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Quatro planos parciais foram criados por Zuggtmoy para ser usado tanto como fontes de poder e
como locais de preparação e armazenamento.
Eles são permanentemente e magicamente vinculados as áreas do norte de níveis de masmorra 3
e 4, e acessível a partir destes locais se o métodos adequados são empregados.
Cada um destes planos parciais (também chamada nódos) é preenchido por um corpo em forma
de lua pequena, encalhado em um pequeno, estranho, e isolada região de espaço magicamente
criado. efeitos severamente distorcidos de muitos tipos atormentam a superfície da lua, sendo
dentro de uma milha da borda do próprio plano. Assim, o 100 milhas quadradas de área de
superfície é em grande parte evitada.
Uma pequena parte do interior de cada nodo está em uso. Apesar de um nódo é quase 5 1/2
milha total (29.000 pés de diâmetro, ou um total de 94 milhas cúbicos), o espaço em uso atual é
apenas cerca de 1.600 por 2.100 pés de largura, variando de 10 a 250 pés de profundidade.
Os nódos existem apenas enquanto suas conexões com o calabouço permanecer intacta.
Se Zuggtmoy é morta, as conexões desaparecem, e os nódos fazem o mesmo ( ou assim se
pensa, apenas as conexoes desaparecem, os nodos são mantidos pelo poder do Olho Ancião).
Qualquer e todos as coisas dentro deles naquela época são enviados girando em um plano do
Abismo, quer para o plano de Zuggtmoy de ou adjacente (camadas 221-223).

Em dois dos mapas-aqueles para o nódo do Ar e da Água escala é muito maior do que nos
mapas de masmorra. Cada quadrado neles é de 50 pés de lado, em vez de 10. Apesar de o
tamanho das áreas, contudo, escala interior é usado em todos (limitando medidas de distância).
Os outros dois mapas (A Terra e Fogo Nodes) use padrão de escala, com quadrados de 10 pés.
com padrão lenta e cuidadosa progresso calabouço, um grupo pode levar muitos dias para
explorar a todo o mapa do nódo. Mas uma vez que personagens tornam-se mais utilizado para o
terreno, eles podem se mover em taxa de até 5 vezes o normal, se desejado, um 6 " taxa, assim,
mover até 30 quadrados por turno (Ou 6 nos mapas de ar e água). Nota, contudo, que tal uma
rápida aumentos da taxa chances de surpresa por + 1, a +3 em +6 (2 em cada 6 para rangers).

Em mapas 14 a 19, os símbolos utilizados para os elementos são um quadrado para a água, o
símbolo de oito pontas do fogo, um círculo para o ar, e um triângulo de terra. Todos estes
símbolos são mágicos, sendo os locais dos portões. Um glifo considerável de cerca de 3m está
do outro lado visível no chão em cada uma dessas localização. Até oito seres de tamanho
humano pode ocupar uma glifo de uma só vez.
Na área calabouço 351 e em cada nodo, Alguém que está em um destes símbolos para três
segmentos é enviado a partir daí para Nodo Elemental apropriado. O usuário chega ao centro do
mapa do Nodo; ver a A inscrição da área apropriada para obter detalhes.
Cada mapa do Nodo contém apenas três dos seguintes símbolos, a um correspondente ao nodo
em si sendo omitido. área de Masmorras 419 tem muitas salas que levam a portas para os nodos
(e para os planos elementais reais também), conforme observado na descrições da área. Cada
porta tem uma símbolo correspondente, e cada um trabalha de semelhante modo (mas é
intensificada através de, ao invés de ficou em cima).
Qualquer pessoa que possua uma gema de poder para o Yellowskull pode modificar o efeito de
transporte do glifo correspondente (por exemplo, o quartzo fumê pode afetar o glifo do ar -o
círculo, mas nenhum outro). O usuário deve conter a gema (solta ou montada), enquanto entrar
no glifo, concentrando-se outro glifo idênticos (aqueles na masmorra ou outro nodo). Após o
habitual três segmentos, o usuário e qualquer outros criatura (s) que entrar no glifo durante o
mesmo rodada é enviado para um dos idênticos glifos, em vez de no centro do nodo
correspondente . Use 1d4 para encontrar aleatoriamente o destino real:
1-2 = o mesmo símbolo em um nodo,
3 = nível calabouço 3 (área de 351),
4 = nível calabouço 4 (área de 421, 422, 424, 425, 427, 428, 431, ou 432, como por símbolo).

O glifo no ponto de ch00000egada é desativado por uma rodada por esse uso, mas deve ser
evadido rapidamente para que não envie o viajante (s) de distância, na próxima rodada (depois
de três habituais segmentos de ocupação).

Note-se que a própria esfera não é necessário para a alteração acima no uso dos símbolos;
apenas uma das jóias apropriadas é requerida. O resultado modificado aplica-se apenas
para que a utilização do glifo, e não permanentemente mudá-lo de qualquer forma.
Escapar dos nódos por outros meios é altamente improvável. Um desejo, mudança de plano, e
alguns outros efeitos de magia pode permitir o transporte, conforme detalhado na seguinte lista
de magias modificadas. Nenhum outro mágico ou meios mundanos terá sucesso. O número
dos ocupantes atuais dos nós testemunha a segurança do conjunto.

O clima dentro de cada nó foi concebido para o conforto dos seres elementais dentro. Os
elementos matérias concentrados pode causar danos aos visitantes. Cuidado- manter totalmente
a noção do tempo quando os personagens inseridos em um nódo elementar. Seres
completamente desprotegidos nativos do Plano primário tomam 1d4 pontos de dano a cada
turno de exposição no nódo. Qualquer ser com AC +8 ou melhor leva apenas 1-3 pontos por
turno. medidas não-mágicas (peles ou casacos no frio do nódo do ar, removendo armaduras no
nódo do fogo e assim por diante) reduz o dano a 1d2 pontos por turno. Qualquer resistência
mágico ou inata para o elemento ou os seus efeitos nega completamente danos ambientais.
O dano ambiental é esporádica, não constante. Não absolutamente evitar feitiços, mas pode
causar problemas. O DM deve verificar cada feitiço, rolando 1d6; se o resultado for 1, o
conjurador sofre algum dos danos ambientais durante o casting, que estraga o feitiço e previne
a sua conclusão. Ignorar este efeito , é claro, Se o lançador é magicamente imunes aos danos

No jogo, os personagens podem encontrar o seu caminho aos nós em busca de alguns meios de
destruindo Zuggtmoy, o Templo, e assim diante - se as gemas dos nódos fornecemos as chaves
para o fazer, dada a descoberta da Orbe, bem como (ou antes ou depois da recuperação das
gemas, na verdade). Mas se equivocam com os nódos, ou nela estão obrigados pela imprensa
de um ataque de monstro reunido (especialmente em Masmorra Nível Quatro), eles vão, sem
dúvida, passar muito tempo lá, vagando e procurando a saída. Essas vítimas são quase
condenado a menos que encontrar e, em seguida, descobrir os usos das gemas de poder.
O espaço não aqui permitir uma descrição completa de cada pequena parte dos quatro nós;
Depois de tudo, mesmo com o espaço limitado em uso, cada complexo nó compreende uma área
maior do que todos os quatro níveis de masmorra! aleatória e encontros colocados são dadas,
com outras notas, de modo que o conjunto pode ser reproduzido pois stands. Mas uma pequena
quantidade de tempo, esforço, e habilidade de sua parte pode desenvolver bruto notas em gemas
totalmente polidas de aventura, apenas dolorido para a descoberta.
As áreas do mapa foram numeradas para facilitar o seu posterior desenvolvimento. Sugerido
áreas para tocas são dadas nas notas de área.
Seleccione a partir das listas de monstro para preencher o áreas do mapa e adicionar
recompensas apropriadas para os tipos de tesouro. Quando a magia é indicado, rolar 1d100 e
referem-se ao tesouro mágico Tabela para encontrar os itens exatos.
Centenas de aventureiros, humanóides, e outros desapareceram para os nodos,
e seus traços (ou mesmo descendentes ou sobrevivência!) pode ser encontrado em qualquer
lugar. Sacrifícios chegam diariamente, mesmo agora em um ponto da baixa do poder de
Temple, tomada através do longo salões e jogou pelos portões pela clérigos e tropas do Templo
Maior sobre Masmorra Nível Quatro.
Se nenhum NPCs notáveis em sua campanha tem sido ausente, eles podem aparecer
Aqui. O mesmo se aplica a mágica singular dispositivos de uma vez em sua ( 'ou outros) a
posse, claro. E para as entidades de nível superior, certas criaturas poderosas uma vez banido de
ou derrotado no primeiro plano devido ao passado ações de caráter pode ser encontrada aqui,
tendo atingido um pacto com luz e Zuggtmoy em troca permanente ou temporária direito de
visita ....
Aqui deve ser todas as ferramentas para você, como Dungeon Master, para adaptar o jogo para o
personagens. Se os seus poderes são escassos, eles pode encontrar o equipamento e aliados. Se
saudável, eles não devem faltar para os adversários. Você tem o controle completo, com a
liberdade de adicionar subtramas, pistas, suspense e emoção como você vê o ajuste.
Em suma, desenvolver os nódos para se adequar a si mesmo e seus personagens. Aplicar o
general modificações dada para a magia, e a diretrizes para criaturas residentes, mas elaborar e
expandir as noções básicas dadas para que as aventuras aqui são desafiadores e significativos
para os seus jogadores, oferecendo alguns pequena chance de vitória e escapar.

Os nós elementares estão muito perto do plano primario, então a distância não provoca efeitos
nocivos para a maioria dos itens mágicos. Nenhum "pontos positivos" são perdidos de itens
permanentes. No entanto, muitas efeitos magicos podem ser alteradas, e os efeitos produzidos
por dispositivos podem ser do mesmo modo (com base no efeito mágico similar).
efeitos baseados em elementos e ataques têm duplo efeito (variação de duração, dano,
etc.) no nódo do mesmo elemento, mas metade do efeito em um nódo oposto. Por exemplo, uma
bola de fogo iria explodir ao volume duplo (67,020 pés cúbicos, ou uma esfera de cerca de 25
'raio) e o dobro de dano no fogo nó, ou metade do volume (16,705 pés cúbicos, ou pouco menos
de 16 'raio) no nó de água. De água e à base de gelo efeitos são reduzidos para metade no nó de
fogo; ataques aéreos e com base em terra são modificada de maneira semelhante. Quando um
efeito é baseada em dois elementos, são modificações plea metade. danos de um quarto em vez
de meio, ou 50% a mais, em vez de duplicado. Testes de resistência contra efeitos com o dobro
da força são feitos a -4, e em + 4 contra a meia-força.
Consulte as listas abaixo para outras alterações (tanto obrigatórios como possíveis) em feitiços e
magias-como efeitos produzidos por itens.


Algumas magias (mas não efeitos de item) podem ser deliberadamente alterados se o caster
souber como ao fazê-lo. Quando a frase "pode ser escalado como ... ' é dada na listagem, o
lançador de magias pode aprender a produzir o dado alterado efeito quando o feitiço foi lançado
2-3 vezes. Em tais listas, "elemento" refere-se ao local, material ao elemento mão-criar cria
fogo no nó de fogo, a terra em que o nó, e assim por diante. Uma vez que uma versão alterada é
entendido, ela pode ser usada em qualquer elemento (i.e. prática separada não é necessária para
cada), e pode até ser transcritas nos testes em forma modificada, para uso posterior, venda,
pesquisa, etc. O feitiço inalterada ainda pode ser moldado em qualquer nó, excepto para a sua
"oposto" (conforme detalhado acima).
Para introduzir as variações de magia em jogo, verificar cada feitiço lançado em um nó contra a
lista a seguir. Se ele pode ser modificado, dizer ao jogador que o personagem percebe a
mudança potencial, e pode aprender mais com apenas um pouco de prática.
Quando o personagem aprende as versões modificadas, pode ser útil para marcar o feitiço
na lista abaixo, ou para anotar o nome do caster para referência futura.

Magias De Clérigo
servo aérea: Funciona apenas no nódo do ar.
animar objeto: trabalha automaticamente no objetos elementares sólidos de todos os tipos.
tempo de controle: sem efeito.
criar a água, criam alimentos e água: pode ser convertido para 'criar elemento "em vez de água.
adivinhação: Revela informações sobre 500 'x 500' somente (10 x 10 mapa
terremoto: Pode ser escalado como "elemento-terremoto", com efeitos normais.
coluna de chamas: Pode ser escalado como "elemento greve ', com efeitos normais.
Porta: Permite escapar ao plano de escolha.
palavra sagrada: Todos os seres elementais são 'em casa "em seus respectivos nós, para que
eles não são enviados em outro lugar. dano é acumulados normalmente.
praga de insectos: Nenhum efeito.
água inferior: Pode ser escalado como 'elemento inferior'.
parte de água: Pode ser escalado como "elemento part '.
planar: permite o escape ao plano do soletrar a orientação do componente.
resistir a frio: Pode ser escalado como 'resistir elemento', com efeitos normais.
resistir ao fogo: Pode ser escalado como 'resistir elemento', com efeitos normais.
conto das pedra : Funciona em objetos elementares de todos tipos.
caminhada do vento: Pode ser escalado como "elemento caminhada ',
com efeitos normais.

Magias De Druida
convocação de animais (qualquer): Nenhum efeito.
animar rocha: Pode ser escalado como "elemento animado", com efeitos normais.
convocar relâmpago : Funciona apenas no nó de ar.
chamar os seres da floresta: Nenhum efeito.
carruagem de Sustarre: Funciona apenas no fogo nó.
comungar com a natureza: Nenhum efeito.
conjurar elemental terra: Nenhum efeito no ar nó (apenas).
conjurar elemental fogo: Nenhum efeito em água nó (apenas).
controle de temperatura: Nega danos ambientais causados por nós de fogo e ar
tempo de controle: sem efeito.
ventos de controle: Funciona apenas no nó de ar.
criar a água: Ver o feitiço clérigo.
rastejando desgraça: Nenhum efeito.
enredar: funciona em qualquer elemental planta-equivalente, incluindo moldes de imóveis mas
excluindo os crescimentos móveis.
fogo das fadas: Aplicar modificações elemento como se o fogo mágico padrão.
tempestade de fogo: Pode ser escalado como "elemento tempestade ',
com efeitos normais.
praga de insectos: Nenhum efeito.
obscurement: Pode ser convertido para produzir uma nuvem de qualquer elemento (fumaça,
poeira, faíscas, nevoeiro). prever o tempo: sem efeito.
produzir fogo: Pode ser escalado como "elemento produto", com efeitos normais.
produzir chama: Pode ser escalado como "elemento produto", com efeitos normais.
proteção contra incêndio: Pode ser escalado como 'proteção contra o elemento "(negando
ambiente dano mental e afetando -Elemento baseado ataques).
purificar a água: Pode ser escalado como 'purificar elemento ", com efeitos normais.
Formato da Pedra: Pode ser escalado como 'elemento de forma', com efeitos normais.
invocar insetos: Nenhum efeito.
pedra em lama: pode transmutar qualquer elemento de sólido para líquido, com o normal
parede de fogo: Pode ser escalado como 'muro de elemento',
com efeitos normais.
respirar na água: Pode ser escalado como "elemento respiração ", que nega ambiental
tempo de invocação: Nenhum efeito.

Magias Arcana

afetar os incêndios normais: Nenhum efeito no nó de fogo.

água arejada: Pode ser escalado como 'elemento aéreo', com efeitos normais e negando o dano
ambiental para todos na região de efeito.
escudo anti-magic: Perigo! Corta todos os efeitos benéficos mágicas que contêm os elementos
no ambiente. Aumentar danos (de 1 a 4, como notado acima) de per
virar para por rodada.
névoa mortal: Automaticamente cria uma nuvem de elemento venenoso (gás, poeira, fumaça ou
névoa) apropriado para o avião.
cone de frio: Modificar como se baseado no ar.
conjurar elemental: atrai a atenção de todos os elementais no nó, mas não faz
conceder o controle, nem tem qualquer outra efeito.
entre em contato com outro plano: Confira todos os resultados em 1 A linha inferior (mais
tempo de controle: sem efeito.
distorção distância: pode ser convertido usando um nativo elemental para o nó, com o normal
encanto fogo: Modificar como se o fogo mágico.
Porta: Permite escapar ao plano de escolha.
glassee: Pode ser convertido para afetar qualquer um sólido
globo de invulnerabilidade: Dobra danos ambientais (blocos de alguns benéficos
magia; q.b. escudo anti-magic).
tempestade de gelo: Para o granizo, 2/3 do dano. (2dlO) é dos golpes. O restante
é por causa do frio (elemento ar), e modicadas em conformidade.
nuvem incendiária: Esta forma de ataque se baseia em ambos ar e fogo, modificado de acordo
vez mais.
relâmpago: Nenhum efeito no nó de terra. Nota mudanças subaquáticas para nó de água
(DMG página 57).
água inferior: Ver o feitiço clérigo.
labirinto: O tamanho do labirinto é limitada (tal como é o nó); encontrar resultados 1 linha para
baixo (Mais rapidamente do que o normal).
convocação monstro (qualquer): Nenhum efeito.
mover terra: Pode ser escalado como "elemento move '.
porta de fase. Se utilizado no limite do nó, isso permite escapar para o etéreo
pirotecnia: Pode ser convertido para afetar qualquer um elemento.
Estátua: Pode ser usado para assumir qualquer elemento sólido forma mental.
névoa fétida: Pode ser convertido para criar qualquer elemento mento, com efeitos normais.
Formato da Pedra: Pode ser escalado como 'elemento de forma', com efeitos normais.
Teletransporte: Não pode ser usado para escapar da nó.
Pedra Em Lama: Ver o feitiço druida.
Desaparecem: objetos Too-pesados são substituídos por o elemento (não se limitando a pedra),
mas são perdidos no abismo, e não apenas dislocados no éter.
Muro De Pedra: Pode ser escalado como 'muro de element ', com efeitos normais.
respirar na água: Ver o feitiço clérigo.
web: Pode ser feito do elemento local, com efeitos normais.
Desejo: Pode ser usado para afetar o conteúdo da apenas o mesmo nó; não pode afectar outros
nós ou aviões. Pode ser usado para assumir 10 seres para o Primeiro plano, para um LOCA
ção de escolha do lançador, sem chance de erro.
alterar a realidade: pode ser convertido para criar uma fuga rota para qualquer plano adjacente.
nevoeiro nuvem: Pode ser escalado como 'cloud elemental'; veja obscurement (druida feitiço).
invocar sombra: Nenhum efeito.
muro de nevoeiro: Pode ser escalado como 'muro de elemento'; veja obscurement (druida


Ao desenvolver áreas de encontro no Nodos do Mal Elemental, usar itens do
seguinte tabela se o tesouro mágico é indicado por rolo aleatório para o tesouro dos monstros.
Rolo 1d100 para determinar o ponto exato.
Coloque o item e excluí-lo da mesa; rolo novamente se o mesmo rolo ocorre novamente. Se
todos estes itens são utilizados, selecione mágica ao acaso (DMG páginas 121-125), mas ignorar
artefatos e livros (Librams, manuais, tomos, et al.). Isto deveria não ser necessário a menos que
vários partidos gastam grandes quantidades de tempo explorando os nós detalhadamente.
Note-se que todos os feitiços em pergaminhos dadas abaixo estão detalhados na Arcana
Unearthed e são de nível LST-7o (embora você não está ligado por qualquer orientação na
geração itens mágicos adicionais). Você pode dividir os rolos dada, se desejado, em vários
menores queridos. Outros itens detalhados no Unearthed Arcana são indicados pelas iniciais

01 Poção do heroísmo maior

02 Varinha do raios (34 cargas)
03 Cola soberana
04 Pergaminho com 5 magias divinas (níveis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5): suportar elementos, ajuda,
proteção contra energia negativa, medo, crescer espinhos
05 Armadura de Batalha + 1
06 Poção de Força do Touro
07 bastão da ressurreição (15 cargas)
08 Anel do toque chocante
09 Maça leve +2
10 Pergaminho de resistencia a elementos (ácido)
11 Poção da levitação
12 Chapéu do disfarce
13 Pergaminho de proteção contra magia
14 Escudo Grande de Metal +2
15 Espada longa +2 anti-criaturas (metamorfos)
16 Poção de invisibilidade
17 Periapto contra o veneno
18 Pergaminho de magias 6 clérigo (níveis 1, 2, 3,3, 4, 5): Criar Água, arma
mágica, Chuva Pesada (Magia de Faerun), remover paralisia, imbuir com a capacidade
mágica, leque cromatico
19 Armadura de cota de malha + 1
20 Varinha da paralisação (M) (26 cargas)
21 Poção do polimorfo (self)
22 Pergaminho de proteção contra o mal
23 Cajado do Espancamento (C, M) (11 cargas)

24 Loriga Segmentada + 1
25 Espada larga +1 anticriatura (dragões)
26 Poção de curar ferimentos moderados
27 Espada Longa + 1 Inteligente ( 'Snoop', AL NB, Int 13, empatia; pode detectar invisível
e detectar magia a vontade)
28 Braçadeiras da Armadura +4
29 Lança Pequena + 1
30 Pergaminho de proteção contra armadilhas
31 Armadura de Batalha + 2
32 Poção de sopro de dragão (vermelho)
33 Elmo de ação subaquática
34 Espada Curta + 4 defensora
35 Anel de estrelas cadentes

36 Poção de vôo
37 Pergaminho de magias arcanas com 6 magias (níveis 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6): recuo acelerado,
descanso tranquilo, encolher objeto, pele rochosa, contingência, Ataque Visual (Olhar Mordaz)
38 Estatueta Incrivel, elefante de mármore (asiática)
39 Lança Longa + 2
40 Adaga + 2
41 Poção da velocidade
42 Manto de proteção + 2
43 Pergaminho de resistencia a elementos (eletricidade)
44 Espada longa +2, anti-magos (+3 vs conjuradores arcanos e criaturas com habilidade de
conjuração ou habilidades similares a magia)
45 besta leve + 1
46 Poção de cores do arco-íris
47 Escaravelho de protecção -2 (amaldiçoado)
48 Escudo pequeno de madeira +1
49 anel da queda suave
50 Decantador de água sem fim
51 Pergaminho de 6 magias arcanas (níveis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5): armadura fantasma, alterar-se,
forma fantasmagorica, Padrão Cromatico, ilusão programada, sonho
52 Poção da ESP
53 escudo pequeno de aço +3
54 Braçadeiras da Arquearia menor
55 Setas + 1 (10)
56 Poção do respirar na água (4 doses)
57 machado de batalha + 1
58 Pergaminho de magias de druida com 7 magias (níveis 1,1, 2, 3, 3, 5): detectar o mal/bem,
detectar veneno, lâmina flamejante, videncia, crescer espinhos, Luz do dia, moonbeam
59 setas de besta + 1 ( luz)
60 armadura de couro + 1
61 Poção de heroísmo
62 Espada larga + 1, flamejante
63 Pergaminho arcano com 4 magias (níveis 2, 3, 4): esfera cromática, fascinar
ilusão menor, dissipar magia
64 armadura de batalha da vulnerabilidade
65 Escudo Grande de Metal + 1
66 Poção do escalada 67
Cota de Malha + 3
68 Espada Longa, Berserker amaldiçoado
69 Botas do levitação (420 limite de libras)
70 espada bastarda + 1 anticriatura Gigante
71 Poção da forma gasosa
72 Anel do resistência ao fogo menor
73 Longsword + 3
74 Maça Pesada + 1
75 Poção do resistência ao fogo
76 Espada larga + 2 ladra de vidas
77 Pergaminho arcano com 7 magias (níveis 1,1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5): furia, marca arcana, , muralha de
vento, videncia, repulsão, compor
78 Corda do escalada
79 Loriga Segmentada + 1
80 Colar de estrangulamento
81 Poção do clairaudience
82 Martelo de Batalha + 1
83 Machado de batalha +1
84 Pergaminho Arcano com 5 magias (níveis 1, 2, 6, 7, 7): pirotecnia, esfera flamejante,
corrente de relâmpagos, Refugiar Itens, Conjurar Chuva de Flechas
85 arco composto curto + 2
86 Poção de voar (na verdade ilusão)
87 Cota de Malha + 1
88 Longsword + 1
89 Manoplas de destreza +2
90 varinha de Aumentar Pessoa (24 cargas)
91 Pergaminho Dinivo com 5 magias (níveis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5): pedra mágica, wyvern watch, death
watch, pedras afiadas, caminhar no ar
92 Poção do curar ferimentos sérios
93 Adaga +1 anticriatura (humano)
94 Brunea+ 1
95 Escudo Grande de Madeira+ 1
96 Anel de proteção + 2

97 Poção do ventriloquismo (UA)

98 Pergaminho Arcano com 6 magias (níveis 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7): bind, irritação, vocalize, grito,
dolor, cubo de força

99 Poeira do desaparecimento
00 Scimitar + 1 ('Schakha', AL LN, Int 14; fala alinhamento, azer, gigante, comum e anão; pode
detectar gemas , detectar portas secretas , detectar armadilhas )

Conjure Volley

Level: 5
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S, M (one piece of ammunition or one thrown weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous

You fire a piece of nonmagical ammunition from a ranged weapon or throw a nonmagical
weapon into the air and choose a point within range.
Hundreds of duplicates of the ammunition or weapon fall in a volley from above and then
disappear. Each creature in a 40-foot-radius. 20-foot-high cylinder centered on that point must
make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d8 damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. The damage type is the same as that of the ammunition or weapon
Chariot of Sustarre
Sphere: Elemental (Fire), Creation
Range: 10 yds. Components: V, S, M
Duration: 12 hours Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it brings forth a large, flaming chariot pulled by two fiery horses from
the elemental plane of Fire. These appear in a clap of thunder amid a cloud of smoke. The
vehicle moves at 24 on the ground, 48 flying, and can carry the caster and up to seven other
creatures of man-size or less. The passengers must be touched by the caster to protect them from
the flames of the chariot. Creatures other than the caster and his designated passengers sustain
2d4 points of fire damage each round if they come within 5 feet of the horses or chariot. Such
creatures suffer no damage if they evade the area by rolling successful saving throws vs.
petrification, with Dexterity adjustments.
The caster controls the chariot by verbal command, causing the flaming steeds to stop or go,
walk, trot, run or fly, and turn left or right as he desires. Note that the chariot of Sustarre is a
physical manifestation and can sustain damage. The vehicle and steeds are struck only by
magical weapons or by water (one quart of which inflicts 1 point of damage). They are Armor
Class 2, and each requires 30 points of damage to dispel. Naturally, fire has no effect upon
either the vehicle or its steeds, but magical fires other than those of the chariot can affect the
riders. Other spells, such as a successful dispel magic or holy word, will force the chariot back
to its home plane, without its passengers. The chariot can be summoned only once per week.
The material components are a small piece of wood, two holly berries, and a fire source at least
equal to a torch.

