Você está na página 1de 126




Ao comei;o de cada aula, comente sabre os erros cometidos durante a realizai;ao das
tarefas para o grupo como um todo, sem mencionar names ou apontar individualmente.
Por fim, entregue o homework.

Ao fim de cada unidade, va com os alunos ate as tarefas que deverao ser feitas e explique-
as de modo que nao permanei;a duvida. Se preciso, de um exemplo no quadro.


A partir deste livro os alunos tambem terao homework nas unidades de Revision.

Conforme o conteudo gramatical aparecer nas unidades, apresente-o da seguinte forma :

UNIT 1 - VERB TO BE -ft:

Apresente o verbo 'to be' na estrutura afirmativa da seguinte forma: diga '/ teach English. I -f!:_
am a teacher' apontando para si mesmo. Aponte para um aluno e diga 'She/He is happy' .
Aponte para mais alunos e diga ' They are tired' . Use a linguagem corporal e entonai;ao
de voz para que os alunos entendam o que voce esta dizendo pelo contexto das frases.
Escreva '/ am a/an - - - - - - ' no quadro e solicite exemplos dos alunos usando
as profissoes vistas no banco de palavras. Fa9a com que todos estejam envolvidos
direcionando os alunos a utilizar 'And you?' ou ' What about you?' para questionarem uns it
aos outros.

Ap6s todos terem praticado , apresente no quadro a forma negativa do verbo 'to be' para
o pronome 'I'. Escreva '/ am not a/an _ _ _' e solicite novas exemplos. Tao logo todos lt
-! t
deem os exemplos, apresente no quadro a forma interrogativa: 'Are you ?'
e aplique a metodologia trabalhando todas as estruturas. S6 entao vire a pagina para
apresentar a tabela. Fai;:a a leitura e solicite a repetii;:ao. Por fim , cheque os exemplos e
de um minuto para que completem os demais, os quais deverao ser checados oralmente.

:e e I



Antes de virar pagina, relembre o verbo 'usar' (para coisas que usamos no corpo) e
escreva-o no quadro. Seguidamente, pergunte aos alunos coma dizemos "eu estou" em
ingles e adicione a frase ao lado do verbo "wear'' no quadro.

I am wear

Par fim, mencione:

Professor: "Guys, n6s nao dizemos 'eu estou usar', como seria mesmo?"
Aluno: "Eu estou usando", teacher."

Professor: "Very good! Guys, when we want to say 'usando, comendo, dormindo ... ", we
need to use 'ING' with the verb. So, "Eu estou usando" in English is 'I am ... "

Alunos: "I am wearing" - escreva no quadro conforme /he derem a resposta

Professor: Excellent Guys!

Mencione que, em ingles, e assim que expressamos uma ayao que esta acontecendo ao
mesmo tempo em que e mencionada. Aponte para as alunos e de alguns outros exemplos

(usando body language) coma'/ am speaking', 'You are listening' e/ou 'We are studying'.

iii Par fim, trabalhe mais algumas frases com outros verbos na afirmativa, depois apresente
a negativa e interrogativa, e s6 entao vire a pagina para checar os exemplos do Grammar
Pointe checar as respostas para o mesmo. Lembre-se de usar o TOP 5 para trabalhar a
estruturayao do ponto gramatical e atente-se para os alunos que apresentarem dificuldade,
pois precisarao de auxilio na explica9ao da tarefa e um acompanhamento mais pr6ximo.


Relembre com os alunos a pronuncia e o uso (dando enfase no objeto que sempre os
acompanha) dos pronomes da primeira tabela solicitando alguns exemplos.

Oepois disso, introduza o whose pedindo sua repeti9ao e dando sua tradu9ao. Mencione.
que quando usado, o objeto deve vir sempre em seguida. Ap6s, apresente no quadro a

I [J I O r/1 A S

pergunta "Whose daughter is thaf' e pe9a como responderiam "ea minha filha" em ingles.
Conforme adiciona a resposta no quadro, mostre como soa repetitivo falar 'daughter' duas
vezes, e entao risque a palavra, adicionando o novo pronome no lugar. Pratique outro
exemplo aleat6rio no quadro, conforme modelo abaixo:

- Whose daughter is that? - Whose farmer's market is this?

- It's my dtwgl'tter mine. - It's his/hers/ours/theirs

Em seguida, leia a introdu9ao dos possessive pronouns e fa9a a repeti9ao dos pronomes
da segunda tabela de modo que os alunos tambem visualizem a diferen9a na escrita.
Comente que da mesma forma que e no portugues, nao precisamos mencionar o objeto
quando ele ja foi mencionado antes, pois flea subentendido.

Por ultimo, cheque os exemplos do livro. Diga que nao importa qual pronome eles querem
usar, desde que lembrem a pequena diferen98 que existe. De um minuto para que os alunos
respondam as perguntas e corrija oralmente. Caso haja tempo livre, pratique perguntas
e respostas utilizando objetos pessoais dos alunos e demais exemplos.

e.g.: - Whose bottle of water is this?

- It's hers.


Durante a apresenta980 do plural, comece relembrando a regra geral onde apenas

acrescentamos s. Solicite a leitura da regra e seu respectivo exemplo. Em seguida, fa98
uma breve pratica dando uma palavra e solicitando que um aluno aleat6rio a passe para r
o plural.

Repita esse procedimento com as demais regras e, ap6s terminar a leitura delas, pe9a a
um aluno uma frase no singular e entao solicite que outro a passe para o plural. Lembre-
se de explorar as frases e solicitar novos exemplos.

e.g.: I didn't put the book on the shelf. I I didn't put the books on the shelves.



Ap6s terminar a pratica com os verbos , inicie a explicac;:ao do Genitive Case introduzindo
Whose na forma de um exemplo no quadro e apresente uma resposta completa,
comentando sobre como responder assim seria longo e nao muito usual.

e.g.: - Whose dress is that?

- That is the dress of the model.

Em seguida, mencione que quando queremos dar posse de algo para alguem, existe uma
maneira muito mais pratica. Risque parte do exemplo e substitua pelo uso do Genitive ,
dando enfase no 's.

e.g.: Whose dress it that?

That is the elress af tfie made{ model's dress.

Apresente mais um exemplo no quadro e entao ande pela sala interagindo com os alunos
e seus objetos.

e.g.: - Professor aponta para o estojo do aluno e pergunta "whose pencil case is this?"

- Professor aponta para o celular do aluno e pergunta "whose cell phone is that?"

-fiii - Professor aponta para os livros de dois alunos e pergunta "whose books are those?"
(foque no plural, e nao no uso de dais nomes)

Ap6s, leia cada exemplo e fac;:a com que repitam depois de voce. Chame um aluno para
iii criar uma pergunta usando 'whose' e escolha outro aluno para responder, guiando-lhe para
qual pessoa usar (James, the tailor, my mother. .. ). Para os primeiros exemplos, foque na
rii regra geral. Depois disso, apresente as demais regras e foque na pratica.


Os alunos ja tiveram uma noc;:ao inicial do verbo haver durante o primeiro livro. 0 foco agora
sera apresentar a estrutura negativa e interrogativa, alem de suas formas no passado.
Como o verbo to Be foi apresentado logo no comec;:o do livro, o entendimento do verbo
'haver' em ingles sera mais facil.


Comece relembrando sua forma afirmativa no quadro, diferenciando singular e plural, e

adicione dois dos exemplos no quadro. Em seguida, pergunte qual ea forma negativa de
'is' e 'are' e, assim que for dito, adicione no quadro. Por ultimo, mostre que para fazermos
a interrogativa, apenas devemos inverter a posiyao da forma do 'to be' com o 'there'.

Is there a dog here? Are there books on the table?
There is a dog here. There are books on the table.
There isn't a dog here. There aren't books on the table.

Solicite alguns outros exemplos e entao passe para a leitura dos que estao no livro. Cheque
as respostas e caso precisar, reforce a pratica antes de passar para o Easy to Understand.
Durante a introduyao do passado (Unit 18), relembre rapidamente a mudarn,a de 'is' para
'was' e de 'are' para 'were'. Pec;:a a leitura dos ultimos exemplos ao tempo em que solicita i
mais alguns. Por ultimo, trabalhe o role-playing.


Visto que a unidade aborda de forma quase completa o pronome indefinido, sua pratica
devera ser dividida em tres partes, uma para cada grupo. Comece pela primeira coluna,
People. Adicione as tres formas no quadro, fac;:a a repetic;:ao com os alunos e sinalize ao
lado de cada uma em que tipo de frase e usada (afirmativa, negative, etc.). Agora, passe
para a introduyao.
e.g.: Suponhamos que eu tenha uma namorada. Mais ainda, suponhamos que a
melhor amiga da minha namorada nao gosta de mim e e bem fofoqueira. f
Dito isso, vou /hes contar. Ontem eu saf, fui no bar. Chovia muito, ma/ se enxergava
as pessoas la fora de tanta agua que escorria pe/as janelas. Como eu cheguei em
casa cansado, nao consegui responder direito as mensagens da minha namorada.
Pois bem, no dia seguinte, quando peguei o celular para checar as mensagens, vi que
minha namorada estava desconfiada, irritada e aparentemente com ciumes. Eu nao
entendi o motivo, eu havia dito que iria no bar. Foi enfao que a pr6xima mensagem
esclareceu tudo. A ta! amiga de/a ha via passado pelo bare me viu la dentro, porem, --

16 KI\J\J

par conta da chuva, eta nao reconheceu quern estava comigo. Ela disse apenas "Eu
vi alguem com o seu namorado no bar".

Moral da hist6ria? Se for sair, /eve sua namorada tambem.

Guys, brincadeiras a parte, quando queremos mencionar uma pessoa , porem

nao sabemos quern ela e, se e alta ou baixa, jovem ou velha, homem ou mulher,
precisamos usar um pronome indefinido. lndefinido, justamente porque nao sabemos
do que ou quern se trata. Para pessoas, temos Somebody, Anybody e Nobody.
Lembram do que a melhor amiga dela falou? Como seria isso em ingles?

I saw somebody with your boyfriend at the bar. (Escreva no Quadro)

Feito isso, aponte para o 'Somebody' previamente apresentado no quadro e confirme

seu uso em frases afirmativas. Solicite que alguem passe a frase para a negativa, ao
•I tempo em que aponta para o 'Anybody' no quadro. Assim que alguem lhe disser, a

escreva no quadro. Fa9a o mesmo com a interrogativa. Levando em conta que sua
aula foi preparada, pratique outros exemplos com os alunos pedindo-lhes que criem
frases, seguindo a pratica do TOP 5.
i Para a segunda e terceira coluna, trabalhe da mesma forma .


Comece pela leitura e repetiyao dos meses. Ap6s, mencione que para mencionarmos

- os meses, devemos utilizar 'in'. Leia os exemplos e faya uma breve pratica atraves da

- pergunte "When is your birthday?"

Em seguida, siga para a apresenta9ao dos numeros ordinais, mencionando que esses
numeros sao normalmente usados para falar de datas e posiy6es. Faya a leitura junta

I! dos alunos e, ao final, apresente no quadro a forma de abreviayao.

11 Para a pratica, utilize perguntas coma:

- When were you bom?
- When is Christmas celebrated?



Realize a pratica do Word Bank de modo a relembrar o uso do verbo to Be no presente.

Deixe alguns dos exemplos no quadro (am/is/are) e entao, mostre a mudan9a que ocorre
a cada uma das formas dos verbos.


I Bffl was a good soldier. She is was a skilled sailor. They ttre were anxious spies.

Em seguida, solicite um novo exemplo de outro aluno e apresente as mudanyas que

ocorrem na negativa e interrogativa. Relembre algumas expressoes no passado de modo
a incrementar as frases criadas e inicie uma pratica extra com o TOP 5. Por fim, peya
que virem a pagina e faya a leitura da tabela juntamente dos alunos. Cheque o primeiro
exemplo, e entao relembre o Present Continuous no quadro antes de apresentar o exemplo
com sua forma no passado. Passe para as respostas das perguntas, as quais deverao
ser checadas oralmente. Caso nao tenham respondido, de um minuto para que o fayam.


A apresentac;ao do genero se da mais como um extra e sua pratica e apresentac;ao devem

ser bem simples. Comece falando sobre as tres formas e relembre algumas palavras que
ja foram vistas masculino-feminino. Em seguida, tale sabre as palavras que sao neutras
ao tempo em que pratica alguns exemplos. Leia as demais palavras e trabalhe mudanyas
de frases com palavras masculinas para palavras femininas.

A apresentac;ao das preposi¢es ate entao foi feita de maneira natural, introduzida atraves
de exemplos. Logo, essa sera a primeira vez que o professor entrara em detalhes sobre
as tres principais preposi¢es do ingles.

Trabalhe cada coluna separadamente. Faya a leitura da primeira coluna juntamente dos
alunos e pratique com verbos e situa¢es diversas. Repita o mesmo com as demais
colunas e, por ultimo, cheque os exemplos.

18 KI\J\J


Uma vez que o conteudo aqui apresentado nao se trata de tempo verbal , a pratica e muito
mais simples. Como um extra sabre as plurais, relembre palavras ja vistas coma 'clothes' e
'news', e comente sabre essa categoria . Pratique alguns exemplos em estruturas diversas
e entao apresente o plural irregular.


Vista que alguns adverbios ja foram vistas no primeiro livro, o entendimento desse Grammar
Point sera muito mais facil. Antes de iniciar a leitura, relembre-os de forma breve (em forma
de exemplo) e entao apresente o 'How Often'. Usando um dos exemplos dados e o nova
Question Word, direcione uma nova pergunta a outro aluno.


Aluno 1: I always go to the beach on holidays.

Professor: How often do you go to the beach?

Ap6s explorar um pouco as respostas, cheque as exemplos atraves da leitura e repetiyao.

Por ultimo, leia as novas palavras da tabela e cheque seus exemplos, ao mesmo tempo
em que solicita outros e explora o TOP 5 de forma a gerar conversai;ao.


Antes mesmo de ler a introduyao e exemplos com as alunos, diga que nesta aula eles
aprenderao a comparar pessoas, coisas, e animais quando eles forem iguais (em ingles).
Escreva no quadro:

Math Difficult Physics
Entao pergunte aos alunos: 'Is math difficult?', e quando responderem que sim, faya o

D mesmo com 'physics'. E bem provavel que responderao sim outra vez. Depois disso,
diga que como ambas as materias sao dificeis, podemos compara-las da seguinte forma:

Math is as difficult as physics.

: .. .

Escreva no quadro:

Cats Dangerous Tiger

E pergunte a eles 'Are tigers dangerous?' ; ap6s a resposta, pergunte o mesmo sobre os I
gatos. Desta vez, dirao que nao. Entao escreva no quadro:

'Cats are not as dangerous as tigers.'

Feito isso, leia os exemplos com os alunos para que repitam e forne9a as tradu9oes
somente se extremamente necessario. De tempo para que respondam as perguntas dos
exemplos e corrija oralmente.

