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Inglês | 11.

º ano


Paula Paixão Mendes Julie Dawes


Long term plan – Three terms............................................... Available at

Long term plan – Two semesters .......................................... Available at

Digital tools
Roteiro Aula Digital ....................................................................................... 7
Guia de Recursos Multimédia ..................................................................... 23

Unit 1
I. Graded worksheets
Standard ...................................................................................................... 37
Inclusion ...................................................................................................... 65
Answer key .................................................................................................. 93

II. Assessment ...................................................................................................... 97

Answer key ................................................................................................ 124

Unit 2
I. Graded worksheets
Standard .................................................................................................... 129
Inclusion .................................................................................................... 156
Answer key ................................................................................................ 183

II. Assessment .................................................................................................... 187

Answer key ................................................................................................ 214

Unit 3
I. Graded worksheets
Standard .................................................................................................... 219
Inclusion .................................................................................................... 230
Answer key ................................................................................................ 241

II. Assessment .................................................................................................... 243

Answer key ................................................................................................ 260
October ..................................................................................................... 264
November.................................................................................................. 265
January ...................................................................................................... 266
February .................................................................................................... 267
March ........................................................................................................ 268
April ........................................................................................................... 269
May............................................................................................................ 270

Follow-up activities
Follow-up activities ................................................................................... 271
Answer key ................................................................................................ 285

Extra help
I. Tests I. Graded worksheets
10-minute tests ......................................................................................... 289

II. Rubrics ........................................................................................ Available at

Answer key ......................................................................................................... 301

Textbook audioscripts ............................................................................... 305
Workbook audioscripts ............................................................................. 311
Teacher’s File audioscripts ........................................................................ 315

Long term plan – Three terms ....................................................... Available at

Long term plan – Two semesters .................................................. Available at

Lesson Plans
Unit 1 .................................................................................... Available at

Unit 2 .................................................................................... Available at

Unit 3 .................................................................................... Available at

Extensive reading ................................................................. Available at

As planificações e os planos de aula serão disponibilizados na Aula Digital, em formato editável e na

íntegra aos professores adotantes do projeto. Com esta medida, procuramos contribuir para a
sustentabilidade ambiental.

Roteiro Aula Digital ..................................................................................... 7

Guia de Recursos Multimédia .................................................................... 23
Recursos multimédia
• Roteiro Aula Digital
• Guia de Recursos Multimédia
Guia do utilizador • Professor

I. Aula Digital – o que é e como aceder?
II. Explorar os manuais digitais e os manuais
a. Manuais Digitais
b. Manuais Interativos em destaque
III. Explorar os recursos exclusivos do Professor
a. Dossiê do Professor
b. Banco de Recursos
IV. Explorar os recursos do Aluno
V. Criar e editar aulas e testes interativos
VI. Comunicar e orientar o estudo dos alunos
a. Comunicar
b. Enviar e acompanhar a realização
de trabalhos e testes interativos
c. Partilhar recursos

I. Aula Digital – o que é e como aceder?
A Aula Digital, disponível em auladigital.leya.com, é a plataforma de ensino e apren-
dizagem da LeYa Educação.
Aqui o Professor poderá aceder aos projetos escolares e a todos os recursos e
ferramentas digitais a eles associados.

Para explorar os recursos disponíveis na plataforma, basta: Tutorial: Registo e

acesso do Professor
1. Aceder a auladigital.leya.com;
2. Clicar em Entrar;
3. Preencher os campos de Utilizador e Palavra-Passe;
4. Clicar em Entrar.

1 2


A Aula Digital está organizada nas seguintes áreas:
As minhas salas
Área de comunicação
Biblioteca com os alunos através
Manuais e recursos digitais da criação de salas, que
a eles associados, permitem atribuição
incluindo materiais de trabalhos e testes
exclusivos do Professor. interativos (com relatório
detalhado de resultados).

Banco de Recursos Os meus testes

Pesquisa de recursos Ferramenta de construção
por tipologia, de testes interativos.
ano de escolaridade, Permite o acesso a
disciplina e/ou temas questões de testes já
curriculares. existentes e a criação de
questões personalizadas.
As questões podem incluir
imagens, áudios e fórmulas
matemáticas. Estes testes
Smart podem ser partilhados
Vídeos e sínteses, para rever o com os alunos através da
essencial da matéria, e quizzes área “As minhas salas” ou
com explicações imediatas, para exportados para Word®.
esclarecer dúvidas à medida
que elas surgem. O registo do
progresso apoia o aluno no seu As minhas aulas
estudo autónomo. Ferramenta de elaboração de sequências de
recursos disponíveis na área Biblioteca e/ou no
Banco de Recursos. Inclui ainda a possibilidade
de carregamento de recursos próprios. Estas
sequências podem ser projetadas na sala de aula
e/ou partilhadas com os alunos através da área
“As minhas salas”. 9
II. Explorar os manuais digitais e os manuais interativos
a. Manuais Digitais

Na Biblioteca, estão disponíveis todos os manuais em formato digital,

assim como os recursos digitais a eles associados.

Para explorar
uma publicação
em conjunto com
os seus recursos
digitais, basta
clicar sobre a

A projeção do manual digital facilita a exploração dos conteúdos em sala de aula.
Várias ferramentas apoiam o Professor nesta tarefa:

O zoom, o ajuste Desenho livre

à largura/altura, Nota de texto
Índice do manual a vista em página Marcador de página
Índice de recursos única/dupla e o full
Todos os desenhos,
digitais screen permitem
notas e marcações
Índice de notas e ajustar a visualização
ficam automaticamente
páginas marcadas e explorar texto,
guardados e acessíveis
imagens ou esquemas
a partir de qualquer
com todo o detalhe.
dispositivo. Pesquisa

A barra e as setas É possível destacar com diferentes

de navegação cores um excerto de texto selecionado.
permitem encontrar
rapidamente uma
página específica.

Na banda lateral surge a indicação dos recursos

digitais disponíveis. Animações, vídeos,
atividades interativas ou fichas do Caderno
de Atividades, por exemplo, são algumas das
tipologias de recursos a que o Professor pode
recorrer, sem sair da página que está a projetar.

© Texto | What’s up 8 31
b. Manuais Interativos em destaque

Na Biblioteca, está também disponível o Manual interativo. Esta nova versão

do manual permite uma exploração mais integrada, dinâmica e motivadora dos
conteúdos e respetivos recursos digitais.
Com o Manual interativo, poderá:

1. acompanhar a leitura dos textos com locução e destaques em simultâneo;

2. realizar as atividades propostas e aceder à sua correção de forma imediata;

3. apresentar, alínea a alínea, as soluções de uma atividade ou de todas as atividades

propostas numa página;


4. explorar os recursos digitais, em contexto, a partir das páginas do manual;

5. aceder a fichas do Caderno de Atividades ou a outros recursos

complementares exclusivos do Professor sem sair da página do manual.

III. Explorar os recursos exclusivos do Professor
a. Dossiê do Professor

Na área Dossiê/Editáveis de cada projeto, é possível descarregar materiais

exclusivos do Professor, totalmente editáveis, tais como planificações, grelhas
de avaliação, fichas, testes ou materiais para alunos com dificuldades ou áudios.

Na pasta
Novidades serão
novos materiais
ao longo do ano.

Todas as publicações e recursos digitais disponíveis na Biblioteca estão
também acessíveis offline através da app Aula Digital,
em computador, tablet ou smartphone.
para download
b. Banco de Recursos

No Banco de Recursos o Professor encontra recursos digitais das suas

disciplinas, que pode usar de forma complementar ou independente do
manual escolar.
Tutorial: Explorar o
Banco de Recursos

Estes recurs
os podem se
pesquisados r
pelos temas
ou por palav
chave. ra

Os filtros laterais ajudam a

refinar a pesquisa por tipologia
(vídeo, ficha, teste, …), ciclo, ano
ou disciplina.

Todos os recursos da área Banco de Recursos e Biblioteca

podem ser partilhados com os alunos através da área
As minhas salas ou de qualquer outra plataforma de
IV. Explorar os recursos do Aluno
Na área Smart, disponibilizam-se aos alunos sequências de aprendizagem
que permitem rever o essencial de cada conteúdo, testar conhecimentos
e esclarecer dúvidas. Esta área está também disponível para o Professor,
que assim poderá fazer recomendações de estudo.

Vídeos, áudios e sínteses, organizados por temas curriculares, que

ajudam a compreender a matéria.

Quizzes com explicações imediatas, que permitem esclarecer as

dúvidas. A correção automática e o registo do progresso permitem
autorregular a aprendizagem do aluno e melhorar os resultados.

Os conteúdos Smart podem também ser explorados a partir

da app Aula Digital, disponível para computador, tablet ou
smartphone, com ou sem Internet.
V. Criar e editar aulas e testes interativos
Nas áreas Os meus testes e As minhas aulas, o Professor pode
personalizar os testes e as aulas, acedendo a propostas disponíveis
na área Biblioteca, ou criar estes recursos de raiz.

Para criar um novo teste interativo com correção automática basta: Tutorial: Criar um
teste interativo
1. Entrar na área Os meus testes;
2. Clicar em Novo teste;
3. Preencher o título, as instruções e a duração do teste;
4. Adicionar questões ao teste, clicando em:
•Questão do banco – para adicionar questões disponíveis
na área Biblioteca;
• Nova questão – para criar questões que podem incluir imagens,
áudios e fórmulas matemáticas.
5. Clicar em Gravar.

Depois de adicionar
todas as questões
ao teste é possível
definir diferentes
pesos para cada
uma das questões.

Tutorial: Criar uma
Para criar uma nova aula interativa, ou seja, uma nova sequência aula interativa
pedagógica de recursos digitais, basta:
1. Entrar na área As minhas aulas;
2. Clicar em Nova aula;
3. Preencher o título, o sumário, a duração e carregar um plano
4. Adicionar recursos à aula, clicando em:
• Recursos – para adicionar recursos da Biblioteca ou do Banco de Recursos;
• Páginas – para adicionar páginas de qualquer livro disponível na Biblioteca;
• Testes – para adicionar um teste interativo da Biblioteca, do Banco
de Recursos ou da área Os meus testes;
• Ficheiro – para adicionar os seus próprios recursos;
• Texto – para adicionar texto;
• Link – para adicionar links para páginas da Internet ou vídeos do YouTube.
5. Clicar em Gravar.


As aulas e os
testes interativos
criados pelo Professor
também podem ser
partilhados com os
alunos através da
área As minhas
salas. Os testes interativos podem
ser exportados em formato
As aulas e os
testes interativos
existentes na
Biblioteca podem
ser copiados para
as áreas de edição
– As minhas aulas
e Os meus testes –
para serem editados
e adaptados à
realidade das suas

VI. Comunicar e orientar o estudo
Tutorial: Criar uma
sala e associar alunos

Na área As minhas salas o Professor pode comunicar

com os alunos e orientar o seu estudo, tirando partido
dos recursos que encontra na Aula Digital.

Para criar uma sala e associar alunos basta: 5

1. Entrar na área As minhas salas e
clicar em Nova sala;
2. Preencher o nome da sala;
3. Clicar em Criar Sala;
4. Clicar em Associar alunos;
5. Disponibilizar o código da sala
aos alunos (alternativamente, é
possível associar alunos introduzindo
os seus e-mails)

a. Comunicar

Na Entrada de uma sala, o Professor pode publicar informações importantes, lançar

questões/tópicos de debate ou partilhar recursos, criando um post no mural.

Os alunos podem
responder e colocar
as suas questões num
ambiente moderado
pelo Professor.

Tutorial: Enviar um
b. Enviar e acompanhar a realização de trabalhos teste
e testes interativos

A partir de uma sala o Professor pode enviar trabalhos e testes

interativos, que os alunos podem realizar de acordo com as suas

Para enviar um teste basta:

1. No menu Testes, clicar em Novo Teste;
2. Definir as datas e as horas de início e de fim da realização do teste;
3. Clicar em Adicionar teste e selecionar o teste interativo que pretende enviar;
4. Selecionar os alunos a quem pretende enviar o teste.


Depois de concluído o teste, o Professor acede a um relatório automático individual

para cada aluno.

Tutorial: Enviar um
Para enviar um trabalho basta: trabalho
1. No menu Trabalhos, clicar em Novo Trabalho;
2. Preencher o Título e o Enunciado do trabalho;
3. Definir a data e a hora de início e de fim da realização do trabalho;
4. Indicar se o trabalho terá avaliação;
5. Selecionar os recursos de apoio à realização do trabalho;
6. Selecionar os alunos a quem pretende enviar o trabalho.


Ao longo da
realização de um
trabalho, o Professor
pode esclarecer
as dúvidas
de cada aluno.

c. Partilhar recursos através de qualquer plataforma

Todos os recursos disponíveis na Biblioteca e no Banco de Recursos, incluindo os

recursos exclusivos do Professor, podem ser partilhados com os alunos.

Clicando no botão de partilha, disponível no cartão de identificação ou no interior do

recurso, é possível partilhá-lo através:

da área As minhas

do Google Classroom.

do Teams, do
Moodle ou de outras
plataformas de
comunicação, copiando
e colando o link.

Guia de recursos multimédia

Listagem geral dos recursos multimédia – MySelfie

• Áudios – Disponíveis em versão standard e, na maior parte das faixas, também em versão slow.
Na versão digital do manual, estão identificados através de hotspots.
• 52 Vídeos – Vídeos para a realização das atividades com a possibilidade de apresentação de
legendas em inglês.
• 4 Vídeos interativos – Vídeos intercalados com questões. Disponível a função de legendas em
inglês on/off.
• 7 Karaokes – Vídeos de canções acompanhados das letras, com respetiva marcação de texto.
• 7 Writing tutorials - Tutoriais de apoio à rubrica Writing – indicações, passo a passo, de como
escrever diferentes tipologias de texto.
• 5 Speaking tutorials - Tutoriais de apoio à rubrica Speaking – indicações, passo a passo, de como
comunicar em diferentes situações.
• 21 Gramáticas Interativas – Animações dos conteúdos gramaticais com explicações passo a passo
do uso, da forma e com respetivos exemplos, intercaladas com perguntas com validação.
• 6 Grammar in action - Vídeos com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde
estruturas gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural em situações de diálogo, com
uma pergunta com validação no fim.
• 12 Apresentações PowerPoint® – Recursos de exploração e aplicação de conteúdos de vocabulário
ou temáticos.
• 3 Glossários - Glossário interativo que apresenta uma listagem de palavras e/ou expressões com a
respetiva definição, tradução e áudio associado.
• Links - Links para vídeos externos ou para páginas web, de utilização facultativa.
• 5 QR Codes – QR Codes para acesso a material relacionado com as atividades da leitura extensiva.
• Infográfico - Imagem interativa com pontos clicáveis que remetem para pequenos vídeos sobre
países onde o inglês é língua oficial.
• Interactive quiz – Quiz interativo com pequenos excertos de vídeos e perguntas com validação.
• 19 Atividades Gramaticais – Atividades com exercícios de aplicação dos conteúdos gramaticais
abordados nas gramáticas interativas. Inclui correção automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• 20 Testes interativos – Testes com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática para
revisão de cada subunidade, dez dos quais são exclusivos do professor.
• Jogos
 3 Jogos Trivia – Jogos de consolidação de conhecimentos, sugeridos no final de cada unidade.
 2 jogos de memória – Jogos para consolidar vocabulário.
 3 jogos de palavras cruzadas - Jogos para consolidar vocabulário.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 23

• 10 Kahoots – Quiz com perguntas de revisão de subunidade.
• 14 Quizzes – Quiz composto por 5 questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato para
revisão de conteúdos gramaticais.
• 3 Simuladores que podem ser usados em várias atividades e dinâmicas de sala de aula:
 Timer – cronómetro personalizável, que permite inserir o tempo estimado para a realização de
tarefas em sala de aula e mostrar a contagem decrescente do tempo.
 Random number generator – Ferramenta de atribuição aleatória de números que permite
eleger um aluno, através do seu número de turma, para realizar uma determinada tarefa,
organizar a saída dos alunos da sala de aula, etc.
 Recorder – Ferramenta que permite gravar registos áudio.

24 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Recursos multimédia disponíveis no projeto MySelfie

Unit 0 – When I was growing up

• Vídeo The Seed [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de abertura de unidade.
• Vídeo The 2010s [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre a segunda década do século XXI.
• Link Music Quiz - Guess the Popular Song from 2010-2020 [Exclusivo para o
Link para vídeo externo de uso facultativo.
de conteúdos
Vídeo Banksy does New York [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre o trabalho de Banksy em Nova Iorque.
• Vídeo You can't stop us [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de um anúncio da Nike que aborda a diversidade no desporto.
• Karaoke Titanium (David Guetta ft. Sia) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Video interativo Interactive quiz [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz interativo com pequenos excertos de vídeos e perguntas com validação com
base na atividade da página 9.
Aplicação /
• Simuladores
Timer [Exclusivo para o professor]
Random number generator [Exclusivo para o professor]

Unit 1 – We are the world

1.1 English-speaking cultures
• Vídeo The Labels We Carry [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de abertura de unidade.
• Infográfico 6 English-speaking countries [Exclusivo para o professor]
Imagem interativa com pontos clicáveis que remetem para pequenos vídeos sobre
países onde o inglês é língua oficial.
• Link What is an English stereotype? [Exclusivo para o professor]
Link para vídeo externo de utilização facultativa.
• Gramáticas
Present and future tenses
Past tenses
Apresentação Linking words/expressions
de conteúdos Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Vídeo The greatest Haka ever [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de uma atuação de Haka.
• Vídeo Holi Festival [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo que apresenta os festejos do Holi Festival.
• Vídeo Groundhog Day in Pennsylvania [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo que apresenta os festejos do Groundhog Day.
• Apresentação Fun cultural celebrations [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre tradições culturais em vários pontos do

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 25

• Writing tutorial Blog post
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever uma entrada num blogue.
• Speaking tutorial 60-second oral presentation
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como fazer uma apresentação oral em 60 segundos.
• Apresentação Grab a bite! [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre os pratos gastronómicos da página 30.
• Atividades
Present and future related-tenses
Past-related tenses
Linking words/expressions
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Quizzes
Present tenses
Future tenses
Aplicação / Past tenses (2)
Consolidação Connectors of contrast
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Jogo My clothes, my identity
Jogo de memória sobre o vocabulário da página 28.
• Kahoot English-speaking cultures [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 1.1.
• Simuladores
Timer [Exclusivo para o professor]
Random number generator [Exclusivo para o professor]
• Teste interativo English-speaking cultures (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo English-speaking cultures (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

1.2 Cultures go global

• Vídeo Multicultural Britain [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que jovens falam sobre a sua dupla identidade cultural.
• Vídeo Third Culture Kids [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que jovens falam sobre a sua experiência enquanto TCK.
• Gramáticas
Prepositional phrases
Indefinite pronouns
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Karaoke Brown Girl (Aaradhna) [Exclusivo para o professor]
de conteúdos
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Apresentação Collocations with make and do [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre as expressões com os verbos make e do.
• Vídeos [Exclusivo para o professor]
Freedom Writers (trailer)
Stories from the Heart (trailer)
Vídeos externos de apoio ao texto da página 42.

26 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

• Vídeo Grammar in action: Indefinite Pronouns [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde estruturas
gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural, com uma pergunta com
validação no fim.
• Writing tutorial Narrative text
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever um texto narrativo.
• Karaoke Wave Your Flag (Now United) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Atividades
Prepositional phrases
Indefinite pronouns
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
Aplicação /
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Quiz Indefinite pronouns
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Kahoot Cultures go global [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 1.2.
• Teste interativo Cultures go global (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo Cultures go global (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

1.3 Stronger together

• Karaoke We Are The People (Martin Garrix feat. Bono & The Edge) [Exclusivo para o
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Vídeo Kids on Race [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que vários adolescentes falam da sua experiência enquanto
vítimas do racismo.
• Vídeo The Hate U Give (trailer)
Vídeo externo do trailer do filme “The Hate U Give”.
• Apresentação Slang [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre slang.
• Gramáticas
Adjectives followed by prepositions
Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous
de conteúdos
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Vídeo The Hill We Climb [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo da poetisa Amanda Gorman recitando o seu poema “The Hill We
• Vídeo interativo Racism is a virus [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de uma curta-metragem sobre o racismo, intercalado com questões.
• Speaking tutorial Pair work discussion
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como participar numa discussão de pares.
• Vídeo Check Your Privilege [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo do desafio Check Your Privilege.
• Writing tutorial Editorial
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever um editorial.

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• Atividades
Adjectives followed by prepositions
Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Quizzes
Aplicação /
Present perfect simple
Present perfect continuous
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Jogo Idioms with black and white
Jogo de palavras cruzadas sobre o vocabulário da página 62.
• Kahoot Stronger Together [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 1.3.
• Teste interativo Stronger Together (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo Stronger Together (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

1.4 A helping hand

• Karaoke Hey Brother (Avicii) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Apresentação I am human (Answer key) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® com a solução do ex. 1 da página 67.
• Vídeo I am human [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo do poema “I am human”, de Frank Shepard Fairy.
• Vídeo Rita Ora's speech at WE Day UK [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que a cantora Rita Ora fala sobre a situação dos refugiados no
mundo e da sua experiência enquanto refugiada.
• Vídeo Grammar in action: If-clauses [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde estruturas
gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural, com uma pergunta com
Apresentação validação no fim.
de conteúdos • Gramáticas
If-clauses + Unless
I wish/If only
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Writing tutorial Memoir
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever um memoir.
• Vídeo Kids meet a refugee [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que vários adolescentes fazem perguntas a uma jovem refugiada.
• Vídeo This is poverty [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo com a experiência de três pessoas que viveram em pobreza.
• Glossário Interactive Word List: Unit 1
Glossário interativo que apresenta uma listagem de palavras e/ou expressões com a
respetiva definição, tradução e áudio associado relativas à unidade 1.
• Atividades
If-clauses + Unless
Aplicação /
I wish/If only
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
28 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11
• Quizzes
I wish/If only
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Kahoot A helping hand [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 1.4.
• Jogo MySelfie Trivia: Unit 1
Jogo de aplicação de conhecimentos sobre os conteúdos da unidade 1.
• Teste interativo A helping hand (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo A helping hand (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

Unit 2 - There's no Planet B

2.1 The world under threat
• Vídeo We Are All Connected [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de abertura de unidade.
• Vídeo Nature is Speaking [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com a mensagem da Natureza, interpretada por Julia Roberts, que alerta para
a destruição do planeta causada pelo Homem.
• Gramáticas
So/Such (a/an) + that
Other comparatives
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Vídeo Evolution of our Planet [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de um discurso do Sir David Attenborough sobre a forma como o
nosso planeta tem vindo a mudar.
• Vídeo The Tragedy of the Commons [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo que explica o conceito “The Tragedy of the Commons” e estabelece
um paralelismo do mesmo com a realidade dos dias de hoje.
de conteúdos
• Links Conservation International website [Exclusivo para o professor]
Link para página web externa de utilização facultativa.
• Writing tutorial Prose poetry
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever uma prosa poética.
• Vídeo The ocean cleanuo technology explained [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre o projeto The Ocean Cleanup
• Vídeo Grammar in action: Comparatives [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde estruturas
gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural, com uma pergunta com
validação no fim.
• Apresentação Animal idioms [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre as expressões idiomáticas da página 100.
• Speaking tutorial Round-table discussion
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como participar numa discussão em grupo.
• Atividades
So/Such (a/an) + that
Aplicação /
Other comparatives
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 29

• Quizzes
So/Such (a/an) + that
Double and proportional comparative
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Simuladores
Timer [Exclusivo para o professor]
Random number generator [Exclusivo para o professor]
• Kahoot The world under threat [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 2.1.
• Teste interativo The world under threat (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo The world under threat (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

2.2 A global call

• Karaoke Love Song to the Earth (various artists) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Vídeos interativos Climate change leading to extreme weather events (Parts 1 and 2)
[Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeos externos sobre as alterações climáticas e os seus efeitos mais devastadores,
intercalados com questões.
• Vídeo How to avoid a climate disaster [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo em que são apresentadas medidas que poderão prevenir mais desastres
derivados das alterações climáticas.
• Gramática
Correlative conjunctions
Modal verbs - first use
Modal verbs - second use
Animação interativa dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Vídeos Greta and David in conversation - The planetary crisis (parts 1, 2 and 3)
[Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeos com partes da entrevista conjunta a Greta e Sir David Attenborough.
de conteúdos
• Link [Exclusivo para o professor]
Sir David Attenborough answers questions from famous fans
Link para vídeo externo de utilização facultativa.
• Vídeo Grammar in action: Modal Verbs [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde estruturas
gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural, com uma pergunta com
validação no fim.
• Vídeos Jamie Margolin's interview (parts 1 and 2) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeos em que Jamie Margolin responde a algumas questões sobre o seu percurso
enquanto ativista em prol do ambiente.
• Vídeo #ClimateStrike [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo sobre a manifestação “ClimateStrike” em Londres.
• Vídeo Youth unstoppable [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo com uma parte do documentário “Youth unstoppable”, que
apresesenta vários jovens ativistas em prol do ambiente.

30 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

• Apresentação Fact or Myth? [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® com as respostas à atividade apresentada na página
• Jogo Extreme weather events + Weather idioms
Jogo de memória sobre o vocabulário das páginas 105 e 109.
• Atividade
Correlative conjunctions / Modal verbs
Aplicação / Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
Consolidação automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Quiz Modal verbs
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Kahoot A global call [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 2.2.
• Teste interativo A global call (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo A global call (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

2.3 Playing my part

• Links [Exclusivo para o professor]
And the people stayed home (Kitty O'Meara)
The story behind the poem
Links para vídeos ou páginas web externos de utilização facultativa.
• Vídeo How to go Zero-Waste with Lauren Singer [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que Lauren Singer explica como desperdiçar menos.
• Vídeo Four years of trash [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo em que Lauren Singer mostra e avalia todo o lixo que fez em 4 anos.
Apresentação • Gramáticas
de conteúdos Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns
The apostrophe s ('s)
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Apresentação False friends [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre falsos amigos.
• Speaking tutorial Project kickoff meeting
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como fazer uma apresentação oral de um projeto.
• Writing tutorial Poster
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever um poster.
• Atividades
Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns
The apostrophe s ('s)
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
Aplicação /
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Quiz Quantifiers
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Kahoot Playing my part [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 2.3.
• Teste interativo Playing my part (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo Playing my part (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

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2.4 Ads all around
• Vídeo How commercials get us to buy crap we don't need [Exclusivo para o
Vídeo externo sobre estratégias de publicidade.
• Vídeo Grammar in action: Passive [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde estruturas
gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural, com uma pergunta com
validação no fim.
• Gramáticas
Impersonal passive
The causative
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
Apresentação • Apresentação Advertising vocabulary [Exclusivo para o professor]
de conteúdos Apresentação em PowerPoint® de exploração temática e vocabular.
• Vídeo Ethos, Pathos & Logos [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo com vários anúncios que mostram diferentes técnicas de publicidade.
• Vídeo interativo Consumer rights and wrongs [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo que explica vários direitos dos consumidores, intercalado com
questões. Disponível a função de legendas on/off.
• Vídeo English for call centres - 10 steps [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre as estruturas a usar quando se fala ao telefone num call centre.
• Writing tutorial Complaint email
Tutorial, passo a passo, de como escrever um email de reclamação.
• Glossário Interactive Word List: Unit 2
Glossário interativo que apresenta uma listagem de palavras e/ou expressões com a
respetiva definição, tradução e áudio associado relativas à unidade 2.
• Atividades
Passive/ Impersonal passive
The causative
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Quiz The passive and the causative
Aplicação /
Questões de resposta automática com feedback imediato.
• Jogo Advertising vocabulary
Jogo de palavras cruzadas com o vocabulário da página 144.
• Kahoot Ads all around [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 2.4.
• Jogo MySelfie Trivia: Unit 2
Jogo de aplicação de conhecimentos sobre os conteúdos da unidade 2.
• Teste interativo Ads all around (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo Ads all around (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

32 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Unit 3 - My job, my choices
3.1 The future ahead
• Vídeo Before You Feel Pressure [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo de abertura de unidade.
• Vídeo Alike [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo da curta-metragem “Alike”.
• Gramáticas
Expressing condition
Word formation – prefixes and suffixes
Animações interativas dos conteúdos gramaticais.
• Apresentação Work-related words [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre o vocabulário da página 166.
Apresentação • Speaking tutorial Group debate
de conteúdos Vídeo tutorial, passo a passo, de como participar num debate em grupo.
• Vídeo The future of work [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre como será o mundo do trabalho no futuro.
• Vídeo Grammar in action: Word formation [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo com vários excertos de trailers, filmes ou séries televisivas, onde estruturas
gramaticais aparecem contextualizadas de forma natural, com uma pergunta com
validação no fim.
• Links [Exclusivo para o professor]
Links para ferramentas externas de utilização facultativa.
• Atividades
Expressing condition
Word formation – prefixes and suffixes
Exercícios interativos sobre os conteúdos gramaticais respetivos, com correção
automática e notas de apoio (dicas).
• Simuladores
Aplicação /
Timer [Exclusivo para o professor]
Random number generator [Exclusivo para o professor]
• Jogo Working patterns and work-related words
Jogo de palavras cruzadas sobre o vocabulário da página 172.
• Kahoot The future ahead [Exclusivo para o professor]
Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 3.1.
• Teste interativo The future ahead (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo The future ahead (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

3.2 Choosing my path

• Karaoke Wise Up (TheFatRat) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo da canção acompanhado da letra.
• Vídeo How to find your passion and make it your job (parts 1, 2 and 3) [Exclusivo
de conteúdos
para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre como encontrar a carreira certa para cada um de nós.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 33

• Apresentação Idioms about work [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® sobre as expressões idiomáticas da página 187.
• Vídeo How to find your passion [Exclusivo para o professor]
Vídeo externo sobre as habilidades que podemos associar a diferentes profissões.
• Apresentação Through other eyes (Answer key) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação em PowerPoint® com as soluções do exercício 1.3 da página 194.
• Glossário Interactive Word List: Unit 3
Glossário interativo que apresenta uma listagem de palavras e/ou expressões com a
respetiva definição, tradução e áudio associado relativas à unidade 3.
• Kahoot Choosing my path [Exclusivo para o professor]
Aplicação / Quiz de revisão dos conteúdos da subunidade 3.2.
Consolidação • Jogo MySelfie Trivia: Unit 3
Jogo de aplicação de conhecimentos sobre os conteúdos da unidade 3.
• Teste interativo Choosing my path (I)
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.
• Teste interativo Choosing my path (II) [Exclusivo para o professor]
Teste com 8 itens de resposta fechada e correção automática.

Extensive Reading
• QR Codes
QR Codes para acesso a material relacionado com as atividades da leitura extensiva.
• Vídeos
A Time To Kill (trailer)
The Buttler (trailer)
de conteúdos
Selma (trailer)
I Am Not Your Negro (trailer)
John Lewis: Good Trouble (trailer)
Vídeos externos dos trailers dos filmes acima mencionados.

• Vídeos [Exclusivo para o professor]
Apresentação September (James Arthur)
de conteúdos Visiting hours (Ed Sheeran)
Vídeos externos das canções acima mencionadas.

34 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


I. Graded worksheets
Reading ........................................................................................................................... 38
Listening ......................................................................................................................... 42
Writing ............................................................................................................................ 44
Speaking ......................................................................................................................... 48
Grammar ........................................................................................................................ 50
Vocabulary ..................................................................................................................... 59

Reading ........................................................................................................................... 66
Listening ......................................................................................................................... 70
Writing ............................................................................................................................ 72
Speaking ......................................................................................................................... 76
Grammar ........................................................................................................................ 78
Vocabulary ..................................................................................................................... 87
Answer key..................................................................................................................... 93

II. Assessment
Progress test (1.1 / 1.2) ............................................................................................. 98
Progress test (1.3 / 1.4) .......................................................................................... 103
Progress test – inclusion (1.1 / 1.2) ..................................................................... 108
Progress test – inclusion (1.3 / 1.4) ..................................................................... 113
Exam-style test .......................................................................................................... 118
Answer key ................................................................................................................ 124
I. Graded worksheets
• Standard
• Inclusion
Standard worksheets
1.1 / 1.2 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


There are lots of things to like about living in
Singapore. As a tropical, multicultural metropolis with a
high standard of living, Singapore is comfortable and full
of interesting people. For people who love summer, the
5 weather is perfect for going to the beach, though very
humid. Singapore is a tiny nation with a booming
economy, so it’s easily policed and one of the safest
places in the world. The government is interested in the
welfare of its residents and the quality of education and
10 healthcare is of a high standard. As a nation with four
official languages, communication can be a fascinating
blend of sounds, words and phrases.
Singapore is not only a multicultural city but has four official cultural groups. Just
walking down the streets, you can see the variety of faces, dress and speech which reveals
15 the depth of Singapore’s multiculturalism. Many signs and announcements come in
multiple languages, with the majority of Singaporeans speaking more than one language.
There are so many restaurants representing food from so many Asian cuisines, not to
mention all the fusion. Mosques, Buddhist and Hindu temples, churches and synagogues
can be found sometimes within the same block. Holidays are also divided amongst
20 Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Hindu special days.
Multiculturalism has always been right in front of my face. It’s been impressed on me
since I was young that culture is an important part of identity and that we must strive to
recognise and respect that value as much for others as we feel it for ourselves. Respecting
cultural values is one of the most important values in building a cohesive society,
25 particularly as the world grows more connected day by day. But I have also seen the
incongruous moments when this is not as easy as it sounds and have recognised the effects
of dominant cultures on minority cultures. I’ve learned that, just like relationships between
individual personalities, relationships between cultures can be a bumpy road, but there will
always be more benefit in unity than in separation. I’ve also seen that culture is constantly
30 evolving and mixing and that, like individuals, culture needs the opportunity to grow.
While multiculturalism has ideas of collaboration and respect at its core, as a rigid
policy it can also be harmful, particularly to individuals who often struggle with plans
meant to benefit groups on a larger scale. Cultural conflicts can also affect relationships as
the closer people get, the more some may expect those close to them to adopt the same
35 values. People who don’t fit neatly into traditional categories may have special advantages
or may also be rejected by groups who define themselves by distinction from other groups,
rather than by seeing themselves as a contributing factor to a larger, varied but unified
culture: that of Singapore as unified culture itself.
The pure joy of meeting people who are different from myself is the main benefit of
40 multiculturalism in my life. Experiencing new ways of thinking and using new
perspectives to re-examine my own is a continual inspiration and motivation. Language is
often the key as connecting with others in their first language can be a more personal and
emotional experience. As a food-lover, the continual mixing and creativity created by
cultures combining and sharing will always produce results I can appreciate daily! Finally,
45 the understanding of the things that connect us, often unexpectedly, helps to make me a
more empathic and supportive member of my community at a local, civic, national and
global level. Being a more supportive member of my community means more friends,
more work, more opportunities and more growth. As they say: if you want to go fast, travel
alone; if you want to go far, travel together.
https://www.inlingua.com/multiculti-singapore/ (abridged and adapted; accessed in October 2021)

38 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. In which paragraphs can you find the following topics?

a. Positive aspects of living in a multicultural environment Paragraph _____

b. Singapore’s characteristics Paragraph _____
c. Downsides of multiculturalism Paragraph _____
d. Manifestations of multiculturalism in everyday life Paragraph _____
e. Living in a multicultural city shapes your way of thinking Paragraph _____

2. Go to paragraph 1 and find synonyms for the following words.

a. megacity _____________________
b. flourishing ____________________
c. administrated _________________
d. combination __________________

3. Go to paragraph 4 and find opposites for the following words.

a. flexible ______________________
b. beneficial ____________________
c. drawbacks ___________________
d. divided ______________________

4. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and quote from the
text to support your answer (paragraphs 3, 4 and 5).

a. It’s people’s duty to work hard to acknowledge and consider culture as a vital T F
part of identity.
b. Although interactions with diverse cultures may be regular, a divided T F
culture is always more beneficial.
c. Cooperation and consideration are the key to multiculturalism. T F
d. The more I get involved in my community, the more benefits I get. T F

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 39

1.3/1.4 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


A viral pathogen can spread as fast as light in this globalized world, but the
phenomena of exclusion and discrimination can spread even faster. The Covid panic
has had results that we don’t see in the
case of flu or pneumonia – racism and
5 xenophobia.
With the progress of social networking,
the spread of racial stereotyping has been
aggravated during times of global
involvement, worsening the existing
10 prejudice people have towards various
communities. In present times, across the
internet, people are not only blaming the
Chinese for the Coronavirus but have gone
as far as criticizing their culture.
15 Popular posts frequently claim that the pandemic is caused by “dirty people who
can’t keep order” and are warning people to “think twice before ordering anything
Chinese.” However, it is not the first time we have had something like this: we also
saw it with the Ebola outbreak in 2014, but it appears that we have had not learned
from the past.
20 Likewise, the media is contributing to racial stereotyping. On a now-deleted
Instagram post, the University of California, Berkeley, supported the idea of
xenophobia being a “normal reaction” to the spread of the disease. To cite the viral
post, it said “please recognize that experiencing any panic or anger can be normal
reactions and that over the next few days or weeks, you may experience periods of…
25 xenophobia: fears about interacting with those who might be from Asia and guilt
about those feelings.” Although they did apologize for their post, it shone a light
upon the fact that xenophobia has always been around.
Unfortunately, social stigma, discrimination, and xenophobia are perpetual
phenomena that seem to have been intensified during this global outbreak. Although
30 the concerns over the Coronavirus are understandable, the stereotypes and exclusion
currently clouding society are not. Instead of excluding an entire race during this
frightful time, we should try to support them as a form of solidarity. It is imperative
to see us in all our diversity and challenge the existing stereotypes. We are all at risk
of getting sick, there is no one more or less worthy of health.
35 During this appalling time of uncertainty and fear, we must come together and get
rid of the existing prejudice we have. Please be aware of how you express your fear.
Anxiety and fear do not excuse your attitude. We're all fighting the same battle. After
all, united we stand but divided we fall.
www.voicesofyouth.org (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

40 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Find words in the text that match the following definitions.

a. an instance of keeping someone or something outside. __________________

b. fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of their politics or culture. __________________
c. an unfair and unreasonable assumption or opinion formed without
enough thought or knowledge. __________________
d. a set of generalisations about a group of people or a social category. __________________

2. Choose the best option to answer the questions.

2.1 What do discrimination and a viral pathogen have in common?

a. They both reach a small area quickly.
b. They both disseminate easily and at a high rate.
c. They both spread easily in specific communities.

2.2 How can the relationship between social networking and racial stereotyping be characterised?
a. The dissemination of racial stereotyping has been increased by the development of social
b. The expansion of racial stereotyping has intensified the development of social
c. The more social networking evolves, the more racial stereotyping decreases.

23 What does “clouding” mean in line 30?

a. Coating.
b. Dirtying.
c. Blurring.

2.4 The author asks everybody to take action and support the people who are being ostracized.
a. By challenging the current stereotypes, cooperating, and expressing their fears.
b. By cooperating, being sensible while expressing their fears, and purging current prejudice.
c. By getting rid of old prejudice, being aware of the way they express their fears, and
considering all the diversity there is in each person.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 41

1.1 / 1.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to three teenagers talking about their own experiences (as TCKs) at
international schools. Who says what? Write the name next to the sentence. [track 1]

(There are two extra sentences)

Kristina Anastasia Melanie

a. I had to deal with multiple cultures at once. _________________
b. International schools are shaped by both the local cultures
as well as the western culture. _________________
c. TCKs adapt easily. _________________
d. I realised that I was a TCK when I started to attend an
International School. _________________
e. Although international schools are a place where several cultures
meet, there is a sense that they are built around the Western culture. _________________
f. The classmates’ parents had jobs that required them to move around
the world a lot. _________________
g. I left my country and went to Europe when I was a little child. _________________
h. TCKs move around a lot and feel rootless. _________________

2. In the following text there are nine words that are not correct. Listen to [track 2]

the text, underline the wrong words and correct them.

An international school is built around the experience of TCKs so as to make their adaptation
easier from country to country and from international school to international school. The body
of students within an international school is incredibly disperse in terms of culture, countries of
origin, and the expanse to which each child is a TCK. International school kids all around the world
will have similar experiences when attending different international schools while still having to
find their own individual integrity. Although the other children might not be of the same country
of origin as oneself, relating to the experiences of other TCKs helps TCKs further develop
friendships and acquaintanceships within an international school. The common homebound of
being a TCK brings about a common feeling of identity for kids that attend international schools.
This relationship that is built on the grounds of being a TCK is incredibly important so that TCKs
can move around the world and still feel a sense of unity.

42 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 / 1.4 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to the first part of an institutional ad for the prevention of [track 3]

discrimination brought about by the pandemic and decide whether the
following statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

a. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Asian Americans have been a growing target of
discrimination at all levels, including violence.
b. Countries from all around the globe are taking measures to stop violence,
bullying and harassment.
c. Many Americans connect the disease not only with a geographic place but also
with a race or nationality.
d. People must take action and contribute to a better and more respectful society. T F NM

2. Listen to the second part of the announcement and mark the four [track 4]
suggestions that were mentioned.
a. Cooperate with different organisations.

b. Provide accurate information.

c. Avoid stereotyping people or countries.

d. Ask for help.

e. Be aware of how you express your fears.

f. Model inclusion and compassion.

g. Encourage your neighbours to follow these suggestions.

h. Stop any type of harassment or bullying immediately.

3. Listen to a reporter talking about the increase in insults and threats to

Chinese Canadians since the pandemic began. Match the percentages [track 5]

with the topics. Three of them do not apply.

18% 8% 30% 3% 43% 28%

a. People physically attacked by strangers.

b. People exposed to anti-Chinese social media, jokes, graffiti…
c. People personally threatened or intimidated.

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1.1 Writing – Blog post
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Welcome to Cultural Bites Blog!

Here you can find cultural bits from around the globe.
This time we are asking about your travel experiences.
Write a post where you share your impressions
about the most amazing place you have ever visited.
Write no more than 80 words.

The most amazing place I’ve ever visited

__________________________________________ Greeting and Introduction

__________________________________________ Introduce yourself and the topic you
__________________________________________ are going to write about.
__________________________________________ Body
__________________________________________ Write short sentences about:
__________________________________________ • where it is;
__________________________________________ • how and when you went;
__________________________________________ • what you can see or visit;
__________________________________________ • what people are like;
__________________________________________ • traditions
__________________________________________ • habits;
__________________________________________ • feelings;
__________________________________________ • …
__________________________________________ Conclusion
__________________________________________ Conclude with your impressions
__________________________________________ of the place.

44 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.2 Writing – Narrative text
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Telling stories is as old as humanity. We see and hear

stories about real or imaginary people everywhere and
on a daily basis. It’s your turn to be the storyteller
and write a narrative text on the topic:
 The tips on page 46 of your textbook will help you.

__________________________________________ Title
Give your story a title.
Make reference to the characters, the
time, and the setting.
• Report the events of the day in a
chronological order; use past-related
tenses and connectors of time and
• Describe your feelings and thoughts;
use negative and positive adjectives.
Conclude the story describing your
feelings at the end of the day.

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1.3 Writing
Writing – Editorial
– Narrative text
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You are going to write an editorial for an online newspaper.

1.1 Read the following headline and lead and complete the mind map
that will help you write your text.

Man Slaps Woman on Subway Platform After

Making Anti-Asian Statement
A New York City subway rider was attacked earlier this month
in what police are investigating as an anti-Asian crime. NYPD
states that violence against Asians and Asian Americans has
grown since the beginning of the pandemic.
www.nbcnewyork.com, December 13, 2021
(adapted; accessed in December 2021)

a. Identification of the issue: b. Its relevance in today’s world:

______________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________

c. Your position on the matter: d. Three arguments:

________________________ _______________
________________________ ___________________________
________________________ ___________________________

e. Get your audience to take action:


2. Write your text. The instructions and useful language on page 63 of your textbook
will help you.

46 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.4 Writing – Memoir
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You are going to write a memoir with the title How has a day changed my life forever?
where you share a touchstone moment in your life – your first day as a volunteer at
the local Food Bank branch.

Organise the information in chronological

order and don’t forget to mention:

– who you are

– why you were there
– who you were with
– what you did and felt
– why it was a life-changing moment
 The tips on page 72 of your textbook will help you.

How has a day changed my life forever?


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1.1/1.2 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Join in groups and prepare a presentation about one

of the most culturally diverse cities in the world.


Step 1: Do some research about the city you have chosen.

Step 2: Organise all the information into different topics:

a. Location / Population (where it is located and the main geographical features of the area;
number of people and their origin).
b. What the city is famous for (landmarks, music, industry, festivals, food, traditions).
c. Things a visitor should not miss.

Step 3: Prepare a quiz with 10 multiple-choice questions based on your speech.

 You can use any kind of visual aids to help you: pictures, flyers, short documentaries…
 Each member of the group has to speak at least 60 seconds.

ROLE-PLAY Pair work/interaction

In pairs, role-play the following situation.

You’ll find some useful language in your textbook, page 37.


You are a foreign influencer who has just You are a student who is going to be
arrived in Portugal and would like to ask some interviewed by a foreign influencer. You not
questions about the culture and society of the only need to tell him/her about the major
country. You would also like to ask for some features of the Portuguese culture but also
advice which may help you get the most out of describe Portuguese society. Be prepared to
your visit: what to wear on different occasions; give him/her some advice concerning: what to
what and where to eat; what to visit; how to wear on different occasions; what and where
greet people; habits. to eat; what to visit; how to greet people;
habits; the meaning of one or two idioms.

48 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 / 1.4SPEAKING
1.3/1.4 Speaking

Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

DEBATE Pair work/discussion

1. Your class has been invited to take part in an International School Debate on Youth
Volunteering. To prepare yourself for that event, practise your speaking skills with a
1.1 Choose picture A or B.
1.2 Take turns answering all the questions below. You’ll find some useful language in your
textbook, page 67.
a. What can you see in the picture?
b. What may lead young people to volunteer?
c. Is volunteering worth the time it takes?
d. Would you like to be a volunteer? If yes, in which fields would you like to give your time?
e. What types of volunteer work would be unpleasant for you and why?
f. What would you do if someone challenged you to volunteer abroad?

A. B.


1. A group of migrants has been living in your town for three months and you are going
to interview one of them in order to get information to write a post for the school
1.1 Prepare the questions and the answers in note form. You’ll find some useful language in your
Student’s Book, page 79. You may want to ask about:
– the people who he/she came with and the ones he/she left behind
– the most difficult part about leaving
– the hardships of the journey
– the first impressions when he/she arrived
– who helped him/her
– what he/she misses most about the home country
– his/her expectations about the host country
– his/her biggest challenges so far
– a piece of advice for new migrants
1.2 Carry out the interview.
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1.1 Present and future tenses
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Jim decided to call his long-term friend Sam who is now living in
Scotland. Complete their conversation with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
JIM Hi Sam! What a._________________ (you / do)?
SAM I b._________________ (have) breakfast at the moment.
JIM Aren’t you late for college?
SAM No way! I only c._________________ (have) one class today and it d._________________
(start) at 10 a.m. The bus I usually catch e._________________ (not leave) until 9.35 a.m.
I’ve got plenty of time.
JIM All right, then. I just wanted to know how you f._________________ (do).
SAM I’m OK but I g._________________ (begin) to feel a bit lonely here. I miss my home and friends.
Besides, I don’t really know many people, and things h._________________ (get) boring.
JIM You?! Lonely? I don’t believe it. You’re such an outgoing person. How is that possible?
SAM I’ve been very busy lately… but tonight… tonight i._________________ (be) different.
JIM What j._________________ (you / mean)? What k._________________ (you / do)?
SAM I’ve been invited by one of my neighbours to go to a festival.
JIM What l. _________________ (they / celebrate) there?
SAM It’s the Royal National Mòd, Scotland’s a Gaelic festival
that m._________________ (bring) together a huge range
of traditions and includes music performances.
JIM That n._________________ (sound) interesting. I’m sure
you o.________________ (love) it. p. ________________
(you / eat) there?
SAM I q._________________ (hope) so. I would like to try
some typical food and we r._________________ (plan) to spend some time on the street.
I’ve already checked the weather forecast and it s._________________ (not rain). How
about you?
JIM Actually, I’m very excited today because, at 3 p.m., I t._________________ (interview)
Christiane Amanpour for a college project. u._________________ (you / know) her?
SAM The British-Iranian journalist and former war reporter? Hang on. Someone
v._________________ (knock) on the door.

2. All the following sentences have incorrect verb tenses. Underline and correct them.
There may be two mistakes in the same sentence.
a. I’ve done a lot of revision, but I’m sure that when I sit down to do the exam, I’m forgetting
everything. ____________________________________________________________________
b. The plane is leaving in one hour. It’s impossible to get to the airport on time. What do you do?
c. “Is Sarah ready yet?” “She will take her time, but she says she is ready soon.”
d. It’s a wonderful day! The sun shines and we will go for a walk with our new friends.

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1.1 Past tenses
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 By the time Erika _____ at the conference about cultural diversity some of the students _____.
a. had already arrived… left b. arrived… had already left c. had arrived… were leaving
1.2 When I _____ in the USA and _____ to my cousin’s place, I _____ that I _____ my lucky charm.
a. arrived… headed… had realised… lost c. was arriving… headed… realised… lost
b. arrived… was heading… realised… had lost
1.3 Sarah _____ up her bag, put on her coat and _____ the house, but as soon as she _____ on
the train she realised that she _____ off the stove.
a. was picking… left… got… hadn’t switched c. picked… left… got… didn’t switch
b. picked… left… got… hadn’t switched
1.4 Shioban _____ see that the blond girl _____ difficulties making herself understood, so she
_____ to help her. After all, a lot of people _____ her during her first days in the USA.
a. could… was having… decided; had helped c. could… was having… had decided; helped
b. could… had… had decided; helped

2. Complete the following story with the most suitable form (past simple, past
continuous and past perfect).
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday, the sun
a.________________ (shine) and Tim b.___________
(be) about to embrace a new life project. He
c._________________ (feel) very excited when he
d._________________ (arrive) at the airport. He
e._______________ (wait) a long time for this day and
he f.____________ (start) to realise that he was going
to leave his country and family. He g.____________
(accept) a job in one of the most important European
Tim was really used to travelling. His mother is a former diplomat and during his childhood they
h._________________ (have) to move to lots of different places.
He i._________________ (get) on the plane at LAX Airport. Shortly after the plane
j._________________ (take) off the crew k._________________ (tell) the passengers that they
had to return to the airport. For the first time he l.______________ (start) to feel nervous and
while he m.______________ (try) to look out of the window, his heart n.______________ (beat)
fast. Some moments later he o.____________ (see) the lights of the airport, a lot of emergency
vehicles and he p._____________ (can) also see some smoke, but he q.______________
(not know) where it r.________________ (come) from.
Suddenly, Tim s._________________ (feel) a hard bump and the plane t.______________ (stop).
Some passengers u._________________ (cry) but, fortunately, the plane v.___________ (land)
without any problems. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before!

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1.2 Linking words/expressions
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Use the linking words/expressions in brackets to join the sentences. Make any
necessary changes.
a. We enjoy new experiences. We are afraid of going abroad. (in spite of)
b. No matter how hard the students worked, they never got good grades. They decided to talk to
the teacher. (as a result)
c. I would like to experience a deeper cultural diversity. I should go to a multicultural city.
(in order to)
d. You’ll only be able to stay a short time. The costs are very high. (due to)
e. He doesn’t have any relatives left in his hometown. He sometimes visits his old neighbours.
f. My life in Canada was good and secure. There was always something missing. (however)

2. Here is some advice on going to study in Tasmania, an island state of Australia that has
a unique cultural diversity.
Match the beginning of each sentence (column A) with its correct ending (column C)
and connect them using the appropriate linking word/expression from column B. There
is one extra option in column B.

a. The wilderness is easy
g. the owners use local produce, and
to access;
they are not expensive at all.
b. Take care on mountain 1. so as to
h. once you are out there, you are
roads 2. therefore really out there.
c. Tasmania is much 3. because of i. it’s a good idea to book your flight
bigger than most
4. since with an Australian company.
people anticipate
5. however j. be able to go on a nocturnal wildlife
d. It belongs to Australia,
spotting walk.
e. Pack good walking 6. consequently
k. driving distances can be deceptive.
boots and take a torch 7. although
l. the bends, ice and, of course, the
f. Take advantage of B&B

52 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.2 Prepositional phrases
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Identify the prepositional phrase in each sentence.

a. I’m at a loss to explain what happened. b. Everything happened at once – my sister

graduated, got a job, and got married, all in July!
c. Are you on good terms with
the mayor of the city?
e. Stay safe for the f. My grandfather always
sake of all! told me that “Nothing
d. Our work is far from finished; in this world happens
our efforts will not be in vain. by chance.”
h. If you are going to
come, please let me
g. They were acting on know in advance. i. Studying our history is by no
behalf of their children. means a waste of time.

1.1 Now match each prepositional phrase to its correct meaning. There are three extra meanings.

1. at the same time 7. definitely not

2. unexpectedly/accidentally 8. representing someone

3. intentionally 9. before a particular time

4. in the interest of/because of 10. unsuccessful /useless

11. to have a good relationship with
5. not knowing what to do/say
6. something different from
12. due to being afraid of
what is usual

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable prepositional phrase from exercise 1.

a. I’m sure she’ll have a lot to say about it. I’ve never seen her ______________ for words.
b. As far as possible, be ________________ with all your colleagues in the office.
c. We are ________________ citizens of different nations and of one world in which the local and
global are linked.
d. If you choose to extend your programme, please talk with the school director ____________ so
he can have time to replace you.
e. I went to places that I had never been before and enjoyed the sort of harmony I had sought
____________ during my years as a TCK.
f. This is the constructive message that I wished to convey to you today _______________ my

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1.2 Indefinite pronouns
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the lyrics of the song with the indefinite pronouns in the box.

somebody nobody everybody anybody

Can a.___________ find me b.____________ to love?

Everyday (everyday) I try and I try and I try
But c.______________ wants to put me down
They say I'm going crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
Ah, got no common sense
I got d.______________ left to believe in
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Queen, Somebody to Love (https://genius.com)

2. Melanie, Jules and Kristina are preparing the school auditorium to host a conference
on the topic “TCKs and the community”. Choose the most suitable pronouns to
complete their conversation.
MELANIE Hi there! We need to hurry so that a. nothing / anything / everything will be ready in
time. b. Somebody / Anybody / Nobody has to hand out the leaflets. Has c. nobody /
anybody / everybody brought more leaflets?
JULES I have. But first, can d. everyone / someone / anyone help me with these chairs?
KRISTINA Of course! I’m really excited, but at the same time so anxious. Are we missing
e. nothing / everything / anything? If there’s f. everything / something / nothing
missing, I’ll never forgive myself.
MELANIE Calm down! We’ve got g. everything / something / anything under control.
KRISTINA Hey! What’s that noise? Is h. somebody / nobody / everybody knocking at the door?
JULES No, there’s i. anybody / everybody / nobody there. You’re hearing things! Stop
worrying so much.
MELANIE There’s j. nothing / anything / something we need to worry about. We have been
preparing this conference for a long time. We haven’t forgotten k. nothing /
something / anything and l. something / everything / anything is going to be all right.

3. The following sentences were extracted from the guests’ speeches at the conference.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Write
between three and five words.
a. My sister makes new friends wherever she goes. (everywhere)
_____________________________________________________ my sister makes new friends.
b. He knows the opinions of all the people. (everyone)
He _________________________________________________________________________ .
c. I live in a small town and it is very boring. There’s no place to go. (anywhere)
I live in a small town and it is very boring. I _________________________________________ .

54 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Adjectives followed by prepositions
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the following diagrams with the adjectives and prepositions in the box.

busy • relevant • suitable • of • scared • to • beneficial • for

• disappointed • ready • with • obsessed • capable • thankful • angry
• addicted • worried • jealous • anxious

about excited; serious; ________; crazy; _______; surprised; ________

proud; ________; aware; ________; tired; ________; typical

________; responsible; eager; ________; ________; sorry; famous

patient; annoyed; crowded; ________; delighted; ________; ________

________; ________; ________; similar; indifferent; prone; new

2. Match the beginning of each sentence (column A) with its correct ending (column C)
and connect them using the appropriate preposition from column B. You can use the
preposition more than once.
a. I’m afraid that your comment is not g. all the volunteers who work
relevant there on a daily basis.
b. Are you aware h. the fact that the world is facing a
c. Has she always been afraid new crisis?
1. for
d. Inequity and social imbalances are i. ours.
2. to
responsible j. intolerance, racism and
3. of
e. Their ideas, opinions and tools are very xenophobia.
similar k. travelling by plane?
f. The NGO that helps the migrant l. the topic we are discussing.
children of my neighbourhood should
be proud

3. Make up sentences using the adjectives in brackets followed by suitable prepositions.

a. ________________________________________________________________________(worthy)

b. ___________________________________________________________________________(prone)

c. _______________________________________________________________________(obsessed)

d. ___________________________________________________________________________(eager)
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1.3 Present perfect/Present perfect continuous
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the following text using the present perfect or the present continuous of
the verbs in bracjets.
Catherine a. ___________________________ (volunteer) at a local organisation
since she was fifteen. She b. ___________________________ (love) helping
others for as long as she can remember.
Lately, she c. ___________________________ (notice) that more and more
refugees are arriving in the country. Seeing all those people that left everything
behind, with no job and striving to get a new life d. ___________________________
(not make) her happy. It’s hard thinking that there are people who need to flee
from home due to wars and religious persecutions and climate change.
She e. ___________________________ (think) about them and she
f. ___________________________ (decide) to raise funds to help refugees.
Therefore, she g. ___________________________ (already / create) leaflets
and written emails to some companies asking for donations. With the help of
her friends and family she h. ___________________________ (collect) some
money and she i. ___________________________ (hope) that she can raise
enough money to help give some refugees the opportunity to learn the
language, find a job and a home, and be part of a fair society.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word
in brackets. Use between two and five words.
a. This is the most complicated migrant crisis Europe has ever experienced. (never)
Europe _______________________________________ such a serious migrant crisis.
b. I started working on this project an hour ago. (been)
I _______________________________________ this project for an hour.
c. He returned the coat I lent him very quickly. (already)
He _______________________________________ the coat I lent him.
d. They still remember the times they spent together. (forgotten)
They _______________________________________ the times they spent together.
e. You have never written a letter before, have you? (ever)
Is this the first time _______________________________________ a letter?
f. She met him when he was a little boy. (known)
She _______________________________________ he was a little boy.
g. Anya is starving because the last time she ate was two days ago. (for)
Anya is starving because _______________________________________ two days.

56 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.4 If-clauses
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d).

1.1 If she doesn’t tell her the truth, I’m sure he ____________ it.
a. would regret b. regrets c. will regret d. would have regretted
1.2 If they ____________ the country, they wouldn’t have survived.
a. didn’t leave b. don’t leave c. haven’t left d. hadn’t left
1.3 ____________ someone helps that boy, he ____________ to find his family.
a. If… won’t be able b. Unless… won’t be able c. If… wouldn’t be able d. Unless… wouldn’t be able
1.4 If I were you, I ____________ to that NGO and try to find more about the scholarships they
are offering.
a. go b. went c. will go d. would go
1.5 Fatimah ____________that job as a refugee counsellor if she hadn’t worked hard.
a. wouldn’t have got b. would have got c. would get d. will get
1.6 They ____________ believe you ____________ you have everything in black and white.
a. don’t… if b. won’t… if c. will… unless d. won’t… unless

2. Look at the following quotes from a news article and explain what would have
happened if they hadn’t left Kabul.
I was able to escape the militia. a. She ___________________________________________
(British aid worker) ________________________________________________.

I have already helped 25 people b. He ___________________________________________

to arrange their departure. ________________________________________________.
(Charity volunteer)

I saved my family and found

c. She ___________________________________________
a new home here. (Refugee) ________________________________________________.

3. Rewrite the sentences below starting them as suggested and without changing their
a. Hassina’s son needs surgery, but she doesn’t have enough money for that.
If __________________________________________________________________________ .
b. They weren’t able to help them because they didn’t explain what the problem was.
They might __________________________________________________________________ .
c. If the Charity doesn’t find them a room, they will stay in a hotel.
Unless ______________________________________________________________________ .
d. After the earthquake I took a plane to Haiti and only there could I realise how powerful and
destructive nature can be.
If __________________________________________________________________________ .
e. The employers won’t do anything if we don’t protest against the inappropriate conditions
provided for those immigrants.
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1.4 I wish/If only
Unless ______________________________________________________________________ .
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences using the verbs: treat, go, stop, know, have, have (neg.).

a. _________ everyone __________ decent d. _________ I ____________ to a refugee camp

living conditions. and help children, but I’m not allowed to.

b. _________ my classmates ___________ I wish… e. _________ some governments ____________

discriminating. If only… refugees better.

c. _________ I __________ to go to a
f. _________ I ____________ about his
different city to find a charity that helps the
condition before.
homeless. There’s nothing here!

2. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, using the words
given. Use between two and five words.
a. I regret not keeping my passport in a safe place. (only)
If _____________________________ my passport in a safe place.
b. They were really sorry, but it was impossible to arrive on time. (arrived)
I _____________________________ on time.
c. The President of the Charity is doing a great job. He should have been appointed earlier. (had)
I wish the President of the Charity _____________________________.
d. If I had more time, I would volunteer at another organisation. (have)
If only _____________________________ to volunteer at another organisation.
e. John, please stop telling lies about foreign people. (wish)
I _____________________________ lies about foreign people.

3. Imagine you are a teen at a refugee camp. Write your wishes according to the prompts.
a. have a new mobile phone ________________________________________________________
b. go back home _________________________________________________________________
c. my family should have fled earlier _________________________________________________
d. stop playing boring music ________________________________________________________

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1.1 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Label the following patterns. Choose words from the box.

polka-dot striped floral/flowered paisley spotted plain checked

a. ________ b. ________ c. ________ d. ________ e. ________ f. ________ g. ________

2. Match the adjectives on the left with their meanings on the right.
a. tight/skinny 1. large, comfortable, and not tight
b. loose-fitting 2. very loose
c. clingy 3. fitting in a way that shows the shape of a person’s body
d. oversized 4. fitting one’s body very tightly
e. baggy 5. designed to look large

2.1. Are the words above related to size, style, or opinion? ________________________________

3. Use an adjective from the box to replace the underlined words in each sentence.
a. Sarah was the prettiest woman at the dinner with her elegant long
red dress. __________________
b. Classic, high-quality clothes are becoming very popular.
__________________ FLATTERING
c. She was told to always wear high heels, as they are much more VINTAGE
favourable to her legs. __________________
d. In a lot of companies people are allowed to wear informal clothes on
Fridays. ______________
e. The long length works best with clothes that are fitted to the body, so
you should go for tight skirts or stretchy dresses.
f. John wore a cap and very loose clothes to hide his real identity when he met the journalists.

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1.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Match the following words related to aspects of culture and cultural diversity with
their correct meanings on the left.
1. a social group that shares a common national or cultural
2. conflict resulting from the interaction of people with
a. beliefs
different cultural values and beliefs
b. values 3. something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as
c. culture clash an opinion
d. race 4. one of the major groups which human beings can be divided
e. ethnicity into according to their physical features
5. principles
f. background 6. the quality of being receptive to different and/or new ideas an
g. custom arguments
h. ritual 7. long-established practice
i. heritage 8. the achievements, beliefs and traditions that are part of the
history of a nation or a group
j. open-mindedness
9. the sum of a person’s education, knowledge, experience…
10. a series of actions carried out in a particular situation and
always in the same way

2. Complete the paragraphs below with the words from the box.

morality background heritage beliefs language

ethnicity traditions uniformity ethnic diversity

Every country in the world has its own cultural a.____________ and identity, these can mean
factors like their religious b.____________ and language. In the modern world with the increase
in air travel and also immigration due to population movement most countries now have small
c.____________ minority groups living within them. These groups will have their own culture and
d.____________, and it is this difference that can be said to provide cultural e.____________ to a
Nations where there is much cultural diversity can also sometimes be known as a multicultural
society, this is the opposite of cultural f.____________. Diversity can take many different forms,
for instance certain citizens may have their own dress style, food, g.______________, traditions
as well as different standards of h.______________. The UK can be described as a truly diverse
and multicultural country because of the immigration that has taken place there over the last fifty
odd years.
You should also note that diversity is not just limited to i.____________ but can also mean an
indigenous person’s j.____________ for instance their social class, sexual orientation as well as
their gender.
https://www.diversityjobboard.co.uk (adapted; accessed in October 2021)

60 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Match the letters with the numbers to form correct expressions.

a. make yourself 1. my best

b. make 2. understood
c. do 3. for a living
d. do something 4. an arrangement
e. make fun 5. of someone

2. Choose one of the nouns in the box to complete the sentences and put make/do in the
correct form.

research noise decision a list arrangements a good job plans

a. I have already __________ my __________. I’m going to attend the international school and
stay with my parents.
b. My friend is moving again. His parents are __________ the __________ for the trip while he is
____________________ to see us again.
c. It’s time to ____________________ of all the TCK students who would like to take part in the
d. In today’s class we were __________ some __________ on the topic “Multicultural cities”.
e. You are ____________________ helping the foreign students to get involved in the community.
f. They are always ____________________! It’s impossible to pay attention to the class and listen
to what the teacher is saying.

