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Armadura de Irad.

É dito que o childe mais forte de Caim, Irad, tem tido uma couraça de imensa qualidade.
Devido à relação de Caine com outros sobrenatural, Irad pôde adquirir muitos dos pedaços
do terno melhorado e encantou. Como resultado, Irad era um dos guerreiros mais ferozes
que este planeta alguma vez viu. O terno estava encantado de forma que só Irad poderia
usar o terno cheio, e qualquer um foi restringido outro a um pedaço. Também, é dito que
qualquer pedaço da armadura que é usado por um indivíduo se redimensiona para ajustar
aquela pessoa perfeitamente. Depois da morte de Irad e então o Dilúvio, a armadura estava
perdida. É dito que os benfeitores de Caine acharam a armadura e esconderam cada pedaço
em locais obscuros, escondidos ao redor do mundo.

O próprio terno é feito de um metal estrangeiro, nunca antes de visto por qualquer ferreiro
moderno ou geólogos. O metal é uma escuridão, cor preta lustrosa, e se aparece pesado mas
é realmente de peso leve e flexível. Eu nunca vi qualquer da armadura atual, mas eu e meus
sócios gastaram anos tentando averiguar alguns dos locais dos pedaços. É dito que
tremendo poder pode ser brandido por esses que usam a armadura, mas eu estou
procurando isto por razões puramente arqueológicas.

Eu começarei a discutir a armadura agora. Por favor se lembre de que desde então ninguém
achou a armadura em pelo menos uma meio-dúzia milênios, é neste momento impossível
saber se os poderes nisto forem verdades.

Nota: Uma descrição de cada pedaço e seus poderes em condições de jogo é determinada
abaixo. Cada pedaço da armadura dá uma embebição de três-dado contra tudo (repita:
TUDO) dano por parte do corpo que o pedaço é usado, sem penalidades de Destreza.

Note os Contadores de histórias: Se você decidir deixar seus caráter saberem sobre a
Armadura de Irad, chances são eles quererão pesquisar isto e encalçar isto. Se você escolhe
os deixar fazerem assim, eles deveriam ter que sofrer um dolorosamente história difícil (ou
crônica) isso põe o unlives deles/delas, inteligências, e até mesmo a sanidade deles/delas
para o teste... para cada pedaço.

Armadura Debaixo .
Este terno de cadeia simples é feito do minério estranho. Nós não temos nenhuma outra
informação sobre isto, nem mesmo um nome. (O máximo de Característica do wearer é
elevado antes de um.)

Capacete de Jabal.
O capacete tem várias faixas de prata e platina que cercam isto. Um tubo vermelho pequeno
é anexado ao fundo do dentro do capacete, e é dito que este tubo contém o sangue de Jabal,
o primeiro ghoul. É dito que se assemelha a um capacete de batalha escocês. (O capacete
deixa o wearer dobrar a por-volta sangue ponto despesa dele.)

Complemento de capacete: Castor de Ra.

Este face cobrir parece ser uma liga do metal preto estranho e ouro. Prende ao Capacete de
Jabal sobre as orelhas, e é formado como um grelhe com uma olho-racha. O castor rumorou
para ter sido santificado por algum tipo de deus do sol, assim eu vim a chamar isto o Castor
de Ra, o deus egípcio do sol. (O castor corta dano de luz solar pela metade, enquanto
arredondando abaixo, depois do rolo de absorção. Esta gratificação só é ganha se é
prendido ao Capacete de Jabal.)

Helmet Add-On: Padding of the Magi.

Apparently little more than thick cloth, the padding is attached to the inside of the Helmet
of Jabal. (Increases each of the wearer's Mental Attributes by one, even if it exceeds their
generation maximum.)

Helmet Add-On: Faerie Chinstrap.

Enchanted by the Fair Folk, this unremarkable-looking strap of leather affixes to the
bottom of the Helmet of Jabal. It has several glyphs and symbols branded on it, which are
not of this world. (Lets the wearer pierce Glamour unconditionally.)

Gorget of the Lupines.

Said to have enchanted by ancient Lupines as a gesture of good faith to the Kindred. This
throat protector is a ring of the black metal, about 3" wide. It has a vertical slit about every
inch and a half along its length, each slit being about a centimeter wide. (Wearing the
gorget grants the wearer two additional actions per turn, similar to Celerity except that no
blood points need be spent. This is in addition to any Celerity the character uses normally.
The wearer also gains the Merit Enchanting Voice.)

