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Ciência Política e Relações

2º Ano

Disciplina: Inglês-II

Código: ISCED12-LIECFC003

Total Horas/1o Semestre: 115

Créditos (SNATCA):5
Número de Temas: 3



ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Direitos de autor (copyright)

Este manual é propriedade do Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação a Distância (ISCED), e

contém reservados todos os direitos. É proibida a duplicação ou reprodução parcial ou total
deste manual, sob quaisquer formas ou por quaisquer meios (electrónicos, mecânico,
gravação, fotocópia ou outros), sem permissão expressa de entidade editora (Instituto
Superior de Ciências e Educação a Distância (ISCED).

A não observância do acima estipulado o infractor é passível a aplicação de processos judiciais

em vigor no País.

Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação a Distância (ISCED)

Direcção Académica
Rua Dr. Almeida Lacerda, No 212 Ponta - Gêa
Beira - Moçambique
Telefone: +258 23 323501
Cel: +258 82 3055839

Fax: 23323501
E-mail: isced@isced.ac.mz
Website: www.isced.ac.mz

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


O Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação a Distância (ISCED) e o autor do presente manual

agradecem a colaboração dos seguintes indivíduos e instituições na elaboração deste manual:

Pela Coordenação Direção Académica do ISCED

Pelo design Direção de Qualidade e Avaliação do ISCED

Financiamento e Logística Instituto Africano de Promoção da Educação

a Distancia (IAPED)

Pela Revisão

Elaborado Por: Augusto Fazenda, licenciado em Inglês

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


Visão geral 1

Benvindo à Disciplina/Módulo de Inglês-II ....................................................................... 1

Objectivos do Módulo....................................................................................................... 1
Quem deveria estudar este módulo ................................................................................. 2
Como está estruturado este módulo ................................................................................ 2
Ícones de actividade ......................................................................................................... 5
Habilidades de estudo ...................................................................................................... 5
Precisa de apoio? .............................................................................................................. 8
Tarefas (avaliação e auto-avaliação) ................................................................................ 9
Avaliação ......................................................................................................................... 10

TEMA – I: Present simple and Present progressive. 13

UNIDADE Temática 1.1. Reading. .................................................................................. 13

Tasks and Exercises ......................................................................................................... 14
Tasks and Exercises ......................................................................................................... 15
Revision and Exercises .................................................................................................... 15

TEMA – II: The use of have/have got(present simple cont.). 20

UNIDADE Temática 2. ..................................................................................................... 20

The use of have/have got(present simple cont.). ........................................................... 20
Talking About African deseases ...................................................................................... 20
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 21
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 22
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 23
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 24
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 25
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 26
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 27

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 28

TEMA -III: Simple Present and Present progressive Tense. 28

UNIDADE Temática 3. ..................................................................................................... 30

Present progressives ....................................................................................................... 30
Present Continuous......................................................................................................... 30
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 30
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 35
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 39
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 40
UNIDADE Temática 4. ..................................................................................................... 44
The Past Simple ............................................................................................................... 44
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 45
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 51
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 54
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 60
UNIDADE Temática 5. ..................................................................................................... 64
The Present Perfect ........................................................................................................ 64
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 64
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 65
UNIDADE Temática 6. ............................................................................................ 66
The Past Perfect and Past Progressive .................................................................. 66
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 68
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 70
UNIDADE Temática 7. ............................................................................................ 71
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 72
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 75
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 79
UNIDADE Temática 8. ............................................................................................ 83
Modal Verbs. ......................................................................................................... 83

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 84

Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 88
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 88
UNIDADE Temática 9. ............................................................................................ 91
Remember ...................................................................................................................... 94
Task and exercises .......................................................................................................... 95
UNIDADE Temática 10. .......................................................................................... 97
Task and exercises ........................................................................................................ 100
UNIDADE Temática 11. ........................................................................................ 101
Task and exercises ........................................................................................................ 104
Task and exercises ........................................................................................................ 105
UNIDADE Temática 12. ........................................................................................ 106
General Revision & Exercises. ............................................................................. 106


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Visão geral

Benvindo à Disciplina/Módulo de Inglês-II

Objectivos do Módulo

Ao terminar o estudo deste módulo de INGLES II deverá ser capaz


 Aplicar corretamente os tempos verbais em inglês e em

diferentes contextos

 Escrever corretamente frases em todos os tempos verbais.

 Ler e perceber documentos e interpretar dados escritos em

 Capacidade científica para apresentar e debater ideias nas áreas

de suas competências.

 Conhecer as diferentes formas de fazer apresentação oral em


 Conhecer as fases de elaboração de um relatório ou assignment

em Inglês.

 Desenvolver pequenos business research projects in English

 Saber Interpretar os resultados obtidos numa pesquisa e

produzir um relatório em inglês.

 Write a business letter to apply for job or to complain about


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Quem deveria estudar este módulo

Este Módulo foi concebido para intermediate level students do

curso de licenciatura em Contabilidade e Auditoria do ISCED e
outros como Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Administração, etc.
Poderá ocorrer, contudo, que haja leitores que queiram se atualizar
e consolidar seus conhecimentos nessa disciplina, esses serão bem-
vindos, não sendo necessário para tal se inscrever. Mas poderá
adquirir o manual.

Como está estruturado este módulo

Este módulo está estruturado em unidades temáticas donde se

pode extrair as aulas diárias dependendo no número de horas
disponíveis por semana. No fim de cada unidade temática esta uma
grande serie de exercícios como forma de consolidar e rever os
conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da unidade.

Uma nota importante e salientar que alguns conceitos linguísticos

achados complexos são neste modulo explicados na língua oficial

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

portuguesa com finalidade de ajudar a compreensão dos


Páginas introdutórias

 Um índice completo.

 Uma visão geral detalhada dos conteúdos do módulo,

resumindo os aspectos-chave que você precisa conhecer para
melhor estudar. Recomendamos vivamente que leia esta secção
com atenção antes de começar o seu estudo, como componente
de habilidades de estudos.

Conteúdo desta Disciplina / módulo

Este módulo está estruturado em Temas. Cada tema, por sua vez
comporta certo número de unidades temáticas ou simplesmente
unidades,. Cada unidade temática se caracteriza por conter uma
introdução, objectivos, conteúdos.

No final de cada unidade temática ou do próprio tema, são

incorporados antes o sumário, exercícios de auto-avaliação, só
depois é que aparecem os exercícios de avaliação.

Os exercícios de avaliação têm as seguintes caracteristicas: Puros

exercícios teóricos/Práticos, Problemas não resolvidos e
actividades práticas algunas incluido estudo de caso.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Outros recursos

A equipa dos académicoa e pedagogos do ISCED, pensando em si,

num cantinho, recóndito deste nosso vasto Moçambique e cheio de
dúvidas e limitações no seu processo de aprendizagem, apresenta
uma lista de recursos didácticos adicionais ao seu módulo para você
explorar. Para tal o ISCED disponibiliza na biblioteca do seu centro
de recursos mais material de estudos relacionado com o seu curso
como: Livros e/ou módulos, CD, CD-ROOM, DVD. Para elém deste
material físico ou electrónico disponível na biblioteca, pode ter
acesso a Plataforma digital moodle para alargar mais ainda as
possibilidades dos seus estudos.

Auto-avaliação e Tarefas de avaliação

Tarefas de auto-avaliação para este módulo encontram-se no final

de cada unidade temática e de cada tema. As tarefas dos exercícios
de auto-avaliação apresntam duas caracteristicas: primeeiro
apresentam exercícios resolvidos com detalhes. Segundo,
exercícios que mostram apenas respostas.

Tarefas de avaliação devem ser semelhantes às de auto-avaliação

mas sem mostrar os passos e devem obedecer o grau crescente de
dificuldades do processo de aprendizagem, umas a seguir a outras.
Parte das terefas de avaliação será objecto dos trabalhos de campo
a serem entregues aos tutores/doceentes para efeitos de correcção
e subsequentemente nota. Também constará do exame do fim do
módulo. Pelo que, caro estudante, fazer todos os exrcícios de
avaliação é uma grande vantagem.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Comentários e sugestões

Use este espaço para dar sugestões valiosas, sobre determinados

aspectos, quer de natureza científica, quer de natureza diadáctico-
Pedagógica, etc, sobre como deveriam ser ou estar apresentadas.
Pode ser que graças as suas observações que, em goso de
confiança, classificamo-las de úteis, o próximo módulo venha a ser

Ícones de actividade

Ao longo deste manual irá encontrar uma série de ícones nas

margens das folhas. Estes icones servem para identificar diferentes
partes do processo de aprendizagem. Podem indicar uma parcela
específica de texto, uma nova actividade ou tarefa, uma mudança
de actividade, etc.

Habilidades de estudo

O principal objectivo deste campo é o de ensinar aprender a

aprender. Aprender aprende-se.

Durante a formação e desenvolvimento de competências, para

facilitar a aprendizagem e alcançar melhores resultados, implicará
empenho, dedicação e disciplina no estudo. Isto é, os bons
resultados apenas se conseguem com estratégias eficientes e
eficazes. Por isso é importante saber como, onde e quando estudar.
Apresentamos algumas sugestões com as quais esperamos que caro
estudante possa rentabilizar o tempo dedicado aos estudos,
procedendo como se segue:

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

1º Praticar a leitura. Aprender a Distância exige alto domínio de


2º Fazer leitura diagonal aos conteúdos (leitura corrida).

3º Voltar a fazer leitura, desta vez para a compreensão e assimilação

crítica dos conteúdos (ESTUDAR).

4º Fazer seminário (debate em grupos), para comprovar se a sua

aprendizagem confere ou não com a dos colegas e com o padrão.

5º Fazer TC (Trabalho de Campo), algumas actividades práticas ou as

de estudo de caso se existirem.

IMPORTANTE: Em observância ao triângulo modo-espaço-tempo,

respectivamente como, onde e quando...estudar, como foi referido
no início deste item, antes de organizar os seus momentos de estudo
reflicta sobre o ambiente de estudo que seria ideal para si: Estudo
melhor em casa/biblioteca/café/outro lugar? Estudo melhor à
noite/de manhã/de tarde/fins de semana/ao longo da semana?
Estudo melhor com música/num sítio sossegado/num sítio
barulhento!? Preciso de intervalo em cada 30 minutos, em cada
hora, etc.

É impossível estudar numa noite tudo o que devia ter sido estudado
durante um determinado período de tempo; Deve estudar cada
ponto da matéria em profundidade e passar só ao seguinte quando
achar que já domina bem o anterior.

Privilegia-se saber bem (com profundidade) o pouco que puder ler e

estudar, que saber tudo superficialmente! Mas a melhor opção é
juntar o útil ao agradável: Saber com profundidade todos conteúdos
de cada tema, no módulo.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Dica importante: não recomendamos estudar seguidamente por

tempo superior a uma hora. Estudar por tempo de uma hora
intercalado por 10 (dez) a 15 (quinze) minutos de descanso (chama-
se descanso à mudança de actividades). Ou seja que durante o
intervalo não se continuar a tratar dos mesmos assuntos das
actividades obrigatórias.

