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Apoio Instituto Natura Patrocnio Crer para Ver Projeto Melhores Prticas no Ensino de Leitura: Sries Iniciais Equipe de Pesquisa Abaquar Consultores Coordenao Gisele Gama Andrade Janne Calhau Mouro Equipe Tcnica Aparecida Maria G. Andrade Cludio Cherici Nogueira Gabriel Souza Gisele Gama Andrade Janne Calhau Mouro Margarida Elisa Ehrhardt Ferreira Ivany Ehrhardt Raphael Andrade de Souza Wagner Luiz dos Santos Malta Colaborao Maria Candida Raizer Cardinalli Perez Projeto Grfico Hudson Gomes Afonso Verso em lngua inglesa Ayala Camarano Martins Laura Laussade Maurcio Nora Corra Reviso Lingustica Gisele Gama Andrade

Support Natura Institute Sponsorship Crer para Ver Best Practices in Teaching Reading Project: Early Grades Abaquar Consulting Research Staff Coordination Gisele Gama Andrade Janne Calhau Mouro Technical staff Aparecida Maria G. Andrade Cludio Cherici Nogueira Gabriel Souza Gisele Gama Andrade Janne Calhau Mouro Margarida Elisa Ehrhardt Ferreira Ivany Ehrhardt Raphael Andrade de Souza Wagner Luiz dos Santos Malta Collaboration Maria Candida Raizer Cardinalli Perez Graphical design Hudson Gomes Afonso English version Ayala Camarano Martins Laura Laussade Maurcio Nora Corra Linguistic revision Gisele Gama Andrade

A Natura pratica o Investimento Social Privado desde a dcada de 1990. A companhia acredita que esta uma forma de exercer uma das crenas mais representativas de sua Essncia: a de que o valor e a longevidade de uma empresa esto ligados a sua capacidade de contribuir para a evoluo da sociedade e seu desenvolvimento sustentvel. O Instituto Natura, organizao sem fins lucrativos e com sede independente, foi criado em 2010 como uma evoluo desse processo, e nasceu com a misso de expandir e fortalecer as iniciativas sociais da Natura. A principal diretriz do Instituto a promoo de projetos capazes de impactar positivamente a qualidade do ensino pblico no Brasil e na Amrica Latina. A maior parte dos recursos aplicados nos programas sociais apoiados pelo Instituto Natura proveniente do Programa Natura Crer para Ver, que consiste na venda de uma linha especial de produtos na qual tanto a Natura quanto os consultores e consultoras da empresa abrem mo dos lucros, que so investidos em programas e iniciativas educacionais gerenciados pelo Instituto. Um dos projetos apoiados pelo Instituto Natura em 2011 foi a pesquisa Melhores Prticas no Ensino de Leitura: Sries Iniciais da Educao Bsica. A partir de uma ampla pesquisa prvia realizada em todos os municpios brasileiros orientada por recortes demogrficos e de proficincia em leitura chegou-se a nove municpios selecionados por seus bons desempenhos no SAEB / Prova Brasil. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo detectar, sistematizar e registrar em fotografias e vdeo as boas prticas de ensino de leitura nesses municpios, para divulg-las e dissemin-las para professores de outros municpios do pas. Assim, com grande satisfao que convidamos a todos a conhecer os resultados dessa pesquisa, viajando pelas pginas coloridas desta publicao e assistindo o vdeo nela encartado, o que, certamente, os levar a concluir que, em nosso pas, h prticas de ensino de leitura, nas sries iniciais, que devem ser admiradas e replicadas. Instituto Natura

Natura has been practicing Private Social Investment since the 1990s. The company believes that this helps the organization fulfill one of its most important beliefs which is part of the essence of the organization: the value and longevity of an organization are linked to its ability to contribute to the evolution of society and its sustainable development. The Natura Institute, a nonprofit organization which has its own headquarters, was founded in 2010 as an evolution of these social activities, and was made for the purpose of expanding and strengthening the social initiatives of Natura. The main guideline of the institute is the promotion of projects that can positively affect the quality of public education in Brazil and Latin America. Most of the recourses invested in social programs sponsored by the Natura Institute comes from the Natura Crer para Ver Program (Believing is seeing), that consists of the sales from a particular line of products in which both Natura and consultants of the company donate the profits which are invested in educational programs and initiatives which is managed by the institute. One of the projects supported by the Natura Institute in 2011 was the research called The Best Practices in the Instruction of Reading: The Early grades of Elementary Education. Based on previous extensive research conducted in the Brazilian municipalities - guided by demographic cuts and proficiency in reading we narrowed down these cities to nine cities selected for their good performances on the SAEB (the Basic Education Assessment System) / Prova Brazil (The Brazil Exam). This work aimed at detecting, systematizing and recording - in photos and video - the effective practices of teaching reading in these cities in order to document them and distribute them to teachers in other cities of the country. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we invite everyone to become familiar with the results of this research, going through the pages of this publication and watching the inserted video, will certainly lead you to conclude that in our country there are practices of teaching reading in early grades, which should be admired and replicated. Natura Institute

Ficha Catalogrfica Melhores prticas no ensino de leitura: sries iniciais. Rio de Janeiro : Abaquar : Instituto Natura, 2011. 210 p. : il. ; 32 cm. Texto em portugus e ingls. ISBN 978-85-61992-20-0 1. Leitura. 2. Ensino. 3. Prticas Pedaggicas. CDD 372.41 CDU 372.41


Introduo ..............................................................................................................................................................09 Garuva ....................................................................................................................................................................23 Itamogi ...................................................................................................................................................................51 Itapaci .....................................................................................................................................................................69 Lajinha ....................................................................................................................................................................89 Patos de Minas......................................................................................................................................................109 Paula Cndido .......................................................................................................................................................129 Piumhi...................................................................................................................................................................149 So Joo................................................................................................................................................................169 So Tiago ..............................................................................................................................................................189 Consideraes Finais .............................................................................................................................................204 Referncias ............................................................................................................................................................207 Agradecimentos....................................................................................................................................................208

Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................09 Garuva .......................................................................................................................................................................23 Itamogi ......................................................................................................................................................................51 Itapaci ........................................................................................................................................................................69 Lajinha .......................................................................................................................................................................89 Patos de Minas........................................................................................................................................................ 109 Paula Cndido ......................................................................................................................................................... 129 Piumhi..................................................................................................................................................................... 149 So Joo.................................................................................................................................................................. 169 So Tiago ................................................................................................................................................................ 189 Final Considerations ................................................................................................................................................ 204 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................ 207 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................... 208

Desde 1990, com a implementao do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao da Educao Bsica SAEB, o Ministrio da Educao vem produzindo indicadores sobre o sistema educacional brasileiro. Dentre os indicadores produzidos pelo SAEB, alguns apontavam para problemas graves na eficincia do ensino oferecido pelas redes de escolas brasileiras, como os baixos desempenhos em leitura, demonstrados pelos alunos. Esses problemas foram amplamente divulgados e discutidos no somente no Brasil, como tambm, internacionalmente, tendo em vista que o problema no se localizava apenas em nosso pas. Em 2006, a quarta edio do Relatrio de Monitoramento Global de Educao para Todos (EPT) foi publicado e centrou-se na alfabetizao por ser um dos mais negligenciados entre os seis objetivos adotados em 2000 por 164 pases participantes do Frum Mundial de Educao realizado em Dacar. O relatrio destaca a urgncia de dedicar alfabetizao maior ateno das polticas e mais recursos, enfatizando os imensos benefcios que tal ao confere aos indivduos, s comunidades e s naes. Desde a criao do documento com o compromisso de Educao para Todos, em Dacar, entretanto, j se apontava a dificuldade de compreender e cumprir as metas qualitativas do documento. O relatrio da Unesco de Monitoramento Global de 2006 apontava (pgina 29): Os pases interpretam habilidades para a vida de maneiras diversas, o que complica o monitoramento. A partir da, vrias iniciativas no Brasil esto sendo tomadas em busca de honrar os compromissos assumidos em Dacar. Como exemplo, podemos citar a ampliao do ensino fundamental de oito para nove anos, iniciando a etapa do ensino obrigatrio aos seis anos e a iniciativa da construo de um ndice especfico, o IDEB ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educao Bsica. Vale lembrar que os seis objetivos de Educao para Todos acordados em Dacar so: 1. Expandir e melhorar as aes abrangentes de cuidados e educao na primeira infncia, especialmente para as crianas mais vulnerveis e menos favorecidas. 2. Garantir que, em 2015, todas as crianas em particular meninas, crianas em circunstncias difceis e crianas que pertencem a minorias tnicas tenham acesso s sries iniciais do ensino fundamental de boa qualidade, de forma completa, gratuita e compulsria. 3. Garantir que as necessidades de aprendizagem de todos os jovens e de todos os adultos sejam atendidas por meio do acesso equitativo a programas adequados de aprendizagem e de habilidades para a vida. 4. Alcanar melhora de 50% nos nveis de alfabetizao de adultos at 2015 especialmente para mulheres e acesso equitativo educao bsica e continuada para todos os adultos.

Since 1990, with the implementation of the Sistema Nacional de Avaliao da Educao Bsica (Basic Education Assessment System) - SAEB, the Ministrio da Educao (Ministry of Education) has produced indicators related to the Brazilian educational system. Among the indicators produced by SAEB, some pointed out serious problems of efficiency in the education offered by the Brazilian public schools, such as low performance in reading demonstrated by students. Considering that these problems were not found only in our country, they were widely reported and discussed not only in Brazil but also internationally. In 2006, the fourth edition of the Global Monitoring Report on Education for All (EPT) was published and focused on literacy as one of the most neglected of the six goals adopted in 2000 by 164 countries participating in the World Education Forum held in Dakar. The report highlights the urgency of devoting increased policy attention and more resources to literacy, emphasizing the vast benefits that such action provides to individuals, communities and nations. Since the document creation, stating a commitment to Education for All in Dakar, great difficulty to understand and meet its qualitative goals has been demonstrated. The UNESCOs 2006 Global Monitoring report pointed out (page 29): Countries interpret skills for life in different ways, which complicates its monitoring. Since then, several initiatives have been taken in Brazil seeking to honor the commitments made in Dakar. As an example, we can mention the increase of basic education from eight to nine years, with compulsory education starting at the age of six and the creation of a specific index, the IDEB Basic Education Development Index.Its worth mentioning that the six objectives of Education for All agreed in Dakar are: 1. Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children; 2. Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality; 3. Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programs;

4. Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults; 9

5. Eliminar as desigualdades de gnero no ensino fundamental e mdio at 2015 e alcanar igualdade de gnero na educao at 2015, com foco na garantia de acesso integral e igualitrio para meninas e em conquistas em educao bsica de boa qualidade. 6. Melhorar todos os aspectos da qualidade da educao, garantindo sua excelncia, para que os resultados de aprendizagem identificveis e mensurveis sejam alcanados por todos, especialmente em leitura, operao com nmeros e habilidades essenciais para a vida. Para se verificar a efetividade das aes que envolvem a meta de educar com qualidade (meta 6), preciso que se estabeleam metodologias que garantam o entendimento do que se est perseguindo. Vejamos o que afirma o Relatrio de Monitoramento Global da EPT (2006)1: primeira vista, letramento2 parece um termo que todo mundo compreende. Ao mesmo tempo, porm, letramento um conceito que se tem mostrado complexo e dinmico, que continua a ser interpretado e definido de mltiplos modos. As noes que as pessoas tm do que significa ser letrado ou iletrado so influenciadas por pesquisa acadmica, agendas institucionais, contextos nacionais, valores culturais e experincias pessoais. Na comunidade acadmica, as teorias sobre letramento evoluram do foco exclusivo nas mudanas individuais para vises mais complexas, abrangendo contextos sociais mais amplos do que o ambiente letrado e a sociedade letrada, que incentivam e propiciam a ocorrncia de atividades e prticas de letramento. Em decorrncia desse e de outros acontecimentos, a concepo de letramento na comunidade internacional tambm se expandiu: de uma viso de letramento como um processo simples de aquisio de habilidades cognitivas bsicas, ampliou-se de modo que essas habilidades sejam utilizadas para contribuir para o desenvolvimento socioeconmico, para o desenvolvimento da capacidade de conscincia social, e para a reflexo crtica como base para mudanas pessoais e sociais. Nessa perspectiva, o MEC estabeleceu a realizao do SAEB e da Prova Brasil. Sua principal finalidade, de acordo com o INEP3, a de que,

5. Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2015 and achieve gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring full and equal access for girls and achievements in basic education of good quality; 6. Improving all aspects of education quality, ensuring their excellence so that learning outcomes are distinct and measurable achieved by all, especially in reading, working on numbers and skills essential for life.

To verify the effectiveness of actions that involve the goal of educating with quality (goal 6) it is necessary to establish methodologies that ensure the understanding of what is being pursued. Lets see what the Global Monitoring Report on EPT states (2006)1: At first glance, literacy would seem to be a term that everyone understands. But at the same time, literacy as a concept has proved to be both complex and dynamic, continuing to be interpreted and defined in a multiplicity of ways. Peoples notions of what it means to be literate or illiterate are influenced by academic research, institutional agendas, national context, cultural values and personal experiences. In the academic community, theories of literacy have evolved from those focused solely on changes in individuals to more complex views encompassing the broader social contexts (the literate environment and the literate society) that encourage and enable literacy activities and practices to occur. As a result of these and other developments, understandings in the international policy community have expanded too: from viewing literacy as a simple process of acquiring basic cognitive skills, to using these skills in ways that contribute to socio-economic development, to developing the capacity for social awareness and critical reflection as a basis for personal and social change. This chapter traces the evolution of these different understandings of being (and becoming) literate and shows how variants of these ideas have been integrated into policy discourse. Several important conceptual distinctions emerge, which form the basis for subsequent analyses in the Report. From this perspective, MEC (The Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture) has established the execution of SAEB and Prova Brasil (Brazilian Exam). Their main purpose, according to INEP2 (National Study and Research in Education Institute) is taking into account the information provided by SAEB and Prova Brasil, the Ministry of Education and Culture and The Department and Board of Education can define actions to improve the quality of education in the country and the reduction of the existing disparities, promoting, for example, the correction of distortions and weaknesses identified and directing its technical and financial resources to areas indicated as priorities. The performance average on these assessments also subsidizes the calculation of the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB), along with the passing rates on these spheres. Besides that, the data are also available to the society that, based on the results presented, can monitor the policies implemented by different governments. As for Prova Brasil (the Brazil Exam), the specific performance of urban public schools in the country can also be observed.

a partir das informaes do SAEB e da Prova Brasil, o MEC e as secretarias estaduais e municipais de Educao possam definir aes voltadas ao aprimoramento da qualidade da educao no pas e a reduo das desigualdades existentes, promovendo, por exemplo, a correo de distores e debilidades identificadas e direcionando seus recursos tcnicos e financeiros para reas identificadas como prioritrias. As mdias de desempenho nessas avaliaes tambm subsidiam o clculo do ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educao Bsica (IDEB), ao lado das taxas de aprovao nessas esferas. Alm disto, os dados tambm esto disponveis a toda a sociedade que, a partir dos resultados, pode monitorar as polticas implementadas pelas diferentes esferas de governo. No caso da Prova Brasil ainda pode ser observado o desempenho especfico das escolas pblicas urbanas do Pas.

Education for all: global monitoring report 2006: Literacy for life. Paris, France, Unesco, 2006. O conceito de letramento amplo, mas significa, em linhas gerais, autonomia do sujeito com relao ao uso do que aprendeu e interao desse sujeito com o mundo. 3 Fonte: http://provabrasil.inep.gov.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=13. Acesso em 30/10/2010.
1 2

Education for all: global monitoring report 2006: Literacy for life. Paris, France, Unesco, 2006.

2 Fonte: http://provabrasil.inep.gov.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=13. Acesso em 30/10/2010.


Compreender pedagogicamente as metas perseguidas na Prova Brasil e, consequentemente, no IDEB, de suma importncia para o cumprimento da misso de educar com qualidade. No que diz respeito, especificamente, ao ensino da leitura, as responsabilidades educacionais so ainda maiores. a partir da leitura que o sujeito ser apresentado a praticamente todas as propostas de desenvolvimento de habilidades, na escola. Sem um bom letramento em leitura, as possibilidades de sucesso escolar so praticamente nulas. A leitura representa a compreenso do mundo. Para se obter sucesso no processo de aprendizagem, preciso ler, compreender, apreender e produzir sentidos sobre as informaes do mundo. Ento, qualquer proposta de ensino deve pressupor um sujeito com acesso e oportunidades a um bom desenvolvimento do letramento em leitura. Em tempos de total exigncia para que, efetivamente, a linguagem seja o real passaporte para a cidadania, precisamos ter claro que no existe sociedade ou indivduo sem linguagem, e que as relaes sociais se constituem pela linguagem e so por ela constitudas. Pela linguagem, o indivduo se faz adulto cidado, constri a si mesmo e o mundo. Assim, o domnio de vrias linguagens presentes nos diferentes tipos de texto (verbais e no-verbais) associado s demandas de leitura surgidas na prtica social mais ampla, carregadas de sentido, que daro ao aluno o estatuto de leitor e autor, condio para integrar a rede de informao, comunicao e de produo de conhecimentos, ao mesmo tempo que o capacita a entender como o prprio conhecimento se pe a servio de determinado interesse, servindo para qualificar e discriminar os sujeitos. A linguagem, enquanto prtica que responde s necessidades de comunicao institudas na interao social, assume a dimenso plural: a linguagem do aluno; da escola; dos meios de comunicao; das cincias humanas, sociais e da natureza; da arte; do poder; em suas modalidades verbal e no-verbal. A escola, portanto, precisa abrir espao para que diferentes linguagens, interaes e discursos possam acontecer. nesse sentido que ensinar a ler fundamental na formao deste cidado-leitor que pensa criticamente, que toma decises, tem atitudes, posicionando-se frente s coisas do mundo. O ato de ler, ento, no pode ser encarado como exerccio de localizao de informaes. Para uma aula de histria, por exemplo, no basta selecionar um livro didtico, apresent-lo aos alunos e, a partir das informaes nele contidas, considerar o contedo como dado. Ler , como afirmamos, identificar informaes, relacion-las com outras internas ou externas ao texto, identificar a inteno e o contexto de sua criao para que o sujeito leitor possa, enfim, posicionar-se criticamente quanto ao que leu. Deve considerar a maturidade do sujeito leitor (sua bagagem) e possibilitar a ampliao desse universo, a partir de novos elementos, de novas experincias leitoras. Esse no um trabalho simples, e descobrir e divulgar metodologias exitosas de ensino de leitura tarefa de suma importncia. Atenta necessidade de que os esforos em promover educao de qualidade sejam envidados por todos, a Natura Cosmticos, h mais de uma dcada, criou o Programa Crer para Ver, que tem o exato objetivo de contribuir com o alcance das metas de educao de qualidade para todos. Com esse mesmo propsito, a Abaquar Consultores, com o apoio do Instituto Natura, investigou experincias exitosas de ensino de leitura, a fim de que essas experincias possam ser sistematizadas e divulgadas.

Pedagogically understanding the pursued goals on Prova Brasil (the Brazil Exam) and, consequently, on IDEB (the Basic Education Development Index) is of great importance towards the excellence in the fulfillment of the educating mission. Regarding reading teaching specifically, the educational responsibilities are even greater. Beginning with reading, the individual will be presented to nearly all the proposals for skill development at school. Without good reading skills, the chances of school success are practically nil. Reading represents the understanding of the world. To succeed in the learning process, it is necessary to read, understand, learn and get the meaning of the worlds information. So any teaching proposal should assume that the individual has had the access and opportunities to good reading development skills. In times when there is a total need for the language to be effectively considered the real passport to citizenship, it must be clear that there is no society or any individual without language, and social relationships are constituted through language and therefore are constituted by it. Through language, the individual becomes an adult citizen, constructs himself and the world. Consequently, mastering several languages used in different types of text (verbal and non-verbal) associated with reading demands developed from a wider social practice, full of meaning, will give the student the status of reader and author, the condition to integrate the information network, communication and the production of knowledge. It also enables him to understand how the knowledge is put at the service of a particular interest, qualifying and distinguishing the individuals. Language as a practice that meets the needs of communication established in social interaction assumes plural dimensions: the students language, the language at school, in the means of communication, the human language, in the social and natural sciences, in the arts, in the power; in its verbal and non-verbal modalities. The school, thus, needs to make room for different languages, interactions and speeches that may occur. This way teaching reading is fundamental in the formation of a citizen-reader that thinks critically, makes decisions, takes actions, positions himself in world matters. The act of reading, however, cannot be seen as an exercise on finding information. In a history class, for example, it is not enough to only select a textbook, present it to the students and consider the lessons taught. Reading is, as stated, identifying information, relating it internally or externally to the text; identifying the purpose and the nature of the context so that the reader can finally take a critical position on what he has read. The act of reading takes into consideration the maturity of the reader (his baggage) and also gives him the possibility to extend his universe with new elements, new reading experiences. This is not a simple job, and discovering and expanding successful teaching reading methods is a task of great importance. Since Natura Cosmetics has been aware of the needs that we all have to make efforts to promote quality education, it has created, for over a decade, the Believe to See Program, which has the exact purpose of contributing to reaching the goals of quality education for all. With the same purpose, Abaquar Consultants, with the support of Natura Institute, has researched successful teaching reading experiences to be systematized and known.



Objetivo da pesquisa
O objetivo primordial da pesquisa foi o de identificar prticas pedaggicas de ensino de leitura bem sucedidas, registrando-as para dissemin-las, possibilitando, por exemplo, o planejamento de cursos de formao continuada para os professores e outras aes e iniciativas inspiradas nessas experincias. Com isso, o Instituto Natura pretende contribuir para a melhoria de qualidade da educao brasileira e para a reduo das desigualdades no ensino da leitura.

The purpose of the research

The main objective of the research was to identify successful pedagogical practices for teaching reading, registering and sharing them in order to allow, for example, the planning of continuing education courses for teachers and other actions and initiatives inspired by these experiences. Thus, Natura Institute intends to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Brazilian education and the reduction of inequalities in teaching reading.

Pblico-alvo da pesquisa
O Projeto Melhores Prticas no Ensino de Leitura Sries Iniciais props o estudo de casos das redes municipais de educao com os maiores avanos pedaggicos no ensino de leitura, nas sries iniciais, considerando-se os resultados do SAEB/Prova Brasil, tendo como pblico-alvo as redes municipais de educao, preferencialmente com mais de dez mil habitantes, dentre os duzentos melhores resultados na Prova Brasil 2009, que tenham progredido pelo menos dois nveis de proficincia em leitura entre 2005 e 2009 e que, ainda, tenham obtido bons ndices de aprovao no IDEB.

Target group
The Best Practices in Teaching Reading Project: Early Grades proposed a case study in the municipal public schools with significant developments in pedagogical reading instruction in early grades, considering the results of SAEB (the Basic Education Assessment System) and Prova Brasil (the Brazil Exam). The municipal public schools were the target group, preferably in towns with more than ten thousand inhabitants whose students have reached the two hundredth best results on Prova Brasil 2009 and have progressed at least up to two levels of proficiency in reading between 2005 and 2009 and have had good passing scores on IDEB (The Basic Education Development Index).

Foram selecionadas as seguintes redes pblicas municipais, nos seguintes municpios brasileiros: Regio Sudeste Lajinha (MG), So Tiago (MG), Itamogi (MG), Piumhi (MG), Patos de Minas (MG), Cajuru (SP) e Paula Cndido (MG); Regio Sul Garuva (SC) e So Joo (PR); Regio Nordeste Sobral (CE); Regio Centro-Oeste Itapaci (GO). Atenderam ao convite para a pesquisa os municpios de Lajinha (MG), So Tiago (MG), Itamogi (MG), Piumhi (MG), Patos de Minas (MG), Paula Cndido (MG), Garuva (SC), So Joo (PR) e Itapaci (GO).

These are the selected public schools and the locations of their towns: Regio Sudeste (Southeast Region) Lajinha, So Tiago, Itamogi, Piumhi, Patos de Minas and Paula Cndido in the State of Minas Gerais and Cajuru in the State of So Paulo; Regio Sul (South Region) Garuva in the State of Santa Catarina and So Joo in the State of Paran; Regio Nordeste (Northeast Region) Sobral in the State of Cear; Regio Centro-Oeste (Central West Region) Itapaci in the State of Gois. The towns of Lajinha, So Tiago, Itamogi, Piumhi, Patos de Minas, Paula Cndido in the state of Minas Gerais, Garuva in the state of Santa Catarina, So Joo in the state of Paran and Itapaci in the state of Gois accepted the invitation to participate in this research.

Instrumentos de investigao Metodologia

A anlise das metodologias de ensino de leitura nos municpios selecionados se deu pela triangulao, na investigao in loco, de: observao; entrevistas (gestores, supervisores, professores, pais, alunos); anlises de materiais pedaggicos.

Research tools Methodology

The analysis of reading instruction methodologies in the selected municipalities during on-site investigation was done by using the triangulation of: Observation; Interviews (directors, supervisors, teachers, parents and students); Analysis of pedagogical materials.

Desenho da pesquisa
A pesquisa foi feita, inicialmente, com o desenvolvimento dos instrumentos de investigao in loco, que foram produzidos a partir dos objetivos da pesquisa e de investigaes prvias das caractersticas dessas redes de ensino. Foi feito um treinamento de investigadores, que seguiram um padro isonmico de investigao.

Research Design
The research was done initially with the development of investigative tools on the spot, which were made from the research objectives and previous investigations of the characteristics of these learning networks. There was some training of researchers, who followed standard equality for research. 15

As visitas foram feitas a, pelo menos, duas escolas, indicadas pelas Secretarias Municipais de Educao como referncias de aes bem sucedidas no ensino de leitura. Foram feitas entrevistas com dirigentes, gestores, professores, alunos, equipes de apoio e pais de alunos. Foram analisados as propostas e os materiais pedaggicos previstos para os anos letivos de 1 a 5 ano do ensino fundamental e acompanhadas aes educacionais em sala de aula que a Secretaria Municipal de Educao sublinhou como exitosas. Essas aes foram filmadas e fotografadas, para organizao deste material de divulgao. diferena da informao depurada, filtrada, assptica, captada apenas pela pesquisa formal e fechada, o relato no se preocupa em transmitir apenas o em si do acontecimento. Ele incorpora o acontecimento na prpria vida daquele que conta, que o relata. Para comunic-lo a quem escuta, o narrador utiliza a sua prpria experincia, tambm a subjetiva, deixando no relato o seu trao, como um arteso que deixa a sua marca no barro com que modela o vaso. Tais relatos sero sempre recortes, mltiplos e ricos, polifnicos, vivenciados e comunicados a partir de diversos ngulos de percepo. Esse o esprito da pesquisa de melhores prticas de ensino de leitura nos municpios que se destacaram pedagogicamente no panorama da educao brasileira dar voz, imagem, cor e visibilidade s experincias diversificadas e bem sucedidas no ensino/aprendizado de leitura.

The visits were made for at least two schools, indicated by the Municipal Department of Education as references of successful actions in the teaching of reading. Interviews were conducted with directors, managers, teachers, students, support staff and parents. The proposals were analyzed, and educational materials were set out for school years from 1 to 5 years of academic and educational activities monitored in the classroom that the Municipal Department of Education highlighted that successful. Such actions were filmed and photographed to the organization of this promotional material. Unlike of the information cleared, filtered, antiseptic, caught only through formal research and closed the account is not concerned with convey only the event itself. It embodies the event on life that counts, which the reports. To communicate it to those who listen, the narrator uses his own experience, also subjective, leaving its trace in the report as a craftsman who leaves its mark in the modeling-mud pot. Such reports are always cropping, multiple and rich, polyphonic, experienced and reported from different angles of perception. This is the spirit of research best practices of teaching reading in the counties that stood out in the pedagogical picture of Brazilian education - to give voice, image, color and visibility to diversified and successful experiences in teaching / learning to read.

Panorama Geral: aspectos em comum

Depois de mais de quarenta horas de filmagem e mais de cinco mil fotos tiradas nos locais visitados, o que se pde observar, em comum e de forma geral, que os municpios que se esto destacando dos mais ricos aos mais pobres preocupam-se com a construo do sujeito autnomo e cidado. As crianas aprendem a ter organizao, mtodos de estudo, respeito ao prximo, diversidade e ao meio ambiente. H uma preocupao muito grande com a incluso, e os estudantes com baixo desempenho tm um atendimento particularizado, mas no so isolados de sua turma. Os professores das localidades visitadas so valorizados, h dilogo franco e democrtico com as Secretarias Municipais de Educao, com a direo das escolas, com os supervisores e muito respeito pelo trabalho desses profissionais. Esses docentes so bem qualificados, atualizam-se constantemente, gostam do que fazem, so organizados, apreciam trabalhar em parceria e trocar experincias com os demais professores. Os gestores e dirigentes tm efetivo interesse em acertar. Costumam, quando possvel, dar continuidade s experincias anteriores bem sucedidas e procuram reformular e inovar a partir de avaliaes dos resultados obtidos com relao s metas projetadas. H transporte escolar gratuito; as escolas so limpas e organizadas; a merenda escolar oferecida bem armazenada, variada e de boa qualidade, incluindo frutas, legumes e verduras frescas, dos produtores locais e at das prprias hortas de algumas escolas. Os municpios visitados caminham na direo de uma educao integral e integrada famlia e comunidade, por meio de desenvolvimento de projetos e programas integra16

Overview: common aspects

After more than forty hours of shooting and over five thousand photos taken at the visited sites, what could be observed in a common and general way is that the most distinguished towns - from the richest to the poorest - are concerned with the formation of the autonomous citizen. Children learn how to be organized, study methods, to respect others, about the diversity and the environment. There is a great concern with the school inclusion and low-performing students get an individualized attention, but they are not isolated from their class. Teachers at the visited schools are valued. There is a frank and democratic dialogue among The Municipal Board of Education and the school directors, the supervisors and also a great respect for the work of these professionals. These teachers are well qualified. They constantly update themselves, enjoy what they do, are well organized; appreciate working in partnership and sharing experiences with other teachers. The directors have a great interest in making things right. Whenever possible they give continuity to the previous successful experiences and try to reformulate and innovate based on evaluations of the results obtained regarding the designed goals. There is free transportation to school; the schools are clean and organized; the meals offered at school are properly stored, varied and of good quality, including fruit and fresh vegetables from local farmers and even from some schools own gardens. The visited cities move towards a complete education integrated with the family and the community, through the development of projects and coordinated programs. 17

dos. Para tal, procuram estabelecer parcerias com organizaes governamentais, no governamentais e com empresas privadas. Nem todas as escolas das redes visitadas possuem bibliotecas em suas dependncias ou equipamentos de ltima gerao, mas todas elas buscam solues simples, criativas e eficazes que garantam um bom trabalho, nesses casos. Fazem parte da vida do estudante a msica, o canto, a dana, as artes, os trabalhos manuais, a educao fsica e a prtica de esportes. A leitura parte da vida da criana, envolvendo seu cotidiano, sua famlia e sua escola. H uma efetiva inter e transdisciplinaridade na leitura do mundo e na construo do sujeito leitor. A partir das entrevistas, observaes in loco e da pergunta Ao que pode ser atribudo a progresso e o sucesso alcanados no ensino de leitura em seu municpio, nas sries iniciais?, apresentaremos, a seguir, as respostas criativas e inovadoras desses municpios a esta indagao.

For this, they seek to establish partnerships with governmental organizations, nongovernmental and private companies. Not all visited schools have libraries in their facilities or the latest generation equipment, but they all seek simple, creative and effective solutions to ensure a good job. Music, singing, dancing, arts, crafts, physical education and sports are part of every students life. The reading is part of the childs life, involving his daily routine, his family and his school. There is an effective inter and transdisciplinarity in the understanding of the world and the construction of the individual reader. Based on the interviews, on-site observations and the question: What might have been responsible for the progression and success achieved in teaching reading in early grades in your city?, we will present below creative and innovative answers provided by the participating cities.


O Paraso das guas Santa Catarina



Sobre o municpio
Garuva teve o seu pr-nascimento inspirado em uma experincia de socialismo utpico, em 1841. Baseado nas ideias do filsofo Charles Fourier, o mdico homeopata francs Benoit Jules de Mure tentou realizar essa proposta revolucionria implantando uma colnia de produo e consumo em terras da antiga Pennsula do Say, s margens da baa de So Francisco. Embora no tenha sido bem sucedida, a experincia iniciou a colonizao da regio e deu origem ao povoado de So Joo do Palmital, ligado a So Francisco do Sul. Durante dcadas, ocorreu a migrao de muitos habitantes desse povoado para o norte do estado procura de trabalho, formando-se assim uma comunidade onde atualmente se encontra a sede do municpio. Em 1914, com a chegada dos portugueses Cndido da Veiga e Tolentino Salvador, essa comunidade passou a progredir com mais rapidez. A Fundao de Garuva, ainda como localidade de So Francisco do Sul, atribuda ao portugus Cndido da Veiga. Garuva obteve a emancipao de So Francisco do Sul, pela Lei n 953, de 20 de dezembro de 1963, por meio de movimento popular. Atualmente, o municpio de Garuva abrange as seguintes localidades, alm da regio central: Trs Barras, Barrancos, Palmital, Sol Nascente, Baraharas, Mina Velha, Caovi, Garuva Acima, So Joo Abaixo, Bom Futuro, Rio Turvo, Urubuquara, Say Guau e Quiriri. Estando a 25 metros de altitude, localiza-se na Mesorregio Norte Catarinense e na Microrregio de Joinville, fazendo divisa com os municpios de Joinville, So Francisco do Sul, Itapo, Campo Alegre e Guaratuba (no Paran). Sua populao de 14.761 habitantes (7.540 homens e 7.221 mulheres; 11.451 na rea urbana e 3.310 na rea rural), distribudos em uma rea territorial de 501,378 Km. O PIB per capita de R$ 18.689,55, e o IDH 0,787_mdio_ (PNUD/2000). O municpio sempre teve sua economia predominantemente voltada para as atividades comerciais, artesanais (vime), de prestao de servios e agropecurias (criao de gado, plantio de banana, arroz, cana de acar, mandioca, flores). Mas Garuva tornou-se conhecida em toda a regio por ser o maior produtor de bananas de Santa Catarina, cultivando mais de cem variedades da fruta. Nos ltimos anos, contudo, devido sua proximidade com os grandes centros consumidores, principalmente Joinville e Curitiba, o municpio tornou-se muito atrativo para a instalao de grandes empresas transformando-se quase que em um verdadeiro plo industrial. Segundo os gestores do municpio, l no h desemprego. Recentemente, o turismo tambm est contribuindo para o crescimento econmico de Garuva conhecida como Paraso das guas. Na mais importante bacia hidrogrfica do municpio, que a do Rio Palmital, encontramse trechos propcios navegao, prtica de esportes e pesca. Dentre outros, seus principais pontos tursticos so: o morro do Monte Crista; o Rio So Joo; a Cascata do Quiriri e a Baa do Palmital. Como principais eventos do municpio destacam-se a Consagrao a So Joo Batista padroeiro da cidade, em junho; o Dia do Colono, em julho; a comemorao do aniversrio da cidade, em dezembro.

