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Acronyms, Symbols and Abbreviations

@ = at (arroba, em endereços de e-mail)

# = number (número)

£ = pound (libra esterlina)

24/7 = twenty-four seven (vinte quatro horas por dia, sete dias por
semana; o tempo todo)

AGM = Annual General Meeting (Reunião Geral Anual)

A.M. = Ante Meridiem, before noon (antes do meio-dia)

ASAP = As Soon As Possible (assim que possível)

ATM = Automated Teller Machine (Caixa Eletrônico)

B2B = Business to Business (de uma empresa para outra; comércio

entre empresas pela Internet)

B2C = Business to Consumer (de uma empresa para o consumidor;

comércio eletrônico de uma empresa para o consumidor, em especial
pessoa física)

BTW = by the way (a propósito, por falar nisso)

CAD = Computer Aided Design (projeto auxiliado por computador;

software que facilita a execução de projetos e desenhos técnicos,
usado especialmente por arquitetos e engenheiros)
CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing (fabricação ou produção
auxiliada pelo computador; software que facilita a produção em

CEO = Chief Executive Officer (diretor(a)-geral; diretor(a)-presidente;

principal executivo da empresa)

CFO = Chief Financial Officer (diretor(a) financeiro(a))

CIF = Cost Insurance Freight (custo seguro e frete, preço de

mercadoria que inclui transporte e seguro)

CMO = Chief Marketing Officer (diretor(a) de marketing)

COO = Chief Operating Officer (diretor(a) de operações)

C/O = Care of (aos cuidados de)

Co = Company (empresa)

Corp. = corporação (grupo de empresas)

COD = Cash On Delivery (pagamento contra entrega)

CPA = Certified Public Accontant (contador público registrado)

CPU = Central Processing Unit (unidade central de processamento)

CRM = Customer Relationship Management (gerenciamento de

relacionamento com o cliente; sistema informatizado através do qual
uma empresa visa desenvolver um relacionamento com seus clientes,
mantendo informações sobre suas necessidades, etc.)
CTO = Chief Technology Officer (diretor(a) de tecnologia da

CV = Curriculum Vitae (currículo)

dept = department (departamento)

DBA = Doing Business As (nome fantasia)

DOB = Date of birth (data de nascimento)

EC (European Community) = CE (Comunidade Européia)

EBITDA = Earning Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and

Amortization (ganho antes de juros, impostos, depreciação e
amortização; um indicador da performance financeira de uma

EPA = Environmental Protection Agency (agência de proteção


ERP = Enterprise Resources Planning (planejamento de recursos da

empresa; sistema que integra todos os dados e processos de uma
organização em um único local)

ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival (hora prevista de chegada)

EU = European Union (União Européia)

FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions (perguntas frequentes)

FDA = Food and Drug Administration (órgão governamental dos
Estados Unidos que controla os alimentos e medicamentos)

FOB = Free on Board (livre a bordo, esta sigla refere-se ao preço de

mercadoria colocada a bordo de navio ou avião, que não inclui o frete e
o seguro de transporte, que dvem ser pagos pelo comprador)

FYI = For your information (para sua informação)

GDP = Gross Domestic Product (PIB: produto interno bruto)

GNP = Gross National Product (PNB: produto nacional bruto)

HQ = Headquarters (escritório central, sede da empresa)

HR = Human Resources (recursos humanos)

IMF = International Monetary Fund (FMI: fundo monetário internacional)

Inc = incorporated (sociedade anônima)

Info = information (informação)

IOU = I owe you (“eu te devo”; documento informal que reconhece um

débito; “vale”)

IP = Internet Protocol (protocolo da Internet)

IPO = Initial Public Offer (oferta pública inicial; primeira venda de

ações de uma empresa na bolsa de valores)
ISP = Internet Service Provider (provedor de serviços de Internet)

IT = Information Technology (TI: tecnologia da informação)

IRS = Internal Revenue Service (agência governamental americana

responsável pela arrecadação de impostos; receita federal)

ISO = Internationl Standardization Organization (organização para

padronização internacional)

JIT = Just in Time (“bem na hora”, “no momento necessário”; sistema

de produção por demanda que visa reduzir estoques, desperdícios e
outros custos decorrentes, o sistema JIT tem por objetivo a melhoria
contínua do processo produtivo)

K = thousand (mil; ex.: 3K = três mil; 10K = dez mil)

KBI = Key Business Indicators (principais indicadores de um negócio;

dados que possam determinar a saúde de um negócio)

KPI = Key Performance Indicator (principais indicadores de um

negócio; dados que possam determinar a saúde de um negócio)

LASER = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

(amplificação da luz pela emissão estimulada de radiação)

Lb = (libra, peso)

LCD = Liquid Crystal Display (tela de cristal líquido)

max = maximum (máximo)

MBA = Master of Business Administration (mestrado em administração
de empresas; MBA, sigla também usada no Brasil)

memo = memorandum (memorando)

MP = Member of Parliament (membro do parlamento)

Mr = mister (Sr.)