3. Complete the collocations and write sentences with them.

a. ______________ an attempt: ____________________________________________________
b. ______________ a favour: ______________________________________________________
c. _______________ a complaint: __________________________________________________
e. _______________ exercise: _____________________________________________________
f. _______________ a suggestion: __________________________________________________

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 61

Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the poster with words related to intolerance.


a. ______________: b. __________________: c. __________________:
(The belief that some races are (Extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, their (A strong feeling of dislike; hate.)
better than others, or the unfair customs, their religion,…)
treatment of someone because of
his/her race.)

d. __________________: e. ______________: f. __________________:

(The action or state of setting (Obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a (Preconceived opinion that is not
someone apart from others.) belief, opinion, or faction.) based on reason.)

g. __________________
(The practice of unfairly treating a
person or group differently from
other people or groups of people.)


2. Look at the following headlines and identify the topics they are related to. Use the
words from exercise 1.
a. Terror bombs explode b. Foreign workers drag c. Black woman charged more
across London down UK wages rent than white neighbours

d. Male music teacher fired e. Rescue boats? I’d use f. Disabled model told to
from NYC Catholic School for gunships to stop migrants ‘move on’ during London
marrying boyfriend Fashion week casting

a. __________ b. __________ c. __________ d. __________ e. __________ f. __________

3. Complete the text with words from the box. There are three extra words.

racism • diversity • gender • intolerance • stereotypes • ethnic

• values • xenophobia • race • segregation • status

People across the EU continue to be targeted by racism, a. _________, and other forms of
b. ___________ just because of their c. ___________, colour, religion, descent or national or
d. ___________ origin, sexual orientation or e. _________ identity, disability, social
f. ___________ or other characteristics.
The EU rejects and condemns all forms of racism and intolerance, as they are incompatible with
the g. ___________ and principles upon which the EU is founded.
A broad set of rules exist at the EU level which contribute better tackling different forms and
manifestations of h. ___________ and intolerance by means of criminal law.
https://ec.europa.eu (adapted: accessed in December 2021

62 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Replace the underlined expressions with one of the idioms below. There are three
extra idioms.

raise the white flag • whiter than white • black out • on the black market
• white as a sheet • a white elephant • paint a black picture • a white lie
• a black spot • the black sheep • in the black • in black and white

a. After years of hard work, I’m finally in a good financial situation.

b. You shouldn’t have bought this car. It’s too big and extremely expensive to keep. Why don’t
you sell it?
c. She’s so honest and completely good.
d. What happened? She’s extremely pale. Is she going to faint?
e. There’s nothing else we can do. We have been defeated. We’ll give up.
f. My oldest cousin is the odd member of the family. He always gets into trouble everywhere he
goes and he still doesn’t have a job.
g. Telling my parents that my lunch cost £10 instead of £8 is insignificant and harmless, isn’t it?
h. Hey! Don’t go that way. That road is very dangerous, accidents happen there all the time.
i. Finally there’s hope! The government has approved a new law to protect refugees. It’s here
in writing.

2. Complete the sentences with the idioms from exercise 1.

a. I always ____________________ at the sight of blood.
b. Unfortunately, we all know that people can buy guns ____________________.
c. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because she’s new here, so I told her ____________________.
d. "When you arrive there, people will treat you badly, you won’t get good job opportunities and
you’ll feel as if you are ____________________ of the community.”
“Hey, come on! Don’t say that, he doesn’t need anyone to ____________________ of the
e. My sister turned ____________________ when she saw the thief outside the window.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 63

1.4 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Certain words are easily confused. Choose from the pairs of words the most suitable
one to complete the headlines. A plural form may be needed.

break/brake • fair/fare • allowed/aloud • peace/piece • effect/affect

hear/here • loose/lose • illusion/allusion

Thousands of migrants a.___________ Volunteers read b. ____________ 5 to 15 minutes

shelter after camp destroyed in fire one-on-one with a child to build literacy skills.

Coronavirus Restrictions Take Banksy’s refugee d. ________ shows us how to

c.___________ Wednesday
The President made a brief f._________ to

Looking for Europe’s lowest g. _________

2. Below you’ll find some sentences written by refugees

in their memoirs. Say if the following sentences are right () or
wrong () and correct the wrong words.

a. I was not aloud to get on the plane.

b. My country was not at piece.
c. My family has been affected by years of persecution.
d. This is not a fare world.
e. Hear we go again.
f. I was helped to break into the EU.
g. Raising children peacefully in Afghanistan is an allusion.
h. When we leave our country, we lose everything.

64 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Inclusion worksheets
1.1 / 1.2 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


There are lots of things to like about living in
Singapore. As a tropical, multicultural metropolis with a
high standard of living, Singapore is comfortable and full
of interesting people. For people who love summer, the
5 weather is perfect for going to the beach, though very
humid. Singapore is a tiny nation with a booming
economy, so it’s easily policed and one of the safest
places in the world. The government is interested in the
welfare of its residents and the quality of education and
10 healthcare is of a high standard. As a nation with four
official languages, communication can be a fascinating
blend of sounds, words and phrases.
Singapore is not only a multicultural city but has four official cultural groups. Just
walking down the streets, you can see the variety of faces, dress and speech which reveals
15 the depth of Singapore’s multiculturalism. Many signs and announcements come in
multiple languages, with the majority of Singaporeans speaking more than one language.
There are so many restaurants representing food from so many Asian cuisines, not to
mention all the fusion. Mosques, Buddhist and Hindu temples, churches and synagogues
can be found sometimes within the same block. Holidays are also divided amongst
20 Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Hindu special days.
Multiculturalism has always been right in front of my face. It’s been impressed on me
since I was young that culture is an important part of identity and that we must strive to
recognise and respect that value as much for others as we feel it for ourselves. Respecting
cultural values is one of the most important values in building a cohesive society,
25 particularly as the world grows more connected day by day. But I have also seen the
incongruous moments when this is not as easy as it sounds and have recognised the effects
of dominant cultures on minority cultures. I’ve learned that, just like relationships between
individual personalities, relationships between cultures can be a bumpy road, but there will
always be more benefit in unity than in separation. I’ve also seen that culture is constantly
30 evolving and mixing and that, like individuals, culture needs the opportunity to grow.
While multiculturalism has ideas of collaboration and respect at its core, as a rigid
policy it can also be harmful, particularly to individuals who often struggle with plans
meant to benefit groups on a larger scale. Cultural conflicts can also affect relationships as
the closer people get, the more some may expect those close to them to adopt the same
35 values. People who don’t fit neatly into traditional categories may have special advantages
or may also be rejected by groups who define themselves by distinction from other groups,
rather than by seeing themselves as a contributing factor to a larger, varied but unified
culture: that of Singapore as unified culture itself.
The pure joy of meeting people who are different from myself is the main benefit of
40 multiculturalism in my life. Experiencing new ways of thinking and using new
perspectives to re-examine my own is a continual inspiration and motivation. Language is
often the key as connecting with others in their first language can be a more personal and
emotional experience. As a food-lover, the continual mixing and creativity created by
cultures combining and sharing will always produce results I can appreciate daily! Finally,
45 the understanding of the things that connect us, often unexpectedly, helps to make me a
more empathic and supportive member of my community at a local, civic, national and
global level. Being a more supportive member of my community means more friends,
more work, more opportunities and more growth. As they say: if you want to go fast, travel
alone; if you want to go far, travel together.
https://www.inlingua.com/multiculti-singapore/ (abridged and adapted; accessed in October 2021)

66 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. In which paragraphs can you find the following topics – paragraph 1, 4 or 5?

a. Positive aspects of living in a multicultural environment Paragraph _____

b. Singapore’s characteristics Paragraph _____
c. Downsides of multiculturalism Paragraph _____

2. Match the words extracted from paragraph 1 on the left with their synonyms on the
right. There is an extra word.

a. booming
1. megacity
b. blend
2. administrated
c. welfare
3. flourishing
d. policed
4. combination
e. metropolis

3. Match the words extracted from paragraph 4 on the left with their opposites on the
right. There is an extra word.

a. advantages
1. flexible
b. unified
2. divided
c. rigid
3. beneficial
d. harmful
4. drawbacks
e. neatly

4. Go to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 and decide whether the following statements are true or
a. It’s people’s duty to work hard to acknowledge and consider T F
culture as a vital part of identity.
b. Although interactions with diverse cultures may be regular, a divided T F
culture is always more beneficial.
c. Cooperation and consideration are the key to multiculturalism. T F
d. The more I get involved in my community, the more benefits I get. T F

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1.3/1.4 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


A viral pathogen can spread as fast as light in this globalized world, but the
phenomena of exclusion and discrimination can spread even faster. The covid panic
has had results that we don’t see in the case
of flu or pneumonia – racism and
5 xenophobia.
With the progress of social networking,
the spread of racial stereotyping has been
aggravated during times of global
involvement, worsening the existing
10 prejudice people have towards various
communities. In present times, across the
internet, people are not only blaming the
Chinese for the Coronavirus but have gone
as far as criticizing their culture.
15 Popular posts frequently claim that the pandemic is caused by “dirty people who
can’t keep order” and are warning people to “think twice before ordering anything
Chinese.” However, it is not the first time we have had something like this: we also
saw it with the Ebola outbreak in 2014, but it appears that we have had not learned
from the past.
20 Likewise, the media is contributing to racial stereotyping. On a now-deleted
Instagram post, the University of California, Berkeley, supported the idea of
xenophobia being a “normal reaction” to the spread of the disease. To cite the viral
post, it said “please recognize that experiencing any panic or anger can be normal
reactions and that over the next few days or weeks, you may experience periods of…
25 xenophobia: fears about interacting with those who might be from Asia and guilt
about those feelings.” Although they did apologize for their post, it shone a light
upon the fact that xenophobia has always been around.
Unfortunately, social stigma, discrimination, and xenophobia are perpetual
phenomena that seem to have been intensified during this global outbreak. Although
30 the concerns over the Coronavirus are understandable, the stereotypes and exclusion
currently clouding society are not. Instead of excluding an entire race during this
frightful time, we should try to support them as a form of solidarity. It is imperative
to see us in all our diversity and challenge the existing stereotypes. We are all at risk
of getting sick, there is no one more or less worthy of health.
35 During this appalling time of uncertainty and fear, we must come together and get
rid of the existing prejudice we have. Please be aware of how you express your fear.
Anxiety and fear do not excuse your attitude. We're all fighting the same battle. After
all, united we stand but divided we fall.
www.voicesofyouth.org (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

68 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Find words in the text that match the following definitions.

a. an instance of keeping someone or something outside. (Paragraph 1) __________________

b. fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of their politics or culture.
(Paragraph 1) __________________
c. an unfair and unreasonable assumption or opinion formed without
enough thought or knowledge. (Paragraph 2) __________________
d. a set of generalisations about a group of people or a social category.
(Paragraph 5) __________________

2. Choose the best option to answer the questions.

2.1 What do discrimination and a viral pathogen have in common?

a. They both reach a small area quickly.
b. They both disseminate easily and at a high rate.
c. They both spread easily in specific communities.

2.2 How can the relationship between social networking and racial stereotyping be characterised?
a. The dissemination of racial stereotyping has been increased by the development of social
b. The expansion of racial stereotyping has intensified the development of social
c. The more social networking evolves, the more racial stereotyping decreases.

2.3 What does “clouding” mean in line 30?

a. Coating.
b. Dirtying.
c. Blurring.

2.4 The author asks everybody to take action and support the people who are being ostracized.
a. By challenging the current stereotypes, cooperating, and expressing their fears.
b. By cooperating, being sensible while expressing their fears, and purging current prejudice.
c. By getting rid of old prejudice, being aware of the way they express their fears, and
considering all the diversity there is in each person.

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1.1 / 1.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to three teenagers talking about their own experiences (as TCKs)
[track 1]
at international schools. Who says what? Tick () the correct column.

Kristina Anastasia Melanie

a. I had to deal with multiple cultures at once.

b. International schools are shaped by both the local cultures
as well as the western culture.
c. Although international schools are a place where several
cultures meet, there is a sense that they are built around
the Western culture.
d. The classmates’ parents had jobs that required them to
move around the world a lot.
e. I left my country and went to Europe when I was a little
f. TCKs move around a lot and feel rootless.
[track 2]
3. Listen to the text and circle the words you hear.

An international school is built around the experience of TCKs so as to make their a. adaptation /
sensation / transition easier from country to country and from international school to international
school. The body of students within an international school is incredibly b. disperse / diverse /
adverse in terms of culture, countries of origin, and the c. extent / advance / expanse to which
each child is a TCK. International school kids all around the world will have similar experiences when
attending different international schools while still having to find their own individual d. immensity
/ integrity / identity. Although the other children might not be of the same country of origin as
oneself, relating to the experiences of other TCKs helps TCKs further develop friendships and
e. acquaintanceships / relationships / fellowships within an international school. The common
f. context / homebound / background of being a TCK brings about a common g. perception / sense
/ feeling of identity for kids that attend international schools. This relationship that is built on the
grounds of being a TCK is incredibly important so that TCKs can move around the h. planet / globe /
world and still feel a sense of I unity / group / community.

70 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to the first part of an institutional ad for the prevention of [track 3]

discrimination brought about by the pandemic and decide whether the
following statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

a. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Asian Americans have been a growing target
of discrimination at all levels, including violence.
b. Countries from all around the globe are taking measures to stop violence,
bullying and harassment.
c. Many Americans connect the disease not only with a geographic place but also
with a race or nationality.
d. People must take action and contribute to a better and more respectful society. T F NM

2. Listen to the second part of the announcement and mark the four [track 4]
suggestions that were mentioned.
a. Cooperate with different organisations.

b. Provide accurate information.

c. Avoid stereotyping people or countries.

d. Model inclusion and compassion.

e. Encourage your neighbours to follow these suggestions.

f. Stop any type of harassment or bullying immediately.

3. Listen to a reporter talking about the increase in insults and threats to

Chinese Canadians since the pandemic began. Match the percentages [track 5]

with the topics.

30% 8% 43%

a. People physically attacked by strangers.

b. People exposed to anti-Chinese social media, jokes, graffiti…
c. People personally threatened or intimidated.

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1.1 Writing – Blog post
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Welcome to Cultural Bites Blog!

Here you can find cultural bits from around the globe.
This time we are asking about your travel experiences.
Write a post where you share your impressions
about the most amazing place you have ever visited.
Write no more than 80 words.

The most amazing place I’ve ever visited

Hi, I’m _____________________________________ Greeting and Introduction

__________________________________________ Introduce yourself and the topic you
__________________________________________ are going to write about.
It’s located in _______________________________ Body
__________________________________________ Write short sentences about:
__________________________________________ • where it is;
__________________________________________ • how and when you went;
__________________________________________ • what you can see or visit;
__________________________________________ • what people are like;
__________________________________________ • traditions;
__________________________________________ • habits;
__________________________________________ • feelings;
__________________________________________ • …
One thing that makes it unique is _______________ Conclusion
__________________________________________ Conclude with your impressions
__________________________________________ of the place.

72 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.2 Writing – Narrative text
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Telling stories is as old as humanity. We see and hear

stories about real or imaginary people everywhere and
on a daily basis. It’s your turn to be the storyteller
and write a narrative text on the topic:
 The tips on page 46 of your textbook will help you.

It was a lovely day when ______________________ Title

__________________________________________ Give your story a title.
__________________________________________ Introduction
__________________________________________ Make reference to the characters, the
__________________________________________ time, and the setting.
I have just arrived at the city centre _____________
__________________________________________ Body
__________________________________________ • Report the events of the day in a
__________________________________________ chronological order; use past-related
__________________________________________ tenses and connectors of time and
Suddenly __________________________________ sequence.
__________________________________________ • Describe your feelings and thoughts;
__________________________________________ use negative and positive adjectives.
I was feeling ________________________________
At the end of the day _________________________ Conclusion
__________________________________________ Conclude the story describing your
__________________________________________ feelings at the end of the day.

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1.3 Writing
Writing – Editorial
– Narrative text
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You are going to write an editorial for an online newspaper.

1.1 Read the following headline and lead and complete the mind map
that will help you write your text.

Man Slaps Woman on Subway Platform After

Making Anti-Asian Statement
A New York City subway rider was attacked earlier this month
in what police are investigating as an anti-Asian crime. NYPD
states that violence against Asians and Asian Americans has
grown since the beginning of the pandemic.
www.nbcnewyork.com, December 13, 2021
(adapted; accessed in December 2021)

a. Identification of the issue: b. Its relevance in today’s world:

______________________ ________________________
______________________ ________________________

c. Your position on the matter: d. Three arguments:

________________________ _______________
________________________ ___________________________
________________________ ___________________________

e. Get your audience to take action:


2. Write your text. The instructions and useful language on page 63 of your textbook
will help you.
Discrimination against _____________________________________________________________
On the one hand _________________________________________________________________
The way I see things _______________________________________________________________
Considering that ______________________________________________________________ we
should __________________________________________________________________________

74 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.4 Writing – Memoir
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You are going to write a memoir with the title How has a day changed my life forever?
where you share a touchstone moment in your life – your first day as a volunteer at
the local Food Bank branch.

Organise the information in chronological

order and don’t forget to mention:

– who you are

– why you were there
– who you were with
– what you did and felt
– why it was a life-changing moment
 The tips on page 72 of your textbook will help you.

How has a day changed my life forever?

My name is ___________________________________ and I have been a volunteer at
The day I started ______________________________________________________
I was with ____________________________________________________________
I got to know a lot of children whose parents became unemployed________________
At the end of the day I realised____________________________________________

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1.1 / 1.2 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Join in groups and prepare a presentation about one

of the most culturally diverse cities in the world.


Step 1: Do some research about the city you have chosen.

Step 2: Organise all the information into different topics:

a. Location / Population (where it is located and the main geographical features of the area;
number of people and their origin).
b. What the city is famous for (landmarks, music, industry, festivals, food, traditions).
c. Things a visitor should not miss.

Step 3: Prepare a quiz with 10 multiple-choice questions based on your speech.

 You can use any kind of visual aids to help you: pictures, flyers, short documentaries…
 Each member of the group has to speak at least 60 seconds.

ROLE-PLAY Pair work/interaction

In pairs, role-play the following situation.

 You’ll find some useful language in your textbook, page 37.


You are a foreign influencer who has just You are a student who is going to be
arrived in Portugal and would like to ask some interviewed by a foreign influencer. You not
questions about the culture and society of the only need to tell him/her about the major
country. You would also like to ask for some features of the Portuguese culture but also
advice which may help you get the most out of describe Portuguese society. Be prepared to
your visit: what to wear on different occasions; give him/her some advice concerning: what to
what and where to eat; what to visit; how to wear on different occasions; what and where
greet people; habits. to eat; what to visit; how to greet people;
habits; the meaning of one or two idioms.

76 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 / 1.4SPEAKING
1.3/1.4 Speaking

Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

DEBATE Pair work/discussion

1. Your class has been invited to take part in an International School Debate on Youth
Volunteering. To prepare yourself for that event, practise your speaking skills with a
1.1 Choose picture A or B.
1.2 Take turns answering all the questions below. You’ll find some useful language in your
Textbook, page 67.
a. What can you see in the picture?
b. What may lead young people to volunteer?
c. Is volunteering worth the time it takes?
d. Would you like to be a volunteer? If yes, in which fields would you like to give your time?
e. What types of volunteer work would be unpleasant for you and why?
f. What would you do if someone challenged you to volunteer abroad?

A. B.


1. A group of migrants has been living in your town for three months and you are going
to interview one of them in order to get information to write a post for the school
1.1 Prepare the questions and the answers in note form. You’ll find some useful language in your
Student’s Book, page 79. You may want to ask about:
– the people who he/she came with and the ones he/she left behind
– the most difficult part about leaving
– the hardships of the journey
– the first impressions when he/she arrived
– who helped him/her
– what he/she misses most about the home country
– his/her expectations about the host country
– his/her biggest challenges so far
– a piece of advice for new migrants
1.2 Carry out the interview.

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1.1 Present and future tenses
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Jim decided to call his long-term friend Sam who is now living in
Scotland. Circle the right option to complete their conversation.
JIM Hi Sam! What a. do you do / are you doing?
SAM I b. have / ‘m having breakfast at the moment.
JIM Aren’t you late for college?
SAM No way! I only c. have / will have one class today and it d. start /
starts at 10 a.m. The bus I usually catch e. doesn’t leave / isn’t
leaving until 9.35 a.m. I’ve got plenty of time.
JIM All right, then. I just wanted to know how you f. do / are doing.
SAM I’m OK but I g. begin / ‘m beginning to feel a bit lonely here. I miss my home and friends.
Besides, I don’t really know many people, and things h. get / are getting boring.
JIM You?! Lonely? I don’t believe it. You’re such an outgoing person. How is that possible?
SAM I’ve been very busy lately… but tonight… tonight i. is / is going to be different.
JIM What j. do you mean /will you mean? What k. do you do / are you going to do?
SAM I’ve been invited by one of my neighbours to go to a
JIM What l. are they celebrating / will they celebrate there?
SAM It’s the Royal National Mòd, Scotland’s Gaelic festival that
m. brings / is bringing together a huge range of traditions,
and includes music performances.
JIM That n. sounds / will sound interesting. I’m sure you
o. love / will love it. p. Will you eat / Are you going to eat there?
SAM I q. hope / will hope so. I would like to try some typical food and we r. plan / are planning
to spend some time on the street. I’ve already checked the weather forecast and it s. isn’t
raining / isn’t going to rain. How about you?
JIM Actually, I’m very excited today because, at 3 p.m., I t. ‘m interviewing / will interview
Christiane Amanpour. u. Do you know her / Will you know her?
SAM The British-Iranian journalist and former war reporter? Hang on. Someone v. knocks / is
knocking on the door.

2. The underlined verbs are wrong. Choose the most suitable option to correct them.
2.1 I’ve done a lot of revision, but I’m sure that when I sit down to do the exam, I’m forgetting
a. forget b. will forget
2.2 The plane is leaving in one hour. It’s impossible to get to the airport on time. What do you do?
a. will leave… are you going to do b. leaves… are you going to do
2.3 “Is Sarah ready yet?” “She will take her time, but she says she is ready soon.”
a. is taking… will be b. will take… will be
2.4 It’s a wonderful day! The sun shines and we will go for a walk with our new friends.
a. is shining… go b. is shining… are going

78 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.1 Past tenses
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 By the time Erika _____ at the conference about cultural diversity some of the students _____.
a. had already arrived… left b. arrived… had already left
1.2 When I _____ in the USA and _____ to my cousin’s place, I _____ that I _____ my lucky charm.
a. arrived… was heading… realised… had lost b. was arriving… headed… realised… lost
1.3 Sarah _____ up her bag, put on her coat and _____ the house, but as soon as she _____ on
the train she realised that she _____ off the stove.
a. picked… left… got… didn’t switch b. picked… left… got… hadn’t switched
1.4 Shioban _____ see that the blond girl _____ difficulties making herself understood, so she
_____ to help her. After all, a lot of people _____ her during her first days in the USA.
a. could… was having… decided; had helped b. could… had; had decided… helped

2. Circle the most suitable form of the verbs to complete the following story.
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday, the sun a. shone
/ was shining and Tim b. was / had been about to
embrace a new life project. He c. was feeling /
had felt very excited when he d. arrived / was
arriving at the airport. He e. had waited / was
waiting a long time for this day and he f. was
starting / had started to realise that he was going
to leave his country and family. He g. was
accepting / had accepted a job in one of the most
important European capitals.
Tim was really used to travelling. His mother is a former diplomat and during his childhood they
h. had / had had to move to lots of different places.
He i. got / was getting on the plane at LAX Airport. Shortly after the plane j. was taking / had
taken off the crew k. told / was telling the passengers that they had to return to the airport. For
the first time he l. started / had started to feel nervous and while he m. had tried / was trying to
look out of the window, his heart n. was beating / had beaten fast. Some moments later he o.
saw / was seeing the lights of the airport, a lot of emergency vehicles and he p. could / can also
see some smoke, but he q. didn’t know / hadn’t known where it r. was coming / had come from.
Suddenly, Tim s. felt / was feeling a hard bump and the plane t. stopped / had stopped. Some
passengers u. cried / were crying but, fortunately, the plane v. landed / was landing without any
problems. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before!

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1.2 Linking words/expressions
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Use the given linking words/expressions to join the sentences and complete them.
a. We enjoy new experiences. We are afraid of going abroad.
In spite of , we are .
b. No matter how hard the students worked, they never got good grades. They decided to talk to
the teacher.
No matter ___________________________________________; ___________________ they
decided __________________________________________________________ . (as a result)
c. I would like to experience a deeper cultural diversity. I should go to a multicultural city.
In order to ,I .
d. You’ll only be able to stay a short time. The costs are very high.
Due to the , .
e. He doesn’t have any relatives left in his hometown. He sometimes visits his old neighbours.
Although he , he .
f. My life in Canada was good and secure. There was always something missing.
My life ; , there . (however)

2. Here is some advice on going to study in Tasmania, an island state of Australia that has
a unique cultural diversity.
Match the beginning of each sentence (column A) with its correct ending (column C)
and connect them using the appropriate linking word/ expression from column B.

a. The wilderness is easy g. the owners use local produce, and
to access; they are not expensive at all.
b. Take care on mountain h. once you are out there, you are
1. so as to
roads really out there.
2. therefore
c. Tasmania is much i. it’s a good idea to book your flight
bigger than most 3. because of with an Australian company.
people anticipate
4. since j. be able to go on a nocturnal wildlife
d. It belongs to Australia, spotting walk.
5. however
e. Pack good walking k. driving distances can be deceptive.
6. consequently
boots and take a torch
l. the bends, ice and, of course, the
f. Take advantage of B&B wildlife.

80 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.2 Prepositional phrases
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Identify the prepositional phrase in each sentence.

a. I’m at a loss to explain what happened. b. Everything happened at once – my sister

graduated, got a job, and got married, all
c. Are you on good terms with in July!
the mayor of the city?
e. Stay safe for the sake f. My grandfather always
of all! told me that “Nothing
d. Our work is far from
in this world happens
finished; our efforts
by chance.”
will not be in vain.
h. If you are going to
come, please let me
g. They were acting on i. Studying our history is by
know in advance.
behalf of their children. no means a waste of time.

1.1 Now match each prepositional phrase to its correct meaning.

1. at the same time 6. representing someone

2. unexpectedly/accidentally 7. before a particular time

3. in the interest of/because of 8. unsuccessful/useless

9. to have a good relationship with
4. not knowing what to do/say
5. definitely not

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable prepositional phrase from exercise 1.

a. I´m sure she’ll have a lot to say about it. I’ve never seen her at ______________ for words.

b. As far as possible, be on ________________ with all your colleagues in the office.

c. We are at ________________ citizens of different nations and of one world in which the local
and global are linked.

d. If you choose to extend your programme, please talk with the school director in ____________
so he can have time to replace you.

e. I went to places that I had never been before and enjoyed the sort of harmony I had sought in
____________ during my years as a TCK.

f. This is the constructive message that I wished to convey to you today _______________ my

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1.2 Indefinite pronouns
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the lyrics of the song with the indefinite pronouns in the box.

somebody nobody everybody anybody

Can a.___________ find me b.____________ to love?

Everyday (everyday) I try and I try and I try
But c.______________ wants to put me down
They say I'm going crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
Ah, got no common sense
I got d.______________ left to believe in
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Queen, Somebody to Love (https://genius.com)

2. Melanie, Jules and Kristina are preparing the school auditorium to host a conference
on the topic “TCKs and the community”. Choose the most suitable pronouns to
complete their conversation.
MELANIE Hi there! We need to hurry so that a. nothing / everything will be ready in time.
b. Somebody / Anybody has to hand out the leaflets. Has c. nobody / anybody
brought more leaflets?
JULES I have. But first, can d. someone / anyone help me with these chairs?
KRISTINA Of course! I’m really excited, but at the same time so anxious. Are we missing
e. everything / anything? If there’s f. something / nothing missing, I’ll never forgive
MELANIE Calm down! We’ve got g. everything / something under control.
KRISTINA Hey! What’s that noise? Is h. somebody / nobody knocking at the door?
JULES No, there’s i. anybody / nobody there. You’re hearing things! Stop worrying so much.
MELANIE There’s j. nothing / anything we need to worry about. We have been preparing this
conference for a long time. We haven’t forgotten k. something / anything and
l. something / everything is going to be all right.

82 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Adjectives followed by prepositions
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the following diagrams with the adjectives and prepositions in the box.

busy • relevant • suitable • of • scared • to • beneficial • for

• disappointed • ready • with • obsessed • capable • thankful • angry
• addicted • worried • jealous • anxious

about excited; serious; ________; crazy; _______; surprised; ________

proud; ________; aware; ________; tired; ________; typical

________; responsible; eager; ________; ________; sorry; famous

patient; annoyed; crowded; ________; delighted; ________; ________

________; ________; ________; similar; indifferent; prone; new

2. Match the beginning of each sentence (column A) with its correct ending (column C)
and connect them using the appropriate preposition from column B. You can use the
preposition more than once.
a. I’m afraid that your comment is not g. all the volunteers who work
relevant there on a daily basis.
b. Are you aware h. the fact that the world is facing a
c. Has she always been afraid new crisis?
1. for (1x)
d. Inequity and social imbalances are i. ours.
2. to (2x)
responsible j. intolerance, racism and
3. of (3x)
e. Their ideas, opinions and tools are very xenophobia.
similar k. travelling by plane?
f. The NGO that helps the migrant l. the topic we are discussing.
children of my neighbourhood should
be proud

3. Make up sentences using the adjectives in brackets followed by suitable prepositions.

a. This boy is worthy _________________________________________________________________

b. The city of Lisbon is prone ____________________________________________________________

c. She is always thinking about James. I think she is obsessed ________________________________

d. The President is an ambitious man, eager________________________________________________

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1.3 Present perfect/Present perfect continuous
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Circle the correct option.

Catherine a. has volunteered / has been volunteering at a local
organisation since she was fifteen. She b. has loved / has been loving
helping others for as long as she can remember.
Lately, she has been noticing that more and more refugees are arriving
in the country. Seeing all those people that left everything behind, with no
job and striving to get a new life c. hasn’t made / hasn’t been making her
happy. It’s hard thinking that there are people who need to flee from home
due to wars, religious persecutions and climate change.
She d. has thought / has been thinking about them and she e. has
decided / has been deciding to raise funds to help refugees. Therefore, she
f. has already created / has already been creating leaflets and written
emails to some companies asking for donations.
With the help of her friends and family she g. has collected / has been
collecting some money and she h. has hoped / has been hoping that she
can raise enough money to help give some refugees the opportunity to
learn the language, find a job and a home, and be part of a fair society.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word
in brackets. Use between two and five words.
a. This is the most serious migrant crisis Europe has ever experienced. (never)
Europe has _______________________________________ such a serious migrant crisis.
b. I started working on this project an hour ago. (been)
I _____________________________ working on this project for an hour.
c. He returned the coat I lent him very quickly. (already)
He _______________________________________ the coat I lent him.
d. They still remember the times they spent together. (forgotten)
They have _______________________________________ the times they spent together.
e. You have never written a letter before, have you? (ever)
Is this the first time you _______________________________________ a letter? (ever)
f. She met him when he was a little boy. (known)
She _______________________________him since he was a little boy.
g. Anya is starving because the last time she ate was two days ago. (for)
Anya is starving because she has_______________________________________ two days.

84 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.4 If-clauses
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d).

1.1 If she doesn’t tell her the truth, I’m sure he ____________ it.
a. would regret b. regrets c. will regret d. would have regretted
1.2 If they ____________ the country, they wouldn’t have survived.
a. didn’t leave b. don’t leave c. haven’t left d. hadn’t left
1.3 ____________ someone helps that boy, he ____________ to find his family.
a. If… won’t be able c. If… wouldn’t be able
b. Unless… won’t be able d. Unless… wouldn’t be able
1.4 If I were you, I ____________ to that NGO and try to find more about the scholarships they
are promoting.
a. go b. went c. will go d. would go
1.5 Fatimah ____________that job as a refugee counsellor if she hadn’t worked hard.
a. wouldn’t have got b. would have got c. would get d. will get
1.6 They ____________ believe you ____________ you have everything in black and white.
a. don’t… if b. won’t… if c. will… unless d. won’t… unless

2. Look at the following quotes from a news article and explain what would have
happened if they hadn’t left Kabul.
I was able to escape the militia. a. She ___________________________________________
(British aid worker) _______________________________ to escape the militia.

I have already helped 25 people

to arrange their departure. b. He ___________________________________________
(Charity volunteer) __________________25 people to arrange their departure.

I saved my family and found c. She ________________________________________ her

a new home here. (Refugee) family and __________________________ a new home.

3. Rewrite the sentences below starting them as suggested and without changing their
a. Hassina’s son needs surgery, but she doesn’t have enough money for that.
If ________________________ , she would_______________________ for her son’s surgery.
b. They weren’t able to help them because they didn’t explain what the problem was.
They might ______________________ if they had __________________________________ .
c. If the Charity doesn’t find them a room, they will stay in a hotel.
Unless __________________________________________________ , they will stay in a hotel.
d. After the earthquake I took a plane to Haiti and only there could I realise how powerful and
destructive nature can be.
If _____________ a plane to Haiti, I wouldn’t have __________________________________ .
e. The employers won’t do anything if we don’t protest against the inappropriate conditions
provided for those immigrants.
Unless ______________________________ , the employers ___________________________ .
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1.4 I wish/If only
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences.

a. _________ everyone __________ (have) d. _________ I ____________ (go) to a refugee

decent living conditions. camp and help children, but I’m not allowed to.

b. _________ my classmates ___________ I wish… e. _________ some governments ____________

(stop) discriminating. If only… (treat) refugees better.

c. _________ I __________ (not have) to

f. _________ I ____________ (knew) about his
go to a different city to find a charity that
condition before.
helps the homeless. There’s nothing here!

2. Complete the second sentence including the word in brackets, so that it is similar in meaning
to the first, using the words given. Use between two and five words including the word in
a. I regret not keeping my passport in a safe place. (only)
If _______________ I _______________ my passport in a safe place.
b. They were really sorry, but it was impossible to arrive on time. (arrived)
I wish they _____________________ on time.
c. The President of the Charity is doing a great job. He should have been appointed earlier. (had)
I wish the President of the Charity _____________________ appointed earlier.
d. If I had more time, I would volunteer at another organisation. (have)
If only I _________________________ more time to volunteer at another organisation.
e. John, please stop telling lies about foreign people. (wish)
I ____________________________stop telling lies about foreign people.

3. Imagine you are a teen at a refugee camp. Write your wishes

according to the prompts.
a. have a new mobile phone (wish about the present) _______________________________________
b. go back home (difficult wish) ________________________________________________________
c. my family should have fled earlier (wish about the past) ___________________________________
d. stop playing boring music (expressing annoyance) ________________________________________

86 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.1 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Label the following patterns. Choose words from the box.

polka-dot striped floral/flowered paisley spotted plain checked

a. C________ b. S________ c. P________ d. S________ e. F________ f. P________ g. P________

2. Match the adjectives on the left with their meanings on the right.
a. tight/skinny 1. large, comfortable, and not tight
b. loose-fitting 2. very loose
c. clingy 3. fitting in a way that shows the shape of a person’s body
d. oversized 4. fitting one’s body very tightly
e. baggy 5. designed to look large

2.1. Are the words above related to size, style, or opinion? ________________________________

3. Use an adjective from the box to replace the underlined words in each sentence.
a. Sarah was the prettiest woman at the dinner with her elegant long
red dress. ___ ___ ___ ___ K BAGGY
b. Classic, high-quality clothes are becoming very popular. FLATTERING
___ I ___ ___ A ___ ___
c. She was told to always wear high heels, as they are much more
favourable to her legs. ___ ___ ___ TT ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ CASUAL
d. In a lot of companies people are allowed to wear informal clothes on CLINGY
Fridays. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ L SLEEK
e. The long length works best with clothes that are fitted to the body, so
you should go for tight skirts or stretchy dresses.
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Y
f. John wore a cap and very loose clothes to hide his real identity when he met the journalists.
___ ___ ___ ___ ___Y

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1.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Match the following words related to aspects of culture and cultural diversity with
their correct meanings.

1. a social group that shares a common national or cultural

a. beliefs
2. conflict resulting from the interaction of people with
b. values different cultural values and beliefs
c. culture clash 3. something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as
d. race an opinion
4. one of the major groups which human beings can be divided
e. ethnicity
into according to their physical features
5. principles


1. the quality of being receptive to different and/or new ideas an

a. background arguments
b. custom 2. long-established practice
3. the achievements, beliefs and traditions that are part of the
c. ritual
history of a nation or a group
d. heritage 4. the sum of a person’s education, knowledge, experience…
e. open-mindedness 5. a series of actions carried out in a particular situation and
always in the same way

2. Circle the correct option to complete the paragraphs below.

Every country in the world has its own cultural a. diversity / heritage and identity, these can
mean factors like their religious b. beliefs / manners and language. In the modern world with
the increase in air travel and also immigration due to population movement most countries
now have small c. ethnic / moral minority groups living within them. These groups will have
their own culture and d. ethnicity / traditions, and it is this difference that can be said to
provide cultural e. background / diversity to a country.
Nations where there is much cultural diversity can also sometimes be known as a
multicultural society, this is the opposite of cultural f. uniformity / diversity. Diversity can take
many different forms, for instance certain citizens may have their own dress style, food,
g. race / language, traditions as well as different standards of h. morality / uniformity. The UK
can be described as a truly diverse and multicultural country because of the immigration that
has taken place there over the last fifty odd years.
You should also note that diversity is not just limited to i beliefs / ethnicity but can also
mean an indigenous person’s j. background / morality for instance their social class, sexual
orientation as well as their gender.
https://www.diversityjobboard.co.uk (adapted; accessed in October 2021)

88 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Match the letters with the numbers to form correct expressions.

a. make yourself 1. my best
b. make 2. understood
c. do 3. for a living
d. do something 4. an arrangement
e. make fun 5. of someone

2. Choose one of the nouns in the box to complete the sentences and put make/do in the
correct form.

research • noise • decision • a list • arrangements • a good job • plans

a. I have already made my __________. I’m going to attend the international school and stay with
my parents.
b. My friend is moving again. His parents are making the __________ for the trip while he is
making _________ to see us again.

c. It’s time to make ___________ of all the TCK students who would like to take part in the

d. In today’s class we were doing some __________ on the topic “Multicultural cities”.

e. You are doing __________ helping the foreign students to get involved in the community.

f. They are always making ___________! It’s impossible to pay attention to the class and listen to
what the teacher is saying.

3. Complete the collocations and write sentences with them.

a. _____________ a favour: ________________________________________________________

b. ____________ exercise: ________________________________________________________

c. _____________ a suggestion: ____________________________________________________

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Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the poster with words related to intolerance.


a. ______________: b. __________________: c. __________________:
(The belief that some races are (Extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, their (A strong feeling of dislike; hate.)
better than others, or the unfair customs, their religion,…)
treatment of someone because of
his/her race.)

d. __________________: e. ______________: f. __________________:

(The action or state of setting (Obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a (Preconceived opinion that is not
someone apart from others.) belief, opinion, or faction.) based on reason.)

g. __________________
(The practice of unfairly treating a
person or group differently from
other people or groups of people.)


2. Look at the following headlines and identify the topics they are related to. Use the
words from exercise 1.
a. Terror bombs explode b. Foreign workers drag c. Black woman charged more
across London down UK wages rent than white neighbours

d. Male music teacher fired e. Rescue boats? I’d use f. Disabled model told to
from NYC Catholic School for gunships to stop migrants ‘move on’ during London
marrying boyfriend Fashion week casting

3. Complete the text with words from the box.

racism • gender • intolerance • ethnic • values • xenophobia

race • status

People across the EU continue to be targeted by racism, a. _________, and other forms of
b. ___________ just because of their c. ___________, colour, religion, descent or national or
d. ___________ origin, sexual orientation or e. _________, identity, disability, social
f. ___________ or other characteristics.
The EU rejects and condemns all forms of racism and intolerance, as they are incompatible with
the g. ___________ and principles upon which the EU is founded.
A broad set of rules exist at the EU level which contribute better tackling different forms and
manifestations of h. ___________ and intolerance by means of criminal law.

90 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Replace the underlined expressions with one of the idioms below.

raise the white flag • whiter than white • black out • a white elephant
• white as a sheet • a white lie • in black and white
• a black spot • the black sheep • in the black

a. After years of hard work, I’m finally in a good financial situation.

b. You shouldn’t have bought this car. It’s too big and extremely expensive to keep. Why don’t
you sell it?
c. She’s so honest and completely good.
d. What happened? She’s extremely pale. Is she going to faint?
e. There’s nothing else we can do. We have been defeated. We’ll give up.
f. My oldest cousin is the odd member of the family. He always gets into trouble everywhere he
goes and he still doesn’t have a job.
g. Telling my parents that my lunch cost £10 instead of £8 is insignificant and harmless, isn’t it?
h. Hey! Don’t go that way. That road is very dangerous, accidents happen there all the time.
i. Finally there’s hope! The government has approved a new law to protect refugees. It’s here in

2. Complete the sentences with the idioms from the box.

black out • white as a sheet • a white lie

• the black sheep • on the black market • paint a black picture

a. I always ____________________ at the sight of blood.

b. Unfortunately, we all know that people can buy guns ____________________.
c. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because she’s new here, so I told her ____________________.
d. "When you arrive there, people will treat you badly, you won’t get good job opportunities and
you’ll feel as if you are ____________________ of the community.”
“Hey, come on! Don’t say that, he doesn’t need anyone to ____________________ of the
e. My sister turned ____________________ when she saw the thief outside the window.

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1.4 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Certain words are easily confused. Choose from the pairs of words the most suitable
one to complete the headlines. A plural form may be needed.
Thousands of migrants a. loose / lose Volunteers read b. aloud / allowed 5 to 15 minutes
shelter after camp destroyed in fire one-on-one with a child to build literacy skills.

Coronavirus Restrictions Take Banksy’s refugee d. peace / piece shows us how to

c. affect / effect Wednesday
The President made a brief f. allusion / illusion to

Looking for Europe’s lowest

g. fairs / fares

2. Below you’ll find some sentences written by refugees

in their memoirs. Say if the following sentences are right
() or wrong () and correct the wrong words.

allowed • peace • effected • fair • here

• brake • illusion • Loose

a. I was not aloud to get on the plane.

b. My country was not at piece.
c. My family has been affected by years of persecution.
d. This is not a fare world.
e. Hear we go again.
f. I was helped to break into the EU.
g. Raising children peacefully in Afghanistan is an allusion.
h. When we leave our country, we lose everything.

92 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Unit 1 – Answer key

1. Standard worksheets 2.
a. ’m forgetting – will forget; b. is leaving – leaves; do you
do – are you going to do; c. takes – is taking; is – will be;
READING d. shines – is shining; will go – are going
1. 1.1 b; 1.2 b; 1.3 c; 1.4 a
a. Paragraph 5; b. Paragraph 1; c. Paragraph 4; d. Paragraph
2; e. Paragraph 3
a. was shining; b. was; c. was feeling ; d. arrived; e. had
a. metropolis; b. booming; c. policed; d. blend waited; f. was starting/started; g. had accepted; h. had;
3. i. got; j. had taken / took off; k. told; l. started; m. was
a. rigid; b. harmful; c. disadvantages; d. unified trying; n. was beating; o. saw; p. could; q. didn’t know; r.
4. was coming; s. felt; t. stopped; u. were crying; v. landed
a. true – “(…) culture is an important part of identity and we
must strive to recognise and respect that value…”; b. false – 1.1 LINKING WORDS/EXPRESSIONS
“(…) relationships between cultures can be a bumpy road, 1.
but there will always be more benefit in unity than in a. In spite of enjoying new experiences, we are afraid of
separation.”; c. true – “(…) multiculturalism has ideas of going abroad.
collaboration and respect at its core…”; d. true – “Being a
b. No matter how hard the students worked, they never got
more supportive member of my community means more
good grades; as a result, they decided to talk to the
friends, more work, more opportunities and more growth.”
1.3 / 1.4 READING c. In order to experience a deeper cultural diversity, I
1. should go to a multicultural city.
a. exclusion; b. xenophobia; c. prejudice; d. stereotypes d. You’ll only be able to stay a short time due to the very
2. high costs.
2.1 b; 2.2 a; 2.3 c; 2.4 b e. Although he doesn’t have any relatives left in his
hometown, he sometimes visits his old neighbours.
f. My life in Canada was good and secure; however, there
was always something there that was missing from my life.
a. – 5 – h; b. – 3 – l; c. – 6– k; d. – 2 – i; e. – 1 – j: f. – 4 – g
1.1 / 1.2 LISTENING
a. Anastasia; b. Kristina; c. extra sentence; d. extra 1.
sentence; e. Kristina; f. Melanie; g. Anastasia; h. Melanie a. at a loss; b. at once; c. on good terms; d. in vain; e. for
2. the sake of; f. by chance; g. on behalf of; h. in advance; i. by
a. adaptation - transition; b. disperse - diverse; c. expanse - no means
extent; d. integrity - identity; e. acquaintanceships - 1.1 b; 2. f; 3. none; 4. e; 5. a; 6. none; 7. i; 8. g; 9. h; 10. d;
relationships; f. homebound - background; g. feeling - 11. c; 12. none
sense; h. world - globe; i. unity - community 2.
a. at a loss; b. on good terms; c. at once; d. in advance; e. in
1.3 / 1.4 LISTENING vain; f. on behalf of
a. T; b. NM; c. T; d. T. 1.2 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS
2. 1. a. anybody; b. somebody; c. everybody; d. nobody
b; c; f; h 2.
3. a. everything; b. somebody, c. anybody; d. someone;
a. 8%; b. 30%; c. 43% e. anything; f. something; g. everything; h. somebody;
i. nobody; j. nothing; k. anything; l. everything
a. Everywhere she goes…; b. …. knows everyone’s opinions.;
GRAMMAR c. … can’t go anywhere.


1. 1.
a. are you doing; b. ’m having; c. have; d. starts; e. doesn’t about – anxious; worried; angry
leave; f. are doing; g. ’m beginning; h. are getting; i. is going of – scared; capable; jealous
to be / will be; j. do you mean; k. are you going to do, l. are for – suitable; thankful; ready
they celebrating; m. brings; n. sounds; o. ’ll love; p. Will you with – obsessed; disappointed; busy
eat / Are you going to eat; q. hope; r. are planning; s. isn’t to – relevant; beneficial; addicted
going to rain; t. ’m interviewing / ’m going to interview; 2.
u. Do you know; v. is knocking a. 2 – l; b. 3 – h; c. 3 – k; d. 1 – j; e. 2 – I; f. 3 – g
3. Personal answers.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 93

a. 3; b. 5; c. 2; d. 4; e. 1; f. 9; g. 7; h. 10; i. 8; j. 6
1. 2.
a. has been volunteering; b. has loved; c. has notice / has a) heritage; b) beliefs; c) ethnic; d) traditions; e) diversity;
been noticing; d. hasn’t made; e. has been thinking; f. has f) uniformity; g) language; h) morality; i) ethnicity;
decided; g. has already created; h. has collected; i. has been j) background
a. has never experienced; b. have been working on; c. has 1.
already returned; d. haven’t/have never forgotten; e. you a. 2; b. 4; c. 1; d. 3; e. 5
have ever written; f. has known him since; g. she hasn’t
eaten for
a. made… decision/plans; b. making… arrangements; making
1.3 IF-CLAUSES plans; c. make a list; d. doing… research; e. doing a good
1. job; f. making a noise
1.1 c; 1.2 d; 1.3 b; 1.4 d; 1.5 a; 1.6 d 3.
a. make; personal answer; b. do; personal answer; c. make;
a. wouldn’t have been able to escape the militia;
b. wouldn’t have helped 25 people to arrange their personal answer; d. do; personal answer; e. make; personal
departure; c. wouldn’t have saved her family and wouldn’t answer
have found a new home
a. Hassina had enough money, she would pay for her son’s 1.
surgery; b. have helped them if they had explained what a. racism; b. xenophobia; c. hatred; d. segregation;
the problem was; c. the Charity finds them a room, they will e. bigotry; f. prejudice; g. discrimination
stay in a hotel; d. I hadn’t taken a plane to Haiti, I wouldn’t 2.
have realised how powerful and destructive nature can be; a. bigotry; b. xenophobia; c. racism; d. discrimination;
e. we protest against the inappropriate conditions provided e. xenophobia; f. discrimination
for those immigrants, the employers won’t do anything 3.
a. xenophobia; b. intolerance; c. race; d. ethnic; e. gender;
1.4 I WISH/IF ONLY f. status; g. values; h. racism
a. I wish/If only; could have; b. I wish/If only; would stop; 1.3 COLOUR IDIOMS – BLACK AND WHITE
c. I wish/If only; didn’t have; d. I wish/If only; could go; 1.
e. I wish/If only; would treat; f. I wish/If only; had known a. in the black; b. a white elephant; c. whiter than white;
2. d. white as a sheet; black out; e. raise the white flag; f. the
a. I had kept; b. wish they had arrived; c. had been black sheep; g. a white lie; h. a black spot; i. in black and
appointed earlier; d. I could have more time; e. wish John white.
would stop telling 2.
3. a. black out; b. on the black market; c. a white lie; d. the
a. I wish/If only I had a new mobile phone.; b. I wish/If only black sheep; paint a black picture; e. white as a sheet
I could go back home.; c. I wish/If only my family had fled 1.4 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS
earlier.; d. I wish/If only they would stop playing boring
a. lose; b. aloud; c. effect; d. piece; e. hear; f. allusion;
g. fares; h. brakes

VOCABULARY a.  - aloud allowed; b.  - piece peace; c. ; d.  - fare fair;
e.  - Hear Here; f. ; g.  - allusion illusion; h. 
a. check(ed); b. spotted; c. polka-dot; d. striped; e. floral/
/flowered; f. plain; g. paisley
a. 4; b. 1; c. 3; d. 5; e. 2
2.1 Size
a. sleek; b. vintage; c. flattering; d. casual; e. clingy; f. baggy

94 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2. Inclusion worksheets 1.1 LINKING WORDS/EXPRESSIONS
a. In spite of enjoying new experiences, we are afraid of
READING going abroad.
b. No matter how hard the students worked, they never got
1.1 / 1.2 READING good grades; as a result, they decided to talk to the teacher.
1. c. In order to experience a deeper cultural diversity, I
a. Paragraph 5; b. Paragraph 1; c. Paragraph 4 should go to a multicultural city.
2. d. You’ll only be able to stay a short time due to the very
a. 3; b. 4; c. extra word; d. 2; e. 1 high costs.
3. e. Although he doesn’t have any relatives left in his
a. 4; b. 2; c. 1; d. 3; e. extra word hometown, he sometimes visits his old neighbours.
4. f. My life in Canada was good and secure; however, there
a. true; b. false; c. true; d. true was always something missing.
1.3 / 1.4 READING 2.
a. – 5 – h; b. – 3 – l; c. – 6 – k; d. – 2 – i; e. – 1 – j; f. – 4 - g
a. exclusion; b. xenophobia; c. prejudice; d. stereotypes 1.2 PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES
2. 1.
2.1 b; 2.2 a; 2.3 c; 2.4 b a. at a loss; b. at once; c. on good terms; d. in vain; e. for
the sake of; f. by chance; g. on behalf of; h. in advance; i. by
no means
1.1 b; 2. f; 3. e; 4. a; 5. i; 6. g; 7. h; 8. d; 9. c
a. at a loss; b. on good terms; c. at once; d. in advance;
1.1 / 1.2 LISTENING e. in vain; f. on behalf of
a. Anastasia; b. Kristina; c. Kristina; d. Melanie; e. Anastasia; 1.2 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS
f. Melanie 1.
2. a. anybody; b. somebody; c. everybody; d. nobody
a. transition; b. diverse; c. extent; d. identity; e. relation- 2.
ships; f. background; g. sense; h. globe; i. community a. everything; b. somebody; c. anybody; d. someone;
e. anything; f. something; g. everything; h. somebody;
1.3 / 1.4 LISTENING i. nobody; j. nothing; k. anything l. everything
2. b; c; d; f 1.
3. about – anxious; worried; angry
a. 8%; b. 30%; c. 43% of – scared; capable; jealous
for – suitable; thankful; ready
with – obsessed; disappointed; busy
to – relevant; beneficial; addicted
a. 2 – l; b. 3 – h; c. 3 – k; d. 1 – j; e. 2 – I; f. 3 – g
1. 3. Personal answers.
a. are you doing; b. ’m having; c. have; d. starts; e. doesn’t
leave; f. are doing; g. ’m beginning; h. are getting; i. is going
to be; j. do you mean; k. are you going to do; l. are they CONTINUOUS
celebrating; m. brings; n. sounds; o. ’ll love; p. Are you 1.
going to eat; q. hope; r. are planning; s. isn’t going to rain; a. has been volunteering; b. has loved; c. hasn’t made; d.
t. ’m interviewing; u. Do you know; v. is knocking has been thinking; e. has decided; f. has already created; g.
2 has collected; h. has been hoping
2.1 b; 2.2 b. leaves; are you going to do; 2.3 a. is taking; will 2.
be; 2.4 b. is shining; are going a. never experienced; b. have been; c. has already
returned; d. not/never forgotten; e. have ever written; f.
1.1 PAST TENSES has known; g. not eaten for
1.1 b; 1.2 a; 1.3 b; 1.4 a 1.3 IF-CLAUSES
2. 1.1 c; 1.2 d; 1.3 b; 1.4 d; 1.5 a; 1.6 d
a. was shining; b. was; c. was feeling; d. arrived; e. had 2.
waited; f. was starting; g. had accepted; h. had; i. got; j. had a. wouldn’t have been able; b. wouldn’t have helped;
taken; k. told; l. started; m. was trying; n. was beating; c. wouldn’t have saved; wouldn’t have found
o. saw; p. could; q. didn’t know; r. was coming; s. felt; 3.
t. stopped; u. were crying; v. landed a. Hassina had money; pay; b. have helped them; explained
what the problem was; c. the Charity finds them a room;
d. I hadn’t taken; realised how powerful and destructive
Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 95
nature can be; e. we protest against the inappropriate
conditions provided for those immigrants; won’t do 1.3 COLOUR IDIOMS – BLACK AND WHITE
anything 1.
a. in the black; b. a white elephant; c. whiter than white;
d. white as a sheet; black out; e. raise the white flag; f. the
1.4 I WISH/IF ONLY black sheep; g. a white lie; h. a black spot; i. in black and
1. white.
a. I wish/If only; could have; b. I wish/If only; would stop; 2.
c. I wish/If only; didn’t have; d. I wish/If only; could go; a. black out; b. on the black market; c. a white lie; d. the
e. I wish/If only; would treat; f. I wish/If only; had known black sheep; paint a black picture; e. white as a sheet
a. only; had; b. had arrived; c. had been; d. had; e. wish 1.4 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS
John would 1.
3. a. lose; b. aloud; c. effect; d. piece; e. hear; f. allusion;
a. I wish / If only I had a new mobile phone.; b. I wish / If g. fares; h. brakes
only I could go back home.; c. I wish / If only my family had 2.
fled earlier.; d. I wish / If only they would stop playing a.  - aloud allowed; b.  - piece peace; c. ; d.  - fare
boring music. fair; e.  - Hear Here; f. ; g.  - allusion illusion; h. 

a. check(ed); b. spot; c. polka-dotted; d. striped; e. floral/
/flowered; f. plain; g. paisley
a. 4; b. 1; c. 3; d. 5; e. 2
2.1. Size
a. sleek; b. vintage; c. flattering; d. casual; e. clingy; f. baggy


a. 3; b. 5; c. 2; d. 4; e. 1
a. 4; b. 2; c. 5; d. 3; e. 1
a. heritage; b. beliefs; c. ethnic; d. traditions; e. diversity;
f. uniformity; g. language; h. morality; i. ethnicity; j. back-


a. 2; b. 4; c. 1; d. 3; e. 5
a. decision/plans; b. arrangements; plans; c. a list; d. research;
e. a good job; f. a noise
a. do; personal answer
b. do; personal answer
c. make; personal answer

a. racism; b. xenofobia; c. hatred; d. segregation; e. bigotry;
f. prejudice; g. discrimination
a. bigotry; b. xenophobia; c. racism; d. discrimination;
e. xenophobia; f. discrimination
a. bigotry; b. inclusive; c. diversity; d. equitable; e. respect;
f. Bias; g. prejudice; h. stereotypes; i. race; j. gender;
k. discrimination; l. intolerance

96 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

II. Assessment
• Progress Test (1.1 / 1.2)
• Progress Test (1.3 / 1.4)
• Progress Test – inclusion (1.1 / 1.2)
• Progress Test – inclusion (1.3 / 1.4)
• Exam-style Test
1.1/1.2 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to Ellis Idris, a journalism student, talking about herself as a Citizen [track 6]
of the World. Choose the right ending to complete each sentence.
1.1 Ellis’s identity crises are mostly due to
a. having conflicts with other people.
b. not understanding where she truly belongs.
c. not considering herself a TCK (Third Culture Kid).
1.2 Both her parents were born in
a. Malaysia.
b. the Philippines.
c. Asia.
1.3 The first five countries where she has lived were
a. Algeria, Malaysia, England, Austria, the Philippines.
b. the Philippines, Algeria, Malaysia, Austria, England.
c. the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Austria, England.
1.4 Ellis lived in Malaysia longer than in other countries because
a. her parents wanted her to live in a settled place.
b. her father received an offer to work there.
c. she attended university there.
1.5 She attended an international school because her parents
a. wanted her to be fluent in English.
b. would like her to become a diplomat.
c. didn’t want her to experience a culture shock overseas.
1.6 Attending an international school allowed Ellis to
a. get to know a lot of cultures.
b. experience living like a Malaysian.
c. celebrate Malaysian holidays.
1.7 Although there are many challenges, being a TCK also has many advantages such as
a. speaking different languages, having a broad worldview, and being highly adaptive.
b. speaking different languages, having excellent interpersonal skills and an open mind.
c. speaking different languages, having the opportunity to build unique memories and to travel a
1.8 She has realised that
a. she doesn’t fit in anywhere on the planet.
b. she belongs everywhere.
c. she doesn’t belong to anyone and she has nowhere to call home.

98 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


You are going to read a text written by Fatimah Alayafi, who grew up as a Third Culture Kid.
We’re from everywhere and nowhere.
Born in Mexico City, my mother is Mexican
of Lebanese descent, my father an Arab. I was
brought up in five different countries, seven
cities, and far too many apartments. 1. ________
5 Yet sadly, I never learned Arabic despite it being
most of my family’s mother tongue. As for my
religious and spiritual beliefs? That’s
a WHOLE other topic.
As a Third Culture Kid (or TCK) myself, I
10 mainly identify myself as Mexican, until people
start asking questions. These are usually
regarding my last names, my English, my
physical features, and next thing I know I'm giving them a pitch on my life story.
So, what is it like to be a Third Culture Kid?
15 2. _________ Most TCKs spend their years overseas at international schools, yet many are
enrolled at local institutions if there aren’t significant language or cultural barriers. You find yourself
studying at a huge public elementary school in tropical South-East Asia, 40-something kids per
classroom, and no air conditioning; then a year later you’re at a small international school in Europe
with central heating, a homey environment, and piles of snow outside. Despite being drastically
20 different scenarios, you learn to adapt to both, finding the best of each experience, and building
memories that are forever dear to you.
During those years, you eagerly look forward to celebrating Chinese New Year, Christmas, Diwali,
Eid Al-Fitr, Día de Los Muertos, and other holidays depending on where you’re at. Decades later, you
still take note of those dates and feel nostalgic. I still find myself hunting mooncakes down in Mexico
25 City’s Chinatown when Chinese New Year comes round.
3. _________ Influenced by all sorts of ideas, you develop a broad worldview from a young age.
However, this can also be confusing, and establishing your own identity becomes a challenge. On the
upside, by age 8 you’re a tiny world who is multicultural, open-minded, and highly respectful of
others. Able to comprehend the social rules of other places, you can instinctively adjust your
30 personality to blend in.
4. _________ As a teenager, being the new kid at school and having to make new friends becomes
quite daunting. It takes you longer to adjust, and when you’re finally feeling comfortable, it's time to
move again. Yet over the years, you've grown to be resilient, brave, and confident that despite the
initial culture shock, you’ll adapt to this new location.
35 5. ________ Yes, some people will treat you differently due to your ethnic background, religious
beliefs, or even skin colour. However, on other occasions, you break stereotypes, forming friendships
with individuals who in other circumstances would’ve conflicted with you over political or religious
As for family, it's basically just your parents and your siblings. Cousins, uncles, grandparents,
40 you’ll see them once a year tops, and in most cases never getting round to properly bonding with them.
6. __________ So upon being repatriated, you begin limiting yourself by not fully expressing who
you are and trying hard to fit in by masking this uniqueness which you believe makes you “weird”.

https://www.manystories.com (adapted, accessed in November 2021)

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1. Some sentences have been removed from the text. Match the numbers to the letters.
a. You’re constantly switching schools, having to make new friends, adapting to new
educational systems.

b. As for your peers back home, you might struggle to connect with them since you’re
perceived as an oddball, or worse, as a bragger.

c. I grew up bilingual, Spanish and English are interchangeable to me, and I can speak some

d. However, as you grow older, moving gets harder.

e. Then there’s discrimination. It’s a touchy subject, doesn't happen to all TCKs, but
unfortunately, it did to me.

f. You also begin noticing how everyone in your environment has a different set of values
and beliefs.

2. Say who or what the following words highlighted in the text refer to.

a. it (line 5)

b. these (line 11)

c. them (line 13)

d. their (line 15)

3. Find evidence in the text for the following statements.

a. As a TCK you not only miss the typical food of the festivities of the countries you have been to,
and neither do you forget when those festivities are celebrated.
b. Defining your own identity is very demanding once you have dealt with a multicultural
perspective of perceiving the world from an early age.
c. Although you may experience a culture clash every time you move to a foreign place, you have
already developed characteristics that allow you to believe you will adjust again.

4. Bearing in mind what you have read/learned about TCKs, explain why they say “We’re
from everywhere and nowhere”.

100 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. Complete the text with words/expressions from the box. There are two extra words.

sensitive melting pot identity odd ethnically beliefs

traditions backgrounds racial progressive multicultural community

London is one of the most a. _____________ diverse cities in the world

with foreigners constituting about a third of its nine million inhabitants.
Living in a city with people from different ethnic and b. _____________
and economic c. _____________, one needs to be aware of and
d. _____________ to the cultural differences to navigate and maintain
healthy relations with neighbours, classmates or co-workers. The
e. _____________ population in London represents a modern
cosmopolitan city –  a f. _____________, dynamic and tolerant space
where everyone can express themselves (as long as it’s legal). Although
London is full of strangers, you never really feel like a stranger. There’s
an g. _____________ comfort in knowing that you’re not the only one who’s new to the city and even
though we are all different, we’re all the same. Living in a city that can best be described as a h.
_____________ of cultures has a great influence on the construction of i. _____________. You  won’t
be the same person after living in London for a few months or years. There are many stimuli that will
challenge your values, your j. _____________, your mind set.
https://www.ish.org.uk/ (adapted; accessed in November 2021)

2. Complete the paragraphs with the most suitable form of the verbs in brackets (present
simple, present continuous, be going to + infinitive, will + infinitive, past simple, past
continuous, past perfect).

