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Título: Transversalidades 2022 – fotografia sem fronteiras

Coordenação: Rui Jacinto

Júri do Concurso: António Pedro Pita | Clara Moura |

Jorge Pena | Lúcio Cunha | María Isabel Jimenez |
Pedro Baltazar | Rui Jacinto | Santiago Santos |
Susana Paiva | Valentín Cabero | Victorino García

Textos: Sérgio Fernando da Silva Costa | Rui Jacinto

Produção: Alexandra Isidro | Ana Sofia Martins

Revisão: Ana Sofia Martins

Design e pré-impressão: João Pedro Cochofel

Impressão e acabamento: Marques & Pereira, Lda

Concepção e desenho da exposição: Santiago Santos

Depósito legal: 335972/11

ISBN: 978-989-8676-34-4

Edição: Centro de Estudos Ibéricos

R. Soeiro Viegas, 8
6300-758 Guarda

Apoio ao concurso 2022: Eizo

O Centro de Estudos Ibéricos

respeita os originais dos textos,
não se responsabilizando pelos
conteúdos, forma e opiniões
neles expressos.
A opção ou não pelas regras do
Novo Acordo Ortográfico é da
responsabilidade dos autores.

Centro de Estudos Ibéricos

Sérgio Fernando da Silva Costa
Presidente da Câmara Municipal da Guarda
Membro da Direção do CEI

Olhar o mundo a partir da cidade mais alta de Portu- A fotografia que serve de capa a esta edição é bem
gal. Este é o mote para mais uma edição do Catálogo reveladora desta realidade: ao abordar a milenar
“Transversalidades – Fotografia sem Fronteiras”, rela- relação entre o homem e o lobo (aqui através da
tivo à décima primeira edição do concurso homóni- lente de um fotógrafo espanhol que a captou na
mo relativo a 2022. Cordilheira Cantábrica), a imagem possibilita múlti-
plas interpretações e incita-nos à reflexão sobre as
Dando continuidade ao projeto iniciado em 2011, múltiplas realidades em que vivemos.
esta edição reafirma a qualidade e abrangência que
o concurso tem vindo a granjear, sendo reconhecido Recorrendo à fotografia para abrir janelas para o
como uma das iniciativas de referência a nível nacio- mundo, este projeto do Centro de Estudos Ibéricos
nal. E prova que, a partir de uma cidade do interior visa esbater fronteiras, promover a cooperação e
da Ibéria Peninsular, se consegue chegar a distantes valorizar territórios com menor visibilidade, fomen-
lugares, encetando diálogos entre territórios, pes- tando cada vez mais o necessário diálogo e a com-
soas e instituições que se encontram dispersas pelos preensão do outro.
cinco continentes.
Em linha com os objetivos e princípios matriciais de-
As sete centenas de participantes oriundos de mais finidos por Eduardo Lourenço, o “Transversalidades”
de setenta países asseguram uma representativida- concorre, assim, para a missão sonhada pelo mentor
de geográfica alargada. O resultado é um mosaico e patrono do CEI: a afirmação da Guarda como ver-
de imagens do mundo, pequeno atlas que nos dadeira plataforma de diálogo, encontro de culturas
permite viajar por variados territórios: a partir das e centro de transferência de conhecimentos, esti-
fotografias submetidas a concurso, é possível lançar mulando a cooperação entre territórios de aquém e
múltiplos olhares e apreciar a riqueza e diversidade além-fronteiras.
natural, humana e cultural do nosso planeta.
Da nossa Guarda, encravada entre a serrania e o pla-
Bombardeados por milhares de imagens na vora- nalto beirão, sonhamos ser mais cultura e progresso.
cidade noticiosa do quotidiano, a fotografia tenta Uma qualquer fronteira de um qualquer território, é
registar o momento, o instante, e perpetuá-lo, um paradoxo. Uma simples linha num mapa de papel.
fixando-o no tempo. Se há imponentes paisagens re- Por vezes, apenas simbólica. A Guarda quer ser a
veladoras da grandiosidade da natureza, há também cidade onde todos os caminhos convergem, sejam os
a paisagem humanizada onde os rostos refletem um da cultura, os da educação, da logística e da atração
profundo contraste com o pulsar da natureza. de investimento e da fixação de pessoas.


O sólido trabalho que tem vindo a ser desenvolvido a novas parcerias com entidades de referência nacio-
pelo CEI, alicerçado no compromisso das instituições nal e internacional, consolida este projeto de coo-
que o constituem (Câmara Municipal da Guarda, Uni- peração, contribuindo para uma verdadeira coesão
versidade de Coimbra, Universidade de Salamanca social e territorial dos espaços transfronteiriços da
e Instituto Politécnico da Guarda), a par da abertura Raia Central Ibérica.


Imagem, território e as agendas do futuro

Rui Jacinto
Membro da Comissão Executiva do CEI, CEGOT

Cartografias do olhar: imagem e interpretação do Ao desfolhar este catálogo temos a sensação se-
mundo. As imagens submetidas ao concurso Trans- melhante à que experimentamos na “sala de um
versalidades. Fotografia sem Fronteiras, provenien- museu ou de uma galeria de arte (onde) sabemos
tes de dezenas de países de todos os continentes, previamente que os objetos que ali estão expostos
facultam uma observação ampla, aberta e plural são considerados detentores de um valor, seja ele
dum mundo impossível de confinar nas estritas artístico, cultural ou histórico”, apesar de, “muitas
coordenadas do regulamento que o baliza. O pre- vezes, pouco sabermos sobre o que está exposto.
sente catálogo proporciona uma leitura abrangente De fato, pouco importa o que veremos, eles já estão
que se deve, em boa medida, aos autores que de- classificados pela posição que ocupam nessa rede de
clinaram com criatividade os temas sugeridos, que posições espaciais como elementos de valor. É a sua
arriscaram em abordar matérias inovadoras, que situação espacial que nos informa. Cabe ao olhar ob-
superaram com mestria os cânones estéticos mais servá-los e identificar o que, naqueles objetos, existe
vulgares. de interessante e de valor” (P. Gomes, 2013: 53).

Os nossos olhos repousam, ao divagarem pelo livro, A cartografia do olhar está, como bem ilustra este
nas páginas onde encontram as fotos que exercem simples exemplo, tanto no que nos é sugerido
maior atração. Barthes encontrou vários motivos pelo que é visível como pelo subentendido do que
quando se interrogou sobre as “diferentes razões está oculto. O nosso olhar, ao classificar as coisas
que podem levar-nos a interessarmo-nos por uma pela posição que ocupam, acaba por ser, também,
foto”: ”podemos desejar o objecto, a paisagem, o eminentemente geográfico: “produzimos imediatas
corpo que ela representa; amar ou ter amado o ser cartografias dos lugares e de seus conteúdos, sele-
que ela nos dá a reconhecer; espantarmo-nos com o cionamos o que deve ser figurado, o que deve ser
que vemos; admirar ou discutir o trabalho do fotó- examinado, estabelecemos pontos de vista e até a
grafo, etc. Mas estes interesses são inconsistentes, escala dessa análise. Ângulos, distâncias, observação
heterogéneos; uma determinada foto pode satis- ou não de detalhes e minúcias, movimentos necessá-
fazer um deles e interessar-me pouco”. Acabou por rios, percurso da observação, comparações etc. são
concluir que “a palavra mais adequada para designar elementos que fazem parte dessa espécie de cartilha
(provisoriamente) a atracção que certas fotografias de procedimentos estabelecida para dirigir o olhar
exercem sobre mim era aventura. Uma determinada e a atenção. Esse “olhar cartográfico” nos indica o
foto acontece-me, uma outra não” (R. Barthes, 2005; que deve ser visto e como deve ser visto. Tudo isso
1980: 36). se faz segundo estritas normas e critérios: (…) o tipo
de espaço, o lugar ocupado, a rede de relações dessa


posição, tudo isso age como critérios que guiam o pintura, deram um contributo decisivo “para a globa-
olhar e o interesse e conferem diferentes graus de lização das paisagens enquanto recurso. O turista e
visibilidade às coisas. (P. Gomes, 2013: 54). o leitor de fotografia procuram tanto as imagens do
seu passado, da sua cultura, do seu imaginário, como
Somos potenciais consumidores de imagens, porque as paisagens virtuais do espírito, sem tempo e sem
dependemos delas para a interpretação do mundo espaço” (J. Gaspar, 2022: 58). A observação, mesmo
que nos rodeia. O nosso olhar, a nossa atenção e o superficial, das imagens selecionadas para o catá-
nosso interesse “são solicitados permanentemente logo, ressalta a coabitação entre o local e o global,
nesse desfile ininterrupto de formas, cores e signi- a transversalidade dos problemas com que a huma-
ficados”. Ao darmos mais atenção e centralidade re- nidade se confronta: as alterações climáticas, a (in)
lativamente a certas imagens remetemos as demais sustentabilidade ambiental, as exclusões económicas
para uma certa penumbra, zona de relativa invisibi- e sociais, potenciadas pelas assimetrias territoriais,
lidade que as torna “desinteressantes ou desperce- são, definitivamente, problemas sem fronteiras.
bidas”. O realce dado neste catálogo a umas quantas
fotografias, como acontece em qualquer exposição, A fotografia, apesar de tudo, “continua a ser uma
é o resultado duma subtil competição entre imagens convenção do olhar, uma linguagem de representa-
que obedece a “verdadeiras estratégias para seduzir ção, a expressão de um olhar sobre o mundo, ima-
os olhares, para chamar a atenção, para despertar o gem híbrida onde a realidade captada passa a incor-
interesse”. Há, pois, as que se “impõem sobre outras porar e a veicular uma mensagem com determinado
e parecem legitimamente gozar do direito de ofuscar conteúdo histórico, social e cultural” (R. Jacinto, 2021:
as demais” (P. Gomes, 2013: 6). 28). As eternas discussões sobre a sua representa-
tividade, o que mostra ou deixa invisível, não abala
a importância da imagem como documento para
memória futura. Continua a ser imprescindível para
Ver para além das aparências: os avessos do mundo
divulgar a diversidade natural e humana, enfatizar o
e a (re)interpretação das suas diversidades e assime-
lado mais negro das assimetrias económicas, sociais
trias. O ensinamento dos mestres já nos havia avisa-
e territoriais, apelar à solidariedade quando está em
do que “a Fotografia é contingência pura e não pode
causa revelar as condições indignas em que vivem
ser mais do que isso”, que “é sempre alguma coisa
os mais desfavorecidos e precários que habitam as
que é representada”, que ”não diz (forçosamente)
mais esquecidas e invisíveis periferias. É mais eficaz
aquilo que já não é, mas apenas e de certeza aquilo
a despertar consciências quando mostra o avesso do
que foi. Esta subtileza é decisiva. Diante de uma
mundo, denuncia desmandos e revela o lado oculto
foto, a consciência não segue necessariamente a via
onde se movimentam os excluídos e marginalizados.
nostálgica da recordação (quantas fotografias estão
fora do tempo individual), mas, para toda a fotogra-
fia existente no mundo, a via da certeza: a essência
da Fotografia é ratificar aquilo que representa” (R. A imagem e as agendas do futuro: velhos proble-
Barthes, 2005; 1980: 120). mas, novos desafios. As imagens reunidas, por mais
atuais que sejam, e são, retratam sempre tempos
As imagens fotográficas, que amplificaram de forma idos, são “memória dos lugares” que usamos sele-
extraordinária o papel que em tempos coubera à tivamente “para planear os lugares de memória”.


Vivemos um tempo “que se deslumbra e se entedia riamente, se documenta, omite ou deturpa. Por este
consigo próprio através de imagens”; neste “mundo motivo importa prestar atenção à cartografia das
-imagem”, “um mundo em que as relações humanas ausências pois a imagem, além da atual profusão ins-
passaram a ser medidas por imagens”, exige-se uma tantânea, detém uma posição tão hegemónica que
“nova ética da visão”. As imagens (como as do catálo- a sua influência é capital na evolução das mudanças
go) também transitam “entre o Belo e o Verdadeiro, em curso. Embora retratem sempre um passado, as
a arte pictórica e o documento social”, situando-se fotografias tanto inventariam problemas concretos
ora de um lado ora de outro ao ponto de se gerarem como perscrutam e determinam o entendimento
“ambiguidades” com “consequências sociais tão no- dum devir que nos espera. Por tudo isto, mesmo
bres quanto nocivas” (S. Sontag). que indiretamente, as imagens também ajudam a
configurar as políticas públicas; nesta medida, não
A guerra de imagens a que assistimos é uma com- é despiciendo o papel das imagens na demanda de
petição acesa entre o que, voluntária ou involunta- novas soluções para enfrentar velhos problemas.


Jorge Gaspar (2022). Território & Imagem. Textos de fronteira. CEI, Guarda.

Paulo Cesar Costa Gomes (2013). O lugar do olhar. Elementos para uma geografia da visibilidade. Rio de Janeiro; Bertrand.

Roland Barthes (2005; 1980). A câmara clara. Lisboa, Edições 70.

Rui Jacinto (2021). Imagem e território: foto(geo)grafia ou a demanda dos rumores do mundo. In Rui Jacinto (Coord.), Geografia sem Frontei-
ras. CEI - Âncora Editora, Lisboa, pp. 17-74.

Susan Sontag (1986; 1977). Ensaios sobre fotografia. Lisboa, Dom Quixote.

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

A Carlos Costa 212 Helena Ferreira 155

Abbas 224 Carlos Frederico Lago Burnett 117 Helen McLain 233
Adra Pallón 230 Célia Maria Borges Prata 163 Henrique Godoy 167
Alain Schroeder 220 Chantal 193 Henrique Murta 43
Alberto M. 28, 29, 30 Chiara Maggiore 166 Hernan Vitenberg 92
Aleksey 196 Chi Keung Wong 168 Hongjun Yue 68
Ali 224 Chuanzhong Li 98 Hong Li 119
Ali Asghar Yousefi 90 Chunshou Li 105 Hongshan Wang 119
Alireza Fatehi 111 Constance Langrand 142 Hosein Davoodi 111
Alireza Joshani 193 Hugo Ferreira 55
Alireza Navidmoghaddam Gavgani 194 D Huijun Chen 58
Alireza Yaghoubi 152 Dalo Daniel Pwajok 162 Hui Liang 52
Alma Bibolotti 60 Danial Biyonghi 195 Huong Trang Nguyen Thuy 78, 79, 80
Alok Avinash 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Debdatta Chakraborty 222
Desmond Chien Yew Ngu 210 I
Álvaro Bertoni Sanguinetti 114
Aly Song 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 Deva Leal Vázquez 110 Inés García Ruiz 55
Amarjeet Kumar Singh 101 Diana 143 Irene Baeza 81, 82, 83
Amir Behroozi Rad 225 Dibakar Roy 208 Irene Clari Fortea 161
Diogo Bento 153 Isabella Leite Gomes 200
Amitava Chandra 97
Amit Vakil 100 Diogo Luís Pina 160
Dmitriy Kochergin 141
Ana Paula Chirino 68
Anastasia Ceban 102 Domenico Rapuano 117 Jahid Alam Apu 100
Duarte Belo 46 Javier Arcenillas 231
Anastasiya Buzinayeva 211
Dulce Helfer 106 Javier Serra 150
Andrea Menéndez Menéndez 116
Jesús Salinero Ramírez 40
Andreia Carvalho da Silva 116
E Jianchun Wu 64
Andre Saito 142
Ebrahim Soheili 50 Jianjun Liu 151
Andresa Oliveira Augstroze Aguiar 59
Jing Li 45
Andres Gomez Garcia 110 Edmilson Sanches 147
Jinquan Tao 88
Andrey 144 Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro 166
Joana Mafalda de Sousa Albergaria Teixeira 148
Andrey Semenov 41 Egor Sizov 157
João Galamba 38
Angie Milena Espinel Meneses 63 Ehsan Kaviani 48
João Miguel Pereira Leal Santos 164
Annaig Giquel-Donadieu 149 Ekaterina Boiarkina 233
João Nunes 42, 50
Anna Lipatova 153 Elmira 162
Jon Bradburn 154
Antonio Aragón Renuncio 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 Eman Tokhy 229
Jorge Almeida 44
Antonio Elson Lima dos Santos 191 Emily Dodd-Noble 235
Jorge Leão 218
Antonio Farto 145 Emran Hossain 208
Jorge López Muñoz 204
António Manuel Silva Medeiros 165 Eniola Alakija 101
José António Guimarães 206
António Miguel Pinto Henriques 156 Esperanza Labrador 109
Jose Antonio Ochandio Checa 51
Antonio Pérez 145 Eva 190
José Manuel Conceição Baptista 66
António Tedim 61 José Pedro Fonseca Martins 60
Arastoo Qadermazi 222 F
José Reyes Belzunce 50
Arez Ghaderi 178, 179, 180 Famin Huang 69 Juan Manuel Hernández López 66
Arezoo Babagoli 204 Farzana Akhtar 169 Julia Nely Manteuffel Castro 152
Arpan Basu Chowdhury 188 Fatemeh 108
Arturo German Sierra Manso 150 Felipe Tomás Jiménez Ordóñez 89 K
Arturo López Illana 31, 32, 33 Feng Liu 189 Katerina Churbakova 207
Ary Attab Filho 138 Fernanda Carvalho 205 Kevin McKenna 140
Asghar Khamseh 128, 129, 130 Filipe Alberto Silva Miranda 206 Kirill 104
Asier Gogortza Asensio 65 Filipe Bianchi 113 Krisztian Kosa 227
Athanasios Maloukos 235 Francesca Georgia Franchini 196 Kyle Gyumin Dong 157
Avin Ekbatan 226
Aytaç Ünal 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177 G L
Александр Поздняков 94 Goreti Ferraz 106 Lago Manoel Souto Lorenzo 201
Guilherme Limas 47 Langhua Tong 67
B Guillaume Petermann 218 Lankun Xu 48
Bin Jiang 34, 35, 36 Guochang Chen 57 Li Jiang 91
Bruno Filipe Fernandes 228 Limin Wu 95
Bui Phu Khanh 53 H Lina María López Aponte 93
Hadi Dehghanpour 95 Lin Jing 139
C Hamed 226 Liz Stefhanie Cubillos Díaz 167
Camila de Sá Francisco 148 Hamideh Ranjbar 228 Luis Enrique Albesiano Fernandez 199
Carloman Macidiano Cespedes Riojas 234 Haojiang Huang 119 Luis Lobo Henriques 138
Carlos Cabral 54 Harsha Vadlamani 94 Luis Márquez Nogales 49


Luis Veloso 201 Pijush Chakraborty 56 Suzhen Yu 103

Luiz Arthur Leitão Vieira 165 Polina Soyref 188
Pranab Basak 213 T
Taher Hosseini 211
Mª Concepción Antiqueira López 43 Q
Tasneem Kashem 217
Manolo Espaliú 209 Qian Zhang 191
Manuel Gracia Gascón 140 Qingcun Zhang 41 Tatiana Zhgun 163
Marcin Idźkowski 236 Quico García 229 Thahnan Ferdous 90
Marco Antonio Barbosa Garces 200 Thiago Altran Lacerda 66
Maria João Vale 139 R Thiedu du Preez 115
Maria Luiza Kenup Esteves 149 Rafael G. Antunes 113
Tkachenko Anastasia 219
Marina 223 Rafael Raposo Pires 147
Mário Atalayão Valença 109 Rajesh Dhar 98 Tongchun Fan 99
Mario Matías Pereda Berga 84, 85, 86 Rakib Noushad 88
Mark Anthony Agtay 155 Rakibul Alam Khan 181, 182, 183 U
Mark Levitin 197 Ranaivosoa Tolojanahary 195 Uttam Kamati 57
Maryam 202 Ratima 192
Matías Sarlo 96 Raul Akhmedov 168 V
Md Asker Ibne Firoz 96 Raúl Alonso García 163
Vahid Setoodeh 51
Md. Saiful Islam Khan 156 Rayhan Ahmed 209
Mehdi Mohebi Pour 67 Reginaldo Luiz Cardoso 146 Valeria Salinas Maceda 214
Mehmet Yilmaz 203 Reza Baradaran Esfahani 118 Vasilii Martynov 159
Miguel Pires 112 Reza Danianian 221 Vasily Yakovlev 65
Miguel Roth 104 Ricardo Alfredo Kleine Samson 194 Viktor Barkhatov 64
Mingli Fan 118 Ricardo Ravanello 99
Volkova Polina Alexandrovna 164
Min Li 45 Rodolfo Gil 61
Mirali Parandak 107 Rong Zhang 89
Mithail Afrige Chowdhury 237
Rui Correia 144
Mohammadjavad Rostamiahmadvandi 67 Rui Jorge Pessoa Neto 219 Weijing Yang 63
Mohammad Rafayat Haque Khan 213 Rui Pedro Oliveira 115 Weining Lin 214
Mohammadreza 216 Rui Viegas 47 Wilber 203
Mohammad Reza Masoumi 49
W. M. Yohan Fernando 223
Moncho Iglesias Míguez 221 S
Muhammad Amdad Hossain 197 Saber Ghazi 202
Mustafa AbdulHadi 190
Saeed Rezvanian 92
Mustafa Bilge Satkın 158 Sajad Doost Mohammadi 225 Xian Liu 215
Sajjad Abdollahnia 198 Xiao Chen 38
N Salua Amastha 53 Xiaohua Lu 151
Natalia 162 Samane Shirazi 102 Xincai Pan 62
Natalia Gorshkova 220 Sandipani Chattopadhyay 97
Neda Kazemifard 158 Xiu Liu 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Sayan Sarkar 169
Negin Fazlollahi 193 Seref Ali Taser 112 Xuebiao Yang 207
Nike Ossler 198 Sergio 231
Niloofar 91 Sérgio Conceição 199 Y
Ningtai Yu 237 Sergio Diaz 161 Yahya Paryav 54
Nkosikhona 216 Sergiy Khilko 146 Yasser Alaa Mobarak 160
Nooshin 162 Seyed Ali Hosseinifar 131, 132, 133
Nurlan Tahirli 52 Yin Yu 143
Seyed Mahdi Khamesi Hamanah 160
Seyedmohamad Tabrizi 108 Yonghuai Mao 215
O Shiva Majzoob 42 Yongli Li 39
Olena Morozova 232 Shohrab Hossain 94 Youwei Ye 103
Oskar Alvarado 114 Shulan Wang 62 Yunrao Li 56
Özge Ergin 230 Shun Zhang 184, 185, 186
Yuri Pritisk 39
Shuzhou Zhang 93
P Siavosh Ejlali 236 Yu Zhang 69
Pablo Alfredo De Luca 205 Sina Niemeyer 232
Patricia Negreira 217 Sirsendu Gayen 210 Z
Paulo Fernandes 141 Sk Rahaman Hossain 38 Zehra Servet Us 159
Paulo Monteiro 212 Solovev Saveliy 117 Zeinab Mokhtari 44
Paulo Sérgio Pinto 107 Sourav Das 189
Zhong Qiu 105
Pawel Zygmunt 40 Sudip Maiti 55
Payam 58 Sujan Sarkar 227 Ziaul Huque 134, 135, 136
Pedro Almeida 234 Sumit Dhuper 154 Zohreh Sehat 59
Pedro José Saavedra Macías 46 Sumit Sanyal 192

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

005 Apresentação
Sérgio Fernando da Silva Costa

007 Imagem, território e as agendas

do futuro
Rui Jacinto

010 fotógrafos incluídos no catálogo



p at r i mó n i o n at u r a l , c i d a d e e pro c e s s o s
p a i s a g e n s e b i o d i v er s i d a d e d e u r ban i z aç ão

022 prémio 122 prémio

028 menções honrosas 128 menções honrosas

038 fotografias a concurso 138 fotografias a concurso

e s paç os r u r a i s , ag r i c u lt u r a c u l t u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v er s i d a d e
e po v o a me n t o c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ão s o c i a l

072 prémio 172 prémio

078 menções honrosas 178 menções honrosas

088 fotografias a concurso 188 fotografias a concurso

238 comentários das fotografias (*)

259 premiados 2022

mel h or portfólio
Xiu Liu
T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2 mel h or portfólio

Xiu Liu

014 Fairyland in Dream 1 | China (China), 2021 ( 1 )*

1 112.1.1.jpeg
mel h or portfólio F O T O G R A F I A S E M F R O N T E I R A S

Xiu Liu

2 112.1.2.jpeg Fairyland in Dream 2 | China (China), 2021 ( 2 )* 015

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2 mel h or portfólio

Xiu Liu

016 Fairyland in Dream 3 | China (China), 2021 ( 3 )* 3 112.1.3.jpeg

mel h or portfólio F O T O G R A F I A S E M F R O N T E I R A S

Xiu Liu

4 112.1.4.jpeg Fairyland in Dream 4 | China (China), 2021 ( 4 )* 017

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2 mel h or portfólio

Xiu Liu

018 Fairyland in Dream 5 | China (China), 2021 ( 5 )* 5 112.1.5.jpeg

mel h or portfólio F O T O G R A F I A S E M F R O N T E I R A S

Xiu Liu

6 112.1.6.jpeg Fairyland in Dream 6 | China (China), 2021 ( 6 )* 019


Alok Avinash

022 In Search of Water_1 | Purulia, West Bengal (Índia), 2019 ( 7 )* 7 151.1.1.JPG

pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e P r é mio tema 1

Alok Avinash

8 151.1.2.JPG In Search of Water_2 | Purulia, West Bengal (Índia), 2019 ( 8 )* 023


Alok Avinash

024 In Search of Water_3 | Purulia, West Bengal (Índia), 2019 ( 9 )* 9 151.1.3.JPG

pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e P r é mio tema 1

Alok Avinash

10 151.1.4.JPG In Search of Water_4 | Purulia, West Bengal (Índia), 2019 (10)* 025

Alok Avinash

026 In Search of Water_5 | Purulia, West Bengal (Índia), 2019 (11)* 11 151.1.5.JPG
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e P r é mio tema 1

Alok Avinash

12 151.1.6.JPG In Search of Water_6 | Purulia, West Bengal (Índia), 2019 (12)* 027

Alberto M.
Nirgendwo Village | Dannenröder Forest (Alemanha), 2020 (13)* 13 175.1.1.jpg
028 Fight For Forests | Dannenröder Forest (Alemanha), 2020 (14)* 14 175.1.2.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e men ç ã o honrosa tema 1

Alberto M.
15 175.1.3.jpg No Borders | Dannenröder Forest (Alemanha), 2020 (15)*
16 175.1.4.jpg The Last Trees | Dannenröder Forest (Alemanha), 2020 (16)* 029

Alberto M.
Sem título | Dannenröder Forest (Alemanha), 2020 (17)* 17 175.1.5.jpg
030 Tree House | Seehausen Forest (Alemanha), 2021 (18)* 18 175.1.6.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e men ç ã o honrosa tema 1

Arturo López Illana

19 76.1.1.jpg Mansilla - 1 | La Rioja (Espanha), 2018 (19)*
20 76.1.2.JPG Mansilla - 2 | La Rioja (Espanha), 2018 (20)* 031

Arturo López Illana

Mansilla - 3 | La Rioja (Espanha), 2018 (21)* 21 76.1.3.jpg
032 Mansilla - 4 | La Rioja (Espanha), 2018 (22)* 22 76.1.4.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e men ç ã o honrosa tema 1

Arturo López Illana

23 76.1.5.jpg Mansilla - 5 | La Rioja (Espanha), 2018 (23)*
24 76.1.6.jpg Mansilla - 6 | La Rioja (Espanha), 2018 (24)* 033

Bin Jiang
Mountain Peak 1 | China (China), 2021 (25)* 25 102.1.1.jpeg
034 Mountain Peak 2 | China (China), 2021 (26)* 26 102.1.2.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e men ç ã o honrosa tema 1

Bin Jiang
27 102.1.3.jpeg Mountain Peak 3 | China (China), 2021 (27)*
28 102.1.4.jpeg Mountain Peak 4 | China (China), 2021 (28)* 035

Bin Jiang
Mountain Peak 5 | China (China), 2021 (29)* 29 102.1.5.jpeg
036 Mountain Peak 6 | China (China), 2021 (30)* 30 102.1.6.jpeg
património natural ,
paisagens e biodiversidade

João Galamba, Países Baixos | Gelo quebrado | Islândia (Islândia), 2022 (31)* 31 198.1.5.jpg
João Galamba, Países Baixos | Fronteira de Gelo | Islândia (Islândia), 2022 (32)* 32 198.1.6.jpg
Sk Rahaman Hossain, Índia | Human vs Nature | Gurudongmar Lake, North Sikkim (Índia), 2021 (33)* 33 9.1.2.jpg
038 Xiao Chen, China | Icefield Parkway | (China), 2021 (34)* 34 136.1.2.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

35 2.1.3.jpg Yuri Pritisk, Rússia | NOTpermafrost (3) | Chuvashia (Rússia), 2022 (35)*
36 105.1.3.jpeg Yongli Li, China | Homeland of Penguins 3 | Antarctica (Antártica), 2018 (36)*
37 105.1.4.jpeg Yongli Li, China | Homeland of Penguins 4 | Antarctica (Antártica), 2018 (37)* 039

Pawel Zygmunt, Irlanda | Green pillar | Lofoten (Noruega), 2022 (38)* 38 67.1.6.jpg
Pawel Zygmunt, Irlanda | The Vilage | Lofoten (Noruega), 2022 (39)* 39 67.1.2.jpg
Jesús Salinero Ramírez, Espanha | Entre montañas | Riaño, Castilla y León (Espanha), 2021 (40)* 40 31.1.2.jpg
040 Jesús Salinero Ramírez, Espanha | Primeras nieves | Correcillas, Castilla y León (Espanha), 2018 (41)* 41 31.1.5.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

42 154.1.1.jpg Andrey Semenov, Rússia | Invasion_01 | Kola Peninsula (Rússia), 2016 (42)*
43 154.1.4.jpg Andrey Semenov, Rússia | Invasion_04 | Kola Peninsula (Rússia), 2016 (43)*
44 131.1.4.jpeg Qingcun Zhang, China | Snowy Mountains 4 | China (China), 2013 (44)*
45 131.1.2.jpeg Qingcun Zhang, China | Snowy Mountains 2 | China (China), 2013 (45)* 041

João Nunes, Portugal | Hand-painted Chinese nature | Jiangxi (China), 2019 (46)* 46 191.1.4.jpg
João Nunes, Portugal | Where China meets Vietnam | Guangxi (China), 2021 (47)* 47 191.1.6.jpg
Shiva Majzoob, Irão | Masterpiece of nature | Garmsar city in Semnan province (2022) (48)* 48 155.1.5.jpg
042 Shiva Majzoob, Irão | Desert generosity | Garmsar city in Semnan province (2022) (49)* 49 155.1.6.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

50 210.1.4.jpg Henrique Murta, Espanha | La Muralla | Catalunya (Espanha), 2020 (50)*

51 211.1.1.JPG Mª Concepción Antiqueira López, Espanha | Beso | Plasenzuela, Cáceres (Espanha), 2022 (51)*
52 211.1.6.JPG Mª Concepción Antiqueira López, Espanha | Ánade | Plasenzuela, Cáceres (Espanha), 2022 (52)* 043