Mrs = mistress (Sra.)

Ms = miss / mistress (Srta. ou Sra.)

N/A = Not Applicable (não aplicável)

NGO = Non-governmental Organization (ONG: organização não


NYSE = New York Stock Exchange (bolsa de valores de Nova Iorque)

no. = number (número)

OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC:

organização dos países exportadores de petróleo)

OTC = Over the Counter (“sobre o balcão”; esta sigla refere-se aos
medicamentos que não requerem receita médica para serem

p. a. = per annum, per year (por ano)

pd. = paid (pago)

PIN = Personal Identification Number (número de identificação


pls = please (por favor)

P.M. = Post Meridiem, after noon (depois do meio-dia)

PO = Post Office (correios)

POS = Point of Sale (ponto de venda)

P.R. = Public Relations (relações públicas)

P.S. = Postscript (sigla usada da mesma forma em português, ao final

de e-mails e cartas, para acrescentar informações)

p.t.o. = please turn over (por favor vire a página)

p.w. = per week (por semana)

QC = Quality Control (controle de qualidade)

qty = quantity (quantidade)

R&D = Research and Development (pesquisa e desenvolvimento)

rep = representative (representante)

ROI = Return of Investment (retorno sobre investimento)

RSI = Repetitive Strain Injury (LER: Lesão por esforços repetitivos)

RSVP = Répondez S´il Vous Plait, please reply (responda por favor;
abreviação muito usada em convites para grandes eventos, como por
exemplo, um casamento, onde os anfitriões pedem a confirmação da
presença dos convidados para um melhor planejamento)

SOHO = Small Office / Home Office (pequeno escritório / escritório em

casa; esta sigla refere-se a produtos, em especial de informática,
voltados para escritórios de pequeno porte)

SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (os pontos

fortes, os pontos fracos, as oportunidades e as ameaças. O termo é
comumente utilizado como “Swot Analysis”, que é basicamente um
método de planejamento estratégico para avaliar a viabilidade de um
projeto ou negócio)

TQM = Total Quality Management (gestão pela qualidade total)

UNO = United Nations Organization (ONU: Organização das Nações


VAT = Value Added Tax (imposto sobre valor agregado)

VIP = Very Important Person (VIP: pessoa muito importante)

VoIP = Voice-over Internet Protocol (voz sobre IP; tecnologia que

permite a transmissão de voz pela Internet)

VP = Vice President (vice-president)

Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity (fidelidade sem fio; tecnologia que permite a
conexão entre dispositivos sem fio)

WTO = World Trade Organization (OMC: organização mundial do


w/ = with (com)

w/o = without (sem)

we. = week (semana)

www = World Wide Web (a rede mundial de computadores, a Internet)

Yuppie = Young urban professional (termo também já incorporado ao

português, usado para referir-se aos jovens profissionais bem-
sucedidos, normalmente dinâmicos e ambiciosos e com estilo
moderno de vida)
Active Business Vocabulary

Okay / okayed / okayed: aprovar

Pull someone´s leg: dizer algo que não é verdade como brincadeira; “brincar” com

No strings attached: sem restrições

Find out: descobrir, desvendar

Assign / assigned / assigned: designar para um propósito específico

Time-consuming: que leva muito tempo para se fazer

Get something off the ground: colocar em ação, colocar em prática

Blockbuster: um sucesso comercial, em especial um filme ou livro

Pal: amigo, “cara”, “companheiro”

Make a killing: ganhar muito dinheiro em pouco tempo; faturar alto

Up and running: estar funcionando

Break even: não ter lucro nem prejuízo; atingir o ponto de equilíbrio; “empatar”

High-tech (hi-tech): de alta tecnologia

Gadget: aparelho; engenhoca

Look forward to: aguardar ansiosamente

Sound: sensato; ponderado

Noon: meio-dia

Famished: com muita fome; “morrendo de fome”

Grab a bite to eat: comer alguma coisa; “fazer uma boquinha”

Active Business Vocabulary

Travel on business: viagem a negócios

Increase / increased / increased: aumentar

Business partner: parceiro comercial; sócio

Abroad: no exterior

Overseas: no exterior

Get used to: acostumar-se à

Envisage: imaginar; prever

Antecipate: antecipar; prever

Get by: conseguir sobreviver sem muito dinheiro, ajuda, etc; “se virar com”