Uma longa exposição aos estudos ou ao trabalhjo intelectual

obrigatório, pode conduzir ao efeito contrário: baixar o rendimento
da aprendizagem. Por que o estudante acumula um elevado volume
de trabalho, em termos de estudos, em pouco tempo, criando
interferência entre os conhecimento, perde sequência lógica, por
fim ao perceber que estuda tanto mas não aprende, cai em
insegurança, depressão e desespero, por se achar injustamente

Não estude na última da hora; quando se trate de fazer alguma

avaliação. Aprenda a ser estudante de facto (aquele que estuda
sistemáticamente), não estudar apenas para responder a questões
de alguma avaliação, mas sim estude para a vida, sobre tudo, estude
pensando na sua utilidade como futuro profissional, na área em que
está a se formar.

Organize na sua agenda um horário onde define a que horas e que

matérias deve estudar durante a semana; Face ao tempo livre que
resta, deve decidir como o utilizar produtivamente, decidindo
quanto tempo será dedicado ao estudo e a outras actividades.

É importante identificar as ideias principais de um texto, pois será

uma necessidade para o estudo das diversas matérias que
compõem o curso: A colocação de notas nas margens pode ajudar
a estruturar a matéria de modo que seja mais fácil identificar as
partes que está a estudar e Pode escrever conclusões, exemplos,

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

vantagens, definições, datas, nomes, pode também utilizar a

margem para colocar comentários seus relacionados com o que
está a ler; a melhor altura para sublinhar é imediatamente a seguir
à compreensão do texto e não depois de uma primeira leitura;
Utilizar o dicionário sempre que surja um conceito cujo significado
não conhece ou não lhe é familiar;

Precisa de apoio?

Caro estudante, temos a certeza que por uma ou por outra razão, o
material de estudos impresso, lhe pode suscitar algumas dúvidas
como falta de clareza, alguns erros de concordância, prováveis erros
ortográficos, falta de clareza, fraca visibilidade, páginas trocadas ou
invertidas, etc). Nestes casos, contacte os seriços de atendimento e
apoio ao estudante do seu Centro de Recursos (CR), via telefone,
sms, E-mail, se tiver tempo, escreva mesmo uma carta participando
a preocupação.

Uma das atribuições dos Gestores dos CR e seus assistentes

(Pedagógico e Administrativo), é a de monitorar e garantir a sua
aprendizagem com qualidade e sucesso. Dai a relevância da
comunicação no Ensino a Distância (EAD), onde o recurso as TIC se
torna incontornável: entre estudantes, estudante – Tutor, estudante
– CR, etc.

As sessões presenciais são um momento em que você caro

estudante, tem a oportunidade de interagir fisicamente com staff do
seu CR, com tutores ou com parte da equipa central do ISCED
indigetada para acompanhar as sua sessões presenciais. Neste
período pode apresentar dúvidas, tratar assuntos de natureza
pedagógica e/ou admibistrativa.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

O estudo em grupo, que está estimado para ocupar cerca de 30%

do tempo de estudos a distância, é muita importância, na medida
em que permite lhe situar, em termos do grau de aprendizagem
com relação aos outros colegas. Desta maneira ficar’a a saber se
precisa de apoio ou precisa de apoiar aos colegas. Desenvolver
habito de debater assuntos relacionados com os conteúdos
programáticos, constantes nos diferentes temas e unidade
temática, no módulo.

Tarefas (avaliação e auto-avaliação)

O estudante deve realizar todas as tarefas (exercícios, actividades e

autoavaliação), contudo nem todas deverão ser entregues, mas é
importante que sejam realizadas. As tarefas devem ser entregues
duas semanas antes das sessões presenciais seguintes.

Para cada tarefa serão estabelecidos prazos de entrega, e o não

cumprimento dos prazos de entrega, implica a não classificação do
estudante. Tenha sempre presente que a nota dos trabalhos de
campo conta e é decisiva para ser admitido ao exame final da

Os trabalhos devem ser entregues ao Centro de Recursos (CR) e os

mesmos devem ser dirigidos ao tutor/docente.

Podem ser utilizadas diferentes fontes e materiais de pesquisa,

contudo os mesmos devem ser devidamente referenciados,
respeitando os direitos do autor.

O plágio1 é uma viloção do direito intelectual do(s) autor(es). Uma

transcrição à letra de mais de 8 (oito) palavras do testo de um autor,
sem o citar é considerado plágio. A honestidade, humildade

Plágio - copiar ou assinar parcial ou totalmente uma obra literária, propriedade
intelectual de outras pessoas, sem prévia autorização.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

científica e o respeito pelos direitos autoriais devem caracterizar a

realização dos trabalhos e seu autor (estudante do ISCED).


Muitos perguntam: Com é possível avaliar estudantes à distância,

estando eles fisicamente separados e muito distantes do
docente/turor!? Nós dissemos: Sim é muito possível, talvez seja uma
avaliação mais fiável e concistente.

Você será avaliado durante os estudos à distância que contam com

um mínimo de 90% do total de tempo que precisa de estudar os
conteúdos do seu módulo. Quando o tempo de contacto presencial
conta com um máximo de 10%) do total de tempo do módulo. A
avaliação do estudante consta detalhada do regulamentada de

Os trabalhos de campo por si realizaos, durante estudos e

aprendizagem no campo, pesam 25% e servem para a nota de
frequência para ir aos exames.

Os exames são realizados no final da cadeira disciplina ou modulo e

decorrem durante as sessões presenciais. Os exames pesam no
mínimo 75%, o que adicionado aos 25% da média de frequência,
determinam a nota final com a qual o estudante conclui a cadeira.

A nota de 10 (dez) valores é a nota mínima de conclusão da cadeira.

Nesta cadeira o estudante deverá realizar pelo menos 2 (dois)

trabalhos e 1 (um) (exame).

Algumas actividades praticas, relatórios e reflexões serão utilizados

como ferramentas de avaliação formativa.

Durante a realização das avaliações, os estudantes devem ter em

consideração a apresentação, a coerência textual, o grau de

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

cientificidade, a forma de conclusão dos assuntos, as

recomendações, a identificação das referências bibliográficas
utilizadas, o respeito pelos direitos do autor, entre outros.

Os objectivos e critérios de avaliação constam do Regulamento de


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

TEMA – I: Present simple and Present progressive.

UNIDADE Temática 1.1 Reading:

UNIDADE Temática 1.1. Reading.

There are five billion people in the world and they live in all different
corners of it. They live on the snow and ice of the Poles and in the
tropical jungles on the equator. They have climbed the highest
mountains and walked on the sea bed.

Some of them have even left the earth and visited the moon.

The human species are the most numerous and the most powerful of
all the animals on earth. How did this happen? In many ways, animals
can do things better than we can. Dogs can smell and hear better than
we can. Cats can see in the dark. Birds can fly thousands of miles away
and return to the same place every year. But we are different. No other
animals builds cathedrals, plays football, tells jokes, gets married, has
prisons, writes symphonies, elects presidents, or goes to the moon.

There is one thing above all that makes people and animals different.
People love to talk – talk – talk.

We are the great communicators! And we can communicate so many

things in so many ways – with our faces, or hands, our bodies, and our
voices, most important of all, we can communicate through time. We
have a sense of past and future, not just present.

We are the only species that can change the world, and we are the only
species that can choose either to look after our world or to destroy it.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Tasks and Exercises

1- Look up the following words in your bilingual dictionary and write

down the translation.

Jungle (n) to record (v) e.g.

Species (n) information in a book

Numerous (adj) sense (n)

Powerful (adj) to choose (v)

Joke (n) to look after (v)

To destroy (v)

2.Here are for questions which introduce the four paragraphs in the
article. They are not in the right order.

 Write down the correct question for each paragraph.

a. How are people and animals different?

b. How many people are there in the world?

c. What can people choose to do?

d. What is the biggest difference between people and animals?

3. Answer the following questions:

e. How are people and animals different?

f. How many people are there in the world?

g. What can people choose to do?

h. What is the biggest difference between people and animals?

4. What do you think?

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

1 Do animals have a sense of past and future?

2 How do animals communicate?

3 In what ways are we looking after the world and in what ways are we
destroying it?

Tasks and Exercises

Revision and Exercises

1. Asking questions

To make a question when the verb form has an auxiliary

Verb, you put the auxiliary verb, you put the auxiliary

verb before the person.

Make yes/no questions for the following statements.


She’s French. Is she French?

a. It’s raining
b. They’re at school
c. They’re learning English
d. You’re tired

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

e. You were at home last night.

f. I’m right
g. He’s got blond hair
h. You can speak Danish

2 Do/ does/ did

To make a question in the Present Simple, you must add

Do or does. To make a question in the Past Simple, you

Must add did.

Make yes/no questions for the following statements.


You like music. Do you like music?

a. She comes from France

__________________________________________ ?
b. They live in a flat.
c. You take sugar in tea
d. I speak English well.
e. You watched a film last night.
f. It started at 8.00

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

g. You want to go home.

h. He works hard.
3 Question words

Much a question word in A and an answer in B.


What ? Yesterday.

Who? Because I wanted to.

Where? By bus.

When? Peter

Why? A pair of jeans.

How? Mine

Whose/ At home.

4 Word order

Put the words in the right order to ask a question, and write in one of
the answers from B in exercise 3.

a. Buy you the did at what shops


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


b. Is who teacher the



c. Parents moment where you’re the at are



d. Her you see when did



e. Italy go you why to did



f. You how to come school do



ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

g. That is car whose



5 Which question word?

Put a question word into each gap.


What’s your name?

Kate Good morning. Dad.

Dad Good morning, my love. (a) _______________________ are you


Kate Fine, thanks

Dad I didn’t hear you come home last night.

(b)______________________________ time did you get in?

Kate (c) _________________________________ did you go?

Kate Just round to Beth’s house.

Dad There’s a letter for you on the table.

Kate oh! (d) _______________________________ is it from?

Dad I don’t know. Open it and see.

Kate Oh!

Dad (e) _________________________________’s the matter?

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Kate Nothing. It’s from Luis in Spain

TEMA – II: The use of have/have got(present simple cont.).

UNIDADE Temática 2.

The use of have/have got(present simple cont.).

Talking About African deseases


Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production and use. In

type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can no longer produce insulin. The cause
is not known. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t produce enough
insulin, or it can’t be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by
a number of factors, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and carrying
too much weight.
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

In 2012, about 1.5 million people died from diabetes-related causes.

People in low to middle income countries are more likely to die from
complications of diabetes.

Task and exercises

1. With the use of a bilingual dictionary check difficult words.

2. Write two paragraphs about what consequences this disease could

cause in your community.