TCKs love travelling and Ellis is no exception. She often a. __________ (spend) her summer
holiday in a different country. Last year she b. __________ (go) to Greece but this year
she c. __________ (go) to Italy. As she d. __________ (book) the hotel in Milan she e.
__________ (find) out that f. __________ (there to be) no flights available for that week.
So she g. __________ (have) to choose another city – Rome. Therefore, yesterday before
she h. __________ (contact) the hotel, she i. __________ (already / buy) the flight. She
leaves on 16th August and the plane j. __________ (take off) at 1 p.m.

Ellis’s sister k. __________ (live) in Oxford with her boyfriend Paul but she l. __________
(grow up) in Singapore. She m. __________ (meet) Paul at university while she
n. __________ (study) English Language and Culture. She o. __________ (now / look) for
a job. She thinks she p. __________ (find) a job as a teacher in a local school soon. Paul is
a doctor at the John Radcliffe hospital. They q. __________ (get) married next week and
after that they r. __________ (move) to a new house.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 101

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the linking words/expressions in brackets.
a. Although I grew up in Angola, I don’t feel Angolan or ethnically African. (despite) _____________
b. TCKs tend to develop strong cross-cultural and social skills because they must constantly adapt
to their new surroundings. (as a result) _________________________________________________
c. In spite of facing a lot of challenges, the perks of being a TCK clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
(however) __________________________________________________________________________
d. TCKs struggle to define their own identity since they have unusual backgrounds. (due to)

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Write
between three and five words.
a. When I moved to a country with a foreign language for the first time, I couldn’t say a word.
When I moved to a country with a foreign language for the first time, I ________________________
b. No one in class knows Paul better than me. (anyone)
I _____________________________________________________________________________in class.
c. She is always commenting on other people’s opinions. (something)
She always ______________________________________________ about other people’s opinions.
d. As teens, some TCKs feel that there is nowhere they belong. (anywhere)
As teens, some TCKs feel ______________________________________________________________

You have just arrived in one of the most
multicultural cities in the world. It’s your
first day at an international school.
Tell us all about that day (feelings,
thoughts, people, events, places… ) and
write a narrative text of about 160 words.
Use at least one prepositional phrase.

102 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3/1.4 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to a definition of Global Citizenship and order the following

statements according to what you hear (1 to 5). There are two extra [track 7]

a. There’s the urge to solve political and economic issues at a local scale.

b. People need to feel they are globally and commonly responsible for finding answers.

c. The globe has been transformed into a place where everybody is connected.

d. Global citizens are wise and virtuous.

e. Global citizens should promote awareness of countries’ problems.

f. The problems we all face today can no longer be solved by a single government or people.

g. As citizens of the world, people’s rights are not related to the place where they live but to
the fact they all belong to the same race.

2. Listen to three people talking about being a Global Citizen. Match the
[track 8]
names in column A with the ideas they express in column B. There are
two extra sentences.

Column A Column B

a. There has been progress as regards world peace.

b. You have a say in the world’s future.

c. You are trying to build a world where no one is marginalised and everyone
has a chance at life.

Hussain d. You have not only rights as a citizen of a country but also as a citizen of the
Miyoba e. People can now overcome difficult issues.

f. The world will be a better place if we all become global citizens.

g. Students will learn that the obligations of citizenship are not limited to
one’s own country but to the world at large.

h. I’m free to speak out for the human race no matter where I am.

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Read the text carefully.


It seems that “global citizen” has become a buzzword of sorts for today’s travel-hungry youth.
More often than not, vacation selfies are paired with hashtags like #worldcitizen and #wanderlust.
But being part of the global community is about much more than the number of stamps in your
passport; it’s understanding (and implementing) a set of shared values that is priceless in today's
5 complex and interconnected world. If you are a global citizen, these eight characteristics should
sound familiar to you.
#1 You know the beaten path is often the known and
expected one. When a group of your friends decide to vacation
in Ibiza (again), you instead embark on a thrilling trek through
10 northern India. Global citizens are independent-minded and
never afraid of exploring the unknown.
#2 Sure, your Holi selfies look great on Instagram, but you
know there’s much more to the festival than tossing around
brightly coloured powder in a sea of other people. Global
15 citizens take time to learn about different cultures and
traditions because they realise it can go a long way in helping
them better understand the people, places, and events they
#3 We live in a complex world where there is a difference in opinion on just about everything
20 under the sun. Despite this, you believe we can all exist harmoniously. One thing all global citizens
recognise is that it is more important to understand one another than to agree on everything. Making
an effort to better understand where others are coming from is key to thriving in situations of diversity
and belonging to the world community.
#4 Although you may have never visited Nepal, when news spread of the devastating earthquakes
25 that killed thousands of people and left many more displaced or injured, you were emotionally
affected and felt compelled to help. Global citizens don’t let borders stand in the way of showing
compassion; they care for people all over the world.
#5 You believe the saying: the best things in life are free. As cliché as it may sound, you really
do think experiences trump material possessions and would pass on buying the latest tech gadget if
30 it meant you were able to spend your spring break exploring the ins and outs of an unfamiliar city.
Global citizens are always eager to broaden their minds with new experiences, which at the end of
the day are likely to last longer than something purchased at the mall.
#6 You don’t get overwhelmed easily and are always up for a challenge. Global citizens don’t
stand by and watch others come up with answers to the problems we all face. They may not
35 necessarily have solutions to each issue, but they’re able to make sense of complex situations and…
#7 … work alongside others to solve them. Global citizens are like great sports captains: they can
identify the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates and understand how to work with different
personalities to inspire others to contribute to the task at hand.
#8 Global citizens belong to an emerging world community and they recognize this as a
responsibility as much as it is a privilege. You understand your role in the world community and how
your actions help shape our world.

https://www.minerva.edu (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

104 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Match the following Global Citizens’ characteristics to the numbers in the text.
a. You always keep an open mind #______
b. You crave experiences – not possessions #______
c. You are naturally empathetic #______
d. You are not one to follow the crowd #______
e. You embrace the responsibilities of global citizenship #______
f. You are not a passive spectator #______
g. Ignorance isn’t bliss #______
h. You work well with others #______

2. Find opposites for the following words in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.

a. individual ____________________
b. worthless ____________________
c. unconventional ____________________
d. uninteresting ____________________
e. darkly ____________________

3. Use sentences from the text to correct the following statements.

a. Global citizens are narrow-minded and follow the crowd.
b. In today’s world, people seem to agree on everything.
c. National frontiers are a problem when they want to express concern for the misfortunes of
others. _______________________________________________________________________
d. Global citizens are not keen on expanding their views by means of unfamiliar actions.
e. Global citizens wait and expect others to address the world’s issues.

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined expression.

a. “It seems that ‘global citizen’ has become a buzzword…”

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 105


1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

prosperity ripples community artificial connect collective

expand spheres sustainable identity world transcend

Global citizenship is a concept which intertwines our

a. _________________ with the interconnected,
interdependent b. _________________ of today. It seeks
to c. _________________ geographical limitations and
d._________________ the definition of our personalities.
As expounded by the United Nations, global citizenship is a new and vital force, which operates
beyond the traditional e._________________ of power. In some instances, it has also been described
as "a way of life", a set of guiding principles for a f._________________ lifestyle. The rise of
globalization has implied that the g. _________________ of an act committed in one corner of the
world will be felt at another corner of the world. It means that the human h. _________________
must accept that we cannot live in i. ______________ silos anymore. Instead, there is a need to
j. ________________ with our larger identity and tap into a k. ________________ human experience
if we want the future to be one with peace, l.________________ and stability for all. In the end, we
are one human family.
www.meltonfoundation.org (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

2. Replace the highlighted words with an adjective followed by a preposition.

a. She never cares about what we do to help those in need.
She is always _________________ what we do to help those in need.

b. I know you have all the skills required for the job.
I know you are _________________ the job.

c. I can’t stand his intolerant attitude.

I am_________________ his intolerant attitude.

3. Complete the sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous of the following
verbs: forget / paint / know / travel / work.
a. They _________________________ on the “Global Z Project2” for a week and they may need
another week to finish it.
b. She _________________________ around the world for ten years and has helped a lot of people.
c. _________________________ (you) that today is International Migrants Day?
d. We _________________________ the walls of the local orphanage all day long.
e. Is that the girl you were telling me about? I _________________________ her since we took
part in the Food Bank Campaign.

106 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

4. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including the
word given. Use between two and five words.
a. I advise you to tell the truth about yesterday’s violent protests. (would)
If I _______________________ tell the truth about yesterday’s violent protests.
b. I regret not going home when my parents called me. (only)
If _______________________ home when my parents called me.
c. If Amina doesn’t get her documents, she won’t be allowed to stay. (Unless)
_______________________ documents, she won’t be allowed to stay.
d. They were thirsty since they hadn’t drunk anything. (wouldn’t)
They _______________________________________ if they had drunk something.
e. I want my classmates to stop messing around with Lara. (wish)
I _________________________________________ messing around with Lara.
f. We went there to help because we saw the report on TV. (If)
_______________________________ the report on TV, we wouldn’t have gone there to help.


Imagine you have worked as a volunteer at a

refugee camp for a month. This was a touchstone
moment in your life and you want to keep it
alive. Write a memoir about the time you spent

Write no less than 160 words.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 107

1.1/1.2 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to Ellis Idris, a journalism student, talking about herself as a Citizen [track 6]
of the World. Choose the right ending to complete each sentence.
1.1 Ellis’s identity crises are mostly due to
a. having conflicts with other people.
b. not understanding where she truly belongs.
c. not considering herself a TCK (Third Culture Kid).
1.2 Both her parents were born in
a. Malaysia.
b. the Philippines.
c. Asia.
1.3 The first three countries where she has lived were
a. Algeria, Malaysia, England.
b. The Philippines, Algeria, Malaysia.
c. The Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia
1.4 Ellis lived in Malaysia longer than in other countries because
a. her parents wanted her to live in a settled place.
b. her father received an offer to work there.
c. she attended the university there.
1.5 She attended an international school because her parents
a. wanted her to be fluent in English.
b. would like her to become a diplomat.
c. didn’t want her to experience a culture shock overseas.
1.6 Attending an international school allowed Ellis to
a. get to know a lot of cultures.
b. experience living like a Malaysian.
c. celebrate Malaysian holidays.
1.7 Although there are many challenges, being a TCK also has many advantages such as
a. speaking different languages and having an extended worldview.
b. speaking different languages and having excellent interpersonal skills.
c. speaking different languages and travelling a lot.
1.8 She has realised that
a. she doesn’t fit in anywhere on the planet.
b. she belongs everywhere.
c. she doesn’t belong to anyone and she has nowhere to call home.

108 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


You are going to read a text written by Fatimah Alayafi, who grew up as a Third Culture Kid.


We’re from everywhere and nowhere.
Born in Mexico City, my mother is Mexican
of Lebanese descent, my father an Arab. I was
brought up in five different countries, seven cities,
and far too many apartments. 1. _________ Yet
5 sadly, I never learned Arabic despite it being most
of my family’s mother tongue. As for my
religious and spiritual beliefs? That’s a WHOLE
other topic.
As a Third Culture Kid (or TCK) myself,
10 I mainly identify myself as Mexican, until people
start asking questions. These are usually
regarding my last names, my English, my physical features, and next thing I know I'm giving them a
pitch on my life story.
So, what is it like to be a Third Culture Kid?
15 2. _________ Most TCKs spend their years overseas at international schools, yet many are
enrolled at local institutions if there aren’t significant language or cultural barriers. You find yourself
studying at a huge public elementary school in tropical South-East Asia, 40-something kids per
classroom, and no air conditioning; then a year later you’re at a small international school in Europe
with central heating, a homey environment, and piles of snow outside.
20 3. _________ Influenced by all sorts of ideas, you develop a broad worldview from a young age.
However, this can also be confusing, and establishing your own identity becomes a challenge. On the
upside, by age 8 you’re a tiny world who is multicultural, open-minded, and highly respectful of
others. Able to comprehend the social rules of other places, you can instinctively adjust your
personality to blend in.
25 However, as you grow older, moving gets harder. As a teenager, being the new kid at school and
having to make new friends becomes quite daunting. It takes you longer to adjust, and when you’re
finally feeling comfortable, it's time to move again. It‘s a big downer, especially after investing so
much energy in making this foreign place your home. Yet over the years, you've grown to be resilient,
brave, and confident that despite the initial culture shock, you’ll adapt to this new location.
30 4. ________ Yes, some people will treat you differently due to your ethnic background, religious
beliefs, or even skin colour. However, on other occasions, you break stereotypes, forming friendships
with individuals who in other circumstances would’ve conflicted with you over political or religious
https://www.manystories.com (adapted; accessed in November 2021)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 109

1. Some sentences have been removed from the text. Match the numbers to the letters.
a. You’re constantly switching schools, having to make new friends, adapting to new
educational systems.

b. I grew up bilingual, Spanish and English are interchangeable to me, and I can speak some

c. Then there’s discrimination. It’s a touchy subject, doesn't happen to all TCKs, but
unfortunately, it did to me.

d. You also begin noticing how everyone in your environment has a different set of values
and beliefs.

2. Say who or what the following words highlighted in the text refer to.

a. it (line 5) 1. people who ask questions

b. these (line 11) 2. TCKs

c. them (line 12) 3. questions

d. their (line 15) 4. Arabic

3. Find evidence in the text for the following statements.

a. Defining your own identity is very challenging once you have dealt with a multicultural
perspective of understanding the world from an early age.
b. As time goes by, leaving places gets more difficult.
c. Although you may experience a culture shock every time you move to a foreign place, you have
already developed characteristics that allow you to believe you will adjust again.

4. Bearing in mind what you have read/learned about TCKs, explain why they say “We’re
from everywhere and nowhere”.

110 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. Complete the text with words/expressions from the box.

sensitive melting pot identity odd ethnically beliefs

backgrounds racial progressive multicultural

London is one of the most a. _____________ diverse cities in the world

with foreigners constituting about a third of its nine million
inhabitants. Living in a city with people from different ethnic and b.
_____________ and economic c. _____________, one needs to be
aware of and
d. _____________ to the cultural differences to navigate and maintain
healthy relations with neighbours, classmates or co-workers. The
e. _____________ population in London represents a modern
cosmopolitan city –  a f. _____________, dynamic and tolerant space
where everyone can express themselves (as long as it’s legal).
Although London is full of strangers, you never really feel like a
stranger. There’s an g. _____________ comfort in knowing that you’re not the only one who’s new to
the city and even though we are all different, we’re all the same. Living in a city that can best be
described as a h. _____________ of cultures has a great influence on the construction of
i. _____________. You  won’t be the same person after living in London for a few months or years.
There are many stimuli that will challenge your values, your j. _____________, your mind set.
https://www.ish.org.uk/ (adapted; accessed in November 2021)

2. Choose the right option to complete the paragraphs.

A TCKs love travelling and Ellis is no exception. She often a. spend / spent / spends her
summer holiday in a different country. Last year she b. was going / went / go to Greece
but this year she c. is going / was going / will go to Italy. As she d. had booked / was
booking / book the hotel in Milan she e. finds / had found / found out that f. there were /
there are / there had been no flights available for that week. So she g. has / have / had
to choose another city – Rome. Therefore, yesterday before she h. contacts / had
contacted / contacted the hotel, she i. buys / had already bought / bought the flight. She
leaves on 16th August and the plane j. takes off / is taking off / will take off at 1 p.m.

B Ellis’s sister k. lived / lives / was living in Oxford with her boyfriend Paul but she l. grew
up / grow up / had grown up in Singapore. She m. met / was meeting / meets Paul at
university while she n. studies / studied / was studying English Language and Culture. She
o. is now looking / now looks / will now look for a job. She thinks she p. found / is
finding / will find a job as a teacher in a local school soon. Paul is a doctor at the John
Radcliffe hospital. They q. get / got / are getting married next week and after that they
r. are going to move / move / moved to a new house.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 111

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the linking words/expressions in brackets.
a. Although I grew up in Angola, I don’t feel Angolan or ethnically African. (despite)
__________________________________, I don’t feel Angolan or ethnically African.
b. TCKs tend to develop strong cross-cultural and social skills because they must constantly adapt
to their new surroundings. (as a result)
TCKs must constantly adapt _______________________________________ they tend to
develop strong cross-cultural and social skills.
c. In spite of facing a lot of challenges, the perks of being a TCK clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
TCKs go through a ______________________________________________________________;
_________________________________ outweigh the disadvantages.
d. TCKs struggle to define their own identity since they have unusual backgrounds. (because)

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Write
between two and four words.
a. When I moved to a country with a foreign language for the first time, I couldn’t say a word.
When I moved to a country with a foreign language for the first time, I had ____________________
b. No one in class knows Paul better than me. (anyone)
I know Paul ___________________________________________________________________in class.
c. She is always commenting on other people’s opinions. (something)
She always has __________________________________________ about other people’s opinions.
d. As teens, some TCKs feel that there is nowhere they belong. (anywhere)
As teens, some TCKs feel they don’t ____________________________________________________

You have just arrived in one of the most
multicultural cities in the world. It’s your
first day at an international school.
Tell us all about that day (feelings,
thoughts, people, events, places…). Write a
narrative text of about 100 words.
You can use some words/expressions from
the box.

after that before next since then until up to while suddenly

anxious embarrassed horrified hesitant crushed intimidated blessed
delighted thrilled grateful joyful enthusiastic

112 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3/1.4 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to a definition of Global Citizenship and order the following [track 7]

statements according to what you hear (1 to 5).

a. People need to feel they are globally and commonly responsible for finding answers.

b. The globe has been transformed into a place where everybody is connected.

c. Global citizens are wise and virtuous.

d. The problems we all face today can no longer be solved by a single government or people.

e. As citizens of the world, people’s rights are not related to the place where they live but to
the fact they all belong to the same race.

2. Listen to three people talking about being a Global Citizen.

[track 8]
Match the names in column A with the ideas they express in column B.

Column A Column B

a. There has been progress as regards world peace.

b. You have a say in the world’s future.

Hussain c. You have not only rights as a citizen of a country but also as a citizen of the
Will world.

Miyoba d. People can now overcome difficult issues.

e. The world will be a better place if we all become global citizens.

f. I’m free to speak out for the human race no matter where I am.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 113


Read the text carefully.


It seems that “global citizen” has become a buzzword of sorts for today’s travel-hungry youth.
More often than not, vacation selfies are paired with hashtags like #worldcitizen and #wanderlust.
But being part of the global community is about much more than the number of stamps in your
passport; it’s understanding (and implementing) a set of shared values that is priceless in today's
5 complex and interconnected world. If you are a global citizen, these eight characteristics should
sound familiar to you.
#1 You know the beaten path is often the known and
expected one. When a group of your friends decide to
vacation in Ibiza (again), you instead embark on a thrilling
10 trek through northern India. Global citizens are independent-
minded and never afraid of exploring the unknown.
#2 Sure, your Holi selfies look great on Instagram, but you
know there’s much more to the festival than tossing around
brightly coloured powder in a sea of other people. Global
15 citizens take time to learn about different cultures and
traditions because they realise it can go a long way in helping
them better understand the people, places, and events they
#3 We live in a complex world where there is a difference in opinion on just about everything
20 under the sun. Despite this, you believe we can all exist harmoniously. One thing all global citizens
recognise is that it is more important to understand one another than to agree on everything. Making
an effort to better understand where others are coming from is key to thriving in situations of diversity
and belonging to the world community.
#4 Although you may have never visited Nepal, when news spread of the devastating earthquakes
25 that killed thousands of people and left many more displaced or injured, you were emotionally
affected and felt compelled to help. Global citizens don’t let borders stand in the way of showing
compassion; they care for people all over the world.
#5 You believe the saying: the best things in life are free. As cliché as it may sound, you really
do think experiences trump material possessions and would pass on buying the latest tech gadget if
30 it meant you were able to spend your spring break exploring the ins and outs of an unfamiliar city.
Global citizens are always eager to broaden their minds with new experiences, which at the end of
the day are likely to last longer than something purchased at the mall.
#6 You don’t get overwhelmed easily and are always up for a challenge. Global citizens don’t
stand by and watch others come up with answers to the problems we all face. They may not
35 necessarily have solutions to each issue, but they’re able to make sense of complex situations and…
#7 … work alongside others to solve them. Global citizens are like great sports captains: they can
identify the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates and understand how to work with different
personalities to inspire others to contribute to the task at hand.
#8 Global citizens belong to an emerging world community and they recognize this as a
40 responsibility as much as it is a privilege. You understand your role in the world community and how
your actions help shape our world.
https://www.minerva.edu (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

114 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Match the following Global Citizens’ characteristics to the numbers in the text.
a. You always keep an open mind #______
b. You crave experiences – not possessions #______
c. You are naturally empathetic #______
d. You are not one to follow the crowd #______
e. You embrace the responsibilities of global citizenship #______
f. You are not a passive spectator #______
g. Ignorance isn’t paradise #______
h. You work well with others #______

2. Match the words in column A (paragraph 1, 2 and 3) with their opposites in column B.

Column A Column B
a. individual 1. expected
b. worthless 2. thrilling
c. unconventional 3. shared
d. uninteresting 4. bright
e. darkly 5. priceless

3. Use sentences from the text to correct the following statements.

a. Global citizens are narrow-minded and follow the crowd. (Paragraph 1)
b. In today’s world people seem to agree on everything. (Paragraph 3)
c. National frontiers are a problem when they want to express concern for the misfortunes of
others. (Paragraph 4) ___________________________________________________________
d. Global citizens are not keen on expanding their views by means of unfamiliar actions. (Paragraph 5)
e. Global citizens wait and expect others to address the world’s issues. (Paragraph 6)

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined expression by completing the sentence.

a. “It seems that ‘global citizen’ has become a buzzword…”
Global citizen is a term that has become ____________________________________________

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 115


1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

prosperity ripples community artificial connect collective

expand spheres sustainable identity world transcend

Global citizenship is a concept which intertwines our

a. _________________ with the interconnected,
interdependent b. _________________ of today. It seeks to
c. _________________ geographical limitations and
d._________________ the definition of our personalities.
As expounded by the United Nations, global citizenship is a new and vital force, which operates
beyond the traditional e._________________ of power. In some instances, it has also been described
as "a way of life", a set of guiding principles for a f._________________ lifestyle. The rise of
globalization has implied that the g. _________________ of an act committed in one corner of the
world will be felt at another corner of the world. It means that the human h. _________________
must accept that we cannot live in i. ______________ silos anymore. Instead, there is a need to
j. ________________ with our larger identity and tap into a k. ________________ human experience
if we want the future to be one with peace, l.________________ and stability for all. In the end, we
are one human family.
www.meltonfoundation.org (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

2. Replace the highlighted words with an adjective followed by a preposition.

responsible suitable scared tired indifferent for of to

a. She never cares about what we do to help those in need.

She is always _________________ what we do to help those in need.

b. I know you have all the skills required for the job.
I know you are _________________ the job.

c. I can’t stand his intolerant attitude.

I am _________________ his intolerant attitude.

3. Choose the correct option.

a. They have worked / have been working on the “Global Z Project2” for a week and they may
need another week to finish it.
b. She has travelled / has been travelling around the world for ten years and has helped a lot of
c. Have you forgotten / Have you been forgetting that today is the International Migrants Day?
d. We have painted / have been painting the walls of the local orphanage all day long.
e. Is that the girl you were telling me about? I have known / have been knowing her since we took
part in the Food Bank Campaign.

116 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

4. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including the
word given. Use between two and five words.
a. I advise you to tell the truth about yesterday’s violent protests. (would)
If I were __________________ tell the truth about yesterday’s violent protests.
b. I regret not going home when my parents called me. (only)
If __________________ gone home when my parents called me.
c. If Amina doesn’t get her documents, she won’t be allowed to stay. (Unless)
__________________ her documents, she won’t be allowed to stay.
d. They were thirsty since they hadn’t drunk anything. (wouldn’t)
They _______________________________ been thirsty if they had drunk something.
e. I want my classmates to stop messing around with Lara. (wish)
I __________________ my classmates __________________ messing around with Lara.
f. We went there to help because we saw the report on TV. (If)
_________________________ seen the report on TV, we wouldn’t have gone there to help.


Imagine you have worked as a volunteer at a

refugee camp for a month. This was a touchstone
moment in your life and you want to keep it alive.
Write a memoir about the time you spent there.

Write no less than 100 words.

Organise the information in chronological order and
don’t forget to mention:
– who you are
– why you were there
– who you were with
– what you saw or experienced
– what you did and felt
– why it was a life-changing moment

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Exam-style test
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Text 1
You will hear three teenagers talking about volunteering. [track 9]

1. For item 1, match the names in column A with the ideas they express in column B.
All the ideas are used once.

1. You not only have the chance to expand your views but also to
explore diverse contexts and locations.
2. Volunteering actions impact the lives of all who are involved.
3. By being a volunteer you can be seen as a role model for other
De’ja young people.
Jordyn 4. Giving time helping others has become vital for achieving some
Cole academic qualifications.
5. Seeing young people as volunteers stimulates our altruism and
6. Volunteering is getting involved in the community.
7. You become a broad-minded and hardworking person.

Text 2
You will hear people talking about the IOC Refugee Olympic Team.
[track 10]

2. For items 2.1 to 2.6, choose the correct option (a, b or c).
2.1 The arguments in favour of creating the first Refugee Olympic Team
a. are still valid.
b. have changed.
c. are effective.

2.2 The IOC Refugee Olympic Team makes an effort

a. to give refugees a nationality.
b. to make refugees forget their hard life stories.
c. to raise awareness of the problem of displaced people.
2.3 The experience in Rio 2016 conveyed
a. a meaningless message.
b. a strong and significant message.
c. a message of hope.

118 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.4 Refugees are able to participate in high-level competitions
a. thanks to scholarships and Olympic solidarity.
b. because they are the best at several Olympic sports.
c. since they won scholarships from the Olympic Games host country.
2.5 Refugees compete in
a. seven different sports at a high level.
b. eight different sports at a high level.
c. nine different sports at a high level.
2.6 The IOC Refugee Olympic Team has become an example to all
a. who hope for a better and more peaceful future.
b. who believe sport is as powerful as hope.
c. who were without hope and did not believe that adversity can be overcome by determination.


1. Connect items in columns A and C using the appropriate linking word/expression

from column B.
Two of them are not needed. Write only the sequence of numbers.


1. Refugees are human 4. so that 9. the inaccessibility of

beings 5. however, legal aid.
2. Refugees are sometimes 6. due to 10. they contribute a lot to
seen as a “burden on their adoptive societies.
economies”; 7. therefore
11. they have human
3. Some refugees are 8. even though rights.
unaware of their rights

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You are going to read a text about refugees who try to reach the UK.

When you live in a safe and comfortable
home, it’s easy to take it for granted –
especially if you’re craving a holiday or
simply a change of scenery after spending
5 more time home than usual this year. But for
those fleeing war, climate change, torture or
other brutal situations, leaving home hasn’t
been a choice taken lightly. War, persecution,
and the effects of climate change don’t pause
10 for a pandemic.
Recently, there’s been a spotlight on a particular group of people searching for a safe
place to call home: those crossing the English Channel on small, flimsy, and often
overcrowded boats to seek sanctuary in the UK. They are men, women, and children –
everyday people like you and me – who have the right to seek a safer life. And because they
15 have no other choice, they must risk their lives for it.
We need to show empathy and offer a humanitarian alternative to help people reach
safety, rather than policies that effectively slam shut the doors on people who need help.
Every single person crossing the Channel is a human being with a right to seek safety –
and a Refugee Convention that backs up that right. Seeking sanctuary isn’t a crime. The few
20 desperate men, women, and children on those boats aren’t a “threat”, or “illegal”, or the
cause of a “crisis”. The only difference between us and them is where we happened to be
born – and luck.
People are crossing the Channel because they’re desperate. And that makes sense, as they
come from some of the most chaotic and war-torn areas of the world – Yemen, Eritrea, Chad,
25 Egypt, Syria, Libya, Sudan, and Iraq. They have no homes left to go back to.
When people leave France to cross the Channel, they do so in desperation, and for reasons
such as fear of exploitation or trafficking, the threat of police brutality or simply wanting to
reach their family already in the UK. Also, according to the UN Refugee Convention, there
is no rule forcing refugees to claim asylum in one country over another, nor do people have
30 to stay in the first so-called “safe” country they reach.
The only way to claim asylum in the UK is in person – so people must arrive on UK soil
before having their claims heard. Getting here is dangerous, and once you get here, the UK’s
hostile environment policies ensure that surviving here is no holiday either.
Resettlement schemes enable some of the most vulnerable people to be relocated from
35 camps to other countries. But the UK resettlement scheme has been frozen since March,
leaving people with no “legal” option to get to the UK. Human beings can’t be illegal. It’s
inhumane to force people to choose between a perilous journey and their right to claim
asylum here.
The vast majority of people who are refugees are hosted in neighbouring countries to
40 those they are fleeing. For example, there are 3.6 million refugees in Turkey, versus just over
125,000 in the UK. And even compared to other European countries, like Spain, France,
Germany and Greece, the UK has taken only a small percentage of refugees.
Everyone has a right to a life lived in safety, and with dignity. We must embrace our
shared humanity to help those who need it. Lend your voice. Take action now and demand
45 safe and legal routes to the UK. And most of all, remember that no human is illegal.

https://www.benjerry.co.uk (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

120 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2. Match the ideas in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B. One of
the paragraphs is not needed. Write only the letters and the paragraph numbers.


Paragraph 4
a. Stand up for a future where everyone is treated with dignity.
Paragraph 5
b. People seeking asylum have no other options.
Paragraph 8
c. Asylum seekers are not criminals.
Paragraph 10

3. Choose the correct option (a, b, c or d) to complete the sentences according to the text.
Write only the numbers and the letters.
3.1 Which of the following is not stated as a reason for fleeing home in paragraph 1?
a. Environmental issues.
b. Violent actions.
c. Pandemics.
d. Oppression.

3.2 “Sanctuary”, in paragraph 2, means

a. a sacred place.
b. an oasis.
c. a reserve.
d. a safe place.

3.3 Those who cross the English Channel searching for safety are mostly from
a. poor countries.
b. cities destroyed by natural disasters.
c. areas devastated by battles.
d. countries rules by authoritarian regimes.

3.4 People embark on perilous journeys

a. because it’s their last hope.
b. because they are illegal.
c. without knowing the challenges they will face.
d. because they want to live a wealthy life.

3.5 If you succeed in crossing the English Channel,

a. you won’t be allowed to ask for asylum in the UK.
b. you’ll have to face unfriendly policies.
c. you’ll be relocated to another country.
d. you’ll have a safer life.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 121

4. Match each word in column A with the expression it refers to in column B. Two of the
options are not used. Write only the letters and the numbers.


1. choice
a. it (line 2) 2. safer life
b. it (line 15) 3. safe home
c. it (line 44) 4. safe place
5. help

5. Match each word/expression in column B with a word from column A that can replace
it in the text. Two of the options are not used. Write only the letters and the numbers.


1. contact
a. reach (line 16) 2. accomplish
b. reach (line 28) 3. come to
c. reach (line 30) 4. set foot on
5. find

6. Read an excerpt from the UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message for World
Refugee Day. Three sentences have been removed from it. From sentences 1. to 5.,
choose the one which fits each gap (a to c). Two of the sentences are not used. Write
only the numbers.
War, violence and persecution have forced more than 80 million people around the world to
flee their homes, leaving everything behind to save themselves and their families. a. ____.
But for so many, the Covid-19 pandemic has wiped out their livelihoods, led to
stigmatization and vilification and exposed them disproportionately to the virus. b. ____.
Covid-19 has shown us that we can only succeed if we stand together.
c. ____. We learn together when we are all given the chance to study. We shine together
when we play as a team and respect everyone.
www.un.org/ (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

1. I commend the countries that have welcomed refugees.

2. We heal together when we all get the care we need.
3. This World Refugee Day and every day, we need to do our part.
4. We have a duty to help refugees rebuild their lives.
5. Refugees must begin their lives anew.

122 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. You have recently come across the stories of refugees who are seen as illegal despite
what’s written in the Human Rights Declaration. You want to help them and you are
thinking that becoming a volunteer could be a good idea. Write an email to an
organisation that aids refugees giving and asking for some information.
– who you are;
– which world issues worry you the most;
– why they concern you so much;
– how you can help.
Write your text in 60-80 words.

2. Your cousin is a journalist and has just returned from Calais, where lots of migrants
are waiting for an opportunity to cross the English Channel. Help him write his memoir
about this experience.
Remember to:
– organise the information in chronological order (reason for going; your impressions of the
place and people, the hardships of their journey…).
– use the first person singular and an emotional tone.
Write a minimum of 160 words.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 123

Unit 1 – Answer key
1.3/1.4 TEST
1.1/1.2 TEST
LISTENING a. –; b. 3; c. 1; d. 5; e. –; f. 2; g. 4
1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 b; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 a; 1.7 a; 1.8 b 2.
a. Miyoba; b. Will; c. –; d. Hussain; e. Will; f. Miyoba; g. –;
READING h. Hussain
1. c; 2. a; 3. f; 4. d; 5. e; 6. b
a. Arabic; b. questions; c. people who ask questions; d. TCKs 1.
3. a. 3; b. 5; c. 4; d. 1; e. 8; f. 6; g. 2; h. 7
a. “During those years, you eagerly look forward to 2.
celebrating (…) holidays depending on where you’re at. a. shared; b. priceless; c. expected / known; d. thrilling;
Decades later, you still take note of those dates and feel e. brightly
nostalgic. I still find myself (…) mooncakes (…)” 3.
b. “Influenced by all sorts of ideas, you develop a broad a. “They’re independent-minded and never afraid of
worldview from a young age. However, this can also be exploring the unknown.”
confusing, and establishing your own identity becomes a b. “We live in a complex world where there is a difference in
opinion on just about everything under the sun.”
c. “Yet over the years, you’ve grown to be resilient, brave,
and confident that despite the initial culture shock, you’ll c. “Global citizens don’t let borders stand in the way of
adapt to this new location.” showing compassion”
4. On the one hand, TCKs feel they have nowhere to call d. “Global citizens are always eager to broaden their minds
home because they grow up in different countries and build with new experiences.”
relationships with all the cultures they come across. On the e. “Global citizens don’t stand by and watch others come up
other hand, that is what makes them feel they are citizens of with answers to the problems we all face.”
the world, people who belong everywhere. 4.
A term that has become fashionable by being used a lot,
USE OF LANGUAGE especially on social media.
a. ethnically; b. racial; c. backgrounds; d. sensitive;
e. multicultural; f. progressive; g. odd; h. melting pot; USE OF LANGUAGE
i. identity; j. beliefs 1.
2. a. identity; b. world; c. transcend; d. expand; e. spheres;
A f. sustainable; g. ripples; h. community; i. artificial;
a. spends; b. went; c. is going; d. was booking; e. found; j. connect; k. collective; l. prosperity
f. there were; g. had; h. contacted; i. had already bought; 2.
j. takes off a. indifferent to; b. suitable for; c. am tired of
B 3.
k. lives; l. grew up; m. met; n. was studying; o. is now looking; a. have been working; b. has been travelling; c. Have you
p. will find; q. are getting; r. are going to move
forgotten; d. have been painting; e. have known
a. Despite growing up in Angola, I don’t feel Angolan or 4.
ethnically African. a. were you, I would; b. only I had gone; c. Unless Amina
b. TCKs must constantly adapt to their new surroundings. As gets; d. wouldn’t have been thirsty; e. wish my classmates
a result, they tend to develop strong cross-cultural and social would stop; f. If we hadn’t seen
c. They face a lot of challenges; however, the perks of being
a TCK clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
d. TCKs struggle to define their own identity due to having
unusual backgrounds.
a. had nothing to say.; b. know Paul better than anyone.;
c. has something to say.; d. don’t belong anywhere.

124 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 b; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 a; 1.7 a; 1.8 b a. 3; b. 1; c. 5; d. 2; e. 4
READING a. Miyoba; b. Will; c. Hussain; d. Will; e. Miyoba; f. Hussain
1. b; 2. a; 3. d; 4. c READING
2. 1.
a. 4; b. 3; c. 1; d. 2
a. 3; b. 5; c. 4; d. 1; e. 8; f. 6; g. 2; h. 7
a. “Influenced by all sorts of ideas, you develop a broad 2.
worldview from a young age. However, this can also be a. shared; b. priceless; c. expected / known; d. thrilling;
confusing, and establishing your own identity becomes a e. brightly
challenge.” 3.
b. “as you grow older, moving gets harder.” a. “They’re independent-minded and never afraid of
c. “Yet over the years, you’ve grown to be resilient, brave, exploring the unknown.”
and confident that despite the initial culture shock, you’ll b. “We live in a complex world where there is a difference in
adapt to this new location.” opinion on just about everything under the sun.”
4. On the one hand, TCKs feel they have nowhere to call c. “Global citizens don’t let borders stand in the way of
home because they grow up in different countries and build showing compassion”
relationships with all the cultures they come across. On the
d. “Global citizens are always eager to broaden their minds
other hand, that is what makes them feel they are citizens of
the world, people who belong everywhere. with new experiences.”
e. “Global citizens don’t stand by and watch others come up
USE OF LANGUAGE with answers to the problems we all face.”
1. 4.
a. ethnically; b. racial; c. backgrounds; d. sensitive; fashionable by being used a lot, especially on social media.
e. multicultural; f. progressive; g. odd; h. melting pot;
i. identity; j. beliefs USE OF LANGUAGE
2. 1.
A a. identity; b. world; c. transcend; d. expand; e. spheres;
a. spends; b. went; c. is going; d. was booking; e. found; f. sustainable; g. ripples; h. community; i. artificial;
f. there were; g. had; h. contacted; i. had already bought; j. connect; k. collective; l. prosperity
j. takes off 2.
B a. indifferent to; b. suitable for; c. tired of
k. lives; l. grew up; m. met; n. was studying; o. is now looking; 3.
p. will find; q. are getting; r. are going to move
a. have been working; b. has travelled; c. Have you
a. Despite growing up in Angola; b. to their new surroundings. forgotten; d. have been painting; e. have known
As a result, 4.
c. lot of challenges; however, the perks of being a TCK a. you, I would; b. only I had; c. Unless Amina gets;
clearly; d. TCKs struggle to define their own identity because d. wouldn’t have; e. wish; would stop; f. If we hadn’t
they have unusual backgrounds.
a. nothing to say.; b. better than anyone in class.; EXAM-STYLE TEST
c. something to say.; d. belong anywhere.
De’ja: 4, 6; Jordyn: 1, 3; Cole: 2, 5, 7
2.1 a; 2.2 c; 2.3 b; 2.4 a; 2.5 b; 2.6 c
1–7–11; 2–5–10; 3–6–9
a. Paragraph 10; b. Paragraph 5; c. Paragraph 4
3.1 c; 3.2 d; 3.3 a; 3.4 b; 3.5 d
a. 3; b. 2; c. 5
a. 5; b. 1; c. 4
a. 5; b. 4; c. 2

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 125

TEST 1.1 / 1.2
Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 8 x 25p = 200p
Reading: 1. 6 x 5p 2. 4 x 4p 3. 3 x 6p 4. 1 x 16p = 80p
Language: 1. 10 x 2p 2. 18 x 2p 3. 4 x 4p 4. 4 x 2p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG +W= 200p)

Listening: 1. 8 x 25p = 200p
Reading: 1. 4 x 6p 2. 4 x 4p 3. 3 x 8p 4. 1 x 16p = 80p
Language: 1. 10 x 2p 2. 18 x 2p 3. 4 x 4p 4. 4 x 2p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

TEST 1.3 / 1.4

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 80p 2. 6 x 20p = 200p
Reading: 1. 8 x 3p 2. 5 x 4p 3. 5 x 4p 4. 1 x 16p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 x 2p 2. 3 x 4p 3. 5 x 4p 4. 6 x 4p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)

Listening: 1. 80p 2. 6 x 20p = 200p
Reading: 1. 8 x 3p 2. 5 x 4p 3. 5 x 4p 4. 1 x 16p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 x 2p 2. 3 x 4p 3. 5 x 4p 4. 6 x 4p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (L + LG + R + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 7 x 3p 2. 6 x 4p = 45p
Language: 1. 3 x 9p = 27p
Reading: 2. 3 x 5p 3. 5 x 3p 4. 3 x 4p 5. 3 x 4p 6. 3 x 4p = 66p
Writing: 1. 22p 2. 40p = 62p

126 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


I. Graded worksheets
Reading ........................................................................................................................ 130
Listening ........................................................................................................................134
Writing ......................................................................................................................... 136
Speaking ...................................................................................................................... 139
Grammar ..................................................................................................................... 141
Vocabulary .................................................................................................................. 148

Reading ........................................................................................................................ 157
Listening ...................................................................................................................... 161
Writing ......................................................................................................................... 163
Speaking ...................................................................................................................... 166
Grammar ..................................................................................................................... 168
Vocabulary .................................................................................................................. 175
Answer key.................................................................................................................. 183

II. Assessment
Progress test (2.1 / 2.2) .......................................................................................... 188
Progress test (2.3 / 2.4) .......................................................................................... 193
Progress test – inclusion (2.1 / 2.2) ..................................................................... 198
Progress test – inclusion (2.3 / 2.4) ..................................................................... 203
Exam-style test .......................................................................................................... 208
Answer key ................................................................................................................ 214
I. Graded worksheets
• Standard
• Inclusion
Standard worksheets
2.1 / 2.2 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Two speeches from the Climate Summit COP26

Brianna Fruean
When I was a little girl, I was taught the importance and impact
of words. In my culture there is a proverb that goes, “e pala ma’a
ae lē pala upu”. It means that even stones decay, but words
5 A lesson in knowing how words can be wielded. How text can
change everything. How each word you use is weighted. How
switching one word or number can reframe worlds. How “climate
action” can be vastly different from “climate justice”. How 2 degrees could mean “the end” and 1.5
could mean “a fighting chance”.
10 You all have the power here today to be better. To remember that your meeting rooms and
drafting documents are not just black and white objects. To remember that in your words, you
wield the weapons that can save us or sell us out.
I don’t need to remind you of the reality of our vulnerable communities. You don’t need my pain
or tears to know that we’re in a crisis. The real question is whether you have the political will to do
15 the right thing, to wield the right words and follow it up with long overdue action.
If you’re looking for inspiration on climate leadership, take a look at young Pacific people. We
are not just victims of this crisis, we have been resilient beacons of hope.
As Pacific youth we have always rallied behind the warrior cry “we are not drowning, we are
fighting”. This is my message from Earth to COP. I hope you remember my words, because “e pala
20 ma’a ae le pala upu”.
https://www.thecoconet.tv (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

Txai Surui
My name is Txai Surui, I’m only 24 but my people have been
living in the Amazon Forest at least 6,000 years. My father, the
Great Chief Almir Surui, taught me that we must listen to the stars,
5 the moon, the wind, the animals, and the trees.
Today the climate is warming. The animals are disappearing. The
rivers are dying, and our plants don’t flower like they did before.
The Earth is speaking. She tells us that we have no more time!
A friend asked me, will we continue to think that today’s injuries can be resolved with ointments
10 and painkillers, even though we know that tomorrow our own wounds will be deeper. We need a
different path, with both local and global changes. It’s not 2030 or 2050. It’s now. While you are
closing your eyes to reality, the land defender Ari Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau, my friend since when I was a
kid, was murdered for protecting the forest.
Indigenous people are on the front line of the climate emergency, and we must be at the centre
15 of the decisions happening here. We have ideas to post on the end of the world.
Let us stop the answering with lies and fake promises. Let us end the pollution of hollow words.
Let us fight for a liveable future and present. It is always necessary to believe this dream is possible.
May a utopia be our future on Earth.
https://medium.com (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

130 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. The sentences in column B were extracted from both speeches. Match them to the
speech-making tips in column A.

Some tips for writing a speech Examples

a. Introduce yourself 1. “(…) end the pollution of hollow words (…)”

b. Make a great opening statement 2. “Indigenous people are on the front line of the
climate emergency, and we must be at the centre
c. Express your opinion of the decisions happening here.”
d. Address your audience directly 3. “In my culture there is a proverb that goes, 'e pala
e. Use personal details ma’a ae lē pala upu'.”
f. Use emotive and figurative language 4. “Let us stop the answering with lies and fake
promises. (…) Let us fight for a liveable future and
g. Make a call for action
h. Use contrast
5. “Let us fight for a liveable future and present.”/
“It’s not 2030 or 2050. It’s now.”
6. “My name is Txai Surui, I’m only 24 (…)”
7. “You all have the power here today to be better.”
8. “(…) the land defender Ari Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau, my
friend since when I was a kid, was murdered for
protecting the forest.”

2. Find synonyms for the following words in the first text.

a. deteriorate ________________
b. change (verb) ________________
c. manage/use ________________
d. susceptible ________________
e. signals ________________

3. Find the opposite of the following words/expressions in the last paragraph of the second
a. meaningful ________________
b. uninhabitable ________________
c. a real flawed place ________________

4. What or who do the highlighted words in the second text refer to?
a. you ________________
b. here ________________
c. this ________________

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2.3 / 2.4 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

The advertising industry is fuelling climate disaster

To confront the climate emergency, the amount we
consume needs to drop dramatically. Yet every day
we’re told to consume more. We all know about air
pollution – but there’s a kind of “brain
5 pollution” produced by advertising that, uncontrolled,
fuels overconsumption. And the problem is getting
Advertising is everywhere, so prevalent as to be
invisible but with an effect no less insidious than air
10 pollution. It’s woven into our personal communications whenever we use social media
platforms. In public spaces, where we have little choice over where we look, adverts are
invasive, appearing without our consent. And the trend towards digital billboards only
exposes us ever more. Some big companies even boast about how “unmissable” digital
screens are on busy roads, “captivating audiences” when drivers would be better off
15 watching the road.
1. __________ Extensive scientific research shows that, when exposed to advertising,
people “buy into” the materialistic values and goals it encourages. Consequently, they report
lower levels of personal well-being, experience conflict in relationships, engage in fewer
positive social behaviours, and experience detrimental effects on study and work. Critically,
20 the more that people prioritise materialistic values and goals, the less they embrace positive
attitudes towards the environment – and the more likely they are to behave in damaging
2. __________ Brands that have been made familiar through advertising have a strong
influence on the choices people make. Brands and logos have also been shown to generate
25 strong preferences between virtually identical products, such as fizzy drinks – preferences
that disappear in blind tests. Researchers looking to assess the power of advertised
brands concluded that, “there are visual images and marketing messages that have insinuated
themselves into the nervous systems of humans.”
Indeed, some of the earliest work in this area concluded, “Scary as it may sound, if an ad
30 does not modify the brains of the intended audience, then it has not worked.” Yet this is little
known more widely. Through a combination of experience and ad exposure connected to
emotional responses, brands and their logos become more “mentally available”. 3. __________
Still other research demonstrates how exposure to different brands can influence behaviour,
for example making them behave less honestly, or creatively. Customisable tools for neural
35 profiling are now available to test the effectiveness of brands and logos on consumers, giving
rise to what has become known as “neuromarke ting”.
4. __________ But advertising heavily polluting products and services, such as for fossil
fuels, aviation and petrol-engined cars, is particularly damaging.
Tackling “brain pollution” requires action equivalent to the campaign to end tobacco
40 advertising. New checks and balances need to accommodate the natural concerns of councils
and residents around climate, air pollution, environmental light pollution, mental health, and
the dominance of non-consensual adverts in public spaces.
5. __________ But as the climate crisis bites, its role is set to rise up the agenda.
Campaigners are calling for legislation against high-carbon advertising, focusing on fossil
45 fuel companies, petrol- and diesel-engined cars and aviation; at municipal level, places
like Norwich, Liverpool and north Somerset are introducing measures to end high-carbon
advertising; and an EU-wide campaign is now following a ban on the Amsterdam
metro. Tackling brain pollution won’t just make us feel better, but help clear the air too.
https://www.theguardian.com (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

132 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Complete the text with the missing sentences. Match the numbers to the letters.
a. Overconsumption in general, encouraged by advertising, has a climate and
ecological impact. ____________
b Even worse, findings from neuroscience reveal that advertising goes as far as
lodging itself in the brain, rewiring it by forming physical structures and
causing permanent change. _____________
c. Advertising works by getting under your radar, introducing new ideas without
bothering your conscious mind. ____________
d. Advertising, the business of attention-seeking, has ironically avoided scrutiny
so far. ____________
e. This happens through the development of new neural pathways reinforced by
repeated encounters. ____________

2. In which paragraphs can you find the following topics? Match the topics to the
paragraphs. There are two extra paragraphs.

Paragraph 1

a. Neuro and cognitive science applied to advertising. Paragraph 2

b. A shift in the mindset regarding advertising. Paragraph 3

c. Effects of advertising on people’s behaviour. Paragraph 5

d. The pervasiveness of advertising. Paragraph 7

Paragraph 8

3. Find synonyms for the following words in paragraph 2.

a. common _______________________
b. destructive _______________________
c. interfering _______________________
d. brag _______________________
e. conspicuous _______________________

4. Complete the sentences according to the text. Use no more than three words.
a. The effect of advertising in our lives can be as harmful ________________________________ .

b. People are more likely to neglect eco-friendly behaviours if they are _____________________ .

c. To be effective an ad must change ________________________________________________ .

5. Does the author express a positive or a negative opinion on the advertising industry?
Find one sentence in the text to support your answer.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 133

2.1 / 2.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Watch the first part of Sir David

Attenborough’s speech delivered at Video at
COP26 and correct the wrong
information in each sentence.

a. The ongoing industrial revolution generated by eco-friendly ideas is absolutely dispensable.


b. Nature can provide us all with food, healthy air and expensive clean energy.


c. People need to realise that advanced nations are already fully developed.


d. We can only achieve a good standard of living if we split our efforts.


e. Sir David Attenborough’s speech conveyed a message of fear.


2. Watch the second part of the speech where Sir David Attenborough tries to
answer the question “Can we fix the climate problem in one generation?”.
2.1 The climate change issue can be solved in one generation if Video at
a. the numbers start to drop.
b. everybody follows through on the commitments made at the summit.
c. people stop complaining and start to take action.

2.2 Only by working together

a. can we be powerful enough to destabilise the forces of nature.
b. can we be powerful enough to prevent some disasters.
c. can we ensure we rescue our planet.

2.3 This generation could and should

a. see a rehabilitation of the planet.
b. witness an appalling decay of the planet.
c. observe a terrible decline of natural resources.

134 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.3 / 2.4 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Video at
1. Watch the video “Hollywood explains consumerism” and choose
the correct option.
1.1 Advertising
a. makes people believe they could be millionaires and rock stars.
b. feeds off people’s desires to be happy by owning things.
c. encourages people to acquire products they cannot afford.
1.2 Owning and desiring products that one may not need contribute to
a. peoples’ happiness.
b. bankruptcy.
c. an increase in levels of depression and anxiety
1.3 Consumerism has
a. had a huge negative impact on the environment and has created a constant need for new
b. created companies structured to make money.
c. resulted in tonnes of garbage and has stimulated the purchasing of long-lasting products.

2. Listen to the first part of a text about the impact of advertising on society.
[track 11]
Number the positive aspects in the order that you hear them.
a. Gives access to job opportunities and business.
b. Sponsors sport and other programmes.
c. Helps stay updated.
d. Generates employment.

e. Informs the public.

f. Boosts sales.

g. Helps abide by the rules.

h. Provides health support.

3. Listen to the second part of the text and circle the three negative aspects [track 12]
that are mentioned.
a. Misuse of freedom of expression.
b. Lack of the desired effect on public.
c. Creation of controversy.
d. People being misled.
e. Disregard for society and law.
f. Effect on culture and language.
g. Chance of scams and fraud.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 135

2.2 Writing – Speech
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

It’s Wildlife Week and you are going to write a speech about
endangered species at a world and local level to be delivered
at the City Hall. Your main purpose is to raise awareness of
this issue and lead people to take action.

 Check page 117 in your textbook for useful language.

__________________________________________________________ ● Use a catchy introduction

__________________________________________________________ (strong opening line).

__________________________________________________________ ● State the topic.

__________________________________________________________ ● Support your ideas with

__________________________________________________________ relevant facts and evidence.

__________________________________________________________ ● Use relatable life experiences

and humour.




● End with a memorable
__________________________________________________________ conclusion: sum up the gist of
your speech and use a
captivating remark (intriguing
__________________________________________________________ question, poem…).

136 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.3 Writing – Poster
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. It’s time to promote your project. You are going to make a poster as part of the
communication plan of the project you presented for the creation of an “Upcycling
Room” at your local community centre.

1.1 Join with your group and outline:

• the most relevant information to include;
• an eye-catching headline;
• an appealing title and image for each topic;
• attractive lettering, colour and layout.

1.2 Make your poster. Bear in mind that it should be clear and striking so that everyone wants to
read and understand it.

A brief, accurate,
easy to read and

Topic subtitle Topic subtitle

+ +
Relevant information Relevant information Organise the
+ + information into
image image different topics with
a simple and easily

A slogan, catch
phrase or short
Tagline sentence conveying
your message/aim.

A phrase/sentence
Call to action to encourage
readers to support
and/or join your

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 137

2.4 Writing – Complaint email
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You have just received the sweatshirt you ordered online for your best friend’s
birthday. It was delivered in time but as soon as you unpacked the item you found that
the sweatshirt is of very poor quality and the colour doesn’t match that shown on the

1.1 Write a complaint email in order to return the item and get a full refund.

 Check page 151 in your textbook for useful language.

______________________ ,
• Describe the problem (the
__________________________________________________________ reason why you are
• Attach supporting documents.
• Explain the impact.
__________________________________________________________ • Name the desired solution.
__________________________________________________________ • Provide your contact







__________________________________________________________ Ending
• Thank the recipient for their
__________________________________________________________ • End with a close phrase.


138 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.1 / 2.2 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION Group work/production

The construction of a large dam on the river of a nearby

city is raising a lot of controversy. Therefore, your class
is going to carry out a round-table discussion about it.

Step 1:
Get together in groups of five. One of the students is the Tips
moderator and the other four the stakeholders (individuals,
groups, or organisations that stand to gain or lose from the • physical resettlement of families
success or failure of a project). • submersion of entire villages
• threat to biodiversity and the
STUDENT 1: Moderator
region’s cultural heritage and
STUDENT 2: Conservationist tourism
STUDENT 3: Local citizen
• geological risk
STUDENT 4: Industry representative
• flood control
STUDENT 5: Government
• water storage
Step 2: • hydropower
The moderator should prepare the introduction and the
questions and each stakeholder should prepare their • debris control
arguments. • recreation
Step 3: Carry out the round-table discussion. • emission of greenhouse gases

 Check page 101 in your textbook for useful language.

5-MINUTE PRESENTATION Individual work/production

Imagine you are an environmental activist and you

have been invited to talk about one of the biggest
environmental issues the world is facing nowadays.


● greet your audience; ● give advice/solutions;

● introduce yourself; ● give your opinion;
● introduce the topic; ● present a slogan. Imagine you are talking
about deforestation.
● explain/describe the
Your slogan may be:

 You can use any kind of visual aids to help you: pictures, flyers, audios, videos,…
 Check page 111 in your textbook for useful language.

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2.3/2.4 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

PROJECT KICKOFF MEETING Group work/production

It’s time to take action! You and two of your friends are
going to have a project kickoff meeting with the director of
your local community centre to create an “Upcycling

Step 1: Get together in groups of five. Three students are going to be part of the group of young people
and two other students are going to play the role of the Director and the Deputy Director of
the local community centre.


You are going to present a project to create
an “Upcycling Room” at your local You are going to question the group of
community centre. You expect to help young people about the project. You need
people in need with the finished products, to ask them about their main objectives
to encourage older people to go to the and clarify all your doubts regarding the
centre, become active and fight loneliness process of the creation of the “Upcycling
as well as to reduce the waste produced by Room”.
the community.

Step 2: Prepare your project meeting covering all the points mentioned in your textbook, page 134.
You can use a PowerPoint® presentation as a visual aid.

COMPLAINING ON THE PHONE Pair work/production

You are going to role-play a customer support call complaining about one of the situations
Step 1: Work with a partner and choose one situation.
Step 2: Role-play the call following the guidelines in your student’s book, page 149. Student A is the
customer support worker and Student B is the customer.

You have purchased a brand-new You bought a ticket for a live concert last year.
smartphone, but it is not working The concert took place yesterday, but you
properly. The internet connection is too didn’t get the seats you booked and you
slow and the phone crashes when you couldn’t see the performers. You are very
try to instal a new app. You want to upset and you would like to have your money
return it and ask for a refund. back plus compensation for the time you

140 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.1 So / Such (a / an) + that
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option.

1.1 I can’t believe you are throwing all those clothes away. You’re being ______ irresponsible that
I’m speechless.
a. so b. such a c. such d. so many e. so much
1.2 Having recycling bins on every floor of the building was ______ wonderful idea that the
administrator is thinking of implementing other green ideas.
a. so b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.3 There’s ______ to do as far as environmental education is concerned that we need to try to reach
the mayor as soon as possible.
a. so b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.4 I have ______ great memories of my years as a volunteer at this natural park that I may come
back for one or two weeks.
a. such b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.5 Congratulations! You have written ______ awesome article about wildlife that it should be
published in a national newspaper.
a. so b. such a c. such an d. so many e. so much
1.6 There are ______ young people taking part in environmental campaigns that the older
generations should look up to them.
a. so b. such a c. such d. so many e. so much

2. Match the sentences in columns A and C using the expressions in column B. Make all
the necessary changes.
a. Sir David Attenborough’s speech f. My teachers didn’t want to miss it.
was very engaging.
g. He has already implemented
b. That biologist is a very intelligent various successful strategies.
such an… that h. Many people can’t afford them.
c. Some eco-friendly products are
so… that i. We could have been hurt.
very expensive.
such a… that j. the audience paid a lot of
d. The meeting on Climate Change
attention to it.
was really important.
e. The mission to save these exotic
animals was very dangerous.

a. _____________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________________________

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2.1 Degrees of adjectives / Other comparatives
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the memo of an environmental organisation with the comparative or the

superlative form of superiority of the adjectives in the box.

old alarming extreme good low bad important many young


The latest report shows that the number of animals belonging to indigenous species are
a. ____________________ in the previous year. Although this is not surprising, what is
b. ____________________ is that a considerable number of those animals were found dead. The
c. ____________________ have survived but d. ____________________, the one/two-year-olds
couldn’t make it.

We are aware that part of their natural habitat has been destroyed and there are
e. ____________________ poachers than before, but these may not be
f. ____________________ factors. A local said that because of last
summer’s high temperatures they have been experiencing
g. ____________________ drought ever. He added that they are
doing h. ____________________ they can to feed the animals;
however, it’s a very difficult mission since the conditions to get to
them are now i. ____________________.

2. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, using the
words given. Use between two and five words.
a. Jonathan is very helpful. I don’t know anyone like him. (the)
Jonathan _______________________________________________________________ I know.
b. They say their conditions are not as good as they were before. (and)
They say their conditions are getting _______________________________ as the months go by.
c. They listened to the story for a long time and they were more and more surprised. (more)
The longer they listened to the story, ______________________________________________.
d. It’s better if you take action soon. (The)
__________________________________________________________take action, the better.
e. I have never seen such a beautiful animal. (is)
It _____________________________________________________________ I have ever seen.
f. Creating leaflets for campaigns is interesting but I prefer being in the field. (than)
Being in the field is __________________________________________ leaflets for campaigns.

142 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.2 Correlative conjunctions
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences with the most suitable correlative conjunctions.

neither… nor • both… and • not only… but also • either… or

a. When we got there, we saw __________ lots of new

commitments to get back on track __________
promises to reduce methane and phase out coal.

b. Environmentalists believe that __________ the

commitments __________ promises to keep our
climate as safe as possible for future generations mean
nothing without the action to back them up.

c. Stand up, take action! If you are willing to make a difference, you can start today. You can
__________ join the march at the town park __________ make banners.

d. As committed citizens we won’t let anyone forget the decisions taken at this summit.
__________ the general public __________our leaders will have the opportunity to shut their
eyes to the matter.

2. Say if the following sentences are grammatically right () or wrong () and correct the
wrong ones.
a. Not only is this crisis humanitarian but it is also environmental and economic.
b. An ecosystem is a system where either living things or non-living things function
together as a unit.
c. Future generations have the right to live in an environment that is either threatening
or dangerous.

3. Join the sentences using the conjunctions in brackets. Make the necessary changes.
a. The owner of the solar panels company is an entrepreneur. He is a man of responsibility. (both…
b. He doesn’t know how to deal with the domestic waste issue. He won’t accept any help in
solving it. (neither… nor)
c. Let’s start helping the planet. From now on we’ll go to school by bike or on foot. (either… or)
d. According to the weather report, it’s going to snow and rain tomorrow. (not only… but also)
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2.2 Modal verbs
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 The scale of the challenges facing our planet _______ seem intimidating,
but we _______ all do something.
a. may; could b. may; can c. can; could d. might; could
1.2 We are the first generation to know we’re ruining the planet, and we _______ be the last that
_______ do anything about it.
a. can; could b. could; can c. might; could d. may; could
1.3 To make a difference you _______ make your voice heard, keep yourself informed and above
all you _______ eat sustainably.
a. should; must b. must; can c. should; might d. should; might
1.4 If I _______ walk to work, I _______ lower my environmental impact.
a. could; should b. may; shall c. can; would d. could; would
1.5 _______ we start upcycling? That _______ be a good way of reusing our old items, reducing
our waste, and saving money.
a. Would; might b. May; shall c. Shall; might d. Could; shall

2. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs in brackets.

a. You bought a lot of new fast fashion clothes last week! That’s terrible! (shouldn’t)
b. I have no doubt that living a less consumerist lifestyle benefits me and the planet. (must)
c. As he is an advocate for a zero-waste life, I don’t think he agreed with his son’s way of life during
his teenage years. (can’t)
d. With the help of our local supporters, we will probably restore the natural habitat of some native
species. (may)

3. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first. Use between
two and five words, including the word given.
a. It’s against the rules to use the town park to sell our old things. (use)
We ________________________________ the town park to sell our old things.
b. If I were you, I would adopt an animal, I wouldn’t buy it. (you)
_______________________________________________ instead of buying it.
c. I can’t buy an environmentally friendly car because it’s very expensive. (able)
If environmentally friendly cars weren’t so expensive, I __________________________ one.
d. Transport is a very polluting sector, so use your bicycle more often, please. (ought)
Transport is a very polluting sector, so ________ your bicycle more often.

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2.3 Countable/Uncountable/Quantifiers
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

Why is fashion upcycling a trend?

a. Upcycling helps lessen the amount of waste going to landfills which

can take a. much / a lot of / a few years to break down.
b. It helps preserve b. any / some / little natural resources and reduces
c. much / lots of / any pollution.
c. It provides d. many / no / a lot of fun craft time, and you can own a
piece of clothing that is unique or that only e. a few / a little / many
people can have.
d. If you just have f. few / little / no money or g. any / no / a few money
at all, you can reinvent old clothes and avoid shopping for new ones.
e. It helps to save our mother’s and grandmother’s vintage pieces that have so h. many / much
/ few sentimental value for us.

2. Use the quantifiers in the box to complete the conversation.

few a little many any some (2x) much lots of a few

Anne: I’d like to try a. _____________ vegetarian dishes but I don’t want to cook.
Melanie: We can go for a stroll and search for a nice restaurant.
Anne: The problem is that there are b. _____________ restaurants that serve vegetarian food.
I only know two and they are not nearby.
Melanie: We can cycle to a restaurant that I love. They serve c. _____________ of my favourites
and also “green food”.
Anne: Do they have d. _____________ vegetarian dishes?
Melanie: I’ll check the online menu. Yes, they have e. _____________ options for veggies, and they
even have f. _____________ vegan dishes.
Anne: That sounds great! Are they expensive? I only have g. _____________ money.
Melanie: Not very. Don’t worry, it’s on me.
Anne: I’m not saying that I don’t have h. _____________ money…
Melanie: OK, Anne! Let’s go, I’m starving.

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2.4 Passive
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Rewrite the sentences. Use the passive.

a. No one has written a report for years.
b. Mary should have finished the project ages ago.
c. Our purchasing power can stop some of the worst forms of child labour.
d. Conscious consumers are taking small steps toward leaving a lighter “shop footprint”.
e. The pressure to increase sales was affecting his health.
f. I hope the committee will choose the small shop that only sells certified products.

