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Lasanha Tenuta Torciano (do site da vincola Tenuta Torciano)

Molho a Bolonhesa

1/4 xcara de azeite de oliva 1 xcara de cebola picada 1/2 xcara de aipo picado 1/2 xcara de cenoura picada 750g de carne moda sal e pimenta do reino 2 latas de tomates pelados, amassados com a mo 170g de massa de tomate Em uma panela grande, aquecer o azeite de oliva em fogo mdio. Juntar cebola, aipo e cenoura. Cozinhar at amolecer, mas no escurecer, por 10 minutos. Juntar a carne moda. Com uma colher de pau, quebrar as bolotas de carne. Cozinhar por uns 10-15 minutos. Temperar com sal e pimenta. Juntar tomates e massa de tomate. Deixar ferver. Colocar o fogo o mais baixo possvel e cozinhar por 2 horas, sem tampa, mexendo sempre. Molho Bechamel

8 colheres (sopa) de manteiga sem sal 3/4 xcara de farinha de trigo 3 xcaras de leite 1/2 colher (ch) noz moscada ralada 1/2 colher (ch) sal pimenta do reino

Colocar a manteiga em panela em fogo baixo. Adicionar a farinha de uma vez, mexer rapidamente com um fouet e cozinhar por 2-4 minutos, sempre mexendo. Esquentar o leite (no ferver) em outra panela e colocar todo de uma vez sobre a manteiga, misturando bem com o fouet para no encaroar. Colocar a noz moscada, sal e pimenta do reino. Continuar cozinhando em fogo mdio at ele comear a engrossar. Desligar o fogo. Cobertura

1 xcara de queijo Pecorino ralado, ou queijo parmeso Pr-aquecer o forno. Montagem da lasanha Untar um pirex e arrumar as camadas na seguinte ordem: Molho bolonhesa Queijo Massa de lasanha Molho branco Molho bolonhesa Queijo Massa de lasanha Molho branco (repetir at acabar, deixando 1cm da borda do pirex, isso vai borbulhar!) Terminar com molho branco, cobrindo com queijo ralado. Pode ser preparada com antecedncia e guardada na geladeira. Antes de assar, esperar que pirex alcance a temperatura ambiente, para ele no estourar.

Lasagna with Meat Sauce

Ingredients: Bolognese Sauce:

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1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil Use the excellent Tuscan extra virgin olive oil made from genuine Torciano's olive 1 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup chopped carrots 1-1/2 pounds ground beef Salt and pepper Two 35-ounce cans peeled tomatoes, crushed by hand 6 ounces tomato paste Filling: 3-Cup Bchamel Sauce 1 cup grated pecorino Romano, plus some for serving Noodles: Fresh Egg Pasta Preparation Time: around 45 minutes Cook Time: around 65 minutes Total Time:: around 110 minutes If you want to apply and try your hand in the preparation of homemade lasagna, we recommends this recipe: PASTA: Ingredients:

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500 grams flour "00" 4 / 5 Eggs 2 Teaspoons salt Pass through a sieve the flour and arrange in the shape of the volcano, you place the center eggs lightly beaten with the hands. Mix until blended. Work on a smooth surface that occasionally dusted with flour. Let the dough rest, to which you gave a ball for 30 minutes in a container in a cool, lightly floured and covered with a layer of transparent film. Spread the dough with the machine or by hand with a rolling pin. Once you spread out the dough to dry for a few minutes before cutting. Meat Sauce: In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion, celery, and carrots. Cook until tender, but not brown, about 10 minutes. Add the beef. Using a wooden spoon, break up bits of meat and stir occasionally. Cook until meat is almost cooked through, 10 to 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add tomatoes and tomato paste. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 hours, uncovered, stirring occasionally. Preheat oven to 375F (180C). Spray a 13 x 9 x 3-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Bchamel Sauce: Here is the basic white sauce used for layering lasagne, covering cannelloni, and making casseroles in general. This recipe makes enough for a large (12 to 14 servings) lasagne, and is of medium consistency, a factor controlled by adding more or less flour as you wish.

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8 tbsp. unsalted butter 3/4 c. quick-mixing flour 4 c. milk 1/2 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg 1/2 tsp. salt

Freshly ground pepper to taste Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Add the flour all at once, and stir rapidly with a wire whisk until blended. When you use the quick mixing flour that has a granular feeling, lumps never form. With ordinary flour, lumps are a good possibility. Heat the milk to scalding (just under a boil, when a skin has formed on the top), and add it all at once to the butter-flour mixture, stirring vigorously with a whisk. Continue cooking over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce has thickened and is smooth, about the consistency of a thin pudding. Add the nutmeg, salt, and a few grinds of pepper. Cool the sauce for about 15 minutes before using. It becomes firmer as it cools. Layer by Layer Assembly: Spread a layer of Bolognese Sauce on the bottom of the dish. Cover with egg noodles, slightly overlapping. For the filling, spread a layer of Bchamel Sauce over the noodles and sprinkle with pecorino. Continue to layer in the following order until you have run out of noodles, reserving some of both sauces:

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Bolognese Sauce Pecorino Egg noodles Bchamel Sauce Bolognese Sauce Pecorino Egg noodles Top with remaining Bchamel Sauce and pecorino. Reserve the remaining Bolognese Sauce for serving. Advance prep completed. (The lasagna can be made one day in advance to this step. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Let lasagna come to room temperature before baking.) Baking: Cover with foil and bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Remove foil and continue to bake for an additional 10 to 15minutes. Remove from the oven. Let rest 10 to 15 minutes until serving.

IMPORTANT: Serve with additional Bolognese Sauce and pecorino.

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