Jet lag: sensação de cansaço e desconforto causado ao atravessar fusos horários

durante longas viagens aéreas

Aisle seat: assento no corredor

From day one: desde o início

Be kidding: estar brincando; não estar falando sério

Break: oportunidade
Miss out on: perder a oportunidade de fazer algo

Make a killing: ganhar muito dinheiro em pouco tempo; faturar

ASAP: As Soon As Possible – assim que possível

Hectic: agitado
Active Business Vocabulary

Withdraw money: sacar dinheiro

I´m all ears: sou todo ouvidos

Shoot: pode falar; “fale logo”; “desembuche”

Figures: números

Shareholder: acionista

Come up: estar para acontecer

Yep: sim

Nope: não

Take place: acontecer

Be held: happen

Venue: local de um evento

Facilities: instalações; recursos; prédio; usina; laboratório; armazém

Last-minute: de última hora

Plan ahead: planejar com antecedência

On top of things: no controle; por dentro do que está acontecendo
Active Business Vocabulary

Replace / replaced / replaced: substituir; tomar o lugar

Slump: queda súbita

Web: a Internet

Trend: tendência

On borrowed time: com os dias contados

E-reader: leitor de livros digitais; e-reader

Catch on: tornar-se popular; pegar

Gadget: aparelho eletrônico; engenhoca

Expo: exposição; mostra; feira

Attend / attended / attended: assistir; participar; estar presente a uma reunião;

palestra, etc.

Hotshot: manda-chuva; figurão; o expert em uma dada área

Silicon Valley: Vale do Silício

Booth: estande

Sightseeing: visita às atrações turísticas de uma cidade

Behind schedule: com o cronograma atrasado
Active Business Vocabulary

Call a meeting: convocar uma reunião

Particular: especial; específico; particular

Drop by: fazer uma visita breve; “dar um pulo”

Take over / took over / taken over: assumir responsabilidade, assumir comando
ou cargo

Pay off: compensar; valer a pena

Come up with: ter uma ideia, plano ou solução

Work on: trabalhar em alguma coisa

Do wonders: fazer maravilhas

Figure out: encontrar a resposta ou solução para uma questão; a solução para um
problema, enigma, situação, etc.)

Outstanding: muito bom; excelente

Bottleneck: gargalo

Maintenance: manutenção

Logistics: logística
Raw material: matéria-prima

Spare part: peça sobressalente; peça de reposição

Business Regular Vocabulary

Prospect: potential customer (cliente em potencial; prospect)

Showcase / showcased / showcased: show the best qualities of something

(mostar a qualidade de algo)

Find out: discover by asking or exploring (descobrir)

Budget: the amount of money you have available to spend (orçamento)

Yellow Pages: In the past, a telephone book that lists business firms alphabetically
by category and includes classified advertising. (Páginas Amarelas)

Catch somebody´s eye: get someone´s attention (chamar a atenção)

Done deal: a plan that has been arranged and that is now certain to happen
(negócio certo; negócio certeiro; negócio fechado; certeza)

Keep someone posted: keep someone informed, updated (manter alguém

informado, atualizado)

Further development: a new event (acontecimento novo; desdobramento)

Brief / briefed / briefed: inform someone about something (informar)

Highlights: the most significant or interesting parts of something (as partes mais
significantes ou interessantes de algo; “os pontos altos”)

A hit: something very successful (um sucesso)

Feature: an important aspect of something (característica)

Upcoming: approaching; happening soon (que vai acontecer em breve)

Flier: an ad that is printed on paper and given to people (prospecto; folheto; flier)

Stand: booth (estande)

Try out: try something new; test (experimentar; testar)

Good point: good idea or opinion (boa ideia ou opinião)

Appeal / appealed / appealed: interest or attract someone (interessar, atrair,


Jot down: write briefly or hurriedly (anotar)

Meet a deadline: finish something in time (cumprir um prazo)

Likely: probable (provável)

Come up: arise; occur (surgir)

Business Regular Vocabulary

Agenda: a list of things to be discussed at a meeting (pauta de reunião)

Sales rep: sales representative (representante de vendas)

Hire / hired / hired: employ (contratar)

Badly: very much (muito)

Schedule / scheduled / scheduled: arrange or set the time (marcar um horário;


Am I glad: I´m really glad (estou realmente contente)

Workload: the amount of work that a person has to do (carga de trabalho)

A good guess: a good estimate

Plenty of: a lot of (bastante; muito)

Paperwork: work involving the handling of forms, reports, etc. (papelada; trabalho

Stuff: unspecified things (coisas; negócios)

Lots of: a lot of (muito, muita, muitos, muitas)

Outstanding: very good; excellent

What it takes: what it´s needed; the necessary expertise or qualities (o que é
necessário; as qualidades necessárias)

Count on: rely on (contar com)

Break in: help someone get used to a new job (ajudar alguém a se ambientar com
um novo trabalho; treinar)

Tricks of the trade: special knowledge associated with a profession (os macetes
de um negócio ou profissão)