About the county

Garuvas pre-birth was inspired by an experiment of utopian socialism in 1841. Based on the ideas of the philosopher Charles Fourier, the homeopath Benoit Jules de Mure attempted to create this revolutionary proposal by settling a colony of production and consumption in the ancient lands of the Peninsula Say, on the shores of the San Francisco Bay. Although it was not successful, the experiment began the settlement of the region and led to the origin of the So Joo do Palmital Village, connected to the town of So Francisco do Sul. For decades, the migration of many inhabitants of this village to the north of the state occurred in search for jobs, thus forming a community where the main town area is currently located. In 1914, with the arrival of the Portuguese Candido da Veiga and Tolentino Salvador, this community progressed quite fast. The foundation of Garuva, which at that time still belonged to the town of Sao Francisco do Sul, was ascribed to the Portuguese Candido da Veiga. Garuva obtained its emancipation, through a popular movement, from the town of So Francisco do Sul, Law n 953, December 20, 1963. Currently, besides the central region, the town of Garuva includes the following locations: Trs Barras, Barrancos, Palmital, Sol Nascente, Baraharas, Mina Velha, Caovi, Garuva Acima, So Joo Abaixo, Bom Futuro, Rio Turvo, Urubuquara, Say Guau and Quiriri. At an elevation of 25 meters above sea level, the town is located in the north of the state of Santa Catarina Mesoregion and the Microregion of the city of Joinville, bordering the cities of Joinville, So Francisco do Sul, Itapo, Campo Alegre and Guaratuba (in the State of Paran). Its population is 14,761 inhabitants (7,540 men and 7,221 women; 11,451 in urban areas and 3,310 in rural areas), distributed over an area of 501,378 km. The GDP per capita is R$ 18,689.55, and the Urban Development Index is 0,787 _average_ (PNUD/2000). The citys economy has always been predominantly focused on commercial activities, handicrafts (rattan), service industry and farming (cattle raising and banana, rice, sugar cane, cassava and flower plantations). The town of Garuva has become known throughout the region for being the largest producer of bananas in the state of Santa Catarina, cultivating more than a hundred species of this fruit. Over the years, however, due to its proximity to major consuming centers, especially the cities of Joinville and Curitiba, the town has become very attractive to the establishment of large companies almost turning itself into a real industrial center. According to the municipal managers there is no unemployment. Recently, tourism has also contributed to the economic growth of Garuva - known as the water paradise. The most important drainage basin is the Palmital River with adequate parts for navigation, for sports and fishing. Among others, its main tourist attractions are Monte Crista Hill; So Joo River; Quiriri Waterfall and Palmital Bay.

The main events of the city are The Consecration of St Joseph Baptist the towns patron saint in June, the Settlers Day in July, and the towns anniversary celebration in December.


Escolas da rede municipal

Garuva tem seis escolas municipais de Ensino Fundamental anos iniciais computadas pelo Censo Escolar de 2010. Uma oferece Educao Fundamental apenas para os anos iniciais e cinco oferecem Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental para os anos iniciais e finais. Alm dessas, possui duas Creches Municipais, um Centro Municipal de Educao Infantil e uma escola de Educao de Jovens e Adultos. O municpio tambm conta com duas escolas estaduais que oferecem Ensino Fundamental para anos iniciais e finais. Uma das escolas estaduais, tambm oferece Ensino Mdio. Escola Municipal Vicente Vieira Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Ernesto Alberto Hattenhauer Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal Guilherme Rudolf Emilio Paulo Benkendorf Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Duque de Caxias Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal Ica Mirim Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal Maria Martins Budal Ensino Fundamental zona urbana.

Public Schools
Garuva has six elementary public schools according to the School Census 2010 one that provides elementary education and five that provide early childhood and elementary education; two daycare centers; one municipal early childhood education center and one for youth and adult education. Two state schools (in the urban area) provide elementary education. One of the state schools also provides high school education.

Vicente Vieira Public School Early Childhood and Elementary Education urban area; Ernesto Alberto Hattenhauer Public School Early Childhood and Elementary Education rural area; Guilherme Rudolf Emlio Paulo Benkendorf School - Early Childhood and Elementary Education urban area; Duque de Caxias Public School Early Childhood and Elementary Education rural area; Ica Mirim Public School - Early Childhood and Elementary Education rural area; Maria Martins Buda Public School - Elementary Education urban area.



Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

O municpio possui um Projeto Poltico Pedaggico que, de acordo com a Secretaria Municipal de Educao, muito contribui para os bons resultados na educao garuvense. O Plano de Curso foi uma construo coletiva da equipe pedaggica central, dos professores, dos supervisores e dos orientadores das escolas com a participao do Conselho Municipal de Educao. Os trabalhos foram coordenados pela Diretora de Ensino do municpio, e o desenvolvimento do Plano de Curso teve como ponto de partida o trabalho dos professores. Outro aspecto destacado pela Secretaria de Educao do Municpio para este sucesso o alto nvel de comprometimento dos profissionais envolvidos no processo educacional. A Secretria de Educao Municipal destaca inmeras parcerias importantes que, na sua avaliao, muito contribuem para o sucesso da educao do municpio. Dentre elas, a estreita parceria entre as redes municipal e estadual de educao, cujas escolas esto totalmente integradas s atividades promovidas pela SME. Sublinha tambm a participao da Associao de Pais e Amigos da Criana e do Adolescente APAM, que uma organizao no governamental, sem fins lucrativos, considerada grande parceira da rede municipal de ensino. Na APAM existe o nico Projeto que ainda no se transformou em Programa (mas se transformar, at o fim do ano de 2011), que o Projeto Garuva Dana. Na APAM tambm so ministradas aulas de reforo escolar. Alm disso, a instituio oferece escolinha de futebol e vrias oficinas, como as de bordado e pintura em tecido. H tambm parceiros interssetoriais considerados importantes: Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Social; Secretaria Municipal de Sade; Ministrio Pblico; Conselho Tutelar; Conselho Municipal da Criana e do Adolescente e Conselho Municipal de Educao destacado como muito atuante e participativo. O governo municipal apontado como grande apoiador do Projeto Poltico Pedaggico garuvense, e tambm a Petrobrs, que apia alguns Programas. Os uniformes escolares so distribudos gratuitamente (kit com sete peas, incluindo agasalho) para os alunos

Devices and other support resources of education

The town has a Pedagogical Political Project that, in accordance with the Municipal Board of Education, greatly contributes to the good results of the education in Garuva. The school curriculum plan was collectively created by the pedagogical staff, teachers, school supervisors and counselors involving the Municipal Council of Education. The work was coordinated by the Municipal Director of Education, and the development of the school curriculum plan was based on the teachers work. Another important aspect, indicated by the Board of Education, for the success of this project is the high level of commitment by the professionals involved in the educational process. The Municipal Board of Education highlights several important partnerships that, in its evaluation, greatly contribute to the success of education in the town of Garuva. Among them, there is the close partnership between the municipal and the state education systems, in which the schools are fully integrated into the activities promoted by the Board of Education. It also emphasizes the involvement of the APAM - Childrens and Adolescents Parents and Friends Association - which is a nongovernmental and nonprofit organization, considered to be an excellent public school partner. There is only one project at APAM that has not turned into a program yet (but it will be by the end of 2011) which is the Garuva Dance Project. Reinforcement classes are also offered at APAM as well as soccer classes and various workshops, such as embroidery and fabric painting. There are also intersectorally important partnerships: the Department of Social Development; the Department of Health; the Public Attorneys office; the Child Welfare Agency; the Child and Youth Council and the Municipal Council of Education highlighted as quite active and participative. The local government is appointed as a major sponsor for the Political Pedagogical Project in Garuva as well as Petrobras for sponsoring some programs.. The school uniforms are distributed free of charge to public school students (a seven-piece suit, including a coat).


da rede municipal. O municpio tambm oferece transporte municipal gratuito para todos os estudantes da zona urbana e da zona rural. Os alunos da creche, os da educao infantil, os da rede estadual e os do EJA tambm so transportados gratuitamente (inclusive aqueles que frequentam os cursos noturnos). Todos os nibus so terceirizados. A prefeitura compra os passes e exige, em contrapartida, que a empresa coloque um monitor em cada nibus para acompanhar os alunos transportados (de qualquer faixa etria). Os alunos menores (creche e educao infantil) so acompanhados pelo monitor at as respectivas salas de aula e entregues aos professores. Seis escolas da rede possuem Laboratrio de Informtica para uso dos alunos; uma possui Laboratrio de Cincias; e todas as escolas possuem TV (quatro com antenas parablicas), DVD player, computador (oito conectados internet) e impressoras (esses ltimos para uso da administrao e dos professores e tcnicos). Para atender as escolas que ainda no possuem laboratrio de Informtica, o municpio dispe da Unidade Mvel de Informtica. Nem todas as escolas possuem biblioteca, mas todas as salas de aula tm o seu cantinho da leitura. Nas escolas com biblioteca, existe uma atendente de biblioteca que acompanha a visita dos alunos e os auxilia nas pesquisas nos intervalos e no turno contrrio ao das aulas. No horrio de aula, os alunos so acompanhados pelo professor da turma. Os livros so diversificados e direcionados a diferentes faixas etrias e nveis de escolarizao. Garuva possui uma Biblioteca Municipal na qual tambm funciona a Casa de Cultura. A merenda escolar saudvel, variada e bem armazenada. Uma nutricionista faz o cardpio sazonal (trimestral) para as escolas, de acordo com as estaes do ano (clima e temperatura). Nas escolas, existe o teste de qualidade e o teste de aceitabilidade da merenda por parte dos alunos. O Conselho Municipal de Alimentao Escolar muito atuante e participa desse processo, alm de supervisionar as contas relativas merenda escolar. O Programa Alimentar da CONAB (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento Ministrio da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento), em parceria com o Conselho Municipal de Segurana Alimentar e Nutricional CONSEAN, traz ao municpio para a merenda escolar os produtos hortifrutigrangeiros da agricultura familiar e das cooperativas locais (frutas da estao, verduras, legumes, ovos, laticnios, linguia, dentre outros), em cumprimento legislao federal e municipal. Vale destacar que os alimentos perecveis so armazenados em cmaras frias.

The town also provides free transportation to all students in the urban and rural areas.

Daycare centers, early childhood education and elementary education students as well as the ones from EJA (Youth and Adult Education) are also transported free of charge (including those attending night school). All the bus operations are outsourced. The city hall purchases the bus tickets and requests that the company provides a monitor for each bus to accompany the students transported (all age groups). Younger students (Daycare and Early Childhood Education) are accompanied by the monitor to their classrooms and handed over to the teachers. Six schools have computer labs for the students; there is a Science Laboratory in one of them; and all the schools have TVs (with four satellite dishes), a DVD player, computers (eight of them with Internet connection) and printers (the latter for the use of school management, teachers and technicians). In order to deal with the schools lack of computer labs, the town provides a Mobile Computer Laboratory. Not all the schools have a library, but all the classrooms feature their own reading corner. At the schools with a library, there is a library clerk accompanying the students visits and assisting them in their research during breaks and outside school hours. During school hours, students are monitored by a teacher. The books are diversified and aimed at different age groups and school levels. The town of Garuva has a Public Library where the House of Culture is also located. The school meal is healthy, varied and well stored. A nutritionist prepares a seasonal menu (every trimester) for the schools, according to the seasons of the year (weather and climate). At schools, there is a school meal quality control test and an acceptance test. The City Council for School Meals is very active and participates in this process, as well as supervises the accounts relating to school meals. The Feeding Program of CONAB (National Supply Company) The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply in partnership with the CONSEAN the Municipal Council of Food Safety and Nutrition the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, provides school meals to the public schools through local agricultural cooperatives, horticultural products from family farms (seasonal fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, sausage, among others). It is worth mentioning that all perishable food is stored in cold rooms.

A Secretaria promove o Concurso Horta Escolar, premiando a escola que tiver a horta de maior produo e organizao. Toda a comunidade escolar participa da diretora aos pais dos alunos, e cada segmento tem sua responsabilidade e funo. A temtica da horta escolar tambm includa nas atividades pedaggicas das escolas. No fim do ano, na Mostra Educacional que acontece anualmente, em novembro, so apresentados os resultados da utilizao dos produtos da horta pelos alunos, bem como as atividades pedaggicas desenvolvidas sobre o tema. Nessa Mostra, tambm divulgado o resultado do Concurso Horta Escolar. A Rede Municipal promove o Concurso Homenagem Cvica. Toda semana, cada escola apresenta uma homenagem cvica, sendo esta a primeira fase do concurso. A segunda fase a municipal (fase de seleo), na qual so selecionadas as homenagens cvicas que sero apresentadas na Mostra Educacional. O municpio tambm promove, anualmente, o Festival de Dana (em julho). No ano de 2010, a abertura foi realizada por bailarinos argentinos. As escolas municipais e estaduais participam do festival. Como uma das atividades do evento, h o Concurso de Dana por faixa etria e por faixa de escolarizao, em quatro categorias, que sero expandidas no prximo ano (2012) por solicitao dos alunos. A Secretaria estimula o comparecimento das escolas a vrios eventos culturais fora do municpio. Em 2010, um grupo de dana de uma escola municipal alcanou o primeiro lugar na etapa regional do Festival de Dana Mrio de Andrade (em mbito estadual), ficando em quarto lugar na fase final estadual. A professora e alguns alunos do Projeto Municipal Garuva Dana visitaram o Instituto Bolshoi, em Joinville, para assistir apresentaes e participar de aulas pblicas oferecidas pelo instituto. Em outra oportunidade, tambm viajaram para assistir apresentaes no Harmonia Lira (ballet contemporneo), com o intuito de alm de aprenderem novos movimentos de dana poderem conhecer o que a dana profissionalmente. Anualmente, algumas turmas (por sorteio) visitam Feiras do Livro em outros municpios como, por exemplo, a de Joinville e a de So Bento do Sul. Os alunos levam bnus para comprar o livro que escolherem. Posteriormente, h uma troca dos livros entre eles e, aps a turma ter lido todos os livros comprados, h uma campanha para a doao desses livros para outras turmas e escolas.

The Municipal Board of Education promotes the School Vegetable Garden Contest rewarding the school with the most productive and well-organized garden. The entire school community participates in it from the principal to parents, and each community segment has its own responsibility and role. The school vegetable garden theme is also included in the pedagogical activities in the school. At the end of the year, at the Educational Exhibition which takes place annually in November, the results of the use of vegetable garden products by students are presented, as well as pedagogical activities are developed relating to the theme. The outcome of the School Vegetable Garden Contest is revealed at the exhibition. The public schools promote the Civic Tribute Contest. Every week, each school pays a tribute to a person which is the first stage of the contest. The second stage involves the whole town (selection phase) in which the civic tributes that are going to be presented on the Educational Exhibition are selected. The city also promotes, annually, the Dance Festival in July. In 2010, Argentinean dancers performed at the opening. Municipal and state schools take part in the festival. There is the Dance Contest that is part of the festival activities, which is divided by age groups and school levels into four categories that will be expanded in the coming year (2012) at the request of the students. The Municipal Board of Education encourages schools to attend various cultural events outside the city. In 2010, a public school dance group took first place, at the regional level, at the Mario de Andrade Dance Festival (a state competition) and later took fourth place at the state level. The teacher and some students that took part in the Garuva Dance Project visited the Bolshoi Institute in Joinville to watch performances and participate in public classes offered by the institution. On another occasion, they also traveled to see presentations of the Harmonia Lira (contemporary ballet) with the intention of, besides learning new dance techniques, discovering what professional dance is like. Every year, some classes are randomly picked in order to visit the book fairs in other cities such as Joinville and So Bento do Sul. The students receive bonuses to buy books they choose. Subsequently, there is a book trade among each other and after a group has read all the books purchased there is a campaign to donate these books to other classes and schools.




Formao do professor
Os professores da rede municipal possuem, em sua maioria, curso superior completo. Atualizam-se constantemente, em cursos oferecidos pelo MEC, nas plataformas, que so disponibilizadas para acesso. Podem tambm frequentar cursos de atualizao em outro municpio como Joinville, por exemplo, que uma cidade bem maior e prxima. A Rede Municipal de Ensino tambm oferece cursos de Letramento em Matemtica e Alfabetizao, alm de cursos de Gneros Textuais, entre outros. Os encontros pedaggicos/oficinas pedaggicas promovidos pela SME tambm funcionam como capacitao, e os professores recebem uma certificao expedida pela Secretaria Municipal da Educao no fim do ano letivo, de acordo com a carga horria de cada curso frequentado. Nesses encontros/oficinas, entre os professores, tambm acontece o compartilhamento, a troca de experincias bem sucedidas e de prticas inovadoras exitosas, elevando a autoestima do professor, que tem assim reconhecido o seu fazer criativo.

Teacher training
Most public school teachers have a bachelors degree. They constantly update themselves in courses offered by the Ministry of Education in the Plataformas (Teacher Training National Program), which is available for distance learning. They can also attend updating courses in other cities such as Joinville which is a much larger and closer city. The municipal public schools also offer Mathematics Literacy and Literacy courses, among others text genres. The pedagogical meetings / pedagogical workshops promoted by the Municipal Board of Education also work as a training program. Teachers get a certificate issued by the Board of Education at the end of the school year according to the hours attended in each course. In those meetings / workshops there is an exchange of successful experiences and innovative practices among teachers, increasing their self-esteem by recognizing their creativeness.



Aspectos pedaggicos
O Plano de Curso do Municpio e a Proposta Curricular (em fase de impresso grfica) so unificados. Todas as escolas mesmo a escola rural mais distante trabalham os mesmos aspectos pedaggicos, com os mesmos temas. Existe alta rotatividade de alunos, de uma escola para outra, devido s mudanas de local de moradia da famlia. Com isso, se um aluno tiver que ser transferido para outra escola do municpio, no necessitar fazer qualquer adaptao. Este foi um dos motivos que levou a SME a unificar o Plano de Curso e a Proposta Curricular. De acordo com a Diretora de Ensino, no incio do ano letivo, a SME promove a Semana Pedaggica com todos os profissionais da Educao de todas as escolas. Nesse encontro, discutido todo o trabalho pedaggico que ser desenvolvido ao longo do ano. No decorrer do ano, bimestralmente, so realizadas reunies pedaggicas tambm envolvendo todos os profissionais da educao para avaliao dos resultados obtidos, das experincias que esto dando certo e do que precisa ser modificado. Esse caminho, nas palavras da Diretora de Ensino, construdo coletivamente, mas com especial ateno para a palavra do professor. A Secretaria Municipal de Educao realiza, semestralmente, a avaliao da rede de ensino. Este diagnstico pedaggico feito por meio de uma prova aplicada a todos os alunos. Os dados so tabulados, e os resultados so discutidos em um momento denominado de Parada Pedaggica, na qual a equipe pedaggica, gestores e professores analisam os resultados obtidos. Do mesmo modo, so discutidos os resultados obtidos no SAEB/Provinha Brasil/Prova Brasil, com o auxlio de grficos de desempenho. A Diretora de Ensino da SME sublinhou, no momento da visita, que os alunos so esclarecidos sobre a importncia da participao nessas avaliaes e que esses momentos no so encarados de forma aterrorizante pelos estudantes. Ao contrrio, demonstram orgulho em participar porque sabem que so avaliaes importantes para melhorar a qualidade do ensino no municpio, no estado e no pas. Com relao ao aprendizado da leitura, a Secretria Municipal de Educao sublinhou, quando entrevistada, que se aprende a escrever escrevendo, e se aprende a ler lendo. Destaca que isso que o professor da rede municipal faz com competncia e dedicao: trabalha continuamente e verifica se o aluno est realmente escrevendo, lendo e interpretando.

Pedagogical aspects
The School Curriculum Plan and the School Curriculum Proposal are unified (in printing process). All schools - even the most distant rural school - work with the same pedagogical aspects, on the same themes. There is a high student turnover from one school to another due to families moving around a lot. Therefore, if a student has to be transferred to another school in town, there will be no need for any kind of adaptation. This was one of the reasons that led The Municipal Board of Education to unify the School Curriculum Plan and The School Curriculum Proposal. According to The Board of Education Director, at the beginning of the school year, the Municipal Board of Education promotes Pedagogical Week with education professionals from all schools. At that meeting, all the pedagogical work that will be developed during that school year is discussed. Throughout the year, pedagogical meetings are held every two months also involving all professionals in education to evaluate the results achieved, the experiments that have been successful so far and what needs to be modified. Such path, in the Directors own words, is built collectively, but with special attention to what teachers have to say. The Municipal Board of Education conducts, every semester, an evaluation of the school system. This pedagogical analysis is done through a test taken by all students. The data is tabulated, and the results are discussed and analyzed at a certain moment called the Pedagogical Stop, by the pedagogical staff, school managers and teachers. Likewise, the results achieved on SAEB / Provinha Brasil / Prova Brasil (The Basic Education Assessment System / The Brazil Exam) are discussed with the assistance of performance graphs. The Board of Education Director emphasized during her visit that students are informed about how important it is to take part in these assessments and that such moments are not considered so terrifying to them. On the contrary, they are proud of doing so because they know the importance of the evaluation so as to improve the quality of the education in the city, in the state and in the country. With regard to learning to read, the Board of Education Director highlighted, when interviewed, that one learns to write by writing, and one learns to read by reading. She also emphasized that teachers in public schools do everything with such competence and dedication: they work continuously and check whether students are actually writing, reading and interpreting.


No existe uma metodologia de ensino pr-estabelecida pela SME e o professor tem autonomia para escolher a que melhor se ajustar ao trabalho que desenvolve. A Diretora de Ensino da SME destaca que as metas estabelecidas para o ensino de leitura nas sries iniciais esto elencadas no Plano de Curso e incluem o incentivo permanente leitura de diversos gneros literrios e tipos textuais. Assim, os estudantes das sries iniciais leem livros de gneros literrios e tipos textuais diversificados, tais como fbulas; histrias infantis e infanto-juvenis; quadrinhos; tirinhas; charges; contos; textos de jornais e revistas; textos publicitrios; textos cientficos; textos informativos; bulas; receitas; instrues para jogos; cartas/e-mails; avisos e outros. Como dispositivo para estender o hbito de leitura para alm dos muros escolares e envolver tambm a famlia na aquisio desse hbito, as escolas desenvolvem dois projetos: Livro Tambm Brinquedo e Leitura Itinerante. Para o desenvolvimento do ltimo, so utilizadas sacolas (confeccionadas pelos alunos) contendo livros variados, de diversos gneros literrios, que os estudantes levam para casa em rodzio. Os familiares dos alunos tambm so estimulados a participar de atividades de leitura nas escolas, tais como contao de histrias e oficinas de teatro, por exemplo. Sob o slogan Incluso o Privilgio de Conviver com as Diferenas, a Secretaria Municipal de Educao oferece a assistncia de especialistas para alunos com necessidades especiais, que continuam frequentando as turmas regulares. O Projeto Poltico Pedaggico da Secretaria inclui a preocupao de investir na construo do futuro cidado, trabalhando intensamente temas como diversidade e diferena, valores ticos e solidariedade, entre outros. Nessa direo, um exemplo a implantao do Recreio Monitorado com atividades dirigidas de lazer e o cultivo do zelo dos alunos mais velhos para com os mais novos. Outro o programa O Carter Conta, desenvolvido em parceria com organizaes no governamentais nacionais e internacionais embasado em seis pilares: cidadania, respeito, sinceridade, responsabilidade, zelo e senso de justia.

There is not a teaching methodology pre-established by the Municipal Board of Education and teachers have the freedom to choose which best suits their work. The Board of Education Director points out that the goals set to teach reading in the early grades are listed in the School Curriculum Plan and include the constant incentive to read various literary genres and text types. Therefore, students in the early grades read books in different literary genres and diversified text types, such as fairy tales, childrens and teens stories; comics; comic strips; cartoons; short stories; newspaper and magazine articles; advertising texts; scientific texts; informative texts; medicine instructions; recipes; game instructions; letters / e-mails; notices and others. As a way to extend the habit of reading beyond the school premises and involve the families in the acquisition of this habit, the schools have developed two projects: A book is also a toy and Itinerant Reading. For the development of the latter, bags manufactured by students containing books in different literary genres are used. Students take those bags home on a rotating basis. The students families are also encouraged to participate in the reading activities at school, such as storytelling and theater workshops. Under the slogan Inclusion is the privilege of living with differences, the Municipal Board of Education provides the assistance of an expert in students with special needs who continuously attend regular classes. The Pedagogical Political Project created by the Board of Education includes concern about investing in forming the future citizen, intensively working on issues such as diversity and difference, ethical values and solidarity, among others. In this sense, a good example is the implementation of the Monitored Recess recreational activity programs and older students caring for younger ones. The Character Counts program, developed in partnership with national and international nongovernmental organizations is based upon six pillars: citizenship, respect, sincerity, responsibility, dedication and sense of justice.


Acompanhamento pedaggico
Alm dos dispositivos descritos anteriormente, que tambm funcionam como acompanhamento do trabalho pedaggico desenvolvido nas escolas, a Diretora de Ensino apontou, na entrevista, que a Equipe Pedaggica da SME faz um trabalho de campo visitando regularmente todas as escolas da rede, a partir de um cronograma. Essas visitas, realizadas pelas supervisoras, so registradas em relatrios que so discutidos com a Equipe Pedaggica das escolas urbanas e com as diretoras das escolas rurais. As escolas urbanas, com um maior nmero de alunos, possuem Equipe Pedaggica prpria, mas as escolas rurais, com menor nmero de estudantes, no.

Programas e projetos
Sobre os Projetos e Programas desenvolvidos pelo municpio, a atual Secretria Municipal de Educao informou, quando entrevistada, que, logo que assumiu o cargo, implantou, com a participao efetiva de toda equipe, alguns projetos que, posteriormente, se transformaram em Programas (j includos no PPA e na LDO). O motivo que esse procedimento assegura a continuidade desses Programas, independentemente de mudanas de governo. Atualmente, o municpio ainda possui um Projeto em andamento que, at o fim do ano de 2011, dever tambm ser implantado como Programa. Todas as atividades dos Programas e do Projeto so desenvolvidas no turno contrrio ao das aulas, no no horrio das aulas regulares. De acordo com a gestora, os Programas funcionam em uma rede articulada: ProgramasEscolaFamlia, como um trip montado, no qual o aluno o centro. Programa Multidisciplinar de Apoio Pedaggico desenvolvido pela Equipe Multidisciplinar de Apoio Pedaggico EMAP. A assistncia prestada em um Centro de Atendimento, no qual existe uma psicloga, uma fonoaudiloga, uma terapeuta ocupacional e duas psicopedagogas. Essas especialistas do suporte a todas as escolas (tanto da rede municipal quanto da rede estadual). Dessa forma, todas as crianas do municpio so atendidas. Aquelas que apresentam algum tipo de deficincia ou dificuldade de aprendizagem so atendidas individualmente (a criana e a famlia e at o professor, se houver necessidade). Os encaminhamentos so feitos por meio do Setor de Orientao Educacional, que realiza a triagem. MusicArte um Programa que j existe h muitos anos como Projeto. Com o passar dos anos e com o incentivo da atual gesto, tornou-se um Programa Municipal (apoiado pela Petrobrs). Atualmente, o Programa MusicArte atende a mais de 400 pessoas (alunos da rede municipal e estadual, seus familiares e demais membros da comunidade). O coordenador do Programa destaca que as crianas encaminhadas ao MusicArte, que apresentavam dificuldades de aprendizagem e problemas de comportamento na escola, vm apresentando uma mudana expressiva de comportamento e atitude frente s dificuldades educacionais, pela elevao da autoestima e pelo aprendizado do trabalho em grupo que a tnica do programa. Assim, o MusicArte faz um link com a EMAP, demonstrando a eficcia do funcionamento em rede. No Programa, as crianas aprendem a tocar vrios instrumentos

Programs and Projects

About the projects and programs developed by the city, the current Board of Education Representative, in her interview, informed that when she was appointed she implemented, with the effective participation of all the staff, some projects which later turned into programs (such programs are already included in the PPA Multiannual Budget Plan and the LDO Budget Guidelines Law). The reason for this procedure is to ensure the continuity of the programs, regardless of changes in government. Currently, the city still has an ongoing project that should be implemented as a program by the end of 2011. All the activities in the Programs and the Projects are carried out during out-of-school hours, not during regular school hours. According to the school manager, the Programs operate in a fully articulated system: ProgramsSchool Family like a tripod in which the student is the center. Multidisciplinary Pedagogical Support Program It was developed by the EMAP (Multidisciplinary Pedagogical Support Team). Professional assistance is provided at a Care Center where there is a psychologist, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist and two educational psychologists. These experts give support to all schools (both municipal and state). Thus, all the children in the city are cared for. Those who present some kinds of learning disability are treated individually (the child and family and even the teacher, if necessary). They are referred by the school counselor after triage.

Pedagogical support
Besides the devices described previously, that are also used to follow the pedagogical work developed in the schools, the School Director pointed out in the interview that their pedagogical team regularly visits all public schools according to a visit schedule. These visits are carried out by the school supervisors. The visit reports are discussed with the pedagogical staff in the urban schools and with the principals in the rural schools. Urban schools with a larger number of students have their own pedagogical staff but rural schools with fewer students dont.

MusicArte This program has been in existence as a project for many years. Over the years, it has become a City Program with the encouragement of the current administration (supported by Petrobras). Currently, the MusicArte Program serves more than 400 people (public school students, their family members and other community members). The program coordinator emphasizes that the children referred to the MusicArte Program that once had learning difficulties and behavior problems at school have shown a meaningful change in behavior and attitude toward educational hardships. There has been an increase in their self-esteem and an interest in learning about teamwork - which is the key to a successful program. Thus, the MusicArte Program makes a link with EMAP (Multidisciplinary Pedagogical Support Team) showing the effectiveness of working as a team. In the program, children learn to play several instruments using sheet music (guitar, electric guitar, key-



com partitura (violo, guitarra, teclados, flauta e outros instrumentos de sopro e instrumentos de percusso, dentre outros). importante destacar que o Programa estende-se famlia do estudante, estimulando a msica em casa, com ensaios e apresentaes de todos os familiares. Alguns professores e alunos do MusicArte, com frequncia, fazem cursos no Conservatrio de Belas Artes de Joinville. Posteriormente, esses professores passam a desenvolv-los no prprio municpio. Um grande destaque do MusicArte a Ecofarra. A Ecofarra composta de instrumentos musicais de percusso (bumbo, repique, chocalhos, dentre outros) feitos de sucata reciclada, aps criteriosa pesquisa dos sons produzidos. Projeto Garuva Dana o Projeto de Dana desenvolvido na APAM (Associao de Pais e Amigos da Criana e do Adolescente). o nico Projeto ainda no transformado em Programa (o que deve acontecer at o fim do ano em curso). O projeto inclui dana contempornea, ballet clssico e baby class. um projeto recm criado e destinado apenas aos alunos da rede municipal de ensino. Os alunos se inscrevem espontaneamente (no h encaminhamento). O Programa atende cerca de 180 crianas, e a professora de dana oferece 40 horas semanais de trabalho ao municpio. Programa Escola Ativa O programa realizado pelo municpio em parceria com o MEC/SECAD/ FNDE, com a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) e com a Secretaria de Estado da Educao (SED). A qualificao dos professores ocorre por meio de mdulos com atividades presenciais, distncia e com monitoramento. No que se refere capacitao de docentes, a Rede Municipal de Ensino tambm oferece cursos de Letramento em Matemtica e Alfabetizao, alm e cursos de Gneros Textuais. Programa de Pintura desenvolvido na Casa de Cultura, que funciona nas dependncias da Biblioteca Municipal. Na Casa de Cultura tambm so ministradas aulas de pintura em aquarela e de teatro aos estudantes da rede municipal. Unidade Mvel de Informtica (Programa) um nibus equipado com dez computadores, com monitor capacitado, que leva a incluso digital s escolas que ainda no possuem laboratrio de informtica (que so poucas). O professor da turma acompanha os seus alunos. No o monitor que desenvolve as atividades com as crianas e, sim, o professor da turma, com o apoio do monitor, o que promove a 44

board, flute and some different wind and percussion instruments, among others). Its worth mentioning that the program is extended to the students families, encouraging music at home, with rehearsals and performances by all family members. Some teachers and students participating in The MusicArte Program regularly take courses at the Conservatory of Fine Arts in Joinville. Aftermost, these teachers begin to give music courses in their own city. One of the most distinguished elements of the MusicArte Program is the Ecofarra. The Ecofarra is composed of percussion instruments (bass drums, timbales, sleigh bells, among others) made from recycled scrap which was created after careful research about the types of sounds produced by these materials. Garuva Dance Project The Garuva Dance Project is run by APAM Childrens and Teens Parents and Friends Association. It is the only project that hasnt been transformed into a program yet (this might happen by the end of this year). The project is composed of contemporary dance, classical ballet and baby classes. It is a brand-new project and it is intended only for public schools students. They can enroll spontaneously (no referrals needed). The program includes about 180 children and the dance teacher offers 40 weekly working hours to the city. Active School Program - The program is undertaken by the city in partnership with MEC - the Ministry of Education and Culture / SECAD Department of Culture / FNDE National Fund for the Development of Education, UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina and SED - State Department of Education. The teacher training programs occur in modules including classroom activities, distance learning classes and monitoring. Concerning teacher training programs, the Public Schools also offer courses in Mathematics and Literacy as well as courses in text genres. Painting Program It is developed in The House of Culture and takes place at the Public Library. There are also watercolor painting and theater classes for public school students.

Mobile Information Technology Bus Program It is a bus equipped with ten computers and a wellqualified monitor. It leads to digital inclusion in schools without computer labs (which are few). The school teacher follows his students. It is not the monitor that carries out the activities with the children but the teacher with the monitors assistance, which promotes the inclusion of stu-

incluso para alunos e professores. Alm da Unidade mvel, existe tambm o Tele Centro Comunitrio, que possibilita a incluso digital at mesmo das comunidades mais distantes. Programa de Educao Socioambiental Ser Cidado um programa que nasceu do Ministrio Pblico e oferece a disciplina de tica e Cidadania implantada do 1 ano 8 srie. O objetivo proporcionar, duas vezes por semana, aulas aos alunos do municpio, trazendo os temas transversais (Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente, preservao do meio ambiente, incluso social, entre outros). Programa APOIA De acordo com a Secretaria Municipal de Educao, este programa reduziu a evaso escolar do municpio a zero. No caso de o aluno ter trs faltas consecutivas ou cinco faltas alternadas, a escola tem trs dias para fazer o aluno retornar s aulas. No conseguindo o intento, a escola envia um comunicado ao Setor de Orientao Educacional da Secretaria Municipal de Educao. A Secretaria de Educao tem dez dias para efetivar o retorno do aluno escola. Caso no obtenha sucesso, o caso encaminhado ao Conselho Tutelar, que tem dez dias para efetuar os procedimentos para o retorno do aluno. E, se ainda assim, por motivos familiares graves ou at por mudana da famlia para longe da escola que o aluno frequentava, por exemplo, o caso encaminhado ao Ministrio Pblico, que toma os devidos e rigorosos procedimentos para o retorno do aluno s aulas que pode no ser na mesma escola anteriormente frequentada. Programa de Erradicao do Trabalho Infantil PETI desenvolvido em parceria com a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social. A SME entra com a parte pedaggica, e a SMDS entra com a parte de relacionamento com as famlias e os atendimentos propriamente ditos (tambm no extraturno). Programa Sade do Educando PSE Est sendo implantado no municpio. uma parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Sade, incluindo palestras sobre diversas temticas, visitas domiciliares, verificao de acuidade visual e dentista nas escolas (cuidados preventivos, no s corretivos).

dents and teachers. Apart from a mobile bus, there is also the Telecommunity Center, which enables digital inclusion even in the most distant communities. Social-environmental Education Program Being a Citizen It is a program that was created by the Public Attorneys Office and offers Ethics and Citizenship classes from grades 1 to 8. The goal is to provide classes to public school students twice a week, bringing up cross-cutting issues such as the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, the preservation of the environment, social inclusion,among others. SUPPORT Program According to the Municipal Board of Education, this program has reduced school dropout rates to zero in Garuva. In case a student has three consecutive or five alternated absences, the school has three days to make him return to school. If the school doesnt succeed, the School Guidance Counselor is notified. The Municipal Board of Education has ten days to bring the student back to school. If they fail, the case is referred to the Child Protection Department which has ten days to take proper action in returning the student to school. And yet, for serious family reasons or even moving away from the school where the student used to attend the case is referred the Public Attorneys Office, who takes the appropriate and rigorous measures to make sure the student returns to school that cannot be in the same school previously attended. PETI (Eradication of Child Labor Program) It is developed in partnership with the SMDS (Department of Social Development). The Municipal Board of Education provides the pedagogical part, and the SMDS works with family relationships and their attendance (also in extra shifts). PSE (Student Health Program) The city is implementing the program in partnership with the Department of Health. It includes lectures on different topics, home visits, eye and dental exams in the schools (preventive and not only corrective actions).


