brake ever be dismantled,
SZ 1700/1250
make sure that the friction disc heel is the right way round Nominal: 0,35 mm +0,05/0,1
when the brake is re-assembled (see Fig.1). Maximum: 0,6 mm
Adjusting screw SW21

Engage the brake, after switching on the rear magnet Fig. 3

D (to release the rear disc)

Engage the rear disc with the brakes on the hub 4.2 Adjusting the microswitch

Finish to position the brake Watch out : Take care to choose the microswitch in rela-
tion with the magnet to be adjust (see Fig.4).
Tight the 8 fixing screws CHc M12(star sequence
tightening Cs 50 Nm). Finish tightening with a torque, Slide a wedge 0,15mm thick close to the screw in the air-
130 Nm (10%) gap in relation. Switch on the brake, tight the adjusting
screw H M4 (7/flat) in contact with the microswitch until
NOTE: Secure the fixing screws (use a safety washer or you reach the commutation point. Check that it functions
thermoplastic liquid such as Loctite) correctly by a few successive draws and releases.
Adjusting screws of microswitch
Remove the 3 transport screws
Airgap C
Fixing the brace of the conduit box (Magnet D) in using
one of the slinging threads (see Fig.2)

Make all the electrical connections Airgap D

4 Maintenance Microswitch C

4.1 Adjusting the airgap

Microswitch D Adjusting screw Fig. 4
Check the airgap at each maintenance inspection. for airgap

Reminder: This brake is intended for a static Operation microswitch

application as a safety brake. Any dynamic braking
is restricted to emergency and test braking. Normal use will Current range 10 mA min. to 100 mA max. at 24 VDC.
not lead to any noticeable wear on the lining. If for any
reason it should be necessary to adjust the airgap, proceed Maximum electrical lifetime of the microswitch ensure only
as follows: by switching under resistive load.
Loosen the attachment screws slightly. Adjust airgap Microswitch "NC"
(Fig. 3), with adjusting screws (hexagonal bar 16/plat) connection Brown
until they slightly exceed the nominal value (see "NO"
Table 1)
When the coil is switched off, the microswitch is in the
"NC" position.
WARNER ELECTRIC EUROPE - Rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F - 49182 St Barthlemy dAnjou Cedex SM343gb - rev 05/11 4/6
5 Electrical connection 5.2.1 Connection of microswitch cable

Microswitch for release

Microswitch for release

Brakes ERS VAR09 SZ1700/1700 Warner Electric part Connector PHOENIX
number 1 12 107517, SZ1700/1550 Warner Electric part MSTB 2.5/10-ST - 5.08

Magnet C and D
number 1 12 107459 and SZ1700/1250 Warner Electric
part number 1 12 106714 operates on a direct current sup-
ply. Polarity does not affect the way the brake operates.


Magnet C

Magnet D
5.1 Important recommendations

All intervention have to be made by qualified per-

sonnel, owning this manual. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Make sure that the nominal supply voltage is always

1 2 3 4 5 6
maintained. A lack of power results in a reduction
to the maximum airgap.

Emergency braking : for emergency braking the

switching OFF must be connected on DC current

chapter 5.2
side, in order to obtain short engaging time of the brake.
Service braking : for service braking, the switching OFF area

and the switching ON must be connected on AC current
side, in order to obtain silent switching.
Control cable
The connecting wires must be thick enough to help prevent 7 x 0.75 mm2
sudden drops in voltage between the source and the brake. screened cable
Tolerances on the supply voltage at the brake terminals
+5% / -10% (NF C 79-300).
5.2.2 Connection of power supply cable

Coil cable

Coil cable
Connector PHOENIX

Magnet C
5.2 Electrical connection
Magnet D
IC 2.5/4 - ST - 5.08
The brakes are delivered with 2 extension leads connec-
ted in the conduit box.

SZ 1700 /1700 = 6 m
SZ 1700 /1550 = 6 m 1 2 3 4
SZ 1700/1250 = 10 m
1 2 3 4
chapter 5.2

Power supply cable

5 x 1.5 mm2

WARNER ELECTRIC EUROPE - Rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F - 49182 St Barthlemy dAnjou Cedex SM343gb - rev 05/11 5/6
6 Spare parts

Friction disc Thank you to join to your request for spare part, the reference and the part number of the brake, (see
Microswitch NF example below).
O-ring Kit

Date of the Nominal torque

Nominal voltage Power manufacture Reference Installed torque


Part number of the brake Batch of production Serial number 95/16/EC certification by the
TV SD Industrie Service

7 Tools

Tools Function
Airgap adjustment shims Airgap and microswitch adjustment
Open jawed spanner 21 mm A/F Airgap adjustment
Torque wrench (measurement range > 140 Nm) with hexagonal socket insert 10 mm A/F Airgap adjustment
Open jawed spanner 7 mm A/F Microswitch adjustment
Multimeter Voltage checking
Hexagon wrench key 6 mm A/F Transport screws

8 Troubleshooting and fault elimination

Fault Cause Remedy

Brake does not Voltage too low (SZ 1700/1250) Adjust nominal voltage
release Voltage too low (SZ 1700/1700 and Adjust inrush voltage
SZ 1700/1550)
Power supply is interrupted Reconnect power supply, check the adjustment of microswitch
Airgap too large Re-adjust the airgap (chapter 4.1)
Worn disc Change disc and readjust the airgap
Coil is damaged Replace the brake
Airgap too small Re-adjust the airgap (chapter 4.1)
Overexcitation time too short Increase overexcitation time
(SZ 1700/1700 and SZ 1700/1550)

Brake does not Voltage present at switch off position Check the microswitchs adjustment and the customers power supply
brake Grease on friction faces Clean the friction faces, change the disc
Nuisance braking Voltage too low (SZ 1700/1250) Adjust nominal voltage
Voltage too low (SZ 1700/1700 and Adjust holding voltage
Wrong information from microswitch Re-adjust the microswitch

Subject to alteration without prior notice

WARNER ELECTRIC EUROPE - Rue Champfleur, B.P. 20095, F - 49182 St Barthlemy dAnjou Cedex SM343gb - rev 05/11 6/6
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Design according to
Drawing number: E079 13 024 000 1 10 (without hand release)
Drawing number: E079 13 024 000 1 11 (with hand release)

Please read the Operational Instruction carefully and follow them accordingly!
Ignoring these instructions may lead to malfunctions or to brake failure, resulting in damage to other parts.


Page 1: - Contents Page 7: - Installation

- Declaration of Conformity - Brake Inspection
- Safety and Guideline Signs - Dual Circuit Brake Function Inspection
- TV (Technical Inspectorate Licenses)
Page 8: - Electrical Connection and Wiring
Page 2: - Safety Regulations
Page 9: - Release Monitoring
Page 3: - Safety Regulations
Page 10: - Wear Monitoring
Page 4: - Brake Illustrations
Page 11: - Wiring of the Microswitch for Release Monitoring and
Page 5: - Parts List Wear Monitoring
- Technical Data - Switching Conditions
Page 6: - Torque-Time Diagram - Maintenance
- State of Delivery - Disposal
- Application - Malfunctions / Breakdowns
- Function
- Installation Conditions

 Drawing E079 13 024 000 110 on design without hand release
 Drawing E079 13 024 000 111 on design with hand release

Declaration of Conformity
A conformity evaluation for the applicable EU directives was carried out for this product.
The conformity declaration is set out in writing in a separate document and can be requested if required.
It is forbidden to start use of the product until the machine or system into which it should be built is operating in accordance with all
applicable EU directives.
Without a conformity inspection, this product is not suitable for use in areas where there is a high danger of explosion.
This statement is based on the ATEX directive.

Safety and Guideline Signs TV (Technical Inspectorate) Licenses

The brakes with a microswitch for release monitoring are
Danger! prototype-inspected by the Southern German Technical
Danger of injury to personnel and damage Inspectorate (TV) for their effect as a brake assembly on
to machines. the drive sheave shaft and as part of the protective
assembly against excessive upward-moving cage speeds.

License number: ABV 783/1

Please Observe!
Guidelines on important points.

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: 08341/804-0 E079 13 024 000 471
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D-87665 Mauerstetten http://www.mayr.de
Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Safety Regulations
These Safety Regulations are user hints only and may not be complete!

