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Nos últimos anos, vimos um grande crescimento no interesse e
uso das ferramentas de levantamento de peso livre e o dito
“Treinamento Integrado”, com todas as suas vertentes.

Essas modalidades são comprovadamente eficientes para o

treinamento de várias capacidades físicas e propiciam uma
excelente opção ao treinamento convencional, porém, o que
não podemos ignorar é que, para se conseguir proficiência e
segurança nessas modalidades, é necessário conhecer
detalhadamente a técnica, entender profundamente a
complexidade do treinamento e respeitar os processos de
Conhecer o Kettlebell e entender sua história é uma fantástica
viagem às possibilidade do nosso corpo e uma forma genial de
desafiar o autoconhecimento.
Pensando nisso, desenvolvemos a
Capacitação Básica em Kettlebell Training,
onde apresentamos a ferramenta, sua história e os fundamentos
básicos, com uma forte ênfase na técnica, correções e no
entendimento de como associar o Kettlebell à sessão de treino e a
diferentes objetivos metabólicos.


 A história do Kettlebell

 Segurança e saúde

 A saúde da coluna, postura, graus de liberdade

 Treinamento Funcional e Função, abordagem “joint by joint”, cadeias musculares

 Desenvolvimento motor e padrões fundamentais do movimento

 Avaliação do movimento e critérios para prescrição

 Respiração: as técnicas respiratórias, suas importâncias e funções

 O “CORE”
 Preparação do movimento:

 Mobilidade e compensação

 Rowlings, Crawlings, Holdings, Walkings

• Exercícios acessórios:

 Deadlift


 Around The body pass

 Halo

 Figure 8

 Squat
• Técnicas Fundamentais:

 Swing

 Clean

 Press (military press, push press)

 Snatch

 TGU (o TGU e o treinamento das cadeias musculares e padrões primitivos do


• O Kettlebell training e os objetivos metabólicos

Celina Toledo
CREF MG 6449
(31) 8779 7959

• Licenciado e Bacharel em Educação Física - UFMG (Jan/2000)

• Pós graduada em Fisiologia do Exercício (UVA - RJ)
• Pós graduada em Musculação e Métodos de Treinamento (UVA-RJ)
• IKFF 1
• CKT 1
• TACTFIT Field Instructor level 1
• FMS 1
• Anatomy Trains
• ADF 1 e 2
Bernardo Steinberg Perilo
CREF MG 12168
(31) 9212 5884

• Bacharel em Educação Física - UFMG (Jan/2007)

• IKFF 1

• CKT 1



• TACTFIT Field Instructor level 1


International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation, by Steve Cotter* (USA) (http://www.ikff.net/)

Certified Kettlebell Teacher Level 1* Laboratory Of Champions: by Arsenij Zhernakov** (Russia)

Special Strength Endurance Development level 1 - Treinamento para atletas de atividades de
resistência especializada. By Arsenij Zhernakov

Modern Kettlebell Sport Trainner Level 1 – Certificação internacional para treinadores em kettlebell
como esporte competitivo moderno. By Arsenij Zhernakov

STRONGFIRST GIRYA 1 - Certificação internacional em Kettlebell Hard Style, by Pavel Tsatsoline***,
NY. USA (julho/2014)

Arte da Força – Certificação Brasileira em Kettlebell Hard Style, by Thiago Passos****
Field Instructor level 1
Tactical Fitness by Scott Sonnon (USA) (Vina del Mar, Chile jun/14)

Functional Movement Screen – Avaliação Funcional do Movimento

Fisioterapia Bioantropológica, by Pablo Santurbano. Certificação Brasileira em reabilitação através do