A cidade das tradicionais Congadas Minas Gerais



Sobre o municpio
Pelo incentivo ao plantio da lavoura cafeeira na provncia de Minas Gerais, a zona do Sudoeste Mineiro foi a primeira a receber a imigrao, no s de colonos estrangeiros, mas de todos os lugares do Pas. Itamogi teve o incio de sua colonizao a partir do desbravamento de suas matas pelo rico fazendeiro Antnio Gonalves da Costa, vulgo Gronga, dono de vasta propriedade nas imediaes do municpio de So Sebastio do Paraso. Depois de se estabelecer, com sua famlia e grande nmeros de escravos, nos arredores da rea onde hoje se localiza o municpio de Gronga, deu incio s primeiras construes e, em seguida, ao plantio de lavouras de caf e cereais. A ele, seguiram-se outras famlias que ali se radicaram. Dentre elas, a famlia de Jos Furtado de Medeiros. Em 1872, foi construda uma capela, dedicada a So Joo, que agregava um patrimnio de cerca de 50 alqueires. Jos Furtado de Medeiros, que passou a ter grande influncia na localidade e sobre o governo da Provncia, muito contribuiu para que, em 1882, fosse criada a Freguesia de Posses um dos antigos nome de Itamogi ligada ao municpio de So Sebastio do Paraso. Posteriormente, passou a ser distrito de Monte Santo. O crescente movimento emancipatrio do lugar, cada vez mais populoso, foi coroado de xito em 1924, com a criao do municpio de Arari nome da regio onde foi iniciado o desbravamento das matas para o plantio do caf. Itamogi, que significa rio das pedras, ao longo de sua histria, j teve muitos nomes Arary, Posses, So Joo das Posses, Cruzes das Posses e Arari. O nome atual foi definido pelo Decreto-Lei estadual n 1058, de 31/12/1943. Localizado 1.017m de altitude, situado na Mesorregio Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais e na Microrregio de So Sebastio do Paraso, o municpio faz divisa com So Sebastio do Paraso, Monte Santo de Minas e Santo Antnio da Alegria (SP). Seus 10.349 habitantes (5.306 homens e 5.043 mulheres; 7.759 em reas urbanas e 2.590 em reas rurais) esto distribudos em um territrio de 236,734 Km2. A economia do municpio baseada na agropecuria, principalmente no cultivo e comercializao do caf. O PIB per capita de R$ 10 599,35 e o IDH_mdio_0,764 PNUD. Como um dos pontos atrativos e culturais, destaca-se a Casa de Cultura antiga estao ferroviria da Cia. Mogiana de Estradas de Ferro. O aniversrio do municpio comemorado no dia 24 de junho, com festas e eventos diversos.

About the county

So as to stimulate the coffee plantation in the province of Minas Gerais, the southwest was the first area to receive immigration, not only foreign settlers but also people from all regions of the country. The settlement of Itamogi started with the exploration of its forests by the wealthy farmer Antnio Gonalves da Costa, also known as Gronga. He was the owner of an enormous property in the town of So Sebastio do Paraso. After settling with his family and many slaves on the outskirts of the town of Gronga, he initiated the first construction and later the farming of coffee and cereal crops. After him, several families settled in the area. Among them, Jos Furtado de Medeiros family. In 1872, a chapel dedicated to Saint John was built on a 50-acre estate. Jos Furtado de Medeiros turned out to be quite influential in the region and the provincial government contributed to the establishment of Freguesia de Posses (a former name of Itamogi), in 1882. Freguesia de Posses was connected to the town of So Sebastio do Paraso. Thereafter, it became part of the town of Monte Santo. The growing movement for the emancipation of the settlement, acquired a lot of followers as time went on, and was quite successful in 1924 with the establishment of the town of Arari (the region where the clearing of forest lands began to grow coffee). Itamogi, which means Rock River, throughout its history, had several names - Arary, Posses, So Joo das Posses, Cruzes das Posses and Arari. The current name was defined by the State Decree-Law n 1058, Dec 31st 1953. At an elevation of 1,017m above sea level, it is situated in the South/Southwest Mesoregion of Minas Gerais and in the Microregion of So Sebastio do Paraso. It boarders the towns of So Sebastio do Paraso, Monte Santo de Minas and Santo Antnio da Alegria (SP). Its 10,349 inhabitants (5,306 men and 5,043 women; 7,759 in urban area and 2,590 in rural area) are distributed over an area of 236,734 Km2. The towns economy is based on agriculture, mainly the growing and trading of coffee. The GDB per capita is R$10,599.35 and the UDI 0.764 _ average_ PNUD. The House of Culture stands out as one of its tourist and cultural attractions the building is an old train station that belonged to Mogiana Railroad Company. The towns anniversary is celebrated with various festivals and events on June 24th.


Escolas da rede municipal

So as seguintes as escolas municipais em Itamogi, todas localizadas em reas urbanas, relacionadas pelo Data Escola MEC / INEP e visitadas por nossa equipe: Escola Municipal Mailon Furtado de Medeiros Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Profa Gelcyra Xavier Oliveira Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Salvina Francisca Dias Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana. Escola Municipal Lucimar Medeiros Vieira Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana. Alm dessas, o municpio conta com duas creches e uma escola especial. Atualmente, as creches no desenvolvem apenas a funo de cuidar, tendo sido introduzido o trabalho pedaggico sistematizado. Existem tambm duas escolas estaduais uma delas oferecendo o Ensino Fundamental para as sries finais e a outra para o Ensino Mdio. Como os demais municpios pesquisados, Itamogi tambm caminha para um sistema integral e integrado de educao.

Public Schools
These are the following public schools in Itamogi, located in the urban area, listed by Data Escola MEC (Ministry of Education) / INEP (National Educational Study and Research Institute) that were visited by our team: Mailon Furtado de Medeiros Public School Elementary School urban area; Profa Gelcyra Xavier Oliveira Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Salvina Francisca Dias Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Lucimar Medeiros Vieira Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area. Besides those listed above, the city has two daycare centers and a special school. Nowadays, the daycare centers not only look after the children but also systematic pedagogical work has been introduced there. There are also two state public schools one of them providing Elementary Education for the last school years and the other for High School Education. Like other cities researched, Itamogi also aims for a full-time and integrated education system.


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

Ao que pode ser atribudo o sucesso alcanado no ensino de leitura em Itamogi? Por ocasio da visita ao municpio, em depoimentos colhidos, a Secretaria Municipal de Educao respondeu a essa indagao atribuindo essa progresso, em sntese, a alguns fatores que se associam: o comprometimento de toda a equipe no processo educacional, consolidado ao longo de muitos anos; a determinao de todos em cumprir a meta de alfabetizar todas as crianas do municpio; a estreita parceria escola-famlia; o trabalho pedaggico iniciado desde a Educao Infantil; um Projeto Pedaggico construdo a partir do desenvolvimento de competncias e habilidades; o destaque importncia do aspecto ldico no sentido de despertar o prazer pela leitura desde muito cedo; e o apoio e a parceria estabelecidos com a prefeitura municipal. Nessa direo, em entrevista concedida equipe de visitadores, a Secretria de Educao Municipal ressaltou que os bons resultados pedaggicos apresentados nas avaliaes nacionais e no IDEB refletem o aumento progressivo na qualidade da educao pblica oferecida em Itamogi. O modelo de gesto baseia-se no trabalho em equipe, no estabelecimento de parcerias e no bom funcionamento operacional e pedaggico das escolas. Assim, visto que o nmero de estudantes que habitavam reas rurais era tradicionalmente baixo, a opo escolhida foi fechar as escolas rurais e trazer essas crianas para as escolas urbanas, transportando-as nos veculos escolares municipais garantindo a qualidade da educao para todos. Ratificando o esprito de cooperao, so transportados nos mesmos veculos os estudantes das escolas estaduais e da Educao de Jovens e Adultos EJA. Os estudantes do EJA participam de muitos eventos das escolas municipais e estaduais levando s crianas e adolescentes a tradio da transmisso oral de causos e da literatura de cordel. A merenda escolar, variada e de excelente qualidade, tambm oferecida a todos os estudantes da rede pblica do municpio no apenas aos da rede municipal. As escolas municipais possuem equipamentos e computadores destinados ao uso da comunidade escolar. As avaliaes so consideradas dispositivos de apoio fundamentais, e seus resultados funcionam como fios condutores dos debates entre gestores, equipe de especialistas e professores. Esses resultados tambm so discutidos nas

Devices and other support resources of education

What can the achieved success in teaching reading in Itamogi be attributed to? During the visit, based on interviews, the Municipal Board of Education answered these questions accrediting their progress to some associated factors: the commitment of the whole team during the educational process, consolidated throughout many years; everybodys determination to accomplish successful literacy for every child in the city; the close partnership between school and family; the pedagogical work started in Early Childhood Education; a pedagogical project built based on the development of competencies and skills; emphasis on playful activities so as to awaken the pleasure of reading at an early age; and the support and partnership established with the City Hall. In this sense, during the interviews, the Municipal Board of Education stated that the good pedagogical results shown on the national exams and IDEB (Basic Education Development Index) demonstrate the progressive increase of the quality of public education in Itamogi. School management is based on teamwork, the establishment of partnerships and great operational and pedagogical work. Therefore, considering that the number of students who lived in the rural area was low, the chosen option was to close down the rural area public schools, the kids were taken to the urban schools by municipal school buses making sure all students could have quality education. Confirming the cooperative spirit, both state school students and students from the Education for Youth and Adults Program EJA are also transported by these school buses. The students from EJA Program take part in many events in public and state schools. This program brings the activity of storytelling and chap-book literature to children and teens. The varied school meal of excellent quality is also provided to all public and state school students. Public schools have devices and computers for the use of the school community. The assessments are considered essential devices, and their results work as conductors of debates among school managers, and the team of experts and teachers. These outcomes are also discussed at schools, council meetings



escolas, nas reunies dos conselhos e com os professores. Como observado em outros municpios exitosos no ensino da leitura e da escrita nas sries iniciais, nem todas as escolas municipais de Itamigi possuem biblioteca em suas dependncias, mas, em todas as salas de aula, h os cantinhos da leitura com livrinhos de histrias. As Caixas e Bas com livros variados e de diversos gneros literrios, alm de jornais e revistas, tambm so recursos utilizados para as escolas sem biblioteca fixa. Nas escolas que possuem biblioteca, h atividades de contaes e leitura desenvolvidas pelas bibliotecrias ou auxiliares. No perodo contrrio ao horrio das aulas, os estudantes podem frequentar a biblioteca livremente. A Biblioteca Municipal estava sendo inaugurada, por ocasio da visita, e h o projeto de levar os estudantes e familiares para as atividades de leitura e culturais que l sero desenvolvidas.

and with the teachers. As observed in other cities in which the teaching of reading and writing has been successful in early childhood education, not all public schools in Itamogi have libraries on their premises, but there is a reading corner with story books in all the classrooms. The boxes and trunks with diversified books and literary genres, besides newspapers and magazines, are also resources used at schools without a fixed library. In schools with libraries, there are storytelling activities and reading activities developed by librarians or assistants. During out of school hours, students can freely go to the libraries. The Public Library was being inaugurated during the time of the visit, and there is a project of providing reading and cultural activities to students and their families there.

Formao do professor
Praticamente todos os professores tm curso superior e muitos, tambm, a ps-graduao. So oferecidos aos professores, regularmente, cursos direcionados especificamente ao ensino de leitura, escrita e produo de textos. A Secretaria de Educao tambm disponibiliza cursos de formao e gesto para os professores. As reunies pedaggicas quinzenais, que incluem palestras sobre temas especficos, tambm funcionam como capacitao para os professores, assim como a de mdulos bimestrais.

Teacher training
Almost all the teachers have a bachelors degree and many of them, also have postgraduate education. Teachers have been regularly offered courses on teaching reading, writing and text productions. The Municipal Board of Education also provides training and school management courses for the teachers. The pedagogical meetings that are held every fortnight include lectures on specific topics and also work as a teacher training program, as well as the ones in modules every two months.



Aspectos pedaggicos
O trabalho pedaggico desenvolvido a partir de habilidades e competncias em trs eixos: leitura, escrita e produo de texto. Seu incio se d desde a educao infantil, com a utilizao de parlendas, cantigas de roda, trava-lnguas e outras brincadeiras. No 1 ano, quando iniciam a alfabetizao, as crianas participam de atividades ldicas na sala de aula envolvendo os personagens do livro de histrias que est sendo trabalhado. No segundo ano, fazem teatrinhos e dramatizaes a partir dos livros que esto lendo. No terceiro ano, o trabalho centrado na sistematizao dos descritores das habilidades definidas para o SIMAVE1. Em entrevistas, por ocasio da visita, os supervisores pedaggicos apontaram que as crianas no consideram a situao de prova uma tarefa difcil, e, sim, a continuao de um trabalho desenvolvido desde a educao infantil. No quarto ano, o trabalho pedaggico centrado na ampliao do que foi estudado nos anos anteriores, bem como dos nveis de complexidade dos textos. Tirinhas humorsticas, receitas culinrias, manuais de instruo para montagem de brinquedos, entre outros, embora introduzidos no ano anterior, so utilizados mais frequentemente. Assim, diferentes gneros literrios e tipos textuais vo sendo progressivamente apresentado s crianas, que tambm comeam a trabalhar com fichas de leitura. No fim do 4 ano, j iniciam a introduo dos descritores das habilidades que sero trabalhadas no 5 ano para que se familiarizem com o formato da avaliao do SAEB/Prova Brasil. As equipes pedaggicas das escolas realizam um trabalho conjunto e procuram estar disposio do professor sempre valorizado. O planejamento das atividades bimestral, nas reunies com os professores. H tambm reunies quinzenais da equipe pedaggica com os professores de suas escolas. Cada professor tem o seu material pedaggico elaborado, em sua maioria, pelos especialistas , com sugestes de atividades e de textos, mas o trabalho coletivo e todos compartilham as experincias de sala de aula.

Pedagogical aspects
The pedagogical work is developed based on the skills and competencies of three guidelines: reading, writing and text production. It started during early childhood education with the use of nursery rhymes, folk ballads, tongue twisters and other activities. In Grade 1, when kids start their literacy program, they take part in playful activities in class involving the characters of a book that they have been working on. In Grade 2, they have theater and drama classes based on the books they are reading. In Grade 3, the work is centered around the systematization of the skills descriptors set for SIMAVE - The Minas Gerais State System of Public Education Assessment. In interviews during the visit, the educational supervisors pointed out that, children do not consider taking tests a difficult task; they think it is the continuation of a job initiated since early childhood education. In Grade 4, the pedagogical work focuses on the expansion of what had been studied during the previous years as well as the level of complexity of the texts. Comic strips, recipes, toy manuals, among others, although introduced years before, they are more frequently used. This way, different literacy genres and text types can be progressively introduced to children, who also start working with reading notes. At the end of the Grade 4, the skills descriptors to be developed in Grade 5 begin so as to get acquainted with the assessment format of the SAEB/Prova Brasil. The school pedagogical staff work together and try to be available for teachers who are always valued. The planning of activities is done during the meetings with the teachers every two months. There are also meetings with the pedagogical staff and teachers every fortnight. Each teacher has his own pedagogical material mostly elaborated by specialists - with suggestions of activities and texts, but the work is collective and all teachers share their classroom experiences.

Acompanhamento pedaggico
O municpio dispe de professores-recuperadores contratados para esta finalidade. Desse modo, os alunos que necessitam de recuperao paralela desenvolvem essas atividades no extraturno. Os supervisores tambm se envolvem na recuperao dos alunos com dificuldades. Para elevar a autoestima das crianas em processo de recuperao escolar, um recurso tambm utilizado com esses estudantes, a partir da parceria escola-comunidade, o trabalho desenvolvido por voluntrios qualificados psiclogos e orientadores.

Pedagogical support
The city provides tutors to give pedagogical support. This way, the students that need parallel support undertake these activities out of school hours. The supervisors are also involved in the assistance of students with learning difficulties. To increase the self-esteem of a child going through the school grade recovery program, a resource that is also used with students based on the partnership school-community is the work developed by well-qualified volunteers psychologists and school counselors.

Sistema Mineiro de Avaliao da Educao Pblica



Programas e projetos
As escolas municipais desenvolvem vrios projetos articulados em rede e, dentre eles, foram destacados o Projeto de Leitura que engloba todas as aes e atividades desenvolvidas pela Secretaria na direo do domnio da leitura, escrita, produo e interpretao de textos; o Mosaico de Letras desenvolvido por uma das escolas municipais; e o Projeto Incentivando a Leitura nas Sries Iniciais direcionado capacitao de professores. Alm desses, alguns outros seguem relacionados abaixo: Magia da Leitura Projeto que visa a desenvolver com os alunos o hbito da leitura. Os estudantes frequentam a biblioteca e escolhem os livros que vo levar pra ler em casa (incluindo os pais). Posteriormente, recontam as histrias lidas para a professora da biblioteca. Alm do reconto, fazem resumos, resenhas e outras produes de textos por escrito. Tudo isso fica registrado no Caderno da Biblioteca que cada aluno possui para ficar arquivado na biblioteca. Outras atividades desenvolvidas pelas bibliotecrias e auxiliares so: dramatizaes, msica, poesia, jogos como domin cultural, dos rtulos etc. Quando a escola no dispe de biblioteca, esse trabalho feito em sala de aula, com o professor. Somos Iguais nas Diferenas Projeto que visa a trabalhar a incluso, as diferenas e os valores humanos. De maro a maio de 2011, o projeto foi desenvolvido a partir do livro Menina Bonita do Lao de Fita, sobre a temtica das diferenas raciais, de autoria de Ana Maria Machado, com inmeras atividades associadas. No segundo bimestre. a temtica o bullying, e o livro base para as atividades Ningum Igual a Ningum!, de Regina Otero e Regina Renno. Projeto Pastas Viajantes Visa a incentivar a leitura em casa, envolvendo a famlia. So pastas no formato de malinhas, recheadas de material de leitura. Outros: Casa de Cultura de Itamogi Associao artstica cultural e pedaggica Projeto de Msica A Casa de Cultura de Itamogi fica instalada na antiga estao ferroviria. Em suas dependncias funciona o Museu da Estao e o Projeto de Msica de mbito municipal. O Projeto oferece aulas de msica para vrios instrumentos de sopro e percusso. As aulas so ministradas por um maestro. Todos os instrumentos foram doados pela Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e pela Funarte. O Projeto objetiva proporcio-

Programs and Projects

Public schools develop several networking projects, among them, the Reading Project - that includes all the actions and activities developed by the Municipal Board of Education for reading, writing and text production and interpretation; the Letter Mosaic elaborated by one of the public schools; and the Reading Encouragement in Early Childhood Education Project targeted teacher training. Besides these, there are other projects as mentioned below: The Magic of Reading This Project aims at the development of reading habits among the students. The students go to the library and choose books to be taken home (including parents). Later, they retell the stories to the teacher who work in the library. Besides retelling the story, students write book reports, book reviews and other types of text productions. All activities are registered in a notebook each student has one that is kept in the library. Other activities developed by the librarians and assistants are: dramatizations, music, poetry and cultural dominos, label games etc. In schools without libraries this activity is done in the classroom with a teacher. We are Equal in our Differences A Project that intends to work on inclusion, differences and human values. From March to May 2011, the project has been developed based on the book Beautiful Girl with a Hair Ribbon, by Ana Maria Machado on the theme of racial differences, including numerous related activities. On the second bimester, the theme is bullying and the book reference for the activities is No one is like no one, by Regina Otero e Regina Renno. Traveling Folder Project It is designed to encourage reading at home involving the family. They are folders simillar to small suitcases full of reading material. Others: Itamogi House of Culture Cultural and Pedagogical Arts Association Music Project Itamogi House of Culture is located in an old railway station, where the Railway Station Museum and Municipal Music Project can be found. The project offers music classes of wind and percussion instruments. The classes are taught by a maestro. All instruments have been donated by the Department of Culture and Funarte National Arts Foundation. The objective of the project is to offer music

nar aos alunos uma formao musical, promover a socializao e tambm a incluso. A escola especial municipal atendida pelo Projeto, sendo que alguns alunos cegos vm-se destacando e j leem partituras em Braille. Atende cerca de trinta alunos nas faixas etrias de oito a quinze anos. Uma mini-orquestra est em formao. Casa da Famlia Projeto Oficinas de corte e costura, confeco de roupas e bordados de vrios tipos. So oferecidas aulas de pintura em tecido, pintura em tela, decoupage, biscuit, em parceria com a Casa de Cultura. As oficinas tm a durao de um ano com emisso de certificado e realizao de evento de formatura. Embora o Projeto tenha sido criado para atender s pessoas mais carentes de recursos financeiros, est aberto comunidade em geral e atende cerca de duzentas pessoas. Na Casa da Famlia tambm so prestados atendimentos psicolgicos para os que deles necessitam.

education to students, promote socialization and also inclusion. The special public school organizes this project and some students with visual impairment have been doing a great job and are able to read sheet music in the Braille code already. It also serves about 30 students from 8 to 15 years of age. A mini-orchestra is being formed. Family House (Sewing, making clothes and various types of embroidery Project Workshop). They offer fabric painting classes, canvas painting, decoupage classes, and china biscuit in partnership with The House of Culture. The duration of the workshops last one year. Students receive a certificate and there is a graduation ceremony. Although the project was created to assist the neediest families, as far as financial resources are concerned, it is open to the whole community and serves about 200 people. There are also psychological consultations for those who need at the Family House.



A pedra bonita do Lago Azul Gois



Sobre o municpio
Itapaci, municpio brasileiro do estado de Gois, teve seu povoamento originado nas terras das fazendas Barra e gua Fria, ento localizadas em Pilar de Gois. A regio foi anteriormente habitada pelos ndios Canoeiros e Curuxs. Desses primitivos habitantes restam vestgios, como escritas no decifradas no sop da Serra da Figura, a 20 km da sede municipal. Os primeiros habitantes da regio deixam tambm marcas no nome atual do municpio, que em tupi significa pedra bonita. Em 1924, ali se fixaram algumas famlias pioneiras que passaram a se preocupar com a fundao do povoado. Em 1935, foi erguido um cruzeiro em terras doadas como patrimnio padroeira. Por essa poca, o povoado recebeu o nome de gua Fria fazenda que abrigou o incio da colonizao; e, mais tarde, Floresta, em virtude das densas matas adjacentes. Foi elevado categoria de distrito do municpio de Pilar em 1938. Pelo Decreto-Lei estadual n 8.305, de dezembro de 1943, o distrito de Floresta passou a denominar-se Itapaci, passando a pertencer a Itac. Foi elevado categoria de municpio, com a denominao atual, pelo Decreto-Lei estadual n 55, em 1945, desmembrando-se de Itac hoje Pilar de Gois. O municpio de Itapaci est localizado, a 557 m de altitude, na Mesorregio Centro Goiano e na Microrregio Ceres. Sua populao, muito concentrada em reas urbanas, de 18.458 habitantes (9.379 homens e 9.079 mulheres; 16.675 em reas urbanas e 1.783 em reas rurais). Sua rea territorial total de 956,125Km, e os municpios limtrofes so Pilar, Novo Oriente, Nova Gloria, Ceres, Guarinos, Rubiataba e Nova Amrica. Atualmente, constitudo por dois distritos Itapaci, sede do municpio, e Aparecida de Gois. Nos dias atuais, o municpio tornou-se muito conhecido pela usina de cana de acar instalada na localidade, o que disponibilizou muitos empregos para a cidade. Assim, Itapaci um municpio em expanso das atividades industriais e comerciais voltadas para a produo sucroalcooleira. Alm dessas, apresenta atividades agropecurias. Pelo seu grande desenvolvimento, abriga, atualmente, um Plo Universitrio. O PIB per capita de R$ 7.052,23 e o IDH 0,724_mdio_ PNUD. Situados na regio do Vale do So Patrcio, seu pontos tursticos mais conhecidos so o Lago Azul e a Fonte Luminosa. Vrios eventos so realizados na cidade, entre eles a Exposio Agropecuria Regional, que acontece em agosto, em comemorao data de aniversrio da cidade.

About the county

Itapaci, a Brazilian city in the state of Goias, started its settlement in the area of Barra and gua Fria farms; then located to the town of Pilar de Gois. The region had previously been occupied by the Canoeiros and Curuxs Indians. There are remains of these primitive inhabitants, such as undeciphered writings at the foot of the Figura Hill, 20 km from the city. The first inhabitants of the region also left marks on the current city name, which means beautiful stone in the Tupi language. In 1924, some pioneer families who settled in that area began to worry about the foundation of the village. In 1935, a cross was erected on the lands donated to the Patron Saint. At that time, the village was named gua Fria a farm that sheltered the beginning of its settlement and later, Floresta (Forest), due to its dense adjacent forest. It was elevated to the category of the District of Pilar in 1938. By State Decree-Law n 8.305, Dec 1943, the District of Floresta was renamed Itapaci, belonging then to the city of Itac. It was granted city status, with its current name, by State Decree-Law n 55, in 1945, separating from Itac currently known as Pilar de Gois. The city of Itapaci is located at an elevation of 557 m above sea level, in the Centro Goiano Central Mesoregion and the Ceres Microregion. Its population, mostly concentrated in urban areas, is 18,458 inhabitants (9,379 men and 9,079 women; 16,675 in urban areas and 1,783 in rural areas). Its area is 956,125Km, and its bordering cities are Pilar, Novo Oriente, Nova Gloria, Ceres, Guarinos, Rubiataba and Nova Amrica. Nowadays, it is composed of two districts the city of Itapaci and Aparecida de Gois Currently, the city has become quite famous for its sugar cane factory located there, which offered many local jobs. Thus, Itapaci is a city which is expanding its industrial and commercial activities towards sugar and alcohol production. Besides these, it has agricultural and livestock activities. Due to its great development, there is nowadays a University Campus. The GDB per capita is R$ 7, 052.23 and the UDI 0.724 _ average_ PNUD. Located in the region of the So Patrcio Valley, Itapaci has as its most famous tourist attractions the Blue Lake and Fountain of Light. Lots of events are held in the city, such as the Regional Agricultural and Livestock Exposition, which takes place in August, in celebration of the citys anniversary.


Escolas da rede municipal

Itapaci tem, relacionadas pelo Data Escola MEC / INEP, as seguintes unidades municipais de ensino, todas localizadas em reas urbanas, visitadas in loco por nossa equipe: Escola Municipal Lencio Jos de Santana Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental. Centro de Educao Infantil Nossa Senhora da Aparecida Creche. Creches Menino Jesus I e Menino Jesus II Creche. Alm dessas, de acordo com as informaes prestadas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educao, por ocasio da visita, a cidade possui ainda duas escolas estaduais. A Rede Municipal de Ensino atende a, aproximadamente, 1500 alunos das reas urbanas e rurais em um nico estabelecimento escolar. Para tal, houve um grande investimento no transporte pblico escolar para garantir a locomoo de todos os estudantes da rede. Pela parceria estabelecida entre a Rede Municipal e a Sub-Secretaria Estadual de Educao, destacada como grande aliada, o Sistema de Ensino no municpio organizado em trs etapas: Educao Infantil, Ensino Fundamental do 1 ao 9 ano e Ensino Mdio para Jovens e Adultos EJA.

Municipal Public Schools

Itapaci has, listed by Data Escola MEC (Ministry of Education) / INEP (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research), the following public schools, all of them located in urban areas, which were visited in loco by our team: Lencio Jos de Santana Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education; Nossa Senhora da Aparecida Early Childhood Center Daycare Center; Menino Jesus I and Menino Jesus II Daycare Centers Daycare Center. Besides those, according to information provided by the Board of Education, at the time of the visit, the city had two state schools. The public schools serve approximately 1,500 students in urban and rural areas in one school establishment only. For this reason, there was a great investment in public school transportation to ensure the commuting of all students. Through the partnership established between the public schools and a subdivision of the State Board of Education, highlighted as a great alliance, the educational system in the city is organized in three steps: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education from grades 1 to 9 and Youth and Adult High School Education EJA (Youth and Adult Education)


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

O que faz a diferena para bons resultados pedaggicos alcanados pelo municpio no ensino de leitura, nas sries iniciais nas avaliaes nacionais e nos ndices do IDEB? Por ocasio da visita ao municpio, nas entrevistas com gestores e especialistas, foram destacados alguns fatores que se associam e que de acordo com a Secretaria Municipal de Educao respondem indagao. So eles, entre outros, os destacados a seguir. O Sistema de Ensino Municipal tem o seu Projeto Pedaggico apoiado no princpio de que o portal para todo e qualquer conhecimento o domnio da leitura e da interpretao do que lido. Assim, todos os envolvidos no processo verdadeiramente acreditam que, quando o estudante formado para ser um bom leitor, passa a ver o mundo por uma ptica diferenciada. Desse modo, os bons resultados tambm vo aparecer em outras reas do conhecimento na matemtica, nas cincias naturais, histria, geografia etc. Principalmente, alm disso, esse bom leitor ser um cidado consciente, crtico, autnomo e transformador pronto para lidar com as situaes e dificuldades do mundo, modificandoas e participando ativamente na sociedade em que vive. Nesse sentido, o trabalho pedaggico baseado em metas definidas e nos resultados obtidos, centrado no desenvolvimento de projetos, sobretudo direcionados ao ensino da leitura, escrita e interpretao do que lido e escrito. Para tal, desenvolvido um planejamento pedaggico anual realizado antes do incio do ano letivo, a partir dos resultados do ano anterior, em conjunto com os professores, considerando-se as peculiaridades do municpio. Os xitos tambm so creditados ao trabalho rduo, contnuo e dedicado de toda uma equipe unida e comprometida com a educao do municpio, associado ao fato de a rede municipal no mais possuir professores contratados e com vnculo temporrio de trabalho. Atualmente, so mais de cem professores municipais, todos concursados e efetivos, que trabalham em horrio integral. Tambm destacada, como dispositivo de apoio educao exitosa, a concentrao de todos os alunos da rede

Devices and other support resources of education

What makes a difference in good pedagogical results achieved by the city in the teaching of reading in early childhood education on the national assessments and in the IDEB index (Basic Education Development Index)? During the visit to the city, in interviews with school managers and specialists, the association of some factors was highlighted and that according to the Municipal Board of Education answers the question. Those factors, among others, are listed below. The public school system has its own Pedagogical Project based on the principle that the door for all knowledge is the mastering of reading and the interpretation of what it is to read. This way, all involved in the process truly believe that, when the student is trained to be a good reader, he views the world from a different perspective. This way, good results will appear in different areas in Mathematics, in Natural Science, History, Geography etc. Besides that, this good reader will be a conscious, critical, autonomous and transforming citizen, mainly ready to deal with situations and difficulties in the world, changing them and actively participating in the society he lives in. Therefore, the pedagogical work is based on definite goals and results obtained, centered around the development of the project, above all directed to the teaching of reading, writing and interpretation of what is read. For such, an annual pedagogical plan is developed prepared before the beginning of the academic school year, based on the results of the previous year, along with the teachers, and considering the citys peculiarities. The success is also credited to the hard, continued and dedicated work of a united team committed to the education of the city, associated to the fact that the public school system does not hire temporary teachers. Currently, there are over a hundred public school teachers. All of them have taken public exams, hold a permanent position as civil servant and work full time. The concentration of all public school students even those who live in rural areas in only one place is



mesmo os que habitam em reas rurais em um nico estabelecimento escolar, bem equipado com modernos dispositivos eletroeletrnicos; laboratrio de informtica, com computadores conectados internet e monitores capacitados para o atendimento aos estudantes; sala de recursos multimdia / multifuncional e ginsio poliesportivo para a prtica de esportes e atividades fsicas. A escola bem organizada e conta com especialistas, professores e funcionrios dedicados e capacitados. As salas de aula so bem iluminadas e ventiladas, com mobilirio escolar adequado. O transporte escolar gratuito oferecido a todos os estudantes da unidade, bem como os uniformes e o material escolar, distribudos bimestralmente para os alunos. A merenda escolar servida saudvel, bem armazenada, de boa qualidade e bem apresentada. Embora as escolas no possuam, por falta de espao, biblioteca em suas dependncias, o transporte escolar utilizado para levar os alunos diariamente Biblioteca Municipal, usada pelos estudantes em atividades orientadas pelos professores. As parcerias intersetoriais e com o governo estadual especialmente com a Sub-Secretaria Estadual de Educao tambm so apontadas como primordiais para o sucesso educacional, havendo tambm destaque para o apoio do governo municipal aos projetos educacionais do municpio.

also highlighted as a device to support successful Education. It is well equipped with modern electronic devices; computer labs, internet access and monitors capable of helping students; multimedia / multifunctional rooms and a gymnasium for practicing sports and physical activities.

Formao do professor
A maioria dos professores possui graduao superior em Pedagogia, e aqueles que ainda no so graduados j esto cursando o ensino superior. Muitos professores j tm ps-graduao. Semestralmente, fazem cursos de capacitao direcionados ao ensino da leitura.

Teacher training
The majority of teachers have a Bachelors Degree in Pedagogy, and those who have not graduated yet are attending college. Several teachers have a Post Graduate Degree. Every semester, they take training courses targeted to the teaching of reading.

The school is well organized and provides specialists, teachers, dedicated and capable school staff. The classrooms are well lit and ventilated, with appropriate school furniture. Free school transportation is offered to all students as well as school uniforms and school supplies, distributed to them every two months. School meals are healthy, well stored, good quality and well presented. Although the schools do not have, due to lack of space, libraries on their premises, the public school transportation takes the students to the Public Library daily, which is used by the students with teacher guided activities. The intersectorial partnerships with the State Government especially with a Subdivision Department of the State Board of Education are also pointed out as essential for educational success. The Municipal Government support given to the educational projects in the city must also be emphasized.



Aspectos pedaggicos
A caracterstica de ter uma economia baseada na produo sucroalcooleira leva a Rede Municipal de Ensino de Itapaci a conviver com o permanente fluxo de uma parcela de alunos de e para outras localidades e estados nas pocas anteriores e posteriores safra da cana-de-acar, devido s migraes dos familiares em busca de trabalho. Por este motivo, essa populao flutuante de alunos costuma chegar escola em abril e emigrar em novembro. Assim, o Planejamento Pedaggico anual elaborado a partir de metas bem definidas e dos resultados alcanados no fechado, mas reavaliado periodicamente durante o ano letivo. O planejamento torna-se complexo e requer um esforo coletivo de todos os educadores envolvidos. A Rede Municipal de Educao de Itapaci, segundo os depoimentos colhidos com especialistas e gestores, voltada ao trabalho com projetos. Assim, as aes e atividades pedaggicas so desenvolvidas nos projetos, que so construdos coletivamente. Os projetos tambm so reavaliados durante o decorrer do ano letivo sobretudo os projetos especificamente direcionados leitura. Caso uma prtica pedaggica no apresente os resultados esperados, repensada e reconstruda em conjunto com a coordenao pedaggica municipal com a coordenao pedaggica escolar e com todo corpo docente. Esses projetos envolvem diretamente o estudante como ator principal do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, o professor deixa de ser a figura central, passando a ser o aluno o agente de sua prpria formao a criana que constroi a sua teia de conhecimentos a partir das prprias experincias cotidianas. Ao professor cabe apurar toda essa bagagem conceitual que o estudante traz, por mais restrita que parea, considerando-a como real subsdio para o trabalho que o levar ao domnio das habilidades de leitura e escrita a ser desenvolvido ao longo do ano letivo. Ou seja, os projetos de leitura da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Itapaci so construdos a partir da experincia da criana sempre rica de conceitos, de linguagens e cdigos e ser utilizada na sala de aula. Inmeras atividades fazem parte dos vrios projetos desenvolvidos, sempre objetivando incentivar os alunos para a leitura, despertando-lhes o prazer por esta atividade. Assim, todas as salas de aula tm o Cantinho de Leitura, o Avental de Histrias e o Varal Literrio. Dispositivos diversos so utilizados para motivar os estudantes para a leitura de vrios gneros literrios e tipos textuais trabalhando-se concomitantemente a escrita e interpretao. Assim, os estudantes participam de atividades como: Hora do Reconto, Passarela da Leitura, Rei e a Rainha do Dia, Caminhada da Leitura, entre outras. Os Carrinhos Viajantes e a Maleta de Leitura so recursos tambm utilizados pelos professores para ampliar os espaos de leitura oferecidos aos estudantes. Pelas cooperaes estabelecidas, todas as atividades assistenciais e culturais desenvolvidas nessas parcerias levam em conta a importncia das prticas de leitura e escrita para a conquista da plena cidadania, procurando trabalhar em consonncia com os projetos pedaggicos municipais. Um dos exemplos o trabalho conjunto desenvolvido no municpio com a Secretaria de Ao Social, no que diz respeito s aes do PETI Programa de Erradicao do Trabalho Infantil , que complementa o processo de ensino-aprendizagem desenvolvido na escola.