Danger! Guidelines for Electromagnetic Compatibility

Danger of death! Do not touch voltage- (EMC)
carrying cables and components. In accordance with the EMC directives 89/336/EEC, the
individual components produce no emissions. However,
functional components e.g. rectifiers, phase demodulators,
ROBA-switch devices or similar controls for mains-side
To prevent injury or damage, only professionals and energisation of the brakes can produce disturbance which lies
specialists should work on the devices. above the allowed limit values.
For this reason it is important to read the Installation and
Danger! Operational Instructions very carefully and to keep to the EMC
This warning applies if: directives.
 the electromagnetic brake is used incorrectly.
Device Conditions
 the electromagnetic brake is modified.
Please Observe!
 the relevant standards for safety and / or installation The catalogue values are standards,
conditions are ignored. which can in certain cases vary. When
dimensioning the brakes, please
Danger! remember that installation situations, brake torque
Before product installation and initial fluctuations, permitted friction work, run-in behaviour and
operation, please read the Installation and wear as well as general ambient conditions can all affect the
Operational Instructions carefully and given values. These factors should therefore be carefully
observe the Safety Regulations. Incorrect operation can assessed, and alignments made accordingly.
cause injury or damage. The electromagnetic brakes have
been developed in accordance with the latest technology
regulations and are, at the point of delivery, operationally Please Observe!
 Mounting dimensions and connecting dimensions must be
adjusted according to the size of the brake at the place of
Please Observe! installation.
 Only specialists who are trained in the transport,  The brakes are designed for a relative duty cycle of 80 %.
installation, operation, maintenance and general operation  The brakes are only designed for dry running.
of these devices and who are aware of the relevant The torque is lost if the friction surfaces come into contact
standards should be allowed to carry out this work. with oil, grease, water or similar substances.
 Technical data and specifications (Type tags and  The braking torque is dependent on the present run-in
documentation) must be followed. condition of the brakes.
 The correct connection voltage must be connected  Manufacturer-side corrosion protection of the metal surface
according to the Type tag. is provided.
 Never loosen electrical connections or carry out
installations, maintenance or repairs while the voltage Protection Class I
connection is energised!
This protection can only be guaranteed if the basic insulation is
 Cable connections must not be placed under mechanical intact and if all conductive parts are connected to the PE
strain! conductor of the permanent installation. Should the basic
 Check electrical components for signs of damage before insulation fail, the contact voltage cannot remain (VDE 0580).
putting them into operation. Never bring them into contact
with water or other fluids. Protection (mechanical) IP 14:
 The braking torque is lost if the friction lining and / or the Protected against large body surfaces and against large foreign
friction surface come into contact with oil or grease. bodies > 50 mm diameter. Splashing water from any direction
can reduce the braking torque to max. 50 % of the nominal
Appointed Use
mayr -brakes are for use in machines and systems and must Protection (electrical) IP 54:
only be used in the situations for which they are ordered and Dust-proof and protected against contact as well as against
confirmed. splashing water from all directions.
Using them for any other purpose is not allowed!
Ambient Temperature 0 C up to +45 C
At temperatures of or around freezing point, condensation can
strongly reduce the torque, or the rotors can freeze up. The user
is responsible for taking appropriate counter measures.

Insulation Material Class F (+155 C)

The magnetic coil and the casting compound are suitable for use
up to a maximum operational temperature of +155 C.

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: 08341/804-0 E079 13 024 000 471
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D-87665 Mauerstetten http://www.mayr.de
Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Safety Regulations
These Safety Regulations are user hints only and may not be complete!

Brake Storage Please Observe the Following Standards:

 Store the brakes horizontally and in dry, dust and vibration- DIN EN ISO
free rooms. 12100-1 and 2 Machine safety
 Relative air humidity < 60 %. DIN EN61000-6-4 Noise emission
 Temperature without major fluctuations within a range of EN12016 Interference resistance (for elevators,
20 up to +60 C. escalators and moving walkways)
 Do not store in direct sun or UV light. EN60204 Electrical machine equipment
 Do not store aggressive, corrosive substances (solvents /
acids / lyes / salts / etc.) near the brakes.
Special measures are required if the brakes are stored for longer Liability
than two years (please contact the manufacturers).  The information, guidelines and technical data in these
documents were up to date at the time of printing.
Demands on previously delivered brakes are not valid.
 Liability for damage and operational malfunctions will not be
The condition of the brake must be checked before it is installed. taken if
The brake function must be checked both after installation has
taken place and after longer system downtimes in order to - the Installation and Operational Instructions are ignored or
prevent the drive starting up against possibly seized linings. neglected.
- the brakes are used inappropriately.
- the brakes are modified.
User-implemented Protective Measures: - the brakes are worked on unprofessionally.
 Please cover moving parts to protect against injury through - the brakes are handled or operated incorrectly.
seizure and catapulted objects.
 Place a cover on the magnetic part to protect against injury
through high temperatures.
 Protect against electric shocks by installing a conductive
connection between the magnetic component and the PE  The guarantee conditions correspond with the Chr. Mayr
conductor on the permanent installation (Protection Class I) GmbH + Co. KG Sales and Delivery Conditions.
and by carrying out a standardised inspection of the  Mistakes or deficiencies are to be reported to mayr at
continuous PE conductor connection to all contactable metal once!
 Protect against highly inductive switch-off peaks by installing
varistors, spark quenching units or similar devices according
to VDE 0580/2000-07, Paragraph 4.6, to prevent damage to
Conformity Markings
the coil insulations or switch contact consumption in extreme The product conforms to the CE according to the low voltage
conditions (this protection is contained in mayr rectifiers). directive 2006/95/EC.
 Install additional protective measures against corrosion if the
brake is subject to extreme ambient conditions or is installed
in open air conditions, unprotected from the weather. Identification
 Take precautions against freeze-up of the armature disk and mayr components are clearly marked and described on the
rotor in high humidity and at low temperatures.
Type tag:

Regulations, Standards and Directives Used: Manufacturer

DIN VDE 0580 Electromagnetic devices and components,
general directives mayr
2006/95/EC Low voltage directive
98/37/EC Machine directive
Name / Type
2004/108/EC EMC directive Article Number
95/16/EC Elevator directive
Serial number
EN 81-1 Safety regulations for construction and
installation of elevators and small goods
BGV C1 (previously VGB 70) Safety regulations for
theatre stage technical systems

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: 08341/804-0 E079 13 024 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: 08341/804-421 Page 3 of 11
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Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300



5.1 Lften / release

11 7 7.2
5.10 5.3 5.5/5.6
Item 5.4 4 4.1
keep handy If required, it is possible
and near to the brake) to release using a Bowden cable 1 2
Fig. 1
body 2

7.1 7.2
body 1
a Air gap a
Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: 08341/804-0 E079 13 024 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: 08341/804-421 Page 4 of 11
D-87665 Mauerstetten http://www.mayr.de
Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Parts List Table 1: Technical Data
(Only use mayr original parts)
Braking torque: 2 x 2200 Nm
Item Name Number
Overexcitation voltage: 180 V
1 O-ring 2 (Coils in row 2 x 90 V)
2 Coil carrier assemblies 1 and 2 2 Holding voltage: 90 V
(Coils in row 2 x 45 V)
3 Armature disks 1 and 2 2
4 Rotor 1 1 Max. actuation speed: 460 rpm

4.1 Rotor 2 1 Max. hand release force ca. 350 N

5 Hand release 1 Rotor thickness, new condition: 20 0,05 mm

5.1 Hand release lever right 1 Nominal air gap "a" per brake body: 0,5 0,07 mm
5.2 Hand release lever left 1 Maximum air gap * per brake body: 0,9 mm
5.3 Tension lever 1 Tightening torque Items 7 and 7.1: 300 Nm
5.4 Pipe 1 Key width Items 7 and 7.1: SW 24
5.5 Hexagon head screw M10x25 2 Protection (electrical): IP 54
5.6 Hexagon nut M10 2
Protection (mechanical): IP 14
5.7 Hexagon head screw M12x120 2
Duty cycle: 80 %
5.8 Thrust spring D19,4/2,9x44 4
Electrical connection: 2 x 0,88 mm2
5.9 Tensile block 4
Ambient temperature: 0 C up to +45 C
5.10 Guideline sign, yellow 1
Mass (without hand release): 136 kg
6 Release monitoring (page 9) 2
Mass (with hand release): 140 kg
6.1 Microswitch 2
6.2 Cap screw M4x8 4 Switching times (brake):

6.3 Hexagon head screw M4x25 2 Separation time t2: 510 ms

6.4 Hexagon nut M4 2 Response delay on connection t11 260 ms

6.5 Spring washer A4 2
Connection time t1 (AC): 1150 ms
7 Hexagon head screw M16x260 4
Response delay on connection t11 25 ms
7.1 Hexagon head screw M16x140 4
7.2 Washer 8
Connection time t1 (DC): 260 ms
8 Type tag 1
Switching times (microswitch):
9 Thrust spring D22/4,5x50 32
Separation time t2: 620 ms
10 Shoulder screw M12x25 4
Connection time t1 (AC): 240 ms
11 Distance bolt 12
Connection time t1 (DC): 24 ms
12 Wear monitoring (page 10) 2
(only for design with hand release) * When the maximum air gap has been reached, the rotors
12.1 Microswitch 2 must be replaced. However, the brake will already become
louder at air gap > "a" +0,2 mm.
12.2 Cap screw M4x8 4
12.3 Hexagon head screw M4x25 2
12.4 Hexagon nut M4 2
12.5 Spring washer A4 2