2. Rephrase the sentences using the passive. Start as suggested.

a. We launched two campaigns at the same time and the director promised us a bonus.
We launched two campaigns at the same time and __________________________________ .
b. Consumer organisations say that the government must impose new rules on loans.
New rules on loans ______________________________ according to consumer organisations.
c. Some supermarkets offer consumers lots of fake bargains.
Consumers __________________________________________________________________ .
d. People think that buying at small local shops is not affordable.
It __________________________________________________________________________ .
e. They consider that Mark is the best sales representative in the area.
Mark _______________________________________________________________________ .
f. People expect that everyone will contribute to solving the problem of overconsumption.
It __________________________________________________________________________ .

3. Complete the paragraphs with the active or passive voice of the verbs in brackets.
Responsible purchasing in companies a. ________________ (highly / value) by consumers.
Procurement of eco-designed products can also help people b. ________________ (benefit) from
better products with a superior service.
Food waste c. ________________ (be) in the news a lot in recent years. Socially it
d. ________________ (seem) absurd that a third of the world’s food e. ________________ (waste)
when 800 million people f. ________________ (suffer) from hunger throughout the world.
Collaborative consumption g. ________________________ (grow) over the past ten years. It
h. ________________ (facilitate) by the development of information and communication
technology, and greatly i. _________________ (improve) the efficiency of how products
j. ________________ (use).

146 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.4 Causative
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of have something done.
a. The IT technician is repairing the department’s router at the moment.
The department ______________________________________________________________ .
b. The Marketing director’s office is redecorated every two years.
The Marketing director _________________________________________________________ .
c. The interns were answering our calls while we were out.
We _________________________________________________________________________ .
d. She will book the flights and the rooms for them.
They ________________________________________________________________________ .

2. Complete the dialogues. Use the correct form of have something done and the words in

a. “Why is that hoarding still there? It’s completely destroyed.”

“I know! I __________________________ (it / should / remove)
yesterday, but there was no one to do it.”
b. “I’m going to order lunch. Are you in?”
“__________________________ (we / food / deliver) here, at
the office?”
c. “You? Here? This is not your office! Have you been promoted?
I wish I had! Actually I __________________________ (my office / redesign) now.”
d. “What happened to Jane? She looks really upset.”
“After a lot of work, I believe she __________________________ (project / turn down).”
e. “How will you manage to deliver the last sales report on time?
Instead of writing it all by myself, I __________________________ (a huge part / write) by the
new intern.”
f. “This computer is working perfectly. Wasn’t this the one that was crashing all the time?
Yes, it was, but I __________________________ (it / repair) yesterday.”

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2.1 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Find words to match the definitions below.

a. The introduction of harmful materials into the g. It comes from sources or processes that are
environment. ____________________________ naturally replenishing but flow-limited.
b. A phenomenon that is leaving the planet iceless ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ h. An ecological area where a specific species lives.
c. The clearing of forests by humans. ___________ ___________________ ___________________
d. A species of animal or plant that is at risk of i. A thin part of the Earth’s atmosphere that
extinction. _______________ _______________ absorbs almost all of the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet
light. _________________ _________________
e. Extreme and sudden event in nature that usually
results in serious damage and many deaths. j. A process that occurs when gases in the Earth’s
___________________ ___________________ atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat.
_________________ _________________
f. Hydro-carbon containing materials of biological
origin that are burnt for energy.
___________________ ___________________

2. Complete the text with words/expressions from exercise 1. You may need to use the
plural form of the words.
Our planet is currently facing major environmental issues and human beings are the main
responsible for that. The overexploitation of natural resources, the loss of biodiversity and
a. ________________________ have increased at an alarming rate.
Also, overpopulation, b. ________________________ (cutting trees down), pollution and
burning c. ________________________ have been threatening Mother Earth. Not only have all
these actions caused problems like global warming, d. ________________________ depletion and
climate change but they have also intensified e. ________________________ such as hurricanes,
tsunamis, floods, and wildfires.
We are living an environmental crisis but advances in tackling it are being made. People are
investing in a circular economy, reusing and recycling more and more; the governments are
adopting measures to stop using coal and giving benefits to those who use
f. ________________________; young people are raising awareness of the state of the planet and
are speaking up on its behalf as well as reducing their carbon footprint… There’s still hope!

3. Choose words from the exercises above to complete the tables.


148 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.1 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. The animal in each sentence is wrong. Replace it with the correct one.
a. Oops! She forgot that they are not reliable and let the rat out of the bag.
b. It’s time to take the cow by the horns. I need to go there and talk to them
about the garbage they always leave at the front door.
c. You must hold your dogs because there’s no one there to open the
conference centre now.
d. Hey, what’s the matter with you? It looks like you have cats in your pants.
e. Oh, no! Not again! Why do I always get the monkey work?
f. To reach the Greenpeace office it’s only 300 metres as the eagle flies.
g. I’m having a shark of a time! I have never had so much fun.
h. The youngest are always the early crows.
i. I can’t go to the car repair shop to have the exhaust fixed now, I have
other sheep to fry.
j. My family’s favourite vegetarian restaurant has gone to the pigs lately.
k. The factory manager keeps saying that their actions do not harm the
environment and everything is being done by the book. I’m not sure,
I smell a cat there.
l. The woman never stops talking about going vegan. She has a real bird in her bonnet
about it.

2. Match the sentences in column A to their replies in column B and complete the reply
with a suitable idiom from the previous exercise.
a. After years without maintenance, my 1. ______________________! You still have
grandparents’ yard is completely deteriorated. ● ● to wait for another week.
b. I know that we need more bike lanes in the city,
but now we must focus on finding a place to ● ● 2. It’s time to take action and ___________.
build the animal shelter.
3. You are always so clear-sighted. Do you
c. I’m sick of this. My company always relies on
● ● _______________________ in this
me to do all the maintenance of the hardware.
d. We can no longer keep the truth about the
nuclear power plant to ourselves. ● ● 4. You’re right. We have _______________.

e. I can’t wait to meet my new partner! It’s going

to be awesome to have someone’s help feeding ● ● 5. Oh, so you’ve got all the _____________.
the animals.
f. That doesn’t sound good. They were not able to
6. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that it has all
implement the new environmental policy on ● ● ____________________________.

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2.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Choose the correct option to replace the phrasal verb.
1.1 The battle against the use of coal has been going on for years.
a. has been moving b. has been happening c. has been vanishing
1.2 The board has gone over the problem several times, but they can’t find a company that can
provide them with cleaner and cheaper energy.
a. has examined b. has explained c. has talked about
1.3 People can’t go on using so much plastic.
a. can’t continue b. can’t start c. can’t encourage
1.4 The government said they wouldn’t go for such a plan if it meant they had to spend more than
1% of the budget.
a. wouldn’t refuse b. wouldn’t like c. wouldn’t approve
1.5 Environmentalists are going against the new government policy for agriculture.
a. are disagreeing with b. are supporting c. are violating
1.6 Everyone is expected to go along with the decisions taken at the Climate Summit COP26.
a. to pay for b. to agree with c. to be against
1.7 There’s no way we can go about banning plastic from our school cafeteria by ourselves.
a. can approach b. can accept c. can stop

2. Here are some highlights of the last Climate

Summit - COP26. Complete each sentence with a
phrasal verb from the exercise above.

a. People have no idea what

_________________ while the
world was in lockdown.
d. It’s imperative to ____________
dealing with environmental
education at home.
b. Youth activists say: it’s time for
some changes. Things can’t
_______________ as they are. e. Leaders from 110 nations signed a
joint pledge promising to
_____________ all the measures to
c. On the streets of the COP26 host end deforestation by 2030.
city, indigenous activists claimed
that some countries’ agreements
______________ Nature and what f. Not every country ____________ the
has been decided on a global scale. proposal to end the use of coal.

150 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1.1 Some factories managers’ heads are in the clouds. They need to
a. be out of touch with reality.
b. be a bit more realistic about their lack of environmental policies.
c. have a more utopian vision of the future.
1.2 The politicians attending the summit today were so snowed under that they had to
a. see a doctor.
b. wear extra warm clothes.
c. cancel the last meeting of the day.
1.3 Your quest to end poverty in your city is similar to chasing rainbows,
a. it’s something that can make your life more colourful.
b. it’s something that you’ll never achieve.
c. it’s something that you can easily accomplish.
1.4 The period before the COVID19 pandemic began was the calm before the storm. Today the
world leaders
a. are always waiting for new measures to be taken.
b. are frantically implementing new measures.
c. are avoiding taking important decisions.
1.5 I’m sure the protesters will be there, come rain or shine, that is
a. whatever happens.
b. only if the sun is shining.
c. if the weather conditions are favourable.
1.6 The major fossil fuels company’s representative left the building with a face like thunder. He
a. extremely bored.
b. extremely worried.
c. extremely angry.
1.7 She was on cloud nine when she found out Sir David Attenborough had agreed to meet her.
She was
a. in a state of total anxiety.
b. ecstatic.
c. in a constant state of worry.
1.8 What a storm in a teacup! This ________________ compared to what they have to deal with.
a. is a huge issue
b. will cause a lot of controversy
c. isn’t at all important
1.9 If you were wise, you would save it for a rainy day. Don’t you think you should
a. be better prepared for the unexpected?
b. save money for college?
c. save money to face extreme weather conditions?
1.10 Going to the movies tonight?! Would you mind if I take a rain check on that? I mean
a. I don’t want to go tonight.
b. it’s going to rain a lot and I don’t want to go out at night.
c. I have to work late tonight. Can we go tomorrow?
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2.3. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb or noun.

a. There has been an accident at the factory and I don’t know how to break the _______________
to the manager.

b. We came _______________ to healing the planet during the first lockdown caused by the

c. By unplugging your electronics when not in use, you can _______________ energy and reduce
your carbon footprint.

d. Governments should _______________ people posted on the numbers relating to the country’s
overuse of natural resources.

e. People who do not recycle and just throw things away should pay a _______________.

2. Replace each underlined expression with a suitable collocation. Make the necessary
a. Is it possible to avoid some natural disasters? ________________________________________
b. It’s our responsibility to be aware of what’s going on around us. _________________________
c. The environment is suffering the consequences of the economic and social progress achieved in
the last century. _______________________________________________________________
d. She wants to leave behind all the things that increase her carbon footprint. _______________
e. How kind of you to bring me some flowers. You really shouldn’t have bothered.

3. Complete the following collocations. Then choose four and write sentences with them.

a. ____________ attention b. ____________ safe c. ____________ to an end

d. ____________ even e. ____________ money f. ____________ a visit

g. ____________ into view h. ____________ the silence i. ____________ time

 _____________________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________________

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2.3. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Choose the correct synonym for the underlined words.

a. Sustainable cities have been seeing a substantial backing of the circular economy. (investment
in / application of)
b. Last week we witnessed a disagreement between organic farmers and large-scale producers.
(argument / discussion)
c. She’s so upset because of the duplicity of the supply chain CEO. (deceptioned… disappointment)
/ (disappointed... deception)
d. “Have you seen the documentary The Salt of the Earth?” “Yes, I saw it in the English class without
captions. Sebastião Salgado, the photographer, is one of the most famous in his field.”
(legends… subtitles) / (subtitles… legends)
e. Can you believe he calls himself an upcycling master and green living guru? He also said that
people need to be really clever and start pursuing happiness in nature. (smart… expert) /
(expert… smart)
f. My friend’s cousins own a farm and raise cattle, but they are very tolerant towards people who
have decided to stop eating meat. (understanding / comprehensive)
g. I can’t stand people who simulate having a sustainable lifestyle. They just aspire to create a
positive image of themselves within the community. (intend… pretend) / (pretend… intend)
h. The Uninhabitable Earth may be the book for you if you need to get up-to-speed on our climate
crisis. You can either find it at the shop that sells books or borrow it from the public building that
lends books. (library… bookshop) / (bookshop… library)
i. You can easily see the owner of the store behind the desk with the cash register. (balcony /
j. I’m keeping my source confidential just in case there’s a chance to write another environmental
scoop. (particular / private)

2. Choose a suitable word from the box to complete each sentence.

polite remember practical convenient record educated

a. I can’t actually __________________ the last time I went to the shopping centre to buy a new purse.
b. Although he is very __________________ – I’ve never seen him being rude – we could understand
he was against the measure.
c. The place looks pretty __________________ for the new neighbourhood zero waste and bulk
grocery store.

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2.4. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Unscramble the following words and match them to the right definition.


a. _______________: marketing messages that show up with the help of the Internet.
b. _______________: empty spaces that you can rent to advertise a product or service.
c. _______________: large boards in a public place, used to display adverts.
d. _______________: the period of time when a radio or television audience is expected to be at
its highest.
e. _______________: a form of advertising in which branded goods and services are featured in a
film, a TV programme…
f. _______________: an easy-to-remember short simple tune, used to advertise a product or

2. Some people were asked to take part in a TV programme on advertising. Below you’ll
find their comments. Complete them with the words from the box and three
words/expressions from the previous exercise.
I don’t actually like a. _______________. I believe they devalue the ● brand loyalty
celebrity and affront the public’s intelligence. It’s evident that they only ● target audience
want to boost their bank accounts’ numbers.
● commercials (2x)
I still remember some b. _______________ I saw when I was younger. ● logos
I can’t really imagine what was so exceptional about them, perhaps the ● celebrity
c. _______________ or the imagery. endorsement

Ads have the power to influence their d. _______________ through

striking e. _______________ that fix a brand name in people’s mind.

I don’t mind f. _______________ in movies. I prefer to see real brands as long as they are
relevant to the scene. It usually benefits both the story and the marketing objective.

Recent studies show that fun g. _______________attract people more quickly to your brand and
can also help grow your h. _______________.

Advertising is everywhere. There are leaflets in your post box, i. _______________ in the
streets, j. _______________ on TV, brochures in shops, shiny ads in magazines, famous faces
on the sides of buses.

154 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.4. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the dialogues with a suitable idiom.
a. “Do you know if he managed to submit the first draft of the ad on time?”
“He did it just ____________________: It was 11.59 p.m.”
b. “I’m so tired! I don’t think I can go on and finish the report today!”
“Ok, maybe it’s better if we __________________. There is still time tomorrow.”
c. “I can’t believe this commercial is already ten years old!”
“Neither can I! _______________, doesn’t it?”
d. “Did Mark get you the job at that software company?”
“Yes, he did! I’m so grateful. I’ll be his friend ___________________.”
e. “They weren’t able to launch the campaign within the deadline.”
“How come?! Everybody was working _____________ to meet the deadlines!”
f. “How was the party to celebrate the success of the new campaign?”
“Awesome! We all laughed and danced. We had ________________.”
g. “I will have to take sick leave for a week.”
“It’s ok. I trust that you’ll do your best to _________ when you come back.”

2. The underlined idioms are not in the right sentences. Change them to form correct
a. It’s been wonderful to work here at Google. We always have some time
on our hands.
b. She was off sick for two weeks and now she is back with a lot of energy,
ready to call it a day.
c. My business partner is the most industrious person I know. I believe our partnership will last in
the nick of time.
d. We can try to design the new logo. We have a whale of a time now that the campaign has been
e. After realising how exhausted we were, the manager agreed to make up for lost time.
f. I was about to email the wrong version of the report, full of mistakes, but he warned me just till
the end of time before I pressed “enter”!

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Inclusion worksheets
2.1 / 2.2 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Two speeches from the Climate Summit COP26

Brianna Fruean
When I was a little girl, I was taught the importance and impact
of words. In my culture there is a proverb that goes, “e pala ma’a
ae lē pala upu”. It means that even stones decay, but words
5 A lesson in knowing how words can be wielded. How text can
change everything. How each word you use is weighted. How
switching one word or number can reframe worlds. How “climate
action” can be vastly different from “climate justice”. How 2 degrees could mean “the end” and 1.5
could mean “a fighting chance”.
10 You all have the power here today to be better. To remember that your meeting rooms and
drafting documents are not just black and white objects. To remember that in your words, you
wield the weapons that can save us or sell us out.
I don’t need to remind you of the reality of our vulnerable communities. You don’t need my pain
or tears to know that we’re in a crisis. The real question is whether you have the political will to do
15 the right thing, to wield the right words and follow it up with long overdue action.
If you’re looking for inspiration on climate leadership, take a look at young Pacific people. We
are not just victims of this crisis, we have been resilient beacons of hope.
As Pacific youth we have always rallied behind the warrior cry “we are not drowning, we are
fighting”. This is my message from Earth to COP. I hope you remember my words, because “e pala
20 ma’a ae le pala upu”.
https://www.thecoconet.tv (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

Txai Surui
My name is Txai Surui, I’m only 24 but my people have been
living in the Amazon Forest at least 6,000 years. My father, the
Great Chief Almir Surui, taught me that we must listen to the stars,
5 the moon, the wind, the animals, and the trees.
Today the climate is warming. The animals are disappearing. The
rivers are dying, and our plants don’t flower like they did before.
The Earth is speaking. She tells us that we have no more time!
A friend asked me, will we continue to think that today’s injuries can be resolved with ointments
10 and painkillers, even though we know that tomorrow our own wounds will be deeper. We need a
different path, with both local and global changes. It’s not 2030 or 2050. It’s now. While you are
closing your eyes to reality, the land defender Ari Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau, my friend since when I was a
kid, was murdered for protecting the forest.
Indigenous people are on the front line of the climate emergency, and we must be at the centre
15 of the decisions happening here. We have ideas to post on the end of the world.
Let us stop the answering with lies and fake promises. Let us end the pollution of hollow words.
Let us fight for a liveable future and present. It is always necessary to believe this dream is possible.
May a utopia be our future on Earth.
https://medium.com (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

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1. The sentences in column B were extracted from both speeches. Match them to the
speech-making tips in column A.

Some tips for writing a speech Examples

a. Introduce yourself 1. “(…) end the pollution of hollow words (…)”

b. Make a great opening statement 2. “Indigenous people are on the front line of the
climate emergency, and we must be at the centre
c. Express your opinion of the decisions happening here.”
d. Address your audience directly 3. “In my culture there is a proverb that goes, 'e pala
e. Use personal details ma’a ae lē pala upu'.”
f. Use emotive and figurative language 4. “Let us stop the answering with lies and fake
promises. (…) Let us fight for a liveable future and
g. Make a call for action
h. Use contrast
5. “Let us fight for a liveable future and present.”/
“It’s not 2030 or 2050. It’s now.”
6. “My name is Txai Surui, I’m only 24 (…)”
7. “You all have the power here today to be better.”
8. “(…) the land defender Ari Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau, my
friend since when I was a kid, was murdered for
protecting the forest.”

2. Find synonyms for the following words in the first text. Choose from the box.
a. deteriorate ________________
b. change (verb) ________________
c. manage/use ________________ beacons
d. susceptible ________________ vulnerable
e. signals ________________ reframe

3. Match the words in column A (2nd text, last paragraph) with their opposites in
column B. There’s an extra one.


a. hollow 1. a real flawed place

2. meaningful
b. liveable
3. meaningless
c. utopia
4. uninhabitable

4. What or who do the highlighted words in the 2nd text refer to? Circle the correct
a. you – common citizens / world leaders
b. here – world / COP26
c. this – a liveable future and present / present
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2.3 / 2.4 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

The advertising industry is fueling climate disaster

To confront the climate emergency, the amount we
consume needs to drop dramatically. Yet every day
we’re told to consume more. We all know about air
pollution – but there’s a kind of “brain fWS_Reading_2.3_2.4a
5 pollution” produced by advertising that, uncontrolled,
fuels overconsumption. And the problem is getting
Advertising is everywhere, so prevalent as to be
invisible but with an effect no less insidious than air
10 pollution. It’s woven into our personal communications whenever we use social media
platforms. In public spaces, where we have little choice over where we look, adverts are
invasive, appearing without our consent. And the trend towards digital billboards only
exposes us ever more. Some big companies even boast about how “unmissable” digital
screens are on busy roads, “captivating audiences” when drivers would be better off
15 watching the road.
1. __________ Extensive scientific research shows that, when exposed to advertising,
people “buy into” the materialistic values and goals it encourages. Consequently, they report
lower levels of personal well-being, experience conflict in relationships, engage in fewer
positive social behaviours, and experience detrimental effects on study and work. Critically,
20 the more that people prioritise materialistic values and goals, the less they embrace positive
attitudes towards the environment – and the more likely they are to behave in damaging
2. __________ Brands that have been made familiar through advertising have a strong
influence on the choices people make. Brands and logos have also been shown to generate
25 strong preferences between virtually identical products, such as fizzy drinks – preferences
that disappear in blind tests. Researchers looking to assess the power of advertised
brands concluded that, “there are visual images and marketing messages that have insinuated
themselves into the nervous systems of humans.”
Indeed, some of the earliest work in this area concluded, “Scary as it may sound, if an ad
30 does not modify the brains of the intended audience, then it has not worked.” Yet this is little
known more widely. Through a combination of experience and ad exposure connected to
emotional responses, brands and their logos become more “mentally available”. 3. __________
Still other research demonstrates how exposure to different brands can influence behaviour,
for example making them behave less honestly, or creatively. Customisable tools for neural
35 profiling are now available to test the effectiveness of brands and logos on consumers, giving
rise to what has become known as “neuromarketing”.
4. __________ But advertising heavily polluting products and services, such as for fossil
fuels, aviation and petrol-engined cars, is particularly damaging.
Tackling “brain pollution” requires action equivalent to the campaign to end tobacco
40 advertising. New checks and balances need to accommodate the natural concerns of councils
and residents around climate, air pollution, environmental light pollution, mental health, and
the dominance of non-consensual adverts in public spaces.
5. __________ But as the climate crisis bites, its role is set to rise up the agenda.
Campaigners are calling for legislation against high-carbon advertising, focusing on fossil
45 fuel companies, petrol- and diesel-engined cars and aviation; at municipal level, places
like Norwich, Liverpool and north Somerset are introducing measures to end high-carbon
advertising; and an EU-wide campaign is now following a ban on the Amsterdam
metro. Tackling brain pollution won’t just make us feel better, but help clear the air too.
https://www.theguardian.com (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

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1. Complete the text with the missing sentences. Match the numbers to the letters.
a. Overconsumption in general, encouraged by advertising, has a climate and
ecological impact. __________
b Even worse, findings from neuroscience reveal that advertising goes as far as
lodging itself in the brain, rewiring it by forming physical structures and causing
permanent change.
c. Advertising works by getting under your radar, introducing new ideas without
bothering your conscious mind. __________
d. Advertising, the business of attention-seeking, has ironically avoided scrutiny so
far. __________
e. This happens through the development of new neural pathways reinforced by
repeated encounters.

2. In which paragraphs can you find the following topics? Match the topics to the

a. Neuro and cognitive science applied to advertising. Paragraph 2

b. A shift in the mindset regarding advertising. Paragraph 3

c. Effects of advertising on people’s behaviour. Paragraph 5

d. The prevalence of advertising. Paragraph 8

3. Match the words in column A (paragraph 2) with their synonyms in column B.


a. prevalent 1. interfering

b. insidious 2. destructive

c. invasive 3. conspicuous

d. boast 4. brag

e. “unmissable” 5. common

4. Choose the right ending to each sentence on the right. There are two extra endings.
1. exposed to advertising.
a. The effect of advertising in our lives can be as
harmful 2. as brain pollution.

3. people’s brains.
b. People are more likely to neglect eco-friendly
behaviours if they are 4. our lives.

c. To be effective an ad must change… 5. as air pollution.

160 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.1 / 2.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Watch the first part of Sir David

Attenborough’s speech delivered at Video at
COP26 and circle the correct
information in each sentence.

a. The ongoing industrial revolution generated by eco-friendly ideas is absolutely dispensable /

b. Nature can provide us all with food, healthy air and cheap /expensive clean energy.
c. People need to realise that advanced nations have not completed their development yet /
are already fully developed.
d. We can only achieve a good standard of living if we split our efforts / work together.
e. Sir David Attenborough’s speech conveyed a message of fear / hope.

2. Watch/ Listen to the second part of the speech where Sir David Attenborough
tries to answer the question “Can we fix the climate problem in one
Video at

Choose the correct option.

2.1 The climate change issue can be solved in one generation if
a. the numbers start to drop.
b. everybody follows through on the commitments made at the summit.
c. people stop complaining and start to take action.

2.2 Only by working together

a. can we be powerful enough to destabilise the forces of nature.
b. can we be powerful enough to prevent some disasters.
c. can we ensure we rescue our planet.

2.3 This generation could and should

a. see a rehabilitation of the planet.
b. witness an appalling decay of the planet.
c. observe a terrible decline of natural resources.

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2.3 / 2.4 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Video at
1. Watch the video “Hollywood explains consumerism” and circle the
correct option.

1.1 Advertising
a. makes people believe they could be millionaires and rock stars.
b. feeds off people’s desires to be happy by owning things.
c. encourages people to acquire products they cannot afford.
1.2 Owning and desiring products that one may not need contribute to
a. peoples’ happiness.
b. bankruptcy.
c. an increase in levels of depression and anxiety.
1.3 Consumerism has…
a. had a huge negative impact on the environment and has created a constant need for new
products on a regular basis.
b. created companies structured to make money.
c. resulted in tonnes of garbage and has stimulated the purchasing of long-lasting products.

2. Listen to the first part of a text about the impact of advertising on society.
Number the positive aspects in the order that you hear them. [track 11]

a. Gives access to job opportunities and business.

b. Sponsors sport and other programmes.

c. Generates employment.
d. Informs the public.
e. Provides health support.

3. Listen to the second part of the text and circle the three negative aspects
[track 12]
that are mentioned.
a. Misuse of freedom of expression.
c. People being misled.
d. Disregard for society and law.
e. Effect on culture and language.
f. Chances of scams and frauds.

162 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.2 Writing – Speech
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

It’s Wildlife Week and you are going to write a speech about
endangered species at a world and local level to be delivered
at the City Hall. Your main purpose is to raise awareness of
this issue and lead people to take action.

________________________________________________________________ ● Use a catchy

________________________________________________________________ introduction (strong
opening line).
Animals and plants are disappearing at an alarming rate due to ___
● State the topic.
● Support your ideas
________________________________________________________________ with relevant facts and
● Use relatable life
________________________________________________________________ experiences and
In our town _____________________________________________________





Don’t you remember when you were children and _______________



It’s time to______________________________________________________

● End with a memorable
________________________________________________________________ conclusion: sum up
the gist of your speech
________________________________________________________________ and use a captivating
remark (intriguing
__________________________________________________________ and as
question, poem…).
Nelson Mandela said “It always seems impossible until it’s done”.

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2.3 Writing – Poster
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. It’s time to promote your project. You are going to make a poster as part of the
communication plan of the project you presented for the creation of an “Upcycling
Room” at your local community centre.

1.1 Join with your group and outline:

• the most relevant information to include;
• an eye-catching headline;
• an appealing title and image for each topic;
• attractive lettering, colour and layout.

1.2 Make your poster. Bear in mind that it should be clear and striking so that everyone wants to
read and understand it.

Upcycle your life

Headline: a brief,
accurate, easy
to read and
Environmental Financial
Benefits Benefits
Relevant information Relevant information
+ +
image image
Topics: organise the
information in
different topics with
a simple and
Economic Educational, understandable
Benefits Spiritual & subtitle.
Creative Benefits
Relevant information
+ Relevant information
image +
Tagline: a slogan,
catch phrase or short
Don’t waste it, give it a new life sentence conveying
your message/aim.

Not next week, not tomorrow, NOW! Call to action: a

phrase/sentence to
Join the Upcycling Room at the community centre! encourage readers to
support and/or join
your project

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2.4 Writing – Complaint email
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You have just received the sweatshirt you ordered online for your best friend’s
birthday. It was delivered in time but as soon as you unpacked the item you found that
the sweatshirt is of very poor quality and the colour doesn’t match that shown on the
website. Write a complaint email in order to return the item and get a full refund.

1.1 Complete the following sentences and write them in the correct order in the e-mail form below.
• I look forward to your immediate reply and a resolution to my problem. Please contact me
at ________ or by ___________ during business hours.
• Find attached pictures of ____________________________________________.
• Dear Mr ______________,
• Thank you for ________________________.
• I always valued your products, but unfortunately this was not the case and I’m truly
disappointed because this sweatshirt was bought as a _______________. Therefore, I
would like to __________________ and _______________________________.
• Kind __________________,
• I am writing today to complain of the poor ____________ I have just received from

______________________ ,

• Describe the problem (the
__________________________________________________________ reason why you are
__________________________________________________________ • Attach supporting
• Explain the impact.
• Name the desired solution.
__________________________________________________________ • Provide your contact
__________________________________________________________ information.


__________________________________________________________ • Thank the recipient for
their assistance.
• End with a close phrase.

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2.1 / 2.2 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION Group work/production

The construction of a large dam on the river of a nearby

city is raising a lot of controversy. Therefore, your class
is going to carry out a round-table discussion about it.

Step 1:
Get together in groups of five. One of the students is the Tips
moderator and the other four the stakeholders (individuals,
groups, or organisations that stand to gain or lose from the • physical resettlement of families
success or failure of a project). • submersion of entire villages
• threat to biodiversity and the
STUDENT 1: Moderator
region’s cultural heritage and
STUDENT 2: Conservationist tourism
STUDENT 3: Local citizen
• geological risk
STUDENT 4: Industry representative
• flood control
STUDENT 5: Government
• water storage
Step 2: • hydropower
The moderator should prepare the introduction and the
questions, and each stakeholder should prepare their • debris control
arguments. • recreation
Step 3: Carry out the round-table discussion. • emission of greenhouse gases

Check page 101 in your textbook for useful language.

5-MINUTE PRESENTATION Individual work/production

Imagine you are an environmental activist and you

have been invited to talk about one of the biggest
environmental issues the world is facing nowadays.

● greet your audience; ● give advice/solutions;
● introduce yourself; ● give your opinion;
● introduce the topic; ● present a slogan.
Imagine you are talking
● explain/describe the
about deforestation –
problem; your slogan may be:


 You can use any kind of visual aids to help you: pictures, flyers,
audios, videos,…
 Check page 111 in your textbook for useful language.

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2.3/2.4 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

PROJECT KICKOFF MEETING Group work/production

It’s time to take action! You and two of your friends are
going to have a project kickoff meeting with the director of
your local community centre to create an “Upcycling

Step 1: Get together in groups of five. Three students are going to be part of the group of the young
people and two other students are going to play the role of the Director and the Deputy
Director of the local community centre.


You are going to present a project to create
an “Upcycling Room” at your local You are going to question the group of
community centre. You expect to help young people about the project. You need
people in need with the finished products, to ask them about their main objectives
to encourage older people to go to the and clarify all your doubts regarding the
centre, become active and fight loneliness process of the creation of the “Upcycling
as well as to reduce the waste produced by Room”.
the community.

Step 2: Prepare your project meeting covering all the points mentioned in your textbook, page 134.
You can use a PowerPoint® presentation as a visual aid.

COMPLAINING ON THE PHONE Pair work/production

You are going to role-play a customer support call complaining about one of the situations
Step 1: Work with a partner and choose one situation.
Step 2: Role-play the call following the guidelines in your textbook, page 149. Student A is the customer
support worker and Student B is the customer.

You have purchased a brand-new You bought a ticket for a live concert last year.
smartphone, but it is not working The concert took place yesterday, but you
properly. The internet connection is too didn’t get the seats you booked and you
slow and the phone crashes when you couldn’t see the performers. You are very
try to install a new app. You want to upset and you would like to have your money
return it and ask for a refund. back plus compensation for the time you

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2.1 So / Such (a / an) + that
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option.

1.1 I can’t believe you are throwing all those clothes away. You’re being ______ irresponsible that
I’m speechless.
a. so b. such a c. such
1.2 Having recycling bins on every floor of the building was ______ wonderful idea that the
administrator is thinking of implementing other green ideas.
a. so b. such a c. such an
1.3 There’s ______ to do as far as environmental education is concerned that we need to try to reach
the mayor as soon as possible.
a. so b. so many c. so much
1.4 I have ______ great memories of my years as a volunteer at this natural park that I may come
back for one or two weeks.
a. such b. such a c. so much
1.5 Congratulations! You have written ______ awesome article about wildlife that it should be
published in a national newspaper.
a. such a b. such an c. such much
1.6 There are ______ young people taking part in environmental campaigns that the older
generations should look up to them.
a. such b. so many c. so much

2. Match the sentences in columns A and B using the expressions in brackets. Make all
the necessary changes.
a. Sir David Attenborough’s speech was very f. My teachers didn’t want to miss it.
engaging. (so… that)
g. He has already implemented
b. That biologist is a very intelligent man. different successful strategies.
(such an… that)
h. Many people can’t afford them.
c. Some eco-friendly products are very
i. We could have been hurt.
expensive. (so… that)
j. the audience paid a lot of attention
d. The meeting on Climate Change was really
to it.
important. (so… that)
e. The mission to save these exotic animals
was very dangerous. (so… that)

a. _____________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________________________

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2.1 Degrees of adjectives / Other comparatives
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the memo of an environmental organisation with the comparative or the

superlative form of superiority of the adjectives in brackets.


The latest report shows that the number of animals belonging to indigenous species are
a. ____________________ (low) in the previous year. Although this is not surprising, what is
b. ____________________ (alarming) is that a considerable number of those animals were
found dead. The c. ____________________ (old) have survived but d. ____________________,
the one/two-year-olds couldn’t make it.

We are aware that part of their natural habitat has been destroyed and there are
e. ____________________ (many) poachers than before, but these may not be
f. ____________________ (important) factors. A local said that
because of last summer’s high temperatures they have been
experiencing g. ____________________ (extreme) drought ever.
He added that they are doing h. _____________ (good) they can to
feed the animals; however, it’s a very difficult mission since the
conditions to get to them are now i. __________________ (bad).

2. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, using the
words given. Use between two and five words.
a. Jonathan is very helpful. I don’t know anyone like him. (the)
Jonathan is _________________________________________________ helpful person I know.
b. They say their conditions are not as good as they were before. (and)
They say their conditions are getting worse _________________________ as the months go by.
c. They listened to the story for a long time and they were more and more surprised. (more)
The longer they listened to the story, the ___________________________________ they were.
d. It’s better if you take action soon. (The)
________________________________________________________ you take action, the better.
e. I have never seen such a beautiful animal. (is)
It ________________________________________________ beautiful animal I have ever seen.
f. Creating leaflets for campaigns is interesting but I prefer being in the field. (than)
Being in the field is ____________________________________ creating leaflets for campaigns.

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2.2 Correlative
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences with the most suitable correlative conjunctions.

neither… nor • both… and • not only… but also • either… or

a. When we got there, we saw __________ lots of new

commitments to get back on track __________
promises to reduce methane and phase out coal.
b. Environmentalists believe that __________ the
commitments __________ promises to keep our
climate as safe as possible for future generations mean
nothing without the action to back them up.
c. Stand up, take action! If you are willing to make a difference, you can start today. You can
__________ join the march at the town park __________ make banners.
d. As committed citizens we won’t let anyone forget the decisions taken at this summit.
__________ the general public __________our leaders will have the opportunity to shut their
eyes to the matter.

2. Choose the correct sentence.

a. Not only is this crisis humanitarian but it is also environmental and economic.
b. This crisis is neither humanitarian or environmental and economic.
a. An ecosystem is a system where both living things and non-living things function together as
a unit.
b. An ecosystem is a system where either living things or non-living things function together as
a unit.
a. Future generations have the right to live in an environment that is either threatening or
b. Future generations have the right to live in an environment that is neither threatening nor

3. Join the sentences using the conjunctions in brackets. Make the necessary changes.
a. The owner of the solar panels company is an entrepreneur. He is a man of responsibility. (both… and)
The owner of the solar panels company is ______________________________________________
b. He doesn’t know how to deal with the domestic waste issue. He won’t accept any help in solving
it. (neither… nor)
He ________________________________________________________ does he accept help.
c. Let’s start helping the planet. From now on we’ll go to school by bike or on foot. (either… or)
Let’s start helping the planet. We’ll ________________________________________________
d. According to the weather report, it’s going to snow and rain tomorrow. (not only… but also)
According to the weather report, _________________________________________________

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2.2 Modal verbs
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 The scale of the challenges facing our planet _______ seem intimidating,
but we _______ all do something.
a. may; could b. may; can c. can; could
1.2 We are the first generation to know we’re ruining the planet, and we _______ be the last that
_______ do anything about it.
a. can; could b. could; can c. might; could
1.3 To make a difference you _______ make your voice heard, keep yourself informed and above
all you _______ eat sustainably.
a. should; must b. must; can c. should; might
1.4 If I _______ walk to work, I _______ lower my environmental impact.
a. could; should b. may; shall c. can; would
1.5 _______ we start upcycling? That _______ be a good way of reusing our old items, reducing
our waste, and saving money.
a. Would; might b. May; shall c. Shall; might

2. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs in brackets.

a. You bought a lot of new fast fashion clothes last week! That’s terrible! (shouldn’t)
You ______________________________________________ a lot of new fast fashion clothes.
b. I have no doubt that living a less consumerist lifestyle benefits me and the planet. (must)
Living a less consumerist lifestyle ________________________________________________ .
c. As he is an advocate for a zero-waste life, I don’t think he agreed with his son’s way of life
during his teenage years. (can’t)
He is an advocate of a zero-waste life, he ___________________________ his son’s way of life
during his teenage years.
d. With the help of our local supporters, we will probably restore the natural habitat of some
native species. (may)
With the help of our local supporters, we __________________________________________ .

3. Circle the correct option(s) to complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in
meaning to the first.
a. It’s against the rules to use the town park to sell our old things.
We can’t / mustn’t use the town park to sell our old things.
b. If I were you, I would adopt an animal, I wouldn’t buy it.
You should / can adopt an animal instead of buying it.
c. I can’t buy an environmentally friendly car because it’s very expensive.
If environmentally friendly cars weren’t so expensive, I can be able / would be able to buy one.
d. Transport is a very polluting sector in the country, so use your bicycle more often, please.
Transport is a very polluting sector in the country, you would / ought to use your bicycle more often.
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2.3 Countable/Uncountable/Quantifiers
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

Why is fashion upcycling a trend?

a. Upcycling helps lessen the amount of waste going to landfills which

can take a. much / a lot of / a few years to break down.
b. It helps preserve b. any / some / little natural resources and reduces
c. much / lots of / any pollution.
c. It provides d. many / no / a lot of fun craft time, and you can own a
piece of clothing that is unique or that only e. a few / a little / many
people can have.
d. If you just have f. few / little / no money or g. any / no / a few money
at all, you can reinvent old clothes and avoid shopping for new ones.
e. It helps to save our mother’s and grandmother’s vintage pieces that have so h. many / much
/ few sentimental value for us.

2. Choose the most suitable quantifier to complete the conversation.

Anne: I’d like to try a. _____________ vegetarian dishes but I don’t want to cook. (some /
much / any)
Melanie: We can go for a stroll and search for a nice restaurant.
Anne: The problem is that there are b. _____________ restaurants that serve vegetarian food.
I only know two and they are not nearby. (a little / few / any)
Melanie: We can cycle to a restaurant that I love. They serve c. _____________ of my favourites
and also “green food”. (some / much / lots of)
Anne: Do they have d. _____________ vegetarian dishes? (much / a little / many)
Melanie: I’ll check the online menu. Yes, and they have e. _____________ options for veggies, and
they even have f. _____________ vegan dishes. (lots of / any / a little) / (any / a few /
Anne: That sounds great! Are they expensive? I only have g. _____________ money. (much /
any / a little)
Melanie: Not very. Don’t worry, it’s on me.
Anne: I’m not saying that I don’t have h. _____________ money… (many / any / few)
Melanie: OK, Anne! Let’s go, I’m starving.

172 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.4 Passive
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct passive sentence.

1.1 No one has written a report for years.
a. A report wasn’t written for years.
b. A report hasn’t been written for years.
c. A report won’t be written for years.
1.2 Mary should have finished the project ages ago.
a. The project should be finished by Mary ages ago.
b. The project was finished by Mary ages ago.
c. The project should have been finished by Mary ages ago.
1.3 Our purchasing power can stop some of the worst forms of child labour.
a. Some of the worst forms of child labour could stop by our purchasing power.
b. Some of the worst forms of child labour can be stopped by our purchasing power.
c. Some of the worst forms of child labour were stopped by our purchasing power.
1.4 Conscious consumers are taking small steps toward leaving a lighter shop footprint.
a. Small steps toward leaving a lighter “shop footprint” are being taken by conscious consumers.
b. Small steps toward leaving a lighter “shop footprint” were taken by conscious consumers.
c. Small steps toward leaving a lighter “shop footprint” are taken by conscious consumers.
1.5 The pressure to increase sales was affecting his health.
a. His health is affected by the pressure to increase sales.
b. His health will be affected by the pressure to increase sales.
c. His health was being affected by the pressure to increase sales.
1.6 I hope the committee will choose the small shop that only sells certified products.
a. I hope the small shop that only sells certified products will be chosen by the committee.
b. I hope the small shop that only sells certified products is chosen by the committee.
c. I hope the small shop that only sells certified products would be chosen by the committee.

2. Rephrase the sentences starting as suggested. Use the passive.

a. We launched two campaigns at the same time and the director promised us a bonus.
We launched two campaigns at the same time and we _____________________ a bonus by
the director.
b. Consumer organisations say that the government must impose new rules on loans.
New rules on loans ________________________________________ by the government
according to consumer organisations.
c. Some supermarkets offer consumers lots of fake bargains.
Consumers _______________________ lots of fake bargains by some supermarkets.
d. People think that buying at small local shops is not affordable.
It ______________________________ that buying at small and local shops is not affordable.
e. They consider that Mark is the best sales representative in the area.
Mark ____________________ the best sales representative in the area.
f. People expect that everyone will contribute to solving the problem of overconsumption.
It ______________ that everyone will contribute to solving the problem of overconsumption.
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2.4 Causative
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have something done.
a. The IT technician is repairing the department’s router at the moment.
The department _______________ the router _______________ at the moment.

b. The Marketing director’s office is redecorated every two years.

The Marketing director_______________ his office________________ every two years.

c. The interns were answering our calls while we were out.

We __________________ our calls __________________ while we were out.

d. She will book the flights and the rooms for them.
They _________________ the flights and the rooms __________________.

2. Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of have something done.

a. “Why is that hoarding still there? It’s completely destroyed.”

“I know! I _____________ it _____________ (should remove)
yesterday, but there was no one to do it.”

b. “I’m going to order lunch. Are you in?”

“______ we _______ the food _____________ (deliver) here, at the

c. “You? Here? This is not your office! Have you been promoted?”
“I wish I had! Actually I ___________ my office________________ (redesign) now.”

d. “What happened to Jane? She looks really upset.”

“After a lot of work, I believe she ________ her project _____________ (turn down).”

e. “How will you manage to deliver the last sales report on time?”
“Instead of writing it all by myself, I __________ a huge part ______________ (write) by the new
intern. ”

f. “This computer is working perfectly. Wasn’t this the one that was crashing all the time?”
“Yes, it was, but I ___________ it ______________ (repair) yesterday.”

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2.1 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Find words to match the definitions below.

a. The introduction of harmful materials into the g. It comes from sources or processes that are
environment. P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ naturally replenishing but flow-limited.
b. A phenomenon that is leaving the planet iceless. R ________ E_____
G_______ M______ h. An ecological area where a specific species lives.
N______ H______
c. The clearing of forests by humans.
i. A thin part of the Earth’s atmosphere that
D____________ absorbs almost all of the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet
d. A species of animal or plant that is at risk of light. N _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _
extinction. E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ j. A process that occurs when gases in the Earth’s
e. Extreme and sudden event in nature that usually atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat.
results in serious damage and many deaths. G_________ E_____
N______ D______
f. Hydro-carbon containing materials of biological
origin that are burnt for energy.
F_____ F____

2. Complete the text with words/expressions from the box.

ozone layer natural habitats fossil fuels renewable energies

deforestation natural disasters
Our planet is currently facing major environmental issues and human beings are the main
responsible for that. The overexploitation of natural resources, the loss of biodiversity and
a. ________________________ have increased at an alarming rate.
Also, overpopulation, b. ________________________ (cutting trees down), pollution and
burning c. ________________________ have been threatening Mother Earth. Not only have all
these actions caused problems like global warming, d. ________________________ depletion and
climate change but they have also intensified e. ________________________ such as hurricanes,
tsunamis, floods, and wildfires.
We are living an environmental crisis but advances in tackling it are being made. People are
investing in a circular economy, reusing and recycling more and more; the governments are
adopting measures to stop using coal and giving benefits to those who use
f. ________________________; young people are raising awareness of the state of the planet and
are speaking up on its behalf as well as reducing their carbon footprint… There’s still hope!

3. Choose words from the exercises above to complete the tables.


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2.1 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. The animal in each sentence is wrong. Replace it with the correct one.
a. Oops! She forgot that they are not reliable and let the rat out of the bag.
b. It’s time to take the cow by the horns. I need to go there and talk to them
about the garbage they always leave at the front door.
c. You must hold your dogs because there’s no one there to open the
conference centre now.
d. Hey, what’s the matter with you? It looks like you have cats in your
e. Oh, no! Not again! Why do I always get the monkey work?
f. To reach the Greenpeace office it’s only 300 metres as the eagle flies.
g. I’m having a shark of a time! I have never had so much fun.
h. The youngest are always the early crows.
i. I can’t go to the car repair shop to have the exhaust fixed now, I have
other sheep to fry.
j. My family’s favourite vegetarian restaurant has gone to the pigs lately.
k. The factory manager keeps saying that their actions do not harm the
environment and everything is being done by the book. I’m not sure,
I smell a cat there.
l. The woman never stops talking about going vegan. She has a real bird in her bonnet
about it.

2. Match the sentences in column A to their replies in column B and complete the reply
with a suitable idiom from the previous exercise.
a. After years without maintenance, my ● ●
1. _______________________! You still
grandparents’ yard is completely
have to wait for another week.
b. I know that we need more bike lanes in the ● ●
2. It’s time to take action and let the
city, but now we must focus on finding a place
to build the animal shelter.
c. I’m sick of this. My company always relies on ● ● 3. You are always so clear-sighted. Do you
me to do all the maintenance of the smell ______________________ in this
hardware. situation?
d. We can no longer keep the truth about the ● ● 4. You’re right. We have _____________
nuclear power plant to ourselves. _______________________________.
e. I can’t wait to meet my new partner! It’s going ● ●
5. Oh, so you’ve got all the ____________
to be awesome to have someone’s help
feeding the animals.
f. That doesn’t sound good. They were not able ● ●
6. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that it has all gone
to implement the new environmental policy
on time.

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2.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Choose the correct option to replace the phrasal verb.
1.1 The battle against the use of coal has been going on for years.
a. has been moving b. has been happening c. has been vanishing
1.2 The board has gone over the problem several times, but they can’t find a company that can
provide them with cleaner and cheaper energy.
a. has examined b. has explained c. has talked about
1.3 People can’t go on using so much plastic.
a. can’t continue b. can’t start c. can’t encourage
1.4 The government said they wouldn’t go for such a plan if it meant they had to spend more than
1% of the budget.
a. wouldn’t refuse b. wouldn’t like c. wouldn’t approve
1.5 Environmentalists are going against the new government policy for agriculture.
a. are disagreeing with b. are supporting c. are violating
1.6 Everyone is expected to go along with the decisions taken at the Climate Summit COP26.
a. to pay for b. to agree with c. to be against
1.7 There’s no way we can go about banning plastic from our school cafeteria by ourselves.
a. can approach b. can accept c. can stop

2. Here are some highlights of the last Climate Summit - COP26. Complete the sentences
with a phrasal verb from the box.

a. People have no idea what go along with • go against • went on

_________________ while the went for • go on • go about
world was in lockdown.

b. Youth activists say: It’s time for c. On the streets of the COP26 host city,
some changes. Things can’t indigenous activists claimed that some
_______________ as they are. countries’ agreements ______________
Nature and what has been decided on a
global scale.
d. It’s imperative to ____________
dealing with environmental
education at home.
e. Leaders from 110 nations signed a joint
pledge promising to _____________ all
f. Not every country ____________ the measures to end deforestation by
the proposal to end the use of 2030.

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2.2 Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1.1 Some factories managers’ heads are in the clouds. They need to
a. be out of touch with reality.
b. be a bit more realistic about their lack of environmental policies.
1.2 The politicians attending the summit today were so snowed under that they had to
a. wear extra warm clothes.
b. cancel the last meeting of the day.
1.3 Your quest to end poverty in your city is similar to chasing rainbows,
a. it’s something that you’ll never achieve.
b. it’s something that you can easily accomplish.
1.4 The period before the COVID19 pandemic began was the calm before the storm. Today the
world leaders
a. are frantically implementing new measures.
b. are avoiding taking important decisions.
1.5 I’m sure the protesters will be there, come rain or shine, that is
a. whatever happens.
b. if the weather conditions are favourable.
1.6 The major fossil fuels company’s representative left the building with a face like thunder. He
a. extremely worried.
b. extremely angry.
1.7 She was on cloud nine when she found out Sir David Attenborough had agreed to meet her.
She was
a. ecstatic.
b. in a constant state of worry.
1.8 What a storm in a teacup! This _____ compared to what they have to deal with.
a. is a huge issue
b. isn’t at all important.
1.9 If you were wise, you would save it for a rainy day. Don’t you think you should
a. be better prepared for the unexpected?
b. save money to face extreme weather conditions?
1.10 Going to the movies tonight?! Would you mind if I take a rain check on that? I mean
a. it’s going to rain a lot and I don’t want to go out at night.
b. I have to work late tonight. Can we go tomorrow?

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2.3. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb or noun from the box. There’s one extra
close keep money save fine news

a. There has been an accident at the factory and I don’t know how to break the _______________
to the manager.
b. We came _______________ to healing the planet during the first lockdown caused by the
c. By unplugging your electronics when not in use, you can _______________ energy and reduce
your carbon footprint.
d. Governments should _______________ people posted on the numbers relating to the country’s
overuse of natural resources.
e. People who do not recycle and just throw things away should pay a _______________.

2. Circle the correct option to replace the underlined expressions.

a. Is it possible to avoid some natural disasters? (keep… at bay / pay the price /come to an end)
b. It’s our responsibility to be aware of what’s going on around us. (break even / keep track of /
keep safe)
c. The environment is suffering the consequences of the economic and social progress achieved in
the last century. (coming to an end / breaking the silence / paying the price for)
d. She wants to leave behind all the things that increase her carbon footprint. (pay attention to /
break loose from / come close to)
e. How kind of you to bring me some flowers. You really shouldn’t have bothered. (should have
saved yourself the trouble / shouldn’t have paid a visit)
3. Complete the following collocations. Then choose two and write sentences with them.

a. ____________ attention b. ____________ safe c. ____________ to an end

d. ____________ even e. ____________ money f. ____________ a visit

g. ____________ into view h. ____________ the silence i. ____________ time

 _____________________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________________

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2.3. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Choose the correct synonym for the underlined words.

a. Sustainable cities have been seeing a substantial backing of the circular economy. (investment
in / application of)
b. Last week we witnessed a disagreement between organic farmers and large-scale producers.
(argument / discussion)
c. She’s so upset because of the duplicity of the supply chain CEO. (deceptioned… disappointment
/ disappointed... deception)
d. “Have you seen the documentary The Salt of the Earth?” “Yes, I saw it in the English class without
captions. Sebastião Salgado, the photographer, is one of the most famous in his field.”
(legends… subtitles / (ubtitles… legends)
e. Do you believe he calls himself an upcycling master and green living guru? He also said that
people need to be really clever and start pursuing happiness in nature. (smart… expert / (xpert…
f. My friend’s cousins own a farm and raise cattle, but they are very tolerant towards people who
have decided to stop eating meat. (understanding / comprehensive)
g. I can’t stand people who simulate having a sustainable lifestyle. They just aspire to create a
positive image of themselves within the community. (intend… pretend / (retend… intend)
h. The Uninhabitable Earth may be the book for you if you need to get up-to-speed on our climate
crisis. You can either find it at the shop that sells books or borrow it from the public building that
lends books. (library… bookshop / bookshop… library)
i. You can easily see the owner of the store behind the desk with the cash register. (balcony /
j. I’m keeping my source confidential just in case there’s a chance to write another environmental
scoop. (particular / private)

2. Circle the most suitable word to complete each sentence.

a. I can’t actually record / remember the last time I went to the shopping centre to buy a new purse.
b. Although he is very polite / educated – I’ve never seen him being rude – we could understand
he was against the measure.
c. The place looks pretty convenient / practical for the new neighbourhood zero waste and bulk
grocery store.

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2.4. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Match the words in the box to the right definition.


a. _______________ : marketing messages that show up with the help of the Internet.
b. _______________ : empty spaces that you can rent to advertise a product or service.
c. _______________ : large boards in a public place, used to display adverts.
d. _______________ : the period of time when a radio or television audience is expected to be at
its highest.
e. _______________ : a form of advertising in which branded goods and services are featured in a
film, a TV programme…
f. _______________ : an easy-to-remember short simple tune, used to advertise a product or

2. Some people were asked to take part in a TV programme on advertising. Below you’ll
find their comments. Circle the correct option to complete them.

I don’t actually like a. product placement / celebrity endorsement. I believe they devalue the
celebrity and affront the public’s intelligence. It’s evident that they only want to boost their bank
account numbers.

I still remember some b. commercials / logos I saw when I was younger. I can’t really imagine
what was so exceptional about them, perhaps the c. jingle / brand or the imagery.

Ads have the power to influence their d. brand loyalty / target audience through striking
e. slogans / product placement that fix a brand name in people’s mind.

I don’t mind f. product placement / hoardings in movies. I prefer to see real brands as long as
they are relevant to the scene. It usually benefits both the story and the marketing objective.

Recent studies show that fun g. jingle / logos attract people more quickly to your brand and can
also help grow your h. brand loyalty / target audience.

Advertising is everywhere. There are leaflets in your post box, i. commercials / hoardings in the
streets, j. slogans / commercials on TV, brochures in shops, shiny ads in magazines, famous
faces on the sides of buses.

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2.4. Vocabulary
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the dialogues with a suitable idiom from the box.
a. “Do you know if he managed to submit the first draft of the ad on time?” • call it a day
“He did it just ____________________: It was 11.59 p.m.” • make up for lost
b. “I’m so tired! I don’t think I can go on and finish the report today!” time
“Ok, maybe it’s better if we __________________. There is still time • till the end of time
• in the nick of time
c. “I can’t believe this commercial is already ten years old!”
• around the clock
“Neither can I! _______________, doesn’t it?”
• time flies
d. “Did Mark get you the job at that software company?”
“Yes, he did! I’m so grateful. I’ll be his friend ___________________.” • a whale of time

e. “They weren’t able to launch the campaign within the deadline.”

“How come?! Everybody was working _____________ to meet the deadlines!”
f. “How was the party to celebrate the success of the new campaign?”
“Awesome! We all laughed and danced. We had ________________.”
g. “I will have to take sick leave for a week.”
“It’s ok. I trust that you’ll do your best to _________ when you come back.”

2. The underlined idioms are not in the right sentences. Change them to form correct
a. It’s been wonderful to work here at Google. We always have some time
on our hands.
b. She was off sick for two weeks and now she is back with a lot of energy,
ready to call it a day.
c. My business partner is the most industrious person I know. I believe our partnership will last in
the nick of time.
d. We can try to design the new logo. We have a whale of a time now that the campaign has been
e. After realising how exhausted we were, the manager agreed to make up for lost time.
f. I was about to email the wrong version of the report, full of mistakes, but he warned me just till
the end of time before I pressed “enter”!

182 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Unit 2 – Answer key

1. Standard worksheets 2.1 DEGREES OF ADJECTIVES

2.1/2.2 READING 1.
1. a. lower than; b. more alarming than / the most alarming;
a. 6; b. 3; c. 2; d. 7; e. 8; f. 1; g. 4; h. 5 c. oldest; d. the youngest; e. more; f. the most important;
2. g. the most extreme; h. the best; i. worse
a. decay; b. reframe; c. wield; d. vulnerable; e. beacons 2.
3. a. is the most helpful person; b. worse and worse; c. the
a. hollow; b. liveable; c. utopia more surprised they were; d. The sooner you; e. is the most
4. beautiful animal; f. more interesting than creating
a. world leaders / powerful people / audience 2.2 CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS
b. Climate Summit / COP26
c. a liveable future and present
a. not only… but also; b. both… and; c. either… or;
2.3 / 2.4 READING d. Neither… nor
1. 2.
1. c; 2. b; 3. e; 4. a; 5. d a. ; b.  An ecosystem is a system where both living things
2. and non-living things function together as a unit.
a. Paragraph 5; b. Paragraph 8; c. Paragraph 3; 4. Paragraph c.  Future generations have the right to live in an
3. environment that is neither threatening nor dangerous.
a. prevalent; b. insidious; c. invasive; d. boast; e. “unmissable” 3.
4. a. The owner of the solar panels company is both an
a. as air pollution.; b. exposed to advertising.; c. people´s entrepreneur and a responsible man.
brains. b. He neither knows how to deal with the domestic waste
5. The author expresses a negative opinion on advertising. issue nor does he accept help.
“Advertising is everywhere, so prevalent as to be invisible c. Let’s start helping the planet! From now on we’ll go to
but with an effect no less insidious than air pollution. school either by bike or on foot.
d. According to the weather report, it’s not only going to
snow but also to rain tomorrow.
2.1 / 2.2 LISTENING 1.
1. 1.1 b; 1.2 b; 1.3 a; 1.4 d; 1.5 c
a. dispensable – essential / vital / necessary 2.
b. expensive – affordable / cheap a. You shouldn’t have bought a lot of new fast fashion
c. are already fully developed – have not completed their clothes.
development yet b. Living a less consumerist lifestyle must benefit me and the
d. split efforts – learn together / work together planet.
e. fear – hope c. He is an advocate for a zero-waste life, he can’t have
2. agreed with his son’s way of life during his teenage years.
2.1 b; 2.2 c; 2.3 a d. With the help of our local supporters, we may restore the
natural habitats of some native species.
2.3 / 2.4 LISTENING 3.
1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 a a. mustn’t use / can’t use; b. You should adopt an animal;
2. c. would be able to buy; d. you ought to use
a. 3; b. 5; c. 8; d. 6; e. 1; f. 7; g. 4; h. 2
1. a. a lot of; b. some; lots of; c. a lot of; a few; d. little; no;
e. much
GRAMMAR 2. a. some; b. few; c. some; d. many; e. lots of; f. a few; g. a
little; h. any
1.1 a; 1.2 b; 1.3 e; 1.4 a/d; 1.5 c; 1.6 d 2.4 PASSIVE
2. 1.
a. David Attenborough’s speech was so engaging that the a. A report hasn’t been written for years.
audience paid a lot of attention to it. b. The project should have been finished by Mary ages ago.
b. That biologist is such an intelligent man that he has c. Some of the worst forms of child labour can be stopped by
already implemented various successful strategies. our purchasing power.
c. Some eco-friendly products are so expensive that many d. Small steps toward leaving a lighter “shop footprint” are
people can’t afford them. being taken by conscious consumers.
d. The meeting on Climate Change was so important that my e. His health was being affected by the pressure to increase
teachers didn’t want to miss it. sales.
e. The mission to save these exotic animals was so dangerous
that we could have been hurt.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 183

f. I hope the small shop that only sells certified products will 2.2 PHRASAL VERBS WITH GO
be chosen by the committee. 1.1 b; 1.2 a; 1.3 a; 1.4 c; 1.5 a; 1.6 b; 1.7 c
2. 2.
a. we were promised a bonus by the director. a. went on; b. go on; c. go against; d. go about;
b. must be imposed by the government. e. go along with; f. went for
c. are offered lots of fake bargains by some supermarkets.
d. is thought that buying at small and local shops is not
affordable. 2.2 WEATHER IDIOMS
e. is considered (to be) the best sales representative in the 1.1 b; 1.2 c.; 1.3 b; 1.4 b; 1.5 a; 1.6 c; 1.7 b; 1.8 c; 1.9 a;
area. 1.10 c
f. is expected that everyone will contribute to solving the
problem of overconsumption. 2.3 COLLOCATIONS
3. 1.
a. is highly valued; b. benefit; c. has been; d. seems; e. is a. news; b. close; c. save; d. keep; e. fine
wasted; f. are suffering; g. has been growing; h. has been 2.
facilitated; i. improves; j. are used a. Is it possible to keep some natural disasters at bay?
b. It’s our job to keep track of what’s going on around us.
c. The environment is paying the price for the economic and
social progress achieved in the last century.
a. is having its/the router repaired.
d. She wants to break loose from all the things that increase
b. has his office redecorated every two years.
her carbon footprint.
c. were having our calls answered while we were out.
e. You really should have saved yourself the trouble.
d. will have their/the flights and the rooms booked.
a. pay; b. keep; c. come; d. break; e. save; f. pay; g. come;
a. should have had it removed
h. break; i. save
b. Are we going to have the food delivered
c. ’m having my office redesigned
d. has/had her project turned down. 2.3 FALSE FRIENDS
e. will have a huge part written 1.
f. had it repaired a. investment; b. argument; c. disappointed; deception;
d. subtitles; legends; e. expert; smart; f. understanding;
g. pretend; intend; h. bookshop; library; i. counter; j. private
2.1 ENVIRONMENT-RELATED WORDS a. remember; b. polite; c. convenient
a. pollution; b. glaciers melting; c. deforestation; 2.4 ADVERTISING VOCABULARY
d. endangered species; e. natural disaster; f. fossil fuels; 1.
g. renewable energy; h. natural habitat; i. ozone layer; a. online ads; b. blank space ads; c. hoardings; d. prime time;
j. greenhouse effect e. product placement; f. jingle
2. 2.
a. natural habitats; b. deforestation; c. fossil fuels; d. ozone a. celebrity endorsement; b. commercials; c. jingle; d. target
layer; e. natural disasters; f. renewable energies audience; e. slogans; f. product placement; g. logos; h. brand
loyalty; i. hoardings; j. commercials
Natural disasters: hurricanes; tsunamis; floods; wildfires
Environmental concerns: pollution; glaciers melting; climate
change; deforestation; endangered species; burning fossil
a. in the nick of time; b. call it a day; c. Time flies; d. till the
fuels; greenhouse effect; global warming; overexploitation end of time; e. around the clock; f. a whale of a time; g. make
of natural resources; loss of biodiversity; loss of natural up for lost time
habitats; overpopulation; ozone layer depletion 2.
Solutions: invest in a circular economy; reuse; recycle; stop a. a whale of a time; b. make up for lost time; c. till the end
using coal; give benefits to people who are using renewable of time; d. some time on our hands; e. call it a day; f. in the
energies; use renewable energies; raise awareness; speak nick of time
up; reduce your carbon footprint


1. 2. Inclusion worksheets
a. cat; b. bull; c. horses; d. ants; e. donkey; f. crow; g. whale;
h. birds; i. fish; j. dogs; k. rat; l. bee READING
a. 6 – gone to the dogs; b. 4 – other fish to fry; c. 5 – donkey
2.1 / 2.2 READING
work; d. 2 – let the cat out the bag; e. 1 – Hold your horses!;
a. 6; b. 3; c. 2; d. 7; e. 8; f. 1; g. 4; h. 5
f. 3 – smell a rat
a. decay; b. reframe; c. wield; d. vulnerable; e. beacons

184 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3. 2.
a. 2; b. 4; c. 1 2.1 a; 2.2 a; 2.3 b
4. 3.
a. world leaders / powerful people / audience a. is both an entrepreneur and a responsible
b. Climate Summit / COP26 b. neither knows how to deal with the domestic waste issue nor
c. a liveable future and present c. go to school either by bike or on foot.
d. it’s not only going to snow but also to rain tomorrow.
2.3 / 2.4 READING
a. 4; b. 2; c. 1; d. 5; e. 3
1.1 b; 1.2 b; 1.3 a; 1.4 c; 1.5 c
a. Paragraph 5; b. Paragraph 8; c. Paragraph 3; 4. Paragraph
a. shouldn’t have bought
a. 5; b. 2; c. 1; d. 4; e. 3
b. must benefit me and the planet.
c. can’t have agreed with
a. 5; b. 1; c. 3
d. may restore the natural habitats of some native species.
LISTENING a. mustn’t / can’t; b. You should; c. would be able; d. you
2.1 / 2.2 LISTENING
a. necessary; b. cheap; c. have not completed their
development yet; d. learn together / work together 1. a. a lot of; b. some; lots of; c. a lot of; a few; d. little; no;
e. hope e. much
2. a. some; b. few; c. some; d. many; e. lots of; f. a few;
g. a little; h. any
2.1 b; 2.2 c; 2.3 a
2.3 / 2.4 LISTENING 1.
1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 a 1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 b; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 a
2. 2.
a. 3; b. 4; c. 5; d. 1; e. 2 a. were promised; b. must be imposed; c. are given; d. is
3. a; c; f thought; e. is considered (to be); f. is expected

2.1 SO/SUCH (A/AN) + THAT a. is having; repaired
1.1 a; 1.2 b; 1.3 c; 1.4 a; 1.5 b; 1.6 b b. has; redecorated
2. c. were having; answered
a. David Attenborough’s speech was so engaging that the d. will have; booked.
audience paid a lot of attention to it.
b. That biologist is such an intelligent man that he has
already implemented different successful strategies. VOCABULARY
c. Some eco-friendly products are so expensive that many 2.1 ENVIRONMENT-RELATED WORDS
people can’t afford them. 1.
d. The meeting on Climate Change was so important that my a. pollution; b. glaciers melting; c. deforestation;
teachers didn’t want to miss it. d. endangered species; e. natural disaster; f. fossil fuels;
e. The mission to save these exotic animals was so dangerous g. renewable energy; h. natural habitat; i. ozone layer;
that we could have been hurt. j. greenhouse effect
2.1 DEGREES OF ADJECTIVES a. natural habitats; b. deforestation; c. fossil fuels; d. ozone
/ OTHER COMPARATIVES layer; e. natural disasters; f. renewable energies
1. 3.
a. lower than; b. more alarming than / the most alarming; Natural disasters: hurricanes; tsunamis; floods; wildfires
c. oldest; d. the youngest; e. more; f. the most important; Environmental concerns: pollution; glaciers melting; climate
g. the most extreme; h. the best; i. worse change; deforestation; endangered species; burning fossil
2. fuels; greenhouse effect; global warming; overexploitation
a. the most; b. and worse; c. more surprised; d. The sooner of natural resources; loss of biodiversity; loss of natural
you; e. is the most; f. more interesting than habitats; overpopulation; ozone layer depletion
Solutions: invest in a circular economy; reuse; recycle; stop
using coal; give benefits to people who are using renewable
2.2 CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS energies; use renewable energies; raise awareness; speak
1. up; reduce your carbon footprint
a. not only… but also; b. both… and; c. either… or;
d. Neither… nor

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 185

1. 1.
a. cat; b. bull; c. horses; d. ants; e. donkey; f. crow; g. whale; a. investment in; b. argument; c. disappointed; deception;
h. birds; i. fish; j. dogs; k. rat; l. bee d. subtitles; legends; e. expert; smart; f. understanding;
2. g. pretend; intend; h. bookshop; library; i. counter; j. private
a. 6 – to the dogs; b. 4 – other fish to fry; c. 5 – donkey; 2.
d. 2 – cat out of the bag; e. 1 – Hold your horses!; f. 3 – a rat a. remember; b. polite; c. convenient


1. 1.
1.1 b; 1.2 a; 1.3 a; 1.4 c; 1.5 a; 1.6 b; 1.7 c a. online ads; b. blank space ads; c. hoardings; d. prime time;
2. e. product placement; f. jingle
a. went on; b. go on; c. go against; d. go about; 2.
e. go along with; f. went for a. celebrity endorsement; b. commercials; c. jingle; d. target
audience; e. slogans; f. product placement; g. logos; h. brand
2.2 WEATHER IDIOMS loyalty; i. hoardings; j. commercials
1.1 b; 1.2 b; 1.3 a; 1.4 a; 1.5 a; 1.6 b; 1.7 a; 1.8 b; 1.9 a; 1.10 b 2.4 TIME-RELATED IDIOMS
2.3 COLLOCATIONS a. in the nick of time; b. call it a day; c. Time flies; d. till the
1. end of time; e. around the clock; f. a whale of a time; g. make
a. news; b. close; c. save; d. keep; e. fine up for lost time
2. 2.
a. keep; bay?; b. keep track; c. paying the price for; d. break a. a whale of a time; b. make up for lost time; c. till the end
loose from; e. should have saved yourself the trouble. of time; d. some time on our hands; e. call it a day; f. in the
3. nick of time
a. pay; b. keep; c. come; d. break; e. save; f. pay; g. come;
h. break; i. save

186 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

II. Assessment
• Progress Test (2.1 / 2.2)
• Progress Test (2.3 / 2.4)
• Progress Test – inclusion (2.1 / 2.2)
• Progress Test – inclusion (2.3 / 2.4)
• Exam-style Test
2.1 / 2.2 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to the text about environmental challenges. Match the titles of the [track 13]
films in column A to the issues they explore. There are two extra issues.

a. I Am Legend 1. An epidemic
b. The Day After Tomorrow 2. Changes that affect the world’s climate
c. Wall-E 3. Inability to deal with human litter
d. Waterworld 4. Poor fresh water management
5. A disease that affects many people on a global scale
6. Lack of natural resources

2. Listen to some key facts and figures from the OECD Environmental outlook
to 2050: the consequences of inaction report. Complete the sentences with the [track 14]

numbers you hear.

a. _____ billion is the estimated size of the world population in 2050.
b. More than _____ of the population of OECD countries will be over 65 years old.
c. _____ of the population will live in rural areas.
d. The world’s economy will require _____ more energy than today.
e. Greenhouse gas emissions will increase by _____.
f. There will be a _____ rise in energy-related CO2 emissions.
g. The global average temperature will exceed the _____ degrees Celsius goal.
h. There will be a _____ loss of biodiversity.
i. The demand for global water will go up _____.