Cholera (or Asiatic cholera or epidemic cholera) is an extreme diarrheal

disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Transmission to
humans is by ingesting contaminated water or food. The major reservoir
for cholera was long assumed to be humans, but some evidence
suggests that it is the aquatic environment. In its most severe forms,
cholera is one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known—a healthy
person may become hypertensive within an hour of the onset of
symptoms and may die within 2-3 hours if no treatment is provided.
More commonly, the disease progresses from the first liquid stool to
shock in 4-12 hours, with death following in 18 hours to several days
without rehydration treatment.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


Task and exercises

1.Discuss in small groups what measures could be taken in your

community in order to reduce cholera contamination.


Ebola 160,000 deaths since 2000, the Ebola virus first emerged in 1976
in simultaneous outbreaks in Sudan and Zaire. It is known to be a
zoometric virus as it is currently devastating the populations of lowland
gorillas in Central Africa. Despite considerable effort by the World
Health Organization, no animal reservoir capable of sustaining the virus
between outbreaks has been identified. However, it has been
hypothesized that the most likely candidate is the fruit bat. Ebola
hemorrhagic fever is potentially lethal and encompasses a range of
symptoms including fever, vomiting,
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

diarrhoea, generalized pain or malaise, and sometimes internal and

external bleeding. Mortality rates are generally very high, in the region
of 80% – 90%, with the cause of death usually due to hypovolemic shock
or organ failure.

Task and exercises

Answer the two questions about the article above.

1. When and were did Ebola emerged for the first time?

2. What are the main symptoms of Ebola?


 Malaria 2.7 Million Deaths per year-2800 children per day

Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease caused by
protozoan parasites. It is widespread in tropical and subtropical
regions, including parts of the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Each
year, it causes disease in approximately 515 million people and
kills between one and three million, most of them young
children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is commonly associated
with poverty, but is also a cause of poverty and a major
hindrance to economic development. Malaria is one of the most
common infectious diseases and an enormous public-health
problem. The disease is caused by protozoan parasites of the
genus Plasmodium. The most serious forms of the disease are
caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, but
other related species can also infect humans. Although some are
under development, no vaccine is currently available for
malaria; preventative drugs must be taken continuously to
reduce the risk of infection. survivors became blind. To this day,

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

smallpox is the only human infectious disease to have been

completely eradicated from nature.


Task and exercises

Think about other disease specially those which are common in your
country or community and write a composition about them, include the

a. Symptoms
b. Manner of infection
c. How to prevent
d. Medicine for cure...

When someone has a health problem, the verb have is often used.

Health Problems

I have We have
an an allergy.
allergy. All of you
You have have an
an allergy.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

He has an They have

allergy. an allergy.
She has

Task and exercises

Health Problems
Write the health problems using the expressions from the box below
each picture.
Example: a) She has a cold.

earache / toothache / backache /stomachache / asthma / cold /

cough / fever / headache

/ sore throat .

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

a c) d) e)

f) g)

i) j)

k) l)

Task and exercises


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Fill in the blank with the correct form of have.

1. I__________ a backache. 8. He ___________________-- asthma.

2. You __________ an earache. 9. You _____________ --a headache.

3. She __________ a fever. 10. He ______________--- a sore throat.

4. We __________ an allergy. 11. She ___________________ a burn.

5. He __________ a cough. 12. I ________________________ a cold.

6. They _________ a stomach ache. 13. They __________ chicken pox.

7. We __________ ________________________________a toothache.

Task and exercises


Read each sentence and review any vocabulary that you do not know.
Then, fill in the blank with the correct form of have.

1. His ear hurts. He

____________________________________________ an earache.

2. My tooth hurts.
I___________________________________________ a toothache.

3. Jill is short of breath. She

_____________________________________ asthma.

4. Your back hurts. You

________________________________________ a backache.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

5. Your throat hurts. You

_______________________________________ a sore throat.

6. Bill and Don ate too much food. They

___________________________ a stomach ache.

7. My nose is congested. I
_______________________________________ a cold.

8. Kelly and I __________ a temperature over 100F. We

_______________ a fever.

9. I spilled hot water on my hand. I

________________________________ a burn on my hand.

10. Mary ______________ red spots on her skin. She

_________________ chicken pox.

11. Carl takes cough medicine. He

____________________________________ a cough.

12. Erin’s head hurts. She

___________________________________________ a headache.

13. I sneeze when I am outside. I

______________________________________an allergy.

Task and exercises

Exercises-revision of the unit

TEMA -III: Simple Present and Present progressive Tense.

From the letters in the brackets find the suitable verb from the box to
complete the sentences below.

has, is, do ,drinks, working, turn in, records

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

E.g.Every 10 years, the U.S. Census (nscout) ___counts____ every

resident in the United


1. The federal government (ksema) ________________________

political decisions.

2. Richard (rdinsks) ________________ a large cup of coffee at

work every morning.

3. Cathy (si) ____________

_________________________________a census taker.

4. Census takers (od)

________________________________________ many things.

5. Each day, census takers (rnut ni) ____________ their completed

work to the crew leader.

6. He is now (wiknorg) ____________ at the U.S. Census office.

7. A census taker (resdorc) _____________ the responses on


8. The U.S. Census Bureau (sha) _____________ many temporary

job positions for census.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

UNIDADE Temática 3.

Present progressives

Present Continuous

Task and exercises

1-Identifying the uses

The Present Continuous expresses three ideas:

1. an activity happening now e.g. It’s raining

2. An activity happening around now, but perhaps not at the moment

of speaking.

e.g. I’m reading a good book at the moment.

3 .A planned future arrangement. e.g. I’m meeting Jane tomorrow

2-Which use is expressed in the following sentences? Put 1,

2 or 3 in the following use of present continuous

1. ‘He’s taking the dog out for a walk.---------------------------

2. Why are you laughing?-------------------------------------------
3. ‘What are you doing after school?’----------------------------
4. ‘I don’t know. Why?’---------------------------------------------

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

5. I’m learning French at night school.--------------------------


3- Short answers

Write in the short answers.

E.g. ‘Are you working hard?’

‘Yes, I am’.

a. ‘Are you enjoying the lesson?’


b. ‘Is the teacher smoking?’


c. ‘Are people walking in the street?’


d. ‘Are they wearing raincoats?’


e. ‘Are you feeling OK?’


f. ‘Is your friend helping you?’


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

4. Write the –ing form from the verbs below:

Think _________________________ shine ________________ get


Wait __________________________ smoke ________________ stop


Rain -__________________________ have ________________ run


Wear __________________________ take _________________ begin


5. Is it true for you?

Write what is true for you now, around now, or in the near future.


I/ study I’m studying.

I/ watch TV I’m not watching TV.

a. i/ sit in class

b. It/ rain

c. The sun? shine


d. I/ wear jeans

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


e. I/go out tonight


f. We/ have a holiday soon


g. My parents/ work

6. Steps of writing an informal letter.

(www.writing.lovers.com/informal.letter.htm/ )

a.Address and date The address and date should be written in

the right hand corner. Note: After you have written the address,
leave a line and write the date.

b.Salutation the most common salutation in an informal letter

is "Dear…….". Note that it is followed by a comma. Example:
Dear Mimi,

c.The content of an informal letter introduction: – The first

paragraph will consist of an introduction which will give the
recipient an idea about what you are writing to them with a
short summary of the main topic of your letter. If you dont know
the person you are writing to, you may want to introduce
yourself in this introductory paragraph as well.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

d.. The body: – Consist of the message you want to get across
along with any details you may want to convey.

e.The conclusion: – The last paragraph will usually be the

conclusion where you wrap everything up. You can sum up your
main idea in this paragraph, thank the recipient for their time,
wish the recipient good luck, and/or ask any questions.

f.Ending a letter In informal letter writing; you can end your letter

Love, Lots of love, Best wishes, Missing you lots, Yours forever,

Note that it is followed by a comma.

Example of an informal letter

Dear Maria,

I’m very pleased that we’re going to be pen friends.

I’ll tell you a little about myself, and you can do the same when you
write to me.

I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It’s quite near the centre,
but there are parks nearby where I take my dog, Mickey, for a walk. I
live with my parents and my younger brother, Paul. My father works for
post office and my mother has a part-time job as a nurse.

I go to the local comprehensive school, where I have a lot of friends. I

like most subjects, but not all of them! In the evenings I sometimes visit

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

friends or stay at home and listen to music, and at the weekends a like
going swimming or horse-riding.

At the moment I’m working very hard because I have exams soon, so
I’m spending a lot of time in the library!

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Write soon!

Best wishes,


(Your signature)

Task and exercises

1. What is the main content of the letter?

2. Write down the conclusion of the letter.

3. Write a similar letter to one of your friends or relatives.

(Note: the content should be about the course you are doing at ISCED).

7. Rules for Writing Formal Letters in English.


Formal letters are one of the most common form of official letters,
framed and presented in almost all
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

organizations, be it companies, schools, colleges, business firms,

institutions, agencies, or any departments of corporate sectors. It is a
highly professional yet effective form of communication in work places.
The structure of formal letters is of a definite form and should always
be followed strictly. The primary nature of formal letters is that they
should be short and informative. The effectiveness of a formal letter lies
in the complete presentation of the most significant issues in a clear and
compact manner.

Formal letters are very important documents and should, hence, be

prepared with utmost sincerity. In spite of being one of the most
frequently used modes of communication, most companies still hire
experts to frame formal letters. The following points can be considered
for helping one frame correct formal letters:

1) Your Address
The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the

2) The Address of the person you are writing to

the inside address should be written on the left, starting below your


Different people put the date on different sides of the page. You can
write this on the right or the left on the line after the address you are
writing to. Write the month as a word.

e.g. 1st January 2001

2.Salutation or greeting:

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

a) Dear Sir or Madam,

If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this.
It is always advisable to try to find out a name.

eg. Dear Ms. Jones:

b) Dear Mr Jenkins,
If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and
the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she
uses Mrs or Miss, you can use Ms, which is for married and single

Mr - for a male
Mrs - for a married female
Miss - for an unmarried female
Ms - for a female whose status is unknown or would prefer to remain
Dr - for a person with the status of a doctor

3.Ending a letter:

a) If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way.

Yours faithfully,

b If you know the name of the person, end the letter this way.

Yours sincerely,

4) Your signature
Sign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If you think the
person you are writing to might not know whether you are male of
female, put you title in brackets after your name.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Example of business ----------------


-------------------------- -----------------

------------------------------- --------------------

------------------------------ --------------------

I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets.

Approximately two weeks ago, on October 1, I ordered a total of 50
widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client webpage. I
received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of
payment and the shipment of the widgets. According to your website,
shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business days of
being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any
information on what may have happened to delay the shipment or
where the shipment is currently?