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: 08341/804-0 E079 13 024 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: 08341/804-421 Page 5 of 11
D-87665 Mauerstetten http://www.mayr.de
Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Torque-Time Diagram Function
M The ROBA-stop-silenzio is designed as a double brake in
which two brake bodies working independently of one another
M2 ensure high operational safety.
The braking torque in the brake body 1 (2) is produced via the
M1 pressure force of several thrust springs (9) using frictional
M6 locking between both friction linings on the rotor (4), the
armature disk 1 (3) and the machine wall.
0,1 M2 The braking torque in the brake body 2 (2) is produced via the
pressure force of several thrust springs (9) using frictional
t locking between both friction linings on the rotor (4.1), the
t11 t21 armature disk 2 (3) and the coil carrier 1 (2).
The brake is released electromagnetically.
P t1 t2 In a de-energised condition, it is possible to release both brake
circuits mechanically and simultaneously on the brake with the
ON t4 hand release.
By moving the hand release using the pipe (5.4) mounted onto it
OFF in release direction (see Fig. 1), the armature disks (3) are pulled
t or pushed against the thrust springs (9) to the coil carrier (2),
Key: and the braking torque is neutralised.
M1 = Switching torque Danger!
M2 = Nominal torque (characteristic torque) Operate the hand release carefully.
M4 = Transmittable torque Attached loads are put into motion when
M6 = Load torque the hand release is operated.
t1 = Connection time
t11 = Response delay on connection
t2 = Separation time
Installation Conditions
t21 = Response delay on separation
t4 = Slipping time + t11  The eccentricity of the shaft end in relation to the mounting
pitch circles must not exceed 0,2 mm.
 The position tolerance of the threaded holes for the
State of Delivery hexagon head screws (7 or 7.1) must not exceed 0,2 mm.
Brake body 1 (with hand release, dependent on Type) and brake  The axial run-out deviation of the screw-on surface to the
body 2 are partly assembled. shaft must not exceed the permitted axial run-out tolerance
Included loose in delivery: of 0,063 mm according to DIN 42955 R.
Hexagon head screws (7 and 7.1), rotors (4 and 4.1). The related diameter is the pitch circle diameter to the
Additionally included for hand release designs: brake attachment.
Hexagon head screws (5.7), pipe (5.4) as well as the 2 tensile Larger deviations can lead to a drop in torque, to
blocks (5.9) and 2 thrust springs (5.8) for brake body 2. continuous slipping on the rotors and to overheating.
Please check the state of delivery immediately!  The splined motor shaft must be designed to push fit with
mayr will take no responsibility for belated complaints. the rotor toothing, DIN 5480-N90x3x30x28.
Please report transport damage immediately to the deliverer. The tolerance of the shaft toothing must be defined
Please report incomplete delivery and obvious defects to the customer-side.
manufacturer.  Both O-rings (1) in the rotors (4 and 4.1) are lightly greased
and inserted manufacturer-side.
 The rotors (4 and 4.1) and brake surfaces must be oil and
grease-free. A suitable counter friction surface (steel or cast
Application iron) must be used. Sharp-edged interruptions on the
As a holding brake with EMERGENCY STOP braking actions friction surface are to be avoided.
 In closed buildings Recommended surface quality in the friction surface area
(in tropical areas, in high humidity with long down Ra = 1,6 m.
times and in sea climates, only use after taking special In particular customer-side attachment surfaces made
measures) of grey cast iron are to be rubbed down with fine
sandpaper (grain 400).
 In dry running
 Please abstain from using cleaning agents containing
 Horizontal and vertical installation position solvents, as they could affect the friction material.
 in clean surroundings  During longer downtimes, we recommend the use of
(large particles of dust as well as fluids of all kinds suitable corrosion protection measures for the mounting
impair the brake function, mount a cover). surface (e.g. zinc-phosphate coating) until initial operation.

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Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Installation (Figs. 1 to 6) Brake Inspection (before brake initial start-up)
1. Push the rotor 1 (4) incl. the O-ring (1) by hand using light - Braking torque inspection:
pressure onto the splined shaft Please compare the requested braking torque with the torque
(the long rotor collar should be facing away from the stated on the Type tag (8).
machine wall). - Carry out a release inspection:
Ensure that the toothing moves easily. by energising the brake or manually by using the hand release
Do not cause damage to the O-rings. (dependent on Type).
2. Push the brake body 1 over the shaft and the rotor collar of - Carry out a release monitoring function inspection:
rotor 1 (4) (fixing holes should align with the threaded holes see page 9.
in the machine wall).
Insert 4 hexagon head screws (7.1) with the washers (7.2)
evenly distributed into brake body 1 with the manufacturer- Dual Circuit Brake Function Inspection
side installed and adjusted hand release (dependent on The ROBA-stop-silenzio brake is equipped with a double
Type), and tighten all round evenly using a torque wrench safety (redundant) braking system.
to a tightening torque of 300 Nm. This means that, should one circuit fail, the braking effect is
3. Push rotor 2 (4.1) incl. the O-ring (1) by hand using light maintained.
pressure onto the shaft, so that the rotor 2 (4.1) friction
lining lies against the brake body 1. Danger!
(the long rotor collar should be facing the machine wall.).
Should the elevator begin to move after
Ensure that the toothing moves easily.
release of one brake circuit or should it fail to
Do not cause damage to the O-ring.
react to the braking procedure, the coil must
4. Only for designs with hand release: be switched off!
Push the 2 tensile blocks (5.9) for brake body 2 with the The dual circuit function is not guaranteed.
overhang in the direction of the brake outer diameter and Stop the elevator, dismantle the brake and
the armature disk (3) (see Fig. 4) into the 2 hexagon head inspect it.
nuts (5.7).
5. Only for designs with hand release: Individual circuit inspection is carried out by energising the
Push the two thrust springs (5.8) for brake body 2 onto the individual circuits with nominal voltage, see Type tag (8).
2 hexagon head screws (5.7).
6. Insert the hexagon head screws (7) with their washers (7.2) Inspection of brake circuit 1:
into the bores in brake body 2, which are equipped with
distance bolts (11), and then join them with brake body 1 1. Energise brake circuit 2.
(see Fig. 2) and screw them onto the machine wall. Tighten 2. Initiate an emergency braking action and inspect the
the hexagon head screws (7) all round evenly using a stopping distance acc. elevator directives.
torque wrench to the tightening torque of 300 Nm.
3. De-energise brake circuit 2.
7. Inspect air gap "a" (Fig. 2).
The nominal air gap 0,5 0,07 mm must be present. Inspection of brake circuit 2:
8. Check the hand release function. 1. Energise brake circuit 1.
Required hand release force c. 350 N.
2. Initiate an emergency braking action and inspect the
stopping distance acc. elevator directives.
Brake 1 2 5.1 or 5.2 5.9 5.8 2
3. De-energise brake circuit 1.
Brake 2
5.9 Inspection of both brake circuits:
1. Energise both brake circuits with nominal voltage,
5.7 3 see Type tag (8).
2. Initiate an emergency braking action and inspect the
7 4.1 stopping distance acc. elevator directives.

3 3. The stopping distance must clearly be shorter than the

stopping distance / individual circuit.

Fig. 4

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Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Electrical Connection and Wiring Magnetic Field Removal
DC current is necessary for the operation of the brake. The coil AC-side switching
voltage is indicated on the Type tag as well as on the brake body
and is designed according to the DIN IEC 60038 ( 10 % R R The power circuit is
ROBA -switch
tolerance). The device must be operated using AC voltage in 20/017.000.2 interrupted before the
connection with a rectifier or another suitable DC supply. U = 0,45U~ Imax = 1,8A
rectifier. The magnetic field
200 - 500V~
Dependent on the brake equipment, the connection possibilities 200 - 300V~
t: 0,05-2sec
R: 0-10M slowly reduces. This delays
can vary. Please follow the exact connections according to the IN S DC

the rise in braking torque.
Wiring Diagram. The manufacturer and the user must observe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the applicable directives and standards (e.g. DIN EN 60204-1 When switching times are not
and DIN VDE 0580). Their observance must be guaranteed and important, please switch AC-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
double-checked! side, as no protective
measures are necessary for
Earthing Connection S1 coil and switching contacts.
The brake is designed for Protection Class I. This protection
covers not only the basic insulation but also the connection of all
conductive parts to the PE conductor on the fixed installation. If F1

the basic insulation fails, no contact voltage will remain. Please

carry out a standardized inspection of the PE conductor N L F1: External fuse
connections to all contactable metal parts!
AC-side switching means lower-noise switching, however, the
Device Fuses brake engagement time is longer (c. 6 10 times longer than
with DC-side switch-off). Use for non-critical braking times.
To protect against damage from short circuits, please add
suitable device fuses to the mains cable.
DC-side switching
Switching Behaviour
The operational behaviour of a brake is to a large extent R R The power circuit is
ROBA -switch
dependent on the switching mode used. Furthermore, the 20/017.000.2 interrupted between the
switching times are influenced by the temperature and the air U = 0,45U~ Imax = 1,8A
rectifier and the coil as well
200 - 500V~
gap between the armature disk and the coil carrier (dependent 200 - 300V~
t: 0,05-2sec
R: 0-10M as mains-side. The magnetic
on the wear condition of the linings). IN S DC

field is removed very quickly,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 resulting in a rapid rise in
Magnetic Field Build-up braking torque.
When the voltage is switched on, a magnetic field is built up in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

the brake coil, which attracts the armature disk to the coil carrier When switching DC-side,
and releases the brake. high voltage peaks are
S1 produced in the coil, which
Field Build-up with Normal Excitation lead to wear on the contacts
from sparks and to
If we energise the magnetic coil with nominal voltage, the coil destruction of the insulation.
voltage does not immediately reach its nominal value. The coil
inductivity causes the current to rise slowly as an exponential
N L F1: External fuse
function. Accordingly, the build-up of the magnetic field takes
place more slowly and the braking torque drop (curve 1) is also DC-side switching means a short brake engagement time (e.g.
delayed. for EMERGENCY STOP operation). However, this produces
louder switching noises.
Field Build-up with Overexcitation
A quicker drop in holding force is achieved if the coil is
temporarily placed under a higher voltage than the nominal Protective Circuit
voltage, as the current then increases more quickly. Once the
When using DC-side switching, the coil must be protected by a
brake is released, it is possible to switch to the nominal voltage
suitable protective circuit according to VDE 0580, which is
(curve 2). The relationship between the overexcitation and the
integrated in mayr rectifiers. To protect the switching contact
separation time t2 is roughly indirectly proportional; this means
from consumption when using DC-side switching, additional
that at doubled nominal voltage, the separation time t2 for brake
protective measures may be necessary (e.g. series connection
release is halved. The ROBA-(multi) switch fast acting and
of switching contacts). The switching contacts used should have
phase rectifiers work on this principle.
a minimum contact opening of 3 mm and should be suitable for
Current path Braking torque path
inductive load switching. Please make sure on selection that the
I M rated voltage and the rated operation current are sufficient.
Mnom Depending on the application, the switching contact can also be
protected by other protective circuits (e.g. mayr spark
Inom quenching unit, half-wave rectifier or bridge rectifier), although
1 2 1 this may of course then alter the switching times.