(Evocation, Alteration)
Sphere: Sun
Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd./level Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 5 ft. radius + special Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to cause a beam of soft, pale light to strike down from
overhead and illuminate whatever area he is pointing at. The light is exactly the same as
moonlight, so that colors other than shades of black, gray, or white are vague. The spellcaster
can easily make the moonbeam move to any area that he can see and point to. This makes the
spell an effective way to spotlight something, an opponent, for example. While the moonbeam
spell does not eliminate all shadows, a creature centered in a moonbeam is most certainly
visible. The reflected light from this spell enables dim visual perception 10 yards beyond the
area of effect, but it does not shed a telltale glow that would negate surprise. The light does not
adversely affect infravision. The caster can dim the beam to near darkness if desired. The beam
has, in addition, all the properties of true moonlight and can induce a lycanthropic change (of a
creature in the beam), unless the DM rules otherwise.
The material components are several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of opalescent
feldspar (moonstone).

(Evocation, Alteration)
Sphere: Weather, Sun
Range: 120 yds. Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd./level Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
To cast this spell, the priest must be in sight of a rainbow, or have a special component (see
below). The rainbow spell has two applications, and the priest can choose the desired one at the
time of casting. These applications are as follows:
Bow: The spell creates a shimmering, multi-layered short composite bow of rainbow hues. It is
light and easy to pull, so that any character can use it without penalty for non-proficiency. It is
magical: Each of its shimmering missiles is the equivalent of a +2 weapon, including attack and
damage bonuses. Magic resistance can negate the effect of any missile fired from the bow. The
bow fires seven missiles before disappearing. It can be fired up to four times per round. Each
time a missile is fired, one hue leaves the bow, corresponding to the color of arrow that is
released. Each color of arrow has the ability to cause double damage to certain creatures, as
Red--fire dwellers/users and fire elementals
Orange--creatures or constructs of clay, sand, earth, stone or similar materials, and earth
Yellow--vegetable opponents (including fungus creatures, shambling mounds, treants, etc.)
Green--aquatic creatures, electricity-using creatures, and air elementals
Indigo--acid-using or poison-using creatures
Violet--metallic or regenerating creatures
When the bow is drawn, an arrow of the appropriate color magically appears, nocked and ready.
If no color is requested, or a color that has already been used is asked for, then the next arrow
(in the order of the spectrum) appears.
Bridge: The caster causes the rainbow to form a seven-hued bridge up to 3 feet wide per level
of the caster. It must be at least 20 feet long and can be as long as 120 yards, according to the
caster's desire. It lasts as long as the spell's duration or until ordered out of existence by the
The components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a vial of holy water. If no
rainbow is in the vicinity, the caster can substitute a diamond of not less than 1,000 gp value,
specially prepared with bless and prayer spells while in sight of a rainbow. The holy water and
diamond disappear when the spell is cast.

(Alteration, Illusion)
Range: 0 Components: S, M
Duration: 2 rds./level Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard and all of his gear become insubstantial. The caster is subject
only to magical or special attacks, including those by weapons of +1 or better, or by creatures
otherwise able to affect those struck only by magical weapons. Undead of most sorts will ignore
an individual in wraithform, believing him to be a wraith or spectre, though a lich or special
undead may save vs. spell with a -4 penalty to recognize the spell.
The wizard can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all he
wears or holds in his hands, as long as the spell persists. Note, however, that the caster cannot
fly without additional magic. No form of attack is possible when in wraithform, except against
creatures that exist on the Ethereal Plane, where all attacks (both ways) are normal. A successful
dispel magic spell forces the wizard in wraithform back to normal form. The spellcaster can end
the spell with a single word.
The material components for the spell are a bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke.

Feign Death
Range: Touch Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hr. + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster (or any other creature whose levels of experience or Hit Dice
do not exceed the wizard's own level) can be put into a cataleptic state that is impossible to
distinguish from death. Although the person or creature affected by the feign death spell can
smell, hear, and know what is going on, no feeling or sight of any sort is possible. Thus, any
wounding or mistreatment of the body is not felt and no reaction occurs; damage is only half
normal. In addition, paralysis, poison, and energy-level drain cannot affect an individual under
the influence of this spell. Poison injected or otherwise introduced into the body takes effect
when the spell recipient is no longer under the influence of this spell, although a saving throw is
Note that only a willing individual can be affected by a feign death spell. The spellcaster can
end the spell effects at any time desired, as will a successful dispel, but a full round is required
for bodily functions to begin again.

A maioria das criaturas que habitam os nódos foram trazidos ou convocados aqui dos
Planos Elementais por Zuggtmoy ou luz.
Alguns vieram do Prime, presos ou atraídos aqui. Muito poucos escaparam, mesmo depois de
muitos anos. Zuggtmoy amados moldes e lodos também vagam nos nódos, indo e vindo a
mando de sua amante.
É importante notar que os elementais e as criaturas relacionadas aqui são livres de vontade,
não conjurou ou convocado, mas estão presos. Eles não são afetados por dissipar mágica, e não
são bloqueados por proteção contra o mal. Eles também não são necessariamente hostil, sendo
neutros e tão ansiosos para escapar como estão os personagens. Caso a comunicação seja
estabelecida, ou é dada alguma indicação de simpatia (como tesouro oferecidos ou alimentos),
elementais poderia muito bem concordar com coexistência pacífica ou mesmo uma sociedade
limitada por um tempo.
As listas de criaturas encontradas nos nodos dar números que aparecem, mas você pode
modificá-los para se adequar ao nível dos PCs e relativa saúde. A maioria das criaturas deve ser
inicialmente encontrado em pequenas quantidades, itinerante perto ou longe de seu covil. Não
repente introduzir todo o complemento de uma criatura digite em um só golpe súbito. A vários
verdadeira elementais encontradas em cada nó deve ser encontrado isoladamente, não tendo
covil real.
Finalmente, alguns poucos moradores, especialmente a os maus da inteligência inferior, ainda
pode ser trabalhando para um objetivo maior estabelecido pelo seu líderes luz e Zuggtmoy há
muito tempo. Eles pode estar desenvolvendo áreas, cavando novos túneis, ou simplesmente
patrulhando para intrusos. Dentro qualquer caso, eles são fanáticos perigosos, lutar até a morte
para garantir a continuação conclusão das suas tarefas atribuídas.

Encontros Aleatórios
Para verificar se há vagando monstros em qualquer nódo, role 1d100 uma vez por turno e
referem-se a tabela. Todos os monstros são considerados nativo para os nódos, e não toma dano
do ambiente -. Errantes seres humanos estão vestidos de uma forma adequada à suas vizinhaças,
e tornaram-se imunes a efeitos ambientais através de longa exposição certifique-se deles.
Estatísticas para animais de Zuggtmoy pode ser encontrada no Apêndice B (em Zuggtmoy);
residentes nódo são descritas a seguir nas chaves de encontro. Alguns humanos errantes são
detalhados abaixo
1d100 Resultado
01 Ascomid
02 Basidirond
03-04 Gray ooze
05-06 Ochre jelly
07 Phycomid
08-10 Pudding*
11 Ustilagor
12 Zygom
13 Wandering human (roll again)**
14-20 Node resident***
21-00 No encounter
* Pudding type varies by node: air = white, earth = black, fire = dun, water = brown
* * See list below
* * * Select or randomly determine one monster of the types placed in the node.

Humanos Errantes (role 1d100)

Jogada Resultado
01-20 Ashrem
21-40 Bandidos
41-50 Darley
51-65 Jaer
66-85 Sargen
86-00 Taki

Este homem velho e amargo era uma vez o clérigo Lider do templo do ar (área calabouço 210),
mas foi substituído por Kelno alguns anos atrás. traido por seu irmão Alrrem (do templo do
fogo, área de 212), foi sacrificado ao Templo do Ar e arremessado aos nodos. Mas sua magia
morte fingida o salvou; ele foi capaz de
curar suas feridas quase mortais, e tem sobrevivido nos nodos, evitando todos
e de limpeza que materiais ele pode encontrar.
Ele tem um cache de componentes de magia, tanto divinas e arcanas, escondido em algum lugar
nos nodos, e vai usar isso para troca ele deve ser posta em perigo por aventureiros.
Ashrem vive para se vingar de seu irmão.
Ele usa armadura de cota de malha mal ajustadas e danificou, tomada a partir do corpo de um
guerreiro maior, e carrega um escudo marcado com o símbolo de Sir Robilar (um dragão verde
no campo amarelo). Ele carrega uma maça, martelo, e
muitos sacos vazios (pequenas e grandes) para limpeza.
Se questionado, Ashrem revela seu nome e profissão, e busca ajuda para escapar.
Ele ansiosamente participar de uma festa, se solicitado. Ele tem visto a maioria dos outros seres
humanos que vagueiam pelo algum momento ou outro, mas tem evitado
-los, acreditando que eles hostil e perigosos.


Male Human Cleric 6; CR 6;

Hp 43; Init +3; Spd 20; AC 16 (Touch 9, Flat-Footed 16; +5 Chainmail, +2 Heavy Wooden
Shield, -1 Dex);

Atk +6 Melee (1d8 +1/x2, Heavy Mace);

SV: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9;

Str 13, Dex 9, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 7;

Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Bluff), Weapon Focus (Heavy

Skills: Bluff +10, Concentration +11;

Domains: Chaos, Evil;

Spells: 5/4+1/4+1/3+1 (Per day)

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance

1: Bane, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I, (Protection from Good)

2: Bull’s Strength, Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, (Shatter)

3: Create Food and Water, Deeper Darkness, Magic Vestment, (Magic Circle against Law)

Um grande grupo de bandidos visitado uma vez o quarto nível calabouço em busca da
rumores de grande riqueza nele. Eles encontraram os portões para os nós, e seu líder
ordenou-lhes através quando se aproxima ettins foram avistados. O líder tem desde
foi morto por monstros, como o foram ao longo de um dúzia de bandidos.
Os restantes sete bandidos são conduzidos pelo clérigo, que literalmente governa pelos poderes
de vida e morte que ele exerce através de suas magias. Eles são catadores e covardes, tendo
sobrevivido quase dois meses por seus métodos. Se for deixado sozinhos, eles vão perder Um
deles cada 1d4 dias, até Nenhum permanecem.
Os bandidos preferem atacar de emboscada, assim que um encontro com eles será
provavelmente (75%) deu-lhes 1-3 segmentos surpresa de tal situação. Se assim for, eles
começar com o fogo de mísseis de capa. Eles preferem permanecer atrás de uma cobertura
enquanto possível, mas vai envolver, se necessário. Quando feridos, no entanto, qualquer
bandido vai fugir no início da seguinte rodada.

Bandit (7); Warrior Level 1; DMG pg. 110

Bandit Leader (Grank)

Male Human Cleric 3; CR 3;

Hp 22; Init +5; Spd 20; AC 18 (Touch 11, Flat-Footed 17; +5 Chainmail, +2 Heavy Steel
Shield, +1 Dex);

Atk +4 Melee (1d8 +1/x2, Heavy Mace);

SV: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6;

Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14;

Feats: Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace);

Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +6;

Domains: Chaos, Evil;

Spells: 4/3+1/2+1 (Per day)

0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance

1: Cure Light Wounds (x3), (Protection from Good)

2: Hold Person, Resist Energy, (Shatter)

Quando encontrada, Darley aparece como uma fêmea humana formosa com vestes. Ela é
amistosa, e afirma ser um usuário de magia. Ela é ansiosamente participar de um grupo se for
convidada, e vai se comportar perfeitamente durante pelo menos dois dias se aventurando para
dissipar qualquer suspeita.
Darley é um alu-demónio que era uma vez parte de uma facção demoníaca aliados contra luz.
O grupo foi completamente derrotado, é claro, e seus membros espalhados, banidos, ou preso.
Darley é um dos sortudos, autorizados a vaguear aqui nos nodos.
Darley finge gestos de conjuração e sons, em conjunto com sua habilidades, para reforçar sua
imagem utilizador de mágica. Ela pode usar qualquer uma das seguintes capacidades até uma
vez por rodada, cada um até três vezes ao dia no 12º nível de habilidade: enfeitiçar pessoa, ESP,
shapechange (A forma humanóide do mesmo tamanho e peso), e sugestão. Ela também pode
utilizar porta dimensional uma vez por dia. Seu toque vampírico inflige 1-8 pontos de dano, e
curas 1d4, ao mesmo tempo.
a verdadeira forma de Darley é muito semelhante ao sua de humana, com a adição de pequenas
chifres vestigiais e pequenas asas de morcego. Ela reterá forma humana para manter-se
indefinidamente mascarada.

Darley; Hp 41; (Converted to Succubus); MM pg. 47;

Demon, Alu-demon

This shapely female humanoid has dark hair, dark eyes, and a pair of small black horns just
above her eyes. Small, black, leathery wings protrude from her shoulders.


XP 800
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +15


AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural)

hp 45 (6d10+12)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4
DR 5/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 16


Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)

Melee longsword +9/+4 (1d8+3/19–20) or 2 claws +9 (1d6+3 plus vampiric touch)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)

3/day—charm person (DC 14), detect thoughts (DC 15), disguise self, suggestion (DC 16);
1/day—dimension door


Alu-demons attack with weapons (preferring longswords or maces) or with claws. The alu-
demon mixes in her spell-like abilities regardless of the method of attack utilized.


Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +11, Fly +6, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
(planes) +11, Perception +15, Stealth +11, Survival +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common; telepathy 100 ft.
Gear longsword


Vampiric Touch (Su)

An alu-demon gains temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt each time she successfully
hits with a claw attack. She cannot gain more than her target’s current hit points + the target’s
Con score (which is enough to kill the target). The temporary hit points disappear in one hour.


Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary
Treasure standard

The alu-demon is the female demonic offspring of a succubus and human. Though part demon,
not all alu-demons are inherently evil (although good-aligned alu-demons are extremely rare).
The typical aludemon has black or brown hair and dark green, brown, or black eyes. Alu-
demons are always female.

Alu-demons are often sent to the Material Plane to seduce mortals. When on such missions they
typically arrange their flowing hair so it hides their horns and also fold their wings against their
backs (and tuck them under their robe, shirt, or whatever garment of clothing one happens to be
wearing at the time).
O tecelão Jaer, uma vez que um residente sólida de Nulb, veio sobre tempos difíceis e se juntou
a um grupo de bandidos. Ele lamentou sua escolha quase imediatamente, mas quando ele tentou
Sair, foi dado a e interrogado pela líderes do Templo Maior, e, em seguida, atirado para nódos.
sobrevivência de Jaer é devido ao seu ofício. Ele tem feito armaduras, escudos e ferramentas de
tecelagem com sucatas que ele encontrou. Ele vagou nos nódos para apenas três semanas, e está
se tornando desesperado. Ele já foi saqueada e perseguido pelos bandidos errantes, e, portanto,
vai desconfiar do partido em primeiro lugar. Mas ele vai ansiosamente aliar-se com um grupo
amigável, e vai colocar suas habilidades para uma boa utilização.
armas de Jaer incluem uma espada normal, punhal e martelo, e também 20 'bolas de fogo'
feixes -Tecidos de material inflamável, que pode ser inflamado e jogado a 6m, causando 1-4
pontos de dano se um hit é marcado. Jaer carrega uma lâmpada acesa a maior parte do
tempo para inflamar suas bolas de fogo.

Jaer; Hp 7; Commoner Level 2; DMG pg. 109

Este usuário de mágica uma vez veio ao Templo em busca de trabalho, mas logo foi preso
e jogado para os nodos devido a diferenças filosóficas. Ele tem pouco equipamento, tendo
sobrevivido ao ocultar e comer qualquer coisa que ele poderia encontrar. Ele passou para
insanidade nos últimos meses, e acredita que cada criatura que ele vê pode ser um demônio ou
diabo de algum tipo.
Quando encontrado, Sargen tem trabalhado sua coragem e se aproxima do partido, rastejante.
Acreditando que eles sejam uma trupe de demônios, ele pretende pedir liberar, oferecendo
milhares de peças de ouro e futuro serviço em troca. (Seu dinheiro está em sua casa, no primeiro
plano, mas é bastante real.) Se atacados ou ameaçados, ele foge imediatamente, e os encontros
futuros será à distância, novamente levando-o a fugir.
Sargen só mantém dois períodos, salvo para emergências-invisibilidade e voô. seu grimorio está
perdido há muito tempo.


Male Human Wizard 5; CR 5;

Hp 21; Init +4; Spd 30; AC 10 (Touch 10, Flat-Footed 10;);

Atk +3 Melee (1d4 +1/19-20 x2, Dagger);

SV: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3;

Str 12, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 8;

Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus

Skills: Concentration +8, Decipher Script +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (The Planes)
+8, Spellcraft +8;

Spells: 4/4/3/2 (Per day)



2: Invisibility

3: Fly

Este lutador temível ergue-se um total de sete pés de altura, e usa seu próprio brilho azul-celeste
placa de correio armadura e escudo, e carrega várias armas de adaga, espada longa, arco longo,
e outros. Ele foi separado de seu grupo cerca de quatro meses atrás, quando eles entraram no
Templo Maior. Ele foi forçado a recuar por um corredor lateral, e terminou nos nodos
(totalmente equipada).
Taki sobreviveu pela força bruta. ele uma vez aliaou-se a Ashrem por um curto período de
tempo, recebendo cura em troca de sua proeza em combate. Mas depois de ser enganado várias
vezes, a sua antipatia pelo clérigo cresceu, e ele saiu em sua própria busca.
Taki vai ser suspeito de qualquer partido que ele atende, mas, se for convidado, irá aventurar-se
com eles para uma ou duas horas, desde que nenhuma de suas feridas são curadas por PCs. ele
se afasta para dormir em um lugar escondido de sua própria preferência, longe do grupo. Depois
de dois ou três dias com um grupo bem-comportado e inteligente, ele vai se juntar a eles, se
solicitado. Qualquer mau comportamento ou estúpido, no entanto, faz com que ele saia e
continuar sua busca solitária para escapar.


Male Human Fighter 7; CR 7;

Hp 55; Init +3; Spd 20; AC 21 (Touch 11, Flat-Footed 20; +8 Full Plate, +2 Heavy Steel Shield,
+1 Dex);

Atk +13/+8 Melee (1d8 +6/19-20 x2, Masterwork Longsword),

or +12/+7 Ranged (1d8 +6/x3, Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str Bonus));

SV: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1;

Str 19, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10;

Feats: Cleave, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (Longbow),
Weapon Focus (Longsword),

Weapon Specialization (Longbow), Weapon Specialization (Longsword);

Skills: Climb +14, Intimidate +10, Swim +14;

Air Elemental Node

 Earth Elemental Node

 Air Elemental Node
 Fire Elemental Node
 Water Elemental Node
 Maps: Earth - Air - Fire - Water


After clearing out all four levels of the Temple, it is now time to use the dimensional
gateways that Hedrack had previously controlled access to. The gateways lead to a
part of one of the four elemental planes; Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Each portion of
the elemental plane is watched over by a guardian, a Demon from the Abyss that is
somehow representative of the Elemental Node that it resides in. Each Demon
guards one of the four Elemental Gems used to empower the Orb of Golden Death.
The objective then is to join all four of the Gems to the Orb so as to pursue a final

Air Elemental Node

1. Gateway to Earth Elemental Node.

2. Gateway to Water Elemental Node.

3. Gateway to Fire Elemental Node.

4. Ildrisses.

5. Large Air Elementals.

6. Taki.
7. Vapor Rates.

8. Vortexes.

9. Windwalkers.

10. Ashrem.

11. Vrock Guardian and exit to Level 4 of the Temple.

Here the party finds itself atop one of several rock islands joined together by
bridges, and suspended amidst swirling winds. The guardian here is a winged Vrock

1. A gateway to the Earth Elemental Node.

2. A gateway to the Water Elemental Node.
3. A gateway to the Fire Elemental Node.
4. Here the party will run into a pack of Ildrisses. Despite their small size, they
actually have pretty powerful attacks, so don’t take them too lightly.
5. Here the party will find a few Large Air Elementals.
6. Here the party finds Taki, who is a joinable fighter.
7. Here you’ll find a pack of Vapor Rats. They aren’t aggressive, and considering
that you’ll have probably hit your 10th level limit by now, there really isn’t any
need to pick a fight here.
8. Here the party will fight a few Vortexes. They don’t really seem all that different
from Air Elementals.
9. Here the party will find a few Windwalkers. They aren’t aggressive either.
10. Here the party finds Ashrem, who’s a joinable cleric. If you did any of the
quests for the Elemental Factions in the first 2 levels of the Temple, you may
remember hearing something about Alremm betraying and killing his own brother.
Well, that brother is none other than Ashrem, and he’s itching to settle the score
against his sibling. At the time of writing, I don’t think anybody has explored what
will happen if you bring the two brothers into the same room. Interesting…
11. This is where you’ll find the air guardian, the
Vrock. It will be assisted by two Large Air Elementals.
It relies on the same formula as the Glabrezu,
engaging in melee combat while protected by Mirror
Image, and summoning Quasits. It does occasionally
unleash a poisonous spore attack affecting those
within its immediate vicinity. As with the Glabrezu,
it’s a matter of first dispatching the Elementals, and
then surrounding the Vrock to finish it off.
On the Vrock’s body you’ll find the Air Elemental Gem. It empowers the Orb to be
able to cast Chain Lightning once a day, Summon Air Elemental once a day, and
Summon Vrock once a week.
The door that the Vrock had been standing in front of enables the party to return to
the Temple of Elemental Evil, Level 4.