Jorge Almeida, Portugal | Brisa do Deserto | Sosssusvlei (Namibia), 2022 (53)* 53 193.1.2.jpg
Jorge Almeida, Portugal | Beleza dunar | Sosssusvlei (Namibia), 2022 (54)* 54 193.1.5.jpg
Zeinab Mokhtari, Irão | Alone in desert | Isfahan province, Khara desert (Irão), 2022 (55)* 55 47.1.2.jpg
044 Zeinab Mokhtari, Irão | Fox footprint | Khara desert (Irão), 2022 (56)* 56 47.1.6.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

57 103.1.3.jpeg Jing Li, China | Veins of Earth 3 | China (China), 2017 (57)*
58 103.1.4.jpeg Jing Li, China | Veins of Earth 4, | China (China), 2017 (58)*
59 104.1.1.jpeg Min Li, China | Elves in Sky 1 | Kenya (Quênia), 2019 (59)*
60 104.1.2.jpeg Min Li, China | Elves in Sky 2 | Kenya (Quênia), 2019 (60)* 045

Pedro José Saavedra Macías, Espanha | Duna II | Parque Nacional de los Lençóis Maranhenses (Brasil), 2022 (61)* 61 82.1.3.jpg
Pedro José Saavedra Macías, Espanha | Duna I | Parque Nacional de los Lençóis Maranhenses (Brasil), 2022 (62)* 62 82.1.2.jpg
Duarte Belo, Portugal | Sem título | Salir do Porto, Caldas da Rainha (Portugal), 2022 (63)* 63 164.1.5.jpg
046 Duarte Belo, Portugal | Sem título | Paredes da Vitória, Alcobaça (Portugal), 2022 (64)* 64 164.1.6.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

65 109.1.1.jpg Guilherme Limas, Portugal | Dunas | Praia da Vagueira (Portugal), 2016 (65)*
66 109.1.2.jpg Guilherme Limas, Portugal | Dunas | Praia da Vagueira (Portugal), 2015 (66)*
67 37.1.4.jpg Rui Viegas, Portugal | Caminho interrompido | Passadiço da Barra, Aveiro (Portugal), 2014 (67)*
68 37.1.3.jpg Rui Viegas, Portugal | Caminho na areia | Passadiço da Barra, Aveiro (Portugal), 2015 (68)* 047

Ehsan Kaviani, Irão | Morning | Khuzestan (Irão), 2022 (69)* 69 51.1.2.jpg

Ehsan Kaviani, Irão | Far | Khuzestan (Irão), 2022 (70)* 70 51.1.6.jpg
Lankun Xu, China | Great World 3 | China (China), 2015 (71)* 71 122.1.3.jpeg
048 Lankun Xu, China | Great World 4 | China (China), 2015 (72)* 72 122.1.4.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

73 178.1.6.jpg Luis Márquez Nogales, Espanha | Así en el cielo como en la tierra | Torcal de Antequera. Antequera, Málaga (Espanha), 2019 (73)*
74 178.1.5.jpg Luis Márquez Nogales, Espanha | Entre piedras | Torcal de Antequera. Antequera, Málaga (Espanha), 2019 (74)*
75 19.1.4.jpg Mohammad Reza Masoumi, Irão | Shahdad 004 | Iran (Irão), 2019 (75)* 049

Ebrahim Soheili, Irão | Red Earth | Badab Surt,Sari (Irão), 2021 (76)* 76 57.1.3.jpg
João Nunes, Portugal | Rice Fields Forever | Honghe (China), 2021 (77)* 77 190.1.1.jpg
José Reyes Belzunce, Espanha | Sal de magnesio 4 | Isla Cristina, Huelva (Espanha), 2016 (78)* 78 78.1.4.jpg
050 José Reyes Belzunce, Espanha | Sal de magnesio 3 | Isla Cristina, Huelva (Espanha), 2016 (79)* 79 78.1.3.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

80 72.1.3.JPG Jose Antonio Ochandio Checa, Espanha | Ilusión óptica 2 | Alfafar, Valencia (Espanha), 2021 (80)*
81 72.1.2.JPG Jose Antonio Ochandio Checa, Espanha | Aves al alba 1 | Alfafar, Valencia (Espanha), 2021 (81)*
82 158.1.3.jpg Vahid Setoodeh, Irão | Infinite Serenity | Asalooye (Irão), 2021 (82)*
83 158.1.6.jpg Vahid Setoodeh, Irão | Broken Boat | Shiraz (Irão), 2022 (83)* 051

Nurlan Tahirli, Azerbaijão | Debano | Bursa (Turquia), 2021 (84)* 84 179.1.4.jpg

Nurlan Tahirli, Azerbaijão | Defino | Bursa (Turquia), 2021 (85)* 85 179.1.5.jpg
Hui Liang, China | Spring Lake 3 | China (China), 2019 (86)* 86 107.1.3.jpeg
052 Hui Liang, China | Spring Lake 4 | China (China), 2019 (87)* 87 107.1.4.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

88 4.1.1.jpg Bui Phu Khanh, Vietname | 01_let the soul into nature | Tuyen Lam lake, Da Lat city, Lam Dong province (Vietname), 2019 (88)*
89 4.1.3.jpg Bui Phu Khanh, Vietname | 03_havesting fishing nets | Tuyen Lam lake, Da Lat city, Lam Dong province (Vietname), 2019 (89)*
90 200.1.5.jpg Salua Amastha, Colômbia | El transporte | Cienaga Grande (Colômbia), 2016 (90)*
91 200.1.6.jpg Salua Amastha, Colômbia | La noche | Cienaga Grande (Colômbia), 2016 (91)* 053

Carlos Cabral, Portugal | Cabrita Alta | Costa Nova, Aveiro (Portugal), 2010 (92)* 92 205.1.2.jpg
Carlos Cabral, Portugal | Manhã de Nevoeiro | Costa Nova, Aveiro (Portugal), 2018 (93)* 93 205.1.4.jpg
Yahya Paryav, Irão | Boat | Golestan (Irão), 2022 (94)* 94 93.1.1.jpg
054 Yahya Paryav, Irão | Hope | Golestan (Irão), 2022 (95)* 95 93.1.6.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

96 50.1.1.jpg Hugo Ferreira, Portugal | Xávega na Praia de Mira 1 | Praia de Mira (Portugal), 2021 (96)*
97 209.1.4.JPG Inés García Ruiz, Espanha | Living in the backwaters | Kerala (Índia), 2019 (97)*
98 77.1.3.jpg Sudip Maiti, Índia | Out of school | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (98)*
99 77.1.1.jpg Sudip Maiti, Índia | Abandoned | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (99)* 055

Yunrao Li, China | Lines in Sky 2 | China (China), 2020 (100)* 100 106.1.2.jpeg
Yunrao Li, China | Lines in Sky 3 | China (China), 2020 (101)* 101 106.1.3.jpeg
Pijush Chakraborty, Índia | Busy with woods | Jalpaiguri (Índia), 2013 (102)* 102 166.1.1.jpg
056 Pijush Chakraborty, Índia | Towards Home | Jalpaiguri (Índia), 2013 (103)* 103 166.1.5.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

104 92.1.1.jpeg Guochang Chen, China | People in China 1 | China (China), 2022 (104)*
105 92.1.2.jpeg Guochang Chen, China | People in China 2 | China (China), 2022 (105)*
106 91.1.3.jpg Uttam Kamati, Índia | Thrashing Paddy | Dhaprahat (Índia), 2021 (106)*
107 91.1.4.jpg Uttam Kamati, Índia | A farmer | Dhaprahat (Índia), 2021 (107)* 057

Payam, Irão | Eternal grey 2 | Tehran (Irão), 2021 (108)* 108 87.1.6.jpg
Payam, Irão | Eternal grey 1 | Tehran (Irão), 2017 (109)* 109 87.1.1.jpg
Huijun Chen, China | Herds 3 | China (China), 2018 (110)* 110 134.1.3.jpeg
058 Huijun Chen, China | Herds 5 | China (China), 2018 (111)* 111 134.1.5.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

112 90.1.4.jpg Andresa Oliveira Augstroze Aguiar, Brasil | Foto-Escritas de Bordo IV | Cerrado na estrada entre Goiânia e Brasília (Brasil), 2019 (112)*
113 90.1.5.jpg Andresa Oliveira Augstroze Aguiar, Brasil | Foto-Escritas de Bordo V | Cerrado na estrada entre Goiânia e Brasília (Brasil), 2019 (113)*
114 143.1.1.jpg Zohreh Sehat, Irão | The philosophy of folding | Hormozgan province (Irão), 2020 (114)*
115 143.1.4.jpg Zohreh Sehat, Irão | The philosophy of folding | Hormozgan province (Irão), 2021 (115)* 059

Alma Bibolotti, Itália | Xylella Blue Ballad I | Salento, Apulia (Itália), 2020 (116)* 116 173.1.1.jpg
Alma Bibolotti, Itália | Xylella Blue Ballad VI | Salento, Apulia (Itália), 2021 (117)* 117 173.1.6.jpg
José Pedro Fonseca Martins, Portugal | Aceredo 01 | Aceredo (Espanha), 2022 (118)* 118 215.1.1.jpeg
060 José Pedro Fonseca Martins, Portugal | Aceredo 02 | Aceredo (Espanha), 2022 (119)* 119 215.1.2.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

120 194.1.4.jpg Rodolfo Gil, Portugal | A Sede #4 | Estuário do Tejo (Portugal), 2022 (120)*
121 194.1.5.jpg Rodolfo Gil, Portugal | A Sede #5 | Estuário do Tejo (Portugal), 2022 (121)*
122 110.1.1.jpg António Tedim, Portugal | Aranhas | Aceredo, Galiza (Espanha), 2022 (122)*
123 110.1.4.jpg António Tedim, Portugal | Aranhas | Aceredo, Galiza (Espanha), 2022 (123)* 061

Xincai Pan, China | Overlooking the wetland 2 | China (China), 2021 (124)* 124 113.1.2.jpeg
Xincai Pan, China | Overlooking the wetland 5 | China (China), 2021 (125)* 125 113.1.5.jpeg
Shulan Wang, França | Ruins Wall | Paris (França), 2021 (126)* 126 161.1.1.jpg
062 Shulan Wang, França | Ruins Wall | Paris (França), 2021 (127)* 127 161.1.3.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

128 123.1.2.jpeg Weijing Yang, China | Earth palette 2 | China (China), 2020 (128)*
129 123.1.4.jpeg Weijing Yang, China | Earth palette 4 | China (China), 2020 (129)*
130 214.1.5.jpg Angie Milena Espinel Meneses, Colômbia | Humedal Tibaniqa 5 | Bogotá (Colômbia), 2022 (130)*
131 214.1.2.jpg Angie Milena Espinel Meneses, Colômbia | Humedal Tibaniqa 2 | Bogotá (Colômbia), 2022 (131)* 063

Viktor Barkhatov, Georgia | Fly Agaric #4 | Pskov region (Rússia), 2020 (132)* 132 108.1.4.jpg
Viktor Barkhatov, Georgia | Fly Agaric #2 | Pskov region (Rússia), 2020 (133)* 133 108.1.2.jpg
Jianchun Wu, China | Lotus 1 | China (China), 2021 (134)* 134 121.1.1.jpeg
064 Jianchun Wu, China | Lotus 2 | China (China), 2021 (135)* 135 121.1.2.jpeg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

136 68.1.4.jpg Vasily Yakovlev, Rússia | Hellebore Plant | Caucasus (Rússia), 2021 (136)*
137 68.1.2.jpg Vasily Yakovlev, Rússia | Caucasian Rhododendron | Caucasus (Rússia), 2021 (137)*
138 58.1.5.jpg Asier Gogortza Asensio, Espanha | 81trees_05 | Nafarroa (Espanha), 2020 (138)*
139 58.1.6.jpg Asier Gogortza Asensio, Espanha | 81trees_06 | Nafarroa (Espanha), 2020 (139)* 065

Juan Manuel Hernández López, Espanha | Quebrantahuesos y su entorno 5 | Huesca (Espanha), 2021 (140)* 140 186.1.5.jpg
Juan Manuel Hernández López, Espanha | Quebrantahuesos y su entorno 6 | Huesca (Espanha), 2021 (141)* 141 186.1.6.jpg
Thiago Altran Lacerda, Brasil | Voo Livre – Um Ballet Natural | Pantanal – Mato Grosso (Brasil), 2021 (142)* 142 8.1.6.jpg
066 José Manuel Conceição Baptista, Portugal | Vaidades | Alvaiázere (Portugal), 2021 (143)* 143 206.1.4.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

144 45.1.1.jpg Mehdi Mohebi Pour, Irão | Bitter death of birds | Miankaleh (Irão), 2019 (144)*
145 45.1.6.jpg Mehdi Mohebi Pour, Irão | Charnel | Miankaleh (Irão), 2020 (145)*
146 137.1.3.jpeg Langhua Tong, China | Darling Dabchick 3 | China (China), 2017 (146)*
147 100.1.6.jpg Mohammadjavad Rostamiahmadvandi, Irão | Two birds in love | Kermanshah (Irão), 2022 (147)* 067

Hongjun Yue, China | Magical Sea 1 | China (China), 2016 (148)* 148 130.1.1.jpeg
Hongjun Yue, China | Magical Sea 4 | China (China), 2016 (149)* 149 130.1.4.jpeg
Ana Paula Chirino, México | Whale shark vertical feeding | Quintana Roo (México), 2020 (150)* 150 199.1.2.jpg
068 Ana Paula Chirino, México | Mantaray | Quintana Roo (México), 2020 (151)* 151 199.1.3.jpg
pat r i m ó n i o n at u r a l , pa i s a g e n s e b i o d i v e r s i d a d e tema 1

152 95.1.1.jpeg Famin Huang, China | Godness 1 | China (China), 2021 (152)*
153 95.1.2.jpeg Famin Huang, China | Godness 2 | China (China), 2021 (153)*
154 132.1.3.jpeg Yu Zhang, China | Beauty 3 | China (China), 2018 (154)*
155 132.1.4.jpeg Yu Zhang, China | Beauty 4 | China (China), 2018 (155)* 069

Antonio Aragón Renuncio


072 Dances with Wolves 01 | Cantabria (Espanha), 2021 (156)* 156 32.2.1.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o P r é mio tema 2

Antonio Aragón Renuncio


157 32.2.2.jpg Dances with Wolves 02 | Cantabria (Espanha), 2021 (157)* 073

Antonio Aragón Renuncio


074 Dances with Wolves 03 | Cantabria (Espanha), 2021 (158)* 158 32.2.3.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o P r é mio tema 2

Antonio Aragón Renuncio


159 32.2.4.jpg Dances with Wolves 04 | Cantabria (Espanha), 2021 (159)* 075

Antonio Aragón Renuncio


076 Dances with Wolves 05 | Cantabria (Espanha), 2021 (160)* 160 32.2.5.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o P r é mio tema 2

Antonio Aragón Renuncio


161 32.2.6.jpg Dances with Wolves 06 | Cantabria (Espanha), 2021 (161)* 077

Huong Trang Nguyen Thuy

Keep heating | Hung Yen province (Vietname), 2020 (162)* 162 11.2.1.jpg
078 Drying ingredients | Hung Yen province (Vietname), 2020 (163)* 163 11.2.2.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o men ç ã o honrosa tema 2

Huong Trang Nguyen Thuy

164 11.2.3.jpg In the sunlight | Hung Yen province (Vietname), 2020 (164)*
165 11.2.4.jpg Some stages | Hung Yen province (Vietname), 2020 (165)* 079

Huong Trang Nguyen Thuy

Mixing | Hung Yen province (Vietname), 2020 (166)* 166 11.2.5.jpg
080 Checking soy sauce | Hung Yen province (Vietname), 2020 (167)* 167 11.2.6.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o men ç ã o honrosa tema 2

Irene Baeza
168 94.2.1.jpg 1. Fotografía de archivo. Sala para pacientes, Hospitalillo de Antracitas de Fabero / 2. Toma actual | Fabero, León (Espanha), ≈1960/2019 (168)*
169 94.2.2.jpg 1. Sala de rayos X, Hospitalillo de Antracitas de Fabero / 2. Toma actual. Antigua sala de rayos X | Fabero, León (Espanha), ≈1960/2019 (169)* 081

Irene Baeza
1. El Polvorín / 2. Antiguo Polvorín | Fabero, León (Espanha), ≈1960/2019 (170)* 170 94.2.3.jpg
082 1. Inauguración oficial del Hogar Juvenil de Fabero / 2. Restaurante pizzería “Piz Paz” | Fabero, León (Espanha), ≈1960/2019 (171)* 171 94.2.4.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o men ç ã o honrosa tema 2

Irene Baeza
172 94.2.5.jpg 1. Interior del Hogar Juvenil de Fabero / 2. Interior restaurante pizzería “Piz Paz” | Fabero, León (Espanha), ≈1960/2019 (172)*
173 94.2.6.jpg 1. Economato de Antracitas de Fabero / 2. Toma actual. Única vista posible hoy día del Economato | Fabero, León (Espanha), ≈1960/2019 (173)* 083

Mario Matías Pereda Berga

Gran Llanura 01 | Hortobágy (Hungria), 2019 (174)* 174 56.2.1.jpg
084 Gran Llanura 02 | Hortobágy (Hungria), 2019 (175)* 175 56.2.2.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o men ç ã o honrosa tema 2

Mario Matías Pereda Berga

176 56.2.3.jpg Gran Llanura 03 | Hortobágy (Hungria), 2019 (176)*
177 56.2.4.jpg Gran Llanura 04 | Hortobágy (Hungria), 2019 (177)* 085

Mario Matías Pereda Berga

Gran Llanura 05 | Hortobágy (Hungria), 2019 (178)* 178 56.2.5.jpg
086 Gran Llanura 06 | Hortobágy (Hungria), 2019 (179)* 179 56.2.6.jpg
espaços rurais , agricultura
e povoamento

Jinquan Tao, China | Green Tea Garden 6 | China (China), 2020 (180)* 180 76.2.6.jpeg
Jinquan Tao, China | Green Tea Garden 5 | China (China), 2020 (181)* 181 76.2.5.jpeg
Rakib Noushad, Bangladesh | Leisure time | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (182)* 182 112.2.1.jpg
088 Rakib Noushad, Bangladesh | Passing the watermelon | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2021 (183)* 183 112.2.4.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

184 18.2.3.jpg Felipe Tomás Jiménez Ordóñez, Espanha | Lindes III | Alhambra-Ciudad Real (Espanha), 2021 (184)*
185 18.2.4.jpg Felipe Tomás Jiménez Ordóñez, Espanha | Lindes IV | Alhambra-Ciudad Real (Espanha), 2021 (185)*
186 71.2.1.jpeg Rong Zhang, China | Working Time 1 | China (China), 2021 (186)*
187 71.2.5.jpeg Rong Zhang, China | Working Time 5 | China (China), 2021 (187)* 089

Thahnan Ferdous, Bangladesh | Working in Pattern | Munshigonj (Bangladesh), 2016 (188)* 188 22.2.3.jpg
Thahnan Ferdous, Bangladesh | Man on action | Munshigonj (Bangladesh), 2016 (189)* 189 22.2.4.jpg
Ali Asghar Yousefi, Irão | Family | East Azerbaijan Province (Irão), 2021 (190)* 190 123.2.1.jpg
090 Ali Asghar Yousefi, Irão | Harvesting | East Azerbaijan Province (Irão), 2021 (191)* 191 123.2.3.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

192 40.2.1.jpg Niloofar, Irão | White? purple? pink? You pick! | Khuzestan Provience (Irão), 2022 (192)*
193 40.2.4.jpg Niloofar, Irão | White? purple? pink? You pick! | Khuzestan Provience (Irão), 2022 (193)*
194 52.2.2.jpeg Li Jiang, China | Busy Farm Work 2 | China (China), 2020 (194)*
195 52.2.3.jpeg Li Jiang, China | Busy Farm Work 3 | China (China), 2020 (195)* 091

Hernan Vitenberg, Argentina | Soberania Alimentaria 1 | Tucuman (Argentina), 2022 (196)* 196 121.2.1.jpg
Hernan Vitenberg, Argentina | Soberania Alimentaria 5 | Tucuman (Argentina), 2022 (197)* 197 121.2.5.jpg
Saeed Rezvanian, Irão | The Hands of the Sun | Malayer (Irão), 2010 (198)* 198 95.2.1.jpg
092 Saeed Rezvanian, Irão | The Hands of the Sun | Malayer (Irão), 2010 (199)* 199 95.2.4.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

200 26.2.5.jpg Lina María López Aponte, Colômbia | De cansancio no se vive | Samacá, Boyacá (Colômbia), 2020 (200)*
201 26.2.6.jpg Lina María López Aponte, Colômbia | Un puñado de tierra | Samacá, Boyacá (Colômbia), 2020 (201)*
202 75.2.1.jpeg Shuzhou Zhang, China | Collect Potatoes 1 | China (China), 2021 (202)*
203 75.2.6.jpeg Shuzhou Zhang, China | Collect Potatoes 6 | China (China), 2021 (203)* 093

Александр Поздняков, Bielorrússia | Работа в поле | Быхов, (Bielorrússia), 2022 (204)* 204 68.2.4.JPG
Harsha Vadlamani, Índia | Farming in Punjab | Punjab (Índia), 2017 (205)* 205 107.2.4.jpeg
Shohrab Hossain, Bangladesh | Harvesting | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (206)* 206 97.2.1.jpg
094 Shohrab Hossain, Bangladesh | Packaging | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (207)* 207 97.2.3.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

208 64.2.3.jpeg Limin Wu, China | Farm Work 3 | China (China), 2018 (208)*
209 64.2.4.jpeg Limin Wu, China | Farm Work 4 | China (China), 2018 (209)*
210 125.2.5.jpg Hadi Dehghanpour, Irão | Harvest season | Torbat Heidariyeh (Irão), 2015 (210)*
211 125.2.6.jpg Hadi Dehghanpour, Irão | Maternal | Torbat Heidariyeh (Irão), 2020 (211)* 095

Md Asker Ibne Firoz, Bangladesh | Crisscross | Jaypurhat (Bangladesh), 2022 (212)* 212 113.2.1.jpg
Md Asker Ibne Firoz, Bangladesh | Crisscross | Jaypurhat (Bangladesh), 2022 (213)* 213 113.2.2.jpg
Matías Sarlo, Argentina | Utopía del retorno 01 | Llanura (Argentina), 2019 (214)* 214 129.2.1.jpg
096 Matías Sarlo, Argentina | Utopía del retorno 06 | Llanura (Argentina), 2019 (215)* 215 129.2.6.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

216 128.2.1.jpg Sandipani Chattopadhyay, Índia | Journey towards sustainability | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (216)*
217 128.2.3.jpg Sandipani Chattopadhyay, Índia | Journey towards sustainability 3 | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (217)*
218 132.2.2.jpg Amitava Chandra, Índia | 2-the stalks of golden lining | Barasat, West Bengal (Índia), 2014 (218)*
219 132.2.3.jpg Amitava Chandra, Índia | 3-the fiber & stalks of golden lining | Barasat, West Bengal (Índia), 2014 (219)* 097

Rajesh Dhar, Índia | Net practice | Canning, West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (220)* 220 19.2.5.jpg
Rajesh Dhar, Índia | Last round of fishing | Canning, West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (221)* 221 19.2.6.jpg
Chuanzhong Li, China | Aerial View of World 2 | China (China), 2019 (222)* 222 53.2.2.jpeg
098 Chuanzhong Li, China | Aerial View of World 6 | China (China), 2019 (223)* 223 53.2.6.jpeg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

224 46.2.2.jpeg Tongchun Fan, China | Life By the Sea 2 | China (China), 2017 (224)*
225 46.2.3.jpeg Tongchun Fan, China | Life By the Sea 3 | China (China), 2017 (225)*
226 8.2.1.jpg Ricardo Ravanello, Brasil | Estrada de água - 1 | Kampong Khleang (Camboja), 2017 (226)*
227 8.2.3.jpg Ricardo Ravanello, Brasil | Sustento - 3 | Kampong Khleang (Camboja), 2017 (227)* 099

Jahid Alam Apu, Bangladesh | Jump for few more | Comilla (Bangladesh), 2022 (228)* 228 109.2.3.jpg
Jahid Alam Apu, Bangladesh | Helpless Stare | Comilla (Bangladesh), 2022 (229)* 229 109.2.4.jpg
Amit Vakil, Índia | Hard work | Índia (Índia), 2019 (230)* 230 14.2.2.jpg
100 Amit Vakil, Índia | Production | Índia (Índia), 2019 (231)* 231 14.2.4.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

232 79.2.2.jpg Eniola Alakija, Reino Unido | Paddle and chill | Makoko, Lagos (Nigeria), 2018 (232)*
233 79.2.6.jpg Eniola Alakija, Reino Unido | Kasim | Makoko, Lagos (Nigeria), 2018 (233)*
234 110.2.1.jpg Amarjeet Kumar Singh, Índia | Fighting a Crippling Disease: Three Generations and Counting | Agra (Índia), 2017 (234)*
235 110.2.3.JPG Amarjeet Kumar Singh, Índia | Fighting a Crippling Disease: Three Generations and Counting | Agra (Índia), 2020 (235)* 101

Samane Shirazi, Irão | Family and coal stove | Amol (Irão), 2020 (236)* 236 104.2.1.jpg
Samane Shirazi, Irão | Family and coal stove | Amol (Irão), 2020 (237)* 237 104.2.6.jpg
Anastasia Ceban, Moldávia | Hanging Laundry | Danu (Moldávia), 2022 (238)* 238 116.2.1.jpg
102 Anastasia Ceban, Moldávia | Catch Me if You Can | Danu (Moldávia), 2022 (239)* 239 116.2.3.jpeg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

240 69.2.1.jpeg Youwei Ye, China | Traditional Craft 1 | China (China), 2022 (240)*
241 69.2.3.jpeg Youwei Ye, China | Traditional Craft 3 | China (China), 2022 (241)*
242 70.2.2.jpeg Suzhen Yu, China | Handicraft 2 | China (China), 2021 (242)*
243 70.2.4.jpeg Suzhen Yu, China | Handicraft 4 | China (China), 2021 (243)* 103

Miguel Roth, Argentina | Oficio de cuidado | Zona rural - Colonia Santa Teresa, La Pampa. Patagonia (Argentina), 2021 (244)* 244 15.2.1.jpg
Miguel Roth, Argentina | Pasar cuidado | Zona rural - Colonia Santa Teresa, La Pampa. Patagonia (Argentina), 2021 (245)* 245 15.2.4.jpg
Kirill, Rússia | Beehive with bees | Amur region (Rússia), 2021 (246)* 246 61.2.2.jpg
104 Kirill, Rússia | Construction of honeycombs | Amur region (Rússia), 2021 (247)* 247 61.2.4.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

248 54.2.2.jpeg Chunshou Li, China | Country Life 2 | China (China), 2019 (248)*
249 54.2.3.jpeg Chunshou Li, China | Country Life 3 | China (China), 2019 (249)*
250 62.2.2.jpeg Zhong Qiu, China | Chinese Country Life 2 | China (China), 2021 (250)*
251 62.2.5.jpeg Zhong Qiu, China | Chinese Country Life 5 | China (China), 2021 (251)* 105

Dulce Helfer, Brasil | Voltando às origens | Interior do Rio Grande do Sul. (Brasil), 2011 (252)* 252 12.2.5.jpg
Dulce Helfer, Brasil | Voltando às origens | Interior do Rio Grande do Sul. (Brasil), 2011 (253)* 253 12.2.2.jpg
Goreti Ferraz, Portugal | Olhar o horizonte | Vale de Poldros (Portugal), 2022 (254)* 254 122.2.2.jpeg
106 Goreti Ferraz, Portugal | Olhar | Vale de Poldros (Portugal), 2022 (255)* 255 122.2.3.jpeg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

256 34.2.4.jpg Paulo Sérgio Pinto, Portugal | A dois | Freguesia de Ovadas, concelho de Resende, distrito de Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (256)*
257 34.2.5.jpg Paulo Sérgio Pinto, Portugal | Com fé | Freguesia de Barrô, concelho de Resende, distrito de Viseu (Portugal), 2019 (257)*
258 78.2.2.jpg Mirali Parandak, Irão | Coronavirus in the village | Chamlar (Irão), 2020 (258)*
259 78.2.3.jpg Mirali Parandak, Irão | Craft shop | Anbaran (Irão), 2022 (259)* 107

Fatemeh, Irão | Friend | Kordko (Irão), 2020 (260)* 260 10.2.2.jpg

Fatemeh, Irão | Sem título | Kordko (Irão), 2020 (261)* 261 10.2.5.jpg
Seyedmohamad Tabrizi, Irão | Girl smiling in the color of the sky | Fars province, Marvdasht city, Dashtak village (Irão), 2021 (262)* 262 23.2.2.jpg
108 Seyedmohamad Tabrizi, País | Next to Grandma | Fars province, Marvdasht city, Dashtak village (Irão), 2018 (263)* 263 23.2.4.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

264 41.2.6.jpg Mário Atalayão Valença, Portugal | Comunidade Indígena Kichwa de Pilche | Amazónia (Equador), 2022 (264)*
265 41.2.4.jpg Mário Atalayão Valença, Portugal | Comunidade Indígena Kichwa de Pilche | Amazónia (Equador), 2022 (265)*
266 17.2.6.jpg Esperanza Labrador, Espanha | Luces y sombras | Asturias (Espanha), 2021 (266)*
267 17.2.1.jpg Esperanza Labrador, Espanha | Las berzas | Asturias (Espanha), 2020 (267)* 109

Deva Leal Vázquez, Espanha | Comienzo clásico | București (Roménia), 2022 (268)* 268 93.2.4.jpg
Deva Leal Vázquez, Espanha | Sombras muertas | București (Roménia), 2022 (269)* 269 93.2.3.jpg
Andres Gomez Garcia, Espanha | Sem título | Castilla Leon (Espanha), 2022 (270)* 270 31.2.3.jpg
110 Andres Gomez Garcia, Espanha | Sem título | Castilla Leon (Espanha), 2022 (271)* 271 31.2.6.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

272 20.2.3.jpg Hosein Davoodi, Irão | Shelter | Jolfa (Irão), 2021 (272)*
273 20.2.4.jpg Hosein Davoodi, Irão | Od house | Jolfa (Irão), 2022 (273)*
274 50.2.4.jpg Alireza Fatehi, Irão | Iceland Road Trip | Reykjavik (Islândia), 2018 (274)*
275 50.2.6.jpg Alireza Fatehi, Irão | Mountain | Reykjavik (Islândia), 2018 (275)* 111

Miguel Pires, Portugal | Uma fonte não potável | Venosc (França), 2017 (276)* 276 6.2.3.jpg
Miguel Pires, Portugal | Os animais | Venosc (França), 2017 (277)* 277 6.2.6.jpg
Seref Ali Taser, Turquia | The abandoned | Cunda (Turquia), 2021 (278)* 278 35.2.1.jpg
112 Seref Ali Taser, Turquia | The road | Cunda (Turquia), 2021 (279)* 279 35.2.2.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