t t

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Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Release Monitoring (Item 6 / Fig. 1) Installation and Adjustment
The ROBA-stop-silenzio brakes are delivered with (Manufacturer-side Fig. 5)
manufacturer-side adjusted release monitoring devices.
One microswitch (Item 6.1) per brake circuit emits a signal for Danger!
every brake condition change: The brake should be mounted, screwed on
"Brake opened" or "Brake closed". to a tightening torque of 300 Nm and the
coil should be de-energised.
On initial operation:
Connection as NC contacts (black and grey strands) 1. Turn the hexagon head screw (6.3) in the direction of the
switch (6.1) up to the microswitch tappet contact.
The customer is responsible for a signal evaluation of both
these conditions. 2. Tight the hexagon nut (6.4) so that the hexagon head screw
(6.3) is placed under pre-tension by the spring washer (6.5).
From the point at which the brake is energised, a time span of
3. Insert the feeler gauge 0,12 mm (loose sensor plate)
three times the separation time must pass before the
between the switch tappet (6.1) and the hexagon head
microswitch signal on the release monitor is evaluated
screw (6.3).
Items as on 4. Connect the inspection or measuring device (diode
brake body 1 inspection) to the NC contact black/grey.
6.5 6.4 6.3 6.1 6.2
5. Turn the hexagon head screw (6.3) in the direction of the
switch (6.1) until the signal "OFF", and then turn it back
until the signal "ON",
2 Counter the hexagon head screw (6.3) with the hexagon nut
6. Energise the brake  Signal "OFF"
3 De-energise the brake Signal "ON"
Readjust if necessary and repeat the inspection
(synchronise 3 to 5 times).
4 7. Feeler gauge inspection 0,16 mm
Brake energised  Signal "OFF",
Brake de-energised  Signal "OFF"
8. Feeler gauge inspection 0,12 mm
Brake energised  Signal "OFF",
Brake de-energised  Signal "ON"
9. Insert the feeler gauge 0,20 mm between the armature disk
Fig. 5 (3) and the coil carrier (2) in the area of the switch (6.1),
energise the brake, signal must be "OFF".
Function 10. Paint Items 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 with securing lacquer.
When the magnetic coil is energised in the coil carrier (2) the
armature disk (3) is attracted to the coil carrier (2). A microswitch Customer-side Inspection after Installation
(6.1) emits a signal that the brake has been released. The customer-side connection is an NC contact.
Wiring Diagram per Microswitch (6.1): Please inspection the release monitorings:
NC contact Brake de-energised  Signal "ON",
Grey connection Brake energised  Signal "OFF"
Connection when
2 brake is closed
Input 1
Black connection Please Observe!
4 Microswitches cannot be guaranteed fail-
NO contact
Blue connection safe. Therefore, please ensure an opening
Connection when for replacement or adjustment.
brake is released
Table 2: Switching Capacities Please Observe!
The switching contacts are designed so
AC-side switching capacity DC-side switching capacity that they can be used both for low
Resistance Resistance switching capacities as well as for medium
Voltage Voltage switching capacities. However, after switching using a
load load
[VAC] [VDC] medium switching capacity, switching with a low switching
[A/Rload] [A/Rload]
capacity is no longer reliably possible.
125 5 Up to 30 5 In order to switch inductive, capacitative and non-linear loads,
the appropriate protective wiring should be used in order to
250 5 125 0,5 protect against electric arcs and unpermitted loads!
- - 250 0,25
Minimum switching capacity: 0,12 VA ( > 12 V, > 10 mA)
Contact material: Silver

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Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Wear Monitoring (Item 12 / Fig. 1) Installation and Adjustment
The ROBA-stop-silenzio brakes are delivered with wear (Manufacturer-side Fig. 6)
monitoring devices, set manufacturer-side.
Please Observe!
Function The brake should be screwed onto the
installation device to a tightening torque of
Due to wear on the rotors (4 and 4.1), the air gap "a" (Fig. 2) 300 Nm. The coil should be de-energised.
increases between the coil carrier (2) and the armature disk (3).
If the maximum air gap of 0,9 mm is reached, the microswitch
contact (12.1) switches over and emits a signal. 1. Connect the inspection or measuring device (diode
Both rotors (4) must be replaced. inspection) to the NC contact black/grey.
2. Screw in the hexagon head screw (12.3) in the direction of
A signal evaluation must be carried out customer-side.
the microswitch (12.1) until it switches, and use the hexagon
nut (12.4) to place it under pre-tension by the spring washer
Wiring Diagram per Microswitch (12.1): (12.5).
3. Hold the hexagon nut (12.4) and turn the hexagon head
NC Contact
Grey connection screw (12.3) back until the microswitch contact (12.1)
Connection when switches over again.
2 wear limit is reached 4. Mark the position of the hexagon head screw (12.3) (use a
Input 1 marker pen).
Black connection 5. Hold the hexagon nut (12.4) and screw the hexagon head
NO Contact screw (12.3) by c. 0,6 0,7 turns in the direction of the
Blue connection microswitch (12.1).
Connection when
wear limit is not yet reached 6. Counter the hexagon head screw (12.3) using the hexagon
nut (12.4) and mark the position using red securing lacquer.

Before Replacing the Rotors (4 and 4.1) Items as on

Clean the brake and remove abraded particles using 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.1 12.2 brake body 1
compressed air.
Do not inhale the brake dust;
ensure that a vacuum cleaner is available / wear a dust 2
Measure the rotor thickness "new".
Reference dimension = 20 0,05 mm

Replacing the Rotors (4 and 4.1)
Replace the rotors (4 und 4.1) by following the brake installation
sequence backwards.

On hoist drives, the drive brake must be
Otherwise there is a danger of load
Fig. 6

Please Observe!
See section Release Monitoring for
switching capacities

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Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions
for ROBA-stop-silenzio Type 896.30_.3
Size 1300
Wiring of the Microswitch for Release
Monitoring (6) and Wear Monitoring (12)
The release monitoring is wired with the wear monitoring in The inspection of the wear condition on rotors 1 (4) and 2 (4.1)
series on the brakes, see Fig. 7 and the associated assembly takes place by measuring air gap a (Fig. 2 and Table 1).
drawing (Wiring Diagram) At the latest after the brake limit air gap of 0,9 mm has been
reached, the rotors must be replaced
Wear Release
Before replacing the rotors (Items 4 and 4.1):
monitoring monitoring
Clean the brake, and remove any abraded particles using
grey grey compressed air
Do not inhale the brake dust;
black blue black blue ensure that a vacuum cleaner is available / wear a dust
Measure the rotor thickness "new".
Reference dimension = 20 0,05 mm

Replacing the rotors (Items 4 and 4.1)

Fig. 7 Replacing the rotors takes place by following the brake
installation sequence backwards.
As the microswitch (12.1) for the wear monitoring device (12) is
actuated on a non-worn, unreleased brake, the following
Switching Conditions result (see Table below): Danger!
On hoist drives, the brake must be load-
Table 3: Switching Conditions free, otherwise there is a danger of load
Brake Brake Disposal
Electrical circuit
released worn
Our electromagnetic brake components must be disposed of
No No Closed separately as they consist of different materials. Please observe
the relevant authority regulations. Code numbers may vary
Yes No Open according to the dismantling process (metal, plastic and cable).
No Yes Open Electronic components
Yes Yes Open (Rectifier / ROBA-switch / Microswitch):
Products which have not been dismantled can be disposed of
under Code No. 160214 (Mixed Materials) or Components under
Code No. 160216; or the objects can be disposed of by a
Maintenance certified waste disposal firm.
ROBA-stop-silenzio brakes are mainly maintenance-free.
The friction linings are robust and wear-resistant. This ensures a Brake bodies made of steel pads with coil / cable and all
particularly long service lifetime. other steel components:
However, the friction lining is subject to functional wear on Steel scrap (Code No. 160117)
frequent use of EMERGENCY STOP. Therefore, the following All aluminium components:
inspections should be carried out at regular intervals: Non-ferrous metals (Code No. 160118)
- Braking torque or retardation inspection
(individual brake circuits) (min. 1 x per year) Brake rotors (steel or aluminium pads with friction linings):
Brake linings (Code No. 160112)
- Inspection of air gap a, braked (min. 1 x per year)
Seals, O-rings, V-seals, elastomers:
Plastic (Code No. 160119)

Malfunctions / Breakdowns:
Malfunctions Possible Causes Solutions
Brake does not release  Incorrect voltage on rectifier  Apply correct voltage
 Air gap too large (worn rotor)  Renew rotor
 Interrupted coil  Replace brake

Delayed brake engagement  Brake is switched AC-side  Switch DC-side


Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: 08341/804-0 E079 13 024 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: 08341/804-421 Page 11 of 11
D-87665 Mauerstetten http://www.mayr.de
Germany eMail: info@mayr.de 17/11/2009 TK/HW/GF/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Design according to
Type Drawing number Article number Voltage Hand release
8010.00013 E028 07 001 000 110 8200028 207 V no
8010.00213 E028 07 001 000 111 8214745 207 V yes

Please read these Operational Instructions carefully and follow them accordingly.
Ignoring these Instructions can lead to lethal accidents, malfunctions, brake failure and damage to other parts.
These Installation and Operational Instructions (I + O) are part of the brake delivery.
Please keep them handy and near to the brake at all times.