I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the
greatest confidence in your products and customer service. We need
the shipment of widgets soon, however, and I hoped you might be able
to provide me with an idea of when I can expect them. Thank you in
advance for any help you might be able to offer.


Sam Brown

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Task and exercises

1. Write the address of the letter above.

2. Why is Sam Brown writing this letter?

3. Who is Mr. Brown writing to?

4. Now write a business letter applying for a job post in one of the
company existing in your province or city.


12- Jobs

1. in English, you can make the name of the person who does a job by
adding one of the following suffixes.

-er -r -ian -ist

Add one of the suffixes to the following words. You will have to change
some of the words a little.

Music _______________ art _______________ farm


Science _____________ politics ___________ manage


Electric ______ garden __________________________- photograph



Correcting mistakes
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

2.In each of the following sentences there is one mistake.

Find it and correct it.

a. I like London because is interesting.

b. My town is quite at the weekend.
c. My sister is six year old than me.
d. I went in Italy on holiday.
e. She gave a present me.

Sam Brown

Task and exercises

Present Simple or Continuous?

1. Choosing the correct form

In the following sentences, one verb form is right and one

is wrong. Underline the correct one and cross out the

Wrong one.


I go / am going to work now. Goodbye!

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

a. I read/ am reading a book about astrology.

b. I read/ am reading lots of books every year.
c. We go/ are going to a party on Saturday.
d. Nurses look/ are looking after people in hospital.
e. Annie comes/ is coming from Ireland.
f. She comes/ is coming for dinner this evening.
g. I speak/ am speaking four languages.
h. Do you want/ are you wan ting to go out tonight?

2. Choosing the correct auxiliary

Put one of the following auxiliaries into each gap.

am is are do does

A . Hello. 778954.

B. Hello. Is that Rita?

A .Yes. Who (a) ___________________________________________


B. This is Gary, from New York. (b) _____________________________


Remember me?

A. Of course I do. What (c) _______________________________ you

doing in


B .I (d) ________________________________________________
having a holiday.

A. Are you on your own?

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

B . No. I’m here with my wife. I’m married now.

A . Oh! What (e) __________________________________________

your wife do?

B .She’s a dentist.

A. How interesting!

B Anyway. How are you?

A. I’m fine I (f) _______________________________ still studying.

Listen Where

Are you?

3. Linking words (1)

1 Use and , so or but to join the following sentences.

a. She can speak French ____________________________ she

can’t write it.
b. He wants to learn Spanish ___________________________ he’s
going to
c. I’m learning Italian ________________________________ we
haven’t got
a microwave oven.
d. We haven’t got a dishwasher ________________________ we
haven’t got
A micro wave oven.
e. I haven’t got car ____________________________ I’ve got a
f. She’s working late next Friday _________________ she can’t
come to the party.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

4. But is used to contrast ideas. However and although

Can also contrast ideas, but they are used differently.

Compare the following sentences. What differences

Can you see?

I learnt French easily, but I didn’t like my teacher.

I learnt French easily. However, I didn’t like my teacher.

Although I didn’t like my teacher, I learnt French easily.

5. Join each of the following pairs of sentences in three

Different ways with but, however, and although.

a. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot.

b. He’s moving to London next month. He doesn’t like
Big cities.
c. She isn’t English. She speak English perfectly.
4. So is used to express the result of the statement

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Before. Because expresses the reason of cause of


It started to rain, so we stopped playing tennis.

Cause result

We stopped to rain tennis because it started to rain.

Result Cause

Rewrite the following pairs of sentences in two ways.

Use the linking words in brackets.

UNIDADE Temática 4.

The Past Simple



A couple from Miami, Bill and Simone

Butler, spent sixty-six days in a life-

Raft in the seas of Central America

After their yacht sank. They survived

In very good condition.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Twenty-one days after they left

Panama in their yacht, Siboney, they

Met some whales. ‘They stated to hit

The side of the boat,’ said Bill, ‘and

then suddenly we heard water.’ Two

minutes later, the yacht was sinking.

They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go under the

For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuits, and bottles of water.

They also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt water into
drinking water – two things which saved their lives. They caught eight
to ten fish a day and ate them raw.

Then the line broke. ‘So we had no more fish until something very
strange happened. Some sharks came to feed, and the fish under the
raft were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my hands.’
About twenty ships passed them, but no one saw them. After fifty
days at sea their life-raft was beginning to break up. Then suddenly it
was all over. A fishing boat saw them and picked them up. They couldn’t
stand up, so the captain carried them onto his boat and took them to
Costa Rica. Their two months at sea was over

Task and exercises

1. Here are the past tense forms of twelve irregular

Verbs taken from the text. Write in the base forms.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

e.g.___spend_______________________ spent _______________


__________________________________ sank _______________


_________________________________ _ left _______________


___________________________________ met _______________


___________________________________ heard ______________


___________________________________ had _______________


2. Work in pairs or in groups to answer questions about the drama.

a) How many days were they in the sea?

b) Where did it happen?
c) Did they have a fishing boat?

3. Grammar:
a. Write in the Past Simple of the following verbs.

Start ___________ _________ pass


Jump ____________________ pick


Watch ___________________ survive

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Happen ____________________ save


b.How is the regular past tense formed?

How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in ‘y’? replace-y- by

Carry ___________________ marry


Study _____________________

c.How is the past tense formed when the verb ends in a

Consonant + y?

Be ________________________ go

Buy _______________________ hit


Come ______________________ know


do ________________________ make

Fall _______________________ ring


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Feel _____________ ___________ say


Find _________________________ send


Fly ________________________ swim


give ________________________ throw


You must learn irregular verbs! There is a list on.



An academic paper that is full of spelling mistakes obviously will not

easily impress your reader! Use a dictionary, or the spelling-check
device in Word by Microsoft to correct spelling mistakes. As you see the
table below, the English spelling is quite complicated to learn, because
English spelling often does not accurately reflect the way modern
English is pronounced. English has a very conservative spelling: in fact,
the spelling gives an idea of how the language was probably spoken
hundreds of years ago.

Here are some general rules about spelling

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

a. NOUNS plural –s : bird birds

place places
-s or s-like sounds + s > -es: bus buses
dish dishes
watch watches
box boxes
potato potatoes
also : tomato tomatoes
b. VERBS –s third person Think thinks
singular: live lives
wish wishes
-s or s-like sounds + s > do does
es: go goes

c. NOUNS f/ fe > plural - knife knives
ves shelf shelves
roof roofs

d. NOUNS and VERBS y > baby babies
I fly flies
try tries
study studies
study studied
easy easier

heavy happily

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

e. VERBS y remains y in –ay enjoy enjoys

–oy – uy – ey: stay stays
pay paid
say said
f. VERBS -e + -ing> drop : make making
e: come coming
lie lying
die dying


g. NOUNS and VERBS i believe

always before e: shield
except after c : weigh
and when the height
sound is like ay :
h. prefixes must remain misspelling
complete(mis-, with- withhold
un- etc.) :
i. differences between c – s advice advise devise
noun - verb : device
j. suffix added to a word Manage management
ending in –e

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

k. if a word ends with a occur occurred

consonant trip tripped
travel travelling
usually double the
benefit benefited
when adding an ending develop developed

begins with vowel:


Task and exercises

I. Correct the spelling mistakes below:

1. stoped 8. devided
. resourses

2. tryed 9. crittisism .

3. acomodation 10. frecuently 17.


4. goverment 11. insuficient 18.


5. maked 12. neccessary 19.


6. geting 13. ocurred 20.


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

7. prefered 14. acheives 21.


II. Underline the spelling mistakes in the following two passages

and correct them:

Can you give me some advise, please? I have never traveled to Maputo
and I am makeing a trip next week. Our management has developped
some planes to be recieved by the central office in Maputo. I’ll be staing
there for ten dais.

III. Group the following words that have vowels (printed in bold)
with the same pronunciation:

bush – use – us – occur – truck – fur – rude - fuss – Luke – pull – quick -

dog – work – low – hot - short – stock – shoot – shot – love - lose

through - rough – daughter - laugh – house – court – board – glue –

enough – though – load – Boer – loud

wash – raw – fast – fat – father – behave – half – watch – cash – wall –
hate - hat

here – nerve – web – blew – let - beef – hear – heard – clean – weight
– leisure – dead

wit – white – bird – rice - bid – skirt - right – birth - thief – wait – stairs

IV. Rewrite the following text trying to correct all the spelling

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Visual Memory!

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde

Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny
iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?

V.Use a good English dictionary to learn the correct pronunciation and

meaning of the look-alike words in the following sentences.

1. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

2. We must polish the Polish furniture.

3. He could lead the team to victory if he would get the lead out.

4. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

5. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to

present the present to his mother.

6. When the shot came near, the dove dove into the bushes.

7. The medical insurance was invalid for the invalid.

8. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

9. The buck does funny things when the does are present.

10. The sewer in the shirt factory dropped a spool of thread down into
the sewer line.
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

11. To help with planting, the farmer taught his prize sow to sow.

12. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

13. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

Task and exercises

1. Choosing the right verb from the box to fill in each gap.

Note: Put the verb in the Past Simple

Fall find spend lose need

Hurt laugh take leave save

Celebrate can’t (past = couldn’t)

Three days lost, alone, and injured on a mountain

Gary Smith yesterday celebrated his 18th birthday, but

He’s lucky to be alive. In March this year, he was climbing Ben Nevis,
Britain’s highest mountain, when he

(a) ____ his way and (b) _________ three days in sub-zero

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

‘My friends (c) _________ at me for having so much survival equipment,

but it (d) ________ my life.

On the first night, the weather was so he bad that tore his new
mountain tent to pieces, so he moved into a Youth Hostel for the night.
He (e) ______ the hostel at 10.00 the next morning, but he was soon in
trouble. ‘I (f) ______ off rock and (g) _________ my

knees. I (h) _______ move.’

Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Gary, and (i) _________
________him at 1.00 in the morning. A helicopter (j) ________him to
hospital, where he

(k) _________ several operations.

‘Next time I’ll go with my friends, not on my own!’ he joked.

2. Asking questions:

Write questions to ask about the missing information.


‘I went to the States in 19_____.’

‘when did you go to the States?’

a. ‘I went to _______________________________ for my last

b. ‘we stayed in

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

c. ‘We stayed there for

‘How long
d. ‘We had __________________________________________
e. ‘Did ________________________________________ good
‘We travelled round by
f. ‘We had
_____________________________________________ food.’
‘Did ____________________________________________
good food?’

3.Work in pairs.

Decide which is the correct verb form.

a. I saw/ was seeing a very good programme on TV LAST NIGHT.

b. While I shopped/ was shopping this morning, I lost/ was losing
may money. I don’t know how.
c. Last week the police shopped/ were stopping Alan in his car
because he travelled/ was travelling at over eighty miles an hour.
d. ‘how did you cut/ were you cutting your finger?’
e. ‘I cooked/ was cooking and I dropped the knife.’