280 127.2.1.jpg Filipe Bianchi, Portugal | Vende-se | Trás-os-Montes (Portugal), 2022 (280)*
281 127.2.3.jpg Filipe Bianchi, Portugal | Escola sem alunos |Trás-os-Montes (Portugal), 2022 (281)*
282 38.2.1.jpg Rafael G. Antunes, Portugal | Sem título | Aldeia da Luz (Portugal), 2021 (282)* 113

Álvaro Bertoni Sanguinetti, Brasil | Alta engenharia | Viaduto 13, Vespasiano Corrêa RS (Brasil), 2021 (283)* 283 124.2.3.jpg
Álvaro Bertoni Sanguinetti, Brasil | À beira do caminho | Viaduto 13, Vespasiano Corrêa RS (Brasil), 2021 (284)* 284 124.2.5.jpg
Oskar Alvarado, Espanha | Hogar | Extremadura (Espanha), 2021 (285)* 285 91.2.4.jpg
114 Oskar Alvarado, Espanha | Hogar | Extremadura (Espanha), 2021 (286)* 286 91.2.6.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

287 105.2.1.JPG Thiedu du Preez, África do Sul | Racing to the top | Namaqualand (África do Sul), 2022 (287)*
288 105.2.2.JPG Thiedu du Preez, África do Sul | Once upon a time | Namaqualand (África do Sul), 2022 (288)*
289 100.2.2.jpg Rui Pedro Oliveira, Portugal | N15 | Paredes (Portugal), 2022 (289)*
290 100.2.4.jpg Rui Pedro Oliveira, Portugal | N15 | Amarante (Portugal), 2022 (290)* 115

Andrea Menéndez Menéndez, Espanha | Alcordanza 2 | Somiedo, Asturias (Espanha), 2017 (291)* 291 120.2.6.jpg
Andrea Menéndez Menéndez, Espanha | Alcordanza 1 | Somiedo, Asturias (Espanha), 2017 (292)* 292 120.2.5.jpg
Andreia Carvalho da Silva, Portugal | Reserva do Tempo | Mascoselo, Vila Cova (Portugal), 2013 (293)* 293 37.2.2.jpg
116 Andreia Carvalho da Silva, Portugal | Lugar do Tempo | Mascoselo, Vila Cova (Portugal), 2013 (294)* 294 37.2.3.jpg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

295 60.2.4.jpg Carlos Frederico Lago Burnett, Brasil | Caramanchão florido | MA (Brasil), 2018 (295)*
296 77.2.4.jpg Domenico Rapuano, Itália | Abandoned | Piemonte (Itália), 2022 (296)*
297 43.2.4.jpg Solovev Saveliy, Rússia | Stone step on the water | Vologda region (Rússia), 2021 (297)*
298 77.2.1.jpg Domenico Rapuano, Itália | How nice it was | Piemonte (Itália), 2022 (298)* 117

Reza Baradaran Esfahani, Irão | Floors and people 1 | Gillan (Irão), 2019 (299)* 299 86.2.1.jpg
Reza Baradaran Esfahani, Irão | Floors and people 3 | Gillan (Irão), 2019 (300)* 300 86.2.3.jpg
Mingli Fan, China | Celebration 1 | China (China), 2021 (301)* 301 48.2.1.jpeg
118 Mingli Fan, China | Celebration 4 | China (China), 2021 (302)* 302 48.2.4.jpeg
e s pa ç o s r u r a i s , a g r i c u lt u r a e p o v o a m e n t o tema 2

303 55.2.2.jpeg Hong Li, China | Wedding 2 | China (China), 2020 (303)*
304 63.2.2.jpeg Hongshan Wang, China | Celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival 2 | China (China), 2021 (304)*
305 49.2.3.jpeg Haojiang Huang, China | Life in Fairyland 3 | China (China), 2018 (305)*
306 49.2.5.jpeg Haojiang Huang, China | Life in Fairyland 5 | China (China), 2018 (306)* 119

Aly Song

122 Kingdom of bicycle graves | Shanghai (China), 2018 (307)* 307 60.3.1.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização P r é mio tema 3

Aly Song

308 60.3.2.JPG Kingdom of bicycle graves | Shanghai (China), 2018 (308)* 123

Aly Song

124 Kingdom of bicycle graves | Shanghai (China), 2017 (309)* 309 60.3.3.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização P r é mio tema 3

Aly Song

310 60.3.4.JPG Kingdom of bicycle graves | Shanghai (China), 2017 (310)* 125

Aly Song

126 Kingdom of bicycle graves | Shanghai (China), 2017 (311)* 311 60.3.5.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização P r é mio tema 3

Aly Song

312 60.3.6.JPG Kingdom of bicycle graves | Shanghai (China), 2018 (312)* 127

Asghar Khamseh
Under the sky | Kerman Shah (Irão), 2017 (313)* 313 17.3.1.jpg
128 Under the sky | Kerman Shah (Irão), 2017 (314)* 314 17.3.2.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização men ç ã o honrosa tema 3

Asghar Khamseh
315 17.3.3.jpg Under the sky | Kerman Shah (Irão), 2017 (315)*
316 17.3.4.jpg Under the sky | Kerman Shah (Irão), 2017 (316)* 129

Asghar Khamseh
Under the sky | Kerman Shah (Irão), 2017 (317)* 317 17.3.5.jpg
130 Under the sky | Kerman Shah (Irão), 2017 (318)* 318 17.3.6.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização men ç ã o honrosa tema 3

Seyed Ali Hosseinifar

319 45.3.1.jpg The man who carrying the bags | Sabzevar City, Razavi Khorasan Province (Irão), 2022 (319)*
320 45.3.2.jpg Mohammad Reza and his dog | Sabzevar City, Razavi Khorasan Province (Irão), 2022 (320)* 131

Seyed Ali Hosseinifar

The woman carrying the orange bag | Sabzevar City, Razavi Khorasan Province (Irão), 2022 (321)* 321 45.3.3.jpg
132 Reza and his dog Babri | Sabzevar City, Razavi Khorasan Province (Irão), 2022 (322)* 322 45.3.4.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização men ç ã o honrosa tema 3

Seyed Ali Hosseinifar

323 45.3.5.jpg The lives of two men addicted to Methamphetamine drugs | Sabzevar City, Razavi Khorasan Province (Irão), 2022 (323)*
324 45.3.6.jpg The woman who was the knight of life | Sabzevar City, Razavi Khorasan Province (Irão), 2022 (324)* 133

Ziaul Huque
Hospital Under Devastating Flood Water_01 | Chattogram Maternal and Childcare Hospital, Chattogram (Bangladesh), 2021 (325)* 325 48.3.1.jpg
134 Hospital Under Devastating Flood Water_02 | Chattogram Maternal and Childcare Hospital, Chattogram (Bangladesh), 2021 (326)* 326 48.3.2.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização men ç ã o honrosa tema 3

Ziaul Huque
327 48.3.3.jpg Hospital Under Devastating Flood Water_03 | Chattogram Maternal and Childcare Hospital, Chattogram (Bangladesh), 2021 (327)*
328 48.3.4.jpg Hospital Under Devastating Flood Water_04 | Chattogram Maternal and Childcare Hospital, Chattogram (Bangladesh), 2021 (328)* 135

Ziaul Huque
Hospital Under Devastating Flood Water_05 | Chattogram Maternal and Childcare Hospital, Chattogram (Bangladesh), 2021 (329)* 329 48.3.5.jpg
136 Hospital Under Devastating Flood Water_06 | Chattogram Maternal and Childcare Hospital, Chattogram (Bangladesh), 2021 (330)* 330 48.3.6.jpg
cidade e processos
de urbanização

Luis Lobo Henriques, Portugal | Os invasores | Leixões (Portugal), 2019 (331)* 331 27.3.3.jpg
Luis Lobo Henriques, Portugal | Dura lex sed lex | Copenhaga (Dinamarca), 2020 (332)* 332 27.3.6.jpg
Ary Attab Filho, Brasil | OCA | São Paulo (Brasil), 2018 (333)* 333 16.3.5.jpg
138 Ary Attab Filho, Brasil | MUDEC | Milão (Itália), 2018 (334)* 334 16.3.6.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

335 9.3.2.jpg Lin Jing, China | The Upside | Shanghai (China), 2019 (335)*
336 9.3.3.jpg Lin Jing, China | Sky | Shanghai (China), 2019 (336)*
337 55.3.4.jpg Maria João Vale, Portugal | Castilho 5 | Lisboa (Portugal), 2015 (337)*
338 55.3.6.jpg Maria João Vale, Portugal | Infinity Tower | Lisboa (Portugal), 2022 (338)* 139

Kevin McKenna, USA | Chiaroscuro | Los Angeles, California (USA) (339)* 339 47.3.4.jpg
Kevin McKenna, USA | Cubist Miami | Miami, Florida (USA), 2005 (340)* 340 47.3.5.jpg
140 Manuel Gracia Gascón, Espanha | Callejero visual; mira por dónde caminas 06 | Valencia (Espanha), 2022 (341)* 341 59.3.6.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

342 36.3.1.jpg Paulo Fernandes, Portugal | Cores da Costa Nova 1 | Costa Nova, Aveiro (Portugal), 2022 (342)*
343 36.3.5.jpg Paulo Fernandes, Portugal | Cores da Costa Nova 5 | Costa Nova, Aveiro (Portugal), 2022 (343)*
344 93.3.1.jpg Dmitriy Kochergin, Rússia | Trace_1 | Chelyabinsk (Rússia), 2020 (344)*
345 93.3.3.jpg Dmitriy Kochergin, Rússia | Trace_3 | Chelyabinsk (Rússia), 2020 (345)* 141

Andre Saito, Brasil | Monolito | São Paulo (Brasil), 2022 (346)* 346 8.3.4.jpg
Andre Saito, Brasil | Monolito | São Paulo (Brasil), 2022 (347)* 347 8.3.2.jpg
Constance Langrand, França | Underground | Kharkiv (Ucrânia), 2019 (348)* 348 90.3.1.JPG
142 Constance Langrand, França | Underground | Kharkiv (Ucrânia), 2019 (349)* 349 90.3.6.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

350 24.3.2.jpg Yin Yu, Rússia | Walking | Санкт-Петербург (Rússia), 2020 (350)*
351 54.3.1.jpg Diana, Rússia | Trio of skyscrapers | Moscow (Rússia), 2022 (351)*
352 24.3.3.jpg Yin Yu, Rússia | Walking | Санкт-Петербург (Rússia), 2021 (352)*
353 54.3.2.jpg Diana, Rússia | Metric series | Moscow (Rússia), 2022 (353)* 143

Rui Correia, Portugal | Outside this world | Porto (Portugal), 2018 (354)* 354 58.3.3.jpg
Rui Correia, Portugal | High above the flood | Lisboa (Portugal), 2018 (355)* 355 58.3.4.jpg
Andrey, Rússia | Kanonersky Island | Saint-Petersburg (Rússia), 2021 (356)* 356 4.3.2.jpg
144 Andrey, Rússia | Kanonersky Island | Saint-Petersburg (Rússia), 2021 (357)* 357 4.3.1.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

358 38.3.1.JPG Antonio Pérez, Espanha | 001 Unir el pasado. 1980-1910-1980 aprox. (Lugares desconocidos) | (Espanha), 2022 (358)*
359 31.3.3.JPG Antonio Farto, Espanha | El Océano Unificador 3_Cádiz | Cádiz (Espanha), 2012 (359)*
360 31.3.4.JPG Antonio Farto, Espanha | El Océano Unificador 4_Nazaré | Nazaré (Portugal), 2011 (360)* 145

Reginaldo Luiz Cardoso, Brasil | insalubriCIDADE_IV | Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brasil), 2019 (361)* 361 97.3.4.jpg
Reginaldo Luiz Cardoso, Brasil | insalubriCIDADE_I | Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brasil Brasil), 2019 (362)* 362 97.3.1.jpg
Sergiy Khilko, Espanha | Press play | Tenerife (Espanha ), 2022 (363)* 363 67.3.6.JPG
146 Sergiy Khilko, Espanha | True way | Tenerife (Espanha ), 2022 (364)* 364 67.3.1.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

365 12.3.6.JPG Rafael Raposo Pires, Portugal | Suburbia Post-Mortem | Umbria (Itália), 2021 (365)*
366 12.3.5.JPG Rafael Raposo Pires, Portugal | All paths lead to a square | Umbria (Itália), 2021 (366)*
367 18.3.5.jpg Edmilson Sanches, Brasil | Acessibilidade5 | São Paulo (Brasil), 2021 (367)*
368 18.3.6.jpg Edmilson Sanches, Brasil | Acessibilidade6 | São Paulo (Brasil), 2021 (368)* 147

Camila de Sá Francisco, Portugal | Fotografia 1 | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (369)* 369 86.3.1.jpg
Camila de Sá Francisco, Portugal | Fotografia 3 | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (370)* 370 86.3.3.jpg
Joana Mafalda de Sousa Albergaria Teixeira, Portugal | Jardim da Sereia | Coimbra (Portugal), 2022 (371)* 371 35.3.2.JPG
148 Joana Mafalda de Sousa Albergaria Teixeira, Portugal | Rua | Aveiro (Portugal), 2022 (372)* 372 35.3.6.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

373 78.3.3.jpg Maria Luiza Kenup Esteves, Portugal | Refletido | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (373)*
374 78.3.4.jpg Maria Luiza Kenup Esteves, Portugal | Grua | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (374)*
375 46.3.1.pdf Annaig Giquel-Donadieu, Luxemburgo | Process of gradual disappearance | New-York Brooklyn/Paris (USA/França), 2013/2016 (375)*
376 46.3.4.pdf Annaig Giquel-Donadieu, Luxemburgo | Process of gradual disappearance | Barcelona (Espanha), 2022 (376)* 149

Arturo German Sierra Manso, Espanha | Rapido avance | Ávila (Espanha), 2012 (377)* 377 75.3.1.jpg
Arturo German Sierra Manso, Espanha | Vuelta a casa | Sternschanze/Hamburg (Alemanha), 2010 (378)* 378 75.3.5.jpg
Javier Serra, Espanha | El viaje no ha terminado | Soller, Mallorca (Espanha), 2022 (379)* 379 32.3.6.jpg
150 Javier Serra, Espanha | Reflejo opaco | Soller, Mallorca (Espanha), 2022 (380)* 380 32.3.4.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

381 50.3.3.jpeg Xiaohua Lu, China | The City 3 | China (China), 2020 (381)*
382 49.3.1.jpeg Jianjun Liu, China | Life of Workers 1 | China (China), 2021 (382)*
383 50.3.2.jpeg Xiaohua Lu, China | The City 2 | China (China), 2020 (383)*
384 49.3.2.jpeg Jianjun Liu, China | Life of Workers 2 | China (China), 2022 (384)* 151

Julia Nely Manteuffel Castro, Portugal | Origem | Valencia (Espanha), 2021 (385)* 385 62.3.5.jpg
Julia Nely Manteuffel Castro, Portugal | Foco invertido | Madrid (Espanha), 2021 (386)* 386 62.3.6.jpg
Alireza Yaghoubi, Irão | The roof of the house | Irão (Irão), 2019 (387)* 387 14.3.3.jpg
152 Alireza Yaghoubi, Irão | Sem legenda | Irão (Irão), 2019 (388)* 388 14.3.6.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

389 87.3.1.jpg Diogo Bento, Portugal | Sem legenda | Maputo (Moçambique), 2021 (389)*
390 87.3.2.jpg Diogo Bento, Portugal | Sem legenda | Maputo (Moçambique), 2021 (390)*
391 70.3.3.jpg Anna Lipatova, Rússia | Shadow Theater | Zelenograd (Rússia), 2021 (391)*
392 70.3.4.jpg Anna Lipatova, Rússia | Magic Lessons | Zelenograd (Rússia), 2021 (392)* 153

Sumit Dhuper, Índia | Vegetable Market | Pune (Índia), 2019 (393)* 393 6.3.2.jpg
Sumit Dhuper, Índia | Vegetable Market | Pune (Índia), 2019 (394)* 394 6.3.3.jpg
Jon Bradburn, Espanha | Vecina III | Barrio del Aeropuerto, Barajas, Madrid (Espanha), 2021 (395)* 395 19.3.5.JPG
154 Jon Bradburn, Espanha | Vecinas I | Barrio del Aeropuerto, Barajas, Madrid (Espanha), 2021 (396)* 396 19.3.3.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

397 10.3.1.jpg Mark Anthony Agtay, Emirados Árabes Unidos | The Alleyway | Dubai (Emirados Árabes Unidos), 2022 (397)*
398 10.3.3.jpg Mark Anthony Agtay, Emirados Árabes Unidos | The Vendor | Dubai (Emirados Árabes Unidos), 2022 (398)*
399 69.3.1.jpg Helena Ferreira, Portugal | A carvoeira | Khan El-Khalili (Egipto), 2022 (399)*
400 69.3.6.jpg Helena Ferreira, Portugal | O verde faz calos | Khan El-Khalili (Egipto), 2022 (400)* 155

Md. Saiful Islam Khan, Bangladesh | Building The Future | Bauniabad, Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (401)* 401 63.3.5.jpg
Md. Saiful Islam Khan, Bangladesh | Sky Is The Limit | Bauniabad, Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2021 (402)* 402 63.3.2.jpg
António Miguel Pinto Henriques, Portugal | Rua Desidério Bessa | Lisboa (Portugal), 2021 (403)* 403 7.3.1.JPG
156 António Miguel Pinto Henriques, Portugal | Rua Bacelar e Silva | Lisboa (Portugal), 2021 (404)* 404 7.3.2.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

405 65.3.4.jpg Egor Sizov, Rússia | Miss | Samara City (Rússia), 2019 (405)*
406 65.3.3.jpg Egor Sizov, Rússia | Chords | Samara City (Rússia), 2018 (406)*
407 57.3.2.jpg Kyle Gyumin Dong, EUA | Door | Nevada (EUA), 2022 (407)*
408 57.3.3.jpg Kyle Gyumin Dong, EUA | EXIT | Nevada (EUA), 2022 (408)* 157

Neda Kazemifard, Irão | Escape | Esfahan (Irão), 2020 (409)* 409 41.3.1.jpg
Neda Kazemifard, Irão | Khajo | Esfahan (Irão), 2020 (410)* 410 41.3.3.jpg
Mustafa Bilge Satkın, Turquia | Drowned History 1 | Batman (Turquia), 2013 (411)* 411 99.3.1.jpg
158 Mustafa Bilge Satkın, Turquia | Drowned History 4 | Batman (Turquia), 2019 (412)* 412 99.3.4.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

413 89.3.5.jpg Zehra Servet Us, Turquia | Crux | Hatay (Turquia), 2022 (413)*
414 89.3.3.jpg Zehra Servet Us, Turquia | Deus | Hatay (Turquia), 2022 (414)*
415 33.3.3.JPG Vasilii Martynov, Rússia | Jerusalem - the Crossroads of Worlds | Middle East (Israel), 2017 (415)*
416 33.3.2.JPG Vasilii Martynov, Rússia | Jerusalem - the Crossroads of Worlds | Middle East (Israel), 2017 (416)* 159

Seyed Mahdi Khamesi Hamanah, Irão | Disaster normalization3 | Shiraz (Irão), 2022 (417)* 417 26.3.3.jpg
Diogo Luís Pina, Portugal | Catolicismo | Ponte de Sor (Portugal), 2022 (418)* 418 53.3.2.JPG
Yasser Alaa Mobarak, Egito | Azerbaijan Pavilion | Expo Dubai (Emirados Árabes Unidos), 2021 (419)* 419 3.3.6.jpg
160 Yasser Alaa Mobarak, Egito | GCC Pavilion | Expo Dubai (Emirados Árabes Unidos), 2021 (420)* 420 3.3.3.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

421 92.3.5.jpg Sergio Diaz, Colômbia | Cervecería Bavaria | Honda (Colômbia), 2022 (421)*
422 92.3.4.jpg Sergio Diaz, Colômbia | Estación del ferrocarril | Honda (Colômbia), 2022 (422)*
423 88.3.3.jpg Irene Clari Fortea, Espanha | Red and white | Espelette (França), 2019 (423)*
424 88.3.6.jpg Irene Clari Fortea, Espanha | Scraving | Biarritz (França), 2019 (424)* 161

Elmira, Turquia | Default mural | Urmia (Irão), 2017 (425)* 425 37.5.6.jpg
Natalia, Rússia | Communication of generations | Moscow (Rússia), 2019 (426)* 426 77.3.3.jpg
Dalo Daniel Pwajok, Nigéria | Light painted intersection | Jos (Nigéria), 2021 (427)* 427 76.3.6.jpg
162 Nooshin, Irão | Habit | Mazandaran (Irão), 2020 (428)* 428 96.3.6.JPG
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

429 34.3.5.jpg Raúl Alonso García, Espanha | La mirada colorida | Brasov (Romênia), 2022 (429)*
430 52.3.6.jpg Célia Maria Borges Prata, Portugal | Covilh’Arte | Covilhã (Portugal), 2021 (430)*
431 21.3.4.jpg Tatiana Zhgun, Rússia | Magic | Casablanca (Marrocos), 2022 (431)*
432 21.3.6.jpg Tatiana Zhgun, Rússia | Seagulls | Casablanca (Marrocos), 2022 (432)* 163

João Miguel Pereira Leal Santos, Portugal | In the Midle of the City | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (433)* 433 73.3.6.jpg
João Miguel Pereira Leal Santos, Portugal | Point of View | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (434)* 434 73.3.5.jpg
Volkova Polina Alexandrovna, Rússia | Learning makes wise | Tomsk Oblast (Rússia), 2021 (435)* 435 43.3.4.jpg
164 Volkova Polina Alexandrovna, Rússia | The power of art | Tomsk Oblast (Rússia), 2021 (436)* 436 43.3.6.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

437 30.3.6.jpg Luiz Arthur Leitão Vieira, Brasil | 110 Conjunto Habitacional Santa Etelvina III, São Paulo | São Paulo (Brasil), 2018 (437)*
438 30.3.4.jpg Luiz Arthur Leitão Vieira, Brasil | 070 Sé, São Paulo | São Paulo (Brasil), 2018 (438)*
439 84.3.6.jpg António Manuel Silva Medeiros, Portugal | Simulacro no eixo Z. | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (439)*
440 84.3.2.jpg António Manuel Silva Medeiros, Portugal | Pantones (apart)idários | Viseu (Portugal), 2022 (440)* 165

Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro, Portugal | A Margem #3 | Costa da Caparica (Portugal), 2021 (441)* 441 98.3.3.jpg
Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro, Portugal | A Margem #4 | Costa da Caparica (Portugal), 2021 (442)* 442 98.3.4.jpg
Chiara Maggiore, Itália | Water vendors | Gabès (Tunísia), 2022 (443)* 443 68.3.1.jpg
166 Chiara Maggiore, Itália | The kid | Gabès (Tunísia), 2022 (444)* 444 68.3.3.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

445 95.3.5.jpg Liz Stefhanie Cubillos Díaz, Colômbia | El cielo es el mar 5 | Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá (Colômbia), 2021 (445)*
446 95.3.2.jpg Liz Stefhanie Cubillos Díaz, Colômbia | El cielo es el mar 2 | Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá (Colômbia), 2021 (446)*
447 72.3.6.jpg Henrique Godoy, Portugal | Sem título | Valparaíso (Chile), 2016 (447)*
448 72.3.4.jpg Henrique Godoy, Portugal | Pilares | Valparaíso (Chile), 2016 (448)* 167

Chi Keung Wong, Hong Kong | The City of Mountains | Sai Kung (Hong Kong), 2022 (449)* 449 74.3.2.JPG
Chi Keung Wong, Hong Kong | The City of Mountains | Sai Kung (Hong Kong), 2022 (450)* 450 74.3.5.JPG
Raul Akhmedov, Rússia | The Smelter of the Country | Rustavi (Georgia), 2022 (451)* 451 91.3.1.jpg
168 Raul Akhmedov, Rússia | Two Cities in One | Rustavi (Georgia), 2022 (452)* 452 91.3.3.jpg
cidade e processos de urbanização tema 3

453 83.3.1.jpg Sayan Sarkar, Índia | Survivor 01 | Howrah, West Bengal (Índia), 2017 (453)*
454 83.3.6.jpg Sayan Sarkar, Índia | Survivor 12 | Howrah, West Bengal (Índia), 2017 (454)*
455 79.3.2.jpg Farzana Akhtar, Bangladesh | The City of Dust | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2021 (455)*
456 79.3.6.jpg Farzana Akhtar, Bangladesh | The City of Dust | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2020 (456)* 169

Aytaç Ünal

172 Babies are born in shelters in Ukraine which has been under an attack by Russia | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2022 (457)* 457 182.4.1.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l P r é mio tema 4

Aytaç Ünal

458 182.4.2.jpg Babies are born in shelters in Ukraine which has been under an attack by Russia | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2022 (458)* 173

Aytaç Ünal

174 Babies are born in shelters in Ukraine which has been under an attack by Russia | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2022 (459)* 459 182.4.3.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l P r é mio tema 4

Aytaç Ünal

460 182.4.4.jpg Babies are born in shelters in Ukraine which has been under an attack by Russia | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2022 (460)* 175

Aytaç Ünal

176 Babies are born in shelters in Ukraine which has been under an attack by Russia | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2022 (461)* 461 182.4.5.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l P r é mio tema 4

Aytaç Ünal

462 182.4.6.jpg Babies are born in shelters in Ukraine which has been under an attack by Russia | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2022 (462)* 177

Arez Ghaderi
Kolbar | Tawele (Iraque), 2021 (463)* 463 50.4.1.jpg
178 Kolbar | Tawele (Iraque), 2021 (464)* 464 50.4.2.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l men ç ã o honrosa tema 4

Arez Ghaderi
465 50.4.3.jpg Kolbar | Tawele (Iraque), 2021 (465)*
466 50.4.4.jpg Kolbar | Tawele (Iraque), 2021 (466)* 179

Arez Ghaderi
Kolbar | Tawele (Iraque), 2021 (467)* 467 50.4.5.jpg
180 Kolbar | Tawele (Iraque), 2021 (468)* 468 50.4.6.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l men ç ã o honrosa tema 4

Rakibul Alam Khan

469 170.4.1.jpg Who I am | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (469)*
470 170.4.2.jpg Who I am | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (470)* 181

Rakibul Alam Khan

Who I am | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (471)* 471 170.4.3.jpg
182 Who I am | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (472)* 472 170.4.4.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l men ç ã o honrosa tema 4

Rakibul Alam Khan

473 170.4.5.jpg Who I am | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (473)*
474 170.4.6.jpg Who I am | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2022 (474)* 183

Shun Zhang
Paper Making 1 | China (China), 2019 (475)* 475 122.4.1.jpeg
184 Paper Making 2 | China (China), 2019 (476)* 476 122.4.2.jpeg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l men ç ã o honrosa tema 4

Shun Zhang
477 122.4.3.jpeg Paper Making 3 | China (China), 2019 (477)*
478 122.4.4.jpeg Paper Making 4 | China (China), 2019 (478)* 185

Shun Zhang
Paper Making 5 | China (China), 2019 (479)* 479 122.4.5.jpeg
186 Paper Making 6 | China (China), 2019 (480)* 480 122.4.6.jpeg
cultura e sociedade : diversidade
cultural e inclusão social

Arpan Basu Chowdhury, Índia | Looking Towards Future | Asansol, West Bengal (Índia), 2022 (481)* 481 153.4.1.jpg
Arpan Basu Chowdhury, Índia | The smile of wisdom | Asansol, West Bengal (Índia), 2022 (482)* 482 153.4.6.jpg
Polina Soyref, Estónia | School | Central America (Nicarágua), 2022 (483)* 483 174.4.2.jpg
188 Polina Soyref, Estónia | The Girl | Central America (Nicarágua), 2022 (484)* 484 174.4.6.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

485 29.4.6.jpg Sourav Das, Índia | Blackboard Work | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (485)*
486 29.4.4.jpg Sourav Das, Índia | Mask Distribution | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (486)*
487 98.4.5.jpeg Feng Liu, China | Country Life 5 | China (China), 2020 (487)*
488 98.4.6.jpeg Feng Liu, China | Country Life 6 | China (China), 2020 (488)* 189

Mustafa AbdulHadi, Bahrein | Education in Nepal | Nepal (Nepal), 2014 (489)* 489 123.4.2.jpg
Mustafa AbdulHadi, Bahrein | Education in Nepal | Nepal (Nepal), 2014 (490)* 490 123.4.1.jpg
Eva, Cazaquistão | Samovar and apples | Belousovka (Cazaquistão), 2022 (491)* 491 9.4.2.jpg
190 Eva, Cazaquistão | Drying bagels | Belousovka (Cazaquistão), 2022 (492)* 492 9.4.4.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

493 121.4.3.jpeg Qian Zhang, China | Childhood 3 | China (China), 2018 (493)*
494 121.4.1.jpeg Qian Zhang, China | Childhood 1 | China (China), 2018 (494)*
495 145.4.4.jpg Antonio Elson Lima dos Santos, Brasil | Menino sonhador | Quilombo Parada do Bom Jesus, Lima Campos/Maranhão (Brasil), 2020 (495)*
496 145.4.5.jpg Antonio Elson Lima dos Santos, Brasil | Crianças Quilombolas | Quilombo Parada do Bom Jesus, Lima Campos/Maranhão (Brasil), 2020 (496)* 191

Sumit Sanyal, Índia | Child jockeys of Bengal 06 | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (497)* 497 169.4.6.JPG
Sumit Sanyal, Índia | Child jockeys of Bengal 04 | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (498)* 498 169.4.4.jpg
Ratima, Tailândia | Childhood Memories | Lower Mekong Basin (Camboja), 2016 (499)* 499 108.4.3.jpg
192 Ratima, Tailândia | Childhood Memories | Lower Mekong Basin (Camboja), 2016 (500)* 500 108.4.4.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

501 45.4.4.jpg Alireza Joshani, Irão | Playful | Tehran City (Irão), 2017 (501)*
502 45.4.2.jpg Alireza Joshani, Irão | Surrender | Chabahar City (Irão), 2019 (502)*
503 134.4.5.jpg Negin Fazlollahi, Irão | Children’s clothing and residence of Bakhtiari nomads | Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari (Irão), 2019 (503)*
504 142.4.4.jpg Chantal, Alemanha | Guajiros | Guajira (Colômbia), 2018 (504)* 193

Ricardo Alfredo Kleine Samson, Argentina | Arreando | Volcán Domuyo, Pcia. de Neuquén (Argentina), 2021 (505)* 505 190.4.1.jpg
Ricardo Alfredo Kleine Samson, Argentina | Don Valdez | Los Carrizos, Pcia. de Neuquén (Argentina), 2021 (506)* 506 190.4.5.jpg
Alireza Navidmoghaddam Gavgani, Turquia | For sacrifice | Istanbul (Turquia), 2015 (507)* 507 15.4.3.jpg
194 Alireza Navidmoghaddam Gavgani, Turquia | Cutting into pieces | Istanbul (Turquia), 2017 (508)* 508 15.4.5.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