3. Listen to the article about Environmental Justice and decide whether the [track 15]
following statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
a. The poorest nations are the first to experience the effects of human
activity in rich countries.
b. Climate change is responsible for the world’s humanitarian crisis. T F NM
c. Small islands are in danger of drowning because of climate change. T F NM
d. Forced migration due to intense weather events is a reality. T F NM
e. Nations that are at war are more likely to tackle environmental issues. T F NM

188 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Read the text carefully.


We hear a lot about how terrible the world is today. Greenhouse gas emissions are rising,
scientists’ extreme weather predictions appear to be coming true, the air in our cities
is becoming dangerous, groundwater is getting scarce, ocean health and fish stocks are
declining, forests and natural habitats are being destroyed, plastic in our ocean is out of
5 control and researchers warn that a “biological annihilation” of wildlife means a human-
driven sixth mass extinction event is under way.
Worse still, earth systems scientists warn that, because of our impact on the planet, we
risk flipping ourselves into a highly risky “hothouse earth” scenario, with uncontrolled
feedback driving faster warming and more droughts and storms.
10 This doesn’t make an easy bedtime story for those who have their whole lives still ahead
of them. And it sets us up for an even more unfair world as we get close to nine billion people
on the planet. This challenge is arriving on
our watch, so what are we doing about it?
For years, big environmental problems
15 were for governments and international
organizations to solve, and we deferred to
their leadership for action and delivery. But
despite all the efforts, protocols and funds,
the overall state of our global environmental
20 commons has worsened.
In the last few years, a revolution in the
environmental agenda has quietly taken
shape, slowly at first, then spreading into a
movement, which now appears
25 unstoppable. This is a revolution in
collaboration for action – a new drive for
environmental cooperation that is helping NGO and CEO leaders to bind business,
communities and civil society organizations together to a common purpose; a public-private
repositioning that is helping environment ministers to marry “earth” targets with “economic”
30 targets; and a realignment that helps companies turn the risks inherent in environmental
failure into new business model opportunities and partnerships for smart, clean industrial
People have realised that governments and international organizations, while vital for
agreeing on global targets cannot be expected to deliver them alone. Environmental goals
35 cannot be met just by environment ministries, no matter how much money they are given. It
is now clear to all in the environment agenda that it takes unprecedented levels of
collaboration and innovation involving many outside of the public sector to trigger the big,
systemic changes required to achieve these ambitious goals (like keeping warming to less
than 2o C).
40 This awakening is happening across forestry, ocean, water, cities and food systems. It
involves the mobilization of states, cities, provinces, civil society groups, business and
investors, and innovators and technologists. It is also happening across global supply chains,
such as agricultural commodities, plastics and electronics, as companies learn to work with
each other, forging new collaborative systems to drive long-term environmental
45 improvements.
It is an exciting time to enter the environmental space. The action revolution is beginning,
but we still have a long way to go. However, by unleashing these new forms of innovation,
which are intent on delivering the global targets and unlocking new, sustainable forms of
economic value on the way, we can save the Earth by 2030.

https://www.weforum.org (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 189

1. Choose the two environmental issues that are not mentioned in the text.
a. natural disasters f. climate change
b. endangered species g. destruction of ecosystems
c. poaching h. waste management
d. water shortage i. global warming
e. pollution j. fossil fuel consumption

2. Find synonyms for the following words in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.

a. limited _________________________
b. extermination _________________________
c. ongoing _________________________
d. dangerous _________________________
e. inequitable _________________________

3. Say who or what the following words highlighted in the text refer to.
a. their (line 17) _________________________
b. them (line 34) _________________________
c. they (line 35) _________________________
d. It (line 42) _________________________

4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and find evidence in the text
to support your answer.
a. The planet is following a dangerous path due to the rise in global temperature caused by human
______ - ____________________________________________________________________
b. Environmental issues lead to a more equal world.
______ - ____________________________________________________________________
c. In the past people took action for the environment side by side with national and world leaders
and organisations.
______ - ____________________________________________________________________
d. The people who oversee tackling environmental issues are being supported in order to find a
balance between environmental and money issues.
______ - ____________________________________________________________________
e. People have become aware that if public and private sectors don’t work together and
modernise, the objectives won’t be reached.
______ - ____________________________________________________________________

190 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. Complete the text with words/expressions from the box. There are two extra words.

vulnerable • life-sustaining • natural • wildlife • landscapes • hopes • needs

degradation • resources • impoverishing • nature • stable • development • growth

Humans are inextricably linked to the environmental a. ____________ within which our daily
lives unfold. We depend completely on b. ____________ for essential, c. ____________ services –
clean air and water, a d. ____________ climate, food – yet our activities are having an increasingly
dramatic and detrimental effect on e. ____________ and ecosystems, putting not just wild species
but also our own survival at risk.
The inconvenient truth is that we are meeting our short-term f. ____________ largely at the
expense of the planet, and it is people – particularly those who are most g. ____________ or who
have no say in decisions about how natural h. ____________ are being used (including future
generations) – who will suffer most.
One of the biggest challenges of the 21st century is to ensure that i. ____________ and growth
is achieved without environmental j. ____________, enriching people’s everyday lives without
k. ____________ the natural world. This may entail some difficult decisions, on the part of
governments and individuals, about how we value success and define l. ____________.
https://www.fauna-flora.org (accessed in January 2022)

2. Replace the underlined words with the most suitable phrasal verb with go.
a. The fuel suppliers must review the numbers again. _________________
b. Some industries are not prepared to start dealing with the dramatic decrease in the use of coal.
c. Our city should approve a new waste management policy. _________________

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

3.1 You always have meat for lunch and dinner. You ______ change your habits.
a. might b. may c. should d. would

3.2 He never arrives late. He ______ have been delayed by the school strike for climate.
a. must b. should c. can d. shall

3.3 One of the environmental obstacles ________ be that we are failing to address the root problem.
a. should b. have to c. shall d. may

3.4 You ________ be serious! Are you really going to join me and open a second-hand shop?
a. might not b. can’t c. shouldn’t d. couldn't

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4. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including the
word given. Use between two and five words.
a. In some countries it is illegal to take anything away from a beach or natural ground. (must)
In some countries _____________________________ anything away from a beach or natural
b. Local environmentalists state that the strategies implemented are not as bad as before. (and)
Local environmentalists state that the strategies are getting ______________________ as the
years go by.
c. The effects of overfishing are so catastrophic that the community can’t accept them.
Overfishing is _____________________________________ the community can’t accept them.
d. I had such an amazing experience working with environmentalists that I’m thinking of becoming
one. (so… that)
My experience working with environmentalists _____________ I’m thinking of becoming one.
e. That young activist is not only very intelligent but she also has lots of creativity. (both… and)
That young activist is __________________________________________________________.
f. She doesn’t go for upcycling. She doesn’t recycle. (neither… nor)
She ______________________________________________________________________ does
she recycle.
g. This is a very hard decision to take. I find it interesting. (more)
The harder a decision is, ___________________________________________________ find it.

Your school is celebrating Earth Day and you have
been chosen to deliver the opening speech. It has to
be a persuasive speech in which you ask people to
take action regarding the environmental problems
the planet is facing as well as the role of humans.

Write no less than 160 Words.

192 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.3/2.4 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to the text about sustainable influencers and choose the most
[track 16]
suitable option to complete each sentence.
1.1 The sustainability movement has become popular worldwide because
a. our society has finally become aware of the waste production problem.
b. nowadays people are paying more attention to unethical industrial practices.
c. there’s the urge to put an end with industrial practices that are harmful to the environment.

1.2 Consumers’ choices

a. are forcing fashion brands to innovate and produce safe and eco-friendly items.
b. are still directed to fast fashion.
c. lead brands to create innovative products.

1.3 Sustainable influencers

a. are playing a vital role as far as the environment is concerned.
b. are endorsing products they genuinely like.
c. use their tastes and beliefs to inspire their followers to behave like them and try more
sustainable products.

1.4 Brands are

a. driving consumers to be more authentic.
b. expected to be authentic.
c. expected to follow social trends.

2. Watch the creators of JOA, a designer label, talking about

fashionable upcycling. Say if the following statements are
true (T) or false (F).

a. JOA use items that thrift shops can no longer trade to make
unique and fashionable garments.

b. When you buy one of these bomber jackets, you are

contributing to reducing energy consumption.

c. For many sustainable brands, it’s imperative to solve the

problem of waste before producing new fabrics.

d. JOA upcycled bomber jackets are garments that may carry

a story and have sentimental value.

e. Getting your clothes fixed and exchanging garments with

your friends help you embrace a sustainable lifestyle.

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Read the text carefully.


One cannot scroll on social media without the
bombardment of ads and influencer-promoted
product posts pushing fast fashion hauls onto
unassuming consumers.
5 Influencer marketing has become increasingly
popular online, and is expected to become more
powerful, driving the latest trends, and therefore the
purchases of many individuals. Influencer
marketing has grown with the expanded use of
10 social media, and therefore, brands have begun to
utilize this form of advertising more frequently,
many having their own “influencer relations” department or specialist. Influencers are an
extremely effective method of marketing because of the perceived trust between follower
and influencer.
15 With that being said, increased discussion of sustainability online due to ongoing
environmentally-friendly trends has produced a new type of influencer: the Sustainable
Influencer. The sustainable influencer is someone who participates in influencer marketing
that specifically promotes products that are considered to be sustainable, ethical, and/or
eco-friendly. However, while sustainable influencers are vocal in promoting sustainably and
20 ethically-produced products, they run amiss in a number of ways.
Sustainable influencers often promote brands that do not put sustainability into practice.
Since sustainability has become a trend, especially among fashion brands, greenwashing*
has become more prominent within influencer-based advertising. With the right
sustainability jargon, even the most unethical brands can seem as though they have good
25 intentions for the environment and for garment makers. Sustainable influencers are (or can
be) paid to promote a product or brand in a particular way, which can promote greenwashing.
Granted, not all sustainable influencers promote greenwashed products, but monetary
incentives involved with influencer work can cause many to overlook a brand’s true
practices, which are often abhorrent.
30 In addition to the intentional or accidental promotion of non-sustainable products, most
sustainable influencers ultimately make their living off of the promotion of consumerism,
which in practice is not sustainable. The excessive consumption of clothing goods has led to
the current state of waste in the fashion industry.
Even if a garment or product is produced sustainably and ethically, it is still possible to
35 over-consume. The overconsumption of ethical goods does not contribute to a more
sustainable future, and the only way for a “slow” fashion future to exist is to slow down all
aspects of production, which includes the consumption of clothing goods. The irony isn’t
lost that many sustainable influencers perpetuate the idea that individuals need to buy more
clothing or items to achieve a fashionable lifestyle worth photographing and hashtagging.
40 As consumers, it is important to remember that products promoted by sustainable
influencers are not guaranteed to be what they claim to be. After all, the most sustainable
items are the items of clothing that already live in someone’s closet, not the clothing in
sustainable influencer posts.
Greenwashing is the use of generic, sustainably-minded verbiage in brand advertising in order to create an
ethical or sustainable facade.
https://remake.world (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

194 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Identify the two main reasons that make influencer marketing so successful nowadays.
a. It is cheaper and easier for a brand to advertise its products/services.
b. It is based on a closer relationship between the one who buys and the one who advertises.
c. It stimulates people to consume the most up-to-date goods.
d. It is the most effective way to expand a brand’s name online.

2. Find synonyms for the following words in paragraph 4.

a. obvious ____________________
b. language ____________________
c. immoral ____________________
d. rewards ____________________
e. ignore ____________________

3. Say who or what the highlighted words in the text refer to.
a. their (line 12) ____________________
b. they (line 20) ____________________
c. they (line 24) ____________________
d. they (line 41) ____________________

4. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and find evidence in
the text to support your answer.

a. Advertising has invaded our online life. T F

b. The rise of the Internet favoured the spread of influencer marketing. T F

c. Driven by financial reasons, some sustainable influencers choose to ignore the T F

production methods behind the brand.

d. Most sustainable influencers make a living encouraging unsustainable practices. T F

e. Purchasing sustainable products avoids excess of consumption. T F

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1. Complete the text with words from the box. There are two extra words.

influencers • followers • conscious • assess • popular • products • target

trending • mindset • approach • brands • credibility
marketing • meaningfulness

A shift in priorities: influencers are starting to adopt a purpose

Beauty, fashion, travel, and superfoods have been a. _________________ topics on social media
platforms like Instagram and YouTube for some time and are still b. _________________ now. But
for many young users in particular, merely c. _________________ a nice lifestyle is not enough.
A more d._________________ approach to buying and consuming products, sustainable vacation
options, and fair fashion alternatives are the current e._________________ that even major
influencers cannot ignore. The trend toward f. ______________, whether in an environmental, social
or political sense, is being well received by users in the form of clicks and shares. To maintain their
g. _________________ purpose-driven influencers and eco-influencers carefully
h. ______________ the products, brands and companies that they present to their i. ______________.
j. ________________ that want to live up to this new level of awareness should therefore also
present themselves authentically and transparently. The k. ________________ group’s power is
forcing brands to rethink their l.________________ in a meaningful direction.
https://dmexco.com (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

2. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including the
word given. Use between two and five words.
a. The planet is suffering the consequences of overconsumption. (price)
The planet is ________________________________________________ overconsumption.

b. There are few second-hand shops in the city. (not)

There _______________________________________________ shops in the city.

c. She had the hardest task to reveal the information to the CEO. (break)
She had the hardest task ______________________ to the CEO.

d. They don’t have any interest in adopting green practices. (no)

They ________________________________ in adopting green practices.

e. The marketers should have given me the latest information on the sales. (posted)
The marketers should have ________________________________ on the sales.

f. If you buy a house that is not energy-efficient, you should monitor consumptions and expenses.
If you buy a house that is not energy-efficient, you should__________________________ and

g. We need to face the problem and deal with what went wrong. (terms)
We need to face the problem and _______________________________________ went wrong.

196 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3. Rewrite the following sentences starting as shown.

a. We hired some companies to do the clean-up operations for us.

We ________________________________________________________________ for us.

b. The Ecoalf foundation provides an example of the circular economy in action.

An example _________________________________________________________.

c. The foundation has turned marine debris into top-quality thread and reintroduced it as
consumer goods.
Marine debris _______________________________________________________.

d. The Internet connection will be repaired tomorrow.

We _______________________________________________________________.

e. The British Fashion Council made sustainable fashion a core part of its events.
Sustainable fashion __________________________________________________.

f. We should embrace a shift in our mindset in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
In order to reduce our carbon footprint, a shift _____________________________.

g. Your feed is being brightened up by the influencer’s colourful photos.

The influencer’s colourful photos _______________________________________.


You have purchased a pair of jeans from a so-called

sustainable online shop. When the item arrived, the label
didn’t match the specifications on the website, and you
found that the product was not an eco-friendly one.
Write a complaint email in order to return the item and
get a full refund. Don’t forget to mention your
disappointment caused by their misleading advertising.

Write no less than 160 words.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 197

2.1 / 2.2 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to the text about environmental challenges. Match the titles of the [track 13]
films in column A to the issues they explore.


a. I Am Legend 1. Changes that affect the world’s climate

b. The Day After Tomorrow 2. Inability to deal with human litter

c. Wall-E 3. A disease that affects many people on a global scale

d. Waterworld 4. Lack of natural resources

2. Listen to some key facts and figures from the OECD Environmental outlook
[track 14]
to 2050: the consequences of inaction report. Circle the correct option.
a. 8 / 9 / 10 billion is the estimated size of the world population in 2050.
b. More than 15% / 25% / 35% of the population of OECD countries will be over 65 years old.
c. 30% / 50% / 70% of the population will live in rural areas.
d. The world’s economy will require 40% / 60% / 80% more energy than today.
e. Greenhouse gas emissions will increase by 15% / 50% / 55%.
f. There will be a 7% / 17% / 70% rise in energy-related CO2 emissions.
g. The global average temperature will exceed the 2 / 3 / 4 degrees Celsius goal.
h. There will be a 10% / 12% / 20% loss of biodiversity.
i. The demand for global water will go up 15% / 50% / 55%.

3. Listen to the article about Environmental Justice and decide whether the [track 15]
following statements are true (T) or false (F).
a. The poorest nations are the first to experience the effects of human activity in
rich countries.
b. Climate change is responsible for social, political and economic tensions. T F
c. Tiny islands are in danger of disappearing because of climate change. T F
d. Forced migration due to intense weather events is a reality. T F
e. Nations that are at war are more likely to tackle environmental issues. T F

198 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Read the text carefully.


We hear a lot about how terrible the world is today. Greenhouse gas emissions are rising,
scientists’ extreme weather predictions appear to be coming true, the air in our cities
is becoming dangerous, groundwater is getting scarce, ocean health and fish stocks are
declining, forests and natural habitats are being destroyed, plastic in our ocean is out of
5 control and researchers warn that a “biological annihilation” of wildlife means a human-
driven sixth mass extinction event is under way.
Worse still, earth systems scientists warn that, because of our impact on the planet, we
risk flipping ourselves into a highly risky “hothouse earth” scenario, with uncontrolled
feedback driving faster warming and more droughts and storms.
10 This doesn’t make an easy bedtime story for those who have their whole lives still ahead
of them. And it sets us up for an even more unfair world as we get close to nine billion people
on the planet. This challenge is arriving on
our watch, so what are we doing about it?
For years, big environmental problems
15 were for governments and international
organizations to solve, and we deferred to
their leadership for action and delivery. But
despite all the efforts, protocols and funds,
the overall state of our global environmental
20 commons has worsened.
In the last few years, a revolution in the
environmental agenda has quietly taken
shape, slowly at first, then spreading into a
movement, which now appears
25 unstoppable. This is a revolution in
collaboration for action – a new drive for
environmental cooperation that is helping NGO and CEO leaders to bind business,
communities and civil society organizations together to a common purpose; a public-private
repositioning that is helping environment ministers to marry “earth” targets with “economic”
30 targets; and a realignment that helps companies turn the risks inherent in environmental
failure into new business model opportunities and partnerships for smart, clean industrial
People have realised that governments and international organizations, while vital for
agreeing on global targets cannot be expected to deliver them alone. Environmental goals
35 cannot be met just by environment ministries, no matter how much money they are given. It
is now clear to all in the environment agenda that it takes unprecedented levels of
collaboration and innovation involving many outside of the public sector to trigger the big,
systemic changes required to achieve these ambitious goals (like keeping warming to less
than 2o C).
40 This awakening is happening across forestry, ocean, water, cities and food systems. It
involves the mobilization of states, cities, provinces, civil society groups, business and
investors, and innovators and technologists. It is also happening across global supply chains,
such as agricultural commodities, plastics and electronics, as companies learn to work with
each other, forging new collaborative systems to drive long-term environmental
45 improvements.
It is an exciting time to enter the environmental space. The action revolution is beginning,
but we still have a long way to go. However, by unleashing these new forms of innovation,
which are intent on delivering the global targets and unlocking new, sustainable forms of
economic value on the way, we can save the Earth by 2030.

https://www.weforum.org (adapted; accessed in December 2021)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 199

1. Choose the two environmental issues that are not mentioned in the text.

a. natural disasters d. water shortage

b. endangered species e. pollution

c. poaching f. climate change

2. Match the words in column A (paragraphs 1, 2 and 3) with their synonyms in column B.

a. scarce 1. ongoing

b. annihilation 2. inequitable

c. underway 3. dangerous

d. risky 4. limited

e. unfair 5. extermination

3. Say who or what the following words highlighted in the text refer to. Choose from the
a. their (line 17) ________________________ environment ministries
b. them (line 34) ________________________ governments and international organisations
c. they (line 35) ________________________ the awakening
d. It (line 42) ________________________ global targets

4. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) and find evidence in
the text to support your answer.
The planet is following a dangerous path due to the rise in global temperature
caused by human activity. (Paragraph 2) T F
___________ - _____________________________________________________
Environmental issues lead to a more equal world. (Paragraph 3) T F
___________ - _____________________________________________________
In the past people took action for the environment side by side with national T F
and world leaders and organisations. (Paragraph 4)
___________ - _____________________________________________________
The Environment ministries are being supported in order to find a balance between T F
environmental and money issues. (Paragraph 5)
___________ - _____________________________________________________
People have become aware that if public and private sectors don’t work together T F
and modernise, the objectives won’t be reached. (Paragraph 6)
___________ - _____________________________________________________

200 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. Complete the text with words/expressions from the box.

vulnerable • life-sustaining • wildlife • landscapes • needs • degradation • resources

impoverishing • nature • stable • development • growth

Humans are inextricably linked to the environmental a. __________ within which our daily lives
unfold. We depend completely on b. __________ for essential, c. __________ services – clean air and
water, a d. __________ climate, food – yet our activities are having an increasingly dramatic and
detrimental effect on e. __________ and ecosystems, putting not just wild species but also our own
survival at risk.
The inconvenient truth is that we are meeting our short-term f. __________ largely at the expense
of the planet, and it is people – particularly those who are most g. __________ or who have no say in
decisions about how natural h. __________ are being used (including future generations) – who will
suffer most.
One of the biggest challenges of the 21st century is to ensure that i. __________ and growth is
achieved without environmental j. __________, enriching people’s everyday lives without
k. __________ the natural world. This may entail some difficult decisions, on the part of governments
and individuals, about how we value success and define l. __________.
https://www.fauna-flora.org (accessed in January 2022)

2. Replace the underlined words with the most suitable phrasal verb with go. There is one
extra option in the box.

go about • go against • go over • go for

a. The fuel suppliers must review the numbers again. ___________________________________

b. Some industries are not prepared to start dealing with the dramatic decrease in the use of
coal. ___________________________________________________________________________

c. Our city should approve a new waste management policy. _____________________________

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

3.1 You always have meat for lunch and dinner. You ______ change your habits.
a. might b. may c. should

3.2 He never arrives late. He ______ have been delayed by the school strike for climate.
a. must b. should c. can

3.3 One of the environmental obstacles ________ be that we are failing to address the root problem.
a. should b. shall c. may

3.4 You ________ be serious! Are you really going to join me and open a second-hand shop?
a. might not b. can’t c. shouldn’t

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4. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including the
word given. Use between two and three words.
a. In some countries it is illegal to take anything away from a beach or natural ground. (must)
In some countries you ____________________ home anything from a beach or natural ground.
b. Local environmentalists state that the strategies implemented are not as bad as before. (better)
Local environmentalists state that the strategies are getting ______________________ as the
years go by
c. The effects of overfishing are so catastrophic that the community can’t accept them. (such… that)
Overfishing is having ____________________________ that the community can’t accept them.
d. I had such an amazing experience working with environmentalists that I’m thinking of becoming
one. (so… that)
My experience working with environmentalists was ___________ I’m thinking of becoming one.
e. That young activist is not only very intelligent but she also has lots of creativity. (both… and)
That young activist is both _____________________________________________________ .
f. She doesn’t go for upcycling. She doesn’t recycle. (neither… nor)
She _______________________________________________ upcycling, nor does she recycle.
g. This is a very hard decision to take. I find it interesting. (more)
The harder a decision is, _________________________________________________ I find it.

Your school is celebrating Earth Day and you have
been chosen to deliver the opening speech. It has
to be a persuasive speech in which you ask people
to take action regarding the environmental
problems the planet is facing as well as the role of

• Use a catchy introduction (strong opening line)

• State the topic
• Support your ideas with relevant facts and evidence
• Use relatable life experiences and humour
• End with a memorable conclusion: sum up the gist of your speech
and use a captivating remark (intriguing question, poem…)

202 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.3/2.4 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Listen to the text about Sustainable Influencers and circle the most
[track 16]
suitable option to complete each sentences.
1.1 The sustainability movement has become popular worldwide because
a. our society has finally become aware of the waste production problem.
b. nowadays people are paying more attention to unethical industrial practices.
c. there’s the urge to put an end with industrial practices that are harmful to the environment.

1.2 Consumers’ choices

a. are forcing fashion brands to innovate and produce safe and eco-friendly items.
b. are still directed to fast fashion.
c. lead brands to create innovative products.

1.3 Sustainable influencers

a. are playing a vital role as far as the environment is concerned.
b. are endorsing products they genuinely like.
c. use their tastes and beliefs to inspire their followers to behave like them and try more
sustainable products.

1.4 Brands are

a. driving consumers to be more authentic.
b. expected to be authentic.
c. expected to follow social trends.

2. Watch to the creators of JOA, a designer label, talking about

fashionable upcycling. Say if the following statements are
true (T) or false (F).

a. JOA use items that thrift shops cannot sell.

b. When you buy one of these bomber jackets, you are contributing
to reducing energy consumption.

c. For many sustainable brands, it’s vital to solve the problem of

before producing new fabrics.

d. JOA upcycled bomber jackets are garments that may carry

sentimental value.

e. Getting your clothes repaired and swapping garments with your

friends help you embrace a sustainable lifestyle.

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Read the text carefully.


One cannot scroll on social media without the
bombardment of ads and influencer-promoted
product posts pushing fast fashion hauls onto
unassuming consumers.
5 Influencer marketing has become increasingly
popular online, and is expected to become more
powerful, driving the latest trends, and therefore the
purchases of many individuals. Influencer
marketing has grown with the expanded use of
10 social media, and therefore, brands have begun to
utilize this form of advertising more frequently,
many having their own “influencer relations” department or specialist. Influencers are an
extremely effective method of marketing because of the perceived trust between follower
and influencer.
15 With that being said, increased discussion of sustainability online due to ongoing
environmentally-friendly trends has produced a new type of influencer: the Sustainable
Influencer. The sustainable influencer is someone who participates in influencer marketing
that specifically promotes products that are considered to be sustainable, ethical, and/or
eco-friendly. However, while sustainable influencers are vocal in promoting sustainably and
20 ethically-produced products, they run amiss in a number of ways.
Sustainable influencers often promote brands that do not put sustainability into practice.
Since sustainability has become a trend, especially among fashion brands, greenwashing*
has become more prominent within influencer-based advertising. With the right
sustainability jargon, even the most unethical brands can seem as though they have good
25 intentions for the environment and for garment makers. Sustainable influencers are (or can
be) paid to promote a product or brand in a particular way, which can promote greenwashing.
Granted, not all sustainable influencers promote greenwashed products, but monetary
incentives involved with influencer work can cause many to overlook a brand’s true
practices, which are often abhorrent.
30 In addition to the intentional or accidental promotion of non-sustainable products, most
sustainable influencers ultimately make their living off of the promotion of consumerism,
which in practice is not sustainable. The excessive consumption of clothing goods has led to
the current state of waste in the fashion industry.
Even if a garment or product is produced sustainably and ethically, it is still possible to
35 over-consume. The overconsumption of ethical goods does not contribute to a more
sustainable future, and the only way for a “slow” fashion future to exist is to slow down all
aspects of production, which includes the consumption of clothing goods. The irony isn’t
lost that many sustainable influencers perpetuate the idea that individuals need to buy more
clothing or items to achieve a fashionable lifestyle worth photographing and hashtagging.
40 As consumers, it is important to remember that products promoted by sustainable
influencers are not guaranteed to be what they claim to be. After all, the most sustainable
items are the items of clothing that already live in someone’s closet, not the clothing in
sustainable influencer posts.
Greenwashing is the use of generic, sustainably-minded verbiage in brand advertising in order to create an
ethical or sustainable facade.
https://remake.world (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

204 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Identify the two main reasons that make influencer marketing so successful nowadays.
a. It is cheaper and easier for a brand to advertise its products/services.
b. It is based on a closer relationship between the one who buys and the one who advertises.
c. It stimulates people to buy the latest trends.
d. It is the most effective way to expand a brand’s name online.

2. Match the words in column A (paragraph 4) with their synonyms in column B.

a. prominent 1. immoral
b. jargon 2. rewards
c. unethical 3. obvious
d. incentives 4. ignore
e. overlook 5. language

3. Say who or what the highlighted words in the text refer to.
a. their (line 12) ____________________
the most unethical brands
b. they (line 20) ____________________ sustainable influencers
c. they (line 24) ____________________ products promoted by sustainable influencers
d. they (line 41) ____________________ brands

4. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and find evidence in
the text to support your answer.

a. Advertising has invaded our online life. T F

b. The rise of the Internet favoured the spread of influencer marketing. T F

c. Driven by financial reasons, some sustainable influencers choose to ignore the T F

production methods behind the brand.

d. Most sustainable influencers make a living encouraging unsustainable practices. T F

e. Purchasing sustainable products avoids excess of consumption. T F

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1. Complete the text with words from the box.

followers • conscious • assess • popular • target • trending • mindset

approach • brands • credibility • marketing • marketing • meaningfulness

A shift in priorities: influencers are starting to adopt a purpose

Beauty, fashion, travel, and superfoods have been a. _________________ topics on social media
platforms like Instagram and YouTube for some time and are still b. _________________ now. But
for many young users in particular, merely c. _________________ a nice lifestyle is not enough.
A more d._________________ approach to buying and consuming products, sustainable vacation
options, and fair fashion alternatives are the current e._________________ that even major
influencers cannot ignore. The trend toward f._______________ whether in an environmental, social
or political sense, is being well received by users in the form of clicks and shares. To maintain their
g. _________________ purpose-driven influencers and eco-influencers carefully
h. _________________ the products, brands and companies that they present to their
i. ______________. j. ________________ that want to live up to this new level of awareness should
therefore also present themselves authentically and transparently. The k. ________________
group’s power is forcing brands to rethink their l.________________ in a meaningful direction.
https://dmexco.com (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

2. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including the
word given. Use between two and five words.
a. The planet is suffering the consequences of overconsumption. (price)
The planet is ________________________________________________ for overconsumption.

b. There are few second-hand shops in the city. (not)

There are ____________________ thrift shops in the city.

c. She had the hardest task to reveal the information to the CEO. (break)
She had the hardest task to ________________ to the CEO.

d. They don’t have any interest in adopting green practices. (no)

They __________________________ in adopting green practices.

e. The marketers should have given me the latest information on the sales. (posted)
The marketers should have ________________________________ on the sales.

f. If you buy a house that is not energy-efficient, you should monitor consumptions and expenses.
If you buy a house that is not energy-efficient, you should ________________consumptions
and expenses.

g. We need to face the problem and deal with what went wrong. (terms)
We need to face the problem and ____________________________with what went wrong.

206 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3. Choose the correct option to rewrite the following sentences.

3.1 We hired some companies to do the clean-up operations for us.

a. We have the clean-up operations done for us.
b. We had the clean-up operations done for us.
c. We will have the clean-up operations done for us.

3.2 The Ecoalf foundation provides an example of the circular economy in action.
a. An example of the circular economy in action is provided by the Ecoalf foundation.
b. An example of the circular economy in action was provided by the Ecoalf foundation.
c. An example of the circular economy in action is being provided by the Ecoalf foundation.

3.3 The foundation has turned marine debris into top-quality thread.
a. Marine debris has been turned into top-quality thread by the foundation.
b. Marine debris had been turned into top-quality thread by the foundation.
c. Marine debris was turned into top-quality thread by the foundation.

3.4 The Internet connection will be repaired tomorrow.

a. We would have the Internet connection repaired tomorrow.
b. We have the Internet connection repaired tomorrow.
c. We will have the Internet connection repaired tomorrow.

3.5 We should embrace a shift in our mindset in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
a. In order to reduce our carbon footprint, a shift in our mindset should have been embraced.
b. In order to reduce our carbon footprint, a shift in our mindset should embrace.
c. In order to reduce our carbon footprint, a shift in our mindset should be embraced.


You have purchased a pair of jeans from a so-called

sustainable online shop. When the item arrived, the label
didn’t match the specifications on the website and you found
that the product was not an eco-friendly one.
Write a complaint email in order to return the item and get a
full refund. Don’t forget to mention your disappointment
caused by their misleading advertising. Use the following

• Dear Sir/Madam… • Please contact me at…

• I am writing to complain… • Thank you…
• I’m truly disappointed with… • Kind…
• I would like to…
• I look forward to a reply and a resolution
to my problem.

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Exam-style test
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Text 1
You will hear three people talking about Regenerative Tourism. [track 17]

1. For item 1, match the names (Marco, Chris and Daniela) in column A with the ideas
they express in column B. All the ideas are used once.

1. I’m glad to work in a field that allows me to deal with regenerative
2. People can discover places that regular tourists fail to notice.
3. It’s possible to foster regenerative tourism everywhere.
Marco 4. Before embracing sustainable tourism, the community had lost
its essence.
5. You can visit a place and clean it up at the same time.
6. Travellers are able to be close to with nature just as if they were
7. Tourism development helps not only to revive the spirit of the
community, but also to boost its economy and preserve the
local history.

Text 2
You will hear Sylvia talking about being a responsible tourist. [track 18]

2. For items 2.1 to 2.6, choose the correct option (a, b or c)

2.1 Travelling has been a tradition in her family since she was
a. a teenager.
b. a 10-year-old child.
c. a one or two-years-old child.

2.2 Her most unforgettable vacation was marked by

a. pollution on the beach and in the sea.
b. the vision of a sea full of plastic.
c. the stunning landscapes.

2.3 The positive impacts of the tourism industry

a. are bigger than the negative.
b. are outweighed by the negative ones.
c. fall into three major categories.

208 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.4 Most problems caused by tourism-related activities
a. derive from tourist transportation methods.
b. are no longer possible to solve.
c. can be reduced through tourists’ direct actions.
2.5 To reduce their carbon footprint, tourists
a. can travel by plane.
b. should stop using cars.
c. should select shorter distances.
2.6 To be a responsible tourist, the right place to stay should
a. take part in sustainable local actions and offer no dairy products for consumption.
b. be sensitive to environmental needs and use sustainable sources of power.
c. use renewable energy and a reduced carbon footprint.


1. Connect items in columns A and C using the appropriate linking word/expression

from column B. Two of them are not needed. Write only the sequence of numbers.


1. This is an untamed 4. despite 9. the overuse of natural

and breathtaking 5. however, resources has been
landscape; steadily ignored.
6. due to
2. Some people still 10. all the warnings and
disrespect delicate 7. therefore advice to protect
ecosystems; 8. as a result them.
3. For decades the 11. it is becoming more
tourism industry has and more sought
prioritised economic after by tourists.

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You are going to read a text about regenerative tourism.


The travel and tourism sector is at a pivotal

moment in its evolution. There are those who
believe things will return to normal and there
are those who recognise the need for radical
5 change. This group cites all the evidence
illustrating that the pace of global change is
increasing and the existing economic system
is failing due to inherent flaws made evident
by an obsession with continuous growth and
10 the culture around how many define success.
Tourism cannot grow ad infinitum and remain largely unaccountable for its externalities.
The good news is that it doesn’t need to. We can build tourism back better through
regenerative tourism. Tourism can regenerate cultural heritage, communities and degraded
ecosystems, and support their recovery.
15 Tourism has inherent negative environmental impacts and is extractive in nature when
it’s not well-managed. Sustainable tourism is oftentimes focused on sustaining current
tourism activities and or limiting environmental damage and negative impacts on host
communities. Avoiding the use of plastics, hiring and buying locally, using renewable
energy and the like are all well-known examples. It’s not enough.
20 If we are to resuscitate a dying economy and the natural systems that sustain all life, a
completely different approach to tourism development and management has to be taken.
Regenerative tourism has quickly emerged as the solution, but it’s no silver bullet. It is a
complete deviation from the industrial production and consumption tourism model.
Embracing and fostering such change requires a shift in mindset to understand how tourism
25 and hospitality, and the heritage, economy, and ecology of a place work together as a living
There is no globally taken definition for regenerative tourism. It’s focused on how
tourism can make destinations better for both current and future generations. It involves
tourism businesses, communities, donors, and government collectively drawing upon
tourism to holistically make net positive contributions to the well-being of visitors, residents,
30 host communities, and the environment to help them flourish and create shared prosperity.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach. And, according to the regenerative tourism
visionary and thought-leader, Anna Pollock, it is not possible to plan or micro-manage a
regenerative recovery. It is, however, possible to create the conditions that enable a living
system to survive, thrive and evolve. This applies to the tourism system, and everyone
35 involved in the value chain has a role to play.
Fortunately, a number of examples are emerging as regenerative recovery measures are
being taken by destinations and stakeholders around the world – from small businesses and
community members working together to regenerate clear-cut rainforest and farmlands to
large municipalities and countries embracing doughnut economics.

https://www.regenerativetravel.com (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

210 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2. Match the ideas in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B. Two of
the paragraphs do not apply. Write only the letters and the paragraph numbers.


Paragraph 1
a. Sustainable tourism practices are no longer sufficient. Paragraph 2
b. The development of current tourism: different perceptions. Paragraph 3
c. Everyone has a role to play. Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5

3. Choose the correct option (a, b, c or d) to complete the sentences according to the text.
Write only the numbers and the letters.
3.1 The tourism industry is facing
a. an essential change.
b. profound difficulties.
c. a crucial phase.
d. a return to normal.

3.2 “Ad infinitum”, in paragraph 2, means

a. definitely.
b. onward.
c. sporadically.
d. endlessly.

3.3 Regenerative tourism can be described as

a. a miracle which will enable economies and natural systems to recover.
b. the solution to fostering a shift in people’s mindset.
c. one of the ways to assist the planet’s recovery; however, not a simple one.
d. a strategy that can combine consumption tourism and cultural heritage.

3.4 “one-size-fits-all”, in paragraph 6, means

a. standard.
b. universal.
c. multi-purpose.
d. exceptional.

3.5 The tourism system can be compared to a living system

a. when it involves increasing the well-being of visitors, residents and host communities.
b. as it can survive, thrive and evolve.
c. when governments and host communities work together to make destinations better.
d. as it is always evolving.

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4. Match each word in column A with the expression it refers to in column B. Two of the
options do not apply. Write only the letters and the numbers.


1. host communities
2. cultural heritage, communities
a. their (line 14)
and ecosystems’
b. it (line 22)
3. silver bullet
c. them (line 28)
4. degraded ecosystems
5. regenerative tourism

5. Match each word in column A with the word in column B that can replace it in the text.
Two of the options are not used. Write only the letters and the numbers.


1. implemented
a. taken (line 21) 2. acquired
b. taken (line 27) 3. caught
c. taken (line 37) 4. adopted
5. accepted

6. Read an excerpt from the article Regenerative Tourism: The Natural Maturation of
Sustainability, by Anna Pollock. From sentences 1 to 5, choose the one which fits each
gap (a to c). Two of the sentences are not used. Write only the letters and the numbers.
A regenerative approach to tourism starts at home within ourselves, then our workplaces and
our communities. a. ____; it can only be lived and shared by those for whom it is home.
b. ____. A life affirming regenerative tourism that works with wholes and not parts, with
permeable boundaries not hard lines of demarcation, is better able to integrate tourism with
those other life support systems expressed in the place – be they hydrological, food-based,
socio-cultural, political or economic.
c. ____. It pays less attention to parts and more to relationships and the integration of systems
not their separation. This holistic approach starts with a view of the guest as a whole human
being having a complete experience; not a segment to be targeted but a living being playing
a particular role in a specific place and time.
https://medium.com (adapted; accessed in January 2022)

1. Regenerative tourism is not anti-growth.

2. By its very holistic nature, regenerative tourism is the antidote to the fragmentation that plagues
the current tourism model.
3. It too has the properties of a living system.
4. There can be no such thing as a sustainable business within an unsustainable system.
5. It also means that the unique spirit of a place cannot be defined but can only be expressed.
212 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. You have just returned from your holiday in a supposedly regenerative tourism
destination. However, the place where you stayed was not taking local history and the
local community into account. Write a complaint email to the organization where you
booked the holiday:
– explain the issue;
– suggest solutions.
Write your text in 60-80 words.

2. You are going to write a poem in prose impersonating a part of the

ecosystem/community of a sustainable destination that is now healing from decades of
consumption tourism through regenerative recovery strategies.
Write a minimum of 160 words.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 213

Unit 2 – Answer key


2.1/2.2 TEST
LISTENING 1.1 c; 1.2 a; 1.3 c; 1.4 b
1. 2.
a. 5; b. 2; c. 3; d. 6 a. True; b. False; c. False; d. True; e. True
a. 9; b. 25% / a quarter; c. 30%; d. 80%; e. 50%; f. 70%; g. 2; READING
h. 10%; i. 55% 1. b; c
3. 2.
a. T; b. NM; c. T; d. T; e. F a. prominent; b. jargon; c. unethical; d. incentives; e. overlook
READING a. brands’; b. sustainable influencers; c. the most unethical
1. a; c brands; d. products promoted by sustainable influencers
2. 4.
a. scarce; b. annihilation; c. under way; d. risky; e. unfair a. True – “One cannot scroll on social media without the
3. bombardment of ads and influencer-promoted product
a. governments and international organisations; b. global posts...”
targets; c. environment ministries; d. the awakening b. False – “Influencer marketing has grown with the
4. expanded use of social media”
a. True – “because of our impact on the planet, we risk c. True – “not all sustainable influencers promote
flipping ourselves into a highly risky “hothouse earth” greenwashed products, but monetary incentives involved
scenario.” with influencer work can cause many to overlook a brand’s
b. False – “And it sets us up for an even more unfair world” true practices, which are often abhorrent.”
c. False – “For years, big environmental problems were for d. True – “most sustainable influencers ultimately make their
governments and international organizations to solve and livings off of the promotion of consumerism, which in
we deferred to their leadership for action and delivery.” practice is not sustainable.”
d. True – “a public-private repositioning that is helping e. False – “Even if a garment or product is produced
environment ministers to marry “earth” targets with sustainably and ethically, it is still possible to over-consume.”
“economic” targets.”
e. True – “It is now clear to all in the environment agenda USE OF LANGUAGE
that it takes unprecedented levels of collaboration and 1.
innovation involving many outside of the public sector (…) to a. popular; b. trending; c. marketing; d. conscious;
achieve these ambitious goals…” e. mindset; f. meaningfulness; g. credibility; h. assess;
i. followers; j. brands; k. target; l. approach
1. a. paying the price for; b. are not many thrift; c. break the
a. landscapes; b. nature; c. life-sustaining; d. stable; news; d. have no interest; e. kept me posted; f. keep track
e. wildlife; f. needs; g. vulnerable; h. resources; i. of; g. come to terms with what
development; j. degradation; k. impoverishing; l. growth 3.
2. a. had the clean-up operations done (by the companies we
a. go over; b. go about; c. go for hired).
3. b. of the circular economy in action is provided by the Ecoalf
3.1 c; 3.2 a; 3.3 d; 3.4 b foundation.
4. c. has been turned into top-quality thread and reintroduced
a. you mustn’t take; b. better and better; c. having such as consumer goods by the foundation.
catastrophic effects that; d. was so amazing that; e. both d. will have the Internet connection repaired tomorrow.
intelligent and creative.; f. neither goes for upcycling, nor; e. was made a core part of the British Fashion Council’s
g. the more interesting events.
f. in our mindset should be embraced.
g. are brightening up your feed.

214 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

a. 3; b. 5; c. 1; d. 2: e. 4
2.1/2.2 TEST 3.
a. brands’; b. sustainable influencers; c. the most unethical
LISTENING brands; d. products promoted by sustainable influencers
1. 4.
a. 3; b. 1; c. 2; d. 4 a. True – “One cannot scroll on social media without the
2. bombardment of ads and influencer-promoted product
a. 9; b. 25%; c. 30%; d. 80%; e. 50%; f. 70%; g. 2; h. 10%; posts...”
i. 55% b. False – “Influencer marketing has grown with the
3. expanded use of social media”
a. T; b. T; c. T; d. T; e. F c. True – “not all sustainable influencers promote
greenwashed products, but monetary incentives involved
READING with influencer work can cause many to overlook a brand’s
1. a; c true practices, which are often abhorrent.”
2. d. True – “most sustainable influencers ultimately make their
a. 4; b. 5; c. 1; d. 3; e. 2 livings off of the promotion of consumerism, which in
3. practice is not sustainable.”
a. governments and international organisations; b. global e. False – “Even if a garment or product is produced sustainably
targets; c. environment ministries; d. the awakening and ethically, it is still possible to over-consume.”
a. True – “because of our impact on the planet, we risk USE OF LANGUAGE
flipping ourselves into a highly risky “hothouse earth” 1.
scenario.” a. popular; b. trending; c. marketing; d. conscious;
b. False – “And it sets us up for an even more unfair world” e. mindset; f. meaningfulness; g. credibility; h. assess;
c. False – “For years, big environmental problems were for i. followers; j. brands; k. target; l. approach
governments and international organizations to solve and 2.
we deferred to their leadership for action and delivery.” a. paying the price; b. are not; c. break the news; d. no interest;
d. True – “public-private repositioning that is helping e. kept me posted; f. keep track of; g. come to terms
environment ministers to marry “earth” targets with 3.
“economic” targets.” 3.1 b; 3.2 a; 3.3 a; 3.4 c; 3.5 c
e. True – “It is now clear to all in the environment agenda
that it takes unprecedented levels of collaboration and
innovation involving many outside of the public sector (…) to EXAM-STYLE TEST
achieve these ambitious goals”
1. Marco: 3; 5; Chris: 1; 4; 7; Daniela: 2; 6
a. landscapes; b. nature; c. life-sustaining; d. stable; 2.
e. wildlife; f. needs; g. vulnerable; h. resources; i. 2.1 c; 2.2 a; 2.3 b; 2.4 c; 2.5 c; 2.6 b
development; j. degradation; k. impoverishing; l. growth
a. go over; b. go about; c. go for 1.
3. 1. 5, 11; 2. 4, 10; 3. 8, 9
3.1 c; 3.2 a; 3.3 c; 3.4 b 2.
4. a. Paragraph 3; b. Paragraph 1; c. Paragraph 5
a. you mustn’t take; b. better and better; c. such 3.
catastrophic effects; d. so amazing that; e. intelligent and 3.1 c; 3.2 d; 3.3 c; 3.4 b; 3.5 b
creative.; f. neither goes for; g. the more interesting 4 4.
a. 2; b. 5; c. 1
2.3/2.4 TEST a. 4; b. 5; c. 1
1. a. 5; b. 3; c. 2
1.1 c; 1.2 a; 1.3 c; 1.4 b
a. True; b. False; c. False; d. True; e. True

1. b; c

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 215

TEST 2.1 / 2.2
Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 4 × 10p 2. 9 × 10p 3. 5 × 14p = 200p
Reading: 1. 2 × 5p 2. 5 × 4p 3. 5 × 4p 4. 5 × 6p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 × 2p 2. 3 × 3p 3. 4 × 3p 4. 7 × 5p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)

Listening: 1. 4 × 10p 2. 9 × 10p 3. 5 × 14p = 200p
Reading: 1. 2 × 5p 2. 5 × 4p 3. 5 × 4p 4. 5 × 6p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 × 2p 2. 3 × 3p 3. 4 × 3p 4. 7 × 5p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

TEST 2.3 / 2.4

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 4 x 20p 2. 5 x 24p = 200p
Reading: 1. 2 x 5p 2. 5 x 4p 3. 4 x 5p 4. 5 x 6p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 x 2p 2. 7 x 3p 3. 7 x 5p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)

Listening: 1. 4 x 20p 2. 5 x 24p = 200p
Reading: 1. 2 x 5p 2. 5 x 4p 3. 4 x 5p 4. 5 x 6p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 x 2p 2. 7 x 3p 3. 5 x 7p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (L + LG + R + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 7 x 3p 2. 6 x 4p = 45p
Language: 1. 3 x 9p = 27p
Reading: 2. 3 x 5p 3. 5 x 3p 4. 3 x 4p 5. 3 x 4p 6. 3 x 4p = 66p
Writing: 1. 22p 2. 40p = 62p

216 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


I. Graded worksheets
Reading ........................................................................................................................ 220
Listening ...................................................................................................................... 222
Writing ......................................................................................................................... 223
Speaking ...................................................................................................................... 224
Grammar ..................................................................................................................... 225
Vocabulary .................................................................................................................. 228

Reading ........................................................................................................................ 231
Listening ...................................................................................................................... 233
Writing ......................................................................................................................... 234
Speaking ...................................................................................................................... 235
Grammar ..................................................................................................................... 236
Vocabulary .................................................................................................................. 239
Answer key.................................................................................................................. 241

II. Assessment
Progress test (3.1 / 3.2) .......................................................................................... 244
Progress test – inclusion (3.1 / 3.2) ..................................................................... 249
Exam-style test .......................................................................................................... 254
Answer key ................................................................................................................ 260
I. Graded worksheets
• Standard
• Inclusion
Standard worksheets
3.1 / 3.2 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

The idea of doing what you love for
a living has always been alluring. As
the adage sometimes attributed to
Confucius goes: “Choose a job you
5 love and you’ll never work a day in
your life”. And this sentiment has
perhaps never been more pertinent;
since the pandemic hit, more of us have
been reconsidering our working lives.
10 New research shows we increasingly
want to care about – even love – our
professions. In this context, turning a
hobby or interest into a career may seem like the obvious choice.
But is there a downside to combining our passions and our working lives? Does the
15 reality mean turning a beloved hobby into a spreadsheet-filled obligation? And how do you
switch off from your job when the boundaries between work and leisure become blurred?
There are also finances to consider, if your passion doesn’t earn you enough money to live
the lifestyle you want. So, is doing what you love for a living really all it’s cracked up to be?
There’s plenty of new evidence to suggest people want to find work that suits them
20 better. A 2021 McKinsey survey showed two-thirds of all US-based workers said the
health crisis had made them re-evaluate their purpose in life, and 50% were reconsidering
the kind of work they do as a result. For some, developing and monetising their hobbies is
a potential solution. In another survey of 2,000 Americans, 60% said they had improved
their skill in one or more hobbies since the pandemic hit the US in March 2020, and 40%
25 thought it was “very” or “extremely” likely that they would be able to make money from
the hobby once the pandemic was over.
Turning an enjoyable hobby into something profitable can feel like a direct way to
improve well-being. Engaging with activities that bring us joy enriches us, explains New
York-based clinical psychologist Yesel Yoon. “If you allow that kind of part of yourself to
30 be active, that helps you in the long run develop a greater sense of psychological well-
being and happiness.”
Doing work we are interested in can also bring about a deep sense of purpose. Rikke
Hansen, a career-change advisor and podcaster from London, who often helps people
transition to new ventures in fields they are passionate about, says people who successfully
35 move into fields that they love reap real benefits. “You get autonomy, you get mastery and
you get purpose. And that’s the most motivational way to work,” she says.
Yet the reality of making your passion into your career also comes with complications.
When work is deeply intertwined with identity, it can also become difficult for people to
put a price on what they do. People may undercharge for their work either because they
40 lack confidence, or they feel that, as the work is enjoyable, it is something they would be
willing to do for free. A Deloitte study showed that people who were passionate about their
jobs were willing to work longer hours and be more available due to “internal drive to
learn and improve”.
https://www.bbc.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

220 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Choose the correct option (a, b, c or d) to complete the sentences according to the
1.1 The expression “all it’s cracked up to be”, in paragraph 2, means
a. as defective as it was expected to be. c. as good as it was expected to be.
b. as foolish as it was expected to be. d. as harsh as it was expected to be.
1.2 When you land a job in an area you love
a. you become happier and richer. c. you increase your confidence and motivation.
b. you get success and profit. d. you achieve autonomy and purpose.
1.3 The word “reap”, in paragraph 5, means
a. grow. c. develop.
b. obtain. d. cultivate.
1.4 Turning a hobby into a career improves well-being
a. and brings success.
b. but it is important to set clear boundaries between work and leisure.
c. and allows you to be more active.
d. but it doesn’t get you financial benefits.
1.5 The expression “internal drive”, in paragraph 6, means
a. deep pressure. c. inner journey.
b. solid state drive. d. inner motivation.

2. Match each word in column A with the expression it refers to in column B. Two of the
options are not needed.


1. US-based workers
a. them (line 21) 2. 40% of US-based workers
b. they (line 22) 3. 60% of US-based workers
c. their (line 22) 4. around 66% of US-based workers
d. they (line 25) 5. half of US-based workers
6. 40% of 2,000 Americans

3. Find evidence in the text for the following statements.

a. Being attracted to the concept of having a job you are keen on isn’t a new trend.
b. People’s work can be more meaningful if they become involved with tasks they enjoy.
c. Estimating the cost of the work may be complex if you can’t distinguish it from who you are.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 221

3.1 / 3.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Watch the video “Don’t pursue your passion. Chase opportunity” Video at
by Mike Rowe (American television host) and order the ideas
according to what you hear.
a. People like to be entertained by successful work stories
based on the fulfilment of dreams and the overcoming
of adversities.
b. When passion comes first, there’s a big chance of not
getting the job you want.
c. People need to have passion.
d. When you discover what is going to give you pleasure,
you start working out the idea.
e. Some people find happiness when they seize the opportunity and not when they follow
their passion.
f. The real success stories are not the ones where people identified their wish and were able
to accomplish their dream.
g. People are led to believe that all they need is inside them.
h. Your life shouldn’t depend on passion.
i. Looking inside yourself for your passion is tricky.

2. Watch the news report “A 4-day workweek?” and choose the Video at
correct option to complete the sentences.
2.1 The main objective of the Congressman’s bill is
a. to increase productivity in the workplace.
b. to avoid overtime.
c. to have a reduced workweek with a fairly good salary.
2.2 The pandemic is seen as the leading reason for
a. a great number of resignations.
b. making new work legislation.
c. employees’ dissatisfaction.
2.3 Takano’s bill would
a. put an end to a 40-hour week.
b. increase Americans’ wage.
c. require extra pay after 32 working hours.
2.4 The reduced workweek
a. has already been approved and tested in the US.
b. is considered one of the ways to improve work-life balance.
c. is already a success in some Asian countries.

222 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 Writing – Opinion text
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You are going to write an opinion text based on a statement.

1.1 Read the following quotes and choose one of them to write about.

Choose a job you love, Do what you love and

success will follow.
And you will never
Passion is the fuel
Have to work a day in your life. behind a successful career.
Meg Whitman

1.2 Use the model below to plan your text.

Argument 1 example

QUOTE Meaning Argument 2 example

Argument 3 example

_________________________________________ Title: the quote

This quote means ___________________________ Introduction:
_________________________________________ Explain the meaning of the quote.

_________________________________________ .
From my point of view ______________________ State your opinion.
_________________________________________ .
Firstly ____________________________________ Body:
_________________________________________ Present one argument per paragraph
and the example to support it.
_________________________________________ .
Moreover _________________________________
_________________________________________ .
In addition to this ___________________________
_________________________________________ .
All in all ___________________________________
• Sum up your ideas and restate your
_________________________________________ • Establish a comparison with the
_________________________________________ . author’s main message.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 223

3.1 / 3.2 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Group work/production
Join in groups to prepare and debate the topic:


Step 1: Work in groups. Brainstorm ideas and complete the table with at least four arguments for
each side.


Step 2: Carry out the debate. Discuss the arguments within your group. (You’ll find some useful
language in your textbook, page 167)
Step 3: Your group must reach a consensus and decide if you are in favour or against the idea of
turning a hobby into a job.
Step 4: Choose a group speaker who will present the group’s arguments to the class.


Group work/production
Imagine you are about to finish secondary school and you would like to head to a new country and
balance work and play. Therefore, you have decided to apply for a gap year job abroad that will
allow you to earn money discovering new places at a time and pace that suits you.

Instead of writing a cover letter to go with your

CV you are asked to make a TikTok video where
• introduce yourself;
• present your skills and qualifications;
• explain the reason/s why you think you
are suitable for the job;
• express your plans for the future.

 Include a brief introduction and conclusion.
 Use humour, questions, audio effects…
 Check page 183 in your textbook for useful language.

224 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 Expressing condition
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box.

supposing as long as even if in case

a. ______________________ you have good IT skills, it will be difficult to get the job.
b. ______________________ she gets fired, how will she pay the rent?
c. We should get insurance on all the office equipment ______________________ there’s a
d. There’s a chance to have a conversation with the CEO ______________________ you arrive
before everyone else.

2. The conjunctions in the following sentences are switched. Change them to form
correct sentences.
a. I’ll take all the data available to the meeting even if
they ask for a specific figure.
b. Providing she gets a promotion, will she move to a new
c. Suppose she studies really hard, she won’t get the
d. Working from home will be a reality for a lot of
people in case the situation continues like this.

3. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

a. They will keep the job if they reach the objectives this month. (on condition that)
b. Let’s take notes at the meeting. We may forget something important. (in case)
c. You didn’t leave the office on time. But if you had, you still wouldn’t have been able to catch
the train. (even if)
d. If you are selected for today’s job interview, will you tell your manager? (suppose)
e. You must be patient if you want the promotion. (providing)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 225

3.1 Word formation
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Write the opposite of the following words.

a. employment ≠ _______ b. competent ≠ ________ c. logical ≠ ____________

d. respectful ≠ _________ e. regularity ≠ _________ f. moral ≠ _____________

2. Add the right suffixes to the words in the word cloud in order to form new ones, and
complete the text. One of the words in the word cloud should be used twice.
A decade ago, most employers would have
balked at the idea of a. _________________
regularly working from home. One major
concern most employers had for working
b. _______________________ was a loss of
productivity. How c. ________________ and
efficient can an employee be when they
don’t have someone breathing down their
Remote d. __________________ basically meant a telemarketing or customer service position at
below minimum wage. Now e. _________________________ innovations afford us the
f. ___________________ to get a job done, no matter where in the world we are. One of the
most g. ______________________ technologies for h. ____________________ remote work is
video conferencing.
Adopting a remote working policy can save companies money by removing the need for
i. ______________________ office space while allowing workers the j. _____________ to create
their own schedules from wherever they please.
https://www.businessnewsdaily.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

3. Add a prefix and a suffix to the words in brackets in order to complete the sentences.
a. Today’s world is full of ____________________ as regards unemployment. (certain)
b. We need to provide the interns with ____________________ to help them thrive in this
competitive world. (courage)
c. The new sales representative has achieved ____________________ numbers. (beat)
d. She is the leader of a/an ____________________ organisation devoted to gender equality in
the workplace. (nation)
e. Although he deserved the promotion, he felt ____________________ with it. (comfort)

226 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.2 Overall grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option from the table below (1 to 4) to complete the text.

What impact will automation have on work?