Em seguida, leiajunto dos alunos a lista de adjetivos e utilize-a para a pratica de exemplos.
Para facilitar, voce pode trazer material de apoio visual: figuras de personalidades, shows
de TV, bandas, artistas, filmes, entre outros, e baseado nas figuras os alunos podem usar
os adjetivos para criar frases comparativas. Use todas as estruturas possfveis aplicando
a metodologia KNN .


Antes de ler os exemplos com os alunos, diga que agora eles aprenderao a comparar
pessoas, coisas ou animais com caracterfsticas diferentes, e que havera duas formas
para tal. Adjetivos longos e curtos.

Long Adjectives

Escreva no quadro:

'Watching a movie 'reading a book


Reading a book' watching a movie'

E pergunte 'Which do you prefer: watching a movie or reading a book?'. De acordo com
o que responderem , complete o exemplo com a opyao mais escolhida. Para o outro,
introduza o less.

20 KI\J\J


Watching a movie is more than reading a book.


Reading a book is less than watching a movie.

Prepare um segundo exemplo neste mesmo estilo, porem levando em conta o gosto dos
alunos. Em seguida, leia a introduyao e os exemplos no livro para que eles repitam . De
a eles tempo para que respondam as perguntas e corrija oralmente. Trabalhe com a lista
de adjetivos longos para que eles criem mais exemplos.

Short Adjectives

Leia a introduyao com os alunos e fa9a com que repitam os exemplos. Mencione que
quando usamos adjetivos curtos [adjetivos que tern uma, ou duas silabas (terminando

-iii em y), sao considerados curtos] nao podemos usar 'more' or 'less' . Neste caso, o adjetivo
sofrera uma pequena alterayao.

Escreva no quadro:

Ferrari Ferrari




_. E entao pergunte 'Which one is fast/slow?', completando o exemplo no quadro de acordo
com as respostas, coma modelo abaixo.

A Ferrari is than a Fusca.


"!"fi Slower

than a Ferrari.
A Fusca is

KI\J\J 21

Leia as 'Spelling rules' e para cada regra pratique com os alunos solicitando novos
exemplos de comparativos. Use a lista de adjetivos curtos juntamente com apoio visual
para que eles criem sentenyas e trabalhe com todas as estruturas.


Antes de ler a introduyao e os exemplos, relembre os pronomes pessoais e disponha-os

na forma de lista no canto esquerdo do quadro, e entao solicite alguns verbos e coloque-
os no meio do quadro, tambem na forma de lista.


You Go
He Dance
She Play
It Sleep
We Work overtime
You Travel

Em seguida, mencione que ja viram o passado, o presente, e que agora - antes do inicio
do Book 3- aprenderao um pedacinho do futuro. Brinque que, dada a incerteza do futuro,
e facil falar sobre ele. S6 o que precisarao fazer e adicionar Will antes do verbo - adicione
no quadro.

You Dance
He Play
She Sleep
Work overtime

22 l(N\j

Pec;a que formem alguns exemplos utilizando o que ha no quadro e express6es futuras
(next year/week , tomorrow, in May, On Easter, etc ...). Ap6s uma breve pratica, mostre
a forma negativa e interrogativa do auxiliar do futuro. Por fim , cheque os exemplos e
respostas do Grammar Point e reforce a estruturac;ao atraves do TOP 5, ao tempo em
que explora a conversa e os pianos futuros dos alunos.


Um dos pilares mais importantes do ingles, o Listening e o que nos permite compreender
o idioma. Sua preparac;ao devera ser fortemente cobrada em casa , pois antes de falar,
devemos aprender a ouvir. Sua forma de trabalhar e a mesma em todas as unidades em
que se encontra. Cada frase devera ser Iida tres vezes, sendo a primeira de forma natural,
em alto e born som. A segunda em ritmo desacelerado, separando a frase em pequenos
fragmentos ea ultima falando a frase em ritmo desacelerado, porem sem fragmenta-la.

Exemplo: Were they drinking beer last night? > Were they/drinking beer/last night?


Para os exercfcios da Contents Revision, inicie sempre pelo Listening.



1. Don't you think he's tired today?

1. Where are you from? I'm from Brazil.
2. I am a clever firefighter and she is a 2. We are not dating those French boys.
3. Where did you put my make-up?
good journalist.
3. What is your marital status? 4. What time is the wedding ceremony?

4. Is your aunt divorced? 5. She has straight hair and a perfect

5. Don't you want to be rich? suntan.

6. What's the weather like in your city? 6. My father is bald and he has gray
7. I love to sleep on rainy days. beard.
8. Why aren't they happy? Because it's 7. Why is she calling you again? I don't

not snowy today. know.

8. What do you look like? I'm tall and thin.


1. I feel pain on my left arm. Do you 1. I am preparing pancakes and waffles

have any aspirin? for breakfast.
2. Did she break her leg playing 2. She never knows what to choose for
soccer? lunch.
3. That hunky boy hurt her feelings. 3. My baby brother is 3 years old, and
4. How much time do you need to get 7 yours? Mine is 4.

dressed for college? 4. Whose beverages are those? They're

5. Why did you take off your jacket? ours.
6. I had a terrible toothache last night. 5. Is she feeling sick today? Yes, sick and
7. What do you do when you have a sad.
cold? 6. Did ~ou need to get a shot yesterday?
8. Why is she changing her clothes 7. How may I help you? I have a runny
again? nose.
8. She doesn't sleep well because she
coughs a lot.

24 KI\J"
ID I O '.' S


1. How many shelves do you have in 1. Don 't you need the tailor's screwdriver
your living room? to dismantle the wardrobe?
2. The airplane landed at 4, but I only 2. Whose help did you ask? I asked the
checked in at the hotel at 7. teacher's help.
3. The flight attendant asked us to 3. What does your country produce in
fasten our seat belts. winter?
4. What is the purpose of your visit? 4. Nobody knows what he is researching.
5. Why did you place your car there? 5. Did you draw anything interesting for
It's dangerous. her party?
6. How much did you pay to fly to NY? 6. I was born on September 7th, 1984.
7. Is she buying a round-trip ticket? 7. They were fighting for peace.
8. They saw many cities after the 8. Was there an easy choice? I don't think
airplane took off. so.


1. Do you sometimes work overtime? 1. I didn't understand why the princess

2. My parents are planning to travel to despised the prince's love.
the beach this summer. 2. They found dimes and quarters on the
3. What happened after you arrived street yesterday.
home? 3. I was talking to the teller because I
4. There was a scarf between the belt want to open a savings account.
and the brochure. 4. Be careful when you exchange money
5. Do you know any notable citizen? in a different country.
6. Don't you think you need to 5. I often pay for my kicks in cash.
decorate your new house? 6. My sister fell off her bicycle last night.
7. After the war, there were rifles and 7. How often do those men stay in your
machine guns on the floor. penthouse?
8. The soldier was anxious to put up 8. Walking is as tiring as running, don't
his tent because it was raining a lot. you think?



Word Bank

A diligent police officer Hip waitress

A heroic firefighter A clever maid

llrn bcrn\Jc ., l\'l be ,r;1ro 11@ r roper 0p Jf, r -,p('" dn

i A cool postman A rude journalist

~ffi II •C\ , , \1 l, \Ml i 1 { UCJ e,
A fair judge Happy couple
i \lm \\)\ L, ·, u·)\\J

.•I Relentless cop

Q,.,1 ., ,~,;· ,0'\9\c, , ,: , l.

Marital status

..,I Cruel thief Divorced guy

.j Married men
Poor soul

1 r I' 1 • • /,/Y\Q I

Rich lady Young widower


-I Creative writer Grieving widow

L:K, ,\ -,c r , 1-J.\, I) \ !11'1v J d, "4':l


< - -_, -=-..t:
<, ' • '
- ., • i.t

Grammar point



lam I am not Am I?
You are You are not Are you?
He is He is not Is he?
She is She is not Is she?
It is It is not Is it?
Weare We are not Are we?
You are You are not Are you?
They are They are not Are they?

Are you a good journalist? Is your cousin at home?

Yes, I'm a good journalist. Yes, my cousin is at home.
No, I'm not a good journalist. No, he isn't at home.

Is your boyfriend rich? Are they fair judges?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

What is your profession? Why are you single?

Easy to Understand

How is the weather today? The weather is a mixture of chilly and foggy.
Is Canada always rainy? Not always. Sometimes it is windy too.

Which do you prefer: sunny days on the beach or snowy days in a cottage?
It's Time to Talk

Where's your father now? Where are your children?

He is at home with my sister.

Why isn't Diego here? Why aren't you hungry?

Because he's in his class now.

What time is the soccer match? What time is your class?

It's at 8 pm.

How's the weather today? How's the weather in France?

It's rainy and dark.

Listening Comprehension










Dear Triss,

I write you this letter because I am an English student and I need to

practice my writing .

My name is Yakov. I'm 20 years old and I live in Russia . I'm a waiter and I
work at a big Italian restaurant downtown. I work from Tuesday to Sunday,
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. My mother says I work a lot, but I need the money
because my dream is to travel to your country, the USA.
There are four people in my house. My mother, two younger sisters and
me. We live in a very small house. My father is a truck driver and he is
always busy on the road. We usually don't see him much. My mother
doesn't work. She is always home because she needs to cook, clean
and watch my little sisters. I wanted to give them a better life, but things
are difficult here in Russia.
I don't have a lot of free time, but I like to go out with my friends. They are
good people. They are brothers and work downtown too, but at the mall .

I have to finish this letter now. It's late here and I need to sleep because
I start early tomorrow.

How is your life in the USA? Do you have a lot of friends? A boyfriend,

Please, answer me soon .

Best regards,
Yakov Va/hall

Understanding the text

01. Where is Yakov from?

02. Who lives with him?

03. What time does he work?

04. Did he already travel to the USA?

05. Is his father a police officer?

06. Why does he have to sleep early?

Word Bank

Thin person A blond surfer

\jrr) Jl) I ~,-AC, 91 ih
Fair skin
'.:h,\\,,r , ' C,O'.\ n cr ,;,, , Jr { ,5:::> Pcv,_ rl I,

Well-built athlete Weird mustache

G\lch buD ci..:i\:1,ru,d.o 6,Qpd c, e,z\.-.o'oo

Straight hair Cheesy smlle
(0-_W-,, 'h './J S::, 1 ' <-, C C';, ,) 0
Curly locks Black beard
ful q, i'"\l:.Qi10

Long wavy hair Bald man

l~ 'ntcJn cm1,1io dn ~[f){,Y\ '.u( Cr .0 /

Brown eyes Perfect suntan

,rJl . ,,, ;r, •iiooboS h,o oUt,l/a \X'(C' ,\.;i

A brunette girl Tiny freckles

\li[l'\D,, up rn\o mo <wo Pe,..,\ .,s_:oo.:, ;p,rdo,

A redhead actress Deep wrinkles

\J rr9, 0\1 ,r f ,ovCJ e,io,p 9n r,wrio, )

A blonde wig Healed scar

TOP 5 To Date
New Verbs

To think - thought _ _ _ _ __
What do you think of me?

To comb - combed _ _ _ _ __
How many times does she comb her hair every night?

To date - dated _ _ _ _ _ __
Who did your sister date during high school?

Easy to Understand

se parece
What does Steven look llke?
He's handsome! He is tall and well-built and he has straight black hair.

What do you look like?

What does that actress look like?

She's curvy. She has a beautiful face, full Ups and long hair. She is a

Lots of models are skinny. Mark has charming looks.

Amanda is a petite girl. Joel Is a hunky guy. He's athletic!

IO IO M /\ '>


Role Playing


You and your two friends are at a store and all of a sudden you see a person
stealing something. You immediately tell the manager what happened
and he calls the police.

When the police arrive, the cops start asking questions about the suspect
to you and your friends. One of the police officers draws a picture based
on the physical description you and your friends provide them. Your job is
to give as many details as you can remember!

Congratulations on being a great citizen .

Now, it's all about make-believe!



Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Aga: _ _ _ __ _ __ __ Profea1lon: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __



( )Tall ( ) Short ( ) Average height


( )Male () Female


( ) Muscular ( ) Petite ( ) Curvy ( ) Athletic

( )Slim () Fat () Sinewy ( )Scrawny

Partlcular Features / Traces:

Eyes color: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Approximate age: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Hair (Type/Color/Length): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Particular features (Scars/Accessories/Tattoos): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Clothing description: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Occurrence time: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ) AM ( ) PM

Stolen Items:

06 Facts about Times Square!

01. The 1929 stock market crash took its toll on the area, with many
businesses moving out of the area to be replaced with seedier forms
of entertainment, including pornographic "peep shows".

02. New York City began a slow but steady push to clean up Times
Square in the 1990s led by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani - the process was
referred to as the 'Disneyfication'.
03. On New Year's Eve, close to a million people congregate to celebrate

! the 'Dropping of the Ball'. The ball was replaced by an energy efficient
ball in 2008.

! 04. The location has been used in numerous films, including Vanilla
Sky when ii is depicted as eerily quiet, and a post-apocalyptic version
in I Am Legend.

05. Famous for its electric, neon and illuminated signs including Coca-
Cola, Toshiba and the curved NASDAQ sign.

06. In February, 2011, Times Square became smoke free .

Source: telegraph.co.uk
Word Bank

Strong deodorant A shaving cream

O.. ,:t:nlo<oa\ c , ric\f, \)m t/(!l)f , d, bod x:11 C

Parisian lotion F~tparty
\:~,:,\0 \l • c, ,\. ,o"lo.i·
Heavy make-up Birth certificate

l-\1i1)(''' "\1 m 9u1t oo f\u\ ,cfo o ck oa ' D mu \o

Red lipstick Birthday song

fu\ <1<f\ ,1, S ITT\SD \(,f' &l•f> ,l,- (11

White towels Wedding Invitation

"'\% \X:,iJ 'i JV~ DI O:;;, e..ocw1\, de rn~ wr111

Professional hair dryer "'"
Wild celebration

Clean toothbrush Graduation ceremony

C.u,rnoa,o \Ir qmL1:10,1

Mint toothpaste Loud guest

Vu s) , \l, d e"\~ ,1£ IQ\~ 11,1, •f\v,d,,o,d.o to ,11lhPnh

ii A dental floss
Urn ~, o cl ro\o, I
The conditioner
Lousy host

~t' {N\\Q y!\ r ,\ j 1

Nice hostess

rood '< , ooQdDC \:flu QDf,) f ,c:-,

Grammar Point

Verb to Be + Action Verb + 'Ing'

Is she celebrating her graduation? Is Ashley calling the host?

Yes, she's celebrating it. Yes, she's calling the host.
No, she's not celebrating it. No, she isn't calling him.

Aren't you going to the ceremony? Isn't your sister wearing make-up?
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
No,__________ No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Why is he coming to my graduation? What are you doing with my towel?