509 199.4.1.jpg Ranaivosoa Tolojanahary, Madagáscar | Zebus market | Analamanga (Madagáscar), 2022 (509)*
510 199.4.6.jpg Ranaivosoa Tolojanahary, Madagáscar | Zebus market | Analamanga (Madagáscar), 2022 (510)*
511 4.4.1.jpg Danial Biyonghi, Irão | Secret relationship | Sabzevar kalate seyfar Village (Irão), 2022 (511)*
512 4.4.2.jpg Danial Biyonghi, Irão | Sunset | Sabzevar kalate seyfar Village (Irão), 2022 (512)* 195

Aleksey, Rússia | 3. Nature’s Gold and domes | Krasnodarskiy kray (Rússia), 2020 (513)* 513 90.4.3.jpg
Aleksey, Rússia | 6. Real Russia: Work and Faith | Lipetsk region (Rússia), 2021 (514)* 514 90.4.6.jpg
Francesca Georgia Franchini, México | El arte del Henequen | Yucatán (México), 2021 (515)* 515 193.4.2.jpg
196 Francesca Georgia Franchini, México | El arte del Henequen | Yucatán (México), 2021 (516)* 516 193.4.1.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

517 201.4.2.JPG Mark Levitin, Israel | 02 Breaking the beehive | Dolakha (Nepal), 2022 (517)*
518 201.4.3.JPG Mark Levitin, Israel | 03 Dialogue with a bee | Dolakha (Nepal), 2022 (518)*
519 135.4.4.jpg Muhammad Amdad Hossain, Bangladesh | Floating House | Kishoreganj (Bangladesh), 2021 (519)*
520 135.4.2.jpg Muhammad Amdad Hossain, Bangladesh | Floating House | Kishoreganj (Bangladesh), 2021 (520)* 197

Sajjad Abdollahnia, Irão | The fishing hut | Astara (Irão), 2022 (521)* 521 56.4.4.jpg
Sajjad Abdollahnia, Irão | The fishing hut | Astara (Irão), 2022 (522)* 522 56.4.6.jpg
Nike Ossler, Suiça | Fishing blue | Imsouane (Marrocos), 2022 (523)* 523 41.4.4.jpg
198 Nike Ossler, Suiça | Flying seagulls | Essaouira (Marrocos), 2022 (524)* 524 41.4.5.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

525 47.4.3.jpg Luis Enrique Albesiano Fernandez, Colômbia | Un país en la red | Boyacá (Colômbia), 2022 (525)*
526 47.4.4.jpg Luis Enrique Albesiano Fernandez, Colômbia | Un país en la red | Boyacá (Colômbia), 2022 (526)*
527 157.4.4.jpg Sérgio Conceição, Portugal | A reza | Lago Bosomtwi, Kumasi (Gana), 2022 (527)*
528 157.4.3.jpg Sérgio Conceição, Portugal | Esperando pela melhor luz | Lago Bosomtwi, Kumasi (Gana), 2022 (528)* 199

Marco Antonio Barbosa Garces, Colômbia | Puerta al cielo | Nabusimake (Colômbia), 2017 (529)* 529 94.4.3.jpg
Marco Antonio Barbosa Garces, Colômbia | Arhuaco 3 | Nabusimake (Colômbia), 2017 (530)* 530 94.4.4.jpg
Isabella Leite Gomes, Brasil | Ritual | Bahia (Brasil), 2020 (531)* 531 80.4.4.jpg
200 Isabella Leite Gomes, Brasil | Ritual | Bahia (Brasil), 2020 (532)* 532 80.4.3.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

533 173.4.1.jpg Lago Manoel Souto Lorenzo, Espanha | Masai Tribe (1) | Mto Wa Mbu (Tanzânia), 2019 (533)*
534 173.4.2.jpg Lago Manoel Souto Lorenzo, Espanha | Masai Tribe (2) | Mto Wa Mbu (Tanzânia), 2019 (534)*
535 175.4.6.jpg Luis Veloso, Portugal | Bebendo Chai | Varanasi (Índia), 2011 (535)*
536 175.4.3.jpg Luis Veloso, Portugal | O rapaz do frango | Rio Tsiribihina (Madagáscar), 2016 (536)* 201

Maryam, Irão | Faezeh | Middle East (Irão), 2019 (537)* 537 63.4.2.JPG
Maryam, Irão | Sar Aqa Seyyed | Middle East (Irão), 2018 (538)* 538 63.4.6.JPG
Saber Ghazi, Irão | The Blue | Irão (Irão), 2014 (539)* 539 88.4.6.jpg
202 Saber Ghazi, Irão | Pretty girl among the shadows | Irão (Irão), 2021 (540)* 540 88.4.1.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

541 31.4.3.jpg Mehmet Yilmaz, Turquia | Kadifekale | Izmir (Turquia ), 2019 (541)*
542 31.4.1.jpg Mehmet Yilmaz, Turquia | Destroyed Lives | Izmir (Turquia ), 2019 (542)*
543 168.4.1.jpg Wilber, Colômbia | Caracas in House | Barranquilla (Colômbia), 2021 (543)*
544 168.4.3.jpg Wilber, Colômbia | Caracas in House | Barranquilla (Colômbia), 2021 (544)* 203

Jorge López Muñoz, Espanha | Children of El Clot | El Cabanyal, Valencia (Espanha), 2018 (545)* 545 203.4.2.jpg
Jorge López Muñoz, Espanha | Children of El Clot | El Cabanyal, Valencia (Espanha), 2018 (546)* 546 203.4.3.jpg
Arezoo Babagoli, Irão | Bibi Masoumeh | Birjand (Irão), 2017 (547)* 547 136.4.1.jpg
204 Arezoo Babagoli, Irão | The things | Birjand (Irão), 2017 (548)* 548 136.4.2.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

549 118.4.4.jpg Fernanda Carvalho, Portugal | Sem título | Larnaca (Chipre), 2021 (549)*
550 118.4.3.jpg Fernanda Carvalho, Portugal | Sem título | Famagusta (Chipre), 2021 (550)*
551 66.4.6.JPG Pablo Alfredo De Luca, Brasil | Neópolis, cidade fantasma VI | Neópolis, Estado de Sergipe (Brasil), 2022 (551)*
552 66.4.5.JPG Pablo Alfredo De Luca, Brasil | Neópolis, cidade fantasma V | Neópolis, Estado de Sergipe (Brasil), 2022 (552)* 205

José António Guimarães, Portugal | Os peregrinos | Vizela, Pêras (Portugal), 2019 (553)* 553 185.4.1.JPG
José António Guimarães, Portugal | A fé | Pêras (Portugal), 2019 (554)* 554 185.4.5.JPG
Filipe Alberto Silva Miranda, Portugal | A pista de penitência | Fátima (Portugal), 2021 (555)* 555 133.4.1.jpg
206 Filipe Alberto Silva Miranda, Portugal | A pista de penitência | Fátima (Portugal), 2021 (556)* 556 133.4.5.jpg
c u lt u r a e s o c i e d a d e : d i v e r s i d a d e c u lt u r a l e i n c l u s ã o s o c i a l tema 4

557 115.4.1.jpg Katerina Churbakova, Chipre | Kira and Ira | Valaam Island, Republic of Karelia (Rússia), 2020 (557)*
558 115.4.5.jpg Katerina Churbakova, Chipre | The Saint Nicolas Skete | Valaam Island, Republic of Karelia (Rússia), 2021 (558)*
559 109.4.1.jpeg Xuebiao Yang, China | Tombs of Tang Dynasty 1 | China (China), 2021 (559)*
560 109.4.6.jpeg Xuebiao Yang, China | Tombs of Tang Dynasty 6 | China (China), 2021 (560)* 207

Dibakar Roy, Índia | Culture and humanity | Bankra, W.B, India (Índia), 2022 (561)* 561 137.4.1.jpg
Dibakar Roy, Índia | Dedicated to Almighty | Bankra, W.B, India (Índia), 2022 (562)* 562 137.4.2.jpg
Emran Hossain, Bangladesh | Ifter Meal | Chittagong (Bangladesh), 2022 (563)* 563 149.4.3.jpg
208 Emran Hossain, Bangladesh | Prayer Time | Chittagong (Bangladesh), 2018 (564)* 564 149.4.5.jpg
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565 113.4.5.jpg Manolo Espaliú, Espanha | Rituals V | Sevilla (Andalucía) / Yazd (Yazd) (Espanha), 2019 (565)*
566 178.4.1.jpg Rayhan Ahmed, Bangladesh | The festival yard with devotee | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2021 (566)*
567 178.4.4.jpg Rayhan Ahmed, Bangladesh | pray with fire and smoke | Dhaka (Bangladesh), 2018 (567)* 209

Desmond Chien Yew Ngu, Malásia | The Craftsman | Mukah, Sarawak (Malásia), 2022 (568)* 568 75.4.1.jpg
Desmond Chien Yew Ngu, Malásia | Seeds of Blessings | Mukah, Sarawak (Malásia), 2022 (569)* 569 75.4.6.jpg
Sirsendu Gayen, Índia | Karma - A festival of nature | Jhargram (Índia), 2019 (570)* 570 53.4.2.jpg
210 Sirsendu Gayen, Índia | Karma - A festival of nature | Jhargram (Índia), 2021 (571)* 571 53.4.5.jpg
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572 152.4.1.JPG Anastasiya Buzinayeva, Bielorrússia | A traditional cheese that is brewed for the ancient holiday of Kupalle. | Vitabsk region (Bielorrússia), 2021 (572)*
573 152.4.3.JPG Anastasiya Buzinayeva, Bielorrússia | Kupalinka | Vitabsk region (Bielorrússia), 2021 (573)*
574 62.4.1.jpg Taher Hosseini, Irão | Green grass in Norooz | Sanandaj-Dolab village (Irão), 2022 (574)*
575 62.4.6.jpg Taher Hosseini, Irão | Congratulating in Norooz | Sanandaj-Dolab village (Irão), 2022 (575)* 211

Carlos Costa, Portugal | Mascara Ibérica III | Lazarim, Lamego (Portugal), 2020 (576)* 576 202.4.3.jpg
Carlos Costa, Portugal | Mascara Ibérica IV | Lazarim, Lamego (Portugal), 2020 (577)* 577 202.4.4.jpg
Paulo Monteiro, Portugal | Ritual de purificação pelo fogo | Trás-os-Montes (Portugal), 2019 (578)* 578 72.4.5.jpg
212 Paulo Monteiro, Portugal | Careto de Grijó | Trás-os-Montes (Portugal), 2019 (579)* 579 72.4.6.jpg
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580 154.4.1.jpg Pranab Basak, Índia | Colors of life | West Bengal (Índia), 2019 (580)*
581 154.4.6.jpg Pranab Basak, Índia | Street folk art | West Bengal (Índia), 2021 (581)*
582 156.4.4.JPG Mohammad Rafayat Haque Khan, Bangladesh | Ancient Folk Festival: Chorok Puja | Sylhet (Bangladesh), 2022 (582)*
583 156.4.2.JPG Mohammad Rafayat Haque Khan, Bangladesh | Ancient Folk Festival: Chorok Puja | Sylhet (Bangladesh), 2022 (583)* 213

Valeria Salinas Maceda, Bolivía | La fuerza del comandante | La Paz (Bolivía), 2019 (584)* 584 148.4.1.jpg
Valeria Salinas Maceda, Bolivía | Tan elegante, tan chola | La Paz (Bolivía), 2019 (585)* 585 148.4.2.jpg
Weining Lin, China | Beat the Drum 1 | China (China), 2021 (586)* 586 97.4.1.jpeg
214 Weining Lin, China | Beat the Drum 3 | China (China), 2021 (587)* 587 97.4.3.jpeg
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588 106.4.5.jpeg Xian Liu, China | Celebration 5 | China (China), 2021 (588)*
589 106.4.3.jpeg Xian Liu, China | Celebration 3 | China (China), 2021 (589)*
590 107.4.1.jpeg Yonghuai Mao, China | Waist Drum Performance 1 | China (China), 2019 (590)*
591 120.4.3.jpeg Guoyun Zhang, China | Shanxi Waist Drum 3 | Shanxi (China), 2019 (591)* 215

Mohammadreza, Irão | Wedding | Bandar Torkaman (Irão), 2018 (592)* 592 110.4.1.jpg
Mohammadreza, Irão | The brides ceremony | Bandar Torkaman (Irão), 2018 (593)* 593 110.4.5.jpg
Nkosikhona, África do Sul | Introducing her to the guests | KwaZulu-Natal (África do Sul), 2022 (594)* 594 3.4.4.jpg
216 Nkosikhona, África do Sul | Confirm husband and wife | KwaZulu-Natal (África do Sul), 2022 (595)* 595 3.4.6.jpg
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596 43.4.1.jpg Tasneem Kashem, Bangladesh | Housewife Watering Tulsi | Manikganj (Bangladesh), 2019 (596)*
597 43.4.3.jpg Tasneem Kashem, Bangladesh | Mother Grooming Her Child | Manikganj (Bangladesh), 2019 (597)*
598 46.4.1.jpg Patricia Negreira, Argentina | O mercado | La Paz (Bolivía ), 2018 (598)*
599 46.4.6.jpg Patricia Negreira, Argentina | Mulheres na assembléia | La Paz (Bolivía), 2018 (599)* 217

Guillaume Petermann, Bélgica | Ma Nay | Mae Hong Son (Tailândia), 2022 (600)* 600 177.4.2.jpg
Guillaume Petermann, Bélgica | Christina | Mae Hong Son (Tailândia), 2022 (601)* 601 177.4.6.jpg
Jorge Leão, Brasil | Memórias e Reflexões de um Novo Mundo | RS (Brasil), 2022 (602)* 602 205.4.5.jpg
218 Jorge Leão, Brasil | Memórias e Reflexões de um Novo Mundo | RS (Brasil), 2022 (603)* 603 205.4.3.jpg
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604 101.4.1.jpg Tkachenko Anastasia, Rússia | This World is open to EVERYONE | Yevpatoria (Rússia), 2021 (604)*
605 101.4.5.jpg Tkachenko Anastasia, Rússia | This World is open to EVERYONE | Yevpatoria (Rússia), 2021 (605)*
606 200.4.1.jpg Rui Jorge Pessoa Neto, Portugal | 01. Guerreiro sobre rodas - ENERGIA | Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal), 2022 (606)*
607 200.4.3.jpg Rui Jorge Pessoa Neto, Portugal | 03. Guerreiro sobre rodas - FOCO | Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal), 2022 (607)* 219

Alain Schroeder, Bélgica | Lelo 4 | Shukhuti (Geórgia), 2022 (608)* 608 162.4.4.JPG
Alain Schroeder, Bélgica | Lelo 5 | Shukhuti (Geórgia), 2022 (609)* 609 162.4.5.JPG
Natalia Gorshkova, Rússia | ColdWater_0001 | Tyumen, Siberia (Rússia), 2021 (610)* 610 130.4.1.jpg
220 Natalia Gorshkova, Rússia | ColdWater_0004 | Tyumen, Siberia (Rússia), 2021 (611)* 611 130.4.4.jpg
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612 74.4.5.jpg Reza Danianian, Irão | Futschel | Iran-Gilan (Irão), 2021 (612)*
613 74.4.6.jpg Reza Danianian, Irão | Futschel | Iran-Gilan (Irão), 2021 (613)*
614 92.4.1.JPG Moncho Iglesias Míguez, Espanha | Fútbol na ilha de Goreia | Goreia (Senegal), 2022 (614)*
615 92.4.2.JPG Moncho Iglesias Míguez, Espanha | O pênalti | Goreia (Senegal), 2022 (615)* 221

Arastoo Qadermazi, Irão | Rock climbing | Zhalkeh village, Sarpol-e Zahab city, Kermanshah province (Irão), 2020 (616)* 616 87.4.2.jpg
Arastoo Qadermazi, Irão | Under the waterfall | Zhalkeh village, Sarpol-e Zahab city, Kermanshah province (Irão), 2020 (617)* 617 87.4.6.jpg
Debdatta Chakraborty, Índia | Getting The Vehicle Ready | Bastar, Chattisgarh (Índia), 2022 (618)* 618 188.4.1.jpg
222 Debdatta Chakraborty, Índia | A Comforting Hand | Bastar, Chattisgarh (Índia), 2022 (619)* 619 188.4.5.jpg
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620 138.4.1.jpg Marina, Bielorrússia | Belarusian wallpaper | Minsk (Bielorrússia), 2021 (620)*
621 138.4.4.jpg Marina, Bielorrússia | Belarusian wallpaper | Minsk (Bielorrússia), 2021 (621)*
622 172.4.1.jpg W. M. Yohan Fernando, Sri Lanka | Pointing Fingers | Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), 2022 (622)*
623 172.4.6.jpg W. M. Yohan Fernando, Sri Lanka | Power of the People | Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), 2022 (623)* 223

Ali, Irão | Wail | Ilam (Irão), 2015 (624)* 624 155.4.5.jpg

Ali, Irão | Mourning | Ilam (Irão), 2012 (625)* 625 155.4.6.jpg
Abbas, Irão | Contrast | Kish Island (Irão), 2022 (626)* 626 158.4.2.jpg
224 Abbas, Irão | My hope | Kish (Irão), 2022 (627)* 627 158.4.4.jpg
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628 180.4.3.jpg Sajad Doost Mohammadi, Irão | Generational differences | Kerman (Irão), 2022 (628)*
629 180.4.4.jpg Sajad Doost Mohammadi, Irão | Opposition of clay and iron | Kerman (Irão), 2022 (629)*
630 77.4.4.jpg Amir Behroozi Rad, Irão | Fundamentalism | Shiraz (Irão), 2020 (630)*
631 77.4.2.jpg Amir Behroozi Rad, Irão | Invisible | Anzali (Irão), 2022 (631)* 225

Avin Ekbatan, Irão | Small town shop | Green Square or Sabz Square (Irão), 2015 (632)* 632 146.4.1.JPG
Avin Ekbatan, Irão | Traditional jobs | Green Square or Sabz Square (Irão), 2015 (633)* 633 146.4.3.JPG
Hamed, Irão | Sem título | Yazd city (Irão), 2019 (634)* 634 67.4.5.jpg
226 Hamed, Irão | Sem título | Yazd city (Irão), 2019 (635)* 635 67.4.6.jpg
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636 60.4.5.jpg Krisztian Kosa, Hungria | From the series ‘Boulevard’ | Budapest (Hungria), 2021 (636)*
637 60.4.6.jpg Krisztian Kosa, Hungria | From the series ‘Boulevard’ | Budapest (Hungria), 2021 (637)*
638 103.4.1.jpg Sujan Sarkar, Índia | The Social Dilemma_01 | Mymensingh (Bangladesh), 2019 (638)*
639 103.4.2.jpg Sujan Sarkar, Índia | The Social Dilemma_02 | Mymensingh (Bangladesh), 2019 (639)* 227

Bruno Filipe Fernandes, Portugal | Senhor Sequeira | Porto (Portugal), 2022 (640)* 640 76.4.4.jpg
Bruno Filipe Fernandes, Portugal | Bananeiro | Porto (Portugal), 2022 (641)* 641 76.4.5.jpg
Hamideh Ranjbar, França | Deception | Amol city (Irão), 2021 (642)* 642 13.4.1.jpg
228 Kiana Koutahzadeh, Irão | Striving for Life | Delhi (Índia), 2016 (643)* 643 35.4.1.jpg
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644 54.4.1.jpg Eman Tokhy, Egipto | Work under fire | Giza (Egipto), 2018 (644)*
645 54.4.2.jpg Eman Tokhy, Egipto | Work under fire | Fiesal (Egipto), 2018 (645)*
646 194.4.1.jpg Quico García, Espanha | Manila | Manila (Filipinas), 2013 (646)*
647 194.4.3.jpg Quico García, Espanha | Manila | Manila (Filipinas), 2013 (647)* 229

Özge Ergin, Turquia | One day | Istanbul (Turquia), 2021 (648)* 648 144.4.2.jpg
Özge Ergin, Turquia | Alone | Istanbul (Turquia), 2022 (649)* 649 144.4.4.jpg
Adra Pallón, Espanha | Generación Perdida 5 | Lugo (Espanha), 2019 (650)* 650 79.4.5.JPG
230 Adra Pallón, Espanha | Generación Perdida 1 | Lugo (Espanha), 2022 (651)* 651 79.4.1.JPG
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652 78.4.5.jpg Sergio, Espanha | Sin rostro | Madrid (Espanha), 2022 (652)*
653 78.4.6.jpg Sergio, Espanha | Postureo | Madrid (Espanha), 2022 (653)*
654 187.4.1.jpg Javier Arcenillas, Espanha | Excluidos | Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 2018 (654)*
655 187.4.2.jpg Javier Arcenillas, Espanha | Excluidos | San Salvador (El Salvador), 2018 (655)* 231

Sina Niemeyer, Alemanha | On Every Third Day | Berlin (Alemanha), 2021 (656)* 656 117.4.1.jpg
Sina Niemeyer, Alemanha | On Every Third Day | Berlin (Alemanha), 2021 (657)* 657 117.4.5.jpg
Olena Morozova, Ucrânia | Loneliness | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2020 (658)* 658 131.4.1.jpg
232 Olena Morozova, Ucrânia | Related | Kyiv (Ucrânia), 2020 (659)* 659 131.4.4.jpg
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660 111.4.1.jpg Ekaterina Boiarkina, Rússia | Time | Saratovskay Oblast (Rússia), 2022 (660)*
661 111.4.2.jpg Ekaterina Boiarkina, Rússia | Suprematism | Saratovskay Oblast (Rússia), 2022 (661)*
662 7.4.2.jpg Helen McLain, EUA | Alone 2 | Michigan (EUA), 2021 (662)*
663 7.4.3.jpg Helen McLain, EUA | Alone 3 | Michigan (EUA), 2021 (663)* 233

Carloman Macidiano Cespedes Riojas, Argentina | Ariel From Bolivia | Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2021 (664)* 664 40.4.2.JPG
Carloman Macidiano Cespedes Riojas, Argentina | Moises from Venezuela | Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2020 (665)* 665 40.4.5.JPG
234 Pedro Almeida, Portugal | Ângela | Lisboa (Portugal), 2020 (666)* 666 192.4.1.jpg
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667 25.4.3.jpg Athanasios Maloukos, Grécia | The Ludruk Theater Divas of Surabaya | Surabaya, Java (Indonésia), 2021 (667)*
668 25.4.4.jpg Athanasios Maloukos, Grécia | The Ludruk Theater Divas of Surabaya | Surabaya, Java (Indonésia), 2021 (668)*
669 24.4.2.jpg Emily Dodd-Noble, United Kingdom | Jan | Berlin (Alemanha), 2021 (669)*
670 24.4.5.JPG Emily Dodd-Noble, United Kingdom | Diane | Berlin (Alemanha), 2021 (670)* 235

Siavosh Ejlali, Irão | Little captain | Mehrshahr, Karaj (Irão), 2021 (671)* 671 19.4.1.jpg
Siavosh Ejlali, Irão | Decorating sock | Mehrshahr, Karaj (Irão), 2021 (672)* 672 19.4.3.jpg
Marcin Idźkowski, Polónia | Don’t let forgotten | Podlaskie (Polónia), 2022 (673)* 673 69.4.2.jpg
236 Marcin Idźkowski, Polónia | Don’t let forgotten | Podlaskie (Polónia), 2022 (674)* 674 69.4.3.jpg
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675 196.4.2.jpg Mithail Afrige Chowdhury, Bangladesh | Living long with Pandemic 02 | Dhaka (Filipinas), 2022 (675)*
676 196.4.4.jpg Mithail Afrige Chowdhury, Bangladesh | Living long with Pandemic 04 | Dhaka (Filipinas), 2022 (676)*
677 119.4.1.jpeg Ningtai Yu, China | Beauties 1 | China (China), 2021 (677)*
678 119.4.4.jpeg Ningtai Yu, China | Beauties 4 | China (China), 2021 (678)* 237
T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

MELHOR PORTFÓLIO The fight for Dannenröder Forest become quickly llamativos, se encontraba la redacción del periódi-
the symbol for the environmental struggle in the co mensual El Najerilla. Hubo un tiempo que este
1-6 country in 2020 and many young people went to fue el pueblo más importante de la zona, con casi
Fairyland in Dream. live in the forest for one year supported by local mil habitantes.
TEMA 1 15 Apenas un riachuleo atraviesa el pueblo, por don-
Ende Gelände group start to walk in the direction de se puede pasear e imaginar lo que supuso para
Prémio of the path fenced and controlled by the police tantas familias tener que abandonar lo que hasta
to defend the last 150 meters of the forest. In the ese momento fue el hogar de tantas generaciones.
7 background the last settlement of tree-houses re-
In India summer season is truly a curse.Due to the mained. 24
extreme heat & dry atmosphere drought is a com- Their message is political and they advocate for Por primera vez, el embalse quedó tan al descu-
mon scenario. climate justice everywhere. Along with Hambach- bierto. También quedaron a la vista los arboles que
er Forst, and now Extinction Rebellion Deutchland, cubrían esta fertil zona de La rioja.
8 Ende Gelände is the largest and most well known
In Purulia, India summer season is termed as group dedicated to climate activism in Germany. 25-30
cursed because some villages experience extreme Mountain Peak.
heat & temperature as they are situated near the 16
Tropic of Cancer, which causes the Sun to be di- An activist is hanging on a swing to block the de- Fotografias a concurso
rectly overhead when the Northern Hemisphere struction of the last tree-house village. Building
is tilted toward the Sun to its maximum extent. fences, barricades, hanging on trees and tripods 31
are the most common tactics used by the activists Esta foto é do lago Thingvallavatn, situado no par-
9 to stop the highway project. These are the last 2 que natural Þingvellir, o qual se encontra comple-
Scarcity of rain has made life miserable to these trees in the path of the highway. tamente gelado. Islândia é um nome que provém
village women and animal. da língua nórdica antiga, da junção de “íss” (que
17 significa gelo) com “land” (terra ou país). O nome
10 The group from Ende Gelände defend the last do país denuncia o que aí se encontra: terra de
The image shows the tough & pathetic situation of meters of the forest remained in the path of the gelo. Na língua local, o islandês, contam-se – para
the villagers, they now do not get adequate water planned highway. They successully resisted for nosso espanto! – mais de uma centena de palavras
In India, during the summer season. two days preventing machines to cut trees. para expressar os diferentes tipos de neve e gelo.

11 18 32
The village women dig the riverbed and make A tree-house seen in Seehausen Forest against Esta foto representa a fronteira de blocos de gelo
about three feet deep holes. Underground water the construction of the planned highway A14. The com água, perto de Silfra, a fenda formada no li-
seeps through the sand and accumulates in the forest is still occupied from April 2021. There were mite tectónico divergente entre as placas da Amé-
hole. dozens of new forest occupations at the begin- rica do Norte e da Eurásia. Islândia é um nome
ning of the year, after Dannenröder Forest was que provém da língua nórdica antiga, da junção de
12 evicted in December 2020. “íss” (que significa gelo) com “land” (terra ou país).
This water is naturally filtered by the sand and O nome do país denuncia o que aí se encontra:
becomes very clean and hygienic which is fit for 19 terra de gelo. Na língua local, o islandês, contam-
human consumption. Sometimes children also ac- En 1959 el pueblo de Mansilla quedó sumergido se – para nosso espanto! – mais de uma centena
company them in carrying water to their home. por las aguas del embalse que lleva el mismo nom- de palavras para expressar os diferentes tipos de
bre. Este proyecto comenzó en 1935, pero debido a neve e gelo.
Mensões honrosas la Guerra Civíl, se fue aplazando hasta finales de la
década de los cincuenta. 33
13 I captured this Photograph at Gurudongmar lake,
The Dannenröder Forest is a 250-year-old mixed 20 North Sikkim in India.
forest in Hesse (Germany) and the region’s drink- Una construcción destaca sobre las demás por At an elevation of 17000 ft, Gurudongmar Lake is
ing water reservoir. It was occupied for one year su gran tamaño. Se trata de la vivienda conocida probably the most astounding lake on the plan-
by hundreds of activists that were against the como ‘El Palacio’. Albergue de paso del grande de et. It lies in the North side of the Khangchengyao
construction of the A49 highway planned in the Castilla, Fernán González, En la imagen se puede Range and is enclosed all around by snow-secured
1970s. The forest was cleared in large parts at the observar como sobresale sobre las demás cons- mountains; the holy lake solidifies during the win-
end of 2020 by one of the biggest police opera- truciones. ters with the exception of at one spot, which the
tions in years. ardent conviction has been particularly honoured.
Barrio ‘Nirgendwo’ (nowhere in German) was 21 The Chinese Tibetan fringe is only a couple of kilo-
one of the 13 tree-house villages with around 80 Cuando las sequías son severas, Mansilla vuelve a metres from the lake. The flavoured water of the
tree-houses in the forest. It was destroyed by the estar a la vista, e incluso en contadas ocasiones se lake is accepted to have the wonderful intensity of
police at the end of November 2020. puede pasear por su calles. giving kids to issueless couples. Strangely, the fan-
tasy of Gurudongmar Lake is accepted as respect-
14 22 fully by the Hindus as by the nearby Buddhists.
An activist is seen with a symbolic wooden sword En los mejores tiempos de la villa, una buena can- I shoot this photograph on November, 2021. at
in the direction of the construction highway path tidad de negocios encontraban huecos entre las that time temp. was near Zero deg. In this photo-
fenced and patrolled by the police. ruinas que hoy se pueden observar. Entre los más graph a man doing some this in the Lake, I think


he is going to touch the water of the lake, it is 41 54

not easy to survive at this critical environment, If Primeras nieves del otoño de 2018 en el pueblo O ambiente agreste, quase sem vida da paisagem
Human have not seen this creation of Nature with leonés de Correcillas. Un pequeño y bonito pueblo lunar contrasta em absoluto com a beleza das for-
own eyes, then they will never know that how hu- encajado entre altas montañas. mas e sombras que se depara quando contempla-
man helpless is to the Nature. mos o horizonte.
34 55
Remains of a building on the coast of the White
Icefield Parkway. Sea. A man walking alone in desert.
35 43 56
Scientists from more than 100 universities from 17 Kuzomen’ is a village on the Kola Peninsula, on Little fox footprints on the sands of desert.
countries are recording climate change in AAMA - the shores of the White Sea, at the mouth of the
the Arctic Animal Movement Archive (open base Varzuga River. 57, 58
for the movement of Arctic animals). Veins of Earth.
Since the 1970s, the average temperature in the 44
Arctic has increased by about 2.3 ° C. Snowy Mountains. 59, 60
Earlier spring comes, less cold winters, extensive Elves in Sky.
ice melting and destructive actions of civilization 45
cause large-scale behavioral changes in golden Snowy Mountains. 61
eagles, bears, deer, wolves and whales of the Far
Un hombre aparece a lo lejos, entre la inmensidad.
North. The continuing rise in temperature, oil pro- 46 Un nómada que se enfrenta a los temores del si-
duction, shipping and other human activities ev-
Clouds, Mountains, China. lencio, una prueba definitiva, no solo con el terri-
ery year puts more and more animals on the brink
torio, sino también con uno mismo. A cada paso
of extinction. According to many climate models, 47 un recuerdo, un aprendizaje y un abrazo al mundo,
ice in the Arctic may disappear by 2050 in sum-
Detian Waterfall. que también eres tú.
mer, and with it more than 70% of polar bears,
northern whales and other animals may disap- 48 62
pear, and most of the territory in which animals
According to researchers, salt rocks are a positive Como si fuera una acuarela de William Turner, el
live today will become unusable for them.
energy source.These salt rocks with 98% purity paisaje se nos abre a cada paso, sin saber si tam-
36, 37 are unique in the world. The rain has engraved the bién nosotros, somos parte de esa obra pictórica.
colorful salt stones so elegancely. It caresses the
Homeland of Penguins. 63
eyes of every viewer with its colors. Pink salt crys-
38 tal increases the feeling of altruism in a person. Praia de Salir do Porto, Caldas da Rainha, 2022.
I have never even seen Aurora, not mention pho- 49 64
tographing it so I had a lot of preparation to do.
Salt Mines in Garmsar city in Semnan province Praia de Paredes da Vitória, prox., Alcobaça, 2022.
We all heard stories from people who spent week
of Iran are the most amazing natural attractions.
in Lofoten and didn’t get chance to see it. It hap- 65, 66
These mines have a major share in salt extraction
pened first night after arrival. I struggled at the
in Iran. Breathing in salt caves is very useful from Formas e texturas esculpidas pelo vento.
start mostly because I had no chance to scope the
the point of view of medical science.
location. When my eyes got used to the darkness 67
things went just beyond my expectations. Big pile 50
of green light covered North part of the sky. Au- Destruição do passadiço depois de uma tempes-
A wall made out of rock conglomerates outstands tade de inverno em que o mar devastou a duna
rora was super strong. It started dancing in front
from Catalan lands. onde o passadiço se suporta.
of me to explode above my head like a spreading
wings bird. What an amazing experience. Didn’t 51 68
feel any cold or tiredness from all of this excite-
ment. It turned later it was my only oprtuninity to Las piedras no son solo piedras. Concepción geo- Passadiço fotografado do topo do farol de Aveiro
photograph due to cloudy skies. lógica del tiempo esculpiendo el paisaje con forma num dia ventoso.
de beso.
39 69, 70
52 Spring in Iran.
Famous Hamnoy village in moody weather. I didn’t
even plan to visit this place as it’s probably the Las piedras no son solo piedras. Concepción geo-
lógica del tiempo esculpiendo el paisaje con forma 71, 72
most photographed place in Lofoten. I chenaged
my mind when I saw heavy snow clouds rolling de ánade. Great World.
across the mountains, creating magnificent atmo-
53 73
É precisamente quando banhadas pelos primei- Imagen donde podemos observar una de las figuras
40 ros raios de Sol que o óxido de ferro contido nas imitativas más conocidas del Torcal, el ”El Tornillo”.
La fotografía capta el entorno de la zona de Riaño areias das dunas transmite uma intensa coloração Este prodigo rocoso fue declarado monumento na-
en el norte de León. Las altas montañas nevadas vermelha e a brisa típica desta altura do dia, pos- tural. Esta figura es además una muestra de cómo
rodean las aguas del embalse. sibilita cenários deslumbrantes. los antiguos sedimentos marinos fueron deposi-
tados en estratos horizontales que, al quedar a la
intemperie, resultaron modelados por la erosión.

