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A muito tempo atrás havia um poderoso deus serpente conhecido como

Ydersius que comandava a tirânica e dominadora civilização serpentfolk sekmin

como seu líder militar e religioso. O imperio Sekmin era sem igual possuindo um
conhecimento arcano que até os dias de hoje não conseguiu ser readquirido.
A queda do império começou com uma intensa era do gelo, o povo sekmin
era um povo reptiliano que não possuia o controle térmico presente em outros
humanoides, rapidamente aqueles que não tinham acesso a magia passaram a
perecer o que foi tratado como fraqueza por seus lideres, uma seleção natural. Os
lideres tiranos não previram que a seleção natural levaria sua força braçal, seus
capatazes, servos, soldados... no fim o imperio Sekmin caiu em guerra com todos os
inimigos que jamais ousariam atacar-los em sua gloria anterior.
Sobre a guerra em si muito foi esquecido, porem, seu fim ainda é lembrado
nos anais da historia, após uma batalha épica sobre a capital Sekmin de Ilmurea o
grande heroi Azlant Savith decapitou o deus guerreiro Ydersius e lançou sua cabeça
ainda silvante nos rios de lava que banhavam os subterrâneos da grande capital a
decapitação não destruiu o poderoso deus mas enfraqueceu a ele e seu exercito o
suficiente para que os Azlants os acoassem para as profundezas das Darklands de
Com a derrota de seu deus e queda de sua capital o imperio Sekmin estava
fadado a destruição, seus lideres prevendo o inevitável abandonaram seu povo na
esperança que ao menos o conhecimento que eles haviam acumulado poderia ser
preservado, nas Darklands cada um dos magos-mor sobreviventes construiu um
lugar de repouso onde cada um a seu modo eles hibernaram na esperança de
reerguer seu imperio quando seu deus enfim estivesse completo novamente.
O povo serpentfolk se embrenhou no subterrâneo, vivendo barbaramente
até ter sua cultura e conhecimento esquecidos, isto dividiu a raça em dois povos
distintos, os Aapoph, (Sekmins que caíram a barbárie tornando-se fisicamente mais
poderosos em troca de sua afinidade para a magia e intelecto) e os raros e
engenhosos Zyss que trazem consigo os traços e principalmente a afinidade para a
magia da raça ancestral.

Figuras Importantes

 Velho Mago Jatembe:

 Savith:
 Ydersius:
 General Chakradev:
 Os Dez Guerreiros Magicos:
 Magaambya‘s Tempest-Sun Mages

Conselho Governante de Nantambu

 Luchomo ‘A Aranha’:
 Ciko:
 Gugulethu:
 Enosha:
 Owethu:
 Nobomi:
 Mongameli:
 Thuba:
 Khwezi ‘O Mestre’:
 Asanda ‘O Tesoureiro’:
 Sifiso ‘O Jovem’

Locais Relevantes

 Ilha de Anobar:
 Ponte Aberta:
 Cidade Subterrânea de Ilmurea:
 Nantambu:
 Academia Arcana de Magaambya:
 Dhalanagar:
 Nayapul:
 Saventh-Yhi:


 Flotilhas de comerciantes abraçam as costas do Oceano Obari, colhendo grandes

lucros do comércio entre Garunde e Vudra pelo caminho de Iblydos, embora
sejam mantidos afastados das rotas mais rápidas da água azul por ciclones de
chamas e dragões saqueadores.

 Anobar Island is one of the few islands that was not connected with mainland
Vudra when the waters of the Obari Ocean receded forming the land bridge
known as Open Bridge. Still considered part of the Open Bridge region, rather
than swarming with the aberrations that infest much of the rest of the region,
Anobar Island instead belongs to the serpentfolk. These serpentfolk follow an
unknown malicious entity and have recently begun erecting ominous ziggurats
across the island. Andobar Island lies at the southernmost tip of Open Bridge,
completely disconnected from the mainland its inhabitants are just as hostile as
the rampaging aberrations. Led by some unknown but malign force the
serpentfolk of Andobar have begun constructing new ziggurats for some
unknown but doubtlessly unholy purpose.

 Savith was the great Azlanti heroine who defeated the god of the serpentfolk,
Ydersius, in the mythic time known as the Age of Legend. After leading an army
into the jungles of Garund, she attacked the serpentfolk in the subterranean city
of Ilmurea. Being a mere mortal, she could not kill the god outright but instead
decapitated the god and cast the head into a lake of fire and banished the body
to the Darklands. Savith was poisoned in her epic battle and died shortly
 Cults of Ydersius sacrifice victims made to look like Savith on the god's 'holiday'
on the 29th Rova, called the Day of Sundering.

 According to the ancient legends of the Mwangi, the Zenj folk hero Old-Mage
Jatembe learned secrets from the severed head of Ydersius before sewing its lips
Even though much of the life of Old-Mage Jatembe is now considered myth,
there are a few facts that have survived the passage of time. During the Age of
Anguish, Garund was a place of violence and barbarism. Jatembe was the first
human to rekindle the art of wizardry, of written magic, after the fall of Azlant, in an
effort to help bring civilization back to his people. He is said to have regained this lost
knowledge from many sources, including his dealings with angels, demons, and
other inhabitants of the Great Beyond. Some claim that he stole his knowledge from
the severed head of Ydersius, the god of the serpentfolk, after which he sewed its
mouth shut.
In -3504 AR, Jatembe gathered a group of followers who became known as
the Ten Magic Warriors.[3] To show their dedication, the warriors obscured their
identities behind golden animal masks. Together, Jatembe and the Ten Magic
Warriors explored the ruins of the ancient pre-Earthfall cities of Garund, uncovering
many forgotten magical secrets.
In -3502 AR, after reclaiming the lost art of magic during the last years of the
Age of Anguish,, Jatembe founded a center of magical learning known as the
Magaambya in the town of Nantambu in the Mwangi Expanse.[3] Amazingly, the
Magaambya still exists today and continues Jatembe's legacy of preserving and
passing on magical and cultural knowledge to those who will use it for the
betterment of others, while respecting the power of diplomacy.

 Another enemy of Ydersius was the demon lord Abraxas whose portfolio
includes snakes. This initiated a clash of power over the serpentfolk population
dear to Ydersius. Some serpentfolk still worship Abraxas, and the cult of Ydersius
does not tolerate such heresy. Abraxas is worshiped in the Darklands among the
drow, especially those of House Azrinae who have access to darkened vaults
filled with forgotten secrets. On the surface, Abraxas' following is particularly
strong in the Nexian capital of Quantium, where his worshipers control a hidden
library called Scrivenbough filled with rare books and scrolls,[7] although small
cults can be found in nearly all of the Inner Sea region's major cities.

Links Importantes

 Ydersius = https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Ydersius
 Jatembe = https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Jatembe
 Serpent Folk Lore = https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Serpentfolk
 Open Bridge Region = https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Open_Bridge
 The Ten Magic Warriors: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Ten_Magic_Warriors

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