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

4. Put the verb in brackets in the correct verb form, Past Simple or Past

a. While I ______ (come) to work this morning, I _____(meet) an

old friend.
b. I _______(not want) to get up this morning. It ______(rain) and
it was old, and my bed was so warm.
c. I ______(listen) to the news on the radio when the phone
______ (ring).
d. But when I ______(pick) up the phone, there was no one there.
e. I said ‘Hello’ to the children, but they didn’t say anything
because they _______ (watch) television
5. Making negatives
Make the following sentences negative. Then give the

Right information.


Shakespeare wrote songs.

Shakespeare didn’t write songs. He wrote plays.

a. Mozambique got independence in 1972.

b. Mozambican capital in the colonial period was Nampula.
c. ISCED project was started in 2000 in Maputo.
d. The Americans landed on the moon in the nineteenth

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

6. Past tense forms

Write in the Past tense of the following verbs.

Work worked

Save saved

Stop stopped

Come came

Want __________________ arrive ________ plan


Help ____________________ use _________ travel


Wash ___________________ like _______ rob


Walk ___________________ smile


Make ___________
There is a listo of irregular
Fell _____________ verbs on page 141 of the
Student’s Book.
Send ____________


5. Past time expressions

Fill in the page with one of the words from the box.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Careful! Sometimes no word is necessary.

I arrived home ____at__ o’clock last night.

I saw Jane _______ yesterday.

Ago last in for at when
a. I was born in Africa _______ 1970. on
b. My parents moved back to England
___________________________ I was
c. We lived in Bristol ___________________________________ three
d. I went to college three years
e. I found a flat on my own _________________________________
last year.
f. I usually go home ____________________________________ the
g. I didn’t go home ___________________________ weekend
because some
Friends came to stay.
h. They arrived _________________ three o’clock
__________________ the
i. __________________________ Saturday evening we went out to a
j. _____________________________ we got home we listened to
some music.
k. We got up late ____________________________________ Sunday
l. __________________________________The afternoon we went
for a walk.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

m. I bought a car a few weeks

n. I had an accident ________________________________________
last night.
o. It happened _____7.00 ___________________________________
the evening.
p. I took my car to the garage ________________________________
this morning.
q. It will be ready __________________________________________
two weeks.

Task and exercises


When James Bond got back to His hotel room it

Was midnight. His windows were closed and the air-conditioning

was on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows. His heart
was still thumping in his chest. He breathed the air with relief, then
had a shower and went to bed.

At 3:30 he was dreaming, not very peacefully, of the three black-

coated men with red eyes and angry white teeth, when suddenly
he woke up. He listened. There was a noise. It was coming from
the window. Someone was moving behind the curtains.

James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of
bed, and crept slowly along the wall towards the window.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Someone was breathing behind the curtains. Bond pulled them

back with one quick movement. Golden hair shone silver in the

‘Mary Goodnight!’ Bond cursed. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’

‘Quick, James! Help me in!’ she whispered urgently.

Bond put down his gun and tried to pull her through the open window.
At the last moment her foot caught in the curtain and the
window banged shut with a noise like a gunshot. Bond cursed again.

Mary Goodnight whispered, ‘I’m terribly sorry James!’

‘Sh! Sh!’ said Bond, and quickly led her across the

Room to the bathroom. He turned on the light and

The shower. They sat down on the side of the bath.

Bond asked again. ‘What the hell are you doing?

Here? What’s the matter?’

‘James, I was so worried. A “Most Immediate”

Message came from HQ this evening. A top KGB

Man, using the name Hendricks, is staying at this

Hotel. I knew you were looking for him, but he knows

You’re here. He’s looking for you!’

‘I know,’ said Bond. ‘That man’s here all right. So

is a gunman called Scaremonger. Mary, did HQ say

if Hendricks has got a description of me?’

‘No, he hasn’t. you were just described as secret

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Agent James Bond.’

‘Thanks, Mary. Now I must get you of here.

Don’t worry about me, just tell HQ that you gave me

the message, OK?’

‘OK, James.’ She stood up and looked into his

Eyes: ‘Please take care, James.’

‘Sure, sure.’ Bond turned off the shower and

Opened the bathroom door. ‘Now, come on.’

A voice came from the darkness of the bedroom:

‘This is not your lucky day, Mr Bond. Come here

Both of you. Put your hands behind your necks!’

Scaremonger walked to the door and turned on the

Lights. His golden gun was pointing directly at James


Comprehension check

Use your dictionary to check vocabulary where necessary.

Are the following statements about the text true or false? Say why.

1 James Bond felt frightened and worried when he got back to his
hotel room.-------
2 A man with a gun woke Bond at 3.30 a.m.-----------------------------
3 Bond was very pleased to see Mary Goodnight.----------------------

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

4 Bond’s gun went off while he was pulling Mary through the
5 Mary and James talked in the bathroom because they thought it
was safer there than in the bedroom.-----------------------------------
6 Hendricks knew that Bond was in the hotel.---------------------------
7 Bond didn’t know that Hendricks was looking for him.-------------
8 Mary Goodnight likes James a lot.----------------------------------------
9 James helped Mary get out of the hotel.-------------------------------

 Vocabulary and grammar work

1. The following verbs appear in the text in their Past Simples form. Find
them in the text and write them next to the base form.

have had breathe wake

take creep shine

whisper put try

catch lead sit


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

UNIDADE Temática 5.

The Present Perfect


1.In positive sentences:

The main Verb

Subject + Auxiliary verb
(in past participle)

I/a dog etc. Have Gone,played,......

I have played tennis.
2.In Questions:

Auxiliary The main Verb

verb + (in past participle)

Have you Gone,played,......

Have you played tennis?

Task and exercises

Read the article and write a similar text about someone famous you
know in your country. .

Andrea de Silva, the Hollywood actress, has made over 25 films in her
career. She started acting at the age of fourteen. She has travelled to
many parts of the world, including Australia, South America, and China.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

I spoke to her last week and she said that her favourite place was
Argentina. ‘I went there a year ago when we made the western, Good
Times, Bad Times.’

She has won three Oscars. She won her first Oscar in 1987 for her role
as the scientist, Kay Brown, in Texas Flower.

Task and exercises

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past

Barbara Lively, the writer, is married with two children. She

______(write) over 40 books. She ______(start) writing after the death
of her first husband. She ______(live) in many parts of the world,
including japan and india.

She ______(spend) her childhood in Egypt, but ______(come) to

England in 1966.

She _____(write) both prose and poetry, but is best known for her
romantic novels. She _____(win) many awards, including the Booker
Prize, which she _____(win) in 1988 for the novel Dark Times to Come.

II. Put the words in the right order.

1. spoke I last week to the manager

2. once a month to South Africa travels usually Pedro Azar
3. the budget the director before the weekend wants to see
4. Today this work you finishing are?
5. accept cheques they usually
6. always doesn’t he the answer know

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

7. a Portuguese course last year our new manager attended in

8. the door the secretary shuts never
9. in the evening always don’t they ring
10. at our plant in Maputo we last year one million tonnes produced
11. Starting her project this month is?
12. there in Lisbon once a year a big conference is
13. for a substitute often don’t ask they
14. me a letter writes at the end of the month my friend always
15. talked we yesterday to the director
16. the design by next month wants to have the director
17. don’t normally very young children accept they
18. at their factory near Dondo they last year 5000 tonnes produced
19. every weekend to Chimoio travels Maxima
20. This week his report he finishing is?
21. usually doesn’t she an answer give

22. Rings on Sundays always she wears.

 Now change the sentences above to present perfect

 UNIDADE Temática 6.

 The Past Perfect and Past Progressive

Grammar Structures: The past perfect

O Past Perfect é formado pelo verbo auxiliar "have" no passado (had) e

o Past Participle do verbo principal.
Note que o Past Perfect deve estar sempre inserido em um contexto já
no passado, ou sua utilização estará errada.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

The Past Perfect is quite simple and useful, we use it to show that one
action in the past occurred before another action in the past.


1. A completed action before another activity in the past

2. a Third conditional sentences
b Reported speech

3. Dissatisfaction with the past

The Past Perfect is also used in a number of expressions like
I wish / as if / though / if only

I wish I hadn't gone there.

John looked as if he had done something terrible.


In positive sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Past participle

+ +
My train Had Left


By the time I got to the station my train HAD left. (use 1)

My mum asked me whether I had visited grandma the previous day.

(Use 2b)
By the time I got to the market, most of the stalls had already been

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Use 3 is the so-called hypothetical past. We're talking about things that
never happened.
I wish I had fixed my umbrella. (but I didn't)
If only I had known the answer to that question. (but I didn't) (Use 2a)
In questions:

Auxiliary verb Subject Past participle

+ +
had my train Left?

Had he known some words before he started learning English?
Had they had any pet before they bought the giraffe?

Common time expressions (time adverbials) in the Past Perfect:

after, before, already, as soon as, just, yet, until, till, by the time that.

In negative sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb + not Past participle

+ +
My train hadn't/ had not left.

Task and exercises

I. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tenses:

1. When we arrived, the concert __________________(already
2. It ______________(got) worse before it got better.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

3. By the time I watched my favorite program, I

________________(drink) a
4. Mr.Johnson ___________ (read) the document carefully before
he signed it.
5. Before I was born, my grandfather __________ (go) to war.
The past Perfect continuous

The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) is very similar to the Past

Perfect. However, while using this tense, we focus on the duration of an
activity rather than the result of it.

1. Duration of a past action up to a certain point in the past

2. Third conditional sentences (a) and reported speech (b)

In positive sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary verb Verb + ing

+ + +
I/a dog etc. Had been eating/swimming, etc.

I had been running for an hour when it started raining. (Use 1)
Mary said she had never been swimming so much in one day. (Use 2b)
Kathy put on weight because she had been eating too much sugar (Use
When I saw him I knew that he had been training. (Use 1)

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

In questions:

Auxiliary verb Subject Auxiliary verb Verb + ing

+ + +
Had I/a dog etc. been eating/swimming, etc.

Had Fred been painting the house for many hours when the ladder fell?
(Use 1How long had the player been playing before he scored? (Use 1)
In negative


Subject Auxiliary verb + not Auxiliary verb Verb + ing

+ + +
I/a dog /Mary, etc. hadn't Been going/swimming, etc.

He said he wasn't tired because he hadn't been preparing his car. (Use
If it hadn't been raining, we would have played football. (Use 2a)
Had I not been studying all night, I would have problems with this test
now. (Use 2a)

Task and exercises

Complete the gaps using the verbs between brackets (in the past
perfect continuous tense):
1. They ______________ (shout) for a few hours before their
2. They ______________ (eat noisily) for a few hours before their
parents arrived

3.They ______________ (play music at full volume) for a few hours

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

their parents

4. They ______________ (jump on their parents' bed) for a few

hours before

their parents

5. They ______________ (try on Mary's clothes) for a few hours

before their

 UNIDADE Temática 7.