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

En el caso concreto del día de la fotografía, los 86, 87 97

fuertes vientos de componente noroeste en altura, Spring Lake. The Kerala backwaters consist of hundreds of kilo-
favorecieron la formación de nubes de tipo len- metres of canals, lakes, and rivers, in a maze that
ticular sobre la zona, dando la impresión de que 88 only a local could possibly understand.
tenían su réplica sobre el terreno, con la famosa In the picture is the old fisherman quietly float- The waterways are lined with palm trees. If you
formación kárstica de El Tornillo en primer plano. ing and waiting to harvest the first fish of the day stand and watch, before too long a boat will come
from the traps he released last night. In the cold by – a wooden canoe powered by oars or a motor,
of the early morning fog, there are still warm and a water taxi, or one of the big public ferries, which
Como reza el título, este árbol “nace” literalmen- fresh colors of the flooded forest in the swamp, stop at every little dock along the way.
te entre las piedras calizas, emergiendo estoica e signaling the arrival of spring. I really like this Life in the backwaters of Kerala follows a rhythm
impasiblemente en el mar de piedra que lo circun- photo because of the contrast of colors and the rarely seen in today’s world – one that follows the
da. En la imagen se puede observar la disposición contrast of the scene, alone but not lonely. sunrise and sunset, where life is lived on the water
en laminas, debido a la erosión diferencial, de las and among the palm trees.
rocas. 89
In the image is a traditional fisherman using his 98
ancient and rudimentary nets and traps to catch Children of Lalutola villages lost their school build-
Shahdad - Kerman, Iran. fish, which are made of bamboo and tied togeth- ing in the erosion in September 2021. Most of
er with ropes and thin pieces of cloth. This way them become child labor in absence of a finan-
76 cially stable family.
of fishing is really not very productive, but it is
Range of stepped travertine terrace formations very friendly to the environment around it, very
that have been created over thousands of years rudimentary as the people in the last century still 99
as flowing water from two mineral hot springs do. These scenes are hard to come by in today’s Maldah and Murshidabad districts of West Bengal,
cooled and deposited carbonate minerals on the modern society, and I feel fortunate to be able to India have always suffered riverbank erosion. Juli
mountainside. capture these scenes today. Bibi,33 with her son poses for a portrait in a bam-
boo enclosed makeshift shelter dangerously close
77 90 to the progressing river. She lost her home and
Honghe Rice Fields. Las canoas llegan a tierra firme para entregar las lands in the river overnight in the last monsoon.
canastas llenas de la pesca del día y las preparan
78, 79 para el siguiente día. 100, 101
En las marismas de Isla Cristina (Huelva) se en- Lines in Sky.
cuentran las primeras salinas artesanales de Es- 91
paña. En estas salinas naturales se extraen la flor LLegada la hora final del día se encienden las lu- 102, 103
de sal, las escamas de sal y la sal de magnesio ces de los palafitos donde encuentran el descanso Originating from Zemu Glacier, when the Teesta
(cloruro de magnesio). Esta última con fines esté- necesario que les brinda la noche. river goes down, it carries huge amounts of wood
ticos y medicinales. in the rainy season. During this time the people
92 who live on the banks, they collect the wood
80 pieces hanging upside down by a rope (from Do-
A fotografia capta o momento do lançamento da
Los campos de arroz de la marjal de Valencia inun- “cabrita”, uma draga de mão constituída por uma mohoni railway bridge in Jalpaiguri district, that
dados. Un escenario mágico, que dependiendo de vara comprida (que pode ultrapassar os 10-20 connects Assam with West Bengal,) with great risk
la disposición de la luz, ofrece a menudo fantásti- metros de comprimento se manuseada a partir for using woods for temporary livelihood purpos-
cos espectáculos. de uma embarcação – cabrita alta), tendo numa es. Even the children carry the woods by rowing ‘
extremidade um pente de arrasto e um saco de hand-made thermocol boats’ when the real wood-
81 rede para recolha dos bivalves. en boats are also working for the same purpose.
Los campos de arroz de la marjal de Valencia Women search for woods in the low water where
inundado. La numerosa variedad de aves de este 93 wood pieces are stuck in the sand which they
estuario, dotan a la marjal de una permanente Transporte dos sacos de rede, cheios de bivalves, collect by poking a stick. And the kids who came
sensación de vida...., de una vida, donde la palabra para os barcos. Trabalho exigente do ponto de back from the river, wait for their mothers while
“paz” adquiere un dimensión inigualable. vista físico, repetido vezes sem conta, durante o eating on the banks.
labor de faina.
82 104, 105
This is the Persian Gulf. A nice view with magenta 94 People in China.
sk when sun went to down. A boat on the coast of the Caspian Sea where
sewer flows to it. 106
83 This is a thrasher where rice is excluded from dry
This boat has been here for years. This is the Salt 95 paddy. Here in Dhaprahat which is the bordering
Lake around Shiraz in Iran. Children are playing on the dried beach, these village of India from where the Teesta river enters
wooden pillars are used to be the pier bases that Bangladesh. Last year the river water destroyed
84 no longer exist. a huge quantity of paddy due to sudden heavy
First boat appears. rain. The farmer didn’t get a chance to harvest the
96 crop. Many fields drowned. When the crops dried
85 Pesca tradicional chamada de “Arte Xávega”, na it gathered too much sediment of mud which de-
Fisherman preparation. praia de Mira. stroyed rice and created thick air pollution while
thrashing to exclude rice.


107 again into an organic fold—though in a different where the ghosts of some abandoned creatures:
Mr. Bhupen was removing straws wearing a single form. So, there is constant movement from fold to the symbols of a ‘pandemic’ which is condamning
mask in this dusty situation. Here in Dhaprahat fold that together form a multiplicity. to death some of the most beautiful expressions
which is the bordering village of India from where This is because photographs are always involved of nature. My goal is not only to highlight the sad
the Teesta river enters Bangladesh. Last year the with something else, either in a visual, metaphori- beauty of olive trees sculptural forms but to un-
river water destroyed a huge quantity of paddy cal, literal, abstract, actual or a virtual sense. They derline the striking drama that is relentlessly con-
due to sudden heavy rain. The farmer didn’t get a are always combined with something else, there- demning them.
chance to harvest the crop. Many fields drowned. fore always partake in becomings, constantly fold-
ing and devoid of any delineated ‘inside’ or ‘outside’. 118, 119
When the crops dried it gathered too much sed-
iment of mud which destroyed rice and created The state of the image in the fold becomes fluid, Um sentimento estranho de uma nostalgia singu-
thick air pollution while thrashing to exclude rice. extensible; it is a stretching, and folding, rath- lar apodera-nos de imediato.
er than a cut. We cannot draw a neat boundary O primeiro impacto é marcante.
108 around images, nor should we argue that multiplic- Um espaço amplo, largo, árido, quase infinito.
Eternal grey 2. ities in photographs are indivisible, messy and dis- A aldeia tem uma marcante localização no contor-
orderly. One logical step would be to turn to binary no do Rio Lima.
109 opposition to counter the disorderly multiplicity, to Percebe-se que as águas eram um elemento de-
Tehran chamran highway. divide and to draw boundaries to the photographic terminante na paisagem da povoação e por ar-
image. However, this would again reduce a photo- rasto no tipo de vivência agrícola dos seus inter-
110, 111 graph to merely representing some elusive truth or venientes.
fact. Instead of binary opposition, we can enfold Desce-se a caminho do vale. O silêncio torna-se
photographs. To enfold means to fold-in, to adopt impactante e perturbador.
112, 113 a practice of inclusion and involution, with one side Partiram apressadamente as famílias, os humanos,
implicating the other, being both and neither, be- as vidas...
Foto-Escritas de Bordo são fotografias feitas em
ing in-between. The becoming of photographs is Em suma, A ALDEIA RENASCE DAS ÁGUAS mas fi-
movimento através do recurso de câmera panorâ-
achieved by folding its meanings we derive from it, ca-nos os efeitos do impacto ambiental causados
mica de um celular. Esse recurso tradicionalmente
implication upon implication connected with ‘and’. ou provocados pelo ser humano a obrigar-nos a
é utilizado pelo fotógrafo a partir de um ponto
The folds in the photograph demand us to be re- uma constante auto-reflexão.
fixo, para alongar a foto e abranger o máximo
sponsive to the possible multiplicities enfolded in Obrigado ACEREDO!...
possível de detalhes do ambiente. Entretanto, ao
a photograph and unfolded by a researcher. The
utilizar esse recurso em movimento, os solavan- 120, 121
application of the concepts of enfolding and un-
cos, acelerações e freiadas ficam registradas na
folding then appears to have a strong influence of A Sede - Rodolfo GIl
fotografia, criando uma foto que transparece o
which photographs appear and disappear. Esta série de imagens decorre de saídas de cam-
movimento do próprio fotógrafo em relação à pai-
In this photo collection, the photos I have taken po regulares, realizadas entre 2020 e 2022, tendo
sagem do Cerrado. O resultado é um mapeamento
over the years have been combined with photos o estuário do rio Tejo como local de investigação.
da relação entre o viajante e a paisagem que o
from about 60 years ago using the photomon- Independentemente dos meses e das estações do
tage technique. The people in the photos are my ano, são evidentes, neste território, os crescentes
114, 115 mother’s relatives, and of course some of them sinais de aridez e de transformação de uma paisa-
are dead, and I think they have joined the folding gem, outrora húmida, praticamente ao longo de
For Gilles Deleuze, existence is not derived from
cycle and become something else. todo o ano.
the foundations of mathematical reason. Accord-
A escassez de água, e as alterações na aparência e
ing to this philosophy, there is no preference in 116, 117 vegetação das margens do rio, são manifestadas,
the world. There is no Infrastructure and surface
According to scientists there is a connection neste trabalho, como vestígios daquilo que já exis-
construction. Folding seeks multiplicity and wants
between the climate change and the potential te e de um futuro por vir.
to eliminate hierarchy. This philosophy seeks to
distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in southern Ita- Este ecossistema não é aqui representado de uma
eliminate dualities. The universe as a body of folds
ly. Since autumn 2013, the date on which it was forma unicamente documental, importando so-
and infinite surfaces is compressed, twisted and
ascertained on an olive plot in Gallipoli (Lecce), a bretudo a dimensão psicológica, crítica e simbó-
twisted through space, time. Deleuze “”sees the
large area of the province of Lecce is affected by lica da relação entre Tempo, Homem e Natureza,
universe and its components always evolving and
the spread of the bacterium. To date, the disease no fluxo das alterações climáticas e consequente
affects about 2.1 million olive trees. The landscape transformação dos ecossistemas presentes no an-
An important element of Deleuze’s philosophy is
impact of the disease caused by Xylella in the tropoceno.
that of becoming. Becoming is based on the argu-
Salento area of Apulia is well known. In spite of Esta crise, esta “sede da terra”, cuja parte mais
ment that the world and everything in it are in a
the changes in farming techniques introduced by visível será a ecológica, revela também uma pro-
constant state of folding, unfolding and refolding
the guidelines of Apulia Region, the Xylella disease funda tensão epistemológica e ontológica, que
(Deleuze, 1993). For Deleuze, the fold is firstly a
keeps on spreading and no effective strategies are denota afastamento de uma conceção da vida na
point of inflection where things change their form
being applied to stop the contagion: it is relent- terra como um todo indivisível e indissociável, no
as forces are applied. It is where variation takes
lessly advancing and after having dried the Salen- qual todas as partes estão ligadas, dependendo
place. Secondly, the fold is form in that folding in-
to olive trees, Xylella is affecting the millennial absolutamente umas das outras.
volves enveloping/developing and involution/evo-
olive trees heritage of the area around Brindisi
lution. This is illustrated by Deleuze who uses the 122, 123
and Bari. Walking through the olive fields progres-
example of how a caterpillar envelopes a butterfly
sively becoming a rural desert, I have experienced O ano de 2021 trouxe uma das maiores secas des-
(it is folded inside it), that then develops (unfolds)
a strong emotional connection with these trees. de que há registos.
into that butterfly. He goes on to explain that
Therefore, I represent them isolated from the A disponibilidade hídrica da albufeira do Alto Lin-
when it dies, the butterfly involutes (refolds) back
landscape around, as bodies, in order to underline doso atingiu, em Janeiro de 2022, um mínimo his-
into its constituent parts. These constituent parts
their the fleeting essence and suffering, as if they tórico de 14%.
become inorganic folds waiting to evolve once

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

O recuo das águas pôs a descoberto a antiga al- 138, 139 se estima que ha sextuplicado su población y ya
deia de Aceredo , Ourense na Galiza. 81 trees, a landscape? / 81 carvalhos, uma paisa- está presente en casi las 3/4 partes del territorio.
A aldeia foi submersa em 1992 em sequência da gem? Aunque el gobierno central asegura que en los úl-
construção da Barragem de Alto Lindoso no rio timos 30 años su número apenas ha aumentado y
Lima. 140, 141 acaba de incluir al lobo ibérico (considerado hasta
Também ficaram a descoberto o resto das árvores Colección sobre el quebrantahuesos y el entorno el año 2000 una alimaña) en el Listado de Espe-
que foram cortadas antes das águas da barragem en el que vive. cies Silvestres en Régimen de Protección Especial,
as submergir. por lo que no podrá ser cazado. Reactivando así
Com a erosão dos solos as raízes dos troncos foram 142 un conflicto que parece no tener fin y en el que
”descarnadas , criando, agora que ficaram a desco- O voo artístico da garça, um dos símbolos do Pan- las víctimas, lamentablemente seguirán siendo las
berto,uma paisagem a que chamaria de ”Aranhas”. tanal do Mato Grosso. mismas de siempre.
É esse cenário desolador criado pelo aquecimento Mientras esta batalla de cifras e intereses políticos
global que envio para o concurso. 143 se suceden en los despachos, el incremento de sus
ataques ha desatado una guerra civil en la monta-
124, 125
Mariposa ao sol.
ña. A los ganaderos ya no les compensa tanta an-
Overlooking the wetland. 144 siedad y tanta pérdida. El lobo cada vez está más
cerca. El 85% de los “daños” son a menos de cien
126, 127
In 2020 and 2021, thousands of birds perished in
metros de las viviendas. Se estima que 15.000 ca-
the lagoon for unknown reasons, and this is a se-
Our collective desire to live in cities has never bezas de ganado son “asesinadas” en España cada
ries of environmental efforts to collect and bury
been stronger. However, our modern civilization año por lo que demandan acciones que eviten la
the bodies of birds to prevent further bird deaths...
was built upon countless natural bones and bro- muerte indiscriminada de sus reses.
A normal day in the lagoon.
ken ruins. How long has it been since we heard Nunca estuvieron tan cerca el hombre y el lobo en
the crisp chirping of birds and insects in a dense 145 la cordillera cantábrica. Y al mismo tiempo, nunca
jungle of trees? Do we belong to an ancient fos- tan lejos…
Dozens of mass graves host hundreds of unfor-
sil memory, or to a prosperous world of materi-
tunate migratory birds, and this is the end of the
al flow? Looking back on the past and thinking Mensões honrosas
about the present, the “Ruins Wall” represents my
remembrance of the beautiful life that has passed, 162
and it is also a lament for my desire to live in har- During my trip to discover the culture in tradi-
Darling Dabchick.
mony with nature. tional craft villages in the north of Vietnam, I took
these photos in Ban village, Hung Yen province in
128, 129 2020 before the pandemic broke out in Vietnam.
Black-winged Stilt dance beautifully during mating. This is a beautiful destination with long-standing
Earth palette.
traditional craft villages. This is a traditional craft
148, 149
130, 131 of making soy sauce that has existed for more
Magical Sea. than 1000 years.
El humedal Tibaniqa hace parte del territorio an-
cestral Muisca. Se ubica en el límite de lo que ac- I visited a family making traditional soy sauce in
tualmente se denomina la localidad de Bosa, en el the afternoon. She was watering the jars of soy
When I first saw the whale shark do this I didn’t sauce waiting to ferment to lower the tempera-
sur de Bogotá y el municipio de Soacha. Es consi-
understand what was happening. Later on, they ture and keep the yeast at its best.
derado por la comunidad Muisca como uno de los
explained me it’s one of the techniques of how
lugares sagrados que conforma la geografía ances-
whale sharks feed. 163
tral, sus características naturales lo convierten en la
casa para muchas especies de aves y flora propias She is drying the ingredients needed to make the
de los humedales. Algunas familias autoconstruye- soy sauce. The ingredients for making soy sauce
ron sus viviendas en uno de sus bordes, por otro The mantaray suddenly appeared and was “dan- are not difficult to find, but the process of making
lado existen el proyecto de vía futuras cerca a este. cing” right in front of me, with every turn it did, soy sauce is extremely elaborate and time-con-
my eyes could appreciate the majesty of this crea- suming. Moreover, to have golden, fragrant, and
132 ture. I had dreamt of seeing a stingray for a while sweet bowls of soy sauce requires a lot of tech-
and was lucky enough to find it. nique and experience from the hands of the
All these mushrooms were photographed in the
forests near the town of Novorzhev. craftsman and the “secret” of each family. It takes
152, 153
at least one to two months for a worker to pro-
133 Godness. duce a batch of Ban soy sauce. However, the time
I continued shooting fly agarics in 2020 when I is long or fast depending on whether the weather
154, 155 is sunny or not.
visited my father in his small town.
134, 135 164
Lotus. It has many stages to go through to create the fi-
TEMA 2 nal product, which is difficult to describe because
136 there are many family secrets that they keep
Prémio hidden to create their own brand. However, I can
The Hellebore plant is extremely poisonous, but it
is very beautiful. briefly describe it as follows:
156- 161 —First, they crush the ripe soybeans and glutinous
137 Dos mil setecientos lobos corren libres en Espa- rice (of course the nuts have been separated from
ña según el último censo de 2014. En Cantabria, the shell) then mix with pure salt and mix them
Grand Tkhatch Naure Park.


together and roast until golden brown on medium outside of school time, help the family by picking este de Croacia. En Hortobágy, en la parte orien-
heat, and dry them naturally under the sun. This up spoiled beans to throw away. The housekeeper tal de Hungría, los jinetes de la zona continúan
is a tropical area, so it is favorable for natural dry- or old person will be in charge of looking after the manteniendo sus formas de vida tradicionales y
ing. —In 1 day, they mix about 7-10 times and so store located at the front of the house and selling pastoreando sus rebaños casi como lo hacían sus
on until the nuts dry and turn yellow and have the the products after soy sauce has been pasteurized antepasados hace cientos de años.
natural aroma of the seeds. and bottled.
The water used is natural rainwater, filtered 175
through natural filter tanks according to the for- 168 Carro de caballos rodando por un sendero en la
mula of sand, rock, gravel, and storage tanks, it is 1. Fotografía de archivo. Sala para pacientes. Hos- Gran Llanura.
as clean as pure water. They boiled the water and pitalillo de Antracitas de Fabero. Autor: Fariñas. La Gran Alföld (Gran Llanura), es una enorme es-
let it cool to 60 degrees Celsius and poured it into 2. Toma actual. Antigua sala para pacientes. Hospi- tepa que ocupa el sur y el este de Hungría, ade-
a tank and put the dried nuts in the jar. talillo de Antracitas de Fabero. más de partes del este de Eslovaquia, suroeste
El Hospitalillo de Antracitas de Fabero albergaba de Ucrania, oeste de Rumanía, norte de Servia y
165 a los mineros que habían sufrido algún accidente este de Croacia. En Hortobágy, en la parte orien-
— Let it all ferment naturally after about 2-3 days. en la mina. tal de Hungría, los jinetes de la zona continúan
During the day, they would water the jars to lower manteniendo sus formas de vida tradicionales y
the fermentation temperature and keep the jars 169 pastoreando sus rebaños casi como lo hacían sus
from evaporating. 1. Fotografía de archivo. Sala de rayos X. Hospitali- antepasados hace cientos de años.
— Then every day they mix in the barrels to cook llo de Antracitas de Fabero. Autor: Fariñas.
the fish sauce. This stage sometimes takes a whole 2. Toma actual. Antigua sala de rayos X. Hospitalillo 176
month to create ripe, golden, delicious, and pure. de Antracitas de Fabero. Jinetes conduciendo una manada de caballos en
Do this to ferment evenly and the soybeans will En esta sala del Hospitalillo se realizaban las radio- medio de la Gran Llanura.
cook evenly in the containers. grafías a los que habían sufrido una fractura por La Gran Alföld (Gran Llanura), es una enorme es-
I sat on the balcony of a house opposite and consecuencia del trabajo en la mina. tepa que ocupa el sur y el este de Hungría, ade-
watched their work for almost an afternoon in the más de partes del este de Eslovaquia, suroeste
35 degree Celsius sun. They were so hard, metic- 170 de Ucrania, oeste de Rumanía, norte de Servia y
ulous, and really enjoyed them even though I was 1. Fotografía de archivo. El Polvorín. Autor: Fariñas. este de Croacia. En Hortobágy, en la parte orien-
tired from the heat. 2. Toma actual. Antiguo Polvorín. tal de Hungría, los jinetes de la zona continúan
En el Polvorín se guardaba la pólvora necesaria manteniendo sus formas de vida tradicionales y
166 para la mina. pastoreando sus rebaños casi como lo hacían sus
The soy sauce is sun-dried for at least 1 month. antepasados hace cientos de años.
During this time, the soybean must always be 171
carefully monitored and “”taken care of””. Every 1. Fotografía de archivo. Inauguración oficial del 177
day, people have to open the lid of the jar, stir Hogar Juvenil de Fabero. Autor: Fariñas. Un jinete y su caballo en la Gran Llanura.
and add water to the soy sauce, dry it in the sun, 2. Toma actual. Restaurante pizzería “Piz Paz”. La Gran Alföld (Gran Llanura), es una enorme es-
and cover it with nylon when it rains to prevent El Hogar Juvenil de Fabero era un lugar de en- tepa que ocupa el sur y el este de Hungría, ade-
rainwater from entering the soy sauce. cuentro para los sublevados en la dictadura de más de partes del este de Eslovaquia, suroeste
That’s right, it’s soybeans, peanuts, glutinous rice, Francisco Franco. de Ucrania, oeste de Rumanía, norte de Servia y
and some other grains that are mixed well and este de Croacia. En Hortobágy, en la parte orien-
mixed by the people in the tanks there. 172 tal de Hungría, los jinetes de la zona continúan
The sauce is in those tanks, do you see some open 1. Fotografía de archivo. Interior del Hogar Juvenil manteniendo sus formas de vida tradicionales y
tanks? It’s soy sauce, I sat on the roof to take this de Fabero. Autor: Fariñas. pastoreando sus rebaños casi como lo hacían sus
photo and the aroma of soy sauce really makes 2. Toma actual. Interior restaurante pizzería “Piz antepasados hace cientos de años.
me want to eat them right away. Paz”.
El Hogar Juvenil era un lugar de encuentro para 178
167 los sublevados en la dictadura de Francisco Franco. Un carro tirado por bueyes “”szürkemerha”” (una
She is inspecting containers of soy sauce, mixing Allí se jugaba al ping-pong y a las cartas. raza de ganado bovino autóctono).
them, and checking for fermentation, color, aro- La Gran Alföld (Gran Llanura), es una enorme es-
ma, and other issues based on their family’s gen- 173 tepa que ocupa el sur y el este de Hungría, ade-
erations of experience. They wear a typical Viet- 1. Fotografía de archivo. Economato de Antracitas más de partes del este de Eslovaquia, suroeste
namese traditional hat, it’s called “non la” - a hat de Fabero. Autor: Fariñas. de Ucrania, oeste de Rumanía, norte de Servia y
made from palm leaves, cool and shaded from the 2. Toma actual. Única vista posible hoy día del Eco- este de Croacia. En Hortobágy, en la parte orien-
sun. Those are pots for storing soy sauce, which is nomato. tal de Hungría, los jinetes de la zona continúan
used for natural fermentation. It’s made from ce- El Economato proporcionaba a las familias mine- manteniendo sus formas de vida tradicionales y
ramic... wow, ceramics is another unique tradition- ras de Fabero todo tipo de productos de primera pastoreando sus rebaños casi como lo hacían sus
al craft that most East Asian countries do, unique necesidad a precio reducido, mediante cartilla de antepasados hace cientos de años.
and different. Normally most members of a work- racionamiento.
ing family. They will focus on working together, 179
each person will do a stage to perfect them. In 174 Establo en medio de la Gran Llanura.
the picture are Ms. Hoa and Ms. Mien, they are 2 Un pozo tradicional en medio de la Gran Llanura. La Gran Alföld (Gran Llanura), es una enorme es-
sisters in the same family. The men in the house La Gran Alföld (Gran Llanura), es una enorme es- tepa que ocupa el sur y el este de Hungría, ade-
will be responsible for the heavy lifting such as lo- tepa que ocupa el sur y el este de Hungría, ade- más de partes del este de Eslovaquia, suroeste
cating the containers, filling them with water, and más de partes del este de Eslovaquia, suroeste de Ucrania, oeste de Rumanía, norte de Servia y
delivering products from a distance. The children de Ucrania, oeste de Rumanía, norte de Servia y este de Croacia. En Hortobágy, en la parte orien-

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

tal de Hungría, los jinetes de la zona continúan After harvesting, grapes are overspread on the ral de 300 habitantes rodeada de cultivos de soja
manteniendo sus formas de vida tradicionales y ground, to be dried under the sunlight. these jobs transgénica.
pastoreando sus rebaños casi como lo hacían sus from picking grape to gathering raisins are all
antepasados hace cientos de años. done by the family members. 215
Utopía del retorno es una serie de fotografías que
Fotografias a concurso 200 documentan el proceso migratorio hacia el campo
Imagen que muestra el esfuerzo y el trabajo del de personas que vivían en grandes ciudades para
180, 181 campo. emprender proyectos comunitarios trabajando y
Green Tea Garden. respetando la tierra. Fito produce verduras y gra-
201 nos orgánicos en un pequeño campo familiar.
182, 183 Joven cansada pero trabajadora que vive del sus-
Worker of watermelon spending his leisure time tento que le brinda la agricultura. 216
and getting ready for next work. Jute ranks second in importance, next to cotton,
202, 203 as a natural fibre and occupies and important po-
184, 185 Collect Potatoes. sition in Indian economy. Jute fibre is extracted
Las lindes son los limites entre unas tierras y otras. from phloem tissue (bast or bark fibre) in the stem
Se delimitan mediante vallas,mojones,etc. 204 of Corchorus as against seed fibre in the case of
Луг ранней весной. Сельский житель поехал за cotton. Of all the textile fibres, jute is the cheap-
186, 187 заготовленным сеном. est and is extensively used in the manufacture of
Working Time. packing material for agricultural and industrial
205 products.Raw jute being biodegradable and annu-
188 Farmers work on plugging a breach in a canal, ally renewable source, it is considered as an envi-
They created pattern while working unconsciously which flooded about 200 acres of farmland with ronment friendly crop and it helps in the mainte-
and also create a another pattern which is camera standing crop in Bhamme Kalan in Mansa, Punjab. nance of the environment and ecological balance.
aperture sign. Jute as a natural fibre has some definite inherent
206 advantages.Indian farmers are gaining more profit
189 This is the season of pick carrots. This time a lot of than the other traditional crop cultivation as Jute
Man is doing his work and trying to cover paddy carrots have been produced. And so the farmer’s is the only sustainable crop which is now demand-
with the big dome. face is full of smiles. ing in the international market as the replacement
of plastic materials.
190 207
They are transporting the product to the ware- The next step in washing a carrot is to pack it well.
house. It takes four or five people to make a package. All Fermentation of the jute plant is the part of the
work is done by hand. process. Once the plant is grown up , then that
191 should be cut and placed on the water. The raw
Harvesting with the participation of family mem- 208, 209 jute fiber is produced from the fermented jute
bers. Farm Work. plant.