Page 1: -Contents
Page 2: - Guidelines on EU Directives
- Safety and Guideline Signs
- TV (German Technical Inspectorate) Certificates
Page 3: - Safety Regulations
Page 4: - Safety Regulations
Page 5: - Safety Regulations
Page 6: - Brake Illustrations for Design without Hand Release
Page 7: - Brake Illustrations for Design with Hand Release
Page 8: - Parts List
Page 9: - Technical Data
Page 10: - Application
- Design
- Function
- Scope of Delivery / State of Delivery
- Torque-Time Diagram
Page 11: - Installation conditions
- Installation
Page 12: - Hand release
- Braking Torque
- Noise Damping
Page 13: - Release monitoring
Page 14: - Electrical Connection and Wiring
Page 15: - Brake inspection (customer-side after mounting)
- Dual Circuit Brake Functional Inspection
- Maintenance
Page 16: - Disposal
- Malfunctions / Breakdowns

Attachment: Assembly Drawing according to the Article Number

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D-87665 Mauerstetten www.mayr.com
Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Guidelines on the Declaration of Conformity
A conformity evaluation has been carried out for the product (electromagnetic safety brake) in terms of the EC Low Volt-
age Directive 2006/95/EC. The Declaration of Conformity is laid out in writing in a separate document and can be re-
quested if required.
Guidelines on the EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)


Guidelines on the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)

is a component for installation into machines according to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The brakes can fulfil the specifications for safety-related applications in coordination with other elements.
The type and scope of the required measures result from the machine risk analysis. The brake then becomes a machine
component and the machine manufacturer assesses the conformity of the safety device to the directive.
It is forbidden to start initial operation of the product until you have ensured that all applicable EU directives and directives
for the machine or system into which the product has been installed have been fulfilled.
Guidelines on the ATEX Directive
Without a conformity evaluation, this product is not suitable for use in areas where there is a high danger of explosion.
For application of this product in areas where there is a high danger of explosion, it must be classified and marked accord-
ing to directive 94/9/EC.

Safety and Guideline Signs

Immediate and impending danger which can
lead to severe physical injuries or to death.

Danger of injury to personnel and
damage to machines.

Please Observe!
Guidelines on important

- TV (German Technical Inspectorate) Certificates

EC Type Examination Certificate: ABV 766/3
Type Examination Certificate: ESV 766/1

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Eichenstrae 1 Fax: +49 8341 804-421 Page 2 of 16
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Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Safety Regulations
These Safety Regulations are user hints only and may not be complete!

General Guidelines Guidelines for Electromagnetic Compatibility

Danger of death! In accordance with the EMC directives 2004/108/EC, the individ-
Do not touch voltage-carrying cables and com- ual components produce no emissions. However, functional
ponents. components e.g. mains-side energisation of the brakes with
rectifiers, phase demodulators, ROBA-switch devices or similar
controls can produce disturbance which lies above the allowed
Brakes may generate further risks, among other things: limit values.
For this reason it is important to read the Installation and Opera-
tional Instructions very carefully and to keep to the EMC direc-

Hand- Danger of Contact with Magnetic Application Conditions

injuries seizure hot fields The catalogue values are guideline values which
surfaces have been determined in test facilities. It may be
necessary to carry out your own tests for the
Severe injury to people and damage to objects may result if: intended application. When dimensioning the
The electromagnetic brake is used incorrectly. brakes, please remember that installation situa-
tions, braking torque fluctuations, permitted friction work, run-in
The electromagnetic brake is modified. behaviour and wear as well as general ambient conditions can
If the relevant standards for safety and / or installation all affect the given values. These factors should therefore be
conditions are ignored. carefully assessed, and alignments made accordingly
During the required risk assessment when designing the
machine or system, the dangers involved must be evaluated and Mounting dimensions and connecting dimensions must be
removed by taking appropriate protective measures. adjusted according to
the size of the brake at the place of installation.
To prevent injury or damage, only professionals and spe-
cialists are allowed to work on the devices. They must be Use of the brake in extreme environmental conditions or
familiar with the dimensioning, transport, installation, inspection outdoors, directly exposed to the weather, is not permitted.
of the brake equipment, initial operation, maintenance and dis- The brakes are designed for a relative duty cycle of 60 %.
posal according to the relevant standards and regulations. The max. permitted switching frequency is 240 1/h.
These values are valid for intermittent operation S3 60 %.
Before product installation and initial operation, The permitted surface temperature on the brake flange
please read the Installation and Operational must not exceed 80 C at a max. ambient temperature of 45
Instructions carefully and observe the Safety C.
Regulations. Incorrect operation can cause injury
or damage. The braking torque is dependent on the present run-in
At the time these Installation and Operational Instructions go to condition of the brakes.
print, the electromagnetic brakes accord with the known tech- The brakes are only designed for dry running. The torque is
nical specifications and are operationally safe at the time of lost if the friction surfaces come into contact with oil,
delivery. grease, water or similar substances or foreign bodies.
Please ensure that the brake is clean and
oilfree, as both brake circuits have an effect on
Technical data and specifications (Type tags and the same linings. In particular in gear applica-
Documentation) must be followed. tions, special sealing measures, among other
precautions, may be necessary!
The correct connection voltage must be connected accord-
ing to the Type tag and wiring guidelines. The surfaces of the outer components have been zinc
Check electrical components for signs of damage before phosphated manufacturer-side to form a basic corrosion
putting them into operation. Never bring them into contact protection.
with water or other fluids.
Please observe the EN 60204-1 requirements for electrical CAUTION The rotors may rust up and seize up in corro-
connection when using in machines. sive ambient conditions and/or after longer
Only carry out installation, maintenance and The user is responsible for taking appropriate
repairs in a de-energised, disengaged state and counter measures.
secure the system against inadvertent switch-

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Eichenstrae 1 Fax: +49 8341 804-421 Page 3 of 16
D-87665 Mauerstetten www.mayr.com
Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Safety Regulations
These Safety Regulations are user hints only and may not be complete!

Ambient Temperature: 0 C up to + 45 C Brake Storage

CAUTION At temperatures of around or under freezing Store the brakes in a horizontal position, in dry rooms and
point, both condensation and the special char- dust and vibration-free.
acteristics of the linings (lower friction values at Relative air humidity < 50 %.
lower temperatures) can strongly reduce the Temperature without major fluctuations within a range
braking torque. from 20 C up to +60 C.
The user is responsible for taking appropriate counter- Do not store in direct sunlight or UV light.
measures, e.g. selecting brakes with higher nominal braking
Do not store aggressive, corrosive substances (solvents /
acids / lyes / salts etc.) near to the brakes.
Frequent and extensive temperature fluctuations at high humidi-
ty promote the formation of corrosion, which can lead to seized For longer storage of more than 2 years, special measures are
linings. The brake function must be inspected both once at- required (please contact the manufacturer).
tachment has taken place as well as after longer system down-
times, in order to prevent the drive starting up against possibly Handling
seized linings. The customer is responsible for providing a Before installation, the brake must be inspected and found to
protective cover against contamination caused by construction be in proper condition.
sites. The brake function must be inspected both once attachment
Temperatures of over 80 C on the brake mounting flange can has taken place as well as after longer system downtimes, in
have a negative effect on the switching times, the braking order to prevent the drive starting up against possibly seized
torque levels and the noise damping behaviour. linings.

Appointed Use
User-implemented Protective Measures:
This safety brake is intended for use in electrically operated
elevators and goods elevators according to EN 81- Please cover moving parts to protect against injury
through seizure.
Place a cover on the magnetic part to protect against injury
The safety brake corresponds to DIN EN 81, Part 1 [Sections through high temperatures.
9.10.2, 9.11.3, (2nd paragraph),, and] Protection circuit: When using DC-side switching, the coil
in its general design and its mode of operation. must be protected by a suitable protection circuit according
to VDE 0580, which is integrated in mayr -rectifiers. To pro-
Earthing Connection tect the switching contact from consumption when using DC-
The brake is designed for Protection Class I. This protection side switching, additional protective measures are neces-
covers not only the basic insulation, but also the connection of all sary (e.g. series connection of switching contacts). The
conductive parts to the PE conductor on the fixed installation. If switching contacts used should have a minimum contact
the basic insulation fails, no contact voltage will remain. Please opening of 3 mm and should be suitable for inductive load
carry out a standardised inspection of the PE conductor connec- switching. Please make sure on selection that the rated
tions to all contactable metal parts! voltage and the rated operating current are sufficient. De-
pending on the application, the switching contact can also
be protected by other protective circuits (e.g. mayr-spark
Insulation Material Class F (+155 C) quenching unit, half-wave and bridge rectifiers), although
The insulation components on the magnetic coils are manufac- this may of course then alter the switching times.
tured at least to insulation material class F (+155 C). Take precautions against freeze-up of the friction surfac-
es in high humidity and at low temperatures.
(mechanical) IP10: Protection against large body surfaces and
large foreign bodies > 50 mm in diameter. No protection against
(electrical) IP54: Dust-proof and protected against contact as
well as against water spray coming from any direction.

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Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Safety Regulations
These Safety Regulations are user hints only and may not be complete!