Pauldrons of Caine.
Said to be blessed by Caine himself, these shoulder pads are pure black, seemingly made of
the strange metal. (Increases the wearer's blood pool maximum as if he/she were three
steps closer to Caine.)

Pauldron Add-On: Ankh of Enoch.

This 9-inch tall figurine of the Ankh affixes onto the back of the Pauldrons of Caine. It is
supposedly made of a platinum alloy. (Grants the wearer two additional levels of Auspex.)

Pauldron Add-On: Crosschain of Atlantis.

This small chain glows blue, and is said to have been from the lost continent of Atlantis as
a gift to Caine. It needs to be tied through the holes in the front of the Pauldrons of Caine
for its powers to be accessed. (The chain grants the wearer the ability to fling small glowing
blue balls of energy. Each ball costs one Willpower point to form and throw. The formation
is instantaneous, and the balls have a dice pool of 10 to hit the desired target. The damage
pool is also 10 [lethal damage]. Only one may be formed per minute.)

Heaven's Breastplate.
Supposedly crafted by an Archangel, this piece is formed of a different metal than that of
the rest of the armor, but it is still unknown what the metal is or where it's from. The
breastplate glows red in the presence of a servant of Hell, and glows white when near a
servant of Heaven. (Heals the wearer at a rate of one health level per turn. Also, any
demon, Black Spiral Dancer, Nephandi, Baali, or other demonic servant takes one
unsoakable level of aggravated damage per turn in physical contact with the breastplate.)

Breastplate Add-On: Jewel of the Stars.

An octagonal transparent gem, with red, green, and yellow sparkles inside of it, moving
constantly. It is not an earthly object and I'm afraid we know nothing of its origin. It
attaches to the front of Heaven's Breastplate. (Lets the wearer teleport. He/she can 'jump'
anywhere in his/her line of sight, at any time. The teleport takes less than a second, and
there is a glitter of colorful sparkles at the entry and exit points.)

Sleeves of the Underworld.

We think that, through some death magic, these upper-arm coverings were made in the
Underworld and transferred here. They are made of the same metal as the rest of the suit,
but strangely, the sleeves are translucent - similar to the ancient clichés about ghosts. (Lets
the wearer use the necromantic powers Summon Soul, Torment, and all the powers of the
Ash Path [except Shroud Mastery]. The powers are used at no cost of blood or Willpower.
Also, any Necromantic rolls the wearer makes are reduced by two in difficulty.)

Elbowguards of the Flame.

We have been unable to uncover any information whatsoever about the appearance of this
piece. (Renders the wearer totally immune to fire.)

Bracers of Resilience.
Crafted and enchanted by Enoch's blacksmiths. (Gives the wearer an additional dot of
Stamina and two levels of Fortitude.)

Gauntlets of Vigor.
Crafted and enchanted by Enoch's blacksmiths. (Gives the wearer an additional dot in
Strength and two levels of Potence.)

Tasse of Ennoia.
This skirt of armor was supposedly given its power by the Gangrel progenitor, Ennoia. It is
made of the black metal and looks no different from other tasses. (Lets the wearer use the
Protean Level Four power Shape of the Beast at any time, at no cost.)

Zillah's Groinpiece.
Zillah was Embraced for her beauty, which is reflected in the powers of this groinpiece. The
groinpiece looks no different than a normal groinpiece for other sets of armor. (Grants the
wearer two additional dots in Appearance. The wearer also gains the Merit Animal

Cuisses of the East.

Said to be from the Orient, these thigh-pieces are transcribed with ancient Asian symbols.
(The wearer may use the first three levels of the Flesh Shintai [under the Kindred of the
East rules, but at no cost].)
Kneepieces of Set.
Another piece said to have originated from Egypt. Set himself enchanted the kneepieces
and gave them to Irad as a gift. (Grants the wearer the first three levels of Serpentis, at no
cost. Also, the difficulty to use any Egyptian-originated power [Serpentis, Setite
Thaumaturgy, etc.] is reduced by two when the kneepieces are worn.)

Greaves of the Mad.

Malkav presented these shinguards to Irad when he heard about the armor. (Allows the
wearer access to the Cobweb, the Malkavian madness network. A dangerous power, but all
sorts of information can be gleaned from careful application.)

Sollerets of Speed.
While made of the black metal, this footwear allows the wearer to move at tremendous
speed. (Gives the wearer an additional dot of Dexterity and two levels of Celerity.)

That brings this discussion to a close. Thank you for your interest in my work. You've been
a splendid audience.

Gustav Remheint, ph.D.

Childe of Actos
Childe of Neurthen
Childe of Relltos
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