192, 193 210 218

Just a few days before spring, at Shobeyshe village, The harvest season has begun and the mother After the jute plantations are grown-up suffi-
in Khuzestan province, is the stock flower’s har- and her children are collecting saffron flowers. ciently, those stacks are cut from the stem-base
vesting time. These kinds of flowers are one of the and bundled which are later submerged into the
traditional objects on Haftsin’s table in Iran’s cele- 211 shallow water-bodies for a considerable-period so
bration of the new year, which is called Nowruz. that the golden fibers in finer format get sepa-
The mother is collecting saffron flowers while car-
rated on thrashing in later-stage for onward pro-
ing for her young child.
194, 195 cessing.
Busy Farm Work. 212
A tin shade has been built replacing a green paddy
196 After the submerged curing-period of at least 2-3
field. This is how the cultivable land is decreasing
weeks, the cut stems/stalks are thrashed on the
Tereza China de la organización campesina UTT day by day.
water-surface itself with small wooden-plank &
(Unión de los trabajadores de la tierra) cosechando
213 gradually the golden-fibers get separated from
maíz para su consumo.
the stalks/sticks.
A house is being built in a paddy field area. Ar-
197 ranging living places for the increasing population 220
Oscar Castillo de la organización campesina UTT is one of the main cause of decreasing the cultiva-
During the low tide some fishermen use their
(Union de los trabajadores de la tierra) le da de ble agricultural land.
hand throwing nets to fish from the river bed.
comer a sus cabritos.
198, 199 Utopía del retorno es una serie de fotografías que
At the evening a fisherman is practicing his last
Malayer is a city in Iran, with huge vineyards. Part documentan el proceso migratorio hacia el campo
round of netting before the water level goes up
of these grapes turn into raisins. In the villages of de personas que vivían en grandes ciudades para
due to the high tidal waves.
this city, raisins are still produced in a tradition- emprender proyectos comunitarios trabajando y
al way without the use of any machinery or any respetando la tierra. Andrea es docente y se mudó
additives. junto a su familia a una pequeña comunidad ru-


222, 223 many years. It is said that a child from Makoko can 240, 241
Aerial View of World. do two things well, use a canoe and know how to Traditional Craft.
swim. Makoko is a swamp/slum in the mainland of
224, 225 Lagos, Nigeria. 242, 243
Life By the Sea. Handicraft.
226 Kasim is seen here as he makes way to his after 244
Tonle Sap é o maior lago do sudeste asiático. Ao school tuition class. Federico Rost se dedica a la apicultura orgánica,
norte banha a milenar Angkor Wat a maior estru- Living in the slums of Makoko shows the brilliance y le pasa sus conocimientos —heredados de su
tura religiosa do mundo, construída no século XII. of these children as they transport across their padre— a un jóven del pueblo. La transmisión de
Ao sul um afluente liga o lago ao rio Mekong na community on make shift canoes. This community conocimientos y dominios de un oficio por parte
capital Phnom Penh, e um fenômeno raro muda o is one with their own language and culture. It is in- de un maestro a su aprendiz ha sido relegada por
fluxo das águas duas vezes por ano. Na estação das teresting to note they have survived on water for distintos procesos de aprendizaje vinculados a la
chuvas o lago Tonle Sap aumenta cerca de 7 vezes many years. It is said that a child from Makoko can globalización y la virtualización. Si, por otra parte,
abastecido pelas águas do grande rio Mekong. Du- do two things well, use a canoe and know how to el oficio en cuestión sufre alteraciones que cohar-
rante a seca, o fluxo muda de direção e o lago escoa swim. Makoko is a swamp/slum in the mainland of tan su ejercicio, correrá peligro de extinción.
até a capital onde encontra o Mekong. Com esse Lagos, Nigeria. Esta es la historia de un mentor y su joven apren-
fluxo, peixes migram e se reproduzem, nutrientes diz en el desafío de producir miel silvestre en en-
são levados e fertilizam vastas áreas de plantio. tornos cada día más hostiles. Un retrato de la vida
Sobre suas águas vivem milhares de pessoas em Gurdayal, 19 with his friend legs twisted below his rural, los cambios sociales con la irrupción de las
casas flutuantes, e nas suas bordas, se erguem di- knees the result of prolonged exposure to fluoride nuevas tecnologías en los pueblos, y el intento por
versas aldeias palafitas, entre elas a vila de Kam- at Pachgai Khera, Agra, Uttar Pradesh in India. transmitir el legado en el arte del cuidado de las
pong Khleang. Deformed limbs, hunched backs, premature age- abejas.
ing, several children with stunted growth, and
227 those with no visible deformity complain of joint 245
As áreas ao redor do lago ficam alguns meses pains is the story of Pachgai Khera village cursed La transmisión de conocimientos y dominios de un
inundadas e transformam a floresta em um cria- with Fluorosis, a disease caused by overexposure oficio por parte de un maestro a su aprendiz ha
douro de peixes e camarões que sempre garanti- to fluoride through drinking water. The village is sido relegada por distintos procesos de aprendiza-
ram a subsistência dos moradores da vila. located in north India’s Agra city that houses the je vinculados a la globalización y la virtualización.
majestic Taj Mahal. Si, por otra parte, el oficio en cuestión sufre alter-
228 aciones que cohartan su ejercicio, correrá peligro
The two brothers go fishing throughout the night, de extinción.
hoping to get a few more fish. A boy with deformed legs uses a contraption to Esta es la historia de un mentor y su joven apren-
get around the village the result of prolonged ex- diz en el desafío de producir miel silvestre en en-
229 posure to fluoride at Pachgai Khera, Agra, Uttar tornos cada día más hostiles. Un retrato de la vida
Sunny looks up at the sky to see if there is a Pradesh in India. rural, los cambios sociales con la irrupción de las
chance of rain. Because rain means another night Deformed limbs, hunched backs, premature age- nuevas tecnologías en los pueblos, y el intento por
of trouble for them. ing, several children with stunted growth, and transmitir el legado en el arte del cuidado de las
those with no visible deformity complain of joint abejas.
230 pains is the story of Pachgai Khera village cursed
with Fluorosis, a disease caused by overexposure 246
Scraping the bottom of the rectangular plot she is
to fluoride through drinking water. The village is Swarm planted in a hive.
working on, treading a surface now crunchy, now
located in north India’s Agra city that houses the
squelchy, she heaps the white crystals to one side.
majestic Taj Mahal. 247
With each tiny but tiring trip to the space where
she is piling it all up, the crystal mound grows Bees, being in the hive, began to rebuild the hon-
higher, her work gets harder. eycomb.
Charcoal stoves.
231 248, 249
Work in the salt pans involves hard physical la- Country Life.
bour. Many workers suffer acute dehydration and End of work.
dizziness. The thirst gets unbearable due to ex- 250, 251
treme heat. Prolonged exposure to dehydration Chinese Country Life.
also results in renal issues. It is no secret that life in the village is full of wor-
ries. There is always some work that needs to be 252, 253
232 done. Hanging laundry is a common activity of any Em pleno século XXI, grupos de pessoas fazem
Getting around in canoes is the only way to move rural dweller. In this photo, a villager hangs out romaria todos os anos no interior do Rio Grande
around in the slums of Makoko. Without shelter washed clothes to dry. do Sul, usando carretas com bois. Todos alegres
from the scorching sun, the yearn to reach ones e felizes em conservar a história dos seus ances-
destination overcomes the need for a shade. trais.
Living in the slums of Makoko shows the brilliance Catch-ups is another activity in the villages that
of these children as they transport across their children use to have fun. This photo shows a girl 254
community on make shift canoes. This community who is running away from her older sister so that Qual quer ser prescruta o horizonte.
is one with their own language and culture. It is in- she does not get caught. She decided to make a
teresting to note they have survived on water for haystack a field for catch-ups.

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

255 272 then Prime Minister of Portugal, it was built to

Todos os seres vivos observam o espaço que os In this photo, my goal is to show the shelter and house all 363 inhabitants from the old village of
rodeia. old houses that were built in the villages and show Luz. The reason for this transfer was the construc-
a person who is moving towards the shelter to tion of a dam on the Guadiana river – the dam of
256 avoid snow and cold. Alqueva – which would create the largest artificial
Junto ao cruzeiro com alminhas, lá segue a jun- lake in Europe, and would submerge the entire
ta de bois carregada de estrume para os campos 273 old village. Everything, from the private houses,
fertilizar. In the villages of Iran, brick houses were built with their vegetable gardens and orchards, to the
inside the gardens to provide shelter for people. Church and all the public buildings, to the areas
257 This photo shows one of these old houses, which surrounding the village, were submerged.
Devota senhora, que todas as manhãs ia junto das is over 70 years old and has turned into an aban- This entire process, which took a few years, up-
Alminhas de Portejães e orava pelos entes que- doned house after the trees in the garden have rooted an entire community!
ridos. dried up. “I’m not even an immigrant. An immigrant can al-
ways, whenever he wants, return to his homeland.
258 274 I no longer have my homeland; mine is under wa-
Iceland is a must-do drive for those looking for ter,” Manuel, an 84-year-old man I portrayed for
An old woman who burns her Wood- during stove
spectacular scenery. this series, told me.
during the coronavirus.
Anchored in the theory of Maurice Halbwachs ex-
259 275 pressed in his book “La mémoire collective” which
relates collective memory and space, I went t
Old woman handicraft shop in Anbaran villlage of Mountain that will make you fall in love with Ice-
o meet this community 19 years after its forced
Ardabil city. land.
migration to the new village.
260 276 I was interested in reflecting on how the symbol-
ic universes of space can be decisive in the con-
I go to sea. Quando a suposta civilização nos trás o desprazer
struction/destruction of collective and individual
de água não potável, naquela que foi a principal
identities and memories. Would the construction
fonte de água durante séculos.
of the new Aldeia da Luz have been able to gener-
Sem legenda. ate a production and representation of the space
that would allow the inhabitants of the old village
262 Viver com os animais era uma boa maneira de se
to reconstruct spatial meanings, in order to keep
A village girl smiles at me and the camera in front aquecer por meio do calor animal que eles produ-
alive the dynamics that characterized the old com-
of her house while living in poor Dashak village. ziam, que se espalhava pela casa.
munity? Or has this intention failed, originating its
disintegration, causing around (today) 300 people
to live orphans of their collective identity, living
In an old custom, the women of the village bake An abandoned house in the skirts of the village. only on individual memories?
bread for the villagers in front of their grand-
mother’s house. 279 283
The largest road that leads inside this small village. O Viaduto 13 é conhecido como o viaduto ferro-
viário mais alto das Américas, tem 143 metros de
Maito de Pescado - Prato tradicional ancestral da 280, 281
altura e 509 metros de comprimento.
Comunidade Kichwa de Pilche. Portugal tem um interior cada vez mais envelhe-
cido e despovoado. Há aldeias completamente 284
265 desabitadas e outras que estão muito próximas Na beira do caminho as plantas nascem e se de-
Preparativos para cozinhar prato tradicional. disso. São aldeias por vezes não muito distantes senvolvem à vontade.
266 dos grandes centros urbanos do interior mas que
Vivir en un pueblo tiene tantas cosas buenas perderam a maioria da população. 285, 286
como la bellelza de los atardeceres. Uma vez ouvi alguém comparar o fluxo das po-
Lugar propio. Que se convierte en extraño.
pulações do interior com os rios que correm para
267 o mar. A população do interior desloca-se para o 287
En pocos lugares como Asturias quedan lugares en litoral deixando o interior cada vez mais deserto.
In a vehicle cemetry in an arid dryland in South
que la vida se puede ver, oler y papal a la puerta Se juntarmos a isto a imigração em massa dos
Africa, it seems as if the wrecks are racing for a
de casa. anos 60 estamos perante uma situação aparente-
spot at the top.
mente irreversível.
268 Por ali não se vive, espera-se o futuro. Que é já 288
La entrada a la tradición rumana a través de la amanhã.
A long time ago this car’s biggest feature was to
talla de una puerta. drive the family to church on Sunday.
269 Mental balance results in large part, and above all, 289, 290
Las sombras de un camposanto descansan sobre from the fact that the material objects we are in
Estrada Nacional 15.
el césped. daily contact with do not change or change little,
and offer us an image of permanence and stabili- 291, 292
270, 271 ty” – Auguste Comte
The Aldeia da Luz (Southeast of Portugal) is today Brañas de Somiedo.
Puerta Rural (Cerradura).
a village built entirely from scratch.
Officially inaugurated in November 2002 by the


293 amount of waste is created when things go out 325-330

A casa inabitada, agora usada para guardar pa- of hand. A famous hospital in Chittagong submerged in
lha. devastating floodwaters. As a result of unplanned
Mensões honrosas urbanization, the ground floor of the Chattogram
294 Maternal and Childcare Hospital goes underwater
O local que ficou parado, a desgastar-se pelo tem- during heavy rains every year. This excess rain
po. After the earthquake in Kerman Shah province in water mixes with the city’s sewage and becomes
2017, people lived in tents after the destruction of too toxic ! That’s why the patients and people who
295 their homes, and this is the beginning of urbaniza- come to this hospital for treatment are more likely
Verde e flores na aridez. tion and an urban community again. to get waterborne diseases. However, with the in-
crease in the incidence of Covid Pandemic in Ban-
296 319 gladesh at this time, the incidence of Dengue has
Abandoned downfall. Fazel Yeganeh, an old man from Sabzevar, from also increased at a significant rate ! This is also a
Dolatabad village, at the age of 70, collects empty Covid Pandemic dedicated hospital. At the difficult
297 bags of flour and chemical fertilizer every day for time of a raging pandemic, People coming to the
A small dam of stones was assembled by local his livelihood and delivers them to the shopkeep- hospital seeking treatment have to go through im-
kids. A lot of effort has been put in. It turned out ers of Sabzevar industrial district for a small fee. mense suffering due to the flooding where an ail-
to be a water step, which is accompanied by the ing mother coming to see a doctor with her child
320 in the flooded hospital lobby.
murmur of water.
Mohammad Reza and his dog Mohammad Reza, a
298 25-year-old young man from Sabzevari, is addict- Fotografias a concurso
The beauty of land cultivated with respect for na- ed to the industrial drug’s mother. To escape his
sense of loneliness, he takes care of a lone female 331
puppy on the side of the highway and carries her Terminal de Cruzeiros, Leixões. Arquitetura Luís
299, 300 dog wherever he goes to collect recycled waste, Pedro Silva.
usually people who are addicted. In order to make
Every year, on a special day in this village, the tra-
their dogs dependent and obedient, they addict 332
ditional ceremony of “Alambandan”is held. Wher-
the dog by letting their drug smoke die on their Axel Towers, Law Firm Gorrisen Federspiel, Cope-
ever the villagers are, they come to the village to
face and nose... nhaga. Arquitetura Lundgaard & Tranberg.
participate in the ceremony. The houses of this
village are interesting. The roof of each house is 321 333
the yard of another house. The village becomes so
crowded that people go to the roofs of houses to A poor middle-aged woman from Sabzevar col- Um espaço de eventos, aberto ao público, e a be-
see the ceremony. lects recyclable waste from the rubbish bin in leza da arquitetura de Niemayer.
Sabzevar and puts it in a bag and carries it to a
301, 302 recyclable waste shopping center. 334
Celebration. Imensidão, a visão que provoca essa grandiosa
obra arquitetônica.
303 Reza, a 23-year-old boy from Sabzevar, is addicted
to the drug Methamphetamine. He breaks away 335
from his family and feels lonely. To escape from I haven’t been here for a long time, and I was sur-
304 his loneliness, he buys a dog called a tiger and col- prised to find that the old mall has been closed,
lects recyclable waste from the municipal garbage replacing it with a new mall. As the night fell, the
Celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival.
bins in Sabzevar. Take his tiger dog wherever he lights came up, I looked up to the sky, everything
305, 306 goes. It is possible that Reza also made him ad- was so illusory and untouchable.
dicted to drugs in order to make his dog obedient.
Life in Fairyland.
Here is SKY SOHO, but because it is not a working
Two young people addicted to Methamphetamine day, not all the lights are on. The perfect location
have come to Sabzevar from their hometown of is missing a pool of water, but the B1 floor still
Neishabour. They have come to Sabzevar to es- gives me a perfect dusk.
cape their families and the shame caused by their
307-312 addiction. They make their addictions. They dig a 337
hole in the green space of the highway and con- Edifício situado na zona centro de Lisboa, alber-
Bicycles of various bike-sharing services are seen
tinue living there. ga diversos serviços, e é a sede do Grupo Banco
in Shanghai. Army of bicycles are coming back
to the Middle Kingdom but this time the frenzy Montepio. Ocupa duas ruas numa configuração
is brought by bike-sharing startups. An over-sup- em gaveto, destacando-se a sua imponência ar-
Sabzevari’s lonely woman is carrying a curtain to quitetónica.
ply of bicycles has occupied pavements and other
her house, she is addicted to Methamphetamine
public spaces all around the country, changing the
from her husband because she is divorced from 338
way people get around the city at the same time
her husband, now she has to stand on her own É um edifício residencial, em construção desde
creating headaches for city planners.
two feet and do the hard work of home and life 2017, com 80 metros de altura, fazem dele um dos
In the tug of war, bikes get taken off streets
herself Give. edifícios mais altos de Lisboa. Situado em Campoli-
and discarded in designated areas by the gov-
ernment, creating “bicycle graves”. Despite the de, vai oferecer uma vista panorâmica sobre a cida-
promise to be environmentally friendly, a huge de, designadamente Monsanto, Lisboa e o rio Tejo.

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

339 us every day. These small imprints appear and dis- permeate our lives. The photo itself is similar to
This title of semi-absract architectural rendering appear at a tremendous rate, shaping our daily graphics and makes you fall in love with the archi-
comes from the strong interplay of light and shad- habitat. With the advent of photography, we are tecture of the metropolis even more. Reminds us
ow. While two of the four buildings are cast in able to capture, save, and analyze these changes. all that everything is cyclical and repeating.
shadows, the other two enjoy the direct light of The stall trading appeared in Russia in the 1990s
due to the acute shortage of food and everyday 354
the early morning rising sun. It was taken from the
highway as we passed through downtown L.A. in a goods in grocery stores and supermarkets. Over Ribeira do Porto.
moving car at 70 mph. time, the problem of shortage was solved, but
small-format trade took root among the entrepre- 355
340 neurs. Typically, the outward appearance of these Estação do Oriente.
It’s easy to see how Paul Cezanne was able to de- commercial facilities is not in line with the urban
rive inspiration from the architecture found in the environment. In addition, they often become a 356, 357
village of L’Estaque in Southern France. The geo- source of contamination of the surroundings. In The photographs depict life on Kanonersky Island
metric shapes of the roofs, walls and facades of recent years, the city administrations have been after the construction of a high-speed highway
the houses and those created by interplay of light focused on fighting the shopping stalls and kiosks over it.
and shadow came together to inspire a style that that were built illegally and without observing the
would later be taken by artists such as Braque urban design code. 358
and Picasso and extended to subject matter such Summer of 2020 in Chelyabinsk was marked by Unir el pasado, (arqueología de una memoria com-
as portraiture and still lifes. In this photograph the historical event. The city administration de- partida) lugares desconocidos.
the various facades and distinctive architectural cided to dismantle the kiosks in the underground La saturación de imágenes fotográficas en este
style of each of the three juxtaposed buildings passage under the city’s main square. This event mundo digital, me lleva a coleccionar y guardar
set against a patch of sky in conjunction with the is a sign for many townspeople that the era of the negativos de diferentes años y épocas en diferen-
stark shadows all come together to give this im- 90s is finally slowly but surely leaving the South tes mercadillos y tiendas de segunda mano. Para
age a distinctly ‘Cubist’ feel. Ural capital. luego hacerlos coincidir en un mismo espacio vi-
The photographs show imprints of the arrange- tal, la toma fotográfica (uniendo tiempos pasados)
341 ment and decoration of the kiosks’ interior space, donde se funden en una sola imagen y momento
Una serie de narraciones fotográficas, compues- which were exposed after the dismantling. The vivido, desde placas de vidrio, negativos de gran
tas por varias imágenes, que en su conformación, avant-garde style work symbolizes the revolution- formato, negativos de formato medio, negativos
reproducen los mapas callejeros de las ciudades, ary changes in the urban environment. In turn, de acetato medio, negativos de 35 mm, etc.
pequeños esquemas que te muestran posibles ca- the contours and shadows of people, guessed in Diferentes tamaños, diferentes soportes de nues-
minos para recorrer. the space of photographs, emphasize the man- tro pasado fotográfico, la fotografía como cele-
Este trabajo busca proponer pequeños paseos, made nature of the objects and carry the memory bración y como acto documental familiar, fiestas,
caminos, momentos, casi mini historias, desde la of those who once existed in this space. reuniones familiares, vacaciones, retratos, un día
acción de recuperar la mirada real, la conexión con de playa, juegos infantiles, en la ciudad etc...
lo que nos rodea. Como el trabajo de un relojero que hace retroceder
Cada día la gente está más absorta en sus telé- Sem comentário. y avanzar el tiempo, a veces hago que se toquen
fonos, en las redes sociales y aplicaciones, cuan- en la línea del horizonte, otras veces sus miradas
347 coinciden con cien años de diferencia, sucesos que
do subes a un transporte público, incluso cuando
paseas por el parque, ves cómo la gente, en su A figura humana aparece minúscula em cima de ocurren, gestos y momentos compartidos unidos
amplia mayoría, solo mira sus teléfonos, perdién- uma construção que lembra um grande monolito en una línea temporal imaginaria, unidos para
dose todo lo que la ciudad, la gente y el contexto branco. Os detalhes revelam tratar-se de traba- siempre después de mi disparo fotográfico, pasa-
tienen para ellos. lhadores restaurando uma edificação de concreto dos continuos que se mezclan con presentes inme-
Puede que te hayas perdido una nube hermosa, com altura elevada. diatos y que nos muestras los procesos de cambios
puede que el hombre de tu vida se haya chocado y evolución de nuestra sociedad y hábitat…
contigo, un perro, una sonrisa, un edificio con un
perfil único… ¡perdido! The old man and the factory. Tsentralnyi rynok 359, 360
Personalmente, soy un observador intenso, vivo station, Kharkiv. Esta serie de fotografías pretende mostrar como
despierto a los estímulos, de cualquier tipo, y vivo a causa de varios elementos aglutinadores, siendo
mis desplazamientos o mis recorridos como un 349 el Océano Atlántico el vertebrador en este caso,
descanso, un paréntesis, disfruto cada lugar que Sparkling guard-rail. Tsentralnyi rynok station, tenemos ciudades que podrían ser el mismo lugar
cruzo y cada detalle que alcanzo a destacar, y en Kharkiv. si no fuera porque tienen nombres diferentes o
esta propuesta muestro como obra esos recorri- pertenecen a países distintos. La urbanización es
dos, con la paradoja de utilizar para el registro y 350, 352 similar, como viven sus ciudadanos también. Des-
tratamiento de las imágenes; aplicaciones de mi He is walking de la latitud 39º de Nazaré, hasta 28º de Lanzarote
teléfono. pasando por los 36 de Cádiz.
342, 343 These skyscrapers inspired me with their materi- 361, 362
Palheiros da Costa Nova. als and proportions, the whole street is formed by As paisagens em sua diversidade parecem uma
modern buildings and creates a feeling of a big justa e poética representação do mundo. Se não
344, 345 metropolis and self-confidence. do mundo todo, pelo menos daquele mundo que
People inevitably leave imprints in the course of nos cerca, o da cidade. Os telhados dos parques
their life: from rock paintings and ancient settle- 353 industriais são parte da paisagem urbana. Descre-
ments to global pollution of the planet. Big things This composition is located in the concert hall and vem uma territorialidade nada romântica apesar
are made up of smaller ones that happen around creates wonderful rhythms, similar to those that de os tetos das plantas industriais apresentarem


inúmeras e inusitadas formas geométricas próxi- 369, 370 na natureza. O foco social maioritariamente dire-
mas ao expressionismo. Sem legenda. cionado ao desenvolvimento economico e mate-
Então cabe uma pergunta: é possível perceber as rial, ao inves de investir na natureza.
condições de trabalho a que são submetidos um 371
sem número de trabalhadores ao redor do mundo 387
Anfiteatro no Jardim da Sereia, em Coimbra.
apenas olhando os telhados de plantas industriais People put their pumpkins on the roof to dry.
urbanas? A resposta é: sim! Há uma nítida rela- 372
ção entre os espaços apresentados e os modos de 388
Tampa numa rua de calçada, em Aveiro.
vida, no caso, espaços onde milhares passam entre Sem comentário.
10 a 12 horas por dia, diuturnamente, naquilo que 373
foi definido como trabalho precário. Saliente-se 389, 390
Paisagem de grua e céu refletido.
que muitas dessas estruturas não mais existem Os edifícios históricos da baixa de Maputo, de
nos países centrais, mas pululam em países perifé- 374 arquitectura modernista e monumental, exibem
ricos, no caso, o Brasil. uma patine que testemunha as marcas do tempo
Paisagem de uma grua, pássaros e céu.
Neste ensaio fotográfico, portanto, procurei nar- e o intenso fluxo de trabalhadores que chegam e
rar pelo menos esse aprendizado da realidade do 375 partem todos os dias dos subúrbios e cidades pe-
mundo por meio das experiências daqueles que riféricas.
Step 1.
nos cercam e legitimam para nós sua presença.
Uma sinédoque que revela e desvela a poética ma- 376 391
cabra e insalubre que envolve a vida dos trabalha- My son loves this old Mercedes very much. In
dores do “chão da fábrica” e que nos diz, insisto, Step 4.
winter, he brushes the snow off it. In spring and
muitíssimo sobre a sociedade acerca dos mesmos. summer, he arranges an improvised shadow the-
ater on its rough surface. In autumn, he collects
363 Vehículo ferroviario en transito, fotografía de alta
crumbled leaves from his skin.
Quarantine reality felt. exposición pretendiendo reflejar el cambio y la
velocidad como conceptos propios de la vida con- 392
364 temporánea en los núcleos poblacionales.
We need to learn from children! They see magic,
Sometimes we don’t recognize clues in nature. 378 miracles and magic everywhere: in an old Mer-
cedes, in a lonely maple leaf, in the crumbling
365 Imagen a ultima hora de la jornada reflejando el
petals of a cherry tree, in a tangle of light and
desplazamiento urbano de personas regresando a
Jazigos de um cemitério cuja repetição remete shadow.
sus hogares, se toma como clave para la composi-
para a semelhança entre edifícios nas urbaniza-
ción una vez mas el movimiento, el desplazamien- 393, 394
ções dos subúrbios de uma cidade.
to y en este caso se pretende añadir la prisa o
Este conjunto de fotografias pertence ao projec- Photo captured in vegetable market.
ansiedad que nos puede generar el deseo de que-
to ‘There is more to Urban Limits than a Circular
rer realizar algo inmediatamente en la sociedad
Road’, produzido através de derivas pedestres em 395
urbana y de consumo.
zonas urbanas da Umbria. Resident of the Barrio del Aeropuerto.
366 396
Todavía queda mucho viaje por delante desde los
Cruzamento de caminhos dentro de um parque Residents of the Barrio del Aeropuerto.
ojos de una nueva generación. Unos ojos que ten-
drán que cuestionarse la urbanización. El futuro
Este conjunto de fotografias pertence ao projec- 397
de la Tierra está en sus manos.
to ‘There is more to Urban Limits than a Circular The two direction of alley inside the heritage area
Road’, produzido através de derivas pedestres em 380 of Al Seef Village in Dubai.
zonas urbanas da Umbria.
Dentro de uno de los túneles del recorrido nos
367, 368 encontramos con esta imágen. Las ventanas del
tren se reflejan en las paredes del túnel y ante la A local vendor selling some old things inside the
Eu fiz este ensaio fotográfico para expressar as Al Seef Village.
aparente oscuridad y opacidad del paisaje exterior
dificuldades que as pessoas com deficiências de
vemos miradas interesadas y alegres desde el in-
mobilidade enfrentam em seus deslocamentos na 399
terior. Un viaje hacia nosotros mismos.
cidade de São Paulo, são inúmeros os obstáculos
Atividade em extinção devido à difusão da eletrici-
a serem desviados, muitas calçadas quebradas, 381, 383 dade e do gás, aos olhos do teu mundo ocidental.
bueiros destampados, escadas sem rampas de
The City. Para mim não se extingue.
acesso, faixas de pedestres confusas com tem-
pos de travessia insuficientes e muitas poças de 400
382, 384
água que se acumulam depois das chuvas. Ainda
Life of Workers. Sim, tudo muito saudável e fruto de trabalho duro.
são muitos os lugares públicos e privados que
De sol a sol.
não possuem o mínimo de acessibilidade ou é
inadequada abrangendo somente alguns trechos 401
específicos nas regiões mais centrais e valoriza- A geometria da urbanização através de um ponto
de fuga natural, o passaro ao fundo. Because of urbanization, the trees are often over-
das da cidade e progressivamente estes acessos
looked. We build buildings for our future and cut
são descontinuados quando avançamos as zonas
386 the trees that bring a terrifying fate to this Earth.
mais periféricas.
De forma subjacente, a urbanização esta presente

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

402 man Empire. One of the oldest mosques in Turkey, alive”. His songs remain popular to this day. His
High-rise buildings are being ready for the peo- a converted crusader church Habib-i Neccar Mos- work unites generations and hearts.
ple living in the slums of Kalshi and Kurmitola. que, is in Hatay. A city where sounds of adhan &
the church bells share the same sky. 427
The government had to evict many families from
the Kurmitola slum to widen the main road of A key take away you may observe in developing
415 societies is an epileptic supply of electricity and
Jerusalem is a divided city of three religions. Blue citizens can sometimes ignore switching on their
403, 404 domes of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jeru- security lights at night. We may not have the neon
São João de Deus, Lisboa. salem Orthodox Church). lights and fully lit urban scapes that compliment
good night time photographs but I chose to im-
405 416 provise with the use of long exposure to illuminate
Relationships between people require time and Jerusalem is a divided city of three religions. Rus- this scene.
thought. Therefore, in many ways city is not suit- sian Russian Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magda-
lene (Russian Orthodox Church abroad). 428
able for human relations despite the many people
in the city. The relation between humans identity and life
417 style with urbanization.
406 When historical civilization is exposed to destruc-
tion in the eyes of the people. We see but indif- 429
Sometimes single chords break through in peo-
ple’s hearts, but they quickly remain behind, be- ferent. Most of the time we do not see and some- Tres mujeres caminan frente a una medianera
cause of the rapid run. times we denounce those who do. ilustrada con arte urbano en la ciudad de Brasov,
donde el propio diseño les devuelve una mirada
407 418 colorida frente al color gris de los días.
Door. Um caminho para a Casa de Deus.
408 419 “Andorinhões”.
EXIT. Azerbaijan Pavilion, Expo Dubai 2020, UAE.
409 420 Graffiti in the city.
Photo taken from the magnificent Qapo mansion. GCC Pavilion, Expo Dubai 2020, UAE.
410 421 This graffiti is located in front of the Atlantic
Photo of Khajoo Bridge in rainy weathertaken Fabrica de cerveza Bavaria que impulso la econo- Ocean where many real seagulls.
with a mobile phone. mia de la ciudad en el siglo XX, hasta su cierre y
abandono. 433, 434
411 Urbanização Viseu.
A view of 12000 years old Hasankeyf, before it is
Ruinas de la estación del ferrocarril de la ciudad 435
Evidence of numerous civilizations will vanish un- de Honda, la cual fue la base del desarrollo del pais Madrasah at the Red Mosque in Tomsk, built in the
der the reservoir of the Dam. en el siglo XIX. early 20th century.