Tip: useful piece of information (dica)

Get into the swing of things: become familiar with an activity; begin to get used to
something (começar a se acostumar)

In no time: very quickly or soon (“rapidinho”)

Catch up on: do what needs to be done in order to be up-to-date (“colocar em dia”)

Arrange / arranged / arranged: plan or prepare for (combinar; marcar)

Goal: aim; purpose; objective (propósito, meta, objetivo)

Quarter: the fourth parth of a year; three months (trimestre)

Toy with: consider doing something (considerar uma ideia, cogitar)

Still: quite and calm (quieto; parado; sossegado)

Brainchild: clever and original idea; invention; plan (ideia original; invenção;
Boost / boosted / boosted: increase (aumentar)
Business Regular Vocabulary

Shipment: amount of goods carried on a ship, plane, train or truck (carregamento;


Worst-case scenario: the worst thing that could possibly happen (a pior das

Due: expected to happen (aguardado; esperado)

Look into: get more details about something; investigate (analisar; investigar)

Mitigation: reduction in the harmful effects of something (mitigação; atenuação)

All set: ready (pronto; tudo pronto)

Grand opening: official opening of a new business (abertura oficial de um novo


Around the clock: without stopping (sem parar; 24 horas)

Franchise: a right to sell a company´s products or services in a particular area

using the company´s name (franquia)

Profitable: yielding a profit (lucrativo)

Franchisee: someone who is granted a franchise to market a company´s products

or services in a particular area (franqueado)

No pain, no gain: one has to work hard to get good results (sem esforço não se
consegue nada)
Business Regular Vocabulary

Spreadsheet: a computer program for financial calculation (planilha)

Ballpark figure: rough estimate or figure (um número aproximado; estimativa)

Estimate: approximate calculation (estimativa)

Entry: item recorded in a computer, book, etc. (registro; lançamento)

Office supplies: supplies used in offices (material de escritório)

Run low on: run out of (estar acabando)]

Breakdown: a division of something into smaller parts (detalhamento)

Hand in: submit (entregar)

Risky: not financially safe (arriscado)

Stockbroker: someone who buys and sells shares in companies for other people
(corretor do mercado de ações)

Sound: reliable; involving the use of good judgement (seguro; sábio; correto)

Unpredictable: not able to be predicted (imprevisível)

Take a nosedive: reduce suddenly, said of prices, profits, etc. (cair bruscamente,
Pal: close friend (amigo próximo; camarada)

Conservative: cautious; tending to resist change (conservador)

Investor: a person or company that invests money (investidor)

Business Regular Vocabulary

Freak: someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject or activity


Hooked: unable to stop having or doing something (viciado)

Do without: succeed in living without something (passar bem sem; ficar sem)

Gadget: a small device or appliance (aparelho eletrônico; engenhoca)

Pop up: appear suddenly or unexpectedly (aparecer de repente)

Cool: fashionable; nice; attractive (bacana; legal)

Turn into: change into something (transformar)

Play a role: be involved in an important way (desempenhar um papel importante)

Fall back on: resort to; turn to (recorrer a)

Drawback: disadvantage (desvantagem)

Have a hard time: have difficulty (ter dificuldade)

Outdoors: outside; in the open air (atividades ao ar livre; do lado de fora)

Couch potato: someone who is not very active and spends a lot of time watching
TV (pessoa que não é ativa e que passa muito tempo sentada assistindo à TV;
Cutting-edge: extremely modern and advanced (extremamente moderno e
avançado; “de ponta”)

Prospects: the possibility of future success (perspectiva)

Boom / boomed / boomed: grow rapidly (crescer rapidamente; prosperar)

Key: very important and influential (muito importante e influente; chave)

Congrats: congratulations (parabéns)

Business Regular Vocabulary

Smoothly: with no problems or difficulty (sem problemas ou dificuldades)

Lubrication: an application of a lubricant to something (lubrificação)

Idle time: a period during which a machine or employee is inactive (tempo ocioso)

Put one´s mind to it: apply oneself; put a lof of effort into doing something (aplicar-
se; concentrar-se; esforçar-se)

Procedure: way of doing something (procedimento)

Tip: useful piece of information (dica)

Breakdown: when a machine stops working (quebra)

A long way to go: a lot to be done (muito a ser feito)

Far better: much better (muito melhor)

Storage: safekeeping of goods, as in a warehouse (armazenagem;


Warehouse: place for storage of goods (armazém; depósito)

Assume / assumed / assumed: suppose; presume (supor; presumir)

Grow / grew / grown: become bigger; expand (crescer)

Rate: the speed at which something happens (rtimo; velocidade)

Make sure: verify; check (checar; verificar)

Bring up: introduce into discussion; mention (mencionar; apresentar)

Plan ahead: make preparations or arrengements for the future (planejar com

Reliable: someone or something that can be trusted (confiável)

