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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Instituto de Educação à Distância

Tema: Tell us about your daily routines in details. In your writing, remember to use linguistic
devices like Adverbs of frequency, Conjuctions, Sequency markers, prepositions and many

Nome do estudante: Castigo Manuel Nder Código: :708233245

Curso: Licenciatura em ensino de Química

Disciplina: Inglês
Ano de frequência: 1º Ano

Nampula, Setembro de 2023

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Categorias Indicadores Padrões Pontuação
do Subtotal
• Capa 0.5
• Índice 0.5
Aspectos • Introdução 0.5
organizacionais • Discussão 0.5
• Conclusão 0.5
• Bibliografia 0.5
• Contextualização
(Indicação clara do 1.0
• Descrição dos
Introdução 1.0
• Metodologia
adequada ao 2.0
objecto do trabalho
• Articulação e
domínio do
académico 2.0
Conteúdo (expressão escrita
cuidada, coerência
/ coesão textual)
Análise e
• Revisão
nacional e
relevantes na área
de estudo
• Exploração dos
• Contributos
Conclusão 2.0
teóricos práticos
• Paginação, tipo e
tamanho de letra,
Formatação paragrafo, 1.0
espaçamento entre

Normas APA • Rigor e coerência

Referências 6ª edição em das
Bibliográficas citações e citações/referência
bibliografia s bibliográficas
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.1. Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.1. General objective: ............................................................................................... 2
1.1.2. Specific objectives: ............................................................................................. 2
1.2. Methodology ................................................................................................................. 2
2. Daily Routine and Linguistic Devices .................................................................................... 3
2.1. Linguistic Devices ........................................................................................................ 3
2.2. My daily routine ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2.1. From Monday to Friday ...................................................................................... 4
2.2.2. On Weekends ...................................................................................................... 6
3. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 7
References: ................................................................................................................................. 8
1. Introduction
In this work, we will address the central theme of daily routines. In each aspect of the
narrative, special emphasis will be placed on the use of linguistic devices, as they are essential
to offering a complete and detailed representation of a daily routine. The aim is not only to
share an insight into daily activities, but also to demonstrate a practical application of specific
linguistic elements. These include, but are not limited to, adverbs of frequency, conjunctions,
sequence markers, and prepositions. In addition to the main focus, this work will also
consider the inclusion of references to other peoples, ensuring a holistic and enriching
approach. Through this task, we intend not only to illustrate a daily routine, but also to
highlight the versatility and adaptability of the language in the context of narration.

1.1. Objectives
1.1.1. General objective:
❖ Develop understanding and effective application of linguistic devices in everyday writing

1.1.2. Specific objectives:

❖ Identify and classify different linguistic devices present in selected texts.
❖ Practice incorporating adverbs of frequency, conjunctions and sequence markers into
❖ Evaluate and correct the use of linguistic devices in texts produced.

1.2. Methodology
The methodology adopted will involve a tripartite approach: initially, analyzes of exemplary
texts will be conducted to identify linguistic devices. Then, writing will be done, integrating
the devices learned. Finally, the texts produced will be subjected to revisions.

2. Daily Routine and Linguistic Devices

2.1. Linguistic Devices

In this assignment I am going to talk about my daily routine in detal using the use linguistic
devices below:

1. Nouns: Words that name a person, place, thing, or idea. They can act as subjects, objects,
or prepositional objects in a sentence (Biber, 2002).
Example: Maria (person), park (place), apple (thing), freedom (idea).

2. Pronouns: Words that replace and refer to nouns. To avoid repetition and provide clarity
(Biber, 2002)..
Example: he, she, it, they, ours.

3. Adjectives: Words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns. They give more
information about the noun or pronoun (Biber, 2002)..
Example: red, old, happy, tall.

4. Verbs: Words that show action or state of being. They are essential for forming sentences
as they convey actions or states (Murphy, 2012).
Example: run, think, is, are.

5. Adverbs (including Adverbs of frequency): Words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other
adverbs (Murphy, 2012).
Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens.They provide more detail about
how an action is performed or how often (Murphy, 2012).
Example: quickly (adverb), always (adverb of frequency).

6. Prepositions: Words that show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the
sentence. They help in indicating direction, place, time, or manner (Murphy, 2012).
Example: on, in, at, with .

7. Conjunctions: Words that connect words, phrases, or clauses. They are used to form
complex sentences and show the relationship between ideas (Greenbaum, 1990).

Example: and, but, because.

8. Interjections: Words or phrases that express strong emotion or surprise. Usually stand alone
or at the beginning of a sentence, followed by a punctuation mark (Greenbaum, 1990).
Example: Oh!, Wow!, Ouch!

9. Sequence markers: Words or phrases that help in showing the order of events or ideas.
They are used to organize thoughts or events in a sequence (Greenbaum, 1990).
Example: first, then, next, finally.

10. Articles: Words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. They precede nouns to
indicate definiteness or indefiniteness (Greenbaum, 1990).
Example: a, an (indefinite articles), the (definite article).

2.2. My daily routine

2.2.1. From Monday to Friday

In the Morning
Every morning, the sun shines through my window and wakes me up. First, I get out of bed at
6:30 am, always eager to start my day. I then eat a simple breakfast, usually an apple or some
toast. The kitchen, with its aroma of fresh coffee, becomes my favorite place.
After eating, I wear my teacher's clothes. They are neat and comfortable. I have a big job: I
teach young students at a primary school nearby. The school is a short walk away, and I love
passing by the park on my way. Birds chirp, and children often play there.
At school, my students greet me with happy faces. We study different subjects like math and
English. Teaching is fun, but it's also a big responsibility. I want to help my students learn
well. During my break, I don't rest. Instead, I switch roles. I become a student. I open my
laptop and connect to my university classes. I am studying online, which makes it easier to
Around noon, my morning lessons end. I always feel a mix of tiredness and happiness. I think,
"Wow! Another good morning of teaching and learning is done." I pack my things and
prepare to head home. As a young man with many roles, my mornings are busy, but I
wouldn't have it any other way. It's a routine filled with joy, challenges, and lots of learning.