Pedagogical aspects
The characteristic of having an economy based on the sugar and alcohol production makes the Municipal Public School System in Itapaci deal with the permanent flow of some students to and from other areas and states in periods before and after the harvest of sugar cane, due to the migration of families in search for jobs. Consequently, this floating population of students usually starts school in April and migrates in November. Thus, the Annual Pedagogical Plan elaborated based on the well defined goals and the results achieved is not closed, but it is re-evaluated periodically during the academic school year. The pedagogical plan becomes complex and requires a collective effort of all the educators involved. The Municipal Public Schools in Itapaci, according to interviews held by specialists and school managers, is geared to work with projects. Therefore, the actions and pedagogical activities are developed in the projects that are collectively built. The projects are also re-evaluated throughout the academic school year mainly the projects specifically directed towards reading. Just in case the pedagogical practice does not show the expected results, it is reconsidered and rebuilt together with Municipal Pedagogical Coordination staff with the school pedagogical coordinators and all the teachers. These projects directly involve the students as the main characters in the teaching-learning process. Thus, the teacher stops being the central character and the students start being the agent responsible for their own formation it is the child that builds his web of knowledge based on his own daily experiences. The teachers job is to check all of the conceptual baggage that the students bring along, even when it seems restrictive, considering it as the real subsidy to the work that will lead them to dominate the reading and writing skills that will be developed throughout the academic school year. So, the reading projects elaborated by the Municipal Board of Education in Itapaci are built based on the childs experience which is always full of concepts, languages and codes and will be used in the classroom. Numerous activities are part of the several projects developed, always with the goal of motivating the students to read, awakening them to the pleasure of this activity. Therefore, there is the Reading Corner, the Story Apron and the Literary Clothes Line in all the classrooms. Different devices are used to encourage students to read various literary genres and textual types working on writing and interpretation simultaneously. This way, the students participate in activities such as: Retelling Time, Reading Runway, The King and the Queen for a Day, The Walk of Reading, among others. The Travelling Carts and the Reading Suitcase are resources also used by teachers to amplify the reading spaces offered to the students. Through the cooperation established, all the assistance and cultural activities established in these partnerships take into consideration the importance of reading and writing practices in order to conquer full citizenship, and trying to work in accordance with the Municipal Pedagogical Projects. One example is the joint work developed by the city and the Department of Social Action, regarding to the actions of PETI Child Labor Eradication Program which complements the teaching-learning process developed at school.



Acompanhamento pedaggico
Um grupo de seis coordenadores pedaggicos divide-se nos turnos matutino e vespertino para acompanhamento do trabalho pedaggico junto aos professores. H reunies semanais com os docentes para avaliar e debater o contedo da semana. Nessas reunies, todos os resultados obtidos so debatidos coletivamente. Os professores, que trabalham em horrio integral, no turno inverso ao que do as aulas regulares, atendem os alunos com dificuldades na aprendizagem da leitura. Esses estudantes recebem o reforo escolar na Casa de Reforo anexa escola. Essas atividades, com a durao de trs horas, so desenvolvidas duas vezes por semana, no horrio contrrio s aulas, e em grupos de cinco crianas.

Programas e projetos
So desenvolvidos programas voltados formao do cidado, como o Segundo Tempo em fase de reavaliao e o Cidade Limpa. Para trabalhar a musicalidade, o ritmo e a interao, a escola desenvolve o projeto Banda de Fanfarra. Outros, mais abrangentes, so citados a seguir. CRAS Centro de Referncia de Assistncia Social Os Centros de Referncias de Assistncia Social so unidades pblicas da poltica de assistncia social, de base municipal, integrantes do Sistema nico de Assistncia Social e localizados em reas com maiores ndices de vulnerabilidade e risco social. Objetivam a prestao de servios e programas socioassistenciais de proteo social bsica s famlias e pessoas. Suas aes articulam-se, nos seus territrios de abrangncia, a atuaes intersetoriais na perspectiva de potencializar a proteo social.nAlgumas aes da proteo social bsica so desenvolvidas necessariamente nos CRAS, como o Programa de Ateno Integral as Famlias PAIF. Outras, mesmo ocorrendo na rea de abrangncia desses centros, podem ser desenvolvidas fora de seu espao fsico, desde que a ele referenciadas. O CRAS tambm organiza a vigilncia da excluso social de sua rea de abrangncia, em conexo com outros territrios. O CRAS de Itapaci possui uma estrutura fsica adequada aos padres do Ministrio de Desenvolvimento Social MDS. Desenvolve um projeto de artesanato com mulheres em situao de vulnerabilidade e oferece atendimentos psicolgicos e orientao/aconselhamento. Em casos mais graves e complexos, so realizadas visitas domiciliares pelos tcnicos da unidade. Programa de Erradicao do Trabalho Infantil PETI um programa desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Ao Social em regime de cooperao com o Sistema de Ensino Municipal. O Programa de Erradicao do Trabalho Infantil (Peti) articula um conjunto de aes visando retirada de crianas e adolescentes de at 16 anos das prticas de trabalho infantil, exceto na condio de aprendiz a partir de 14 anos. O Peti compe o Sistema nico de Assistncia Social (SUAS) e tem trs eixos bsicos: transferncia direta de renda s famlias com crianas ou adolescentes em situao de trabalho; servios de convivncia e fortalecimento de vnculos para crianas e adolescentes at 16 anos; e acompanhamento familiar por meio do Centro de Referncia de Assistncia Social (CRAS) e do Centro de Referncia Especializado de

Programs and Projects

Programs aimed at citizen formation are developed, such as The Second Time undergoing a re-evaluation phase and the Clean City Project. In order to work on musicality, rhythm and interaction, the school develops a project called Fanfare Band. Other more extensive projects are listed below. CRAS Social Assistance Reference Center They are municipal public centers for political and social assistance policies, part of the Brazilian Social Welfare system and located in areas with a large number of vulnerability and social risks. Their purpose is to provide services and social-assistance programs of basic social protection to families and people. Their actions are articulated with the intersectorial ones in the coverage areas in the perspective of potentiating the social protection. Some basic social protection actions are developed by the CRAS, such as the Program of Integral Attention to the Family PAIF. Other actions, even occurring in the coverage area of these centers, can be developed outside its physical space once they are referred to it. The CRAS also organizes surveillance of social exclusion in its coverage area in connection with other areas. The CRAS in Itapaci has a physical structure which is suitable to the standards set by the Ministry of Social Development MDS. It develops a handcraft project for women in vulnerable situations and offers psychological support and guidance / counseling. In the most severe and complex cases, specialists make home visits. Child Labor Eradication Program PETI It is a program developed by the Board of Social Action in cooperation with the Municipal Public School System. The Child Labor Eradication Program (PETI) integrates a number of actions to remove children and adolescents under 16 years of age from the practice of child labor, except 14-yearold and older apprentices. PETI is part of the Brazilian Social Welfare system (SUAS) and it has three basic parts: direct transfer of income to families with children and adolescents that work; convenience services and strengthening the bonds of children and adolescents until the age of 16; and family monitoring by the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) and the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center

Pedagogical support
A group of six pedagogical coordinators take turns working in the morning and in the afternoon in order to monitor the pedagogical work along with the teachers. There are weekly meetings with the teachers to evaluate and debate the content of the week. During these meetings, all results obtained are collectively debated. Teachers, who work full time, on opposite shifts from their regular classes, assist the students with difficulties in learning to read. These students receive school tutoring in the Tutoring House attached to the school. Such activities, which are three hours long, are developed twice a week, during out-of-school hours, in groups of five children.


Assistncia Social (CREAS). Aps a transferncia de renda, toda criana (ou adolescente) que for encontrada em situao de trabalho deve ser, obrigatoriamente, inserida no Servio de Convivncia e Fortalecimento de Vnculos. Esse servio ofertado pela Proteo Social Bsica com estreita articulao com o responsvel pelo Peti no municpio. O programa reconhece a criana e o adolescente como sujeitos de direito, protege-os contras as formas de explorao do trabalho e contribui para o desenvolvimento integral. Com isso, o Peti oportuniza em Itapaci o acesso escola formal, sade, alimentao, esporte, lazer, cultura e profissionalizao, bem como convivncia familiar e comunitria. Na rea da educao, necessrio que crianas ou adolescentes de 6 a 15 anos possuam matrcula e frequncia escolar mnima de 85%. Para os adolescentes de 16 e 17 anos de idade, a matrcula e a frequncia escolar mnima devem ser de 75%. Com isso, contribui-se tambm para a diminuio da evaso escolar. O Programa, no municpio de Itapaci, oferece aulas de msica, sala de informtica, biblioteca, ateli de pintura, assistncia psicolgica, entre outras atividades.

(CREAS). After the income transfer, every child (or adolescent) found working must be sent to the Living and Strengthening Bonds Service Center. This service is offered by the Basic Social Protection in close articulation with those responsible for PETI in the city. The program recognizes children and adolescents as subjects of rights, protecting them against forms of exploitation and contributing to their entire development. This way, PETI provides access to formal schooling, health, food, sports, leisure, cultural and professionalization activities as well as family and community relationships in Itapaci. In the educational field, children and adolescents from 6 to 15 years of age need to be enrolled and meet an attendance requirement of at least 85%. Adolescents from 16 to 17 years of age need to be enrolled and meet an attendance requirement of 75%. This has also contributed to decreasing the school dropout rate. The programs in Itapaci offer music classes, a computer room, a library, an art studio, psychological support, among other activities.



A cidade do Santurio e das belas montanhas rochosas Minas Gerais



Sobre o municpio
Em 1882, Francisco Toms de Aquino Leite Ribeiro o Comendador Leite iniciou a construo de um patrimnio, na antiga fazenda So Domingos, que, legado aos descendentes, veio mais tarde a formar a cidade de Lajinha. Aps a morte do comendador e em decorrncia da abolio da escravatura, a fazenda esteve por alguns anos em estado de abandono. Nos primeiros anos deste sculo, segundo a tradio dos que contam a histria, foi Francisco Mateus Laranja quem dirigiu os trabalhos de derrubada da mata de onde viria a crescer o povoado. Em 1910, esse desbravador, associado a Jos Lucas de Barros, recebeu de Antnio Pedro Garcia, genro do Comendador Leite, um alqueire de terra onde foi erguida uma capela em honra a Nossa Senhora de Nazar. Em 1916, a povoao, que tinha o nome de Lajinha do Chal, torna-se distrito subordinado ao municpio de Rio Jos Pedro nome depois simplificado para Jos Pedro e, posteriormente, para Ipanema. A reduo de seu nome para Lajinha deu-se em 1929. Em 1938, pelo Decreto-Lei Estadual n 148, foi elevado categoria de municpio j com a denominao atual, desmembrado de Ipanema. O municpio de Lajinha tem 19.609 habitantes (9.781 mulheres e 9.828 homens; 12.250 nas reas urbanas e 7.359 nas reas rurais) distribudos em uma rea territorial de 431,920 Km. Situado a uma altitude de 470 m, est localizado na Mesorregio Zona da Mata do estado de Minas Gerais e na Microrregio Manhuau. Faz divisa com os municpios de Chal, Ibatiba, Mutum e Durand. A economia da cidade baseada na agropecuria, especialmente no cultivo e no comrcio de caf. O PIB per capita de R$ 8.013,26 e o IDH 0,694_mdio_ PNUD. A exposio agropecuria do municpio uma das festas tradicionais da localidade, na qual se apresentam artistas nacionalmente consagrados. A cidade cercada por belas montanhas, assemelhando-se a fortalezas naturais e exploradas pelo turismo ecolgico. Nos arredores da cidade encontram-se lindas cachoeiras e muitas fazendas de caf bem cuidadas. O Santurio de Nossa Senhora Aparecida, um de seus pontos tursticos mais famosos, est instalado no morro denominado Pedra da Baleia, no centro da cidade. O local visitado anualmente, no ms de outubro, por cerca de cinco mil pessoas de diversas partes da regio, em uma longa romaria feita em homenagem padroeira do Brasil. O smbolo do municpio a Pedra Torta, cuja beleza pode ser apreciada de vrios pontos do municpio.

About the county

In 1882, Francisco Toms de Aquino Leite Ribeiro Commodore Leite initiated the construction of an estate at the old So Domingos farm, left to the descendents, that later became the city of Lajinha. After the death of the Commodore and due to the abolition of slavery, the farm was left abandoned. At the beginning of the century, according to the tradition of history tellers, Francisco Mateus Laranja was the one who directed the work of clearing of the forest where the village was settled. In 1910, this pioneer, associated with Jos Lucas de Barros, received from Antnio Pedro Garcia, the Commodore Leites son-in-law, a hectare where a chapel was built to honor Our Lady of Nazareth. In 1916, the village whose name was Lajinha do Chal became a district which belonged to the city of Rio Jos Pedro name that later was simplified to Jos Pedro and furthermore, to Ipanema. The transition of its name to Lajinha occurred in 1929. In 1938, by State Decree-Law n 148, it was elevated to the category of District under the current name, separated from Ipanema. The city of Lajinha has 19,609 inhabitants (9,781 women and 9,828 men; 12,250 in urban areas and 7,359 in rural areas) distributed over a total area of 431,920 Km. Situated at an elevation of 470 above sea level, located in the Zona da Mata Mesoregion in the state of Minas Gerais and in Manhuau Microregion. It borders the cities of Chal, Ibatiba, Mutum and Durand. The citys economy is based on agricultural and livestock activities, especially coffee cultivation and trading. The GDB per capita is R$ 8,013.26 and the UDI 0,694_ average_PNUD. The agricultural and livestock exposition is one of the most traditional festivals in the city in which nationally renowned artists perform. The city is surrounded by beautiful mountains that look like natural fortresses and are explored by ecotourism. There are beautiful waterfalls and many well preserved coffee plantations around the city. The Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, one of its most famous tourist attractions is located in the Pedra da Baleia Hill, in the city center. The place is visited annually, in October, by around five thousand people from different areas of the region, in a long procession to honor the Brazilian Patron Saint. The citys symbol is the Pedra Torta (Bent Stone), whose beauty can be appreciated from various locations in the city.


Escolas da rede municipal

O Data Escola (MEC / INEP) registra 30 escolas municipais regulares e em funcionamento, sendo 28 em reas rurais e 2 em reas urbana. As escolas da rea urbana so:

Municipal Public Schools

The Data Escola (MEC (Ministry of Education) / INEP (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research) lists 30 municipal public schools operating in this area, 28 in rural areas and 2 in urban areas. The schools in the urban area are: Comendador Leite Public School Elementary Education early grades; Paulo Czar Hastenreiter Portes Public School Elementary Education final grades. Besides a teacher training course and public high schools, Lajinha also has a Daycare Center and a Public Early Childhood Education unit, both located in urban areas. In the rural area, the following public schools listed below were visited: Herculano Osrio Ker Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School early grades; Pedra Queimada Public School - Early Childhood Education and Elementary School early grades. Based on the citys peculiarity, a device used by the Municipal Public School system, due to the large number of kids residents and workers children who live on the numerous coffee farms in the region - schools were built on various farms situated in more distant locations.

Escola Municipal Comendador Leite Ensino Fundamental sries iniciais; e Escola Municipal Paulo Czar Hastenreiter Portes Ensino Fundamental sries finais. Alm de curso de Magistrio e escolas de Ensino Mdio, Lajinha tambm dispe de uma creche e uma unidade municipal de Educao Infantil, ambas em reas urbanas. Na rea rural, foram visitadas as seguintes escolas municipais: Escola Municipal Herculano Osrio Ker Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental sries iniciais; Escola Municipal de Pedra Queimada Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental sries iniciais. Pela peculiaridade do municpio, um dispositivo utilizado pela Rede Municipal de Ensino, devido ao grande nmero de crianas filhos dos moradores e trabalhadores das inmeras fazendas de caf da regio , foi a instalao de escolas municipais em vrias fazendas situadas em localidades mais distantes.


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

Na entrevista realizada por ocasio da visita ao municpio, a pedagoga responsvel pelo Apoio Pedaggico da Secretaria Municipal de Educao, embasada em Paulo Freire, respondeu indagao sobre o que tem feito a diferena para o sucesso do ensino da leitura no municpio com o seguinte depoimento: A escola d certo quando o aluno aprende e feliz. No fazemos um trabalho extraordinrio, espetacular. Fazemos um trabalho simples, mas com muito amor. A formao de uma equipe comprometida com uma educao de qualidade, trabalhando unida e cooperativamente, com elevada autoestima, de acordo com a pedagoga, indispensvel como primeiro passo para motivar os alunos aprendizagem. Complementou o seu depoimento indicando que a formao permanente do professor e um trabalho voltado interdisciplinaridade ajudam a produzir no aluno a explicitao dos conhecimentos que ele j traz. Assim, a partir de uma avaliao diagnstica dos estudantes, possvel montar um Plano de Interveno Pedaggica PIP. Concluiu esclarecendo que so essas, basicamente, as aes que auxiliaram, e ainda auxiliam, a recuperao dos alunos com defasagens na aprendizagem e na construo das competncias necessrias ao domnio da leitura. Na mesma ocasio, a Secretria de Educao Municipal sublinhou que o xito alcanado tambm fruto do trabalho direcionado ao ensino da leitura iniciado na Educao Infantil com as crianas de quatro e cinco anos. Assim, poca formal do aprendizado da leitura e escrita, j esto preparados para as atividades mais sistematizadas. Continuando o seu depoimento, a gestora ressaltou que os bons resultados obtidos tambm so consequncia de um longo e contnuo trabalho institucional que envolve diversos setores desde 2005. Destacou que o regime de cooperao estabelecido entre a SME e a Superintendncia Regional de Ensino do estado tem sido bastante produtivo e muito tem colaborado para o cumprimento das metas educacionais do municpio. Acrescentou que a participao ativa de todos os envolvidos no processo educacional diretores, supervisores, demais especialistas, professores, funcionrios, pais, alu-

Devices and other support resources of education

In the interviews held during the citys visit, the pedagogue responsible for the Board of Education Pedagogical Support, based on Paulo Freires ideas, answered the questions about what has made a difference to the success of teaching reading in the city with the following statement: The school succeeds when students learn and are happy. We do not do an extraordinary and spectacular job. We do a simple job, but full of love. The formation of a team committed to excellence in education, working together and cooperatively, with high self-esteem, according to the pedagogue, is indispensable as the first step in motivating students to learn. She added that the permanent teacher training and the interdisciplinary work help produce in the students the expression of the knowledge he already has. Thus, based on the students diagnostic evaluation, it is possible to set a Pedagogical Intervention Plan PIP. She concluded and clarified that these are the actions that basically helped and still help the recovery of the students with learning gaps and in the construction of the competences required to master reading.

On the same occasion, the Municipal Board of Education Director emphasized that the success achieved is also due to the work targeted to the instruction of reading started in Early Childhood Education with children of four and five years of age. Therefore, during the stage of learning to read and write they are already prepared for more systematized activities. Continuing her statement, the Municipal Board of Education Director stated that the good results obtained are also the consequence of long and continuous institutional work that has involved several sectors since 2005. She highlighted that the system of cooperation established between the Municipal Board of Education and the State Regional Superintendent of Education has been very productive and has collaborated a lot to fulfill the educational goals of the city. She added that the active participation of all involved in the educational process directors, supervisors, specialists , teachers, school staff, parents, students and the



nos e a comunidade em geral tem sido decisiva para a elevao da qualidade da educao em Lajinha no s nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental ou restrita s escolas municipais. Desse modo, o projeto pedaggico do municpio procura abranger todos os muncipes, contando com inmeras parcerias e apoios locais como os da Prefeitura, Cmara de Vereadores, Ministrio Pblico, cooperativas e bancos. O transporte pblico e os eventos escolares so considerados como direitos e, portanto, estendidos a todos os alunos do municpio das escolas municipais, das estaduais, das particulares e do EJA. Uma equipe de tcnicos e nutricionistas prepara o cardpio alimentar variado, utilizando tambm produtos da agricultura familiar e das hortas das escolas. As escolas so limpas e bem organizadas. O ambiente escolar alegre e adornado por murais temticos coloridos. As salas de aula, alm dos murais e dos cantinhos de leitura, apresentam outros cantinhos, como os de matemtica, cincias naturais e cincias humanas compostos de materiais pedaggicos e de trabalhos feitos pelos alunos. H uma preocupao em manter nas escolas rurais o mesmo padro de qualidade de educao das escolas urbanas a fim de se evitarem a evaso e a distoro escolar. Para tal, alm de instalao de escolas municipais nas fazendas mais distantes, como j mencionado, h um cuidado especial com o transporte, a merenda e o material escolar para esses estudantes, no sentido de garantir-lhes a frequncia, a boa alimentao e as condies necessrias para o estudo. A par disso, feito um cronograma de visitaes da superviso pedaggica aos professores dessas escolas, alm das reunies pedaggicas sistemticas realizadas com todos os professores da rede. Algumas escolas do municpio contam com bibliotecas, equipamentos eletroeletrnicos e telecentros (informtica e utilizao da internet), mas todas as escolas, em suas salas de aula, tm o Cantinho da Leitura com livros de histrias, publicaes paradidticas, revistinhas e revistas variadas. Em parceria com as trs esferas de governo e com a iniciativa privada local, foram instalados telecentros comunitrios, disponibilizados aos alunos e comunidade em geral. Dispositivos como o Grmio Recreativo e o Clube da Leitura, instalados no centro da cidade, a partir das diversas parcerias, incluindo-se a participao dos alunos e de seus familiares, funcionam como recursos para incentivar e despertar o prazer pela leitura. 98

community in general has been decisive in increasing the quality of education in Lajinha not only in the early childhood years of elementary education nor restricted to the Municipal Public schools. This way, the Municipal pedagogical project tries to include all municipalities, relying on countless partnerships and local support - such as the City Hall, the City Council, the Attorney Generals Office, cooperatives and banks. Public transport and school events are considered rights and, therefore, extended to all students in the city municipal and state public and private schools and EJA (Education for Youth and Adults). A team of technicians and nutritionists prepare a varied menu also using agriculture from family farms and produce from the school garden. The schools are clean and well organized. The school environment is cheerful and decorated with colorful themed murals. The classrooms, besides the murals and the reading corners, have other corners, such as Math, Natural and Human Science corners - composed of pedagogical materials and activities done by the students. There is a big concern about maintaining the same level of quality in education in rural as well as in urban schools so as to avoid school dropouts and distortion. For such, besides setting up Municipal Public schools on more distant farms, as mentioned before, special attention is paid to transportation, school meals and the school supplies for these students, to ensure frequency, good meals and conditions required to study. Along with that, a visitation schedule for teachers in these schools is prepared by the pedagogical supervisors, beyond the systematic pedagogical meetings held with the Public School teachers. Some schools in the city have libraries, electronic devices and telecenters (computers and internet access), but there is a reading corner in all school classrooms with story books, textbooks, comics and a variety of magazines. In partnership with the three governmental spheres and the local private initiative, community telecenters have been installed and now are available for the students and the community in general. Devices such as Grmio Recreativo (Recreational Center) and the Reading Club, are set up in the city center, based on various partnerships, including the students and their family members participation, work as resources to motivate and awaken the pleasure of reading. The

A preocupao da Secretaria Municipal de Educao se estende a todos os alunos do municpio das escolas municipais, das estaduais e das diversas turmas do EJA. A Casa da Cultura, que tambm funciona no centro da cidade, oferece aulas de piano e violo, alm de oficinas de bordado vagonite, ponto russo, ponto de cruz e croch. Com a utilizao de vrios recursos e dispositivos, bem como pelo desenvolvimento de projetos mais abrangentes, um dos orgulhos da Secretaria Municipal de Educao ter diminudo radicalmente os ndices de evaso e distoro escolar, bem como os ndices de analfabetismo do municpio que, em 2005, de acordo com as informaes prestadas, estavam prximos aos 20% da populao.

Municipal Board of Educations concern extends to all the students in city students from municipal and state public schools and from several groups at the EJA (Education for Youth and Adults). The House of Culture that also operates in the city center provides piano and guitar lessons as well as embroidery workshops embroidery vagonite, Russian crochet, cross crochet- and crochet. With the use of various resources and devices as well as the development of broader projects, the Municipal Board of Education is proud of having had drastically diminished the school dropout rate and school distortion and also the illiteracy rate in the city that, in 2005, according to information provided, was close to 20% of the population.


Formao do professor
A maioria dos professores da Rede Municipal tem curso superior (graduao). H cursos mensais de capacitao, prioritariamente direcionados ao ensino da leitura e escrita, por meio da parceria estabelecida com a Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais CEALE / FaE.

Teacher training
The majority of the Municipal Public School teachers have a Bachelors Degree. There are monthly teacher training courses, mainly directed at the instruction of reading and writing, through the partnership with the Federal University of Minas Gerais CEALE/FaE (Literacy, Reading and Writing Center/College of Education).

Aspectos pedaggicos
As metas estabelecidas para o ensino da leitura partem do pressuposto que se aprende a fazer fazendo, se aprende a ler, lendo. Assim, a proposta pedaggica do municpio voltada para o letramento em leitura elaborada a partir da parceria estabelecida com a Secretaria Estadual de Educao para a utilizao dos Cadernos do CEALE (FaE / UFMG) e efetivada nos diversos projetos construdos em equipe e que englobam variados gneros e tipos textuais. Os materiais pedaggicos utilizados so desenvolvidos nas reunies de mdulos pelos professores e equipe pedaggica. Em termos de metodologia, o professor tem autonomia de trabalho na sala de aula, escolhendo-a de acordo com as singularidades de sua turma, desde que respeitadas as diretrizes pedaggicas centrais, a partir das metas estabelecidas para aquisio das competncias e habilidades necessrias para as vrias etapas de domnio da leitura, escrita e interpretao de textos. As avaliaes da Rede de Ensino Municipal, abrangendo todas as reas do conhecimento, so anuais e tm como foco a leitura base para a aquisio de todo e qualquer conhecimento, de acordo com os depoimentos colhidos por ocasio da visita. Existem tambm as avaliaes diagnsticas bimestrais feitas em cada escola. A partir de seus resultados, analisa-se o desenvolvimento pedaggico dos alunos, caso a caso. As discusses sobre esses resultados envolvem gestores, coordenadores, supervisores e professores e acontecem nas reunies de mdulos. As Reunies de Mdulo II so quinzenais e, alm de serem espaos de discusso coletiva das atividades e estratgias utilizadas nos projetos, oportunizam a troca de experincias entre os professores. Nesses encontros, tambm so realizados estudos a partir dos Cadernos dos Ciclos Iniciais da Alfabetizao do CEALE / UFMG. Os resultados do SAEB e Prova Brasil, da mesma forma, so coletivamente discutidos, nos Conselhos de Classe, envolvendo tambm os pais dos alunos.

Pedagogical aspects
The goals established for the instruction of reading are based on the assumption that one learns by doing a thing; one learns to read by reading. Thus, the Municipal pedagogical proposal towards the reading literacy is elaborated in partnership with the State Board of Education for the use of CEALE Notebooks (FaE/UFMG) and it is accomplished in the several collective projects and they encompass various genres and text types. The pedagogical material used is developed in the module meetings held by teachers and the pedagogical staff. In terms of methodology, the teacher has the freedom to choose what works best in the classroom, choosing it according to the singularities of his group, once he respects the central pedagogical guidance, based on the goals established for the acquaintance of competences and skills required by the multiple stages of the domain of reading, writing and text interpretation. The Municipal Public School System assessments, covering all the areas of knowledge, are annual and focus on reading the foundation to acquire all kinds of knowledge, according to the statements collected in the visit. There are also bimonthly diagnostic evaluations in each school. Taking into consideration their results, the students pedagogical development is analyzed, case by case. Discussions about the outcomes involve school managers, coordinators, supervisors and teachers and take place in the module meetings. The Module Meetings II occur every fortnight and, besides providing a space for collective discussions about the activities and strategies used in the projects, they allow for the exchange of experiences among teachers. In those meetings studies based on the Initial Cycles of the Literacy Notebooks CEALE/UFMG are also done. The outcomes of the SAEB and The Brazil Exam are collectively discussed in the Classroom Counseling, also involving the students parents



Acompanhamento pedaggico
Como anteriormente explicitado, quinzenalmente, h reunies com a participao de gestores, coordenadores, supervisores e professores para a discusso/reavaliao dos projetos, aes e atividades desenvolvidas. Para as escolas situadas em reas rurais, existe um cronograma de visitas para acompanhamento pedaggico. De acordo com a configurao de cada escola, existem tambm reunies internas. Os alunos que apresentam defasagens nas vrias etapas do aprendizado da leitura tm recuperao paralela com professores destacados para essa atividade, que pode ser desenvolvida na prpria escola nas Salas de Aprendizagem ou na Casa da Criana, instituio mantida pela Obra Social So Judas Tadeu, em parceria com o municpio. Os atendimentos so oferecidos em horrios contrrios aos das aulas regulares. H uma grande preocupao com a incluso dos estudantes que apresentam necessidades especiais no processo educacional. Esses alunos assistem s aulas normalmente em suas turmas, mas recebem atendimento diferenciado de suas professoras, sendo tambm acompanhados pela superviso pedaggica das escolas. Aos alunos que deles necessitam, sejam das escolas municipais ou estaduais, so oferecidos atendimentos especializados em psicologia e fonoaudiologia

Programas e projetos
A grande maioria dos projetos, construdos coletivamente com os professores e desenvolvidos em rede em todas as escolas, direcionada leitura. So inmeras as aes e atividades que os compem. Dentre elas, alm das visitas regulares biblioteca, destacam-se: Hora do Conto; Cantinho de Leitura; Recontos; Teatro e Dramatizaes. Muito apreciados pelas crianas so os vrios concursos criados coletivamente com o intuito de incentiv-las leitura: Concurso de Leitura; Meu livro de Histrias; Soletrando, entre outros. Em fase de elaborao, h um projeto que pretende envolver todos os segmentos das escolas da direo aos funcionrios em um nico momento de leitura no qual todos parem para se dedicar apenas a esta atividade. Aliados a esses, outros projetos objetivam trabalhar com os estudantes noes de civismo, tica, cidadania, conservao do meio ambiente, diversidade e incluso. A Rede Municipal, em parceria com as escolas estaduais, promove desfiles e eventos nas datas comemorativas da cidade atividades que muito agradam aos estudantes, que se orgulham de participar, bem como envolvem os familiares e toda a comunidade. Por um depoimento prestado por um estudante atualmente no 9 ano do Ensino Fundamental , percebese, para a formao cidad desses alunos, a importncia dos projetos e eventos ligados s temticas mais abrangentes. Assim, ele descreve, emocionando-se em alguns trechos da entrevista, os efeitos de sua participao no Frum Ambiental realizado no municpio. Participar do Frum Ambiental foi muito importante para ns. Tivemos muitas informaes e atividades culturais. Ficamos mais conscientes sobre a importncia da preservao do meio ambiente. Percebemos que cada pequeno gesto, mesmo individual, colabora para tornar o nosso municpio, o nosso pas e at o nosso planeta muito melhor. A seguir, relacionamos e detalhamos, dentre muitos, alguns projetos e programas desenvolvidos no municpio. Programa de Interveno pedaggica PIP A partir de avaliaes diagnsticas individuais, nas quais so observadas as habilidades de leitura, escrita, interpretao e produo de textos, so montados planejamentos individualizados para os alunos que apresentam defasagens em termos de aquisio das competncias e habilidades necessrias para cada

Programs and Projects

Most of the projects prepared collectively with the teachers and developed in AL Public Schools aim at reading. There are several actions and activities in the projects. Among them, besides the regular library visits, we can mention: Storytelling Time, Reading Corner, Retelling, Theater and Dramatizations. The children appreciate the various contests created conjointly intended to motivate them to read: Reading Contest, My Story Book, Spelling Bee, and others. There is a project under construction that intends to involve all school segments from directors to school staff in an only reading moment in which everyone stops to dedicate themselves to this specific activity. Associated with these projects, others aim to work notions of civism, ethic, citizenship, environmental conservation, diversity and inclusion with the students. The municipal public schools, in partnership with the state public schools, promote parades and events on commemorative dates in the city such activities please students a lot and make them proud as well as involve their families and the whole community. Based on a students statement currently in Elementary Education grade 9 it is noticeable, in the citizen formation of these students, the importance of projects and events related to a wide range of themes. Therefore, he describes, feeling emotional during some parts of the interview, the effects of his participation in the Environment Forum which occurred in the city. Participating in the Environment Forum was important to us. We received a lot of information and had many cultural activities. We were more conscious of the importance of the environment preservation. We realized that each small gesture, even individual, makes our city, our country as well as our planet a better place. Some projects and programs developed in the city, among others, are below listed and detailed. Pedagogical Intervention Program PIP Based on individual diagnostic evaluations, in which reading, writing, interpretation and text production skills are observed, individualized plans for students who have gaps in terms of the acquisition of competences and skills required in each stage of the process are created. The PIP is the result

Pedagogical support
As previously clarified, every fortnight, there are meetings with the participation of school managers, coordinators, supervisors and teachers to discuss/re-evaluate the projects, actions and activities developed. For the schools located in the rural areas, there is a visit schedule for the pedagogical support. Depending on each school situation, there are also internal meetings. Students that have learning gaps in the several stages of reading are given simultaneous recovery with teachers indicated for this activity that can be developed in their own school in the Learning Classroom or in the Childs House, an institution supported by the Saint Judas Tadeu Social Work, in partnership with the city. Recovery activities are offered during out-of-school hours. There is a big concern about the inclusion of students with special needs in the educational process. These students attend classes regularly in their groups, but they receive distinguished instruction by their teachers and are also monitored by the pedagogical coordinator. The students who need monitoring provided by municipal and state public schools, are also offered psychological and speech therapy special consultation.


etapa do trabalho. O PIP fruto da parceria entre as Secretarias Municipal e Estadual de Educao e utiliza os cinco eixos dos Cadernos dos Ciclos Iniciais da Alfabetizao (CEALE / UFMG): linguagem oral, leitura, produo de texto, apropriao do sistema da escrita e valorizao da cultura escrita. Maleta Viajante Trata-se de uma pasta poliondas, colorida e com ala, na qual so colocados pelo menos trs livros para que as crianas levem para casa e leiam junto com os familiares. um projeto que visa a incentivar a leitura fora da escola, envolvendo os familiares. Cantinho de Leitura Alm das maletas e dos cantinhos nas salas de aula, para as escolas que no dispem de espao fsico para instalao de biblioteca, h uma caixa na qual so colocados livros de diversos gneros, revistinhas e revistas. Projeto Carnaval Desenvolvido nas escolas, com inmeras atividades recreativas, culturais e pedaggicas. A culminncia um desfile, de todas as escolas, pelas ruas da cidade. Outros projetos, semelhantes no formato, tambm acontecem nas escolas do municpio, em datas e eventos significativos para a comunidade local.

of a partnership between the Municipal and State Boards of Education and it uses the five pillars of the Initial Cycles of the Literacy Notebooks (CEALE / UFMG): oral language, reading, text production, appropriation of the writing system and valorization of the written culture. Traveling Suitcase It is a polionda colorful striped folder in which at least three books are to be taken home by the children and later read together with the family members. It is a project that intends to motivate reading outside school with the involvement of the family. Reading Corner Besides the suitcase and reading corners in the classrooms, schools with no physical space available to build a library, there is a box in which books on different types of genres, comics and magazines are kept. Carnival Project It is developed in schools with several recreational, cultural and pedagogical activities. The highlight of this program is a parade with all the schools on the city streets. Other projects, similar in format, also take place in the municipal public schools on different dates and significant events for the local community.