Environmental Damage
Unprotected: 1d4 Damage Every 10 Minutes

AC 18 or better: 1d3 Damage Every 10 Minutes

Non-magical aids (Furs, Coats): 1d2 Every 10 Minutes

Resist Energy (Air): No Damage

Planar Characteristics
Objective Directional Gravity, Normal Time, Finite Size, Alterable Morphic, Air Dominant,
Enhanced Magic

(Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use, Manipulate, or Create Air are both Empowered and
Enlarged), Impeded Magic

(Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use or Create Earth are Impeded, Requiring Spellcraft
Check DC 15 + Spell Level)

If insufficiently protected, Concentration Checks must be made to Cast Spells (DC 10 +

Damage Taken);

Wandering Encounters
Roll on a d%:

01 – Ice Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 181)

02 – Ice Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 181)

03-04 – Gray Ooze (MM pg. 201)

05-06 – Ochre Jelly (MM pg. 202)

07 – Smoke Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 184)

08 – Smoke Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 184)

09-11 – Black Pudding (MM pg. 201)

12 – Average Xorn (MM pg. 260)

13 – Wandering Human

14 – Resident White Dragons (1-3) (MM pg. 77)

15 – Air Elementals (1-2) (MM pg. 95)

16 – Cloud Giants (1-5) (MM pg. 120)

17 – Hieracosphinx (2-4) (MM pg. 234)

18 – Belker (2-4) (MM pg. 27)

19 – Bodak (MM pg. 28)

20 – Nightwalker (MM pg. 196)

Dentro do Caverns do Ar, a atmosfera é fresco e ventosa. A relativamente constante 60 graus de
temperatura (F) é confortável de todas aqui, mas os ventos variam de leve rajadas de 10-20 mph
para vendavais completos de 100 + mph. O dano ambiental é devido a poeira, seixos e outros
detritos soprado pelos ventos.
Aqueles que chegam nas cavernas de ar aparecem em um planalto no topo de uma torre central,
de pé á 200 pés acima do nível do chão e alcançando dentro de 50 pés de teto da caverna. A
inclinação íngreme espirais widdershins do pico.
Luz parece vir do teto da caverna, lançando um brilho suave de crepúsculo em toda a área. A
visibilidade do pico é justo; muitas entradas de cavernas pode ser vagamente visto à distância.
densas nuvens de formas e tamanhos aleatórios a deriva na grande caverna. Embora eles estão
constantemente empurrados e rasgadas pelos ventos, eles não dispersam facilmente. Ao nível do
chão, no entanto, a visibilidade varia muito. Quando necessário, o DM pode rolar 2d4 para
encontrar o número de mapa quadrados (Cada um 50 'de diâmetro) visível em qualquer
direcção, mas isto pode mudar em um curto período de tempo, possivelmente apenas uma ou
duas rodadas.
As pistas, escadas, e cavernas em si são talhados na rocha sólida, aparentemente por muito bons
artesãos. Todas as superfícies são repleta de escombros, um osso ocasional ou pouco perdido,
equipamento usado, e um buraco raso pouco frequente ou deslizamento de terra.
Embora a maioria das cavernas Air estão secose bastante leve, áreas # 13-16 são pontilhadas
com piscinas de água gelada, com pedaços congelados nas paredes. Estas cavernas são ainda
mais frias no sentido de suas extremidades norte, onde parte de um glacial afloramento pode ser
visto (zonas 15-16).
A 1 de cima de pico (ponto de chegada)
A 2 área do piso Oeste
A3 área do piso Norte
A4 área de do piso Sul
A 5 ao sul caverna enorme, ao nível do solo
A 6 Trilha, 120 'acima do nível do chão, atingido
por uma inclinação para o oeste
A 7 caverna ao nível do solo
A 8 Nicho Oculto, 24m acima do nivel do solo , atingido por uma inclinação para o norte. No
extremo leste do nicho está um símbolo de oito pontas, portão para o Nodo do Fogo.
A 9 Caminho para Grande caverna , ao nível do solo; contém três afloramentos de disco
equilibrados, cada um projectando 10-60 pés acima do Térreo
A 10 de nicho do Norte (esconderijo) de Cave Branch
A 11 nicho Leste (esconderijo), 30m acima do nível do piso, atingido por um declive para o
A 12 Nicho nordeste (esconderijo), como # 11.
A 13 pequena caverna ao nível do solo
A 14 corredor nordeste, ao nível do solo
A 15 caverna pequena, com entrada inclinada até 6m do nível do solo; a
norte parede é quase inteiramente irregular de Gelo
A 16 grande caverna ao nível do solo (esconderijo); a parede norte é principalmente gelo
A 17 trilha, 12m acima do nível do chão, alcançado por uma curta inclinação para o sul
A 18 Caverna, alcançado a partir da trilha # 17; covil dos grues ildriss. Em seu tesouro está uma
das gemas de poder, a água-marinha, que irá enviar alguém tocá-lo para
Nodo da água.( essa é falsa a verdadeira está com o guardião do nodo)
A 19 Corredor inclinado acima do nivel da terra , atingir a altura de 9m na área
A 20 Ampla Caverna
A21 caverna do Sul (esconderijo)
A 22 Prateleira, 21m acima do nível do solo (12m área acima de 19), atingido por uma
inclinação para Nordeste (esconderijo)
A 23. Prateleira, 15m acima do nível do chão, atingido por uma inclinação para o leste
A 24 caverna alongada
A 25 Prateleira, 39m acima do nível do chão, atingido por uma longa encosta a sul
A 26 Cavern, 27m acima do nível do chão, alcançado pela inclinação para a área 25
A 27 grande caverna ao nível do solo. Na extremidade oeste está um símbolo quadrado, portão
Nódo da água.
A 28 grande caverna ao nível do solo
A 29 North ramo corredor inclinado até 9m
A 30 West caverna, nível do solo
A 31 Sudoeste caverna, nível do solo
A 32 caverna escondida (entrada 3m de largura); inclina-se de entrada para 12m acima do nível
do solo na extremidade sul. Perto do final está um símbolo triangular, porta parao Nódo da
White Dragon, Very Young

This dragon's scales are a frosty white. Its head is crowned with slender horns, with a thin
membrane stretched between them.


XP 1,200
CE Small dragon (cold)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses, snow vision; Perception +10


AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size)

hp 42 (5d12+10)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4
Immune cold, paralysis, sleep
Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire

Speed 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), swim 60 ft.
Melee bite +8 (1d6+3), 2 claws +8 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks breath weapon (20-ft. cone, DC 14, 4d4 cold)


Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 18 (22 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Fly +12, Intimidate +7, Perception +10, Stealth +14, Swim +18; Racial Modifiers +8
Languages Draconic
SQ icewalking


Icewalking (Ex)

This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy.
The dragon can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to make Acrobatics
checks to run or charge on ice.

Snow Vision (Ex)

A very young white dragon learns to see perfectly well in snowy conditions. A white dragon
does not suffer any penalties to Perception checks while in snow.


Environment cold mountains

Organization solitary
Treasure triple

Embora a maioria considere que seja o mais fraco eo mais feroz dos dragões cromáticos, o
dragão branco compensa sua falta de astúcia com pura ferocidade. dragões brancos habitam
sobre, topos de montanhas congeladas remotas e nas planícies árticas, fazendo sua casa em
reluzente cavernas cheias de gelo e neve. Eles preferem as suas refeições completamente
Esta família compartilha um único covil. Note o bônus adquiridos pelos adultos, se sua prole é

This cloud-like creature has dark hollows reminiscent of eyes and a mouth, and a howling wind
whips it into ominous shapes.


XP 1,600
N Large outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11


AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural, –1 size)

hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +2
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits


Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2 slams +14 (1d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 18)


Str 18, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8, CMB +13; CMD 31
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved InitiativeB, Mobility, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Acrobatics +15, Escape Artist +15, Fly +21, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +11,
Stealth +11
Languages Auran


Environment Plane of Air

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none


Air Mastery (Ex) Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against an air
Air elementals are fast, flying creatures made of living air. Primitive and territorial, they resent
being summoned or doing the bidding of mortals, and much prefer to spend their time on the
Plane of Air, swooping and racing through the endless skies.
Although all air elementals of a similar size have identical statistics, the exact appearance of an
air elemental can vary wildly between individuals. One might be an animated vortex of wind
and smoke, while another might be a smoky bird-like creature with glowing eyes and wind for
An air elemental prefers to attack flying or otherwise airbone targets, not only because its
mastery over flight gives it a slight advantage, but also because it detests the thought of having
to touch the ground. An air elemental can move underwater, and although it is an elemental and
thus runs no risk of drowning, it has no ranks in Swim and loses much of its speed and mobility
when underwater.

Whirlwind/Vortex Save Whirlwind/Vortex

Elemental Height Weight DC Height

Small 4 ft. 1 lb. 12 10–20 ft.

Medium 8 ft. 2 lbs. 14 10–30 ft.

Large 16 ft. 4 lbs. 18 10–40 ft.

Huge 32 ft. 8 lbs. 22 10–50 ft.

Greater 36 ft. 10 lbs. 23 10–60 ft.

Elder 40 ft. 12 lbs. 27 10–60 ft.

Estes devem ser encontradas isoladamente ou em pares. Eles não têm covil.

Giant, Cloud

This towering giant has finely chiseled features. Her skin is pale and smooth, and her long
wispy hair flutters as if in a breeze.

XP 12,800
NG or NE Huge humanoid (giant)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +17


AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +12 natural, –2 size)

hp 168 (16d8+96)
Fort +16, Ref +6, Will +10
Defensive Abilities rock catching


Speed 50 ft.
Melee morningstar +22/+17/+12 (4d6+18) or 2 slams +22 (2d6+12)
Ranged rock +12 (2d6+18)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks rock throwing (140 ft.)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th)
At will—levitate (self plus 2,000 lbs.), obscuring mist
1/day—fog cloud


Str 35, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +12; CMB +26; CMD 37
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun,
Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Climb +19, Craft (any one) +10, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +26, Perception +17, Perform
(string instruments) +8
Languages Common, Giant
SQ oversized weapon


Environment temperate mountains

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), family (2–5 plus 35% noncombatants plus 1 sorcerer or
cleric of 4th–7th level and 2–5 griffons), or tribe (6–20 plus 1 sorcerer or cleric oracle of 7th–
12th level and 2–5 griffons)
Treasure standard (chain shirt, morningstar, other treasure)


Oversized Weapon (Ex) A cloud giant can wield Gargantuan weapons without penalty. Most
favor the use of immense morningstars.
Cloud giants' skin ranges in color from milky white to powder blue. Adult males are about 18
feet tall and weigh around 5,000 pounds. Females are slightly shorter and lighter. Cloud giants
can live to be 400 years old, and dress in the finest clothing and jewelry available. To many,
appearance indicates station. The better the clothes and the finer the jewelry, the more important
the wearer. They also appreciate music, and most can play one or more instruments (the harp is
a favorite).
Os gigantes nuvem têm um bem-defensável covil, e pode (50% de chance) ter 1d3 humanos
cativos, mantendo-os como escravos e para futuro resgate ou refeições. Estes são de nível 1-7
(1d8-l) NPCs de qualquer classe, sem equipamentos.

A cold-eyed falcon's head and great wings adorn the body of this otherwise leonine creature.

XP 1,600
CE Large magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16


AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 60 (8d10+16)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +4


Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +11 (1d10+4), 2 claws +11 (1d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attack pounce, shriek


Str 19, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly +3, Perception +16; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Sphinx


Environment warm hills

Organization solitary, pair, or flock (3–8)
Treasure incidental


Shriek (Su) The shrill shriek of a hieracosphinx deafens non-sphinxes within a 60-foot-radius
spread for 2d4 rounds (DC 16 Fortitude negates). Once a creature successfully saves against this
effect, it is immune to the hieracosphinx's shriek for 24 hours. Using this ability is a standard
action. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Esses predadores com cabeça de falcão pode estar servindo como corcéis para alguns outros
residentes, em troca de uma parcela igual de ganhos. Eles fazem covil em prateleiras altas.


Medium Elemental (Air, Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (perfect) (8 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, fl at-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+3
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, invis-
ible, immunity to electricity, spell disruption
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +5
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Spell object or none
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 4–6 HD (Medium); 7–9 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —
Some unseen force seems to hover in the surrounding air. Wild
winds whip past, carrying dust, debris, and litter in their wake.

An ildriss, or air grue, is the product of an evil spell corrupting the substance of elemental air. It
is a capricious and violent creature that rages constantly against its surroundings, trying its
strength against any obstacle in its path or hurling items through the air from sheer spite. It
most enjoys venting its anger against any Material Plane creature it encounters.
An air grue is normally invisible, but if rendered visible, it appears as a roiling cloud of dark
vapor, its face marked by angry, everchanging features. It speaks Auran, but it is more prone to
simply scream in inchoate anger than attempt to communicate. An air grue is about 4 feet in
diameter and weighs 10 pounds.
To determine the type of spell object contained in an air grue, roll d%: 01–70, invisibility; 71–
100, fly.
An ildriss uses its speed, maneuverability, and invisibility to best advantage in combat. Air
grues like to race through an enemy’s ranks, striking foes at random to cause the most
mayhem and uncertainty.
Invisible (Su): Air grues are naturally invisible, gaining total concealment.
Each type of grue has its own unique combat abilities and tactics, but all share some qualities.
An elemental grue’s natural attacks, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-
aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Spell Disruption (Su): The very presence of an elemental grue interferes with spells that
affect the grue’s associated element. Any spellcaster within 40 feet of a chaggrin who casts a
spell with the same descriptor as the grue’s element (earth, fire, air, or water) must succeed on a
DC 15 caster level check or have the spell fail. Within the same area of any such spell currently
in effect, a grue has a chance to dispel the effect as a free action, as if casting a targeted dispel
magic (caster level 10th).

A miasmal form roils as barbed tentacles emerge from the central mass, coalescing into razor-
sharp talons and claws.

XP 4,800
NE Medium outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13


AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 15 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural)

hp 92 (8d10+48)
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +4
Defensive Abilities wind defense; DR 10/magic; Immune electricity, elemental traits; SR 19
Weaknesses susceptible to cold


Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (good)

Melee 4 tentacles +14 (1d4+1 plus grab)
Special Attacks deadly embrace


Str 12, Dex 23, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 26 (can't be tripped)
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +12, Escape Artist +17, Fly +21, Knowledge (planes) +13,
Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +17
Languages Auran
SQ gaseous


Environment any (Plane of Air)

Organization solitary
Treasure standard


Gaseous (Ex) A mihstu can pass through small holes, even cracks, without reducing its speed.
Deadly Embrace (Ex) A mihstu that pins an opponent completely surrounds that creature and
deals 1d2 Constitution damage every round as it siphons away blood, tears, and other vital
fluids. Maintaining a pin is a free action for a mihstu and it does not gain the grappled condition
(allowing it to attack other creatures with its tentacles).
Susceptible to Cold (Ex) Magical cold stuns a mihstu rather than damaging it. If the creature
fails its save against a magical cold effect, it is stunned for 1 round and then staggered for an
additional 1d4 rounds.
Wind Defense (Ex) The churning winds of a mihstu's body automatically deflect nonmagical
projectiles (such as arrows, bolts, and sling stones). All other ranged weapons (including
magical projectiles and thrown weapons) have a 20% miss chance. Weapons of significant size,
such as giant-thrown boulders, siege engine projectiles, and other massive ranged weapons are
not affected by this ability.
The deadly mihstus hail from the Plane of Air. When they come to the Material Plane, they
prefer to inhabit dank dungeon corridors, abandoned ruins, and the forgotten corridors of lost
civilizations. Scholars dispute what drives the ambitions of these creatures, or even what they
seek on the Material Plane, but all agree that they are deadly combatants and merciless hunters.
Their semi-solid bodies appear to be composed of a strange, white smoke, and they can shape
their vaporous bodies at will to seep through small cracks and openings in pursuit of prey. When
attacking, they coalesce the tips of their misty tentacles into wickedly barbed talons, slashing at
opponents with these razor-sharp appendages. Mihstus rely on their insubstantial nature to close
with opponents quickly, engulfing the nearest threat while continuing to attack any who seek to
deprive them of their chosen victim. When a mihstu manages to embrace a foe with its body, it
drains away the creature's vital fluids at an alarming rate. These fluids churn in the creature's
body for a few rounds before spattering against nearby walls or on the floor—the mihstu seems
to gain no nourishment from these fluids, so this attack may be nothing more than a favorite
method of cruelty.
Mihstus are immortal unless slain by violence, and if properly bargained with, these deadly
outsiders can actually be intriguing sources of information. Mihstus are normally interested in
little more than stalking and consuming prey, and as a result only tend to provide reliable
information or cooperate when supplied with intriguing victims to pursue and destroy.
Nefarious creatures such as rakshasas and evil cloud giants often utilize mihstus as trackers and
assassins, or sometimes employ them as guards in the forgotten corridors of their lairs.
Estes monstros perigosos compartilhar uma única camada, e têm o dobro das chances dadas
para tesouros.

This improbably large toad has pale blue flesh and a body covered with jagged, icy growths.

XP 2,400
N Large magical beast (cold)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +11
Aura bitter cold (20 ft.)


AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size)

hp 73 (7d10+35)
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +3
Immune cold
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire


Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.

Melee bite +13 (2d6+9 plus 1d6 cold and grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks swallow whole (1d4 bludgeoning and 1d6 cold, AC 14, 7 hp)


Str 23, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +7; CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Acrobatics +9 (+13 jumping), Perception +11, Stealth +6 (+14 in snow), Swim +14;
Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, (+8 jumping), +4 Stealth (+12 in snow)
Languages Aklo


Environment cold hills or glaciers

Organization solitary, pair, or knot (3–12)
Treasure standard


Bitter Cold (Su) All creatures within 20 feet of a glacier toad take 1d6 points of cold damage
each round on the toad's turn.
Glacier toads are strange, magical cousins of the more common giant toads. None can say for
certain whether they were bred, or evolved from exposure to elemental energies. Glacier toads
have no practical use for most treasure, but have a fondness for shiny objects like gems and
glowing items.
Os sapos fazem covil perto das outras criaturas do gelo deste nodo.
Vapor Rat, Dire

This creature looks like a larger, more aggressive version of a normal rat. Its fur is coarse and
brown, its eyes green, and its tail is hairless.


XP 400
N Small magical beast (augmented animal, vapor)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +1


AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 6 (1d10+1); fast healing 2
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Resist fire 5
Weaknesses cold susceptibility


Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft, swim 20 ft.

Melee bite +5 (1d4 plus disease)
Special Attacks death throes (DC 11), disease


Vapor dire rats attack with their bite. A pack uses ambush tactics against potential prey, and
when attacking, they often attempt to flank their foe, sending several rats against the creature's
flank while the rest hit from the front or sides. Injured vapor dire rats drop back where they can
use their fast healing ability (if they are near a source of water, fog, steam, or mist) while the
holes in their ranks are filled by other vapor dire rats. Vapor dire rats usually assume vapor form
and attempt to escape if they lose more than half their numbers.


Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13 (+17 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +11, Stealth +11 (+19 in areas of smoke, fog, mist or vapor), Swim +11, Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth in areas of smoke, fog, mist or vapor. A vapor rat uses its Dexterity
modifier for Climb and Swim checks.
Languages Common (can't speak)
SQ vaporous form


Disease (Ex)

Filth fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 11; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex
damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.


Environment any
Organization solitary or pack (11-20)
Treasure none

Vapor dire rats resemble normal dire rats in all respects. Though more intelligent than dire rats,
they seem to possess a lot of the same traits and conduct themselves in much the same way as
normal dire rats.

They seldom keep company with their normal counterparts and often times quarrel and fight
with dire rats. Vapor dire rats are found just about anywhere save the coldest of climates.
Common encounters occur underground or in ruined castles, keeps, temples, and so forth.
Regardless of where these creatures construct their nest, a source of water is always found
Estas pragas fazem covil perto dos gigantes e dragões, limpando suas sobras.

Diminutive Elemental (Air, Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (perfect)(8 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+4 size, +6 Dex), touch 20, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-14
Attack: —
Full Attack: —
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Whirlwind
Special Qualities: Blind, elemental traits, immunity to summons
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +9, Will -2
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 6, Cha 5
Skills: Listen +3
Feats: Ability Focus (whirlwind), Improved Initiative (B), Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Diminutive); 5-6 HD (Tiny)
Level Adjustment: —

A tiny sphere bobs and floats through the air, spinning in circles so incredibly fast it stirs up a
miniature tornado.

The origins and nature of vortices are mysterious. While their ties to air mark them as
elementals, they cannot be summoned or called. Their motivations are likewise obscure; as far
as anyone can tell, they exist only to dance through the air, moving about randomly as the whim
and winds take them. Their behavior is highly chaotic, and a vortex might ignore threatening
opponents, or attack in a blind fury without provocation.

A vortex is 4 to 6 inches tall and weighs less than a pound.


When threatened, a vortex whips the atmosphere around itself into a powerful whirlwind.

Blind (Ex): Vortices are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack
forms that rely on sight.

Immunity to Summons (Su): A vortex is completely unaffected by any conjuration

(summoning) or conjuration (calling) spell.

Whirlwind (Su): A vortex can transform itself into a whirlwind at will as a standard action and
remain in that form indefinitely. In this form, the vortex can move through the air or along a
surface at its fly speed.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 10 feet wide at the top, and up to 20 feet tall. The
vortex controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

The vortex's movement while in whirlwind form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even
if the vortex enters the space another creature occupies. Another creature might be caught in the
whirlwind if it touches or enters the whirlwind, or if the vortex moves into or through the
creature’s space.

Medium or smaller creatures take damage when caught in a whirlwind and may be lifted into
the air. An affected creature must succeed on a DC 8 Reflex save when it comes into contact
with the whirlwind or take 1d4 points of damage. It must also succeed on a second DC 8 Reflex
save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the
indicated damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to
escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The
save DC is Strength based.

A creature trapped in a whirlwind cannot move except to go where the vortex carries it or to
escape the whirlwind. It can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration check
(DC 20 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in a whirlwind take a –4 penalty to
Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. A vortex can have only as many creatures trapped
inside a whirlwind at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume.

A vortex can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the
whirlwind happens to be.

If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is
centered on the vortex and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud
obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have
concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must
succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.

A vortex in whirlwind form cannot make slam attacks and does not threaten the area around it.

Originally appeared in Fiend Folio (1981).

Devido a sua alta classe de armadura, estes monstros podem ser muito mortal. Eles são
facilmente assustado, mas vai reagrupar e retorno repetidamente se com fome.
Wind Walker (3pp)

A roaring cyclone at least twice as tall as a

human bears down on you, spinning dirt and
earth into the air as it moves.

XP 1,600
N Large outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11


AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size)

hp 59 (7d10+14 plus 7)
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6
DR 5/magic; Immune magic, elemental traits


Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)

Melee wind blast +10 (2d6+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)

Constant--detect thoughts (100 ft.)


A wind walker attacks by using the surrounding air to pummel its foes.


Str 18, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 26
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +10, Fly +20, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (planes) +11, Perception
+11, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +10
Languages Auran, Common; telepathy 100 ft.


Detect Thoughts (Sp)

For every wind walker present within 100 feet, the range of this spell-like ability increases by
100 feet.

Immunity to Magic (Ex)

A wind walker is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance (except
those that summon or call it). In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against
the creature as noted below.

 A control weather spell instantly slays a wind walker if it fails a Fortitude save against
the spell.
 A haste spell deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d6) to a
wind walker. A Fortitude save halves the damage. In addition, a haste spell increases
the damage the wind walker deals with its wind blast attack by +1d6 for one round.
 An ice storm spell deals no damage to a wind walker, but is affected as if by a fear spell
if it fails a Will saving throw against ice storm.
 A slow spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to a wind
walker. A Will save halves the damage.
 A summoned or called wind walker is affected normally by magical barriers that restrict
or inhibit called or summoned creatures (such as antimagic field).

Wind Blast (Ex)

A wind walker attacks using the air surrounding it, transforming it into a forceful blast that deals
2d6+6 points of damage to all creatures within reach. The wind walker makes a single attack
roll at its full attack bonus against each opponent within reach as a standard action.

Esses monstros são potencialmente mortais curiosos e muitas vezes benigna. Eles empregam
uma assobiando idioma e também pode ler mentes e responder por todos os meios disponíveis.

A3 North Floor Area

Air Elemental, Large (2); Hp 89, 75; MM pg. 95;

A4 South Floor Area

Air Elemental, Large; Hp 67; MM pg. 95;

Air Elemental, Greater; Hp 193; MM pg. 95;

A5 Huge Cavern South

Air Elemental, Huge (2); Hp 160, 156; MM pg. 95; aqui está o Vrock é a caverna que leva para
fora do Nodo ( uma vez que pegue o Quartzo do Ar com o Vrock).

Vrock ( +2HD ) CR 10
XP 9600
CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +23

AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +13 natural, -1 size)

hp 152 (11d10+92)
Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +6;
DR 10/good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 20;
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
Melee 2 claws +15 (2d6+5), bite +15 (1d8+5), 2 talons +15 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft.Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks dance of ruin, spores, stunning screech
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th) At will-greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects
only), telekinesis (DC 18) 1/day-heroism, mirror image, summon (level 3, 1 vrock 35%)

Str 21, Dex 15, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16;
Base Atk 11; CMB 17; CMD 29
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Skills Fly +12, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (planes) +14, Perception +23, Sense Motive
+15, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +10, Survival +15; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3-10)
Treasure standard

Dance of Ruin (Su) A vrock can dance and chant as a full-round action-at the end of 3
rounds, a crackling wave of energy explodes from the vrock, dealing 5d6 points of
electricity damage to all creatures within 100 feet. A DC 17 Reflex save halves this
damage. For each additional vrock that joins in the dance, the damage increases by 5d6
and the DC to avoid the effect increases by +1, to a maximum of 20d6 when four or
more vrocks are dancing (the DC continues to increase with additional vrocks, but the
damage does not). The dance immediately ends and must be started anew if any of the
participating vrocks is slain, stunned, or otherwise prevented from dancing. The save
DC is Charisma-based.

Spores (Ex) A vrock can release a cloud of spores from its body once every 3 rounds as
a free action. Adjacent creatures take 1d8 points of damage from the spores, plus 1d4
points of damage per round for 10 rounds as the spores grow into thick green vines.
Although ugly, the vines are harmless and wither away in 1d4 days if not shaved off
before then. The spores can be destroyed by casting bless on the affected creatures or by
sprinkling them with holy water. This attack can also be halted by effects that remove or
provide immunity to disease.