Studies previously a. ________ that about half the activities people b. ________ globally could
theoretically be automated using currently demonstrated technologies. c. ________ occupations
– less than 5 percent – consist of activities that cannot be fully automated.
d. ________, in about 60 percent of occupations, at least one-third of the constituent activities
could be automated, implying substantial workplace transformations and changes for all workers.
e. ________ technical feasibility of automation is important, it is not the only factor that
f. ________ the pace and extent of automation adoption. Other factors include the cost of
developing and deploying automation solutions for specific uses in the workplace, the labor-
market dynamics, the benefits of automation beyond labor substitution, and regulatory and social
Taking these factors g. ________, our new research h. ________ that between almost zero and 30
percent of the hours worked globally i. _______ automated by 2030, depending on the speed of
Automation will have a j. ________ effect on jobs that involve managing people, applying expertise,
and social interactions, where machines are unable to match human performance for now.
https://www.mckinsey.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

1 2 3 4
a. have revealed revealed would reveal reveal
b. will be paid to do would be paid to do are paid to do have been paid to do
c. Few Little A few A little
d. Although Despite Instead However
e. When Therefore While Thus
f. influenced will influence was influencing would influence
g. by all accounts on account into account in account
h. estimates estimated is estimating had estimated
i. must be ought to be could be shall be
j. fewer lesser least less

2. Rewrite the following sentences starting as suggested.

a. They expect that the report is completed by early July.
The report ___________________________________________________________________
b. They weren’t able to reduce costs. Therefore, they laid off 30% of the staff.
If they _______________________________________________________________________
c. In spite of not being ideal for making a living today, working nine to five is still a reality.
Although _____________________________________________________________________
d. Employees complain that their working conditions are not as good as they were some years ago.
Employees complain that their working conditions have been getting _____________________

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 227

3.1 Vocabulary – Work-related words
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the quotes.

a. “Your employees / boss / b. “You don’t commute / resign / c. “The notion is that having the
workforce is your most valuable focus from these jobs, you hard / expected / soft skills
asset. The knowledge and escape from them.” doesn’t guarantee you the job,
requirements / specifications / Dawn Steel but not having them puts you at
skills they have represent the fuel real risk of not even getting an
that drives the engine of offer.”
business.” David Wilson
Harvey Mackay

d. “If you have to have a job in e. “Focus / Background / Cost- f. “Outstanding leaders go out of
this world, a high-priced movie cutting and simplicity… once you their way to boost the self-
star is a pretty good task / gig / get there, you can move esteem of their personnel /
pattern.” mountains.” employers / CEOs.”
Tom Hanks Steve Jobs Sam Walton

2. Complete the following statements with suitable words from the box. Three of them
are not used.

remotely overtime background full-time portfolio leave

commute facilities quality workload intern perks probation

Even though I love my job, I find it really annoying that I have to

a. ____________________ to work and waste two hours when
most of my tasks could be done b. ____________________.

If you work a c. ___________________ job in a reliable company, with very

modern d. __________________, you’ll probably enjoy some amazing
e. __________________ like health and retirement benefits and longer
maternity f. ___________________. Besides, you probably won’t be asked
to work g. _________________________, no matter how heavy the
h. __________________, as they’ll have enough staff to deal with it.

When I applied for the position of Graphic Designer, the Human

Resources manager asked a lot of questions about my
i. __________________ and he was really interested in the tasks I had
performed as an intern for the rival company as well as in my very
creative j. __________________.

228 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.2 Vocabulary – Idioms about work
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the following idioms with one word.

a. land a ________ g. have ________ on my plate
b. take on ________ h. standing on her own two ________
c. hold a job ________ i. make a ________ for himself
d. ________ a finger j. ________ down your neck
e. burn the ________ at both ends k. ________ the career ladder
f. be ________ to my eyes

2. Replace the underlined words/expressions with a suitable idiom from exercise 1.

a. I can’t organise today’s Zoom meeting. I’m really tied up.

b. As soon as I find a job and get hired, I’m going to search for my own house.

c. I’m so proud of her. She is getting strong and independent.

d. Her family is very influential, which means she rarely has to make an effort to get good jobs.
e. The nervous breakdown was a life-changing moment and you learned you can no longer
overextend yourself.
f. Growing companies may be able to hire new employees working remotely without having to
find office space for them.
g. It’s very unpleasant to have bosses who constantly watch
you very closely and check everything you do.
h. Jason can make a decent living, but he has a long way to go
if he is to succeed.

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Inclusion worksheets
3.1 / 3.2 Reading
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

The idea of doing what you love for
a living has always been alluring. As
the adage sometimes attributed to
Confucius goes: “Choose a job you
5 love and you’ll never work a day in
your life”. And this sentiment has
perhaps never been more pertinent;
since the pandemic hit, more of us have
been reconsidering our working lives.
10 New research shows we increasingly
want to care about – even love – our
professions. In this context, turning a
hobby or interest into a career may seem like the obvious choice.
But is there a downside to combining our passions and our working lives? Does the
15 reality mean turning a beloved hobby into a spreadsheet-filled obligation? And how do you
switch off from your job when the boundaries between work and leisure become blurred?
There are also finances to consider, if your passion doesn’t earn you enough money to live
the lifestyle you want. So, is doing what you love for a living really all it’s cracked up to be?
There’s plenty of new evidence to suggest people want to find work that suits them
20 better. A 2021 McKinsey survey showed two-thirds of all US-based workers said the
health crisis had made them re-evaluate their purpose in life, and 50% were reconsidering
the kind of work they do as a result. For some, developing and monetising their hobbies is
a potential solution. In another survey of 2,000 Americans, 60% said they had improved
their skill in one or more hobbies since the pandemic hit the US in March 2020, and 40%
25 thought it was “very” or “extremely” likely that they would be able to make money from
the hobby once the pandemic was over.
Turning an enjoyable hobby into something profitable can feel like a direct way to
improve well-being. Engaging with activities that bring us joy enriches us, explains New
York-based clinical psychologist Yesel Yoon. “If you allow that kind of part of yourself to
30 be active, that helps you in the long run develop a greater sense of psychological well-
being and happiness.”
Doing work we are interested in can also bring about a deep sense of purpose. Rikke
Hansen, a career-change advisor and podcaster from London, who often helps people
transition to new ventures in fields they are passionate about, says people who successfully
35 move into fields that they love reap real benefits. “You get autonomy, you get mastery and
you get purpose. And that’s the most motivational way to work,” she says.
Yet the reality of making your passion into your career also comes with complications.
When work is deeply intertwined with identity, it can also become difficult for people to
put a price on what they do. People may undercharge for their work either because they
40 lack confidence, or they feel that, as the work is enjoyable, it is something they would be
willing to do for free. A Deloitte study showed that people who were passionate about their
jobs were willing to work longer hours and be more available due to “internal drive to
learn and improve”.
https://www.bbc.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 231

1. Circle the correct option (a, b or c) to complete the sentences according to the text.
1.1 The expression “all it’s cracked up to be”, in paragraph 2, means
a. as defective as it was expected to be.
b. as foolish as it was expected to be.
c. as good as it was expected to be.
1.2 When you get a job in an area you love
a. you become happier and richer.
b. you increase your confidence and motivation.
c. you achieve autonomy and purpose.
1.3 The word “reap”, in paragraph 5, means
a. grow.
b. obtain.
c. cultivate.
1.4 Turning a hobby into a career improves well-being
a. and brings success.
b. but it is important to set clear limits between work and leisure.
c. but it doesn’t get you financial benefits.
1.5 The expression “internal drive”, in paragraph 6, means
a. inner motivation.
b. deep pressure.
c. solid state drive.

2. Match each word in column A with the expression it refers to in column B.


a. them (line 21) 1. US-based workers

b. they (line 22) 2. around 66% of US-based workers
c. their (line 22) 3. half of US-based workers
d. they (line 25) 4. 40% of 2,000 Americans

3. Find evidence in the text for the following statements.

a. Being attracted to the concept of having a job you love isn’t a new trend.
b. People’s work can be more meaningful if they become involved with tasks they enjoy.
c. Estimating the cost of the work may be complex if you can’t distinguish it from who you are.

232 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 / 3.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Watch the video “Don’t pursue your passion. Chase opportunity.” Video at
by Mike Rowe (American television host) and order the ideas
according to what you hear.
a. People like to be entertained by successful work stories
based on the fulfilment of dreams and the overcoming
of adversities.

b. When passion comes first, there’s a big chance of not

getting the job you want.

c. People need to have passion.

d. When you discover what is going to give you pleasure,

you start working out the idea.

e. Some people find happiness when they seize the opportunity and not when they follow
their passion.

f. People are led to believe that all they need is inside them.

g. Your life shouldn’t depend on passion.

2. Watch the news report about ‘A 4-day workweek?’ and circle the Video at
correct option to complete the sentences.
2.1 The main objective of the Congressman’s bill is
a. to increase productivity in the workplace.
b. to avoid overtime.
c. to have a reduced workweek with a liveable salary.
2.2 The pandemic is seen as the leading reason for
a. a great number of resignations.
b. making new work legislation.
c. employees’ dissatisfaction.
2.3 Takano’s bill would
a. put an end to a 40-hour week.
b. increase Americans’ wage.
c. require extra pay after 32 working hours.
2.4 The 4-day workweek
a. has already been approved and tested in the US.
b. is considered one of the ways to improve work-life balance.
c. is already a success in some Asian countries.

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3.1 Writing – Opinion text
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. You are going to write an opinion text based Choose a job you love,
on the quote on the right. And you will never
Have to work a day in your life.
1.1 The following explanation of the quote and
the arguments below may help you.

When you love your work, it adds value and meaning to your life. It feels like
a choice more than a burden and joy is part of your work routine.


– It brings about a sense of purpose. – There will inevitably be hard days.

– It helps you develop a sense of – There will be parts of your job that you love a bit less
well-being and happiness. than others.
– It enriches you. – No job is perfect.
– You get more autonomy and – Love does not imply perfection.
motivation. – It’s difficult to set boundaries between work and leisure.

_________________________________________ Title: the quote

This quote means ___________________________ Introduction:
_________________________________________ Explain the meaning of the quote.

_________________________________________ .
From my point of view ______________________ State your opinion.
_________________________________________ .
Firstly ____________________________________ Body:
_________________________________________ Present one argument per paragraph
and the example to support it.
_________________________________________ .
Moreover _________________________________
_________________________________________ .
In addition to this ___________________________
_________________________________________ .
All in all ___________________________________
• Sum up your ideas and restate your
_________________________________________ • Establish a comparison with the
_________________________________________ . author’s main message.

234 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 / 3.2 Speaking
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

Group work/production
Join in groups to prepare and debate the topic:


Step 1: Work in groups. Brainstorm ideas and complete the table with at least four arguments for
each side.


Step 2: Carry out the debate. Discuss the arguments within your group. (You’ll find some useful
language in your textbook, page 167)
Step 3: Your group must reach a consensus and decide if you are in favour or against the idea of
turning a hobby into a job.
Step 4: Choose a group speaker who will present the group’s arguments to the class.


Group work/production
Imagine you are about to finish secondary school and you would like to head to a new country and
balance work and play. Therefore, you have decided to apply for a gap year job abroad that will
allow you to earn money discovering new places at a time and pace that suits you.

Instead of writing a cover letter to go with your

CV you are asked to make a TikTok video where
• introduce yourself;
• present your skills and qualifications;
• explain the reason/s why you think you
are suitable for the job;
• express your plans for the future.

 Include a brief introduction and conclusion.
 Use humour, questions, audio effects…
 Check page 183 in your textbook for useful language.

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3.1 Expressing condition
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box.

supposing as long as even if in case

a. ______________________ you have good IT skills, it will be difficult to get the job.
b. ______________________ she gets fired, how will she pay the rent?
c. We should get good insurance on all the office equipment ______________________ there’s a
d. There’s a chance to have a conversation with the CEO ______________________ you arrive
before everyone else.

2. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

a. I’ll take all the data available to the meeting in case /
even if they ask for a specific figure.
b. Providing / Suppose she gets a promotion, will she
move to a new home?
c. In case / Even if she studies really hard, she won’t get
the scholarship.
d. Working from home will be a reality for a lot of
people suppose / providing the situation continues
like this.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the words
in brackets. Use between three and five words.
a. They will keep the job if they reach the objectives this month. (on condition that)
They will keep the job ______________________________________ the objectives this month.
b. Let’s take notes at the meeting. We may forget something important. (in case)
Let’s take notes at the meeting ___________________________________________________
something important.
c. If you are selected for today’s job interview, will you tell your manager? (suppose)
________________________________ for today’s job interview, will you tell your manager?
d. You must be patient if you want the promotion. (providing)
_______________________________ patient, you will get the promotion.

236 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 Word formation
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Write the opposite of the following words using the prefixes and suffixes given.

a. employment ≠ _____ b. competent ≠ ______ c. logical ≠ __________

in- im- un-

ir- dis- il- d. respectful ≠ _______ e. regularity ≠ ________ f. moral ≠ ___________

2. Add the right suffixes to the words in brackets to complete the paragraphs.
A decade ago, most employers would have balked at the idea of
a. _________________ (employ) regularly working from home. One major
-ly -dom
concern most employers had for working b. _________________ (remote)
was a loss of productivity. How c. ________________ (product) and efficient -ty -ful
can an employee be when they don’t have someone breathing down their -less -ment
neck? -ical -ive
Remote d. __________________ (employ) basically meant a telemarketing -ee
or customer service position at below minimum wage. Now
e. _________________ (technology) innovations afford us the
f. ___________________ (able) to get a job done, no matter where in the world we are. One of
the most g. ______________________ (help) technologies for
h. ____________________ (seam) remote work is video conferencing.
Adopting a remote working policy can save companies money by removing the need for
i. ______________________ (expense) office space while allowing workers the
j. ___________________ (free) to create their own schedules from wherever they please.
https://www.businessnewsdaily.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022

3. Add a prefix and a suffix to the words below in order to complete the sentences.
a. Today’s world is full of ___certain___ as regards unemployment.
b. We need to provide the interns with ___courage___ to help them thrive in this competitive
c. The new sales representative has achieved ___beat___ numbers.
d. She is the leader of a/an ___nation___ organisation devoted to gender equality in the
e. Although he deserved the promotion, he felt ___comfort___ with it.

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3.2 Overall grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option (1 to 3) to complete the text.

What impact will automation have on work?

Studies previously a. ________ that about half the activities people b. ________ globally could
theoretically be automated using currently demonstrated technologies. c. ________ occupations
– less than 5 percent – consist of activities that cannot be fully automated.
d. ________, in about 60 percent of occupations, at least one-third of the constituent activities
could be automated, implying substantial workplace transformations and changes for all workers.
e. ________ technical feasibility of automation is important, it is not the only factor that
f. ________ the pace and extent of automation adoption. Other factors include the cost of
developing and deploying automation solutions for specific uses in the workplace, the labor-
-market dynamics, the benefits of automation beyond labor substitution, and regulatory and
social acceptance.
Taking these factors g. ________, our new research h. ________ that between almost zero and 30
percent of the hours worked globally i. _______ automated by 2030, depending on the speed of
Automation will have a j. ________ effect on jobs that involve managing people, applying expertise,
and social interactions, where machines are unable to match human performance for now.
https://www.mckinsey.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

1 2 3
a. have revealed revealed would reveal
b. will be paid to do would be paid to do are paid to do
c. Few Little A few
d. Although Despite Instead
e. When Therefore While
f. influenced will influence was influencing
g. by all accounts on account into account
h. estimates estimated is estimating
i. must be ought to be could be
j. fewer lesser least

2. Rewrite the following sentences starting as suggested.

a. They expect that the report is completed by early July.
The report is expected to ________________________________________________________
b. They weren’t able to reduce costs. Therefore, they laid off 30% of the staff.
If they had been able to reduce the costs, they _______________________________________
c. In spite of not being ideal for making a living today, working nine to five is still a reality.
Although working nine to five is ___________________________________________________
d. Employees complain that their working conditions are not as good as they were some years ago.
Employees complain that their working conditions have been getting _____________________

238 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 Vocabulary – Work-related words
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct option to complete the quotes.

a. “Your employees / boss / b. “You don’t commute / resign / c. “The notion is that having the
workforce is your most valuable focus from these jobs, you hard / expected / soft skills
asset. The knowledge and escape from them.” doesn’t guarantee you the job,
requirements / specifications / Dawn Steel but not having them puts you at
skills they have represent the fuel real risk of not even getting an
that drives the engine of offer.”
business.” David Wilson
Harvey Mackay

d. “If you have to have a job in e. “Focus / Background / Cost- f. “Outstanding leaders go out of
this world, a high-priced movie cutting and simplicity… once you their way to boost the self-
star is a pretty good task / gig / get there, you can move esteem of their personnel /
pattern.” mountains.” employers / CEOs.”
Tom Hanks Steve Jobs Sam Walton

2. Complete the following statements with suitable words from the box.

remotely overtime background full-time portfolio

leave commute workload perks

Even though I love my job, I find it really annoying that I have to

a. ____________________ to work and waste two hours when
most of my tasks could be done b. ____________________.

If you work a c. ____________________ job in a reliable company, you’ll

probably enjoy some amazing d. ____________________ like health and
retirement benefits and longer maternity e. ____________________.
Besides, you probably won’t be asked to work f. ____________________, no
matter how heavy the g. ____________________, as they’ll have enough
staff to deal with it.

When I applied for the position of Graphic Designer, the Human

Resources manager asked a lot of questions about my
h. _________________ and he was really interested in the tasks I had
performed as an intern for the rival company as well as in my very
creative i. _________________.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 239

3.2 Vocabulary – Idioms about work
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete each following idioms with a suitable word from the box.

lift job enough breathe climb

name up candle down staff

a. land a ________ g. have ________ on my plate

b. take on ________ h. standing on her own two ________
c. hold a job ________ i. make a ________ for himself
d. ________ a finger j. ________ down your neck
e. burn the ________ at both ends k. ________ the career ladder
f. be ________ to my eyes

2. Circle the correct idiom to replace the underlined words/expressions.

2.1 I can’t organise today’s Zoom meeting. I’m really tied up.
a. burn the candle at both ends b. have enough on my plate
2.2 As soon as I find a job and get hired, I’m going to search for my own house.
a. lift a finger b. land a job
2.3 I’m so proud of her. She is getting strong and independent.
a. standing on her own two feet b. making a name for herself
2.4 Her family is very influential, which means she rarely has to make an effort to get good jobs.
a. lift a finger b. stand on her own two feet
2.5 The nervous breakdown was a life-changing moment and you learned you can no longer
overextend yourself.
a. breathe down my neck b. burn the candle at both ends
2.6 Growing companies may be able to hire new employees working remotely without having to
find office space for them.
a. take on staff b. lift a finger
2.7 It’s very unpleasant to have bosses who constantly watch
you very closely and check everything you do.
a. stand on their feet b. breathe down your
2.8 Jason can make a decent living, but he has a long way if he is to succeed.
a. land a job b. make a name for himself

240 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Unit 3 – Answer key

1. Standard worksheets 3.2 OVERALL GRAMMAR

a. 2; b. 3; c. 1; d. 4; e. 3; f. 2; g. 3; h. 1; i. 3; j. 2
3.1 / 3.2 READING a. is expected to be completed by early July.
1.1 c; 1.2 d; 1.3 b; 1.4 b; 1.5 d b. had been able to reduce costs, they wouldn’t have laid
2. off 30% of the staff.
a. 4; b. 5; c. 1; d. 6 c. working nine to five is not ideal for making a living today,
3. it is still a reality.
a. “The idea of doing what you love for a living has always d. worse and worse (over the years).
been alluring.”
b. “Doing work we are interested in can also bring about a VOCABULARY
deep sense of purpose.”
c. “When work is deeply intertwined with identity, it can
also become difficult for people to put a price on what they 1.
do.” a. workforce; skills; b. resign; c. soft; d. gig; e. Focus;
f. personnel
LISTENING a. commute; b. remotely; c. full-time; d. facilities; e. perks;
3.1 / 3.2 LISTENING f. leave; g. overtime; h. workload; i. background; j. portfolio
a. 8; b. 6; c. 1; d. 5; e. 9; f. 7; g. 3; h. 2; i. 4 3.2 IDIOMS ABOUT WORK
2.1 c; 2.2 a; 2.3 c; 2.4 b 1.
a. job; b. staff; c. down; d. lift; e. candle; f. up; g. enough;
GRAMMAR h. feet; i. name; j. breathe; k. climb
1. a. I have enough on my plate / I’m up to my eyes; b. land a
a. Even if; b. Suppose; c. in case; d. as long as job; c. standing on her own two feet; d. lift a finger; e. burn
2. the candle at both ends; f. take on staff; g. breathe down
a. in case; b. Supposing; c. Even if; d. providing your neck; h. make a name for himself
a. They will keep the job on condition that they reach the 2. Inclusion worksheets
objectives this month.
b. Let’s take notes at the meeting in case we forget
something important.
c. Even if you had left the office on time, you wouldn’t have 3.1 / 3.2 READING
been able to catch the train. 1.1 c; 1.2 c; 1.3 b; 1.4 b; 1.5 a
d. Suppose you are selected for today’s job interview, will 2.
you tell your manager? a. 2; b. 3; c. 1; d. 4
e. Providing that you are patient, you will get the 3.
promotion. a. “The idea of doing what you love for a living has always
been alluring.”
3.1 WORD FORMATION b. “Doing work we are interested in can also bring about a
1. deep sense of purpose.”
a. unemployment; b. incompetent; c. illogical; c. “When work is deeply intertwined with identity, it can
d. disrespectful; e. irregularity; f. immoral also become difficult for people to put a price on what they
2. do.”
a. employees; b. remotely; c. productive; d. employment;
e. technological; f. ability; g. helpful; h. seamless;
i. expensive; j. freedom
3. 3.1 / 3.2 LISTENING
a. uncertainty; b. encouragement; c. unbeatable; 1.
d. international / multinational; e. uncomfortable a. 6; b. 5; c. 1; d. 4; e. 7; f. 3; g. 2
2.1 c; 2.2 a; 2.3 c; 2.4 b

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 241

a. 2; b. 3; c. 1; d. 3; e. 3; f. 2; g. 3; h. 1; i. 3; j. 2
a. Even if; b. Supposing; c. in case; d. as long as
a. be completed by early July.
b. wouldn’t have laid off 30% of the staff.
a. in case; b. Suppose; c. Even if; d. providing
c. not ideal for making a living today, it is still a reality.
d. worse and worse (over the years).
a. on condition that they reach.
b. in case we forget.
c. Suppose you are selected VOCABULARY
d. Providing that you are 3.1 WORK-RELATED WORDS
3.1 WORD FORMATION a. workforce; skills; b. resign; c. soft; d. gig; e. Focus;
1. f. personnel
a. unemployment; b. incompetent; c. illogical; 2.
d. disrespectful; e. irregularity; f. immoral a. commute; b. remotely; c. full-time; d. perks; e. leave;
2. f. overtime; g. workload; h. background; i. portfolio
a. employees; b. remotely; c. productive; d. employment;
e. technological; f. ability; g. helpful; h. seamless; i. 3.2 IDIOMS ABOUT WORK
expensive; j. freedom 1.
3. a. job; b. staff; c. down; d. lift; e. candle; f. up; g. enough;
a. uncertainty; b. encouragement; c. unbeatable; h. feet; i. name; j. breathe; k. climb
d. international / multinational; e. uncomfortable 2.
2.1 b; 2.2 b; 2.3 a; 2.4 a; 2.5 b; 2.6 a; 2.7 b; 2.8 b

242 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

II. Assessment
• Progress Test (3.1 / 3.2)
• Progress Test – inclusion (3.1 / 3.2)
• Exam-style Test
3.1 / 3.2 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

LISTENING [track 19]

1. Listen to a person talking about the topic “How can people thrive in the new world of
work?” and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 The fourth Industrial Revolution has made the world of work
a. an uncertain, simple and scary place.
b. an intimidating, undefined and complicated place.
c. a supportive, confused and complex place.

1.2 The ability to succeed in this new world of work

a. depends on the individual’s skills.
b. is supported exclusively by “human skills”.
c. depends on individual and organisational components.

1.3 Productivity and teamwork are better developed

a. if you are physically healthy.
b. when you have no emotional or psychological problems.
c. when you enjoy a state of physical and mental well-being.

1.4 In order to thrive in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, individuals
a. must also be prepared for permanent acquisition of new information and skills.
b. should be productive and have a positive impact on the organisation.
c. need to be fully engaged at work.

2. You will hear three people expressing their opinion on remote work. [track 20]
Match the names in column A with the ideas they express in column B. All the ideas
are used once.
1. When you don’t need to go to the workplace, you save time
and can be more productive.
2. Lack of social interaction is one of the disadvantages.
3. It has been shown that remote work is a suitable alternative
Joseph to traditional work on site.
Benson 4. It’s hard not to be able to share ideas with another colleague
Rose for some time.
5. It’s vital not to stay at home all day long.
6. To stay away from distractions and have appropriate working
hours, there’s the need to set limits.
7. Working remotely doesn’t suit everyone.

244 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


Read the text carefully.


In a few years’ time, in the year 2030, it’s highly
likely you’ll be working in a job that doesn’t even
exist yet – and no, we’re not talking about building
flying cars or developing the world’s first time
5 machine. The world of work is evolving quickly,
which means you have to figure out how to prepare
for a future job role that’s impossible to predict.
Of course, there isn’t a crystal ball that can tell us
exactly what skills will be needed and what skills
10 won’t. However, we’ve come up with five skills we believe you’ll need to succeed in your
future career, whatever it ends up being.
1. _____________________________
The rise of digital technologies means you’re going to need to be able to handle the
plethora of opportunities and challenges that come with it. Do you have the ability to adapt
15 to change and conceptualize complex multiple ideas all at once? If so, you’re showing
qualities that reside in advanced multi-taskers and which are highly valued by employers
and recruiters.
2. _____________________________
As the world continues to rely on highly technical and continuously evolving
20 technologies, the need for those with the digital skills to match also increases. You’ve most
definitely heard of STEM, but have you heard of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and
Cloud)? Although it may seem like we’re being bombarded with digital buzzwords, being
digitally literate offers capabilities beyond what was once thought possible when it comes
to emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, Internet of
25 Things (IoT) and data science.
3. ______________________________
Although robots and automation technology may be better than humans in some ways,
such as calculations and diagnostic solving, it’s still going to be humans that deal with the
subjective side of data analytics. Considering we’re on the cusp of the fourth industrial
30 revolution, we’re still going to need to have somebody who is able to show the world what
numbers mean and their significance.
4. ______________________________
Many things can be replaced by digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence, but
these skills remain uniquely human capabilities. In some sectors, these qualities are
35 absolutely crucial. The demand for jobs in healthcare, for example, are on the increase –
demonstrating how some roles will always require a human element. Your future job is
more than likely going to include working closely with others, so having empathy, the
ability to collaborate, as well as excellent communication skills is something you’re most
definitely going to need.
40 5. _______________________________
A report by the World Economic Forum in 2018 suggesting robot automation will
create more jobs than they displace, so you’ll do well as long as you can think outside the
box. Much like having an excellent sense of social intelligence, natural imagination is
something which can’t be easily replicated by the latest digital technologies.
https://www.topuniversities.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 245

1. Complete the text by identifying the numbered paragraphs with the following skills.
a. Digital literacy and computational thinking.
b. Creative and innovative mindset.
c. Cognitive flexibility.
d. Emotional and social intelligence.
e. Judgement and decision-making.

2. Find synonyms in paragraphs 3 and 4 for the following words/expressions.

a. manage ________________________
b. conceive ________________________
c. requirement ________________________
d. escalates ________________________
e. within reach ________________________

3. Say who or what the highlighted words in the text refer to.
a. it (line 11) ________________________
b. it (line 14) ________________________
c. which (line 16) ________________________
d. their (line 31) ________________________

4. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and find evidence in
the text to support your answer.
a. Forecasting what qualities people will be required to have in the future is feasible.
b. People must be prepared to deal with the lack of alternatives that accompanies the
evolution of computerised devices.
c. The demand for digitally literate people grows in proportion to advances in
d. People will no longer be required to make judgements.
e. Providing you are creative and keep a progressive mentality alive, you won’t be

246 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. Complete the text with words from the box. There are two extra words.

training • temporary • benefit • employees • market • skills • hours

disadvantage • patterns • contracts • workforce • balance • freelance

How the world of work is changing

Planning a career can be tough in an ever-changing job a. ___________. It’s not just the
job itself you’ve got to consider; it’s the working b. _________, work environment, pay
and c. ___________ opportunities as well.
For example, not all workers are simply employed by a company. A lot of people work
on short and fixed term d. ___________ instead of full-time, permanent ones.
Some people choose to get e. ___________ jobs through an employment agency. They
work for different companies for a set amount of time. Other people work on a f. _________
basis, meaning that they work for themselves, but take on short-term contracts for
companies. Freelancers often have a great deal of experience in a specialised area.
The g. ___________ is now more skilled and qualified than ever. With h. ___________
having a larger pool of candidates to choose from, it can be hard to get into work if you
can’t show that you have some qualifications or i. ___________.
Working j. ___________ are now more flexible so that workers can k. ___________
career and personal commitments. Many companies or organisations see the
l. ___________ in allowing their staff some flexibility in their working hours.

https://www.nidirect.gov.uk (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

2. Complete the sentences using the words from the box plus a prefix, a suffix, or both.
There are two extra words.

employ manage respect flexible stable courage

a. Many companies see the benefit in allowing their staff a certain amount of
_____________________ in their working hours.
b. Instead of becoming the _____________________ of a company, some people prefer to work
for themselves or start a business of their own.
c. Recent regulations have given some _____________________ to self-employed people by
facilitating the bureaucracy.
d. The manager’s behaviour seems socially inappropriate and _____________________ to all of

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 247

3. Complete the second sentence so that it is similar in meaning to the first. Use between
three and five words including the word in brackets.
a. The computer engineer started updating the company’s software an hour ago. (been)
Jonathan _______________________________________ the company’s software for an hour.
b. There are few skilled candidates for this position. (not)
There __________________________________________________________ for this position.
c. I have never met such a hard-working person. (is)
She ____________________________________________________________ I have ever met.
d. Our employees are digitally literate. They are also creative. (both)
Our employees are _______________________________________________________ people.
e. The CEO still remembers the days he was an intern. (forgotten)
The CEO ________________________________________________ the days he was an intern.

4. Rewrite the following sentences starting as suggested.

a. I didn’t get the job. But if I had, I still wouldn’t be able to pay for a new car.
Even if _______________________________________________________________________
b. Companies need to promote a culture that fights career stagnation to engage employees long-
Unless there __________________________________________________________________
c. Although technologies increase productivity, their use has sparked much public concern.
In spite of ____________________________________________________________________
d. Investments in renewable energy may create new demand for workers in a range of
A new demand for workers ______________________________________________________

In an ever-changing world of work, where people are
adapting to new ways of working, remote work
remains a hot topic. Write an argumentative text on
the topic: “Should the majority of people work
remotely instead of travelling to a workplace every
Write no less than 160 words.

248 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 / 3.2 TEST
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

[track 19

1. Listen to a person talking about the topic “How can people thrive in the new world of
work?” and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1.1 The fourth Industrial Revolution has made the world of work
a. an uncertain, simple and scary place.
b. an intimidating, undefined and complicated place.
c. a supportive, confused and complex place.

1.2 The ability to succeed in this new world of work

a. depends on the individual’s skills.
b. is supported exclusively by “human skills”.
c. depends on individual and organisational components.

1.3 Productivity and teamwork are better developed

a. if you are physically healthy.
b. when you have no emotional or psychological problems.
c. when you enjoy a state of physical and mental well-being.

1.4 In order to thrive in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, individuals
a. must also be prepared for permanent acquisition of new information and skills.
b. should be productive and have a positive impact on the organisation.
c. need to be fully engaged at work.

2. You will hear three people expressing their opinion on remote work. [track 20
Match the names in column A with the ideas they express in column B. All the ideas
are used once.
1. When you don’t need to go to the workplace, you save time
and can be more productive.
Joseph 2. Lack of social interaction is one of the disadvantages.
3. It has been shown that remote work is a suitable alternative
to traditional work on site.
Rose 4. It’s hard not to be able to share ideas with another colleague
for some time.
5. It’s vital not to stay at home all day long.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 249


Read the text carefully.


In a few years’ time, in the year 2030, it’s highly
likely you’ll be working in a job that doesn’t even
exist yet – and no, we’re not talking about building
flying cars or developing the world’s first time
5 machine. The world of work is evolving quickly,
which means you have to figure out how to prepare
for a future job role that’s impossible to predict.
Of course, there isn’t a crystal ball that can tell us
exactly what skills will be needed and what skills
10 won’t. However, we’ve come up with five skills we believe you’ll need to succeed in your
future career, whatever it ends up being.
1. _____________________________
The rise of digital technologies means you’re going to need to be able to handle the
plethora of opportunities and challenges that come with it. Do you have the ability to adapt
15 to change and conceptualize complex multiple ideas all at once? If so, you’re showing
qualities that reside in advanced multi-taskers and which are highly valued by employers
and recruiters.
2. _____________________________
As the world continues to rely on highly technical and continuously evolving
20 technologies, the need for those with the digital skills to match also increases. You’ve most
definitely heard of STEM, but have you heard of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and
Cloud)? Although it may seem like we’re being bombarded with digital buzzwords, being
digitally literate offers capabilities beyond what was once thought possible when it comes
to emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, Internet of
25 Things (IoT), and data science.
3. _____________________________
Although robots and automation technology may be better than humans in some ways
such as calculations and diagnostic solving, it’s still going to be humans that deal with the
subjective side of data analytics. Considering we’re on the cusp of the fourth industrial
30 revolution, we’re still going to need to have somebody who is able to show the world what
numbers mean and their significance.
4. _____________________________
Many things can be replaced by digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence, but
these skills remain uniquely human capabilities. In some sectors, these qualities are
35 absolutely crucial. The demand for jobs in healthcare, for example, are on the increase –
demonstrating how some roles will always require a human element. Your future job is
more than likely going to include working closely with others, so having empathy, the
ability to collaborate, as well as excellent communication skills is something you’re most
definitely going to need.
40 5. _____________________________
A report by the World Economic Forum in 2018 suggesting robot automation will
create more jobs than they displace, so you’ll do well as long as you can think outside the
box. Much like having an excellent sense of social intelligence, natural imagination is
something which can’t be easily replicated by the latest digital technologies.
https://www.topuniversities.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

250 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1. Complete the text by identifying the numbered paragraphs with the following skills.
a. Digital literacy and computational thinking.
b. Creative and innovative mindset.
c. Cognitive flexibility.
d. Emotional and social intelligence.
e. Judgement and decision-making.

2. Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B.

a. manage 1. need
b. conceive 2. increases
c. requirement 3. handle
d. escalates 4. possible
e. within reach 5. conceptualise

3. Say who or what the highlighted words in the text refer to. Choose from the box.
a. it (line 11) ________________________ numbers
b. it (line 14) ________________________ qualities
c. which (line 16) ________________________ the rise of digital technologies
d. their (line 31) ________________________ future career

4. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) and find evidence in the text to
support your answer.
a. Forecasting what qualities people will be required to have in the future is feasible.
b. People must be prepared to deal with the lack of alternatives that accompanies the
evolution of computerised devices.
c. The demand for digitally literate people grows in proportion to advances in
d. People will no longer be required to make judgements.
e. Providing you are creative and keep a progressive mentality alive, you won’t be

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 251


1. Complete the text with the words from the box.

training • temporary • benefit • market • skills • hours

patterns • contracts • workforce • balance • freelance • employers

How the world of work is changing

Planning a career can be tough in an ever-changing job a. ___________. It’s not just the
job itself you’ve got to consider; it’s the working b. _________, work environment, pay
and c. ___________ opportunities as well.
For example, not all workers are simply employed by a company. A lot of people work
on short and fixed term d. ___________ instead of full-time, permanent ones.
Some people choose to get e. ___________ jobs through an employment agency. They
work for different companies for a set amount of time. Other people work on a f. _________
basis, meaning that they work for themselves, but take on short-term contracts for
companies. Freelancers often have a great deal of experience in a specialised area.
The g. ___________ is now more skilled and qualified than ever. With h. ___________
having a larger pool of candidates to choose from, it can be hard to get into work if you
can’t show that you have some qualifications or i. ___________.
Working j. ___________ are now more flexible so that workers can k. ___________
career and personal commitments. Many companies or organisations see the
l. ___________ in allowing their staff some flexibility in their working hours.
https://www.nidirect.gov.uk (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

2. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets plus a prefix, a suffix, or both.
a. Many companies see the benefit in allowing their staff a certain amount of ______________ in
their working hours. (flexible).
b. Instead of becoming the ______________ of a company, some people prefer to work for
themselves or start a business of their own. (employ).
c. Recent regulations have given some ______________ to self-employed people by facilitating
the bureaucracy. (courage).
d. The manager’s behaviour seems socially inappropriate and _____________ to all of us. (respect)

3. Complete the second sentence, so that it is similar in meaning to the first, including
the word given. Use between two and three words.
a. The computer engineer started updating the company’s software an hour ago. (been)
Jonathan _______________________________ updating the company’s software for an hour.
b. There are few skilled candidates for this position. (not)
There __________________________________________ skilled candidates for this position.
c. I have never met such a hardworking person. (is)
She ___________________________________________ hard-working person I have ever met.
d. Our employees are digitally literate. They are also creative. (both)
Our employees are ____________________________________________ and creative people.
e. The CEO still remembers the days he was an intern. (forgotten)
The CEO ________________________________________________ the days he was an intern.
252 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11
4. Choose the correct option to rewrite the following sentences.

4.1 I didn’t get the job. But if I had, I still wouldn’t be able to pay for a new car.
a. Even if I get the job, I still wouldn’t be able to pay for a new car.
b. Even if I had got the job, I wouldn’t have been able to pay for a new car.
c. Even if I was able to pay for a new car, I wouldn’t get the job.
4.2 Companies need to promote a culture that fights career stagnation to engage employees long-term.
a. Unless there is a culture that fights career stagnation, companies won’t be able to engage
employees long-term.
b. Unless there isn’t a culture that fights career stagnation, companies won’t be able to
engage employees long-term.
c. Unless companies are able to engage employees long-term, there won’t be a culture that
fights stagnation.
4.3 Although technologies increase productivity, their use has sparked much public concern.
a. In spite of technologies increase productivity, their use has sparked much public concern.
b. In spite of productivity increases, the use of technologies has sparked much public
c. In spite of increasing productivity, the use of technologies has sparked much public
4.4 Investments in renewable energy may create new demand for workers in a range of
a. A new demand for workers in a range of occupations may be created by investments in
renewable energy.
b. A new demand for workers in a range of occupations is created by investments in
renewable energy.
c. A new demand for workers in a range of occupations has been created by investments in
renewable energy.

In an ever-changing world of work, where people
are adapting to new ways of working, remote work
remains a hot topic. Write an argumentative text
on the topic: “Should the majority of people work
remotely instead of travelling to a workplace every
Write no less than 100 words.
– Introduce the topic (Nowadays…)
– Present two arguments opposed to your own view (One might argue that… / Moreover…)
– Present two arguments for your point of view (On the other hand… / In addition…)
– Sum up your ideas and restate your opinion (To sum up…)
– You may use the arguments below:
Higher productivity Better work-life balance Communication gaps
Lack of social interaction More savings and less carbon footprint

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 253

Exam-style test
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. You will hear three people answering the question “Is the world of work
forever changed?”. [track 21]
For item 1, match the names (Vicky, Justin and Tina) in column A with the
ideas they express in column B. All the ideas are used once.
1. Working remotely brought advantages that people don’t
want to give up.
2. Today’s situation has given workers the bargaining power to
demand changes.
Vicky 3. People are not only seeking well-being in their lives but also
in their careers.
4. Employers feel helpless dealing with a demand for a hybrid
Tina office.
5. The boundary between work life and life at home has been
6. If a boss pressures the employees, they are likely to leave.
7. A job for life is no longer a reality.

2. You will hear a person talking about the future of work.

For items 2.1 to 2.6, choose the correct option (a, b or c). [track 22]
2.1 In a post-Covid world
a. about 30% of employees will work remotely.
b. about 50% of employees will work remotely.
c. about 70% of employees will work remotely.

2.2 In order to succeed in the future, companies must

a. be faster and have good strategies to adapt.
b. have the latest technology as well as digitally literate employees.
c. transform their workplaces.
2.3 Workers who are given total flexibility have demonstrated
a. higher performance levels.
b. that the nine-to-five-on-site work paradigm no longer exists.
c. they could work about 36% more compared to nine-to-five -on-site workers.
2.4 More and more new employees seek
a. automated workplaces.
b. flexibility in work schedules and places.
c. remote work.

254 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.5 You’ll have a job and do well in the future as long as you
a. are digitally literate.
b. have emotional and social intelligence.
c. think outside the box, are creative and can be good at judgement.
2.6 Your future in the new world of work will be driven by
a. the way you work.
b. the way you deal with competition.
c. how easily you can adapt to new situations.


1. Read the text below and decide which answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) fits each gap. Write only
the numbers.
The evolution of technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) a.______ a
disruption in terms of the ways in which humans live and work and how organisations operate.
Working in the 4IR space presents massive challenges to organisations. b.______ the world was
struggling with these challenges, the coronavirus emerged. The c.______ of the coronavirus in
early 2020 has led to a so-called “lock down” of economies and businesses on a global scale,
d.______ fears of the rapid spreading of the disease. The full implications of the virus and its
economic implications are still to fully emerge. e.______, the prevalence of 4IR coupled with the
challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic have pertinent implications for the world of
work. The new world of work, which has evolved mainly due to globalisation, the Internet, and
the evolution of 4IR technologies, has generated an altered reality for f.______ organisations and
https://peoplefactor.co.za (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

a. 1. created b. 1. Whereas c. 1. flash

2. has created 2. As long as 2. outburst
3. are creating 3. As 3. release
4. create 4. As soon as 4. outbreak

d. 1. because e. 1. However f. 1. either

2. due to 2. Although 2. neither
3. causing 3. Despite 3. both
4. as a result 4. While 4. every

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 255

You are going to read a text about the future of work.


Covid disruption could be the turning
point for adopting – finally – quality work-
life practices proposed for decades. Flexible
schedules, equal opportunity for women and
5 minorities, a good balance between work
and family, and socially responsible
companies have long been on the horizon as
distant hopes.
One driver is technology. Tech contributes
10 to change by enabling work from anywhere.
It transforms institutions and makes services more accessible, whether education online or
health care through telemedicine, robotic surgery or home health monitoring. Labour
shortages in poorly paid routine jobs make room for robots, such as the robotic
restaurant in my tech-heavy neighbourhood. Goodbye, wage slavery.
15 But tech won’t make a workers’ paradise without bigger reforms. In-person face time is
still an advantage for workers who can get to a workplace, which means that they need
accessible childcare and transportation, which have yet to materialise on a large scale. And
a tech-dominated world carries troubling possibilities for control through increasingly
sophisticated surveillance techniques, unless worker autonomy is protected.
20 Another potent driver of change is worker activism, led by younger top talent.
Emboldened by competition for their skills and fuelled by a mistrust of establishments,
they protest undesirable customers, environmentally unfriendly products, rigid work
requirements, discriminatory treatment and serial harassers. They seek greater participation
in decisions, self-organizing to act directly rather than waiting for permission. They
25 reinforce external pressure groups in holding businesses to ever-higher standards, and thus
help corporate social responsibility programs.
That’s not enough. Unless workplaces better help workers realize their family priorities
and personal values, jobs will cease being a central source of identity. The Great
Resignation could continue, especially if entrepreneurship becomes a viable path for
30 women and racial minorities – when they can break through the white male privilege on
venture capital. Even for the well-paid, jobs will be a sidetrack, dispensed with quickly so
that the real business of living can begin. The charity road race will replace the rat race.
The best work situations will offer opportunities for community service.
Work won’t morph from wage slavery into a workers’ paradise without a culture and
35 public policies that require accessible childcare, flexible schedules, a voice in decisions
and social responsibility. Tech enables, but humans make the rules.
https://www.nytimes.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

256 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2. Match each idea in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B. Two of
the paragraphs are not used. Write only the letters and the paragraph numbers.


Paragraph 1
a. Big reforms are needed to make today’s world of work desirable.
Paragraph 3
b. Technology alone cannot provide workers with an idyllic
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
c. The new generation of employees demand a more active role.
Paragraph 6

3. Choose the correct option (a, b, c or d) to complete the sentences according to the text.
Write only the numbers and the letters.
3.1 In this text the writer’s main purpose is to highlight
a. how technology is changing the workplace.
b. the increasing demand of employees in the post-Covid period.
c. the importance of adopting quality work-life practices in the new workplace.
d. his criticism of the workplace transformation.

3.2 Technology
a. is the main contributor to change in the workplace.
b. reinforces the idea of a new workplace.
c. enables workers to have a more fulfilling life.
d. could lead to workers’ lack of privacy and independence.

3.3 The writer states that

a. technology and talented workers will make the world of work a paradise.
b. only when changes regarding social and personal needs take place in the workplace can
the world of work be desirable.
c. the workplace will only be challenging if it meets people’s expectations.
d. technology will put an end to wage slavery.

3.4 “Emboldened by”, in paragraph 4, means

a. Helped by.
b. Impelled by.
c. Promoted by.
d. Boosted by.

3.5 Unless changes in the workplace happen,

a. jobs won’t be seen as a priority and will become tedious.
b. all jobs will be similar to temporary jobs.
c. there will be more job loyalty.
d. jobs will become more charity-related.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 257

4. Match each word in column A with the expression it refers to in column B. Two of the
options are not used. Write only the letters and the numbers.


1. women and racial minorities

a. they (line 16) 2. workers
b. they (line 24) 3. workers who still go to the workplace
c. they (line 30) 4. younger top talent
5. family priorities and personal values

5. Match each word in column A with the word in column B that can replace it in the
text. Two of the options are not used. Write only the letters and the numbers.


1. perform
a. make (title) 2. allow
b. make (line 13) 3. put together
c. make (line 15) 4. establish
5. create

6. Read an excerpt from study Digital automation and the future of work. Three
sentences have been removed from it. From sentences 1 to 5, choose the one which fits
each gap (a to c). Two of the sentences are not used. Write only the numbers.

The impacts of technological change on work and employment are multifaceted. a. _____.
It can both create and displace jobs and the effects of technology on employment will
depend on the strength of any job displacement effect. b. _____ – rather, there is scope for
paid work to grow with the advance of technology. Indeed, technology itself enables new
job creation, particularly in jobs that are hard to automate. On the other hand, technology
affects the nature and quality of work itself. c. _____ Just as technology may help to
improve skills and raise the quality of work, so it can also produce processes of deskilling
and create low paid, low autonomy work. Importantly, while technology can help to
preserve work, it can also generate shifts in the qualitative experience of work.
European Parliamentary Research Service, Digital automation and the future of work, January 2021)

1. The end of paid work is not the inevitable product of technological progress.
2. It can also potentially lead to up-skilling and improvement in the quality of jobs.
3. On the one hand, technology has impacts on the level of employment.
4. Technology can also erode job quality by eliminating valuable skills.
5. How work is done and the allocation of tasks within jobs depends on the kind of technology
that is developed.

258 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


1. A forum about “Young people and the future of work” is going to take place in your
city and you have been invited to comment on the following statement by the CEO of
Microsoft, Satya Nadella: “Any kind of job is going to have a digital component. It
doesn’t mean everyone’s got to be a computer scientist.”
How far do you agree with this statement? State your opinion.

Write your text in 60-80 words.

2. You are going to write an argumentative text on the topic: “More and more people
say that the length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs.
Should companies/countries adopt a four-day work week?”

Write a minimum of 160 words.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 259

Unit 3 – Answer key

Standard tests Inclusion tests

3.1/3.2 TEST 3.1/3.2 TEST
1. 1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 c; 1.4 a
1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 c; 1.4 a 2.
2. Joseph: 2; 4; Benson: 1; 3; Rose: 5
Joseph: 2; 4; 7; Benson: 1; 3; Rose: 5; 6
1. a. 2; b. 5; c. 1; d. 4; e. 3
a. 2; b. 5; c. 1; d. 4; e. 3 2.
2. a. 3; b. 5; c. 1; d. 2; e. 4
a. handle; b. conceptualise; c. need; d. increases; 3.
e. possible a. future career; b. the rise of digital technologies; c.
3. qualities
a. future career; b. the rise of digital technologies; d. numbers
c. qualities; d. numbers 4.
a. False – “there isn’t a crystal ball that can tell us exactly
what skills will be needed and what skills won’t.”
a. False – “there isn’t a crystal ball that can tell us exactly
b. False – “The rise of digital technologies means you’re
what skills will be needed and what skills won’t.”
going to need to be able to handle the plethora of
b. False – “The rise of digital technologies means you’re
opportunities and challenges that come with it.”
going to need to be able to handle the plethora of c. True – “As the world continues to rely on highly technical
opportunities and challenges that come with it.” and continuously evolving technologies, the need for those
c. True – “As the world continues to rely on highly technical with the digital skills to match also increases.”
and continuously evolving technologies, the need for those d. False – “it’s still going to be humans that deal with the
with the digital skills to match also increases.” subjective side of data analytics.” or “we’re still going to
d. False – “it’s still going to be humans that deal with the need to have somebody who is able to show the world
subjective side of data analytics.” or “we’re still going to what numbers mean and their significance.”
need to have somebody who is able to show the world e. True – “so you’ll do well if you can think outside the
what numbers mean and their significance.” box.”
e. True – “so you’ll do well if you can think outside the
USE OF LANGUAGE a. market; b. hours; c. training; d. contracts; e. temporary;
1. f. freelance; g. workforce h. employers; i. skills; j. patterns;
a. market; b. hours; c. training; d. contracts; e. temporary; k. balance; l. benefit
f. freelance; g. workforce; h. employers; i. skills; j. patterns; 2.
k. balance; l. benefit a. flexibility; b. employee; c. encouragement;
2. d. disrespectful
a. flexibility; b. employee; c. encouragement; 3.
d. disrespectful a. has been; b. are not many skilled; c. is the most; d. both
3. digitally literate; e. has not/never forgotten
a. has been updating; b. are not many skilled candidates; 4.
c. is the most hard-working person; d. both digitally literate 4.1 b; 4.2 a; 4.3 c; 4.4 a
and creative; e. has not/never forgotten
a. I had got/gotten the job, I still wouldn’t have been able
to pay for a new car.
b. is a culture that fights career stagnation, companies
Vicky: 3; 7; Justin: 1; 2; 5; Tina: 4; 6
won’t be able to engage employees long-term. 2.
c. increasing productivity, the use of technologies has 2.1 b; 2.2 a; 2.3 a; 2.4 b; 2.5 c; 2.6 a
sparked much public concern.
d. in a range of occupations may be created by investments USE OF ENGLISH AND READING
in renewable energy. 1.
a. 2; b. 3; c. 4; d. 2; e. 1; f. 3
a. 6; b. 3; c. 4
3.1 c; 3.2 d; 3.3 b; 3.4 b; 3.5 a
a. 3; b. 4; c. 1
a. 4; b. 2; c. 1
a. 3; b. 1; c. 5

260 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

TEST 3.1 / 3.2
Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 4 x 15p 2. 7 x 20p = 200p
Reading: 1. 5 x 2p 2. 5 x 4p 3. 4 x 5p 4. 5 x 6p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 x 2p 2. 4 x 4p 3. 5 x 4p 4. 4 x 5p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (R + LG + W = 200p)

Listening: 1. 4 x 15p 2. 5 x 28p = 200p
Reading: 1. 5 x 2p 2. 5 x 4p 3. 4 x 5p 4. 5 x 6p = 80p
Language: 1. 12 x 2p 2. 4 x 4p 3. 5 x 4p 4. 4 x 5p = 80p
Writing: = 40p

Mark scheme 1 (L + LG + R + W = 200p)
Listening: 1. 7 x 3p 2. 6 x 4p = 45p
Language: 1. 6 x 4p = 30p
Reading: 2. 3 x 5p 3. 5 x 3p 4. 3 x 4p 5. 3 x 4p 6. 3 x 5p = 75p
Writing: 1. 22p 2. 40p = 60p

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October ........................................................................................................................ 264
November ................................................................................................................... 265
January ......................................................................................................................... 266
February ...................................................................................................................... 267
March ........................................................................................................................... 268
April .............................................................................................................................. 269
May ............................................................................................................................... 270
Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

(31st OCTOBER)

Origin: 2013
Promotor: United Nations
Main goal: To promote successes of urbanisation and address specific challenges
resulting from urbanization.

GOAL To acknowledge that integrated climate policies and action plans are
important to reduce climate-related risks for urban populations.
PROJECT To make a video campaign with a plan of action for a more
sustainable city.
• Join in groups of three or four. Briefly discuss the pros and cons of living in a city.
• Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
• Focus on the challenges that were stated in the discussion and make a
detailed list of what these problems may lead to in the future.
• Within your group, brainstorm ideas on how to help make cities more
• Note down your ideas and plans of action for the future. Try to be bold and creative.
• Imagine you are running for city mayor, and you want to implement these
sustainable ideas in the community. Make a video with your campaign
showcasing your ideas and inviting others to vote for you.
• A video should be edited with all the campaigns to be posted on the school
website or social media.

5 October • Pick a Tune Day

What is one song that will always have a special place in your heart?
Use this day to share it with your friends and sing it all day long.
9 October • Wear Something Gaudy Day
This is a day to stand out, so choose brightly coloured fabrics with intense patterns, take
all the conventions of proper dress and throw them out the window.
30 October • Checklist Day
Start it from your door. Make a checklist before planning for shopping, travelling, or
making a project. Check if you have ticked all the items on the list. Post and share your
celebrations on social media using the hashtag #ChecklistDay.

264 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Origin: 1996
Promotor: UNESCO
Main goal: To encourage the respect and appreciation of the rich variety of our world’s
cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.

GOAL To help spread awareness of intolerance and to educate on how to

be more tolerant.
PROJECT To write an acrostic poem to display at school.
• Join in pairs or groups of three.
• Think about different real-world issues that may relate to lack of tolerance.
• Choose one of those issues and do some research on it.
• Write an acrostic poem based on the word TOLERANCE. Your message should
be clear and appealing.
• Find a photo, a painting or a graffiti that may somehow showcase what you wrote
in your acrostic poem. Alternatively, you may draw or paint something yourself.
• Read your poem expressively in class.
• The acrostic poems and photos/paintings/graffiti will be displayed in an
• Add a box next to the exhibition where other students can vote for the one
they thought was more inspiring.

3 November • National Animal Shelter Day

Start a campaign to collect money to donate to an animal rights organisation or animal
shelter to show your support. Share your ideas with class and then the results.
3 November • Sandwich Day
Make a unique sandwich with unexpected ingredients and take a picture to share
with your classmates.
13 November • World Kindness Day
Wear a kindness T-shirt or sweatshirt with a message. Make sure to take photos on
World Kindness Day and tag @inspirekindacts or #worldkindnessday

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 265

Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

(27th JANUARY)
Origin: 2005
Promotor: United Nations
Main goal: To develop educational programs to help prevent future genocides.

GOAL To pay tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and to raise
awareness to antisemitism, racism, and other forms of intolerance that may lead to
group-targeted violence.
PROJECT Create a storyboard or graphic novel that represents the experience of
a victim of the holocaust.
• Join in groups of three or four.
• Do some research about a person who was impacted by the events of the
holocaust. The victim may be renowned (Anne Frank, Primo Levi, Roman Polanski,
Elie Wiesel) or an anonymous survivor. You may find some information here:
• Take note of the main points of the person’s testimony in a sequenced way. Don’t
forget to register some historic facts. Be simple and clear.
• Create a storyboard or a graphic novel with the story of the chosen person. You can find
some help here: https://boords.com/; https://www.storyboardthat.com/comic-maker
• Alternatively, you can draw and design your own storyboard.
• Share your storyboard or graphic novel with the rest of the class.
• Create a bulletin board with the storyboards/graphic novels. Take photos to display
on your school web page.

7 January • I’m not going to take it anymore Day

Today is the day to make changes to stand up for yourself more. If there are people in your
life taking advantage of you or not treating you the way you want to be treated, refuse to
put up with it. Make this day the start of your new attitude!
21 January • Cheesy socks Day
It is a day that highlights your unique preference and flair. This is the day to love and
respect ridiculous sock patterns and how beautiful they are on you. Today show off your
favorite pair! There is nothing wrong in admitting that you love something, no matter how
cheesy or ridiculous it looks.

266 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Origin: Celebrated since the 17th century

Main goal: To celebrate love and romance.

GOAL To acknowledge the role of music to express feelings and describe a

love story.
PROJECT To make a remix of a song and match it with a famous romantic
• Join in groups of three or four.
• Choose a couple whose love story you find particularly happy/sad/unexpected
(you may choose from films, series, books or real life).
• Present them and write a short summary of their love story.
• Choose two or three love songs in which the message relates to your chosen
• Remix the songs to come up with a new one by removing, adding or changing
parts from the different songs.
• Choose a suitable format to present your couple/song to the class (video, PPT, etc.).

9 February • National Pizza Day

Whether it is thin, crust, Chicago-style, deep dish, or anything in between, pizza is an
all-time favourite food. How to observe National Pizza Day in style? Here are some
• Eat your favourite pizza.
• Visit a local pizzeria and give them a shout-out for their fantastic pizzas.
• Make your own pizza at home.
• Post your favourite recipes on social media.
17 February • Who Shall I Be Day
To celebrate Who Shall I Be Day, try to choose the version you want to be and try your
hand at it. You can be a doctor, a nurse, an engineer or anyone you want! Experience
and share through social media with the hashtag #WhoShallIBeDay to convey a positive
message to people, encouraging them to be who they desire.
17 February • My Way Day
Today do whatever you want to do without taking other people’s opinions into account.
You can eat the way you want to; wear the clothes you like; sleep till you want to, it’s
your day to do anything without fear. Share your thoughts on social media about the
day by using the hashtag #MyWayDay.

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Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

(20th MARCH)
Origin: 2012
Promotor: United Nations
Main goals: To recognise the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals
and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world.

GOAL To raise awareness of happiness and well-being as fundamental

human goals.
PROJECT To organise a happiness day event at school.
• In pairs, do some research about songs with a positive message.
• Choose a song and make a note of the singer/band.
• Select parts of that song (2-4 verses) that have a positive and joyful message.
Try to avoid repetitive verses.
• Write the chosen verses in a card. Decorate the card creatively and make sure
to include a frame.
• Read the chosen verses in class and say why you opted for them in particular.
• Create a happiness wall with the cards and take photos to display on your
school page.
• As a class, select the song that you think is more meaningful to celebrate on
this day.
• Prepare a flash mob with the selected song at school.

8 March • Unique Names Day

Unique Names Day is a day to remind you that being unique is something special
and sets you apart. If you are the one who walks through life with a unique name
and has felt the frustration of it, you can take this day to revel in your uniqueness.
Use this day to find out the story of how your parents picked this name for you.
8 March • International Women’s Day
Celebrate this day by organising a campaign. Invite people to post photos of themselves
with friends using the slogan – “Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively
we can all #BreakTheBias.”
27 March • World Theatre Day
Celebrate this day by joining a group of friends and preparing and performing a short
sketch about any one topic you enjoy.

268 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

(23rd APRIL)

Origin: 2017
Promotor: United Nations
Main goals: To raise awareness of the role of creativity in all aspects of human

GOAL To develop the ability to organise a set of creative activities.

PROJECT To create a peddy-paper activity for the class.
• Join in groups of three or four.
• Each group should create a set of 20 varied activities which should include:
– 5 questions related to school subjects;
– 5 observation questions (to be found at different places around school);
– 5 brain teasers, riddles or charades;
– 5 physical activities (to do a long-jump; to get a basketball in a hoop...).
• Prepare punctuation cards for each team and set the game in motion.
The team which creates the peddy-paper won’t participate in their own.

Third Thursday in April • High Five Day

This is a fun day where you can “high five” everyone that you see. Go around and
give as many high fives as you possibly can.
17 April • Blah Blah Blah Day
The day is an impulse to get the things done, which people have been nagging you to do.
The only way to stop them annoying you is to take Blah, Blah, Blah Day as a kick-off
moment to mute the blah, blah, blah. So, whether you have to tidy up your wardrobe,
start a piggy bank, clean your desk or call your aunt, get it done today!

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Let’s celebrate!
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

(15th MAY)
Origin: 1993
Promotor: United Nations
Main goals: To promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase the
knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes
affecting families.

GOAL To raise awareness of how different families can be.

PROJECT To make a video using a suitable digital tool (e.g. Canvas, Animaker,
Moovly) about a widely known family from a film or series (The Simpsons, The
Flinstones, The Griffin Family from Family Guy, The Kardashians, House of
Lannister from Game of Thrones, etc...).
• Join in pairs or groups.
• Choose a family you would like to make a video about.
• Gather information you might want to use to present the family members, their
relationships, their dynamics, etc.
• When making the video make sure you:
– identify the family and its members;
– write a short description of each of them and their personality;
– tell us about their relationship with one another;
– give your own view of how the family works.
• Share your videos with the class or publish them on the school website or social

1 May • World Laughter Day

It’s a day where people can relieve some stress and laugh. Why not organise a
stand-up comedy show with your close friends and laugh your heart out?
3 May • Two Different Coloured Shoes Day
Time to celebrate your uniqueness and put it on display. Wear two different coloured
shoes and see where they take you. You may discover you walk to a different beat. Or
perhaps you take a road less travelled. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll see the world a little
270 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Follow-up activities
Follow-up #1 Outsourced ........................................................................................ 272
Follow-up #2 Single story ........................................................................................ 273
Follow-up #3 Steve McCurry .................................................................................. 274
Follow-up #4 Amanda Gorman ............................................................................. 275
Follow-up #5 Together at home............................................................................ 276
Follow-up #6 Rita Ora............................................................................................... 277
Follow-up #7 Doctors without borders ............................................................... 278
Follow-up #8 A life on our planet .......................................................................... 279
Follow-up #9 I am Greta .......................................................................................... 280
Follow-up #10 The minimalists .............................................................................. 281
Follow-up #11 What are cookies .......................................................................... 282
Follow-up #12 Digital nomads ............................................................................... 283
Follow-up #13 Billie Elliot ........................................................................................ 284

Answer key ................................................................................................................ 285

1.1 Follow-up #1
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Watch the film and answer the following questions.

1.1 As soon as Todd arrives, he feels uncomfortable and

disoriented in a strange new place. What happens at the
1.2 When he gets on the train, he cannot find an empty seat. How
is the problem solved? How might this be a cultural solution?
1.3 His first encounter with new food is with an iced drink. What
1.4 Todd wants to check into a hotel. But Puro insists he should
come to a boarding house. What reason does he give Todd
for the choice?
1.5 As soon as they meet, Auntie Ji asks him some very personal
questions, which Americans who have just met would never
ask. What questions does she ask?
1.6 During his first conversation with Auntie Ji, Todd makes two
big mistakes. What are they?
1.7 How does Todd figure out why one does not eat food with the left hand?
1.8 Why is he so eager to go to McDonald’s?
1.9 What advice does his fellow American have for him?
1.10 Explain the difference between American and Indian cultures when Todd and Puro discuss
their relationship with their families.
1.11 In what ways do we start to see that he has adapted?
1.12 When Todd’s boss comes to India, he tells him he has to leave for China. Why does he have to
be relocated?
1.13 When Todd comes home, there are several signs that his Indian experience has influenced
him. Name three ways he has become more “Indian”.

2. Discuss which of the sentences best describes the message of the film.
It’s a film about people learning to really see one another. It has a fundamental sweetness and
innocence to it.

It’s a charming film about preconceptions, culture clash and love.

It’s a light comedy/drama about the positive effects of cross-cultural understanding and
spiritual openness.

It’s a celebration of cultural diversity and an affirmation that, despite differences in race,
religion, and societal norms, people are essentially the same.

272 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.1 Follow-up #2
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


Video at
1. Watch the video and complete the text with the missing information.
Chimamanda grew up in a. _____________________.
According to her mother, she started reading at the age of
b. ______________________. As a child, she used to read
c. ______________________. She began to write at the age
of d. ______________________. The characters in her early
writings were e. ______________________. they played in
the f. _________________, they ate g. __________________
and drank h. __________________.
Her father was a i. _____________________ and her mother was a j. ______________________.
She left Nigeria at the age of k. ______________________. to l. ______________________.

2. Now match the sentences according to the information.

a. Chimamanda’s roommate at university
• • 1. African authenticity.
assumed that she
b. Before Chimamanda went to America, she • • 2. negativity, difference and darkness.
3. wasn’t familiar with the American
c. People in the US see Africa as she • •
d. The American single story of Africa implies • • 4. emphasise difference.
e. Chimamanda’s professor told her her book
• • 5. didn’t consciously identify as African.
f. Besides creating stereotypes, the danger 6. had seen Fide’s story as a child: a
• •
of a single story is to single story.