A cidade do Museu do Milho Minas Gerais

atos de Minas


Sobre o municpio
A colonizao da regio ocupada atualmente pelo municpio de Patos de Minas e distritos vizinhos teve incio na segunda metade do sculo XVIII, perodo anterior descoberta do ouro nas regies das minas, com o movimento das entradas e bandeiras rumo s terras de Paracatu. A origem do nome do municpio pode ter surgido da enorme quantidade de patos que existiam na grande lagoa no lugar, margem do rio Paranaba. Os tropeiros que viajavam pelo interior de Minas Gerais faziam pouso beira dessa lagoa, construindo ranchos em que se abrigavam. Com o correr dos anos, alguns tropeiros se fixaram no local, formando um povoado. Negros fugidos das senzalas de Paracatu e Gois tambm ali se estabeleceram e, para no voltar ao cativeiro, tentavam escapar levando de corrida os enviados para recaptur-los. A Carta de Sesmaria, de 29 de maio de 1770, faz referncia a essa histria dos negros fugidos, e, tambm, concede a Manoel Afonso Pereira uma faixa de terra de campos e matas devolutas. Com base em outros documentos posteriores, admite-se que Manoel Afonso seja considerado o primeiro povoador da regio. Em escritura particular, em julho de 1826, Antnio da Silva Guerra e sua mulher doaram, conforme descreve o documento, uma gleba de terras de cultura e campos na fazenda denominada Os Patos ao glorioso Santo Antnio, a fim de se lhe edificar um templo e tambm para cmodos dos povos. Em 1878, foi criada a vila, com a denominao de Santo Antnio dos Patos, com terras dos municpios de Patrocnio, Paracatu e So Francisco das Chagas de Campo Grande. Mais tarde, seu nome foi simplificado para Patos; posteriormente modificado para Guaratinga o que muito contrariou os habitantes; e, finalmente, para Patos de Minas. Recebeu os foros de cidade em 24 de maio de 1892. No municpio, ocorreu um grande desenvolvimento, na dcada de 1930, pelos melhoramentos executados pelo governo do estado, cujo presidente era Olegrio Dias Maciel, oriundo da regio. A dcada de 1950 foi marcada por um grande avano regional com fluxos migratrios de outras regies e a instalao de grandes firmas comerciais nos mais diversos segmentos. Nessa poca, iniciou-se a comemorao da Festa Nacional do Milho. As dcadas de 1960 e 1970 perodo em que o pas vivia sob a ditadura civil-militar apontaram para a estagnao econmica da regio. Muito tambm contribuiu para isso a mudana da capital do pas para Braslia, o que produziu o deslocamento de parte da populao local para a nova capital em busca de emprego. A descoberta da jazida de fosfato sedimentar, na localidade da Rocinha, no fim dos anos 70, projetou Patos de Minas nacionalmente. Na rea agrcola, houve crescente desenvolvimento tcnico e a implantao do primeiro ncleo de gentica suna do pas. Esse perodo tambm foi marcado pela imigrao gacha que fixou suas residncias e escritrios em Patos de Minas. Essa mesma poca marca, tambm, a implantao de inmeras indstrias. Patos de Minas tem seis Distritos alm do Distrito Sede que so: Chumbo , Santana de Patos, Pindabas, Pilar, Bonsucesso de Patos e Major Porto. Atualmente, o municpio tem uma populao de 138.710 habitantes (67.924 homens e 70.786 mulheres; 127.724 em reas urbanas e 10.986 em reas rurais) distribuda em uma rea de 3.189,769 Km. O PIB per capita de R$ 11.745,66, e o IDH 0,813_elevado_ (PNUD/2000). O municpio est situado na Regio do Alto Paranaba e na Mesorregio do Tringulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaba. Considerada Plo Econmico Regional, Patos de Minas a maior cidade do Alto Paranaba (composta por dez municpios). A cidade conhecida nacionalmente pela Festa Nacional do Milho um dos seus eventos mais importantes , que acontece no ms de maio, e movimenta vrios setores da economia. Tambm apresenta um grande potencial para o desenvolvimento do Turismo de Eventos, de Negcios e do Ecoturismo.

About the county

The colonization of the region currently occupied by the city of Patos de Minas and its surrounding districts began in the second half of eighteenth century, the period prior to the discovery of gold in the mining regions, with the entradas e bandeiras movement (Brazilian movement to explore the interior of the country) towards the land of Paracatu. The origin of the city name may have come from the huge amount of ducks in the lagoon by the banks of the Paranaba River. The cattle drivers, who used to travel across the state of Minas Gerais, would sleep on the lakeshore and build shelters. Over the years, some cattle drivers settled in this area, and started a village. Black slaves who had escaped from slave quarters in Paracatu and Gois also settled there and in order not to return to captivity, the slaves scared away those who were sent to recapture them. The Sesmaria Letter, May 29 1770, refers to the history of those runaway black slaves, and also grants Manoel Afonso Pereira a strip of vacant land and forest. Based on other subsequent documents, Manoel Afonso is considered the first settler of the region. In a Private Deed, in July 1826, Antonio da Silva Guerra and his wife donated, as described in the document, a track of arable land and fields on a farm called The Ducks to the glorious Saint Anthony in order to erect a temple to him and also build houses for the people. In 1878, the village was created with the name of Santo Antnio dos Patos, with areas belonging to the towns of Patrocnio, Paracatu and So Francisco das Chagas de Campo Grande. Later, its name was simplified to Patos; subsequently modified to Guaratinga which greatly displeased the inhabitants; and finally to Patos de Minas. It officially became a city on May 24, 1892. In the city, there was a lot of development in the 1930s towards improvements implemented by the state government, whose president was Olegrio Dias Maciel, who was originally from the region. The 1950s was characterized by great regional progress with migratory movements from other regions and the creation of large trading firms in several segments. At that time, the celebration of the National Corn Festival began. The 1960s and 1970s a period in which the country was under a civil-military dictatorship was marked by the economic stagnation of the region. What greatly contributed to this situation was the transfer of the national capital to Brasilia, which caused some of the local population to displace itself toward the new capital in search for jobs. The discovery of sedimentary phosphate deposits in Rocinha in the late 70s nationally boosted Patos de Minas economy. In agriculture, there was technical development growth and the implementation of the first swine genetic center in the country. Such a period was also marked by the gacho immigration (people from the state of Rio Grande do Sul) who built their homes and offices in Patos de Minas. This period also establishes the implementation of several industries. Patos de Minas has six districts - in addition to the main district - which are Chumbo, Santana de Patos, Pindabas, Pilar, Bonsucesso de Patos and Major Porto. Currently, the city has a population of 138,710 inhabitants (67,924 men and 70,786 women, 127,724 in urban areas and 10,986 in rural areas) distributed over an area of 3,189.769 Km . The GPD per capita is R $ 11,745.66, and the HDI 0.813 _high_ (PNUD/2000). The city is located in the Alto Paranaba Region and the Triangulo Minerio Mesoregion and Alto Paranaba. Considered a regional economic center, Patos de Minas is the largest city in Alto Paraba (consisting of ten municipalities). The city is nationally known for its Corn Festival one of its biggest events which happens during the month of May and moves several sectors of the economy. It also gives great potential to the development of Ecotourism, Event and Business Tourism.


Escolas da rede municipal

O Sistema Municipal de Ensino de Patos de Minas constitudo por quinze escolas municipais e dezoito centros municipais de educao infantil, distribudos no meio urbano e rural e que atendem cerca de 6000 alunos de 6 meses a 15 anos, da Educao Infantil (berrio) ao 9 ano do ensino fundamental. So as seguintes as escolas Municipais: Escola Municipal Abdias Caldeira Brant Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental rural Escola Municipal Cnego Getlio Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Delfim Moreira Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental rural Escola Municipal Frei Leopoldo Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Major Augusto Porto Ensino Fundamental rural Escola Municipal Inez R. de Q. Rodrigues Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Norma Borges Beluco Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Prefeito Jacques C. da Costa Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Prof. Aristides Memria Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Profa. Marluce M. Oliveira Scher Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Gino Andr Barbosa Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental rural Escola Municipal Jeremias F. de Paula Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental rural Escola Municipal Joo Gualbert Amorim Jr. Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental rural Escola Municipal Jos Paulo de Amorim Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana Escola Municipal Profa. Madalena Maria de Melo Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental urbana

Municipal Public Schools

The Public Education System in Patos de Minas is composed of fifteen public schools and eighteen early childhood education centers, spread throughout urban and rural areas. Those schools serve around 6000 students from 6 months to 15 years of age, from nursery schools to grade 9 in elementary schools. The public schools are the following: Abdias Caldeira Brant Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Cnego Getlio Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Delfim Moreira Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Frei Leopoldo Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Major Augusto Porto Public School Elementary School rural area; Inez R. de Q. Rodrigues Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Norma Borges Beluco Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Prefeito Jacques C. da Costa Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Prof. Aristides Memria Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Profa. Marluce M. Oliveira Scher Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Gino Andr Barbosa Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Jeremias F. de Paula Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Joo Gualbert Amorim Jr. Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Jos Paulo de Amorim Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Profa. Madalena Maria de Melo Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area.


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

A partir da pergunta disparadora formulada por nossa equipe1, a gestora do Sistema de Ensino Municipal, em entrevista realizada por ocasio da visita in loco, elencou os dispositivos ou recursos que contriburam e vm contribuindo para o xito do ensino da leitura e escrita no municpio, o que se refletiu nos bons resultados obtidos nas avaliaes nacionais. Para tal, uma retrospectiva do que ocorreu em termos de educao no municpio fez-se necessria, j que alguns dispositivos foram implantados antes de sua atual gesto. Um dos dispositivos apontados foi a construo do Plano de Carreira do Magistrio Pblico Municipal, que assegura para o professor que uma parte de sua jornada de trabalho denominada hora atividade seja destinada ao planejamento das aulas, ao atendimento individualizado aos alunos, ao relacionamento com a comunidade escolar incluindo os pais , e tambm sua formao continuada. Outro recurso destacado foi a criao do Centro de Estudos Continuados uma unidade de ensino da Secretaria Municipal de Educao destinada a promover a formao continuada dos educadores , aps a elaborao do Plano. Nessa direo, tambm foi apontado o grande incentivo dado pela Secretaria para que os professores formados apenas no Curso de Magistrio (Ensino Mdio) completassem seus estudos em nvel superior. Assim, atualmente, 98% dos professores tm curso superior e muitos possuem ps-graduao. Outros fatores tambm considerados importantes foram: a reorganizao do Sistema Municipal de Ensino; a construo da Proposta Curricular e a elaborao da Matriz de Referncia Curricular pautando a construo do conhecimento no desenvolvimento de competncias e habilidades, e indicando as habilidades mnimas que devem ser consolidadas em cada ano de escolaridade. Outro fator considerado muito importante para a obteno dos bons resultados apresentados pelo municpio a realizao de avaliaes regulares do sistema de ensino municipal. Assim, a partir de uma avaliao diagnstica realizada h trs anos, foi constatado que, nos anos finais do ensino fundamental, mesmo com todas as modificaes j implantadas, havia um ndice elevado de alunos com defasagens no processo de aprendizagem
1 Ao que pode ser atribudo a progresso e o sucesso alcanados no ensino de leitura em seu municpio, nas sries iniciais?

Devices and other resources to support education

Based on the triggering question asked by our staff1, the school manager in the municipal educational system, in an interview held during in loco visit, listed out the devices or resources that have contributed and still contribute to the success of the instruction of reading and writing in the city, which was reflected in the good results achieved in national assessments. Therefore, a retrospect of what happened in terms of education in the city has become necessary since some devices were implemented before his current management. One of the devices mentioned was the construction of the Municipal Public Teacher Career Planning that ensures teachers that part of their workday called activity hour goes towards lesson planning, individualized teaching, the relationship with the school community including parents and also their continuing education. Another great resource was the creation of the Continuing Study Center a teaching unit that the Municipal Board of Education designed to promote teachers continued training after the preparation of the school curriculum and calendar. In this direction, the Municipal Board of Education also gave great incentives to teachers with a high school degree to finish their college education. Thus, currently, 98% of teachers have a Bachelors Degree and many have a postgraduate education. There are other factors that were also considered important: the reorganization of the Public Education System; the construction of the Curriculum Proposal and the development of the Curriculum Reference Guide supporting knowledge building in the development of competence and skills and identifying the minimum skills to be consolidated in each grade. Another factor that is considered important in achieving good outcomes presented by the municipality is regular evaluation of the public school system. Therefore, based on a diagnostic evaluation conducted three years ago, it was observed that, in the final years of elementary school, despite all the changes that have already been implemented, there was a high level of students that had gaps in the process
1 What can the progression and success achieved in the teaching of reading in the initial grades in your city be attributed to?


de leitura e escrita. A partir desse quadro, foi construda a reformulao do Ensino Fundamental do municpio, levando-se em conta o duplo desafio: sanar as dificuldades dos alunos que j cursavam os anos finais e, ao mesmo tempo, evitar que o mesmo acontecesse com as crianas que estavam ingressando no Ensino Fundamental. Com esse intuito, os anos inicias foram divididos em dois ciclos: ciclo de alfabetizao e ciclo complementar. O ciclo de alfabetizao corresponde aos trs primeiros anos de escolaridade. Para este ciclo so estabelecidas as habilidades a serem adquiridas e as competncias que devem ser consolidadas at a sua finalizao. No ciclo complementar, o esforo desenvolvido no sentido de recuperar os alunos que no consolidaram as habilidades previstas, ao mesmo tempo em que trabalhada a ampliao dessas habilidades com esses estudantes. O objetivo fazer com que cheguem aos anos finais com um nvel de desempenho satisfatrio em leitura e escrita. H uma sintonia entre as trs esferas: Governo Federal, Estadual e Municipal, no que se refere s propostas educacionais, com Planos de Ao elaborados e o cumprimento do termo de compromisso com o grupo Todos Pela Educao. A Secretaria Municipal de Educao procura estabelecer parcerias nas diferentes esferas governamentais, no governamentais, com empresas e instituies. So exemplos, entre outros, o Programa Segundo Tempo; o Projeto Bombeiro Mirim em parceria com o Corpo de Bombeiros do estado; o Programa Erradicao, Resistncia e Combate s Drogas PROERD em parceria com a Polcia Militar do estado; o Programa Semeando em parceria com o SENAR / MG; o Projeto Chu em parceria com a COPASA / MG; Educao Inclusiva em parceria com o MEC, que forneceu equipamentos para atendimento educacional especializado em salas de recursos multifuncionais. Quanto ao trabalho de leitura, h uma sintonia entre as vrias escolas, no sentido de auxiliar os projetos pedaggicos direcionados ao desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura e escrita. Assim, houve uma revitalizao das bibliotecas escolares, onde se passou a desenvolver atividades como contao de histrias, dramatizaes, saraus, teatro escolar, jograis etc. A participao da famlia considerada fundamental est sendo trabalhada no sentido de aproxim-la cada vez mais das escolas, que promovem reunies peridicas. Os familiares so estimulados a comparecer e participar de contaes de histrias e oficinas teatrais. Alm disso, as crianas levam livros para casa para l-los junto com a famlia. 116

of learning to read and write. From there, the reform of Elementary Education was initiated, taking into account the double challenge: solve the difficulties of students who were attending the final years, at the same time, prevent the same from happening to children who were entering Elementary Education. With this intention, the initial years were divided into two cycles: literacy cycle and complementary cycle. The literacy cycle corresponds to the first three school years. For that cycle, skills that must be acquired and competencies that must be consolidated until its completion are established. In the complementary cycle, an effort is developed in order to recover students who have not consolidated the skills planned as well as work on the expansion of these skills with those students. The goal is to ensure that they reach the final years with a satisfactory performance level in reading and writing. There is harmony among the three governmental spheres: Federal, State and Municipal with regards to the educational proposals, with Action Plans drawn up and the fulfillment of the terms of commitment of the group All for Education. The Municipal Board of Education seeks to establish partnerships in different spheres of government, nongovernment, companies and institutions. Some examples, among others, the Second Period Program, the Child Firefighter Project in partnership with the State Fire Department; the Eradication Program and Drug Enforcement Resistance - PROERD - in partnership with the State Military Police; the Seeding Program in partnership with SENAR / MG (the National Antidrugs Secretariat); the Chu Project in partnership with COPASA/MG (the Sanitation Company of Minas Gearis); Inclusive Education in partnership with MEC (Ministry of Education) that provide equipment for specialized educational services in multifunctional resource classrooms. Regarding reading activities, there is harmony among the various schools in assisting the pedagogical projects directed towards the development of reading and writing skills. Thus, there was a revitalization of school libraries, where activities such as storytelling, dramatizations, soires, school theater, oral presentation and others began to be developed. The participation of families considered fundamental is being stimulated in order to bring them closer to schools that promote regular meetings, and family members are encouraged to attend and participate in storytelling activities and theatrical workshops. Furthermore, children take the books home to read them with their family.

A merenda escolar farta, de boa qualidade e tem os cardpios elaborados por nutricionistas. O Programa Municipal de Alimentao Escolar desenvolve aes educativas com os alunos em prol de uma alimentao mais saudvel. Em parceria com outros rgos (federais, estaduais e municipais), procura-se utilizar produtos hortifrutigrangeiros da agricultura familiar local. O Servio de Transporte Escolar Municipal, associado ao Programa Nacional de Transporte Escolar PNATE, conta com veculos prprios e veculos terceirizados para o transporte de alunos (da Educao Infantil ao Ensino Mdio) de oito escolas municipais rurais e seis urbanas. Tambm so transportados alunos de trs escolas estaduais rurais e de sete escolas estaduais urbanas. Alm desses, utilizam o servio os alunos com necessidades educativas especiais que recebem assistncia na APAE e residem no meio rural, assim como aqueles que frequentam alguns programas na cidade e residem no meio rural. Os profissionais da educao que atuam no meio rural tambm so usurios do transporte escolar. Para a segurana dos alunos e transparncia da prestao desse servio, os contratos so regulados por Decreto Municipal. Patos de Minas caminha, como observado em visitas a outros municpios com prticas exitosas, para uma Educao Integral. Trezentos alunos j esto sendo atendidos nesse regime em trs escolas do municpio. As atividades complementares desenvolvidas so: cultura digital; esporte e lazer; cultura e artes; e acompanhamento pedaggico.

School meals are plentiful, of good quality and there are menus elaborated by nutritionists. The Public School Meals Program develops educational activities with students to promote a healthier diet. In partnership with other governmental departments (federal, state and municipal) they try to use horticultural products supplied by local family farms. The Public School Bus Service, associated with the PNATE - National School Transportation Program counts on their own and outsourced vehicles to transport students (from kindergarten to high school) to and from eight urban and six rural public schools. Students from three of the rural public schools and seven of the urban public schools are also transported. Besides those, this service is also used by students with special educational needs that receive assistance from the APAE Parent and Friends of Mental Illness People Association and live in rural areas as well as those who attend some programs in the city and live in the rural areas. Education professionals who work in rural areas also use school transportation. For the students security and transparency in providing that service, contracts are regulated by a Municipal Decree. Patos de Minas aims for, as observed in visits to other cities with successful practices, an Integral Education. Three hundred students already take part in this practice in three public schools. The complementary activities developed are digital culture, sports and leisure, culture and arts, and pedagogical monitoring.


Formao do professor
A rede municipal de Patos de Minas conta com aproximadamente 600 profissionais de educao e, como j mencionado, possui 98% do seu quadro docente com formao superior e um grande nmero de profissionais com cursos de ps-graduao. Pela Lei Municipal n 130/2000, que instituiu o Plano de Carreira do Magistrio Pblico de Patos de Minas, regulamentou-se o processo de formao continuada desses profissionais, destinando 20% de carga horria de contrato para este fim, com a previso, ainda, de atividades de planejamento e interao com a comunidade escolar. O investimento na capacitao do professor mais se evidencia com a criao, em 2003, do Centro de Estudos Continuados Professora Marluce Martins de Oliveira Scher, com o objetivo de referenciar a formao continuada na rede municipal, promovendo, no decorrer de cada ano letivo, aproximadamente oitocentas horas de estudos continuados, por meio de encontros pedaggicos, oficinas, minicursos, cursos, congresso, seminrio e relatos de experincias. Alguns desses eventos so desenvolvidos a partir de parcerias MEC / UFU / UFMG / UNIPAM / SRE MG / SEMED. Na mesma direo, o municpio implementou o Projeto Tecendo Vivncias, que objetiva a troca de experincias exitosas ocorridas em sala de aula. uma oportunidade de intercmbio de informaes de procedimentos pedaggicos bem sucedidos entre os professores. As escolas so autnomas para elaborar seus projetos, mas todas devem estar embasadas nas metas de fazer ler e escrever corretamente, em todas as reas de ensino, por isso a formao de todos os professores tem-se voltado significativamente para a leitura e a escrita.

Teacher training
The Patos de Minas Public School System has approximately 600 professionals in education and, as previously mentioned, 98% of teachers with a Bachelors Degree and a large number with post-graduate degrees. The Municipal Law n 130/2000 that has established the Public Teacher Career Planning in Patos de Minas has regulated the process of the continuing education of these professionals, designating 20% of their contract work hours for this purpose and also planning activities and interacting with the school community. Investment in teacher training is more evident with the creation, in 2003, of the Professor Marluce Martins de Oliveira Scher Center for Continuing Studies, with the aim of referencing the continuing education in public schools, promoting, throughout each academic year, approximately eight hundred hours of continuing studies, through pedagogical meetings, workshops, mini-courses, courses, conferences, seminars and reports on teachers experiences. Some of those events are developed through partnerships MEC (Ministry of Education)/UFU (University of Uberlndia) / UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais) / UNIPAM (University Center of Patos de Minas) / SRE MG (Minas Gerais Department of Education) / SEMED (Municipal Board of Education).In the same direction, the city has implemented the Weaving Experiences Project, which aims at the exchange of successful experiences that have occurred in the classroom. It is an opportunity to trade information on successful pedagogical practices among teachers. The schools are independent to elaborate their own projects, but they all must be based on the goals of making students read and write properly in all areas of education, therefore, the training of all the teachers has focused significantly on reading and writing.


Aspectos pedaggicos
O projeto poltico-pedaggico da Secretaria Municipal de Educao aponta para o desenvolvimento de inmeros projetos articulados em rede. O compromisso de cada educador gerou transformaes na prtica pedaggica dos professores dos anos iniciais, resultando em um trabalho em sala de aula que privilegia variados portadores de texto, uma diversidade de gneros textuais, com a valorizao da oralidade como subsdio para a produo escrita e, ainda, o incentivo leitura de obras literrias disponveis na biblioteca escolar, por meio da realizao de atividades ldicas envolvendo o contedo dessas obras. So reforados os aspectos culturais e de educao para a cidadania, com o desenvolvimento de projetos voltados ao incentivo cultura regional, aos valores humanos e conscincia ambiental. Os estudantes fazem atividades com diversos gneros textuais. Prioriza-se o estudo da lngua portuguesa, com foco em leitura e reescrita dos diversos gneros textuais, na formao dos estudantes. Trabalham-se em sala de aula a estrutura e a funo da lngua. A preocupao maior dar aos estudantes uma formao para que possam ler criticamente e escrever corretamente. Todos os professores recebem uma coletnea com a metodologia do ensino da lngua portuguesa, organizada pela superviso, para que possam desenvolver atividades de lngua portuguesa e subsidiar os planejamentos de aulas. As crianas vo uma vez por semana biblioteca, participam de atividades dirigidas, escolhem um livro e o levam para casa. Posteriormente, devem recont-lo em sala de aula. A Educao Infantil tem a Sacolinha Mgica, na qual colocado um livrinho escolhido pela criana para levar para sua residncia. O responsvel l o livro para ela, que faz o reconto na sala de aula. Os resultados das avaliaes sistmicas (Provinha Brasil, Proalfa, Proeb e Prova Brasil) so discutidos com a equipe diretiva e a equipe pedaggica de cada escola. Assim, de acordo com a realidade de cada unidade, so traadas as estratgias com metodologias diferenciadas, consideradas mais adequadas para cada situao, sempre na direo de sanar as eventuais dificuldades pedaggicas demonstradas pelos alunos em cada etapa dos ciclos. As discusses so aprofundadas, no se limitando mera apresentao de resultados, envolvendo tambm os professores. A partir dessas discusses, surgem os projetos que sero desenvolvidos ao longo do ano, direcionando aes e estratgias diferenciadas para atender alunos com dificuldades pedaggicas.

Pedagogical aspects
The Board of Education Political-Pedagogical Project leads to the network based development of several projects. The commitment of every educator brought changes to the pedagogical practice of the early childhood education teachers, resulting in classroom work that favors various types of texts, a range of text genres, the appreciation for oral communication as subsidy to produce writing and also the encouragement of reading literary works available in the school library, through the realization of playful activities involving the content of such works. The cultural aspects and citizenship education are reinforced, with the development of projects aimed at encouraging regional culture, human values and environmental awareness. Students do various activities related to text genres. The study of the Portuguese language is prioritized, focusing on reading and rewriting various text genres in the formation of students. They work on the structure and on the language functions in the classroom. The major concern is to give students an education in which they are able to read critically and write properly. All teachers receive a selection of Portuguese language teaching methodology, organized by the school supervision department so that they can develop Portuguese Language activities and subsidize lesson plans. The kids go to the library once a week, take part in directed activities, choose a book and take it home. Thereafter, they retell it in the classroom. Early Childhood Education has the Little Magic Bag, in which they keep a book selected by the child so as to be taken home. The person responsible for the child reads the book to him and then he retells it in the classroom. The results of the systemic assessments (Provinha Brasil Portuguese and Mathematics Exams in early education, Proalfa Literacy Assessment Project, Proeb -program of basic education assessment and The Brazil Exam) are discussed with the management team and the pedagogical staff of each school. Thus, according to the reality of each school, the strategies are delineated with different methodologies, with ones considered more appropriate for each situation and always aimed at solving any possible pedagogical difficulties demonstrated by students at every stage of the cycles. They have in-depth discussions, not limited to mere result presentations, but also with the involvement of the teachers. Based on these discussions, the projects that will be developed along the year are created, directing actions and with distinctive strategies to meet the needs of students with learning difficulties. 121

Acompanhamento pedaggico
Os estudantes que se ausentam muitas vezes da escola so mapeados, e seus pais so contatados e tm de assinar a Declarao de Exigncia Legal de Frequncia. Com isso, diminui-se consideravelmente o nmero de estudantes que abandonam a escola, e, tambm, reduz-se o impacto que tais ausncias poderiam produzir nas atividades escolares, devido imediata interferncia da escola para que as crianas retornem s aulas. H uma parceria com a Faculdade de Patos de Minas para atendimento psicolgico das crianas com dificuldade de socializao e/ou aprendizagem. Os estagirios da Faculdade acompanham cotidianamente essas crianas, sempre monitorados pelos professores supervisores da Faculdade. Por meio de parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Sade, os alunos da rede municipal, quando encaminhados pela Orientao Educacional, so atendidos pelo Ncleo de Apoio Escolar NAE, que dispe de mdico neurologista, fonoaudilogos, psiclogos e psicopedagogos. As crianas com deficincias de aprendizagem seguem um projeto de recuperao paralelo ao do ensino regular. O trabalho visa ao acompanhamento contnuo, sistemtico e intenso para sanar as deficincias e dificuldades de estudantes. Em 2009, havia um nmero expressivo de alunos nessa situao, mas em 2010, esse nmero diminuiu, exatamente porque, com o apoio, puderam acompanhar pedagogicamente seus colegas de turma.

Programas e projetos
Alm dos j citados, entre outros, as escolas do municpio tambm desenvolvem os seguintes projetos articulados em rede: Projeto Leitura Todas as semanas, os alunos tm aula de leitura em sala de aula, quando trocam livros. Todos devem ler um livro por semana. O professor tambm l, enquanto os alunos esto lendo. Este projeto engloba vrias atividades, pois, depois da leitura, os alunos fazem resumos, resenhas, recontos, divulgao e encenaes da leitura realizada. Os resultados de alguns desses trabalhos so publicados em um mural e so vistos por todos os estudantes da escola. Contao de Histrias As crianas levam livros de histria para casa e, posteriormente, recontam a histria lida; fazem propaganda do texto para cativar novos leitores; escrevem resumos e tambm os publicam em um mural. Projeto Gneros textuais Neste projeto, os gneros textuais so trabalhados de forma interdisciplinar em sala de aula. Aprender brincando, fazendo arte Este projeto dirigido a alunos em fase de alfabetizao. So introduzidas as letras em textos produzidos pelas professoras, em forma de brincadeira. Os textos tm por base brinquedos e brincadeiras e so associados a contedos de outras reas de ensino. Valores Humanos Os professores trabalham com contao de histrias, dramatizaes, reconto de livros que tratam de valores humanos, trabalhando o comportamento do leitor em todos os nveis de escolaridade. Essa atividade realizada uma vez por semana e interdisciplinar. Conscincia para a Ecologia Em 2011, o tema debatido nas escolas O Planeta Terra pede Socorro. Este tema trabalhado em mostras culturais, murais, apresentaes dramatizadas, teatro escolar. O tema objeto de estudo e trabalho por todos os alunos, e uma professora responsvel pelas apresentaes. Incentivo Cultura Regional: Em parceria com o Governo Federal, este projeto envolve toda a escola em aes voltadas para a cultura mineira, com a explorao de textos de autores mineiros. Crianas e professores produzem poemas que resultam em livrinhos. Trabalham todas as formas visuais de texto: outdoor, folhetos, slogans, jornal (Voz da Escola), que j tem mais de 13 anos de circulao (saem trs edies por ano). Projeto de Geometria Espao e forma, geografia sobre outro prisma Trata-se de um projeto que engloba a Matemtica e a Lngua Portuguesa, trabalhando a geometria com base em poemas retirados de livros infantis, de obras de arte, de msicas. Hora Cvica s sextas-feiras, as escolas promovem a Hora Cvica, em que se canta o Hino Nacional e se trabalham valores referentes ao melhor conhecimento do pas.

Pedagogical support
Students who are often absent from school are mapped, their parents are contacted and they have to sign the School Attendance Declaration. As a result, the number of students who drop out of school decreases considerably, and also the impact that such absences could produce in school activities is reduced due to immediate school interference to make children return to classes. There is a partnership with the Patos de Minas College to provide psychological care for children with difficulties in socialization and / or learning. College Interns accompany these children every day. They are always monitored by supervising professors. Through the partnership with the City Department of Health, public school students, when referred to educational tutoring, are cared for the School Support Center NAE, which provides a neurologist, speech therapists, psychologists and educational psychologists. Children with learning disabilities follow a recovery project simultaneously to their regular education project. The work aims at the continuous, systematic and intense monitoring of students with disabilities and difficulties. In 2009, there were a significant number of students in this situation, but in 2010, this number decreased, because, with support they were able to keep up with their classmates.


Programs and Projects

Besides the programs and projects already mentioned, among others, the schools also developed the following articulated projects: Reading Project Every week, students have a reading lesson in the classroom, when they exchange books. All of them read one book a week. The teacher also reads, while students are reading. This project includes several activities because after the reading, the students make summaries, book reviews, retell the stories, promotion and theatrical performances based on the readings. The results of some of these activities are published on a bulletin board and are seen by all students. Storytelling Children take books home and at a later occasion retell the story; advertise the text to captivate new readers; write book reports and also publish them on a bulletin board. Project Text genres In this project, the text types are worked in an interdisciplinary way in the classroom. Learning by playing, doing art This project is aimed at beginning literacy students. The letters are introduced in texts produced by the teachers in a playful way. The texts are based on toys and games and are associated with the contents of other learning areas. Human Values Teachers work with storytelling, dramatizations, retelling books that deal with human values, working the readers behavior at all levels of education. This activity is held once a week and it is interdisciplinary. Ecology Consciousness In 2011, the topic debated in schools is Planet Earth cries for help. This topic is worked in cultural exhibits, murals, dramatizations, and school plays. The topic is the object of study and work of all the students, and a teacher is responsible for the presentations. Regional Culture Incentive: In partnership with the Federal Government, this project involves the whole school in actions directed to the culture of the state of Minas Gerais, with the exploration of texts written by authors from the state of Minas Gerais. Children and teachers produce poems that are published into little books. They explore all of the visual forms of text: billboards, booklets, slogans and the Voice of the School newspaper that has been circulating for over 13 years (three issues a year). Space and shape, Geography from another perspective Geometry Project It is a project that encompasses Mathematics and Portuguese, working on geometry based on poems from childrens books, works of art, and music. Civic hour On Fridays, the schools promote the Civic Hour, in which they sing the National Anthem and work on values related to the knowledge of the country.


Terra da Cavalgada da Paz e da Festa do Rosrio Minas Gerais

aula Cndido


Sobre o municpio
Os primitivos habitantes da regio parecem ter sido os grupos indgenas Coroados, Corops e Puris integrantes da grande Nao Tapuia. No sculo XVIII, Bandeirantes em busca de ouro e pedras preciosas, adentrando os sertes, passaram pela regio comandados pelo Capito Pires Farinha. Em 1772, de acordo com os registros de Diego de Vasconcelos, em sua Histria Mdia de Minas Gerais, Francisco Barroso Pereira foi autorizado pelo governo de Minas a penetrar na regio com o propsito de descobrir jazidas de ouro no Vale do Rio Chopot. Francisco Barroso mandou construir uma capela dedicada a So Jos, pretendendo dar incio a um povoado. Treze anos depois, em 1785, Jos Gomes Barroso tornou-se o primeiro sesmeiro do lugar ao receber do Governo as terras da regio. Posteriormente, um de seus descendentes diretos, Joo Gomes Barroso, doaria Igreja as terras onde foi erigida a capela em homenagem a So Jos. O povoado que foi crescendo em torno da igreja foi denominado de So Jos do Barroso. So Jos do Barroso, em 1837, pertencia ao Distrito de Santa Rita do Turvo atualmente Viosa que, por sua vez, pertencia ao municpio de Mariana. Em 1871, transformou-se em Distrito com a mesma denominao, mas subordinado ao municpio de So Joo do Presdio, atual Visconde do Rio Branco. Curiosamente, o lugar era conhecido apenas por Barroso. O municpio foi criado em 12 de dezembro de 1953, e instalado em 1 de janeiro de 1954, mudando de nome, j que existiam outros barrosos nas Gerais. Em homenagem a um ilustre filho local Francisco Gomes de Paula Cndido, mdico, poltico e conselheiro do governo imperial recebe o nome de Paula Cndido. O municpio de Paula Cndido est a 730 metros de altitude em relao ao nvel do mar e localizado na Mesorregio da Zona da Mata e na Microrregio de Viosa. Sua populao de cerca de 10 mil habitantes quase equitativamente distribuda em uma rea de 268,321 km, da seguinte maneira: 2.421 homens na zona urbana, 2.272 na rea rural; 2.515 mulheres na rea urbana e 2.063 na rea rural. Sua economia est baseada na agropecuria, sendo o segundo maior produtor de caf da regio e conhecido pela alta produo de leite. Destaca-se tambm como produtor de milho, feijo e arroz. A atividade granjeira tambm movimenta uma parte da economia, assim como a micro-indstria de mveis. O PIB per capita de R$ 4.992,06 e o IDH 0,699_mdio_PNUD/2000. A comemorao do aniversrio da cidade, em janeiro, associado a uma das mais tradiconais festas da regio: a Cavalgada da Paz. Um pouco depois da Festa do Padroeiro So Jos, vm as animadas Festas Juninas. A tradicional Exposio Agropecuria tem lugar em setembro e a grandiosa Festa do Rosrio acontece em outubro, com os tradicionais desfiles de Congados. O municpio apresenta outros atrativos naturais, como a Cachoeira do Crrego Fundo e a Cachoeira do Encadeado.

About the county

The primitive inhabitants of this area seem to be the Coroados, Corops and Puris indigenous people members of the great Nation Tapuia. In the eighteenth century, pioneers in the search for gold and gemstones, penetrating the hinterlands, went through this area led by Captain Pires Farinha. In 1772, according to the records of Diego de Vasconcelos, in his work Histria Mdia de Minas Gerais (Minas Gerais Midle Age History), Francisco Barroso Pereira was authorized by the Government of the state of Minas Gerais to enter the region for the purpose of finding gold mines in the valley of the Chopot River. Francisco Barroso had a chapel dedicated to Saint Joseph built with the intention of starting a village. Thirteen years later, in 1785, Jos Gomes Barroso was the first person in the area to receive the lands from the government. Thereafter, one of his direct descendants, Joo Gomes Barroso, donated the land where the chapel was built, in honor of St. Joseph, to the church. The village that grew around the church was named Saint Jos do Barroso. So Jos do Barroso, in 1837, belonged to the District of Santa Rita do Turvo currently known as Viosa which belonged to the city of Mariana. In 1871, it turned into a district with the same name, but subordinated to the city of So Joo do Presdio, presently known as Visconde do Rio Branco. The place was curiously known only as Barroso. The city was founded on December 12, 1953 and inaugurated on January 1, 1954, having its name changed, since there were other barrosos in the state of Minas Gerais. In honor of its illustrious son Francisco Gomes de Paula Cndido, a doctor, a politician and an adviser in the imperial government the city was given the name of Paula Cndido. The city of Paula Cndido is 730 meters above sea level and located in the Zona da Mata Mesoregion and in the Viosa Microregion. Its population is of about 10,000 inhabitants almost equally distributed over an area of 268,321 km, as listed: 2,421 men in the urban area, 2,272 in the rural area; 2,515 women in urban areas and 2,063 in rural areas. Its economy is based on agriculture and livestock, and it is the second largest coffee producer in the region and it is known for its high production of milk. It also stands out as a corn, beans and rice producer. Its poultry farm activity also moves a part of the economy forward as well as the furniture micro-industry. The GDP per capita is R$ 4,992.06 and the HDI 0.699_average_ PNUD/2000. The citys anniversary celebration, in January, is associated with one of the most traditional festivals in the region: the Riding for Peace. Shortly after the So Jos Patron Saint Feast, there are the lively June Festivals. The traditional Agricultural and Livestock Exposition takes place in September and the great Our Lady of the Rosary Feast in October, with traditional Congados parades. The city has other natural attractions, such as the Crrego Fundo and Encadeado Waterfalls.