412 423 436

The exhumation of a man who died 50 years ago. Town architecture. Tomsk is one of the oldest cities in Siberia. It is
The granddaughters and their sons are carefully famous for its wooden architecture.
watching as their grandfather HALIL’s grave is be-
Beach architecture. 437, 438
ing opened. HALIL died 50 years ago. Two grand-
daughters’ sons only know HALIL through their Da série Atlas Fotográfico da cidade de São Paulo
mothers’ stories. The remains are moved as they 425 e arredores.
have a spiritual value and so people do not forget The emotional image of urban spaces impacts his-
their past. Although this process deepens people’s tories, identities, and communities. The collection 439
agony, they do this to be able to show their ances- advances our understanding of ‘urban emotions’ A beleza da repetição e das cores deste prédio são
tors’ graves to future generations and to be able into discussions of materiality, power, and embod- o foco desta fotografia, sendo que, a decoração
to visit them on special days. iment across time and space. de cada varanda trás a diferença a cada casa re-
413 426
Antioch Protestant Church, was opened by a Ko- Viktor Robertovich Tsoi is a legend of Soviet rock. 440
rean cleric Pastor, in June 2000. Importance for In 1990, he died in an accident and almost imme- Este conjunto de apartamentos, gera um enqua-
Christianity is the fact that the name Christian was diately the so-called “Tsoi Wall” appeared on the dramento rico em formas e cores, e ainda que,
first given here in Hatay to those who believe in Arbat in Moscow. A place where people gathered, estas sejam todas diferentes, coabitam entre si e
Jesus Christ. mourning the passing of their idol. There on the geram uma bela composição.
wall people wrote quotes from his songs, paint-
414 ed his portraits. And even after almost 32 years, 441, 442
The Mosque of Habib-i Naccar in old Antakya. a large number of people of different ages still Sem legenda.
Hatay has held significance for the Byzantines, the gather at this wall. And on the wall itself there
Crusaders, the Persians, the Arabs and the Otto- will definitely be at least one inscription “Tsoi is


443 451 developing countries. They are also directly or in-

Around the streets of Gabès, south east of Tuni- The city of Rustavi was created in a clear field in directly involved in this pollution, so the problem
sia. In the city the desert, the sea and the oasis 1948 and became the main smelter of metals of is not just our concern but it is a global concern.
co-exist. the entire Soviet Union. However, after the col-
lapse of the Soviet Union, many factories were
444 closed and the buildings abandoned. TEMA 4
Streets in Gabès are quite empty, especially when
it’s windy and the sand is all over the place. 452 Prémio
The city is divided into two parts. The first part
445 457-462
is Stalinist style, dominated by low buildings and
Sem legenda. the main steel plant. The second part is relatively Pregnant women nervously wait to give birth in
modern with a predominance of high-rise build- Kyiv hospital basement converted into emergency
446 ings. bomb shelter as Putin’s forces surround the city.
En el sur de Bogotá se encuentra Ciudad Bolívar, In the midst of Russia-Ukraine war, pregnant
una de las localidades más grandes y pobladas 453 Ukrainian women continue to give birth to their
de la capital. Esta ubica en la periferia sur de la The only waste dumping ground of the city is babies at the shelter of a women’s hospital in the
capital, y sus barrios han logrado su legalización located on the eastern fringes of the city and Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. Struggling for healthy
después de largos procesos de autoconstrucción. the area consists of landfill sites where the solid delivery in a dark and cold atmosphere, dozens
Es el caso del barrio Paraíso, que corresponde a la wastes of the city are dumped. of women try to survive as their babies become
última parada del único transmicable de la ciudad, symbols of hope.
inaugurado a finales de 2018 para mejorar las con- 454
diciones de movilidad de sus habitantes. A pesar The co-existence of this human life with scaven- Mensões honrosas
de que Bogotá es el centro financiero del país, la gers tells the story itself.
población de Ciudad Bolívar se constituyó por el
fenómeno de desplazamiento forzado en el marco 455, 456 Iran’s 1458-kilometer-long border with Iraq is the
del conflicto armado, donde gran parte de pobla- It is frustrating but not surprising to know that longest Iran shares with any of its neighbors. For a
ción campesina e indígena debió empezar de cero Dhaka and other cities in Bangladesh suffer from long time, this border has been the site of most of
en la capital, y en la actualidad recibe gran parte the worst air pollution in the world. Without a the commercial trade between Iran, Iraq, and the
de la inmigración venezolana. proper plan, Dhaka is going through major infras- Kurdistan Region. Due to customs laws, passed in
He titulado esta serie El cielo es el mar pensando tructural changes and these rapid changes are the years following the revolution, importing some
en aquella contradicción que vive nuestro territo- going to happen without considering the environ- goods has been banned by the government, in-
rio; Colombia es un país tropical pero su capital mental impact. Research shows head-to-toe harm cluding electrical goods, electronics, and clothing.
está a kilómetros de distancia geográfica y emo- from heart and lung diseases to diabetes, demen- Transporting such good is considered smuggling.
cional de aquel paraíso caribeño. Sin embargo, en tia, liver problems, bladder cancer, brittle bones, Business and customer demand are high and
estas calles se tiene la sensación de poder verlo and damaged skin. Water is also being polluted so importers must still use the border to import
todo, como si de un puerto se tratase, o un pe- but we can purify the water but we can’t separate these banned goods. In doing so, they hire local
dazo de cielo para quienes han logrado construir the air and purify it, I have to take this air even if I people, called porters or kolbar, in Kurdish, to
un hogar. don’t want to. Wind is such a thing, which is requi- transport these goods from Iraqi Kurdistan into
(Descripción de la serie en general). red for every stage of nature. Most of the coun- Iranian Kurdistan. As a result of poverty and high
tries in the world are suffering from dust pollution. unemployment rates, Kurdish porters seek out
447 We are constantly living in a dusty air but we don’t a living under harsh environmental conditions,
Por mais que o frio e a névoa cubra seu céu, Val- realize how it is slowly hurting us. Nowadays, be- mostly in the Zagros mountains located on the
paraíso continuará a ser um epicentro cultural cause of covid-19 it is compulsory to wear a must border of the two countries.
cheio de vielas, becos, grafites, cães, músicos e but we don’t feel that we have to wear a mask in According to statistics, 300 kolbars dies annually,
malabaristas. Onde a terra literalmente treme to- dusty weather like Bangladesh. 71 percent of whom are shot to death by border
dos os dias. Brick kilns were identified as the single largest patrol officers. In the Kurdish regions of Western
source of air pollution in Dhaka city, with 50 per- Iran, the Kurdish term kolbari, has been coined to
448 cent of the total pollution attributed to those. Air describe the act of transporting goods across the
pollution is present both inside homes and outside border on the shoulders in exchange for a small
Nas periferias do mundo constrói-se a vida não
and is responsible for the premature death of se- amount of money. Ranging in age from 13 to 65
apenas com precariedade e improviso, mas com
ven million people each year, including 600,000 years old, kolbars cross the border with heavy
firmes e inabaláveis pilares de amizade e força.
children, according to the special rapporteur’s UN loads, taking an average of 8 to 12 hours. Their
Nem mesmo os frequentes sismos abalarão as
environmental annual report. Every hour, 800 routes are located in dangerous locations includ-
aparentes estruturas que subiram as colinas de
people are dying, many after years of suffering, ing winding mountain trails, valleys, steep hills,
Valpo, que são a prova de que a luta por dignida-
from cancer, respiratory illnesses or heart disease and narrow passages through high cliffs, all the
de continua. Os acidentados morros são ocupados
directly caused by breathing polluted air. while being at the mercy of the elements. The
por casas cobertas com lata para proteção do ven-
Our country mainly earns foreign money by ex- risk of being shot by border patrol officers adds
to frio do pacífico.
porting various industrial products. Bangladesh to the hazards. Surviving or wounded kolbars and
449, 450 imports many industrial products to different their families, as well as the families of deceased
countries of the world, most garments related kolbars, face numerous challenges and hardships.
Hong Kong, the city is built on mountains, it has
products and jute. The main source of pollution Since kolbari has not been recognized as a ‘pro-
been nicknamed a “mountain city.” The integration
is also because of these factories. Many countries, fession’ in Iran, and the fact that the practice is
of mountainous terrain and urban construction
especially developed countries, are importing illegal, affected kolbars and their families are not
creates a special landscape here.
industrial products from our country and other supported in any way by the state. As kolbars con-

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

tinue to die and get maimed, as they make the 483 dancing class, I automatically compare children in
trek across the border, it is likely that in the future, The school was built by the villagers. A teacher front of my that do horrible job. Being an artist, I
residents of the region will face serious social and invited from the city teaches here, or those from would like to create an art piece as a small voice
political implications. the village who study at the university. that could reflect story through my camera, if I
could help.
469 484
I am not happy Now. I am Feeling alone. 501
Ashley is showing the school building. It is the dry
season and school holidays, but kids gather to play Peaceful coexistence of boy and goat.
in the school.
Am i Looking Odd ? 502
485 I surrender to the beliefs of others because there
471 is no escape.
Blackboard Work.
I missed you mom. Without you i am Alone. Please
never ever leave me alone. 486 503
Mask Distribution. The penetrating and original look Bakhtiari no-
472 madic children.
Please Give me a tight hug mom. 487, 488
Country Life.
473 Mileidis, a member of the Epinayu’s clan.
No one loves me, mom. Everyone using slang lan- 489, 490
guage with me. Everyone Ignore me, mom. 505
Was long based on Home schooling and Gurukula.
The first formal school was established in 1853 but Trashumantes arreando sus chivos a las altas cum-
474 bres de la montaña para alimentarlos.
was intended to the elits. The birth of the nepal-
Who i am, Mom. Am i humain Being Or a animal. ese democracy in 1951 opened the classrooms to
A useless animal. 506
a more diverse population. The education plan in
1971 fastened the development of Education in the Don Valdez va en su burro, llevando en su otro
475-480 country In 1951, Nepal had 10 000 students divid- burro sus pocas pertenencias, al tiempo que lo
Paper Making. ed in 300 schools, with an adult literacy rate of siguen sus chivos de camino a su invernada en
5%. By 2010, the adult literacy rate had jumped to la estepa neuquina. En el burro lleva también su
Fotografias a concurso 60.3% (female: 46.3%, male: 73%) and the num- colchón que usara para dormir en donde le toque
ber of schools to 49 000. Poverty and social ex- en suerte.
481 clusion of women, lower caste,indigenous people
Through this project,I have tried to portray how are nowadays the main constraints to an equitable 507
the varied course of cultural diversity,despite it’s access to Education. After purchase, the new owner drives the cattle
complex pattern and ephemeral consideration of for slaughter.
different hierarchical structure can be addressed 491
by a benevolent endeavour leading to an enlight- Samovar and apples - Russian heritage. 508
ening social inclusion, especially in the dark hours People nearly from one family come together to
of Covid affected society where the course of ed- 492 cut the cattle into pieces.
ucation was put to threat. Dried bagels did you eat in the cold? It’s so deli-
The women keeping eyes on the microscope and cious. 509, 510
children peeping to satisfy their curiosity points at Large permanent markets, of an interregional
the possibility of an alternative of practical labo- 493, 494 nature, which constitute the basis of all commer-
ratory. This picture portrays the beauty of human- Childhood. cial transactions in terms of cattle. These places
ity,hope, enlightenment even in the darkest of are equipped to accommodate many herds. They
times and the positivity which is the utmost need 495 represent the meeting point between sellers and
of now for a healthier future,for an inclusive social Menino Quilombola usa pneu velho de bicicleta buyers of zebus throughout the year according
environment. para fingir que é um carro. to a schedule established by mutual agreement.
There are three types of markets: collection (sale
482 496 of zebus bred in the region); regrouping (proposal
Through this project,I have tried to portray how Menino e Menina quilombolas brincam com pneus of animals from other regions); terminals (markets
the varied course of cultural diversity,despite it’s velhos de bicicleta e mesmo com a pobreza extre- frequented by butchers and chevillards). These
complex pattern and ephemeral consideration of ma são felizes. three functions can coexist in the same place.
different hierarchical structure can be addressed The relationship of this bovid with the Malagasy
by a benevolent endeavour leading to an enlight- 497, 498 land induces an intimate and factual approach.
ening social inclusion, especially in the dark hours Children Jockeys rides their horses during a Horse This species of humpback ox is found on most of
of Covid affected society where the course of ed- race in rural Bengal without any safety gears or the island, it is distinguished, like nowhere else,
ucation was put to threat. protection. This races are held every year after by its omnipresence in the spirit of the Malagasy
This picture reflects the contentment and happi- harvest seasons for many years as part of the lo- people, in its traditions, its culture and its daily life.
ness which is beyond words.The picture narrates cal culture and entertainment.
the joy of having an alternative school,the charm 511
of the unconventional settings, and the bliss of 499, 500 The secret relationship between man and animal.
huge encouragement.
Since summer, 2016 I have a trip in Cambodia with
my folk while I texting to my nephew showing her


512 521 A imagem reflete um forte encontro daquelas

Before dusk and children’s games. Fishing hut on the foggy shores of the Caspian Sea crianças com os seus antepassados e também
in the city of Astara in Iran. com o futuro. Uma vontade de que aqueles traços
513, 514 e formas se perpetuem de pele em pele, corpo a
There is one area in Russian culture that is still 522 corpo.
lurking, which carries enormous potential, and at Abandoned fishing hut. Percebo que a criança que pinta já está com o cor-
the same time it is practically unknown today. This po desenhado e fico me perguntando com quem
gigantic layer, for all its evidence, is still hidden 523 será que aprenderam essa técnica que conduzem
from the eyes of researchers, being literally in Two men are chatting right next to the fish mar- com tanta firmeza e delicadeza... Com a mãe? Com
front of their eyes. ket and fishing boats. o avô?
Yes, I’m talking about rural parish churches now. De repente uma voz me chega.
This is a completely unique phenomenon, the po- 524 - Moça, quer pintar a pele amanhã?
tential of which is difficult to assess now, it is so - Quero sim!
Hundreds of seagulls try to catch dinner at the
colossal for our cultural development in the fore- Quanto tempo a pintura permanece na pele?
local fish market.
seeable future. The layer that absorbed the entire (Pergunto pois quero voltar a minha cidade natal
evolution of Russian architecture, embodied the 525 ainda com a pintura)
most daring and unique creative ideas, revealed - Uns 15 dias, moça. A água vai apagando.
Construcción de una cultura a través de la pesca.
the non-academic culture of Russia. No dia seguinte retorno e não os vejo mais. Me
526 despeço do Vilarejo.
Una de las formas de llevar dinero a la mesa. 533, 534
El oro verde se ha transformado en un arte en la
zona de Yucatán, ya que sólo existe una Hacienda 527 One day in a Masai tribe.
Henequenera que sigue trabajando con las técni- Os Ashanti consideram Bosumtwi um lago sagra- 535
cas que se usaban hace 100 años. Un arte que se do. De acordo com a crença tradicional, as almas
encuentra vivo por estos hombres que día a día Momento de pausa a meio da manhã.
dos mortos vêm aqui para se despedir da deusa
trabajan la fibra con toda la pasión que los carac- Asase Ya . Por esse motivo, é permitido pescar no 536
terizan. lago apenas com pranchas de madeira . Entre as
A preparar o almoço.
espécies de peixes do lago estão o ciclídeo endê-
mico Hemichromis frempongi e os ciclídeos quase 537
El hombre tras el oficio del Henequén, un arte que endêmicos Tilapia busumana e T. discolor.
se ha perdido en el tiempo. Na imagem, um pescador faz as suas rezas antes Faezeh is 16 years old. She lives with her family in
da sua actividade piscatória. the Sar Aqa Seyyed village. She and her brother
517 spend hours every day with their alone grand-
The giant Himalayan honey bee usually makes 528 mother. because of the facilities of the city she
its hives under rocky overhangs, near the top of likes to come to the city and live there.
Um pescador do lago Bosomtwi aguarda pela pri-
sheer cliffs. Accessing them requires a difficult meira luz da manhã para iniciar a sua actividade 538
accent to the top of the cliff, then a precarious, piscatória, na sua prancha de madeira. É neces-
life-threatening climb down a rope ladder in a sária uma grande perícia para poder manobrar a The view of Sar Aqa Seyyed village. It is known
cloud of angry bees. prancha e também para lançar as redes, sem que for its unusual architecture. Its interconnected
a prancha se volte na água. buildings are built into the surrounding mountain.
518 The roofs of the buildings serve as courtyards and
Netrabadur Korkha, 68, is the master hunter in 529 streets of the buildings above. Most of the homes
the honey hunting team of Jagat, Dolakha. The have no windows and only one door.
Portón de entrada a Nabusimake, el pueblo sagra-
entire team is engaged in hard work - smoking do de los indigenas Arhuacos en la sierra Nevada 539
out the bees, fixing the ladder, collecting beehives, de Santa Marta.
etc. - but it is him who does the actual climbing. A man is walking on the dried floor of Urmia Salt
With a smile, he calls himself “the honey man”. 530 Lake in Iran on a cold winter morning.
El padre de familia custodia la entrada a casa. 540
519, 520
In the last few months, the flood situation has 531, 532 Mahtab is a 28-year-old girl who immigrated to
worsened in the haor area of Kishoreganj due Yazd from Tehran, the capital of Iran, to live and
A série Ritual visa contemplar um bem cultural
to unseasonal rains and hill slopes coming down work in this city. Mahtab says that the reason for
ainda de extremo valor para os povos originários
from the upper reaches. her migration is the overcrowding of the capital.
que é a pintura corporal. Existem pinturas especí-
The water level of all the rivers in the haor area is He works as a café manager in Yazd.
ficas para corpo e rosto, assim como para homens,
still rising. As a result, several villages have been mulheres e crianças, e também é uma linguagem
submerged. 541
corporal usada como meio de comunicação. Esse
People in these areas, which have been under rito é uma espécie de resignificação corporal e po- A view from Kadifekale.
water for six months of the year, have lost their lítica que possui caráter fortificador. É também um It is being demolished because it stays in the
only crop in the floods and are now in dire straits, rito de passagem. landslide area.Many of the houses here were de-
making life very difficult. É fim de tarde no Vilarejo de Caraíva e caminho stroyed.
The pictures were taken from Ashtagram Haor pela beira do rio. Uma cena me chama atenção;
area of Kishoreganj district of Bangladesh on 22 542
duas crianças estão concentradas em uma ativida-
September 2021. de. Me aproximo e percebo que uma criança pinta Kadifekale, a district in Izmir, is a place where
o corpo da outra. people whose financial situation is not good live.

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

After the Syrian war, immigrants generally came Anteriormente, no século XVII foi um forte cons- and recite Holy Quran with act some Islamic tra-
to this region in Izmir. They continued their lives truído a mando do príncipe João Maurício de Nas- ditional posture.
here. When they came to this region, the locals sau. Here these Muslim people are praying called Nam-
gradually moved away from this region for various No século XVIII, quando a cidade ocupada pelos aj at Bankra Imam Masjid during this Eid-al-Fitr
reasons. The municipality has been working in this holandeses foi tomada pelos portugueses, o forte on 3rd May’22.
region for the last five or six years due to the land- foi transformado em igreja.
slide danger. It demolishes the houses and gives 563
the right holders their money. This region will also 552 This is the daily picture of Iftar throughout the
be made into a park and forest. This region is a Uma das ruas do Centro de Neópolis, que reflexa a month of Ramadan. Every day thousands of peo-
high place overlooking the bay of Izmir, where the atual situação de toda a cidade. ple come here from far and wide to take part in
historical city of Izmir was founded. they had to Iftar. This is the culture here.
migrate to other places for the second time. May- 553
be they will always be destined for migration. In O Santuário de S. Bento das Peras é um local de 564
this project, I tried to show the drama of these peregrinação que se situa no monte de S. Bento, Every Friday prayers such a beautiful and align-
people whose financial situation is not good. Vizela a 410m de altitude. ment during Zuma prayers, it is a religious Culture.

543, 544 554 565

Tuve la oportunidad de internarme entre los es- É a fé que traz anualmente milhares de peregrinos Durante el mes sagrado de Muharram, los chiíes
trechos callejones del primer asentamiento infor- a este santuário, com destaque para as peregri- recuerdan con dolor y cierto orgullo la muerte de
mal(invasión) de población migrante venezolana nações do dia de S Bento em 11 de Julho. Muitos Hussein, el amado nieto del profeta Mahoma y
existente en una de las lomas del sur occidente de outros milhares sobem o monte pelo prazer da tercer Imam para los “Seguidores de Ali”. Sin em-
Barranquilla, la cuarta ciudad más importante de caminhada em harmonia com a natureza e para bargo, poco se sabe sobre los paralelos entre el
Colombia, Villa Caracas como fue bautizado este desfrutar da deslumbrante paisagem. martirio de Hussein para los partidarios de Ali y
lugar es el claro ejemplo del #desarraigo y de falta el de Jesucristo para los cristianos. Para un con-
de oportunidades que se viven en muchas de las 555, 556 ocedor de los eventos de la Semana Santa en el
periferias de las grandes ciudades Latinoaméricas, A “pista de penitência”, um espaço que atravessa a mundo católico, descubrir y experimentar Ashurá
construcciones inestables de madera e improvisa- quase totalidade do terreiro principal do Santuá- y Tasúa en cualquier ciudad de Irán se convierte
das, que en cualquier momento por la inestabili- rio de Fátima até à Capela das Aparições, é usado en una gran sorpresa al encontrar similitudes in-
dad geológica del terreno pueden ceder o por las pelos peregrinos para cumprirem promessas des- esperadas en dichas ceremonias. Karbala para los
cambios tan abruptos del clima pueden ser des- calços, de joelhos, ou mesmo deitados gerando chiíes es lo que el Calvario significa para los cris-
trozadas por la lluvia o los fuertes vientos; esas imagens de sofrimento. tianos, Hussein y Jesús son considerados mártires
son las condiciones de estos hermanos venezola- sagrados por sus seguidores, Tasúa y Ashurá son
nos que por el desplome social y económico de su 557 equivalentes al Jueves Santo y el Viernes Santo
gobierno origino el mas grande éxodo en el cono Kira and Ira pose for a portrait on the shore of y hay similitudes en ambas manifestaciones con
sur de America, por miles de razones tuvieron que lake Ladoga. They met at a volunteer program procesiones, luto, penitencia, etc.
emigrar para poder sobrevivir, este lugar no está in the Valaam Monastery. They got along quick-
lejos de nuestra realidad; la encontramos a solo 10 ly and started spending a lot of time together 566, 567
minutos del centro de la ciudad y a 5 minutos de talking about their lives and religious issues. They Bangladeshi Hindu devotees sit with candle light
Buenavista (Norte de Barranquilla) @buenavistacc; have been coming together as volunteers to the pray to God at Shri Shri Lokanath Brahmachari
Villa caracas es el vivido ejemplo de adaptabilidad island for several years now. This place has be- Ashram temple during the religious festival Kar-
del ser humano, construyen y edifican con lo que come a meeting point for them. Here they can tik Brati. Thousands of Hindu devotees sits with
tienen a sus manos, pues tienen claro que deben meet like-minded people and dedicate more time Prodip and prays to God in front of Shri Shri Lo-
sobrevivir por cualquier medio necesario. to prayers. Volunteers call each other “sister” or kanath Brahmachar Ashram temple during the
“brother” that creates trust and openness. Rakher Upobash at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
545, 546 Lokenath Brahmachari who is called Baba Loke-
El Clot is an apartment block in Valencia’s historic 558 nath was an 18th Century Hindu saint and philos-
El Cabanyal neighborhood which has been under The Saint Nicolas Skete on the island. This is the opher in Bengal.
threat of demolition for 25 years. Homeless gyp- first building that people see from board the ship Hindu devotees fast and pray in earnest to the
sy families have occupied and restored the empty approaching the island. The Valaam Monastery is gods for their favors during the ritual called Kartik
apartments in El Clot, where they live in poverty located in the North part of lake Ladoga. Around Brati or Rakher Upobash traditionally.
and under threat from law enforcement. (35mm 30 churches, chapels and sketes make up a com-
analog photography). plex of the monastery. 568
An experienced senior craftsman working on boat
547 559, 560 decorations for the Kaul Festival the day before
Bibi Masoumeh is smoking. Tombs of Tang Dynasty. the event.

548 561, 562 569

Bibi Masoumeh house. Eid-al-Fitr is the religious occasion is celebrated The last part of the event includes the “Father of
by Muslims worldwide. It is a marks the end of the Ceremony” sowing the seeds to the sea signalling
549, 550 an end of a good year and to ask for a renewed
month long, dawn to sunset fasting of Ramdan. It
Chipre falls on the first day of Shawwal in the Islamic Cal- blessing for the new year ahead.
endar, as the start of any lunar Hijri month based
551 on when the new moon sight. 570, 571
Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário. In this occasion Muslims pray in front of Masjid The Karam festival is celebrated by the tribes of


Jharkhand, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh ture which is also the god of fertility.” lujosos atuendos y la joyería en oro que la com-
and many other states of India. It is a festival This folk culture is mainly worshipping Hindu Lord plementa. Durante mucho tiempo, la chola fue
that celebrates the grandeur of Mother Nature. A Shiva and Parvati before the start of the harvest- víctima de discriminación por su origen indígena.
branch of the Karam tree is placed in the center ing season. They pray for the rains and better En las fiestas patronales, celebra y reivindica su
of the ground which is plastered with cow-dung. harvest and believe that this folk culture will give identidad, mientras conquista territorios urbanos
This tree is the symbol of Karma Devta who is them prosperity by removing any sorrow and suf- a partir del recorrido de su danza.
worshipped on the day of the auspicious festival. fering which they faced in the past year. During
Nature is worshipped, seeking a good harvest. this folk culture ,l Shiva devotees to do several 586, 587
Nine type of seeds planted in basket such as rice, activities, they painted their faces with vibrant Beat the Drum.
wheat, corn etc which is called Jawa. Tribals pres- colors and then roam around the whole village as
ent traditional Karam songs and dance around the a part of the celebration then dance and perform- 588, 589
Karam tree. These songs and dances are about ing the folk arts. Celebration.
protecting the environment. After the puja, the
Karam tree is carried to the field and buried there. 582 590
It is believed that it protects the crops from in- Dance of Lord Kali in Charak puja festival. Charak Waist Drum Performance.
sects. Puja (Devotion to God) is an ancient Hindu reli-
gious and folk festival celebrating in during Poush 591
572 Shonkhanti of Bangla Calender year in Kulawra, Shanxi Waist Drum.
Cooking cheese is one of the oldest traditions for Bangladesh. On this day devotees penetrate them-
the Kupalle holiday in Belarus. It is a great happi- selves with sharp weapons and hooks and hang 592
ness that these traditions have been preserved in themselves by Chorok Tree as they believe it will Joy at a wedding.
our country to this day. carry prosperity by eliminating the sorrow and
sufferings of the previous year. 593
The brides relatives accompany her to her hus-
A young virgin girl. She goes ahead of the proces- 583
bands house.
sion of girls through the village and is the first to Dance of Lord Durga during Charak Puja Festival
sing songs. in Kulawra, Bangladesh. Charak Puja (Devotion to 594
God) is an ancient Hindu religious and folk festival Introducing her to the guests.
574 celebrating in during Poush Shonkhanti of Bang-
Green grass at the beginning of the new year la Calender year. On this day devotees penetrate 595
symbolizes growth and hopefulness. themselves with sharp weapons and hooks and
The end of the celebration, Confirm husband and
hang themselves by Chorok Tree as they believe
wife they enjoy the celebration.
575 it will carry prosperity by eliminating the sorrow
Congratulating the new year to the elders and gi- and sufferings of the previous year. 596
ving them a gift symbolizes being respectful. After taking a bath, housewives of the Hindu fami-
lies usually water the Tulsi plant and prays.
576, 577 Bloque de danzantes de morenada (danza fokló-
Na aldeia de Lazarim o Entrudo remonta no tem- rica boliviana) durante un ensayo de la Festividad 597
po. Hábeis artesãos constroem verdadeiras obras de la Santísima Trinidad del Señor Jesús del Gran
In Bangladesh, mothers usually take care of their
de arte através de troncos do amieiro, arvore que Poder (fiesta patronal andina). A través de la dan-
children and love their children the most. She
cresce nas margens do Rio Varosa. Surgem másca- za, los indígenas urbanos de La Paz expresan su
does everything for rearing up her child.
ras que representam demónios, figuras grotescas ascenso social y poderío económico. El comandan-
com fisionomias zoomórficas e nunca existe uma te es la figura máxima de la danza y se encarga de 598
máscara igual a outra. Os caretos dão vida ás más- guiar al grupo de varones que sobrepasa los 100
No mercado da bolívia a chola e sua garota fazen-
caras durante os festejos deste genuíno carnaval participantes. Como parte de la danza, los varones
do um lanche.
português. levantan sus matracas, instrumento musical con el
que marcan el compás. Su vestuario es adorna- 599
578 do con bandas de lana de vicuña sobre las cuales
se observan elementos de platería. Los danzantes Mulheres na assembléia.
Festa de Santo Estêvão, Ousilhão, 2019.
recorren las calles de los barrios populares de la
579 ciudad cada fin de semana entre los meses de no-
viembre a mayo o junio, fecha en la que se celebra At the age of 5, Ma Nay, now 32 years old, was
Festa de Santo Estêvão, Grijó de Parada, 2019.
la fiesta mayor en honor al Señor Jesús del Gran “dressed” with her first brass spiral which was
Poder. shaped around her neck to form a series of rings.
580, 581
Her necklace was modified over the years until
GAJON culture is shown as festive rituals of god she was 20 years. It is these brass spiral necklaces
of the peasant class or agricultural community in that have made famous the women of the Kayan
the old Bengali literature. Some social scientists Las cholas paceñas danzantes de morenada, in-
gresan a la plaza principal de La Paz celebrando ethnic group, better known as the “Long Neck
say Gajon is an agro-based festival, with a mix- Women”.
ture of witchcraft and fertility cult. The objective la declaración de la Festividad de la Santísima Tri-
of this festival is to regulate the heat of the sun by nidad del Señor Jesús del Gran Poder como Pa-
magical power to create a favourable climate for trimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por
la UNESCO. La chola paceña es una de las figu- “I don’t see why I should still wear this collar as it
agriculture. It is also a rain invoking festival of the
ras principales de la danza de la morenada. Estas is very painful and terribly uncomfortable. In the
primitive society. In an agro-based society, it is not
mujeres indígenas destacan en la danza por sus beginning, even the simplest daily gestures are
surprising that they worship the god of agricul-
made more difficult by the collar: sleeping, eating,