3. What type of achievements do we learn about in Nigerian society?


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1.1 Follow-up #3
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Watch an interview with the renowned photographer, Video at

Steve McCurry, on NBC News.

1.1 Watch the first part of the video and answer these questions in note form.
a. What did he study at college?
b. What job did he find after college?
c. Why did he decide to buy a one-way ticket to
d. How was he able to enter Pakistan and take photos of what was going on?
e. When did he have his big break?

1.2 In the second part of the video, McCurry talks about one of his most Video at
famous photos, The Afghan Girl. Predict what he might have said about
it by circling three ideas below. Then watch the video to check your answers.
a. “I got the photo in a refugee camp while she was helping her
b. “I got the photo in a refugee camp while she was at school.”
c. “The photo tells the story in one frame.”
d. “The girl is poor but shows dignity, perseverance, and
e. “The girl has a frightened and heart-breaking expression on her
f. “I didn’t know if she would want to have her photo taken.”

1.3 In the third part of the video, McCurry talks about the future. Video at
Complete the sentences below.
a. Retirement isn’t an option ___________________________________________________
b. He hopes his daughter will see the world ________________________________________
c. He would like his daughter to speak ____________________________________________

274 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 Follow-up #4
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Watch an interview with the American activist and youth laureate poet, Amanda

1.1 Watch the first part of the video and order the
information as it appears in the interview.
a. Amanda watches and listens to great
b. At school, she was considered a special
needs student.
c. She promotes literacy through creative writing.
d. Stories and writing have always fascinated Amanda.
e. When she was younger, she was discriminated against because of her speech impediment,
her race and gender.

1.2 In the second part of the video, she reads part of her poem. “We the People”. Video at
Fill in the gaps.

We the people live in a less than perfect union

That accuses the a. __________________ and never the top class and race
When children are “illegal” and b. __________________ bans humans
I wonder who “we the people” are in the first place
“We the people” meant All Lives Matter, but are c. __________________ lives living a
When if you’re not male or d. __________________ you get destroyed for demonstrating
When the colour of his skin gives a killer assumed e. __________________
But still we will rise up, f. __________________ and activate, with the peoples’ diligence
Let’s speak names to we the people
So they are not lost in executive orders’ lines
g. __________________ them from prick of tweet, pen, bullet, or steeple
Sturdy our spines to keep making h. __________________ and reading the signs
It’s hectic, apocalyptic, there’s sceptics, but we can be i. __________________
For what makes America great is j. __________________ and democracy reignited (…)

1.3 In groups, discuss the main message of the poem.

1.4 Choose one of the alternative titles for the poem and explain your choice.

Each for equal We rise together Speak up

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1.3 Follow-up #5
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the original songs.

[track 24]
[track 23]
Louis Armstrong

I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them a. __________ for me and you
STAND BY ME, Ben E. King And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!
I see skies of b. __________ and clouds of c. __________
When the night has come The bright d. __________, the dark e. __________
And the land is a. __________ And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!
And the b. __________ The colours of the rainbow so f. __________ in the sky
Is the only Are also on the g. __________ of people going by
Light we’ll c. __________ I see friends shaking hands saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying “I love you”
No, I won’t I hear babies cry, and I watch them grow
Be afraid They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever h. __________
No, I won’t And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!
Be afraid Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world!
Just d. __________
As you stand SMILE, Nat King Cole
[track 25]
Stand by me
Smile, though your heart is aching
So darling, darling, stand by me Smile, even though it’s a. __________
Oh, now, now, stand by me When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
Stand by me If you smile through your fear and b. __________
Stand by me Smile and maybe c. __________
You see the sun come shining through for you
If the sky that we e. __________ Light up your face with d. __________
Should tumble and f. __________ Hide every trace of e. __________
Or the g. __________ Although a tear may be ever so near
Should crumble to the h. __________ That’s the time you must keep on trying
I won’t cry Smile, what’s the use of f. __________
I won’t cry You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
No, I won’t shed a i. __________ If you just smile
Just j. __________ Smile, though your heart is aching
As you stand Smile, even though it’s g. __________
Stand by me When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
That’s the time you must keep on trying
And darling, darling stand by me Smile, what’s the use of h. __________
Oh, stand by me You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
Stand by me If you smile
Stand by me When there are clouds in the sky
Stand by me, yeah You’ll get by
If you smile, smile
Whenever you’re in trouble You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
Won’t you stand by me? If you just smile (smile)
Oh, now, now, stand by me You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

276 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.4 Follow-up #6
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Complete the song lyrics with the words from the box. Then listen to check your

chance bruised pain storm myself heart shattered drowning


[track 26]

There were a lot of tears I had to cry through I was sinking, I was h. ____________ in doubt
A lot of battles left me battered and The weight all of the pain was weighing me down
a. ___________ Pulled it together and I pulled i. ____________
And I was b. ____________, had my heart ripped out
in two Learned a lesson, learned a lesson
I was broken, I was broken (…)
There were a lot of times I c. ____________ and www.genius.com (abridged)
When I was on the edge, down to my last
d. ____________
So many times when I was so convinced that
I was over, I was over
But I had to fall yeah
To rise above it all
I’m grateful for the e. ____________
Made me appreciate the sun
I’m grateful for the wrong ones
Made me appreciate the right one
I’m grateful for the f. ___________
For everything that made me break
I’m thankful for all my scars
‘Cause they only make my g. ___________
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful

2. Discuss these questions.

a. What is the main message of the song? ______________________________________________________
b. What might have happened to her in the past? ______________________________________________
c. Can your generation relate to this song? Explain. _____________________________________________

3. In pairs or groups of three, choose five words from the gaps and write a poem about a
current topic that may worry you. Give it a title.

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1.4 Follow-up #7
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Watch the video about Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Video at
complete the information with two missing words.
a. MSF was founded ______________________.
b. They won the Nobel Peace Prize
c. They have a staff of 33,000 in
d. They are active in areas affected by war,
_____________, ________________, chronic
neglect and other crises.
e. Services offered: surgery, _____________, vaccinations and _______________ counselling.
f. Advocacy message: People at risk should be able to access _________________________, and
medical workers even in active ________________________ must be able to provide it
g. _______________________ and vaccines should be affordable and accessible to the people
who need them most.

2. Read the MSF Charter and complete it with the words from the box.

political claim dangers ethics impartiality

distress armed afford freedom independence

All MSF members agree to honour the following principles:

MSF provides assistance to populations in a. ___________, to victims of natural or man-made
disasters, and to victims of b. ___________ conflict. They do so irrespective of race, religion,
creed, or c. ___________ convictions.
MSF observes neutrality and d. ___________ in the name of universal medical e. ___________
and the right to humanitarian assistance. MSF claims full and unhindered f. ___________ in the
exercise of its functions.
Members undertake to respect their professional code of ethics and to maintain complete
g. ___________ from all political, economic, or religious powers.
As volunteers, members understand the risks and h. ___________ of the assignments they carry
out and make no i. ___________ for themselves or their assignees for any form of compensation
other than that which the association might be able to j. ___________ them.
https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

278 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.1 Follow-up #8
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Watch the documentary A life on our planet with the renowned English broadcaster
and naturalist David Attenborough.
1.1 Say whether these statements are true of false. Correct the false answers in your notebook.
a. The loss of our planet’s biodiversity is a result of global bad planning and human T F
b. This documentary is his witness statement and his vision of the future. T F
c. Mass extinction has happened five times. T F
d. 65% of the species disappeared when a meteor crashed on Earth, killing all the T F
e. The remaining wildlife in 1954 was 52%. T F
f. When Apollo 8 was launched in 1968, it was clear how resilient planet Earth really T F
1.2 Match the time periods on the left with the facts on the right.

a. By the end of the century, 1. the planet becomes 4 0C warmer.

b. In the 1950s, 2. the summer sea ice in the Artic Sea reduced by
c. In the 1990s,
3. Borneo’s rainforest was reduced by half.
d. In the last 40 years,
4. coral reefs die and fish population crash.
e. In the 2100s, 5. 90% of large fish disappeared.
f. In 2050, 6. coral reefs turned white due to the rise of the
g. In 2080, ocean’s temperature.
7. global food production is in crisis.

1.3 Tick Attenborough’s suggestions for the future to

restore the Earth’s biodiversity and rewild the world.
a. We can make renewable energy our only
b. Fishing shouldn’t be allowed as it depletes the
c. We must reduce the area used to farm to make space for retuning wilderness.
d. Only a quarter of the land will be needed if we change our eating habits.
e. We can produce more food with less land using technology.
f. It’s important to control deforestation.

2. In pairs or groups, discuss the quote “Nature is our biggest ally and our greatest
2.1 Make slogans of your own to defend Nature.

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2.2 Follow-up #9
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Complete this paragraph about the Paris Agreement with the words form the box.

peaking neutral limit treaty below

It is an international a. ____________ on climate change. Its goal is to b. ____________ global

warming to well c. ____________ 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To achieve this goal,
countries aim to reach global d. ____________ of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible to
achieve a climate e. ____________ world by mid-century.
https://unfccc.int (adapted: accessed in January 2022)

While viewing

2. The documentary showcases Greta’s personal life and her commitment to climate
2.1 Note down information about the following:
a. personality: she likes routines, _________________________________________________________
b. negative aspects of her childhood: she wasn’t invited to parties, _____________________
c. sustainable lifestyle actions: she doesn’t fly, _____________________________________________

2.2 Complete Greta’s statements as shown in the documentary.

a. “You only speak of green eternal economic growth because
b. “We have started to ____________________________ and
we will not stop until we are done.”
c. “We cannot solve a crisis without ____________________.”
d. “Humanity sees nature ____________________________.
that we can just take as much as we want.”
e. “I want you to panic. I want you to act as if _____________.”
f. “Is my English, ok? _________________________________.”
g. “If you see a threat, _________________________________.
This is my responsibility, in a way.”


3. In groups, discuss the following questions.

a. What led Greta to organise a school strike every Friday in front of the Stockholm Parliament?
b. Give examples of her commitment to climate change issues.
c. Who has criticised her and how has she dealt with it?

280 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.2 Follow-up #10
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

THE MINIMALISTS: Less Is Now (2021)

1. Watch the documentary and complete the sentences.

a. Ryan and Josh both grew up _____________________________________
b. Both their mothers dealt with ___________________________________
c. Physically, they were both ______________________________________
d. They met in __________________________________________________

2. Match the information with Ryan or Josh’s life.

Ryan Josh
a. He had luxury cars and a closet filled with designer clothes.
b. He lived in a big suburban house with more toilettes than people.
c. He says he bought more and more stuff to fill a void.
d. He started to question his life after his mother’s death and his divorce.
e. His mother died of lung cancer.
f. He was the youngest director at his company at age 28.
g. He worked from 60 to 80 hours a week.
h. His mother had a house full of stuff.

3. Complete the sentences according to the ideas about modern life and minimalism
throughout the documentary.
a. Marketers are impressive in their ability to manipulate and create _______________________.
b. The message behind advertising today is: “You are not ________________________________.”
c. What we don’t want in our lives is an endless horizon of _______________________________.
d. In return for more stuff, we give up our ____________________________________________.
e. One of the most serious problems in society is the need to _____________________________.
f. We judge our belongings based on ________________________________________________.
g. In terms of comparison to others, social media expanded our ___________________________.
h. The purpose of minimalism is to retain only the things ________________________________.
i. For a minimalist every possession serves _________________ and brings _________________ .

4. Think about how you would answer the two questions that minimalists ask

How might my life be better with less? What’s truly important?

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 281

2.4 Follow-up #11
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Do you know what Cookies are? Watch Dale

MacManus, a web developer, and say if the
sentences are true (T) or false (F).

a. A cookie is a small piece of data from a specific website. T F

b. Cookies are inserted in a user’s computer. T F
c. Cookies can check your browsing activity but not save your login details. T F
d. After you log in, you can’t prevent websites from checking your activity. T F
e. By using cookies, websites get to know your preferences. T F
f. Cookies are only used to track your activity on that specific website. T F
g. The “like” and “share” buttons give Facebook access to your cookies. T F
h. The GDPR prevents a website from sharing your cookies. T F

2. Here is a list of data a cookie might contain about you. Match the halves of the

a. Website 1. a website is visited

b. Unique 2. clicked
c. Browsing 3. habits and history
d. Personal 4. items
e. Links 5. log-in information
f. Number of times 6. name
g. Time spent 7. on a website
h. Settings 8. preferences and interests
i. Account 9. selected
j. Online identifiers like 10. user ID
k. Personal data like 11. your location and IP address
l. Shopping cart 12. your phone number and address

282 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 Follow-up #12
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________


1. Watch an excerpt from the documentary One-Way

Ticket: A Digital Nomad and answer the questions.

1.1 Who is Peter Wall?

1.2 Where is Hubud located?
1.3 What was Peter Wall’s previous job?
1.4 How long did he work at the job?
1.5 How many Americans are predicted to be freelancers in the next ten years?
1.6 What kind of workers were gathered at Hacker’s Paradise?
1.7 What have people been looking for in terms of work ever since the Industrial Revolution?
1.8 What idea is no longer appealing nowadays?

2. Watch another excerpt from the documentary and complete the

Video at
sentences with the missing information.

Tim Ferriss Matt Mullenweg

a. Digital nomads have existed for a long g. Matt is the founder and CEO of
time and people who wanted to _______________________.
separate from society were said to h. His company’s headquarters is in
practice ________________________. _______________________.
b. Tim describes careers now as ________ i. There are __________________ people
________________________________. working at the headquarters.
c. As a CEO you need to understand how to j. ___________ of the staff works outside
______________________________. San Francisco.
d. He says companies like Automatic can k. They have people working from over
have _________ and offer ___________. ________________________ countries.
e. He also believes that great work and l. The companies that work this way allow
collaboration can be done ___________. people to set _____________________,
f. However, he also realises it is important have more _________________ and live
to bring _________________________. _________________________________

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 283

3.2 Follow-up #13
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Read the synopsis of the film Billie Elliot and put the plot in the correct order.

a. The film is set during the 1984/1985 UK miners’ strike,

and centres on the character of 11-year-old Billy Elliot,
his love of dance and his hope of becoming a
professional ballet dancer.
b. Billy returns home with his father. Some time later, he
receives a letter accepting him at the Royal Ballet
School, and he leaves his family to go there.
c. Both Jackie and Tony are coal miners out on strike.
d. But, passionate about dancing, Billy secretly continues his lessons with his dance teacher
Georgia Wilkinson’s help.
e. Georgia believes Billy is talented enough to study at the Royal Ballet School in London, but
due to Tony’s arrest during a skirmish between police and striking miners, Billy misses the
f. Georgia goes to Billy’s house to tell Jackie about the missed opportunity. Jackie and Tony,
fearing that Billy will be considered a “poof”, are outraged at the prospect of him
becoming a professional ballet dancer.
g. Billy lives with his widowed father Jackie, older brother Tony, and his invalid Nan, who
once aspired to be a professional dancer in Durham.
h. He then happens upon a ballet class that is using the gym while their usual basement
studio in the Sports Centre is temporarily being used as a soup kitchen for the striking
i. However, as a final question, they ask him what it feels like when he’s dancing, to which
Billy responds, “like electricity.”
j. Jackie attempts to cross the picket line to pay for Billy’s training, but is blocked by Tony.
Instead, his fellow miners and the neighbourhood raise money for Billy, and Jackie takes
him to London to audition for the Royal Ballet School.
k. Jackie takes Billy to the Sports Centre to learn boxing, but Billy dislikes the sport.
l. Later, Jackie sees Billy dancing in the gym and realises his son is truly gifted, and he
decides to do whatever it takes to help Billy make his dream come true.
m. Despite being extremely nervous, Billy performs well, but after he punches another boy in
an unprovoked attack at the audition, he is sternly rebuked by the review board.
n. Billy joins the ballet class without his father’s knowledge.
o. When Jackie discovers what’s been happening after the boxing coach mentions Billy’s
absence, he forbids Billy to take any more ballet.
p. The film’s final scene is set fourteen years later, when Billy has finally attained his goal:
the mature Billy takes the stage to perform the lead in Swan Lake, as Jackie, Tony, and
Michael watch in the audience.

284 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Answer key
Follow-up #1
Follow-up #4
1.1 He comes across a huge crowd at the airport, and while 1.1 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
trying to catch a taxi all the drivers seem to be fighting over 1.2
him. a. vulnerable; b. intolerance; c. white; d. pale; e. innocence;
1.2 A kid offers him his seat and then sits on his lap. It is a f. advocate; g. Protect; h. signs; i. united; j. diversity
cultural solution related to the high population in India. 1.3 Racial discrimination is still present in our society, so
People are used to crowds and to finding solutions such as she makes a call for action. Together as one, with our
sharing seats or standing and squeezing in the train cabins. diversity and differences, we can help solve the problem.
1.3 He gets sick because of the polluted water used in the 1.4 Personal answer.
iced drink. Follow-up #5
1.4 He says he will feel lonely if he stays at the hotel by
himself. Stand by me
1.5 “What does your father do?” “Are you married?” a. dark; b. moon; c. see; d. as long; e. look upon; f. fall;
“What’s your salary?” “Do you have a girlfriend?” “Why did g. mountain; h. sea; I. tear; j. as long
you break up?” Wonderful World
1.6 He eats with his left hand, which is considered unclean a. bloom; b. blue; c. white; d. blessed day; e. sacred night;
in India, and he places the same hand he ate with back in f. pretty; g. faces; h. know
the food. Smile
1.7 The owner of the boarding house explains to him using a. breaking; b. sorrow; c. tomorrow; d. gladness;
sign language why Indians think the left hand isn’t clean to e. sadness; f. crying; g. breaking; h. crying
eat with.
1.8 Because he’s homesick and craving for a meal that Follow-up #6
reminds him of home.
1.9 He should give in and stop resisting and he will do much 1.
better. a. bruised; b. shattered; c. stumbled; d. chance; e. storm;
1.10 Indians are attached to their families. They consider f. pain; g. heart; h. drowning; i. myself
them the number one priority in their lives and they live 2. Suggested answers:
with their families even as they get older. In America a. The message is about gratitude to life and for what the
people mostly move out at a very young age and only singer had to go through in her past because it made her
gather on special occasions such as weddings, Christmas realise how strong and determined she actually was to
and Thanksgiving. overcome all those challenges.
1.11 When he dances with the employees and wears Indian b. Many things could have happened: She may have made
clothes; when he has lunch with an Indian family and gets the wrong choices in life (personal, professional); she may
sad; when he learns he has to go to China. have been a victim of discrimination; she may not have had
1.12 Because they have the same problem with a call the opportunities she was hoping for…
centre in China. c. Yes, this song may relate to any generation since
1.13 First, by calling his mother and planning to visit her, everyone has different issues they have to deal with at any
then the way he makes his tea and drinks it with his right stage of their life.
hand, and finally when he changes his mobile ringtone to 3. Personal answer.
an Indian tune.
2. Personal answer.
Follow-up #7
Follow-up #2 a. in 1971; b. in 1999; c. 70 countries; d. natural disasters,
1. a. Eastern Nigeria; b. two; c. British and American children’s disease outbreaks; e. maternal care, mental health; f. health
books; d. seven; e. white and blue-eyed; f. snow; g. apples; h. care; conflict zones; g. Life-saving medicines
ginger beer; i. professor; j. administrator; k. 19; l. study in the 2.
United States a. distress; b. armed; c. political; d. impartiality; e. ethics;
2. f. freedom; g. independence; h. dangers; i. claim; j. afford
a. 3; b. 5; c. 6; d. 2; e. 1; f. 4
3. Follow-up #8
We learn about talented people in the areas of TV, health, 1.1
music, law, cinema, beauty and business. a. T; b. T; c. T; d. F – 75%; e. F – 64%; f. F – It was clear how
vulnerable and isolated planet Earth really is.
Follow-up #3
1.1 a. 3; b. 5; c. 6; d. 2; e. 1; f. 4; g. 7
a. Filmmaking; b. As a photographer at a local newspaper; 1.3 a, c, e, f
c. He wanted to travel and had nothing to lose; d. He 2. / 2.1 Personal answers.
entered the country with a disguise, so he looked like a
local and a rebel; e. In Afghanistan during wartime Follow-up #9
1.2 b, d, f Pre-viewing
a. because he loves his job, and he wants to continue to travel
a. treaty; b. limit; c. below; d. peaking; e. neutral
and have fun.; b. as a friendly place and will feel comfortable
amongst different races and cultures.; c. several languages.
2. Personal answer.
Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 285
While-viewing 3.
2.1 a. needs; b. enough; c. aspirations; d. independence and
a. she notices details, she does the same thing for hours freedom; e. keep up with appearances; f. the people
without getting bored, she loves reading about the around us; g. reference groups; h. that add value to our life;
environment. i. a purpose; you joy
b. she was always left out, children were mean and unkind
to her. Follow-up #11
c. she doesn’t eat meat or dairy products, she stopped 1.
buying new things, she always carries a reusable water a. T; b. T; c. F; d. F; e. T; f. F; g. T; h. F
bottle with her. 2.
1.2 a. 6; b. 10; c. 3; d. 8; e. 2; f. 1; g. 7; h. 9; i. 5; j. 11; k. 12; l. 4
a. you are too scared of being unpopular; b. clean up your
mess; c. treating it as a crisis; d. as a giant bag of candy; Follow-up #12
e. the house was on fire; f. Because I begin to wonder; g.
it’s your responsibility to sound the alarm 1.
Post-viewing 1.1 Co-founder of Hubud; 1.2 Bali; 1.3 Journalist in Canada;
3. 1.4 10 years; 1.5 50%; 1.6 developers, entrepreneurs, start-
a. Greta believed nothing was being done regarding climate up guys; 1.7 more flexible and different ways of working;
change. Therefore, she wanted to raise awareness of the 1.8 Working in massive offices in corporate environment.
issue, and wanted Sweden to be in line with the Paris 2.
agreement. a. vagabonding; b. free-floating; c. incentivise people to
b. Greta’s commitment may be seen in her personal stay; d. better talent, other perks; e. online; f. people
lifestyle choices, her passionate speeches, and her together; g. Automatic; h. San Francisco; i. 20; j. 95%; k. 47;
determination and persistence in continuing fighting. l. their own hours; flexibility; wherever they want (in the
c. Greta was often criticised by world leaders (Putin, world).
Bolsonaro, Trump), the media and unknown people. She
acted indifferently towards all of them. Follow-up #13
Follow-up #10 a. 1; b. 15; c. 3; d. 8; e. 9; f. 10; g. 2; h. 5; i. 14; j. 12; k. 4; l.
1. 11; m. 13; n. 6; o. 7; p. 16
a. poor; b. substance abuse; c. fat kids; d. 5th grade
a. Josh; b. Josh; c. Ryan: d. Josh; e. Ryan; f. Josh; g. Ryan;
h. Ryan

286 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


I. Tests
• 10-minute tests
Listening 1.1 / 1.2 ..................................................................................... 289
Listening 1.3 / 1.4 ..................................................................................... 290
Listening 2.1 / 2.2 ..................................................................................... 291
Listening 2.3 / 2.4 ..................................................................................... 292
Listening 3.1 / 3.2 ..................................................................................... 293
Grammar 1.1 / 1.2 .................................................................................... 294
Grammar 1.3 / 1.4 .................................................................................... 295
Grammar 2.1 / 2.2 .................................................................................... 296
Grammar 2.3 / 2.4 .................................................................................... 297
Grammar 3.1 / 3.2 .................................................................................... 298
Overall Grammar check 1 ......................................................................... 299
Overall Grammar check 2 ......................................................................... 300

II. Assessment rubrics

Speaking 1.1 – 60-second presentation ............................... Available at

Speaking 1.2 – Role play ....................................................... Available at

Speaking 1.3 Pair work discussion ....................................... Available at

Speaking 1.4 Interview ......................................................... Available at

Speaking 2.1 Round-table discussion ................................... Available at

Speaking 2.2 5-minute presentation .................................... Available at

Speaking 2.3 Project kickoff meeting ................................... Available at

Speaking 2.4 Customer support call ..................................... Available at

Speaking 3.1 Group debate .................................................. Available at

Speaking 3.2 TikTok presentation ........................................ Available at

Writing 1.1 – Blog post ............................................................ Available at
Writing 1.2 – Narrative text ..................................................... Available at
Writing 1.3 – Editorial ............................................................. Available at
Writing 1.4 – Memoir .............................................................. Available at
Writing 2.1 – Prose poetry ....................................................... Available at
Writing 2.2 – Speech ............................................................... Available at
Writing 2.3 – Poster ................................................................ Available at
Writing 2.4 – Complaint email .................................................. Available at
Writing 3.1 – Opinion text ....................................................... Available at
Writing 3.2 – Argumentative text ............................................. Available at

Answer key ............................................................................................... 301

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I. Tests
• 10-minute tests
1.1 / 1.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to someone talking about the importance of learning from different [track27]
cultures. Choose the correct option.
1.1 According to the text Indian people
a. have a particular kind of smile.
b. feel overwhelmed with tourists.
c. are very patient with tourists.

1.2 In India, one can learn to

a. drive in the chaos of traffic.
b. accept frustration.
c. be more patient.

1.3 If you are visiting Japan

a. you should expect people to be impolite.
b. you should take your time to enjoy food.
c. you can learn mindfulness to lose weight.

1.4 According to the text there is a link between the idea of hygge and
a. people’s productivity.
b. people’s stressful lives.
c. a hive of bees.

1.5 Which of the following is not mentioned about “old people” in Greece?
a. They are highly respected.
b. They are considered wise.
c. They are seen as a burden.

1.6 What is the main goal of the text?

a. To highlight the strangeness of some cultural habits.
b. To give us a different perspective on our own habits.
c. To emphasise the stereotypes surrounding certain cultures.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 289

1.3 / 1.4 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to someone talking about being a refugee. Choose the correct option. [track 28]

1.1 Immediately after finishing university

a. the author of the text became a teacher.
b. the author of the text took a postgraduate course.
c. the author of the text became a refugee.

1.2 When the US invaded Iraq, she and her family

a. stayed in Baghdad for one year.
b. relocated to a different place.
c. immediately moved to the US.

1.3 When they went to the US

a. they were quite familiar with the American culture.
b. they found it very different from what they expected.
c. they tried to adapt by studying literature and watching TV shows.

1.4 In terms of economic background, this family

a. used to be wealthier back in Iraq.
b. experienced a change for the better in the US.
c. came from an impoverished area.

1.5 What is not true about the organisation World Relief?

a. It allowed her to help other refugee and immigrant women.
b. It helped her to share her cultural habits with the community.
c. It opened a program to house refugee women.

1.6 Considering the tone of the last part of the text in mind, we can say she feels
a. relieved.
b. grateful.
c. overwhelmed.

290 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.1 / 2.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to someone talking about Sustainable Development Goals. Choose the [track 29]

correct option.
1.1 According to the text, which of the following is not true about marine life and biodiversity?
a. There is overexploitation of the fish stocks.
b. 30% of the population depends on marine and coastal diversity.
c. Fish stocks may not be enough to produce sustainable yields.

1.2 30% of the carbon dioxide

a. is absorbed by oceans.
b. is produced by humans.
c. is acidifying the ocean.

1.3 Marine pollution coming from land-based sources

a. is leading to ocean acidification.
b. is rising at a disturbing rate.
c. is spread over 13,000 square kilometres.

1.4 Besides being the habitat of millions of species, forests are said to
a. provide 80% of the human diet.
b. cover half of the Earth’s surface.
c. have a role in fighting climate change.

1.5 The consequences of desertification are said to be more severe for

a. poor communities.
b. forests.
c. biodiversity.

1.6 The illegal trade of animals

a. is a consequence of conflict and corruption.
b. increases conflict and corruption.
c. averts conflict and corruption.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 291

2.3 / 2.4 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to someone talking about being a conscious consumer. Choose the [track 30]

correct option.
1.1 It is not easy to become a conscious consumer
a. because of the multiple temptations leading us to purchase.
b. although you have instant access to products online.
c. as things lose their value immediately after you buy them.

1.2 In order to lead a conscious consumer life

a. you should ditch your shopping list.
b. you should plan your shopping in advance.
c. you should opt for shops like IKEA.

1.3 When she goes to IKEA

a. she buys things she doesn’t really need.
b. she buys a lot of useful things.
c. she is able to hold her consumption at bay.

1.4 Which of these sentences is not true about the author’s trips to shopping centres?
a. They always have a purpose.
b. They don’t happen very often.
c. They only happen when the sale is on.

1.5 If you want to resist the temptation of buying, you should

a. give up following brands on social media.
b. make mailing lists.
c. spend time online checking the discounts.

1.6 When we buy only the clothes we need,

a. we fuel the demand for products.
b. we reduce pollution.
c. we encourage the fashion industry to recycle.

292 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

3.1 / 3.2 Listening
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Listen to someone talking about life as a digital nomad. Choose the correct [track 31]

1.1 In order to make sure you keep to your work commitments, you’d better
a. set a clear divide between work time and fun time.
b. not stick to a strict calendar.
c. have fun and go exploring only after your work is done.

1.2 To ensure you really balance work and travel time,

a. get to know as many cities as possible.
b. don’t move from city to city during the week.
c. remain in the same location for a longer period.

1.3 You should check the Wi-Fi situation

a. prior to choosing a place to work from.
b. immediately after you settle in your chosen destination.
c. while you are out and about deciding where to settle.

1.4 If you don’t use a VPN,

a. you won’t be able to access your banking, personal messages or e-mail.
b. you won’t be allowed to connect to public Wi-Fi.
c. your data might not be protected.

1.5 When working from different time zones

a. meetings should be scheduled carefully.
b. you may have to log off at 4 a.m.
c. you constantly have your account flooded with e-mails.

1.6 Not managing the amount of time you work

a. will help you enjoy your free time.
b. will give you the flexibility you need.
c. will make you less productive.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 293

1.1 / 1.2 Grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 By the time I arrived at the dinner party, my friends ________ their meal.
a. have already eaten b. already ate c. had already eaten

1.2 Did you do ________ interesting last weekend?

a. nothing b. anything c. everything

1.3 All those ________ favour of the proposed suggestions, raise your hands.
a. at b. on c. in

1.4 We ________ Edinburgh castle this afternoon at 3 p.m. Do you want to come with us?
a. would visit b. are visiting c. visit

1.5 I asked if ________ wanted to come to the concert with me, but ________ did.
a. anyone … nobody b. somebody … everybody c. anybody … somebody

1.6 ________ not being very sociable, I have a few long-lasting relationships.
a. Although b. Despite c. However

1.7 When I ________ the festival, everyone ________ a great time.

a. left ... was having b. was leaving ... was having c. left ... were having

1.8 I’m ________ a loss to know how to tackle his feelings of loneliness and depression.
a. in b. by c. at

1.9 John would like to study abroad ________ he can make new friendships.
a. so that b. therefore c. in order to

1.10 When we get home, we ________ another episode of the series The Crown.
a. watched b. watching c. are going to watch

1.11 I’m highly adaptive to change ________ my nomadic childhood.

a. since b. due to c. because

1.12 Ann has never been ________ with such clean sandy beaches.
a. somewhere b. nowhere c. anywhere

1.13 I’m here today to speak ________ behalf of all TCKs, who struggle to adapt to different cultural
a. in b. on c. for

1.14 Luis ________ to get up so early when he ________ in London.

a. didn’t use ... lived b. didn’t used to ... was living c. doesn’t use ... lived

294 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3 / 1.4 Grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 If Jeremy ________ more attention to the real issues of our neighbourhood, the outcome of his
election ________ quite different. Now, he’s lost!
a. had paid… would have been b. hadn’t paid… would be c. had paid… was

1.2 Lucy must be tired. She ________ the rally all afternoon.
a. organised b. has organised c. has been organising

1.3 It’s so typical ________ you to make excuses for your friends’ racist slurs.
a. in b. for c. of

1.4 I won’t set up the crowdfunding unless you ________ to help me.
a. agree b. will agree c. don’t agree

1.5 Mary is so self-confident and calm. I wish I ________ like her, but it’s impossible.
a. would be b. can be c. could be

1.6 If I suffered from discrimination in the workplace, I ________ it.

a. reported b. will report c. would report

1.7 We ________ for months, but we feel there’s still so much to do. So, the travelling continues!
a. have been travelling b. travelled c. have travelled

1.8 Jamal is responsible ________ the uproar during school break.

a. of b. about c. for

1.9 You’re always complaining about your life. I wish you ________ and realise how privileged you
a. would stop b. had stopped c. stopped

1.10 Jimmy ________ prejudice since he was born. It hasn’t stopped!

a. suffered b. has suffered c. suffers

1.11 I ________ pleased if Daiyu accepted our apology.

a. would be b. had been c. will be

1.12 If only I ________ of the prejudice suffered all those past years.
a. would be aware b. was aware c. had been aware

1.13 Remember to talk about issues that are relevant ________ your audience.
a. for b. with c. to

1.14 I’m on my way to meet you. I ________, so I’ll be there in five minutes.
a. was leaving b. have just left c. had left

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2.1 / 2.2 Grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 There have been ________ few policies to fund renewable energy sources!
a. such a b. so c. such

1.2 If you’re worried about climate change, you ________ make your voice heard.
a. can’t b. might c. should

1.3 Jenny hasn’t decided how to help the organisation. She’ll ________ hand out some leaflets
________ sell some fundraising raffles tickets.
a. both… and b. neither… nor c. either… or

1.4 The ________ and ________ the droughts, the more bushfires there will be.
a. longer… more frequent b. more long… more frequent c. longest… most frequent

1.5 World leaders ________ to cutting down on carbon emissions more drastically. I was
a. can’t have committed b. would have committed c. should have committed

1.6 The polar bear is one of ________ species nowadays.

a. the most endangered b. more endangered than c. the more endangered

1.7 Scott ________ very persuasive. All his green projects were approved today.
a. can’t have been b. can’t be c. must be

1.8 Some people show ________ huge indifference towards climate change issues.
a. such an b. such c. so

1.9 You ________ save some money by switching the energy supply to a green tariff.
a. ought b. shall c. can

1.10 ________ Jim ________ Ann care about the environment. Their energy bill is huge!
a. Both… and b. Neither… nor c. Either… or

1.11 ________ usual ocean temperatures affect the life of penguins.

a. The warmer b. Warmer than c. The warmest

1.12 David is working abroad, so it ________ him who led the climate movement.
a. can’t have been b. shouldn’t have been c. mustn’t be

1.13 ________ food you waste, ________ money you save.

a. The less… the more b. The most… the less c. The less… the most

1.14 Preparing meals at home will ________ result in better health ________ have an impact on the
environment. Isn’t it great?
a. either… or b. both… or c. not only… but also

296 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.3 / 2.4 Grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 My ________ vegetable garden has lettuce, beans and peppers.
a. parents’ b. parent’s c. parents

1.2 Unfortunately, there aren’t ________ vegan choices in these local shops.
a. many b. much c. a few

1.3 The manager ________ his secretary ________ emails about the firm’s green policy.
a. had… to send out b. had… send out c. had… sent out

1.4 We had ________ money left, so we bought a reusable snack bag.

a. a few b. many c. a little

1.5 Greta Thunberg’s books ________ into five languages so far.

a. will be translated b. have been translated c. are translating

1.6 Last month, our house ________ with vintage furniture and upcycled items.
a. decorated b. was redecorated c. was redecorate

1.7 It seems like ________ you look, there’s pollution or some sort of animal abuse.
a. everywhere b. everything c. nowhere

1.8 They ________ their groceries ________.

a. will … deliver b. have … deliver c. were having … delivered

1.9 The ________ field trip to a local farm was a success. They loved it!
a. kids’ b. kids c. kid’s

1.10 Often, food expiry dates ________ by the average customer.

a. was being misunderstood b. misunderstand c. are misunderstood

1.11 When will you ________ your car ________?

a. have … servicing b. make … service c. have … serviced

1.12 My old fridge ________ by a more energy efficient one as soon as it stops working.
a. will be replaced b. was replaced c. will replace

1.13 Even if ________ has a zero-waste lifestyle, it will take decades for the Earth to recover.
a. no one b. everyone c. everything

1.14 ________ that one third of all food produced around the world is wasted.
a. Estimating b. It is estimated c. It estimates

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3.1 / 3.2 Grammar
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 If you weren’t so critic________ of Ruth’s job, she’d be happy to have you for dinner.
a. -able b. -ly c. -al

1.2 ________ enjoying my nomadic lifestyle, I suffer from loneliness once in a while.
a. Despite b. Although c. However

1.3 Unscrupulous employees may impose censor ________ on co-workers to ensure their conduct
isn’t reported.
a. -ing b. -hood c. -ship

1.4 Sam and Nick were very tired because they ________ on a crucial deal for hours.
a. had been working b. are working c. have worked

1.5 Do you still want to work as a freelancer ________ your income is hardly ever guaranteed?
a. provided b. in case c. even if

1.6 I think Edna tends to dress ________ appropriately to business meetings.

a. in- b. dis- c. un-

1.7 The students ________ a scholarship next year.

a. will be given b. are been given c. will give

1.8 Take your raincoat and umbrella ________ it rains.

a. as long as b. suppose c. in case

1.9 I hate ________honesty and deceitful________ in the workplace.

a. mis- … -ly b. dis- … -ness c. un- … -ness

1.10 Sarah wouldn’t mind having a digital nomad lifestyle, ________ she could have a good work-life
a. even if b. in case c. as long as

1.11 The more hours you work, ________ you are to experience burnout.
a. the more likely b. the less likely c. the most likely

1.12 It’s a ________conception to think that digital nomads work only a few hours a day.
a. mis- b. un- c. dis-

1.13 ________ you were given the option to work abroad, which country would suit your lifestyle
a. Provided b. Supposing c. Even if

1.14 The clients ________ at 3 p.m., but I ________ where to pick them up.
a. are arriving… have forgotten b. arrived… will forget c. arrive… had forgotten

298 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Overall Grammar Check 1
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 ________ people find out about my job, they always ask me for stories of my adventures.
a. While b. When c. As a result

1.2 In most EU countries the gender pay gap is decreasing ________ the number of women in work
is increasing.
a. whereas b. since c. because

1.3 Some jobs are ________valued and workers have low salaries.
a. mis- b. over- c. under-

1.4 The gender gap ________ by measurable factors, such as educational attainment and work
a. may explain b. explained c. has been explained

1.5 Working hard will help you understand time management skills ________.
a. the best b. better c. better than

1.6 ________ your boss is, the harder you’ll work.

a. As motivating as b. The more motivating c. The most motivating

1.7 Jim says it’s ________ job he’s ever had.

a. the most tough b. tougher c. the toughest

1.8 Our firm is closed ________ our manager’s sudden death.

a. because of b. thus c. even though

1.9 Would you be willing to accept a smaller salary if you ________ your dream job?
a. would have b. can have c. had

1.10 If I had seen Jim before his job interview, I ________ him not to go.
a. would have told b. will tell c. would tell

1.11 Some clothing brands are ________ sustainable ________ socially responsible. All those
manufacturers care about is profit.
a. both… and b. neither… nor c. either… or

1.12 The factory owners have failed to reveal their ________ wages.
a. workers’ b. workers c. worker’s

1.13 Some brands make lots of promises, but don’t do ________ to improve things in the social and
environmental sphere.
a. any b. little c. much

1.14 We ________ denounce these inhumane labour practices. It’s our duty as citizens.
a. must b. might c. should

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Overall Grammar Check 2
Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class: _________ Date ___________

1. Choose the correct answer.

1.1 Some companies haven’t done ________ to improve their environmental footprint.
a. something b. nothing c. anything

1.2 I wish I ________ his advice. Now it’s too late.

a. can take b. had taken c. would take

1.3 You’re joking! She ________ so much for that scarf she bought yesterday. It’s outrageous!
a. may have paid b. mustn’t pay c. can’t have paid

1.4 I’m not sure, but Jonathan ________ lying to you about the job offer.
a. must be b. may be c. should be

1.5 They are going to have their house ________.

a. rebuilt b. rebuild c. rebuilding

1.6 Do celebrities ________ their clothes ________?

a. have… customised b. had… customised c. have… customise

1.7 The city was crowded ________ tourists.

a. of b. about c. with

1.8 It’s beneficial ________ have several green spaces in the city.
a. of b. to c. for

1.9 You were deluding yourself by thinking you were safe ________ discrimination.
a. from b. of c. with

1.10 I can’t decide what to wear to the event! Oh, I know! I ________ my black dress.
a. wear b. would wear c. will wear

1.11 The police officers ________ for the suspect for five days now. No luck yet.
a. have been looking b. looked c. were looking

1.12 I was studying at the time, so I ________ the two gunshots.

a. wasn’t hearing b. didn’t hear c. don’t hear

1.13 She ________, although everyone thought she didn’t deserve it.
a. promoted b. is promoted c. was promoted

1.14 Carol stayed at work late ________ she could complete the report.
a. when b. so that c. therefore

300 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Answer key
1.1 / 1.2
1.1 a; 1.2 c; 1.3 b; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 b
1.3 / 1.4
1.1 a; 1.2 b; 1.3 b; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 b
2.1 / 2.2
1.1 b; 1.2 a; 1.3 b; 1.4 b; 1.5 a; 1.6 b
2.3 / 2.4
1.1 a; 1.2 b; 1.3 a; 1.4 c; 1.5 a; 1.6 b
3.1 / 3.2
1.1 a; 1.2 c; 1.3 a; 1.4 c; 1.5 a; 1.6 c


1.1 / 1.2
1.1 c; 1.2 b; 1.3 c; 1.4 b; 1.5 a; 1.6 b; 1.7 a; 1.8 c; 1.9 a;
1.10 c; 1.11 b; 1.12 c; 1.13 b; 1.14 a
1.3 / 1.4
1.1 a; 1.2 c; 1.3 c; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 c; 1.7 a; 1.8 c; 1.9 a;
1.10 b; 1.11 a; 1.12 c; 1.13 a; 1.14 b
2.1 / 2.2
1.1 b; 1.2 c; 1.3 c; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 a; 1.7 c; 1.8 b; 1.9 c;
1.10 b; 1.11 b; 1.12 a; 1.13 a; 1.14 c
2.3 / 2.4
1.1 a; 1.2 a; 1.3 b; 1.4 c; 1.5 b; 1.6 b; 1.7 a; 1.8 c; 1.9 a;
1.10 c; 1.11 c; 1.12 a; 1.13 b; 1.14 b
3.1 / 3.2
1.1 c; 1.2 a; 1.3 c; 1.4 a; 1.5 c; 1.6 a; 1.7 a; 1.8 c; 1.9 b;
1.10 c; 1.11 a; 1.12 a; 1.13 b; 1.14 a
1.1 b; 1.2 a; 1.3 c; 1.4 c; 1.5 b; 1.6 b; 1.7 c; 1.8 a; 1.9 c;
1.10 a; 1.11 b; 1.12 a; 1.13 c; 1.14 a
1.1 c; 1.2 b; 1.3 c; 1.4 b; 1.5 a; 1.6 a; 1.7 c; 1.8 b; 1.9 a;
1.10 c; 1.11 a; 1.12 b; 1.13 c; 1.14 b

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Textbook ................................................................................................................................ 305
Workbook .............................................................................................................................. 311
Teacher’s File
Unit 1 ............................................................................................................................ 315
Unit 2 ............................................................................................................................ 317
Unit 3 ............................................................................................................................ 321
Extra help .................................................................................................................... 322
Audioscripts – Textbook
UNIT 1 We are the world moved to Britain at the age of eight to join his father,
speaking barely a word of English.
1.1 English-speaking cultures Sir Kazuo Ishiguro is a British novelist, screenwriter,
musician, and short-story writer. He was born in Nagasaki
Page 21 and moved to Britain in 1960 with his parents when he was
1. Listen to three people talking about a cultural tradition fivez. Ishiguro is one of the most celebrated contemporary
of their country and match the celebrations on the left fiction authors in English and won the Nobel Prize in
with the descriptions of the right. Literature in 2017. His most recent best seller books include
A distinguishing cultural tradition from my country? I would The Buried Giant and Klara and the Sun, which tells the
highlight the Haka. It is a traditional dance performance story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with outstanding
that uses all parts of the body — the hands, arms, feet, observational qualities.
voice, eyes and even the tongue — to express a range of Anne-Marie was born in Essex in 1991. She is a British
emotions. It is actually accompanied by a chant and, in singer and has attained several charting singles on the UK
some cases, by fierce facial expressions such as bulging Chart. However, her debut studio album Speak Your Mind
eyes and the sticking out of the tongue. The most famous was only released in 2018, and peaked at number three on
Haka is Ka Mate, composed around 1820 by a Maori chief. the UK Albums Chart. She was nominated for four awards
It became known to the world at large when, in the early at the 2019 Brit Awards, including Best British Female Solo
20th century, it was incorporated into the pre-game ritual of Artist.
our national rugby team, the All Blacks. The dance starts Idris Elba was born in the London in 1972 to a Sierra
with the All Blacks facing their opponents and performing Leonean father and a Ghanaian woman. He is an actor,
the Haka. It’s kind of beautiful and intimidating at the same writer, producer, rapper, singer, songwriter, and DJ. He
time, I guess. However, the important thing to understand starred in films like Thor, Avengers, Star Trek Beyond and
about Haka, is that it isn't meant to intimidate, but prepare Fast & Furious, just to mention a few.
the performer for the challenge ahead. Bukayo Saka is an English professional footballer born in
A cultural tradition? Well, I’d say the Holi Festival! To 2001, who plays as a winger, left-back or central midfielder
celebrate the start of spring, people march the streets in the Premier League and the England national team. He
throwing coloured water and powders on one another was born in Ealing, Greater London to Nigerian parents. In
while dancing and singing; they even use water guns and March 2021, Saka made his 50th Premier League
water-filled balloons sometimes for more fun. People also appearance for Arsenal becoming the second youngest
gather with their families and friends to colour each other player in club history to reach that milestone.
and share Holi delicacies. The Holi has a huge cultural
significance in our country. It opens a new beginning from Page 40
past error, serving as the end of the conflict, and also a day 1. Listen to a man talking about different metaphors that
when people forget and forgive. On this one day social can be used as models to portray our multicultural society,
rankings such as caste, gender, age, and status are including his own.
forgotten in the spirit of making merry together, and The society we’re building
everyone is fair game to be soaked with colour. The melting pot image was once used to describe the
A cultural tradition from my country? I would say the model of a multicultural society. It fostered the ideal of
Groundhog Day. It’s more of a local tradition, not national, cultural assimilation where different ingredients are mixed
but it’s quite culturally specific. It has its origin in a together losing their original identities to form a final
superstition that if a groundhog emerging from its burrow product with a new flavour, a new consistency and colour,
on this day, February 2, sees its shadow due to clear but it is ONE flavour, ONE consistency, ONE colour.
weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will persist for In the melting pot model, all the cultures blend to give a
six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow because of new kind of culture. But this culture usually and often ends
cloudiness, spring will arrive early. Everybody within the up being the culture of the dominant community. So, it
city gathers to find out whether or not Punxsutawney Phil’s ends up being a vegetable soup that tastes too strongly of
shadow is revealed. Phil is the groundhog, of course. There one ingredient. This is just not possible in a community of
is food served to everyone and speeches made and one or equals.
more g'spiel, sort of plays or skits, are performed for Then the salad bowl model came up as the reverse of the
entertainment. assimilation idea, which ended up not working at all. In a
salad all the ingredients are kept separate to retain their
integrity, their flavour, their look. If each culture is an
1.2 Cultures go global ingredient in a salad, cultures do not mix at all, each will
Page 33 keep their specificities. But is it possible to live in harmony
1. Look at the pictures and discuss the following with this idea of separation, without exchange of ideas,
questions. Then listen to check your answers. without interaction? I reckon not!
Sir Mohamed Farah is a British long-distance runner, born So, if neither a salad, nor a soup, what would we make? I’d
in 1983, and the most successful British track athlete in use a new image and say a risotto. A risotto where you and
modern Olympic Games history. He was born in Somalia I could be mushrooms or peas, rice or garlic, and keep our
because his father, a British citizen born in London was unique flavours all connected through a common sauce.
working there at the time. After fleeing from conflicts in The common sauce of a global culture. We are not really
Mogadishu with his family, Farah spent his early childhood abandoning our traditions, our identities, our ideas, history
as a refugee in Djibouti with his twin brother before he or thoughts. In fact, these identities continue to define who
we are. But what connects us all together is that sauce of
Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 305
cultural exchange, of ambition, of exploration, of ideas, of Page 73
learning from one another. And we can be more than just 2. Listen to the texts about global organisations that
ingredients, we can be the makers of the sauce, the chefs. provide support to people in need around the world and
Is it an easy task? Well, we know how difficult it can be to match the information to the right organisation.
get a risotto just right… World Food Programme
Tanmay Dhall, “What is the perfect recipe for global citizenship”, In a world of plenty, where enough food is produced to
TEDxINSEAD, 2015 (adapted) feed everyone on the planet, hunger should be a thing of
the past. However, one in nine people globally is still going
1.3 Stronger together to bed hungry and famine looms for millions.
Powered by the passion, dedication and professionalism of
Page 55
our 20,000 staff worldwide,
1. Listen to the definition of global citizen and complete
we work to enhance nutrition in women and children,
the diagram.
support smallholder farmers in improving productivity and
What is a global citizen?
reducing losses, and boost human capital through school
There is a great deal of debate and discussion around this
feeding programmes. In conflict situations, we bring relief
question, as there is around the whole concept of
to exhausted populations and use food assistance to build
globalisation. A useful working definition, however, is
pathways to peace and stability – work for which we were
offered by Oxfam:
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.
A Global Citizen is someone who:
• is aware of their role in the world Doctors Without Borders
• respects and values diversity We provide medical assistance to people affected by
• has an understanding of how the world works conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare.
• participates in the community at a local and global level Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health
• is outraged by social injustice professionals, logistic and administrative staff. Our strength
• is willing to act to make the world a more sustainable place lies in our teams: we employ over 51,000 staff locally and
• takes responsibility for their actions and interactions thousands more left on field assignments abroad. Our
To be effective Global Citizens, young people need to be actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of
flexible, creative and proactive. Aspiring global citizens need to impartiality, independence and neutrality. We offer
develop 5 skills related to problem-solving, decision-making, assistance to people based on need. It doesn’t matter
critical thinking, communication and collaboration. which country they are from, which religion they belong to,
https://www.ideas-forum.org.uk or what their political affiliations are. We give priority to
(adapted; accessed in October 2021) those in the most serious and immediate danger.
1.4 Helping out UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization
dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a
Page 67 better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities
1. Listen to the poem “I am Human”. and stateless people. We work to ensure that everybody
I am human has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge, having
I am a human being just like you all, fled persecution, war or disaster at home. During times of
I have great moments and sometimes I stumble and fall. displacement, we provide critical emergency assistance in
I am merely a human being first and foremost, the form of clean water, sanitation and healthcare, as well
Do not treat me like I am a number, I am not a ghost. as shelter, blankets, household goods and sometimes food.
We also arrange transport and assistance packages for
I have a family which I have not seen in years, people who return home, and income-generating projects
I try to wash away the pain but all I feel are tears. for those who resettle.
Running down to the bottom of my face,
I may not have a document, but I am part of the human race. Page 76
1. Name the celebrity you associate with the information
I fight my battles inside and out, trying to prove I am worth below. Then, listen to check your answers.
much more, Lady Gaga is a creative “win-win” philanthropist, who
I try to show you what I am all about, but you keep throws the weight of her popularity behind donation
slamming the door. projects.
I have worked hard for all that which I have achieved, She partnered with Virgin Mobile offering premium VIP
I am still human if only you will believe. tickets to fans who volunteer their time to homeless youth
organizations, which raised more than $80,000 in proceeds
Believe, that I have a right to live and be free as everyone else, to support young homeless people and generated 30,000
My circumstances, my life in chaos, I am in a mess. hours of community service for hundreds of charities across
Through no fault of my own I find myself here stuck, the country.
I am stuck in this injustice, riding extremely low on my hope
One of the recipients of the profits include Green
and luck.
Chimneys, a non-profit organization that creates futures for
children with emotional, social, and learning challenges,
But I believe in all the good that still exists,
including young homeless runaways.
The truth will surface if I persist,
She has also been very proactive in raising young women
I will continue to raise my voice for those who cannot,
awareness of the risk of HIV/AIDS. Gaga teamed up with
This choice I do not regret.
M·A·C AIDS Fund's VIVA Glam campaign, which raised over
I am still a human being, lest you should forget.
$160 million to fight against AIDS and HIV and bring

306 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

awareness of the diseases to women around the world. By 2. DEWI Stronger Communities
purchasing VIVA Glam lip gloss and/or lipstick, all the As a Community-Based Organization dedicated to building
proceeds go directly to the fund to aid those infected with literacy and bridging unemployment, DEWI dedicates its
the disease. efforts to youth and women. Through practical and career
Dwayne Johnson – better known as “The Rock” – channels skills training, school outreach, talent development, and
his devotion to helping children through the Dwayne local savings programs, this group works to counter
Johnson Rock Foundation. In its first year, the foundation alarming rates of illiteracy, school dropouts, unemployment
strove to assist in recovery and create hope in the lives of and poverty in Uganda.
children hospitalized for various medical conditions. If you’re social media savvy, you can make a difference
Johnson also takes time to help out as one of the directors towards DEWI’s crucial cause by taking 5-10 hours to set up
of The Beacon Experience, which actively encourages an official Instagram page – which will help the C.B.O reach
children to continue their schooling beyond the high school wider audiences and market their community efforts.
years through special courses, mentoring and increased 3. Films 4 Peace Foundation
parental involvement. If you have a passionate interest in films, you will enjoy
Aside from being heavily involved in these two working with Films 4 Peace. The foundation, located in
organisations, Johnson supports the Make-A-Wish Dhaka, Bangladesh, uses videos to advocate for peace in
Foundation, and helped to organize a gala for the Rush their society. Founded in 2010, this non-profit organizes
Philanthropic Arts Foundation, which provides funding for film festivals and screenings that promote values like
non-profit organisations that give disadvantaged urban diversity, peace and tolerance to bring about a mindset
youths exposure and access to the arts. shift in their area.
Miley Cyrus seems to have wasted no time in her rise to With the ultimate goal of building sustainable peace
fame, riches and charitable causes. through movies in their community, Films 4 Peace could
Cyrus supports the Libby Ross Foundation, which promotes always use an extra helping hand. You can volunteer online
early detection of breast cancer, as well as research to by designing brochures and reports for their programs or
eradicate the disease and support programs for victims. working on their Facebook page.
A little off the beaten path, she is also involved with https://www.givingway.com
Musicians on Call, a charity that brings live and recorded (adapted; accessed in October 2021)
music to the bedsides of patients to promote the healing
process. UNIT 2 There’s no Planet B
Miley has also been helping young people online, with her
work for Get Ur Good On, an online network for young 2.3 Playing my part
people to support each other in their missions to do “good”
Page 131
in their communities. Miley has been helping out by
1. Listen to the article about these celebrities’ thoughts
uploading videos and pictures of her wide range of charity
and actions regarding sustainable fashion and tick the
work, including Red Cross, City of Hope, Blessings in a
correct name.
Backpack and the Starkey Hearing Foundation.
Emma Watson
UN Ambassador and actress Emma Watson is what one
would consider a real-life enchantress, even more magical
2. Listen to a report about how you can help from home
than Hermione Granger. Besides being one of the youngest
and say if these sentences are true or false.
award-winning actresses, Emma tops the list as one of
Volunteering is an amazing way to contribute to a healthier,
Hollywood’s top advocates of sustainable fashion. In 2015,
more connected world. Even if you can’t venture out, there’s
she embraced The Green Carpet Challenge and wore
no better way to make a difference in the world than to
sustainable fashion for all of her red-carpet appearances,
dedicate your time to a worthwhile foundation. Looking for
which brought forth her creation of a separate Instagram
more ways to volunteer from home?
account, The Press Tour, where she documents all of her
1. Talking Through Art
sustainable fashion styles.
Are you interested in the arts? Talking Through Art is an
She launched Feel Good Style, a site dedicated to promoting
organisation in Kigali, Rwanda, creating art-focused
sustainable fashion and natural beauty, and started
employment opportunities for people with physical
collaborating with British trade fair brand People Tree to
disabilities in at-risk communities. Founded in 2015, they
create collections out of upcycled fabrics, with fair trade
currently provide work for around 80 members who create
practices in mind.
traditional Rwandan art and handicrafts for a fair wage. The
Jessica Alba
organisation also offers art and theatre therapy, building
Known for her roles in Fantastic Four and Dark Angel,
confidence for members and strengthening their self-
Jessica Alba has brought her love for fashion, family, and
healthy living to greater heights by launching her family and
Although Talking Through Art does offer on-site volunteer
eco-friendly product line, The Honest Company. The
opportunities, you can make an incredible difference for
company sells organic and ethically manufactured personal
them by volunteering from home. To continue their
care products, from diapers to totes and beauty products,
programs, the group needs help writing and researching
bringing health to the everyday consumer. As a CEO and
grant proposals. If you have a computer, you can help them
Founder of the company, you would think that’s enough to
continue their work by volunteering at home.
fill her cup, but she still functions as an ambassador for the
charity Baby2Baby, which shows that she is really invested
in family and the environment.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 307

Stella McCartney This is also called covert advertising whereby a product is
Daughter of rock royalty Paul McCartney, Stella McCartney, quietly embedded in the entertainment media. Most times,
has carved a niche of her own in the fashion industry as one there is no mention of the product although the audience
of the first and most sought-after designers with a sees it. Movies are the main places where this is done. With
sustainable fashion line. Her brand is a reflection of her so many people subscribing to Netflix and Amazon Prime,
personal style and values that vows against using animal this is increasingly being used and is one of the most
leather and materials in her designs. She employs this popular types of advertisement.
practice in her personal life as well, living organically and This is a large-format and highly visual advertising structure
using environmentally-friendly products. intended for viewing from long distances, generally found
She puts a great effort into ensuring that her design pieces at the side of busy roads and high-traffic areas.
do not end up in landfills. She is also an advocate of energy This is a newer form of advertising which can reach a large
conservation and as proof she powers her stores, studios, target market. The ads occupy empty spaces, such as on the
and other offices in the UK and abroad with wind turbine underground, on bus shelters, in cabs and on airline and
technology. Her aim is to produce sustainable fashion cinema seats (where ads are placed on the removable seat
without compromising style. covers). Since a huge number of people use these facilities
https://www.veerah.com and they have a long shelf life, they have proved very
(adapted; accessed in November 2021) effective.