Escolas da rede municipal

Em nossa visita, foram observadas as escolas municipais: Escola Municipal Coronel Antnio Faustino Duarte Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Jos Mafra Braga Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal Jos Ferreira do Nascimento Ensino Fundamental zona rural. Alm dessas, o municpio tem uma creche e uma escola para alunos com necessidades especiais (a escola ainda no est regulamentada, mas mantm atividades especiais e oficinas).

Municipal Public Schools

During our observations, the following municipal public schools were visited: Coronel Antnio Faustino Duarte Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Jos Mafra Braga Public School Elementary School rural area; Jos Ferreira do Nascimento Public School Elementary School rural area. Besides these schools, there are a daycare center and a school for students with special needs in the city (the latter is not regularized yet, but it provides special activities and workshops).


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

Antes de nossas visitas aos municpios, perguntamos s Secretarias Municipais de Educao ao que atribuam os bons resultados obtidos no SAEB/Prova Brasil. O municpio de Paula Cndido sublinhou, em sua resposta, que o envolvimento de toda comunidade tem feito a diferena. Essa uma das chaves do sucesso deste municpio essencialmente agrcola, cuja arrecadao de impostos oriunda, praticamente, desse setor. Assim, envolvidos no processo de educao de seus filhos e netos, os familiares contam causos, lendas e histrias da cultura popular; aposentados e ex-professores tambm participam desse processo, indo s escolas, caracterizados, para contar histrias s crianas. Desse modo, em Paula Cndido, o envolvimento da comunidade, aliado ao compromisso e dedicao dos professores e a uma formao qualificada tm feito a diferena no prazer que os estudantes comeam a ter, cada vez mais, pela leitura. Alm disso, nas observaes in loco e nos materiais entregues por ocasio da visita, sobressaem-se outros fatores e dispositivos que vm funcionando como apoio educao. H um entrosamento entre as trs esferas de governo: federal, estadual e municipal, e o municpio procura estabelecer outras parcerias com instituies e organizaes. A Secretaria de Educao do estado de Minas Gerais fez a doao de uma biblioteca, a qual funciona na sede da prefeitura de Paula Cndido, e o municpio tambm conta com livros e materiais do FNDE em suas bibliotecas e salas de aula. A Secretaria Municipal de Educao procura dar continuidade aos trabalhos exitosos anteriores e tem investido na aquisio de livros e materiais pedaggicos inclusive fora do municpio para as escolas, dentro dos limites de seu oramento. Alm disso, busca a ampliao desse acervo com a promoo de campanhas de doaes comunidade e solicitaes de apoio de diversas editoras. Os diferentes materiais, adquiridos ou doados, visam a atender os nveis de escolarizao da educao infantil ao ensino fundamental, do 1 ao 5 ano segmento escolar de responsabilidade do governo municipal. Muitos materiais pedaggicos tambm so confeccionados, coletivamente, pela equipe pedaggica e professores. Dentro de um esprito de cooperao e cultivo das parcerias, os livros doados que esto alm da faixa de escolaridade dos estudantes da rede municipal so encaminhados s escolas estaduais que funcionam no municpio.

Devices and other support resources of education

Before our visits to the cities, we had asked the Municipal Board of Education what the good results obtained on SAEB/The Brazil Exam were attributed to. The city of Paula Cndido emphasized that community involvement as a whole has made a difference. This is one of the keys to success of this city whose tax collection practically comes from its agricultural sector which is essentially the main sector of this city. Thus, family members involved in the process of educating their children and grandchildren tell tales, legends and pop culture stories; retired people and former teachers also participate in this process, going to schools, dressed in costumes, to tell stories to children. For this reason, it is why community involvement in Paula Cndido associated with commitment; the dedication of teachers and their qualified training have made a difference in the students growing pleasure for reading. In addition, the in loco observations and the materials delivered during the visit show other factors and devices that have worked as to support education. There is integration among the three spheres of government: federal, state and municipal, and the city seek to establish other partnerships with institutions and organizations. The state of Minas Gerais Board of Education has donated a library, which is located at the Paula Cndido City Hall, and the city also counts on books and school supplies from the FNDE (National Fund for Educational Development) for their libraries and classrooms. The Municipal Board of Education seeks to give continuity to previously successful work and has been investing in buying books and pedagogical materials for the schools including those outside the city within their budget. Aside from that, The Municipal Board of Education tries to expand book collections by promoting donation campaigns in the community and requesting support from several publishers. The different supplies, purchased or donated, aim to satisfy the different levels of schooling from early childhood to elementary education, from grades 1 to 5 the municipal government is responsible for this educational segment. Many pedagogical materials are collectively prepared by the pedagogical staff and teachers. In the spirit of cooperation and partnership cultivation, donated books that are beyond the range of the municipal public school students are sent to state public schools in the city.



A escola da zona urbana tem aproximadamente quinhentos alunos e recebe estudantes moradores das reas rurais mais prximas, que so transportadas nos nibus escolares. Esta escola possui uma biblioteca, uma sala de leitura e um amplo ginsio poliesportivo. As duas escolas da zona rural atendem os estudantes das comunidades mais distantes. Juntas, essas escolas somam um pouco mais de cinquenta estudantes, que tambm se deslocam pelo transporte escolar. A Secretaria procura manter a mesma qualidade de ensino tanto na escola urbana quanto nas da zona rural. Em todas as escolas, as crianas tm 4h e 15 minutos de atividades pedaggicas dirias. Apesar de as escolas em reas rurais mais distantes terem turmas multisseriadas, essas unidades recebem ateno especial da Secretaria de Educao, que destaca uma supervisora pedaggica apenas para atend-las, para que a qualidade do ensino seja a mesma da escola da zona urbana. Os agrupamentos das turmas multisseriadas so feitos de maneira que as idades e os interesses no apresentem muitas diferenas. A merenda escolar oferecida para todos os estudantes da rede municipal de ensino fresca, saudvel, de boa qualidade e adequadamente conservada. O sistema de transporte escolar serve a todas as escolas. Por enquanto, nem todas as escolas contam com equipamentos eletroeletrnicos e de informtica para uso dos alunos, embora uma j tenha computadores ligados internet, que so destinados ao uso de funcionrios e professores. A Secretaria procura promover eventos, como a Semana do Livro Infantil, a Exposio de Projetos Pedaggicos e outros eventos culturais e esportivos. H avaliaes anuais do sistema de ensino municipal, e os resultados so discutidos coletivamente no s aps a publicao dos resultados como tambm durante todo ano letivo. A partir dessas discusses coletivas, montado o planejamento anual, reavaliado bimestralmente. Os resultados da Provinha Brasil, Prova Brasil e SAEB tambm so discutidos coletivamente. As concluses dessas discusses coletivas tambm embasam o planejamento anual.

The school, in the urban area, has about five hundred students and welcomes residents from nearby rural areas that are transported on school buses. This school has a library, a reading room and a large gymnasium. The two rural schools serve students from more distant communities. Together, these schools have a little bit more than fifty students, who also use school transportation. The Municipal Board of Education tries to maintain the same quality of education at both the urban and rural schools. Children have 4 hours and 15 minutes of daily pedagogical activities at all the schools. Although the schools in more remote rural areas have multi-grade classes, these schools get special attention from the Municipal Board of Education who sends an educational supervisor just to assist them in order to guarantee the same quality of teaching as the urban schools. The grouping of multi-grade classes is done in a way that ages and interests do not present much difference. School meals offered to all municipal public school students are fresh, healthy, of good quality and properly stored. The school transport system serves all the schools. Meanwhile, not all the schools have electronic and computer equipment for the students, although one of them already has internet access used by school staff and teachers. The Municipal Board of Education tries to organize events, such as the Childrens Book Week, the Pedagogical Projects Exhibition and other cultural and sporting events. There are annual evaluations of the municipal public school system, and the results are collectively discussed not only after the publication of the results but also throughout the academic year. Based on these collective discussions, an annual plan is set up and re-evaluated every two months. The results of the Provinha Brasil (Portuguese and Mathematics Exams in early education), the Prova Brasil (the Brazil Exam) and the SAEB (the Basic Education Assessment System) are also discussed collectively. The conclusions obtained from these discussions are also used in the annual plan. The most important goal of the Municipal Board of Education in Paula Cndido, established for the instruction of reading and writing in the early grades, is to ensure that children read, write and interpret what they read and write more freely in each academic year.

A meta maior da Secretaria Municipal de Educao de Paula Cndido, estabelecida para o ensino de leitura e escrita nas sries iniciais, fazer com que as crianas leiam, escrevam e interpretem o que leem e escrevem com maior desenvoltura a cada ano escolar.


Formao do professor
Assim como em outros municpios visitados, os professores da rede municipal de Paula Cndido possuem, em sua maioria, curso superior completo. Atualizam-se constantemente, em cursos oferecidos pelo MEC, nas plataformas disponibilizadas pelo governo federal para essa formao. Na opinio dos especialistas entrevistados, por ocasio da visita, o Programa Pr-Letramento tem ajudado muito os professores nos processos de ensino de leitura e escrita. Paralelamente a isso, em horrio extraclasse, especialistas e professores formam grupos de estudos para leitura de autores renomados na rea de educao. Alm do Pr-Letramento e dos grupos de estudo, a Secretaria Municipal de Paula Cndido estimula e apoia a participao dos professores em cursos promovidos pela Secretaria de Educao do Estado de Minas Gerais e pelas Universidades prximas, entre outros que possam estar em consonncia com as diretrizes da rede municipal de ensino do municpio.

Teacher training
Like the other cities visited, almost all the teachers in Paula Cndido have a bachelors degree. They constantly take extension courses / specialization courses offered by the MEC (Ministry of Education), in the platforms provided by the federal government for such training. In the opinion of the interviewed specialists, during the visit, the Pro-Literacy Program has helped a lot of the teachers in the instruction of reading and writing process. At the same time, during out of school hours, specialists and teachers create study groups to read renowned authors in the field of education. Besides the Pro-Literacy Program and the study groups, the Municipal Board of Education of Paula Cndido encourages and supports teacher participation in courses given by the Minas Gerais State Board of Education and the nearby Universities, among others that may be in accordance with the guidelines of municipal public school system.

Aspectos pedaggicos
Para o desenvolvimento do Projeto Pedaggico do municpio, nota-se compromisso e dedicao de todos os professores e especialistas, e o envolvimento da comunidade nas atividades pedaggicas nas demais atividades escolares e nos eventos promovidos. A metodologia de trabalho em sala de aula no unificada, mas o planejamento das atividades, sim. No incio do ano letivo, ele elaborado pelas equipes pedaggicas, em conjunto com os professores e a Secretaria Municipal de Educao e, nos encontros pedaggicos bimestrais, este planejamento reavaliado. Outra finalidade dessas reunies pedaggicas a troca de experincias entre os professores, em busca de um ensino que possa dar conta da equidade e da incluso. Nota-se o desenvolvimento de um trabalho de leitura e escrita contnuo com os alunos, no sentido da formao do cidado leitor, com diversificao de tipos textuais e gneros literrios. As escolas tm o cantinho de leitura em cada sala de aula e, apesar da carncia de espaos fsicos para bibliotecas, as da zona rural suprem de forma criativa essa dificuldade, promovendo visitas regulares Biblioteca Municipal, trabalhando com os projetos comuns de leitura do sistema de ensino municipal como o Ba Mgico e tendo o apoio das famlias e da comunidade nas atividades de contaes de causos, contao de histrias, leituras coletivas, dramatizaes, oficinas de teatro, entre outras. Assim, os projetos e atividades pedaggicas so comuns a todas as escolas procurando-se adequ-los s realidades locais. O trabalho construdo a partir das contaes de causos teve origem na constatao, alguns anos atrs, de que muitos estudantes mostravam-se pouco motivados para a leitura de livros muitos deles com enredos distantes da realidade local. A contao desses causos passou a despertar muito interesse nos estudantes que, gradativamente, o esto deslocando para as histrias contadas nos livros. Dessa forma, a tradio de contaes de causos, presente em muitas localidades de todo pas, est sendo um dispositivo muito importante tanto para o trabalho pedaggico como para a construo nos estudantes do prazer pela leitura.

Pedagogical aspects
The Pedagogical Project in the city takes into consideration the commitment and dedication of all the teachers, specialists and the community involvement in the pedagogical activities in other school activities and events. The methodology for classroom work is not unified but the planning of the activities is. At the beginning of the school year, it is elaborated by the pedagogical staff, along with the teachers and the Municipal Board of Education. This planning is re-evaluated, during semestrial pedagogical meetings. Another purpose for these pedagogical meetings is to exchange experiences among teachers in search for education that can promote equality and inclusion. The development of continuous work in reading and writing with the students is noticeable, in the formation of the reader, with the diversification of genres and text types. There is a reading corner in every school classroom and in spite of lacking physical space for libraries, the schools in the rural areas overcome this difficulty in a creative way, by promoting regular visits to the public library, working with common reading projects in the Municipal Public School System such as the Magic Trunk, and having family and community support with activities such as telling popular tales, storytelling, collective reading, drama, theater workshops, among others. Therefore, the pedagogical projects and activities are common in all schools, adapted to their local realities, though. The activity popular tales originated based on the confirmation that several students demonstrated little motivation to read books a few years ago much of the book plot is distant from the local reality. Telling these popular tales arouse the interest of students that, gradually, move towards the stories in the books. For this reason, the tradition of telling popular tales, which is usual in various areas of this country, has been a very important device not only for the pedagogical work but also to awaken the pleasure of reading in students.



Acompanhamento pedaggico
Para o professor, o acompanhamento pedaggico, sempre na direo do apoio, realizado nas reunies bimestrais e em encontros peridicos. Alm disso, as equipe pedaggicas esto sempre disponveis para auxiliar os professores. Para que todas as crianas possam acompanhar as atividades pedaggicas, h, quando necessrio, um acompanhamento particularizado no extraturno. Quando h queda de aprendizagem, so realizadas atividades paralelas por professores substitutos/auxiliares. A Universidade de Viosa tambm disponibiliza o Servio de Psicologia Aplicada aos estudantes da rede municipal de Paula Cndido que dele necessitam. Os alunos encaminhados so atendidos pelos estagirios do curso de psicologia, orientados pelos professores supervisores, que os atendem semanalmente, nos turnos da manh e da tarde.

Programas e projetos
Ao longo do ano, as escolas desenvolvem alguns projetos com inmeras atividades diversificadas. nfase dada ao processo de ensino de leitura e escrita nesses projetos associa-se a preocupao com a abordagem de temticas inclusoras e de preservao das riquezas naturais e atuao construtiva no meio ambiente. So projetos do municpio de Paula Cndido: Projeto Ler um projeto amplo (Regional Estadual), h quatro anos desenvolvido no municpio, durante todo o ano letivo. A cada ms, uma opo de gnero literrio trabalhada em sala de aula. Os alunos sempre fazem o reconto das histrias trabalhadas. O projeto conta com o Ba Mgico, onde ficam os livros que devero ser lidos durante o ano. A criana leva um livro para casa l, com a famlia, a histria escolhida, ou, no caso da educao infantil, tem a histria lida por seu responsvel. O Projeto ocorre da educao infantil at o 5 ano do Ensino Fundamental. Ba Mgico O Ba Mgico uma cesta, caixa, maleta ou ba onde ficam os livros que devero ser lidos por todos os estudantes durante o ms. um dos dispositivos do Projeto Ler. Para conquistar os colegas, os alunos fazem propaganda do livro que leram, para que todos se entusiasmem e leiam tambm o mesmo livro. O estudante que tiver o livro mais lido no ms, por fora de sua propaganda, premiado. Cantinho de Leitura O Projeto Cantinho de leitura foi criado com o objetivo de equipar as salas de aula com livros. Atualmente todas as salas possuem um cantinho com livros infantis, de acordo com a srie e a idade das crianas. Quando uma criana termina a tarefa antes dos demais colegas, escolhe um livro para ler. Esse livro ser contado por ela aos demais colegas na Hora do Conto. Contao de Causos Trata-se de uma atividade programada para receber uma pessoa da famlia da criana na escola para contar uma histria, lenda ou caso que conhea. So histrias verdicas ou fantasiosas da cultura popular, contadas para as crianas pelos familiares ou voluntrios. uma forma de preservar a cultura popular, alm de aproximar a famlia da escola e motivar os alunos para a leitura de livros. Contao de histrias / Hora do Conto As professoras reservam, diariamente, um horrio para contar

Programs and Projects

Throughout the year, the schools develop some projects with diversified activities. In these projects, the emphasis given to the process of teaching reading and writing is associated with the concern with the approach of inclusive themes and the preservation of natural resources and constructive action in the environment. The projects in the city of Paula Cndido are: Reading Project It is a large project (State Regional) that has been developed in the city for four years, throughout the school year. Each month, a literacy genre option is worked in the classroom. The students always retell the stories that they read. There is also the Magic Trunk project where the books that will be read along the year are kept in a trunk. The children take a book home to read a chosen story with their family, or in early childhood education, the story is read by someone responsible for the child. The project occurs from early childhood education until grade 5 Elementary school. Magic Trunk It is a basket, a box, a suitcase or a trunk where the books to be read by the students are kept during the month. It is one of the devices of the Reading Project. The students make the books that they have read well known so that their classmates get excited and read the same book. The student whose book has been read by most of his classmates in a month, due to his recommendation, is awarded. Reading Corner This project was created with the purpose of equipping the classrooms with books. Currently, all classrooms have a corner with childrens book, in accordance with the childs grade and age. When a child finishes his task before the others, he picks a book to read. This child will tell the story to his classmates during Storytelling Time. Telling Popular Tales It is a programmed activity that focuses on bringing family members to school so as to tell a story, a legend or a popular tale that he/she knows. They are real or imaginative pop-culture stories, told to children by family members or volunteers. It is a way of preserving pop-culture, as well as involving the family in school activities and motivating the students to read books. Storytelling / Tale time Teachers set aside some time to tell a story daily. As well as this activity,

Pedagogical support
The pedagogical monitoring of the teacher, which is always used for support, occurs in the bimestrial and periodical gathering. Besides that, the pedagogical staff is always available to assist the teachers. For all the children to be able to follow the pedagogical activities, there is, whenever necessary, private monitoring during out of school hours. When there is a decline in learning, simultaneous activities are held by substitute / assistant teachers. The University of Viosa also provides Applied Psychology Service to the Municipal Public school students in Paula Cndido. The referred students are seen by psychology course interns, guided by supervising professors, who work with them weekly in the morning and the afternoon.



uma histria. Alm dessa atividade, h duas professoras aposentadas que marcam dia e hora para ir at as escolas contar histrias para as crianas. Elas sempre vo caracterizadas de acordo com o enredo, o que estimula a interao com as crianas. Ilustrando histrias com dobraduras Aps ouvirem a histria do dia, as crianas ilustram o conto ou histria lida ou ouvida com peas de dobraduras ensinadas pelas professoras. Os trabalhos ilustram as produes textuais dos estudantes sobre o texto trabalhado em sala de aula. Ao contar a histria, a professora tambm a ilustra com dobraduras. Do Caipira ao Digital... Trata-se de uma experincia pedaggica a partir de um trabalho conjunto de professores, supervisores e direo. um projeto destinado aos alunos de primeiro e segundo perodos do 1 ao 5 ano do Ensino Fundamental. Objetiva valorizar o homem do campo e a agricultura familiar; desenvolver nos alunos atitudes cidads e conscientes em relao ao meio ambiente incluindo o trabalho na direo de aes transformadoras no ambiente em que vivem; e envolver a comunidade escolar, por meio de aes coletivas e sensibilizadoras, no sentido da conscientizao ecolgica e cidad. Envolve vrias reas do conhecimento lngua portuguesa, matemtica, cincias humanas e naturais, artes, educao fsica e educao religiosa. Trilhando Caminhos da Sustentabilidade Como exemplo, a experincia Descobrindo os Caramujos Quando as hortas e plantaes da cidade foram infestadas por caramujos africanos, as professoras do Ensino Fundamental, a partir do 3 ano, fizeram uma pesquisa sobre o animal, sua proliferao, os perigos que trazem e, com a ajuda da comunidade, foram fazer a devastao do criatrio. Tomaram todos os cuidados necessrios para o trabalho, pesquisando o problema com o apoio da Secretaria de Municipal de Sade, que disponibilizou sanitaristas para as atividades. Seguindo as orientaes e recomendaes desses especialistas, as crianas trabalharam no local onde havia a infestao acompanhando o processo de dizimao dos moluscos. O Projeto tem sido replicado, desde ento. Plantando gua (preservao de mananciais comunidade) - As crianas descobriram um local onde havia vrias nascentes que estavam muito degradadas e levaram o problema para a escola. A partir da, foi elaborado um projeto de preservao, limpeza e conservao das nascentes. O Projeto de Preservao prev uma ao continuada de conscientizao das crianas e de suas famlias. 144

there are two retired teachers that set a day and time to go to the schools to tell stories to the children. They are always dressed in costumes according to the storys theme in order to stimulate child integration. Paper Folding Stories After listening to the story of the day, the children illustrate the tale or story read or heard with paper folding activities taught by the teachers. The work demonstrates the students textual productions about the text developed in class. While telling the story, the teacher also uses paper folding. From the country to the Digital era It is a pedagogical experience based on the collective work of teachers, supervisors and directors. It is designed for Elementary Schools students in grades 1 to 5 in the morning and afternoon classes. Its goal is to value the country man and family agriculture; to develop citizenship and conscious attitudes toward the environment to guide the students in the direction of transforming actions in their environment and involve the school community, through collective and sensitive actions for ecological and civic awareness. It involves various areas of knowledge Portuguese, Mathematics, Human and Natural Sciences, Arts, Physical Education and Religious Education. Paving the Path for Sustainability As an example, Discovering the Snails when the city gardens and plantations were infested by African snails, the Elementary School teachers, from grade 3 on, researched the animal, its proliferation, the dangers that come along with it and, with the communitys help, their breeding was devastated. All the necessary measures were taken and the problem was investigated with the support of the Municipal Department of Health that provided health workers for the activities. By following the specialists guidelines and recommendations, the children worked in the infested area accompanying with the process of mollusk decimation. The project has been repeatedly done since then. Planting Water (preserving water springs community) The children discovered an area with many degraded water springs and notified the problem to school. From then on, a project for the preservation, cleaning and conservation of water springs was elaborated. The Conservation Project establishes a continuing action to raise awareness of the children and their families.

Semana do Livro (anual) Trata-se de uma semana que acontece anualmente sempre no ms de abril, em homenagem ao dia do livro. Em cada ano, escolhe-se uma temtica diversa. Toda a escola envolvida na preparao da atividade, alm das famlias e da comunidade em geral. As atividades pedaggicas so muito variadas. Cada turma prepara um trabalho para apresentar na Semana, sempre de acordo com o tema escolhido para aquele ano. Campanha de Incentivo Leitura Infantil (Vamos fazer o Brasil um pas de leitores em consonncia com editoras de livros infantis, dentro das diretrizes do Projeto Ler) Vria editoras de livros infantis distribuem cartelas com 20 tquetes, que so vendidos pelas crianas a seus familiares e amigos a R$ 0,50 cada. De acordo com o preenchimento das cartelas as crianas tambm recebem premiaes. O dinheiro arrecadado patrocina parcialmente a aquisio de livros. Com a venda de cartelas, foi possvel adquirir, em 2010, mais de setecentos livros novos. Campanha de Doao de livros desenvolvida junto aos familiares e comunidade em geral com o objetivo de revitalizar o acervo de livros infantis dos Cantinhos de Leitura.

Book Week (annual) It is a week event that occurs annually in April, to celebrate books. Each year, a different theme is chosen. Besides all the schools, the families and the community in general are involved in preparing the activities. Each group picks a topic to present that week, which is always in accordance to that years chosen theme.

Childrens Reading Incentive Campaign ( Lets turn Brazil into a country of readers together with childrens book publishers, inside the Reading Project guidance) Several childrens book publishing companies distribute charts containing 20 tickets, that are sold for R$ 0,50 each by the children, their family and friends. Depending on how many charts they sell the children also get prizes. The money raised partially sponsors the acquisition of books. With the selling of the charts, it was possible, in 2010, to buy more than seven hundred books. Donating Books Campaing It is developed along with the families and the community in general so as to revitalize the Reading Corner childrens book collections.



A cidade das rampas naturais para a prtica de esportes radicais Minas Gerais


Sobre o municpio
A histria de Piumhi tem incio no sculo XVIII com uma inimizade histrica entre dois fazendeiros, envolvendo suas famlias, escravos e herdeiros. A disputa tinha como pano de fundo a fixao das divisas de suas terras e sesmarias. Alguns desbravadores paulistas, em busca de ouro, em 1707, acamparam s margens de um crrego nas proximidades das terras desses dois ferrenhos inimigos. De alguma maneira, obtiveram a permisso desses fazendeiros para garimpar em suas terras. Com a descoberta do precioso metal e de outros, tambm valiosos, mais garimpeiros se juntaram a este grupo inicial, formando-se na regio uma espcie de vilarejo. Algum tempo depois, foi ali edificada uma capela. O proco local, indicado como mediador das constantes querelas, sugeriu a doao das terras litigiosas a Nossa Senhora do Livramento, separando, desta forma, as duas fazendas. Doados os terrenos, a povoao ficou conhecida pelo nome de Nossa Senhora do Livramento do Piu-i. A histria da criao do municpio no pra por aqui. atravessada pelos desdobramentos da Guerra dos Emboabas, pois muitos desbravadores paulistas, aps o conflito, fixaram-se na regio com suas famlias, contribuindo para o crescimento do povoado de Nossa Senhora do Livramento do Piu-i j naquela poca, mais conhecido apenas como Piu-i. O vocbulo indgena Piu-i (ou Piui, ou Pium-i, ou ainda Piuhy), tanto pode significar gua de muitas moscas como rio de muitos peixes. A data oficial de sua fundao 20 de julho de 1868. A histria da fundao desse municpio segue rica e repleta de acontecimentos histricos, at a data de 15 de julho de 1998 quando, pela Lei Estadual n 12946, o municpio passou a ser denominado de Piumhi. O municpio est localizado na Mesorregio Oeste do Estado de Minas Gerais. Faz divisa com os municpios de Dorespolis, Bambu, So Roque de Minas, Capitlio, Pimenta, Guap, Pains e Vargem Bonita. Piumhi possui uma rea total de 902,468 Km2 e est uma altitude de 793 metros. Sua populao de 31.883 habitantes (15.850 homens e 16.033 mulheres; 28.564 urbana e 3.319 rural). O PIB per capita de R$ 12.009,03 e o IDH 0,800_elevado_ (PNUD/2000). Piumhi considerada a 39 cidade em qualidade de vida entre os 853 municpios do estado de Minas Gerais. Alm das atividades ligadas pecuria (produo de leite e derivados), comrcio e servios, a economia de Piumhi destaca-se na produo agrcola de produtos como caf (inclusive para exportao), milho e feijo. Nos arredores da cidade, como atrao turstica, dentre outros, podem ser destacados o Mirante da Cruz do Monte sendo um dos seus acessos uma escadaria de 269 degraus e o Mirante da Serra do Pimenta. Nas rampas naturais das serras que circundam a cidade, comum ver-se a prtica esportes radicais de motociclismo (trilha) e de veculos 4x4. Como principais festas e eventos da cidade podem ser destacados a Festa da Padroeira Nossa Senhora do Livramento, em 15 de agosto, e o aniversrio do municpio, em 20 de julho.

About the county

The history of Piumhi begins in the eighteenth century with a historic enmity between two farmers, involving their families, slaves and heirs. The dispute was about setting the limits of their lands and land grants. Some pioneers from So Paulo, in search of gold in 1707, camped on the banks of a stream near the lands of these two bitter enemies. They somehow got permission from those landowners to pan for gold on their lands. With the discovery of this precious metal and others, also valuable, more miners joined this group, forming some sort of village in the region. Some time later, a chapel was built there. The local priest, who was appointed as a mediator of the constant quarrels, suggested donating the land in dispute to Our Lady of Deliverance, separating the two farms. After the land was donated, the village became known by the name of Nossa Senhora do Livramento do Piu-i (Our Lady of Deliverance of Piu-I). The history of the creation of the town does not stop there. It is permeated by the developments of the Emboabas War. After the conflict, many pioneers from So Paulo settled in the region with their families, contributing to the growth of the town of Nossa Senhora do Livramento do Piu-i at that time known only as Piu-i. The indigenous word Piu-i (Piui, Pium-i, or even Piuhy) means either water of many flies or river of many fish. The official date of the citys foundation is July 20th 1868. The history of the founding of the city is rich and full of historical events then the state law n 12946 was passed on July 15th 1998 and the city became known as Piumhi. The city is located in the Minas Gerais State Western Mesoregion). It borders the towns of Dorespolis, Bambu, So Roque de Minas, Capitlio, Pimenta, Guap, Pains and Vargem Bonita. Piumhi has a total area of 902,468 km2 at an elevation of 793 meters above sea level. Its population is 31,883 inhabitants (15,850 men and 16,033 women; 28,564 urban and 3,319 rural). The GDP per capita is R$ 12,009.03 and the Urban Development Index 0,800_high_ (PNUD/2000). Piumhi ranks as the 39th town with the best quality of life among the 853 cities in the state of Minas Gerais. Besides economic activities related to livestock (milk and dairy production) and the service industry, the agricultural production of coffee (including export), corn and beans stands out. Around the town of Piumhi, the Cruz do Monte Viewpoint can be highlighted as a tourist attraction, among others there is a 269-step staircase to access it and the Pimenta Hill Viewpoint. On the natural slopes surrounding the city, it is common to see the practice of extreme sports such as motorcycling and 4x4 vehicles. As for major festivals and city events we can highlight are The Patroness Festival Nossa Senhora do Livramento (Our Lady of Deliverance) on August 15 and the citys anniversary on July 20.


Escolas da rede municipal

De acordo com o Censo Escolar de 2010, a Rede Municipal de Ensino constituda por oito escolas municipais, um Centro Municipal de Educao Infantil e trs creches. Sete escolas esto localizadas em reas urbanas e apenas uma na zona rural. O Centro de Educao Infantil e as Creches esto localizados em reas urbanas. Escola Municipal Josino Alvim Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana Escola Municipal Lindamar Martins Costa Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural Escola Municipal Dona Lidinha Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana Escola Municipal Cel Fidelis Vasconcelos Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana Escola Municipal Accio da Costa Lopes Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana Escola Municipal DR. Avelino de Queiroz Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana Escola Municipal Lourdes Ferraz da Cunha Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana Escola Municipal Ludgero Lima Arantes Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana

Municipal Public Schools

According to the 2010 School Census the municipal public school system is composed of eight public schools, an Early Education Center and three Daycare Centers. Seven schools are located in the urban areas and only one in the rural area. The Early Education Center and Daycare Center are located in the urban areas. Josino Alvim Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Lindamar Martins Costa Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Dona Lidinha Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Cel Fidelis Vasconcelos Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Accio da Costa Lopes Public Scool Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; DR. Avelino de Queiroz Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Lourdes Ferraz da Cunha Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Ludgero Lima Arantes Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area.


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

Em Piumhi todos os professores so concursados, assim como os especialistas, tcnicos e funcionrios de apoio e servios gerais que trabalham nas escolas e na Secretaria Municipal de Educao. Este dispositivo considerado como um dos fatores que contribuem para o sucesso da educao no municpio. De acordo com a Secretria Municipal de Educao, a melhoria da qualidade no ensino e os bons desempenhos retratados pela ascenso no IDEB, de 2005 a 2009 podem ser creditados ao trabalho conjunto de especialistas e professores e tambm unificao do Plano de Curso. O municpio essencialmente agrcola, havendo predominncia do cultivo de caf (tipo exportao), milho e feijo. Isso provoca muita migrao das famlias, pelo trabalho em diferentes fazendas, principalmente por ocasio das colheitas. Os filhos dos trabalhadores sofriam muito com as mudanas de escolas e tinham dificuldade de acompanhar os estudos quando dessas mudanas esclareceu a Coordenadora Pedaggica da SME, por ocasio da visita ao municpio. Mesmo na cidade, havia uma crescente demanda de transferncia de alunos, por parte dos pais, buscando as escolas consideradas as melhores, no sentido da qualidade de ensino. A soluo foi a busca por um ensino mais equnime, que pudesse oferecer contedos e atividades semelhantes nas diversas escolas do municpio. Para tanto, os especialistas e os professores do municpio passaram a ensejar esforos conjuntos de planejamento de contedos e de aes pedaggicas unificadas para todas as escolas, construindo, dessa maneira, o Plano de Curso Unificado. Utilizando avaliaes diagnsticas permanentes, realizadas no incio e no fim de cada ano letivo em todas as escolas, a equipe pedaggica central, os especialistas das escolas e os professores elaboram um planejamento anual. Este planejamento anual subdividido em bimestres. Para cada bimestre, so planejadas atividades e aes escalonadas por graus de complexidade. As avaliaes diagnsticas so iguais para todas as escolas e realizadas no mesmo dia em toda rede escolar. A partir de um trabalho coletivo da Secretaria e dos diretores das escolas, a gesto escolar tambm foi unificada. O nmero de especialistas, professores (includos os

Devices and other support resources of education

All the teachers in Piumhi have taken public exams as well as the specialists, the technicians and the support staff who work in the public schools. This is considered one of the factors that contribute to the success of education in the city. According to the Municipal Board of Education the improvement in teaching quality and good performance demonstrated results on the rise on the IDEB Exams (the Basic Education Development Index) from 2005 to 2009 can be attributed to the integrated work of specialists and teachers and the unification of the School Curriculum Plan. The citys economy is essentially agricultural with the predominance of coffee cultivation (export quality), corn and beans. This causes a lot of family migration for work on different farms, particularly during the harvest. Children of farm workers suffer a lot from changing schools and have difficulty keeping up with the classes whenever this happens explained the Board of Education Pedagogical Coordinator during a visit to the city. Even in the city, there was a growing demand for student transfers by parents who were in search for the best schools in regards to teaching quality. The solution was to seek a more equitable education that could offer similar contents and activities in the various schools around the city. Therefore, specialists and public school teachers started to make an effort to plan the school curriculum and the pedagogical actions uniting all schools to prepare the Unified School Curriculum Plan.