Stunning Screech (Su) Once per hour, a vrock can emit a shrill screech. All creatures
except demons within a 30-foot-radius spread must succeed on a DC 21 Fortitude save
or be stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Source: PFRPG Bestiary

A 8 Hidden Niche (Gate to Fire Node)

Griffon (8); Hp 81, 78, 75, 67, 66, 65, 60, 57; MM pg. 139;
A18 Cave, Cloud Giant Lair

(Replacing the Grues)

Cloud Giant (5); Hp 208, 199, 197, 195, 193; MM pg. 120;


770pp, 21,000gp, 13,000sp, Large Well Done Wool Tapestry (300gp), Ivory Statuette (30gp),
Emerald (1,100gp),

3 White Pearls (100gp each), 2 Violet Garnets (300gp each), 2 Aquamarines (500gp),

Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Warhammer +1, Potion of Endure Elements (Fire), Potion of

A21: White Dragon Lair

White Dragon, Mature Adult (2); Hp 294, 268; MM pg. 77;

White Dragon, Juvenile; Hp 123; MM pg. 77;


17,000gp, Silver Comb with Moonstones (400gp), Sapphire Pendant on Gold Chain (1,600gp),

Silver Plated Steel Longsword with Jet Jewel in Hilt (300gp), Finely Wrought Small Gold
Bracelet (90gp),

Eye Patch with Mock Eye of Sapphire and Moonstone (1,700gp),

Scroll of Obscuring Mist, Resist Energy (Air), Water Walk, Remove Paralysis, Imbue with Spell
Ability, Spell Resistance (9th);

A22 South Cave

Hieracosphinx (4); Hp 75, 70, 67 (x2); MM pg. 234;

A23 Shelf, 50’ Above Ground Level

Hieracosphinx (4); Hp 74, 71, 67 (x2); MM pg. 234;

A26 Cavern, 90’ Above Ground Level

Belker (3); Hp 54, 49, 43; MM pg. 27;

A27 Large Cavern (Water Node Exit)

Frost Worm; Hp 155; MM pg. 111;

A31 Southwest Cavern, Ground Level

Air Mephit (2); Hp 63, 43; MM pg. 181;


4,000sp 4 Bloodstones (30gp each), 8 Flasks of Acid, Banded Mail, Chain Shirt;

Earth Elemental Node
 Earth Elemental Node
 Air Elemental Node
 Fire Elemental Node
 Water Elemental Node
 Maps: Earth - Air - Fire - Water


After clearing out all four levels of the Temple, it is now time to use the dimensional
gateways that Hedrack had previously controlled access to. The gateways lead to a
part of one of the four elemental planes; Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Each portion of
the elemental plane is watched over by a guardian, a Demon from the Abyss that is
somehow representative of the Elemental Node that it resides in. Each Demon
guards one of the four Elemental Gems used to empower the Orb of Golden Death.
The objective then is to join all four of the Gems to the Orb so as to pursue a final

Earth Elemental Node

1. Gateway to Air Elemental Node.

2. Gateway to Water Elemental Node.

3. Gateway to Fire Elemental Node.

4. Large Earth Elemental Node.

5. Sargen.

6. Jaer.

7. Crystal Oozes.

8. Single Galeb Duhr.

9. Gorgon.

10. Chaggrins.

11. Horde of Galeb Duhrs.

12. Glabrezu Guardian and exit to Level 4 of the Temple

1. Gateway to the Air Elemental Node.

2. Gateway to the Water Elemental Node.
3. Gateway to the Fire Elemental Node.
4. A Large Earth Elemental will attack you here.
5. Here the party will find Sargen, a wizard who desperately wants to join your
party in order to escape the Node. All that despite the fact that you can never
convince him that you’re not demons.
6. Here is where you’ll find Jaer, a Rogue who would also love dearly for your party
to escort him out of the Node.
7. Here the party is attacked by two Crystal Oozes.
8. Here you’ll run into a Galeb Duhr. For more on this creature, refer to paragraph
11 below.
9. A Gorgon is ready to attack here. It can be taken down very quickly if you seize
the initiative. Be mindful that it has a breath weapon that can turn a character to
stone, so you may want to maximize your saving throws beforehand. Another
approach is to have a character like a Paladin or Monk face the beast alone.
10. Here the party gets assaulted by some little critters called Chaggrins. Not
particularly dangerous as far as I can tell.
11. Here your party will get assaulted by a massive horde of Galeb Duhrs. Galeb
Duhrs have a damage resistance which it seems no weapon can really penetrate.
They’re also practically immune to cold, and have Spell Resistance. Needless to say,
maximize your physical buffs before stepping into this battle. Lanatir should be
prepared to plant a spare Stoneskin on anybody who might need it.
Notwithstanding some minor resistance to fire, Fireballs prove an effective way to
bring them down to size. Indeed, Lanatir cranked it out over and over again. It also
helps to cast Keen Edge on one or two of your warriors’ weapons, and cast haste on
those warriors as well. This way, they can get around the damage resistance by
inflicting frequent critical hits.
Once the battle ends, the party will notice a chest in the northwest corner. In that
chest, the party will find a Headband of Intellect +4, and Moradin’s Soul Hammer
12. Here the party will find the demonic guardian of
the Earth Node, a Glabrezu. There’s not much to be
gained by conversing with it, since he’s set on eating
you as a snack. Two Large Earth Elementals come to
his aid. Since they have hitting power, and yet die
easier than the Glabrezu, take them down first. The
Glabrezu occasionally summons Quasits to its aid,
and makes frequent use of Mirror Image.
Nonetheless, surrounding it and persisting with melee
attacks should cut it down to size.
The Glabrezu will leave behind the Earth Elemental Gem, which will be
automatically affixed to the Orb of Golden Death once it is brought into your
inventory. The Orb then becomes capable of casting Stoneskin once a day,
Summon Earth Elemental once a day, and Summon Glabrezu once a week.
Behind where the Glabrezu was standing is the doorway leading back to the Temple
of Elemental Evil, Level 4.

As Terras Escavadas são escuras e ligeiramente úmida-a configuração típica masmorra caverna.
A temperatura está constante a 45 graus, com pouca ou nenhuma circulação de ar. O dano
ambiental vem da sempre presente Excesso de poeira no ar e, a partir ocasional rockslides,
pequenos desmoronamentos, e assim por diante.
Aqueles que chegam nas Escavadas aparecem em a caverna central, uma grande área ampla a
15m de altura em seu centro afinando para apenas 3-6m nos corredores laterais.
Os corredores não têm luz, e o devido ao ar empoeirado alcance apenas metade normal vista,
normal ou infravisão. Encostas são poucos, e a pedra é escavado para fora, em vez que


E1 Caverna Central ( ponto de chegada)
E 2 corredor Norte
E 3 Escavação
E4 Caverna
E5 Grande caverna com longo corredor. Em extremidade sul da caverna é um símbolo de oito
pontas, portão para o Nodo do Fogo.
E6 Caverna
E7 Junction e pequena caverna
E8 Gruta
E9 Caverna
E 10 Grande caverna sul
E 11 gruta do Sul com abordagem dividida, covil de grues chaggrin. Na sua Tratados certeza é
uma das gemas de energia, o Garnet, que irá enviar alguém toca-lo ao Nodo do Fogo ( essa é
falsa a verdadeira está com o guardião do nodo).
E 12 caverna do Sul
E 13 Junction e caverna
E 14 caverna escondida
E15 caverna sudoeste enorme
E 16 caverna pequena
E 17 cruzamentos de corredores
E 18 Longa caverna (esconderijo)
E 19 caverna a oeste de comprimento. Na extremidade sul é um símbolo quadrado, portão para
o Nodo da Água .
E 20 Northwest caverna
E 21 gruta do Norte
E 22 cave do Norte
E 23 caverna do Norte. Na extremidade ocidental é um símbolo circular, portão para o Nodo do
E 24 Grande caverna norte (esconderijo)

Environmental Damage
Unprotected: 1d4 Damage Every 10 Minutes (Reflex Save DC 12 ½, Spot Check DC 15 to

Allow Dwarven Stonecunning to provide bonus)

AC 18 or Better: 1d3 Damage Every 10 Minutes

Resist Energy (Earth): No Damage

Planar Characteristics
Objective Directional Gravity, Normal Time, Finite Size, Alterable Morphic, Earth Dominant,

Enhanced Magic (Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use, Manipulate, or Create Earth are both
Empowered and Enlarged),

Impeded Magic (Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use or Create Air are Impeded,
Requiring Spellcraft Check DC 15 + Spell Level)

If insufficiently protected, Concentration Checks must be made to Cast Spells (DC 10 +

Damage Taken);

Wandering Encounters
Roll on a d%:

01 – Magma Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 181)

02 – Magma Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 181)

03-04 – Gray Ooze (MM pg. 201)

05-06 – Ochre Jelly (MM pg. 202)

07 – Ooze Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 184)

08 – Ooze Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 184)

09-11 – Black Pudding (MM pg. 201)

12 – Average Xorn (MM pg. 260)

13 – Wandering Human

14 – Resident Black Dragons (1-3) (MM pg. 70)

15 – Earth Elementals (1-2) (MM pg. 98)

16 – Stone Giants (1-5) (MM pg. 124)

17 – Gorgons (2-4) (MM pg. 137)

18 – Thoqqua (2-4) (MM pg. 242)

19 – Bodak (MM pg. 28)

20 – Nightwalker (MM pg. 196)


This squat, reptilian monster has eight legs, bony spurs jutting from its back, and eyes that glow
with pale green fire.

XP 1,600
N Medium magical beast
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10

AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (–1 Dex, +8 natural)

hp 52 (7d10+14)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +5


Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite +10 (1d8+4)
Special Attacks gaze


Str 16, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11

Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 19 (31 vs. trip)
Feats Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +10, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth


Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–6)
Treasure incidental


Gaze (Ex) Turn to stone permanently (as flesh to stone), range 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 negates.
A creature petrified in this matter that is then coated (not just splashed) with fresh basilisk blood
(taken from a basilisk no more than 1 hour dead) is instantly restored to flesh. A single basilisk
contains enough blood to coat 1d3 Medium creatures in this manner. The save DC is
Estas criaturas são 90% propensos a ter 2-5 estátuas humanas ou humanóides na área
perto de sua toca, mas note que eles são frequentemente encontrados em outros lugares. A sua
presença é bem conhecido para a maioria dos outros residentes

Medium-size Aberration
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: -2 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 16 (-2 Dex, +8 natural)
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d6+4)
Damage: Slam 1d6+4
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trample
Special Qualities: Blindsight (60 ft.), tremorsense
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 6, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +1*, Move Silently +1*
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Clutch (2-12)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Medium-size); 4-6 HD (Large)

A bowler is a strange creature that closely resembles an actual boulder or large stone. Bowlers
dwell in caves and in stony environments such as mountains or rocky hills. Although they lack
sense organs of any discernable nature, they are highly sensitive to sound and vibration.

Bowlers may in some way be related to mimics (see the MM) or livestones (see the Tome of
Horrors by Necromancer Games).

Although they do not keep treasure and have no interest in wealth, a bowler’s brain is a small,
beryl-like gem at its very center. If a bowler is cut open, this gem can be retrieved. Its value is
10 gp.

A bowler can slam itself into opponents that are within its short reach, but it prefers instead to
flatten an opponent. Bowlers do have a small mouth filled with very sharp, rock like teeth, but it
is incapable of fighting with this aperture. The bowler only opens its mouth to consume the
mashed paste that was once its opponent.

Trample (Ex): A bowler can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for 1d12+3 points of
damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the bowler can attempt a
Reflex save (DC 13) to halve the damage. Once an opponent is trampled and on the ground, the
bowler repeatedly roll back and forth on its victim’s body until the life is crushed out of it,
dealing trample damage each round with a successful grapple check (the bowler's grapple bonus
is +3).

Skills: A bowler receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks while in rocky or stony
surroundings, and a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks until they reach a Speed of 30 feet.

Esta única colónia sobrevive por camuflagem e covardia, e não devem ser perigosos, a menos
encurralado. Também não devem tornar-se excessivamente, o que quer que ocorra.


Medium Elemental (Earth, Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (25 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (+6 natural), touch 10, fl at-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+5
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, immu-
nity to acid, spell disruption, tremorsense 30 ft.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Hide +2, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Spell object or none
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 4–6 HD (Medium); 7–9 HD
Level Adjustment: —
This strange creature resembles a mole the size of a hog, with long, filthy claws and beady,
hate-fi lled eyes.
It seems to be made of clumped soil and rock.

Chaggrins, or earth grues, are magical corruptions of earth and rock. They are hateful and
violent creatures that dig and burrow for no other reason than to damage the element that
spawned them, but they especially like to slake their dusty thirst with the blood of Material
Plane creatures.
An earth grue is about 5 feet long and weighs almost 500 pounds. It can burrow though soil,
earth, sand, rubble, or other loose material, but not through solid stone. Its voice sounds like
rocks grinding together. Though they speak Terran, chaggrins are not talkative creatures.
To determine the type of spell object contained in an earth grue, roll d%: 01–70, resist energy;
71–100, nondetection.
Chaggrins like to lie buried in the ground, hoping to surprise foes passing overhead.
Sneak Attack (Ex): If a chaggrin can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself
effectively from its attack, it can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Basically, the chaggrin’s
attack deals extra damage any time its target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class
(whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the chaggrin flanks its target.
Each type of grue has its own unique combat abilities and tactics, but all share some qualities.
An elemental grue’s natural attacks, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-
aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Spell Disruption (Su): The very presence of an elemental grue interferes with spells that
affect the grue’s associated element. Any spellcaster within 40 feet of a chaggrin who casts a
spell with the same descriptor as the grue’s element (earth, fire, air, or water) must succeed on a
DC 15 caster level check or have the spell fail. Within the same area of any such spell currently
in effect, a grue has a chance to dispel the effect as a free action, as if casting a targeted dispel
magic (caster level 10th).

Se não surpreendeu, os grues preparar, fundindo-se com a terra nas proximidades para os
benefícios de surpresa.

An animated cluster of translucent crystals shaped disturbingly like a gemstone scorpion
scuttles into an aggressive stance.

XP 800
N Small outsider (earth, elemental)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., crystal sense; Perception +11


AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)

hp 26 (4d10+4)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, fire; Resist electricity 10


Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.

Melee sting +7 (2d6+3)
Special Attacks shard spike +7 (3d6, range increment 60 ft.)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +6)
At will—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 12), mage hand, silent image (DC 13)
3/day—dimension door, sanctuary (DC 13), touch of idiocy (DC 14)


Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 17 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Great FortitudeB, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +9, Perception +11, Stealth +13 (+15 in rocky areas); Racial
Modifiers +2 Stealth in rocky areas
Languages Terran


Environment any underground (Plane of Earth)

Organization solitary or cluster (2–5)
Treasure standard (gems and magic gemstones only)


Crystal Sense (Sp) Crysmals can sense the presence of any crystals or gems within 30 feet as if
using the scent ability.
Shard Spike (Ex) Once per day, a crysmal can launch its tail spike as a ranged attack that
shatters when it hits, dealing 3d6 points of piercing damage to the target and 1d4 points of
piercing damage to all creatures in adjacent squares. The spike regrows in 24 hours, but until it
does, its impaired sting does only 1d6+3 damage.
Scorpion-like crysmals originate in the deepest caverns of the Plane of Earth. On rare occasions,
these strange creatures wind up on the Material Plane, usually in subterranean areas rich with
natural gem and crystal formations. The crystalline planes of their bodies absorb and refract
natural light, which some claim is the source of their supernatural powers.
Singular in purpose, a crysmal seeks only to reproduce. It does so by gathering stone crystals
and gemstones, fashioning them into a Tiny facsimile of its own body, and jolting the new
creature to life with a burst of the crysmal's own life energy. These newly created crysmals are
known as shardlings (treat as a crysmal with the young creature simple template), and grow to
adulthood after a few months of gorging on crystals and gemstones.
To make a single shardling, a crysmal requires 1,000 gp worth of crystals. Until it has enough
material to reproduce, it stores these gems inside its body, and if slain, the gems are visible
among the shards of the creature's corpse. Because of this reproductive need for gemstones,
crysmals are relentless in their pursuit of the treasures, valuing them much as other living
creatures value infants of their own race. Crysmals do not recognize that other creatures treat
gems as wealth, and attempt to seize gems carried by others whenever the opportunity arises. A
crysmal normally uses its spell-like abilities to befuddle opponents, grabbing at pouches with
gems when the bearer is distracted, and normally only resorts to physical violence once all other
tactics fail.
Estas criaturas são presas dos Xorn e Xarens, e evitá-los a todo custo. Eles
procurar uma dieta de quartzo e outros minerais, e vai atacar para ganhar o deles.

Ooze, Crystal
A seemingly mundane puddle, patch of moist stone, or glistening rock is suddenly revealed to be
more as a terrible pseudopod lashes out.

Crystal Ooze CR 4

XP 1,200
N Medium ooze (aquatic)
Init –5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception –5

AC 5, touch 5, flat-footed 5 (–5 Dex)

hp 50 (4d8+32)
Fort +9, Ref –4, Will –4
Defensive Abilities ooze traits; Immune cold, fire

Speed 10 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee slam +6 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 acid and grab)
Special Attacks acid, paralysis

Str 16, Dex 1, Con 26, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1

Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+10 grapple); CMD 11 (can't be tripped)
SQ transparent

Acid (Ex)
The digestive acid that covers a crystal ooze dissolves metals and organic material, but not
stone. Each slam and constrict attack deals 1d6 additional acid damage. Armor or clothing
worn by a creature grappled by a crystal ooze takes the same amount of acid damage unless the
wearer succeeds on a DC 20 Reflex saving throw. A wooden or metal weapon that strikes a
crystal ooze takes 1d6 acid damage unless the weapon's wielder succeeds on a DC 20 Reflex
save. The ooze's touch deals 12 points of acid damage per round to wooden or metal objects,
but the ooze must remain in contact with the material for 1 full round in order to deal this
damage. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

Transparent (Ex)

Due to its lack of vivid coloration, a crystal ooze is difficult to discern from its surroundings in
most environments. A DC 15 Perception check is required to notice the ooze. Any creature that
fails to notice a crystal ooze and walks into it automatically suffers damage as if struck by the
ooze's slam attack and is immediately subject to a grab attempt by the ooze.

Paralysis (Ex)

The crystal ooze secretes a paralytic toxin that causes those whom it strikes to become
paralyzed for 3d6 rounds if they fail a Fortitude saving throw DC 20 (the save DC is


Environment deep waters

Organization solitary
Treasure none

The crystal ooze is an aquatic variant of gray ooze that dwells in deeper waters than most
commonly found in the gray ooze's beloved swamps. A crystal ooze has the aquatic subtype and
a swim speed of 30 ft.
Estes provavelmente serão encontrados juntos, na água. Eles não têm covil.

This creature resembles a young six-legged dragon with glistening scales and gleaming eyes.


XP 6,400
N Large dragon
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10


AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +13 natural, –1 size)

hp 115 (11d12+44)
Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +8
Immune energy type, sleep, paralysis


Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +16 (2d6+6), 2 claws +16 (1d6+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon, petrifying gaze (Fort DC 16)


A dracolisk attacks first with its breath weapon and gaze attack. After this, it attacks with its
bite and clawed forelegs.


Str 23, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 30 (34 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Climb +14, Diplomacy +8, Fly +10, Intimidate +8, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10,
Stealth +5, Survival +8, Swim +13
Languages Draconic


Breath Weapon (Su)

A dracolisk’s breath weapon depends on what type of dragon parent it had, as summarized on
the table below. Regardless of its type, a dracolisk’s breath weapon is usable once every 1d4
rounds (and no more than three times per day), deals 4d8 points of damage, and allows a DC
19 Reflex save for half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Dracolisk Variety Breath Weapon

Black 60-foot line of acid

Blue 60-foot line of electricity

Green 30-foot cone of gas (acid)

Red 30-foot cone of fire

White 30-foot cone of cold

Immunity to Energy (Ex)

A dracolisk is immune to one type of energy based on its dragon parent and variety.

Dracolisk Variety Immunity

Black Acid

Blue Electricity

Green Acid

Red Fire

White Cold

Petrifying Gaze (Su)

Turn to stone permanently, range 30 feet, Fortitude DC 16 negates. The save DC is Charisma-


Environment see text

Organization solitary or colony (3-6)
Treasure none
The vicious dracolisk is a rare crossbreed of dragon and basilisk. No one is quite sure how the
dracolisk species came to be, but all who have encountered it are well aware of its lethality.
There is believed to be one species of dracolisk for every species of dragon. Thus far, however,
most dracolisks encountered have been of the black variety. At first glance, a dracolisk appears
to be a juvenile dragon of whatever color its dragon parent was—but thanks to the petrifying
gaze it inherited from its basilisk parent, most who encounter a dracolisk never get a second
glance. A dracolisk has a scaled body the same color as its dragon parent that fades to a lighter
shade on its underside. A short, curved horn, similar to a rhino’s, juts from its nose. Its dragon-
like wings match its body color but fade to a slightly darker shade near the tips. A dracolisk’s
eyes are pale green with sparkles that match its dragon-parent color.
A typical dracolisk is 15 feet long and weighs about 3,000 pounds. A dracolisk’s environment
varies based on its dragon heritage: black dracolisks can be found in warm marshes, deserts, or
underground; blue dracolisks favor warm hills and mountains, rarely being found underground;
green dracolisks favor temperate or warm forests and underground settings; red dracolisks favor
warm mountains and underground settings; and white dracolisks favor cold mountains, cold
deserts, and underground.
Tal como acontece com os basilisks, esta criatura possui 2-5 estátuas em ou próximo a sua toca.

Black Dragon, Young


XP 3,200
CE Medium dragon (water)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +14

AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +9 natural)

hp 76 (8d12+24)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +7
Immune acid, paralysis, sleep

Speed 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +13 (1d8+6), 2 claws +12 (1d6+4), 2 wings +7 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. line, DC 17, 6d6 acid)

Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 24 (28 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus(Stealth), Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Fly +13, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +11, Perception +14, Stealth +16, Swim +23
Languages Draconic

Speak with Reptiles (Sp)

A young or older black dragon gains the constant spell-like ability to speak with reptiles. This
functions as speak with animals, but only with reptilian animals.

Swamp Stride (Ex)

A very young or older black dragon can move through bogs and quicksand without penalty at its
normal speed.

Water Breathing (Ex)

A black dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells,
and other abilities while submerged.

Este par acasalado produziu recentemente dois ovos. Estes devem eclodem em 71-79 dias, mas
provavelmente não vai sobreviver (apenas 15% acaso) a não ser alimentados com abundância de
carne fresca - seres humanos e humanóides são uma excelente fonte...


This hulking, roughly humanoid creature of dirt and stone explodes up from the earth, faceless
save for two glowing gemstone eyes.


XP 1,600
N Large outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11

AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +6
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits


Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide

Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery


Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11

Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Power Attack
Skills Appraise +6, Climb +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (planes) +6,
Perception +11, Stealth +5

Languages Terran


Environment any (Plane of Earth)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none


Earth Glide (Ex) A burrowing earth elemental can pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other
sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If protected against fire
damage, it can even glide through lava. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does
it create any ripple or other sign of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a
burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round
unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Earth Mastery (Ex) An earth elemental gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it
and its foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental
takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun
maneuvers, whether the elemental is initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks. (These
modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)
Estes devem ser encontradas isoladamente ou em pares. Eles não têm covil.

Galeb Duhr

Reclusive but unrelenting, the living boulders known as galeb duhrs call the mountains their
home and protect their stones and boulders with the same tenacity as a treant protecting its
beloved trees.

A galeb duhr typically stands between eight and twelve feet in height, though individuals with
the young or giant simple templates are not uncommon. It resembles nothing so much as a huge
stone with small white eyes and stumpy arms and legs. A galeb duhr can hold itself so still as to
appear one with the surrounding rocks, and many a traveler was walked right by one without
ever realizing.