Easy to Understand

Alice, wake up! It's almost 7, you need to get dressed for school.

Don't forget you have to dress up for the wedding tonight.

My sister is taking off her dothes and putting on her bikini to go to the beach.

Where's Peter? He's changing his clothes to go to work.


To change _ _ __
To call_--'-"----
To get dressed _ _, To steal _ _ _ __
To dress up - - ' - - To draw_._.______
To look like , ·, To take off_-_ __ To provide_,_ __

To celebrate _ __ To arrive _ _ __
To put on----"--


Is your brother tall? Are your sisters brunette?

Yes, my brother is tall. Yes, my sisters are brunette.
No, my brother isn't tall. No, they aren't brunette.

Who is that handsome guy? When are your English classes?


Are you thinking of me? Isn't she combing her hair?

Yes, I'm thinking of you. Yes, she's combing her hair.
No, I'm not thinking of you. No, she isn't combing it.

Who is she dating with? Are you getting dressed for school?

What are we celebrating today? Why are you putting on your tie?

L~ r'
• ,;.-Tt -.

. .. ,(._: :,, .

I •
Asking Questions

01. What does her boyfriend look like?

ll 02. What time do you need to call the bank?

~- Is your aunt dating a bald man?

ci 04. How much time did you need to get dressed yesterday?

When do you have to dress up?

06. Did she change her hair again?

07. Why are they taking off their jackets?

08. Why did you call me?

~09. Doesn't she look like your mother?

10. What did he think about my charming looks?

--• 11. Where did you celebrate your birthday?

ii 12. How's the weather in your city?

13. What kind of weather do you prefer?

14. What is your best friend doing now?

@ what do you like to do on a rainy day?

Word Bank

Right arm A strong headache

Left leg A stomachache

f ' "" " -.' f - ,-;;.

- Dry mouth Migraine crisis

iii ')
. ( ·c ')-; ~t J,, 0 It,

Friendly band Terrible toothache

I rf ?·- ;-,
Iii Several fingers I got a cold

Abdominal pain A bit Ill

Strong feelings
f< · rf" ( , :, , ·,1• •· 1
A cough syrup
-.. ,

Light weight A mouthwash

:, ; ) o,J' \ Tf ;,r:! ,6 l ..I t ,< " : ( I l • ,

Stuffy nose Fever symptoms

r -, • , . ·, r ,(, .1 ,,
Dirty feet My sore throat hurts

New Verbs

To feel - felt fa
( _ __
Are you feeling any pain on your leg?

To cough - coughed ::lia ·,:i, c

I usually cough a lot when I have a flu . And you?

To hurt- hurt \J.o,c)'\qrnr

Do your feet hurt after you walk to work?

To break - broke (~ ,rh o[

How did you break your finger?

Easy to Understand

What time did you take that aspirin?

Did you remember to bring the eye drops?

I always use a nasal decongestant when I have a stuffy nose.

I am calling my mother because she is at the drugstore and I need lozenge.

Listening Comprehension

01. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
02. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
03. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
04. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
06. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
07. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
08. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
F:1!i l.

[ t]

Chat Room
At Brenda's House

Matt: Hi Brenda. How are you feeling?

Brenda: I'm not feeling well Matt. I'm sick.

n Matt: Really? Are you in pain?
Brenda: Yes, I have a strong headache and my eyes hurt.
Matt: Wow! Are you feeling anything else?
Brenda: I also have a runny nose and I sneeze a lot.
Matt: That's it! I'm taking you to the doctor right now!

Some Time Later at the Doctor's Office

Brenda: Good afternoon Dr. Stone!

Doctor: Good afternoon Brenda! How may I help you?
Brenda: Well, the thing is: I feel sick. My nose is running and I'm sneezing
a lot. Also, I have a strong headache and a pain all over my body.
Doctor: I see. You have influenza Brenda. Let's take your temperature
to check if you have a fever.
Brenda: Do I need to get a shot?
Doctor: I don't think so. You just need some painkillers, to drink lots of
liquids and to rest a lot.
Brenda: Alright. I can do that!
Doctor: Here's your prescription for the medicine. Have a nice day!
Brenda: Thank you, Doctor! You too!

Understanding the dialogue

01. What are Brenda symptoms?

02. What does she have?

03. Does she need to get a shot?

04. Where did Matt take Brenda?

Role Playing


You are at the doctor's office for a check-up. Make sure you fill out the form with
all the information required and is ready to answer all of the doctor's questions.

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Age: _ _ _ Date of Birth: _ _ _ Place of Birth: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ Zip code: _ _ _ __ __
Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female Telephone: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Profession: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Marital Status: _ _ _ _ _ Children: ( ) Yes ( ) No How many: _ _ __


i Helght: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Welght: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

- Blood Type: Blood Pressure: ( ) High ( ) Low ( ) Normal


( )Yes ( ) No
i Do you have anxiety attacks?
- Do you suffer from insomnia?
Are you afraid of anything?
( )Yes
( )Yes
( ) No
( ) No
Do you feel lonely? ( )Yes ( ) No
Are you a sensitive person? ( )Yes ( ) No

• Check what may be bothering you:

( ) Worries about money / debts ( ) Lost a beloved one recently
( ) Lost a job / Promotion ( ) Went through a break up recently

- Word Bank
Ill Hot sausage
/ ( \ 1\ 1l ) r \} / ') I t• l :\c
A glass of champagne
' f {' Q \,;, u di"" r\( , l / f .[ f-


Chocolate cornflakes A trendy cocktail

\ l() r, 6-:, d r n 11 Y\ ,o ,\o_ , 1 , . ,) \\:o C,,· 1v \r J' I ,J
I I• \,

Sweet pancakes Tiny farmer's market

ii I
Honey and waffles
VR,e11{Ii 1• r
Fresh vegetables
J ,•.1 (v

ii l':\r.l,
Plum yogurt
Cr \1)0 H' \,;? ~ ,..}.f,\.s)JJ
Cold beverages
\ l 'c.)

)Q Q Ill' Q~ c, fM,, H
\l-..., '
Hot dog bun Alcohol levels

Qw Of \"!1:,\:DS\Q C} l/\' Mr

Pepperoni pizza
?)110 ds, "p 1Q\)l c ' ,1, .
Alcoholic drinks


I Spaghetti sauce Mustard seed

\J,,o ~ho ~r P :), J,10 1,P ',i..g,
. t :.tmw\r de rrn"'l~q 1do
ii Tasty meatballs Ketchup tube
11\ms,cdr,cip.2 ·1, ,)J011r w 1)u dR 'he\ e,\·w~
i x. ~'"" t
- Shrimp dish Homemade mayonnaise

Eggplant recipe Mashed potatoes

~u r,\ Q ,\, D> 1,,\\~.101 Fi11 r, rl, IN \µ\9
TOP 5: To Prepare

New Verbs

To prepare - prepared _ _ _ _ _ __
•- Why don't we go to your house and prepare some drinks?

-• To choose - chose _ _ _ _ _ __
What did you choose to have for dinner tonight?

To spill - spilled _ _ _ _ _ __
Who spilled mustard on the floor?

Grammar Whose drink is this?

-- This is my drink.
rll This drink is mine
Possessive pronouns are used to show that something belongs to
somebody. They replace the possessive adjective and the object or

person in a sentence.
Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

My Mine
Your Yours
His His
Her Hers
Its Its
Our Ours
Your Yours
Their Theirs

Did you see my book?

I didn't see ·your book, but mine is on the sofa.

Is this bag hers? Where is his car?

Yes, it is her bag. I don't know, but ours is here.


It's Time to Talk

- Who did you bring?

I brought my wife.

Where is his graduation?

Who1is coming tonight?

Where is your boyfriend studying?

It's In the USA.

When is your son's birth? When did you prepare meatballs?
My son's birth is next week.

Why didn't you come?

Because I had no invitation.

Why don't you like rainy days?

How old are you? How old is your baby brother?

ril I am twenty-six .

What time is Joanne's party? What time is the ~ s~get-together?

Her party is at 9 pm.
Grammar Point

• To form the plural we usually add 's'.

There are big houses and apartments in this /neighborhood.

• With certain words we change 'f' to 'ves':

I needed to change the shelves of my !i._ving room:

.. More examples: Shelf - shelves / Wo~ - wolves / '=._eaf - leaves

. • Just like in the 3rd person, for words ending in 'o, s, sh, ch, x, z', we add 'es':

My mom is preparing a special salad with potatoes.

More examples: Church - churches/ Class - classes / f ox - foxes/ Slash - Slashes

• And in other cases, we remove 'y' and add 'ies':

M_y fa'!}ily is always present in my memories.

More examples: Baby - ba~e~ / £ity - citj_es / Lady - l~dl1ts 11:)y - flies

Listening Comprehension

01. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
02. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
03. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
04. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
06. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
07. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
08. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Chat Room

George and William are friends and they study in the same college in
Colorado, USA. They are on spring break and George is going to meet
his friend William in Mexico.

At the Airport

Clerk: Good morning sir! Ticket please?

George: Here it is.

Clerk: Do you have any luggage or a hand bag? '
George: Yes, May I place them on the scales?
Clerk: Yes, thank you. Here's your boarding pass. Your gate number is
,:aiii 4 and boarding starts at 01 :30 pm. Have a wonderful flight!

Inside the Plane
Flight attendant: Good afternoon sir! May I offer you something to eat?
George: Sure. What are the options?
Flight attendant: We have meat and fish . Which do you prefer?
George: Fish, please. .•
Flight attendant: What can I get you for a drink?
George: Just a soda, please. Thank you very much!
I .• - J ,J , . • .J

Going Through Customs

Customs officer: Good morning. May I see your passport?

George: Here you are.
Customs officer: What is the purpose of your visit?
George: I'm here on vacation.
Customs officer: How long do you Intend to stay in the country?
George: Thirty days.
Customs officer: Do you have a round-trip ticket and a place to stay?
George: Sure. Here's my ticket and my hotel reservation.
Customs officer: Alright. Welcome to Mexico!

New Verbs

To land ~l!~ed ' Y 01·*11 ,' /2' · 1·11 /b,J( ~Cl f
What time did the airplane land in Chicago?

To take off - took off (), , 0 / 0 c

Did you see the plane taking off?

To fly- flew _ _ _ _ __
Where are you flying _!Q?

To check In / out - checked In /out _ _ _ _ __

Do you know when our check out is?

Easy to Understand

My uncle likes to take a carry-on baggage with him when he travel§..

I'm sorry, but my baby really doesn't like lengthy flights.
":I -.>rf-''\, t,<•"'

Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seat and fasten your seat belts.

I only bought a one-way ticket because I didn't have much money.


f! To feel ) e,o\ c To prepare Q,,, f , To land 0JJ::_,., r

: · i \ ,c To take off _I:..:•('-';..:..(_ _

To choose
To place_ _ _ __ To fly--'....,_,.._ __
: .
Toboard fa:\::,11 ·,,r To check in .,,-.\,., ,ht ,
Q~{( Ct cPO I To intend ~,, • rr ,I; ,c To check out , l u 1


Did you see the wolves there? How many churches did you visit?

a! Why didn't you buy two drinks? Did you go to a lot of cities?


Mine - Yours - His - Hers - Ours - Theirs

We bought a house five years ago. Now, the house is officially _ __

Mom gave me her silver necklace last night. Now, it is _ _ _ _ __
I believe this phone is _ _ _ _ _ . You forgot it on that wooden table .
Tom has a car and Ana has a bike. The car's __ and the bike's _ _ .
That house belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Everyone knows it is _ _ .
Asking Questions

01. Do you like to drink alcoholic drinks?

02. What time does the flight to England take off?

03. When does a bird learn how to fly?

04. Did you have to pay everything during the check out?

05. Is she preparing spaghetti and meatballs for lunch?

06. Did she buy these vegetables at the farmer's market?

07. Why didn't you go to Mary's graduation?

ii 08. Who did you choose to go to the ceremony with you?

09. Do you take lozenge when you have a sore throat?

10. Don't you use mouthwash after you brush your teeth?

11. What does your mother prepare every weekend?

12. What do you intend to do with your life?

13. How many times did you hurt your body?

14. Do you sometimes spill sauce on the table?

15. Why did you place the books on that shelf?

16. What did you choose to watch last night?

17. What is your opinion about the public health system in

our country? Why?

18. Is private health care cheap or expensive in your city?


The Empire State Bulding

The Empire State Building is a 102-story landmark skyscraper and

American cultural icon in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue
and West 34th Street. It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), and
with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 ft (443.2 m) high.
Its name is derived from the nickname for New York, the Empire State.
It stood as the wor1d's tallest building for 40 years, from its completion in
1931 until the construction of the Wor1d Trade Center's North Tower was
completed in 1972. Following the destruction of the Wor1d Trade Center in
iii 2001 , the Empire State Building reclaimed the position of tallest building
in New York (although it was no longer the tallest in the wor1d). Now, as
the new One Wor1d Trade Center is completed, The Empire State Building
has been once again demoted to second tallest building in New York.


Popular: In 2011 , Cornell researchers analyzed millions of Flickr photos

and concluded that the Empire State Building is the most photographed
building in the wor1d.
Wave to the Neighbors: On a clear day you can see five states from
our Observatories: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut
and Massachusetts.
Speedy Delivery: The Empire State Building was built in a lightning
fast 11 months.
Rock Star: The Empire State Building is made up of 200,000 cubic feet
of Indiana Limestone.
A City In Itself: The Empire State Building is home to so many businesses
that it has its own zip code: 10118.
Source: httpi lwww.esbnyc.com/
Word Bank

Product review D~ily schedule

Qc \/1,xio do VIG ct,,v\ o Qcoo1Q,m,o, ¥{o cl. a' 1

,:,., I /
Job advertisement Hardworking intern

0,.. ~ou a de c(Y)p e °tJ? f =>\o..o,CNf

,a cL L,or,.\e,
Online business A vocation for

~k o,;'rJ
I Q DaL, oe I \)rm ,10 ° 0 sin poi o . .,
Organized resume Financial independence
, , I
· , 111, c,1 o acop.o,w.c41 -\ode 0'DC l"e0\10,, ~,co:ncr q0-..,

- Responsible employee

Demanding boss
First salary

Q, ,[I)(' II ') S,)J,;,'., I'.)

The minimum wage

Ch ve t "' Qf o\ e,
\ 1 :=o
011:) m,omo

Good cliiricter Suitable candidate

h:>rn ,o..,o'. ,\<,< Qo.f\d,11~11 \ o a.de 10,d..:J

Busy office Staff's weakness

Lsr,(\\,{c ,o o,,1pa.dt0 ~ryQuc

i '1,0,, 5
Q&>, ro~ i-pc
• X l 10 1 t>
Unemployment insurance Annual raise

Aumeo\J Gia 10,l

t .
To apply for ' . , >') ~ J\JJ

Did you apply for that teacher position?

r 1 ,l,w_,
To hire ' , , ~, , ' ,s
Who hired that rude person?