Regulations, Standards and Directives Used: Liability

The information, guidelines and technical data in these docu-
DIN VDE 0580 Electromagnetic devices and compo- ments were up to date at the time of printing. Demands on previ-
nents, general directives ously delivered brakes are not valid.
Liability for damage and operational malfunctions will not be
2006/95/EC Low voltage directive taken if:
CSA C22.2 No. 14-2010 Industrial Control Equipment
UL 508 (Edition 17) Industrial Control Equipment - the Installation and Operational Instructions are ignored or
95/16/EC Elevator directive neglected.
- the brakes are used inappropriately.
EN 81-1 Safety regulations for the construction
and installation of elevators - Part 1: - the brakes are modified.
Electrically operated passenger and - the brakes are worked on unprofessionally.
goods elevators - the brakes are handled or operated incorrectly.
BGV C1 (previously VGB 70) Safety regulations
for theatre stage technical systems Guarantee
EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery General princi- The guarantee conditions correspond with
ples - Risk assessment and risk reduc- the Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG sales and delivery condi-
tion tions.
DIN EN 61000-6-4 Interference emission
DIN EN 61000-6-2 Interference immunity Mistakes or deficiencies are to be reported to mayr at
EN 12016 Interference resistance (for elevators,
escalators and moving walkways)
CE Identification
EN 60204-1 Electrical machine equipment
According to the
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and the Elevator
Directive 95/16/EC

Conformity Markings
In terms of the Canadian and American approval

mayr components are clearly marked and described on the Type tag:

Product name Series number Article number Approval number (if available)


CE marking Size/Type Voltage Power Braking torque DataMatrix code

only for voltages > 72V
(CE identification with ID number of the respective inspection authority, only for prototype-inspected brakes)

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Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
1 14 5/15 6 16 3 6 5/15 14 1 Air gap "b"

Brake Brake 13
left right

M5 / 8 deep

Motor shaft

70 210 70 Air gap "a"

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
2 8/9 3 2

Cable 4 x AWG 20
Release monitoring devices

Cable 4 x AWG 18
Magnetic coils

6 1.1 6 10 11/12
Fig. 3

4 2 16 1 15 5

Fig. 4

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Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
1 14 5/15 6 7.1 16 3 6 5/15 14 1 Air gap "b" 7.1

Brake Brake 13
left right

M5 / 8 deep

Motor shaft

70 210 70 Air gap "a"

7.7 7.5
Fig. 5 Fig. 6

7.6 7.3 7.4 1 7.2 7.7

3 7.5

2 7.1

Adjustment dimension 3,0 +0,2

Motor shaft
centre axis
Fig. 7
Mounting A
Ra 1,6

Loctite 243
0,063 A



Fig. 8

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Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Parts List (Only use mayr original parts)
Item Name Pcs.
1 Coil carrier assembly (incl. magnetic coil) 2
1.1 Connection cable 2-wire / terminal coil blue/brown 2
2 Armature disk 2
3 Rotor assembly 1
4 Distance bolt 8
5 Hexagon head screw M16 x 140 8
6 Release monitoring assembly 2
6.1 Microswitch inc. adapter plate (Fig. 10; page 13) 2
6.2 Cap screw M4 x 8 (Fig. 10; Page 13) 4
6.3 Hexagon nut M5 (Fig. 10; Page 13) 2
6.4 Hexagon head screw M5 x 18 (Fig. 10; Page 13) 2
6.5 Spring washer A5 (Fig. 10; Page 13) 2
7 Hand release assembly (dependent on Type) 2
7.1 Hand release lever 2
7.2 Steel ball 12 8
7.3 Thrust spring 15 / 2,2 x 30,2 2
7.4 Cap screw M10 x 120 2
7.5 Hexagon nut M10 2
7.6 Washer 25 / 10,5 x 4 2
7.7 Connection piece 2
8 Cap screw M5 x 10 2
9 Washer A5,3 2
10 Cable clamp 1
11 Cap screw M5 x 8 1
12 Contact washer 1
13 O-ring 82 / 10,5 x 3 1
14 Type tag 2
15 Washer D30 / 17 x 3 8
16 Terminal box with 2 pre-assembled connection cables 1
- each 6 m long (Design without Hand release)
- each 10 m long (Design with Hand release)

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Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Technical Data
Technical Data, General
Nominal torque 1) 2 x 1700 Nm
Nominal voltage 207 V (2 x 104 V)
Coil power (nominal power at 20C) 2 x 152 W
Max. speed (type examination certificate) 400 rpm
Protection (coil/casting compound) IP54
Protection (mechanical) IP10
Protection (microswitch) IP67
Duty cycle with 240 switchings per hour max. 60 %
Rotor thickness, new condition 20 0,05 mm
Nominal air gap 2) "a" braked 0,45 mm
Limit air gap 3) "a" for rotor replacement 0,9 mm
Inspection air gap "b" on released brake min. 0,25 mm
Inspected max. friction work 4) on EMERGENCY STOP / 300 rpm (brake both brake circuits) 85000 J
Tightening torque hexagon head screws (Item 5) 200 Nm
Hand release force per lever 160 N
Release angle 30
Mass without terminal box (16) und hand release (7) 140 kg
Ambient Temperature 0 C up to + +45 C
Switching times in new condition
Attraction t2 630 ms
Drop-out t11 AC 360 ms
Drop-out t1 AC 1100 ms
Drop-out t1DC 5) 280 ms
Switching times acc. TV (German Technical Inspectorate) Type Examination Certificate 766/1 Amendment 3
Drop-out t0 (DC): 60 ms
Drop-out t 50 (DC) 6): 140 ms
Drop-out t 90 (DC) 6): 240 ms

The braking torque (nominal torque) is the torque effective in the shaft train on slipping brakes with a sliding
speed of 1 m/s referring to the medium friction radius.
Measured in the armature disk (2) area, centre, vertical centre axis.
Once the maximum air gap has been reached, the rotors must be replaced.
However, the brake already becomes louder at an air gap > "a" +0,2 mm.
Max. 3 movements one after the other with a 5-minute break each time.
Referring to the effective braking torque on disconnection from holding voltage (nominal voltage)
Referring to the nominal braking torque on disconnection from holding voltage (nominal voltage)
The stated switching times can only be achieved using the respective correct electrical wiring. This also refers to the protection circuit for
brake control and the response delay times of all control components. If the brake is operated using overexcitation, the respective switch-
on and switch-off times for overexcitation must be taken into account (inadvertent movements of the elevator cage).
The use of varistors for spark quenching increases the DC-side switching times.

At temperatures of around or under freezing point, condensation can strongly reduce the braking torque. The user is responsible for taking
appropriate counter measures. The customer is responsible for providing a protective cover against contamination caused by construction

CAUTION The tension ability of the brake is larger, but the rotors (3) must be replaced at the latest when the air gap reaches 0,9
mm, also due to the brake noise behaviour. On brakes with hand release and / or operation with overexcitation, unpermit-
tedly high wear on the rotors (3) will not be noticed via the brake switching behaviour. As in this configuration the magnetic
coils are capable of achieving a very large armature disk (2) tension path, unpermittedly high wear on the rotors (3) leads
to relaxation of the thrust springs, which in turn causes a drop in braking torque. In extreme cases, the armature disks (2)
may even contact the shoulder screws or the adjusting screw on the hand release (air gap 3,0 mm) mechanically, which
would lead to the braking torque being lost. We therefore recommend an additional wear monitoring device for brakes with
hand release and/or operation with overexcitation.

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Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Application Scope of Delivery / State of Delivery
ROBA-duplostop for use as a holding brake with occa- The brake bodies are completely manufacturer-assembled with
sional EMERGENCY STOP braking actions coil carrier (1), armature disks (2), distance bolts (4) and release
The max. permitted speed and friction work (see Technical monitoring (6).
Data) must be observed.
The release monitoring devices (6) are set manufacturer-side.
Included loose in delivery are:
- Rotor (3)
Design - Hexagon head screws M16 x 140 (Item 5; 8 pieces)
The ROBA-duplostop is a spring applied, electromagnetically - Cap screw M5 x 10 (Item 8; 2 pieces)
releasing dual circuit safety brake. - Washer (Item 9; 2 pieces)
It is designed for installation into gearless elevator machinery for - Cable clamp (10)
use as a holding brake with occasional EMERGENCY STOP - Cap screw M5 x 8 (Item 11)
braking actions. - Contact washer (12)
On dimensioning, the braking torque, the speed as well as the - O-ring (13)
permitted friction work in case of EMERGENCY STOP need to - Washer (Item 15; 8 pieces)
be taken into consideration for safe holding of the load torque - Terminal box (16) with 2 pre-assembled connection cables
and safe compliance with the required braking distance. - Hand release lever (Item 7.1, 2 pieces on design
Furthermore, the ROBA-duplostop can be used as a brake with hand release)
assembly having an effect on the drive sheave shaft, as part of
the protective assembly against excessive upward-moving eleva- Please check the scope of delivery according to the Parts List as
tor cage speeds (EN 81-1 Section 9.10.2). well as the state of delivery immediately after receiving the
Please observe the attachment (application range, conditions, goods.
guidelines) in the EC Type examination certificate (EC directive mayr will not grant guarantee for belated complaints .
95/16/EC). Please report transport damage immediately to the deliverer.
Moreover, the brake fulfils all criteria as a brake element having Please report incomplete delivery and obvious defects immedi-
an effect on the drive sheave shaft, as part of the protective ately to the manufacturer.
assembly against inadvertent movement of the elevator cage
(EN 81-1 Section 9.11.3).
Here, please observe the notes in the attachment (application Torque-Time Diagram
range, area, conditions, guidelines) of the type examination
certificate (inspection specification EN 81-1:1998+A3:2009(D))
In order to guarantee the maximum braking distance (EN 81-1 MBr
Section 9.11.5) while both brakes take effect, an inspection of
the protective equipment including all controls and brake times
(detector / control / brake) is necessary. The respective stand- ML
ards, regulations and directives must be observed. 0,1 x MBr
Function t11
ROBA-duplostop brakes are spring applied, electromagnetic t1 t2
safety brakes.
Spring applied function: t4
In de-energised condition, thrust springs press against the arma-
ture disks (2). The rotor (3) with the friction linings is therefore U
held between the armature disks (2) and the machine screw-on
The motor shaft is braked via the rotor (3). Unenn
Electromagnetic function:
Due to the magnetic force of the coils in the coil carriers (1), the
armature disk (2) is attracted against the spring force to the coil t
carrier (1).
The brake is released and the shaft can rotate freely. Key
Safety brake function: MBr = Braking torque
ML = Load torque
The ROBA-duplostop brakes reliably and safely in the event of t1 = Connection time
a power switch-off, a power failure or an EMERGENCY STOP. t11 = Response delay on connection
(t0 acc. ESV 766/1)
t2 = Separation time
t4 = Slipping time + t11
Unenn = Coil nominal voltage