What … like? Comparatives – Directions.


Tina Stanley is a violinist with the London Festival Where did you go?

Orchestra. She lives in London but she travels all over What was the
weather like?
The word with the orchestra. Last year she visited New
Where … stay?
York, Tokyo, and Rome. She said Rome is a nice place.
What was the (hotel)
She liked the food and the accommodation.

… food …

Grammar questions
… beaches …?

Her friend asks Tina about her tour last year.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

She says: Tell me about Rome. What’s it like?

- Is she asking if Tina likes the places she visited?

- Is she asking Tina to describe the places she visited?

Task and exercises

1. Work in pairs.

Ask and answer questions about the place Tina


You can also ask question about any place you have ever visited.

It’s (i tis)…
What’s … like?
It’s (it hás) got …

2.Asking for descriptions

What … like? Asks for a general description of people, places, or things.

‘What’s _______________________________________ like?

‘it’s big and noisy, with a lot of parks.’etc.

‘What’s___________________________________________ like?’

‘She’s very nice, very intelligent, and pretty.’

Here, like is a proposition. Don’t confuse it with like used as a verb (I

like Coke./ Do you like swimming?).

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

3. Comparative and superlative adjectives are formed in

Three ways.

1 with –er and –est

2 with – ier and –iest

3 with more and most

4. Comparative and superlative adjectives are formed in

Three ways.

a.with –er and –est

b. with – ier and –iest

c. with more and most

What are the comparative and superlative forms of

The following adjectives? Put 1, 2, or 3 next to each


(good and bad are irregular)

Beautiful ___ cold ___ old ___

Ugly ___ hot ____ near ___

Big___ crowded ___ far (irreg) ___

Small ___ exciting ___ noisy ___

Busy ____ friendly ____ quiet ____

Cheap ___ heavy ____ polluted ____

Expensive ____ interesting ____ wet ___

Clean ____ boring ___ dry ___
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Grammar question

- When do you use – er/-est, -ier/-iest, and more/most?

er/-est, -ier/-iest, and more/most,than

3. Complete the gaps in the sentences below use the words in the box.

a. Tokyo’s exciting, but, for a musician, London

Is ______ exciting __________________________________
Tokyo, and, of
Course, New York is _____ _________________________________
exciting of
b. London is, of course, much (old) _______
_____________________ New
York, but it isn’t ______ old _______________________ Rome.
Rome is ______________________ ________ oldest city I

c. London doesn’t have

____________________________________many old
Buildings ____________________ Rome, but it has

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

________________________________________ both New

York and Tokyo.
d. New York has _________________________________ parks
than Tokyo, but
London has _____ _______________________________ parks.
There are five
In the city centre.
Listen again and check your answers.
Work in pairs.

Practise saying the following sentences, paying

Attention to weak forms and word links.

 I’m not as tall as you.

 But I’m taller than ann.
 It’s not as cold today as it was yesterday.
 But it’s colder than it was last week.
 This book is more interesting than I thought.
 But it isn’t as interesting as the one I read last week.

Task and exercises

1. Grammar

Work in pairs to correct the following sentences.

a. He’s more older than he looks.

b. Ann’s as tall than her mother.
c. ‘What does Paris like?’
‘it’s beautiful, especially in the spring.’
d. Concorde is the most fast passenger plane in the
My town’s (much)
e. Tokyo are crowded than London.
smaller than that

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

f. Oxford is one of oldest universities in Europe.

g. He isn’t as intelligent than his sister.
h. This is more hard than I expected.
i. Who is the most rich man in the world?
j. Everything is more cheap in my country.

It’s quite
and big.
It has a
on of

2. Speaking and writing

Think about Mozambican Cities.

Use the information to make comparisons.

Between the cities with –er/more … than; not as … as;

the –est/most…

write down some of your sentences. Do you know other

things about these cities? What is your opinion of them?

Make more comparisons

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

4. Speaking and listening

Work in groups of three.

If you live in the same town, either compare facts and

Opinions about the different parts of town, or compare

different parts of your country.

If you come from different towns, describe them to each

Other, and then compare them.


The richest man in the would

A year ago the sultan of Bruney gave a birthday part of

His eleven-year old-daughter. It was at the ballroom of

Claridges Hotel, in Mayfair, London. it cost 1000.000 pounds

But for the Sultan this is not a great amount of money. He

Is so rich that he can by whatever he wants.

A few years ago he built the biggest palace in the world. It

has 1,788 rooms, 5 swimming pools, 257 toilets,

44 staircases and 18 lifts. The dining room can seat

4,000 people. There are 564 chandeliers with 51,490

Light bulbs. A servant is employed full time to

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Change bulbs – about 200 a day. The total cost of

The palace was$400 million. The Sultan invited his

Friends to see it but they didn’t like it – they said

It looked more like a multi-storey car park than a palace.

What could the Sultan do?

You guessed – he built another one!

Brunei is one of the smallest but richest countries in the

World. Its wealth comes from oil and gas. Most people

Think that Brunei is in the Middle East but it isn’t it’s in

East Asia, on the north coast of the island of Borneo. It

Sells the oil and gas to Japan, and earns $2 billion a

Year-that is $229,000 every hour – from it. And the

Beauty is that there are so few people to share all this

Money. The population of Brunei is only 230,000. The

The Sultan of Brunei spen
Sultan and is brothers are the government.
wealth in many ways. For
gave a party for his d
Despite all this money and power the Sultan is a very shy
Claridges, one of the hotel
Man. He is 42 years old but still looks like a schoolboy.
London. The party cost $
He say very little at international meetings. When he was
built two palaces and a m
park for his guests’ cars. H
Nineteen he married his cousin, Princess Saleha, who was
houses in London, and one
Then sweet, pretty, and only sixteen. Time passed and the biggest garden in the ci

She because more and more reserved. In 1980 the He divorced his first wife an
air hostess. His first wife
Sultan met an air hostess called Marian Bell, who is
Brunei is a rich country bec
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Half Bruneian, a quarter Japanese, and a quarter

English. She is much more outgoing in her manner

Than most Bruneian girls, and the Sultan fell in love

With her. He married her, too, and now has two

Wives and two families all living happily together

It’s a
In the new palace. The Sultan’s total wealth is lovely

More than $25 billion. He owns hotels all round day

The world: the Dorchester in London, the Beverley

Hills Hotel in Los Angeles and the Hyatt Hotel in

Singapore. He has a fleet of private planes, including

An airbus. One of his London houses has the biggest

garden in the city, except for Buckingham Palace. With all

this, is he a happy man? Nobody asks him that.

Comprehension check

1 How many hotels are mentioned in the article?

Why are they mentioned?

2 What do the following numbers refer to from the text?

1,788 257 4,000 200 229,000 230,000 19

Task and exercises

1.Complete the following conversation using an adjective of similar

meaning from the box below:

Annoyed fed up generous handsome


Marvellous messy modern wealthy

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

a.‘Mary’ s family is very rich

‘Well, I knew her uncle was
b.‘Look at all these new building!’
‘Yes. They city’s much more
______________________________________ than I
c.‘Her boyfriend’s really good-looking.’
‘well, he’s certainly one of the most
__________________________________ men
In the room!’
d.‘Wasn’t that film wonderful!’
‘Yes, it was
e)‘George doesn’t earn much money, but he’s so
‘I know. He’s very _________________________________ to both his
family and
His friends.’
f.‘Her bedroom’s really untidy again!’
‘Is it? I told her it was _________________________________
yesterday, and she
Promised to clean it’.
g.Was Sara angry when you told her?’

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

‘Yes. She looked really

h.‘I’m bored with this lesson!’
‘I know, I’m really __________________________________________
with it, too!’

2.Write in B’s answers, and try to be more polite than A


a. John’s so mean.
b. Rome’s an expensive city.
c. Her house is always messy.
d. He looks miserable.
e. His sister’s stupid.
f. The children were naughty today.
g. The shop assistant was so rude.


We can also use antonyms in conversation to avoid

Repeating words.
Yes, it wasn’t very

What na awful meal! Nice, was it?

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

1 Match the following adjectives with their two

Opposites in the previous exercise. You can also use your bilingual

Awful _____________________________

Interested ____________________________

Mean _____________________________

Old _____________________________

Poor _____________________________

Pleased _____________________________

Tidy ______________________________

Ugly ______________________________

Note:Sometimes we try to be polite by not using a negative

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Adjective, but using not very + the opposite.

 UNIDADE Temática 8.

 Modal Verbs.


At the Store

"I'm going to the store." can have a variety of meanings in English

because there are a wide variety of different stores. "Store" can be a
Supermarket, a Convenience Store, a neighbourhood grocery store, a
shoe store, a clothing store, a hardware store, a paint store, a book and
magazine store, a butcher shop, a candy store, an automotive parts
store, a toy store or a pet store. A store can be a tiny 2 m. by 3
m. Newspaper and magazine store or a huge "open 24 hours" Super
Waymart as large as several football fields.

"I'm going to the store." can mean you are going to buy a pack of
cigarettes, a week's worth of groceries, a pair of shoes or a new
television set. Sometimes it means that you are bored and just plan to
"window shop" - walk along the street or walk up and down the aisles
of a large store or mall looking at the merchandise on display.

There are a few different ways to buy something from a store. You
could pay for the items you want with cash - actual paper money and
coins - or with a personal check. You could use a "charge card" issued
by and only valid at specific stores - Sears, Penney's, Circuit City, Macy's,
etc. - for which you receive a monthly bill showing all of your purchases
during the previous month. You could pay for your items with a "debit
card" - a plastic card that allows money
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

in the amount of your purchase to be withdrawn from your checking

account. Finally, you could use a "credit card" such a VISA, Master
Card, Discover or American Express, which is like a loan allowing you to
purchase something now and pay for it later. Of course, if you cannot
pay for it later, the credit card companies add large amounts of
"interest" to the amount you owe so that the longer you take to pay,
the greater the amount is that you have to pay.

Task and exercises


Answer the following questions:

1. What can the word “store” mean? Present synonyms.

2. Mention a few ways in which you can pay when buying


3. Which way do you prefer and why?

Grammar Structures: MODALS

Modals (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would must) are
verbs that are normally used together with one or more other verbs;
never use ‘to’ between a modal and the following verb

e.g. He can speak English. - Ele sabe falar inglês.

(c.f. He likes to speak

English. - Ele gosta de


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


Can I smoke here? - Posso fumar aqui?