To fire ~'..,~
,. c~,-~-
Does your boss fire people every year?

To fix 1 - ( , •;>c
Why is the intern fixing the coffee maker?

Grammar Points

Whose car is black? Who did you hire?

Peter's car is black. I hired Mary's son.

The children's aunt is here.

The candidates' resumes are on the table.
I am going to Jane's. (Jane's house)

She spilled sauce on the kitchen floor.

Whose schedules are those? (Anna)

:::f'as •-1"' c,,,r, Cinn•,':'.> ',cX\(_,1,) /

Whose recipes are these? (My Dad)

1\: , ,,e_, , \~ o ,,) ,\, .r\ ' ') \ (' " '",
1 1

During job interviews , hiring managers will often ask about your
weaknesses , in addition to your strengths, as a way to determine whether
you are qualified for the job.

Besides learning about what you can do, the interviewer wants to know
about what you can't do, or what you'll have difficulty with on the job.
How you respond will also help the interviewer understand how well you
know yourself, as well as whether you would be a good fit for the role.

Here are 10 tips for your job interview:

01. Research the industry and company.

02. Clarify your "selling points" and the reasons you want the job.
03. Anticipate the interviewer's concerns and reservations.
04. Prepare for common interview questions.
05. Line up your questions for the interviewer.
06. Score a success in the first five minutes.
07. Make the most of the "Tell me about yourself' question .
08. Speak the right body language.
09. Be ready for "behavior-based" interviews".
10. Don't give up!
People are different. They may evolve, adjust, but nobody will ever be
perfect. We are what we are. That said, check the words below and decide
I whether you consider them to be a quality, a flaw or both.
_j! I
) Disciplined ) Egocentric ) Negative
) Sensitive ) Honest ) Trustworthy
) Patient ) Competitive ( ) Disorganized
) Critical ( ) Respectful ( ) Versatility
) Determined ( ) Lazy ) Creativity
) Perfectionist ( ) Enthusiasm ) Dedication
) Introvert ) Limited ) Introspective

• UNIT 14

Role Playing


It· s time to look for a new job because you need to help your family with
the house expenses. You have an interview with the manager of a big
company in town. You need to be well-dressed and outspoken to cause
a good first impression . · ·: ·

Your friend decides what kind of company it is and the job position open
for the interview.

Answer all the questions and make sure you have what it takes to get
the job!


- 01. How did you know about this job offer?

i . 02. Why did you leave your last job?
- 03. What is important to you in a company?
• 04. Do you prefer to work in groups or alone?
f 05. Why do you want to work for us?
06. What courses did you take?
r 07. List three positive things and three negative ones about you.
• Jl.8, Do you have a driver's license? Are you available to travel?
. 09. Do you have kids? How many?
10. Did you live abroad? Where? Do you want to live abroad?
•11- How many languages do you speak?
· 12. What is your marital status?
13. How much do you want to earn?
· 14. What are other interests that you have?
15. Are you interested in studying more if necessary?

Grammar Point


, r I :.)

Is there a party at Gina's? Are there people at the beach?
Yes, there is a party there. Yes, there are many people there.

•-- No, there isn't a party there. No, there aren't people there.

Is there a show tonight? Are there precious stones here?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

What is there to see in Malta? Why are there clouds in the sky?

Easy to Understand
\Nt,(fv J \ \Cf l ... ~{,)

There are harsh winters in my country, but that's still my favorite season.

3 What kind of fruit does Brazil produce in summer? It produces many

tropical fruits.
There is a big garden on my farm and it gets really beautiful during spring.

Isn't there a lot of rain during fall in Australia?

I .·.... I


Word Bank

Complete library Chemistry textbook

f '.. I . -, "c,1 e i10rO .\ " i ' I; ' , J, ' 11 '1 . ,J -

Inexpensive bookstore Physics lab
I J\Jj )\ , , 0,1 I t 1, , .,

Fun slide Geometry problem

I c
I ' '

Tree swing Risky ex~rlment

,, . l .x ().',< ,m:c\ •2 v,1·e1J ·
Playground seesaw Precious stones collection

Checkered bow tie Fine fabric

,-/F, 1 , t·, 't n rI-0 ' I
·', , J. , 12 y·n
Flowered trunks Animal print

Cotton tablecloth Chinese silk

l r1,.,.•-\--._y d· cc,:.. :., , 1 • 1. 1 1 1fJ' LJ"" 1

o., .;r
Lace wedding gown Satin dress

: ..
lltl M,ti

~ I

To research - researched \'•·,11,,,

What are you researching in this library?

7 (' .\
To pawn - pawned \•o\ ,'.)rr>C
What collection did you pawn at the pawn shop?

To draw - dr~:1 - - - - - -
What kind of clothes do you draw at work?

--.A Grammar Points

Indefinite pronouns refer to an unknown or undetermined person , place

or thing . They replace nouns without specifying which nouns they replace
and are always singular words.

Anything ™
Somebody Something
3 Nobody Nothing Nowhere

I saw somebody there. Somebody wants. to talk to you.
I didn't see anybody there. They bought some flowers.
Did you see anybody there? I saw nobody there.

• Anybody, Somebody and Nobody are the same as Anyone,
Someone and No one.
• We can't use two negative indications in the same sentence:

I didn 't go anywhere this weekend. (Right)

I went nowhere this weekend. (Right)
I didn't go nowhere this weekend. (Wrong)
tJ- UNIT 16


Chat Room
George and William are at a hotel in Mexico on spring break. They went to
Mexico two weeks ago.
At the hotel lobby
WIiiiam: Hey George. Are your ready to have breakfast?
George: I don't know dude! I don't feel well this morning.
WIiiiam: What happened?
George: I kind of ate a bit too much at the restaurant yesterday and Mexican
food is quite heavy.
f Wllllam: Yes, it's so spicy! Do you recall what you ate?
George: I remember I ate two Burritos, one Enchilada, Flauta, Lechuga with
Guacamole and four Churros for dessert. Just that.
Wllllam: Only that?! And did you drink anything?
r George: I don't remember very well, but I guess I drank five or six Margaritas
and three shots of Tequila after I had dinner.
r WIiiiam: I don't believe it! I'm impressed! I think you need to go to the hospital.
George: No, there's no need! I feel better now. For real!
WIiiiam: Are you sure?
George: Yes, I am. Let's have breakfast now.
WIiiiam: Alright then. But just in case, I have antacid in my room.
George: Thanks a lot!
At the restaurant
Waitress: Good morning sir! What can I get you for breakfast?
WIiiiam: Good morning. I want a latte and a toast with honey and butter, please!
George: And I want one Taco with Chorizo and to drink bring me Kahlua!
William: Are you out of your mind? You are not having all that for breakfast.
George: Okay ...Please, bring me the same as he is having.
Understanding the Dialogue

01. Why isn 't George feeling well?

02. Why is William impressed?

03. Do you sometimes need to take an antacid?

Easy to Understand

January April July October

February May August November
March June September December

My birthday is in July.
He moved to Jap~n in September.


1s1 first 10th tenth 19th nineteenth

2nd second 11 th eleventh 20th twentieth
3n1 third 12th twelfth 21•1 twenty-first
4111 fourth 13th thirteenth 22nd twenty-second
5111 fifth 14th fourteenth 23rd twenty-third
5111 sixth 15th fifteenth 24 th
7111 seventh 16 th
sixteenth 30 th
5111 eighth 17111 seventeenth 90 th ninetieth
9111 ninth 18th eighteenth 100th one hundredth

I live on the third floor. We graduated on April, 3rd , 1990.

He finished in second place. Today is Sept, 7th , 2001.
-,· UNIT 17
·. '

Word Bank

High-ranked soldier Spy submarine

to~do do <i,, oi \i i p,,\rnb Subrno1 , no O -,p,0:2
Experienced sailor Military chopper
Bu\\f\)'1' 110 '>-\f• ,,n\R \-\ r•, c,1,2k, o 11 ' " , L.. c
• 'I"
Skilled pllot To put up a tent
V, !o\s::, ro'D,i,rl D:D Po o\o I ,1AA/ to I\ 1 r Q
C) ';>..

Fair fight To serve the nation

l q\u , }1::i\ sv
To wage war Aggressive marMkn,er
h..W 1) p ~, \ \ () .
..,. L ......
Everlasting peace Anxious people

%1 u-,e r, <:::Ox 0e :':> ) OiAS 0,£)?1O ?,l;,

Automatic machine gun Ambitious Intern

\'Jie.\jc.,h,c>11om Q,~mn :1, Ab •

Assault rifle Temporary decision

Q,~h dr u 'J)vt.\o Ou -,o.~"' tc o mn, ,\1

1 1

White gun Hard choice

~ 11))1 \y;:t,<\p focdbo,. ck~:r,I

- .
Luxury boat Easy task

'0, lyy(N ~¼ L
Grammar Point



I was I wasn't Was I?

You were You weren't Were you?
He was He wasn't Was he?
She was She wasn't Was she?
It was It wasn't Was it?
We were We weren't Were we?
You were You weren't Were you?
They were They weren't Were they?

Was he a skilled soldier? Were they waging a civil war?

Yes, he was a skilled soldier. Yes, they were waging a civil war.
No, he wasn't a skilled soldier. No, they weren't waging a civil war.

Were they in the submarine? Was that chopper helping us?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Where were you last Saturday? Was that pilot fighting at the bar?

Easy to Understand

Men at the age of 18 have to enlist to serve in the arm~d forces.

Did you know that my younger son enlisted in the Anny?
That sailor's dream was to be a doctor in the Navy.
Sam~~, is a skilled pilot. He joined the Air Force at the age of 20.
Her grandfather always had the ambition of serving in the Marine Corps.

ffi! Revision


/ where / Where / where

!m Some - thing Any - thing No - thing
'--.. body '---.. body '---.. body

Did it produce anything this season? Nobody served in the Army last year.

He had nowhere to research a cure. Do you want something to eat?


To draw S>,1'. ,':l~_..f;\\ \\J_< To fix "QS\::i,,c \o,., To produce 2rnd11fA(

?:: To enlist s•\h .::i\ ct ( To fire \,)gffi\,s To apply for \\it~
W,& W°'-'
To wage _ _ _ __
To hire o \ w' ,\I, To pawn 9? 0tP1\U


Where are Susan's keys? Are these the girls' dresses?

Did you meet the children's father? Whose round-trip ticket is that?

I IJ I (J r;1 A'-,
Grammar Point


Was there a taxi in the driveway? Were there kids in the playground?
Yes, there was a taxi in the driveway. Yes, there were some kids there.
No, there wasn't a taxi there. No, there weren't any kids there.

Wasn't there a car in the garage? Were the kids drawing animals?
Yes,__________ Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
No,__________ No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Situation 1
You are a tourist guide and you are showing the city to the tourists.
Make a detailed description about the city using 'there to be'.

Situation 2
You work as a real estate agent and you are showing a house to a family
who wants to buy it. Describe the t,ouse and where it is located using

-ii 'there to be' and try to convince them that the house is great.



8OOK 02
I [J I {J f.1 fl ',
Chat Room

Jane and Andrew are at their friend's birthday party. There is loud music and
lots of beverages and people seem to be having a good time. They are
talking about Jane's new job. -<J vv I w:.,rc 0 • 1

Andrew: Congrats Jane! We are truly happy because you got this new job!
Jane: Thank you! I'm excited about that too. But I almost didn't get it.
Andrew: Why? What happened?
Jane: I suffer from anxiety and on that day I got nervous. The guy who
interviewed me was tall, handsome and he had an aggressive tone of voice.
He made me questions and I totally forgot what to say.
Andrew: Oh I see. So that's why you got the job, right? Because you told
him he was handsome.
Jane: Don't even start! I got the job because I've studied Gemology for
years and I'm good at it. You know that!
Andrew: Yes, I do. I'm just joking. I know you master the subject!
Jane: Thanks for the kind words. I am fascinated by precious stones.
Andrew: Cool. And when do you start? Next week?
Jane: I started two days ago, last Tuesday.
Andrew: Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?
Jane: I didn't tell anybody. I got super busy and forgot to mention it.
Andrew: What else does a person need to be a good professional in
your area?
Jane: Well, you must be fo'~used, independent and practical. Also you need
to have an eye for business. What about your job? How's it going?
Andrew: It's cool. I have been working there for a year now. I like it a lot.
I just hate the fact that sometimes I need to work overtime.
Jane: I'll bet! ('~ 1 e,; \, v:
J -

, •, \ , , \J_ ,, r v ,>i I ',t.

Understanding the Dialogue

01. What does Jane suffer from?

02. In your opinion, what did possibly make her forget what to say?

03. What is Gemology?

:!!, 04. When did she start working?

Tffli 05. What qualities does a good professional need to have in that area?

Easy to Understand

My husband brought me a ruby and a diamond from Egypt.
Someone found a black pearl in the sand yesterday.
Some of my favorite precious stones are the emerald and the sapphire.

Asking Questions

01. When were you born?

02. When was the last time you bought clothes for yourself? lv nu(., ~

-m 03. What was your favorite season of the year when you were little?

04. What do you like to do on Sundays?
:,'Tl 05. Is there anyone wearing jeans in the classroom?
06. Do you know how to play board games? Which ones?
07. What do you like about your job? Why?

. ..
08. What do you like about your house? Why?
r-m 09. Where were you last Saturday night?
10. How was the weather last week?
11. What was there on TV last night?




Manhattan Island

Manhattan is an important commercial, financial, and cultural center of


both the United States and the world. Most major radio, television, and
telecommunications companies in the United States are based there, as well
as many news, magazine, book, and other media publishers. Manhattan has

many famous landmarks, tourist attractions, museums, and universities. It also
has the headquarters of the United Nations .
Here are some facts about the borough:
• •Aman once drunkenly stole a plane and landed it in the middle of Manhattan in
front of the bar he had been drinking at. Two years later he did it again because
someone doubted he had done it the first time.
• Hot dog vendors must pay almost $300,000 to the city a year to operate a
. single cart in Central Park.
•• • Occurring twice a year, Manhattanhenge is the name of a magical moment when
the setting sun aligns perfectly with the east and west streets of Main Street.
I • 72% of borough residents use the public transport to get to work .