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Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Installation Conditions Installation (Figs. 1 - 8)
The eccentricity of the shaft end in relation to the fixing 1. Lightly grease the O-ring (13) and insert it into the motor
holes must not exceed 0,3 mm. shaft groove.
The positional tolerance of the threads for the hexagon 2. Push the rotor (3) over the O-ring (13) onto the motor shaft
head screws (5) must not exceed 0,3 mm. by hand using light pressure.
The axial run out deviation of the screw-on surface to the Please make sure that the installation position
shaft must not exceed the permitted axial run out of the rotor (3) is correct! The rotor collar 150
tolerance of 0,063 mm acc. DIN 42955 R. faces towards the machine wall, see Figs. 2
Measuring procedure acc. DIN 42955. and 6.
Larger deviations can lead to a drop in torque, to continuous
grinding on the rotor (3) and to overheating. The rotor toothing must lie over the entire length of the mo-
tor shaft.
The toothed motor shaft should be designed according to Check that the toothing moves easily.
the information given in the applicable assembly drawing. Do not damage the O-ring (13).
The O-ring groove must be inserted before the shaft is 3. Evenly attach the left brake body with hexagon head screws
splined. The O-ring groove must be free of burrs. (Item 5;
4 pieces) and washers (Item 15; 4 pieces) placed under
The dimensions stated in the assembly drawing them (we recommend that you secure the screws using
are manufacturer-side recommendations based Loctite 243).
on experiences from the field of application. Tighten the hexagon head screws (5) using a torque
The alignment mechanism and the vibration wrench and observe the tightening torque of 200 Nm.
behaviour of the rotor (3) must be checked for Repeat the procedure with the brake body on the right side.
grinding noises and rattling, which might be
caused by the engine control.
The inspection must be carried out customer- 4. Check air gap "a (Figs. 2 and 6)
side in the combination elevator machine / Air gap: 0,45 mm "a" 0,65 mm
control under load. This air gap must be given in the armature disk (2) area,
centre, vertical centre axis next to the microswitch (6.1).
The mounting dimensions 70/210/410 and the tapped hole 5. Connect the brake electrically.
M16 (8x) with a depth of 23 (21 + 2) must be present, see
Figs. 1, 5 and 8. 6. Check air gap "b" > 0,25 mm in energised state on the
rotor (3) (Figs. 2 and 6).
The rotor and brake surfaces must be oil and grease-free. The inspection air gap must be given.
A suitable counter friction surface (steel or cast iron) must 7. Mount the terminal box (16) using cap screws (8) and
be used. Sharp-edged interruptions on the friction surfaces washers (9) on both brake bodies
must be avoided. (Figs. 1 and 3).
Recommended surface quality in the area of the friction sur-
Ra = 1,6 m.
In particular customer-side mounting surfaces made of
grey cast iron are to be rubbed down
additionally with fine sandpaper (grain 200 400), or
ideally with a sander.
The toothings of the motor shaft and the rotor (3) must not
be oiled or greased.
Please abstain from using cleaning agents containing sol-
vents, as they could affect the friction material.
During longer downtimes, we recommend the use of suita-
ble corrosion protection measures for the mounting surface
(e.g. zinc-phosphate coating) until initial operation.

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Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Hand release (option dependent on Type) Braking Torque
The hand release is set manufacturer-assembled, manufac- The (nominal) braking torque is the torque effective in the shaft
turer-side. train on slipping brakes, with a sliding speed of 1 m/s referring to
For manual brake release, both hand release levers (7.1) must the mean friction radius.
be inserted into the connection pieces (7.7), e.g. as shown in The brake is loaded statically when used as a service brake and
Fig. 5 (possible insertion positions 4 x 90). loaded dynamically in EMERGENCY STOP operation (part of
The brake is released by moving both hand release levers simul- the brake equipment against overspeed or inadvertent move-
taneously (7.1), see Fig. 5. ment of the elevator cage). Respectively, there are different
The rotational direction is irrelevant here. speed values for the friction material, which in practice also leads
By moving the connection pieces (7.7) off the steel balls (7.2), to different friction values and therefore braking torques.
both the cap screws (7.4) including the washers (7.6) are pulled The braking torque is dependent on the respective run-in condi-
together with the armature disk (2) against the coil carrier (1) tion of the friction surfaces.
(Fig. 9). We recommend allowing the friction surfaces to run in when
Then, the rotor (3) is free and the brake is released as a result. installed and under permitted loads.
Friction materials develop their optimum effect only under speed
DANGER at the appropriate contact pressure, as continuous regeneration
Operate the hand release carefully. of the friction surface then takes place (torque consistency).
Any existing loads will begin to move when the Furthermore, friction materials (synthetic resin bonded rubber
hand release is operated. mixtures) are subject to aging, which is also influenced, among
other things, by higher temperatures and other ambient influ-
ences. We recommend regular inspection of the braking torque
(1 x per year) including the respective dynamic braking actions
7.6 7.3 7.4 1 7.2 7.7 as a refresher.

Noise Damping
3 7.5 The noise damping used here was set and
adjusted manufacturer-side. However, this
component is subject to aging dependent on
the application or operational conditions (torque
adjustment, switching frequency, ambient
2 7.1 conditions, system vibrations etc.)
Replacing the damping element is only permit-
ted at the mayr site of manufacture.
Adjustment dimension 3,0 +0,2

Fig. 9

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Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Release Monitoring (Fig. 10) Manufacturer-side Adjustment and Functional In-
ROBA-duplostop brakes are delivered with one release spection of the Microswitch (6.1), see Fig. 10:
monitoring (6) per brake circuit.
The brake is screwed onto the installation
The microswitches (6.1) emit a signal for every brake condition device to a tightening torque of 200 Nm and the
change "signal brake opened or brake closed coil is de-energised.
On initial operation:
Connection as NC contact (black and grey strands).
The customer is responsible for a signal evaluation of both 1. Turn the hexagon head screw (6.4) in the direction of the
conditions using the elevator controls. microswitch (6.1) up to the microswitch tappet.
From the point at which the brake is energised, a time span of 2. Tighten the hexagon nut (6.3), so that the hexagon head
three times the separation time must pass before the micro- screw (6.4) is placed under pre-tension by the spring wash-
switch signal on the release monitoring is evaluated. er (6.5).
3. Join a feeler gauge 0,18 mm (loose sensor plate) between
Wiring Diagram: the switch tappet and the hexagon head screw (6.4).
NC Contact 4. Connect the inspection or measurement device (diode
grey connection
Connection when
inspection) to the NC contact black/grey.
2 brake closed 5. Turn the hexagon head screw (6.4) in the direction of the
COM Contact 1 switch (6.1)
black connection up to the signal "OFF", turn it back to the signal "ON" and
NO Contact
counter the hexagon head screw (6.4) with the hexagon nut
blue connection (6.3).
Connection when 6. Energise brake Signal "OFF",
brake released
De-energise brake Signal "ON",
Re-adjustment is possible via the hexagon head screws (6.4) Re-adjust if necessary and repeat the inspection.
and the hexagon nuts (6.3). 7. Inspection with feeler gauge 0,21 mm
If this proves necessary, please contact the manufacturers. energised Signal "OFF"
de-energised Signal "OFF"
Function 8. Inspection with feeler gauge 0,18 mm
When the magnetic coils are energised in the coil carriers (1), energised Signal "OFF"
the armature disks (2) are attracted to the coil carrier (1), the de-energised Signal "OFF"
microswitches (6.1) emit a signal and the brake is released. 9. Paint Items 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 with sealing lacquer.

Customer-side Inspection after Mounting onto the

Elevator Machinery
The customer-side connection is an NC contact.
Please inspect the release monitoring on both circuits:
Brake de-energised Signal "ON",
Energised brake Signal "OFF",

Microswitch Specification
Characteristic values for 250 V~ / 3 A
Minimum switching capacity: 12 V, 10 mA DC-12
Recommended switching 24 V, 10...50 mA
capacity: DC-12
for maximum lifetime DC-13 with free-wheeling
and reliability diode!
Usage category acc. IEC 60947-5-1:
DC-12 (resistance load), DC-13 (inductive load)
1 2 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.3/6.5
Microswitches cannot be guaranteed fail-safe.
Fig. 10 Therefore, please ensure appropriate access for
replacement or adjustment.
The switching contacts are designed so that they
can be used for both small switching capacities
and medium ones. However, after switching a medium switch-
ing capacity, small switching capacities are no longer reliably
possible. In order to switch inductive, capacitative and non-
linear loads, please use the appropriate protective circuit to
protect against electric arcs and unpermitted loads!