2. Listen to an article about two sustainable brands and Page 139

complete the summary with one word in each gap. 3. Match the influencers below to the social media
Beulah platforms where they became popular. Then listen and
Known for its dresses, Beulah is a local London label that check your answers.
aims to empower trafficked women through meaningful Charli d’Amelio is an American social media influencer,
employment opportunities. The brand also donates 10% of actress and dancer, who began her social media career at
all profits to projects and partners to help vulnerable the age of 16. In 2019, her dance videos on TikTok quickly
communities. The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, blew up, resulting in her large following. According to
has worn this brand on many occasions. Forbes she is now highly regarded as the ‘biggest star’ on
Gucci the app.
You might be surprised to discover that Gucci is carbon PewDiePie is a Swedish social media personality. He is best
neutral, but the brand has invested in ensuring that it's known for his ‘Let’s Play’ videos and comedy sketches on
offsetting all its greenhouse gas emissions produced in the YouTube. Over time his content has diversified to include
supply chain. First came the ban on using PVC in 2015 and vlogs, music videos and comedy shorts, which has led him
as of February 2020, the brand revealed it’s now carbon to reach over 26 billion views. He is considered to be one of
neutral. The Italian house now uses recycled plastics, the top social media influencers and has also been named
recycled metals for jewellery, upcycled material scraps and one of the world’s most influential people by Time
has been increasing its use of organic materials such as silk magazine.
and cotton. Emma Watson is a big Gucci fan and has worn Shane Dawson is an American actor, writer, director and
this brand to many red-carpet events. musician. He is mostly recognised for his sketch comedy
https://www.whowhatwear.co.uk videos where he impersonates characters and celebrities
(adapted; accessed in November 2021)
and he uses Twitter to promote his new videos, products
and also to share his thoughts and feelings.
2.4 Adds all around Huda Kattan is an Iraqi-American makeup artist, beauty
Page 138 blogger and entrepreneur. She is considered one of the
1. Listen to the description of the six most popular types most influential beauty experts on Instagram. She shares
of advertising today. makeup related how-to’s, reviews, successful makeup
This is the fastest growing type of advertising and has applications and trends, which are both informative and
become very popular in the last decade. It has become so entertaining for her followers and seem to be the key
effective that a particular ad can be targeted to a specific reason for her success.
person of a specific age in a specific location at a specific
time. In addition it is very cheap compared to all other Page 145
forms of advertising. 1. Listen to the description of the persuasive advertising
About a decade ago this was the most popular form of techniques based on Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle and
advertising. The Super Bowl, international cricket games, complete the table.
the Olympics or Football World Cups are the top events What are persuasive advertising techniques? They're how
chosen by advertisers. Ads for almost all kinds of products you convince a buyer of your product through visuals. You
are shown in television. Although it is costly, this is until can thank Aristotle for inventing persuasive advertising
now one of the best types of advertising and reaches a techniques more than 2,000 years ago.
huge audience. In his rhetorical triangle, Aristotle explained how rhetoric
This type of advertising is shown before movies start. This is uses three types of arguments: ethos, pathos and logos.
one of the costliest forms of advertising since people Ethos is used to convince an audience by offering reliability,
cannot skip it, change the channel or move away. Many honesty, and credibility. In practical terms, this often means
companies have started opting for these ads since it an authority figure or celebrity endorsing a product or
ensures that the entire message reaches the audience, who brand. The idea is for the messenger’s authority or superior
cannot interfere till the advertisement is over. social status to lend legitimacy to the video’s appeal. After
all, it’s easier to make a decision when someone you

308 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

respect signs off on it, right? This is broadly the function of Customer: Yes, It’s usually on top of the covers on my lap.
ethos in commercials. It’s all about credibility. Why?
Pathos is a persuasive technique that tries to convince an Store clerk: That’s probably why it’s overheating. The covers
audience through emotions. It’s a quick way to appeal to a prevent the ventilation system from working properly. The
viewer’s emotions. A cute animal. A devastated family. A cloth blocks the bottom and side vents.
love story.  Emotions create responses and, in our Customer: That makes sense. So, if I don’t use the laptop
increasingly consumer-driven culture, the response is to on my bed, will it be ok?
buy something. So, pathos appeals to an audience’s basic Store clerk: It should be perfectly fine. Just remember
emotions like joy, fear, and envy. wherever you use it to allow air to flow freely through
Logos is the persuasive technique that aims to convince an those vents.
audience by using logic and reason. Examples of logos in Customer: I will. Thank you so much for your help.
advertisement include the citation of figures, charts, and Store clerk: You’re welcome
graphs. Ever told someone to “listen to reason” during an https://www.myenglishteacher.eu
argument? This is what logos does. Statistics, surveys, facts, (adapted; accessed in November 2021)
and historical data can make a product seem like a more
reasonable decision. Whether the data is sound or not is
another story... UNIT 3 My job, my choices
(adapted; accessed in November 2021) 3.1 The future ahead
Page 165
Page 148
1. Listen to 20 sentences and mark them YES, MAYBE or
1. Listen to a dialogue where a customer is making a
complaint about a laptop and answer in note form.
a) It’s easy for me to make new friends.
Store clerk: Good morning, how can I help you?
b) I love coming home after my holidays.
Customer: Hi, I’d like to make a complaint about a defective
c) I don’t like surprises.
laptop I bought here last month.
d) Wherever I am, I ask for the wi-fi password.
Store clerk: Do you have your store receipt with you?
e) It’s not where you are; it’s who you’re with.
Customer: Yes, I do. Here you go.
f) I prefer a clear distinction between work and private life.
Store clerk: There’s a one-year store warranty on this
g) 25 days of holidays a year is more than enough.
computer. We’ll be able to take a look at it today at no
h) I can focus very well and am not easily distracted.
charge to you. If we can’t find the problem, we will exchange
i) A steady job is what gives me the most security.
it for a new one.
j) Cities or beaches? It’s hard for me to choose.
Customer: Thank you. I’d appreciate that.
k) I’m good at managing deadlines and appointments.
Store clerk: What seems to be the problem?
l) I’m very attached to my material possessions.
Customer: I think it’s overheating. It gets so hot whenever I
m) My suitcase is always too heavy when I travel.
use it.
n) I can always see business opportunities.
Store clerk: That is strange for such a new computer.
o) I’m a control freak. I like things to be safe and
Perhaps there’s something wrong with the cooling fan.
Could I take a look?
p) Home is where my laptop is.
Customer: Sure, here it is.
q) I’m always looking for new inspiration and experiences.
Store clerk: Everything looks ok on the outside. Could I ask
r) I don’t see problems, but rather I see challenges.
a few questions?
s) The idea of leaving everything behind freaks me out.
Customer: Yes, of course.
t) I’m ready for adventure.
Store clerk: How long do you use it for before it overheats?
Customer: It usually feels very hot after one or two hours.
1.2 Listen to where you stand on the nomad scale. Were
Store Clerk: What do you usually do on the laptop?
you surprised?
Customer: I use it to check my emails and write articles for
0-10 points
my blog.
If you scored 10 points or less, it looks like the only
Store clerk: That shouldn’t cause it to overheat. The
nomading you’ll ever be doing is between the fridge and
internal fan should be able to handle that.
your TV.
Customer: Can you tell me what’s wrong with it then?
Store clerk: There could be something wrong with one of
Holidays are fun but you love returning home. You’d do
the components. Perhaps the battery, or the hard drive. Let
best to spend your energy optimizing your current lifestyle.
me have a look.
If you do choose to experiment with the digital nomad
Customer: Ok.
lifestyle, you’ll prefer spending longer periods in one spot,

allowing your destination to grow on you. And if this way of
Store clerk: I’ve just finished
life still isn’t for you, don’t worry – your home is just a flight
Running hardware diagnostics on the laptop. Everything
looks fine. There doesn’t seem to be any damage or defects
in any of the hardware.
You’d love to explore the world, but some things are
Customer: So, what could the problem be?
holding you back; it may be friends and relatives, work,
Store clerk: That depends. Is the area where you use the
material possessions or fear of the unknown. A good
laptop exposed to direct sunlight or heat?
solution for you may be to take shorter trips while keeping
Customer: Not at all. I use it in the bedroom at night.
your home base. But be warned: you might get addicted to
Store clerk: Do you sit on the bed when using the laptop?
the lifestyle.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 309

31-40 becoming a problem for more and more people. These
You are a real citizen of the world. Not bound to one place, professionals therefore advise private clients on how they
you feel at home wherever you are. You are not too can better manage their finances
attached to your belongings, and you don’t mind being f) Even if we are in a digital age, there is no getting around
alone. You are a free spirit and if you are still stuck in one manual work. This includes electronics technicians,
country, now is the time to spread your wings. Yes: you’re mechatronics technicians, plumbers, glaziers, floor layers,
real digital nomad material! painters, bakers and many more. Once these workers have
built up a customer base, the orders usually flutter into the
1. Listen to three youngsters explaining why they’ve house almost by themselves.
chosen to be digital nomads and match them to the ideas
they express. 3.2 Choosing my path
Speaker 1
Times have changed. Jobs for life are a thing of the past. A Page 181
career is no longer the ultimate goal in life. Lack of freedom 1. Listen to three young people talking about their career
is making us unhappy and restless. No wonder more and dreams. Match the speakers on the left with the ideas
more people wake up and question the status quo. I am the they express on the right. All the ideas are used once.
first to admit that the digital nomad life may not provide all Amadi Chola, 18, Zambia
the answers, but it sure makes a lot more sense to follow I have always wanted to help people in any way possible. I
your own bliss than someone else’s. feel so much compassion for those who are in a bad place.
Speaker 2 In high school, I served as a first aid medic for three years in
I am just one of many who feel most alive when I’m on the Red Cross, where I learned how to treat bites, swollen
holiday. Fortunately, I was born in the internet age, where, limbs, wounds and those who fainted – I would help people
instead of alternating months of work with a week-long with their most immediate needs before they were taken to
holiday, I can be exploring new destinations permanently. the hospital. This is where my love for biology comes from,
Let’s be realistic, though; you will be working a lot of time. and I have wanted to be a surgeon ever since. But I’ve
But instead of spending your afternoons watching TV and encountered a lot of challenges. My parents are unable to
your weekends in the local pub, you can spend your free pay for my higher education and they say that I am just
time diving, surfing, hiking, meeting people or simply lazing wasting my time, and my father keeps telling me that I
on the beach. should become a police officer. My personality just isn’t
Speaker 3 suited for a job like that – it doesn’t interest me.
Self-development is surely one of the beneficial side effects Sarah Chiteta, 19, Philippines
of travelling. When you leave your trusted environment, I may not have the means to help people, but writing is one
you open yourself up to new experiences. Some will be way of reaching out and comforting people in various
great; others will be challenging. These challenges are what situations. I started writing at the age of 10, and being
make you grow as a person. Having to deal with among friends with the same writing talent, I eventually
distractions, find focus amidst chaos, decide where to go, became keen on writing poems, including motivational
when and with whom to go will shape your character. notes, which are messages to uplift or encourage people
Warning: you will never be the same again. facing challenges or low self-esteem. I have also written
songs and composed my own tunes and I have always
Page 171 dreamed of publishing a book one day. With this aspiration,
1. Listen to six high-paid jobs predicted for the future and I am in the process of writing a book titled “Life Is a
write down the job which may fit the description. Journey,” about how one overcomes obstacles along the
road called life. I am determined to finish this book no
a) The online business is booming better than ever and is matter how long it takes.
absolutely unstoppable. This professional’s job is to oversee Michael Reyes, 18, New Zealand
the day-to-day business of an online shop. My dream job is to become the founder and CEO of a
b) When business moves to the digital world, it also means corporation that can compete with the world’s leading
that crime follows money and moves with it. This technological companies like Facebook, Google, Apple and
professional works either for large companies or as a Microsoft. This has been my dream since I started admiring
consultant for individual projects to guarantee the security their contributions in technology when I was a kid. Their
of a website. brilliant creations have helped billions of people worldwide.
c) A very talented professional is usually behind well- That’s why I am determined to fulfil this dream, not for
functioning logistics and delivery. He ensures that all fame or popularity, but to help other people. I am always
components, raw materials, end products and information using inventions and gadgets developed by other people,
are delivered at the right time. and I am continually astonished by how these ideas can be
d) These professionals can be bloggers, photographers or very helpful in solving specific problems and in making
vloggers and they create content that is presented on people’s lives simpler.
websites or certain platforms such as Instagram or https://thegroundtruthproject.org
YouTube. (adapted; accessed in November 2021)
e) Fewer and fewer people are still paying with cash.
Payment by mobile phone should become commonplace in
the next few years. The fact that you can lose track of
things very quickly due to fast, electronic payment is

310 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Audioscripts – Workbook


1.1 / 1.2 1. Listen to three young men sharing their life stories as
migrants. Match their names with the ideas they express.
1. Listen to Wendy talking about her life as a third culture
One option isn’t used.
kid. Choose the correct option (a, b or c).
Hi, I’m Wendy and I’m a Nigerian… Nah, wait, that isn’t
My name is Alieu. I am 20 and I am currently studying at
right. You know how people have a habit of introducing
Bansang School, in Grade 12. I left Gambia in late 2019
themselves with their name and where they’re from? I’m an
because I wanted to improve my father’s life and to support
exception. In fact, the question “Where are you from?”
the family. I was beaten across the desert, and I experienced
makes me anxious because I’m really never sure how to
hunger. I returned from Algeria in February 2020, after a two
answer in a way that would make sense to who’s asking. Let
month-journey through Senegal, Mali and Algeria. I decided
me explain…
to come back home to study when I realised that crossing
I’m a “third culture kid”. Well, I’m an adult ‘third culture kid’
the Mediterranean Sea was not as easy as I had imagined.
at this point. My roots are in Nigeria. My parents are both
When I returned, I immediately started school again. My
from the same state and town, but I was born in a city
family is very supportive, and my father encourages me and
called Port Harcourt in Rivers State. Nigeria has over 250
my 11 siblings to be good students. I want to study law to
ethnic groups and over 520 languages, with our official
support the community.
language being English.
When I first read my favourite book, The Lion and the Jewel,
Anyway, back to me! I lived in Port Harcourt long enough to
I was inspired by the leadership of the main characters, and
complete primary school. I get a lot of flak for not speaking
I became more motivated to become a good and respected
my tribe’s language (Yoruba), and the fact that I was born
leader in my community. I took part in an entrepreneurship
into a different tribe is usually my number one excuse.
course, which helped me to understand the dynamics of
Next, I moved to Douala, a city in Cameroon where I
work and business. I shared the knowledge I learned with my
completed junior secondary at an international school. In
family and community, to provide recommendations on
Cameroon, not only was I exposed to new African cultures,
their businesses. I feel privileged because I have books and I
but I was also exposed to the culture of everyone that went
can study.
to my school from all parts of the world since it was where I
spent most of my time. It was an awesome experience.
Next up, I moved to Luanda, a city in Angola where I
It wasn’t easy for me here because I was struggling to make
completed senior secondary. Again, I was at an international
ends meet. That’s why I decided to leave Gambia for Europe.
school. We also had teachers from various countries, so it
I’m Mustapha, by the way and I’m a tailor.
was the ultimate international experience.
For six years I was stranded in Algeria, I made three attempts
At this point, you’re probably wondering why I was moving
to cross the Mediterranean but there was no way to cross
and who I was moving with? It was all thanks to my dad’s job,
the sea. For this reason, I decided to start working in a
he got transferred a lot and we (including my mum and three
construction company to support my family back home,
siblings) didn’t even move to half of the places he was
since the dream of going to Europe was over for me. Upon
transferred to. We only moved when my dad felt like his
my return in 2020, I attended a training in business
location would have a family-friendly environment and we
management and entrepreneurship, and I received a sewing
could get the best education possible.
machine and other tailoring tools. Luckily for me, my family
After secondary school, my family moved to Sugarland,
welcomed me warmly and encouraged me to continue my
Texas in the United States, and around the same time, I got
life because I am still young although some people in my
admitted into a university in the United Kingdom. I
community called me a failure for not being able to reach
completed my bachelor’s degree in Leeds and my master’s
in London. For the duration of both degrees, I would shuttle
Today, I have four people working under my supervision and
between Texas and the UK.
I have become their role model. So, I have to be strong and
Once I completed my graduation, I moved back to Texas.
responsible, because my wellbeing could affect theirs. In the
While I was job hunting and trying to figure out life, I decided
next two years, I would like to become independent in my
to move back to Nigeria alone. I wanted to experience my
career. My mission is to expand my tailoring business and
‘passport country’ by myself.
appear in television competitions and festival booths to
When I’m in my “passport country”, they consider me a
display my products.
foreigner and when I’m in other countries, I’m still
considered a foreigner. So, when you ask where I’m from,
these are the many things that go through my head.
My name is Abou and I am from Côte d'Ivoire. I've been in
Although I haven’t been to all the countries in the world, I’ve
Niger for nine months. I wanted to reach France but it didn't
interacted with or at least met a person from almost all the
work out, and I ended up in Niger. Since then, I´ve been
countries of the world.
impatient to return to my country and my former activities.
Hi, I’m Wendy and I’m a global citizen!
I often talk to Seydou (a psychologist at the transit centre).
https://neurogist.org We talk about my relatives, the reason why I left, my former
(adapted; accessed in December 2021) life. My old life was quite a mess: My wife and I split up after
eight years of marriage and there was also a downturn in
business, so I lost my job. I decided to take the risk to get my

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 311

mind off it and start anew. We also do many drawing Protecting biodiversity
sessions. We have already lost 8% of known animal species and 22%
I reflect on feelings through my drawings, and I use them to are at risk of extinction due mainly to the destruction of their
express myself. I like drawing a lot. It makes me feel really natural habitats, poaching and the introduction of invasive
good. species.
Hydric stress and water scarcity
2. Listen to Olivia Frimpong talking about her life as a The lack of water affects more than 40% of the world
domestic worker in Lebanon. Answer these questions in population, and according to the World Economic Forum,
note form. agriculture accounts for more than 70% of the water used in
the planet's most arid countries. The responsible use of
My name is Olivia Frimpong. I am from the Ashanti Region in hydrological resources will improve food and energy
Ghana. production, as well as protecting the biodiversity of our
In 2018, I travelled to Lebanon to work as a domestic worker water ecosystems.
to provide for myself and my family. I had finished my degree
but couldn’t find a job. I studied agricultural science and
(adapted; accessed in December 2021)
would have wished to work as an agricultural extension
2. Listen to the podcast about four future environmental
My pastor introduced me to an agent who promised to
secure me a job as a domestic worker in Lebanon. He told challenges and complete the table.
me how profitable the work was.
I scratched around for 2000 Ghanaian cedis and paid him the Although climate change is the issue of the moment, it is not
initial instalment. Then, he processed everything for me to the only major environmental problem we'll face this
decade. Let's avoid an unsustainable future by looking at the
travel. I paid him the remaining amount when I got to
Lebanon. challenges ahead.
In Lebanon, things were not as I had imagined. I worked 12-
14 hours every day. There were days when I wasn’t allowed Air pollution affects 90% of humanity, according to the WHO.
By reducing the rate of respiratory diseases, we will avoid
to eat. Even when it was allowed, I always had to eat after
everyone else. seven million deaths a year. Contaminated water is another
problem, with five million deaths per year.
I could not bear it anymore, so I asked my employer to go
back home. He declined, seized my passport and reduced my What can you do?
The UN advocates eliminating landfills, treating more
wastewater, and minimising chemical products. It is up to
Through a WhatsApp communication, I heard that a
Ghanaian politician was helping Ghanaians who want to you to consume water responsibly and, for example, use
means of transport that emit fewer polluting gases into the
return home. I gathered courage and ran to the Embassy for
help. I used the little saving I had on me to purchase my flight atmosphere.
Protection of the oceans
tickets. The Embassy provided me with a travel document,
and I was supported to leave the country. Now that I am The oceans, currently a dumping ground for the world's
plastic waste, must be protected. But this is not the only
home, I am happy.
problem: oil spills, sewage, toxic discharges... as well as
https://www.iamamigrant.org overfishing and acidification of the seas due to the increase
(adapted; accessed In December 2021) in temperature; these are all altering the marine ecosystem.
What can you do?
2.1 / 2.2
In addition to consuming water responsibly, keep beaches,
1. Listen to the text and match the percentages with what rivers, lakes and other waterbodies clean. Become an eco-
they refer to. friendly tourist.
Scarcity of water
Climate change mitigation and adaptation Scarcity of water, a resource overexploited in arid countries
Global warming due to CO2 emissions – which according to for agriculture, affects 4 out of 10 people.
the UN have increased by almost 50% since 1990 – is What can you do?
accelerating climate change and threatens the survival of Responsible consumption of this liquid, through simple
millions of people, plants and animals. We need to take actions such as turning off taps or avoiding baths in favour of
measures to mitigate its effects. short showers.
Pollution problems and their effect on health Consumption
The World Health Organization estimates that 90% of Last but not least, consumption: the battle between waste
humanity breathes polluted air, so is calling for a reduction generation and the circular economy. The UN predicts we
in air pollution to cut rates of respiratory illnesses, thus will exceed 8.5 billion people by 2030... and there is no room
preventing seven million deaths a year. for all the rubbish they will produce. No, sending it into space
The energy transition and renewables is not a sustainable solution either.
While energy accounts for 60% of global greenhouse gas What can you do?
(GHG) emissions, the UN calculates that 13% of the world Practise the well-known 3Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse. This
population lacks access to electricity and that three billion will give a second life to some items... and also to the planet.
people depend on fossil fuels for cooking. This situation
requires an energy transition towards a cleaner, more
accessible and efficient model based on the use of
renewable energy sources.

312 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

2.3 / 2.4 2. Listen to a news article about an organisation and its
innovative way to reduce waste. Choose the correct
1. Listen to a reporter talking about documentaries to option (a, b or c).
inspire a zero-waste lifestyle. Match the documentaries to
the corresponding information. One option isn’t used. On May 22nd Zero Waste Europe’s member Rezero was
awarded by the European Week for Waste Reduction for
We have put together a list of 7 riveting and informative their innovative #IamCoco campaign, a web series
documentaries that will inspire you towards a zero-waste promoting Conscious Consumption.
lifestyle. Rezero is a Spanish non-profit organisation based in
Tomorrow Catalonia. They were established in 2005 and have been
This documentary film by Journalist and NGO director Cyril working on changing the current consumption model into a
Dion and filmmaker Melanie Laurent focuses on people zero waste one.
suggesting solutions and practical actions that need to be This is also the concept behind the #IamCoco campaign. The
taken to curb waste, as opposed to waiting for the worst to project follows five families on their daily life for thirty days,
happen with the threat of climate change. with the aim of documenting their transition into zero waste
Tomorrow also addresses issues on agriculture, economy, households. Each family received a reusable products kit at
energy, education, and democracy and how they can the beginning of the project in order to help the participants
negatively or positively provide tangible solutions to waste reduce their waste generation. Participants themselves
management. recorded their experiences on their mobile phones.
Plastic Paradise In addition, photos of the household’s monthly waste were
Journalist Angela Sun in this documentary Plastic Paradise taken before the challenge started and one month after,
takes a look into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Trash when the challenge was completed. The waste produced by
Island) and the effects it is having on the local wildlife. each household was collected, classified and, at the end of
Watching this documentary tells you the amount of the month, taken back to the living room of each house to
disposable plastic we consume each day and the harm it take a picture. The photographs were used as a visual
does. support for the participants to understand what they had
This is one documentary that will have you rethinking your accomplished.
indiscriminate use of plastic and the need to embrace a zero- The project showed participants how much power is in their
waste lifestyle. hands. In only three months the #IamCoco playlist counted
True Cost 11,000 views and many positive comments. The project also
It is said that the fashion industry is the second most received a lot of press coverage from Spanish and other
polluting industry after oil and gas. From the director, European media. This shows that people are willing to listen
Andrew Morgan, comes this ground-breaking documentary and take the challenge for a more sustainable and fair use of
filmed from the brightest runways to the darkest slums resources.
around the world, and it features interviews with the world’s At Zero Waste Europe, we could not be prouder of Rezero’s
leading influencers, including Stella McCartney, Livia Firth, innovative campaign, and for the well-deserved award. We
and Vandana Shiva. True Cost focuses on the human and need more initiatives like this to raise awareness about the
environmental impact behind every piece of clothing you zero-waste challenge and inspire the transition towards
own. zero-waste lifestyles: change is at hand – and actually, it is
It calls on us the consumers of the fashion industry to ask already happening!
more questions regarding how these clothes are made and
the untold costs that go into making them. The documentary (adapted; accessed in December 2021)
also makes you see reasons to buy fewer clothes in a year,
give away those you no longer use or need, and buy more 3.1 / 3.2
into locally made wears.
Just Eat It! 1. Listen to Jodie, a digital nomad, and choose the correct
This is an excellent documentary from the Canadian couple options.
Jen and Grant. It addresses the issue of waste from farms,
through retailers to consumers. They also show you a Interviewer: What job do you do as a digital nomad?
glimpse of the billions of dollars’ worth of good food that is Jodie: I earn money as a copywriter, a travel writer,  and an
chucked in the bin in North America yearly, and then they author of fiction. I also earn a (very) small amount of money
pledge to completely quit grocery shopping and survive only from collaborations on this blog. I consider myself very lucky
on foods that would otherwise be thrown away. to have so many strings to my bow, however, they are all
Just Eat It! brings farmers, retailers, inspiring organisations, necessary in order to ensure an income I can live off and save
and consumers to the table in a cinematic story that is with.
compelling and sure to inspire you towards a zero-waste life. Interviewer: Can you make ends meet being a digital
www.trustedclothes.com (adapted; accessed in December 2021) nomad?
Jodie: Some months I earn lots of money. Some months I
don't. I earn a lot less than I did as a full-time employee, but
my outgoings are considerably less too. I'm also a member
of a team. My partner runs a number of online businesses so
as long as our combined income exceeds our combined
outgoings, we're happy.
Interviewer: How do you keep working when you're
travelling so much?

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 313

Jodie: Balance and priorities. Other digital nomads fit work
around travel. Work is their necessary evil in order to travel.
That's not the case for us. More often than not my partner
and I plan our travels around our work schedule. If we have
big projects that need a lot of attention, we'll find
somewhere quiet to do this in. If we have a bit more
flexibility, we will pursue travel goals, but we always take
work into consideration when picking a new destination. 

2. Now listen to the practical pieces of advice she gives

future digital nomads and complete the sentences
Interviewer: What questions should people ask themselves
before they embark on this lifestyle:

Interviewer: What tips or advice would you give to people

planning on becoming nomadic or location independent?
Jodie: I would say there are four essential questions you
should ask yourself
First of all, can I remote work in my current job? Because if
yes, you may save yourself a lot of hassle.
Secondly, to freelance or not to freelance? You can now
freelance in almost any profession and everyone has
transferable skills to bring to a new freelance career.
However, not everyone was made for freelancing and its
rollercoaster of emotions and risks, so this is a very worthy
Question number three is more of a warning: This is not a
holiday! Do you really want to work and travel? You cannot
do one without the other so be prepared for work being a
constant in your life as well as travel.
Finally, what are you prepared to give up? Yes, my life is rich
with travel, but I go without a lot too – seeing friends and
family being top of the list. Are you prepared to do the

314 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

Audioscripts – Teacher’s File

WORKSHEETS UNIT 1 As the COVID-19 disease continues to spread rapidly,

countries all over the world are taking extreme measures
1.1/1.2 LISTENING to slow its growth. However, a more alarming trend is
also emerging: violence, bullying, and harassment
1. directed toward people of Asian descent in the United
Kristina: The transition from Chinese school to States. There is an uptick in recently reported incidents of
International School was a confusing time for me since violence against Asian Americans, including a teenager
language was not the only barrier I had to overcome. being physically assaulted and a family of four stabbed
Although I was born in America, I had forgotten all about while trying to buy groceries. Though the initial spread of
western culture by the time I was 12. In time, I realised COVID-19 occurred in China, it is important that we
that the international school is a place where local increase awareness that the disease is linked to a
customs are intertwined with the international (western) geographic location and not to a race or nationality. We
education system. A place where the school can present must call out harmful language and behavior and do all
two different cultures at once to their students. we can to stop it. We all have an obligation to treat
Anastasia: My father works internationally selling medical everyone with dignity; associating whole groups of
equipment, and at a young age, I moved to Switzerland people with events that occur in different parts of the
when his branch of the company was transferred there. world is dangerous to individuals and families in our
I was immersed into a completely different culture, and for communities.
years spent vacations traveling the world with my parents
and coming back to the States as often as we could. 2. Listen to the second part of the announcement and
I attended an international school with kids from literally mark four suggestions that were mentioned.
every corner of the world. Not only was I trying to It is unacceptable when our neighbors are scared to go to
understand the Swiss culture, but also the cultures of my the grocery store or take a walk for fear of being targeted.
friends who had come from all different places. But the question is: What can we do about it? We have
Melanie: When we moved from Paris to Geneva I was put some suggestions:
in the International School of Geneva for elementary 1. Avoid making negative statements about any racial,
school, and I had a hard time making real friends: most of ethnic, or religious group. Reach out to your neighbors
the other students were foreign diplomats' kids, and and colleagues who might feel at risk because of their
retrospectively, I don't think any of them felt like they had ethnicity, religion, or other traits.
roots, which made them too aggressive for the sensitive 2. Providing accurate information about people, events,
girl I was then….TCKs are, for the most part, educated in and culture is important. This is especially important
international schools since these are easy to transfer in when news reports have negative statements about any
and out of when their parents’ posts are changed. specific group.
3. In order to avoid creating prejudice and mistrust, don’t
2. focus on the nationality, ethnicity, or appearance of those
An international school is built around the experience of who live where Covid-19 originated.
TCKs so as to make their transition easier from country to 4. Speak up when you hear, see, or read discriminatory
country and from international school to international comments, particularly on social media.
school. The body of students within an international In the end, let’s remember that stigma will not fight Covid-
school is incredibly diverse in terms of culture, countries 19, but sharing accurate information will. Calling it a
of origin, and the extent to which each child is a TCK. 'Chinese virus' only encourages stereotyping, anger, and
International school kids all around the world will have harassment against people of Asian descent at a time when
similar experiences when attending different we should all be working together to get through this
international schools while still having to find their own public health crisis.
individual identity. Although the other children might not
be of the same country of origin as oneself, relating to the
(adapted; accessed in November 2021)
experiences of other TCKs helps TCKs further develop
friendships and relationships within an international
3. Listen to a reporter talking about the increase in
school. The common background of being a TCK brings
insults and threats to Chinese Canadians since the
about a common sense of identity for kids that attend
pandemic began. Match the percentages with the
international schools. This relationship that is built on the
topics. Three of them do not apply.
grounds of being a TCK is incredibly important so that
Chinese Canadians report an alarming increase in the
TCKs can move around the globe and still feel a sense of
number of attacks as a result of COVID 19. Angus Reid
finding more than half of Chinese Canadian surveyed say
https://research.library.fordham.edu/ they have been called names or insulted. 43% reported
(adapted; accessed in November 2021) having been personally threatened or intimidated. 8% say
they have been physically attacked by strangers. 13% say
1.3/1.4 LISTENING they have been frequently threatened or intimidated.
Another 30% said they have been exposed to anti-
1.3 Listen to the first part of an institutional ad for the Chinese social media, graffiti or jokes.
prevention of discrimination brought about by the
pandemic and decide whether the following statements https://www.ctvnews.ca
are True, False or Not Mentioned. (adapted; accessed in November 2021)

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 315

TESTS UNIT 1 The experience is an emotional rollercoaster of highs and
lows but in every aspect of it, there’s always a silver lining
1.1/1.2 TEST and I feel truly privileged and appreciative of this
1. Listen to Ellis Idris, a journalism student, talking about opportunity that not every individual gets.
herself as a Citizen of the World. Choose the right ending I’ve also come to the realisation that home is where the
to complete each sentence. heart is and my heart belongs to people and places all
As someone who considers themself a TCK, I’ve had my over the world.
fair share of identity crises just like every other person on https://www.hercampus.com/
this planet. Being conflicted about where I feel like I truly (abridged; accessed in November 2021)
belong has been a large part of that.
My dad is Malaysian and my mum is Singaporean. So, that 1.3/1.4 TEST
doesn’t really make me an interesting mix… To put it 1. Listen to a definition of Global Citizenship and order
frankly, Singapore was once a part of Malaysia so my the following statements according to what you hear (1
“mix” barely even counts whereas my friends have to 5). (There are two extra statements.)
parents from opposite ends of the world. What is Global Citizenship?
But that didn’t stop me from feeling lost at some points It involves the awareness that the world is connected as
in my life. To give you a little context, I was born in the one. And that the individual members that make up the
Philippines, where I lived for two years. I then moved to world are also connected as citizens of the world’s
Algeria for another two years before finally settling down humanity. Rapid globalization has brought the world
in Malaysia – or so I thought. closer. Exchanges between countries are more frequent
I lived in Malaysia for 14 years, mainly because my and the stories of the people on the other side of the
parents wanted me to grow up in a stable environment earth are now the stories of our neighbors. The world is
despite my dad receiving offers to work abroad several becoming one global village.
times. After graduating from the Australian International Similarly, the political, economic and social issues of the
School of Malaysia that I attended for 11 years, my family modern world are now beyond any one nation’s ability to
and I moved to Austria. Then I started university in solve. To address these issues, we need to feel a sense of
England. common responsibility and look for solutions together as
For the past two years, I’ve been living in between these global citizens.
two countries. My time in Malaysia was significantly The term “citizen” implies the person’s right to
longer in comparison to the other countries I’ve lived participate politically in a city or country. Combined with
in, so you may assume that I call Malaysia my home. the term “global”, the person’s identity is expanded
Which for the most part, I do. beyond geographical and political boundaries. This
But it was always almost impossible to feel like a true means that a global citizen’s responsibilities or rights are
local when I can count the amount of words I know, in my derived from being member of the human race.
supposedly native language, on one hand. Aristotle, the father of political science, said, “A good
My dad was a diplomat which involved a lot of travelling citizen must have the ability and wisdom to govern,
and moving countries. So, my parents felt that it was moderation and prudence, and knowledge of what is
important for me to be fluent in English, which became right.” Extending this concept to global citizenship, a
my first and only language. They also wanted me to global citizen is someone who possesses the wisdom and
attend an international school so that I wouldn’t morality to govern the world righteously.
experience a culture shock abroad.
Attending an international school for most of my life was Sunkah Peace Prize, https://www.youtube.com
another factor affecting my sense of belonging. While I (adapted; accessed in December 2021)
had the privilege of learning about and being exposed to
a wide variety of cultures through my foreign friends and 2. Listen to three people talking about being a Global
teachers as well as events at school that celebrated our Citizen. Match the names in column A with the ideas
diverse backgrounds, it also meant that I didn’t they express in column B. There are two extra
experience growing up like most locals in Malaysia. sentences.
In Malaysia, I was too westernised to fit in with the locals, Hussain Haider 23 years | Pakistan
and since moving to Europe, I’m too Asian to fit in with As a global citizen, I feel a freedom to express, care and
the locals here. Thus, I’ve somewhat always been stuck in love for humanity beyond boundaries and borders. Being
limbo in terms of my belonging. a global citizen means we have a greater responsibility
Along with belonging, goodbyes never get easier no and we cannot be concerned only about our own country.
matter how often you say it. Being a TCK means that It is a great feeling at the same time – the feeling that my
sometimes, the closest people to you are the ones you friends from all parts of the world are my family and I am
hardly see because you and your best friends eventually not only a global citizen but also that I have a global
move abroad or return to your respective countries. family, and I am a part of so many cultures and so many
While being a TCK can be difficult, there are so many traditions.
benefits to it. Some that were listed by researchers Will Friend 17 years | USA
Pollock and Van Recken include an expanded world-view, Globalization has lead us a to a point where we can solve
resilience, adaptability, independence, multilingualism, the challenges that are still seen as insurmountable out
early maturity and many more. of habit. We can end world hunger, and although I don’t
think we’ll ever see a world free of conflict, I do think it

316 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

can be made to stem solely from personal difference and these challenges, so that it does not disappear from
rather than wholesale dismissal of others based on the conscience of the world.
aspects like nationality or sexual orientation. I think the In October 2018 the IOC session decided to create a
big truth, at least taken from my 17 years of wisdom, is refugee Olympic Team for Tokyo 2020. A reminder to
that the way of the world is what you make it to be. displaced people everywhere that they are not forgotten.
Miyoba Buumba 25 years | Zambia Filippo Grandi (UN High Commissioner for Refugees): I
I feel so proud and peaceful to be called a global citizen. see this as a very positive initiative. We learned in Rio in
Though I have never experienced war or conflict in my 2016 that the presence of a dedicated refugee team
country, I feel sad when I see and hear media reports of among all other teams competing in the games was a
such happenings in other parts of the world. My heart powerful message. Refugees are people like others, they
bleeds for the innocent men, women and children who like to compete, they have the same strengths and
fall victims of such bloodshed. I was happy, hopeful and weaknesses as others.
most of all relieved when I first heard of the term ‘global For 25 year the IOC and the UNHCR have used sport to
citizenship’ because then I knew that the slow but help refugees. Following the advent of the first ever
effective approach to a peaceful world has finally come. I Refugee Olympic Team in Rio, the IOC created the
strongly believe that the world will surely be peaceful if Olympic Refuge Foundation.
everybody embraced the concept of global citizenship. The IOC continues to support the ten athletes from the
first Refugee Olympic Team as well as others by olympic
www.mgiep.unesco.org solidarity’s refugee athletes support programme.
(adapted; accessed in December 2021) Through scholarships, olympic solidarity and their host
national Olympic Committees are helping the refugees to
EXAM-STYLE TEST participate in high level competitions. Competing in
Taekwondo, Judo, Swimming, Weight Lifting, Athletics,
Text 1
Boxing, Karate and Badminton, the refugee scholarship
You will hear three teenagers talking about
holders hope to be part of the IOC Refugee Olympic Team
at Tokyo 2020. The IOC Refugee Olympic Team has
become a symbol of hope, of peace over war, of
Volunteering is commiting acts of kindness within your
determination in the face of adversity, and of the power
community. It can be anything from building a house to
of sport.
even cleaning a park. Within the last 20 years or so, youth
Thomas Bach: The refugees are an enrichment to sport
volunteerism has gained a lot of traction with some high
and can be an enrichment to society though their
schools even making it a graduation requirement.
When you volunteer, it builds character and it gives you
a sense of pride. It gives young people opportunities that WORKSHEETS UNIT 2
they might not have otherwise a chance to experience. It
creates a good example for other youth who might want 2.3/2.4 LISTENING
to volunteer. It gives young people the ability to broaden
2. Listen to the first part of a text about the impact of
their horizons and be more empathetic to others.
advertising on society. Number the positive aspects in
Volunteering gives young people the opportunity to
the order you hear them.
experience different places and environments.
An advertisement has a tremendous effect on the mind
of an individual. This, in some cases, can have long-lasting
effects on youth, society, economy and daily life.
Often times the effects of youth volunteering stay with us
Advertisements are meant to gain market share for a
throughout our lives. We become more open people,
product or to make the public aware of it. But, these can
who are willing to work hard to change situations around
have positive and negative effects based on their content
us that might not be ideal. And they really affect the
and intent.
quality of life of those who you’re working with. And in a
1. Advertisements help people get information regarding
world that’s becoming increasingly transactional in
new products, methods, concepts and government
nature, it’s really refreshing to see people, especially
schemes meant for the public. Without ads, we would
young people take time out of their days to help without
often be unaware of better and useful products and
the promise of compensation. It really awakens the
services available on the market. When there are multiple
humanitarian within us all.
products available, ads help in informed decision-making
for product purchases.
Text 2
2. Ads enable to bring health awareness and support to
You will hear people talking about the IOC Refugee
the people in a society. Governments invest in television
Olympic Team.
advertising and other mass media before starting a
We live in a world where one person is displaced every
programme of mass vaccination. This helps everyone in
two seconds.
the country to get vaccinated in time. Good hygiene
Thomas Bach (IOC President): The reasons why we
practices can also be transmitted to the population in
created the first ever Refugee Olympic Team four years
pandemics and other emergencies.
ago still persists through sport; we wanted to make a
contribution to keep the world aware of these problems

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 317

3. One can get access to job vacancies by going through
ads and classifieds. These classifieds have become a
common source of information for young people looking 2.1/2.2 TEST
for jobs. Similarly, governments and other organizations
can put public projects out to tender. 1.
4. Governments use advertising to remind the public of Although climate change is the issue of the moment, it is
their fiscal obligations. The public is often unaware of not the only major environmental problem we'll face this
deadlines for the payment of taxes, and government ads decade. Let's avoid an unsustainable future by looking at
are one way to ensure they are paid on time. the challenges ahead.
5. Ads are the prime source of revenue for media The UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
channels. They sponsor sport and other shows on reflects the environmental concerns that will mark this
television. Thus, they entertain for free for the viewers. century's third decade. What’s the goal? To achieve a
6. Ads are a major source of income for many big more just, prosperous and environmentally friendly
companies like Google, Yahoo, Newspapers, television world. What's the main problem? We are behind
channels, etc. Even many major sports events are schedule, and it may not be possible to save the planet in
sponsored through ads by big companies. Since time. Will the future be like a scene straight out of a
advertising brings in huge revenues, it offers many career science fiction film.
opportunities for enthusiasts, in the form of journalism, In Waterworld, dry land had almost completely
content creation, anchoring and more. disappeared, and there was a shortage of drinking water,
7. Many ads are designed to boost the sales of products vegetation, and crops. In The Day After Tomorrow, the
by companies. This mass purchasing is clearly beneficial world faces the consequences of climate change,
to the seller, but not necessarily so for the customer or
culminating in global glaciation. In I Am Legend, Will
the environment.
Smith is one of the few survivors of a pandemic that
8. Advertisement displays lifestyle and other life
devastated the entire planet. Wall-E, though intended for
improvements. This way, they help the audience stay
children, tells the story of the effects of poor waste
updated in life regarding technology and developments.
management on Earth. Different problems with different
3. Listen to the second part of the text and circle the solutions, but a common motivation: saving the planet
three negative aspects that are mentioned. and, in doing so, ourselves.
Ads are aimed at capturing the minds of people who view
https://www.iberdrola.com (accessed in December 2021
them and pass information without asking for it. This
information can be positive, negative, manipulative,
political, and even misleading.
• Just like media news outlets, ads sometimes can hurt 2. Listen to some key facts and figures from the OCDE
the feelings of a few religions or communities. Environmental Outlook to 2050: the consequences of
• Though some products are not good enough to perform inaction report. What will the world be like in 2050
as promised by ads, they are still promoted. This is done without new policies? Complete sentences with the
just with business in mind and not customer benefit. numbers you hear.
Some companies run a long time advertisement for • The World population is expected to increase from 7
such useless products to get people hooked on them. In billion today to over 9 billion in 2050. A growing
doing so, they try to prevent the growth of other better population is likely to increase pressures on the natural
brands. Some of the ads are aimed at students or resources that supply energy and food.
children. This sometimes changes the behaviour of • Over a quarter of the population in OECD countries is
children or students in their lifestyle, education and projected to be over 65 years of age in 2050 compared
other areas. Even they may take loans or borrow money to about 15% today. China and India are also likely to
so as to be able to buy the items advertised. see significant population ageing, with China’s
• Some ads are purely fraudulent as they try to entice workforce actually shrinking by 2050.
people into making purchases with false promises. This • Cities are likely to absorb the total world population
can sometimes be related to employment, investment,
growth between 2010 and 2050. By 2050, nearly 70%
etc. When the visitor engages with them, they get
of the world population is projected to be living in
conned. And since they are far away from the
urban areas.
company’s local point, they give up fighting.
• Not all people like to see ads all the time. There are even • A world economy four times larger than today is
hoardings with ads beside the roads which distract projected to need 80% more energy in 2050 without
drivers. So, ads disturb the human mind a lot. They new policy action.
occupy the mind and tend to create many unnecessary • To feed a growing population with changing dietary
thoughts. This can waste valuable energy and time for preferences, agricultural land is projected to expand
the mind. For some people the presence of ads on globally in the next decade to match the increase in
television and websites is extremely irritating. food demand, but at a diminishing rate. A substantial
Yet, ads are the main source of income for those free increase in competition for scarce land is expected in
television shows or websites. If these shows or websites the coming decades.
are to remain free for use by visitors or audiences, then • Global greenhouse gas emissions are projected to
the display of ads is inevitable. increase by 50%, primarily due to a 70% growth in
energy-related CO2 emissions.
https://www.mindcontroversy.com (adapted; accessed in
January 2022)

318 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

• The atmospheric concentration of GHGs could reach impact on the environment. This is why the sustainability
685 parts per million (ppm) CO 2 equivalents by 2050. movement has become a global trend.
As a result, global average temperature is projected Many industries or brands are now gearing towards the
to be 3 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius above movement of sustainability. This is particularly true in the
pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, fashion industry where slow, low-impact fashion is now
exceeding the internationally agreed goal of limiting it preferred over fast fashion. According to ThredUp‘s annual
to 2 degrees Celsius. Resale Report, the fashion resale market is swelling,
• Globally, terrestrial biodiversity is projected to growing 21 times faster than the retail market over the
decrease by a further 10% by 2050, with significant past three years. Because more consumers are choosing
losses in Asia, Europe and Southern Africa. ethical and affordable used items, forward-thinking brands
• Globally, mature forest areas are projected to shrink by are innovating ways to capture the interest of their target
13%. consumers. One of these ways is by developing products
• Global water demand is projected to increase by some and services that are safe and eco-friendly.
55%, due to growing demand from manufacturing, This is where the important role of social media
thermal electricity generation and domestic use. In the influencers comes into play. Sustainability influencers are
face of these competing demands, there will be little the game changers who genuinely care about social
scope for expanding irrigation water use under this change and environmental impact, and they use their
scenario. voices to promote change and sustainability. If they are
true to what they believe in and stand for, they can
https://www.oecd.org (accessed in December 2021) encourage their followers and audiences to do the same.
In the same manner, when influencers endorse a product
that they genuinely like, they can inspire their followers
3. to try it as well.
Climate change is threatening the safety and security of Authenticity is the key that drives consumers to follow
millions of people globally. It amplifies existing social, suit and they expect it not only from the influencers but
political and economic tensions, encouraging also from the brands. Consumers are more inclined to
competition for dwindling resources and ultimately support brands with a social purpose if they have genuine
fuelling conflict. The world’s richest nations are care for the environment and advocate sustainability in
responsible for releasing the largest amounts of heat- the long run.
trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, yet the https://www.amraandelma.com
poorest will be the first and worst affected by its impacts. (adapted; accessed in January 2022)
Tiny island nations like Carabas have emitted
comparatively insignificant amounts of greenhouse EXAM-STYLE TEST
gases, yet climate change threatens their very existence.
Coastal states like Bangladesh face floods, cyclones and Text 1
erosion, which force people from their homes and into You will hear three people talking about Regenerative
neighbouring countries. Tourism.
Marco Ramazzotti
Migration on this scale can create hostility, turning
A few years ago, I would have never thought that you can
neighbours into enemies.
visit a place and leave it in a better state than before you
In 2012 alone, 31.7 million people were forced to arrived. But then I moved to Copenhagen and found that
abandon their homes as a result of natural disasters not only is regenerative travel possible, but it can be
associated with climate change. That’s one person every developed everywhere with the right mindset. Among
second. the most eco-friendly capitals in the world, Copenhagen
Climate change will increase the frequency of extreme is constantly broadening the discussion of sustainability
weather events, crop failures and droughts across the and rethinking tourism development by creating new
world. Many countries, particularly those currently or opportunities for responsible tourism. This is the case of
recently involved in conflicts, are already too fragile to GreenKayak, which rents out kayaks FOR FREE in
deal with this increased pressure. Climate change is not exchange for picking up trash along the way. All my
just an environmental issue, it’s also a human rights issue. friends that did it were ecstatic about the experience, as
it was not only an amazing way to see the city, but it also
made us feel like true ambassador of the destination that
2.3/2.4 TEST were actually contributing to the critical job of reducing
water pollution.
1. Listen to the text about sustainable influencers and
choose the most suitable option to complete the Chris Seek
sentences. Ever since my first introduction to sustainable tourism,
I committed my life’s purpose to ensuring tourism
In today’s fast-paced society, there has been a growing minimizes negative impacts and maximizes positive
clamor for the protection of the environment against impacts. I am fortunate to have a job that lets me travel
unethical industrial practices and waste production. It around the world and work with destinations that are
can’t be denied that industrial processes have a huge embracing the concept of regenerative travel so it’s hard

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 319

for me to pick just one example to share. When I think of environment a priority. Even though there are many
destinations that are implementing successful tourism positive impacts of the tourism industry, the negative
development strategies to transform their communities, impacts are far worse. These negative impacts need to be
the one that stands out is the town of Rocky Mount, NC minimised by implementing individual sustainable
where my wife grew up and her extended family still lives solutions such as being conscious about transportation,
today. What is known to most as a highway stop on the lodging, packing, eating and spreading awareness, among
way North or South on I-95, the community had very little others.
to offer visitors beyond roadside chain hotels and fast- Overall the negative impacts of tourism fall into three
food restaurants. But then something changed. The local major categories: the depletion of natural resources,
government decided that tourism development could pollution and ecosystem degradation. These three major
stimulate their local economy and improve the lives of effects are caused mainly by tourist transportation
their residents. As they looked around the destination, methods, the construction of tourist attractions and
they realized that the 82-acre abandoned Cotton Mill hotels, and tourist activities that are conducted near
located on the banks of the beautiful Tar River could help wildlife. These growing problems must be reduced
regenerate the community’s spirit and preserve the immediately because it is unreasonable to totally
history of the town while also breathing new life into this terminate tourism. There are different solutions that
abandoned historical asset. need to be put in place to ensure the environment safety
and the reduction of the negative aspects of travelling.
Daniela Mastronardi A large number of these solutions are direct actions that
When I think of regenerative travel my mind immediately tourists can personally take to help maintain an eco-
goes to my first experience at an agriturismo, also known friendly environment. Multiple of these remedies enable
as a farm-stay, in Italy. Agriturismo is one of the growing one to cut back on releasing greenhouse gas emissions.
trends in Italian tourism – emerging as a response to Firstly, tourists need to cut back on flying. Individuals can
decades of slow economic growth in small towns – and choose to drive to destinations or take trains. People can
has brought tourists into rural Italy to support local also travel shorter distances and participate in local
communities. They’ve popped up all over Italy, and the activities while walking or using bicycles. One can even
one I stayed in with some friends in the summer of 2019 purchase carbon offsets and donate to carbon offset non-
is in Umbria. This farmhouse from the late 1800s was profit organisations to counteract their personal carbon
restored to the original architecture and run and footprint. Tourists also need to be cautious about their
maintained by a couple who purchased the farm in the lodging choices. It is important to check, to see whether
early 2000s. Think of it as a bed-and-breakfast, except the property uses renewable energy, participates in
tourists are invited to work on the farm alongside locals sustainable community projects and is sensitive to the
who were hired to handle the agriturismo operations. environmental needs of the destination. Furthermore,
The experience allowed us to rediscover nature through tourists should be careful with what they eat Avoiding
old and local traditions, like collecting olives for olive oil meat and dairy products is another sustainable
production. It was a truly unique experience. Not only precaution, because these products are more carbon-
were our meals at the farmhouse prepared with intensive to produce.
ingredients grown on the property, but we able to Another possible solution to negative tourism impacts is
explore a small town that we would have otherwise that tourists could choose more sustainable destinations.
overlooked, all while connecting with locals in numerous Locations in the countries of Slovenia, Palau, and Spain
shops, restaurants, and vineyards. Our destination are great places to visit while leaving a light-carbon
revitalised and kept the rich history of their property alive footprint. These countries, among others, were selected
while also providing unique sustainable practices that as sustainable destinations based on their governing
support the local community. body that manages sustainability, commitment to protect
natural resources and reduce energy consumption.
(adapted; accessed in January 2022)

Text 2
You will hear Sylvia talking about being a responsible
Hello everyone, my name is Sylvia Trader. Ever since I was
a toddler, vacations have been a tradition in my family.
We have been to Florida beaches, the Everglades,
Colorado ski resorts and stayed in national parks in the
Dakotas. However, of the numerous locations I visited,
Jamaica was by far the most memorable. Although this
vacation was astonishing there is one devastating aspect
that I will never forget. The struggling sea urchins tangled
in plastic and the amount of trash on the beach. As a
nature lover this caused my heart to ache. It also made
me question what effect my love to travel has on the
environment. To keep travelling, a popular hobby among
many, the world must make and maintain an eco-friendly

320 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

TESTS UNIT 3 days I just wanted to shut the voice in my head and talk
to some people outside home.
3.1/3.2 TEST Remote work is inevitable. Change will happen. But we
will lose that element of coming together in person and
1. Listen to a person talking about the topic “How can building things.
people thrive in the new world of work?” and choose Benson
the correct option to complete the sentences. I started working remotely two months ago and I have
realised that remote working is definitely better. It saves
How can people thrive in the new world of work? a lot of time in commuting, gives more family time,
The new world of work is daunting, uncertain and increases productivity and makes working more
complex, especially considering the fourth industrial comfortable.
revolution and the changes it has brought and is still to Given the times we are living in, remote working is the
bring in the workplace. It may all seem overwhelming but only viable option. There are many facts and theories that
a holistic approach to thriving in a rapidly changing work provide solid proof that remote working is here to stay. It
environment would ease the anxiety. Individuals and has been adopted by several companies and many more
organisations can prepare to thrive in this new space that are in the process of shifting.
is more focused on “human skills”. Rose
The components that are important in a holistic approach I can say that although working from home sounds
to thriving are individual and organisational. The ability to amazing, as it seems more flexible and you are doing it in
thrive in the workplace is a function of both an individual your own environment, you have to be very careful about
psychological makeup and the structure of the work setting boundaries and keeping motivated. Yes, you don't
environment. have a boss breathing down your neck – that's great, but
Individuals thrive when they are healthy, physically, some people need that to get their job done and avoid
emotionally and psychologically. Healthy people tend to procrastinating. So, if you do decide to work from home,
be more productive and are more likely to work in teams set clear boundaries for yourself.
and have positive relationships – these are skills that are Boundaries also help you not to feel like you are working
required in the new world of work. the whole day. It helps make a clear separation between
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, a home and work – which you would automatically have if
commitment to lifelong learning is quite important. working in an office.
Upskilling and reskilling, learning and unlearning to be Working from home also means you don't have the office
able to meet work demands that change constantly. The vibe, people working around you, that puts you in
World Economic Forum has published the skills that are working mode. Also, it is very important to get out of the
essential for the future and most of the skills are human house, so you are not home the entire day, which is not
skills that robots cannot excel in. In an uncertain world of so healthy.
work, adaptability is key. Thriving individuals are Working from home may work for you if you like to travel,
productive and have a positive impact on organisations because you can be anywhere in the world and still do
as a whole. They are engaged and satisfied with their your work. Just make sure to get out of the house, maybe
work. go to Starbucks or something, and have that as your
https://peoplefactor.co.za (adapted; accessed in February
2022) https://www.quora.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

2. You will hear three people expressing their opinion on

remote work. Match the names in column A with the EXAM-STYLE TEST
ideas they express in column B. All the ideas are used
1. You will hear three people answering the question “Is
the world of work forever changed?”.
Working remotely is tough. It is hard to keep the
There has been a noticeable shift away from the
motivation alive every day.
traditional career restaurant worker to one that juggles
As human beings we usually try to choose the path of
multiple jobs or jumps from one to the next. People are
least resistance to get work done. Cutting corners could
looking for true fulfilment in their lives and careers, and
become easy. Although companies are gearing up for this
with e-commerce businesses easier to set up than ever,
kind of work in the future, it may not be suitable for
workers have become their own bosses and have even
started their own enterprises. Restrictions on indoor
There is some earnestness in getting up and dressing up
dining, coupled with the fact that many people are
for work. Showing up is such an important trait in humans
working from home, have created a new pattern of habits
that it hits the feel-good factor every time you show up.
concerning how food is both approached and consumed.
This daily activity, smiling at known people, an occasional
gossip, sharing lunch, a handshake, a personal invitation
Before the pandemic, most of us tried to maintain a
to an event, and all this, goes a long way.
boundary between our work lives and our lives at home.
I missed them when I was completely working remotely.
Children were seen rarely, and then mostly in desktop
Also while remote, every day the only opinion we hear is
photos. Parents quietly adjusted their schedules without
our own. Some days, it gets overwhelming. There were
drawing attention to their caregiving obligations.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11 321

The pandemic destroyed these porous boundaries.
Suddenly, kids were in full view on Zoom; a barking dog
or dancing cat might provide a cheerful moment. 10-MINUTE TESTS – LISTENING
Employers adjusted to scheduling around our caregiving
responsibilities. 1.1/1.2
Necessity has forced change and led each of us to
reimagine what’s possible. And that reimagining has led 1. Listen to someone talking about the importance of
workers to see more control for themselves, and better learning from different cultures. Choose the correct
opportunities ahead. option.
For some this will mean not returning to the office full
time. The typical worker whose job can be done there is Want to live your best life? Time to start learning from
likely to continue working from home at least part of the other cultures
time. The time saved and convenience brought benefits Everyday we’re given opportunities to learn something
too great to give back. new and make a positive change, especially when we're
Beyond working from home, many people are looking for in different countries, living side by side with different
something new. They are negotiating where and how cultures. So what can we learn from our neighbours
much they choose to work, and are walking away from around the world?
low-paying, high-risk jobs. In India, you have to be patient whether you like it or not.
Tina The chaos of the traffic can be overwhelming to tourists,
The workplace is today a site of self-doubt; even more of so how do you think locals feel dealing with it day in, day
a mirage for bosses than it is for employees. The boss may out? Exactly, and that’s where the famed Indian smile
think she has a staff, but what she’s got are ghost soldiers comes in handy! Accepting that some things are out of
– push them a little and they melt away. This leaves your control and everything will happen (eventually) is
managers powerless in the face of demands for a hybrid how they approach life, and it’s a great lesson to take on
office, a creature which only works if employees come in board if you find yourself getting frustrated as you rush
to work simultaneously. If they don’t, it’s impossible to from task to task.
hold a meeting without critical gaps at the table. It means Another example: eating while walking in Japan is a big
having a number of participants who log in and are no-no. It’s considered impolite and takes attention away
forgotten about, and a no-show or two who later explain, from the joy of chowing down, which I think we can all
“I’m sorry I missed that one – the Wi-Fi in Vermont is relate to. Eating slowly and with intention is also praised
really bad.” by mindfulness experts and weight loss gurus, as it makes
https://www.nytimes.com you aware of the taste, smell and fullness you get from
(adapted; accessed in February 2022) your dish. That’s not to say it’s a diet (or that you should
even be on one) but that food is such an amazing part of
2. You will hear a person talking about the future of your life, so why would you want to be distracted from it?
work. Back to Europe, if you haven’t heard about the Danish
practice of hygge by now then you are in for a treat,
The Future of Work is Now because it literally means being warm, happy and
The way we work, how, where, and with who we do it is relaxed. It’s a central part of life in Nordic countries and
changing faster than ever before. This is especially true in yet somehow, those countries are also SUPER productive
the wake of COVID-19. Nearly half of employees will work and have high levels of workplace (and overall)
remotely after the pandemic, compared to 30% before. happiness. How does that work, you ask? The idea of
Simply put, this is a transformative moment in the future hygge is that by taking time on for yourself you improve
of work. How fast and how strategically companies adapt your well-being and won’t be as stressed, therefore you
to it will determine whether or not they thrive. But what get more done because your brain isn’t an angry hive of
can they do? First, consider how flexibility fuels employee bees. Simple as that!
performance. The pandemic broke the 9-to-5 on-site In Greece, “old man” is not a negative thing to say. It’s
work paradigm. When employees are given radical actually a compliment! To grow old in Greek culture is an
flexibility over where, when and how much they work, achievement worthy of celebration, and the older
more than half report high performance versus 36% of generations act as the heads of their families and are
the 9-to-5-ers. Executives must also consider honoured for their lifetime of wisdom. Of course, Greece
demographics. For the first time, five generations are isn’t the only place where elderly people are deeply
working together. The arrival of Gen Zs will accelerate respected; countries like Korea, China and India also give
demands like flexible work schedules and location. their older family members pride of place, and adopting
Finally, keep automation in mind. By 2024, nearly 70% of the same mentality could transform your relationships
what a manager does will be automated. And while many with your elders.
simple jobs will be eliminated by automation, other jobs
that require creativity, empathy and judgment will be in https://www.contiki.com
even greater demand. The way you work can be the (adapted; accessed in February 2022)
weakest link in your digital transformation strategy, or it
can drive a sustained and long-lasting competitive
advantage. Don’t let the future of work dictate your

322 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

1.3/1.4 2.1/2.2
1. Listen to someone talking about being a refugee. 1. Listen to someone talking about Sustainable
Choose the correct option. Development Goals. Choose the correct option.

I never expected to be a refugee Sustainable development goals

I never expected to be a refugee. I joined a university The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known
when I was 18 years old, enrolling in the English as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations
department at Basra (the Port of Iraq). At the end of my in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty,
time there, I graduated second in my department. I protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people
moved to Baghdad to teach undergraduate and could enjoy peace and prosperity. Look at the problems
postgraduate students of the English Department at that prompted two of the environmentally-concerned
Baghdad University College of Education for Women. Life goals.
felt almost perfect, and it seemed I was very successful. Goal 14 – Life below water
Then, in 2003, the unexpected happened. The United The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry,
States invaded Iraq. This was when my life would change currents and life – drive global systems that make the
forever. We had never expected to be refugees. I took a Earth habitable for humankind.
one-year leave to live in Jordan, just to rethink and find Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal
some rest. However, the war continued on and when we biodiversity for their livelihoods. However, today we are
were accepted into the States, we took our chance to go. seeing 30 percent of the world’s fish stocks
All I knew of America was what I had studied in literature overexploited, sinking below the level at which they can
and what I had seen from Oprah and Dr Phil’s shows. I produce sustainable yields.
had an idea of what American culture would be like, but Oceans also absorb about 30 percent of the carbon
it proved to be very different. dioxide produced by humans, and we are seeing a 26
In the beginning, our time in America was really tough. percent rise in ocean acidification since the beginning of
Our family had come from a comfortable background. We the industrial revolution.
were different from refugees that had come from Marine pollution, an overwhelming majority of which
impoverished countries or refugee camps. We went from comes from land-based sources, is reaching alarming
having everything to nothing and it was a shock. levels, with an average of 13,000 pieces of plastic litter to
My sister, niece and I cried for the next two weeks. We be found in every square kilometre of ocean.
were depressed and longed for what life had been. But Goal 15 – Life on land
we had to move forward. Surviving a war together, we Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean
knew we were not weak, but strong. We made the for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plant life provides 80
decision to do whatever it took not only to survive, but percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as
also to be successful again. an important economic resource. Forests cover 30
Three months later, World Relief offered me a job as an percent of the Earth’s surface, provide vital habitats for
Arabic interpreter and I eagerly accepted it. Not only did millions of species, and are important sources for clean
they offer me work, but they embraced me. They became air and water, as well as being crucial for combating
my second family, a family I had lost from my home climate change.
country. I knew this job was meant for me. Every year, 13 million hectares of forests are lost, while
Eventually, I went from working part-time with World the persistent degradation of drylands has led to the
Relief to a full-time position as a program caseworker. I desertification of 3.6 billion hectares, disproportionately
now have the opportunity to advocate for refugees and affecting poor communities.
immigrants just like myself. I have also served as a While 15 percent of land is protected, biodiversity is still
member of the Refugee Advisory Council for the past at risk. Nearly 7,000 species of animals and plants have
three years, along with starting a WhatsApp group to been illegally traded. Wildlife trafficking not only erodes
build community for refugee and immigrant women. I biodiversity, but creates insecurity, fuels conflict, and
have felt so loved during my time at World Relief. I have feeds corruption.
gained a community I never imagined having in America. Urgent action must be taken to reduce the loss of
I have been participating in many cultural festivals in natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our
order to create a mutual understanding about our Iraqi- common heritage and support global food and water
Arabic-Islamic culture. World Relief has given me the security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and
chance to teach about my country and culture and offers peace and security.
this same opportunity to other refugees.
https://worldrelief.org (adapted; accessed in February 2022)
(adapted; accessed in February 2022)

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2.3/2.4 If enough of us start moving towards an eco-minimalist
lifestyle, corporations, politicians, and decision-makers
1. Listen to someone talking about being a conscious won’t be able to ignore us anymore.
consumer. Choose the correct option.
https://impakter.com (adapted; accessed in February 2022)

What being a conscious consumer really looks like

The concept behind conscious consumerism is
straightforward. You only buy what you need and what is 3.1/3.2
essential. You don’t binge on items you already have
enough of or status things that look good or are very 1. Listen to someone talking about life as a digital
trendy and expensive to begin with but quickly lose value. nomad. Choose the correct option.
Becoming a conscious consumer takes time,
commitment, and a lot of mindfulness, while out and Tips for mastering life as a digital nomad
about shopping, and it doesn’t matter if you shop for Being able to work from anywhere in the world is an
small or large items. It also takes a lot of self-control not amazing gift. However, it isn’t all fun and games. It’s still
to be tempted by offers, deals and sales, especially
hard work. These tips have helped me find the perfect
nowadays when everything is just a click away and can be
paid for much later or in a gazillion instalments. balance and they can probably help you.
So, check some of my strategies to become less tempted 1. Balance between work and travel
and remain a conscious consumer. In a new country, it’s easy to spend too much time
– Thinking ahead and planning shopping trips is vital travelling and having fun and not enough time working.
when moving your life towards conscious consumerism. To make sure you get your work done, set boundaries for
Without a shopping list (it doesn’t matter what I shop when you work and when you go exploring. The best
for), I feel lost and often buy a ton of stuff I have no real digital nomads have strict calendars to ensure they get
use for. IKEA is a perfect example of a shop that makes everything done. But the best way to balance your work
you want to spend and spend some more. Personally, I and travel – and get to know destinations in incredible
try to avoid IKEA because I know that once I’m inside, I’ll detail – is to go slowly. Don’t head to a new city every
end up buying things I either already have or have no use other day. Don’t move cities even every week. Consider
for. Avoiding temptation is one of the best ways to hold spending weeks (if not months) in one place.
my consumption at bay. 2. Check the Wi-Fi
– As a family, we never go to shopping centres just to kill When you work online, fast Wi-Fi is vital. Don’t choose
time, to window shop or aimlessly walk from shop to your destination without taking a look at the Wi-Fi
shop in the hope of finding a deal. Our shopping centre situation. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find good Wi-Fi
trips are always intentional and don’t happen more than in countries and I can tell you nothing kills your
once or twice a year. When I decide to go shopping at one productivity more than spending the day finding good Wi-
of those mega shopping centres, I need to know precisely Fi!
which shops I’m going to go into and what I’m looking for. As a digital nomad, you’ll be connecting to Wi-Fi networks
However, my preferred shopping method is small local in all kinds of places. Banking, personal messages, e-mail
shops, online shopping, especially when the sale is on, or – they can all be accessed if you aren’t careful. Make sure
markets and charity shops. your information is protected by using a reliable virtual
– Another way of becoming less tempted with offers is to private network (VPN), which masks your online
unfollow your favourite brands from social media and signature so your data can’t be stolen.
mailing lists. If you spend a lot of time online, constant 3. Check the time
exposure to discounts and new “must-have” trends might If you have a job that requires meetings with other people,
become problematic over a long period. make sure to keep time differences in mind. You don’t
– The fashion industry is one of the three top polluters of want to be waking up at 4 a.m. for a conference call! Or
our planet right now. So, we consciously add to that have e-mails flooding in right when you’re about to log off
pollution with every clothing item we buy, especially if we for the day. Working at all hours will tank your productivity
don’t necessarily need them. That gives the clothing as well as prevent you from enjoying your travels and free
brands we purchase from permission to produce more time. There’s no point in becoming a digital nomad if you
because they believe there is a strong demand for their only spend your time staring into a screen just like you did
products. One of the best ways to go about buying at home.
clothing is to buy second-hand items or clothing made Life as a digital nomad is incredibly liberating. While it
from recycled materials. When it comes to buying takes a lot of hard work and organizational skills, it also
clothing for myself, I’ve got so much at the moment that provides incredible flexibility and opportunities.
I don’t think I’ll be buying anything any time soon. However, it’s still a job, and that means you need to be
Besides, if I need anything, I can either borrow it from my smart about how you go about things.
mum or my sister.
(adapted; accessed in February 2022)

324 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11


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326 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | MySelfie 11

LeYa em Aveiro
Centro Comercial Glicínias Plaza, Lj 68-70
Rua D. Manuel Barbuda e Vasconcelos
3810-498 Aveiro

LeYa no Funchal
Rua do Hospital Velho, 44
Sta. Maria Maior
9060-129 Funchal

LeYa na Buchholz
Rua Duque de Palmela, 4
1200-098 Lisboa

LeYa na Latina
Rua de Santa Catarina, 2-10
4000-441 Porto

LeYa na Pretexto
Rua Formosa, 83
3500-135 Viseu

Título De acordo com o Art.o 21.o da Lei

Teacher’s File n.o 47/2006, de 28 de agosto, este
Myselfie © 2022, Texto Editores, exemplar destina-se ao órgão da
Inglês – 11.o ano Design Gráfico uma editora do Grupo LeYa escola competente para a adoção
Texto Editores de manuais escolares.
Autoras Internet
Noémia Rodrigues Créditos Fotográficos www.leyaeducacao.com
Paula Paixão Mendes ©Dreamstime
©iStock Livraria Online
Revisão Linguística www.leyaonline.com
James Scott Execução Gráfica
Apoio ao Professor
Julie Dawes Multitipo
Telefones: 707 231 231 / 210 417 495
E-mail: apoio@leyaeducacao.com

ISBN Ano | Edição | Tiragem Depósito Legal

978-111-11-5287-1 2022 | 1.a Edição | 1.a Tiragem N.o 494 469/22

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