By using diagnostic ongoing assessments, held at the beginning and at the end of each school year in all schools, the central pedagogical staff, the school specialists and teachers came up with an annual school plan. That annual school curriculum plan is subdivided in bimesters. For each term, activities and actions are planned out and scheduled according to their degrees of complexity. The diagnostic assessments are the same in every school and taken on the same day. In a collective effort made by the Municipal Board of Education and the school directors, the school management has also been unified. The number of



professores explicadores e substitutos), funcionrios administrativos, merendeiras e pessoal de apoio etc., definido pelo porte da escola (nmero de alunos). O mesmo critrio tambm define se a unidade ter os cargos de direo (diretor e vice-diretor). De forma geral, todas tm coordenadora, supervisoras, professora eventual (substituta), merendeiras, pessoal de limpeza. Na escola da Zona Rural, a Coordenadora assume cumulativamente a funo de Diretora. Os horrios das aulas so unificados. Os alunos da Zona Rural e os da Zona Urbana tm uma carteirinha de identificao que utilizada em situaes de acesso aos nibus escolares. Tambm todas as normas (dentre outras, regras disciplinares, uso do uniforme, horrios de entrada e sada e tempo de tolerncia, sanes) e procedimentos administrativos e operacionais (balco de atendimento, horrio de atendimento, marcao de entrevistas com os professores etc.) passaram a ser iguais em todas as escolas pela unificao da gesto. No incio do ano letivo, os pais receberam uma cartilha contendo todas as informaes sobre essas normas e tambm todas as informaes sobre as atividades a serem desenvolvidas ao longo do ano letivo. Algumas das regras introduzidas, como o balco de atendimento, tm tambm o objetivo de oferecer maior segurana aos alunos nas dependncias das escolas e evitar perda de carga horria de aulas situaes frequentes, anteriormente, porque os pais interrompiam ou atrasavam o incio das aulas para conversar com o professor de seu filho. Atualmente, h horrios em que o professor est disposio dos pais para essas entrevistas, desde que agendadas previamente. Esta medida, de acordo com a Secretria Municipal de Educao, uma prova de respeito aos pais, aos alunos e ao trabalho dos professores. Com essa unificao de gesto escolar, a Secretria Municipal, no momento de nossa entrevista, avaliou que as escolas ficaram mais seguras e mais organizadas e, com isso, as atividades pedaggicas tornaram-se mais produtivas. Por parte dos gestores, mesmo com a grande preocupao de manter as escolas bem gerenciadas e organizadas, h tambm um esforo no sentido de conservar a personalidade de cada escola. De acordo com os gestores, preciso que cada escola tenha alma, com o que se preocupa todo o corpo docente, discente e equipe de apoio. Em prol da manuteno da qualidade na educao, busca-se, no municpio, uma sintonia nas trs esferas de governo: municipal, estadual e federal, o que j resultou na construo de creches, alm de uma parceria com o FNDE, para a aquisio de livros. A maioria das escolas possui uma biblioteca bastante frequentada pelos alunos, especialmente no horrio de intervalo. Nos horrios de aula, como atividade pedaggica, os alunos so acompanhados pela professora da turma (atividade 156

specialists, teachers (including tutors and substitute teachers), school administrators, cooks and support personnel, etc, is organized according to the school size (number of students). The same criteria also determines whether the school will have management positions (principal and vice principal). Overall, all of them have coordinators, supervisors, substitute teachers, cooks and cleaning people. In the rural schools, the Coordinator takes on the role of the Director cumulatively. The class schedules are standardized. The students from rural and urban areas have an identification card which is used to have access to buses. Also, all the rules (among other things, disciplinary rules, the use of uniforms, school hours and tolerance time and punishment) and administrative and operational procedures (front desk, office hours, booking interviews with teachers etc.) started to be the same in all schools under an integrated management system. At the beginning of the academic year, parents received a booklet containing all the information about those rules and the activities to be developed throughout the academic year. Some of the rules introduced, such as the front desk, have the objective to offer more security to students on school premises and avoid that they miss classes a common situation because previously parents used to interrupt or delay the beginning of classes to talk to their childs teacher. Currently, there are times that teachers are available to have interviews with parents as long as they are previously scheduled. This measure, according to the Municipal Board of Education, shows respect to parents, students and for the teachers work. With this unification of the school management system, the Board of Education, at the time of our interview, estimated that the schools have became safer and more organized and, therefore, the pedagogical activities more productive. On behalf of the school managers, with great concern to keep the schools well-managed and organized, there is also an effort to preserve the personal characteristic of each school. According to the school managers, it is necessary that each school has a soul. Its a situation that worries all teachers, students and support staff. In order to maintain a certain level of quality in education, the city seeks harmony in the three spheres of the government: municipal, state and federal which has resulted in the construction of daycare centers in partnership with the FNDE - National Fund for the Development of Education, for the acquisition of books. The majority of schools have a library that is well-frequented by the students, particularly during recess. During the school hours, as a pedagogical activity, the students are moni-

dirigida). L, os alunos encontram livros diversificados, para diferentes faixas etrias e nveis de escolarizao. Na biblioteca os alunos tambm encontram uma mala denominada Mala da Alegria com livros de histrias. A Mala da Alegria est tambm nas escolas que no contam com biblioteca. O Municpio tem uma biblioteca pblica, que est informatizada. Na Biblioteca, h profissionais especializados em ensino de leitura, que do apoio pedaggico ao estudante leitor. Todas as escolas possuem aparelho de TV com antena parablica e aparelho de DVD player equipamentos utilizados pelos professores em algumas atividades. As escolas tambm tm computador (sete j conectados internet) e impressora para uso dos professores, da direo e da administrao da escola. Uma escola j possui Laboratrio de Informtica para aulas de informtica com os alunos. Como ainda nem todas as escolas tm computadores, so utilizados, nesses casos, os laboratrios de informtica do CEFET. Sete escolas possuem quadra poliesportiva em suas dependncias, e uma conta com sala de multimdia. A merenda escolar balanceada, e o cardpio elaborado por uma nutricionista. Os alunos recebem duas refeies dirias. As crianas se servem individualmente, em tabuleiros, com alimentos higienicamente cuidados. Essa medida resultou em menos desperdcio de alimentos e em mais interesse dos estudantes em alimentar-se de forma saudvel. A rede de ensino possui 25 nibus para o transporte escolar dos alunos, assegurando, assim, o acesso de todos escola. Alguns nibus escolares contam com auxiliares de transporte para monitorarem os estudantes que usufruem do transporte, proporcionando-lhes maior segurana e organizao. A famlia, de acordo com os gestores educacionais de Piumhi, considerada o suporte da escola. Por isso, para tentar envolv-los cada vez mais no processo de ensino de seus filhos, as escolas promovem reunies bimestrais com os familiares dos alunos. H escolas que contam com jornais escolares, que incentivam o gosto pela msica, pela poesia, pelo conto.

tored by the classroom teacher (directed activity). There, students find diversified types of books for different age groups and levels of education. Students can also find a suitcase called the suitcase of happiness with story books in the library. The suitcase of happiness can also be found in schools without libraries. The city has a public library that offers computer access. There are professionals specialized in teaching reading that provide pedagogical support to students in the library. All schools have a TV with a satellite dish and a DVD player equipment used by the teachers in some activities. The schools also have computers (seven of them have access to the Internet) and printers to be used by the teachers, the management and the school administration. One school has a computer lab for computer classes. Since not all schools have computers yet, in such cases; CEFET computer labs are used Federal IT Educational Center. Seven schools have sports fields, and one of them has a multimedia room. School meals are balanced and the menu is designed by a nutritionist. Students are given two meals a day. Children use a canteen tray to help themselves to food prepared in hygienic conditions. This measure resulted in less food waste and motivated the students to be more interested in healthy eating. The public school system offers 25 buses for the transportation of students, thereby ensuring their access to schools. There are assistants to monitor students on some school buses in order to provide them more security and organization.

The family, according to the educational school managers in Piumhi, is considered the schools support. Therefore, to try to get them more involved in the process of the education of their children, the schools promote bimestral meetings with the students families. There are school newspapers that encourage love for music, poetry, short stories.


Formao do professor
Quase a totalidade dos professores tem curso superior e muitos possuem cursos de especializao. H capacitaes de professores voltadas para o ensino da leitura, anualmente. Este ano (2011) houve uma capacitao em Lngua Portuguesa para todos os professores da Rede. A par disso, a Coordenao pedaggica da SME e as especialistas (supervisoras pedaggicas) das escolas realizam um trabalho conjunto, com encontros pedaggicos semanais. Desse modo, h uma formao continuada e permanente. O dilogo entre professores e equipes pedaggicas e professores parte dessa aposta na formao continuada. Atualmente, h um projeto iniciado h pouco tempo (incio de 2011), envolvendo todos os alunos e profissionais das escolas, incluindo-se a equipe de apoio, que objetiva capacitar e despertar o prazer e um interesse cada vez maior pela leitura. Assim, uma vez por semana, durante 20 (vinte) minutos, todas as turmas de todas as escolas da rede param para o momento da leitura, e isso inclui todo o corpo docente, discente e demais servidores. No incio de cada ano letivo, so promovidas palestras para os professores e especialistas. Os temas so variados, mas sempre caminham na direo de apontar novos caminhos e elevar a autoestima desses profissionais.

Teacher training
Almost all teachers have a bachelors degree and many have specialization degrees. Annually, there is a teacher training program focused on teaching reading. This year (2011) there was a Portuguese language training course for all public school teachers. Aware of that, the Board Education Coordination and specialists (pedagogical supervisors) carry out integrated work with weekly pedagogical meetings. Therefore, there is a continuous and permanent training program. The dialogue among teachers and pedagogical staff and teachers is part of that commitment to continuing education. Nowadays, there has been a project recently launched (beginning of 2011) involving all students and school professionals, including the support staff, which aims to enable and awaken pleasure and interest in reading. So, once a week, all classes in all public schools stop to read for 20 minutes, and that includes the entire teaching staff, students and other employees. At the beginning of each academic year, lectures are given to teachers and school specialists. The topics vary but always go toward opening up new paths and increasing the self-esteem of these professionals.

Aspectos pedaggicos
Desde 2006, progressivamente, toda a rede tem sido capacitada para trabalhar com um material unificado, do 1 ao 5 ano, embasado na Lngua Portuguesa e na Matemtica. Os professores fazem as adaptaes s suas realidades e s realidades da escola, respeitando as individualidades. Todas as segundas-feiras, renem-se em suas escolas para discutirem os assuntos da semana: estudam textos da Lngua Portuguesa e definem o trabalho que ser desenvolvido. Mensalmente, h reunies de diretores de escolas e equipes pedaggicas das escolas e da Secretaria Municipal de Educao. Nessas reunies, discute-se o cronograma de visitas e as atividades a serem desenvolvidas, dentro dos projetos em andamento, para que o ensino possa funcionar em rede. Estudos de caso e estudos tericos so atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores e equipe pedaggica, mensalmente, noite. A partir da unificao de procedimentos pedaggicos, todas as escolas seguem o mesmo contedo, no mesmo calendrio, com atividades planejadas em conjunto, com temticas comuns, mas as atividades atendem realidade de cada escola, respeitando suas peculiaridades (zona rural e urbana); os eventos e fatos da atualidade so explorados por todas as escolas, levando em conta o interesse dos alunos. Os projetos de leitura so considerados de suma importncia para o municpio. Todas as escolas esto envolvidas nesses projetos. Assim, vrios projetos de Lngua Portuguesa so desenvolvidos, durante os diferentes nveis de escolaridade, com aes sequenciais. Ler, escrever e interpretar o que l base de todas as aes pedaggicas, uma vez que, sem essa base, o aprendizado das outras disciplinas fica comprometido, de acordo com a equipe pedaggica. H tambm uma preocupao com a incluso e propostas de aes voltadas para a cidadania. As escolas tambm estimulam as crianas e suas famlias a organizarem bazares, com arrecadao voltada para aes sociais. Todas as escolas tm uma Mala Mgica ou Mala Viajante onde esto os livros de leitura; fazem o Piquenique Literrio fora da sala de aula; promovem o Sarau de Poesias; desenvolvem os projetos Recontando Histrias; Lendo o Mundo; Centopeia; Escrevendo Cartas; participam de Feirinhas Literrias; entre muitos outros projetos de leitura.

Pedagogical aspects
Since 2006, the entire school district has been gradually trained to work with unified material from grades 1 to 5, based on the Portuguese language and Mathematics. Teachers make adjustments to theirs and the schools realities, respecting their individuality. On Mondays, they meet to discuss issues for the week: they study Portuguese texts and define the work that will be developed. Each month, there are meetings with school principals, the pedagogical staff and the Municipal Board of Education. In such meetings, they discuss the visits and activity schedules that need to be elaborated with ongoing projects, so that the teaching can work in an integrated way. Case studies and theoretical studies are activities that are established monthly by teachers and the pedagogical staff. After the unification of the pedagogical procedures, all schools follow the same curriculum content during the same calendar school year, with activities planned in groups, with common themes. But these activities meet the reality of each school, respecting their peculiarities (rural and urban areas). The events and current topics are explored by all schools, taking into account the students interest. Reading projects are considered to be of great importance to the city. All schools are involved in these projects. Thus, various Portuguese language projects are developed throughout the different levels of education, with sequential actions. Reading, writing and interpreting what is read is the foundation of all pedagogical actions. Without this foundation, subject learning is compromised, according to the pedagogical staff. There is also a concern with inclusion and action proposals aimed at citizenship. The schools also encourage children and their families to organize bazaars to raise money for social actions. All the schools have the Magic Suitcase or the Traveling Suitcase where books are kept; they make the Literary Picnics outside the classroom; they promote the Poetry Soire, develop the Retelling Stories Project, the Reading the World Project, the Caterpillar Project, the Writing Letters Project, take part in Literary Fairs, among many other reading projects.



Acompanhamento pedaggico
Em todos os nveis de escolarizao, h uma preocupao com um ensino que leve em conta as singularidades dos alunos. Os estudantes que no esto acompanhando as atividades previstas em sala de aula recebem, em horrio extraescolar, apoio de professores explicadores, contratados pela secretaria para esse fim. A verificao dessas dificuldades escolares feita pelas supervisoras pedaggicas das escolas, em conjunto com os professores. A professora explicadora auxilia as crianas com dificuldade de aprendizagem, sem perder o foco nos processos de aquisio da leitura. Quando necessrio, as crianas tambm tm atendimento psicolgico, oftalmolgico, odontolgico e psicopedaggico. O trabalho do professor tambm acompanhado pelo supervisor pedaggico da escola, sempre no intuito de auxili-lo na tarefa de educar.

Pedagogical support
In all levels of education, there is a concern with teaching that takes into account the peculiarities of students. The students who are not following classroom activities are given support during out of school hours by teachers hired by the Municipal Board of Education for that purpose. These difficulties are detected by the pedagogical supervisor and teachers. The teacher helps the children with learning difficulties, without losing focus on the process of reading acquisition. Whenever necessary, children also receive psychological, ophthalmological, dental and psycho- pedagogical care. The teachers work is also accompanied by the pedagogical supervisor at school in order to assist him in the task of educating.

Programas e projetos
O Projeto Pedaggico em consonncia com o PAR do municpio gira em torno da capacitao continuada dos professores e do Plano de Curso Unificado. A partir do Plano so planejadas aes, atividades e desenvolvidos os projetos nas escolas. Uma das preocupaes a de tornar as atividades de leitura prazerosa e agradvel para os alunos. A escrita, a produo de textos e a interpretao do que lido e escrito a grande meta dos educadores do municpio. O projeto de leitura envolve todas as escolas e tambm procura envolver a famlia. Projeto de Leitura A leitura est sempre presente em todas as atividades desenvolvidas, com o objetivo de construir o sujeito leitor. Para conseguir esse intento, so utilizados dispositivos que visam a motivar os alunos na aquisio do prazer leitor. Alguns projetos e atividades de leitura esto relacionados a seguir. Mala Mgica / Mala Viajante Est presente nas escolas que no possuem biblioteca, e tambm est presente nas bibliotecas das escolas. Contm livros de gneros diversificados. Piquenique Literrio um momento em que os estudantes se deslocam para outro espao fora da sala de aula. Pode ser no terreno da prpria escola, at debaixo de uma rvore. Sobre uma toalha estendida, as crianas sentam-se, recostam-se ou se deitam para saborear os livros que levaram em uma cesta. Ciclos de Leitura desenvolvido com livros fornecidos pelo FNDE. Objetiva a formao de leitores com incentivo leitura de gneros literrios diversos. Assim, h o ciclo da poesia, da crnica, do romance e assim sucessivamente.

Programs and Projects

The Pedagogical Project in accordance with the PAR Articulated Action Plan in the city revolves around the continuous teacher training program and the Unified School Curriculum Plan. Starting from the plan, actions and activities are planned and projects are developed in schools. One of the main concerns is to make reading activities enjoyable and pleasant for the students. The major goals of educators in the city are writing, text production and the interpretation of what is read. The reading project involves all schools and the families too. Reading Project Reading is always present in all activities developed with the aim of building the individual that reads. Therefore, devices are used to motivate students to acquire the pleasure of reading. Some projects and reading activities are listed below. Magic Suitcase / Traveling Suitcase It is found in schools without a library and it is also present in the school libraries. It contains diversified types of books. Literary Picnic It is when students go to another spot outside the classroom. It can be in the school field or even under a tree. Children sit down on a stretched towel, lean back or lie down to enjoy the books that are in the basket.

Reading Cycles It is developed with books provided by FNDE - National Fund for the Development of Education. Its goal is the formation of readers and the encouragement of reading various literary genres. Therefore, there is the cycle of poetry, chronicle, novels, and so on. Retelling stories, Storytelling and Dramatization From a text, which can be a short story, a poem or a book, children retell or dramatize what they have read. Writing Letters Children visit other schools and start corresponding with other children. Its a simple project, but of great importance to the formation of readers and writers since it also involves friendships and the exchange of cultural values. Poetry Soire Poem recitation. This activity is highly appreciated by the students families, who

Recontos, Contaes e Dramatizaes A partir de um texto, que pode ser uma pequena histria, um poema ou um livro, as crianas recontam ou dramatizam o que leram. Escrevendo Cartas as crianas visitam outras escolas e passam a trocar correspondncias com outras crianas. um projeto simples, mas de grande valor para a formao do cidado leitor e escritor, porque envolve, tambm, a amizade e a troca de cultura e de outros valores entre esses estudantes. Sarau de Poesias Recitao de poemas. Essa atividade muito apreciada pelos familiares, que



gostam de comparecer, assistir e participar desses eventos. Teatro Pode ser montado pelos alunos a partir de uma histria j existente ou pode ser inteiramente produzido por eles. Eventos Concursos Por exemplo, a Olimpada de Portugus Projeto que deu origem a um livrinho, com a produo dos estudantes. Hora Cvica Acontece de dois em dois meses em datas comemorativa, quando os alunos apresentam teatro, dana, poesia, dramatizao, contao de histrias sobre a data. Hora do Conto Semanalmente, em todas as turmas, uma professora conta uma histria ou um conto para a turma com o apoio do Ba de Histrias (repleto de materiais ldicos).

like to attend, watch and participate in those events. Theater A play can be created by the students based on a story or it can be produced entirely by them. Events Contests For example, Portuguese Competition (Olympics) This project turned into a book produced by the students. Civic Time - It occurs every two months on commemorative dates, with students theater performances, dance, poetry, drama, storytelling about the date. Storytelling Time Each week, in all the classes, the teacher tells a story or a tale with the support of the Story Trunk which is loaded with playful material.



o Joo

A cidade da festa junina com a maior fogueira do Brasil Paran


Sobre o municpio
So Joo tem sua origem ligada fertilidade de suas terras e madeira em abundncia. Esses foram os motivos que fizeram com que, por volta de 1920, as famlias pioneiras, vindas do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina, se instalassem nas proximidades do lugar. Distantes das cidades, essas pessoas, inicialmente, viviam da caa e da criao de sunos que eram trocados por ferramentas e mantimentos. Em 1950, foi instalada uma serraria, pelos descendentes desses pioneiros, na regio onde atualmente se encontra a sede do municpio. Oficialmente, o municpio foi fundado em 25 de julho de 1960, sua populao de 10.559 habitantes (5.240 homens e 5.359 mulheres; 6.735 na rea urbana e 3.864 na rea rural) distribudos em uma rea territorial de 388,060 Km2. Est a uma altitude de 750m, faz parte da Mesorregio do Sudoeste Paranaense e da Microrregio de Pato Branco. Localiza-se no Planalto de Guarapuava do Paran, fazendo divisa com os municpios de Itapejara do Oeste, Coronel Vivida, Chopinzinho, Ver e So Jorge dOeste. Alm da sede, o municpio de So Joo constitudo por quatro distritos: Dois Irmos, Nova Lourdes, Ouro Verde e Vila Paraso. Sua economia baseada no comrcio, na prestao de servios, na agricultura (gros) e na pecuria, tendo, atualmente, algumas importantes instituies e empresas destes dois ltimos setores instaladas no municpio. O PIB per capita de R$ 14.726,29, e o IDH 0,774_mdio_ (PNUD/2000). Anualmente, a Secretaria Municipal de Educao realiza uma Feira do Livro com o comparecimento macio dos estudantes das Redes Municipal e Estadual de Educao, de escolas particulares e da APAE alm de outras pessoas da comunidade. Em homenagem ao padroeiro, a cidade apresenta a maior festa de So Joo do estado do Paran, na qual, a cada ano, acesa a maior fogueira do Brasil, com cerca de 60 metros de altura.

About the county

So Joos origins are in its fertile lands and abundance of wood. These were the reasons for why, around 1920, pioneer families from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina States settled down in this area. Distant from cities, these people, initially, made their living by hunting and raising hogs that were traded for tools and supplies. In 1950, a sawmill was built by these pioneer descendants in the region where the town is currently located.

Officially, the town was founded on July 25, 1960. Its current population is 10,599 inhabitants (5,240 men and 5,359 women; 6,735 in urban area and 3,864 in rural area) distributed over an area of 388,060 km2. With an elevation of 750m above sea level, it is part of the Southwestern Mesoregion in the state of Parana and the town of Pato Branco Microregion. It is located on the Plateau of Guarapuava in the State of Paran, bordering the towns of Itapejara do Oeste, Coronel Vivida, Chopinzinho, Ver and So Jorge dOeste. So Joo is also composed of four districts: Dois Irmos, Nova Lourdes, Ouro Verde and Vila Paraso. Its economy is based on commerce and service sectors, agriculture (grains) and cattle breeding, including, currently, some important institutions and companies from these last two sectors in the town. The GDP per capita is R$ 14,726.29, and the HDI 0,774 _average_ (PNUD/2000). Annually, the Municipal Board of Education conducts a Book Fair with a massive attendance of municipal and state public schools, private and APAE students (Parents and Friends of the Mentally Disabled Association) and also other people from the community. In honor of the patron saint, the town features the greatest St. John Festival in the state of Paran where each year, the largest bonfire in Brazil is lit, at about 60 meters tall.


Escolas da rede municipal

So Joo tem oito escolas municipais registradas pelo Censo Escolar de 2010: seis que oferecem Educao Infantil e Educao Fundamental anos iniciais ; e dois Centros Municipais de Educao Infantil. As quatro escolas municipais localizadas na zona rural tm os prdios compartilhados com escolas estaduais, nas quais oferecida escolaridade para as sries finais do Ensino Fundamental. Escola Municipal Castro Alves Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal So Joo Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Nossa Senhora de Ftima Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal So Pedro Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural; Escola Municipal Imaculada Conceio Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental zona rural.

Municipal Public Schools

So Joo has eight public schools registered with the School Census 2010: six that provide Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education - early grades and two Municipal Early Childhood Education Centers. The four public schools located in the rural area share their buildings with state schools, where the final grades of elementary school are offered. Castro Alves Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; So Joo Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School urban area; Nossa Senhora de Ftima Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; So Pedro Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area; Imaculada Conceio Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School rural area.


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

O municpio oferece transporte municipal gratuito para os estudantes da zona urbana e os da zona rural. Os alunos da rede estadual e do EJA tambm so transportados gratuitamente. So Joo dispe de 4 linhas de nibus, dedicadas exclusivamente ao transporte escolar, e 14 terceirizadas. A Secretaria promove reunies peridicas com os motoristas para o bem estar e a segurana dos alunos transportados. A merenda escolar oferecida de boa qualidade, diversificada e bem armazenada. H duas nutricionistas e uma auxiliar contratadas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educao para a elaborao dos cardpios.

Devices and other support resources of education

The city provides free public transportation for students from urban and rural areas. Students from state schools and EJA (Youth and Adult Education) also receive free public transportation. So Joo offers four bus lines, dedicated exclusively to school transportation, and 14 subcontractor bus lines. The Municipal Board of Education promotes periodic meetings with the bus drivers for the well-being and safety of the students transported. School meals provided are of good quality, varied and well stored. There are two nutritionists and an assistant hired by the Municipal Board of Education to prepare the menus. There is a gymnasium to practice physical education and sports in almost every school. There is a gymnasium to practice physical education and sports in almost every school. The City Hall, through the Municipal Board of Education, has partnerships with the state, institutions and governmental organizations, non-governmental and private companies to develop projects related to public schools and teacher training. Rural public schools also offer after-school activities. These activities include tutoring, text production, storytelling, theater, manual activities (crafts), sports and agriculture (orchard), among others. The early childhood education centers provide a full time program, and all schools offer diversified activities, such as text production, storytelling, theater, manual activities (crafts), and sports.

Quase todas as escolas possuem ginsios poliesportivos para a prtica de educao fsica e esportes. A prefeitura, por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Educao, faz parcerias com o estado, com instituies e organizaes governamentais, no governamentais e com empresas privadas para o desenvolvimento de projetos ligados s escolas municipais e capacitao de professores. As escolas municipais rurais tambm oferecem atividades em horrio contrrio s aulas. Essas atividades so: reforo escolar para os que dele necessitam, produo de texto, contao de histrias, teatro, atividades manuais (artesanato), atividades esportivas e agricultura (horta), dentre outras. Os centros municipais de educao infantil oferecem atendimento em horrio integral, e todas as escolas oferecem atividades diversificadas, tais como produo de texto, contao de histrias, teatro, atividades manuais (artesanato), atividades esportivas. As escolas municipais dispem de equipamentos como TV (trs com antena parablica). Seis escolas possuem DVD player, retroprojetores, impressoras/copiadoras e computadores aguardando instalao e conexo com a internet, poca da visita. Pela estreita parceria entre as redes municipal e estadual de educao, na medida do possvel, os estudantes da rede municipal, enquanto aguardam a instalao dos computadores, esto utilizando os equipamentos da rede estadual e tendo aulas tericas de informtica. Com o objetivo de estimular cada vez mais a participao de professores, alunos e familiares, a Secretaria Municipal de Educao mantm, no jornal local, a pgina Educao

Public schools have devices such as TVs (with three parabolic antennas). Six schools have DVD players, projectors, printers / copiers and computers - waiting for installation and Internet connection at the time of this research. Through a narrow partnership between the municipal and state public schools, to some extent, while students from municipal public schools wait for computers to be installed, they are using the state public schools devices and having theoretical computer classes. In order to encourage the involvement of teachers, students and family members, the Municipal Board of Education has a column called Education with Attitude in


com Atitude. Nessa pgina, so divulgadas notcias sobre eventos pedaggicos (como, por exemplo, o concurso soletrando), culturais e esportivos, projetos educacionais da Secretaria e experincias inovadoras desenvolvidas por professores. Vinculada ao Programa de Erradicao do Trabalho Infantil PETI, a Escola Semiprofissionalizante Gralha Azul uma organizao no governamental. A escola conta com mais de cem alunos, com atividades no perodo da manh e da tarde, e atende a faixa etria entre 7 a 17 anos, incluindo alunos das escolas municipais e estaduais. Os alunos de 7 a 10 anos fazem aulas de leitura, recreao, informtica, dana, msica e jogos. Os de 11 a 13 anos participam das oficinas de pintura em tecido, bordado e sapateado. As oficinas relacionadas panificadora, incluindo a manufatura de macarro, costura e ao artesanato de material reciclvel, so direcionadas aos alunos de 13 a 17 anos. H tambm oficinas de marcenaria e encadernao de livros. A Secretaria de Educao mantm um convnio com a organizao para a distribuio de pes e macarro para a merenda escolar das escolas municipais. A organizao tambm responsvel pela recuperao de mesas e cadeiras escolares da rede municipal, em sua oficina de marcenaria. Todo o material produzido pelos alunos comercializado, e uma parte do montante arrecadado revertido diretamente para os alunos das oficinas.

the local newspaper. News about educational events are published in this column (for example, the spelling bee contest), sports and culture, educational projects created by the Municipal Board of Education and innovative experiments done by teachers. Associated with the Child Labor Eradication Program PETI, Gralha Azul Semi-Professional School is a nongovernmental organization. The school has more than one hundred students, age groups from 7 to 17, with activities in the morning and afternoon, including students from state and municipal public schools. Students from 7 to 10 years of age have reading, recreation, computer, dance, music classes and games. Those from 11 to 13 years of age take part in fabric painting, embroidery and tap dancing workshops. Workshops related to baking, pasta making, sewing and crafts from recyclable materials target students from 13 to 17 years of age. There are also workshops for carpentry and bookbinding. The Municipal Board of Education has an agreement with the organization in order to distribute bread and pasta for school meals in the municipal public schools. The organization is also responsible for recovering school tables and chairs at the carpentry shop. All materials produced by the students are sold, and part of the money raised is for them.


Formao do professor
Atualmente, a quase totalidade dos professores tem formao superior. Os professores fazem cursos de extenso/especializao/formao direcionados ao ensino da leitura. Vrios cursos so oferecidos, em vrias pocas do ano letivo, pela SME. Para esses cursos, so trazidos especialistas e/ou professores universitrios de fora do municpio, alguns deles da Universidade de Pato Branco (ncleo estadual ao qual So Joo pertence) e de outros estados. Durante o decorrer do ano letivo, de acordo com a Diretora de Ensino, h uma formao continuada e abrangente do professor, dando-lhe possibilidades de fazer escolhas de metodologias e atividades em sala de aula, sempre contando com o auxlio das equipes pedaggicas das escolas ou da Secretaria Municipal de Educao. Alm disso, a carga horria dos cursos frequentados computada para ascenso de nvel no plano municipal de cargos e salrios do magistrio. Os professores tambm podem fazer cursos que no so oferecidos pelo municpio, desde que submetam a ementa do curso SME. Estando o curso relacionado educao infantil ou s sries iniciais, no s o professor autorizado pelo municpio a frequentlo, como tambm recebe pontuao, de acordo com a carga horria do curso, para ascenso no plano de cargos e salrios do magistrio municipal.

Teacher training
At present, most teachers have a Bachelors degree. They take extension courses / specialization courses / teaching reading training courses. Several courses are offered throughout the year by the Municipal Board of Education. For those courses, experts and / or professors from outside the town are brought in. Some of them are from the University of Pato Branco, a regional education center to which So Joo belongs and others from different states. Throughout the academic year, according to the Municipal Board of Education Director, there is a general and ongoing teachers training course, giving them opportunities to choose methodologies and classroom activities, always relying on the schools pedagogical or Municipal Board of Educations support. Furthermore, the course attendance is taken into consideration for a teachers promotion to a higher level within the schools career plan. Teachers can also attend courses that are not offered in town once this course description is submitted to the Muncipal Board of Education. In case this course is related to early childhood or elementary school education, teachers are allowed to take it and they also receive points according to their attendance which are considered in the schools career plan.



Aspectos pedaggicos
O municpio faz avaliao da rede municipal com periodicidade anual. Bimestralmente, h reunies pedaggicas com os professores, e o corpo docente tambm participa das discusses dos resultados da avaliao municipal, bem como das discusses sobre os resultados do SAEB/Prova Brasil, analisando-os juntamente com a equipe pedaggica, buscando melhorias no ensino. As metas so construdas a partir dessas discusses, e os professores trabalham diariamente a leitura e a escrita com a metodologia que melhor se ajuste sua turma. Um dos recursos pedaggicos que a Secretaria Municipal de Educao utilizou, aps a avaliao inicial realizada pela atual gesto na qual foi constatada, em vrias escolas, a existncia de alunos com defasagens na aprendizagem ou ainda no alfabetizados , foi a contratao de professores alfabetizadores, com o objetivo de acompanhar esses alunos fora do horrio das aulas (que continuavam a assistir as aulas em suas turmas, no horrio normal). Esse processo de recuperao foi breve, de acordo com os depoimentos da Secretria e da Diretora de Ensino do municpio, mas os professores contratados no foram dispensados. Eles continuam a fazer um trabalho paralelo com alguns alunos, assim que comeam a apresentar alguma defasagem no processo de aprendizagem da leitura. Esse tipo de trabalho continua a ser desenvolvido porque, unanimemente, os profissionais envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem reconhecem que sem o domnio da leitura e das habilidades para interpretar o que lido, fica muito difcil para o estudante aprender os contedos da lngua portuguesa e das demais disciplinas. Paralelamente a isso, passou a ser poltica educacional do municpio o trabalho dirio envolvendo a leitura, a escrita e a produo de texto de vrios gneros literrios e tipos textuais.

Pedagogical aspects
The town performs school assessments annually. Every two months, there are pedagogical meetings with teachers. The faculty also participates in discussions on the municipal evaluation results as well as the discussions of SAEB (the Basic Education Assessment System) / Prova Brasil (the Brazil Exam) outcomes, analyzing them along with the pedagogical staff, seeking improvement in education. The goals are established based on these discussions, and teachers work on reading and writing activities daily with the methodology that best suits their classes. One of the pedagogical resources that the Board of Education used, after the initial evaluation conducted by the current administration the existence of discrepancies in learning or students still not literate have been found in several schools - was the hiring of literacy teachers, with the aim of monitoring these students after school hours (besides continuing to attend their regular classes). This process of recovering was brief, according to the statements given by the Municipal Board of Education Secretary and the School Director, but the hired teachers were not laid off. They keep on doing working with students as soon as they show certain discrepancies in the process of learning to read. Such work continues to be developed because, unanimously, the professionals involved in the teaching-learning process recognize that without the mastery of reading skills and the skill to interpret what it is read is very difficult for the student to learn the contents of the Portuguese language and other subjects. Alongside, daily work involving reading, writing and production of various types of texts started to become the educational policy in this town.

Acompanhamento pedaggico
As escolas localizadas na zona urbana tm equipe pedaggica para acompanhamento direto e as da zona rural, com menor nmero de alunos e mais distantes, so acompanhadas por trs supervisoras pedaggicas da Secretaria Municipal de Educao. Mensalmente, h reunies de diretores de escolas, equipe pedaggica e Secretaria Municipal de Educao, nas quais se discute o cronograma de visitas e as atividades a serem desenvolvidas, dentro dos projetos em andamento, para que o ensino possa funcionar em rede. Estudos de caso e estudos tericos so atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores e equipe pedaggica, mensalmente, noite (parceria com o estado, por meio do Ncleo Regional de Educao de Pato Branco).

Pedagogical support
The schools located in the urban area have a pedagogical staff for direct monitoring and those in the rural area, with a smaller number of students and more distant, are accompanied by three pedagogical supervisors indicated by the Municipal Board of Education. Each month, there are meetings with the school principals, the pedagogical staff and the Municipal Board of Education. In those meetings the visit schedules and activities to be developed are discussed as well as the ongoing projects so that teaching can be networked. Case studies and theoretical studies are activities developed by teachers and the pedagogical staff monthly at night (in partnership with the state through the Pato Branco Regional Education Center).



Programas e projetos
Dentre outros, atualmente, a rede municipal de ensino desenvolve os seguintes projetos em todas as escolas: Projeto de Leitura Alm de envolver a leitura de vrios tipos e gneros textuais diariamente em sala de aula, da leitura dos livros da Sacola Viajante com recontos orais e/ou resenhas escritas posteriormente elaboradas , semanalmente, s segundas-feiras, todas as escolas param por uma hora, no mesmo horrio, para desenvolver uma atividade de leitura que engloba toda a comunidade escolar. Escola Integral O municpio j conta com metade de suas escolas funcionando em horrio integral. Ba Itinerante Alm da Biblioteca Municipal, muito utilizada pelos alunos da rede, algumas escolas do municpio possuem bibliotecas com livros diversificados, de vrios gneros literrios e publicaes diversificadas, como revistas e jornais (a Secretaria faz assinaturas de vrios peridicos). Para as escolas que no possuem espao fsico para instalao de biblioteca, existe o Ba Itinerante que conservou o nome original, embora, hoje, seja fixo em cada escola (inclusive naquelas que possuem biblioteca). A ideia do Ba Itinerante surgiu porque nem todas as escolas tinham biblioteca ou espao fsico para sua instalao. Atualmente, algumas escolas tm um ba para cada sala de aula. Os bas tambm so compostos por publicaes de gneros variados: literatura infantil, infanto-juvenil, livros com informaes, poesia, jornais e revistas. Sacola Viajante A Sacola Viajante foi um dispositivo criado para incentivar a leitura em casa, tanto dos alunos como dos familiares. Algumas escolas da rea urbana possuem sacola prpria. A sacola inclui livros para adultos. H um caderno de controle onde tambm so feitos comentrios dos familiares sobre as leituras realizadas em casa. Em depoimento gravado na EM So Joo, trs mes de alunos apontam o sucesso desse dispositivo, que agrega os familiares em torno da leitura. A Sacola Viajante confeccionada pelos estudantes. Educao Por Sries A Equipe Pedaggica da Secretaria Municipal de Educao criou o Educao Por Sries. A cada semana, os professores de cada srie (includos os da Educao Infantil) se renem para troca de experincias.