Galeb duhrs congregate in small groups of up to five, quietly appreciating each other’s company
as they sit motionless on their mountainsides. Often the only sign of their presence is the
palpably sad songs they rumble to themselves - galeb duhrs are accomplished singers, with
beautifully deep, rumbling voices. Galeb duhrs know every inch of their mountains and collect
gemstones for the simple pleasure of staring into their facets. Unscrupulous humanoids
sometimes try to force galeb duhrs to part with their knowledge of precious stones and veins of
gold, but the peaceful elementals will not hesitate to defend themselves with violence if need be.
CR: 9
XP: 6,400
N Large outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init: +0; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 300 ft.; Perception +22
AC: 24, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+15 natural, -1 size)
hp: 126 (12 HD)
Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +13
DR 10/magic; Immune: Elemental traits, petrification; Resist: Fire 10; SR 20
Speed: 20 ft., burrow 30 ft.
Melee: 2 slams +20 (1d8+9)
Ranged: Rock +11 (1d8+13/120 ft.)
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Earthen grasp, powerful charge (slam, 1d8+13), rock throwing
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th, concentration +11):
At will - Animate objects (boulders only), spike stones (DC 15), stone shape
1/day - Move earth, passwall, transmute rock to mud (DC 16), wall of stone
Str 29, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 12
Base Atk: +12; CMB: +19 (+23 bull rush); CMD: 29 (33 vs. bull rush)
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills: Knowledge (geography) +16, Perception +22, Perform (oratory, poetry, sing) +16, Sense
Motive +22, Stealth +15 (+19 in stony environs); Racial Modifiers: +4 Stealth (+8 in stony
Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Terran
SQ: Freeze
Environment: Any mountains (Plane of Earth)
Organization: Solitary, pair, or tumble (3-5)
Treasure: Standard
Earthen Grasp (Su): Three times per day as a standard action, a galeb duhr can conjure a huge
hand of stone to grasp its foes. This functions as the grasping hand spell (CL 9th), except that
the hand is made of solid stone, not magical force; it cannot move; and it cannot interpose or
bull rush, only grapple.
Freeze (Ex): A galeb duhr can hold itself so still it appears to be a boulder. A galeb duhr that
uses freeze can take 20 on its Stealth check to hide in plan sight as a boulder.

O sombrios senhores das rochas têm grande poder e pouca paciência, mas não são por natureza
hostis a qualquer um, mas aqueles que se alimentam de pedra ou pedras preciosas. Eles são
susceptíveis de ajudar ou pelo menos parlamentar com as informações que carrega sobre tais
criaturas vis.

Giant, Stone

This giant has chiseled, muscular features and a flat, forward-sloping head, looking almost as if
it were carved of stone.

XP 4,800
N Large humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12


AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +11 natural, –1 size)

hp 102 (12d8+48)
Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +7
Defensive Abilities improved rock catching


Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatclub +16/+11 (2d8+12) or 2 slams +16 (1d8+8)
Ranged rock +11/+6 (1d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rock throwing (180 ft.)


Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +18; CMD 30
Feats Iron Will, Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatclub), Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack,
Precise Shot, Quick Draw
Skills Climb +12, Intimidate +12, Perception +12, Stealth +4 (+12 in rocky terrain); Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth in rocky terrain
Languages Common, Giant

Environment temperate mountains

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), band (4–8), hunting party (9–12 plus 1 elder), or tribe (13–
30 plus 35% noncombatants, 1–3 elders, and 4–6 dire bears)
Treasure standard (greatclub, other treasure)


Improved Rock Catching (Ex) A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex save when
attempting to catch a thrown rock with rock catching. This ability otherwise works like the rock
catching ability.
Stone giants prefer thick leather garments, dyed in shades of brown and gray to match the stone
around them. Adults are about 12 feet tall, weigh about 1,500 pounds, and can live to be 800
years old.
Esta grande família única tem um fácil covil defensável, e provavelmente vários becos nas


This bull-like creature seems to be made of interlocking metallic plates. Faint plumes of green
smoke puff from its mouth.

XP 4,800
N Large magical beast
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +17


AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+11 natural, –1 size)

hp 100 (8d10+56)
Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +7

Speed 30 ft.
Melee gore +14 (2d8+7), 2 hooves +9 (1d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (60-foot cone, turn to stone, Fortitude DC 21 negates), trample
(2d8+10, DC 21)


Str 24, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 9
Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 26
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +17


Environment temperate plains, rocky hills, and underground

Organization solitary, pair, pack (3–4), or herd (5–12)
Treasure none


Breath Weapon A gorgon can use its breath weapon once every 1d4+1 rounds to create a 60-
foot cone of green gas. Those caught in the area of the gas can attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save
to resist the effects, but those who fail the save are immediately petrified. This petrification is
temporary—each round, a petrified creature can attempt a new DC 21 Fortitude save to recover
from the petrification as long as it is not caught within the area of effect of the gorgon's breath
weapon a second time while petrified. A creature exposed to the gorgon's breath a second time
while already petrified becomes permanently petrified, and can no longer attempt to make
additional Fortitude saves to recover naturally. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Gorgons are magical, foul-tempered creatures—while they might appear to be constructs at first
glance, beneath their artifical-looking armor plates they are made of flesh and bone. Like
aggressive bulls, they challenge any unfamiliar creature they encounter, often trampling their
opponent's corpse or shattering its stony remnants until the creature is unrecognizable. The
females are just as dangerous as the males, and the two sexes appear identical. A typical gorgon
stands 6 feet tall and 8 feet long. It weighs 4,000 pounds.
Gorgons derive nutrients from the consumption of minerals, particularly the stone of their
petrified victims, and any statues they create are likely to be gnawed thoroughly. They cannot
digest metal or gems, so their dung (which resembles bitter-smelling gray powder) often
contains small, raw crystals and nuggets of ore. Their aggression toward all other creatures
means that there are few to no predators or other prey animals in their grazing grounds. Each
herd is led by a dominant bull; solitary gorgons are usually adolescent bulls driven out of their
herd by the lead bull.
Their flesh is tough but beefy (once the armored hide is removed), and to those who acquire the
taste, quite filling. Many stone giant tribes believe eating gorgon meat enhances their own
natural armor. Powdered gorgon horn is worth 250 gp as an alternate material component for
magic items using bull's strength, stoneskin, flesh to stone, statue, and similar magic.

Estes animais perigosos são evitados quase todos. A sua localização deverá ser bem conhecida e
mencionada no mesmo o mais conversa casual.

Khargra (4)

This creature resembles a man-sized cylinder covered in metallic scales. It sports three large
“fins” spaced even around its circumference. Between each fin is a metal sheath from which
slide long claw-like arms. A large hole in the front of its cylindrical body is lined with many
small curved metallic teeth and seems to function as its mouth.


XP 1,200
N Small outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11

AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, +1 size)

hp 42 (5d10+10 plus 5)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
Immune cold, fire, elemental traits
Weaknesses vulnerabilities (see below)

Speed 10 ft., burrow 30 ft.

Melee 3 claws +8 (1d3+2 plus grab) and bite +8 (2d8+2)
Special Attacks rend armor, sundering bite

Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +6 (+10 to grapple); CMD 18
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
Skills Perception +11, Stealth +14, Survival +8 (+12 following tracks); Racial Modifiers +4
Survival (following tracks)
Languages Common, Terran (does not speak to nonkhargra)
SQ earth glide

Earth Glide (Ex)

A khargra can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth, including metal, as
easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it
create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a
burrowing khargra flings the khargra back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it
succeeds at a Fortitude save.

Rend Armor (Ex)

If a khargra hits with a bite attack, it deals normal bite damage and pulls apart any metal armor
worn by its foe. This attack deals 2d8+2 points of damage to the opponent's armor. Creatures
wearing no armor or non-metal armor are unaffected by this special attack (though they still
take normal bite damage). Armor reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed and devoured by the
khargra. Damaged armor gains the broken condition.

Sundering Bite (Ex)

A khargra can making a sunder attempt with its bite attack against an opponent's weapon or
shield without provoking attacks of opportunity. Resolve this using the normal rules for a
sunder attempt. If the khargra succeeds on its CMB roll, it deals 2d8+2 points of damage to the
weapon or shield. Note, against a khargra, a weapon or shield's hardness is only one-half as
effective as normal. This means that a light steel shield, for example, is considered to have a
hardness of 5 rather than 10 against a khargra's sunder attack. A weapon or shield reduced to 0
or less hit points is destroyed and half of it is swallowed by the khargra.
It only uses this special attack against metal weapons and shields. Damaged armor and
weapons gain the broken condition.

Vulnerabilities (Ex)

A khargra takes maximum damage from a heat metal spell (no save). A transmute metal to
wood deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) to a khargra. It can attempt
a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17 + caster's ability modifier) to reduce the damage by half.

Environment Elemental Plane of Earth

Organization solitary or pack (2-5)
Treasure standard coins (in digestive tract); no goods; no items
Khargras are native to the Elemental Plane of Earth and are usually only encountered on the
Material Plane when summoned. On occasion, a khargra slips through a tear in the planar fabric
and enters the Material Plane to digest ores and metals not normally found on its native plane. A
khargra is a 5-foot long cylinder and weighs about 300 pounds. It is believed that khargras
speak (or at least understand) Terran and Common, but no one is certain as communication with
these creatures has always failed.
Khargras attack from ambush, preferring to wait just inside the wall of a dungeon or corridor
and springing out when prey passes nearby. The khargra attempts to grab and devour any metal
objects within the area. Nonmetallic objects may be bitten, but not devoured.
A escola destes estranho rock-peixe vagueia quase constantemente. Note-se que eles pode
danificar armas de metal com suas mordidas
Rock Reptile

A long, warty lizard about the size of a small horse shoots from the darkness, snapping with its
powerful jaws.


XP 1,200
N Medium magical beast
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +7


AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 natural)

hp 45 (5d10+20)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1


Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d6+6)
Special Attacks ambush, lightning charge


Rock reptiles are ambush predators and lie quietly in wait for prey to come
within range. Once prey is within range, the creature springs from its hiding
place with blinding speed and bites at its prey.


Str 18, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill focus (Survival)
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +13 (+21 in rocky environs), Survival +3; Racial
Modifiers +4 Stealth (+12 Stealth in rocky environs)


Ambush (Ex)

When a rock reptile first attack, if it manages to surprise its opponent it gains a
+4 circumstance bonus to its attack.

Lightning Charge (Ex)

A rock reptile can move up to four times its speed, rather than twice its speed,
when charging.


Environment underground
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure 25% coins, 25% goods, no items
A rock reptile is a 5-foot long chameleon-like lizard that lairs in rocky areas such as caves and
outcroppings. It is fond of darkness and only leaves its seclusion when it is ravaged by hunger.
Its chameleon-like hide allows it to blend with its surroundings where it is often mistaken for a
pile of rocks


Medium-Size Magical Beast

Hit Dice: 6d10+6 (39 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 10 ft
AC: 26 (+2 Dex, +14 natural)
Attacks: 6 strands +9 ranged, bite +1 melee
Damage: Strand (see text), bite 1d8
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft (50 ft with strand)
Special Attacks: Strands, venom, attach, weakness
Special Qualities: Tremorsense 200 ft, immune to normal missile fire, darkvision 60 ft, low-
light vision
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +5, Hide +8*, Listen +14, Spot +14 Feats:
Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (strand) Climate/Terrain: Any
underground Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: No coins; 50% goods (stone only); no items
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-15 HD (Large)

The storoper (from "stone roper", also called "tar roper") is about 5 feet high and 2 feet in
diameter, and appears to be a small statue of a roper. It is a cigar-shaped creature with 6
tentacles and a gaping maw, and weighs about 500 pounds. The storoper has a silicon-based,
rocklike body. If a storoper is killed and cut open, its treasure will be found inside the gizzard.

If anything approaches within 50 feet of the storoper, it will attack by suddenly shooting out its
tentacle strands; it prefers to attack two victims at once, each with three strands. The first two
victims successfully attacked will be injected with the storoper’s venom. If the venom fails, the
storoper will continue to hold the creature and the weakness will take effect next round.

Strands (Ex): Most encounters with a storoper begin when it fires its strong, sticky strands. The
creature has six such members that can strike up to 50 feet away (no range increment).

Venom (Ex): Twice per day, the storoper can secrete venom from each of its strands. A creature
hit by a strand must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed. A paralyzed creature
will appear to have turned to stone (though in fact, it has not). One round after being paralyzed,
the victim recovers and must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or act in defense of the storoper (as
if under the effects of a charm person spell) for 2d4 minutes. A charmed creature will fight to
the best of its ability to defend the storoper. If the storoper is killed, the victim affected by the
venom will act as if under the effects of a confusion spell for 1d6+2 rounds.

Attach (Ex): If a storoper hits with a strand attack, the strand latches onto the opponent's
body. This deals no damage. If the storoper uses its venom attack and the target fails its save, it
will release that creature so it can fight for the storoper. If the venom fails, or the storoper has
already used its venom attacks for the day, it will draw the stuck opponent 10 feet closer each
subsequent round (no attack of opportunity) unless the creature breaks free, which requires a
successful Escape Artist check (DC 15) or Strength check (DC 11). The storoper can draw in a
creature within 5 feet of itself and bite with a +4 attack bonus, in that round. A single attack that
deals at least 10 points of damage severs a strand (AC 20).

Weakness (Ex): After the storoper uses its venom, its strands function similar to a roper's
strands. A storoper's strands can sap an opponent's strength. Anyone caught by a strand must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or take 2d6 points of temporary Strength damage.
Immune to Normal Missiles (Ex): Because of their stony exterior, normal missiles (arrows,
bolts, etc.) do not deal damage to the storoper.

Skills: *Storopers receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks in stony or icy areas The Storoper
first appeared in module A3 (Alan Hammack, 1980).


Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Earth)

Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)

Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft
Armor Class: 25 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d8+2)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d8+2) and 3 claws +4 melee (1d3+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft
Special Attacks: Adamantine bite, devour enchantment
Special Qualities: All-around vision, earth glide, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision
60 ft., immunity to cold and fire, resistance to electricity 10, tremorsense 60 ft
Level Adjustment: -
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3
Skills: Hide +12, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +5,
Search +6, Spot +8, Survival +6 (+8 following tracks or underground)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Sunder [B], Multiattack
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Organization: Solitary, pair, or cluster (3–5
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4–6 HD (Small); 7–14 HD (Medium); 15–21 HD (Large); 22–45 HD (Huge)

The wide body of this odd creature appears to be constituted of shiny pebbles. A large mouth
tops its head, while three arms, eyes, and short legs are symmetrically positioned around it.

Xaren are closely related to xorn, being slightly smaller with shinier hides. Hailing from the
Elemental Plane of Earth, they occasionally venture to the Material Plane to feed or when
summoned by spellcasters.
Xaren feed on metal, preferring iron, copper, silver, gold and electrum. If refined metal objects
cannot be found, they will dine on ore.
Xaren and xorn generally are indifferent to one another and rarely cooperate. They are often
hunted by dao, who view xaren as a threat to their riches. As a result, dao do not enslave xaren.
Xaren are about 3 feet tall and wide and weigh about 120 pounds.
Xaren speak Common and Terran.A xaren can be summoned with a summon nature's ally V


Like xorns, xaren eat metal and only attack other creatures to acquire metal goods they carry.
Xaren can smell metal up to 20 feet away, and if the metal is magically enhanced, the range
doubles. Like xorn, a xaren’s favorite mode of attack is to lie in ambush beneath a stony surface.
A cluster of xaren will often send a single member to negotiate for food while the remainder
position themselves for a surprise attack.

Adamantine Bite (Ex): A xaren's bite attack counts as adamantine for the purposes of
overcoming damage reduction and hardness.
All-Around Vision (Ex): A xaren's symmetrically placed eyes allow it to look in any direction,
providing a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks. A xaren can’t be flanked.
Devour Enchantment (Su): When a xaren destroys a magic weapon with a sunder attempt, it
devours it. The xaren immediately gains 1 point of Constitution per point of enchantment bonus
of the weapon (including bonuses due to weapon properties such as keen or flaming). The xaren
loses these points of Constitution at the rate of one per hour.
Earth Glide (Ex): A xaren can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except
metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor
does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area
containing a burrowing xaren flings the xaren back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round
unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.

This squat beast is as wide as it is tall. Strangely symmetrical, it has three arms, three legs, three
eyes, and one huge mouth.

XP 2,400
N Medium outsider (earth, extraplanar)
Init +0; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +14


AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21 (+11 natural)

hp 66 (7d10+28)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +5
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, fire, flanking; Resist electricity 10


Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft.; earth glide

Melee bite +10 (4d6+3), 3 claws +10 (1d4+3)


Str 17, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 20 (22 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Appraise +10, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (dungeonering) +10, Perception +14, Stealth
+10, Survival +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Common, Terran


Environment any (Plane of Earth)

Organization solitary, pair, or cluster (3–6)
Treasure standard (precious metals, gems, and magic gems or jewelry only)


All-Around Vision (Ex) A xorn sees in all directions at the same time, giving it a +4 racial
bonus on Perception checks. A xorn cannot be flanked.
Earth Glide (Ex) A xorn can glide through any sort of natural earth or stone as easily as a fish
swims through water. Its burrowing leaves no sign of its passage nor hint at its presence to
creatures that don't possess tremorsense. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a xorn
moves the xorn back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15
Fortitude save.

E5 Large Cavern

Basilisk (2); Hp 54, 34; MM pg. 23;

E2 North Corridor

Roper; Hp 84; MM pg. 215;


Carved Stone Statuette (90gp);

E10 Large South Cavern

Destachan (2); Hp 65, 63; MM pg. 49;

E11 South Grotto with Divided Approach

Black Dragon, Large (2); Hp 187, 179; MM pg. 70;

1,800gp, 5,000sp,, Black Pearl (500gp), Potion of Ghoul Touch, Scroll of Blur, Mount, Locate
Object, Detect Undead, Levitate, Mage Hand;

E15 Huge Southwest Cavern

Destachan (2); Hp 68, 63; MM pg. 49;

E18 Long Cavern

Gorgon (2); Hp 95, 84; MM pg. 137;

E19 Long Western Cavern (Gate to Water)

Stone Giant (6); Hp 147, 138, 133, 128, 123, 122; MM pg. 124;


200pp, 300gp, 6,000sp, 4 Silver Chalices (100gp each), 2 Ceremonial Daggers with Star Ruby
(900gp each),
Old Masterpiece Painting (1,300gp), 2 Emeralds (400gp each), Wand of Color Spray (50

Composite Shortbow +2 (+2 Str Bonus), Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Wand of
Summon Monster I (50 Charges),

Heavy Steel Shield +1, Shortspear of Might Cleaving +2;

E23 North Cavern

Earth Elemental, Huge; Hp 161; MM pg. 98; Glabrezu Guardião , guarda a gema da terra

Demon, Glabrezu

Four arms grace the torso of this towering monstrosity. The monster's eyes shine with a mix of
intelligence and cruelty.

XP 25,600
CE Huge outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +26

AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 28 (+20 natural, –2 size)
hp 186 (12d10+120)
Fort +18, Ref +4, Will +11
DR 10/good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 24


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 pincers +20 (2d8+10/19–20), 2 claws +20 (1d6+10), bite +20 (1d8+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 pincers, 2d8+15)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th)
Constant—true seeing
At will—chaos hammer (DC 19), confusion (DC 19), dispel magic, mirror image, reverse
gravity (DC 22), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), veil (self only), unholy
1/day—power word stun, summon (level 4, 1 glabrezu 20% or 1d2 vrocks 50%)
1/month—wish (granted to a mortal humanoid only)


Str 31, Dex 11, Con 31, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Base Atk +12; CMB +24; CMD 34
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (pincer), Persuasive, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Bluff +28, Diplomacy +22, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge (local)
+18, Perception +26, Sense Motive +18, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +17; Racial Modifiers
+8 Bluff, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.


Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or troop (1 glabrezu, 1 succubus, and 2–5 vrocks)
Treasure standard
Whereas the succubus is a demon that works her wiles by exploiting the physical lusts and
needs of her prey, the glabrezu is a tempter of a different sort. Ferocious and bestial in form, the
glabrezu is in fact a master of trickery and lies. With its ability to cloak its true form in pleasant
illusions, the glabrezu uses its magic to grant wishes to mortal humanoids as a method of
rewarding those who succumb to its guile and deceit. A wish granted by a glabrezu always
fulfills the wisher's need in the most destructive way possible—although such methods might
not be immediately apparent. A struggling weaponsmith might wish for fame and skill at his
craft, only to find that his best patron is a cruel and sadistic murderer who uses the weapons to
further his destructive desires. A lonely man who wishes for a companion might have his wish
granted in the form of a lost love returned to “life” as a vampire, and so on—the glabrezu is
nothing if not creative in addressing a mortal's desires.
A glabrezu stands 18 feet tall and weighs just over 6,000 pounds. These treacherous demons
form from the souls of the treasonous, the false, and the subversive—souls of mortals who, in
life, bore false witness or used treachery and deceit to ruin the lives of others.

E24 Great North Cavern

Xorn (2); Hp 63, 53; MM pg. 260;

Os quartos e corredores dos Poços Temidos do Fogo são úmidos e quente, tão quente que o
subsequente dano ambiental é causado ao longo de períodos de exposição. As áreas são
iluminadas, seja vagamente ou brilhantemente, pelas covas ocasionais de
brasas e chamas saltitantes, como observado no mapa.
Aqueles que chegam aqui aparecem no salão central, confrontados com uma escolha de oito
portas. Eles, e todos os outros portais no nó, são grandes construções de pedra com acessórios
de latão. Furam freqüentemente (-1 de penalidade para todos "abrir rolos de 'portas), mas são
afiados por amplas rachaduras que permitem que criaturas de fogo e outros de forma mutável a
infiltrar-se através deles, mesmo quando fechado.
Os quartos e corredores, escavado na rocha circundante , são bem-feitos, talvez por
elementais da terra ou magia. Muitos são superfícies queimada e riscado, mas poucos são
quebrado. pedaços são raras, só encontradas em pequena pilhas e chamuscado no lado superior.


1. Gateway to Air Elemental Node.

2. Gateway to Water Elemental Node.

3. Gateway to Earth Elemental Node.

4. Efreeti.

5. Large Fire Elementals and Fire Snakes.

6. Salamanders.

7. Bodaks.

8. Darley.

9. Fire Toads.

10. 3 Salamanders.

11. Balor Guardian and exit to Level 4 of the Temple

Fire Elemental Node

Of all the Elemental Nodes, the Fire Node has the toughest of the guardians. It is
none other than a mighty Balor. As will be seen in my advice concerning the Balor,
there’s a specific reason for doing the Earth and Air Nodes first. Generous use of
Protection from Energy: Fire is earnestly recommended for this Node, and not just
when the time comes to confront the Balor.
1. This is a gateway to the Air Elemental Node.
2. This is a gateway to the Water Elemental Node.
3. This is a gateway to the Earth Elemental Node.
4. Two Efreeti, genie-like beings with an emphasis on fire, lie in wait to attack the
5. A collection of Large Fire Elementals and Fire Snakes will attack the party here.
6. Here the party will run into a large collection of Salamanders, who love to crank
out Fireballs. It is advisable to have Protection from Energy: Fire on everybody
beforehand in order to absorb the initial onslaught. It is then recommended that
your primary damage caster catch as many Salamanders as he can with a Cone of
Cold. This makes the mopping up much easier.
Once they’re gone, they’ll leave a chest behind. Along with the treasure, you’ll also
find a Holy Greataxe +1, and an Amulet of Wisdom +4. Ferofist dons the Amulet of
Wisdom at last.
7. Here you’ll run into several Bodaks, undead creatures that apparently have
damage resistance penetrated only by silver weapons. They’re also capable of a
death gaze, though good enough saving throws will overcome this. Remember
those Silver Arrows in the Temple? Just a thought that I didn’t test out. Holy
weapons also make a good mark on them. They aren’t too dangerous in any event.
8. Here you’ll run into Darley, a joinable sorceress. My Paladin ended up seeing her
evil aura, prompting her to reveal her true form as an Alu-fiend and then provoking
a rather easy fight where I wasted her.
9. Here you’ll run into 3 Fire Toads. If I remember correctly, they’ll also inflict fire
damage in addition to the usual crushing damage after swallowing a victim. Kill and
kill quickly is the motto.
10. 3 Salamanders lie in wait here.
11. Now it is time for the big challenge. I’ll give you a
brief rundown of the Balor’s procedure for killing your
party. It spends the first couple of rounds casting
Suggestion in order to have party members turn
against you. It then activates its fear aura to try and
divide the party further. It will then summon Quasits
to its aid. It will then cast Slay Living at a target for
the next 2 rounds. After that, it spends about the
next 2 to 3 rounds trying to dispel your buffs or
protections. At that point, the Balor unleashes its
devastating melee attacks. Anybody close enough to the Balor is always subject to
damage from the flames that surround its body. Incidentally, the Balor is also
assisted by two Efreeti.
Maximum preparation beforehand is the key. The first couple of rounds are spent
getting off any additional buffs of shorter duration such as Haste. Indeed, Sir Tirion
casts Divine Favor on himself simply because the Balor’s Armor Class is that high!
Alliria summons a Fire Elemental. Lanatir uses the Orb of Golden Death to summon
a Glabrezu and Vrock to the party’s aid. As distasteful as this may be to a party
committed to the cause of good, it must be borne in mind that the Balor has a
Challenge Rating of 18 to 20. In the meantime, 10 is the cap on the number of
levels that you can advance.
The ideal then is to have Sir Tirion and the Glabrezu create flanking positions
around the Balor. The two of them should then be able to cut down the Balor to (a
smaller) size. Indeed, I delayed the casting of Haste until I could plant it on both
Sir Tirion and the Glabrezu. Even so, be mindful that the Balor has 250 or so hit
points. Lanatir cranks it out with Magic Missiles and Cone of Cold. He does not
however, expend any of his remaining 3rd level spell slots. The reason for this is
that he may have to cast Protection from Energy: Fire again on a character if the
Balor has dispelled it.
The Balor will leave behind the Fire Elemental Gem, which empowers the Orb of
Golden Death to cast Flamestrike once a day, Summon Fire Elemental once a day,
and Summon Balor once a week. Wow…
The party is now ready to leave the Node through the door that had been behind
the Balor.