(c.f. Do you want to

smoke? - Você quer


Note:"May", "might" e "must" são verbos, mas nunca terão sua forma
alterada por conjugação. It is very important to study the use and
meanings of the modals because they are used very frequently in
English. Below is a list of the most important uses and meanings with

a. can
i. Ability: (=to be able) I can speak English - Eu consigo
falar inglês.
ii. Permission: Can I smoke here? - Posso fumar aqui?
iii. Possibility: It can happen to anyone. - Isso pode
acontecer com qualquer um.
(See for Possibility also ‘may’ or ‘might’ .)
b. could
i. Ability / Permission in the past:
I couldn't speak English before going to England. -Eu não
sabia falar inglês
antes de ir
para a Inglaterra.
I couldn't go. Não pude ir.
You couldn't smoke in the presence of your parents at
that time. Não se

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

podia fumar na
presença dos pais,
naquela época.
ii. Possibility in the present: We could send him a letter.

iii. Unreal past ability or possibility: You could have called


Você poderia ter me


iv. Polite request: Could you do me a favor? Você poderia

me fazer um favor?

c. may
i. Permission: May smoke here? Posso fumar aqui?
Polite Request: May I have this dance?

ii. Possibility: It may rain today. Pode ser que chova

iii. To express a wish (um desejo): May all your dreams
come true. - Que
todos seus sonhos se realizem. (This is
quite formal English.)
d. might
(Remote) possibility: It might rain this weekend. É capaz de
chover no próximo
fim de semana.
You might not like this film.

e. will

i. to express the future i.e. predictions of events or the


It will be rainy tomorrow.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

ii. to express personal intentions:

He will marry her after he has finished his studies.

f. would
Conditional sentences, i.e. in the main clause:
I would buy a car, if I had enough money.
g. shall
suggestion or proposal (British English):
Shall we go to the movies? Que tal, vamos ao cinema?
(Note: Shall is only used in the interrogative and the first person
singular ‘I’ or plural ‘we’).

h. should /ought to
advice: You should (ought to) study more. Você deveria
estudar mais.

i. must (past tense: ‘had to’)

i. strong advice: You must stop drinking.
The windscreen is very dirty. You must
clean it to drive safely.
ii. personal obligation: I’m not feeling well. I must go and
see a doctor.
I must go to a bank today. I haven’t
got any money.

iii. prohibition (forbidden): You mustn't drive; you’ve been

iv. inference, logical deduction: He has bought the Cardoso
Hotel in Maputo. He must be very rich.
j. have to

i. External rule or obligation (generally considered as

important or enforced by law)
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Our accountant says that we have to pay our tax


I’ll be late for work tomorrow. I have to see a dentist.

You have to pass a test before you can get a licence.

ii. Manuel negative: don’t/doesn’t have = there is no need

I’m on holiday, so I don’t have to get up before 9.

Task and exercises

Exercises and Revision of the unit

Task and exercises

I. Underline all the modal verbs that you can find in the
expressions below that are commonly used in stores:

1. How much does this cost?" 17. "Do you have this blouse in a
2. "May I help you, Sir?" size 16?"
3. "May I help you, Ma'am" 18. "Excuse me, do you work
4. "No, thank you. I'm just here?"
looking." 19. "How fresh are these
5. "Will that be cash or strawberries?"
charge?" 20. "Would you like to try those
6. "Where are those jeans that shoes in a larger size?"
were on sale?" 21. "Excuse me, Miss. Where can
7. "I'm sorry, but we're out of I find the cake mixes?"
those. We have some very 22. "Cake mixes are on the right
nice Wranglers, though." at the far end of aisle five."
8. "What colour paint were you 23. "I'd like a chicken salad
looking for, lady?" sandwich and a small Coke."

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

9. "Do you deliver?" 24. "Are these the only colours

10. "Would you like me to help you have?"
you with that package, 25. "You can't take your packages
Ma'am?" into the dressing room,
11. "Where is the Electronics Ma'am."
Department?" 26. "Please don't squeeze the
12. "Where can I find the tomatoes."
children's clothing?" 27. "How can I tell if these
13. "Your ad showed some melons are ripe?"
dresses on sale. Could you 28. "I'm afraid we don't have that
tell me where they are?" style in your size."
14. "When I got this CD player 29. "We sold out of that
home, it wouldn't play." item. Would you like a rain
15. "Do you have your receipt?" check?"
16. "Will you take a personal

II. Translate the expressions below that have something to do

with stores or shopping:

credit card / salesperson / counter / display case / cash register / sale /

credit / jewelry store / supermarket / receipt / Visa / mall / department
store / discount store / barber shop / delivery / refund / discount

III. Use each verb with a modal in a sentence that you make up:

deliver / purchase / buy / charge / cash / accept / choose / select /

borrow / try

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

IV. Use modal verbs, either in the present or the past tense
(affirmative or negative):

1. Did you know that she …………… play the piano?

2. Well, when I was young, I …………dance the tango, but I too old

3. In this street you ……... park your car anywhere you like.

4. She ………………. leave the airport in Harare because didn’t have

a visa.

5. Dercio didn’t pass his exam, so he …………. to do a re-sit.

6. I ………… finish this work today or I’ll be fired tomorrow.

7. Hurry up! We ……… be late for the meeting.

8. If there is a fire in the building, you ……… use the lift.

9. ……………. you wait outside, please.

10. …………….. you mind waiting a few minutes?

11. ……………… I borrow your dictionary, please?

12. You ………… stop contacting him! Can’t you see that he is abusing

13. - I ………. get in. I have lost my key! – You …………… have bought a
spare key when you still had the original.

14. I’m not sure if I want to do the test now. I …………… do it next
year after finishing my studies.

15. I ………… join you; who knows.

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V. Use any of the modal verbs, either in the present or the past

1. Hey partner, next week we have a holiday; we ………………… plan

a holiday trip to divert ourselves and refresh our minds.
2. I’m not sure about our financial situation. ………… I go to the bank
this afternoon and see how much we still have?
3. O.K., meanwhile let’s decide about a few things. Where …………
we go and how ……… we travel? - What about traveling abroad?
4. I’m not too sure. South Africa is expensive. We …………. go to
Zimbabwe, but isn’t it a bit unsafe there?
5. Lake Niassa, perhaps ? I have always wanted to go there. I
………………. see it one day, before I am too old to travel.
6. Too old! You ………………. be joking! You have still got a whole life
before you.
7. Don’t exaggerate. There are a lot of things I ………….do some 15
years ago, that I …………..do any longer these days.
8. …………I ask you how old you are, actually?

 UNIDADE Temática 9.

Talking about the Future.

The Future Tenses

a. Present Progressive (plans :what somebody has already

arranged or decided to do in the future:)

Some examples:

Are you doing anything this evening?

I’m working on Thursday

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We’re traveling along the Mozambican coast for two months.

Our cousin is probably coming on Thursday.

b. Be going to+ infinitive (plans and predictions)


e.g. I’m going to learn Chinese.

What are you going to do next year?

This is going to be our new office.

Is he going to be here today?

- PREDICTIONS about (very) near and obvious future:

e.g. It’s going to rain.

The plan is going to crash. She’s going to have a baby.

* Use Going to forms to express predictions based on observing the

present situation.
** Sometimes you may encounter the form gonna, which is a
contraction of going to.
Gonna is informal so should not be used in writing!

c. Will

I / you he etc. will (‘ll) go We / they will I, you, etc. will not (won’t) Will I / you
(‘ll) go go

e.g. I think Manchester will beat Liverpool 2 – 0.

Something very strange will happen next Thursday.

Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

If you don’t eat you’ll die.


1. Promises (Use 1)
2. Unplanned actions (spontaneous decisions) (Use 2)
3. Predictions based on experience or intuition * (Use 3)


In positive sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Infinitive

+ +
I/a dog etc. will go/take etc.

Remember, you should never use will to say what somebody has
already arranged or decided to do in the future:
 Mike is moving to New Jersey next month ( not "Mike will move")
I think he will regret his choice (Use 3)
I will come back at 10 p.m. (Use 1)
When I'm 60 years old, I will be totally bald (Use 3)
I will go to Mary (Use 2 - the speaker decided to go to Mary in the
moment of speaking.)
Let's buy the snacks at the supermarket - they will be cheaper (Use 3)

In questions:

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Auxiliary verb Subject Infinitive

+ +
Will I/a dog etc. go/take etc.

Will he be angry when he sees me? (Use 3).

What do you think - will Mark arrive at 10 or 9? (Use 3)
In negative sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb + not Infinitive

+ +
I/a dog etc. will not/won't go/take etc.

I won't take any equipment with me (Use 2).

Mmmm... you know what? I won't be able to help you with your English
today (Use 2)
(The speaker didn't know you wouldn't be able to help his or her friend
with English - that's why it's Use 2.)


We often use will with events that were in progress when another event
happened. We often use when to link these two events:

probably, most likely I'll probably drop in on uncle.

I think This gift is great. I think we'll love it.

It's not going to be boring there. I'm sure there will be

I'm sure
boys at your age.

I wonder (if, what, when,

It's a bit late. I wonder if he'll come.

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I expect I haven't seen Matthew today. I expect he'll call today.

Summary: The three future forms (a, b, and c)


We use both the Present We use both be going to and

Progressive or be going to talk will to predict (to say what we
about plans. We use the Present think or know will happen in
Progressive especially when we talk the future). We prefer going to
about times and places. when we can ‘see things
coming’ – when it is very clear
what is going to happen.


I’m going to travel round the world. Look! It’s going to rain.

I’m traveling to France next week.

Task and exercises

I. Although will and going to may seem similar, in fact there's a

world of difference between them. Will is used to express decisions
(spontaneous), while going to - intentions. Complete the sentences
using the verbs in the brackets:
1. What ___________ (do) in the summer holidays?

2. I ___________ (pass) my driving test at last.

3. Oh, that's cool. I think __________ (go) to Chimoio to visit my


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

4. How long _________ (stay) there?

5. Oh, I'm not sure. __________ (take; probably) at least a week. I

_______ (visit; also) my uncle who lives nearby.

6. And what __________(you; now; do)?

7. ______________ (have, I) lunch in 30 minutes.

8. Watch out! This car _____________ (explode) any minute.

9. Can you remind me of my visit to the dentist tomorrow?

_______ (I, forget, certainly)

10. The bus is late. I have a feeling ___________ (not arrive) before
5 o'clock.

11. Look at the engine! _______________ (never, we, repair) on


12. Let's stop by the supermarket. ________________________

(be, Coke, cheaper)

13. Jane knows maths well. ________________________________

(help, she) you.

II. Put the infinitives in the most correct future tenses:

1. I think ……(there be) a lot of new investments in Sofala this year.

2. They …….…(make a tour) around Africa from May to October.
3. The weather forecast is that it ……… (rain) tomorrow.
4. Careful, the baby ………(fall off) the table!
5. He ………..(leave) for Durban at 8 tomorrow morning.
6. I ………………..(borrow) some books from the library this
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

7. What ……… you (do) at the weekend?

8. The provincial elections …………. (be) next year.
9. My brother phoned me saying that he ……………… (visit) us later
this year.