Programs and Projects

Among others, currently, the municipal education system is developing the following projects in all schools: Reading Project Besides involving reading of various types and textual genres in the classroom daily, reading the Traveling Bag books in oral narratives and/or in summaries later prepared - all schools stop for one hour weekly, on Mondays, at the same time, to develop a reading activity that includes all school communities.

Sade Bucal Trata-se de uma parceria da Secretaria Municipal de Educao com a Secretaria Municipal de Sade. O projeto engloba palestras nas oito unidades escolares da rede municipal, alm de filmes, brincadeiras e orientaes sobre escovao e o uso de fio dental para a preservao da sade bucal.

Oral & Dental Health It is a partnership between the Municipal Board of Education and the Department of Health. The Project is composed of lectures in eight of the public schools as well as related films, games and guidance on how to brush and floss ones teeth for the preservation of oral health.

Outros projetos em parceria

PROERD Programa Educacional de Resistncia s Drogas (que funciona em nvel nacional, desenvolvido pelas Polcias Militares de todos os estados). Desenvolvido a partir da 4 srie (ou 5 ano). As oficinas so coordenadas por um policial militar lotado no municpio. Para motivao dos alunos, a Secretaria confecciona e distribui camisetas, mascotes e brindes. Educao Fiscal Programa estadual que, por iniciativa dos professores, passou a ser desenvolvido em nvel municipal. O programa j capacitou 33 professores, que passaram a desenvolver atividades ligadas temtica com os alunos, culminando com a publicao do livro O Pequeno Cidado, com redaes e desenhos dos alunos sobre a temtica. Descarte e reciclagem do lixo O Poder Legislativo Municipal aprovou a lei que obriga o comrcio local a trocar as sacolas de plstico por outras biodegradveis. Os alunos recebem camisetas e participam de aulas esclarecedoras sobre a temtica, cuja culminncia tem sido uma publicao elaborada com textos e desenhos dos prprios alunos. Outros: Educao Empreendedora SEBRAE (dirigido a professores); A Unio Faz a Vida apoiado pelo banco da cooperativa local e tambm direcionado aos professores.

Other partnership projects

PROERD Drug Resistance Educational Program - on a national level, developed by the Military Police in all states. Elaborated for grades 4 on (or 5th year). The workshops are coordinated by a local police officer. In order to have students motivated the Municipal Board of Education manufactures and distributes TShirts, mascots and giveaways. Fiscal Education This State program started to be developed at municipal level by teachers initiative. The program has already trained 33 teachers, who have started executing it with the students and ended up publishing the book called The Little Citizen, with students compositions and drawings. Dispose of garbage and recycling The Legislative Chamber has passed a law that forces local businesses to exchange plastic bags for biodegradable ones. Students are given T-shirts and attend informative theme classes which culminate in a publication of their texts and drawings.

Full-time School The town already has half of its schools working full-time. Itinerant Trunk Besides the Public Library, widely used by the students, some public schools have libraries with a great variety of books, different literary genres and diversified publications, such as magazines and newspapers (the Municipal Board of Education subscribes to various periodicals). For schools that do not have physical space for a library installation, there is the itinerant trunk which has kept its original name, although currently, it is permanent in every school (including those that have a library). The idea of this trunk came about because not all schools had a library or a physical space for its installation. Nowadays, some schools have a trunk for each class. The trunks are also made up of different types of publications: childrens literature, childrens & youth literature, books with information, poetry, newspapers and magazines. Traveling bag It was a mechanism created to encourage both students and family members to read at home. Some urban schools have their own Bag. The Bag includes books for adults. Family members make comments on the readings performed at home in a notebook. On a statement which was recorded at So Joo Public School, three students mothers pointed out the success of this mechanism, which put families together because of reading. The bag is made by the students. Education divided in grades The Municipal Board of Education Pedagogical Team has created Education divided in grades. Every week teachers from each grade (including Early Childhood Education) meet to exchange experiences.

Others: Enterprising Education SEBRAE (aimed at teachers); The Union Makes Life supported by the local cooperative bank and also aimed at teachers.



A cidade do caf com biscoito Minas Gerais

o Tiago


Sobre o municpio
A histria dos primeiros verdadeiros habitantes da regio chega aos dias atuais mais pela tradio oral do que por registros. Conta-se que, em 1708, em busca de ouro na regio, espanhis fixaram-se nas proximidades da Fazenda da Vargem Alegre e da Fazenda das Gamelas. Se o lugar j possuia fazendas e essas terras proprietrios, ento, j existiam habitantes na regio. De fato, as histrias falam de fazendeiros, grandes propriedades e atividades agrcolas e pecurias. Mesmo no existindo documentao que o confirme, dado como certo que as atividades agropecurias foram a causa do inicial desbravamento da regio. O marco histrico do incio da povoao no lugar foi a construo de uma capela, dita em homenagem a So Tiago Maior e a Santana, por volta de 1760, e em torno da qual se formou um pequeno arraial. Em 1820, foi construda a Igreja do Rosrio, fato registrado em um documento eclesistico. Assim, paulatina e progressivamente, a povoao foi-se desenvolvendo: tornou-se, em 1849, distrito de So Jos Del Rey, hoje Tiradentes, e, mais tarde, de Bom Sucesso. Em 27 de dezembro 1948, o municpio foi criado, com o territrio desmembrado de Bom Sucesso, sendo emancipado oficialmente em 01 de janeiro de 1949. A histria, registrada em documentos, em fotos, nos mveis e diversos objetos formam o acervo da Casa da Cultura de So Tiago. Na cidade, alguns casares, passos da Via Sacra e igrejas tambm so parte da memria do lugar. A Igreja Matriz, construda entre 1902 e 1922, tem seu altar-mor dedicado ao padroeiro So Tiago Maior, ladeado por Santana e So Jos. Uma pequena imagem de So Tiago, em madeira, trazida da Espanha, uma das relquias do patrimnio histrico municipal. O municpio, com 572,400 Km de extenso, pertence Mesorregio Campo das Vertentes e Microrregio So Joo Del Rey, estando a 1.100 metros de altitude em relao ao nvel do mar. Seus pouco mais de 10 mil habitantes 5.300 homens e 5.261 mulheres esto mais concentrados nas reas urbanas 8.471 do que no meio rural 2.090. So municpios limtrofes Resende Costa, Ritpolis, Conceio da Barra de Minas, Nazareno, Bom Sucesso e Oliveira. O PIB per capita de R$ 6.388,31 e o IDH 0,727_mdio_ (PNUD/2000). A economia tradicional local baseada na agropecuria caf, milho, arroz, mandioca, maracuj, produo leiteira e a recria de novilhos para o abate e na indstria extrativa de minerais minrio de ferro, mangans, bauxita e tantalita. Contudo, logo na chegada cidade, as chamins dos fornos que assam os mais diferentes tipos de biscoitos ali produzidos so notadas pelo visitante. So Tiago a Terra do caf com biscoito produz mais de 60 tipos de biscoitos. Atualmente, a tradio dos biscoitos se transformou em uma das principais fontes de ocupao e renda da populao. Uma associao de produtores de biscoitos vem trabalhando essa atividade econmica na perspectiva de se desenvolver o turismo no municpio. A festa relacionada ao produto j se tornou o principal evento da cidade e vem alcanando expresso regional. Trata-se da Festa do caf com biscoito um verdadeiro festival de degustao, que inclui a Parada do caf com biscoito que realizada anualmente, em setembro. Alm desse grande evento, que atrai milhares de pessoas da regio, o municpio apresenta outros atrativos naturais, como a cachoeiras da Solidade e do Simplcio.

About the county

The history the first real inhabitants of this region is more based on the oral tradition than on documents. It is said that in 1708, in search for gold, the Spanish settled near the Vargem Grande and Gamelas farms. Before the Spanish, there were farms in that region which were owned and cultivated by the regions first inhabitants who were farmers. In fact, history talks about farmers, large estates and agricultural and livestock activities. Even if there are no documents that confirm this, it is accepted as true that the agricultural and livestock activities were the reasons for exploring the region. The historical landmark of the village is the chapel, which was constructed in honor of Saint Tiago and Santana, around 1760, and a small village was formed around it. In 1820, the Rosrio Church was built, as registered in an ecclesiastical document. This is how, slowly and progressively, the village started to develop: it became the district of So Jos Del Rey, currently known as Tiradentes in 1849, and later the district of Bom Sucesso. In December 27, 1948, the city was founded when its territory dismembered from Bom Sucesso. It was officially emancipated in January 1, 1949. History, registered in documents, in photos, in furniture and several other objects, all compose the collection of the So Tiago House of Culture. A few large houses, the Via Sacra walk and the churches are also part of the citys memory. In the parish church, built from 1902 to 1922, there is a main altar dedicated to the Patron Saint Tiago Maior, with Santana and Saint Jos right beside it. A small wooden statue of So Tiago, brought from Spain, is a relic of the municipal historical heritage. The city with a total area of 752,400 Km is located in the Campo das Vertentes Mesoregion and the So Joo Del Rey Microregion at an elevation of 1,100 meter above sea level. Its population is a little over 10,000 inhabitants 5,300 men and 5,261 women more concentrated in urban areas 8,471 than in rural areas 2.090. It borders the cities of Resende Costa, Ritpolis, Conceio da Barra de Minas, Nazareno, Bom Sucesso and Oliveira. The GDP per capita is R$ 6,388.31, and the HDI 0,727_average_ (PNUD/2000). The local economy is based on agriculture and livestock coffee, corn, rice, cassava, passion fruit, milk production and calf rearing and extractive mineral industry iron ore, manganese, bauxite and tantalum. However, as one gets closer to the city, one can see the chimneys of the ovens that bake many different types of cookies produced there. So Tiago the Land of coffee with cookies produces more than 60 types of cookies. Currently, the cookie tradition has become one of the main sources of employment and income for the population. An association of cookie producers has been working in the economic field in order to develop tourism in the city. The festival related to this product has already become the main event in the city and it has achieved national recognition. It is the Coffee with Cookies Festival a real tasting festival that includes the Coffee with Cookies Parade held annually in September. Besides this huge event that attracts thousands of people to the region, the city offers other natural attractions, such as Solidade and Simplcio Waterfalls.


Escolas da rede municipal

De acordo com o MEC / INEP, o municpio de So Tiago possui cinco escolas municipais, sendo apenas uma localizada em rea urbana.

Municipal Public Schools

According to MEC (Ministry of Education) / INEP (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research), the city of So Tiago has five municipal public schools, only one of them is located in an urban area. Deputado Jos Aldo dos Santos Public School Elementary School urban area; Antnio de Aquino Public School Early Childhood Education and Elementary School Village of Cajeng rural area; Job Mata Public School Elementary School Village of Capo das Flores rural area; Jos Gaudncio Jr. Public School Elementary School Village of Fundo da Mata rural area; Jos Incio de Abreu Public School Village of Germinal rural area. Besides the public schools, So Tiago has two Early Childhood Centers. The city also has three state public schools all of them located in urban areas.

Escola Municipal Deputado Jos Aldo dos Santos Ensino Fundamental zona urbana; Escola Municipal Antnio de Aquino Educao Infantil e Ensino Fundamental Povoado de Cajeng zona rural; Escola Municipal Job Mata Ensino Fundamental Povoado de Capo das Flores zona rural; Escola Municipal Jos Gaudncio Jr. Ensino Fundamental Povoado do Fundo da Mata zona rural; Escola Municipal Jos Incio de Abreu Povoado do Germinal zona rural. Alm dessas, So Tiago tem dois Centros de Educao Infantil, ambos em reas urbanas. O municpio tambm possui trs escolas estaduais, todas localizadas em reas urbanas.


Dispositivos e outros recursos de apoio educao

O que fez com que o municpio se destacasse, nas sries iniciais no processo de aquisio de domnio da leitura e escrita, nas avaliaes nacionais? Em nossa visita, as respostas foram elencadas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educao, complementadas por outros depoimentos inclusive de familiares e pelas observaes in loco. Um fator destacado, dentre os que apoiaram a evoluo do sistema educacional do municpio, foi o estabelecimento, no Plano de Carreira do Magistrio, do regime de dedicao exclusiva de todos os envolvidos no processo. Assim, direo, equipe de especialistas, professores e demais funcionrios da escola cumprem oito horas dirias na escola, dedicando uma parte de seu tempo ao planejamento de atividades e ao estudo e pesquisa sempre visando a inovaes nas atividades, principalmente, a tudo que se refere leitura e escrita. Outro grande destaque foi dado ao trabalho continuado, de vrios anos, e ao comprometimento de todos os envolvidos no processo educacional da direo ao funcionrio mais humilde todos desempenhando sua funo com afinco e procurando desenvolver um trabalho em equipe na construo dos projetos a serem desenvolvidos. A organizao das escolas tambm destacada como um importante fator, sendo as atividades pedaggicas e os eventos distribudos no cronograma anual. Os docentes procuram dar nfase s prticas de leitura nos anos iniciais. Essas orientaes partem de estudos tericos, da leitura de autores renomados, de revistas pedaggicas e de materiais tambm disponibilizados principalmente pela Secretaria de Educao do Estado de Minas Gerais. Outras aes consideradas importantes so o investimento na aquisio de livros de literatura e paradidticos, revistas, jornais e materiais pedaggicos, objetivando cada vez mais a qualidade da educao, especialmente, no que se refere ao ensino da leitura; a disponibilidade permanente dos supervisores pedaggicos em relao aos professores; o incentivo permanente leitura aos alunos e familiares, por meio de vrios dispositivos; e, especialmente, a participao ativa dos professores em todas as atividades e eventos promovidos nas escolas. Uma das aes que vm apresentando muito sucesso o estmulo leitura na hora do recreio. Chamada de bi-

Devices and other support resources of education

What has made the city stand out in early childhood education in reading and writing acquisition on national assessments? During our visits, the answers were listed by the Municipal Board of Education Secretary, complemented by other statements including family members and by in loco observations. An important factor, among several that supported the evolution of the educational system in the city was the establishment of the Teacher Career Planning, complete dedication of everybody involved in the process. Thus, directors, specialist staff, teachers and other school staff work eight hours at school daily, dedicating part of their time to planning activities, studying and research always aiming at innovating, mainly, activities related to reading and writing. Another distinguished action was the continued work, for many years, and the commitment of all involved in the educational process from the directors to the most humble school employees all doing their job well and trying to develop teamwork towards creating projects to be implemented. The organization of the schools has also been an important factor and the pedagogical activities and events are distributed in an annual schedule. Teachers try to give emphasis to the practice of reading in early grades. These orientations are based on theoretical studies, reading of renowned authors, pedagogical magazines and materials available by the state of the Minas Gerais Board of Education. Other significant actions are the investment in acquiring literature books, paradidactic books, magazines, newspapers and pedagogical materials aiming at increasing quality in education, especially when it comes to the instruction of reading; the pedagogical supervisors permanent availability to teachers; constant reading motivation to students and family members through various devices and, especially, the active participation of teachers in all activities and events promoted by the schools. One of the actions that has demonstrated great success is reading stimulation during recess. The so called



blioteca mvel , no entanto, uma ideia simples cestas com livros e revistas espalhadas pelo ptio. V-se, ento, a maioria dos alunos lendo, antes da entrada para as aulas ou aps a merenda sentados ou deitados, em grupos ou sozinhos. Os professores apontam que essa a maior prova de que esto desenvolvendo o prazer pela leitura, mas no deixam de destacar tambm vrios outros projetos na mesma direo, como o cantinho da leitura, a hora do canto, a hora do conto e, desde 2010, o caf literrio. O envolvimento dos pais nas atividades da escola considerado muito importante, no s para que incentivem as crianas a lerem em casa, como, tambm, para que passem a ler com mais frequncia. Para tal, so convidados para vrias atividades na escola e convocados para reunies bimestrais nas quais reforada a importncia da leitura para o desenvolvimento escolar de seus filhos. Uma das escolas est equipada com um bem montado laboratrio de informtica para uso dos alunos, contando com a ajuda de professores e monitores treinados. Embora as escolas localizadas em reas rurais ainda no possuam tais modernos equipamentos, seguem as mesmas diretrizes da Secretaria quanto prioridade a ser dada s atividades de leitura e escrita, j que, no que tange ao ensino da leitura, o desenvolvimento de atividades de leitura e escrita, em todas as escolas municipais, considerado prioritrio no trabalho pedaggico. No que diz respeito leitura nas sries iniciais do ensino fundamental, a meta da Secretaria foi sintetizada na frase Toda criana lendo e escrevendo at os oito anos de idade, colhida por ocasio da visita in loco. O servio de transporte escolar municipal atende a todas as escolas. A merenda escolar saudvel, diversificada e bem armazenada. Em 2010, a Secretaria comprou 23% dos gneros hortifrutigrangeiros da agricultura familiar e, neste ano, pretende que 40% dos gneros da cesta de alimentao escolar sejam advindos desses pequenos produtores. As hortas cultivadas nas escolas tambm fornecem verduras frescas para a merenda. Nem todas as escolas do municpio tm bibliotecas em suas dependncias, mas criam solues como os cantinhos da leitura e as bibliotecas mveis. Uma das escolas possui uma biblioteca diversificada, tendo uma bibliotecria para auxiliar professores e alunos nas escolhas e indicaes literrias. A prtica de esportes e atividades fsicas, a dana, a msica, o canto e o teatro tambm esto includos nos projetos desenvolvidos pelas escolas.

mobile library is a simple idea baskets full of books and magazines spread around the school yard. It is observed that the majority of students read before going back to class or after school meals sitting down or lying down, in groups or alone. Teachers pointed out that this is the best evidence to show that the pleasure for reading is growing among students, but they emphasize many other projects with the same purpose, such as the reading corner, singing time, tale time and since 2010 literary coffee. The involvement of parents in school activities is very important, not only to motivate children to read at home but also to read more frequently. For this reason, they are invited to various activities in the schools and are requested to participate in bimonthly meetings in which the importance of reading in their childrens educational development is reinforced. One of the schools has a fully equipped computer laboratory for the students where they can count on the support of teachers and well trained monitors. Although rural schools do not have such modern equipment yet, they follow the guidelines established by the Municipal Board of Education that consider reading and writing acitvities a priority. For the instruction of reading, the development of reading and writing activities in all municipal public schools is considered a priority for pedagocial work. In regards to reading in early childhood education, the Municipal Board of Educations goal was summarized in this sentence, collected during the in loco visit: Every child reading and writing by the age of eight. The municipal school transport system serves all schools. School meals are healthy, diversified and well stored. In 2010, the Municipal Board of education bought 23% of the horticultural production from family farms and, this year, intends for 40% of school food come from these small producers. The school gardens also provide fresh vegetables for school meals. Not all municipal schools have a library on their premises, but they come up with solutions such as the reading corner and the mobile libraries. One of the schools has a diversified library with a librarian to assist teachers and students in their literary choices and references. The practice of sports and physical activities, dance, music, singing and theater are also included in the projects developed by the schools.


Formao do professor
Todos os professores tm formao superior, inclusive os que trabalham na zona rural. Os professores, segundo informado por ocasio da visita, fazem cursos de capacitao, anualmente, disponibilizados pela Secretaria Estadual de Educao. Tambm so utilizadas as orientaes das especialistas educacionais do Ncleo Regional de Educao (estadual). Alm disso, pelo regime integral de trabalho, dedicam uma parte de seu tempo ao estudo e pesquisa, regularmente.

Teacher training
All teachers have a Bachelors Degree, including the ones who work in rural areas. Teachers, according to information provided during the visit, take teacher training courses annually offered by the Municipal Board of Education. They also use the educational specialists orientation provided by the Regional Educational Center (state). Besides this, within full time working hours, they dedicate part of their time to regularly studying and research.

Aspectos pedaggicos
As avaliaes diagnsticas so internas, contnuas e construdas pelos especialistas e professores com a finalidade de embasar as atividades e aes pedaggicas diversificadas, a partir das metas definidas pela Secretaria Municipal para o ensino da leitura e escrita. Os resultados da Provinha Brasil, da Prova Brasil/SAEB e do SIMAVE1 so discutidos coletivamente, com a participao dos professores, nas reunies pedaggicas. Os pais tambm so includos nas discusses desses resultados, em reunies pedaggicas, pelo Programa de Interveno Pedaggica PIP.

Pedagogical aspects
The diagnostic assessments are internal, continuous and prepared by specialists and teachers to support the activities and diversified pedagogical actions, based on the goals defined by the Municipal Board of Education concerning the instruction of reading and writing. The results of the Provinha Brasil (Portuguese and Mathematics Exams in Early Education), the Brazil Exam/SAEB (The Basic Education Assessment System) and SIMAVE (The State of Minas Gerais System of Public Education Assessment) are discussed collectively with the participation of teachers in the pedagogical meetings. Parents are also included in the discussions of these results in pedagogical meetings through the Pedagogical Intervention Program PIP. Outside school hours, teachers dedicate part of their time to planning activities. When they are not in class, they also get together into study groups, weekly, with coordinators and pedagogical supervisors, divided by grades. These meetings also aim at the elaboration of what will have to be worked on and consolidated in each school year.

Fora dos horrios das aulas, os professores dispem de parte de seu tempo de trabalho para o planejamento de atividades. Nos horrios em que no esto em sala de aula, tambm se renem, semanalmente, com os coordenadores e supervisores pedaggicos, divididos por sries, para grupos de estudos. Esses encontros tambm tm a finalidade de construir o que dever ser trabalhado e consolidado em cada ano escolar. Nas salas de aula, todos os dias, pratica-se a Hora da Leitura. Nessas ocasies, os professores tambm leem para os alunos para que estes possam observar as modulaes que enriquecem a leitura em voz alta. Como considerada a base para a compreenso de qualquer texto, de qualquer disciplina, a interpretao do que os estudantes leem e escrevem tambm trabalhada em todas essas atividades. Os estudantes, progressivamente, vo tendo contato com diversos gneros literrios e tipos textuais. Quando a escola dispe de biblioteca, h atividades livres de leitura fora dos horrios de aulas e, em determinados horrios e dias da semana, so acompanhados pelos professores, auxiliares ou pela bibliotecria em atividades dirigidas.

In the classroom, Reading Time is practiced every day. On these occasions, teachers also read to the students so that they can observe how intonation when reading out loud makes the text richer. Since it is considered the basis of comprehending any kind of text, or any subject, interpretation of what students read and write is also explored in these activities. Students, progressively, keep in touch with various literary genres and textual types. When there is a library in the school there are free reading activities during after school hours and, during certain school hours and weekdays, they are monitored with guided activities by teachers, assistants or a librarian.

Sistema Mineiro de Avaliao da Educao Pblica



Acompanhamento pedaggico
Para os alunos que dele necessitam, proporcionado o reforo escolar com o prprio professor regente, como atividade extraclasse. Existem alguns alunos com necessidades especiais que frequentam regularmente as turmas. Para esses, alm da ateno pedaggica diferenciada, h uma parceira com a APAE, no sentido de ampliar as possibilidades de aprendizagem desses alunos.

Programas e projetos
Vrios projetos, articulados em rede, so desenvolvidos e, dentre outros, podem ser destacados: Feira Cultural O objetivo maior o incentivo leitura. H exposies em murais das fichas literrias trabalhadas com os estudantes, trabalhos elaborados em grupo, canto e dana, dramatizaes, oficinas literrias, apresentao de maquetes etc. Hora do Conto Momento em que so contadas histrias e no qual os contadores e personagens se vestem a carter. Participam, alm dos estudantes, alguns pais e todos os professores, coordenadores e supervisores. Hora do Canto Hora cvica e cultural que acontece semanalmente. So entoados hinos e canes. Clube de Leitura Uma vez por semana, a bibliotecria ou o auxiliar vai s salas de aulas das escolas levando indicaes de livros para os alunos levarem pra casa. Quando um livro emprestado o aluno, posteriormente, tem que contar para os colegas a histria lida, fazer uma resenha ou registro por escrito. Especial ateno nesse projeto dada a aqueles que so oriundos de famlias com poucos recursos para a compra de livros. Projeto de incentivo leitura / rvore do saber A cada cinco livros lidos pelo estudante, uma flor colocada na rvore com o seu nome. Biblioteca Mvel / Leitura no Recreio Cestas com diversos livros, revistinhas infantis e revistas so disponibilizadas no ptio da escola para que os alunos possam ler antes do incio das aulas e durante o recreio. Estes projetos tm conquistado, cada vez mais, o interesse dos alunos. Projeto de incentivo leitura / Caf Literrio Ao mesmo tempo em que um projeto cultural recebe visita de poetas e escritores da regio , envolve todos os funcionrios da escola, alunos e familiares, em atividades como teatro, contaes de histrias, dramatizaes, leituras de textos, recitaes, entre outros. outro dispositivo bem sucedido para incentivar os estudantes leitura. Aproveitando o epteto caf com biscoito associado cidade, o fim do evento coroado com um grande e variado lanche coletivo, no qual, alm de caf com biscoitos, so servidas outras iguarias, sucos e frutas.

Programs and Projects

Various networking projects are developed and, among others, these can be pointed out: The Cultural Fair the main goal is to motivate reading. Literary cards are prepared by students, group assignments, singing, dance, dramatization, literary workshops and mockups etc. are exhibited in murals. Tale Time It is a moment in which stories are told and storytellers and characters dress in costume. The students as well as some parents, all teachers, coordinators and supervisors participate. Singing Time It is a civic and cultural activity that takes place weekly. Hymns and songs are performed. Reading Club Once a week, either the librarian or the assistant goes to the classrooms with book references to be taken home by the students. When a book is lent to the student, later, he needs to tell the story to his classmates, do a book report or do a school paper. Special attention is given to those students who come from low income families and cannot afford to buy books. Motivating Reading Project / The Tree of Knowledge For every five books read by a student, a flower with his name is put on the tree of knowledge. Mobile Library / Reading during recess Baskets with books, comics and magazines are available in the school yard for students to read before classes or during recess. These projects have increasingly conquered student interest.

Pedagogical support
For the students who need pedagogical support, school tutoring is provided by their teachers as extra-classroom activities. There are some students with special needs that attend regular classes. For more pedagogical support, students learning possibilities are amplified through the schools partnership with APAE (The Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional).

Motivating Reading Project / Literary Coffee It is a cultural project schools are visited by regional poets and authors -, that involves school staff, students and family members in theater, storytelling, dramatization, text readings, recitation activities, among others. It is another successful device to motivate students to read. As the name suggests - Coffee with Cookies the end of the event is celebrated with a big and varied collective buffet which includes coffee with cookies as well as delicacies, juices and fruits.



Consideraes finais
Observamos, nas visitas realizadas, que esses nove municpios no so muito diferentes de tantos outros municpios brasileiros. Pequenos ou grandes, mais ou menos industrializados, predominantemente agrcolas, mais ricos ou mais pobres, os municpios visitados relataram algumas dificuldades no tocante ao ensino da leitura que foram ou esto sendo superadas com sadas criativas e de acordo com as possibilidades reais da localidade. Nessas visitas, vimos e compartilhamos a alegria pelo fazer acontecer. Percebemos nessas cidades a felicidade pelo reconhecimento de um trabalho comprometido e contnuo realizado, sempre coletivo e na maioria das vezes iniciado em gestes anteriores. De todas as nossas observaes dentre tantos fatores j apontados nessa publicao, o que por fim gostaramos de destacar o fato de que a grande importncia dada ao ensino leitura tem um objetivo maior. A leitura no vista como um fim em si mesma. Ela reconhecida por todos os envolvidos no processo educativo como a porta para a efetiva cidadania. Uma ferramenta indispensvel para o futuro, no s dessas crianas, mas do nosso pas.

Final Considerations
We have observed in our visits that those nine cities are not very different from many other Brazilian cities. Small or large, more or less industrialized, mainly agricultural, rich or poor, the cities visited reported some difficulties with regard to teaching reading and these difficulties are being overcome with creative solutions and with consideration to the realistic possibilities of the locality. In these visits, we saw and shared the joy of making things happen. We noticed the happiness concerning the recognition of committed, continued and always collective work in these cities which most of the times had been initiated by a previous government. In all of our observations among many factors that have already been mentioned in this publication, finally we would like to highlight that the main importance of the instruction of reading has a greater goal. Reading is not seen as a mechanism in itself but - It is recognized by all involved in the educational process as the way to effective citizenship. It is an essential tool for the future, not only for these children but also for our country.



Para obteno das informaes sobre os resultados da Prova Brasil, SAEB, ndices alcanados no IDEB, informaes sobre as Redes Municipais e informaes gerais sobre os municpios foram consultados, entre fevereiro e julho de 2011: IBGE http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/ IBGE cidades@ http://www.ibge.gov.br/cidadesat/topwindow.htm?1 MEC / INEP Data Escola Brasil http://www.dataescolabrasil.inep.gov.br/dataEscolaBrasil/ MEC / INEP ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educao Bsica IDEB http://sistemasideb.inep.gov.br/resultado/ MEC / INEP Prova Brasil http://provabrasil.inep.gov.br/resultados MEC / INEP SAEB http://download.inep.gov.br/educacao_basica/prova_brasil_saeb/resultados/SAEB1995_2005.pdf

Para complementao das informaes sobre os municpios visitados foram consultados, entre fevereiro e julho de 2011: Confederao Nacional dos Municpios CNM http://www.cnm.org.br/ FIRJAN ndice de Desenvolvimento Municipal http://www.firjan.org.br/data/pages/2C908CE9229431C90122A3B25FA534A2.htm Lajinha Cmara Municipal http://www.cmlajinha.mg.gov.br/index.php Prefeitura Municipal de Garuva SC http://www.garuva.sc.gov.br/site/ Prefeitura Municipal de Itapaci GO http://www.itapaci.go.gov.br/ Prefeitura Municipal de Patos de Minas MG http://www.patosdeminas.mg.gov.br/home/ Prefeitura Municipal de Paula Cndido MG http://www.paulacandido.mg.gov.br/ Prefeitura Municipal de Piumhi MG http://www.prefeiturapiumhi.mg.gov.br/ Prefeitura Municipal de So Joo PR http://www.saojoao.pr.gov.br/ Prefeitura Municipal de So Tiago MG http://www.portalsaotiago.com.br/prefeitura.php

Foram utilizadas tambm as informaes dos seguintes instrumentos construdos para a pesquisa: Questionrio http://www.abaquarcursos.com.br/Natura/Questionario.pdf / Depoimentos e entrevistas gravadas / Filmagens in loco Respostas pergunta prvia estimuladora Ao que pode ser atribudo o sucesso e a progresso alcanados no ensino de leitura em seu municpio, nas sries iniciais?]

To obtain information about the results of The Brazil Exam, SAEB, and The Basic Development Index, information on Municipal Public Schools and general information about the cities the websites below were consulted, from February to July 2011: IBGE (The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/ IBGE cidades@ http://www.ibge.gov.br/cidadesat/topwindow.htm?1 MEC (The Ministry of Education) / INEP Bsica (The Basic Development Index) Data Escola Brasil http://www.dataescolabrasil.inep.gov.br/dataEscolaBrasil/ MEC (The Ministry of Education) / INEP The Basic Development Index IDEB http://sistemasideb.inep.gov.br/resultado/ MEC (The Ministry of Education) / INEP (The Basic Development Index) Prova Brasil (The Brazil Exam) http://provabrasil.inep.gov.br/resultados MEC (The Ministry of Education) / INEP (The Basic Development Index) SAEB (The Basic Education Assessment System) http://download.inep.gov.br/educacao_basica/prova_brasil_saeb/resultados/SAEB1995_2005.pdf

For the completion of information about the visited cities the websites below were consulted, from February to July, 2011: The National Confederation of Municipalities CNM http://www.cnm.org.br/ FIRJAN The Municipal Development Index http://www.firjan.org.br/data/pages/2C908CE9229431C90122A3B25FA534A2.htm Lajinha City Council http://www.cmlajinha.mg.gov.br/index.php Garuva City Hall SC http://www.garuva.sc.gov.br/site/ Itapaci City Hall GO http://www.itapaci.go.gov.br/ Patos de Minas City Hall MG http://www.patosdeminas.mg.gov.br/home/ Paula Cndido City Hall MG http://www.paulacandido.mg.gov.br/ Piumhi City Hall MG http://www.prefeiturapiumhi.mg.gov.br/ So Joo City Hall PR http://www.saojoao.pr.gov.br/ So Tiago City Hall MG http://www.portalsaotiago.com.br/prefeitura.php

The following tools were also used to acquire information for the research: Questionnarie http://www.abaquarcursos.com.br/Natura/Questionario.pdf / Recorded statements / Interviews recorded and filmed in loco. Answer to the prior stimulating question what can the progression and success achieved in the teaching of reading in the initial grades in your city be attributed to? 207

Agradecemos a cada pessoa entrevistada, de cada municpio visitado. Somos gratos pela gentil acolhida de prefeitos, vereadores e outras autoridades municipais. Agradecemos, especialmente, s Secretrias Municipais de Educao que pessoalmente, mais do que nos atender, nos acompanharam, apesar de seus inmeros compromissos. Tambm no poderamos deixar de destacar a ateno e o carinho de assessores, coordenadores, supervisores, especialistas, diretores e professores. Aos prestativos funcionrios, aos pacientes motoristas, s merendeiras sempre prontas a nos servir um gostoso caf e um quitute da terra, o nosso muito obrigado. Somos imensamente agradecidos aos pais e familiares que, algumas vezes, apesar de suas ocupaes, nos aguardaram para gravar depoimentos. Fora desse escopo, nossos sinceros agradecimentos s demais pessoas que tambm colaboraram, participaram e muito nos ajudaram. Pela gentileza da cesso de suas fotos de seus acervos particulares, agradecemos a Neusa Wachholz, de Garuva, e Alzira Machado Fernandes Arajo, de Lajinha. Da mesma forma, agradecemos a todos os municpios que nos cederam algumas fotos de eventos e atividades escolares. Estendemos nossos agradecimentos aos moradores dessas localidades que interessados nos indagavam, em vrios momentos, a respeito da pesquisa. Principalmente, agradecemos s crianas os estudantes, que participaram com alegria e orgulho, colorindo com variados matizes esse trabalho. Mais do que pela participao de todos, expressamos o nosso maior agradecimento pela enorme oportunidade que nos foi concedida de conviver com todas essas pessoas, de conhecer um pouco mais sobre o nosso pas e de aprender que, para oferecer uma educao de qualidade, preciso antes de tudo uma verdadeira vontade de acertar, o comprometimento de todos com a misso de educar e, principalmente, muita dedicao e amor. Esse o nosso mais sincero muito obrigado a Garuva, a Itamogi, a Itapaci, a Lajinha, a Patos de Minas, a Paula Cndido, a Piumhi, a So Joo e a So Tiago!

We thank each person interviewed in every visited city. We are grateful for the kind welcome from mayors, councilors and other municipal authorities. We especially thank the Municipal Board of Education Secretaries that personally have not only assisted but also accompanied us, despite their very busy schedules. We could not forget to mention the attention and affection given by assistants, coordinators, supervisors, specialists, principals and teachers. We also express our thanks to the helpful school staff, the patient drivers and the cooks who were always willing to serve us some delicious coffee and local delicacies. We are very thankful to parents and family members that, many times, despite their busy lives, waited for us to record their statements. Outside this scope, we sincerely thank everybody else that collaborated, participated and helped us a great deal. We would like to thank Neusa Wachholz, from Garuva, and Alzira Machado Fernandes Arajo, from Lajinha, for kindly giving their private photo collections. We are also grateful to all the cities that provided photographs of events and school activities. We would like to extend special thanks to the cities residents who were very interested curious, in various moments, about the research. Mainly, we thank the children the students who happily and proudly participated and brought colorful collaboration. We express our deep thanks to everybodys participation and the opportunity to interact with all these people, to get to know a little bit more about our country and to learn that to provide a quality education is necessary above all to have a real desire to make things right, the commitment of all with the mission of educating and, mainly, a lot of dedication and love. We express our gratitude to the cities of Garuva, Itamogi, Itapaci, Lajinha, Patos de Minas, Paula Cndido, Piumhi, So Joo and So Tiago.



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