Mood: state of mind or emotion (humor; estado de espírito)

Praise / praised / praised: express approval (elogiar)

Feedback: information about how well or badly someone is doing something


Workload: the amount of work that a person has to do (carga de trabalho)

Issue: subject or problem (assunto; questão)

Envisage: imagine or expect something in the future (imaginar; prever)

Shift: a period of work time (turno de trabalho)

Demand: something wanted or needed (demanda; procura)

Burden: something difficult that you have to deal with; responsibility or duty (peso;
fardo; responsabilidade)
Business Idioms – Expressões idiomáticas de Negócios

Call it a day : declare an end to the day’s activities; end a day’s work. (finalizar o
dia de trabalho)

That’s enough work for today, let’s call it a day!

Call the shots : give orders ; make the decisions. (dar as ordens, “dar as cartas”)

Francis made it clear to everyone that he is the one who calls the shots.

Cash in on : take full financial advantage of a situation. (tirar proveito de uma

situação, faturar ou lucrar com)

The businessman cashed in on his success by leveraging several business

contracts with abroad corporations.

Change hands : change from one owner to another. (mudar de dono)

That toy store has changed hands so often that I have no idea who is running
it now.

Clinch a deal : reach agreement on a proposal or offer. (fechar negócio)

Thanks to Mr.Johnson expertise we were able to clinch the deal.

Deliver the goods : succeed in doing well what is expected; do what you have
promised to. (cumprir o que foi prometido ; “dar conta do recado”).

I assume Spencer is a great talker but he doesn’t always deliver the goods.
Down the drain : wasted or lost. (desperdiçado ; perdido ; “jogado fora” ; “jogado
no lixo”)

A lot of money spent on research will go down the drain whether the company
goes bankrupt.

Eager beaver : a person who is hardworking and enthusiastic. (pessoa

entusiasmada e esforçada)

When Josh first started working here he was a real eager beaver.

Get down to business : start to work ; to be serious about something. (começar

a trabalhar ; levar algo a sério).

There’s no much time left, so let’s get down to business.

Get into the swing of things : become fully involved in an activity and start to
understand how it works. (adaptar-se a uma situação; “entrar no esquema”)

The new intern is getting into the swing of things.

Get something off the ground : make a successful beginning ; put something
into action. (dar início a um projeto, trabalho, etc. com sucesso ; “tirar do papel”)

They are finally able to get the project off the ground.

Get the axe : lose one’s job ; get fired. (perder o emprego ; ser despedido)

Tom got the axe and now he’s very sad.

Get the hang of something : learn how to do something. (aprender a fazer algo
; “pegar o jeito”)

Don’t worry, you’ll soon get then hang of it.

Get the show on the road : get something started; begin working. (iniciar algo ;
começar a trabalhar)

Let’s get the show on the road, there’s a lot to be done.

Give notice : warn an employer that you are going to leave your job. (dar aviso
prévio ao empregador)

You’d better give notice to your boss if you’re really thinking of changing jobs.

Give someone the green light : give permission to go ahead with a project. (dar
permissão para ir em frente com um projeto ; “dar o sinal verde”)

We’ll get started on the new project as soon as you give us the green light.

Go bust : go bankrupt (ir à falência ; ir à bancarrota)

Many companies go bust because mismanagement.

Go-getter : someone who works hard to succeed. (pessoa dinâmica, ambiciosa

e empreendedora)

We need a go-getter for this position.

Go public : sell shares of a private company to the public. (vender ações de uma
empresa privada para o público ; “abrir o capital”)

That company has been doing very well since they went public.

In a nutshell : very briefly ; using as few words as possible. (resumidamente ; em

poucas palavras)

The boss wanted to know the problems in a nutshell, without further

In charge of : responsible for. (responsável por)

Who’s in charge of logistics in your company.

In the pipeline : being planned ; in the process of being developed. (sendo

desenvolvido ou preparado)

Do you have any projects in the pipeline?

In the works : in preparation or development. (sendo preparado ; em


They have a new sports car in the works but that’s still a secret.

Jack up : increase prices. (aumentar os preços)

It’s the second time the have jacked up this year.

Jump on the bandwagon : join a trend ; support something that is popular.

(aderir a uma tendência ; fazer o mesmo que todos estão fazendo)

Once Cancun became a popular vacation spot, everybody seemed to jump on

the bandwagon and want to spend their vacation there.

Keep track of : maintain a record of. (acompanhar a evolução de algo ; manter


We have a spreadsheet to keep track of our monthly expenses with stationery.

Make a killing : earn a lot of money in a short time. (ganhar bastante dinheiro
em pouco tempo ; “faturar alto”)

They made a killing selling those high-tech gadgets.