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Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Electrical Connection and Wiring Magnetic Field Removal
DC current is necessary for operation of the brake. The coil AC-side Switching
voltage is indicated on the Type tag as well as on the brake body max. The power circuit is interrupt-
and is designed according to the DIN IEC 60038 ( 10 % toler- 230V~ ed before the rectifier. The
ance). Operation must take place via DC voltage with a low 2,5A magnetic field slowly reduces.
ripple content, e.g. via a bridge rectifier or with another suitable 1/025.000.6
[U = 0,9U~] This delays the rise in braking
DC supply. The connection possibilities can vary dependent on torque.
Bridge rectifier
the brake equipment. Please follow the exact connections ac-
cording to the Wiring Diagram. The manufacturer and the user When switching times are not
must observe the applicable directives and standards (e.g. DIN important, please switch AC-
EN 60204-1 and DIN VDE 0580). Their observance must be side, as no protective
guaranteed and double-checked! 1 2 3 4 5 6 measures are necessary for
coil and switching contacts.

Supply Voltage Requirements S1

In order to minimise noise development of the released brake, it
must only be operated via DC current with low ripple content.
AC current operation can take place using a bridge rectifier or
another suitable DC power supply. Supplies whose output
voltages have a high ripple content (e.g. a half-wave rectifier, a
switch-mode mains adaptor, ...) are not suitable for operation of N L F1: External fuse
the brake.
AC-side switching means low-noise switching; however, the
brake engagement time is longer (approx. 6-10 times longer than
Earthing Connection with DC-side disconnection).
The brake is designed for Protection Class I. This protection DC-side Switching
covers not only the basic insulation, but also the connection of all
conductive parts to the PE conductor on the fixed installation. If max. The power circuit is interrupt-
230V~ ed between the rectifier and
the basic insulation fails, no contact voltage will remain. Please 2,5A
carry out a standardised inspection of the PE conductor connec- the coil as well as mains-side.
tions to all contactable metal parts! [U = 0,9U~] The magnetic field reduces
Bridge rectifier
extremely quickly. This caus-
es a quick rise in braking
Device Fuses IN SDC OUT

To protect against damage from short circuits, please add suita- When switching DC-side, high
ble device fuses to the mains cable. 1 2 3 4 5 6 voltage peaks are produced in
the coil, which lead to wear on
the contacts from sparks and
Switching Behaviour S1 to destruction of the insula-
The operational behaviour of a brake is to a large extent de- Coil tion.
pendent on the switching mode used. Furthermore, the switching
times are influenced by the temperature and the air gap between
the armature disk and the coil carrier (dependent on the wear
condition of the linings).
N L F1: External fuse

Magnetic Field Build-up DC-side switching means short brake engagement times (e.g.
for EMERGENCY STOP operation); however, louder
When the voltage is switched on, a magnetic field is built up in switching noises.
the brake coil, which attracts the armature disk to the coil carrier
and releases the brake. Protection circuit
When using DC-side switching, the coil must be protected by a
suitable protection circuit according to VDE 0580, which is inte-
grated in mayr -rectifiers. To protect the switching contact from
consumption when using DC-side switching, additional protective
measures are necessary (e.g. series connection of switching
contacts). The switching contacts used should have a minimum
contact opening of 3 mm and should be suitable for inductive
load switching. Please make sure on selection that the rated
voltage and the rated operating current are sufficient.
Depending on the application, the switching contact can also be
protected by other protective circuits (e.g. mayr-spark quench-
ing unit, half-wave and bridge rectifiers), although this may of
course then alter the switching times.

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: +49 8341 804-0 E028 07 001 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: +49 8341 804-421 Page 14 of 16
D-87665 Mauerstetten www.mayr.com
Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Brake Inspection Inspection both circuits:
(Customer-side after Mounting onto the Elevator Machine) Energise both braking circuits with nominal voltage.
Inspection of the individual air gaps (Figs. 2 and 6) Trigger an EMERGENCY STOP and inspect the stopping dis-
tance. The stopping distance must be much shorter than the
Air gaps "a" of both brake circuits (brake de-energized):
stopping distance for an individual circuit.
Air gap 0,45 mm "a" 0,65 mm
If the brake is used as part of the protective system against
Air gaps "b" of both brake circuits (brake energised):
inadvertent movement of the elevator cage, the functionality of
Air gap "b" > 0,25 mm.
the protective system must be verified using the type examina-
Braking torque inspection: tion certificate (compliance of the entire concept - detec-
Please compare the requested braking torque with the tor/controls/brake element - for the elevator system).
torque stated on the Type tag. The inspection proves that the brake element (both brake circuits
work together) releases correctly. Furthermore, it must be con-
Release function inspection firmed that the travelled distance does not exceed the stated
(Battery operated to guarantee emergency escape for pas- value (EN 81-1, Section 9.11.5).
sengers during a power failure). If the brake is normally released using overexcitation, brake
Switching function inspection (NC contact) release during the inspection must be carried out via DC-side
Energised brake Signal "OFF", switch-off from the overexcitation voltage.
Brake de-energised Signal "ON",
Hand Release functional Inspection
ROBA-duplostop brakes are mainly maintenance-free. The
friction linings pairing are robust and wear-resistant. This en-
Dual Circuit Brake Functional Inspection sures a particularly long service lifetime.
The ROBA-duplostop brake is equipped with a double safety However, the friction linings are subject to operational wear on
(redundant) brake system. frequent EMERGENCY STOP braking actions. Normally, such
This means that, should one circuit fail, the braking effect is still occurrences are recorded and saved by the elevator control, or
maintained. they require the intervention of qualified personnel. When carry-
ing out this maintenance work (especially when taking DIN EN
DANGER Should the elevator begin to move after release 13015 Appendix A into account), the causes of the malfunction
of one brake circuit or should it fail to react to must be determined, assessed and removed by specialist per-
the braking procedure, the energised coil must sonnel. Causal events such as the air gap can be checked and
be switched off immediately! respective measures can be taken.
The dual circuit braking function is not guaran-
teed. The following checks must be carried out following the regular
Shut down the elevator, lower and secure the inspection intervals:
load, remove and revise the brake. Braking torque or retardation inspection
Please observe the installation guidelines of the (individual brake circuits).
elevator manufacturer as well as the accident
prevention regulations. Inspection of air gap braked
(both brake circuits)
The individual circuit inspection is carried out by energisation the Inspection of toothing backlash from the motor shaft to the
individual circuits with nominal voltage. The braking effect suffi- rotor (3).
cient for the retardation of the elevator cage, which is loaded Max. permitted toothing backlash 0,3.
with nominal load and moving downwards at nominal speed,
must be maintained (please observe the permitted friction work In order to inspect the rotor (3) wear condition,
acc. Technical data). please measure the air gap "a", see Fig. 2

If the brake limit air gap (0,9 mm) has been

Inspection left brake circuit: reached, meaning that the friction linings are
1. Energise the right brake circuit. worn down, the braking torque is lost and the
2. Trigger an EMERGENCY STOP with the left brake circuit rotor (3) must be replaced.
and inspect the stopping distance according to the elevator Brake de-installation is carried out by following
regulations. the instructions in the section Installation (page
11) backwards.
3. De-energise the right brake circuit.

Inspection right brake circuit:

1. Energise the left brake circuit.
2. Trigger an EMERGENCY STOP with the right brake circuit
and inspect the stopping distance according to the elevator
3. De-energise the left brake circuit.

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: +49 8341 804-0 E028 07 001 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: +49 8341 804-421 Page 15 of 16
D-87665 Mauerstetten www.mayr.com
Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
Installation and Operational Instructions for
ROBA-duplostop Type RSR 8010.00_13
Size 1500
Our electromagnetic brake components must be disposed of
separately as they consist of different materials. Please observe
the relevant authority regulations. Code numbers may vary
according to the disassembling process (metal, plastic and
Electronic components
(Rectifier / ROBA-switch / Microswitch):
Products which have not been disassembled can be disposed of
under Code No. 160214 (mixed materials) or components under
Code No. 160216, or can be disposed of by a certified disposal
Brake bodies made of steel pads with coil / cable and all
other steel components:

Steel scrap (Code No. 160117)

All aluminium components:
Non-ferrous metals (Code No. 160118)
Brake rotor (steel or aluminium pads with friction linings):
Brake linings (Code No. 160112)
Seals, O-rings, V-seals, elastomers, terminal boxes (PVC):
Plastic (Code No. 160119)

Malfunctions / Breakdowns

Malfunction Possible Causes Solutions

Incorrect voltage on rectifier Apply correct voltage

Rectifier failure Replace rectifier
Brake does not release Air gap too large (worn rotor) Replace rotor
Coil interruption Replace brake

Brake does not release Solution as above

Release monitoring does not switch Defective microswitch Replace the microswitch (manufacturer-

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG Tel.: +49 8341 804-0 E028 07 001 000 471
Eichenstrae 1 Fax: +49 8341 804-421 Page 16 of 16
D-87665 Mauerstetten www.mayr.com
Germany E-Mail: info@mayr.com 22/08/2012 TK/HW/SU
ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH
N 9710 000 9489

Bernhuser Strae 45
Verso 09/2012

73765 Neuhausen a. d. F.
e-Mail: Eli.elevator.plant.de@thyssenkrupp.com
Internet: www.thyssenkrupp-elevator-eli.com

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