Trilhos Anatômicos – Certificação Internacional by Tom Myers
*Steve Cotter is a martial artist and strength and conditioning instructor. He is the owner of FullKOntact Kettlebells
and Full KOntact Fitness. Steve is also director and founder of the International Kettlebell & Fitness Federation, with
certified instructors in every continent:
Director and Founder of the International Kettlebell & Fitness Federation www.ikff.com
First place at national kuoshu tournament
Team Member, 1996 USA National Kuoshu Team
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) - National Strength & Conditioning Assoc. (NSCA)
Creator of Full K.O.ntact Kettlebells System and DVD series
B.S. in Kinesiology, San Diego State University
Health/Fitness Instructor- American Colleges of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Trained in Dean Brittenham’s Elite Athletic Program-Shiley’s Sports Center
**Arsenij Zhernakov, Ph.D(Tech) is one of the most titled KB-lifters in the world. He is currently the World
Record holder in Long Cycle (2x) 32kgs in the 65kg category – completing 68 reps in 10 minutes (His record STILL stands
from 2003, IGSF).
Many times World Champion and Russian National Champion, Arsenij is one of only 12 athletes in history, who has
achieved the highest sport rank – Honoured Master of Sport of Russia (HMS) – the origin land of Kettlebell sport and
undisputable world leader.
Arsenij Zhernakov is truly an amazing expounder of competitive kettlebell lifting and training techniques.
His vast knowledge is solidly founded upon scientific research
and the experience gained through his extensive competitive lifting career.
It is this consolidated approach and his attention to detail
that enables athletes to achieve greater athletic heights - both physically
and mentally.
***Pavel Tsatsouline, Chairman of StrongFirst, Inc. is a fitness instructor from the former Soviet Union. He
holds a degree in Sports Science from the Physical Culture Institute in Minsk. He is involved with the evolving field
of martial arts fitness and is a proponent of the kettlebell as an exercise and strengthening tool. In 1998,
Tsatsouline became the kettlebell instructor in the United States.
In the 1980s, Tsatsouline was a physical-training instructor for Spetsnaz, the elite Soviet special-forces units.
In 2001, Tsatsouline was voted a "Hot Trainer" by Rolling Stone, pictured with a kettlebell in hand. He has
published articles in Milo magazine and Performance Press, as well as being the author of several books on
stretching and strength training.
Tsatsouline's publisher is Dragon Door, owned by John Du Cane.
Dragon Door is a website and publishing company generally focused
on martial arts and related sports, but also catering to general health,
fitness, weight loss, and stress management.
Pavel started the Russian Kettlebell Challenge ("RKC"),
an advanced kettlebell training certification, with Dragon Door in 2001.
In 2012, Pavel left the RKC and formed a new company, StrongFirst,
dedicated to the pursuit, development, and acquisition of strength.
**** Thiago Ferragut Passos , Desde 2001 ele mora e trabalha em Nova Iorque. Em associação com golfistas
profissionais e aplicando os conceitos do Functional Movement Screen, é responsável pela correção dos padrões de
movimentos dos clientes, e também utilizando o treinamento de kettlebell para aqueles que buscam um aumento
significativo em performance.
Universidade de São Paulo - Bacharelado em Esporte
California University of Pennsylvania – Mestrado em Ciência do Exercício e Promoção da Saúde
Certified Kettlebell – Functional Movement Screen Specialist, 2010 – com Gray Cook e Brett Jones
Kettlebell Specialist Certification, 2009. com Anthony DiLuglio, Providence, Rhode Island
Russian Kettlebell Challenge - RKC- com Pavel Tsatsouline, 2008
Functional Movement Screen Certified Specialist, 2007 – com Gray Cook and Lee Burton
Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), 2007. The National Academy of Sports Medicine
Kettlebell Trainer Certification, 2007. com Anthony DiLuglio
Girevoy Sport Certfication (Kettlebell Sport), 2007. com Steve Cotter
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), 2005 –
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Practitioner Level I, 2004. The CHEK Institute, New York, NY
Exercise Coach, 2003. The CHEK Institute, New York, NY
Golf Biomechanics Specialist, 2004. The CHEK Institute, San Diego, CA
Certified Optimum Performance Trainer, 2003.
The National Academy Sports Medicine
Post Rehabilitation Specialist, 2002. Manhattan Sports Medicine
(31) 8779 7959

(31) 9212 5884

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