Make money hand over fist : make money very quickly and continuously.
(ganhar dinheiro rapidamente ; ganhar dinheiro “a rodo”)

They have been making money hand over fist since they started to advertise
their products on the Internet.

Mean business : be serious about something (falar sério)

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he meant business.

No strings attached : without any conditions or restrictions.

(incondicionalmente ; sem restrições)

Are you sure that special offer comes with no strings attached?

On a shoestring : on a very tight budget. (com orçamento apertado)

We made the advertising campaign on a shoestring budget, but yet we got

good results.

On behalf of : speaking or acting for. (em nome de)

On behalf of Digital Domain I’d like to welcome you all to our sales convention.

On duty : at work ; doing one’s job (em serviço)

You are not supposed to drink on duty.

Play hardball : work or act agressively, competitively or ruthlessly. (trabalhar ou

agir de forma agressiva, competitiva ou impiedosa ; “jogar duro”)

I don’t believe the lawyer is playing the hardball with us.

Pull strings : use influential friends to get an advantage. (usar de influência
para conseguir algo ; “mexer os pauzinhos”)

They might be able to pull a few strings and help us.

Red tape : too much paperwork that slows down business ; bureaucracy.
(papelada ; burocracia)

There is always a lot of red tape to take care of before releasing your goods
from the harbour.

Roll up one’s sleeves : get ready to start work. (preparar-se para começar a
trabalhar ; “arregaçar as mangas”)

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get some work done!

Run a business : manage a business ; be in charge of a business. (cuidar de um

negócio ; “tocar um negócio”)

Who’s running the company since Mr. Ford retired?

Sell like hotcakes : sell quickly and a lot. (“vender como água”).

This is a great product. I’m sure it’s going to sell like hotcakes.

Sell out : sell all of a product that is in stock. (vender todo o estoque de um

I’m sorry, we sold out of those souvenirs.

Sleeping partner / silent partner : a partner who invests money in a business,

but doesn’t take an active part in its management. (sócio que investe dinheiro
em um negócio, mas não participa ativamente do gerenciamento)

Roger is the one who runs the business, Larry is just a sleeping partner.
Take a nosedive : reduce suddenly, said of prices, profits, etc. (cair

The stock market can be really unpredictable. I could never expect those stocks
to take a nosedive like that.

Talk shop : to talk about work or business during free time. (falar sobre o
trabalho ou negócios durante o horário de lazer)

I’ll have lunch with you today, but please let’s not talk shop.

Tricks of the trade : special knowledge associated with a profession. (os

macetes de um negócio ou profissão)

He knows all the tricks of the trade.

Up and running : be functioning ; to be actively working. (estar funcionando)

That new plant will provide many new jobs as soon as it’s up and running.

Win-win situation : a situation where both or all parties benefit from a deal.
(uma situação em que todas as partes saem ganhando)

I’m really glad we came to an agreement that will benefit everyone. It’s a win-
win situation.

Work one’s fingers to the bone : work extremely hard. (matar-se de trabalhar)

I’ve been working my fingers to the bone, I think I need a vacation!

Worst-case scenario : the worst thing that could possibly happen. (a pior das

We should also get prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Escolha o seu nicho e defina a sua persona

I) Identifique o seu nicho

Como vimos na nossa aula “Que tipo de negocio devo criar”, o nicho de mercado é uma

segmentação do mercado, uma parte do mercado onde temos um grupo de pessoas com

interesses, “problemas” e necessidades específicos.

Segmentando o mercado, identificando o seu nicho, terá mais chances de criar conteúdos

específicos para o seu público-alvo, agregando valor e procurando a satisfação do seu

cliente ideal.

Para ajudar na identificação do seu nicho, responda as seguintes perguntas:

1. O que eu sei fazer?

2. O que eu gosto de fazer?

3. Meu nicho é _______________________.

4. Meu sub nicho é _______________________.

II) Defina a sua persona

Como vimos na nossa aula “O que é Persona e como criar a sua”, persona é o nosso cliente

É uma criação fictícia do seu cliente ideal, que vai lhe ajudar a perceber as suas

características, hábitos, interesses, motivações, preocupações e desafios, para que possa

trabalhar no sentido de produzir conteúdos, desenvolver os seus produtos e serviços, de

forma a ajudar a resolver as “dores” e atingir de maneira satisfatória, o seu cliente ideal.

Para ajudar na definição de sua persona, responda as seguintes perguntas:

Quem é a minha persona?

Descreva quem é o seu cliente ideal, quanto mais detalhada for a sua descrição, mais

profundo e completo será o seu conhecimento sobre a sua persona.