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

moving around, not to mention bathing! Before, cial funcional de cada um – quanto maior a pon- lan province and among farmers, which is usually
I used to help my family by wearing it, it was an tuação, maior a habilidade funcional do atleta. A done when planting rice seedlings in agricultural
income generator. Now that there are no more soma de todos os jogadores em campo não pode fields. In the village of “Kin Chah”, it has been pop-
tourists, I have decided to take it off permanently. ultrapassar o total de 14 pontos. ular among the youth of this village since ancient
Besides, I want to find a job in the city like my times. The holding of these games has resumed.
brothers and I know that I won’t be able to work 608, 609 These competitions will be held with the partici-
outside the village with the necklace around my Georgia, region of Guria, village of Shukuthi, April pation of 11 teams.
neck,” says Christina, 22, who removed her 15 rings 24, 2022
two years ago. After almost 3 hours of struggling, the pack tum- 614
bles down the river bank as the team gets close Campo de jogo na ilha de Goreia.
602, 603 to the brook. Officially, the ball needs to get to the
Elas venceram! Venceram o cansaço, o sofrimento, top of the bank on the other side. There is not 615
a falta de perspectiva, a pobreza extrema que as much technique in Lelo Burti, but there is tremen- Crianças jogando futebol na rua.
rodeava, a ameaça constante da água que circun- dous spirit. The many men must work together as
dava as suas vidas e o medo latente de um futuro one team to win the game. 616
incerto... agora suas faces estampam sorrisos...no «Lelo Burti» is a uniquely Georgian sport, that Rock climbing to achieve the old belief
capricho e na simplicidade de cada nova realidade, combines elements of wrestling and rugby and Omid Waterfall (Piran).
percebe-se a força interior nos olhares, força esta is played once a year on Orthodox Easter in the
vigorosa que existe no íntimo de cada mulher, e small village of Shukhuti. No one knows the origin 617
não as deixa desistir nem parar de acreditar que of the game, but it has been played for centu- The indescribable energies beneath this waterfall
sempre existirá um amanhã colorido, mais pul- ries. It starts on the night before  Easter Sunday are undoubtedly a blessing for human survival.
sante , onde as oportunidades aparecem e são with the entire village attending midnight mass, I tried to record the moments when people go un-
conquistadas com o esforço ...a certeza desses followed by a candlelight procession around the der the waterfall for the first time, and naturally
corações é que um novo momento sorri para to- church. these moments are full of hope and joy and fas-
dos que estão abertos as mudanças...para aqueles The next day, things get serious. Hundreds of cinating shocks.
que almejam uma vida mais justa, mais digna... men are divided into two teams, Zemo (upper)
conquistas que fazem a roda da vida girar sem pa- Shukhuti and Kvemo (lower) Shukhuti), and com- 618
rar, sem cansar...agora é viver, sentir e pulsar este pete fiercely for possession the 16.5 kg leather ball Bastar has witnessed political violence due to
Novo Mundo de possibilidades. filled with sand and wine. extremism for over two decades. Compounded
The game has no rules, no time limit, and no limit by existing social inequalities, restricted access
604 to the number of participants. The action is vio- to health care and education, and overall limited
Photo series lent. As a spectator you never see the ball which presence of state institutions, has left people of
Festival of inclusive creativity ”Children of One immediately disappears under a pile of men and the region like Narayanpur devoid of most basic
Planet”. The festival has been held since 2017. Over dust. and essential health services and amenities.
4 years, more than 500 children with disabilities The anarchic game starts in the center of the The motorbike ambulance, a brain child of Saathi
from Ufa, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, village with the priest tossing the ball in the air. Samaj Sevi Sanstha, an organisation working
Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yevpatoria, Dzhankoy, The playing field is an area between two streams tirelessly for the upliftment of the tribal people
Belogorsk, Krasnoperekopsk and Bakhchisarai (approximately 500 meters from each other), that of Bastar, is a cost-effective improvised innova-
took part in the festival. A special feature of the includes orchards and courtyards. Players have to tion which comes with a sidecar modified and
Festival is the unification of children with disabil- carry the ball across the stream of the opposite had a stretcher attached to it. As soon as a call
ities and children with disabilities in the environ- side. When the ball crosses the stream, the game is received, the side card is getting readied by the
ment of peers without disabilities in a single cre- is over. helping hands.
ative space. The winning team takes the ball, now a relic and
Dream on. Go ahead. Win! symbol of victory, to the cemetery and  places it 619
as an offering on the grave of someone who died The motorbike ambulance has brought smiles to
605 recently. The day ends with a supra (a traditional the hundreds of mothers and young women, liv-
Sem comentário. get-together and giant picnic) among the grave- ing in the remote forest areas of Bastar.
stones. Toasts are made for past games, and in
606, 607 honor of relatives and friends who have passed 620
O Luís, é um jovem de 23 anos a quem foi diagnos- away.
From the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic
ticado Poliomielite, quando tinha 3 anos, deixan- In 2014, Lelo Burti, was inscribed by the govern-
in Belarus, there have been large-scale changes
do-o com marcas irreversíveis para toda a vida. A ment of Georgia as a «nonmaterial monument»
in public life. And although the lockdown was not
paixão pelo Basquetebol não o impediu no entan- of culture.
introduced at the state level, some of the bans still
to, de ser um dos principais atletas da modalidade affected people. For example, a ban on concerts
de Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas, em Portugal. 610, 611
and other public events. At this time, I began to
A sua Energia, Determinação, Foco, Concentração, 20.03.2021. photograph poster stands, which in a few months
espirito de União e Resiliência, fazem dele um ver- The participant of the relay swim with a 16 kilo- turned into an absolutely unnecessary urban at-
dadeiro Guerreiro Sobre Rodas. gram weight on the belt during 24 hour mara- tribute.
O Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas é disputado thon in the ice hole at the winter swimmers base
por pessoas com alguma deficiência físico-moto- «Champions Lake» by Lake Lipovoe in Tyumen. 621
ra, sendo as cadeiras adaptadas e padronizadas. In fact this is not entirely true: the movement just
Com o intuito de deixar as equipas equilibradas, 612, 613
shifted from cultural and entertainment to polit-
a classificação dos atletas é feita por um sistema Futschel is a native sport similar to soccer held on ical, and fresh posters turned into digital under-
de pontos, que vai de 1 a 4.5, respeitando o poten- a paddy field. This game is more common in Gi- ground telegram channels.


622 step for a better future, is a fast growing business las tumbas en el Cementerio Norte de Manila. Los
Undergraduates protesting during a curfew, de- where many men, women and children are work- elaborados mausoleos del cementerio Norte y sus
manding the existing Government to step down. ing for their economical development without interminables filas de tumbas humildes y apiladas
And are stopped by barriers plus police officers. any health protection. Many families come from albergan a alrededor de un millón de muertos… y
Who try to maintain patience. the southern part of Bangladesh as they are the a algunos miles de vivos.
climate change victims, lost homes and lands by Último lugar de descanso de presidentes, estrellas
623 the river. They came to the city for a better future cinematográficas e iconos literarios, el cementerio
One undergraduate rise and speak out to his peers and end up working in this factory earning around también es habitado por algunas de las personas
regarding the existing corrupt Government, within 4$ per day. Plastic recycling is a very eco-friendly más pobres de Manila. Muchos viven en las criptas
the university premises, behind the barricade. steps for a better future. y mausoleos de las familias ricas, quienes les pa-
gan una cuota fija por limpiarlos y cuidarlos, otros
624, 625 640 en los mausoleos familiares heredados de genera-
Traditional ceremonies (Chamri) are held to hon- Senhor Sequeira. ción en generación.
or the elders and brave men of the tribe and the
641 648
mourning and weeping of mothers who have lost
their loved ones. Bananeiro. He lives here. He makes a living by collecting pa-
pers. He sends the money he earns to his family.
626 642
Our people are religous people. And goverment 649
In Islamic countries, hijab is an important factor
in giving identity to a woman. A woman can not get advantage of it.They try to instill their beliefs He lives here. He earns money by collecting and
enter society without hijab, hijab means covering. in people mind through religious events. Some- selling papers. His life is very difficult because all
times free food is distributed at the event to at- he has is himself.
627 tract more people. In this picture a man prepairing
part of food while wearing tshirt that indicates he 650
In Islamic countries, women can achieve their de-
sires through cultural activities, including music. is part of religous event organiser. Javier recoge su colchón, en el que durmió ano-
che, para esconderlo entre los arbustos. Javier re-
628 643 corre cada día varias calles arrastrando el colchón
Young girls with different looks than their mothers It is indescribable that the hardships and suffer- en busca de un rincón donde resguardarse de la
walking. ings that we see in the crowded streets are all lluvia y el frío.
looking for a way to continue living!
629 651
644, 645 Hoy es el 31 cumpleaños de Omar, que se calienta
Historical context being destroyed, in conflict with
modernity. In a very poor village in Egypt , I was travelling and un bocadillo junto a la estufa, mientras fuma junto
shot a section , and I saw this people whom work- a la ventana de la destartalada casa donde vive en
630 ing under the heat of the sun and the fire of the Lugo, España, el lunes 23 de junio de 2021. Omar
bricks , this workers show me how can you live in tiene 31 años y es de origen humilde en un ba-
The governors of the Islamic government are
a little of Possibilities , they didn’t have any Health rrio obrero de Lugo, Garabolos. Vive en una casa
praying in the tomb of famous Persian poet; Hafez.
insurance against accidents . and they work daily en ruinas a orillas del río Miño, se levanta y se
631 to have a minimum of the the money . they bears acuesta muy temprano para pedir limosna en San
many difficulties and heat the sun to have a life , Pedro por la mañana. Debido a su precariedad y a
A younger couple is talking with each other away
i saw their life difficulties, discomfort And insist haber nacido en un núcleo familiar desestructura-
from police eyes and the fear of Islamic punish-
on success. I learn this from them , and I want to do, ha tenido problemas con la justicia. Ha pasado
ments on the edge of rocks.
record their life in a documentary film to make a algunos años en la cárcel de Bonxe cumpliendo
632 light on their hard work. dos condenas. Afirma que la cárcel no sirve para la
reinserción y que no le dan ninguna oportunidad
The purpose was to show the details and this per- 646 de salir a vivir en sociedad. En la cárcel fabricaba
son sells cosmetics.
Jen Ramos vive con su hijo encima del mausoleo “chicha” que vendía por 20 euros. Ha sido adicto a
633 familiar en el Cementerio Norte de Manila por fal- la heroína y actualmente sigue teniendo proble-
ta de recursos para acceder a una vivienda digna. mas con esta droga.
Traditional jobs and pillow embroidery.
Los elaborados mausoleos del cementerio Norte y
sus interminables filas de tumbas humildes y api- 652
634, 635
ladas albergan a alrededor de un millón de muer- Una persona con deformidad facial esta pidiendo
Ancient Iranian sport that has always been of in- en la calle mientras los transeúntes pasan y al-
tos… y a algunos miles de vivos.
terest to Iranians, this sport is often performed in guno se detiene y le presta un poco de atención.
Último lugar de descanso de presidentes, estrellas
indoor halls, but in some Iranian festivals in the
cinematográficas e iconos literarios, el cementerio
city is done for special excitement. 653
también es habitado por algunas de las personas
636, 637
más pobres de Manila. Muchos viven en las criptas Una chica mira su teléfono móvil mientras un in-
y mausoleos de las familias ricas, quienes les pa- digente duerme en la calle justo debajo de ella.
Sem comentário. gan una cuota fija por limpiarlos y cuidarlos, otros
en los mausoleos familiares heredados de genera- 654
638, 639
ción en generación. Jessica M, es una mujer con problemas de inte-
Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Oct, 2019. People are gración y agresividad debido a las drogas que ha
slotting plastics in a plastic recycle factory near 647 estado consumiendo, separada de una hija padece
Mymensingh. Plastic recycling, an eco-friendly Una de las numerosas familias que habitan entre enfermedades mentales que la han arrastrado Psi-

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2

cológicamente a vivir bajo una profunda tristeza completar a sua transição. “Só quero terminar e 673, 674
y depresión. ganhar a minha normalidade. Pois, por ora, tenho Don’t let forgotten. Is death a negation of life? Or
a minha vida em suspenso”. the other way around: this life is the negation of
655 Designa-se por «trans» uma pessoa que abando- death? This is a difficult question when death is as
José permanece tirado en la calle, perdido y con- nou a identidade que lhe foi atribuída pela identi- close as it is today, when it knocks on our door,
fundido por la inhalación de pegamento en una dade que lhe é própria, num processo designado while being so distant, hidden behind a screen of
calle de San Salvador. transição de género. A transição implica muitas statistics, in the barren crypts of hospital rooms.
vezes a adaptação do corpo para que a identidade Undoubtedly, however, it is impossible to think
656 de género e corporal coincidam, definindo novos one without the other: neither death without its
Noelle’s mother goes for a swim and dives. Going territórios, corpos na fronteira entre o masculino background in life, nor life without the specter of
out into nature has been helping her to cope with e o feminino. Tal como a transição cria relevos no its end. In the history of mankind, man has devel-
the death of her daughter. corpo, também o território e a paisagem são mu- oped various ways of dealing with this problem.
táveis (embora numa escala de tempo superior, The rite and ritual that accompany the recollection
657 no tempo geológico). A partir deste pressuposto, of those who have passed away always draw us to
A pathway outside of the family’s garden mixed pesquisei no território estados simbólicos que me the past. In this context, an artistic form of the
with a drawing made by Noelle in 2009. Every- ligassem à ideia de transição e aos pressupostos Polish noble coffin portrait appeared in the 17th
thing Noelle’s mother wishes for is to wake up one transmitidos nos diálogos e escritos das pessoas century. But the task of art is not only to recall the
single day and to not think of how her daughter que retratei. Percorri ambientes de fronteira, onde past, it has the power to make present what we
was murdered. tudo é modificado: a ocupação, o geológico, o oro- do not see around us here and now. Something
gráfico, tal como o relevo do corpo é mudado com like this is the future beyond our finite nature.
658 a transição. Think who and how will mention you, think about
My granny lived along. And her best friend very how many more things, how many people are still
often was a TV. She liked to watch TV, especially waiting for your gesture. It is in life that you create
movies with beautiful actors and actresses. There Susantog lives in the theater, in a makeshift room your image in eternity. Don’t let forgotten.
is a beautiful young girl on the TV like my granny behind the stage, since she is unable to afford
many years ago. TV is like a mirror (window) in renting a house. The show’s audience has de- 675, 676
the past. creased dramatically during the recent years, as The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the
has her income. “We used to live from Ludruk. But defining features of our times, and the ways in
659 now we are living for Ludruk” she says. As all the which we respond—and fail to respond—to this
One of the themes that I like to research is con- actresses of the troupe, she gets support from her crisis may haunt us for generations. It has been
nection between generations. On this picture my “friends”. almost two and a half years we are dwelling with
daughter and my granny with bound hair that this demon. The fear has already gotten in our
symbolize this connection for me. bone. In every celebration, in every gathering, in
Soimah, 80 years old, is the oldest waria (trans- every daily life activities when we are trying to
660 vestite) of the group, living near the theater by erase the haunting memories of covid-stricken
With every step we make the same mistaked. the support of the local community. She is well re- past, the crawling demon silently passed us like
spected by her neighbors, although living in a con- a glimpse of chilled air. It has not left us, not yet.
661 servative Muslim community. She used to act with Maybe with booster doses and other precautions
Landsape and the art are complementary. other troupes before they all stopped performing we have become immune to this deadly virus,
and now she is a member of ‘Irama Budaya”. but our mind is still not immune to this demon.
662 It is taking a toll on our mental health causing
669 a perpetual state of fear and anxiety. After two
Single light in a house.
Jan, Turkish mother, cannot speak Turkish, speaks long years, it’s hard to let go of being afraid, but
663 German. if we continue to live like this, we are only defeat-
Lonely night in front of TV. ing ourselves to that demon. Instead, let’s take a
670 deep breath and move from a mindset of fear to
664 Diane, Korean mother, cannot speak Korean, a mindset of hope.
mother tongue is French.
“My parents and brothers had no other option but
677, 678
to help me, if they didn’t help me get ahead, I was
671 Beauties.
going to be a gay pariah. In Bolivia, getting a job
being homosexual is very difficult”. This portfolio (father ‘s inheritance) demonstrates
girls wearing their dad ‘s clothes, trying to build a
665 connection with them.
In this photo Kiana wears her dad ‘s uniform. he is
“I miss my country, but in Buenos Aires I have free-
a ship captain. she is so proud of him.
dom. Here I can go down the street dressed as
I want, there is freedom to be and wear what I
This portfolio (father ‘s inheritance) demonstrates
666 girls wearing their dad ‘s clothes, trying to build a
connection with them.
Díptico de Ângela, mulher trans. A mudança de
In this photo Farnoosh wears her dad ‘s suit and
identidade fez Ângela sentir que desceu um de-
decorate it with his old sock.”
grau na hierarquia social, sentido que a sua voz
era mais respeitada enquanto homem do que
enquanto mulher. Por agora, o principal objetivo



Prémio Menção Honrosa

Xiu Liu Alok Avinash Arturo López Illana

China Índia Espanha

When I was 16 or 17 years old, I took holidays and Amateur Photographer, born in 1979. I started Como viajero, comienzo mis primeras andanzas a
weekends to learn photography from my rela- photography in 2001 with my Uncle Sri Santosh principios de los años 80 y muy pronto doy el sal-
tives (my relatives who owned a photo studio and Rajgarhia’s used camera. Land and life in India be- to a Asía y Nepal es mi primer gran viaje, el que
my family were neighbors). I followed him out came my passionate subject and I have tried to me ha marcado de verdad. Hasta ese momento, la
for shooting and studio photography, and I also capture the various moods and moments of peo- fotografía no es algo que me llamara especialmen-
helped paint colors. At that time, the photos were ple living in rural areas. Won many international te la atención, pero un día, comencé a sentir in-
black and white, and the colors were painted on and national awards so far and my work has been quietud por captar entornos y costumbres que me
by hand. appreciated by photo loving people. Professionally, conmovían. Desde el momento en que tomé una
Due to my work, I had less and less time to take I am a businessman but I spend all my spare time cámara entre las manos, empecé a mirar por el
photos. It was not until 2014 that I had time to in pursuing photography and want to improve visor del mundo, con una premisa: cuanta menos
pick up my favorite camera. The technology be- myself more by learning from the works of great explicaciones haya que dar de una imagen, mejor,
fore could not keep up with the new situation. masters like Henri Cartier Bresson, S. Paul, Ernst eso significa que habla por si misma.
At the end of 2014, I participated in the foundation Haas, Steve McCurry, Raghu Rai and of course Desde entonces, he tenido oportunidad de publi-
class and promotion class of Beijing Photography Santosh Rajgarhia. Purulia is a very remote and car en diferentes medios y he recibido varios ga-
Correspondence School. In 2016, I studied under economically underdeveloped district of West lardones, tanto nacionales, como internacionales.
the tutorial system taught by Ms. Yu Yuntian of Bengal, India but with a photogenic topography
Henyuan. My photography skills have improved having very rich cultural heritage and lively social
through the scientific lectures and practical expe- customs. I feel privileged to live in such a place
rience taught by the teachers in Koyuan, as well and capture the colorful life and landscapes of this TEMA 1
as my obsession and understanding of photog- district in my camera mainly.
raphy art. This gives me great encouragement. Menção Honrosa
There is a saying that it is never too late to learn.
Alberto M.

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Prémio Menção Honrosa Menção Honrosa

Menção Honrosa

Antonio Aragón Renuncio Bin Jiang Huong Trang Nguyen Thuy

Espanha China Vietnam

“Siempre he amado la fotografía... y contar his- I was born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China My name is Huong Trang Nguyen Thuy (first name
torias” in December 1955. I have been working in gover- Huong Trang and surname Nguyen Thuy). I am
Antonio Aragón Renuncio es un fotógrafo docu- nment agencies for a long time, and I often go on 33 years old, married, and have two daughters. I
mental español que desde mediados de los 90 business trips. I carry a camera with me to record live with my family in Da Lat city, Vietnam, an ex-
siempre ha estado involucrado con la fotografía: the landscapes and cultural anecdotes of the mo- tremely beautiful country with unique traditional
Fundador/Presidente de la Asociación de Fotógra- therland. I am currently a member of China Pho- culture, heroic history, and friendly people located
fos “Nostromo” (España). tographers Association and honorary president of in Southeast Asia. Currently, I am a freelance pho-
Profesor de fotografía (+17 años) en varias univer- Jiangsu Province Sports Photography Association. tographer. Photography has changed my whole
sidades. Editor en la revista Xplorer (Nicaragua). My photography works have been selected and and I am very thankful for that. Photography is
Director General de Xtreme PhotoWS (Burkina won awards in many photography competitions at my hobby, I like to shoot landscapes and capture
Faso). home and abroad. My works have also been pub- culture and traditions. Simply catching a smile, a
Fotógrafo freelance para varias agencias interna- lished by Popular Photography, China Photography life moment or the miracles of mother nature is
cionales de noticias. News and other newspapers. a blessing to me. What is more wonderful is to
Organiza/dirige las Jornadas de Fotografía Soli- share with others my passion and to introduce the
daria (España). Escribe sobre fotografía y publica image of my country’s culture, traditions, people,
reportajes en los principales medios internacio- and landscape to friends around the world.
En 2002 funda y preside la ONG OASIS, con la que
desarrollan proyectos médicos de forma ininte-
rrumpida en algunas de las zonas más deprimidas
del Golfo de Guinea en África.
Sus imágenes han sido galardonadas con más de
250 premios y reconocimientos internacionales.
Su obra ha sido exhibida en más de 300 expo-
siciones por todo el mundo, formando parte de
numerosas colecciones públicas y privadas.
Actualmente dedica su tiempo a proyectos de lar-
ga duración, principalmente en África y América
Central. Siempre comprometido con temas rela-
cionados con la conservación, la salud, la pobreza,
la desaparición de culturas ancestrales, la discri-
minación, la sostenibilidad y el medio ambiente.



Menção Honrosa Menção Honrosa Prémio

Irene Sánchez Alonso Mario Matías Pereda Berga Aly Song

(Irene Baeza: nome artístico) Espanha China
Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Complu- 1979, I was born in the northwest of China, Lan-
Irene Baeza es graduada en Bellas Artes por la tense de Madrid e interesado desde su juventud zhou
UCM y técnico superior de fotografía (Artediez). por el mundo de la Fotografía, comienza a hacer 2005, I joined Reuters as a photographer in
Actualmente está haciendo un máster de marke- fotografías con una pequeña Instamatic de su Shanghai.
ting digital. (Aula CM) familia, hasta que en 1996 decide adquirir su pri- 2021, Finalist 2020 Reuters Photojournalist of the
Experiencia profesional mera cámara réflex. Ese mismo año ingresa en la Year.
17/4/2022-12/6/2022: Asistente de fotografía de Escuela de Formación de Técnicos de la Imagen 2022, Nominated as finalists of the Pulitzers prize
Carmela García. (EFTI) de Madrid, donde realiza los cursos General, 2021 on the feature photography category.
1/10/18-10/6/19: Profesora auxiliar de historia del Profesional y Máster Internacional de Fotografía I have long been concerned with environmental
arte y pintura. Fundación Cultural y y tras finalizar sus estudios comienza a colaborar issues and climate issues and social issues.
Deportiva Recuerdo. Madrid. con diversas publicaciones y bancos de imágenes. 2016, I started following this bicycle story in 2016
30/6/16: Cobertura fotográfica de un evento fran- A lo largo de estos años su obra ha sido premiada “Kingdom of bicycle graves”
co-español sobre innovación en la vitivinicultura en más de un centenar de certámenes nacionales Decades later, the army of bicycles came back to
realizado en la Residencia del Embajador de Fran- e internacionales, entre los que se pueden desta- Chinese cities. This time around they’re not being
cia en España. car el Primer Premio en el Concurso de Fotografía ridden by people in streets the way they were in
Becas “Memorias de un Verano” del diario El País (2011), the 80s and 90s, but rather, they are shared bikes
27/7/19-24/8/19: Residencia artística de la UCM en el Primer Premio en el Concurso de Fotografía “A packed on pavement outside subway stations or
Fabero, León. CIAN-Fabero. través de la Lente” de National Geographic España just piled in large numbers in the so-called “bicycle
02/07/2018-21/07/2018: Curso de pintura de paisa- (2012), la Colección Premiada en el Premio Mez- burial grounds” on the cities. These bikes, owned
je de la UCM. Carracedelo. quita 2014, el premio a la Mejor Fotografía en los by various bike sharing companies, created city
28/07/2017-18/08/2017: Residencia artística de la XLI Premios “Ejército del Aire” (2019), el Primer management problems, burden on environment
UCM en Losar de la Vera, Cáceres. Premio en el XII Certamen de Fotografía “Cerdá y and waste despite of the promise to tackle just
Exposiciones colectivas Rico” (2021), así como los galardones obtenidos en these issues.
18/10/2022-17/11/2022: Exposición “Art on the road” el Syngenta Photo Prize 2010, en las ediciones del Once flaunted as one of the “New Four Great In-
en Sala Unamuno, Salamanca. Urban Photographer of the Year de 2012 y 2015 y ventions” after high speed rail, mobile payment
(Exposición itinerante Certamen C y L 2021, en ca- en el 3rd Annual GCCA Global Photography Com- and online shopping, bike-sharing apps sprung up
pitales de provincia de Castilla y León). petition (2022). in the past few years, attracting tens of billions of
07/2/20- 28/2/20: Exposición “Punto y seguido dollars from China’s tech investors.
2019” en Bellas Artes. UCM. In the tug of war, bikes get taken off streets and
24/8/19- 30/9/19: Exposición CIAN- Fabero en el discarded in designated areas by the government,
Pozo Julia, Fabero. creating “bicycle graves”. Despite the promise to
07/2/18-26/2/18: Exposición “Punto y seguido 2017” be environmentally friendly, a huge amount of
en Bellas Artes. UCM. waste is created when things go out of hand.
10/12/2021: Mención especial en fotografía. Certa-
men de Arte Joven Castilla y León 2021.

T R A N S V E R S A L I D A D E S 2 0 2 2


Menção Honrosa Menção Honrosa Prémio

Seyed Ali Hosseinifar Ziaul Huque Aytaç Ünal

Irão Bangladesh Turquia

Seyed Ali Hosseinifar, born on June 21, 1982 in the My name is Ziaul Huque. I am from Bangladesh. Aytac was born in 1987 in Adiyaman, Turkey. He
village of Dash Khaneh, Sabzevar city, Khorasan I completed BSc in Applied Physics, Electronics & started photography career in 2009. He com-
Razavi province, Iran. Communication Engineering from University of pleted her undergraduate education and got a
He is a graduate of Agricultural Engineering ma- Chittagong, Bangladesh in 2015 and MS in 2017. Af- Gazi University, Radio Television and Cinema De-
joring in Genetic Engineering and Animal Breeding ter finishing my studies, I started my journey as a partment. Now he works as a photographer for
from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. freelance photographer. I have already won many Anadolu Agency, Turkey’s largest news agency.
Hosseinifar started social documentary photogra- national & international photo awards for my pho-
phy as an art in February 2003 and has followed tography. Notable among them are 2nd prize (Sus-
this art until today. tainability Photo Stories Contest - 2021) from Ger-
He has held several solo and group photo exhi- many organized by United Nations, 1st prize (4th
bitions and has won more than 50 photography Silk Road & Young Dreams Photo Contest 2021) &
competitions in Iran. He has also won three gold 2nd prize (5th Silk Road & Young Dreams Photo
medals at the World Photography Championships. Contest 2022) from China organized by Silk Road &
Hosseinifar is now a cultural teacher teaching Young Dreams, 1st prize (Heritage for Planet Earth
photography and holding photography workshops International Photo Contest - 2019) from Italy or-
for the Iranian public. ganized by Life Beyond Tourism, 1st prize (Environ-
mental Photography Contest - 2022) from Scotland
organized by Art Gallery 5’14, 1st prize (World Wa-
ter Day Photography Contest - 2021) from Bangla-
TEMA 3 desh organized by UNICEF Bangladesh, 1st prize
(A Better Tomorrow Photography Contest - 2021)
Menção Honrosa from Bangladesh organized by Bangladesh British
Council & UK-Italy Embassy.
Asghar Khamseh



Menção Honrosa Menção Honrosa Menção Honrosa

Arez Ghaderi Rakibul Alam Khan Shun Zhang

Alemanha Bangladesh China

Arez Ghaderi was born in July 31th, 1987 in Sanan- Nature contains several canvases with culture and I was born in Rizhao, Shandong Province in May
daj, Kurdistan Province, Iran. He studies Photo- color. Growing up in such a kinda mood has had a 1970. I am engaged in ship supply. In 1988, I bought
journalism and documentary photography at Uni- big impact on my career. Here I am Rakibul Alam my first camera after I started working, and I fell
versity of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover, Khan. I have been involved in photojournalist and in love with photography. It was not until 2016
Germany. He has been taking photos since 2001 documentary photography. So for the past 10 that I systematically learned photography knowl-
and he has worked on different collections of years, I have been working with these two cate- edge in Rizhao Nalan Photography School. In the
portraits and social documentaries.He has had gories. I was brought up in a family with a great following years, I followed the teachers of Dayang
five personal exhibitions and more than 30 group era of art and traditions around. That taught me Image Club around China to take photos, which
exhibitions in photo galleries in Iran and further to see colors in people’s smile and their moves. I cultivated my sentiments. During the process of
countries. always love to spend my work time with people communicating with photography friends from
Awards: from several communities, either socially recog- all over the country, I also broadened my vision,
Winner of Photography Contest IM/AGE-19, 2022 nized or not. Photography is my sense is a great increased photography knowledge and improved
Grand Prize of InterAction’s 16th Annual Photo part to preserve time through our life journey. the photography skills.
Contest Winners 2018 Growing up in a small locality with vast variations,
Honorable Mention of Siena International Photo I feel it’s my responsibility to preserve time and
Award 2017 express it in my way. Every day I start my journey
UNICEF Photo of the Year 2016 to meet new people, meet a new genre of com-
Winner of gold medal from PSA Norouz Tajikistan munity, and search for the natural smile we have
2016. as a country. A human being contains the flow of
Winner of Portugal Tranversalidades in the cultur- own family with cultural influences. It’s a respon-
al section, 2016. sibility to keep them alive. I love to be a part of
Winner of honorary medal in the 9th International people’s emotions and their unconditional love. I
Emirates Photo Competition, 2015. believe “Medium is not prior, love is most.”
Winner of the 35th NIKON Photo Contest, 2015. My photography journey has been great. my pho-
Winner of the gold medal in the 9th International tographs have been published in more than 100+
Biennial Exhibition of Child Photography Poland national and international Newspapers and mag-
2014. azines. My work has been exhibited in more than
Winner of honorary medal in Slavonia Interna- 150 national and international competitions. And I
tional Mask Photo Contest 2012. received more than 100+ awards in many national
Winner of the 17th International Youth Photogra- and international competitions.
phy Contest Iran 2010.
Winner of 14 awards in Iran national photo fes-


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