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Meios diagnósticos em

Não invasivos
Não invasivos
patologia tumoral

Ultrassonografia (abdominal, vaginal)

2D, 3D, doppler colorido
1. datação (12s)
2. morfolofia fetal (± 20s)
3. controlo pré-natal (ig, placenta, la, vitalid.)
1. órgãos pélvicos
2. massas anormais (uterinas, anexiais)
3. controlo da estimulação ovariana
4. endométrio

HPV/ câncer cervical
outras lesões

Invasivos (ópticas)

1. amenorreia (espessura do endométrio). dp da
2. massas intrauterinas
3. sinéquias
4. visualização de ósteos
5. corpos estranhos (incl. DIU)
6. cirurgia (pólipos, miomas subm., ablações)
7. patologia tumoral
1. patologia urinária
2. palologia tumoral 1ª ou 2ª (estadiamento)
3. corpos estranhos
4. biópsia dirigida

diagnóstico (endometriose, aderências,
infertilidade, massas abdominais)
cirurgia endoscópica (miomas, GEU, adesiolise,
remoção de gânglios, etc)
Suspeita de malignidade ou lesão pré-maligna na
vulva, vagina ou cérvix.
razão mais comum: Pap-test anormal.
Lab Studies

• Beta–human chorionic gonadotropin

In early healthy intrauterine pregnancies, serum
levels of bhCG double approximately every 2 days.
Kadar et al (1994) established that the lower limit of
the reference range to which serum bhCG should
increase during a 2-day period is 66%. For example,
a pregnant patient with a serum bhCG level of 100
mIU/mL should have a serum bhCG level of at least
166 mIU/mL 2 days later.
• Sperm
According to the WHO the lower limit of the normal
semen testing is
> 20 million/mL.
>40% progressive motility
>30% normal forms

• Serum progesterone in the mid-luteal phase on day

22-26 is the method of choice

• ca 125
endometriose, câncer ovariano

• BRCA1 (cr 17) BRCA2 (cr 13)

predisposição genética ao câncer do ovário e da
• Triple test
Also called triple screen, the Kettering test or the
Bart's test, is an investigation performed during
pregnancy (usually the second trimester).

The most common abnormality the test can detect

is fetal trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). In addition to
Down syndrome, the triple screen for fetal
trisomy 18, open neural tube defects, and may also
detect an increased risk of Turner syndrome,
triploidy, , fetal death,, and
steroid sulfatase deficiency.[1]
Values measured
The triple test measures the following three levels
in the maternal serum:
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
unconjugated estriol (UE3) Interpretation

• Low values for AFP and UE3 and high values for hCG
Down's Syndrome
• Low levels of all three trisomy 18
• High levels for AFP neural tube defects like spina

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