1. Nome: ________________________________________.

2. Sexo: _________________________________________.

3. Idade: ________________________________________.

4. País | Cidade: _________________________________.

5. Estado civil: ___________________________________.

6. Profissão: _____________________________________.

7. Renda mensal: ________________________________.

I. Quais são os comportamentos da sua persona

a) Quais são os seus valores?

b) Qual o seu vocabulário?

c) Como se veste? Como se comporta em público?

d) Quais produtos compra/consome?

e) Que tipo de livros, músicas, filmes (etc) prefere?

f) O que não suporta?

g) O que adora?

II. Quais são as necessidades (as dores e desejos) da sua persona

a) Qual o seu maior sonho?

b) O que é mais importante em sua vida?

c) Onde quer estar daqui a cinco anos?

d) O que lhe preocupa?

e) Quais são os seus medos?

f) Quais são seus maiores obstáculos?

III. Como pode ajudar a sua persona?

a) Que tipo de produto e/ou serviço pode oferecer para ajudar a resolver as dores, os

problemas da sua persona?

b) Quais resultados a sua persona espera conseguir com o seu produto e/ou serviço?

c) Quais objeções/resistências a sua persona pode ter em relação ao seu produto e/ou

Your Full Name
Your “title” ex: Full stack developer City, Country
personalwebsite.com Yourprimaryemail@whatever.com
github.com/yourgithub 604 604 4444


Software Developer, Telesoft  - Feb/2015  - present - Seattle, WA

⇢ Led the development and adoption of React for a dashboard web app.
⇢ Include
- achievements
- projects done
- How big was the team
- What was your role in the team
- How many users/requests did the projects have
- Etc...
⇢ Full stack development using Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB.

Web Developer, Plasmid Inc - Nov/2013 - Jan/2015 - Denver, CO

⇢ Part of the front end development team of their AngularJS web app.
⇢ Developed & maintained a reusable components repository.

Other Experiences:
⇢ Developed & co-founded an online game store, sold to AB Games in
⇢ Summer intern for Bong working with D3 visualizations, 12 weeks in


Speakasso: web-based generative art based on speech or conversation.

Bubbles.js: open source generator of PNG images of bubbles.

2012 B.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Iowa

⇢ Conducted a project on comparative analysis of 10 predictive data-
mining techniques and authored 2 papers on the topic.


React, Redux, ES6, Express, MongoDB, Sass, Webpack, Gulp, Git


English, French, ...

Non-disclosure, Non-circumvention and Non-competition Agreement


AGREEMENT is effective as of ________________________________ by and between Epic
Enterprise Inc., a Canadian registered Corporation individually or collectively, and on behalf of
any/all/other affiliated companies, or approved agents and official representatives of the above

(hereinafter the "Companies"); and ___________________________________________.

(hereinafter "Confidant"),

whose address is

1. Purpose

The parties to this Agreement desire to engage in discussions regarding present and/or potential
future business relationships. This Agreement combines a non-disclosure, a non-competition, and a
non-circumvention agreement. The parties intend to engage in substantive discussions and sharing
of confidential information regarding certain new and useful business opportunities, trade secrets,
business entity formation and structuring, and tax planning. In connection with these discussions, it
may be necessary and/or desirable for the Company to provide the Confidant with, or allow access
to, proprietary, technical, or business data, and/or other confidential information of the Company
(collectively the "Confidential Information"). Therefore, the Confidant, individually and on behalf
of those they represent, agree that they are under an obligation of confidentiality. The Company
believes, and the Confidant hereby agrees, that the Company’s Confidential Information has
significant commercial value that would be diminished by unauthorized disclosure. Accordingly,
the commitments of confidentiality in this Agreement are a condition to the Confidant’s willingness
to engage in the contemplated business discussions and planning. The Confidant agrees that it shall
not use any advantages derivable from such information in its own business or affairs, unless the
same is done pursuant to a new agreement with all other signatories to this document. Each signing
party shall be held responsible and liable in case of a breach of this Agreement both in their
professional and personal capacity.

2. Confidential Information

Confidential Information shall include, and shall be deemed to include, all information conveyed by
the Company to the Confidant orally, in writing, by demonstration, or by other media. Confidential
Information shall be considered as such at the time of transmittal. Confidential Information may
include, by way of example but without limitation data, know-how, contacts, contracts, software,
formulas, processes, designs, sketches, photographs, plans, drawings, specifications, samples,
reports, information obtained from previous or current participants in programs of the Company,
and information relating to transactional procedures. However, Confidential Information shall not
include information, which can clearly demonstrated to be:

a. Generally known or available to the public, through no act or omission on the part of the
receiving party; or

b. Provided to the receiving party by a third party without any restriction on disclosure and without
breach of any obligation of confidentiality to a party to this Agreement; or independently developed
by the receiving party without use of the Confidential Information.
3. Obligation of Confidentiality