F1 sala Center (ponto de chegada), com
oito portas
F2 salão do Norte, com quatro poços de fogo (esconderijo)
F3 sala octogonal. No extremo norte é
um símbolo círculo, portão para o Nodo Air
F4 sala de retângulo Nordeste com o lado
corredor (esconderijo)
F5 sala sem saída
F6 Passagem e sala rectangular
F7 Nordeste fogueiras (3 poços, toca)
F8 sala quadrada
F9 Grande Salão com quatro fogueiras quadrados, covil de grues harginn. Em seu tesouro é uma
jóia de energia, o quartzo enfumaçado, que envia qualquer tocá-lo para o nodo do ar
F10 sala quadrada
F11 sala rectangular
F12 Cubículo (esconderijo)
F13 sala de lado
F14 sala quadrada com porta (esconderijo)
F15 rhomb leste
F16 sala central (esconderijo) com portas
F17 corredores laterais
F18 sala de lado com a porta
F19 poços sudeste de fogo (Lair) e sala triangular. No extremo norte é um símbolo de triângulo,
portão para a Nó.Terra
F20 Southwest quarto poço do fogo, com 2 poços tangular (Lair)
F21 sala de lado com a porta
F22 rhomb oeste
F23 sala de lado com a porta
F24 Sala grande
F25 Cubículo (esconderijo)
F26 Sala grande
F27 sala de lado com a porta
F28 sala de lado com a porta
F29 quarto círculo do sudoeste
F30 Hall com 3 poços de fogo. No oeste reco- fim do salão é um símbolo quadrado, portão Nó
de água.
F31 quarto círculo do Noroeste
F32 sala de lado com a porta
F33 Grande salão
F34 Grande corredor
F35 Sala Oval (esconderijo)
F36 sala de retângulo Northwest com corredor (esconderijo) lado

Environmental Damage
Unprotected: 1d4 Damage Every 10 Minutes (Reflex Save DC 12 ½)

Metal Armor: 1d6 Damage Every 10 Minutes (Reflex save DC 15 ½)

Non-Metal Armor: 1d3 Damage Every 10 Minutes (Round Down 1 to 0)

Resist Energy (Fire): No Damage

Planar Characteristics
Objective Directional Gravity, Normal Time, Finite Size, Alterable Morphic, Fire Dominant,

Enhanced Magic (Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use, Manipulate, or Create Fire are both
Empowered and Enlarged), Impeded Magic (Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use or Create
Water are Impeded,

Requiring Spellcraft Check DC 15 + Spell Level)

If insufficiently protected, Concentration Checks must be made to Cast Spells (DC 10 +

Damage Taken).

Wandering Encounters
Roll on a d%:

01 – Magma Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 181)

02 – Magma Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 181)

03-04 – Gray Ooze (MM pg. 201

05-06 – Ochre Jelly (MM pg. 202

07 – Smoke Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 184)

08 – Smoke Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 184)

09-11 – Black Pudding (MM pg. 201)

12 – Efreeti (MM pg. 115)

13 – Wandering Human

14 – Resident Red Dragon (MM pg. 75)

15 – Fire Elementals (1-2) (MM pg. 98)

16 – Fire Giants (1-5) (MM pg. 121)

17 – Magmin (6-10) (MM pg. 179)

18 – Average Salamander (3-5) (MM pg. 218)

19 – Bodak (MM pg. 28)

20 – Thoqqua (MM pg. 242)

F2 Octagonal Room

Salamander (4); Hp 46, 45, 40 (x2); MM pg. 218;


1,500gp, 6,000sp, 3 Lapis Lazuli (10gp each);

F3 Octoganal Room

Bodak; Hp 56; MM pg, 28;

F9 Great Hall with Four Square Fire Pits

Red Dragon, Adult; Hp 268; MM pg. 75;


900pp, 4,000gp, Tiger Eye Turquoise (13gp),

4 Old Masterpiece Paintings (1,000gp each), Silver Comb with Moonstones (900gp), 2 Sets of
Cloth of Gold Vestments (40gp),

3 Silver Chalices with Lapis Lazuli (90gp each), Wand of Ghoul Touch (50 Charges), Rod of

F16- Guardião - Demon, Nalfeshnee

A towering, corpulent beast, this fiend has the hideous head of a boar and arms ending in fatty,
four-fingered hands.

XP 38,400
CE Huge outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +31
Aura unholy aura (DC 23)


AC 29, touch 13, flat-footed 28 (+4 deflection, +1 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size)
hp 203 (14d10+126)
Fort +22, Ref +9, Will +21
DR 10/good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 25


Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +23 (3d8+11/19–20), 2 claws +23 (2d6+11)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks unholy nimbus
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
Constant—true seeing, unholy aura (DC 23)
At will—call lightning (DC 18), feeblemind (DC 20), greater dispel magic, slow (DC 18),
greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)
1/day—summon (level 5, 1 nalfeshnee 20%, 1d4 hezrous 40%, or 1d4 vrocks 50%)


Str 32, Dex 13, Con 29, Int 23, Wis 22, Cha 20
Base Atk +14; CMB +27; CMD 42
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Bluff +22, Diplomacy +22, Fly +10, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +23,
Knowledge (planes) +23, Knowledge (any one other) +20, Perception +31, Sense Motive +23,
Spellcraft +23, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +22; Racial Modifier +8 on Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.


Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or warband (1 nalfeshnee, 1 hezrou, and 2–5 vrocks)
Treasure standard

Unholy Nimbus (Su) Three times per day as a free action a nalfeshnee can create a nimbus of
unholy light, causing nauseating beams of writhing color to play around its body. One round
later, the light bursts in a 60-foot radius. Any non-demon creature caught within this area must
succeed on a DC 22 Will save or be dazed for 1d10 rounds as visions of madness hound it. The
save DC is Charisma-based.

F18 Southeast Fire Pits

Fire Giant (6); Hp 158, 156, 152, 153, 148, 140; MM pg. 121;


480pp, 2,900gp, 6,000sp, 5 Pink Pearls (70gp each), 5 Black Pearls (200gp each), 5 Green
Garnets (130gp each),

4 Freshwater Pearls (6gp each), Keen Longspear +1, Potion of Swimming, Scroll of Summon
Nature’s Ally II,

Scroll of Levitate, Minor Image, Cat’s Grace, Blindness/Deafness;

F20 Southwest Fire Pit Room

Fire Elemental (2); Hp 144, 136; MM pg. 98;

F30 Hall with 3 Fire Pits

Red Dragon, Adult; Hp 243; MM pg. 75;


400pp, 2,000gp, 2 Jaspers (20gp each), 2 Moonstones (50gp each), Golden Yellow Topaz
(500gp), Light Flail +1,

Scroll of Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Unseen Servant, Spectral Hand, Flame Arrow;

F35 Oval Room

Efreeti; Hp 68; MM pg. 115;


900gp, 2 Black Star Sapphires (1,000gp each), 2 Aquamarines (400gp each), Finely Wrought
Gold Bracelet (20gp),
Fire Opal Pendant on a Fine Gold Chain (1,600gp), 3 Brass Mugs with Jade Inlays (300gp),
Scroll of Charm Person, Identify;


Fire Bat

Minor fire elementals in the shape of chiropterans, fire bats are pests native to the Plane of Fire
that can very quickly become a major threat when left unchecked.

A fire bat looks like a flesh-and-blood bat, two feet long with a wingspan of over four feet,
totally engulfed in flames. Indeed it appears to be made entirely of living fire until killed, when
its flames extinguish and its charcoal-like true body is revealed. Unlike true bats, fire bats do
not usually flap their wings; they are propelled by jets of heated gasses expelled from tiny tubes
along its wingtips.

Fire bats feed on flesh, particularly that of fiery humanoids such as efreet, azers, and
salamanders, swooping down and latching onto their victims. When a fire bat is sated, it flies off
to a safe place and reproduces through fission, splitting down the middle into two separate fire
bats. In this way fire bats can quickly overwhelm a region unless dealt with quickly, and even
vile creatures like salamanders and efreet may put aside their differences to destroy them. True
fire elementals, who lack flesh, enjoy the company of fire bats and revel in their vast flights.

Despite their bestial appearance, fire bats are semi-intelligent and possess an evil will, seeming
to target intelligent creatures over dumb beasts and enjoying the chance to attack humanoid
settlements. They are thought to be creations of the demonic bat-god Camazotz, who made them
as gifts to Ymeri, the elemental queen of fire. To be sure, they flock in huge numbers in both
Camazotz and Ymeri’s domains and never knowingly attack servants of either deity.

CR: 3
XP: 800
NE Small outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init: +7; Senses: Blindsight 40 ft.; Perception +7
AC: 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp: 27 (6 HD); regeneration 5 (cold)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Immune: Elemental traits, fire
Weakness: Vulnerability to cold
Speed: 10 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Melee: Bite +11 (1d6 plus 1d6 fire and attach)
Special Attacks: Burn (1d6, DC 14), devour
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 5
Base Atk: +6; CMB: +8 (+12 grapple); CMD: 18
Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB
Skills: Escape Artist +12, Fly +18, Perception +7 (+11 when using blindsense), Stealth +16;
Racial Modifiers: +4 Perception when using blindsense
Languages: Ignan (cannot speak)
Environment: Any (Plane of Fire)
Organization: Solitary or swarm (11-20)
Treasure: None
Attach (Ex): A fire bat automatically latches onto its target when it successfully makes a bite
attack. The fire bat is considered grappling, but the target is not. The target can attack or grapple
the fire bat as normal, or break the attach with a successful grapple or Escape Artist check. A
fire bat gains a +4 racial bonus to maintain a grapple.
Burn (Ex): The save DC for a fire bat’s burn attack includes a +2 racial bonus.
Devour (Ex): Once it is attached, a fire bat devours its opponent’s flesh, automatically dealing
1d6 points of bite damage and 1d6 points of fire damage each round it remains attached. After
dealing 6 points of damage, the fire bat is sated; on the next round it detaches and flies away to
digest the meal.

Estas pragas podem assombrar e acompanhar o partido para grandes comprimentos de tempo,
evitando ataque definitivas até que a presa está distraído pelos adversários maiores.


The flesh of this emaciated creature appears charred or dried, and its empty eye sockets seep
trails of smoke.

XP 4,800
CE Medium undead (extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural)
hp 85 (10d8+40)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8
DR 10/cold iron; Immune electricity, undead traits; Resist acid 10, fire 10
Weaknesses vulnerability to sunlight


Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks death gaze


Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 16

Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +14, Stealth +10
Languages Common


Environment any land (evil Outer Plane)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–4)
Treasure none


Death Gaze (Su) 1d4 negative levels, 30 feet; Fortitude DC 18 negates. The save DC is
Charisma-based. A humanoid slain by a bodak's death gaze rises as a bodak 24 hours later. This
is a death effect.
Vulnerability to Sunlight (Ex) Bodaks loathe sunlight, for its merest touch burns their impure
flesh. Each round of exposure to direct sunlight deals 2d6 points of damage to a bodak.
When mortal humanoids find themselves exposed to profound, supernatural evil, a horrific,
occult transformation can strip them of their souls and damn them to the tortured existence of a
bodak. Changed into a twisted, misanthropic husk, a bodak wanders the endless tracts of evil-
aligned planes, periodically stumbling into other realms by passing through portals or otherwise
being conjured elsewhere. Possessing only fragmented memories of its former existence, the
bodak is driven by profound emptiness, sorrowful longing, and vengeful hatred of all life.
A bodak's appearance is profoundly disturbing. Its flesh looks dried, taut, and desiccated,
though it possesses a strange, otherworldly sheen. Its body is disproportionate and distinctly
androgynous. Hairless and with only vague hints of facial structure, the bodak's eyes are deep
set in their sockets and constantly weep foul-smelling smoky vapors. A planes-wise traveler
who recognizes its shape knows to flee, for most travelers can outrun the relatively slow bodak.
Bodaks vehemently despise all living creatures and immediately seek to destroy any they
encounter. A bodak retains the ability to speak one language it knew in life (typically Common),
but it rarely engages in conversation, instead spitting out an incomprehensible stream of vile
accusations, curses, and threats. On occasion, a bodak might wield weapons, but most rely
primarily upon the effects of their deadly gaze.

Bodaks are rarely encountered outside of the Abyss. As they are slow-witted, powerful evil
creatures such as liches and nabasu demons sometimes use bodaks as thralls, assassins, or
guardians. Bodaks encountered on the Material Plane exude extreme malevolence when forced
to confront the realization of their abhorrent transformations. So great is their desire to inflict
their fate upon others that many attempt to drag off the bodies of their slain victims and guard
them until they rise as undead.
A 20th-level spellcaster can use create greater undead to create a bodak, but only if the spell is
cast while the spellcaster is located on one of the evil outer planes (traditionally the Abyss).
Este horror, um aliado em algum momento de Darley o alu-demon (ver vagando seres
humanos), é tudo o que resta de uma outrora poderosa usuário de mágica que aliado com o
levante demoníaca contra Iuz. Embora agora de baixa inteligência, ele é extremamente astuto, e
vontade esconder, controlar e usar ataques hit-and-run em uma grupo preocupado se possível.


XP 9,600
CE Large dragon (fire)
Init +5; Senses dragon senses, smoke vision; Perception +15


AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 21 (+1 Dex, +12 natural, –1 size)

hp 115 (11d12+44)
Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +10
Immune fire, paralysis, sleep
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold


Speed 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +17 (2d6+10), 2 claws +17 (1d8+7), 2 wings +12 (1d6+3), tail slap +12 (1d8+10)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft. cone, DC 19, 6d10 fire)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th)
At will—detect magic
Spells Known (CL 1st)
1st (3/day)—shield, true strike
0 (at will)—mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic


Str 25, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +11; CMB +19; CMD 30 (34 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike
Skills Appraise +15, Bluff +15, Fly +9, Intimidate +15, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15,
Stealth +11
Languages Common, Draconic


Smoke Vision (Ex)

A very young red dragon can see perfectly in smoky conditions (such as those created by

Este antigo par dividiu-se, devido aos argumentos maritais acerca de tesouro. Eles
serão encontradas isoladamente, e podem mesmo evitar os seres humanos, sabendo-los a ser
perigoso. Cada dragão pode falar e usar os seguintes magias uma vez por dia: aumentar pessoa,
escudo arcano, reflexos, teia, dissipar magia, lentidão.
Genie, Efreeti

This muscular giant has crimson skin, smoldering eyes, and small black horns. Smoke rises in
curls from its flesh.

XP 4,800
LE Large outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic; Perception +15


AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –1 size)

hp 95 (10d10+40)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9
Immune fire; Vulnerability cold


Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2 slams +15 (1d8+6 plus 1d6 fire) or mwk falchion +16/+11 (2d6+9/18–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks change size, heat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th)
Constant—detect magic
At Will—plane shift (willing targets to elemental planes, Astral Plane, or Material Plane
only), produce flame, pyrotechnics (DC 14), scorching ray
3/day—invisibility, quickened scorching ray, wall of fire (DC 16)
1/day—grant up to 3 wishes (to nongenies only), gaseous form, permanent image (DC 18)


Str 23, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 31
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Quicken
Spell-Like Ability (scorching ray)
Skills Bluff +19, Craft (any one) +14, Disguise +10, Fly +13, Intimidate +15, Perception +15,
Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +8
Languages Auran, Aquan, Common, Ignan, Terran; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (humanoid or giant, alter self or giant form I)


Environment any (Plane of Fire)

Organization solitary, pair, company (3–6), or band (7–12)
Treasure standard (mwk falchion, other gear)


Change Size (Sp) Twice per day, an efreeti can magically change a creature's size. This works
just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (the efreeti chooses when using the ability),
except that the ability can work on the efreeti. A DC 13 Fortitude save negates the effect. The
save DC is Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Heat (Ex) An efreeti's body deals 1d6 points of fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or in
each round it grapples.
The efreet (singular efreeti) are genies from the Plane of Fire. An efreeti stands about 12 feet tall
and weighs about 2,000 pounds.
Efreet have few allies among geniekind. They certainly hate djinn, and attack them on sight.
They hold an equally strong enmity for marids, and view the jann as frail and weak. Efreet often
work closely with shaitans, yet even then alliances are temporary at best.
A small percentage of efreet are noble. Noble efreet, often called maliks, have 13 Hit Dice and
gain the following spell-like abilities: 3/day—fireball, heat metal; 1/day—greater invisibility,
pyroclastic storm (as ice storm, with fire instead of cold damage). A noble efreeti's caster level
for its spell-like abilities is 15th. Noble efreet are CR 10.
Esta criatura inteligente provavelmente disfarça como um elemental por um tempo, se possível,
e pode até mesmo se juntar e ajudar a um grupo disfarçado até que os PCs podem ser
observados em combate e os seus pontos fracos encontrados.


XP 1,600
N Large outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11


AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural, –1 size)

hp 60 (8d10+16)
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +4
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits, fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold


Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 slams +12 (1d8+2 plus burn)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks burn (1d8, DC 16)


Str 14, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 27
Feats Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +9, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (planes) +5,
Perception +11
Languages Ignan


Environment any (Plane of Fire)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none
Estes devem ser encontradas isoladamente ou em pares. Eles não têm guarida.

Fire Snake (3pp)

This creature looks like a snake with reddish-orange scales and stark white eyes without pupils.


XP 400
N Small outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)

hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +4
Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold

Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee bite +6 (1d4 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks paralysis (DC 12, 1d6 rounds)
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 14 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +11, Perception +9, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +8
Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth, use Dex for Climb checks

Paralysis (Ex)

A fire snake’s fangs inject an anesthetizing venom. A target hit by a fire snake’s bite attack
must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is


Environment Plane of Fire

Organization solitary or pack (2-5)
Treasure half standard
A fire snake resembles a normal snake and ranges in size from 2 feet to 6 feet in length. Fire
snakes make their homes in fires and rarely journey more than 30 feet from such an open flame.
Sages conjecture that fire snakes are some form of larval salamander from the Plane of Fire.
A fire snake’s preferred method of attack is to hide in a nearby fire and then surprise its foes as
they come nearby. A fire snake attacks by biting its opponents with its sharp fangs.
Estas pequenas pragas são susceptíveis de ser encontrado emparelhamento em qualquer lugar,
possivelmente, com ou perto de outras criaturas de fogo

Toad, Fire (CR 2)

Small Magical Beast (Fire)

Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
Initiative: +3 (Dex); Senses: Listen +4 and Spot +4
AC: 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 11
Hit Dice: 4d10 (22 hp)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +1

Speed: 20 ft.
Space: 5 ft./0 ft.
Base Attack +4; Grapple -2
Attack: None
Full Attack: None
Damage: None
Special Attacks/Actions: Fireball

Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 7
Special Qualities: Fire subtype
Feats: Dodge; Mobility
Skills: Jump +4, Listen +4, and Spot +4
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small); 8-12 HD (Medium-size)

Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land or underground

Organization: Solitary or colony (2-6)
Treasure: Standard

Source: Oriental Adventures

Fire toads only attack if threatened, molested, or their lair is violated. Their only form of attack
is their fiery breath.
Fire breath (Ex): Fire toads attack by breathing fireball-like missiles at their foes. These
fireballs have a range of 30', and explode on impact to a 5' radius. They inflict as much damage
as the fire toad had hit points when the attack was released. A Reflex save (DC 13) is permitted
to the target and those caught in the blast effect, the damage being halved on success. If the fire
toad misses its intended target, the fireball will land somewhere - treat it as a grenade-like
missile for scatter etc. Normally, a fire toad can release but one fireball per round. However,
when greatly pressed or frightened (e.g., if liquid has been thrown at them, or if cornered), they
can concentrate two fireballs into one round, usually targeting the main source of their
consternation (e.g., the one who threw the liquid). Doing so prevents them from using their
fireball for two subsequent rounds.

The Fire Toad first appeared in the Fiend Folio (1981).

Fire Subtype
A creature with the fire subtype has immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means
it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from cold, regardless of whether a saving
throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
Os sapos vivem dispersos, forragem para pequenas fontes de alimento. Um ou dois será
encontrou em qualquer uma vez.

Giant, Fire

This lumbering giant has short stumpy legs and powerful, muscular arms. Its hair and beard
seem to be made of fire.

XP 9,600
LE Large humanoid (fire, giant)
Init –1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14


AC 24, touch 8, flat-footed 24 (+8 armor, –1 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)

hp 142 (15d8+75)
Fort +14, Ref +4, Will +9
Defensive Abilities rock catching; Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold

Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee greatsword +21/+16/+11 (3d6+15) or 2 slams +20 (1d8+10)
Ranged rock +10 (1d8+15 plus 1d6 fire)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks heated rock, rock throwing (120 ft.)


Str 31, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +11; CMB +22; CMD 31
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Martial Weapon
Proficiency (greatsword), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Skills Climb +14, Craft (any one) +8, Intimidate +11, Perception +14
Languages Common, Giant


Environment warm mountains

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), band (6–12 plus 35% noncombatants and 1 adept or cleric of
1st–2nd level), raiding party (6–12 plus 1 adept or sorcerer of 3rd–5th level, 2–5 hell hounds,
and 2–3 trolls or ettins), or tribe (20–30 plus 1 adept, cleric, or sorcerer of 6th–7th level; 1
fighter or ranger of 8th–9th level as king; and 17–38 hell hounds, 12–22 trolls, 7–12 ettins, and
1–2 young red dragons)
Treasure standard (half-plate, greatsword, other treasure)


Heated Rock (Su) Fire giants transfer the heat of their bodies to rocks as part of an attack
action when they throw rocks. A heated rock deals 1d6 points of additional fire damage on a hit.
Fire giants are the most rigid and militaristic of all the giant races. They constantly train for war
and practice brutal tactics on anyone and everyone that gets in their way. Their rigid command
structure is complete with soldiers, officers, and even generals, and they obey orders from their
kings unquestioningly.
Fire giants have bright orange hair that flickers and glows almost as if it were aflame. An adult
male is 12 to 16 feet tall, has a chest that measures 9 feet around, and weighs about 7,000
pounds. Females are slightly shorter and lighter. Fire giants can live to be 350 years old.
Fire giants wear sturdy cloth or leather garments colored red, orange, yellow, or black. Warriors
wear helmets and half-plate armor of blackened steel and wield large greatswords that they use
to cut swaths across the battlefield. In large groups, fire giants fight with brutal and efficient
group tactics, and aren't afraid to sacrifice one or two of their members to draw an enemy into
an ambush.
Fire giants prefer hot locations—the hotter, the better. They've been found in deserts, volcanoes,
hot springs, and deep beneath the earth near lava vents. They live in castles, walled settlements,
or large caverns, and the design of these locations reflects their rigid, militaristic lifestyle, with
officers living in better quarters than the rank-and-file.
Este grupo pode estar em uma ou duas camadas, provavelmente compartilhando com alguns
não-Chaotic aliado.

Harginn (Fire Grue) (CR 2)

Medium Elemental (Evil, Extraplanar, and Fire)
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Initiative: +3 (Dex); Senses: darkvision 60 ft., Listen +4, and Spot +4
Languages: Ignan

AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13

Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (20 hp)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1

Speed: 40 ft.
Space: 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +2; Grapple +2
Attack: Slam +6 melee
Full Attack: Slam +6 melee
Damage: Slam 1d4 plus 1d6 fire
Special Attacks/Actions: Fire spray

Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 8
Special Qualities: Blur, elemental traits, immunity to fire, spell disruption, vulnerable to cold ,
shapechange ( humanoide, coluna de fogo 2,4m, bola de fogo), RD 5/magic
Feats: Alertness; Weapon Finesse
Skills: Jump +6, Listen +4, and Spot +4
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-9 HD (Large)

Climate/Terrain: Elemental Plane of Fire

Organization: Solitary
Treasure: Spell object or none

Source: Complete Arcane

Each type of grue has its own unique combat abilities and tactics, but all share some qualities.
An elemental grue's natural attacks, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned
for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Spell Disruption (Su): The very presence of an elemental grue interferes with spells that affect
the grue's associated element. Any spellcaster within 40 feet of a chaggrin who casts a spell with
the same descriptor as the grue's element (earth, fire, air, or water) must succeed on a DC 15
caster level check or have the spell fail. Within the same area of any such spell currently in
effect, a grue has a chance to dispel the effect as a free action, as if casting a targeted dispel
magic (caster level 10th).
Harginns typically rush into melee, counting on their speed and agility to protect them while
they battle wildly.
Fire Spray (Sp): As a standard action, a fire grue can create a 30-foot cone of fire, dealing 2d6
points of fire damage (Reflex DC 11 half). This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Blur (Sp): Fire grues naturally flicker and waver continuously as if under the effect of a blur
spell (caster level 10th). They have concealment against all attacks by creatures that rely on

Evil Subtype
A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to the evil-aligned Outer Planes. Evil
outsiders are also called fiends. Most creatures that have this subtype also have evil alignments;
however, if their alignments change, they still retain the subtype. Any effect that depends on
alignment affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has an evil alignment, no matter
what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its actual alignment.
A creature with the evil subtype overcomes damage reduction as if its natural weapons and any
weapons it wields were evil-aligned (see Damage Reduction).