 UNIDADE Temática 10.

Talking about the Future – More Complex forms.

The Future Continuous (Progressive)

We use the Future Continuous (Progressive) to indicate that we will be

in the middle of doing something in a specified time in the future.


1. Incomplete actions in the future


In positive sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary verb Verb + ing

+ + +
I/you/we etc. Will be going/taking

She will be having a bath when I'm back home.

Tomorrow at nine, I will be hosing off (=washing with a hose) my car.

I am going to (=will) be watching TV when my mother arrives.

Tomorrow at this time, I will be getting bored at school!

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

In questions:

Auxiliary verb Subject Auxiliary verb Verb + ing

+ + +
will I/you/we etc. be going/taking

Will she be cooking when we knock at the door?

Will Mark be playing football at 6 p.m.?

In negative sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary verb Verb + ing

+ + +
I/you/we etc. won't be going/taking

We won't be having supper tomorrow before 8 o'clock.

I won't be learning English tomorrow at this time because I'll be at disco.

If you're here the first time, you might want to see a list of subjects that
will make browsing this website more beneficial.

2. We use the Future Perfect to express an action that will be

finished before some point in the future.


Actions that will be finished before some point in the future

Common time expressions used in the Future Perfect:

 Before
 By tomorrow/7 o'clock/next month
 Until/till

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

In positive sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary verb Past participle

+ + +
I/a dog etc. Will have gone, seen, etc.

They will have graduated from Cambridge by July 2009.

I will have retired by the end of the year.

I read 40 pages a day. If I keep up the pace, I will have read the book by

In negative sentences:

Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary verb Past participle

+ + +
I/a dog etc. won't have gone, seen, etc.

They won't (will + not) have graduated from from Cambridge by July

I won't have retired by the end of the year.

In questions:

Auxiliary verb Subject Auxiliary verb Past participle

+ + +
will I/a dog etc. have gone, seen, etc.

Will they have graduated from Cambridge by July 2009?

Will I have retired by the end of the year?

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Task and exercises

I. Decide which form of “will” is the most suitable for the

following sentences (a)will + infinitive, (b)will + be …ing, (c) will +
have + past participle:

1. I read 40 pages a day. If I keep up the pace,

I _________(read) the book by Tuesday.

2. I think he _______(regret) his choice.

3. _________________ she ______________(cook) when we
knock at the door?
4. I ___________________ (watch) TV when my mother arrives.
5. You might want to see a list of subjects that ______________
(make) browsing this website more beneficial.

6. I _______________(come) back at 10 p.m.

7. When I'm 60 years old, I _______________(be) totally bold.
8. I _______________(go) to Mary.
9. I ________________ (retire) by the end of the year.

10. Let's buy the snacks at the supermarket - they

_______________(be) cheaper.
11. _________________ he (be) angry when he sees me?
12. What do you think - ________________ Mark (arrive) at 10 or
13. She _________________ (have) a bath when I'm back home.
14. Tomorrow at nine, I _________________ (hose off) (=wash with
a hose) my car.
15. Tomorrow at this time, I ______________ (get) bored at school!

16. _____________ Mark ___________(play) football at 6 p.m.?

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

17. We __________________ not (have) supper tomorrow before 8


18. I ______________ be (learn) English tomorrow at this time

because I'll be at the disco.

19. _______________they(graduate) from Cambridge by July 2009?

 UNIDADE Temática 11.

Expression of Quantity.

Going shopping

 Tasks and exercises

Two friends, Ben and Sam, are going to give a dinner

Party for their girlfriends.

1 Look below at the ingredients for the main course.

Read the recipe, and use your dictionary to checks any
Grammar & questions
Words you don’t know.
 Tasks and exercises
2 Work in pairs.
Work in pairs.

One of you is Ben and one is Sam.

- Underline with a solid line
(___) all the Ask each other questions about the ingredients.

Countable nouns.

- Underline with a broken line How much beef do we need? 450 grams.
(----) all the

Uncountable nouns. How many onions do w need?

Discuss the use of the words 101

in italics in the
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

3. Put some or any into each gap.

a. Have you got _________ brothers or sisters?

b. We don’t need ________ butter.
c. There are _____________ books on the table.
d. I want _______ flour because I’m going to bake a
e. Is there __________________ petrol in the car?

4.Put much, many, or a lot of into each gap.

a. Have you got ________ homework?
b. We don’t need ________ eggs.
There are _________________dirty plates in the sink.
c. There is _____________unemployment in my town.
d. Are there ____________unemployed people in your.

3. Put a, the, or nothing into each gap.

a. I have two children, __________________________________ girl

and ___________
b. She goes to ________________________________girl is six and
______ boy is four

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

by _________________________________________P train every

day. Her office is
Baker Street.
c. I never read _______________________________________
newspapers during the
Week, but I buy
___________________________________Observer every Sunday
And I read it in
d. When you go to ________________________________________
France, you must
take _________________________ boat on ___________________
Seine when you
_______ Paris.

5. Read the definitions of the following words.

Work in groups.

Imagine you work in advertising. How can you

Sell the following things? What information will

you give about them in the advertisement?

- A soft drink

- A musical at the theatre

- African clothing

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

- A new kind of frozen

Potato dish

- A motor fair etc.

Compare your suggestions.

Task and exercises

Comprehension check

Try to answer the following questions on the bases of your

advertisement sheet.

1. What is the name of the product in your


2. What is the name of the


3. What is the name of the


4. When does the service


5. What is the name of the soft


6. How much is a day-trip from


7.Where can you get tickets for the


8. What are some of the extras the man wanted in his

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


9.What can you get when you buy Coca-


Task and exercises

1.Write questions with how much and how many for the following

a. You buy Coca She has a lot of children.


b.I want some butter


c.I know many African countries


d.My car cost 200 thousands meticais .


e. She earned a lot of money in that company


ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

 UNIDADE Temática 12.

 General Revision & Exercises.

I.Write the past tense form of the verb in the blank.

Example: Melinda __came__ (come) home at 5:00 yesterday


1. Julianne _______________ (see) a movie Saturday afternoon.

2. We _______________ (do) the laundry this morning.

3. Mia _______________ (sleep) for 9 hours last night.

4. Joe _______________ (eat) a hamburger for lunch.

5. Mark _______________ (stand) in line at the post office for 30

minutes this morning.

6. Lisa _______________ (get) up at 7:30 this morning.

7. Linda _______________ (write) in her journal every day last month.

8. Barry _______________ (go) downtown last week.

9. Nick _______________ (bring) his dictionary to class yesterday.

10. Annette _______________ (have) supper at 6:00 yesterday.

11. Marie _______________ (buy) new clothes last week.

12. Josh _______________ (put) his coat in the closet.

13. Frank _______________ (catch) a fish at the lake.

14. Ben and Yolanda _______________ (think) about their family this

15. Charlie _______________ (run) a marathon in October.

16. Harry _______________ (drink) 5 cups of coffee this morning.

17. Stanley _______________ (drive) to the beach last summer.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

18. Deborah _______________ (ride) her bicycle in the park on Sunday.

19. David _______________ (fly) to Chicago last week.

20. Jordan ________________ (send) his mother a birthday present.

21. We _______________ (hear) a baby cry this morning.

22. I ________________ (pay) the rent on the first of May.

23. I _______________________ (break) my arm two years ago.

24. She_______________(drink) tea this morning.

25. Bill _________________________ (meet) his best friend at school.


2 Grammar

Work in pairs to decide which is the correct verb form.

a. ‘my suitcase is so heavy!’

‘Give it to me. I’ll/I’m going to carry it for you.’
b. I bought some warm boots because I’ll go/I’m going
c. ‘Tony’s back from holiday.’
‘Is he? I’ll give/ I’m going to give him a ring.’
d. We’ll see/ we’re going to see ‘Hamlet’ at the Royal
Shakespeare tonight. The tickets were very
e. You can tell me your secret. I won’t tell/ I’m not going
To tell anyone else.
f. I hear you and john will get/ are going to get married!
g. ‘I need to get these shopping soon. I’ll post/ I’m going to
Post them for you.’
ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

h. ‘where will you go/are you going on holiday this


Present Simple

1 Making negatives

Make the following sentences negative. Then give the

Right information.


The sun ries in the west.

The sun doesn’t rise in the west. It rises in the east.

a. Stefan Edberg plays football.


b. The queen lives at 33, Station Road, London.


c. Kangaroos come from Canada.


d. The sun shines at night.


e. In England people drive on the right.


f. Your teacher arrives late.


2 Making questions

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

Write sentences to ask about the missing information.


‘I get up at __________.’

‘What tome do you get up?’

a. ‘At the weekend I usually go to ______’.


b. ‘The bank opens at ______.”


c. ‘My mother comes from _______.’


d. ‘My children go to _________ school.’

‘Which _______________________?’
e. ‘My brother works in __________.’
‘Where ________________________?’
f. ‘My sister drives a ______.’
‘What sort _____________________?’

9 While, during, and for

While is a conjunction, and is followed by a clause

(subject + verb). If you say ‘X happened while Y

Happened’, it means X and Y happened at the same time.

I met Peter while I was studying at university.

During is a preposition, and it is followed by a noun. It has

A similar meaning to while.

I worked on a farm during the holidays.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês

The noun after during expresses an activity that takes time.

During the film/ lesson/ afternoon/ football match

While and during answers the question When?

For answers the question How long?

It is followed by a time expression.

I lived there for there years/ six months.

We’re having a holiday for two weeks/ a couple of days.

Put while, during, or for into each gap.

a. I fell and hurt myself ________ I was playing.

b. It started to rain ____________ the match.
c. We played tennis __________ two hours.
d. I worked in Italy ___________ three years.

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


Alexander R. (1989, 2003) New International Business Studies,

Cambridge: CUP.
Aztar, B Shrimper (1989) Understanding and Using English Grammar,
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Arnold J. & Harmer J. (1988) Advanced Writing Skills, London: Longman.

Hedge T. (1995) Writing, Oxford: UP.

English J & Lewis R. (1995) How to Write Reports, Cambridge: Collins


Jordan R.R. (1990) Academic Writing Course, London: Longman.

Jonh & Liz (1991) Headway, London: Longman.

Mackenzie (1997, 2002) English for Business Studies, Cambridge: CUP

McArthur T. (1992) The Oxford Companion to English Language, New

York: OUP.

McArthur T. (1984) the Written Word Book 2, Oxford: OUP.

Murphy R. (1998, 2004) Essential Grammar in Use, Cambridge: CUP

Schofield J. (2004) Double Dealing, Oxford: Summer town Publishing
Wald horn A, (1981) English Made Simple, New York: Doubleday
Wallace M. (1988) Study Skills, Cambridge: CUP.

The end

ISCED CURSO: CPRI; 10 Ano Disciplina/Módulo: Inglês


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