• Some of the famous movies that were filmed in the borough include The Wolf
of Wall Street, Night at the Museum, The Godfather, Sex and the City, Men in
Black and Spyder Man.
• There's a 29-storey building on the east side of Church Street that has no windows.
• Native Americans sold the area of Manhattan for beads and trinkets worth
$16 in the early 1600s. If they invested the amount from then to present day,
the value would be sufficient for them to buy back Manhattan and also stash
up $222 trillion.
• China has a deserted $50 billion replica of Manhattan.
• If the entire world had a population density as that of Manhattan, it would fit
into a single country.
Sources: luxurylaunches.com I kickassfacts.com

Word Bank

Broken mirror Long highway

E0pJ I£)
1 \l~ g hHlU2 £..:iborto., lioo°'P"
(., \'
Leather belt Delivery package

1,ob clc , OJ(Q Pcuob I c\e, (' o\ 1t'.°f'1


Silk scarf Abstract painting

r ,1d-Y ,· o I d{, ::r dw p, Otvl11

'U-0.' h.<.,( \ ' \
Fancy handkerchief N~table citizen
'1· - ,-.1_..,_ I / J
Ltor,,,a c,})1 ~it, UQ,.QM.YJ..,.I 00 1 Ov Y 1
Cozy blanket Great reflexes

\r,hv \.or c,, eooc:bc9r o1:t, (:)b moo r1qJ,. ,xa:,

Clean sheets Fantastic world
6ZO ~O\ J Q,Jnpo5
t1'J rd,,D fO.o\::Q j ti C.Q

,..J \ \ 1,,J t\\ r

Tourism brochure Moldy basement

FofJ,cJo ,J e, } vr,s (();J 9o, o~a mo FO.:i;i

Campfire stories Small camping site

It:,\~ oc, :S ck \420\/9CQ1 PvDLfOO foc.o. L rl i> OrnD),)Q (Ji~ ) \o

, e, , 0
Active volcano Scary earthquake

0,,t))f Q Tucci) oo o~wk@r

\) • (>., . e.,(1
..,'I--, I
Approaching hurncane Weird accessory

EJ/(10i,o -ie o pwx 1 OtU,,tda Rc_,c.,55;, i o c0 tro.nho

New Verbs

To purchase - purchased , \) 1,h , ,
Did Ellie purchase a snow globe as souvenir for her mother?

To plan - planned ~\ , 1,rn t,v (

Are you planning to sleep around the campfire?

To happen - happened \\ ·D0\0w

What happened to that notable citizen?

To arrive - arrived C.,\\u}p..,c

Did the scientists arrive safe on top of that active volcano?

Easy to Understand

Who is that handsome boy between the two girls?

I usually get very happy when I'm among friends.
I'm curious to know what your cat does in front of the mirror.
What happened to that forest behind the camping site?

Listening Comprehension

01. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.,. 02. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
03. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
04. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
05. - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -

-- 06. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -
07. - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -
08. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -

' D , 0 '.'. ;. S
' Text Reading


It was a hot summer day and a fox was just passing by an orchard when it
saw a pretty and shiny bunch of ripe grapes on a vine over a high branch.

After a few minutes looking at the vine, the fox began thinking about eating
the fresh grapes. 'I am really thirsty and it is so hot today. These grapes
seem to be exactly what I need'.

Then the fox took a few steps back, ran and jumped to reach the grape
vine but it was too high and the fox fell on the ground.

The fox tried two, three, four, five more times with no success.

After several attempts it gave up and walked away with its nose in the air
saying 'I am sure they were sour anyways'.

....,.. Moral of the story: It is easy to despise what you
can't get.

Note: Aesop was a Greek fable writer who lived in the 6th
century B.C.

Questions about the text

01. Are you a person who never gives up?

02. Do you agree with the moral of the story?

03. What do you usually drink when it is hot?

04. Do you believe sometimes we have to walk away?

05. Did you ever visit a vineyard?

Grammar Point
There are three genders of nouns in English: masculine, feminine and
neutral. Generally, English nouns indicate masculine and feminine
genders only for people. All the other things are considered as neutral
(Tress, tables, cars).

iii Here is a list of some neutral words:

Cousin Student Partner

Teenager Parent Leader
Doctor Colleague Spouse

Here is a list of male and female words:

Man-Woman Prince - Princess Nephew - Niece

Uncle-Aunt Lord- Lady Bull-Cow
Gentleman - Lady Waiter - Waitress Fox-Vixen

-0 Examples:
Do you have a favorite hero or heroine?

Who's that little girl parent? Him or her?

Everybody needs a good doctor. Mine is an old man.

• UNIT 22

--.. Word Bank

Bus stop sign The stairs

A big wall Inside the pocket

Check deposit · Red carpet

--rt'all Coin collection Near town

J.!! A penny Far from home

r -

A nickel New checkbook

A dime A current account
A quarter A savings account

Scorpion venom The ATM


Snake attack A bank teller

New Verbs

To share - shared _ _ _ _ _ _ __
How do you know they shared a joint account at the bank?

To find - found _ _ _ _ _ _ __

iii What did she find inside her pocket?

To exchange - exchanged _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Did you exchange money between your current accounts?

To get - got _ _ _ _ _ _ __
How many coins did you get for that venom?

-• Easy to Understand

There are spiders and scorpions at the camping site, so be careful .

Watch out for the cars on the street. This is a dangerous intersection.

We catch the bus on the corner of that street!

Sam needs 50 bucks to buy a new pair of kicks.

Did you try to get a loan at the bank?

Is he paying by check? No, he's paying in cash.


It's Time to Talk

When did you fall off the tree? When did you get that carpet?

I fell off the tree last week.

i3 How was your sister yesterday? How was he invited?

... She had a strong pain in her chest.

Why didn't you take them to the zoo? Why are you pretending to like me?
Because I decided to go to the park.

ill Who is in your house now? Who were they looking for?

There's nobody there now.

What is there near the church? What time are you leaving today?
There is a playground for kids.

Easy to Understand

Don't worry too much! Let go of all the problems!

They are brave and never run away from a challenge.

All of a sudden, she remembered everything and the test became a

child's play!

I relate to the independent workers but she identifies with the

corporative companies.

11li11 11fil

(Inside) (Spec1f1c Place) (Surface Contact)

A building / Brazil The bus stop / Work The ceiling / The carpet
A garden I The USA The door / The university The wall / The menu
A park/ A box The movies / College The floor / A bus
The sea / My pocket The top I The side The table / A plane
The river / My car The bottom / The end The left / A bike
The water / The corner The corner / Home The corner / A horse
A line / The sky The reception / School The right / TV

You don't have to worry because there are a lot of people In that building.
We saw a shooting start In the sky last night.
I always wanted to take pictures at the top of a mountain.
My cousin spilled some milk on my mother's carpet.


rii The holiday of Mardi Gras is celebrated in
Southern Louisiana, New Orleans. Celebrations
are concentrated for about two weeks before

and through Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash
r-ri Wednesday. Usually there is one major parade
each day (weather permitting); many days have
several large parades. The largest and most
elaborate parades take place the last five days

rri of the Mardi Gras season. In the final week,
many events occur throughout New Orleans and
surrounding communities, including parades and
balls (some of them masquerade balls).
Source: Wikipedia.com

I f) I () rJI r~ ',
·UNIT 24



To purchase _ __ To exchange _ __ To be born _ _ __

To plan _ _ _ __ To get _ _ _ __ To tell _ _ _ __
To happen _ _ __ To fall _ _ _ __ To suffer _ _ __
To arrive _ _ __ To leave _ _ __ To interview _ __
To share _ _ __ To pretend _ _ __ To be joking _ __
To find _ _ _ __ To look for _ _ __ To work overtime

Why didn't you tell me she arrived yesterday?

What happened to the city after the hurricane?

Asking questions
01. What character do you identify with?
02. Where are you planning to go on New Year's Eve?
03. Why did everybody leave the party?
04. Do you sometimes pretend to be fine?
05. What is something you never forget?
06. Does anyone in your house play instruments?
07. Were you joking about that gossip?
08. When did you need to work overtime?
09. Why do some people pretend to be what they are not?
10. What time do you arrive at school/college/work?
11. How much did she tell you about me?
12. What did she do when she suffered from insomnia?
13. When were you born?
14. What kind of interview was your father watching?
15. Is there any song you want to share with us?

Grammar Point


Certain nouns in English have only the plural form:

Crossroads Glasses

Species Clothes

News Pajamas

Note: 'News' is a plural noun but used in the singular structure: This news is very sad.

There are certain words that have irregular plural forms. They do not
have their plural formed by adding 's':

Woman - Women Foot- Feet

Child - Children Person - People

Tooth - Teeth Die-Dice

Compound Words

The compound words that end in 'in-law' have their plural formed by
adding an 's' to the end of the main word.


Mother-in-law / Mothers-in-law Sister-in-law/ Sisters-in-law

Father-in-law/ Fathers-in-law Daughter-in-law/ Daughters-in-law

Brother-in-law/ Brothers-in-law Son-in-law I Sons-in-law



Statue of Liberty Fun Facts

It's been over a hundred years since the Statue of Liberty found her home in the harbor
of New York and it has become an important part of American culture. But would you
believe that Lady Liberty was actually a gift from the French? Read on for more fun
facts on the Statue of Liberty.
Building Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was built by French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, with the help of
tons of workers working ten-hour days, seven days a week for nine years! The statue
was finally finished in 1884 and presented to America on July 4th. It didn't arrive in the
United States until many months later though, because all 350 individual pieces of the
statue had to be packed into 214 crates for the long boat ride from France to New York.

The Statue of Liberty Comes to America

It was on Bedloe Island that the Statue of Liberty was reconstructed in America - the
island is now called Liberty Island and is only accessible by ferry. Auguste Bartholdi
thought that the New York harbor was the perfect setting for his masterpiece because it
was "where people get their first view of the New World." The statue was to be a symbol of
welcome for all immigrants coming to America, as well as a universal symbol of freedom .
Statue of Liberty Quick Facts

• The Statue of Liberty celebrates its birthday on October 28th in honor of the day it
was officially accepted by the president of the United States in 1886.
• Visitors must climb 354 stairs to reach the Statue of Liberty's crown (or take an elevator
to a lower lookout point).
• There are 25 windows in Lady Liberty's crown.
• The seven spikes on the Statue of Liberty's crown represent either the seven oceans
or the seven continents.
• The statue is made of copper and is now green in color because of oxidation (a chemical
reaction between metal and water) from evaporation of the seawater surrounding it.
• The Statue of Liberty weighs 450,000 pounds (204, 100 kilograms).
• The Statue of Liberty has size 879 sandals that are each 25 feet (7.6m) long.
• Out of the three Statues of Liberty built by Bartholdi, one is in Brazil.
Adpated from: http://www.kidzworld.com
Word Bank

!!ii National Flag A mobile home

:!! Fireworks show Cozy slngle room

=t! Carnival parade Huge double room

Safe and sound Decorated hallway

The parking lot Warm desk clerk
Enormous stadium Fancy duplex

Wooden barn Smiley doorman

!! Gothic cathedral Over nicely bellboy

:!!! Victorian castle Romantic honeymoon

:!! Two-story house Roomy penthouse

:f! Open-mic bar Quiet dorm

I I> IO M A \
New Verbs
To talk- talked _ _ _ _ _ __
What did you want to talk to me about?

To give up - gave up _ _ _ _ _ __
Why did you give up having a honeymoon?

To stay - stayed _ _ _ _ _ __
Where were you staying during the event in the castle?

To bother - bothered _ _ _ _ _ __
Who was bothering you during the game at the stadium?

Grammar Point

How often do you visit the cathedral? How often do you dance on Carnival?
I hardly ever visit the cathedral? I always dance on Carnival.

How often do you get together? How often are you hungry?

100% I always He always gives flowers to Mary.

85%1 usually I usually take two buses per day.
1s% I frequently She frequently goes to the park.
60% 1 often We often stay home on weekends.
50% 1 sometimes They sometimes play soccer until late-night
40% 1 occasionally I occasionally travel on business.
30% rarely You rarely mix friendship with business.
20% 1 seldom He seldom lends something.
10% I hardly ever We hardly ever play videogames.
0% I never I never go out without money.

I D I a r., A s BOOK O~
Chat Room

It is Christmas Eve, so Julia and her boyfriend James, who just got
back from Japan, are talking about Christmas traditions and customs:

Julia: I love Christmas time! People are happy and there is snow
James: Yes, but Christmas time in the USA is completely different from
Christmas in Japan.
Julia: Why? Don't they celebrate it there? Don't the Japanese children
believe in Santa Claus?
James: Well, it so happens that Christmas was introduced to Japan by
Christian missionaries.
,-- _
Julia: I see. In the US eighty five per cent of Americans consider
!!!! themselves Christians but we started celebrating it only after 1800 and
in 1840 German immigrants introduced the tradition of the Christmas
tree in our lives.
James: In Japan it is not a holiday, but the 23rd of December is a federal
one: it's the Emperor's birthday.
Julia: Here, there are twelve days of celebration during the Epiphany,
±!! from December 25th to January 06th.
James: That is interesting Julia! In Japan Christmas is much like
Valentine's Day here in the US. People exchange gifts and greeting cards.
Julia: Japan has such rich culture and customs! I hope one day I get
to visit that beautiful country!
James: Sure, perhaps we can go together!
Understanding the dialogue

01. Where was Julia's boyfriend?

02. Why does Julia love Christmas?

03. Who introduced the Christmas tree tradition in the American life?

04. What is Christmas in Japan like?

Asking Questions

01. Do you like Christmas time? Why?

02. How do you celebrate Christmas in your house?
03. What kind of gift is perfect for you? Why?
04. What gift do you think is really bad?
05. Is it okay to give money as a gift?
06. Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were little?
07. Do you decorate your house on Christmas time? Why?
08. What are other important holidays in our country?
09. What is a second holiday you like to celebrate?
10. How do you celebrate this other holiday?
11. Is Valentine's Day from America celebrated the same way in Brazil?
12. Are you a patriotic person? Why?
13. Do people celebrate 'Valentine's Day' in Brazil? Is there a similar
holiday in the country?
14. What do you do on Easter? Why?

: ..

Grammar Point

As +Adjective +As

When two things are equal in some way, we can use a comparison with
'as ... as' to describe them.

Is Spanish as difficult as English? Are cats as friendly as dogs?

Yes, Spanish is as difficult as English. Yes, they are as friendly as dogs.
No, it isn't as difficult as English. No, they aren't as friendly as dogs.

What subject is as hard as math?

Which city is as beautiful as Paris?


Big Boring Uninteresting

Small Difficult Relaxing
Pretty Annoying Stressful
Ugly Awesome Wonderful
Nice Interesting

Australia is one of the most remote countries in the world and, ironically,
one of the most popular places to visit. Here are a few reasons to venture
across the Pacific:
• There are three times more sheep than people.
• The Box Jellyfish - which is found in the waters of the Great Barrier
Reef - is responsible for more deaths than snakes, sharks and crocodiles
• Koalas sleep for about 20 hours per day.
• Only licensed electricians are legally allowed to change a lightbulb in
• Australia's first police force was made up of 12 convicts who were judged
to be the best behaved.
• Around 28% of Australia's residents were born overseas as of 2016.
• Despite being a massive continent, 90% of Australia's population live
on the coast due to the majority of the interior being a vast desert.
• Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke once held the Guiness
World Record for the fastest beer sculling, downing 2.5 pints of beer in
11 seconds.
• Despite its image as a sporting nation, Australia has the highest rate of
obesity in the world, with 63.4% of the population clocking in overweight.
• The Great Barrier Reef is regarded as the world's largest living organism,
and is often listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World.