In the Afternoon
Every afternoon, when the school bell rings at 1 pm, I feel a sense of accomplishment. My
morning as a teacher has finished, but my afternoon is just beginning.
First, I walk back home from the school. The sun is usually bright in the sky, and I often see
kids from my class playing in the park. Sometimes, they wave at me, and I wave back. The
park, with its green trees and laughing children, is a place of joy.
Once home, I quickly grab a sandwich and a cold drink. Lunch is my little break, a moment of
rest. I often sit on my balcony, watching the cars and people below.
Next, it's study time. As a university student, I have classes online in the afternoons. I turn on
my computer, log into my student account, and join the virtual classroom. Even though it's
online, university is hard. But I always try my best. My dream is to get a higher degree, and
every afternoon is a step towards that goal.
Around 4 pm, I take a break. Sometimes, I go for a short run or just relax with a cup of tea.
Then, I spend another hour studying or doing assignments.
Finally, as the afternoon turns to evening, I close my books and computer. I feel proud of
what I've achieved. "Wow," I think, "I've done so much today!" Being both a teacher and a
student is not easy, but I love it. Every afternoon, I learn something new, and that's what
keeps me going.

At Night
After a long day as a teacher and student, nighttime is my solace. The city noises lessen, and
calmness envelops my apartment. First, as the sky darkens, I venture to the kitchen. Cooking
is therapeutic for me, and I often make a simple dinner, like pasta or a salad. The aroma of
spices fills the air, making my small space feel like home.
Post dinner, I allocate an hour for my university assignments. At this time, the world feels
quiet and I can focus. The computer screen illuminates my face as I dive into essays and
research. I usually sip on some green tea, its warmth comforting me during those chilly nights.
Next, around 9 pm, I engage in some leisure activities. Sometimes, I read a book or watch an
episode of a TV show. The stories transport me to different worlds, giving me a break from
my reality. I always ensure I laugh; it might be through a comedy series or a funny video.
Laughter, after all, is the best medicine.
Around 11 pm, I prepare for bed. I have a brief skincare routine - a face wash and some
moisturizer. After that, I lie in bed, sometimes listening to soft music or meditative sounds.
The tranquility of the night allows me to reflect. I think about my students, the lessons for the

next day, and my own studies. There's always a hope that tomorrow will be better, more
Finally, I close my eyes, and the weight of the day starts to lift. I drift into sleep, with dreams
of a bright classroom and the faces of eager young students looking up at me. Nighttime is not
just a period of rest for me, but a chance to rejuvenate and prepare for the day ahead.

2.2.2. On Weekends
Weekends! Oh, the joy they bring after a bustling week. On these days, I get a chance to relax
and recharge, taking a break from my teaching duties. But, being a distance learner, I still
have some studying to do.
First, I wake up at a comfortable 8 am, the sunlight peeking through my curtains. I slowly
stretch and then head to the kitchen. Making a hearty breakfast, often pancakes or scrambled
eggs, becomes my morning ritual. The scent of fresh coffee, my favorite indulgence, fills the
room, elevating my spirits.
After breakfast, I usually settle in my study nook, which overlooks a small park. From here, I
dive into my university assignments. Even on weekends, education is an integral part of my
life. While studying, I often play soft instrumental music, which helps me concentrate better.
By afternoon, I take a break and head outside. The park becomes my sanctuary. I enjoy a jog
or sometimes just sit on a bench, reading a novel or watching kids play. The laughter and
chatter rejuvenate my soul.
In the evening, I catch up with friends. We often meet at a local café, sharing stories, dreams,
and of course, a lot of laughter. Being young, the world feels full of endless possibilities, and
discussing them with pals is always a thrill.
Finally, at night, I wind down by watching a movie or listening to some soulful tunes.
Sometimes, I indulge in a bit more studying if there's an upcoming exam.
Weekends for me are a blend of relaxation and responsibility. They're the perfect mix of
leisure and learning, allowing me to be both the teacher and the student in the grand
classroom of life.

3. Conclusion
Throughout this work, I delved deeper into the art of narrating my daily routine using various
linguistic devices. This exercise demonstrated the vitality and richness of the language,
allowing me to communicate nuances, rhythms and particularities of my everyday life
effectively and vividly.
Firstly, by incorporating nouns, pronouns, adjectives, among others, I was able to paint a
more detailed picture of my daily life, from simple moments like the aroma of breakfast to
more complex interactions in the school environment. These devices allowed not only to tell a
story, but also to convey feelings, emotions and the atmosphere that surrounds each activity.
In particular, the adverbs of frequency and sequence markers helped create a sense of rhythm
and flow, guiding the reader through the different phases of my day.
Finally, this assignment reinforced the importance of using language consciously and
deliberately, not only to communicate facts, but also to evoke feelings, create connections,
and enrich descriptions. Furthermore, the exercise of reflecting on my daily routine gave me
an introspective perspective, making me appreciate even more the small joys and challenges
of everyday life. Language, when used with intention and skill, is not only a communication
tool, but also a window to the soul, revealing the nuances of our inner world and the
environment around us.

Biber, D. (2002). Longman student grammar of spoken and written English. Pearson
Greenbaum, S. (1990). A student's grammar of the English language. Harlow: Longman.
Murphy, R. (2012). English grammar in use: A self-study reference and practice book for
intermediate learners of English. Cambridge University Press.

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