The Confidant agrees that when receipt of any Confidential Information has occurred:

a. The Confidant shall not disclose or communicate Confidential Information to any third party,
except as herein provided. Confidant shall protect such information from disclosure by reasonable
means, including but not limited to at least the same minimal level of security that Confidant uses
for its most crucial proprietary and trade secret information.

b. Confidant shall reasonably protect the Confidential Information with not less than the same
degree of care exercised by its own personnel to protect its own, or publication of its own, most
valuable confidential and proprietary information.

c. The Company shall permit access to its Confidential Information to the Confidant’s agents or
employees or third parties only if such disclosure is reasonably believed to be necessary to the
purposes of the Confidant evaluating, contemplating, recommending, or engaging in any program
or service offered by the Company or for the purpose of entering into a business relationship with
the Company, and only if said agents, employees, or third parties:

1. reasonably require access to the Confidential Information for purposes approved by this
Agreement, and

2. have been apprized of this Agreement and the Confidant’s obligations to maintain the trade secret
status of Confidential Information and to restrict its use as provided by this Agreement.

4. Obligation of Non-Competition

The non-competition provisions of this Agreement are an essential and material part of the total
agreement, by which the Confidant agrees it shall not use any advantages derivable from such
confidential information in its own business or affairs, unless the same is done pursuant to a new
agreement executed by all signatories to this document.

5. Non-Circumvention

The Confidant hereby agrees for himself or herself, their officers, directors, agents, associates and
any related parties, that they will not, directly or indirectly, contact, deal with or otherwise become
involved with any entity or any other entities or parties introduced, directly or indirectly, by or
through the other party, its officers, directors, agents or associates, for the purpose of avoiding the
payment to the Company of profits, fees or otherwise, without the specific written approval of the

6. No Representations

The Confidant understands that the Company makes no representation or warranty as to the
accuracy or completeness of the information it provides to the Confidant. The Confidant agrees that
neither the Company, nor any of its advisers, representatives, agents, or employees shall be held
liable for utilization of Confidential Information which results from the Confidant’s use of said

1. 7. Term

This Agreement shall, by mutual consent of the parties, remain in force and affect for a period of
five years from the date signed and executed by all parties, with the effective date being the date on
which the final signature is affixed hereto.
1. 8. Jurisdiction

The jurisdiction for this Agreement is global and worldwide. Should the Companies assert that a
violation has occurred, the parties agree that the Companies shall be entitled to take action to
remedy the violation in the locale and/or legal jurisdiction in which the violation occurred, and/or in
any other locale or jurisdiction(s) which is appropriate, in the opinion of the Companies and their

9. Miscellaneous

a. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

1. "Agents or employees" includes the directors, officers and employees of any of the parties, it also
includes the Confidant, any corporation, partnership, association, business trust, contractual
organization, group, or other entity of which the Confidant is a member, officer, director, agent,
trustee, beneficiary, or has a position similar to the aforementioned.

b. Except for the limited right to use granted in section 3(c) herein, no right or license, either
express or implied, under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right is
granted hereunder.

c. No agency or partnership relationship is created between the parties by this Agreement.

d. No party has an obligation under this Agreement to purchase any service or item from any of the
other parties, or to offer any service or item for sale to any of the other parties and that any
agreement to have a business relationship between the parties will exist only when such agreement
is in writing and duly executed by all the parties hereto.

e. ANY and ALL additions, modifications, and waivers of this Agreement must be made in writing
and signed by all parties. However, the failure of a party to insist on full compliance with any
provisions of this Agreement in a particular instance shall not preclude it from requiring full
compliance thereafter.

f. This Agreement is made and shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Illinois. The proper venue for any action arising from or in connection to the interpretation
or enforcement of this Agreement shall be decided by the Company.

1. If any portion of this Agreement shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the
other provisions hereof, and to this extent, the provisions of this Agreement are to be and
shall be deemed severable. If any party hereto incurs any legal fees, whether or not action is
instituted, to enforce the terms of this Agreement or to recover damages or injunctive relief
for breach of this Agreement, it is agreed that the successful or prevailing parties shall be
entitled to reasonable attorney fees and other costs in addition to any other relief to which it
or they may be entitled.

1. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between all the parties and supersedes
all previous understandings, agreements, communications and representations, whether
written or oral, concerning the discussions by and between the parties hereto and the
Confidential Information.

1. 10. Mutuality

To the extent that confidential information is disseminated or exchanged by both parties, such
information shall be confidential as to both parties, the Companies and the Confidant.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have individually and by their duly authorized
representatives executed and delivered this Agreement, to be effective as of the date first written

Agreed to and accepted by:

(the Company(s))

Epic Enterprise Inc.

by: ___________

Mohsen Saleem

Managing Partner

Company Name: __________________________________________

(The Confidant)

by: ___________


Name: ___________________________________________________

Title: ______________________________________________________

Facsimile Number: __________________________________________

Contact Number: ____________________________________________

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