Extraplanar Subtype
A subtype applied to any creature when it is on a plane other than its native plane. A creature
that travels the planes can gain or lose this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. This book
assumes that encounters with creatures take place on the Material Plane, and every creature
whose native plane is not the Material Plane has the extraplanar subtype (but would not have
when on its home plane). An extraplanar creatures usually has a home plane mentioned in its
description. These home planes are taken from the Great Wheel cosmology of the D&D game
(see Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If your campaign uses a different cosmology,
you will need to assign different home planes to extraplanar creatures.
Creatures not labeled as extraplanar are natives of the Material Plane, and they gain the
extraplanar subtype if they leave the Material Plane. No creature has the extraplanar subtype
when it is on a transitive plane; the transitive planes in the D&D cosmology are the Astral
Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Plane of Shadow.

Fire Subtype
A creature with the fire subtype has immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means
it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from cold, regardless of whether a saving
throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
De 1-3 destes provavelmente vai observar a parte antes de ser detectada, uma vez que são
Amante de esconder sob a forma de pilar-de-fogo e perto de várias fogueiras. Se assim
prevenido, o harginn pode ser inimigos formidáveis.


This snake-bodied humanoid hisses with anger. Spines of crackling flame dance along the
creature's blackened, fiery-red scales.
XP 2,400
CE Medium outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16


AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +7 natural)

hp 76 (8d10+32)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6
DR 10/magic; Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold


Speed 20 ft.
Melee spear +11/+6 (1d8+4/×3 plus 1d6 fire), tail slap +6 (2d6+1 plus 1d6 fire and grab)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tail)
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+4 plus 1d6 fire), heat


Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 22 (can't be tripped)
Feats Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +12, Craft (weaponsmithing) +17, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
(planes) +13, Perception +16, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Craft
(armorsmithing, blacksmithing, and weaponsmithing)
Languages Common, Ignan


Environment any (Plane of Fire)

Organization solitary, pair, or cluster (3–5)
Treasure standard (spear, other nonflammable treasure)


Heat (Ex) A salamander generates so much heat that its mere touch deals an additional 1d6
points of fire damage. A salamander's metallic weapons also conduct this heat.
Salamanders are native to the Plane of Fire, where their legions of fierce warriors are much
feared by the other inhabitants of the plane. Because some of the stronger elemental fire races
enslave salamanders for their metalworking skill and fighting prowess, the salamanders hate the
efreet and other inhabitants with a passion.
Though their lairs typically hover in temperatures of 500 degrees F or more, salamanders can
tolerate lower temperatures. They generally do so only when forced, and are even surlier and
more short-tempered than normal in such environments. Although they hail from the Plane of
Fire, the salamander race identifies more with the Abyss, and they hold demons (particularly
those associated with fire, like balors and certain fire-themed demon lords) in great esteem. It's
not unusual to encounter large groups of salamanders in the Abyss as a result.
Salamanders are often conjured to the Material Plane to serve as guardians or, more commonly,
to craft weapons, armor, and other metalwork, for their skill in these areas is legendary.
Salamanders also infest areas of the Material Plane where the boundaries between this world
and the Plane of Fire have worn thin, such as in and near volcanoes.
Because their habitat is so extreme, salamanders only save treasure that can withstand high
temperatures, such as swords, armor, jewels, rods, and other items made from high-melting-
point metals. Salamander society is a cruel one based on power and the ability to subjugate
those beneath oneself. Beings beneath a salamander that cause it discomfort are dealt a slow and
painful death.
Atormentado por ataques recentes por seres humanos e gigantes, essas criaturas são 80% de
probabilidade de fugirse estiver danificada, e sempre vai negociar se encurralado



1. Gateway to Air Elemental Node.

2. Gateway to Earth Elemental Node.

3. Gateway to Fire Elemental Node.

4. Vodyanoi.
5. Merrow.

6. Eyes of the Deep.

7. Sea Hags.

8. Lacedons.

9. Kapoacinths.

10. Large Water Elementals.

11. Grank’s Bandits.

12. Ice Lizards.

13. Lizardmen.

14. Hezrou Guardian and exit to Level 4 of the Temple.

Water Elemental Node

The guardian here isn’t nearly as dangerous as the Balor you faced, but the
creatures that inhabit this plane are more numerous, and often more dangerous
than the creatures that inhabited the other nodes.
1. A gateway to the Air Elemental Node.
2. A gateway to the Earth Elemental Node.
3. A gateway to the Fire Elemental Node.
4. Here you’ll run into two Vodyanoi, an aquatic version of the Umber Hulk. They’re
more dangerous than Umber Hulks in that instead of using a gaze that confuses
one opponent, they cast Confusion as per the 4th level arcane spell. Magic Circle
Against Evil certainly helps. Rush them and kill them as fast as you can.
5. Here you fight a large pack of Merrow, aquatic ogres. They’re every bit just like
Ogres. It’s just that there’s lots of them. Can anybody say Fireball?
6. Here you’ll have to fight four Eyes of the Deep. An Eye of the Deep is like a
Beholder, but with less hit points and less dangerous spell-like powers.
Nonetheless, in a prolonged fight, the use of those powers can add up. Area effect
spells, coupled with a mopping up enhanced by Haste, should do the trick.
7. Here are two Sea Hags.
8. Here you’ll find a large pack of Lacedons, aquatic ghouls. Again, Fireball them
into oblivion.
9. Here is a pack of Kapoacinths, gargoyle creatures that have some pretty tough
damage resistance. Here, Fireball combined with persistent melee works as well.
10. Here are two Large Water Elementals.
11. Here you’ll run into a horde of Grank’s Bandits. They combine Evasion with very
good Reflex saving throws, so area-effect spells aren’t useful here. My approach
here was to stay on the other half of the bridge. Alliria then plants Spike Stones in
their camp. Valarian can shoot arrows at any that are in view. If any of them come
forward, Sir Tirion and Ferofist can cut them down piecemeal once they’ve crossed
the bridge. Incidentally, all the Grank’s Bandits carry Masterwork Rapiers and
Masterwork Shortswords.
At the very back of the camp is their leader, Grank, who has quite the story to tell.
In any event, he’s pretty intent on dying.
12. Here the party runs into two Ice Lizards. The Lizards start off combat with a
breath weapon that resembles Cone of Cold. However, as with any creature that
uses a breath weapon, they need a recovery time before they can use the weapon
again. My ploy here as to have Valarian step right up to the Ice Lizards. He
harmlessly absorbed their breath weapons with his Evasion ability. The rest of the
party then moves in for the kill.
13. Here you’ll find a large group of Lizardmen.
14. Now it is time for the guardian. It’s a Hezrou, a
large toad-like demon, along with two Large Water
Elementals. It starts off combat with Chaos Hammer,
which inflicts minor damage on the party and will
have a brief disorienting effect on Lawful characters.
It exudes a stench that can also reduce the ability of
opponents to attack it if a Fortitude saving throw isn’t
made. In some ways though, the real danger of the
Hezrou is its ungodly number of hit points (about 600
or so). Needless to say, buff up to the max
beforehand so that you can absorb the Hezrou’s attacks. This includes Stoneskin on
everybody, and Haste. With +2 weapons in hand, the party should be able to go
the distance with the Hezrou and win.
The Hezrou leaves behind the Water Elemental Gem, which empowers the Orb of
Golden Death to cast Ice Storm once a day, Summon Water Elemental once a day,
and Summon Hezrou once a week.
The door behind where the Hezrou had been standing enables the party to return to
the Temple of Elemental Evil, Level 4.
Now that the Orb of Golden Death has been completely assembled, it is time to
make a decision as to what to do about it during the Endgame.

O labirinto de água é um grande oceano interior, lugar mágico adequado tanto sal e seres de
água doce. O teto da grande caverna lança um brilho luar brilhante macio. A partir da a piscina
central, pode-se imaginar o lugar para ser um atol tropical; mas o perigo espreita ao longo.
O ar é mutável, uma vez que um warm cadenciada brisa e, de repente, um projecto de
refrigeração. Redemoinhos de roda tanto na água e no ar produzir mudanças bruscas de ondas
em qualquer Tempo. Mists subir a partir da água, adicionando um ar de mistério e suspense ao
visualmente ambiente tranquilo. Mas são estas estranhamente tingido névoas que envenenam o
ar, fazendo com que o dada danos ambientais para os desprotegidos.
A profundidade da água varia amplamente mas atinge cerca de 50 pés. As dezenas de
ilhotas escarpadas chegar a 10 a 80 pés da superfície, que se estende em direção ao teto da
caverna longe gerais (100-150 pés para cima), como aponta dedos esqueléticos. Icebergs
pontilham a parte mais fria da água, principalmente para o canto nordeste do mapa.
Os recém-chegados ao nó pousar um respingo no A área da piscina central, que fica a apenas 10
pés profunda e protegido contra a maior parte do mar habitantes por um recife de coral. Alguns
poucos pequena scavengers pode estar escondido ali, mas
eles provavelmente vão evitar um grupo de nervoso humanos.
W1 Lagoa Central (ponto de chegada). Um coral cume envolve esta área, cercando uma piscina
cerca de 22,5m por 135m em tamanho.
Dentro da área estão várias rochas e afloramentos de coral, projetando 10-30 pés acima da
superfície da água.
W2 Mar do Norte
W3 prateleira, saindo da água a 3m acima dele, no extremo norte.
W4 Prazo de gruta (esconderijo). Isto aparece como se uma caverna, mas seu piso sobe para
cheio de água nível de água acima passado a entrada.
Ao virar da esquina para o noroeste é um símbolo círcular, portão para o Nó do Ar.
W5 mar Nordeste
W6 Prateleira, 1,5m acima do nível de água (esconderijo)
W7 Prateleira, logo abaixo do nível da água, encirculado pela pedra no sul e oeste lados
W8 mar do oeste, ramo norte
W9 Lagoa com prateleira para o sul. Perto da extremidade sul da prateleira está um símbolo
com oito pontas, portão para o Nodo do Fogo.
W10 Shelf, logo abaixo do nível da água, encirculado por pedra no oeste e norte lados
W11 West mar, ramo sul
W12 Sudeste do mar
W13 gruta escondida
W14 prateleira Oculto. As entradas para esta área são subaquático, mas a prateleira aumenta
acentuadamente atingindo 3m acima do nível de água no extremo norte gruta. Aí é um símbolo
de triângulo, portão para o Nodo da Terra.
W15 Canal
W16 Sudoeste caverna, com submersa entrada (acessível apenas por um breve mergulho
subaquático; covil)
W17 Southwest mar
W18 prateleira submersa, cerca de 3m abaixo do nível de água. Dois afloramentos acima da
água, a 6m-9m altura.
W19 West mar
W20 Shelf, aumentando para 5 'acima do nível de água
W21 Grotto escondido, covil de grues varrdig. Em seu tesouro está uma jóia de energia, a
cornalina, que irá enviar alguém tocá-lo para o Nodo da Terra ( a joia é falsa a verdadeira está
com o Guardião da Terra).
W22 Northwest mar
W23 Prateleira, 10 pés acima do nível da água (esconderijo)
W24 prateleira submersa, 3 pés abaixo da água
nível, com duas entradas e uma pedra afloramento bloqueando a sudeste
lateral (esconderijo)

Environmental Damage
Poison Mist

Unprotected: 1d4 Damage Every 10 Minutes (Fortitude Save DC 12 ½)

Slow Poison: 1d2 Damage Every 20 Minutes (Fortitude Save DC 12 to Eliminate)

Water Breathing and the Like: No Damage

Planar Characteristics
Objective Directional Gravity, Normal Time, Finite Size, Alterable Morphic, Water Dominant,
Enhanced Magic (Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use, Manipulate, or Create Water are both
Empowered and Enlarged), Impeded Magic (Spells and Spell-Like Abilities that Use or Create
Fire are Impeded,

Requiring Spellcraft Check DC 15 + Spell Level)

If insufficiently protected, Concentration checks must be made to Cast Spells (DC 10 + Damage

Wandering Encounters
Roll on a d%:

01 – Ooze Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 181)

02 – Ooze Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 181)

03-06 – Lacedons (MM pg. 118)

07 – Ice Paraelemental, Large (MotP pg. 184)

08 – Ice Paraelemental, Huge (MotP pg. 184)

09-11 – Lacedons (MM pg. 118)

12 – Tojanida (MM pg. 243)

13 – Wandering Human

14 – Resident Dragon Turtles (2) (MM pg. 88)

15 – Water Elementals (1-2) (MM pg. 98)

16 – Frost Giants (1-5) (MM pg. 122)

17 – Sea Hags (2) (MM pg. 144)

18 – Aboleth (2) (MM pg. 8

19 – Water Naga (2) (MM pg. 193)

20 – Merrow (MM pg. 199)

W4 Shelf-Grotto

Sea Hag (2); Hp 20, 19; MM pg. 144;


800gp, Potion of Vision;

W9 Lagoon with Self to the South

Merrow (12); Hp 35 (x2), 30 (x4), 27 (x4), 25 (x2); MM pg. 199;

W10 Underwater Shelf

Dragon Turtle; Hp 143; MM pg. 88;


100pp, 1,200gp, 9,000cp, 2 Clear Quartz (40gp each), 2 Rose Quartz (40gp each), 2 Smoky
Quartz (40gp each),

Silver Comb (900gp), Gold Dragon Comb with Red Garnet Eye (1,200gp), 50 Sling Bullets +1,
Potion of Blur,

Scroll of Detect Undead, Color Spray, Grease, Sleep;

W13- Henzrou Guardião

Demon, Hezrou
This fiend's armored flesh is scaly and moist. Its large, toothy mouth gapes below a pair of hungry,
reptilian eyes.

XP 12,800
CE Large outsider (aquatic, chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +23
Aura stench (DC 24, 10 rounds)


AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 25 (+16 natural, –1 size)

hp 145 (10d10+90)
Fort +16, Ref +3, Will +9
DR 10/good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 22


Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee bite +17 (4d4+8 plus grab), 2 claws +17 (1d8+8 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks nausea
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th)
At will—chaos hammer (DC 18), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), unholy
blight (DC 18)
3/day—gaseous form
1/day—blasphemy (DC 21), summon (level 4, 1 hezrou 35%)


Str 27, Dex 11, Con 29, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +10; CMB +19 (+23 grapple); CMD 29
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Climb +21, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Perception +23,
Spellcraft +15, Stealth +9, Swim +29; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ amphibious


Environment any swamp (Abyss)

Organization solitary or gang (2–4)
Treasure standard


Nausea (Ex) The noxious vapors and foul fluids that constantly weep and seethe from a
hezrou's body are particularly heinous to those the creature grapples. Each round a creature is
grappled by a hezrou, the grappled foe must make a DC 24 Fortitude save to avoid becoming
nauseated. A creature nauseated in this manner remains nauseated until he succeeds on a DC 24
Fortitude save, or until a minute has passed during which he is not grappled by the hezrou,
whichever condition comes first. The save DC is Constitution-based.

W14 Hidden Shelf

Water Naga (4); Hp 68, 66 (x2), 63;


60pp, 1,700gp, Bloodstone (50gp), Scroll of Invisibility to Undead, Scroll of Misdirection,

Minor Image;

W18 Submerged Shelf

Dragon Turtle; Hp 142; MM pg. 88;


3,500gp, Silver Plated Steel Longsword with Jet Jewel in Hilt (500gp), Silver Chalice with
Lapis Lazuli Gems (120gp),

Full Plate +1, Kukri +2, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Dark Vision, Potion of Detect

Scroll of Detect Secret Doors, Enlarge, Lightning Bolt;

W21 Hidden Grotto

Frost Giant (6); Hp 147, 145, 141, 132, 130 (x2); MM pg. 122;


Gem of Power (Carnelian – Earth Node), 190pp, 2,000gp, 21,000sp, 5 Amethysts (110gp each),
5 Moonstones (20gp each),

4 Silver Pearls (80gp each), 6 Brass Mugs with Jade Inlays (600gp), Potion of Endurance,
Potion of Invisibility,

Scroll of Detect Good, Magic Fang, Summon Monster II, Wand of Detect Secret Door (50

W22 Northwest Sea

Water Elemental, Huge (2); Hp 168, 163; MM pg. 98;



This long-tailed aquatic beast resembles a massive snapping turtle with draconic features.
XP 6,400
N Huge dragon (aquatic)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +16


AC 23, touch 8, flat-footed 23 (+15 natural, –2 size)

hp 126 (12d12+48)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune fire, sleep, paralysis


Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee bite +18 (3d6+8), 2 claws +18 (2d6+8)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon, capsize


Str 27, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +12; CMB +22; CMD 32 (36 vs. trip)
Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Power
Skills Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +16, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +7 (+15 in
water), Survival +16, Swim +31; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic


Environment temperate aquatic

Organization solitary
Treasure double


Breath Weapon (Su) Cloud of steam 20 feet high, 25 feet wide, and 50 feet long, once every
1d4 rounds, damage 12d6 fire, Reflex DC 20 half; effective both on the surface and underwater.
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Capsize (Ex) A dragon turtle can attempt to capsize a boat or ship by ramming it as a charge
attack and making a CMB check. The DC of this check is 25, or the result of the boat captain's
Profession (sailor) check, whichever is higher. For each size category larger than the dragon
turtle's size, it takes a cumulative –10 penalty on this CMB check.

Estes monstros poderosos são encontrados isoladamente. Eles olham para todas as outras
criaturas como pequenas perturbações, e estão bastante acostumados a ter o seu próprio caminho
sobre tudo, considerando todo o nó para ser o seu piscina privada. Eles são muito susceptíveis a
desculpas e subornos, e esperam desculpas por intrusões.


XP 1,600
N Large outsider (elemental, extraplanar, water)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9


AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +2
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits


Speed 20 ft., swim 90 ft.

Melee 2 slams +12 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks drench, vortex (DC 19), water mastery


Str 20, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 27
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +9, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5,
Swim +24
Languages Aquan


Environment any (Plane of Water)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none

Drench (Ex) The elemental's touch puts out nonmagical flames of Large size or smaller. The
creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic (caster level equals elemental's HD).
Vortex (Su) A water elemental can create a whirlpool as a standard action, at will. This ability
functions identically to the whirlwind special attack, but can only form underwater and cannot
leave the water.
Water Mastery (Ex) A water elemental gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it
and its opponent are touching water. If the opponent or the elemental is touching the ground, the
elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. These modifiers apply to bull rush and
overrun maneuvers, whether the elemental is initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks

Estes devem ser encontradas isoladamente ou em pares. Eles não têm guarida.

Floating Eye

This creature looks like a 6-inch long semi-transparent fish with a single large eye located in
the center of its body along its dorsal region.


XP 135
N Diminutive magical beast (aquatic)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 size)

hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +2; Ref +4; Will -3

Speed swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +0 (1d2-5)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks hypnotic gaze (DC 10, 1d6+1 rounds)

Str 1, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 4, Cha 2

Base Atk +1; CMB –8; CMD 4
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +14 (+22 to hide), Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +8 on Stealth
checks to hide

Hypnotic Gaze (Ex)

Creatures meeting the gaze of a floating eye must succeed on a DC 10 Will save or stand and
stare blankly at the floating eye (similar to the effects of a hypnotism spell) for 1d6+1 rounds.
A swimming creature that fails its save does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water.
The save DC is Constitution-based.


Environment any aquatic

Organization school (3-12)
Treasure none
Floating eyes are small saltwater fish that have transparent bodies and a single large eye about
the size of a walnut located in the center of their body. Floating eyes are most often found
underground in forgotten dungeon waterways and underground lakes and seas. The creature’s
eye is capable of bioluminescence, and it has such minute control over the intensity and patterns
of the light that it can mesmerize other creatures that see it. Floating eyes are part of an unusual
symbiotic relationship with a variety of predatory fish, including sharks. Once the floating eye
has mesmerized its prey, predatory fish move in and consume it. After they have eaten, the
floating eye moves in and gorges itself on the scraps.
Floating eyes avoid combat, relying on their hypnotic gaze ability. If forced into combat, they
bite an opponent.
Estas pragas perigosas são sempre acompanhados por outras criaturas que vivem na água.

Giant, Frost

This giant looks like a thick, muscular human. It has frost-white skin and long, light blue hair
that it wears braided.

XP 6,400
CE Large humanoid (cold, giant)
Init –1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10

AC 21, touch 8, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, –1 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size)

hp 133 (14d8+70)
Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +6
Defensive Abilities rock catching; Immune cold
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire


Speed 40 ft.
Melee greataxe +18/+13 (3d6+13) or 2 slams +18 (1d8+9)
Ranged rock +9 (1d8+13)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rock throwing (120 ft.)


Str 29, Dex 9, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +10; CMB +20; CMD 29
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Martial Weapon Proficiency
(greataxe), Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Climb +13, Craft (any one) +7, Intimidate +7, Perception +10, Stealth +2 (+6 in snow);
Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in snow
Languages Common, Giant


Environment cold mountains

Organization solitary, gang (3–5), band (6–12 plus 35% noncombatants and 1 adept or cleric of
1st–2nd level), raiding party (6–12 plus 35% noncombatants, 1 adept or sorcerer of 3rd–5th
level, 1–4 winter wolves, and 2–3 ogres), or tribe (21–30 plus 1 adept, cleric, or sorcerer of 6th–
7th level; 1 barbarian or ranger jarl of 7th–9th level; and 15–36 winter wolves, 13–22 ogres, and
1–2 young white dragons)
Treasure standard (chain shirt, greataxe, other treasure)
A frost giant's hair can be light blue or dirty yellow, and its eyes usually match its hair color.
Frost giants dress in skins and pelts, along with any jewelry they own. Frost giant warriors also
don chain shirts and metal helmets decorated with horns or feathers. An adult male stands about
15 feet tall and weighs approximately 2,800 pounds. Females are slightly shorter and lighter, but
otherwise identical to males. Frost giants can live to be 250 years old.
A família de gigantes mantém os lagartos de gelo (Abaixo) como animais de estimação. Seu
covil gruta é facilmente defendidos com uma ampla oferta de pedras.
Eles gostam de banhos longos, e pode, portanto, ser encontrado na água (mas se assim for,
sempre em pares ou mais).

Drake, Ice

This slender creature looks like a small immature white dragon with icy white scales and
sapphire eyes. A chill hangs in the air around the creature. Its claws are sharpened and have
icy blue nails


XP 800
CE Small dragon (cold)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5


AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, +1 size)

hp 22 (3d12+3)
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +2
Immune cold, paralysis, sleep; SR 18
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire


Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)

Melee bite +6 (1d6+1), 2 claws +5 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks breath weapon (20 ft. cone, DC 12, 2d8 cold)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 7th):
2/day—fear, sleep

An ice drake opens combat from the air using its icy breath weapon. If it expends its breath
weapon, it relies on its claws and bite to finish off any remaining opponents.


Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 10

Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 14 (18 vs. trip)
Feats Flyby Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Bluff +6, Escape Artist +4, Fly +9, Perception +5
Languages Draconic
SQ alternate form 2/day (form of the dragon I [white dragon only])


Alternate Form (Su)

Twice per day, an ice drake can assume the shape of a young white dragon for 2 hours.


Environment cold hills and mountains

Organization pair, clutch (2–5), or family (6–8)
Treasure standard
Ice drakes are found in cold mountainous caves and caverns. Most encounters are with a solitary
drake. Only in the winter months is it common to find a mated pair or family. An ice drake’s
scales are white, and it is often mistaken for a young white dragon. Ice drakes range from 3 feet
to 6 feet long.
Estes animais brincalhões são animais de estimação dos gigantes do gelo (acima).


More commonly known simply as “demon rays”, ixitxachitl (pronounced “ish-it-SHACH-itl”)

are manta-shaped slavers and murderers fanatically loyal to their creator, the demon lord
Demogorgon. Outwardly, ixitxachitl are difficult to distinguish from large black manta rays, but
their fang-filled mouths and venomous barbed stings give them away.

Ixitxachitl gather in vast shoals of up to two-hundred individuals, dwelling in undersea tunnel

complexes dug for them by slaves gathered from other aquatic races, especially merfolk,
locathahs, and aquatic elves. Smaller pods of demon rays may be found swimming freely in the
tropical ocean waters they call home. Ixitxachitl often have an understanding with other evil
races such as sahuagin, though alliances tend to fall apart quickly due to the demon rays’
tendency to turn on their allies when sources of slaves and sacrifices dry up.