Sources: experienceoz.com I nomadicmatt.com

Listening Comprehension
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

7. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I D I O r.1 A S

.. I

Grammar Point
Comparative of superiority
more + long adjective + than

When one subject has more of a quality than the other thing, person or
animal it is being compared to, it is possible to use 'more ... than'.


Albert Einstein was more Intelligent than Mark Zuckerberg.

Traveling is more exciting than staying home.

It is also possible to say that something or someone has less of a quality

than that to which it is being compared to.

Playing sports is less Interesting than traveling.

Eating sweets is less healthy than eating fruit.

What is more expensive than a Ferrari?

Who in your family is more talkative than you?

Long Adjectives

Encouraging Boring Annoying

Exciting Intelligent Exquisite
Interesting Amusing Irritating
Moving Amazing Calming

I T_;
Grammar Point
Comparative of Superiority

short adjectives + er + than

Is your friend faster than you? Is Annie cooler than James?
"n111 Yes, he is faster than me. Yes, she's way cooler than him.
No, he isn't faster than me. No, she isn't cooler than James.

Are you nicer than your cousins?

;iii What is scarier than riding a roller-coaster?

The Spelling Rules:

Short adjectives ending in 'e': add 'r': nice - nicer than.
Short adjectives ending in 'y', change to 'i' and add 'er': pretty- prettier than.

Short adjectives ending in consonant+ vowel + consonant, double the last
letter: fat - fatter than .

j-=-ji Good - better than Bad - worse than Far - farther than

Short Adjectives

Pretty Ugly Tall

- Happy Fat Short

Sad Crazy Fine

Word Bank

Open gate Confused Middle East

Expired passport Smart Asia

International trophy Surreal dream

Medal of Honor Scary nightmare

Gold medal To reach a goal

Silver medal The exit

Bronze medal The arrival

World traveler The departure

Hot Central America Valid visa

Insular North America The shuttle bus

Loud South America Free city tour

ID I 0
: •


New Verbs

To go on a trip - went on a trip _ _ _ _ _ _ __

How often do you go on a trip?

To begin - began _ _ _ _ _ _ __
When did you begin to travel around the world?

To dream - dreamed - - - - - - - -
What did you dream about last night?

To win-won - - - - - - - -
Did she win the lottery?

Grammar Point


Will is used to express the future. It predicts a future event, expresses a

-- spontaneous decision, or gives orders.

Will you go to the party tonight? Will they take the shuttle bus?
Yes, I will go to the party. Yes, they'll take the shuttle bus.
No, I won't go to the party tonight. No, they won't take it.

Will you travel in December? Will you call me tomorrow?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Where will they travel to next year? How will he go to Central America?
Why will she go out with her ex? How much will you speak on Book 3?



AS + Adjective + AS

Are tacos as delicious as pizzas? Is geography as interesting as art?

Is a spider as ugly as a scorpion? Is she as pretty as your sister?

Is coffee as relaxing as tea? Is winning as good as losing?

MORE/LESS + Long Adjective + THAN

My grandmother is more annoying than my mother.

Her friends are less encouraging than her teachers.

Going abroad was more exciting than going to the country.

Short Adjective + ER + THAN

Does she cook better than your aunt? Was the actor taller than me?

WillthelVbecheaper than theRadio? Are kids happier than adults?

To talk To get together _ _ To begin
To give up To introduce To dream
To stay To get back To win
To bother To go on a trip _ _ _ To reach

Asking Questions

01. When will you talk to your brother about me?

02. How often do you talk to your friends?

03. Where do you usually go when you get together with your friends?

04. Weren't they going to stay here for the weekend?

05. Why don't you stop bothering your sister?

06. Who will you introduce me to?

07. When did you get back from Australia?

08. What time will the city tour begin?

09. How often do you go on a trip with your wife?

10. What is he doing to reach his goal?

11. Do you often remember your dreams?

12. Why does my younger brother always win the game?

13. What is bothering you today?

14. Won't you watch the game at the bar with us?

15. Don't you think English is easier than Portuguese?

ID I O r/l f,, 5
s A B Car jack: macaco
Carnival: carnaval
A bit: um pouco Back: de volta, costas Carpet: carpete
Abilities: habilidades Baker: padeiro Carry-on baggage:
Above: acima Bald: careca bagagem de mao
Abstract: abstrato Barn: celeiro Castle: castelo
Accessory: acess6rio Based:baseado Cathedral: catedral
Active: ativo Basement: porao Celling: s6tao
Actress: atriz Be careful: tenha cuidado Celebration: celebrac;ao,
Actually: na verdade Beard: barba comemorac;ao
Address: enderei;;o Bellboy: mensageiro Ceremony: cerimonia
Belt: cinto, faixa Certificate: certificado
Advertisement: an(mcio
Bent: torto Challenge: desafio
Age: idade
Better: melhor Character: carater

Aggressive: agressivo Between: entre Charming: charmoso
Air force: aeronautica Beverages: bebidas Chart: tabela
Airport: aeroporto Birth: nascimento Checkbook: talao de
Alcohol: alcool Birthday: aniversario cheques
Alcoholic: alc6olica Bite: mordida Checkered: xadrez
All of a sudden: de repente Blanket: cobertor (estampa)
All over: por todo (a) Blond: loiro Cheesy: brega
Almost: quase Blonde: loira Chemistry: quimica
Alright: esta bem Blood pressure: pressao Chest: peitoral
Always: sempre sanguinea Child's play: brincadeira de
Amazing: incrivel Blood type: tipo sanguineo criani;;a
Ambitions: ambii;;oes Boarding pass: cartao de Chilly: gelado
Ambitious: ambicioso embarque Chin: queixo
Among: entre Boat: barco Choice: escolha
Bookstore: livraria Chopper: helic6ptero
Amusing: divertido
Boring: chato, entediante Citizen: cidadao
Annoying: irritante
Boss: chefe City: cidade
Annual: anual Bottom: fundo City tour: tour pela cidade
Antacid: antiacido Bow tie: gravata borboleta Clean: limpo
Anxiety: ansiedade Branch: galho Clerk: balconista
Anxious: ansioso Break-up: termino Clever: esperto
Anybody: alguem, ninguem Brochure: folheto Cloudy: nublado
Anything: algo, alguma Broken: quebrado Cocktail: coquetel
coisa, qualquer coisa, nada Brother-In-law: cunhado Coln: moeda
Anything else: algo a mais Brunette: morena Cold: frio
Anyways: de qualquer forma Bucks: pratas (glria) Colleague: colega de
Anywhere: em algum Built: construc;ao trabalho
lugar, em nenhum lugar, em Bull: touro Collection: colec;ao
qualquer lugar Bun: pao Competition: competic;ao
Approaching: iminente Bunch:punhado Complete: completa
Approximate: aproximada Business: neg6cio Completely: completamente
Bus station: estac;ao de Conditioner: condicionador
April: abril
onibus Confused: confuso
Arm: brai;;o Bus stop: parada de onibus Congratulations: parabens
Army: exercito Busy:ocupado Content: conteudo
Around: em tomo de, ao Busy office: escrit6rio Cook: cozinheiro
redorde movimentado Cool: legal
Arrival: chegada Cop: lira (policial)
As ... As: tao ... quanto C Comer: esquina, canto
Athlete: atleta Cornflakes: flocos de milho
Athletic: atletico Calming: calmante Corny: cafona
ATM: caixa eletronico Campfire: fogueira Cottage: chale
Attempt: tentativa Camping site: area de Cotton: algodao
August: agosto acampamento Cough: tosse
Awesome: incrivel Candidate: candidato Cough syrup: xarope
Couple: casal Encouraging: encorajador Flu: resfriado, gripe
Course: curso Enormous: enorme Fly: mosca
Cozy: aconchegante Epiphany: epifania Focused: concentrado
Creative: criativo Everlasting : eterno Foggy: nebuloso
Crisis: crise Everybody: todos, todo Foot: pe
Crossroads: encruzilhada mundo For real: e serio, de verdade
Crowd: multidao Everything: tudo Form: formulario
Crowded: lotado Everywhere: em todo lugar Fox: raposa
Curly: cacheado Exactly: exatamente Frat party: festa de
Current account: conta Excited: empolgado fraternidade
corrente Exit: saida Freckles: sardas
Curvy: curvilineo Expenses: gastos Frequently: frequentemente
Customs: alfandega , Expensive: caro Fresh: fresco
costume Experience: experiencia Friendly: amigavel
Experienced: experiente Full lips: labios volumosos
D Experiment: experimento Fun: divertido
Expired: expirado Funny: engrar;:ado
Daily: diario, diariamente Exquisite: requintado
Date: encontro, data Eye: olho G
Daughter-in-law: nora Eye drops: colirio
Debts: dividas Eyebrow: sobrancelha Gate: portao
December: dezembro Gender: genera
Decision: decisao F Gentleman: senhor
Deep: profundo Geometry: geometria
Delivery: entrega Fable: tabula Goal: objetivo
Demanding: exigente Fabric: tecido Gold: ouro
Dental floss: fio dental Fact: fato Gone: desaparecido
Deodorant: desodorante Fair: justo Gothic: g6tico
Departure: saida Fair skin: pele clara Graduation: graduar;:ao
Deposit: dep6sito Fall: outono Great: 6timo
Description: descrir;:ao Fancy: extravagante, chique Greeting card: cartao de
Desk clerk: recepcionista Far from: longe de felicita¢es
Dessert: sobremesa Farmer's market: feira Grieving: de luto
Details: detalhes Farther: mais longe Ground:chao
Difficult: dificil Fascinated: fascinado Guest: convidado
Diligent: disciplinado Fast: veloz, rapido Gun: arma
Dime: 10 centavos Fat: gordo Guy: cara
Dirty: sujo Father-in-law: sogro
Dish: prato de comida Features: caracteristicas H
Divorced: divorciado February: fevereiro
Doctor's office: consult6rio Feelings: sentimentos Hair: cabelo
medico Feet: pes Hair dryer: secador de
Don't even start: nem Female: femea, feminino cabelo
comece Fever: febre Hallway: corredor
Don't worry: nao se Few: poucos (as) Hammer: martelo
preocupe Fierce: feroz Hand: mao
Doorman: porteiro Fight: luta, briga Hand bag: bagagem de mao
Dorm: dormit6rio Financial: financeira Handkerchief: leny0
Double room: quarto duplo Fine: born, legal Handsome: bonito
Dream: sonho Finger: dedo Handy: pratico
Dryer: secador Fire: fogo Happy: feliz
Dude: cara Firefighter: bombeiro Hard: duro, dificil
Ear: orelha Fireworks: fogos de artificio Hardly ever: raramente
Earthquake: terremoto Flag: bandeira Hardworking: trabalhadora
Easy: facil Flawless: impecavel Harsh: rigoroso
Eggplant: beringela Flight: voo Have a nice day: tenha um
Emerald: esmeralda Flight attendant: aeromor;:a born dia
Emperor: imperador Floor: chao, andar Have an eye for: ter olho para
Employee: empregado Flowered: florido Have what It takes: ter o

que e preciso Insurance: seguro M
Head: cabeya Interest: interesse
Headache: dor de cabeya Intern: estagiario Machine gun: metralhadora
Healed: curado Interview: entrevista Maid: empregada
Health: saude Invitation: convite Make-believe: faz de conta
Health care: cuidados Iron: ferro Make-up: maquiagem
medicos Irritating: irritante Male: masculino
Health system: sistema de It so happens that: Man: homem
saude acontece que Manager: gerente
Healthy: saudavel Ivory: marfim Maneuver: manobra
Heavy: pesado March: mar~
Height: altura J Marine corps: fuzileiro naval
Here it is: aqui esta Marital status: estado civil
Hero: her6i January: janeiro Mashed potatoes: pure de
Heroic: heroico Job: emprego batata
Heroine: heroina Journalist: jornalista Mask: mascara
Hideous: horrivel Judge: juiz May: maio
High: alto (a) July: julho May be: pode ser
High-ranked: alto escalao June: junho May I place: posso colocar
Highway: rodovia Just: apenas, justo May I see: posso ver
Hip: descolado (a) Just in case: por Mayonnaise: maionese
!!I Holiday: feriado
Homemade: caseiro
seguranya, apenas para o
caso de
Meatball: almOndega
Medal: medalha
Honey: mel Medicine: remedio,
Honeymoon: lua de mel K medicina
Honor: honra Migraine: enxaqueca
Host: anfitriao Kicks: tenis (giria) Military: militar
Hostess: anfitria Kind of: tipo de Mine: mina, meu (s), minha (s)
Hot dog: cachorro quente Knee: joelho Minimum wage: salario
How long: quanta tempo minima
How may I help you: coma L Mint: menta
posso lhe ajudar Mirror: espelho
How often: com que Lace: de renda Missionary: missionario
frequencia Lady: senhora Mixture: mistura
How's it going: coma vai Later: mais tarde Mobile home: trailer
Huge:enorme Latte: expresso com leite Mobility: mobilidade
Hunky: robusto Leader: lider Model: modelo
Hurricane: furacao Leaf: folha Modem: modemo
Leather: couro Moldy: mofado
Left: esquerda More: mais
Length: comprimento Mother-in-law: sogra
I can do that: eu posso fazer Lengthy: demorado Mouth: boca
isso Less: menos Mouthwash: enxaguante
I don't think so: eu acho Let go: deixe pra la bucal
que nao Library: biblioteca Moving: tocante
I think so: eu acho que sim Life: vida Much like: bem parecido
I'll bet: aposto que sim, Light: luz Must be: deve ser
concordo Lip: labia Mustache: bigode
Ill: doente Lipstick: batom Mustard: mostarda
Independence: i ~ Liquid: liquido
Immediately: imediatamente Locks: cachos N
Immigrants: imigrantes Lonely: solitario
Impressed: impressionado Loud: alto Nail: prego
Independent: independente Lousy: pessimo Nasal decongestant:
Inexpensive: barato, Low: baixo descongestionante nasal
acessivel Lozenge: pastilha National: nacional
Influenza: gripe Luggage: bagagem Navy: marina
Information: informayao Luxury: luxuoso Near: perto de
Inside: dentro de Necessary:necessario