Ixitxachitl are devoted worshipers of Demogorgon and seek a constant supply of captives to
sacrifice in his name; many of their kind have levels in cleric and are formidable spellcasters.
Demon rays who question Demogorgon are immediately killed without mercy. Many ixitxachitl
collect magical rings to wear on their tails and other magic items that do not require hands to

Ixitxachitl can be found throughout the warmer reaches of the Arcadian and Obari Oceans,
especially the Fever Sea off western Garund, where they are a frequent danger for the pirates of
the Shackles. They are most plentiful, however, in the waters off central Arcadia, whose human
inhabitants gave them their name.


CR: 3
XP: 800
CE Medium aberration (aquatic)
Init: +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC: 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural)
hp: 31 (6 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +7
Speed: Swim 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +7 (1d6+3), sting +8 (1d6+3 plus poison)
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk: +4; CMB: +7; CMD: 22 (can’t be tripped)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Focus (sting)
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Knowledge (religion) +11, Perception +11, Stealth +13, Survival +11,
Swim +20
Languages: Abyssal, Aquan
Environment: Warm oceans
Organization: Solitary, pair, pod (5-12 plus 1 2nd-level cleric), or shoal (10-100 plus 5 2nd-
level clerics, 2 5th-level clerics, and 20-200 slaves of various aquatic races)
Treasure: Standard
Poison (Ex): Sting - injury; save Fort DC 14, frequency 1/round for 4 rounds, effect 1d2 Con,
cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Despite their name, vampiric ixitxachitl are not undead. These demon rays, slightly smaller but
more robust than others, are gifted by Demogorgon with more potent venom, an aura of
authority, and the ability to drain the life energy from their victims. Only one in a hundred
ixitxachitl is born with this blessing, seemingly at random, and they inevitably become leaders
and champions among their kind.

CR: 5
XP: 1,600
CE Medium aberration (aquatic)
Init: +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
Aura: Demogorgon’s blessing (10 ft.)
AC: 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural)
hp: 59 (7 HD); fast healing 5
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +7
Speed: Swim 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +13 (1d6+7 plus energy drain), sting +13 (1d6+7 plus poison)
Special Attacks: Energy drain (1 level, DC 17)
Str 17, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 19
Base Atk: +5; CMB: +8; CMD: 22 (can’t be tripped)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Focus (bite, sting)
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Knowledge (planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +13, Perception +12,
Stealth +13, Survival +12, Swim +21
Languages: Abyssal, Aquan
Environment: Warm oceans
Organization: Solitary, pair, pod (1-2 plus 5-12 average ixitxachitls and 1 2nd-level cleric), or
shoal (1-2 plus 10-100 average ixitxachitls, 5 2nd-level clerics, 2 5th-level clerics, and 20-200
slaves of various aquatic races)
Treasure: Standard
Demogorgon’s Blessing (Su): Demon rays within 10 ft. of a vampiric ixitxachitl, including the
creature itself, gain a +4 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls. Bonuses from multiple
vampiric ixitxachitls do not stack.
Poison (Ex): Sting - injury; save Fort DC 17, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d2 Con,
cure 2 saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

(I’m a little proud of myself for being able to spell “ixitxachitl” without having to look it up.)

Este grupo isolado reside perto da parte inferior de um dos mares profundos, evitando
a maioria das outras criaturas. O decidiram que sobrevivência depende de evitar o conflito, e
são, portanto, surpreendentemente calmos, embora eles vai atacar furiosamente e em vigor se a
sério ameaçada.


1st level Warrior

Medium Humanoid (Aquatic, Goblinoid)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armour Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather armour), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Spear +2 melee (1d8 +1)
Full Attack: Spear +2 melee (1d8 +1) or javelin +2 ranged (1d6 +1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +7, Spot +2, Swim +7
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Warm aquatic
Organisation: Gang (4-9 plus 50% riding sharks), band (10-100 plus 50% non-combatants plus
1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 leader of 4th-6th level, leaders and 50% of warriors
riding sharks), warband (10-24 plus 50% riding sharks), or tribe (30-300 plus 50% non-
combatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, 1 leader
of 6th-8th level, all leaders and 50% warriors riding sharks)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Advancement: by character class
Level Adjustment: -
Koalinth are an aquatic version of hobgoblins. They appear very similar to hobgoblins, but have
webbed hands and feet, and have gills. They are also a bit thinner and taller, with a bluish tint to
their skin colour
Raiders and pillagers by nature, they tend to operate over large areas surrounding a centralised
base of operations. This lair is typically well hidden. They are known to raid most sea people
settlements, with the exception of the sea giants, devilfish, shark-kin and kopru, all of which are
more than a match for them. They have a fondness for tormenting the Aquarendi.
To help them move quickly, and to help intimidate their victims, Koalinths often ride large
sharks; their leaders ride hammerhead, tiger, or great white sharks.
Fortunately, these raiders are few in number, either never being able to reproduce in great
numbers or their frequent raids thinning the school too much.
Koalinths speak Goblin, Common and Aquan.
The Koalinth warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
Like their surface cousins, Koalinths are capable of creating and carrying out sophisticated
battle plans. They are very predatory, raiding many of the various sea people's settlements and
unwary undersea travellers.
They are proficient in all simple and martial weapons, favouring javelins and spears. They may
wear light, medium and heavy armour, and use all shields but tower shields. However, due to
the need to move fast, they usually use sharkskin leather studded with bone or coral bits.
Skills: Koalinths have a +4 racial bonus to all Move Silently skill checks. They have a +8 racial
bonus on any Swim check to perform some action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to
take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while
swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Koalinths as Characters
A Koalinth's favoured class is fighter. Koalinth groups have a wide range of classes represented,
with fighter, warrior, and rogue the most popular. Koalinth clerics can select two of the
following domains: Evil, War, or Water.
Os hobgoblins aquáticos habitam perto dos ixitxachitl, na esperança de uma futura aliança
(Principalmente por suas habilidades de cura). eles temem e odeiam o merrow, e poderia aliar-se
com um partido se tal resultaria nas Merrows ' derrota.
Gargoyle, Kapoacinth

Kapoacinth CR 4

XP 1,200
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (earth, aquatic)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)

hp 42 (5d10+15)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4
DR 10/magic

Speed 40 ft., swim 60 ft.

Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+2), bite +7 (1d4+2), gore +7 (1d4+2)

Str 15, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Hover, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Fly)
Skills Fly +12, Perception +5, Stealth +11 (+17 in stony areas); Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth
(+6 in stony environs)
Languages Common, Terran
SQ freeze

Freeze (Ex)
A gargoyle can hold itself so still it appears to be a statue. A gargoyle that uses freeze can take
20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight as a stone statue.


Environment aquatic (any), ocean/sea, or coastline

Organization school (3-12)
Treasure standard
One unusual variant of gargoyle dwells not amid buildings and ruins but under the waves of the
sea. These creatures are known as kapoacinths—they have the same basic statistics as normal
gargoyles, save that they have the aquatic subtype and their wings grant them a swim speed of
60 feet (but are useless for actual flight).
Kapoacinths dwell in shallow, coastal regions where they can shamble up from the surf to prey
on those that reside there. They are more likely to form wings, as kapoacinths prefer group
living to a solitary lifestyle.
Estes-gárgulas água são saqueadores limpadores, susceptíveis de atacar quaisquer novas
criaturas apenas como um passatempo. Eles são lentos para unir-se em defesa, se ameaçado.

Lacedon (Aquatic Ghoul) CR 1

XP 400
CE Medium undead (aquatic)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)

hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee bite +3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralysis) and 2 claws +3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are immune to this effect)

Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +6, Perception +7, Stealth +7, Swim +6
Languages Common

Disease (Su)

Ghoul Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 13; onset 1 day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Con and
1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based.
A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who
becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the
control of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal
ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast.


Environment any land

Organization solitary, gang (2–4), or wing (7–12)
Treasure standard
ghouls marinhos podem ser encontrados em praticamente qualquer lugar, especialmente perto
de outros mentirosos onde um alguns fragmentos pode ser roubado.

This giant has pale green, scaled skin and large, webbed hands and feet. On either side of its
neck are slotted gills.

XP 800
NE Large humanoid (aquatic, giant)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5


AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size)

hp 30 (4d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3


Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee 2 claws +6 (1d6+4 plus grab)
Ranged javelin +6 (1d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.


Str 19, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +3; CMB +8 (+12 grapple); CMD 22
Feats Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +2 (+6 in water), Swim +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in water
Languages Giant
SQ amphibious

Environment temperate lakes or rivers

Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–4), or family (5–16)
Treasure standard (2 javelins, other treasure)

XP 2,400
NE Huge humanoid (aquatic, giant)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7


AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +8 natural, –2 size)

hp 80 (7d8+49)
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +4


Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee 2 claws +11 (1d8+7 plus grab)
Ranged javelin +6 (2d6+7)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.


Str 25, Dex 16, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 27
Feats Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Perception +7, Stealth –2 (+2 in water), Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in water
Languages Giant
SQ amphibious


Environment temperate oceans

Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–4), or family (5–16)
Treasure standard (2 javelins, other treasure)
Merrows are best described as the aquatic cousins of ogres. Although their green, scaled skin
and webbed hands and feet make them appear different, merrows are just as cruel, savage, and
wicked as their ogre relatives. The saltwater variety grows much larger than the freshwater
variety, but the behavior and society of the two types are otherwise similar.
Merrows are known for pillaging small fishing villages and towns under cover of night. Similar
to ogres, merrows have a strong sense of family and typically hunt in gangs, preferring to grab a
couple of villagers and head back into the water rather than sticking around and dealing with
armed resistance. Merrows have a stronger sense of unity than ogres do, and rarely will the
leader of a tribe be challenged. When they have chosen a village or town to plunder, they attack
as a gang and share the spoils.
A freshwater merrow is 12 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds. Saltwater merrows easily reach 20
feet tall and 4,000 pounds, and have been known to hunt whales. The two species do not often
come in contact, but when they do, feuding and conflict are swift to develop.
Esta tribo de ogros aquáticos valentoes coagem os koalinths e freqüentemente estão em sua
área, pegando os melhores espólios de lutas muitas vezes coletados.


Hair like rotting seaweed drapes this ancient witch. Loose, algae-colored skin sags off her
starved frame.

XP 1,200
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
Aura horrific appearance (60 ft.)


AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 38 (4d10+16)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5
SR 15


Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee 2 claws +8 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks evil eye


Str 19, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Skill Focus (Bluff, Perception)
Skills Bluff +9, Knowledge (any one) +5, Perception +11, Stealth +10, Swim +19
Languages Common, Giant
SQ amphibious


Environment any aquatic

Organization solitary or coven (3 hags of any kind)
Treasure standard


Evil Eye (Su) Three times per day, a sea hag can cast her dire gaze upon any single creature
within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be staggered as strange
nebulous distress and a gnawing sense of impending doom plagues the victim. If a sea hag uses
her evil eye on someone already afflicted by this curse, the victim must make a DC 14 Fortitude
save or be overwhelmed with fright and collapse into a comatose state for 3 days. Each day that
passes, the comatose victim must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or perish. The evil eye is a
mind-affecting fear effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.Evil Eye Curse: Gaze—failed
save; save Will DC 14; frequency1/day; effect staggered (or fall comatose if already under the
effects of the evil eye).
Horrific Appearance (Su) The sight of a sea hag is so revolting that anyone within 60 feet
(other than another hag) who sets eyes upon one must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or
instantly be weakened, taking 1d6 points of Strength damage. Creatures that are affected by this
power or that successfully save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag's horrific
appearance for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Monstrous sea witches, these wicked hags possess terrifying features that few dare look upon.
Reveling in discord, the foul creatures drag sailors to watery graves and torment the peoples of
the oceans with wicked promises. Sea hags are always terrible to look upon, and despite their
gluttonous ways, they are usually emaciated creatures who look half-starved. Most stand about
6 feet tall and weigh 150 pounds.
Sea hags prefer to dwell relatively close to shore where fishermen and trading vessels are more
commonly encountered. Most choose to live far from urban areas so that their acts don't draw as
much attention from would-be enemies, but it's not uncommon for a particularly brave or eager
sea hag to settle in a city harbor or in the mouth of a deep river.
Sea hags form covens similar to other hags, but their aquatic nature generally keeps them from
forming mixed covens. In the case of a shoreline-dwelling green hag (often a green hag who
dwells in a saltmarsh or other coastal swampland), a coven often consists of two sea hags who
look to the green hag as their mother and leader. More commonly, a sea hag coven consists of a
group of particularly friendly and sisterly sea hags.

Este par de bruxas velhas habita em algumas partes isolada do Node. Elas são amargas e
vingativas, tendo sido levado a vir aqui com promessas de "vida fácil". Eles acreditam-se estar
perto de completar uma poção que lhes permitirá Escapar mas, é claro, estão erradas. Quando
elas falharem, elas vão tentar vender amostras para os outros como itens de boa fé ....

Vardigg (Water Grue) (CR 2)

Medium Elemental (Evil, Extraplanar, and Water)
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Initiative: +1 (Dex); Senses: darkvision 60 ft., Spot +4, and listen +4
Languages: Aquan

AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13

Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1

Speed: 30 ft., swim 60 ft.

Space: 5 ft/5 ft.
Base Attack +2; Grapple +4
Attack: Slam +4 melee
Full Attack: Slam +4 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+3
Special Attacks/Actions: Water jet

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 11, Cha 8
Special Qualities: elemental traits, immunity to cold, spell disruption
Feats: Alertness; Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Hide +3, Spot +4, Swim +10, and listen +4
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-9 HD (Large)

Climate/Terrain: Elemental Plane of Water

Organization: Solitary
Treasure: Spell object or none

Source: Complete Arcane

Each type of grue has its own unique combat abilities and tactics, but all share some qualities.
An elemental grue's natural attacks, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned
for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Spell Disruption (Su): The very presence of an elemental grue interferes with spells that affect
the grue's associated element. Any spellcaster within 40 feet of a chaggrin who casts a spell with
the same descriptor as the grue's element (earth, fire, air, or water) must succeed on a DC 15
caster level check or have the spell fail. Within the same area of any such spell currently in
effect, a grue has a chance to dispel the effect as a free action, as if casting a targeted dispel
magic (caster level 10th).
Vardiggs usually hide below the surface of a body of water, waiting to attack any who approach.
Water Jet (Sp): As a standard action, a water grue can create a tremendously powerful 30-foot
line of water. Any creature in the area of the line takes 2d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 11
negates). A creature failing the saving throw must succeed on a Strength check or a Balance
check (DC 5 + damage dealt) or be knocked prone by the force of the blast. This is the
equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Skills: A water grue has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim checks to perform some special action
or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or
endangered, and can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line

Evil Subtype
A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to the evil-aligned Outer Planes. Evil
outsiders are also called fiends. Most creatures that have this subtype also have evil alignments;
however, if their alignments change, they still retain the subtype. Any effect that depends on
alignment affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has an evil alignment, no matter
what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its actual alignment.
A creature with the evil subtype overcomes damage reduction as if its natural weapons and any
weapons it wields were evil-aligned (see Damage Reduction).
Extraplanar Subtype
A subtype applied to any creature when it is on a plane other than its native plane. A creature
that travels the planes can gain or lose this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. This book
assumes that encounters with creatures take place on the Material Plane, and every creature
whose native plane is not the Material Plane has the extraplanar subtype (but would not have
when on its home plane). An extraplanar creatures usually has a home plane mentioned in its
description. These home planes are taken from the Great Wheel cosmology of the D&D game
(see Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If your campaign uses a different cosmology,
you will need to assign different home planes to extraplanar creatures.
Creatures not labeled as extraplanar are natives of the Material Plane, and they gain the
extraplanar subtype if they leave the Material Plane. No creature has the extraplanar subtype
when it is on a transitive plane; the transitive planes in the D&D cosmology are the Astral
Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Plane of Shadow.

Water Subtype
This subtype usually is used for elementals and outsiders with a connection to the Elemental
Plane of Water. Creatures with the water subtype always have swim speeds and can move in
water without making Swim checks. A water creature can breathe underwater and usually can
breathe air as well.
Estas criaturas repugnantes infligir pouco dano inicial, mas são bastante duráveis e podem
constituem ameaças graves ao atacar adversários indefesos e cegos. Eles vão ficar na água para
a quase invisibilidade este proporciona, bem como para a maior taxa de movimento.

This humanoid salamander carries a gnarled staff in one hand. Tendrils drape its chin,
resembling the beard of an eccentric hermit.


XP 1,600
CN Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14

AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural)
hp 51 (6d10+18)
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +10


Speed 30 ft., swim 50 ft.

Melee shortspear +9/+4 (1d6+3), bite +2 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks suffocating water
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
3/day control water, dancing lights, grease (DC 12), hydraulic push (DC 12), water
1/day aqueous orb (DC 14), remove disease, neutralize poison


Str 16, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 24
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Heal)
Skills Diplomacy +3, Heal +18, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception
+14, Sense Motive +11, Swim +18; Racial Modifiers +4 Heal
Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan
SQ amphibious


Suffocating Water (Su)

Once per day as a standard action, a vodyanoi can cause the water surrounding it up to a radius
of 30 feet to grow thick and slimy, making it difficult for water-breathing creatures within the
area other than vodyanois to breathe. A vodyanoi can control narrow currents of breathable
water to provide oxygen to up to 3 other creatures in the area of effect. Vodyanois themselves
are immune to this effect. All other creatures in an area of suffocating water must hold their
breath or risk suffocation. Once created, an area of suffocating water does not move, it persists
for a number of minutes equal to the vodyanoi's Hit Dice. The slimy water does not impact
swim speeds or visibility in any significant manner. A creature can make a DC 20 Perception
check to notice the difference between suffocating water and any normal water that may
surround it.


Environment any rivers or marshes

Organization solitary, pair, or family (3-12)
Treasure standard
Vodyanois resemble humanoid salamanders. They have short noses, bulging eyes, and broad
mouths covered with thickets of fleshy tendrils. Skin color varies wildly depending on the
climate and terrain, from drab greens and grays to vibrant oranges and reds. Vodyanois stand
roughly 5-1/2 feet tall and weigh just over 100 pounds. They can live up to 120 years.
Vodyanois are well known as enemies to boggards another amphibious race often encountered
in proximity to vodyanoi lands. While vodyanois themselves are rarely evil, they are capricious
and often quick to anger, particularly when they feel their territories have been intruded upon.
Their hatred of boggards is another sure way to arouse their anger. a vodyanoi who suspects one
of boggard collusion will often attack on sight. Those who live in close proximity to vodyanoi
tribes learn quickly to leave the folk alone, and when visits or intrusions into vodyanoi lands are
necessary (such as when one might need to seek out a vodyanoi for aid in curing a disease), gifts
of magic potions and exotic fruits are highly recommended.
Estes parentes lentas de hulks umber estão com fome, como presa maior potencial evita-los.
Eles andam em busca de alimento a maior parte do
tempo, e vai atacar uma festa à vista. Eles estão tentando descobrir como
assumir o controle da koalinth e merrows.

Water Weird (3pp)

The water weird appears as a 10 ft. long (or longer) snake-like creature composed entirely of
water. Other than its snake-like body, its only distinguishing features are its slitted eyes and its
large mouth.


XP 1,200
CE Large outsider (elemental, water)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size)

hp 26 each (4d10+4)
Fort +2; Ref +6; Will +6
Defensive Abilities reform body, transparent; DR 10/bludgeoning; Immune elemental traits


Speed 30 ft., swim 90 ft.

Melee slam +6 (1d6+4 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks control water elemental, drown (DC 15), water mastery


Str 17, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +4; CMB +8 (+12 to grapple); CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Bluff +7, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +7, Perception +12, Stealth +5, Swim +18
Languages Aquan


Control Water Elemental (Ex)

With a successful Intelligence check (DC 10), a water weird may control a single water
elemental within 30 feet of it, as though it had summoned it with a summon monster spell. If
the elemental is already under the control of another caster, the DC of the Intelligence check is
instead 10 plus the Intelligence modifier of the creature controlling the elemental. Control lasts
for a number of hours equal to the water weird's Hit Dice.

Drown (Ex)

A water weird who successfully grabs an opponent attempts to pin it under water. A creature
unable to escape the water weird's pin who fails its Fortitude save (DC 15) begins to drown.
The save DC is Strength-based.

Reform Body (Ex)

When reduced to zero or fewer hit points, the water weird collapses. If it was on water at the
time, it reforms at full strength 1d4+1 rounds later. A purify food and drink spell deals 1d4
points of damage per caster level (max 10d4), and any damage sustained in this manner is not
regained when the water weird reforms.

Transparent (Ex)

A water weird is effectively invisible in water until it attacks.

Water Mastery (Ex)

A water weird gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attacks and damage for every 4 Hit Dice it
possesses if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or water weird is on land, it
instead suffers a –4 penalty to attack and damage. (The statistics block above does not include
this bonus).


Environment any aquatic

Organization solitary, or gang (2–4)
Treasure standard
The water weird is an evil watery, snake-like creature summoned to the Material Plane by an
evil spellcaster. They are often employed as guards to watch over the spellcaster or his
belongings. When summoned, a water weird appears in a large pool of water where it makes its
lair. It cannot leave this pool.
Water weirds hate all living non-water-based creatures and attack them on sight.
Ele é de 75% de probabilidade de que um dos Weirds possui o controle de um dos elementais
proximo. E se por isso, o outro estranho vai estar à espreita nas proximidades. Os elementais
estarão cientes da situação , quase impotente e ansioso para encontrar aliados que podem ajudar.

Apendice I

Iuz (The Old) Demigod (Opressão, engano, malícia, dor)

Se luz é um ser humano que se tornou demonio-como através dos séculos, ou
se ele é um semi-demônio, um cambion (como alguns sugerem, um por tintim de Orcus),
nenhum mortal sabe. Ele é, no entanto, o primeiro conhecida
godling de Mal caótico, cuja maldade e traição são infames em toda
Este ser cruel pode aparecer como qualquer um maciça (7 'de altura) homem gordo com
características demoníacas, pele avermelhada, orelhas pontudas, e longo dedos de aço, ou como
uma velha e enrugada manequim escassamente 5 pés de altura. Ou pode ser luz 'verdadeira
forma, ou mesmo ambos.
luz governa uma parte do Oerth, um território horrível que leva o nome de seu mestre, de a
cidade amaldiçoada de Molag. poucas criaturas para além dos limites de este domínio mesmo
falar seu nome, muito menos adorá-lo.
Em sua forma demoníaca, luz prefere exercer uma grande espada de duas mãos + 3, embora ele
pode, é claro, utilizar outros armas. Em qualquer disfarce, luz pode usar sua excepcionalmente
longa dígitos vigorosos a garra, greve, e estrangular. E se ele ataca, assim, duas vezes, a vítima
do seu alcance estrangulamento vai morrer em 2-5 rodadas a menos libertada. Em sua forma
manequim-like, luz tem a capacidade de gerar uma saliva repugnante que ele pode expectorar
uma vez por rodada. Este idades substância a vítima atingidas por 1-6 anos (sem teste de
resistência), e faz secar a área atingida, entorpecimento um membro e fazer -lo inútil para 2-5
rodadas. Sua vis enrugada projectos idade um Carisma negativo (-4), que provoca horror a todos
aqueles de 6 ou menos Hit Dice, para a pena de reação -55%.
Luz é rumores de ter um objeto de Alma secretado no plano Abissal dominados pela a demônia
Zuggtmoy, com quem ele é Sabe-consorte. Ele é, portanto, livre para vaguear fora do seu
domínio, sem medo de danos permanente. Ele também é dito para usar um velho, capa curta que
aumenta sua resistência ao Mágico lance em 20%, e serve como uma capa de protecção + 4
existe uma grande inimizade entre luz e St. Cuthbert. Isto é exercida por servos
dos dois, como bem. Clérigos de vestido de luz em preto enferrujado (sua
mestrado cor favorita) ou branco listrados com manchas de sangue vermelho-ferrugem. No 3º
nível cada ganha a habilidade de mudar self (como a ilu-
feitiço sionist) uma vez por dia. suas cerimônias incluem a queima de mau-cheiro sub-posições,
a batida de grandes tambores e da clangor de sinos de bronze, e sangue sacrifício quando
possível. Locais de serviço a luz
deve ser velho, sujo e escuro. serviços de altar são tipicamente de osso, e incluem muitas
Além das capacidades normais divina e as outras habilidades listadas acima, luz, também tem os
seguintes poderes normais de qualquer semideus.
Quantas vezes desejar: dedo da morte, invisídade, força fantasmagórica, proteção contra boa
raio de 10 ', remover medo, convocar se- abaixa (1-2 criaturas do mesmo tipo e alinhamento,
até 20 Hit Dice total), parede de
Três vezes por dia: curar ferimentos leves, levantar mortos
Duas vezes por dia: dissipar o bem, dissipar ilusão, dissipar magia, visão da verdade.
Uma vez por dia: Escudo anti-magia, comando (2 duração e volta), portão, curar, profana
palavra, desejo limitado, símbolo.

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