: I I

Nephew: sobrinho descri~o fisica Round-trip: de ida e volta
Nervous: nervoso Physically: fisicamente Ruby: rubi
Never: nunca Physics: fisica Rude: rude
Nice: legal Pieces: pe,;:as Runny nose: nariz
Nickel: 5 centavos Pilot: piloto escorrendo
Nightmare: pesadelo Place: lugar Rusty: enferrujado
Nobody: ninguem Playground: parquinho
North: norte Pleasure: satisfa,;:ao, prazer s
Nose: nariz Plum: ameixa
Notable: notavel Pocket: bolso Safe: seguro
Nothing: nada Poet: poeta Safe and sound: sao e salvo
November: novembro Police officer: policial Sailor: marinheiro
Nowhere: lugar algum , Poor: pobre Salary: salario
nenhum lugar Postman: carteiro Same: mesmo
Number: numero Practical: pratico Santa Claus: papai noel
Precious stones: pedras Sapphire: safira
0 preciosas Satin: cetim
Prescription: receita medica Sauce: molho
Occasionally: Pretty: lindo Sausage: salsicha
ocasionalmente Previous: anterior, previo Savings account: conta
Occurrence: ocorrencia Print: estampa poupan,;:a
October: outubro Problem: problema Scales: balan,;:a
Often: frequentemente Product: produto Scar: cicatriz
One-way: de ida Profession: profissao Scarf: cachecol
Open: aberto Professional: profissional Scary: assustador
Open-mlc: microfone aberto Promotion: promo~o Schedule: programa~o.
Orchard: pomar Purpose: prop6sito agenda
B Organized: organizado
Out of one's mind: fora de si Q
Scissors: tesoura
Scorpion: escorpiao
Outspoken: franco Scrawny: magrelo
Over: acima Quarter: 25 centavos, Screwdriver: chave de
Over nicely: extremamente quarto (medida) fenda
legal Quiet: quieto Seat belt: cinto de
Overweight: acima do peso Quite: bastante seguran,;:a
Ox: boi Seed: semente
R Seesaw: gangorra
p Seldom: raramente
Rainy: chuvoso Sensitive: sensivel
Package: embalagem, Raise: aumento September: setembro
pacote Rarely: raramente Seriously: seriamente
Pain: dor Recently: recentemente Several: varies, diversos
Painkillers: analgesicos Recipe: receita Sewing machine: maquina
Painting: pintura Redhead: ruivo (a) de costura
Pancake: panqueca Reflexes: reflexos Shaving cream: creme de
Parade: desfile Relaxing: relaxante barbear
Parisian: parisiense Relentless: incansavel Sheet: len,;:ol
Parking lot: estacionamento Required: requerido Shelf: estante
Partner: parceiro Reservation: reserva Shiny: brilhante
Passport: passaporte Responsible: responsavel Shoulder: ombro
Peace:paz Resume: curriculo Shrimp: camarao
Peacock:pavao Review: revisao Shuttle bus: Onibus de
Pearl: perola Rich: rico translado
Penny: 1 centavo Right: direita, certo Sick: doente
Penthouse: cobertura Right now: agora mesmo Side: lado
Performance: desempenho Ripe: maduro (a) Sign: sinal
Perhaps: talvez (formal) Risky: arriscado Sllk:seda
Personal: pessoal Road: estrada Silver: prata
Petite: pequena Romantic: romantico Sinewy: musculoso
Physical description: Roomy: espa,;:oso Single room: quarto de solteiro

: I I
I Sister-in-law: cunhada T Uninteresting:
Skilled: habilidoso desinteressante
Skinny: magrelo Tablecloth: toalha de mesa Useful: util
Slash: corte Tactics: taticas Usually: geralmente
Slide: escorregador Talented: talentoso
Slim: esbelto Talkative: extrovertido V
Smart: esperto Task: tarefa
Smile: sorriso Tasty: saboroso Vacation: ferias
Smiley: sorridente Teenager: adolescente Vegetables: legumes,
Snake: cobra Teeth: dentes verduras
Snowy: nevoso Teller: caixa de banco Venom: veneno
Soldier: soldado Temperature: temperatura Victorian: Vitoriano
Somebody: alguem Temporary: temporario Vine: videira
Something: algo, alguma Terrible: terrlvel Visa: visto
coisa Textbook: livro didatico Vocation: voca~o
Somewhere: algum lugar Than: do que Volcano: vulcao
Song: can,;ao That's why: e por isso que
Son-in-law: genro The thing Is: a questao e que w
Soon: em breve Themselves: eles (as)
Sore throat: garganta mesmos (as) Waitress: gar~onete
infiamada These: estes, estas Wall: parede, muro
Soul: alma Thief: ladrao Washing machine:
Sour: azedo Thigh: coxa maquina de lavar roupa
South: sul Thin: magro Watch out for: cuidado com
Spaghetti: espaguete Thirsty: com sede Wavy: ondulado
Species: especie Those: aqueles, aquelas Way: caminho
Spider: aranha Tiny: pequeno Weakness: fraqueza
Spouse: esposo (a) Toes: dedos do pe We can: n6s podemos
Spring: primavera Together: juntos Weather: tempo (clima)
Spring break: ferias da Tone of voice: tom de voz Wedding: casamento
primavera Tongue: lingua Wedding gown: vestido de
Spy: espiao Tool: ferramente noiva
Stadium: estadio Tooth: dente Weight: peso
Staff: equipe Toothache: dor de dente Weird: estranho
Stairs: escada Toothbrush: escova de dente Well-built: forte (flsico)
State: estado Toothpaste: pasta de dente Well-dressed: bem vestido
Steps: passos Top: topo What else: o que mais
Stolen items: itens roubados Totally: totalmente Who: quern
Stomachache:dorde Tourism: turismo Whose: de quern
estomago Towel: toalha Widow: viuva
Story: est6ria Town: cidade Widower: viuvo
Straight: liso Traces: tra~s Wig: peruca
Stressful: estressante Traditions: tradiyOes WIid: selvagem
Stroller: carrinho de beb~ Traveler: viajante Windy: ventoso
Strong: forte Tree: arvore Winter: inverno
Stunning: deslumbrante Trendy: atual, na mods Witness: testemunha
Subject: materia, assunto Trophy: trofeu Wolf: lobo
Submarine: submarino Truly: verdadeiramente Wonderful: maravilhoso
Such: tal Trunks: cal,;ao de banho Wooden: amadeirado
Suitable: adequado Trustworthy: confiavel World: mundo
Summer: verao Tube: tubo Worse: pior
Sunny: ensolarado Two-story: dois andares Wrinkles: rugas
Suntan: bronzeado Wrist: pulso
Superb: espl{mdido u Writer: escritor
Surfer: surfista Writing: escrita
Suspect: suspeito Ugly: feio
Sweet: doce Under: debaixo z
;i2 Swing: balan~ Unemployment:
Symptoms: sintomas Zip code: c6digo postal


Present Past Translation

There are There were haver, existir (plural)
, There is There was haver, existir (:-ingular)
To apply for Applied for se candidatar para
To arrive Arrived c~gar __
To be Was/ were ser, estar ___j
To be afraid Was / were afraid estar com I ter medo
- -
To be born Was / were born nascer
To be ~od at Was / were g~C!_at ser born em
To be in pain Was / were in pain estar com dor
-- --- - - - -
1 ~o !Je joking Was / were joking estar brincando

To begin Began iniciar, comei;:ar
To board Boarded embarcar
To book Booked -+- agend~ _
- - -- Bothered
T<? bring 1 Brought I trazer
To brush Brushed escovar
i- --
1 Tocall Called --t ligar, chamar
r- To cat<?_h __ .~ ught__ pegar, apanhar
To cause 1
Caused 1 causar
- - - - - ---~
- - - - -------
To celebrate Celebrated --,-- comemorar ____ J
__ _
.,.._ To change Changed
~- I ~h~:r -- -- -~
To check Checked
,-- ------ - - - -
: To choose
i Chose I escolher
To comb Combed I pentear - - - -
- ----I
r - - ---
To cough
To dance , Danced
i tossir
-- -4----
1 dani;:ar
-I l
To date Dated namorar
To deal ~-D
: e~a~lt_ -:_-_-__
-_-_ _ _ +--
negoci~~ i9~! ---=
To decorate Decorated I decorar I
- - ~ - - - - - - - -· - -r------ - -- 7
i To despise Despised I desprezar
- - - ----r--Dismantled- - - - desmontar
,----To dismantle
j --1
1To draw
I To dream
- --_-_
'------- ----- J
sonhar -7
To dress up Dressed up I
se arrumar
To earn Earned ganhar (rendiment~- - _
To exchange Exchanged trocar
1 Tofall Fell ! cair
To feel Felt I sentir
To fill out Filled out preencher
To find Found ~ co; ; ;r
To finish Finish J terminar

Present Past Translation
To fire Fired demitir
To fix Fixed consertar
l Tofly Flew voar
I To get Got obter, conseguir
I To getyi loan Got a loan fazer um emprestimo
[ To get back Got back voltar
To get dressed Got dressed vestir-se
To get to Gotto ir para /chegar em

f To ge_t_ together
, To give up
Got together
Gave up
To go on a trip Went on a trip sair de viagem
To go through Went through passar por
To graduate Graduated formar-se
To happen Happened acontecer
- - - -
To hire
- -~
Hired contratar

To hope
To hurt
_~ sperar (e~e!~n9c3)
~ id.!:_ntify with _ Identified with se identificar com 1
To intend
Intended pretender j
To introduce Introduced apresentar
To join Joined juntar J
To land Landed aterrissar
To leave Left deixar, sair, partir
To look at Looked at olhar para
---- 7
' To look for Looked for procurar I
To look like Looked like parecer, ser (aparencia)
To lose Lost perder
----- -
To make sure Made sure ter certeza
To master -j- Mastered t dominar _
- -I
To mention
To pass by
Passed by
I mencionar
passar por
To pawn Pawned penhorar
To pay Paid pagar
To place Placed colocar
To plan Planed planejar
To practice Practiced _ prat~__i:__ _
To prepare 1 Prepared preparar
h To pretend
To produce

Produced r
~ gi;:- -

- -

To provide Provided providenciar

--· I

Present Past Translation
To purchase Purchased adquirir/comprar
To put on Put on colocar (vestir)
To put up a tent Put up a tent montar uma barraca
To reach Reached alcan9c1r
To recall Recalled lembrar
To relate to Related to identificar-se com
To relax Relaxed relaxar
To research Researched
I - pesquisar
To rest Rested descansar
To _!Un away Ran away fugir

!!oseeTo seem

To share
Shared i
' parecer
-· -t
To sit
J.-~~ _ __ _ sentar ___ ---J
To sneeze Sneezed -~ ; ; - - - I
To sta_y _ _ _ _
--- -
----+-- --- 4
I ficar
To steal Stole i furtar - ----/
To suffer from - - l sofrerd~ --/
To take
- ---- Suffered from
t------ . ---- -;·
pegar, tomar, levar
l- Too~ - -
To take care
---- Took care I cuidar
- - - - - + - - - - - - - - - ----;
To take off Took off decolar, tirar (roupa) /
f-- To talk Talked conversar
I- To tell _ _ _ _ __ Told contar, dizer
- -----j

To think Thought pensar, achar
To touch Touched tocar
To tum Turned virar
To understa_n_
d__ Understood entender
To wage war Wagedw
r _ __ travar guerra l
, To walk away Walked away .- ir embora -- ]
To win Won v_en_c_e_r,....:gc...a_n._
h_a _
r __ -7

To work Worked trabalhar
To work overtime Worked over time fazer hara extra - J
- ----
To worry about
--1=- Worried about preocupar-se com '


-r----__ - - - - 1

-+-- -----------+--

t! A - Answer these questions.

s 01. How's the weather today?

a 02. What is your marital status?

03. Is his uncle a good and fair judge?

:!! 04. Are you and your family from Chile?

05. Are you a relentless person?

B - Write the questions for these answers.

!:i 01 . ?

:!! Yes, she is at home with your friend.

02. ?
No, we are not tired.
03. ?
James and Anna are married.
04. ?
Yes, we are French.
!!I 05. ?
He is a postman.
Day: Time:
Date: Teacher:

A • Answer the questions:

01. Are your grandparents German?

02. How are you feeling today?

03. Where is your mother now?

04. Are you hungry or thirsty now?

05. When is your English class?

B - Write a small letter to a pen pal:

A -Answer these questions:

01 . What does your mother look like?

02. What does your teacher look like?

03. Does your father have a mustache?

04. Do you think it's nice to have a suntan?

.Ill 05. Who is your friend dating?

5 B - Write sentences with the verbs in the Simple Past:

01 . To think

02. To date

03. To comb

04. To want


A -Answer the questions:

01. What time is the music show?

02. Who are your best friends and what do they look like?

03. On what street is your house?

04. What do you think is important to be a good student?

05. Are your friends free to watch a movie tonight?

B - Describe (physically) one of the following options:

a) my family b) my crush
A - Answer these questions:

01 . Are you writing an interesting story?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

02. Are you dressing up for that big event?

No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

03. Aren't the guests studying English too?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

04. Is your father cooking Italian food?

No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

05. Isn't your mother wearing your lipstick and perfume?

No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

06. Are you and your brother playing soccer?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

07. Why is the host taking off his suit?

1j 09. Who is calling us at this hour?

4!I A) Write sentences according to what is asked:

+II 01. Sky/ last week. (Affirmative, Simple past)

02. Deodorant / shampoo. (Negative, Simple present)

03. Teeth/ to brush . (Affirmative, Present continuous)
04. Celebration I Japan. (Interrogative, Simple past)
=a 05. To date I strong. (Interrogative, Present continuous)

=- 06. Brunette I short. (Negative questions, Simple present)

=-:ii 07. To buy/ beautiful. (Negative, Simple past)

08. French/ to study. (Affirmative, Present continuous)

09. Fat/ cookies. (Negative, Simple past)

10. Freckles/ to have (Affirmative, Simple present)


A) Answer these questions.

01. How's the weather today?

02. Are you studying with an Argentinian girl?

03. What are you doing now?

04. Are you and your family living in Europe?

05. What do you like to do on a sunny day?

06. Do you think they make a good couple?

07. Who is your sister dating?

08. What time did you call me last night?

09. How much time do you need to get dressed in the morning?

10. Do you dress up when you have a birthday to go to?

B) Write about:

'What do you look like?'


t!! C) Listening comprehension:

01. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
i3 02. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
03. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
04. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
06. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
07. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
08. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
09. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


A) Write sentences with:

01 . To feel

02. To hurt

03. To cough

04. To break

B) Answer the questions:

01. Are you feeling any pain on your teeth?

02. Is your brother a bit sick?

03. What medicine is good to stop headaches?

04. What are some flu symptoms?

05. When did you break your left arm?

A· Write about the topic given: (Minimum 6 lines)

'Going to the doctor'

B - Answer these questions:

01. How are you feeling today?

02. Did you forget to take your medicine?

03. Why are you coughing?

04. What do you do when you are in pain?

05. Do you think is important to have a prescription to buy medicine?

06. Is the hospital food good?

07. Why don't you like to go to the dentist?


A) Answer the question:

01 . What does your mother prepare for dinner on Fridays?

02. When did you go to the farmer's market?

03. Do you always have your hot dog with ketchup and mustard?

04. Is your little brother eating corn flakes again?

05. Why did you choose to have dinner at that restaurant?

B) Complete with the right possessive:

01. That hammer is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (I), but this one is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (He)

02. She uses her se~ing machine every day. Don't you use _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (You)

03. Our neighbor's car jack is broken. He is using _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (We)

04. That baker's cookie is really good, but they say _ _ _ _ _ _ is better. (They)

05. I love to wear my hair short, but that model prefers to wear _ _ _ _ (She) long.

I D I O ~1 A S

, •
Date: Teacher:

!I A - Change all that is possible into the plural form:

Model : / have a watch. - - - We have watches.

!I 01. This dress is red and that T-shirt is yellow.

ii 02. I have a box with a book and a dictionary.

!I 03. That girl speaks Italian and French.

!I 04. That guy has a car at his beach house.

05. This church has a new secretary.

I B -Write sentences with the words given:

ii 01 . Foxes

I 02. Dress

I 03. Rivers .

I 04. Month.


: I I


A - Write about:

"The place I want to go on my vacation"

B - Answer these questions:

01. What do you do at the airport?

02. How much is the ticket for a flight to Canada?

~ ,
03. What time did the plane land in Moscow?

04. Is this your luggage?

05. Where do you usually fly to on your spring break?

~· so

A) Write sentences with the words given according to the directions:

01. Affirmative, Simple Past/ Farmer's market, to pay.

02. Negative, Simple Present / Her, Make-up.

:ti 03. Affirmative, Present Continuous / To check in, hotel.

04. Interrogative, Simple Past/ Certificate, last year.

jfj 05. Interrogative, Present Continuous / Guest, to take a shower.

06. Negative question, Simple Present I To hurt, head.

B) Answer the questions:
01. How many times do you cough when you have a flu?

02. What time did the airplane take off last Monday?

03. How much did you have to pay to check out?

04. What did your mother say when you spilled milk in the kitchen?


l DI O r,1 A S
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A) Complete with the right option and answer:

01. Does ____ have a strong pain? (her/she/they)

02. Do _ _ _ _ take _ _ _ _ _ son to the doctor? (him/your/them/you)

03. When did ____ break _ _ _ _ left arm? (me/she/its/her)

04. Is ____ preparing dinner for _ _ _ _ ? (we/he/their/us)

05. What did _ _ _ choose for _ _ _ _? (they/your/their/you)

B) Change all that is possible into the plural:

01. That guy intends to live in a black and white house on the mountain.

02. This shelf has a box with a book about a wolf.

03. A church has a swimming class for babies.

04. That tree by the river has a leaf.

05. This city has a lot of flies.

C) Complete using the corresponding Possessive Pronoun:

01. This book is not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (I), it is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (You).

02. She forgot my present, not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (They).

03. Whose old jacket is this? It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (He).

04. The silver necklace is _ _ _ _ _ (She), but the rings are _ _ _ _ _ (We).

D) Listening comprehension:

01. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

02. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
03. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

04. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

05. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
06. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

07. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
08. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

09. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

10. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date: Teacher:

A) Answer the questions:

01. Do you know who your boss is planning to fire?

02. What job position did you apply for?

03. Does he always hire people with good character?

04. Do you have a vocation for teaching?

05. What's the minimum wage in your country?

B) Answer the questions using what's in parentheses:

01. Whose schedule is that? (The model)

02. Whose company are those employees from? (John)

03. What is his weakness? (Paul)

04. Whose son did you hire? (The judge)

05. Whose office is this? (The boys)

r ~~~:---..,..,
' BOOK 02
,,I.., , I

Date: Teacher:

A) Write about the topic below: (Minimum 5 lines).

'My favorite season of the year'

B) Answer the questions:

01. Is there a party in your house tonight?

02. How many airplanes are there at the airport?

03. Isn't there a lot of sugar in your coffee?

04. What is there to do in your city?

05. Are there people dancing in the ceremony?

A) Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences in the correct form:

01. She need somebody to love. She doesn't have nobody.

02. I want nothing eat something because I'm hungry.

03. There isn't nobody at home. Everyone is at the movies watching anything.

04. I'm a lot of sad today. I sold anything at the store.

05. Do you see somebody in the art gallery yesterday?

B) Answer the questions:

01. What kind of books do you read at the library?

02. Did you pawn anything last month?

03. Are any of your students at the school now?

04. What is our teacher researching in the lab?

05. Did you draw anything special last night?


A - Answer these questions:

01. Where is the new office located?

02. Which floor does she live on?


04. When is your birthday?

B - Write a dialogue between two friends at a restaurant: (Minimum B lines)

~· .

,.!! A - Write the questions for these answers:

,...._. 01.
..!l Yes, they were experienced sailors.
Yes, I was dancing on that luxury boat yesterday morning.

s 03.
Yes, she was a skillful soldier in the Army.

No, we weren't. We were in the studio.
He was asking me my marital status.

B -Answer these questions with complete sentences:

01. Were you and your brother fighting again?

02. Were Andrea and John married?

03. Were you an anxious person in the past?

04. Where was your friend last year?

05. Wasn't that intern a model in our company?

I 11 I fJ f,1 A ',
,. , /•·'



A -Answer these questions:

01 . Was there a party at your friend's house this weekend?

02. What class was there on Saturday morning?

03. Were there many things for you to do this week?

04. Weren't you at the lab yesterday?

05. Was there a magician in the theater?

B - Write about the topic given: (Minimum 6 lines)

In the last city I lived in, there was I were ...

D I O ~.1 A S
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(I ..:.:. RE VISIO"'
, ..
, . .. .

~ j .
•:-:•• ·
Name, " ' ,, - .u.a.• .

Date: Teacher:

A • Create the questions for the answers:

No, we saw nobody at the movies yesterday.
Yes, I have some candy bars in my bag.
03. ?
No, she didn't draw anything to me.

04. ?
I went somewhere calm on the weekend.

05. ?
Yes, they met somebody from New York.

B -Answer the questions:

01. Were your best friends enlisting in the Army?
02. Where were you last week?

03. What was your mother dismantling last night?

i4 04. Were you calm and happy yesterday morning?

05. Was your brother decorating his house this afternoon?

ii 06. Whose black car is that?

C - Complete the questions and answer:

=!1 01. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there near the school?

=s There is a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

=~ 02. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there banks?

There are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

03. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there a lot of people at your party?

Yes, there were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

04. When _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there snow in Brazil?

There was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

s 05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there students here last week?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

D - Listening comprehension:
3 01. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
02. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
03. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

!I 04. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
05. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
06. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

!I 07. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
08. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ii 09.
i" 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

: ..

A-Write sentences with:

01. Tone of voice

02. To work overtime

03. To suffer from

04. To be good at

05. To have an eye for

B - Write a dialogue between two friends. Be as creative as possible.

I O ! 0 \l ;., S
Day: Time:
Date: Teacher:

A - Answer these questions:

01. What happened between you and Derek yesterday morning?

02. What time did you arrive at the beach last summer?

03. Who was reading a book ten minutes ago?

04. Where were you putting those blankets and sheets?

05. What were you purchasing last month?

06. Who was talking to you this morning?

07. Where was your mother giving brochures last month?

08. What was your brother studying this afternoon?

09. Who was wearing those weird accessories at the event?

·' l Day:

A -Answer these questions:

01. Do you always agree with what people say?

02. Was your sister sleeping at this time yesterday?

03. Was the teacher talking about paintings?

04. What was there on the street last night?

05. Was there a hurricane in our city last year?

63 B -Write a creative composition using the nouns and their genders: (Minimum 6 lines)

~ ·


A - Create sentences using the words given:

01. To share

02. To find

03. To get

04. Far from

05. Collection

06. To exchange

07. Near

B - Write a dialogue between two people at a bank: (Minimum 6 lines)


Date: Teacher:

rm A - Write sentences with :

01. In the USA

02. At the reception

r1 03. On the ceiling

[r1 04. In a building

05. On a bus
Si B - Read and answer:

!ii 'What does it take to be a truly good person? An easy and simple answer is not hurting
other people and doing good deeds to help others, especially by giving to charity. Yet,
!I being a truly good person is difficult. In fact the hard part is knowing how to do good

deeds well.'

01. What are the two characteristics of truly good people?

02. What is the hard part of being a truly good person?

I D I O ~.1 ,\ \
, :

. •' _:: r.•L 4 , . I SION


, ,,.41, .. I . .

J ~ . ..... ..

, , Name '- ··~

Date: Teacher:

F9 A -Answer these questions:

01. What were you doing yesterday afternoon?

02. Who were you talking to last night?

03. Were you and your friends working overtime last week?
04. Was your daughter born on September 2nd?

05. Were you pretending to be sick?


B - Write sentences accordingly:

01. To plan / Past to be
02. To happen / Simple past

03. To be joking / Past to be

04. To tell / Simple present

ii 05. To arrive I 3rd Person

I O IO f.11 AS
C - Read the text and answer the questions:

Elvis Aaron Presley, one of the most famous singers of the 20th century, was born
in a two-room house in Tupelo , Mississipi on January 8th, 1935. His twin brother,
Jessie Garon was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child . He and his
parents moved to Memphis, Tennessee in 1948. Before he started singing he was
a truck driver.

In the fifties and sixties Elvis made 33 successful musical movies and in all of them he
danced and played the guitar. In September, 1959, in Freidberg, Germany, Elvis met
fourteen-and-a-half-year-old Priscilla Ann Beaulieu whose father was in the U.S. Air
Force. They married on May 1st, 1967. On February 1st, 1968, Lisa Marie was born.
On October 9th, 1973, Elvis and Priscilla were officially divorced.

He died of heart failure at his Memphis home, Graceland, on August 16th, 1977. Elvis is
also 69 gold, 43 platinum, 13 double platinum, 9 triple platinum, 1 quadruple platinum,
1 quintuple platinum and 1 sixfold platinum.

01. When and where was Elvis Presley born?

02. Did he have a brother? What's his brother's name?

03. Did Elvis work as a waiter?

!I 04. How many movies did he make?

I 05. How old was Priscilla when she got married to Elvis Presley?

I 06. How many children did they have?



Date: Teacher:

A -Answer the questions:

01. How often do you and your friends travel?

:u 02. How often does your father watch sports events?

03. How often do you read books?

04. How often do your relatives stay in your house?

:g 05. How often does your family get together?

:el B - Write the questions for the answers:

J!I ?
We sometimes see fireworks in the sky.
J.~ ?
They hardly ever go to the stadium on weekends.
03. ?
She often finds good prices online.
04. ?

rjjl I never give up my dreams.

05. ?
We usually have wine for dinner.

I~ ,
iillF Kl~\I
1 DI OM A 5
- . ...--- · -·
. · -

HOMEWO~ K • 26 -·
Date: Teacher:

A - Change these sentences accordingly:

I: Interrogative N: negative

01. I know how to use an ATM and I pay my bills by credit card.
N: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

02. She decided to help her mother with that box full of rugs.

03. I took my dog out of my house because it ate the sleeve of my shirt.

04. The spider made a big web on the corner of my living room .
N: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

05. There is some money in my pocket.

B - Write about: (Minimum B lines)

'My best Christmas gift'

(f Day:
e Teacher:

:g- A - Answer the questions:

01. What is as sweet as chocolate cake?

:u- 02. Who is as intelligent as Bill Gates?

J!I" 03. What is as relaxing as listening to music?

:g 04. What city is as interesting as New York?

g 05. What is as boring as solving crossword puzzles?

B -Compare using 'as ...as':
01. The Lion King - Donald Duck
~ ·
02. A book - a movie
03. Traveling by bus - Traveling by train
04. Eating ice cream - eating lemon pie
05. A magazine -A newspaper

Iii Day:
Date: Teacher:

A - Complete with the correct form of the adjective using the comparatives of

01.Anna is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Julie. (Complicated)

02. Learning English is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ learning Portuguese. (Easy)

03. Math is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ history. (Hard)

04. London is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stockholm. (Big)

05. Listening is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ speaking. (Good)

06. Writing is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ drinking tea . (Relaxing)

07. Painting is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riding bikes. (Fun)

08. Eating pizza is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eating spaghetti. (Delicious)

09. Working is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dealing with difficult people. (Stressful)

10. Sleeping is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ staying awake. (Good)

BOOK 02 ·'

- - '

~ . .

~ - ,_·.
(I Day: Time:
Date: Teacher:

A - Write about the topic given : (Minimum 10 lines)

"My plans for the future"

B - Answer these questions:

01. Who will you call tomorrow?

02. Where will you go this weekend?

03. What will you do next week?

04. Where will you be next morning?

05. When will you buy a car?


'/ Date: Teacher:
A - Answer these questions:

F9 01. How often do you go on a trip?

02. How often does your family get together on weekends?

F9 03. How often do you get late for work?

F9 04. How often do you dream at night?

f9 05. How often are you introduced to new people?

B - Write the questions for these answers:

01. ?
English is as easy as German.
:!I 02. ?
Yes , chocolate cakes are as delicious as chocolate pies.
gj 03. ?
No, dancing isn't more relaxing than sleeping.
04. ?
I am taller than my mother in my family.
05. ?
My sister is prettier than me.

C -Write sentences using the words given and 'will':

01. To begin

ii 02. To reach

03. To stay

04. To give up

: ..
D - Read the text and answer the questions:

John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool, England on October 9th, 1940. As a boy,
he was artistic and intelligent, but he was always a rebel. He started his first band "The
Quarry Men" and played cover songs. Paul McCartney was the first of the Beatles
John met, in 1956. And from Paul he met George Harrison in 1958. The band then
consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete
Best, and was named The Silver Beatles.
I They started playing on August 1st, 1960 in Hamburg, West Germany and on January
1st, 1961 they made their debut at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. In 1962 Stu Sutcliffe
I died, Pete Best left and Richard "Ringo" Starkey joined the group, now named "The
Beatles". John married Cynthia Powell in August 1962 and on April 8th, 1963 his first
I son Julian was born.

In 1963 they played "I Want to Hold Your Hand' and in 1964 they did their first tour in
I the U.S.A. and it was a success. Many songs became famous like "She Loves You",
"Help", "Yesterday', "All You Need Is Love", "Let It Be" and others. In 1966, the Beatles
declared to be their last concert tour.
I John Lennon divorced and got married again with Yoko Ono on March 20th, 1969. The
I Beatles made their last performance as a group on January 30th, 1969 but only on
April 10th 1970 Paul McCartney announced he was leaving the group due to "personal,
business and musical differences" and the Beatles quietly came to an end. John and
I Yoko moved to New York in 1971.

John continued to write songs, such as "Imagine". His son Sean was born on October
I 9th, 1975. He and Yoko recorded an album called "Double Fantasy" in 1980 but on
December 8th John Lennon was killed in front of his home in New York City.

I 01. How old was John Lennon when his children were born?

I 02. What was the Beatles' first name?

03. Who joined the group when Pete Best left the Beatles?
I 04. What is the name of Lennon's son with Cynthia Powell? How old Is he now?
I 05. What was the name of John's final album?

I 06. When was the last performance of The Beatles?

07. How old was John when he died?

I (1 I ,, ' /I /-

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